> - . . $ > i.. *%ii eet.lfho- jVfcfd-mi<* paha, the J&rtti$ Admiral of there can he- *# -doubt teT hi*"Iw ^dyetamy taw mtfortato felfea^lwa^^rWltb a great number who * ' tjr#* *«?ry- fowlft r ordc|> ; - flint jiJ$at^,x»G&' akftttwig. JSj^hat tfcir plots w b a t l s m s l i alvttWMig. »»» t n a a t j e i r plots laWneen carried; ott/vtiA.faci'f«wc3r, j$k*t$ey-a^,HO!: ; yet Mc$vgzt& t juOtWttl- ttB%' : &v*raj t>vtfone):s we^pto.^ MW'efe^^f*Im>rtloti, eottof* manuv */ «j>V U iJwty 0 a few ;, .Tflie4ccoumi torn France, f Imim & cargoes) two of the lajti^r, the..'J ifoldiery Holland, &*te that tbe gteatefl activity Smith, Stiles, and die feme, Hiq^plaJr, j.i.. v-i- pr^yaulf'lnall the ehe'tiiy'i porbi In build, were reporicd to[ b«[ freighted on account iftg gW a^ttd ilat. bottomed boats. The ol merchants in,Jimfter|anaL .,..,,,..-..-... H|^btirg|t piper of the siyth 'nltV wjiich' *$ letter f*!om Sot|log^«; dated July £8, Wj>(* brdugjit,by the Hamburgh Jrn'ajl Jaft elates M V W e wave beard of your prepa- night hai?l?endirc6kcdto ftate, " that the; rations in England to receive, ^i^-getcm nunifcelrjof #orfcmee employed throughout is iaft as.you can* or yofi will he too Jate.' tW, rfepftbliOi , lit bulging flat-bottomed The aiertne& of our t people _ employed in Vetfels and gunboats, is eftimated at "one the feveral yards along Jthe coaff, never hm4nd\ am eighty thoujjtnd ;4he boats had a j?araJle| f I reefcoi|- *t,ppp ifupr ear- ancjl vefTefs for the'expeditiob againft Eng- neuters, and their. rjecepTary afliftants, .la* $m4* which will be ready in autumn, wwl bpurers, &c* e mploy[ed %re, and M -.falais,, attioant w at leaff. four thoufand/' "*" The l|)tttch have been commanded, by >i^>r^lHy''3 J «ii1*'ted bV" flse c<>&* <i? fjh* ,E?gWI|!g«n3inejjr. ' In edr^oeW 0 f rif tte^ 0i;icfol!aLJrie could not and oiigKt fco t r *iaj i0 1 i«terfe*e% die ailairs oi Hanover." eve or failing frpni.lKeriqe with y^I^iapJe.. ,ftiifc$, coniaieijced fay EngHflb roerchams fot' the r^oyery of debts horn'French cit* izens, to he fjifpended until peace. r.V .-. *fJ*- tg|e %tpQ8ifwg<>' , mmjmmGv^ t OCTQBEH J" i«% levcr^l iJTl&jners were i4lo.rBr # ,w«4hct oft Amrt Qua|, at a a, 1 tttetsk $eevening-; and it appikrs there w.^re ffcVeralfar ilek .co!le#fcg* inljdjprenc *Mrt$ o^het^ft,"lil a very^earlypciu't: 1^ai*e'."tfe^, : twc = : houri palt^ndl|« « ( ex-^ thei^ tyfanhieal allie$* to quicken their nK^ti'-'i^sFttdl'.' Jsw.witl -ic'immediately "naval prei>arations, audio fit,outas'fpon .«-. ,,.« •..- ««*••. /-._...» ^ QV ^f^ as jpolhble, one hundred gon-boat^ to,ear r $*&%&)& T3^ireieyeral ? ei-eaei *?. afferent part* ol the ; t| l i e ejte^utions it Irfuppdfed wj| ' tjrnnerahH.ai^j-re ate a&> W lA ; ers'tafc^.'; '/f heRo,n# : fem*o. J^% any leaders Of consilience ^ theoniypneiaE ,«iinM wati'df tM.< s w p e ^ ^ r C a b l , a pufe it^aii, a*t wliofe &ti»&, there h,^ been got ^ a j | t *cJo^oiEe^ t arilfidd toanp of ball ^ar^Mges.,"'- 'W*. k w e W' yet |ea'rd;*'of fey cilWtbincei tt the coumry, afd all the : |oaeh'e$-h«wa:rte -%e&- thkinorninj : 'f : **The'fituatlon-of the city is ma -&he Arcu*** heat W '• ^im&^ 1«; '*? wp, ani^l ry thred 1$ and 54 pounders, each, and non, two fore and one *aft,_ befides, 150 of 1 be in- i^o fiat-bottomed boats. ' - »« * »-.«<- » « ight* contJi gh. Moil %erf citi^ ft u as Under %tp ; Engagement contraweduntil 4 o f cP iiSin thete .feWo tours,, twrof; fegfojeftt haveljeen kilW m «h fclhood o&be Royal HolpitaL" 'f&M'tfa fBfci #««» journal, ; -'[ ; '0hTS»t^fday iVening laft,i ha^tftg harf iiitithition that a deB ot P l^^ 6 * ioa oftfer engincf of MruEion Hkd been &deby anewiy organized borfe of 'in* feent% ¥ the" vicinity ot ^ritefioii- :jfymt i'dei&hieaeofea^alT^hM beeiii ^l^ei^ot-hypen-.' Uunu from the barracks ifeHcft ^ete joined by a company p yeo- ^•^Wiiyj a! j art of the-llh«rty ^ratigfers Ijow jhdei the. command of the!Earl ot Mealht-hivittg ibived at the {pot where |he% ; - ltK%neBon)i:.' d w e a e d t h e ^ -'^ ~ H:|rriiilh of& few minutes with th 4ee* in whjteh it few ilve§ wer< Ireatnttmkr ol piles m&fe f# ietetaj cqmhu.ttthjesj;parcels of tta &wm,d %tm f ^iift, coflipoil, eiay, 4nd~ otfte'r niatertiib;. W t i thefe weke dtfcaVeJred a; •&aH$fc, m. 1 feces of yariow^ \tm&h:m%$ fee4-with a! circalaj tavit^ poffijbly be procured^ Before ink, iifis 1 " fight "hard on Chore, orit^ill Ihortjy ^eall^ epidehifcprevails 8? jDuhkirk and Oftehd.jbefides thdte at Warlconthe boats ^ ^ | £ ; M ^ . Ghent»and Antwerp. # . , ( V, -. ,^ •,. ./,'.'_ . " At Boulogne, weJja|ve.thirty~#x'^un* boat? ready, each, armed wit}} 3 heavy; cini noi the hireling editor of tjw <€<>m'm$te&&4zetfe t to a paragraph of out* 1 whichappeaietlinNo.iib, aiihed'aUco#. ' relpond^rit oi his, is too cpntemp'tiBte \& f deJe|veTeriotts notice. We>iJl,however f r inerel^ dhferve, that it is replete withWa- l Mmwjf0th§o4r, and grmndle/s/u^L JzHeksr^m&^alfo r c.ondefccnd to sotice * j$iw Of |Ae 010ft prominent. * » * i, j. ^peaHng of the paragraph alluded io| |hejEay%;*'In their reply they are again t maide tofuppofc" the communication otirs/ f I Aii ahfdMttjalfekood. I v*% ;-.ajWi _„ , , -what were called -flat.jjotitomed lafai*^ !but Jleports ha^ve oi late been v^ry aclively they are now generally r^uuded.below&nd eirenlated'm thmcity^of Mofeay having keeled. Tjii three wti'efes Wfiexpe£lt6^av^ raided a pairty inParis, and declared againft many more in a $MV& ol perteel feadinjefs, Bopapartte. There is reafoo to fuppofe ** At Calai§, levefaT^f jthe floating baL foni^pla|n for carryingoff the Chief CPIH terles that oppofed £oxd!He|fon, when^hj ^- T ., _ ^ fuf f$ on foot*., tetters from .the Hague attackedBoulogne, are now fitting up r & *'. !.$t 'ia be $ e produQ:ion s ot Mr. ~E" Stc^ld mention* tliat the French Chiel d'Efcadre about %G> boats, thai will carxy 150 menV^ dowf&igfyi lie^ and afferted wiih a medtfiy, Bona"die|j, who hclonged to the ^roops each. * ; V I I , % - V - \ " * ' mz&Xm to a jaevbin editor.; Who he. whi|eh tyere de^inedllor Louifiana, has- ** A t I ^ i n j f j t ^ j mk -th? a^aeeiit cajrj^ls, ^Jneafe* by** M r . H."' weare ai a \oh to * Ok otfr'addrefs to fc bc pltro'ns of the. % ^ M # t & be again fays, " But ? 6nom?fg at henl all*' *bee(i arjfelred on an accufation^of bejng there me 7^ gun-boars^ re^y,Vkh renia^k-/ ^comprihefldi J iv ..*. • /» .1. i-i- ^ tn ^ aifele hescvy ordnance, & not lefa; dbati £20" j . T> . ^ r v *, .._ j 1 r. : ____ i ; „1_ ' rr'i i" I-J, r But atiwoujj nei engaged in a plot againft the life ofc Firfi C<l>nful. H e has been , cony eyed boats for carrying mm. They,coui|t up 'The , to ^ruffela under the guard of an officer op being ableto.fend 400 of theie ve^Tels, ck, aoii andj fopr gens'd'annesi r, *fe r , e -* lt *?A ftuaiij;..*P &*$ 'H leffthan tjiree heJBad It; is, ftili repoMed with confidence, md weeks. ; . ' " . ' ; , V . ;". " Webelieye with truths that the Chief Coit r *** At Ol^cnd—The gub-boats, floatiitg- fulllatefy gave a, perfonal tnfult totjje batteries, miyelieisjoi' jcawyingfoidSefs, Rufltan ambaffadqir at i*aris, which has ir- that are now, 'arid will bx* completedidfir-. rita|edtfaje relatiorfs between thejtwo coiin» ing 3 the pfefent monthi aftidunt to 48**4 triejs. Tbere are grounds to hope that N, B. They work here durjng the whofe- Rtiilia i^ difpleafed at the conduct of of the moon-light nigirts.' France in the North of Europe,but unlefs **' I cannot, at prefent^ afcertjiin what, (he conies forward to aft, her difpofition * * *•-,.-,.. is nothing* .' . ClMerjs have betn ; given to coinplete, wit| all diligeaca, the frigates which were iome.time ftnee begun, in the ports of 4mfterdam, Rqtterdam and Fiulhing, and [to fit tjlieni immediately lor fea. Thus after a in a; few* days the activity of our military " •• In iHolland^ I uhderjRand, th^y cufle mar|ne will be* ajt a. point which it has: nOt ( us (the IFrehch) in fecretjfrom their, very, reacfied for fbme time, and the labours fouls, but that is of nocorifequettce. 1|h;ey will;]be carried on even in the dock-yaruV muft fupply us with veficjs /ufi1cle4: to? Whii&h have never before been employed,, tranfport 30,000. men to |E9gland,or-they^ in bhildin| veflels for the flate* The de-*"• know the confequence*. j **».: '['. f [ part;nent 61 the manne has iiied .circular*J " Ifou will be invaded In fgj4r qukrt^rs| \iitt&h& ' letter^ for the pnrpofe of engaging all the I have Jbeard in five^ Have you a fleet to "ehgth«(«. builders, carpemtrs and caulker*,that cari^ ipect the whole lit fea ? If hot, you"mi$t, for us ;nt, aicei number of men are employed at and Ghent; but they arejejttreibefynu-, merous. Such i& the cafje kt Antwern.^-^. Perhaps in a few days | mali, be ahlej to, inform you with precifion, as to the nfim-, bei and quajity of the ve^Tels already com* pieted, and now huildingj; at thefe places. u.t itiiwouM be an endlefs talk I to ennaierate all the lies with which hir fiiort reply abounds: * " j •. '!' A ^greater liar Parthia never hred,**^ Vthan this,relf famejtxiy dollar f^relivg* .' »i,eftj however, we mould provoke the* vengeful ire of his «' twelve years old k&' p'umican c'eir'rtffor.dent" by any~further remarks of ours, we promife for, tKe future a fufnen^pti, with one reierve only—that Of' detecting, his nefarious faHehoddl.-^ .*• Mvery,- 7$m lias his wmkjide" '. ^tnjmtiin Brower, a£Ung in the^ capacity of TeJjer, has embezzled io,ooo dollars moneyot the Manhauan Company,. They, have offered a reward of 500 dollar*. for hisfpprenenfionj.and^ten per cent, up-, dn f|lCh partof the embezzled property a» maybe recbyeiedi -- * > ~ fillled^^ith' gunp&wdtr; to r each.#eilure f M4pW a Wdsdenvplug, withf har dtfe V^eht lible, t?r receptacle iofi a ftfze, The City of Philadelphia is again afHiflt- ed tffhih the Yellow Fever. In ^onfequfnee* pjt ^hic^, tfi'ei0u{ng of bills ot heahh for. ••*--">-— L is .fpfpended lor the prefent. r Iri .Slek^ttdria, 'Virgin!?, the Tame "fatal, each ^fabotti three inches M itneter,- needflary toobferve, ,the council of ma^** up with Old'E^land, lj.cok to: yvpt under the direcfion of government, l dollars (our cor^fpondeht, we fappole^ nne m of If eared <m the ijpper furflce 9I j 16 una-; lee iboui the mMklle 1 : Thff macp be ivais r:oje%ed0^erattobsof fetting Uifem -Mub fe.blr)rrfs'%-^§everal kegt v{, ; 'ere^diiGjOverM/, with parcels J 1 four/'tiiuilet balls in each, apd^ |m fabotit two Myites'long, thro^gj wfjiclb ; re w^'dell^ied to"' be com.fjj^tttjate{t 'to iikhateyer-'vehi^le, '^as^'conftr^ed to em..- ., I '. A'fuit ofgreeii; uniform,* with jiold e m aufefcs and a;%Je sdid embroidery ^ 1 as iff© Ibatidl ;^fidfevetii pa^rs^, | by' ;w| ich the 'traiti;^f :Operatloiii : Ej?ed by, thefe ieiu 3ed ieopie, wa#\lifc'y^ered, afrdj will djj abtfefii , ^ B r^e.prevente^.-^^TAmo^glhe nqel^ iich o\f i has f ' Jfia^em'of #e,night ; * ' might be f t?:'koned ,oi, ' * mtirder of fed Kll^ardenJ Cljitef the toe lao^es,; mmm^t ts^Hiw U * carriage ftftofvni* Lh^^oun^'N^-^feived 'wa* alarms lace- ^^<^-^-i?e^o|Kinj^^B*^,.^ gainlp the fyiferh of religur* in France"; gyefli> at up claEna* ..|tion3iit':tti:e.jRdeJ| ha%4ng "tne a|pp.||arance ^bfi^ inlliclied %y: ..a. Ihot frcjm'l' hlun- " tHfe'' ':'..^'• 'j .-."T'"'' '.-'!!, A'^j^y Conn<# haveheen Ojtti. $rte; ^ .-t&e C^ft] e t and. did not h' ^kali^'fete^hour: : jMt.nxgo>» 1 A'pri 'm& \4W*dii&£tAwar& of i ; oool. piovery:-'.fel thethutderers of'to w^rdert».aiai *het ^ey* Arthur Wo piwards of iodp sg^i-iyeteday' in thiKew. k <evdt'*ft i the;bari'aeks* - A,pri : nte<|no!Tce .mjif4ieA wfi^^ijrday : landed' af»|« r ap** ;pi^!h|tMeittieis^f BuMin,; thil jfro.ni- C{M$ ' 'fe^ehtf dliillfi J^i#e*# they, feef iefin-' c!««m!>etot on; ihem had \p't in comfttiffion feveralfiiipsot the; r mcam guineas.J*^Certainly, thisj$ ohp;of. line, frigatfes, and yeiTels of a lower rate^i the mo& important seras in the hilio/^ of It isojivious therefore, that the BatavJan man. How it will termliiate, Heay^n Government means to acTt with energy and ** alone can. tell, .- ' I ,'•'.. promptitude, not only co enfare that Me-" *" Adieu, my wor% frlq^d, for Ifliall ty o| it§ own colfts and to repulfe every always call ybii fo, although you-.are'^unfor- hoftle attack*but alio to fecpnd wijh all, tunately an Bngiilhraan.'f '' ., *, [".." "A Geo^getbwn paper of the 16th ult t. fay4 **!flie fel effefls of the flux which:. the .in6& important seras In the hiliofy of ravages^wkhtlie utmoft violence v m tivs ' man* How it will terinlnate, Heay^n and^he^neilhboring counties f exhibits ^ alone can.tell, ' ' "' « -- r _ . i_ dif. 4kty t , to" t be ty eveoi'ftf. If OW • its forces, {he great and extended plan of hoftjlity which w forming by the French Governraeiat, with a view of compelling,' Grea;t~Britam to reftore a peace On equita^- ble terms to Europe. Peace, in fafljmuft. betblefoleObjeclwithali reafonable men., . . W e Jvilh for fuch a peace, as by replacing &&&* to defend Hanjoveh arid a cor the different powers in their natural order, pendent on the Elbe, fays) " The Kfng of will Jprelerve this part of the globe from Prulha wiihes to poflels hfmfelf of the beff ._._rr.-f ' part of Hahoyer, which, (lowever, Ruffia * ofwss&lmc. \- v :\ By recent accounts f|om Muffia, we learn that that Court is-be|oming more fa? VOrable'to England. Orir Court, otfead^ ed at Pruflia, called uboii th;e Emperor of yejy di^tre|aiig fcene;'xipv/ards of goo perfons, x% is thought, within a few *w f eek> ha#e beelci fwept off; arid in fome parts» ° im^rb than two thirds of families have, fall- - en a! prey;to this depopulating diforder. total irum. naparte*s inluence is fuch that.lie tely been able to induce the Courts will oppofe. Bonaparte Is far from wifh- lug to feparate tfjis |lefor;ate from jthlp to th^ inOnth of Augtift laif, one Hun*. ' dred anc( tin perfons died of the dyfente*, ry it| the. towns of Brandon, Chittenden, PMslord, and Orwell, fiate ot Vermont; . In man)? other towns a fimilar mortality was prevalent .1 11 « /. ' , A; Philadelphia paper of the 13'lh ult; mentions the death of Commodore BAR* KY^adi^HngttimedKaval officer. M " d and Vienna, to punifh fome of crown of Gieat3rita)ri ;||but he will hot , ^. 1 ' :;. v l!t e d French Bifhops^for writings- be ditoed to by ;Ruffiaj andyou m ^ J ^ ^ _ ^ ^ ° ^ l ^ ^ h has "apparentiy altered the face of affaii s ia' _„, ^ —«,«^ ww .w. RW . ^ *»«„u C , not be furprifed if you.jvery foonhear, fcB^^r#wr mm hisiephe* ih#: vw te Wntcfi nwefiarilV eflfea thepow^ that France and fruflia ale pitted agamft J h e I ^ o f E u r o p e ; and it appears not ^HiHuq^w^'*"i««i| «diHb A«l laaMM*; »fc""W* er ofithe Krfl Confui. Ruffia and Denmark.—This intelligehce improbable that Ruffia will ftep m to the ~ " "' -••••' ,1 Auguft 3. isftrengthenedby accounts from other The following information, received at quarters. We hope ikucji more than .we Lloyd's this morning, wilt for the greater believe irrit," , / [, •, part be read with much regret:~- A vote has pafled ^he|lQufe of Coin. . ,; Gibraltar, June4,, mons,foragrantof $0,Qo6handan'annu^ T^e Juno frigate, ? ,of 32 guns, from" ity of j6,oool. as a compenfation to ihe Malta, with i$6 troops on boit^hdnbeen. Frinee of Orange. ; [ t ^ taken by a French fqhadron off Toulon. —-^—j- j rlthe 1A number of Irench prizes naveibeen ' * FRAHCE* p T&h- ibrbught in here, moftly from t^ie "vt^ett- ?Aitis t jply *9> ± ife, had Indies; 1 tkewife fome Dane*, with French" Admiral Nelfon, it is faM, has differ fed fomi property on board. The j£efiitanc<» fr%- manifelloes througho!it Italy, declaring ate wa* wrecked a lew 4*$$ ago, ; off Cape that he will ieize ail v|enels f under wha^. $t, Mary. Part of the crew arrived here eVerflagthey fail, bof nd/to or from any aidfof'England. Affiftance alio is confi- dently eiepefted from Auflria. It isaf- Certained thatRuifia has remonftrated ai gainft the feifcufe of. Hitnover % and that a Ruffianifieet has failed from Cronftadt for the North Sea. j \N. Y* Pdp* \ 1 0}fayat fr 18* Hi ^STA' .tovlr i .s IV t -f Y~ ycfterday 1 Augwft 6. of the ports occupied by Itenchtroop^ According to letters from Berlin, of the had ^keii poffefiionof all the Italianport^ Ihtelltgence 0^ imtwmnce ha| been re- 5th intf. an official notice has been fffifed and confif|ated every fpecies of BnulK ee^M tlis marrtin| froni jer|ey, by at* at Empden, thatfengtajndha$|>romlfedj^Q property tybere. b entoroe theirl;|irrec. ve&l which left the ifland on Friday lift, retpeauhe PruJDTiauflag,W permit it to .| :. ' j FromCadiz* ~ Aecount* ffotn Cadii, to the 23d July, lfate,that;itbe Spaniards were augmenting their naval and military forces with grea$ ' fpirit, that the impreffments were carried on day and night, and extended to all de-> fcriptions of perfonsi except freeholders $ ibp amounts alfo advife, that the French t jon AS f ttrC^yo which it b^cBe'pe- At $t, Malee and atarinviile the French cuter the pom of trancel on the c0ndl- ^«^ ^ *to*f Windward Naval Fme* *j^^uri|%the :h$^dhmj&r%mjm», are embarking lark bodiei of troops.— tion of fubmittinf to the eode eftabtiOi^d 'tmmap&d hy Commodore HOOD. ^mmtm,m^mf im% t^h^mtim^ Someaccounti. which it is orobable are in Eniiland for the reeulatlon of neutral*. . Blenheim; Boyer, 74S ani,J ' Some accountf, ^hicji it is probable are in England for the regulation of neutral*. .exj|ggc%at^flatethettu.mbertobe5o,o^ J , ^ J U JF#C* : ^^mf^m^Wpj^u^TmiMlt^piiimi It waifuppored at jerfeyand Guernfey ** Hi« Pruhlan Majefty! offered^ to )W Cpw that an #taei t^at intended upon thofe King ot England to gtiarinbe Hanover, ilti^ds, but we Cannot pelieyi^ that they and ncaualnted him.that the^niy condition- artthe object of thefe great fiepsimtioni* which Franee dewaoded for that guaran* _ ..'.:• Auguft/r tee was, that hi« Britadnie)Ma}efty fhojlild #;E»|ti»i.fi t %ate having beenittacfc* ' It it now underitood that* tbe difbateh- engage to refpea the Pr^iliian flaf^nd *& :m £ 4 M^dm'hfrm-M^mn^ f^<|idioo f '. et. receded yeflerday from kord Nelfon,; not to ; fearch the *eflTeli ofthal n*tion^ex- I otti en tojrdtbe AmpWonr offt"oubn t W cept to afcertsfn that M flag t«*»** »oti»e*"t^*4hlf tvrdflitp |ofned:the Brit*- fraudulent. " " ' ' ? iSi %aJicw ilimbn Ilia othuft/and! u'ti* ^ r> tife &}' #1' At line awttf t ltig*t& ^ei jipf'^iBar^^Nttte^*- f #4 ftasfc. .*eve»:« .*i:^m^m^. -jhiirtHMft- *«fe-a«»* tf*«*r- ^UM«- effjN£U^''feutt&th« ^ n r c b % 't!««ic'h^. I l l ^Ifeiient h\jp&, lh% hkm;h ''•ft: >'A ' 'I hi •«> Wur, is^ujif to fun* k force. At 41 tmit r fheiltig of EttgW ppliei tUt'V 'WO»W-i^ot c^nt^m'tw- dcp#«,:' Itt favor ;<»f the Rullkn %».li'4»a|i t% prlneipUi af Blehhelm; Boyer, 74 g«n*i dentaur, Maxwell, 74 rageaujf» , 74 Ar|o\l(altoeH, ' . ,44 Chicherter, Siephen, 44- llfyffe*! OolumBiac, ; * ;44 Venns^.^ives, 3 a Sur&am; "fucker, . »o teiy^ ilnnt, Qlpey* Yonnghulbao^ *o ^eyon,Mrtn, - t^ Hetireu^ Bland!, *?4 Ifefev,;t«mreH^ ............- ; : ,,l^'. that a Hepaf Iktron, | arrived at'Manfta •Angof P r £Pf {, W f0 fjigBrmfh, wi WA« tranquil at jas general MA$|S; ^ r i j f r ,<?f Afjgm liiember of %e IL« rsmm^ry #ep,j to J vBce of ^rd«i* A Mewr* , » , , , From\tke ' A Mr. Bunier Mas Chac*—'the Wf jovial f^ The virgin jg Ark full conten Then they ir > Tfi is Married A r,rr, feasJt^al qu ^-fpvj fma^ as he :paie rreely in the fSOU A hAT It JO :^HY 3UL£ Dover] i ' , "] cd by iom ^ay^Boi^&Y, Bt eve??'" Sa\s JoHN^r TheclergyoiFrai That to make aj They prorwfi the And injure for TttEPBBLIC^ ed tjiai tl^e-OFfi REPOSITORY conr ftory ol Mr. one foor north oi wbere Aivsriifti and SubflrhptlZrts received with grli •'vl edged by ;ao M27, .meets (agreeabf pr«~iCtice, o a I auwelveo'olocl Cariandaigua.^ J - ?W^ ^ J hitmun tUi PAR'SII and the TWENTY *?? 1/^ Albany St found tkerfamti^ ta T 1 i'anandaigua t STRA T AKEN \up~ HOlCSKS; tadh~~wM(h we La' k t in the [t&w ekefntit brfcfn,^ far tlttad-^ttfd t Tk* ston£r,m & c/urges^can 1 t fivmulus^Sep CJTRAYEJD i K$ fubferifor t an\iron grey iaf< 0 ^ , «y«^ ttii.eeJ twaf/ ^iye t^i>/s telurn Kim If th joimy rewarded WILL Nitrtkmvtpion Otldtl 3* tarn ikelfap titnt % $0 ill ,#^,«j?«, jhalt fa &U ic**ftin&U5e-ct 1* I 1 ,* - ., 4^ f VJ

r.V .-. *f J* - tg|e %tpQ8ifwg' , mmjmmGv^ Jnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031506/1803-10-04/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · ^dyetamy taw mtfortato felfea^lwa^^rWltb a great number

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*%ii eet.lfho- jVfcfd-mi<* p a h a , the J&rtti$ Admiral of there can he- * # -doubt teT hi*"Iw

^ d y e t a m y taw mtfortato felfea^lwa^^rWltb a great number who

* ' t j r#* *«?ry- fowlft rordc|> ; - flint jiJ$at^,x»G&' akftttwig. JSj^hat tfcir plots w b a t l s m s l i alvttWMig. »»» tnaatjeir plots laWneen carried; ott/vtiA.faci'f«wc3r, j$k*t$ey-a ,HO!:;yet Mc$vgzt&t juOtWttl-ttB%':&v*raj t>vtfone):s w e ^ p t o . ^ M W ' e f e ^ ^ f * I m > r t l o t i , eottof* manuv


«j>V U iJwty

0 a few ;, .Tflie4ccoumi torn France, fImim & cargoes) two of the lajti r, the..'J ifoldiery Holland, &*te that tbe gteatefl activity Smith, Stiles, and die feme, Hiq^plaJr, j.i.. v - i - pr^yaulf'lnall the ehe'tiiy'i porbi In build, were reporicd to[ b«[ freighted on account

iftg g W a ttd ilat. bottomed boats. The o l merchants in,Jimfter|anaL .,..,,,..-..-... H|^btirg|t piper of the siyth 'nltV wjiich' *$ letter f*!om Sot|log^«; dated July £8, Wj>(* brdugjit,by the Hamburgh Jrn'ajl Jaft elates M V W e wave beard of your prepa-night hai?l?endirc6kcdto ftate, " that the; rations in England to receive, i^-getcm nunifcelrjof #orfcmee employed throughout is iaft as.you can* or yofi will he too Jate.' tW, rfepftbliOi , lit bulging flat-bottomed The aiertne& of ourt people _ employed in Vetfels and gunboats, is eftimated at "one the feveral yards along Jthe coaff, never hm4nd\ am eighty thoujjtnd ;4he boats had a j?araJle|f I reefcoi|- *t,ppp ifupr ear-ancjl vefTefs for the'expeditiob againft Eng- neuters, and their. rjecepTary afliftants, .la* $m4* which will be ready in autumn, wwl bpurers, &c* e mploy[ed %re, andM -.falais,, attioant w at leaff. four thoufand/' "*"

The l|)tttch have been commanded, by

>i^>r^lHy''3J«ii1*'ted bV" flse c<>&* <i? fjh* ,E?gWI|!g«n3inejjr. ' In e d r ^ o e W 0f

rif tte^ 0i;icfol!aLJrie could not and oiigKt fcot r *iaj i0 1 i« te r fe*e% die ailairs oi Hanover . "

eve o r failing frpni.lKeriqe with y^I^iapJe.. ,ftiifc$, coniaieijced fay EngHflb roerchams

fot' the r^oyery of debts horn'French cit* izens, to he fjifpended until peace.

r.V .-. * f J*-

tg|e %tpQ8ifwg<>' , mmjmmGv^t OCTQBEH J"

i « % levcr^l iJTl&jners were

i4lo.rBr#,w«4hct oft Amrt Qua|, at a a,1

tttetsk l» $eevening-; and it appikrs there w. re ffcVeralf ar ilek .co!le#fcg* inljdjprenc *Mrt$ o^het^ft,"lil a very^earlypciu't: 1^ai*e'."tfe , :twc =:houri palt^ndl|« « (ex-^ thei^ tyfanhieal allie$* to quicken their nK^ti'-'i^sFttdl'.' Jsw.witl - ic ' immediately "naval prei>arations, a u d i o fit,outas'fpon .«-. , , . « •..- « « * • • . / - . _ . . . » ^ Q V ^ f ^ a s jpolhble, one hundred gon-boat^ to,earr $*&%&)& T3^ireieyeral ? ei-eaei *?. afferent part* ol the; t | l i e ejte^utions i t Irfuppdfed wj|

' t jrnnerahH.ai^j-re ate a&>W lA ;ers'tafc^.'; ' / f h e R o , n # : f e m * o . J^% any leaders Of consi l ience ^ theoniypne iaE ,«iinM wati'df tM.< s w p e ^ ^ r C a b l , a pufe it^aii, a*t wliofe &ti»&, there h,^ been got ^ a j | t *cJo^oiEe^t arilfidd t o a n p of ball ^ar^Mges.,"'- 'W*. k w e W ' yet |ea'rd;*'of fey cilWtbincei tt the coumry, afd all the

: |oaeh'e$-h«wa:rte -%e&- thkinorninj :'f: **The'fituatlon-of the city is ma -&he Arcu*** heat W '• ^im&^ 1«; '*?

wp, ani l ry thred 1$ and 54 pounders, each, and non, two fore and one *aft,_ befides, 150 of 1 be in- i ^o fiat-bottomed boats. ' - »« * »-.«<- » «

ight* contJi

g h .

Moil %erf c i t i ^ ft u as Under %tp ; Engagement cont rawed until 4 ofcP i iSin thete • .feWo tours,, twrof; fegfojeftt haveljeen k i l W m «h fclhood o&be Royal HolpitaL"

'f&M'tfa fBfci #««» journal, ;-'[; '0hTS»t fday iVening laft,i ha tftg harf iiitithition that a deBot P l^^6* ioa oftfer engincf of MruEion Hkd been &deby anewiy organized borfe of 'in* feent% ¥ the" vicinity ot ^ritefioii-

:jfymt i'dei&hieaeofea^alT^hM beeiii ^l^ei^ot-hypen-.' Uunu from the barracks ifeHcft ^ete joined by a company p yeo-^ • ^ W i i y j a! j art of the-llh«rty ratigfers Ijow j h d e i the. command of the!Earl o t Mealht-hivit tg i b ived at the {pot where |he%;- ltK%neBon)i:.' dweaed t h e ^ - ' ^ ~ H:|rriiilh of & few minutes with th 4ee* in whjteh it few ilve§ wer< Ireatnttmkr ol piles m&fe f# ietetaj cqmhu.ttthjesj;parcels of tta

&wm,d %tmf ^iift, coflipoil, eiay, 4nd~ otfte'r niatertiib;.

W t i thefe weke dtfcaVeJred a; •&aH$fc, m. 1 feces of yariow^

\tm&h:m%$ fee4-with a! circalaj tavit^ poffijbly be procured^ Before ink, iifis1" fight "hard on Chore, o r i t ^ i l l Ihortjy ^eall^ epidehifcprevails


jDuhkirk and Oftehd.jbefides thdte at Warlconthe boats ^ ^ | £ ; M ^ . Ghent»and Antwerp. #. ,(V, -. , •,. ./,'.'_ .

" At Boulogne, weJja|ve.thirty~#x'^un* boat? ready, each, armed wit}} 3 heavy; cini

noi the hireling editor of tjw <€<>m'm$te&&4zetfet to a paragraph of out* 1 whichappeaie t l inNo. i ib , aiihed'aUco#. ' relpond^rit oi his, is too cpntemp'tiBte \& fdeJe|veTeriotts notice. We>iJl,however f rinerel^ dhferve, that it is replete withWa-lMmwjf0th§o4r, and grmndle/s/u^L JzHeksr^m&^alfor c.ondefccnd to sotice *

j$iw Of |Ae 010ft prominent. * » * i, j. ^peaHng of the paragraph alluded io | |hejEay%;*'In their reply they are again t maide tofuppofc" the communication otirs/f

I Aii ahfdMttjalfekood.

I v*%


_ „ , , -what were called -flat.jjotitomed lafai*^ !but Jleports ha^ve oi late been v^ry aclively they are now generally r^uuded.below&nd

eirenlated'm thmcity^of Mofeay having keeled. Tjii three wti'efes Wfiexpe£lt6^av^ raided a pairty inParis, and declared againft many more in a $MV& ol perteel feadinjefs, Bopapartte. There is reafoo to fuppofe ** At Calai§, levefaT^f jthe floating baL foni^pla|n for carryingoff the Chief C P I H terles that oppofed £oxd!He|fon, when^hj ^-T . , _ ^ fuf f$ on foot*., t e t t e r s from .the Hague attackedBoulogne, are now fitting u p r & *'. !.$t 'ia be $ e produQ:ions ot Mr . ~E" Stc^ld mention* tliat the French Chiel d'Efcadre about %G> boats, thai will carxy 150 menV^ dowf&igfyi lie^ and afferted wiih a medtfiy, Bona"die|j, who hclonged to the ^roops each. * ; V I I , % - V - \ " *' mz&Xm to a jaevbin editor.; Who he. whi|eh tyere de^inedllor Louifiana, has- ** At I^injf j t^ jmk -th? a^aeeiit cajrj^ls, ^Jneafe* by** Mr . H."' wea re ai a \oh to

* Ok otfr'addrefs t o fcbc pltro'ns of the. % ^ M # t & be again fays, " But?6nom?fg

at henl all*'

*bee(i arjfelred on an accufation^of bejng there me 7 ^ gun-boars^ r e ^ y , V k h renia^k-/ ^comprihefldi J i v ..*. • /» .1. i-i- ^ t n ^ aifele hescvy ordnance, & not lefa; dbati £20" j . T> . ^ r v *,

.._ j 1 r. : ____ i ; „ 1 _ ' rr'i i" I-J, r But atiwoujj


engaged in a plot againft the life ofc Firfi C<l>nful. H e has been , cony eyed boats for carrying mm. They,coui|t up

'The , to ^ruffela under the guard of an officer op being ableto.fend 400 of theie ve^Tels, ck, aoii andj fopr gens'd'annesi r, *fer,e-*lt *?A ftuaiij;..*P &*$ 'H leffthan tjiree heJBad It; is, ftili repoMed with confidence, md weeks. ; . ' " . ' ; , V . ;". "

Webelieye with truths that the Chief Coit r *** At Ol^cnd—The gub-boats, floatiitg-fulllatefy gave a, perfonal tnfult totjje batteries, miyelieisjoi' jcawyingfoidSefs, Rufltan ambaffadqir at i*aris, which has ir- that are now, 'arid will bx* completedidfir-. rita|edtfaje relatiorfs between thejtwo coiin» ing3the pfefent monthi aftidunt to 48**4 triejs. Tbere are grounds to hope that N, B . They work here durjng the whofe-Rtiilia i^ difpleafed at the conduct of of the moon-light nigirts.' France in the North of Europe,but unlefs **' I cannot, at prefent^ afcertjiin what, (he conies forward to aft, her difpofition * * * • - , . - , . . is nothing* . ' . •

ClMerjs have betn ; given to coinplete, w i t | all diligeaca, the frigates which were iome.time ftnee begun, in the ports of 4mfterdam, Rqtterdam and Fiulhing, and [to fit tjlieni immediately lor fea. Thus

after a in a; few* days the activity of our military " •• In iHolland^ I uhderjRand, th^y cufle mar|ne will be* ajt a. point which i t has: nOt( us (the IFrehch) in fecretjfrom their, very, reacfied for fbme time, and the labours fouls, but that is of nocorifequettce. 1|h;ey will;]be carried on even in the dock-yaruV muft fupply us with veficjs /ufi1cle4: to? Whii&h have never before been employed,, tranfport 30,000. men to |E9gland,or-they^ in bhi ldin | veflels for the flate* The de-*"• know the confequence*. j **».: '['.

f [ part;nent 61 the manne has i i i e d .circular*J " Ifou will be invaded In fgj4r qukrt^rs| \iitt&h& ' letter^ for the pnrpofe of engaging all the I have Jbeard in five^ Have you a fleet to "ehgth«(«. builders, carpemtrs and caulker*,that cari ipect the whole lit fea ? If hot, you"mi$t,

for us

;nt, aicei number of men are employed at and Ghent; but they arejejttreibefynu-, merous. Such i& the cafje kt Antwern. - . Perhaps in a few days | mali, be ahlej to, inform you with precifion, as to the nfim-, bei and quajity of the ve^Tels already com* pieted, and now huildingj; at thefe places.

u.t itiiwouM be an endlefs talk I to ennaierate all the lies with which hir fiiort reply abounds: * "

j •. '!' A greater liar Parthia never hred,**^ Vthan this,relf famejtxiy dollar f^relivg* .' »i,eftj however, we mould provoke the* vengeful ire of his «' twelve years old k&' p'umican c'eir'rtffor.dent" by any~further remarks of ours, we promife for, tKe future a fufnen^pti, with one reierve only—that Of' detecting, his nefarious faHehoddl.-^

.*• Mvery,- 7$m lias his wmkjide" ' .

^tnjmtiin Brower, a£Ung in the^ capacity of TeJjer, has embezzled io,ooo dollars moneyot the Manhauan Company,. They, have offered a reward of 500 dollar*. for hisfpprenenfionj.and^ten per cent, up-, dn f|lCh partof the embezzled property a» m a y b e recbyeiedi -- * > ~

fillled^^ith' gunp&wdtr; toreach.#eilure f M 4 p W a Wdsdenvplug, withf har dtfe

V eht lible, t?r receptacle iofi a ftfze,

T h e City of Philadelphia is again afHiflt-ed tffhih the Yellow Fever. In ^onfequfnee* pjt ^h ic^ , tfi'ei0u{ng of bills ot heahh for. ••*--">-—L is .fpfpended lor the prefent.r

Iri .Slek^ttdria, 'Virgin!?, the Tame "fatal,

each ^fabot t i three inches M itneter,- needflary toobferve, ,the council of ma ** up with O l d ' E ^ l a n d , lj.cok to : yvpt under the direcfion of government, l dollars (our cor^fpondeht, we fappole^ n n e

m of

I f eared <m the ijpper furflce 9I j 16 una-; lee iboui the mMklle1: Thff macp be ivais

r:oje%ed0^erattobsof fetting Uifem -Mub fe.blr)rrfs'%-^§everal kegt v{, ; 'ere^diiGjOverM/, with parcels J 1 four/'tiiuilet balls in each, apd^ |m fabotit two Myites'long, thro^gj wfjiclb ;re w^ 'de l l^ ied to"' be com.fjj^tttjate{t 'to

iikhateyer-'vehi le, '^as^'conftr^ed to em..- ., I ' .

A'fuit ofgreeii; uniform,* with jiold e m aufefcs and a;%Je sdid embroidery ^ 1 as iff© Ibatidl ;^fidfevetii pa^rs^, | by' ;w| ich the 'traiti;^f :Operatloiii:Ej?ed by, thefe ieiu 3ed ieopie , wa#\lifc'y^ered, afrdj will djj abtfefii , ^ B r^e.prevente^.-^^TAmo^glhe nqel iicho\f i has f ' Jfia^em'of #e,night ;* ' might bef t?:'koned ,oi,

'* mtirder of fed Kll^ardenJ Cljitef the

toe lao es,; mmm^t ts^Hiw U * carriage ftftofvni* Lh^^oun^'N^-^feived 'wa* alarms lace-

^ ^ < ^ - ^ - i ? e ^ o | K i n j ^ ^ B * ^ , . ^ gainlp the fyiferh of religur* in France";

gyefli> at up


..|tion3iit':tti:e.jRdeJ| ha%4ng "tne a|pp.||arance ^ b f i ^ inlliclied %y: ..a. Ihot frcjm'l' hlun-

" tHfe'' ': '..^ '• ' j .-."T'"'' '.-'!!, A'^j^y Conn<# haveheen Ojtti.

• $rte; .-t&e C ft] et and. did not h' ^kali^'fete^hour: :jMt.nxgo>» 1 A'pri 'm& \4W*dii&£tAwar& of i;oool. piovery:-'.fel thethutderers of'to w rdert».aiai *het ^ey* Arthur Wo

piwards of iodp sg^i-iyeteday' in thiKew.

k<evdt'*ftithe;bari'aeks* - A,pri:nte<|no!Tce

.mjif4ieA wfi^^ijrday :landed' af»|«r ap** ;pi^!h|tMeittieis^f BuMin,; thil jfro.ni-C{M$ ' 'fe ehtf dliillfi J i#e*# they, feef iefin-' c!««m!>etot on; ihem

had \p't in comfttiffion feveral fiiips ot the;rmcam guineas.J*^Certainly, thisj$ ohp;of. line, frigatfes, and yeiTels of a lower rate^i the mo& important seras in the hilio/^ of It isojivious therefore, that the BatavJan man. How it will termliiate, Heay^n Government means to acTt with energy and ** alone can. tell, .- ' I ,'•'..

promptitude, not only co enfare that Me-" *" Adieu, my wor% frlq^d, for Ifliall ty o | it§ own colfts and to repulfe every always call ybii fo, although you-.are'^unfor-hoftle attack*but alio to fecpnd wijh all, tunately an Bngiilhraan.'f '' ., *, [".."

"A Geo^getbwn paper of the 16th ult t. fay4 **!flie fel effefls of the flux which:.

the .in6& important seras In the hiliofy of ravages^wkhtlie utmoft violencevm tivs ' man* How it will terinlnate, Heay^n and^he^neilhboring countiesf exhibits ^ alone can.tell, ' ' "' « - - r _ . i_


4ktyt, to"t be ty eveoi'ftf.

If OW •

its forces, {he great and extended plan of hoftjlity which w forming by the French Governraeiat, with a view of compelling,' Grea;t~Britam to reftorea peace On equita^-ble terms to Europe. Peace, in fafljmuft. betblefoleObjeclwithali reafonable men., . . W e Jvilh for fuch a peace, as by replacing &&&* to defend Hanjoveh arid a cor the different powers in their natural order, pendent on the Elbe, fays) " The Kf ng of will Jprelerve this part of the globe from Prulha wiihes to poflels hfmfelf of the beff ._._rr.-f ' part of Hahoyer, which, (lowever, Ruffia

* ofwss&lmc. \-v:\ By recent accounts f|om Muffia, we

learn that that Court is-be|oming more fa? VOrable'to England. Orir Court, otfead^ ed at Pruflia, called uboii th;e Emperor of

yejy di^tre|aiig fcene;'xipv/ards of goo perfons, x% is thought, within a few *wfeek> ha#e beelci fwept off; arid in fome parts» ° im^rb than two thirds of families have, fall- -en a! prey;to this depopulating diforder.

total irum. naparte*s inluence is fuch that. l ie tely been able to induce the Courts

will oppofe. Bonaparte Is far from wifh-lug to feparate tfjis |lefor;ate from jthlp

t o th^ inOnth of Augtift laif, one Hun*. ' dred anc( tin perfons died of the dyfente*, ry it| the. towns of Brandon, Chittenden, PMslord, and Orwell, fiate ot Vermont; . In man)? other towns a fimilar mortality was prevalent

. 1 11 « /.

' , A; Philadelphia paper of the 13'lh ult ; mentions the death of Commodore B A R * KY^adi^HngttimedKaval officer.

M " d and Vienna, to punifh fome of crown of Gieat3rita)ri ;||but he will hot , ^ . 1 ' :;. v

l ! ted French Bifhops for writings- be ditoed to by ;Ruffiaj andyou m ^ J ^ ^ _ ^ ^ ° ^ l ^ ^ h has "apparentiy altered the face of affaii s ia' _„, ^ — — « , « ^ w w . w . R W . ^ *»«„uC , not be furprifed if you.jvery foonhear,

fcB^^r#wr mm hisiephe* ih#: vw te Wntcfi nwefiarilV eflfea thepow^ that France and fruflia ale pitted agamft J h e I ^ o f E u r o p e ; and it appears not ^HiHuq^w '*"i««i| «diHb A«l laaMM*; »fc""W* er ofithe Krfl Confui. Ruffia and Denmark.—This intelligehce improbable that Ruffia will ftep m to the

~ " " ' - • • • • ' ,1 Auguft 3. is ftrengthened by accounts from other The following information, received at quarters. We hope ikucji more than .we

Lloyd's this morning, wilt for the greater believe irrit," , / [, •, part be read with much regret:~- A vote has pafled ^he|lQufe of Coin. . ,; Gibraltar, June4,, mons,foragrantof $0,Qo6handan'annu^

T^e Juno frigate, ?,of 32 guns, from" ity of j6,oool. as a compenfation to ihe Malta, with i$6 troops on boit^hdnbeen. Frinee of Orange. ; [ t ^ taken by a French fqhadron off Toulon. —-^—j- j

rlthe 1A number of Irench prizes naveibeen ' * FRAHCE* p T&h- ibrbught in here, moftly from t^ie "vt^ett- ? A i t i s t j p l y *9> ± ife, had Indies; 1 tkewife fome Dane*, with French" Admiral Nelfon, it is faM, has differ fed fomi property on board. The j£efiitanc<» fr%- manifelloes througho!it Italy, declaring

ate wa* wrecked a lew 4*$$ ago,; off Cape that he will ieize ail v|enelsf under wha . $t, Mary. Part of the crew arrived here eVer flag they fail, bof nd/to or from any

aidfof'England. Affiftance alio is confi­dently eiepefted from Auflria. It isaf-Certained thatRuifia has remonftrated a i gainft the feifcufe of. Hitnover % and that a Ruffianifieet has failed from Cronftadt for the North Sea. j \N. Y* Pdp*

\ 1

0} fay at




^STA' .tovlr i



t - f

Y ~

ycfterday 1

Augwft 6. of the ports occupied by Itenchtroop^

According to letters from Berlin, of the „ had keii poffefiionof all the Italianport^ Ihtelltgence 0 imtwmnce ha| been re- 5th intf. an official notice has been fffifed and confif|ated every fpecies of BnulK

ee^M tlis marrtin| froni jer|ey, by at* at Empden, that fengtajnd ha$|>romlfedj Q property tybere. • b entoroe theirl;|irrec. ve&l which left the ifland on Friday lift, retpeauhe PruJDTiau flag, W permit it to

.| :. ' j FromCadiz* ~ Aecount* ffotn Cadii, to the 23d July,

lfate,that;itbe Spaniards were augmenting their naval and military forces with grea$

' fpirit, that the impreffments were carried on day and night, and extended to all de-> fcriptions of perfonsi except freeholders $ ibp amounts alfo advife, that the French

t jon AS f ttrC^yo which it b^cBe'pe- At $t, Malee and atarinviile the French cuter the pom of trancel on the c0ndl- ^ « ^ ^ *to*f Windward Naval Fme* *j^^uri|%the:h$^dhmj&r%mjm», are embarking lark bodiei of troops.— tion of fubmittinf to the eode eftabtiOi d 'tmmap&d hy Commodore HOOD. ^mmtm,m^mf im% t^h^mtim^ Someaccounti. which it is orobable are in Eniiland for the reeulatlon of neutral*. . Blenheim; Boyer, 74Sani,J' Some accountf, ^hicji it is probable are in England for the regulation of neutral*.

.exj|ggc%at^flatethettu.mbertobe5o,o^ J , ^ JUJF#C* : ^mf^m^Wpj^u^TmiMlt^piiimi It waifuppored at jerfeyand Guernfey ** Hi« Pruhlan Majefty! offered to )W Cpw

that an #taei t^at intended upon thofe King ot England to gtiarinbe Hanover, ilti^ds, but we Cannot pelieyi that they and ncaualnted him.that the^niy condition-artthe object of thefe great fiepsimtioni* which Franee dewaoded for that guaran*

_ . . ' . : • Auguft/r !» tee was, that hi« Britadnie)Ma}efty fhojlild #;E»|ti»i.fit%ate having beenittacfc* ' It it now underitood that* tbe difbateh- engage to refpea the Pr iliian flaf^nd

*&:m£4 M^dm'hfrm-M^mn^ f^<|idioof'. et. receded yeflerday from kord Nelfon,; not to; fearch the *eflTeli ofthal n*tion^ex-I otti en tojrdtbe AmpWonr offt"oubnt W cept to afcertsfn that M flag

t«*»** »oti»e*"t^*4hlf tvrdflitp |ofned:the Brit*- fraudulent. " " ' ' ?

iSi %aJicw i l imbn Ilia othuft/and! u'ti* ^


t ife &}' #1' A t line awttf t ltig*t& ei jipf'^iBar^^Nttte^*- f #4 ftasfc. .*eve»:«

• .*i:^m^m^. -jhiirtHMft- *«fe-a«»* tf*«*r- ^ U M « - effjN£U^''feutt&th« ^ n r c b % 't!««ic'h^.

I l l ^Ifeiient h\jp&, lh% hkm;h ''•ft: >'A ' 'I

hi •«> Wur, is ujif to fun* k force. At 41 tmitr

fheiltig of EttgW ppliei tUt 'V 'WO»W-i ot c^nt^m'tw- dcp#«,:' Itt favor ;<»f

the Rullkn %».li'4»a|i t% prlneipUi af

Blehhelm; Boyer, 74 g«n*i dentaur, Maxwell, 74

rageaujf» , 74 Ar|o\l(altoeH, ' . ,44 Chicherter, Siephen, 44-llfyffe*! OolumBiac, ; * ;44 Venns^.^ives, 3 a

Sur&am; "fucker, . »o teiy^ ilnnt, *« Qlpey* Yonnghulbao *o

^eyon,Mrtn, - t^

Hetireu^ Bland!, *?4

Ifefev,;t«mreH^ ............-;:,,l^'.

that a Hepaf Iktron, | arrived at'Manfta

•Angof Pr£Pf{,W f 0 f j igBrmfh, w i WA« tranquil at j a s

genera l MA$|S; ^ r i j f r ,<?f Afjgm liiember of % e IL« rsmm^ry #ep,j to J vBce of ^rd«i* A Mewr* , »

, , , From\tke ' A Mr. Bunier

M a s Chac*—'the W f jovial f ^

T h e virgin jg Ark full conten

Then they i r > Tfi is Married A

r,rr, feasJt^al qu ^-fpvj fma^ as he :paie rreely in the


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, "] cd by iom ^ a y ^ B o i ^ & Y , B t

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