ihat^^erha^a^atn •>**•»," T iT\*'ji %V«M; Irtte* Violent us Nf§^ar%'riA% tet -writer of ^«ir ; re* ^M'«lla^cott|d^ ^ihio-yourfeljfta- ( J o r o n l y oVfigfi was? u* Iti 'y^utrpaper/ ;^ .,fom©- . : p^a|i? f --and to i& preindie^'of, otMtttyooc&mo.re? ?e 'not be<*ft fufmigr, bate^^-i^r^jio^;, m 0i'_im^dcnc^, .'we?* I yon* learning and' •fci^fima-tim" to" $e> ttmer^.E our re-.' eoTfjctaitrS-eftdr. **•*% rs of oir paper to* ft" 'ISiwyr y polphle j. 8j$fffi Jtcef gain- at' fjeffeencl*, Sparitul 3#er^ed&M.ned; or fl^p| ; n«t!dnv pr <m$ ?^fi|V ^uafty/ani- ejfroy it, force 1 h'm i4"'®»'t ojT 'it*- com-" :- It "to tamfne tio&alojtiVeV^Iclr »##^ly'""he'atleftipt- m lii^eiitr fait it* ^ce^S totally fvtht- ^tftctfed ^lier'allet ? : i^ill- %w«5 loilr#te* ^j^ol^^'aAd'"-"^ lMte;b# iMffrf k.~' '..'• '" , • 'i- : ' ; ' .'' any*: - c&Ctitnt&ncei ,:;|p'^>teic% sit t#^;ff*&$ &ttlM'|dfilW''«ii*' ^j^ ; 'W;fo%' :*» ;-. ;•?;. -' -:&2 & -EWaliStatt<lar4 in France \ awunld. * k | t f ih«?f h# ^een «flt»r«* 5 ° ^ ^ f^ •-''Sft*. ; '*$&''Pit&tgw & ®& M&mMW & r: -mm^^.another vjolettt agitatton. The •M&&rebellion; though fchbrch^^ls nut ; ' : ilfr.^ad. .:& jnwsy f W appftarea,.f^ y' ;*•' Siir«a| r a i | its.Irength. tnighty.-. ; Jf* :> ; )|Mii-i|^#arter.-^. p^ment of afeUproportion ol tag piir* ^" r '* * •" cafe$ v4^t*e ihc cea- accoun •Ltuher W.' Benjamin, . A JJlw and the puhhc in general, tha<- he t i i « . J . fi «j.1 ^ ^JLA^L-U^i* L r .W ^ a "»: r ner *j nc > J n L carry,on toe ^ af(;s trom.xpo^ acri» •!p a townffip, and ofc I'AYtOll,'* HpaM, on the oppoifite iidis oftfafc %vay,; wnere he wtjl" cariV Ort the ^OclC^MaKitigi^WatchnRepainiig, efc MI?***, a generous abatement Mtk the •:;II M *-.r: 1; " . * - • '.•-'•' r 0ac*t?8fn% ^*J'feh- the e^ceRtion ot! ithrfee ^ w f c « a ^ compttw, .Tfte.nwnc&bf *ftei^tte|ne.n .fch^fen:to„jrcprerentthejfe y^*\m&M$ %Uy.m^ hqld"F*fce#a%-- •«d. v ••M&m therefore give r^aily ' pre, ^feffat^mentlol the,two parties in thee3|i- ;lfeil^%w^- ' • • / * . i: :. ^i$1ie\IIow!« .<*f Eepvefentauyes.i^.cQiji- ' fed^f4fj-lamleri;. .itefe ire ejpSfd pi ; ii#'.:tei)^tt r 'i$ffi**toBi tf& xeniajtnder 4ect4edly tie* vj»ifei'iiiT\ 'Ipw**': ^w - $ « a t c.onfilen :e . «e*^ ftat^a$ the tefult j,tWfaft, hiewe* ytcimay dtfep from thi?*,. pQlhbly* two or '?$$jix* menibers* . 1*he rca^e.r will T itea<ii- 1^ Jei?c'e&e this'jgiyes them weight In tfie % w # "fipj*feof 4J»« /«»rl andi ; y|t, " §fofa $fe yery-el'^ion wbicffctnetr bipafl- |aKW^;,abpn|: eight ni&nths In<p« r: pdjjdty ajerted fhouln> reyoinuont^'t be in all its Vanous branches; And h« lnd«l- »<rt jwhq inay think * c pay in eiajh th> ge§! the ^leaflng hojj$f ol being enabled, by while atnoiint of piirchale mpn^y* will This aulduity and,atf.cntion to bdBnpfc f to Jbe entitled ; to a dedii£tion frami'fish cr$- mt\S,t4 Bhari 'of .pubim patronage.; > ^ *.|it Wice o^ so per 'emu 'Anijmmy >xt& HASfcm.KAN^, * ' ' .. mount tftev.may thirik fit to pay riyer and A-late variety of Articles ftThis line of abdve, frotn $ m to per cent, i'tirapor- ^ujSnerii, Which he wiJl difpofe of on ver^ tfonal dedu£iQjj m pi " - *" " l "- L J " jreifonabje ^rms f lor G44H; 4mong wktch;~**ct/ie fo/lozoim; to Qe difcUetl />m! d^»tv^red ** jsycrus axm chatrds, Jjindsr ^nd of' J o e aj»» Ra w L £ Y, t hasve taken ali the goods ami c»at* a>* lands dad feiieihciusorthejaid Jo- aph, in n y BdiUwurk, ;whk]\I fin!I ex* Piea,s t a ltd gain ft the tenements i*e;«ed and ttih lands fi |)tife tor fa! e t at Public Vendue, o"n<Wed- nesday the i 7 i h o^ay ot j^Qvcrnh^r ne^t t ^t Taylor's Hotel, in Can^ndingilia, at tm$ o'clock in the,akerhoon. MNJ, 3AHTON, Sherie 0£l. IoJt8o3. . * '4^ This yAloable arid cx't§n-livc writory ,_ , - , , „ . ..-,„. ^ h|ounded fouth" on the north boundary Pngiifh|4n4French WATCPp^Watch of f$ fete of Pe^n^lvama tip^f^ tf 0hain«i Seals aha rieys, Gfaljs*; Ct^t ana $<$ jniles, and rtortb on the fouthernjihore Peari Bf^si Bjegant Lockets^ Miniature ot £,ake Ontario upwards of^4 mi|ejs» tyeft Oh^ins.Bofom Pin^, Fancy SnuffJSpjtes, By theeaftern bounaary ot a tr dngular Toy Wat(6he*| ifct B«ckle>, Jpahglef, Jt^e of land ibid by|he.United States tSoId .and:. C^iit F i n g e r R i n g s , £M,1<$ a r i d to the : &ate ol Pennffrlvania, i^ nd;fes 50 Gift^la|r!KrtobS|^itvetr TCmhlc^ fheffj chains} and bodndei norih-weft W the ' ^ ~ foutfa^eaft flbore of I-i.ke £cie»'u'p.w^jrds. of srly bythc #ftetn f land one^iie in w t> the itate Of H^vrV "^o^kjWdjoining tSe istreights o! Niagara, '^pyj-ards of 37 miles :; and eaft hy a tran- 1 'fit rneridiah line dra wn due north^ from the; north boundary of Pennfyls:an|a, to tEe jfouth (hore oILaJie Ontario, u | Wards of ^4 miies : whisk faid trafit or ^jejtfitory •of jandis fubdivided: into- 16s to^yhihips, ^generally fix miles. fjuare, con&hjingin the whole upwards ot ihree miiiijjns ot SURVEYORS/COMPASSES / , ptAP% AKf 'REPAIRED, - ,; Caih paid for bid Oo!d"&: Silver. *V* Alt Orders from the country thank*- ttilte te^eij^d^and'puhctu^ly attended to. C&na$daigua t Off, 25,,"*8o$« , 261! 1 «+-+. WANTED, S an Aoprenttce to me TAYLOR* ;vw *. . v.•-••»-. . •. /r ci , -.-*, iSlG BUSINESS, a fma^t aftive ' : ^ fe| lef confident w ^ t h e y ; o r afifecW .££ J o 4 y rs f - , wW a can bft t^hff; AfcMfi. that nothnw wasmore com- .* , T*1 W ^ ' W . o* t o be, ; of this, that npthing was more corn •man tfian for them & challen|e a ijr, - in^het? we^« repeatedly made" upon the "*^3|fLfcH^'#?s%P? v 4%wre f .is appoiiit- ttl .Caitfto of the. l)ittri£l of Mewhavon, '''*«0:'&tf itte vacancy occ^fioned by the deuth. .#.' ' . "'Btthe^mndtoJldppQinmtnt^ :\.^-wi.TirCw-» , i5bk, Ef^'. isappoibt- xid Mayor of t W Clfcy of Klew-York, Vice ' |OSE?H CaH§TANi* f Sharif ftr ;: City and.County oi Hew-York- 6* .^l^Y^^^o.rJiY^.^.^ i 5 deaths 24 new: a do* 2iO do. 10 i0. .it' do. , ^ do, tt do. 9 :do- ' mwmmi lies ^8 1% SI 1 do. do. do. do. dbi, T h e fituation of tlrefe lands in point of • , JidyanUge, is exceeded by no .tracVin the ' United States ot the lame extent,, and e - ^ua|!y diftaot from |the A^antici'.! The*- welt reiornnnended for hobefty and fobri- etyi-to p whoni liberal encouragement Twit***. 6 ^M'te^»^ n A M T, n vr Mgbanyriver/apdncipafbrancn>I the JOHM W. STOUGHT.ON. bh^o, ; W htcH takes 54 rife in Peii4pva, /it , Xfcnaidmguai 08'Zfy m< S t E A Y C A T t t E . , ? S fR-AYED from the fu ! bfcr|ber, ahout- ' thel twentieth of Jupe^ a" yoke ot: CATTLE j one of which Red and White>.with abell on.,' hwm%ktmn%\n* b w h of ihe Alfcgi nia,.; ypns throagh this territory ^_ 'm- £§ Jniles, ||rom itny part of; ^htch, fe|sV general|f "terOted arksj ca^anlpof co^laining Itom toqo to 1500 |barre}s, .mW, he floated tb the'Sulph otMej;ico* "Jfbe Donnowrqngo river, a conlic erable iany, whith in pan the oinbr Black and "White, with %road ^ re ^ives its ,wa«*s fiam. Chautaudjt^ lake, horns and a large white fpot on his pate, fictile inih^fe tand?> may be navigated Affp, a f ale Red. Steer, t^p years old, a f rom t ] le nufth-weftfamof faid lake, on- little brfndled about*h»s head- J^i^^^'-'ly'^smle&hoatt^ Erie, to.tue) Atte- g Y virtndof a writ of JPurt Facias, if- faed ojt oi the Supreme Coy it of Judicature of the Slate ot Sew. York, W to me djreited and ddiveied, agai«tt r the goods and Chattels, lands and tenements ot POLYDOUE B . W w a £H. E%.I haw ta- ken and feized all the gopds and ciiattelt, lands and tenements of the iakl P*dydore,, in my B^iljwick, which I IhJl expuf« to fale at Public Vepdue, at Powell's Hotel, in the viiJaie ol Geneva, on Monda^, fhe 21ft day"of x-Jjvember next^ at two o*ciocx in the afternoon ot f*id day. BSNJ/ BARTON, Sheriff, Oct,JO, 1803. •** 4^9 | ** . I < . * x t » ^- t I > Y virtue of a writ ol fieri Facia^ if- 3 fiied out ot "the Court of Cyrhmon Pleas, and :o me directed and delivered, agdiaftthe goods'and chattels, Und* and tenements ot RALPH.WU.COTC, Mpi£S GUNN, ani DANIEL CHAPIN, I'have leized and i.aken till 'the goods and ehat- tels^ands a ad tenemems ol the faid Raiph, Mofes and Daniel, in my Bailiwick, and (hall expofs the fame to lale, ai PabJiu Vendue, at TAYLOR'S Hotel, in Canaa/ daigua, on Wednelday the nuith day of next, at one "o'clock in the al- ^ BENj.BARTON,54er?^ November ternoon, Canandalgua, &?$? zjlk, XB03. " *-7 . a darkJayHorfe C6It, with a while* fpot g | ia?1 « aa( j j r o m t j e CiJ t o t ^ .j^J ^ 0 f tent ij dayo in his forehead, two years old, very large Mexico \. -and thd diftW e bet wiert |he na of hfs ake. .^Whoever will take up faid yigVole #atfers of theAll%ha T ny a|d thofe .,'* •jREMOVAE/ P o n t i c are tefpec^ully imfohn- I;.«fd''that|.the'0;rHaE of the- W E S T E R N ' REPOSITORY Is-removed into tlhe fe^ f coodffjjryol Mr. .JkU%i V>frtftr*M ftm t -, ?6ne dopr> north of TAYLOR'S ROITEL— where jidmfttfemenis, CoMmumcMiMS* f m&gul^criftifins for this paper;..will' be 1 " j^ceived with gratitude, and thankfully ac-- Inowledged hy TMM- JP(?BiI$MM&S, wi>iii>in»iii^pini»iiii^' iwiijAw^Khi '•^fi : ''ihfi- Sign of the W#tch, m few • rods Cattle ab<f Horfe, or etthek of them, and give in formation to the fubfcribcF, in the towaof Williamfort,or to J.OHN SWIFT, Efq, of Palmyra, {hall be reaforiahly wardedlhy JOBN FULLER €&>\g.t&, 1863. ' ••••" B Y virtue of a writ oj Jkeri jfa&a* a tf- fued out ol the Colin o.l Common. Pleas, and to me directed and delivered, agajiiil the goods and chattels,, lands and te.icments ut PETER HAWLIY, I have feizied and taken aii the goods and clrai- tels', lands and tenements ot llieiald Pe- ter, in my 3aihwick, which I (hail expofe , to fale, at Public Vendue, at TAYXORV Horei, in. C'artandiaigDa, oa tttuifq^y, tiie Kov^mb^r i\ext. atone o'clock in the jalte'ndbn. re- 7o$n &' Mrpri PiiS'T-RiBERS^ ftjriheys tha^t this, number completes Vr/IT?* m l tnis.numuer eompietes T -^ y ^ of m thalfybat fincethey commenced.diftnb- - >daiake, Wood Creei,^ mng ihe.WESTERN REppsiTO^Y.—- r ; y J r tn^^^j^f n t oi the weftern branch of the Sufjjjiehan- na r 'is only 23 miles j fo that with || mlfes land carriage, there is'a cominu|ti|cation ironi a part of thefe j ands with HWre de- Grac« and Bahimortiin .Maryland ; and as tjbiis trai^ or territory of country t orders on the Lakes Ontai 10 and Erie tot nearly 124 miles, & alinoft'aifjolniog theftteiglKs ol Hiagara»an eafy eo iimanlcatitm liopen- .cd with Montreal, in Lower £at)ada, as welil as with the ciiiesl of Albany and^ Isfew- " wego river,; Onei- arid the Mohawk Candnda BENJ, BARTUN, Sheriff, igua, Scpf *7, 1803* **7 | > ^ P E € T W L I , Y jnlorm tl^ir fub- a half uting xpe WESTERN ( ft^»^^ r < riv0r# i nd ependent ol thefe various wa- They hope and tyuft that all wtio are^ in- ttT comtnu J c m QtlSi <m excellent aftificial debted Will rnake immediate payment, apd tum . ^ k p road is 1 rifa r l y W will be en- thereby enable them to fulfiltheir engage-, - ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ t ^ city of llbany ments witn the Printers. As .they t arc. - ^ cJo f e Q j ^ ifeaf ^ ^ e ^ lmge now to Otiit dehvermg the pap?rs, l they 0 f Canandaigua, in ,he.County oi Ontt Hatter themfelves that no o.ne will retain w witfiin ^ miles , 3 i the eaiferliound« from them their hard earnings., Thofe ^ f thefe lands, and will m all prob!a- who are indebtedto them for papers,whofe. ^ y i t l a f ^ j be extended thro' ing, are iniormed that payment B Y Virtue fued l*ka&, and aga3nft the tenements feized ai\d lands and in rtfy Bail to fide, at Hote\ m the ninth d o'clock in Canandq l ok a wat of Pun Facias 'if- jut ot the Court of. Common to me directed and dejivejed,, goods and chattels, lands and i>l GEORGE M'CigMB.I have taken Bll the goo^s and cnattels, eneAjents -ei the laid (jr^onys, wick; and'fhali expf*fe ^he f4i»^ Public Vendue at TATLOR'S Canandaigua", on Wednefday f ay oi November next, at dn« :he alte.noon. > BENj, BAfiTON. Merlg. gua; Sept. Q7ih, 1S03." *2£y accounts are of more thanfixmpnthsttand- $ "g ^ ^ ^ c n d f ^ ^ ^ rmed that payment is immedi- » „ii,* r ,'k a i ^ r ^ . ^ « ^ «t/./WhmhnMf^ti atelyexptfted n *N. B. Mr. S1LAS.NYE, of Northfield, •^^Sfuft received, and now offo for S Ut J f? r .f ^ y fa PPJ Ied by 'f^f^ifc Safeagteateraflortmetitmhislme ^nS 11 ?^ ^ P^w^V ^ P wbhc - #£ Hufiirtefs thanjufbaL Among which: ottQbey ^V . -, :• •' i ;'.r^Diy.at. Motith, Fancy and tlairt . Watfefen /CWrj^ Sealu and Keys,pf aU ;io«^..-c^<^i-4rfcript|oi3i.jf 0^1d and Gilt io:fom Fini» I m%y Ffeces, Lockets, Neck MGrnm C^old arid OUt Earfenobs, Shell, k 'PM' *rtd : Set|.!lie.ev^.Butloni, QIafe -JSfeadfvBugfe Spangles, Tinfel, Cord, &. f'rirnriiing^ j Silver Thimbles, Pencil mi Powder $c Birttmes. Morocco PttrfeSj^ald ^omb% Pearl Salt muMUm SouE.Boxei^|ing;erlinj|S r Where the preterit road of communication to part of Upper Ca^aida, .Prefqucifle and I^e;^-'Connecticut nojw pafles;, Thefe lands ajB^ int^rfected with the Genefee i!lver;and numerous creeks audi lireams ot wafer c^\- cutafed for the tdrnipg of grift and faw- jnills^&c. and timbepsi with almoft every defjartption of, wood^ Inch as fugair tr^e, b^^ch, bailwood, eWi,- hickory, ,wlnie oak, black and red oak,blIck and,-wh|te'ml- nut». commonly called butternut, white and black afh, : sb$itf 9 chefnut an^d pop- lar, called white wood, white pine > Bcc, B Y virtue fued fudicature to me dtrf goods, and of JOHN ken all. the tenements *ick, and Public Vendue, Canandaig day of Kovembe the af te Canandai At iht mojt reduced prices, upwards of Three Millions of Acres Of Holland Land Company LAIIDS. T fJE IMidnd Land Compmy having ™*M°^Y n f ? m jf * h * p^^jee conn- made arrangements for the fale of «y. J>* which thisjemtoryis no inconfid- the whole Of ihcfr .Lands fitOlte Oil the erable portion; a^prd^fo terge^ propor, wefternfideof the Genelee River, in the i*of t*ieh arable land. . Tlie ctoigujty county oFGenefee,and.ftate ot Kew-YorJ:, <^ f * tnefe 3ands ' to * Aownthitig fettlerrient information h hereby given, that an office te*« county of Of arm ^r^ttetfle, m Toyr-Wm^ms and ftfimoOks: ~ , ""*"• M opened in the village of featavia, the Pear^lv^ia, and the fettlemen|^n Up- ^^^"^^^•7 t^w^t^^M ^^Xti^*^ B ; fued JudicatuH: to me dirt goods and oi Q a n d t2" to* •iJjen ot a writ ol fieri Facias? if* out ol the Supreme Court of of the-(late of Ne*v-York, and' 6led and delivered,' againft the chattels, larids and tenemelits . i O U S E , ! have feized and «a- goods and chattels, lands and,: of the faid John, in my Batii-j fhall exppte the fame to fale^at ndue,at TA^LOR^S Hot«I» ifti ua, * on Wednetday^ the ninth r next, at one o*ciork in J [gua, Sept. 2ytK I ^3- ^7 J vhttie of a writ ol Fieri facias] \U out of the Supreme Court 6i : of the'ilate or New-York, and^ £led and-delivered, agamirtli^ chattels, lands and tenement*' IEL TAYLOR, I have teed" all ihe goods. atiA chattels, lAnds andienement^oi the*faid Othniel, ih flrigr Bailiwick and' fhait expofer thre^famfc-tor' fale, at Fuplic Vendue, at TATtbR'i Ho., tel, in Canand*jgua/oxi Wednelday, the cjth day of November next, at oqc o'clock in the afternoon. > . ' ' * ' BEN J, BARTON, Shrif. CanknJaigua, Sept: 27,10O&* ^7' m** fraucls; fc?ftal i. hff'fiihfcrifiMN'ittiatthi _— thi0tofeeState,Road,leading front the *>» &*&*& &t ^ ^ m & m ; M c City of Albany to Upper,Canada,Prcfoue- bwNjwlwWjr ^ s i n w n ^ t o pursh*f*rs ifliiWlNew.Conneclicut,,2a W iIfesweft *P& fettleri, and aie# Of fcm%mwy ftomtheO0nefee-Riyer^oniileseaawaTd f^/ &*&* #&&)$ &&*{$*** the : A*- from *M great klli of N i a ^ ^ 3 ^ mite* laiWd matketii mi art *dlition|f .^to»- from-th**!*end of *Mm$riicfhi& $5 *»5*«a : «wp9tt«itttMw*J tnlior foatft from Lake Ontario, pn Ton- F oifo % f * ™* they $t« J S g W ^ ^ * nawanda.€reefc. *^ th9 aifeffment of ftsiteand Pntted States THf0^M$hifftthfcrih^»tha^^^ nawanda.€reelt. ^ alfeOment of ffiateand ymM| Aler tmptmt ont Q«irt«r Mee te The arm**! file wilt bellbertj*IXJ* ***** *&&* ««° # ^ m t* *^ i^^pei^eil dittributlng the ptperi^ All fit to price anil credit. To thofe ptijr*haf* -»ir1)Woi,ittde|ted; to-hlni'-are''1*911w d t # - er* who may become aftual fettlen, a BataviaX*unly •»f^tmfii t \ ait^j^lftJ^pyiiitiit, . Ql\*%fr «redliteitenyetiriwillbe«UowedOttth« ; Sffimkr301!,ijgoj, J ' » : *x •, *—.•.»*** y^*^* -H 1 5 , . B Y virtue of a writ of Fittt Facial\ iffu«d out ol the Supreme 9°¥ ri ,°^ Judicaturk and to me directed anddeliv* ered, agailnit the gi>od* »nd ^hatt*!^ W d i and.teneiierits ot HO^ERT WILEV, I have feized and raken all tne good* and chattel*, land* and tenement* of the faid Rob etM«myB4tliwiel, which I &all e^ pofe xo k\% at public yendtie^at Ta^lot* Hotel, in Cananda%ua, en Wednelday the ninth day of November nexv at «»* o*clock in the aftemopn. BENJ. &ARTON, Sterijf. ! - 'J. l '.\S « 4*1 *.* *1 > * .«1S

t^w^t^^M ^^Xti^*^ - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031506/1803-10-25/ed... · 2012-01-26 · of ^4 miies : whisk faid trafit or ^jejtfitory •of jandis

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Page 1: t^w^t^^M ^^Xti^*^ - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031506/1803-10-25/ed... · 2012-01-26 · of ^4 miies : whisk faid trafit or ^jejtfitory •of jandis

ihat^^erha^a^atn •>**•»," T iT\*'ji

%V«M; Irtte* Violent


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•fci^fima-tim" to" $e> ttmer^.E our re-.'

eoTfjctaitrS -eft dr. **•*%

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-' -:&2 & -EWaliStatt<lar4 in France \ awunld. * k | t f ih«?f h # een «flt»r«* 5 ° ^ ^ f ^

•-''Sft*.; '*$&''Pit&tgw &®& M&mMW &

r:-mm^^.another vjolettt agitatton. T h e •M&&rebellion; though fchbrch^^ls nut

;': ilfr.^ad. .:& jnwsy f W appftarea,.f^ y'

;*•' S i i r « a | r a i | its.Irength. tnighty.-.; J f*

:> ; ) |Mi i - i |^#ar ter . -^ .

p^ment of a feU proportion ol tag piir* ^" r '* * •" cafe$ v4^t*e ihc cea-


•Ltuher W.' Benjamin, .A

JJlw and the puhhc in general, tha<- he t i i « . J . fi«j.1 ^ ^ J L A ^ L - U ^ i *

Lr.W ^a"»: rner*jnc> JnL carry,on toe ^af(;s trom.xpo^ acri» •!p a townffip, and ofc I ' A Y t O l l , ' * H p a M , o n t h e oppoifite iidis

oftfafc %vay,; wnere he wtjl" cariV Ort the ^OclC^MaKit igi^WatchnRepaini ig, efc MI?***, a generous abatement Mtk the

• : ; I I

M *-.r:


" . * - •

• '.•-'•' r0ac*t?8fn% *J'feh- the e^ceRtion ot! ithrfee

^ w f c « a ^ compttw, .Tfte.nwnc&bf *ftei^tte|ne.n .fch^fen:to„jrcprerentthejfe

y^*\m&M$ %Uy.m^ hqld"F*fce#a%--•«d.v •• M&m therefore give r^aily ' p re , ^feffat^mentlol the,two parties in thee3|i-

; l f e i l ^ % w ^ - ' • • / * . i: :. i$1ie\IIow!« .<*f Eepvefentauyes.i^.cQiji-

' fed^f4fj-lamleri;. .itefe ire ejpSfd p i ;ii#'.:tei)^ttr

'i$ffi**toBi tf& xeniajtnder 4ect4edly tie* vj»ifei'iiiT\ 'Ipw**': w - $ « a t c.onfilen :e . « e * ^ ftat^a$ the tefult j , tWfaf t , hiewe*

ytcimay dtfep from thi?*,. pQlhbly* two or '?$$jix* menibers* . 1*he rca^e.r will Titea<ii-

1^ Jei?c'e&e this'jgiyes them weight In tfie % w # "fipj*feof 4J»« f» / « » r l andi ;y|t , " §fofa $fe yery-el '^ion wbicffctnetr bipafl-| a K W ^ ; , a b p n | : eight ni&nths In<p«

r :pdjjdty ajerted fhouln> reyoinuont^ ' t be

in all its Vanous branches; And h« lnd«l- »<rt jwhq inay think * c t ° pay in eiajh th>

ge§! the leaflng hojj$f ol being enabled, by while atnoiint of piirchale mpn y* will This aulduity and,atf.cntion to bdBnpfcfto Jbe entitled ;to a dedii£tion frami'fish cr$-

mt\S,t4 Bhari 'of .pubim patronage.; > ^ *.|it Wice o so per 'emu 'Anijmmy t» >xt& H A S fcm. K A N ^ , * ' ' .. mount tftev.may thirik fit to pay riyer and

A-late variety of Articles ftThis line of abdve, frotn $ m to per cent, i'tirapor-^ujSnerii, Which he wiJl difpofe of on ver^ tfonal dedu£iQjj m pi " - *" "l"- —L J" jreifonabje ^rmsf lor G44H;

4mong wktch; ~**c t/ie fo/lozoim;

to Qe difcUetl />m! d^»tv^red ** jsycrus axm chatrds, Jjindsr ^nd

of' J o e aj»» Ra w L £ Y, t hasve taken ali the goods ami c»at*

a>* lands dad feiieihciusorthejaid Jo-aph, in n y BdiUwurk, ;whk] \ I fin!I ex*

Piea,st a ltd gain ft the tenements i*e;«ed and

ttih lands fi |)tife tor fa! et at Public Vendue, o"n<Wed­nesday the i7ih o ay ot j^Qvcrnh^r ne^t t ^t Taylor's Hotel, in Can^ndingilia, at tm$ o'clock in the,akerhoon.

M N J , 3 A H T O N , S h e r i e 0 £ l . IoJ t8o3 . . * ' 4 ^

This yAloable arid cx't§n-livc writory ,_ , - , , „ . . . - , „ . ^ h|ounded fouth" on the north boundary

Pngiifh|4n4French WATCPp^Watch of f$ fete of Pe^n^lvama tip^f^ tf 0hain«i Seals aha rieys, Gfaljs*; Ct^t ana $<$ jniles, and rtortb on the fouthernjihore Peari B f ^ s i Bjegant Lockets^ Miniature ot £,ake Ontario upwards of^4 mi|ejs» tyeft Oh^ins.Bofom Pin^, Fancy SnuffJSpjtes, By theeaftern bounaary ot a tr dngular

Toy Wat(6he*| ifct B«ckle>, Jpahglef, J t ^ e of land ibid by|he.United States tSoId .and:. C^iit F i n g e r R i n g s , £M,1<$ arid t o the : &ate o l Pennffr lvania, i ^ nd;fes 5 0

Gift^la|r!KrtobS| itvetr TCmhlc^ fheffj chains} and bodndei norih-weft W the ' ^ ~ foutfa^eaft flbore of I-i .ke £cie»'u'p.w^jrds. o f

srly bythc #ftetn f land o n e ^ i i e in

w t> the itate Of H^vrV "^o^kjWdjoining tSe istreights o! Niagara,

'^pyj-ards of 37 miles :; and eaft hy a tran-1 'fit rneridiah line dra wn due north^ from the; north boundary of Pennfyls:an|a, to tEe jfouth (hore oILaJie Ontario, u | Wards of ^4 miies : whisk faid trafit or ^jejtfitory

•of j a n d i s fubdivided: into- 16s to^yhihips, ^generally fix miles. fjuare, con&hjingin the whole upwards ot ihree miiiijjns ot


Caih paid for bid Oo!d"&: Silver. *V* Alt Orders from the country thank*-

ttilte te^eij^d^and'puhctu^ly attended to. C&na$daiguat Off, 25,,"*8o$« , 261! 1

«+-+. W A N T E D ,

S an Aoprenttce to me TAYLOR* ; v w *. . v . • - • • » - . . •. • /r ci , - . -* , iSlG BUSINESS , a fma^t aftive ' : ^

fe| lef confident w^they;or afifecW . £ £ J o 4 y rs f - , w W a c a n bft t^hff; AfcMfi. that nothnw wasmore com- . * , T * 1 W ^ ' W . o * t o be,; of this, that npthing was more corn •man tfian for them & challen|e a i j r ,

- in^het? we^« repeatedly made" upon the

"*^3 | fLfcH^'#?s%P? v 4%wre f . i s appoiiit-ttl . C a i t f t o of the. l)ittri£l of Mewhavon,

'''*«0:'&tf itte vacancy occ^fioned by the deuth.


' . "'Btthe^mndtoJldppQinmtnt^ • : \ . ^ - w i . T i r C w - » , i 5 b k , Ef '. isappoibt-xid Mayor of tW Clfcy of Klew-York, Vice

' |OSE?H CaH§TANi*f Sharif ftr ; :City and.County oi Hew-York-


.^ l^Y^^^o.rJ iY^.^ .^ i 5 deaths 24 new: a

• $£ do* 2iO do. 10 i0.

.it' do. , ^ do, t t do.

9 :do-' mwmmi



1% S I 1

do. do. d o .

do. dbi,

T h e fituation of tlrefe lands in point of • , JidyanUge, is exceeded by no .tracVin the ' United States ot the lame extent,, and e -

^ua|!y diftaot from |the A^antici'.! The*-

welt reiornnnended for hobefty and fobri-etyi-topwhoni liberal encouragement Twit***. 6 ^ M ' t e ^ » ^ n A M T , n v r M g b a n y r i v e r / a p d n c i p a f b r a n c n > I the

J O H M W . S T O U G H T . O N . b h ^ o , ; W h tcH takes 5 4 rife i n P e i i 4 p v a , /it , Xfcnaidmguai 08'Zfy m<

S t E A Y C A T t t E . , ?

SfR-AYED from the fu!bfcr|ber, ahout-' thel twentieth of Jupe^ a" yoke ot:

C A T T L E j one of which i« Red and White>.with abell on.,' hwm%ktmn%\n* b w h of ihe Alfcgi

nia,.; ypns throagh this territory ^_ 'm- £§ Jniles, | | rom itny part of; ^htch, fe|sV general|f "terOted arksj ca^anlpof co^laining Itom toqo to 1500 |barre}s, .mW, he floated tb the 'Sulph otMej;ico*

"Jfbe Donnowrqngo river, a conlic erable iany, whith in pan

the oinbr Black and "White, with %road ^ r e ^ i v e s its ,wa«*s fiam. Chautaudjt^ lake, horns and a large white fpot on his pate, fictile in ih^fe tand?> may be navigated

Affp, a f ale Red. Steer, t^p years old, a from t ] l e nufth-weft fam of faid lake, on-l i t t l e b r f n d l e d about*h»s head- J^i^^^'-'ly'^smle&hoatt^ E r i e , to.tue) A t t e -

g Y virtndof a writ of JPurt Facias, if-faed o j t oi the Supreme Coy it of

Judicature of the Slate ot Sew. York, W to me djreited and ddiveied, agai«tt rthe goods and Chattels, lands and tenements ot P O L Y D O U E B . W w a £H. E%. I haw ta­ken and feized all the gopds and ciiattelt, lands and tenements of the iakl P*dydore,, in my B^iljwick, which I IhJl expuf« to fale at P u b l i c V e p d u e , a t P o w e l l ' s H o t e l ,

in the viiJaie ol Geneva, on Monda , fhe 21ft day"of x-J jvember next^ at t w o o*ciocx

in the afternoon ot f*id day. B S N J / B A R T O N , Sheriff,

Oct , JO, 1803. •** 4^9 | ** . I < . * x t » ^- t

I> Y virtue of a writ ol fieri Facia^ if-3 fiied out ot "the Court of Cyrhmon

Pleas, and :o me directed and delivered, agdiaftthe goods'and chattels, Und* and tenements ot R A L P H . W U . C O T C , M p i £ S G U N N , an i D A N I E L C H A P I N , I 'have leized and i.aken till 'the goods and ehat-tels^ands a ad tenemems ol the faid Raiph, Mofes and Daniel, in my Bailiwick, and (hall expofs the fame to lale, ai PabJiu Vendue, at T A Y L O R ' S Hotel, in Canaa/ daigua, on Wednelday the nuith day of

next, at one "o'clock in the al-^ B E N j . B A R T O N , 5 4 e r ? ^

November ternoon,

Canandalgua, &?$? zjlk, XB03. " * -7

. a d a r k J a y H o r f e C6It, with a while* fpot g | i a ? 1« a a ( j j r o m tj e CiJ t o t ^ . j^J 0f t e n t i j d a y o

in his forehead, two years old, very large Mexico \. -and thd di ft W e bet wiert |he na of hfs ake. .^Whoever will take up faid yigVole #atfers of theAll%haTny a | d thofe

.,'* •jREMOVAE/ P o n t i c are tefpec^ully imfohn-

I;.«fd''that|.the'0;rHaE of the- W E S T E R N ' R E P O S I T O R Y Is-removed into tlhe fe^

f cood ffjjry ol Mr..JkU%i V>frtftr*M ftmt -, ?6ne dopr> north of T A Y L O R ' S R O I T E L —

where jidmfttfemenis, CoMmumcMiMS* f m&gul^criftifins for this paper;..will' be1

" j^ceived with gratitude, and thankfully ac--

Inowledged hy TMM- JP(?BiI$MM&S, wi>iii>in»iii^pini»iiii^' iwiijAw^Khi

'•^fi:''ihfi- Sign of the W#tch, m few • rods

Cattle ab<f Horfe, or etthek of them, and give in formation to the fubfcribcF, in the

towaof Williamfort,or to J.OHN SWIFT, Efq, of Palmyra, {hall be reaforiahly

wardedlhy JOBN FULLER €&>\g.t&, 1 8 6 3 . ' • • • • "

BY virtue of a writ oj Jkeri jfa&a*a tf-fued out ol the Colin o.l Common.

Pleas, and to me directed and delivered, agajiiil the goods and chattels,, lands and te.icments ut P E T E R H A W L I Y , I have feizied and taken aii the goods and clrai-tels', lands and tenements ot l l ieiald P e ­ter, in my 3aihwick, which I (hail expofe , to fale, at Public Vendue, at T A Y X O R V H o r e i , in. C'artandiaigDa, o a t t t u i f q ^ y , t i ie

Kov^mb^r i\ext. atone o'clock in the jalte'ndbn.


7o$n &' Mrpri PiiS'T-RiBERS^

ftjriheys tha t this, number completes V r / I T ? * m l tnis.numuer eompietes T - ^ y ^ o f m thalfybat fincethey commenced.diftnb- - >daiake, Wood Creei,^ mng i h e . W E S T E R N REppsiTO^Y.—- r ; y J r t n ^ ^ ^ j ^ f n t

oi the weftern branch of the Sufjjjiehan-nar 'is only 23 miles j fo that with | | mlfes land carriage, there is 'a cominu|ti|cation ironi a part of thefe j ands with H W r e de-Grac« and Bahimortiin .Maryland ; and as tjbiis trai^ or territory of country t orders on the Lakes Ontai 10 and Erie tot nearly 124 miles, & alinoft'aifjolniog theftteiglKs ol Hiagara»an eafy eo iimanlcatitm liopen-.cd with Montreal, in Lower £at)ada, as welil as with the ciiiesl of Albany and Isfew-

" wego river,; Onei-arid the Mohawk

Candnda B E N J , B A R T U N , Sheriff, igua, Scpf *7, 1803* **7

| > ^ P E € T W L I , Y jnlorm t l^ir fub-

a half uting xpe W E S T E R N ( f t ^ » ^ ^ r < r i v 0 r # in dependent ol thefe various wa-They hope and tyuft that all wtio are^ in- ttT comtnuJcmQtlSi <m excellent aftificial debted Will rnake immediate payment, apd t u m . ^ k p road is1 rif a r l y W will be en-

thereby enable them to fulfiltheir engage-, - ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ t ^ city of llbany ments witn the Printers. As .theyt arc. - ^ cJofe Q j ^ i f e a f ^ ^ e ^ l m g e

now to Otiit dehvermg the pap?rs, lthey 0 f Canandaigua, in ,he.County oi O n t t Hatter themfelves that no o.ne will retain w w i t f i i n ^ miles ,3i the eaiferliound« from them their hard earnings., Thofe ^ f thefe lands, and will m all prob!a-who are indebtedto them for papers,whofe. ^ y i t l a f ^ j be extended thro'

ing, are iniormed that payment

BY Virtue fued

l*ka&, and aga3nft the tenements feized ai\d l ands and in rtfy Bail to fide, at H o t e \ m the ninth d o'clock in


lok a wat of Pun Facias 'if-jut ot the Court of. Common to me directed and dejivejed,, goods and chattels, lands and

i>l G E O R G E M ' C i g M B . I have taken Bll the goo^s and cnattels, eneAjents -ei t h e laid (jr^onys, wick; and'fhali expf*fe ^he f4i»^ Public Vendue at T A T L O R ' S Canandaigua", on Wednefdayf

ay oi November next, at dn« :he alte.noon. > B E N j , BAf iTON. Merlg. gua; Sept. Q7ih, 1S03." *2£y

accounts are of more than fix mpnthsttand- $ "g ^ ^ ^ c n d f ^ ^ ^ rmed that payment is immedi- » „ii,*r„ ,'ka i ^ r ^ . ^ « ^ «t/./WhmhnMf^ti



*N. B . M r . S1LAS.NYE, of Northfield,

•^^Sfuf t received, and now o f f o for S U t J f? r.f ^ y faPPJIed b y ' f ^ f^ i f c

Safeagteateraflortmetitmhislme ^ n S 1 1 ? ^ ^ P^w^V ^ *» P w b h c -#£ Hufiirtefs thanjufbaL Among which: o t t Q b e y ^ V . -, :• •' i

;'.r^Diy.at. Motith, Fancy and tlairt . Watfefen /CWrj^ Sealu and Keys,pf aU ;io«^..-c^<^i-4rfcript|oi3i.jf 0^1d and Gilt

io:fom Fini» Im%y Ffeces, Lockets, Neck MGrnm C^old arid OUt Earfenobs, Shell, k 'PM' *rtd:Set|.!lie.ev^.Butloni, QIafe -JSfeadfvBugfe Spangles, Tinfel, Cord, &.

f'rirnriiing^ j Silver Thimbles, Pencil mi Powder $c Birttmes.

Morocco PttrfeSj^ald ^omb% Pearl Salt muMUm SouE.Boxei^|ing;erlinj |S r

Where the preterit road of communication to part of Upper Ca^aida, .Prefqucifle and I^e;^-'Connecticut nojw pafles;, Thefe lands ajB int^rfected with the Genefee i!lver;and numerous creeks audi lireams ot wafer c^\-

cutafed for the tdrnipg of grift and faw-j n i l l s ^ & c . a n d timbepsi w i t h a lmoft e v e r y

defjartption of, wood Inch as fugair tr^e, b ^ ^ c h , b a i l w o o d , eWi,- h i c k o r y , ,w ln ie o a k ,

black and red oak,blIck and,-wh|te'ml-nut». commonly called butternut, white and black afh, :sb$itf9 chefnut an d pop­lar, called white wood, white pine> Bcc,

BY virtue fued

fudicature to me dtrf goods, and of JOHN ken all. the tenements *ick, and Public Vendue, Canandaig

day of Kovembe t h e af t e


At iht mojt reduced prices, upwards of Three Millions of Acres

O f H o l l a n d L a n d C o m p a n y L A I I D S .

TfJE IMidnd Land Compmy having ™*M°^Y nf ?mjf *h* p^^jee conn-made arrangements for the fale of «y . J>* which th i s jemtory is no inconfid-

the whole Of ihcfr .Lands fitOlte Oil the erable portion; a^prd^fo terge^ propor,

weftern fide of the Genelee River, in the i * o f t*ieh arable land. . Tlie ctoigujty county oFGenefee,and.ftate ot Kew-YorJ:, <^ f* t ne fe 3 a n d s ' t o * Aownthitig fettlerrient

information h hereby given, that an office te*« county of O f arm ^r^ttetfle, m Toyr-Wm^ms and ftfimoOks: ~ , ""*"• M opened in the village of featavia, the P e a r ^ l v ^ i a , and the fet t lemen|^n Up-

^^^"^^^•7 t^w^t^^M ^^Xti^*^

B; fued

JudicatuH: to me dirt goods and oi Q a n d t2" to*


ot a writ ol fieri Facias? if* out ol the Supreme Court of of the-(late of Ne*v-York, and ' 6led and delivered,' againft the chattels, larids and tenemelits .

i O U S E , ! have feized and «a-goods and chattels, lands and,: of the faid John, in my Batii-j fhall exppte the fame to fale^at ndue,at T A ^ L O R ^ S Hot«I» ifti ua , * o n W e d n e t d a y ^ t h e n i n t h

r next, at one o*ciork in J

[gua, Sept. 2ytK I ^ 3 - ^7 J vhttie of a writ ol Fieri facias] \U

out of the Supreme Court 6i : of the'ilate or New-York, and^ £led and-delivered, agamirt l i^ chattels, lands and tenement*'

I E L T A Y L O R , I have teed" al l i h e goods . atiA cha t te l s , lAnds

andienement^oi the*faid Othniel, ih flrigr B a i l i w i c k a n d ' fhait expofer thre^famfc-tor'

fale, at Fuplic Vendue, at TATtbR'i Ho., t e l , i n C a n a n d * j g u a / o x i W e d n e l d a y , t h e

cjth day of November next, at oqc o'clock in the afternoon. >. • ' ' * '

BEN J, BARTON, Shrif. CanknJaigua, Sept: 27,10O&* ^ 7 '

m** fraucls; fc?ftal

i. hff'fiihfcrifiMN'ittiatthi


t h i 0 t o f e e S t a t e , R o a d , l e a d i n g front the * > » & * & * & &t ^ ^ m & m ; M c City of Albany t o Upper,Canada,Prcfoue- b w N jwlwWjr ^ s i n w n ^ t o pursh*f*rs i f l i iWlNew.Conneclicut , ,2aW i Ifesweft *P& fettleri, and a i e # Of fcm%mwy ftomtheO0nefee-Riyer^oniileseaawaTd f ^ / &*&* #&&)$ &&*{$*** the :A*-from *M great k l l i of N i a ^ ^ 3 ^ mite* laiWd matketii mi art *dlition|f . ^ t o » -f rom- th** !*end of*Mm$ri ic fh i& $5 *»5*«a : «wp9t t« i t t tMw*J tnlior foatft from Lake Ontario, pn Ton- Foifo% f * ™* they $t« J S g W ^ ^ * nawanda.€reefc. *^ t h 9 aifeffment of ftsiteand Pntted States T H f 0 ^ M $ h i f f t t h f c r i h ^ » t h a ^ ^ ^ nawanda.€reelt. ^ alfeOment of ffiateand y m M |

A l e r tmptmt ont Q«irt«r Mee t e The arm**! file wilt bellbertj*IXJ* ******&&* ««° # ^ mt* * ^ i^^pei^eil dittributlng the ptperi^ All fit to price anil credit. To thofe ptijr*haf* -»ir1)Woi,ittde|ted; to-hlni'-are''1*911 w d t # - er* who may become aftual fettlen, a BataviaX*unly •»f^tmfiit \

ait^j^lftJ^pyiiitiit, . Ql\*%fr «redliteitenyetiriwillbe«UowedOttth« ; Sffimkr301!,ijgoj, J

' • » • : *x •,

* — . • . » * * * y ^ * ^ * - H 1 5

, .

BY virtue of a writ of Fittt Facial\ iffu«d out ol the Supreme 9 ° ¥ r i , ° ^

Judicaturk and to me directed anddeliv* ered, agailnit the gi>od* »nd ^hatt*!^ W d i and.teneiierits ot HO^ERT WILEV, I have feized and raken all tne good* and chattel*, land* and tenement* of the faid Rob etM«myB4tl iwiel , which I &all e ^ pofe xo k\% at public yendtie^at Ta^lo t* Hotel , in Cananda%ua, en Wednelday the ninth day of November n e x v at « » * o*clock in the aftemopn.

BENJ. &ARTON, Sterijf.


- 'J.





* . *


> *
