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Two-dimensional hybrid materials : transferringtechnology from biology to societyCitation for published version (APA):Leroux, F., Rabu, P., Sommerdijk, N. A. J. M., & Taubert, A. (2015). Two-dimensional hybrid materials :transferring technology from biology to society. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, (7), 1089-1095. DOI:10.1002/ejic.201500153


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Two-Dimensional Hybrid Materials: TransferringTechnology from Biology to Society

Fabrice Leroux,*[a] Pierre Rabu,*[b] Nico A. J. M. Sommerdijk,*[c]

and Andreas Taubert*[d]

Hybrid materials are at the forefront of modern research andtechnology; hence a large number of publications on hybridmaterials has already appeared in the scientific literature.This essay focuses on the specifics and peculiarities of hybridmaterials based on two-dimensional (2D) building blocks andconfinements, for two reasons: (1) 2D materials have a verybroad field of application, but they also illustrate many of thescientific challenges the community faces, both on a funda-mental and an application level; (2) all authors of this essay


Hybrid materials are at the heart of today’s science andtechnology. To match the ever-growing need of our modernsociety for tools addressing pressing issues regarding health,environment and toxicology, energy, and communication,advanced materials with enhanced properties are among thekey enablers advancing all modern technologies. Hybridmaterials in particular combine the advantages of two (ormore) different materials, often drawing their strength fromthe synergistic combination of seemingly incompatible com-ponents. This yields advanced materials for virtually everyfield of modern society. Quite some of the designs of mod-ern hybrid materials were either found in nature prior tofabricating their synthetic equivalents. Moreover, analoguesof already existing synthetic materials were discovered after

[a] Inorganic Materials, Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand(ICCF) – UMR CNRS 6296, Université Blaise Pascal,Chimie 5, Campus des Cézeaux, 24 avenue des LandaisBP 80026 63171 Aubière Cedex, FranceE-mail: [email protected]://iccf.univ-bpclermont.fr/spip.php?article166

[b] Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg(IPCMS), UMR7504 CNRS – Universite de Strasbourg,23 Rue du Loess, F-67034 Strasbourg, FranceE-mail: [email protected]://www.ipcms.unistra.fr/?page_id=11205

[c] Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistryand Institute for Complex Molecular Systems,Eindhoven University of Technology,P.O. Box 513, NL-5600 MB Eindhoven, The NetherlandsE-mail: [email protected]://www.biomineralization.nl/general/our_group/tue.html

[d] Institute of Chemistry, University of Potsdam,Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25, D-14476 Potsdam, GermanyE-mail: [email protected]

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2015, 1089–1095 © 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim1089

are involved in research on 2D materials, but their perspec-tive and vision of how the field will develop in the future andhow it is possible to benefit from these new developmentsare rooted in very different scientific subfields. The currentarticle will thus present a personal, yet quite broad, accountof how hybrid materials, specifically 2D hybrid materials, willprovide means to aid modern societies in fields as differentas healthcare and energy.

the synthetic hybrid materials had been developed. This il-lustrates a clear, although often unexpected, link betweenmaterials design in the biological and the technologicalworlds.

This link can be exploited for the development of ad-vanced (multi)functional hybrid materials with applicationpotential in virtually all fields relevant to a modern society.Examples include, but are not limited to, health (implants,drug delivery, surgical tools, etc.), energy (batteries, fuelcells, solar cells, water splitting, reflective or antireflectivecoatings, etc.), transportation (lightweight construction,antireflective coatings, low friction surfaces, etc.), or infor-mation technology (magnetic and optical data storage, in-formation transfer, optical fibers, etc.). A previous reviewhas categorized the application areas for polymer–inorganicsupramolecular nanohybrids using a color code: red fornanohybrids related to the life science and healthcare sec-tors, white for energy and environmental applications, greenfor applications related to agriculture and food, and bluefor aqua and marine applications.[1] Another recent reviewhas highlighted possible synthetic strategies for 2D nano-sheet-based hybrid materials and has specifically exploredapplications for energy and environmental technologiesthrough lattice engineering techniques resulting in 2D plate-let hybridization.[2] Additionally, several journals have pub-lished special issues dedicated to hybrid materials in abroader sense[3] or in a more specific manner such as appli-cation aspects specific to materials based on layered doublehydroxides (LDHs).[4] The fact that several scientific jour-nals have already assembled special issues on the applica-tions of hybrid materials clearly illustrates the high interestthese materials attract.

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Besides a widespread application potential, however,hybrid materials are very interesting and challenging froma fundamental point of view. For example, it is still difficultto (1) design a priori a hybrid material with a pre-programmed set of properties, (2) develop a complete visionof the countless numbers of possible hybridizations by 2Dlattice engineering, or (3) comprehend the possibilities of agiven pool of hybrid materials for transporting active ingre-dients. Another point, both fundamentally and technologi-cally important, is the development of addressable materi-als, stimuli-responsive materials, and materials that respondto more than one change in the environment or materialsthat can perform mechanical work.

While clearly some interesting and promising materialshave been developed, hybrid materials have only begun tomake their way into the broader fields of science and tech-nology. This is, for example, illustrated by the increasingnumber of international conferences on the topic, by theyearly increasing number of publications containing theterm “hybrid materials”, or by the increasing number ofresearch groups devoting their activities to the subject.

The purpose of the current article is not to provide anexhaustive summary of existing hybrid materials or a com-plete overview of trends and new developments; rather it isa focused selection of some developments that the authorsbelieve to be key for the further development of the field.Naturally, the selection of the articles and subjects citedhere and the ideas developed throughout the article arebiased by the authors’ interests and backgrounds. Onenotable point is the focus on two-dimensional (2D) materi-als. This is not to say that only 2D materials are promising;the rather mundane explanation is that all authors have asignificant interest in 2D materials. In the remainder of theessay, we will therefore discuss what we see as promisingperspectives for the upcoming developments in functional2D materials.

1. From Biology to Materials and Vice-Versa

Biominerals such as bones, teeth, and seashells are bio-logical hybrid materials in which well-defined interactionsbetween organic and mineral components lead to ahierarchical organization of inorganic nanoparticles withprecisely controlled size, shape, and crystallinity.[5] Thestructural precision of biominerals often leads to advancedphysical (mechanical,[6] optical,[7] magnetic[8]) propertiestailor-made to their function. These remarkable productsare a source of inspiration for many scientists, for theirstructure, their functionality, as well as for the way they areproduced. Indeed, translating biological formation path-ways into chemical strategies towards organic–inorganichybrid and nanomaterials holds great promise for the devel-opment of “green” production routes to designer materialswith advanced properties.[9]

The best known example is the nacre of the mollusk shell(mother of pearl), which consists of a brick-and-mortar

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arrangement of aragonite (a polymorph of CaCO3) and abiomolecular organic matrix. The organic matrix not onlyprovides the nacre with the mechanical properties thatmake it stand out from the brittle aragonite platelets, thebiological matrix also controls the nucleation and growthof the mineral, dictating the orientation of the crystals aswell as their shape.

The organization and mechanical properties of nacrehave inspired many scientists to emulate its structurethrough the formation of layered organic–inorganic com-posites from prefabricated components, in many cases withimpressive properties.[10] However, these top–downassembly methods do not achieve the perfection observedin the natural material; hence understanding the secret ofthe bottom up self-assembly as used in biological systemsmay lead to improved control over structure and propertiesin synthetic hybrid materials.

As the mineralization process in nacre starts off with theoriented nucleation of calcium carbonate on a biopolymersurface, many efforts have been spent in understanding theinterplay between the organic and inorganic components atthe very early stages. Already in the 1980s Addadi andWeiner proposed that nucleation of calcium carbonate wasinduced on a surface consisting of a sulfated carbohydratematrix acting as a calcium sponge within which an asparticacid rich template exposing an ordered array of carboxylategroups directed the orientation of the crystals.[11] Manyfollow-up studies investigated the hard–soft interactionsduring the templating process using model systems such asLangmuir monolayers[12] and self-assembled monolayers(SAMs).[13] These studies showed that, although epitaxialrelations between template and mineral may play a role,they are not a strict requirement,[14] and moreover that themutual adaptation of template and mineral make it difficultto predict the outcome of the nucleation process.[15] An-other important insight into biomineralization mechanismswas the realization that many biological crystals are formedthrough an amorphous precursor phase that was first de-posited within the templating structure and molded into thedesired shape before crystallization occurs.[16] This principlewas soon exploited for the production of crystals with pre-designed nonequilibrium morphologies,[17] while cryoTEMinvestigation of a mineralizing Langmuir monolayer dem-onstrated how structural information from a template couldbe used to direct the amorphous-to-crystalline transition toyield oriented crystals.[18] And, although macroscopicallythis transition occurs through a dissolution–reprecipitationmechanism, it was demonstrated that on a microscopicscale the conversion can occur through a direct solid-statetransformation,[19] as is also suggested for biological sys-tems.[20] Recently, liquid-phase TEM – which allows the vi-sualization of the dynamic interplay between organic andinorganic components in real time and with nanometer res-olution – was used to probe the role of sulfated biomacrom-olecules using sulfonated polystyrene as a model system.[21]

This study revealed the role of the polymeric “ion sponge”in controlling nucleation such that amorphous materialrather than one of the crystalline polymorphs is formed.

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Similar hypotheses have been proposed by several otherstudies.[22]

With inspiration from biomineralization, organic–in-organic interactions at interfaces have been explored for theformation of 2D hybrids based on other biominerals suchas calcium phosphate[23] or magnetite,[24] but also manystudies have extended this approach to controlling the for-mation of typical engineering materials such as CdS, ZnS,PbS, CdSe, TiO2, as well as Au, Ag, and Pt nanopar-ticles.[25] In particular, from an application point of view itis interesting to point out that the formation of orderedassemblies of crystals with near-uniform sizes, shapes, andorientation as observed in the prismatic layer of the molluskshell does not require a very precise templating structure.[26]

Rather, these well-defined crystal assemblies are formed ina minimalistic approach in which uniformity results fromcompetition driven by thermodynamic principles and whichwould relax the requirements for the bioinspired synthesisof advanced 2D hybrid materials.[27]

In addition to the growth of 2D materials by several or-ganisms, we can point out that 2D minerals are nowthought to have possibly played a key role in the develop-ment of organisms in the early life evolution period. So theclays, a large class of 2D minerals, provided high fidelity ofpreservation of microfossils over billion years.[28] This re-markable preservation stems from the intrinsic stability andadsorption properties of clays combined with microbialmetabolisms helping catalysis of a wide range of aluminosil-icates. In fact, the clays are widespread on the earth andthey act as natural ion exchangers in a wide pH range. Theirability to adsorb multiple molecules, thus confined in theinterlamellar space, and their catalytic properties makethem microreactors of choice for prebiotic chemistry. Seriesof prebiotic synthons such as amino acids, oligopepetides,or oligonucleotides have been synthetized in the presence ofclays.[29–31] Clays were also shown to catalyze RNA polyme-rization and favor the formation fatty acid vesicles used asprotocell models.[32] Yet, the issue remains that biomolec-ules were most likely diluted in oceans, rivers, or lakes.Hence, in the absence of confinement by cell membranes,as observed in contemporary life, appropriate systemsshould form to provide concentration of solutes, confine-ment for biochemical reactions, and stability under environ-mental conditions. The recent work by Luo et al.[33] indi-cates that clays can form hydrogels in ocean water, thanksto peculiar electric charge distribution throughout the claynanoplatelet particles. Moreover, their data shows thatRNA is efficiently protected and RNA synthesis isenhanced by the clay hydrogel environment. Although stillcontroversial, these studies demonstrate that clay-basedbioinorganic hybrid systems organized in hydrogels consti-tute plausible reaction media for early life evolution, thanksto synergy between components.

The return of synthetic materials toward biology mostlyinvolves the general field of health. Probably one of the bestknown examples pioneered by Choy’s group concerns thepossibility to incorporate nucleotides including DNA in be-tween LDH nanosheets and form some kind of vehicle that

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2015, 1089–1095 © 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim1091

protects the living macromolecule from catalytic and ther-mal degradation.[34] To explain such structural compatibil-ity, the conformation of DNA was found to match the inter-layer topology with the phosphate backbone groups alignedwith aluminum lattice positions.[35] Once again, the en-hanced stability supplied by the organoceramic material issurmised to have played a key role in prebiotic evolutionwhen the earliest life forms were exposed to harsh thermalconditions.

Largely extended for various applications, which includesdrug delivery for gene therapy, such a container may alsobe used for astringent properties in patch or in body creamor as taste-masking as for ibuprofen.[36] The trend is to de-velop new ways in drug “self-delivery” (mostly triggered bypH) in physiologic medium; this concerns all fields of hu-man health covering anti-inflammatory, antalgic, antitu-mor, etc. agents.[37] Very elegant approaches have been re-cently described showing excellent anticancer performancein photodynamic therapy using a supramolecular photosen-sitizer fabricated by the incorporation of zinc phthalocyan-ines (ZnPc) into the galleries of LDHs.[38] This is due to ahigh singlet oxygen production efficiency that was alreadyshown for hybrid LDHs using porphyrin-based mol-ecules.[39] Other significant breakthroughs in using LDHsas advanced drug-delivery nanomaterials with a high bioc-ompatibility have recently demonstrated their feasibility asa nanocarrier injectable directly into blood.[40] In additionto the inertness of LDH nanomaterials in the blood plasma,resulting in an interesting hematocompatibility for furtherdevelopment, such nanovehicles may overcome the draw-back of active ingredients such as the chemotherapeuticagent methotrexate (MTX), limited by its short plasmahalf-life and its subsequent high dosage required for cancercell suppression.[41] The MTX–LDH nanohybrid exhibiteda superior targeting effect resulting in high antitumor effi-cacy compared to MTX alone, as well as a superior efficacyprofile in inhibiting tumor proliferation and in provokingthe induction of apoptosis, thus resulting in significantsurvival benefits. Importantly MTX–LDH nanocarriers didnot accumulate in any specific tissue nor cause acute toxic-ity, underlining their great potential as an anticancer drugwith enhanced in vivo antitumor activity and bioavailabilityin target tumor tissue along with reduced side effects.[42]

2. From Geology to Materials

As modern science and society are strongly biology- andhealth-driven, one occasionally forgets that besides theliving nature there is also the vast world of geological spe-cies that often have equally interesting properties. Examplesinclude zeolites, clays, or double hydroxides, all of whichnow exist as geological samples, but have also been madein the laboratory. The laboratory is, in fact, sometimes the“more versatile nature” in the sense that syntheticapproaches enable the synthesis of new compounds that donot exist in nature, for example in the field of zeolites orLDHs.

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This is largely illustrated by the polymer nanocomposite(PN) field, where nanofillers try to endow the polymer withenhanced properties thus rendering it possibly multifunc-tional. In contrast to the microcomposite, the benefit ofPNs resides in the highly pronounced interface that is per-mitted by manipulating single platelets. Such engineering2D nanotechnology may be used for further hybridizationbetween nano building blocks to lead to interesting featuresin the domain of energy and optoelectronics (see below).As far as PNs are concerned, very specific properties shouldbe integrated to respond both to the restriction in chemicalsregarding toxicity and to the sustainability preferring thebiosourced polymer over that from fossil extraction.Straightforward properties such as polymer protection fromoxidation (using UV-stabilizers and radicals scavengers) areprobably by now in the technological step unless synergisticeffects may be found with the container. Regarding toxicity,the replacement of, for instance, brome-reducing flame(BRF) and chromate agents prompts new developmentswhere 2D hybrid materials may play a key role as filler dueto their barrier effect coming not only from their structuralanisotropy but also from their cargo effect. This is exem-plified by flame retardant PNs using LDH in replacementof BRF[43] and by corrosion inhibitors placed into the poly-mer coating to protect metal substrate.[44] Fillers usuallyendow properties to the polymer, but the opposite is alsotrue. Using self-assembly of triple building blocks, LDHnanoplatelets, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), and quantum dots(QDs: CdTe or CdSe/ZnS), flexible films were fabricatedthat were found to be highly luminescent (strong fluores-cence and high fluorescence quantum yield) with finelytunable fluorescence (green, yellow, orange, and red) as wellas a high photo- and thermostability.[45]

3. Energy Conversion Devices and FunctionalMaterials

Thanks to great efforts in fabricating nanosheets asbuilding blocks, new developments have been recentlylaunched. For instance, recent studies regarding the prepa-ration of LDH nanosheets through topotactic and/or topo-chemical reactions permit us now to envision new buildingstrategies such as electrostatically derived reassembling,layer-by-layer deposition, crystal growth on the surface sitesof nanosheets (nanofilms), as well as the mixing of an end-less number of other structural blocks to yield hybridiza-tion, core-shell nanoarchitectures, or possible staging phe-nomena.[46,47] These 2D nanohybrid materials are investi-gated for some of today’s needs regarding energy as super-capacitors, water splitting for fuel cells, as well as othermodern applications regarding optical and magnetic prop-erties.

For instance when graphene[48] or carbon nanotubes[49]

are mixed with LDH nanosheets to yield a so-called molec-ular-scale heteroassembly, high performance supercapaci-tors are obtained combining both high capacity and high

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2015, 1089–1095 © 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim1092

power rate. In the case of 2D/2D heterostructure, this isexplained by the heterostacking of redoxable LDH nano-sheets and conductive graphene into a genuine superlatticestructure that, as a consequence, improves the charge trans-fer efficiency, while for the 1D/2D, a quasi-3D architectureis obtained, displaying well-defined core-shell configurationand enlarged surface area. A novel hierarchical and submi-croscopic structure combining a 3D template and a LDHyields also great pseudocapacitance properties.[50] HollowLDH nanopolyhedra were synthesized with zeolitic imid-azolate framework-67 (ZIF-67) nanocrystals as templates.The nanocages inherit the rhombic dodecahedral shape ofthe ZIF-67 templates, and the shell was found to be com-posed of nanosheets assembled with an edge-to-face stack-ing resulting in LDH nonspherical structure. Aside fromthe hybridization and the mixing with electrical percolates,another concept consists of producing an intimate mixturefrom a 2D LDH hybrid assembly by carbonization wherethe collapse of the inorganic moiety may play the role ofporous agent for the carbon replica after acid leaching ormay remain partly to supply an additional pseudoca-pacity.[51]

A single layer of nanosheets is of interest in the oxygenevolution reaction, a key reaction in water splitting.[52]

More active sites and improved electronic conductivity weredemonstrated for Ni/Fe and Ni/Co LDH nanosheets, out-performing a commercial iridium dioxide catalyst in bothactivity and stability. In that same vein, improved chemicalstability of photocatalysts is achieved when combiningother heterostacking of nanohybrid materials composed ofan ordered mesoporous assembly fabricated by a layer-by-layer method between Zn/Cr LDH and layered titaniumoxide.[53] Zn/Cr was reported as one of the most efficientphotocatalysts for visible light water splitting (oxygen gen-eration), due to its high quantum yield (incident photon-to-oxygen conversion efficiency at a given wavelength).[54]

Additionally the interstratification maintains the excellentphotocatalytic activity for visible-light-induced O2 genera-tion; this in association with an electronic coupling betweenthe component nanosheets and a protection of the LDHlattice by layered titanate. Enhanced photoelectrochemicalwater splitting was also reported for a hybridization usingan aligned hierarchical nanoarray containing a ZnO coreand a LDH nanoplatelet shell synthesized by a facile elec-trosynthesis method.[55]

The capability to exfoliate and restack nanosheets offeredby LDH was also exploited to provide original syntheticmultiproperty materials. For instance, Coronado andco-workers investigated the recombination of nanosheetsobtained from the exfoliation of the magnetic LDH[Ni0.66Fe0.33(OH)2](NO3)0.33 and the 2D superconductorNa0.33[TaS2]. Actually, they succeeded in restacking a newalternating heterostructure [Ni0.66Fe0.33(OH)2][TaS2], thuscombining by design superconductivity and ferromagnetismin one phase.[56] Since then, LDHs incorporating photo-chromic molecules (such as azobenzene) were found to ex-hibit interesting photomagnetic or thermomagnetic proper-ties resulting in stimuli-responsive hybrid materials.[57]

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Other hydroxide minerals, layered single hydroxides(LSHs), exhibit a Brucite-like structure of the metal hydrox-ide nanosheets very similar to that of LDHs. However, incontrast to LDHs, the nanosheets contain only divalentmetals, and the counteranions are not “free” in the inter-lamellar space but participate in the coordination of themetal together with hydroxide ions. Small structural varia-tions may occur, essentially because of the necessary adap-tation of the molecular area of each metal ion to the molec-ular area of the grafted anions or to the formation of tetra-hedral sites.[58] Among these minerals, CuII derivatives areparticularly under focus due to their peculiar magnetic be-havior, like the Kapellasite α-Cu3Zn(OH)6(Cl)2, theHaydeeite, α-Cu3Mg(OH)6Cl2 or Cu3Cd(OH)6(NO3)2, forinstance.[59] Instead of lying in the CuII plane, nonmagneticions can be found in the octahedral site between two CuII

layers. This leads to a triple-deck architecture like that inthe Hebertsmithite Cu3Zn(OH)6(Cl)2 or in (MgxCu1–x)Cu3

(OH)6(Cl)2.[60] In all compounds, the magnetic ions forma Kagomé network, providing real examples of quantumKagomé antiferromagnetic systems, which are expected toshow nonconventional Néel order and are good candidatesfor the formation of the resonating valence bond (RVB)state at low temperatures.

Despite the coordination of the counteranions (nitrates,acetates, sulfates, chlorides, ...) to the metal sheets, LSHsexhibit, like LDHs, anion exchange properties. The hybrid-ization of LSHs was thoroughly investigated, especially totune the magnetic interactions within and between themetal hydroxide layers. Series of model compounds wereobtained, allowing for comprehensive understanding of therole of interlamellar distance, structural deformation,presence of saturated or conjugated interlamellar bridges (πelectrons), anisotropy or substitution of simplecounteranions by metal complexes onto the magnetic prop-erties of 2D systems in general.[61] New multipropertyhybrid systems were also obtained combining magnetic andoptical properties including magneto-optical com-pounds,[62] photomagnetic compounds,[63] and magneto-chiral materials.[64] All studies on magnetic, optical, con-ducting 2D hybrid systems highlight the importance of theinterface between components on the control of the proper-ties and the possible existence of synergy between proper-ties.


It is our belief that 2D hybrid materials will continue tomatch challenges in terms of the needs of our modernsociety and the requirement for sustainable development.This can already be seen in different domains concerninghealth, where inorganic–organic supramolecular architec-tures show anticancer behavior and are increasingly de-signed for stimuli-driven and/or theranostic approaches tolimit high dosage associated with side-effects. Such multi-functionality (detection and therapy) may be tuned to re-spond to energy and comfort as in the development of solar

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2015, 1089–1095 © 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim1093

energy harvesters (photosensitizers), photocatalysts, elec-trode materials, and other conversion devices to overcomethe “fast-advancing” problem of rarefaction (as for Pt, Ir,Ru, and rare-earth elements among them) as well as toavoid toxic chemicals. Recent hybridization is opening alarge range of possibilities. 1D, 2D, and 3D/2D hybridiza-tions yield better performance, as exemplified in energy andwater splitting or in the general field of bioinspired materi-als. Multiple possible combinations suggest that only a partof the iceberg is today uncovered for alternative 2D materi-als as mentioned in a review article.[65]

As far as scale-up is now concerned, “gravel to grave”environmental impact should be considered and the associ-ated life cycle assessment (LCA) should be measured. Anidea is to limit fossil resources, but not at the price of reduc-ing the material properties. In that sense, it is known thatorganic–inorganic hybrid materials may present synergisticeffects, i.e. Guest [Host] � Guest + Host, but also in thePN domain, i.e. Filler [Polymer] �� Polymer, and this canbe used to make the biosource polymer as relevant as thethermoplastic obtained from a fossil source.[66] Another bigchallenge for an eco-friendly development is to limit CO2

impact. By mineralizing atmospheric CO2, 2D materialsmay partially contribute, but probably regarding the mass-ive production coming from cement and fossil extraction(shale gas), other solutions should be explored.

In another field, molecular electronics is steadily growingin recent years. Here we find the interface issues that arecharacteristic of hybrid materials.[67] Especially if one con-siders the recent work on multilayer magnetoresistive de-vices, there is a significant breakthrough with heterostruc-tures including molecular semiconductor layers (organic ororganometallic) used as a tunnel barrier between magneticelectrodes.[68] Such systems seem promising to improvedevices for spin electronics. So far, the molecular layers usevery simple molecules, usually commercial, but we can pre-dict the development of ad hoc molecules in the near future.


The authors thank the following institutions for their continuedfinancial support: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DeutscherAkademischer Austauschdienst, University of Potsdam, LandBrandenburg, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique(CNRS), University of Strasbourg, International Center for Fron-tier Research in Chemistry.

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Received: February 16, 2015