J rs i Tw o = 1 z n Mn ttyr PERSONAL MENTION Mr B E Rowe was in lames tow n ° last week Dr 0 A Cox Stanford was In lumbla Thursday Mr S A Hardesty Lebanon spen last Sunday in Columbia Mr W H Wilson and wife are visit- Ing f at the Russell Springs t Mr B K Young of Cumberland county is visiting in this city Mr G W Brockman Araandaville was here Saturday fromi a Miss Emma ITunn is attending t Hustonviile Fair Mr Roy Baker Dixon Ky is visit log friends in Columbia Eld J W McGarvey Jr arrived from Lexington last Friday afternoon of sttown Col Morrison of Jamestown w has been qulteslck is much Improv- ed ¬ laRev a snn of Mt Washington are visiting relatives In this county Mr and Mrs J A Parson were vis ¬ friends and relatives in Green Sacounty Miss Marietta Rowe who has been visiting in Jamestown returned home last week Mrs CA Cox of Stanford sister of Mrs J H Grady is visiting in Colum ¬ bia Mrs A B Gowdy and little Mary Triplett returned to Campbellsville Monday Mrs Lucy Jackman mother of Mr J W Jackman was quite sick last week Mr Carl Strange and his aunt M Hall visited Burksville last Frida yin and Saturday Mr Alcorn and wife of Greensburg were visiting the family of Mr A Hunn last week Mr J L McLean returned to Gla gow last Friday accompaned by ht brother George Miss Lillie Tingling who has been visiting relatives in Baltimore MeL returned home last week Mr T A Baker who hats a portion at Washington in the Census depart meat left for his post of duty last week The many friends of Miss Effie Bradshaw will be glad to learn that she has recovered from a recent attack of serious illness Mrs Cozette of Boyle county is vis ¬ sting her daughter Mrs E H Price who has been quite sick for the past ten days Miss Jennie Van Pelt of Parkland is visiting Miss Sallie Rey Marcum Some years ago Miss Van Pelt was a teacher of music in this city making many friends Mr Jas Garnett Jr wife and lit leHe daughter Francis and Mr W A Cof- fey and wife returned from a visit to Mrs Ellen Wheat Montpelier Sun- day ¬ afternoon Judge J G Winfrey wife son an daughter of Evansville Ind are vis ¬ ¬ cofrey was spent in Columbia and his many friends were glad to see him LOCAL JOTTINGS Next Monday wilt be county court Circuit court will begin at Liberty next Monday Be sure and attend the Ru Springs Fairtr SaSlFcbuntv Institute the 20th of this monthh Mr Gorden Montgomery will reI move into his new residence this week 1 Notice We have a lot of good iron hoop bar- rels ¬ for sale Willis Bros v leThe be cut short in this county on account of wet weather John Smith who shot Abf jab Hu phrey last Thursday was lodged jail Friday nights The school in West Columbia will be taught by Prof A H Ballard and fvlll begin next Monday My accounts are due so come a settle I need the money Mre Sallie BradshawI Died on the 22d uitIr David Conover He was 82 years old He lived In the White Oak country Born to the wife of RobtChewnlng Ta pJco Wednesday the 25th ult twins both boys weighing 7i pounds each ItU thought by some people thatI corn will not be worth more than 8125 per barrel when the present crop has been gathered When you visit Louisville stop at the New Phoenix HoteL Fin clas tare and wclUocatedv corner of 7th c andy Market Streets par Sparksvllle reporter informs us tkftt Charley KIngrey who was shot by Jo Akin Is getting along nicely lad bat every Democrat in that see ti M for the State and National IItt > j Persons who want a few days of rec- reation ¬ should begin on the 14th day of August and select the Russell Springs Fair as the placele 0Letters recleved here by parts handling staves indicate that the bus earlyIt work Russell Spring Fair privileges will be sold to the highest and best bidder at Kimble Saturday July 28th S A SIMPSON Secty 2t Quite a number of Adair county fa ¬ men state that the recent rains ha seriously damaged wheat a nd oats Many stacks are in bad conditiorf ea large per cent of the oats arc yet the field Mantel Company 224 roW TheJefferson St Louisville sell the best and cheapest mantels in the city They represent three of the best far ¬ htarles and manufacturer much of the ock 523m hoCharley Blevins who was Brown- ev the Bunk hole Green river two miles belowthe bridge on Monday of st week was found Wednesd orning one mile below the place he went down Mr G W Brockman who lives at Amandavllle while in Columbia turday reported so we are Imform that corn at gatherIng time in his section would not bring more than 75 cents per barrel Spocial Notice My accounts are all due July 1st Please crll and pay your account note without further notice I need the money D H BUTLEK Mr T A Botttms who lives at Fai play is a successful cabbage grower He has many that measure four feet ten inches from tip to tip and is Firs to them Miss Rey and Master Earl McGarve entertained their young friends 1 astthe Friday evening The little express themselves as being perfect wes re excellents se lestlons of music Coffey Brothers bought last week a very line 5 year old guiding for which they paid 8WO 1 hey claim ttiis to lie the JiIlCt hurts they have ever han ¬ died and when he is properly educated they expect a handsome price which they will doubtless get Aunt Sally Bryant who live near the Russell Springs and Coleus- bin ¬ road six miles from this pi died last Friday She was 84 years old and had been in poor health for Saves- al ¬ mouths She was a lady much r spected by her neighbors Mat Swanson whose death is men- tioned ¬ elsewhere served two terms in the penitentiary He was sent once from Russell county for malicious shooting and from Barren for bigam was acquitted for killing a man in Clinton county One day last week a mare belongln- to Mr Frank Wooldridge who lives coltd e thlt ule Is living Eld J W McGarvey Jr will deli t ¬ er a lecture this Wednesday evens at the Russell Springs on his trace in the Holy Land Mr McGarvey has just returned and his lecture will prove very intereting He will also lectures at Breeding next Monday night The people of Jamestown and viciu opportunitysseh toI avels in the Holy Land next Fri- day ¬ night He will be at Creelsbo- aturday ro night following II o will ave views of all the most interesting sights Miss Sallie Montgomery haS such rangements with Prof Ballad ¬ cipal of the Columbia Male C Fem High School that all persoas attending the school and desiring to take mu sicch ssons with her can do so She will beply locatedconvcnient to the college for that purpose sesslm a1a I colis aid is up on all the common school branches Ills work gave entire sat is¬ faction many of the teachers expr ing themselves as having been great benefitted ndMiss Lena Hurt who lives a few miles in the country entertained hand ¬ somely last Friday evening The young people in the neighborhood turned out inlarge numbers and sev ¬ oral couples of Columbia put in their appearance There were music and all kinds of social games and a general good tithe prevailed Last Thursday Mr Sam Hale and Miss Ortclla Darnell a popular cou of Kimble Kentucky drove to JamesJ tows and while seated In their buggy in front of the ceurthouse Bid A II Baugli in his usual and impressive manner made them husband and vlfeI The couple returned to Kimble and re cqlved the blessings of their parents Under the present arrangraents the carrying of the mall between Colum ¬ bia and Cain pbellsville is costing the con dollarsper day We understand that they agreed to carry tke plaid for a little Ipss than WOO per year At the pfeeeat rates It foots up 1676 per year They Are Very Pleasant Smokers attention He has come last The Never Down Log Run eystone cigar Its made of cabba- aves and rotten stock bad flavor I f you dont believe it try one and you will like it Askyour merchant for It Manufactured by S L Howicn Som- erset Ky Lee R Fulks have surd Boreing C Pearl for 2500 damages The suit was brought iu the Marion Circuit Court and grows outof the latter com pany refusing to take the Columbia and Campbcilsville stage line which tre Stullin s Springs last week The water Isbia sulpher and invalids clam that are being beneiitted by using It T spring is located in the southern tion of the county and only recent healthr dPaid subscribers since last W Stevenson Ben V Smith Q Jones Gordon E Pike Miss Starlight Blocay m Mitchell H A Mitchell BF Flo- ors E W Burton W B Brown S a Wolford Leslie Bennett UT Seib asre twIt Elevens lieRiver with foul play It has been told to this office by a gentleman who conve- sod with a person from Taylor taunt that when the body was taken fro orthe river the nose and skull were crushed Insuranr strong Insures all kinds of property except steam mills hemp and tobacco Rates reasonable Insures against re Lightning and Wind Z JI STAPLES County Director AgentY years with Continental General Manager We understand that the cola rodthe woman preacher who has been con ¬ ducting meeting on the Burksail pllce for the past two months was clos- ed ¬ out of the bulhJln the Presid ¬ lu adg shaini that a theologian of her r < lututirn failed in trying to lead sinners to re- p n Lance The catalogues for the Russell ked lec one we re- ceived ¬ the manuscript the job was in Nearc ly yas one 0 sides other jobwork and the work onthe the paper was carried on at the same time Prof A H Ballard has made satis- factory ¬ arrangements with the trus- tees ¬ of the M F High School and the institution will open next Monday Prof Ballard has also been emp loyed Wg est the sos ¬ er male teacher will be given work by e first of January Notice Tax for 1000 is now due You earnsis at must pay at ante or a levy will made Indulgence ceases to bo a virtue I mean business so you may expect a levy unless you p- once ay rhis T HURT Sheriff Quite a number of parties arc com ¬ plaining about having their gardens corn patches and watermelon patches raided of late in this vicinity and itof gare eGa ¬ frale of it apd the only way to break up detestable potty larceny Is to ap¬ the law to the fullest extent This community is now worked to thatI point and unless such stealing comes citeoft rtwe The White Teachers Institute of Adair county will be held the beginning Monday August 20th Stately or ° l t phe ay revokes their certificates Prof John C Willis who was so popular with the teachers last year will bo with us again and we are expecting to have an excellent institute W D JONES S C8 nGreen the following interest log fatally histo- ry > His father who lives with his Bfyears old and basreard ten 1 frB Kentucky The others are located different States of the union Phi are onehundred and sixty one chi ren grandchildren and great grand ¬ children livIng anp twentyfive dead making a total of one hundred and eightysix He Is a Democrat and a Methodist and travels In the interest of s pateat medieifte jBtbelsattea years jie hassoW avfcr 4000 boxes of rn dlan Root Pills TOtcee of fife Qe yoot r t r k p reaat Last prge ty met at the courthouse for the pur pose of providing ways and means perpetuate a High School at the DIth buPetted Chairman and J E Murrell Secre tary Hon J R Hindman stated the ject of the meeting after which McDonald representing the II o m Board of New York addressed the dlencc telling In a conclve what his people were willing to that the Board would give tin hun- dred ¬ dollars ayear to the school and make it perpetual but in order ra se uplek ¬ giviugs0roethihe ng i ¬ mat1Y o would be benifitted that the efforts of the Board were appreciated When Dr McDonald closed a num¬ madB e a or the school haH ww car ¬ rhop us ¬ to consider and a proposition to raise entylive hundred dollars was sub- mitted ¬ and passed The motion car s with it that none of the money is to be paid in until the whole of the gor ad Jm F Ri draw up a blank to be signed by those who desired to give ceand CS Harris J R Hindman Dr W R Grissom Rev T F Walton Rev E W Barnett and T R Stults were appointed to solicit aid lY1Y JONES Chairman- J E MUItJ ELL Secy The school meeting as announced inat the last Issue of the News was held in the courthouse last Wednesday even Ing A good sized crowd was out and interest manifested clearly in cated that the people of this commu ¬ lenity realize the importance of imm diate action to secure the outside a binid that is tendered Dr McDonald stat ¬ that the educational board of New wiu 11of g to appmpriato 550000 annually to the school here and to make it perpet- ual provided the people of this section would appreciate it to the extent of ingood eping them in a comfortable and att- ractive form The estimated cost of the money now needed and the funds keepthe is 250000 This was agreed upon as amount that this town would off Dr McDonald as proof of its shill tyof and appreciation for this generous and niagnificient proposition to us and order to secure this amount a Comm tee of live was appointed to solicit subscription to this fund Dr Mc Donald proposition is one that eve citizen in this section should appre ate for it will beyond doubt pia celast our school on such footing as will guar- antee ¬ a high grade and permanent in ¬ ThbproposltlonIs loose the school In order to get this amount it will he necessary every body to give and give liberal You will be asked to give so make your mind to do your duty let others do as they may It would be a great generationbe for r ¬ den to the present one to make it a s ccessWe must lave the school sodont let an opportunity slip How true is the seattmentcontiai in the old song Twenty Years A and how often are we reminded of the words in that old ballad It Is a lit more than twenty years since Mr J G Winfrey who is now City Judge the Evansville Indiana court was citizen of Columbia He is here at this time visiting relatives and iends of his early manhood him last Sunday afternoon he Well I have been walking around went over to my old home down to the spring and up to the college There have been many changes since I was here A few more words and separated When he remarked there had been many changes it oc- curred to us that if he lied stooped down at the spring and took a drink waAll ter too looked very different from two years ago Jordan your locks are get ¬ ting thinhave a silvery cost in fact the boys of twenty years ago are grow- Ing ¬ old You have a spmpath etlc heart and we doubt not when you s upon the college hill you was reminded that here you had watched for hours barefooted boys at plaYtl some en- gaged ¬ in tossing the ball others jut ing and just over in the south con sat a group playing mumbJ thepeg Again if yon had gone into the build ¬ l ug you would have doubtless found our own name written upon the wall un ¬ stveetbertAdv Jordonbringupbethpleasantondi sad 001 ¬ theld fighting lifes battle trying to do all the Rood In the world theycaQI Mr AbJjah Humphrey al eacaa partloPGttb bjJobriT JUtJHIIl dy to start when the old man ap ¬ upon the scene and entered his otest Hot words followed resulting Smith shooting the father of his In- tended ¬ bride Mr AtU ree years ago his wife died and was ried upon his farm After she had en in her grave several months concluded to remove the body to wh he could view it at will Accordingly tDr o ok it eThe vault is made so he can enter it aUand dally he goes in and views the race looksd0l On the 24th of July the relaU ° su I friend of Mr and Mrs Su J tee whose home II nearGreen river th t county gave a surprise dine UK occasion being Mrs Jones Gist fielo five were present besides the children and the dinner was one of the finest ever served on a similar occasion Mr and Mrs Jones are very fleshy rarely ever get out from home bet the visit of their friends Mr Jot weighs 287 pounds while his wife puns the scales to the 310pound mark They ve two children and the combined of the family is 810 pounds Jones is a brother to Mr J W Jones of Knifiey who is a larger man Mat Swanson a wellknown char o ter was found dead on tIle Columbia and Russes Springs road last Fri day He had a bullet hole in his head hut there is no clue to the guilty par- ty He was evidently shot from a ¬ bush If we remember correc Swanson has been charged with using his pistol pretty freely shooting sever¬ al persons and his conduct generally has been that of a very bad man Still the person who assassinated him de serves hanging ORADYVILLE Misses Kate Walker and Clara more were visiting the Misses Walker Nell last week Mrs II C Walker and daughter spent a few days of last week visiting at Bliss diMm JJ Hunter spent a day or so last week visiting relatives in Colum ¬ JD Walker S Sons threshed last week on their farm about 600 bushels wheat Miss Claud Walker of Nell was vis ¬ sting relatives in our city last week Quite a number of our people att- ended church at Rocky Hill near Breeding last Sunday W L Grady was in Columbia last week looking after the proposed f at that place la5tweer erGarfield Flowers is buying a nice lot young hogs preparatory for the spring market paying cts per pout Mit turn from Edmonton Graysry on our week and reported fine crops s section Uncle Henry Keltner who is in BOth year of age is in a critical condi- tion ¬ He is one of our oldest citizens sevfor pMessrs Lewis S Baker Burksvllle passed through here with a car load of fat cattle cnroute for Greensbu where they will ship to the Luusr market Our Irish potato crop was never bet ¬ ter Mr CO Moss has produced one that measured 8 inches in length andMr weighed in proportion daysned week in Metcalfe county buyiogsh cattleile Z H Grissom representing a Knox vllle clothing house was in iur ml dstS last week and informed us that trade fuss very satisfactory Mr Jas Gilpin one of our prosper ¬ tosaid Dick one cow for 875v Messrs Robert Yates and Bee Coffey two of our farmers are sell ng allot their prrperty preparatory for leaving for Texas They have ren ted a farm in the Lone Star State and will locate there permanently in the near future Success to them Smith Nell returned from CumI hmy bought In that county They at all times have a lot of stock on hands ready for the market sofood me witch was left in the fieldover n1 causingc erMarried on this 24at the residence of the brides toother Mr W P Mont ¬ gomery to Miss Lottie Burris The groom is only 50 years old while bride is at the mature ageof 10 Wilson officiated QLENSFORK Mr Hopper Scheldler of Evansville fad is visiting relatives and frle near this place Mr Pack Willis Is still very low shot Boeee who was In then jar army and on duty in the Philip bedsp lde Texas a few days age Kr Flak A Strange gave a birth d ytfartyoBe right tafc weak teHh tits < ttbkiirlral aU tlwt btr ifst T t Z milestone Finis reached six feet three inches first and is an original Beckham man and IsccsplJln for November dutybout Simmons Nelson Ridge Miss Elmer Taylor on Pettis Fork Miss Dlcle Lauraere Dudley at Zion Chapman Walkup Co who have been operating their saw mill on Creek have finished their contract- as and will more the machinery at once to timber they have purchased attar here bere ¬ nuer openIng ¬ Wheat Is said to be averaging about 12 bushels per acre VALLEYce csBorn to the wife of Sam Shreve July 2G a 10 pound daughter Miss Nonie Powell Columbia was DohoneySaturday Rev E B Forriar of Louisville holding a two weeks meeting at the Baptist church Miss Matra Beams a pretty little lady of Bardstown is visiting the family of Mr A R Feese W E Eubanks house and all its lafly st Capt Jim Cantrill of Greensburg was visiting the family of J E Rice Sunday Frank Hutchison bought Charles Keeneys farm last Saturday Consid- eration 200 precasWfl e of them will vote for Beckham at the coming election On last Wednesday evening at Baptist church Mr Charlie Durha was married to Miss Ollie Farrie Re groois ° and is quite popular in society T bride is the only daughter of Mr WmI Valleysmost JAMESTOWN The heavy rains have put a sutllcie tide In the river for the boats to RWooldridge Mfa ss visitingMiss ekMr O B Vaughan Kimble was town Monday Marcus Harmon who shot hIs father ambush last week had an exa dintog trial before Judge Sharp last onday He was held over for forth without bail His father is sa- to be improving Mr C H Murrell traveling soli lain Dahis place Thursday Rev Baugh officiat ¬ ing apec t PELLYTON erefile ek cc Ruberts last week Born to the wife of Milton Wo man the 20th a girl Leo Bledsoe Esto was visitl ° weeklae stock trader passed through here last week enroute home from Somerset A Polly bought of different par ¬ hish re wet Miss Mary Ann Earls was visiting relatives at Roley this week Mrs Robt Young of Watson w relatives hero this week chcLuther Maupln was in C ville last week ABSHER ClOpS arc very good in this locals Matthew Robertson who has be enG quite sick is better at this writing Sundapschhey ood as superintendent Robert and Henry Cooley were visit- Ing their home folks Saturday and Sunday Campbeg is place T Fruit isno scarce article in this vi ¬ cinity Miss Eva Dillingham was the guest SundayRev g was iting PT Cooley Saturday night 0this Sunday but adswerogreatlydisappointed by the heavy rain that tclK vIsitingUsSEtlielPooreyl8St visitlfrlentls Hill Saturday and Sunday Miss Cora Breeding wolf the guest f- of Ethel Brock man Sundaysu The ttbbaiilal this pit De 1s- ixi Yie oS enrolled spentSunday atthis Eld W G Montgomery will fill his thirdSunday GoV Beckham This celebrated and thorougbred shorthorn bull will make the present season on my farm and will be per- mitted ¬ to serve cows for 8100 cash or 8150 on time Gov Beckham is two years old and weight 1100 pounds I think he is the Best Bull of his age I GRADYGrady I- sTRAINING STABLE 0 AM NOW PREPARED TO HAN either young horse thatyou want trained dont put horsethe andtrained work of this kind done I am prepared to give satisfaction My charges ore very Reasonable ROBT HUDSON ctColumbia Ky S L POWELL ATTORNEYATLAWm KYm 0 adjoininghe collections a specialty Office Pages Block second floor with CS Harris News office ntLLOYD PLACE REDBOILINGSPRINGS THE Popular Health and Pleasure Re ¬ insort of Macon county Tenn RED BOILING INGm CHALYBEARE erFREESTONE WATERS Natures Great Remedy for Disease ctof Stomach Liver Kid ¬ asps Dropsy Rheumatism etc Managerh T T CfcOYO edboiling Spfings r Tennessee A SavedHer I am the mother of eight children exderiencerk Last summer my litt- le daughter had the dysentery in its gworst form We thought she would die I tried everything I could think of but nothing seemed to do her any good I saw by an advertisement in our paper that Chamberlains Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy was ighly recommended and sent and got a bottle at once It proved to be one of the very best medicines we ever had in the house It saved my little daugh ¬ astos life lam anxious for every mother to know what an excellent medicine it is Had I known it at first It would have saved me a great deal of anxiety and my little daughter much sufferIngYours truly Muss > roF BURDICK Liberty R I For sale by M Cravens At Corbin Sunday night Will HUP ton was shot by Red Wyatt Hilton died of his wounds Monday morning Thoroughbred Berkshire pigs for KentuckyRegistered R Stalls Columbia Ky socIetyWUlmcet Friday In August 1900 Prosvie During the civil war as well as in late war with Spain diarrhocq was one of the most troublesome diseases the army had to contend with In many instances It became chronic and the old soldiers still suffer from I tMr Greenec Chand Di < arrlwea TRepedy and sbeMver L und aaythiBg that would glTthia c oh qwtek relief it fe tot tab ty M 1t Ctat- < 0 X T I

Tw Mn oSenrolled 0Letters placele DIth tDr AtU tre thirdSundaychroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069496/1900-08-01/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · J rs i z Tw n Mn 1 o = ttyr PERSONAL MENTION

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Page 1: Tw Mn oSenrolled 0Letters placele DIth tDr AtU tre thirdSundaychroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069496/1900-08-01/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · J rs i z Tw n Mn 1 o = ttyr PERSONAL MENTION


rs i Tw o =1z nMn ttyrPERSONAL MENTION

Mr B E Rowe was in lames tow n°

last week

Dr 0 A Cox Stanford was Inlumbla Thursday

Mr S A Hardesty Lebanon spenlast Sunday in Columbia

Mr W H Wilson and wife are visit-Ingf at the Russell Springs

t Mr B K Young of Cumberlandcounty is visiting in this city

Mr G W Brockman Araandavillewas here Saturdayfromi a

Miss Emma ITunn is attending tHustonviile Fair

Mr Roy Baker Dixon Ky is visitlog friends in Columbia

Eld J W McGarvey Jr arrivedfrom Lexington last Friday afternoon

ofsttownCol Morrison of Jamestown whas been qulteslck is much Improv-ed


laReva snn of Mt Washington are visitingrelatives In this county

Mr and Mrs J A Parson were vis¬

friends and relatives in GreenSacountyMiss Marietta Rowe who has been

visiting in Jamestown returned homelast week

Mrs C A Cox of Stanford sister ofMrs J H Grady is visiting in Colum ¬


Mrs A B Gowdy and little MaryTriplett returned to CampbellsvilleMonday

Mrs Lucy Jackman mother of MrJ W Jackman was quite sick lastweek

Mr Carl Strange and his aunt M

Hall visited Burksville last Frida yinand Saturday

Mr Alcorn and wife of Greensburgwere visiting the family of Mr AHunn last week

Mr J L McLean returned to Glagow last Friday accompaned by htbrother George

Miss Lillie Tingling who has beenvisiting relatives in Baltimore MeLreturned home last week

Mr T A Baker who hats a portionat Washington in the Census departmeat left for his post of duty last week

The many friends of Miss EffieBradshaw will be glad to learn thatshe has recovered from a recent attackof serious illness

Mrs Cozette of Boyle county is vis ¬

sting her daughter Mrs E H Pricewho has been quite sick for the pastten days

Miss Jennie Van Pelt of Parklandis visiting Miss Sallie Rey MarcumSome years ago Miss Van Pelt was ateacher of music in this city makingmany friends

Mr Jas Garnett Jr wife and lit leHedaughter Francis and Mr W A Cof-

fey and wife returned from a visit toMrs Ellen Wheat Montpelier Sun-


afternoonJudge J G Winfrey wife son an

daughter of Evansville Ind are vis¬

¬cofreywas spent in Columbia and his manyfriends were glad to see him


Next Monday wilt be county court

Circuit court will begin at Libertynext Monday

Be sure and attend the RuSpringsFairtrSaSlFcbuntv Institute the 20th ofthismonthhMr Gorden Montgomery will reImove into his new residence this week 1

NoticeWe have a lot of good iron hoop bar-


for sale Willis Bros vleThebe cut short in this county on accountof wet weather

John Smith who shot Abf jab Huphrey last Thursday was lodgedjail Friday nights

The school in West Columbia will betaught by Prof A H Ballard andfvlll begin next Monday

My accounts are due so come asettle I need the money

Mre Sallie BradshawI

Died on the 22d uitIr DavidConover He was 82 years old Helived In the White Oak country

Born to the wife of RobtChewnlngTa pJco Wednesday the 25th ulttwins both boys weighing 7i poundseach

ItU thought by some people thatIcorn will not be worth more than 8125per barrel when the present crop hasbeen gathered

When you visit Louisville stop atthe New Phoenix HoteL Fin clastare and wclUocatedv corner of 7th

c andyMarket Streets

par Sparksvllle reporter informs ustkftt Charley KIngrey who was shotby Jo Akin Is getting along nicelylad bat every Democrat in that see

ti M for the State and National



Persons who want a few days of rec-


should begin on the 14th dayof August and select the RussellSprings Fair as the placele

0Letters recleved here by partshandling staves indicate that the busearlyItwork

Russell Spring Fair privileges willbe sold to the highest and best bidderat Kimble Saturday July 28th

S A SIMPSON Secty 2t

Quite a number of Adair county fa ¬

men state that the recent rains haseriously damaged wheat a nd oatsMany stacks are in bad conditiorf

ea large per cent of the oats arc yetthe field

Mantel Company 224

roWTheJefferson St Louisville sell thebest and cheapest mantels in the cityThey represent three of the best far ¬

htarles and manufacturer much of theock 523m

hoCharley Blevins who was Brown-ev the Bunk hole Green river twomiles belowthe bridge on Monday of

st week was found Wednesdorning one mile below the place he

went down

Mr G W Brockman who lives atAmandavllle while in Columbia

turday reported so we are Imformthat corn at gatherIng time in his

section would not bring more than 75

cents per barrel

Spocial Notice

My accounts are all due July 1stPlease crll and pay your accountnote without further notice I needthe money D H BUTLEK

Mr T A Botttms who lives at Faiplay is a successful cabbage growerHe has many that measure four feetten inches from tip to tip and isFirsto them

Miss Rey and Master Earl McGarveentertained their young friends 1 asttheFriday evening The littleexpress themselves as being perfectwes re

excellents selestlons of music

Coffey Brothers bought last weeka very line 5 year old guiding for whichthey paid 8WO 1 hey claim ttiis to liethe JiIlCt hurts they have ever han ¬

died and when he is properly educatedthey expect a handsome price whichthey will doubtless get

Aunt Sally Bryant who livenear the Russell Springs and Coleus-



road six miles from this pidied last Friday She was 84 years oldand had been in poor health for Saves-


mouths She was a lady much rspected by her neighbors

Mat Swanson whose death is men-


elsewhere served two terms inthe penitentiary He was sent oncefrom Russell county for maliciousshooting and from Barren for bigam

was acquitted for killing a man inClinton county

One day last week a mare belongln-to Mr Frank Wooldridge who livescoltd ethltule Is living

Eld J W McGarvey Jr will deli t ¬

er a lecture this Wednesday evensat the Russell Springs on his tracein the Holy Land Mr McGarvey hasjust returned and his lecture will provevery intereting He will also lecturesat Breeding next Monday night

The people of Jamestown and viciu

opportunitysseh toIavels in the Holy Land next Fri-


night He will be at Creelsbo-aturday

ronight following II o will

ave views of all the most interestingsights

Miss Sallie Montgomery haS suchrangements with Prof Ballad ¬

cipal of the Columbia Male C FemHigh School that all persoas attendingthe school and desiring to take mu sicchssons with her can do so She will beplylocatedconvcnient to the college forthat purpose

sesslma1a Icolis

aid is up on all the common schoolbranches Ills work gave entire sat is¬

faction many of the teachers expring themselves as having been greatbenefitted

ndMiss Lena Hurt who lives a fewmiles in the country entertained hand ¬

somely last Friday evening Theyoung people in the neighborhoodturned out inlarge numbers and sev ¬

oral couples of Columbia put in theirappearance There were music and allkinds of social games and a generalgood tithe prevailed

Last Thursday Mr Sam Hale andMiss Ortclla Darnell a popular couof Kimble Kentucky drove to JamesJtows and while seated In their buggyin front of the ceurthouse Bid A IIBaugli in his usual and impressivemanner made them husband and vlfeIThe couple returned to Kimble and recqlved the blessings of their parents

Under the present arrangraents thecarrying of the mall between Colum ¬

bia and Cain pbellsville is costing thecon dollarsper day Weunderstand that they agreed to carrytke plaid for a little Ipss than WOO peryear At the pfeeeat rates It footsup 1676 per year

They Are Very PleasantSmokers attention He has come

last The Never Down Log Runeystone cigar Its made of cabba-aves and rotten stock bad flavor If

you dont believe it try one and youwill like it Askyour merchant for ItManufactured by S L Howicn Som-erset Ky

Lee R Fulks have surd Boreing CPearl for 2500 damages The suitwas brought iu the Marion CircuitCourt and grows outof the latter company refusing to take the Columbiaand Campbcilsville stage line whichtreStullin s

Springs last week The water Isbiasulpher and invalids clam thatare being beneiitted by using It Tspring is located in the southerntion of the county and only recenthealthr

dPaid subscribers since lastW Stevenson Ben V Smith Q

Jones Gordon E Pike Miss StarlightBlocaymMitchell H A Mitchell BF Flo-ors E W Burton W B Brown SaWolford Leslie Bennett U T SeibasretwItElevenslieRiverwith foul play It has been told tothis office by a gentleman who conve-sod with a person from Taylor tauntthat when the body was taken fro

orthe river the nose and skull werecrushed

Insuranrstrong Insures all kinds of propertyexcept steam mills hemp and tobaccoRates reasonable Insures against

re Lightning and WindZ JI STAPLES County DirectorAgentY years withContinental General Manager

We understand that the cola rodthewoman preacher who has been con ¬

ducting meeting on the Burksailpllce for the past two months was clos-ed


out of the bulhJln the Presid ¬

luadgshaini that a theologian of her r<lututirnfailed in trying to lead sinners to re-

p n Lance

The catalogues for the Russellkedlecone we re-


the manuscript the job was inNearc lyyas one 0

sides other jobwork and the work onthethe paper was carried on at the sametime

Prof A H Ballard has made satis-factory


arrangements with the trus-tees


of the M F High School andthe institution will open next MondayProf Ballard has also been emp loyedWgest


er male teacher will be given work bye first of January

NoticeTax for 1000 is now due You

earnsis at

must pay at ante or a levy willmade Indulgence ceases to bo avirtue I mean business so youmay expect a levy unless you p-


rhis T HURT Sheriff

Quite a number of parties arc com ¬plaining about having their gardenscorn patches and watermelon patchesraided of late in this vicinity and itofgareeGa

¬fraleof it apd the only way to break updetestable potty larceny Is to ap¬

the law to the fullest extentThis community is now worked to thatIpoint and unless such stealing comesciteoft rtwe

The White Teachers Institute ofAdair county will be held thebeginning Monday August 20thStately or


revokes their certificates Prof JohnC Willis who was so popular with theteachers last year will bo with usagain and we are expecting to have anexcellent institute


nGreenthe following interest log fatally histo-ry > His father who lives with hisBfyears old and basreard ten 1frBKentucky The others are locateddifferent States of the union Phiare onehundred and sixty one chiren grandchildren and great grand ¬

children livIng anp twentyfive deadmaking a total of one hundred andeightysix He Is a Democrat and aMethodist and travels In the interestof s pateat medieifte jBtbelsatteayears jie hassoW avfcr 4000 boxes of rndlan Root Pills TOtcee of fife Qeyootr

t rk


reaatLastprgety met at the courthouse for the purpose of providing ways and meansperpetuate a High School at the DIthbuPettedChairman and J E Murrell Secretary

Hon J R Hindman stated theject of the meeting after whichMcDonald representing the II o mBoard of New York addressed thedlencc telling In a conclvewhat his people were willing tothat the Board would give tin hun-dred


dollars ayear to the school andmake it perpetual but in order ra seuplek¬

giviugs0roethihe ng

i ¬mat1Y owould be benifitted that the efforts ofthe Board were appreciated

When Dr McDonald closed a num ¬madB ea or

the schoolhaHwwcar¬rhop us ¬

toconsider and a proposition to raiseentylive hundred dollars was sub-


and passed The motion cars with it that none of the money

is to be paid in until the whole of thegor adJm FRidraw up a blank to besigned by those who desired to give

ceand C S Harris J R Hindman DrW R Grissom Rev T F WaltonRev E W Barnett and T R Stultswere appointed to solicit aid

lY1Y JONES Chairman-J E MUItJ ELL Secy

The school meeting as announced inatthe last Issue of the News was held inthe courthouse last Wednesday evenIng A good sized crowd was out and

interest manifested clearly incated that the people of this commu ¬

lenity realize the importance of immdiate action to secure the outside abinidthat is tendered Dr McDonald stat¬

that the educational board of Newwiu11ofg to appmpriato 550000 annually to

the school here and to make it perpet-ual provided the people of this sectionwould appreciate it to the extent ofingoodeping them in a comfortable and att-ractive form The estimated cost ofthe money now needed and the fundskeeptheis 250000 This was agreed upon as

amount that this town would offDr McDonald as proof of its shill tyofand appreciation for this generous andniagnificient proposition to us andorder to secure this amount a Commtee of live was appointed to solicitsubscription to this fund Dr McDonald proposition is one that evecitizen in this section should appreate for it will beyond doubt piacelastour school on such footing as will guar-antee


a high grade and permanent in¬

ThbproposltlonIsloose the school In order to getthis amount it will he necessaryevery body to give and give liberalYou will be asked to give so makeyour mind to do your duty let othersdo as they may It would be a great

generationbe forr¬

den to the present one to make it as ccessWe must lave the schoolsodont let an opportunity slip

How true is the seattmentcontiaiin the old song Twenty Years Aand how often are we reminded of thewords in that old ballad It Is a litmore than twenty years since MrJ G Winfrey who is now City Judge

the Evansville Indiana court wascitizen of Columbia He is here at

this time visiting relatives andiends of his early manhood

him last Sunday afternoon heWell I have been walking around

went over to my old home down tothe spring and up to the collegeThere have been many changes sinceI was here A few more words and

separated When he remarkedthere had been many changes it oc-

curred to us that if he lied stoopeddown at the spring and took a drinkwaAll ter

too looked very different from twoyears ago Jordan your locks are get ¬

ting thinhave a silvery cost in factthe boys of twenty years ago are grow-Ing


old You have a spmpath etlcheart and we doubt not when you supon the college hill you was remindedthat here you had watched for hours

barefooted boys at plaYtl some en-


in tossing the ball others juting and just over in the south con

sat a group playing mumbJ thepegAgain if yon had gone into the build ¬

l ug you would have doubtless foundour own name written upon the wall

un ¬stveetbertAdvJordonbringupbethpleasantondi sad

001 ¬theldfighting lifes battle trying to do allthe Rood In the world theycaQI

Mr AbJjah Humphrey al eacaa


dy to start when the old man ap ¬

upon the scene and entered hisotest Hot words followed resultingSmith shooting the father of his In-


bride MrAtUree years ago his wife died and wasried upon his farm After she haden in her grave several months

concluded to remove the body to whhe could view it at will AccordinglytDr ook

iteThe vault is made so he can enter it

aUand dally he goes in and views the race

looksd0lOn the 24th of July the relaU °

su I friend of Mr and Mrs SuJ tee whose home II nearGreen riverth t county gave a surprise dineUK occasion being Mrs Jones Gistfielofive were present besides the childrenand the dinner was one of the finestever served on a similar occasion Mrand Mrs Jones are very fleshyrarely ever get out from home betthe visit of their friends Mr Jotweighs 287 pounds while his wife punsthe scales to the 310pound mark They

ve two children and the combinedof the family is 810 pounds

Jones is a brother to Mr J WJones of Knifiey who is a larger man

Mat Swanson a wellknown char oter was found dead on tIle Columbiaand Russes Springs road last Friday He had a bullet hole in his headhut there is no clue to the guilty par-ty He was evidently shot from a ¬

bush If we remember correcSwanson has been charged with usinghis pistol pretty freely shooting sever¬

al persons and his conduct generallyhas been that of a very bad man Stillthe person who assassinated him deserves hanging


Misses Kate Walker and Claramore were visiting the Misses Walker

Nell last weekMrs II C Walker and daughter

spent a few days of last week visitingat Bliss

diMm J J Hunter spent a day or solast week visiting relatives in Colum ¬

JD Walker S Sons threshed lastweek on their farm about 600 bushels

wheatMiss Claud Walker of Nell was vis¬

sting relatives in our city last week

Quite a number of our people att-ended church at Rocky Hill nearBreeding last Sunday

W L Grady was in Columbia lastweek looking after the proposed fat that place

la5tweererGarfield Flowers is buying a nice lot

young hogs preparatory for thespring market paying cts per poutMitturn from EdmontonGraysry on

ourweek and reported fine crops

s section

Uncle Henry Keltner who is inBOth year of age is in a critical condi-tion


He is one of our oldest citizenssevforpMessrs Lewis S Baker Burksvlllepassed through here with a car load offat cattle cnroute for Greensbuwhere they will ship to the Luusrmarket

Our Irish potato crop was never bet ¬

ter Mr C O Moss has produced onethat measured 8 inches in length andMrweighed in proportiondaysnedweek in Metcalfe county buyiogsh

cattleileZ H Grissom representing a Knox

vllle clothing house was in iur ml dstSlast week and informed us thattrade fuss very satisfactory

Mr Jas Gilpin one of our prosper¬tosaid Dickone cow

for875vMessrs Robert Yates and BeeCoffey two of our farmers are sell n gallot their prrperty preparatory forleaving for Texas They have ren teda farm in the Lone Star State andwill locate there permanently in thenear future Success to them

Smith Nell returned from CumIhmybought In that county They at alltimes have a lot of stock on handsready for the marketsofood me

witch was left in the fieldover n1causingcerMarried on this 24at the residence

of the brides toother Mr W P Mont ¬

gomery to Miss Lottie Burris Thegroom is only 50 years old whilebride is at the mature ageof 10Wilson officiated


Mr Hopper Scheldler of Evansvillefad is visiting relatives and frlenear this place

Mr Pack Willis Is still very lowshot Boeee who was In then

jar army and on duty in the Philipbedsplde

Texas a few days age

Kr Flak A Strange gave a birthdytfartyoBe right tafc weak teHhtits <ttbkiirlral aU tlwtbtr ifst

T t


milestone Finis reached six feetthree inches first and is an originalBeckham man and IsccsplJln forNovemberdutyboutSimmons Nelson Ridge Miss ElmerTaylor on Pettis Fork Miss DlcleLauraereDudley at Zion

Chapman Walkup Co who havebeen operating their saw mill onCreek have finished their contract-

as and will more the machinery at onceto timber they have purchased attarherebere ¬nueropenIng ¬

Wheat Is said to be averaging about12 bushels per acre

VALLEYcecsBorn to the wife of Sam Shreve

July 2G a 10 pound daughterMiss Nonie Powell Columbia was

DohoneySaturdayRev E B Forriar of Louisville

holding a two weeks meeting at theBaptist church

Miss Matra Beams a pretty littlelady of Bardstown is visiting thefamily of Mr A R Feese

W E Eubanks house and all itslafly st

Capt Jim Cantrill of Greensburgwas visiting the family of J E RiceSunday

Frank Hutchison bought CharlesKeeneys farm last Saturday Consid-eration 200

precasWfl eof them will vote for Beckham at thecoming election

On last Wednesday evening atBaptist church Mr Charlie Durhawas married to Miss Ollie Farrie Regroois °and is quite popular in society Tbride is the only daughter of Mr WmIValleysmost


The heavy rains have put a sutllcietide In the river for the boats to

RWooldridgeMfa ss

visitingMissekMr O B Vaughan Kimble was

town Monday

Marcus Harmon who shot hIs fatherambush last week had an exadintog trial before Judge Sharp last

onday He was held over for forthwithout bail His father is sa-

to be improving

Mr C H Murrell traveling solilainDahisplace Thursday Rev Baugh officiat ¬

ingapec t


erefile ekcc

Ruberts last weekBorn to the wife of Milton Wo

man the 20th a girl

Leo Bledsoe Esto was visitl °

weeklae stock traderpassed through here last week enroutehome from Somerset

A Polly bought of different par¬hishre wet

Miss Mary Ann Earls was visitingrelatives at Roley this week

Mrs Robt Young of Watson wrelatives hero this week

chcLuther Maupln was in C ville lastweek


ClOpS arc very good in this localsMatthew Robertson who has be enG

quite sick is better at this writing

Sundapschhey ood


Robert and Henry Cooley were visit-Ing their home folks Saturday andSunday

Campbeg isplace T

Fruit isno scarce article in this vi¬


Miss Eva Dillingham was the guestSundayRevg was

iting P T Cooley Saturday night0thisSunday butadswerogreatlydisappointed by the heavyrain that tclK


visitlfrlentlsHill Saturday and Sunday

Miss Cora Breeding wolf the guest f-

of Ethel Brock man SundaysuThe ttbbaiilal this pit De 1s- ixi Yie


spentSundayatthisEld W G Montgomery will fill his

thirdSundayGoV Beckham

This celebrated and thorougbredshorthorn bull will make the presentseason on my farm and will be per-mitted


to serve cows for 8100 cash or8150 on time Gov Beckham is twoyears old and weight 1100 pounds Ithink he is the Best Bull of his age IGRADYGrady



0AM NOW PREPARED TO HANeitheryounghorse thatyou want trained dont puthorsetheandtrainedwork of this kind done I am preparedto give satisfaction My charges orevery Reasonable ROBT HUDSON

ctColumbia Ky

S L POWELLATTORNEYATLAWmKYm0adjoininghecollections a specialty

Office Pages Block second floorwith C S Harris News office



THEPopular Health and Pleasure Re ¬

insort of Macon county Tenn



erFREESTONE WATERSNatures Great Remedy for Disease

ctof Stomach Liver Kid ¬

asps Dropsy Rheumatism etc

ManagerhT T CfcOYO

edboiling Spfings r

TennesseeA SavedHer

I am the mother of eight children

exderiencerkLast summer my litt-le daughter had the dysentery in itsgworst form We thought she woulddie I tried everything I could thinkof but nothing seemed to do her anygood I saw by an advertisement inour paper that Chamberlains Colic

and Diarrhoea Remedy wasighly recommended and sent and got

a bottle at once It proved to be oneof the very best medicines we ever hadin the house It saved my little daugh ¬

astos life lam anxious for everymother to know what an excellentmedicine it is Had I known it atfirst It would have saved me a greatdeal of anxiety and my little daughtermuch sufferIngYours truly Muss

>roF BURDICK Liberty R I Forsale by M Cravens

At Corbin Sunday night Will HUPton was shot by Red Wyatt Hiltondied of his wounds Monday morning

Thoroughbred Berkshire pigs for

KentuckyRegisteredR Stalls Columbia Ky

socIetyWUlmcetFriday In August 1900ProsvieDuring the civil war as well as in

late war with Spain diarrhocq wasone of the most troublesome diseasesthe army had to contend with Inmany instances It became chronic andthe old soldiers still suffer from ItMr

GreenecChand Di <arrlwea TRepedy and sbeMver L

und aaythiBg that would glTthia c

oh qwtek relief it fe tot tab ty M 1tCtat- < 0X