TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 21, 2020 entering the pew, please take your place starting from the centre seat and then we will fill up the rest of the spots in such order. This will allow us to get as many people as possible into the church. During Holy Communion, everyone will come out of their pews in turn, including those who do not receive the Eucharist. While going up to receive communion and maintaining a 2-metre distance in line, we head toward the priest, stand in the desi- gnated place before the priest, and after the words Body of Christ,we answer Amen”. Then, with stretched out hands we receive Holy Communion. Until further notice, this will be the only acceptable form of receiving Holy Communion. Those who do not receive the Eucharist will still walk in pro- cession, crossing their arms on their chests to re- ceive a blessing. To increase the number of people in the church (90 people), the pew section on the left of the main aisle will be reserved for families, as members of the same household are not required to maintain 2 metre social distancing. Washrooms should only be used when absolu- tely necessary. Please disinfect your hands before entering the church. The guidelines strongly encourage any indivi- dual over 3 years of age attending Mass to wear a mask, and only partially remove the mask when receiving Holy Communion. There will be no collection during Mass, but there will be box for Sundays collection at the en- trance of the church. The bulletins will not be available in print form. You can access the bulletin on the parish website, or contact the parish office to receive by email. Please arrive at the church at least 15 minutes before the start of Mass to take your seats in the pews in an orderly manner. If you feel sick, e.g. have a fever or cough, or any other symptoms, please stay at home. Confessions will be held every weekday, half an hour before Mass. The parish office will continue to be closed. All these measures may appear to be a bit compli- cated but after our first Sunday following these new rules, it will hopefully not feel as overwhel- ming. I hope that very soon everything will return to normal and we will enjoy participating in the Eu- charist without any restrictions. GOSPEL REFLECTION – MT 10, 2633 Todays reading is part of the instructions Je- sus gives to his disciples after he has commis- sioned them to proclaim the approaching Kingdom of heaven (10:1-42). As we already know, Matthew addressed a predominantly Jewish-Christian community, for whom Jesus embodied the fulfillment of the Old Testa- ment. His Gospel is divided into five long di- scourses that remind us of the Pentateuch, the five books of Moses. In Matthews Gospel, Je- sus is the new Moses, the new Lawgiver, and the new Teacher. At the time this Gospel was written (c.85), the early Christian communi- ties were suffering persecution and some we- re losing their faith in the face of opposition. In this brief text, the phrase, Do not fear,appears 3 times. With these words, Jesus en- couraged the disciples and attacked the fears that could make them abandon their mission. Jesus assured them that their persecutors could destroy the body but never the soul. The coming of the Reign of God was inevitable and fear must not prevent the disciples from proc- laiming it. Todays reading offers three signifi- cant messages: Fear cannot prevent us from proclaiming the gospel. Jesus promises that we will never be alone in our efforts to do what is right. The final judgment before God will be based on the disciplesfaithfulness to Jesus during the controversies that are part of their mission. For our shared or personal re- flection: 1. What fears keep me from sharing my faith in God? Ridicule, criticism, loss of job or status, rejection, etc.? 2. Have I ever given in to unethical behavior?https:// www.miamiarch.org/atimo_s/news/ccs_e_080622.pdf DEAR PARISHIONERS. As you may already know, all of our churches in the Archdiocese in Toronto reopened last Wed- nesday and we are able to celebrate Holy Mass together again. To ensure the safety of all partici- pants in the Holy Liturgy, the Archdiocese has is- sued several guidelines that must be in place: Until further notice, the faithful cannot sing during Holy Mass, therefore the hymnals have been removed from the pews. To meet the required distance of 2 metres be- tween liturgy participants, the pews are marke- dwith yellow tape to indicate where to sit. When

TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 21, 2020christthekingparish.info/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Parish-Bulletin-June-21.pdfO powro t do zdrowia dla Wandy Grygudz —znajoma O łaskę

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Page 1: TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 21, 2020christthekingparish.info/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Parish-Bulletin-June-21.pdfO powro t do zdrowia dla Wandy Grygudz —znajoma O łaskę


entering the pew, please take your place starting from the centre seat and then we will fill up the rest of the spots in such order. This will allow us to get as many people as possible into the church. During Holy Communion, everyone will come out of their pews in turn, including those who do not receive the Eucharist. While going up to receive communion and maintaining a 2-metre distance in line, we head toward the priest, stand in the desi-gnated place before the priest, and after the words “Body of Christ,” we answer “Amen”. Then, with stretched out hands we receive Holy Communion. Until further notice, this will be the only acceptable form of receiving Holy Communion. Those who do not receive the Eucharist will still walk in pro-cession, crossing their arms on their chests to re-ceive a blessing. To increase the number of people in the church (90 people), the pew section on the left of the main aisle will be reserved for families, as members of the same household are not required to maintain 2 metre social distancing. Washrooms should only be used when absolu-tely necessary. Please disinfect your hands before entering the church. The guidelines strongly encourage any indivi-dual over 3 years of age attending Mass to wear a mask, and only partially remove the mask when receiving Holy Communion. There will be no collection during Mass, but there will be box for Sunday’s collection at the en-trance of the church. The bulletins will not be available in print form. You can access the bulletin on the parish website, or contact the parish office to receive by email. Please arrive at the church at least 15 minutes before the start of Mass to take your seats in the pews in an orderly manner. If you feel sick, e.g. have a fever or cough, or any other symptoms, please stay at home. Confessions will be held every weekday, half an hour before Mass. The parish office will continue to be closed. All these measures may appear to be a bit compli-cated but after our first Sunday following these new rules, it will hopefully not feel as overwhel-ming. I hope that very soon everything will return to normal and we will enjoy participating in the Eu-charist without any restrictions.

GOSPEL REFLECTION – MT 10, 26–33 Today’s reading is part of the instructions Je-sus gives to his disciples after he has commis-sioned them to proclaim the approaching Kingdom of heaven (10:1-42). As we already know, Matthew addressed a predominantly Jewish-Christian community, for whom Jesus embodied the fulfillment of the Old Testa-ment. His Gospel is divided into five long di-scourses that remind us of the Pentateuch, the five books of Moses. In Matthew’s Gospel, Je-sus is the new Moses, the new Lawgiver, and the new Teacher. At the time this Gospel was written (c.85), the early Christian communi-ties were suffering persecution and some we-re losing their faith in the face of opposition. In this brief text, the phrase, “Do not fear,” appears 3 times. With these words, Jesus en-couraged the disciples and attacked the fears that could make them abandon their mission. Jesus assured them that their persecutors could destroy the body but never the soul. The coming of the Reign of God was inevitable and fear must not prevent the disciples from proc-laiming it. Today’s reading offers three signifi-cant messages: Fear cannot prevent us from proclaiming the gospel. Jesus promises that we will never be alone in our efforts to do what is right. The final judgment before God will be based on the disciples’ faithfulness to Jesus during the controversies that are part of their mission. For our shared or personal re-flection: 1. What fears keep me from sharing my faith in God? Ridicule, criticism, loss of job or status, rejection, etc.? 2. Have I ever given in to unethical behavior?” https://www.miamiarch.org/atimo_s/news/ccs_e_080622.pdf

DEAR PARISHIONERS. As you may already know, all of our churches in the Archdiocese in Toronto reopened last Wed-nesday and we are able to celebrate Holy Mass together again. To ensure the safety of all partici-pants in the Holy Liturgy, the Archdiocese has is-sued several guidelines that must be in place: Until further notice, the faithful cannot sing during Holy Mass, therefore the hymnals have been removed from the pews. To meet the required distance of 2 metres be-tween liturgy participants, the pews are marke-dwith yellow tape to indicate where to sit. When

Page 2: TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 21, 2020christthekingparish.info/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Parish-Bulletin-June-21.pdfO powro t do zdrowia dla Wandy Grygudz —znajoma O łaskę


Następnie z wyciągniętymi przed siebie rekami podchodzimy i przyjmujemy Komunie s więtą. Do czasu odwołania jest to jedyna dozwolona for-ma. Ci, kto rzy nie przyjmują Komunii s w., idąc w procesji składają ręce na piersi i otrzymują błogo-sławien stwo. Aby zwiększyc liczbę ludzi mogących byc w ko-s ciele do 90 oso b (30%) proszę przychodzic na mszę całymi rodzinami, gdyz pomiędzy członkami rodziny nie obowiązuje 2 metrowy tzw. “social di-stancing”. Z łazienek korzystamy tylko w razie konieczno-s ci. Wytyczne bardzo mocno podkres lają i zachęcają aby wszyscy powyz ej 3 lat, uczestniczący we Mszy s w., nosili maski, odsłaniając je tylko na czas przyj-mowanie Komunii s więtej. Ze względu na to, z e nasze konfesjonały nie są zbyt duz e, prosimy aby przychodząc do spowiedzi uz ywac masek. Obecnie spowiedz będzie odbywac się tylko w ciągu tygodnia po l godziny przed Mszą s w. Podczas Mszy s w. niedzielnej nie będzie zbiera-na składka zatem proszę zakładac ofiarę przy wej-s ciu do kos cioła, do skrzynki. Biuletyny w formie papierowej nie będą druko-wane tylko będą zamieszczone na naszej stronie internetowej. Jes li ktos nie czuje się dobrze np. ma gorączkę lub kaszel to prosimy o pozostanie w domy. Biuro parafialne nadal będzie zamknięte. Wyżej przedstawione zalecenia brzmią trochę skomplikowanie, ale po pierwszej niedzieli bę-dzie to już dużo łatwiejsze. Mamy nadzieje ze w niedługim czasie wszystko wróci do normy i bę-dziemy się cieszyć uczestnictwem w Eucharystii bez żadnych ograniczeń.

PODZIĘKOWANIE: Woluntariuszom, którzy przygotowali kościół na dzisiejsze Msze s w. Mac kowi i Dominkowi Bau-er – za wykonanie 4 stojako w na s rodki dezynfeku-jące do rąk. Ridley Funeral Home za zakup 2 stoja-ko w. Organizacjom i rodzionom za przygotowanie ołtarzy. Irenie i Stanisławowi Zebrowskim za przy-gotowanie terenu woko ł kos cioła do dzisiejszej procesji. Organistom i solistom za oprawę liturgicz-ną. Piotrowi S więtemu za monitorowanie transmi-sji Mszy s w w internecie. Panu Edwardowi Pascual za zarządzanie naszą witryną internetową. Alekso-wi Czyrskiemu na podarowanie 500 maseczek.

REFLEKSJA EWANGLIECZNA - MT 10, 26–33 Dzisiejszej niedzieli trzykrotnie słyszymy we-zwanie Jezusa: „Nie bójcie się!”. Nie bójcie się, co o was ludzie powiedzą. Nie bójcie się tych, którzy mogą was prześladować, a nawet za-bić. Nie bójcie się, bo jesteście ważni i wiele warci dla Ojca. Jedyny lęk, który powinien opanować serca uczniów i nasze, to lęk przed grzechem, przed oddzieleniem od Boga, przed największą stratą, której możemy doznać w życiu: odrzuceniem przez nas Jego miłości. Wobec tej straty wszystko inne jest relatyw-ne. Nie bójmy się więc przyznawać do Ojca, do Jezusa, do Ewangelii, a On będzie się przyzna-wał do nas jako swoich dzieci. Dziękuję Ci, Jezu, że się o mnie troszczysz, że jestem dla Ciebie ważny, że obchodzi Cię mój los, moje życie i każdy jego szczegół, nawet liczba wło-sów na mojej głowie! https://www.paulus.org.pl/czytania?data=2020-6-21

DRODZY PARAFIANIE. W miniona s rodę wszystkie kos cioły w naszej archdiecezji zostały otwarte moz na celebrowac Msze s więte z udziałem wiernych. W związku z tym, archidiecezja wystosowała kilka wskazo -wek, kto re muszą byc wdroz one w z ycie i stoso-wanie az do odwołania, aby zachowac bezpie-czen stwo wszystkich uczestniko w liturgii s wię-tej: Prosimy przed wejs ciem do kos cioła uz yc s rodka dezynfekcyjnego. Musi byc zachowany dystans 2 metro w po-między uczestnikami liturgii, dlatego na ławkach z o łtą tas mą zostały zaznaczone miejsca, kto re wskazują gdzie moz na siadac . Wchodząc do ław-ki zajmujemy miejsce od jej s rodka – umoz liwi to maksymalne wykorzystanie powierzchni w sto-sunku do dozwolonej ilos ci oso b. Prosimy o przychodzenie do kos cioła przy-najmniej 15 minut przed rozpoczęciem Mszy s w. aby spokojnie zając miejsca w ławkach. W kos ciele wierni nie s piewają pies ni podczas Mszy s w. dlatego tez s piewniki zostały usunięte z ławek. Podczas Komunii s więtej wszyscy wychodzą a ławki, nawet ci kto rzy nie przyjmują Pana Jezusa w Eucharystii. Procesyjnie, zachowując 2 metro-wy dystans, udajemy się w stronę kapłana. Przy-stępując do Komunii s więtej stajemy na wyzna-czonym miejscu przed kapłanem i po słowach “Ciało Chrystusa” odpowiadamy “Amen”.

Page 3: TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 21, 2020christthekingparish.info/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Parish-Bulletin-June-21.pdfO powro t do zdrowia dla Wandy Grygudz —znajoma O łaskę

8:30 AM 5:00 PM

+ Int of Teresa Chudoba—Marie Curie-Sklodowska Assoc John Enright and all deceased members of the family—Bernadette Preston

7:30 AM

(POL) 9:00 AM

10:30 AM

10:30 AM

12:00 PM (POL)

12: 00 PM (POL)

+ + + + + + +

Jo zef Bzdel—rodzina Popczyk In memory of Giovanni Pavia—Annetta & Josie Holy Mass available also on YouTube God’s blessings for Gallo Family—family Parishioners (Holy Mass in the parish hall) Msza św. transmistowana również na YouTube W intencji Glorii Juzepczuk—rodzice O powro t do zdrowia dla Wandy Grygudz —znajoma O łaskę zdrowia dla mamy Władysławy—dzieci O łaskę zdrowia dla Teresy Chadoba Piotr Skrzypek—kolega z rodziną Helena Jekiełek—Helena Za dusze w czys c cu cierpiące Ewa Matejek—Beata i Zdzisław Żurek Zofia Szewczyk—rodzina Adela i Aleksander Biegajło—rodzina Za księdza Jo zefa Morawskiego, wszystkich kapłano w i osoby konsekrowane (Msza św. w sali parafialnej)

7:00 PM (POL)

+ William Pieleszek—mama z rodziną

7:00 PM

+ Floyd Cardoz—Nigly Family

8:00 AM 7:00 PM (POL)

+ + Aniela Plewa—son & family Anne Wionczyk—Anna Błaszczyk

8:00 AM

7:00 PM (POL)

+ + +

Jozefa Morawska Władysława & Zbigniew Zdziarski Jan Z o łtek—córka Anna Bigos z rodziną

7: 00 PM Int of Jeanick Diezmo & family—Hezen Clemente

5:00 PM + Mary Teresa McVeigh

7:30 AM

(POL) 9:00 AM 10:30AM 12:00 PM


+ + + + + + + + + +

Barbara Smolin ska - syn z rodziną Alejandro & Restituta Mandin—Tita Int of Izabela, Stanislaw & Filip Plewa—family W int Joanny, Teresy i Anny C wik—mama Evelyn Nieznalski w rocznicę chrztu—rodzice O bł Boz e i potrzebne łaski dla Uli i Jacka Laskowskich w rocznicę s lubu—rodzina Piotr Skrzypek—kolega z rodziną Kazimierz Turczyn ski Za rodzico w Michalinę i Franciszka oraz siostry i braci Murackich Ro z a i Ryszard Wojtowscy—Helena Paweł Lis—rodzina Żurek Ewa Matejek—brat z rodziną Zofia i Władysław Kapus ciak—rodzina Jarek Rogala


Due to corona virus hours of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Fridays have been chan-ged temporarily from all day adoration to half day adoration 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. All are wel-come.

SACRAMENTS The Sacraments of Confirmation, First Rec-onciliation and Communion have been can-celed in our parish due to the corona-virus epidemic. For all other Sacraments please contact the parish office.

WELCOME: I would like to welcome Ryan Nigli, 2nd year of theology seminarian (St. Augustine’s Seminary of Archdiocese of Toronto) who will be working as a volunteer at our parish office every Tu-esday & Wednesday until the end of August.

THANK YOU: The Church Opening Committee and Volun-teers for preparing our church for today’s celebration. Maciek and Dominik Bauer for ma-king 4 stands for sanitizers. The Ridley Funeral Home for purchasing for us 2 stands for sa-nitizers. Ryszard Lis and Gienek Gwo z dz for making donation boxes. Fr. Jacek Cydzik for ce-lebrating 2 Masses today. Families and organi-zations for preparing 4 altars for the Eucha-ristic procession. Irena and Stanisław Z ebrow-ski for preparing the church grounds for today’s procession. Our organist and cantors for today’s liturgy. Alex Czyrski for donating 500 masks to our church - Fr. Jozef

SUNDAY MASSES ARE STILL AVAILABLE ONLINE 10:30 am – Mass in English 12:00 pm – Mass in Polish



Godz. 10:30 – po angielsku Godz. 12:00 – po polsku

Offertory June 13-19: Sunday Offering:$ 2,060 Mass Intentions: $ 475 Building Fund: $1,415 ShareLife: $ 420

Page 4: TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 21, 2020christthekingparish.info/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Parish-Bulletin-June-21.pdfO powro t do zdrowia dla Wandy Grygudz —znajoma O łaskę

Mass Schedule Christ the King Church Monday, June 22 7:00 pm – Mass in Polish (church – 90 people)

Tuesday, June 23 7:00 pm – Mass in English (church – 90 people)

Wednesday, June 24 8:30 am – Mass in English (church – 90 people) 7:00 pm – Mass in Polish (church – 90 people) Thursday, June 25 8:30 am – Mass in English (church – 90 people) 7:00 pm – Mass in Polish (church – 90 people)

Friday, June 26 9:00 am to 12:00 pm – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (church – 90 people) 7:00 pm – Mass in English (church – 90 people)

Saturday, June 27 5:00 pm - Sunday Mass in English (church – 90 people)

Sunday, June 28 7:30 am – Mass in Polish (church – 90 people) 9:00 am – Mass in English (church – 90 people) 10:30 am – Mass in English (church – 90 people & parish hall – 45 people) 12:00 pm – Mass in Polish (church – 90 people & parish hall – 45 peo-ple)


Page 5: TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 21, 2020christthekingparish.info/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Parish-Bulletin-June-21.pdfO powro t do zdrowia dla Wandy Grygudz —znajoma O łaskę

Rozkład Mszy św. Kościoła Chrystusa Króla

Poniedziałek, 22 czerwca 19: 00 – Msza s w z naboz en stwem czerwcowym po polsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b)

Wtorek, 23 czerwca 19: 00 – Msza s w po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b)

Środa, 24 czerwca 8: 30 – Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b) 19: 00 – Msza s w. po polsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b)

Czwartek, 25 czerwca 8: 30 – Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b) 19: 00 – Msza s w. po polsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b)

Piątek, 26 czerwca 9: 00 do 12: 00 – Adoracja Najświętszego Sakramentu (kościół – 90 osób) 19: 00 – Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b)

Sobota, 27 czerwca 17: 00 – Niedzielna Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b) Niedziela, 28 czerwca 7: 30 – Msza s w. po polsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b) 9: 00 – Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b) 10: 30 – Msza s w. po angielsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b i sala parafialna – 45 oso b) 12: 00 – Msza s w. po polsku (kos cio ł – 90 oso b i sala parafialna – 45 oso b)