I [J Q. m [UoIu'" Your St FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS, SESS. UI. Cu. 61, 62. 1871. F or e:rpenAeA under the neutrality act, twenty thouSllnd dollars. Nenttal it F G. ' e.lC pen!!e! incurred un.d er in struct io ns or the Secretary of Stnte, UI8, ch. 88.. fb h r r VoI . ;;; . ",447. o rmgmg Dille II'() ID . orelg n countrieB with crimes. l' el'1Olll and U:pe!ldU incident th ercto, including l ou by exchange, five ch . r.rged with dollars. CntQ6. For re l ief a nd protect io n of Amer ican seamen in foreigu countries, Am erl ea a _. ODe hundred tbousAnd dollars. men. For expen!a'l wbich mar be in curred in acknowledging the .ervices of Rescul ng_ and e re-IV8 of rorelgn vessels in 1'e4Cuing America n citizens from min. f! hil'wreck, Ihe thou sand dollors. For pa yment of the sel'tlllth anDual insta lment of tlt e proport ion eon- Sebe1c\trlUK. tri buted by the United Slates to""anI tb e c:tpitaliza.tion of th e Schei dt VoL xlit . p. M9. dll flll, fifty·Bv e thOU$ ll.nd !i,'s huudred nnd eisilty.four dollnrs; and for Bu cb fUI·th er sum, not exceeding tbou Sll.ll d dolla" , as mny be ne cef! - Iftry to carry out tbe stipulations of the treaty between the United States a.nd Dtl lgium. To to the govemment of Gr ea t Br itain nnd Ireland, th e seoond AWRTdtoll l1d_ nnd in s talment of the amount nwarded by the under pn'! "J'! tbe treaty of July one, eighteen hundred and £i xty.threc, in MIo tis f!l.ctl on of th e c!lIim" of the H udson 's Bay nnd of the P uget Sound Agricultur!l.1 .. Company, three hundred and twenty.Ave thousand dollurs in gold coin : ot. :Ku l. p. Prouided, T hll t payment s htlll be mad e of that po rtion of the C ertllin l um awarded to thl! l"uget Sound Agr icultural Com pnny, alltR:c es legally to .enled tr aUeMed IIp en any or the property or said company covered by !!Aid aWArd , 0 before the s am e WIU made, and st ill unpaid, shall be exti nguighed by BRid ' Pu gel Sou nd Agricuhuml Company i or the Amo unt of su eh lues shall or __ nt be witbheld by the gove r nm ent of t he United Stutes from the l um b ereby w\thbe t d. approp ri ated. ApP KOY£D, February 21 , 1871. CHAI' , LXU.- A" Ad 14 pn>IIitk a for 1M if Cal u lllbia. Feb. 21. Ui I. Jh it efl(lJ'Jed 61 tAe n al4 and ll o Ul' of Rq m u'IItativu of the Unilt d V ol uil. po II!.. Statu of i'll 0011grt$l OJSI':1Itbld, T hat all tbat T,ut of th e terri· Oillrklof Co- tory of the U'lilCd States included within th e limilll 0 the D iRt ri ct or =_11- be, and tllu 8QlIle i5 hereby, cfctlted in to a government hy the nam e or the D ii tr icL of Columbia, by which name it i3 hereby constituted 'cip&!. porJlClI" 1\ booy corp orate for mun icipal and may contrllct and be 00 0- P OW,"', &c. tr aeled WiLli , and be sued, plead and be impleaded, havo a lItlll, and ex ercise 1\11 othor powel'9 of a mu niei plt l corportltion not inconsiftte nt with the and tawa t he Unit ed Statlll and the provis io ns of thie ROC Se o. 2 . .And M it fu.rther enacted, That the exec ntive power and flll- GO Vl", OT . &1" th ority in and ove l' , aid of Co lo mbia shall be " 'U ted in 1\ go ... &0 ernor, wh o Sl halL be appointed by the l'rcsid ent, by and with t he advice term ce; and of the S enate, and who f!hall hold h is otHce for four yeaTS, alld until his SlIece..iJO r s hnll be lI.ppointed and qualified. The gO " emer qu&l iO c:&ti<.Ins; shall be a e iti'l.t o of l ind sha ll ha.we resided within fRill D i!lriet twel ve m Onl hs bero re hi, nppointment, and have Ih e qual ificn tions or an . H Il grant and respites for agllinst the l awl .. el'l AIId hy the le :; is l:tti" e assembly th ereo r; he shllll duuet. nil olfa cc rJ who s halt be el ee t.en. or appointed 10 office under the laws of th e &.'\i d eoactcd IlS af o resa id, a nd f!hll ll take cal'e that th e lAWS be fa ilhfully e l( cculed. 5. :0. 3. bd be it forthe,. made d, Th at c"ery bill wh ich , hall have v eto po w,r. pa s3 ed th e oou Dcil lind hOll se of deleglltes shall, before it be co ftl 8ll a law, be pre :loe nted 10 the governor of the Di strict of Columbilt; if he approve, lie s hall lign it , hut if not, he shall rc tum it. w ith. hia objeedon ':l , to the house ill which it Iball havo ori ginated, who shall enter the objections at

T,ut - Scanned Retina · Seo. 2 . .And M it fu.rther enacted, That the execntive power and flll-GOVl",OT. &1" ... Rnd 101\11 - E~ions 01 ner of conJucling such election, aou mnke

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Page 1: T,ut - Scanned Retina · Seo. 2 . .And M it fu.rther enacted, That the execntive power and flll-GOVl",OT. &1" ... Rnd 101\11 - E~ions 01 ner of conJucling such election, aou mnke

I [J Q . m [UoIu'" Your St


F or e:rpenAeA under the neutrality act, twenty thouSllnd dollars. Nenttalitr· F G.' e.lC pen!!e! incurred un.der instructions or the Secretary of Stnte, UI8, ch. 88..

fb h r r VoI. ;;;. ",447.

o rmgmg Dille II'()ID .orelgn countrieB per~ns charg~J with crimes. l'el'1Olll and U:pe!ldU incident thercto, including lou by exchange, five Ibou~nd ch.r.rged with dollars. CntQ6.

For re lief a nd protection of American seamen in fore igu countries, Amerleaa _. ODe hundred tbousAnd dollars. men.

For expen!a'l wbich mar be incurred in acknowledging the .ervices of Resculng_ m~ter3 and e re-IV8 of rorelgn vessels in 1'e4Cuing American citizens from min. f!hil'wreck, Ihe thou sand dollors.

For payment of the sel'tlllth anDual instalment of tlte proportion eon- Sebe1c\trlUK. tributed by the United Slates to""anI tbe c:tpitaliza.tion of the Scheid t VoL xlit. p. M9. dll flll, fifty·Bve thOU$ll.nd !i,'s huudred nnd eisilty.four dollnrs; and for Bucb fUI·the r sum, not exceeding 6~'e tbouSll.lld dolla", as mny be necef!-Iftry to carry out tbe stipulations of the treaty between the United States a.nd Dtllgium.

To p~y to the govemment of Great Britain nnd Ireland, the seoond AWRTdtoll l1d_ nnd la~t instalment of the amount nwarded by the COllllnissiolle~ under pn'! n~ "J'! tbe treaty of July one, eighteen hundred and £ixty.threc, in MIo tisf!l.ctlon ri~~t~nd'Com~­of the c!lIim" of the H udson's Bay nnd of the P uget Sound Agricultur!l.1 ~ .. nt~. Company, three hundred and twenty.Ave thousand dollurs in gold coin : ot. :Kul. p. ~51. Prouided, T hll t bero~ payment s htlll be made of that portion of the abon~ Certllin tn~ l um awarded to thl! l"uget Sound Agricultural Compnny, a lltR:ces legally to ~ .enled tr aUeMed IIpen any or the property or said company covered by !!Aid aWArd, ~~,,!,r..rmeat 0 before the same WIU made, and still unpaid, shall be exti nguighed by BRid ' Pugel Sound Agricuhuml Company i o r the Amount of sueh lues shall or __ nt be witbheld by the gove rnment of the United Stutes from the l um bereby w\thbetd. appropriated.

ApPKOY£D, F ebruary 21, 1871.

CHAI', LXU.- A" Ad 14 pn>IIitk a ~ftll for 1M Di$l~id if Calulllbia. Feb. 21. Ui I.

Jh it efl(lJ'Jed 61 tAe nal4 and lloUl' of Rqm u'IItativu of the Uniltd Vol uil. po II!.. Statu of ..4.m l~jca i'll 0011grt$l OJSI':1Itbld, T hat all tbat T,ut of the terri· Oillrklof Co­tory of the U'lilCd States included within the limilll 0 the DiRtrict or ~um~t. =_11-~Iumbia be, and tllu 8QlIle i5 hereby, cfctlted into a government hy the ;"';ror~~:i.. name or the DiitricL of Columbia, by which name it i3 hereby constituted 'cip&!. porJlClI" 1\ booy corporate for municipal pu rpose~, and may contrllct and be 000- POW,"', &c. traeled WiLli , ~ua and be sued, plead and be impleaded, havo a lItlll, and exercise 1\11 othor powel'9 of a muniei pltl corportlt ion not inconsifttent with the Cons~itution and tawa ~f the United Statlll and the provisions of thie ROC

Seo. 2 . .And M it fu.rther enacted, That the execntive power and flll- GOVl",OT. &1" thori ty in and ovel' , aid Di~trict of Colombia shall be "'Uted in 1\ go ... • J>Oi"~:Ji &0

ernor, who SlhalL be appointed by the l'rcsident, by and with the advice term ce; and CO~Hent of the Senate, and who f!hall hold h is otHce for four yeaTS, alld until his SlIece..iJOr shnll be lI.ppointed and qualified. The gO"emer qu&l iOc:&ti<.Ins; shall be a e iti'l.t o of lind shall ha.we resided wi thin fRill D i!lriet twelve m Onl hs berore hi, nppointment, and have Ihe qualificntions or an eleet~r. . H Il m~y grant pardon~ and respi tes for olfense~ agllinst the lawl o~ &~Id ~ .. el'l AIId Diitri~ cn~cted hy the le:;isl:tti" e assembly thereor ; he shlll l rom~ealon duuet. nil olfaccrJ who shalt be eleet.en. or appointed 10 office under the laws of the &.'\id Oj~t rict eoactcd IlS aforesaid, and f!hllll take cal'e that the lAWS be fa ilhfully e l(cculed.

5.:0. 3. bd be it forthe,. maded, That c"ery bill which , hall have veto pow,r. pas3ed the oouDcil lind hOllse of deleglltes shall, before it becoftl 8ll a law, be pre:loented 10 the governor of the District of Columbilt; if he approve, lie shall lign it, hut if not, he shall rctum it. with. hia objeedon':l, to the house ill which it Iball havo originated, who shall enter the objections at

Page 2: T,ut - Scanned Retina · Seo. 2 . .And M it fu.rther enacted, That the execntive power and flll-GOVl",OT. &1" ... Rnd 101\11 - E~ions 01 ner of conJucling such election, aou mnke

, j _mOlY 1o<,110'1/"/"sl/O t810400/0456Q<1l0.llf ----~~ IE ('I!Ic. In ,_ 51 u, .... '" Now. _ .


V.w pcn •• cl .........

Bill, toOt ..... Uirotd "itl1ln teD Ch" I, &0,

SecretAry of tlo. Oiliriol..

RMldtfloe, term or office, dutl .. ,

,"t:. _.!Qon COTV ..


large on their journal, and proceed to r1K:OOlide~ it. If, after l uch reo consideration, two thirds of atl the members appolllted or elected to the house .ball agret! to pIW the bill, it, 'b~1 be MlD.t, ~Iher with I?e ob-j ectioDIt to the olh!!f hOW!lt; by ",hlcb It aball hkew lst: be reoonslde red, II.lld if approved by two Ibinls of all thl! members appomted or e lected to IhM house. it sb1l11 become a taw. But in all l ueh el'iU the " olell o f both houses shall be determined by reM and nays, nod the names of the pe r-100S voting for flDd agai[Jst the bill illmll be entered on the j ournal of each house respecti\"cly_ lr any bill shall not be returned by Ihe governor within len dR.ys (Sllnday~ excepted) IlOcr it aball bave been pre>emed to hiln, tIle Garno 81111.11 be a law in like manner "'I ifhe had signed it, unless Ihe legisillive 83...<embly by the ir adjol.1fllmenl pre\'en t ita rel ul'D, in which case it . ball nOt be a I"w,

SF-O. 4, Alld be il further t1/uc;ted, That thore shilH bc appoillted by the President, by and with the Rdvice o.nd consent of tile Senut~, n secn:tRry (Jf said D i6 triet, who shall reside the rein a nd possess the qORiifiC1l tiOIl of an doctor, find shall hold his office for four years, and o,nlil his su ccessor IIhal l be appointed I1ml qUlllifi ed; he 8hRll rtcord nnd preBen'e all Inws Rod proceeding! of thc IcSi~h\tive as!lembly he re inllfle r colls tilUled, and aU the acts and proccedinga of the go vernor in his exccu tive department; ho shnl! IrRrl.~mit olle copy o f tlJtl lawa a nd journals of tho J('gis luti\'e us­sembly within lloi rty daf t afle r the eud of elICit sCHion, und a ile copy of the exccl.!liYe proceeding, Elnd officiol correspotldence semia nnua lly, on the firi t duys of J alluary tlnu July in eAch yenr , to the }Jretiidellt of ti le UnilCd Slatt:fl, and four copie;; of the law' 10 the President of the S enl1 te And 10 Ihe Speaker of the Houso of R epreselHllliv6, for thf\ usc of Co n-

When tOlO'" gres.; ; and iu case of tile dea lh, )'QlI1oVIl I, resignRtion, disabil ity, or ub-IOftruOf

• Bence, of the gO\'erLlor from the District, Ihll 5tC~tAry fbllll be, lind he i! hereby, authorized and requirt-d to ex~ute nod perlbl m all Ille I'uwcrs Elnd duties of lhe governor during Bueh vRCf\ nc)', d iRllb ili l)" ot' ahsen«, or until anothcr governor ,;hall be duly IIppointed Bnd quali fied 10 611 flle.h

I'rovIoIOIllrot· VAca ncy, And in cuse the offiCJe5 of g<l,'ernnr and secretAry 6111111 Lot b lie .. or ~ .. orDor \.IocQme YaCR'lt, the POIl'Ort\, du ties, nnd rmolumenLJ of the olftee of SOl'­:;:.~~:?..,. crnor shall ueYolvc upon tho pret iding offiCt! r of t be council, nnd in Cllge

tha t office shall abo be vacant, Upon Ihtl preliid ing ofli et'r (If \,l1e hou~'e of ddcgnte&, until the ofllce shall be fi llell by a new appointment..

Mr._Ja tiY.".- Site. 5, And be t'IJtll"i.Mr fl lI(U;ud, That lel,rieluth'c power IIntl nutJ lorilY _ 111, in :Woid Di~tri c' .hall lie vesloo in a lesislative a..cacroLly II! iten: innfier

CotlIlOl\t provided. The nsoembiy shall con~i~ t of a (!(Iuneil FInd house of delegates. nI"ntoor, resl_ Th~ council 5hnll <»nsi&t of cloven membert, of whom lwo , hall be I' lJs i·

~-:nCt"~::!tIO!f~r. donts of the ci ty of Georgetown, and two ruilie l'l u of the county outsiJe tlce,&e. of tho citie$ or WfL;lhington nnd G oorgtltl>wlJ, who &hlll! be nppointt'd by

the President, by and with tho Rdviee and consent of tile Sennte, 11'1 /0 lIban have the qllal i6C1l.t ion of ' \'otcrs lie Iwreinafler prescribed, fh'c of whom shall be lirst appoinll'd for t1H! term of one yellr, lind &ix for the period of two yonrs, provided that all li ubsequent IIppointnll'!nts lillnll be

HoolO 01 dele- Cor Iho term of two y~r$. Tho houso of delegates elmll ('(lnsis t (If tW(!Oty­P~~'~ber term Iwo members, possessing tbe urne qualifications as pre~crihed for the cromce, &co 1I1CroOOU of the council, whose term of servloo shall cominuc one yeur,

Dbtrlctt. A n apportionment shall be made, a! nearly eqUAl lIS praetienble, Into elc\'cn districts for the appointment of tbe cou ncil, nnd into twenty.t wo d istrict! for tho cil.'Ction of dele~'I~, giving to each section of the Dis­trict ropr('$entll iion in the mtio of it. population as nearly all may be. A nd the mcm\)e~ of the council a nd of tbe house of delegltee. shall re­s ide ill lind be inh.1billlll tS of the districts from which they a rc appointed

Fift! d&<:tion. or elected, respecti,oely. F or the pu rpo5eS of the fiat election to be held under til is Ret, the :::o\'l~rnor a nd jud!!eA of the sup~D\e cou rt of Ihe D is­triCI of Columbia shall designate th~ districts fo r members of the house of delcgntca, appoinl a board of registration and persons 10 aUIJerintend

Page 3: T,ut - Scanned Retina · Seo. 2 . .And M it fu.rther enacted, That the execntive power and flll-GOVl",OT. &1" ... Rnd 101\11 - E~ions 01 ner of conJucling such election, aou mnke

· ., , . _mory 1oc .!IO'fJII/~IIO I6 1G400/ll"i71)(2Itl' c ·'t - Coogle

V"'~, ~u On~ ...

FORTY- FIRST CONGRESS. SESS. nt. Cs. 62. 1871. 42'

the election and the returns thereof, prescribe the time, places, Rnd 101\11 - E~ions 01 ner of conJucling such election, aou mnke nil needful rules and regula- d~l<!r*; lions for carrying into effect the provisions of this act not otherwi~e herein provided t'Or : PrOi.,,'dd, 'fhat the fi rst election shall be held within wben to be Billl! day:l from the pa.e~gc of Ihis net. In the first nod nil wbsequent beld. electiolls the persons bavj (l~ the highest number of legal vOlea for the e~~r1Int:r to

house of dc!egatet, respeetu·e1r. sll&1I be declared by tlie goveruor d uly elected members of said house. I n case two or more persons voted for New f.tection, Ilutil have an equal number of votes for the s'lIne oHh:e , or if a \'acaney Ir ... ot~ i. :l".J, shall occur in the house of delegates, thl'! governor &h(ll1 order a ne w :~~,~'H ....... election. And the per.~oD' 111U, appointed lind e lected to the legislRti ve Time Ind lI..uembly s hall meet at such time and a t euch place within tho Didric t Ra pb.ceofiUCeting. th e go rernor shall appoint ; but thereafter the tirnc, plll l.'C, and Olllnner of holding and conullcling all e lectiona by the people, llD d lhe formation of the dist"ict, fo r me rnlM!1""ii o f tho council and house of de legRle, f ba ll be preiJc r ibcd by 11IW, n A well ItS the day of the com,mencemeot of the regulnr Smlons not to sessiuns of the legislat ive assembly: Provided, That no session in nny (mil exceed Ilxt." ,

h "

1 ,


. d " . h' b day', except tlfl year 5 a. ex C(..'(\( t Ie term 0 SIll.ly ays, except t Ie trst 8(:5'11011, W Ie !I,..t. mny continue one hu ndred day!.

Stc. 6. And 6e ilfilrther enacted, That thl.! legislative assembly tibnll PM,t 0( dis-. have p()lVer to di\' ide tha t ,p()rtion of the District not included in the cr.iQ, ' , .,.Y b" d,_

I" f IV " n ... ' h' ~I "" ,,10 town· corporate UUIU 0 :I' Ington or Ut<Urgetown mto town~ Ips, not lhips.

ex\.-eeding three, and cr:n18 tolyn5hip offiet:rs, find preserihe the duties TO) .. Mhi 0(-

the r(lof; but a ll tO IYIl ~lllp officer~ shall be elected by the people of the !leen , P townshi ps ret!pec tively . .

S EC. 7. bd IH itfurl.lrer maeted, That 311 msle citizens of tllc United Votcn. tb ir StJl.te ~, abovl! the n~e or II.,enty-003 year.<, who s hall hnve been actual 1':Mctll tons. t'03ident.8 of said D i.itrict tilr t hree months prior to tho' passage of t .hi ~ act, exeept !uch n, arc non compoi menlis and peM\(")ns ron,·jeted or i nramou:> crimes, shall be entitled to TOW at mill. eleetion, io Ihe e1eelio n dis trict or precinct in which hI! s l,all then r« idc, a nd shall Ilave fO rei ided for th irty dtlY3 immedia.tely preceding said c1~lit1l1, and !lha ll" be elig ible to any offi ~e · within the said D istrict, and for all Eob!;eque nt elections twelve mon ths' prinr residence shall be required to const itu te Ri.l:ht ollnr. a vCHer; but tho leg i$lati ve a.soembly shall hnve no right to nbridge or f"rIb~'d oo ... ~ to be I,' I " r lJ"" .r'l .m.t t le rig it 0 Suura.ge.

SEC. 8 . .And b!J itfu.rt/~r enacud, That no per!OD who bas been or ~'l.ill per­l,ereaft.e r shH.lI be convictc{l of bribery, perjury, or othe t infa ruous crime, fOll5 d\fqub"lified

, f rom Inem "',. no r any rer~on who ha~ been or may be a collec tor or holder of p ublIC .hip til tile IlS­

moueys who . hR!I tlo t ha"e aecounted for and pnid ofer, upon fi nnl judg. fem~' or holll· ment duly r«overed accor.ding to la w, nil such money " due rrom him, 11115 c.. shl\ll be digible to the legislative 0JI8embly or to any office of profit or trust io u id Disu·iet.

SEC. 9 • .And ~ it further macted, That wembeI"8 or the legisln.i "fo o.th cf me':."". Iluembly, before they enter upon their officinl duties , shlill tnke nnd be, ,n .• o~!~'· "b'~

, h ffi • 1 1 (" I' _ m 'ly. :lub ~c\'ibo the followm g oat or €I rrnatiOn:" do solemn y ! wenr or affirm) Ihftt I will lIupport the Constitut ion of the Uni ted State!!, nou will fa ithfully di~harge thc duties of the offi ce upon which 1 lUll about to en ter ; find tba t I 1l1"1\"e not knowingly or intentionAlly paill or con-tribu ted any th ing, or made any promi!IC in the nnture of 0. bribe, to d ireclly or iudircetly i nfluence any "fote a t the election at which I W IIS.

choocn to SHtho Mid office, aoo .htwe not .:l~pted, nor will I a<."Ce pt, or r~ive, directly or indirectly, nny money or other "aluahle thing for any "oto or infl uence that I may s ive or withhold on nny bill , resol ution,

or approprin, tion, o r fOh', any: other 0!fibl:~~l hn~l'", A, .0Y, ~emffiber "'hod shan 06~;~lJ:I~!~ refuse to \"'1 . 0 the out lerclO p rescfl ,,\.I 5 ru or CIt II' 0 ce, AD e~ery t1.<;e. person who shnll be 'eo:lv i(:ted or lm,.i ng: sworn fal sely to or of "io111.Iing F~l" ",,:\h , &e. hit i.'l id o:\th Ehall furfe it his olice and ba d i''lu:'l lified Ihereaficr from 1 0~"l1lt.!11:V n.od holding any efiko or profi t or trust 'in &aid D istrict, and shall be to perJ"ry.

Page 4: T,ut - Scanned Retina · Seo. 2 . .And M it fu.rther enacted, That the execntive power and flll-GOVl",OT. &1" ... Rnd 101\11 - E~ions 01 ner of conJucling such election, aou mnke

Voter U~ .. o..~ __ _

422 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SKss,IU. Ca. 62. 1811.

deemed guilty or perjury, And upon ooovietion aball be puni!hed accord-ingly. . . . .

QROflIrDoClfg- SEC. 10 • .AM he itfllrlAer ~acl8d, nat a maJorl'y of the legl8lAtive hl.tln Ill'm_ aasembly appoinled or elected to each bouse shAll coolti tute a quorum. ~I\;_be.r.. The house of delega\e9 shall be tbe judge of the electi?n returns and

11:\1101. qualifications Of ita membeN. Each house ahall determID6 the rules of iu proceedingJ, and shall choose iLl own offteel"'5- The governor shall

Orp;$LlllAtlO11 call the council to order at the opening of each ne w- assembly i and the or caob now .. - &ecrellt ry of tho District sball call the house of deleglUcs to order at the _bly . opening of elleh ne" legislative aMCmbly, and , hall preside over it unt il

a temporary presiding officer ahall have becn ehoacn and shllll bave Expullloo of taken hi3 seat. No member shall be expelled by either hou3e except by

IWlmbeu. a vote of two tbirds of "Ii the membt:n appointed qr elected 10 that Pllllilhmentfor bouse.. Elleb house mlly puuish by imprisonment any person not l\

ootI\elUpt. mcmber who ehall be guilty of dillrespect to the house by disorderly or oontflmptu01l8 behavior in iu presence ; but no such imprisolJOlent shall

AdJourumont. oxtend beyond twenty-four hours MODe lilUu. N either hOllSO Ihall , wi tuout the consent of th~ otlulr. adjourn for more lhll.ll two duy., or to any other place Ihall tha t in which such house 1l11l1.11 be sining. At tho

Y .... nd n .. yL request of any member the yeas and nay. shall be taken upon 8ny ques­tion and entered upon the journal.

Bill., Wb'Nto SEc_ 1I. And bt itjurl.1i" enar.tt d. That bills mRy or i::inate in eithor ~:'~Q 80&1 bou5t. but mAy be llitered. amended, or rejected by I h~ other; nAd on p' •• ge. tho Rnal pal~5ge of all bill! the voto 3h811 1.10 by yeas and nnys UP()II ench

bill sepnrately, and 811nll be entered upon the journlll,ond no bill s l.nll become A law ...-ithout tho concurrence of a majority of Ihe mCIOVer3 elected to each house..

Ret.dlna or bill •.

Aetl to tn'l­btaee bnl nne .abjKti

S ltC. 12_ ..4nd he it jurlh" enact, d, Th:t.t every bill Ahall be read at large on tilreo different days in ench house. No act shllil cmbrace lUore than one subject, and that shull be expn:8s~d in its t itlu ; but if nny sub­j ect !>han be cmbrared in all act wbicli .h.1I not be cxp~d in the tilhi, luch act shal l bo void only III to 50 rouch thereot u !hn.11 nol be EO

when to take exVrcSlltd in the title; and no act of llie legislalive ullklUUly shall lake 6fftet. eltec~ until thirty dRy~ "fler iL, passage. unless, in tft80 of emergency.

(which emergency 8hall be expreascd in the preamble or body of the ac t,) tha legi!lntive as."Cmbly ,1,11.11 by a vole of two thirdt of .alI the membcr.i appointed or elcctod to ol1oh house otherwiso direc t.

MDney not, to SEC. 13 • ..dnd lJ8 it furt/,eT' enac/eel, Tbat. no money shall be drl\\\'n ~~_ta"".f~'.:'", from the treasury of LIm Dillll"icl, uxcept in pU r!URn CC of an appropria­.. _ Dry, X_"." d bId b"11 k· .. I' I &0. l ion rna e y II.\T, all no I rna Ing approprlatlon!\ lor tho pay 01' :>1\ -

Approprlallon Arit .. s of the OmC~r.i of the District government shall contain any pro-bUll. visionB on nny othcr subject.

APPror.;'!t.liO"', S~:C, 14. And he il jul""" enacted, Thnt each legislative assembly !rd~wrortTO- ahllll lirovide for all the uppropriutioaa neCe8lary for the ordiunry Rlld

cootinguM expen~ or Ibe government of the District until tho expira­tion of the fi rs t fiscal quartcr after the adjournuu:nt of the ncxt regular lIC88ion, tho IlAAregate Amount of wbicb sball not be Incrtoscd without a vote of two thirds of tile memoor3 elected or appointed to each house fl.! herciu provided, nor exceed the amount of revenue authorized by

.. ben to ead. b,w to he rai84.!tl in such lime. and nU II.ppropril\tion ~, genflrHl or &pecial, requiring mOIlOy 10 be paid out of the District t ro.asury, from fund!! belonging 10 tho Di.strict, shall end with . uch fi 8Ol1 quarter i And no

1'(0 debt by debt, by which Ihe aggregate debt Qf the Dill trict shall exceed five per whleh,~. 10 Ita cent.. of the asscssed pro''''rtyof the District shall be cont rAc ted, unless contnoelO .. IIn- b I I " " 1'- , " ... I.e. t e aw 3ut lom:lIlg 1 1C I!(I.me shall at a general elecilon hal'c been sub-s... 20. milled to the pt!opie Bnd hal'e rceeivf.d a ml\j or ity of the . 0t.c3 cast for ~ p. '26. melllbcn of the Icgi ~lAtive assemhly at 8ueh eJection. nle legi.latin l

n5llCmuly shall pro"ido for the publication of 8aid law in At least two IIe "'511:;1 pc rs ill the Dist rict for three moetbs. at lcast, before tbe ,ute ot

Page 5: T,ut - Scanned Retina · Seo. 2 . .And M it fu.rther enacted, That the execntive power and flll-GOVl",OT. &1" ... Rnd 101\11 - E~ions 01 ner of conJucling such election, aou mnke

I [J memory 1oI:.!/oy/Ii/Ufl/OI6/0400104590423.llf e ~t· GooQI.

N.I.... IB I)hk. In Vo.., St


Vot .. Lht'Onll ... • __ C'~·~·:.' U~.~"~~~"':: .. C. _

FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SU5. UL Cu.62. 1871. 423

the people alut11 be laken on the same, and provillion ahan be wade in tbe P""p!. to .. ot. act for the payment of !be interest annually. as i~ shall accrue, by a tax tbe.j"' &ed. GQ

levied fOf Ihe pu rpose, or from other eourte9 of revenue, whieh law las "'1· providing for the payment of such intcreu by &ueh lax shall be irre-pe.labl~ until lueh deb! be paid: P rtnn.·dtd, That the b,w leyying the tax than be aubmitted to the people with the law authorizing the debl 10 be conl.racled.

SKO. 15 • .And k it fvrlh" t.nacud, That the legi&lnlh'e assembly &ban No exu. al­neve.f graot or authorize exira compensation, fee, or .allowance to any ~1I;';:bJio·:£to publtc offioer, ag~nl, servant, or contractor, after serVille has been r en- Ctf'.

dered or a contract made, nor authorize the pnyment of Any clllim, or Certain :t part thereof, hereaner created against tho Dilltricl under any contract =~ not IiO

or agrteillent maile, without express authority of Inw; and all &uch unauthorized Agreemenu or contracts shall be lIull and void.

SEC. 16 • .4nd 1M tl further t nadtd, ThAt the District shall never pay, Credit oUIte assume, or become respons ible for the debt, or liabilities of, or in nny p[ltr~\~~~~fOb41 manner give, 10000 n, or ()xtend itil crtdit to or in nid of !lny public or oth tl r oant , corporation, associa tion, or individual.

S-,o. 17 • .dnd lM it fi,ri.htr tnacttd, That the legislative Q8~embJy &hRlI SpecIal 11\ ..... not pus specinilawil in any of the following CWl!:&, dmt is to ~tlJ: F or FL!.t ~ PIU~_ graotia; di\'orcel ; reguilloting the practice in couru of jl,lstice; r egulating ~ c~ .• the jucisdiction or dulies of justices of tbe peace, police mngistcates, or constabll!$; providing for chllnges of , 'enue in ch' il o r criminal case!, or swetU'ing and impaneling jurol"8; remitting fines, penaltie., or forfeitul'Cl ; the we or mortgug~ of renl cstate belonging to minors or others under disability; changing the law of deSl.-ent; iucrellsing or decreasing Ihe fees of public OffiCCN during the term for which sa id officers are clected or appoioted; granting to any eorporation,u!IOCiation, or individual, any speeiltl or exclu~iye pri\' ilegc, immunity, or fran chise whntsoever. The legislative 9'Sembly .h~ll have no power to re letl~ or extingll i~h , in wbole A.ambly fo or in p3rt, the indebtedness, liability, or obligation of any corpoNuion or ~~ ... no power to , d' 'd I h D· . .. I . I' uv certain acu. ID \VI ua to t e Istnc~ or to any mumclpa (:orporahon f le rem, nor shall the legislatiye assembly have power to establish any ban k (If circu· Jadon, Dor to author i:r.e a lly company or individual to issue notes for cir-culation 11.5 money or currency.

SEC. 18. .471d 611·' !urliler rnactnl, That t,he lpgilllath'e power of the Ltgl~ati .... D is\rict &hall c:r.tend to nil rightful subjeelil of legisla t ion within said Dis- rn:;.e:o'!;:~:; triCI, cou~i!JleIH with the Colis titution of the United SllItca And the pro- ... h .. t. visions of this act, subject, oc\'crthelC3S, to Holl !he reslt'~tions nod limita-tions imposed upon States by the tenth &ection of the lir~t article of the Constitution of the United StAtcs; but an Acts of tbe icgi8iath'c as&embly , All IICtiIUb­

.ball at all l imes be Ruhject to repeal or modificnti on by the Congcess of beeL~repMl,&c, the Uni ted States

l lind "othing herein sllsU btl construed to depri\"t~ Coli. y IIlIren.

gre8S of the power of legislation over said District in lUI ample manner 119 if Ihis law had not bellU tnacteJ.

SItC. HI. Alld fM tlfurihutYUlCltd, That no member of the Itlgisllllh·e Mern~oru­a8sembly sball hold or be appointed to any. office, which &ho.ll h.avc been bo'l:.~I'O~~1lq created or the Al'Ilflry or emoluments of which shnll hlwe been Increased 01llC'! , while he wus A member, during the term for which be W:uJ appointed or e lected,8J1d fo r one year aficr tbe eJ:pirfllion of 5ueb tenn; aud no pf!r- Certain per­son holding Hony offi\.'O of t rust or pro6t under Iho government of the :;:'1:'':.. U nited Slates shall be a member of the legislative 8l!scmbly. ttmbly.

SEC. 20. And 1M itfurllur rnactecl, Thai the said Icgiswlivc as!cmbly L1rnittopowel' &hllll not have power 10 pass any ex post facIo law, nor law impairing the of_mbI1· obli .. ation of conlrllcts, nor to tAx tbe properlY of Ille United SUltes, noc to C:x the lands or. Oilier properly of non· l"tlidents highf' r than the lands or other prop~rtJ of reside nts; nor I!han 11Ind~ or olher property in Mid district be liable to a bigher lax, in anyone year. for all general object&, terri lor~ and municipal, than ,wo dollars on

Page 6: T,ut - Scanned Retina · Seo. 2 . .And M it fu.rther enacted, That the execntive power and flll-GOVl",OT. &1" ... Rnd 101\11 - E~ions 01 ner of conJucling such election, aou mnke

[] memory .Ioc.gov, 11/11.1/ G 16, a.OO 1a.61)(1.t Z4 .llf e ott - (;(>ogle


. every?undred do}lars of th~ cash vAlue ther~or;. but speeie:llaxes. mny Special taxu. be levied. in particulllr sections, wardi, or districts for thtlr par tlcu\Qr BollolI'lng . local impro\'cruents ; nor shall said territorial gove~ment hnve power to

=uorlMw.n, bor~w roonty ?r L~ue stock or bund! f~r a~y obJee~ witaIC\'cr, unless specially authonzed by an act. of the legtslauve ":I~mbly , pnl<Sf:d by II.

vote of two thirds of 'he entire number of the mQmbers of eaeh llnlnch thereof, but &aid debt in no case to exceed five pt r celltum of the Il .... sessed

Sea' I4. value of the property of said Diltrict., IInlesa " uthorizcd by a " ote of ti le ..till .. po 422. people, as lterei1Wf~r [hereinbefore] provided. Certain pTOp- SEC. 21 . And 6e it fu.rther enacted, Thnt the property of thnt port ion

lTty not to be . of the District not included in the corporations of WAshington 0 1' G eorge­~-:.;! Ir:.cetWn town .ball not be taxed for the purposes ei ther of imp,,?vin.l{ tht f.1t:eets,

allep, public square;, or other public property of the ' Iud Cities, or either of thenl, nor for any other expenditure of a local nlltUI'1), for the exclusi\'e benefit of ~aid cities, or eitber of them, Dor for the payment of nny debt hcretoforo contracted, or that mny be~after be contracted by either of said cities while remainiog uuder a. muuiciplll go,'crnmcnt not eOOXllln­ai\' " with the Di~tri ct.

Property hi SF-O. 22. And be itfu.rther en(Uted, That tbe properly witbin the cor-~~IO~~ ~d pora.le limit.! of Georgelown simI! not be lal:ed for the pny.mellt of lUlY Lo t>. t.t.! ..... I« debt herotofore or hereafier lit he contracted by the corporniion of W ll.~h ­tert&lo pUrpol", inglon, nor shall tbe property .... ithin the eorpon'lle lim i ~ of W nshingtoll be

1I0"d, &.ael ........

uu::ed (or the payment of any debt heretofore or hereafter to be COlltroctcu by the corpora.tion of Georgeto .... n; "nd so long III eaid ci ties shal! I'e­main under distinct municipal gO\'ernment~, the property wiLI, in lilc cor­por-.de limits or either of Baid citiea shall not be taxed for the loenl hendit or the other; nor sball &Ri,1 cities. or e ither of them, be lIt.xed for the cx· elu!i,'o benefit of the rollDty oul!iae of the limita thereof: Pr(Juidtd. That thc legislati\'o ft93Cmbly mlly make appropriat ions for the rep:1ir of ro:ul ~, or (or the cocSLl'uction or repait o( bridgCl out.ide tho limits of ,,,id citie$.

8ehoolnnd SEC. 23. A.1Id be it furthtr tMcttd, That it shall be the d uty of lI"i.l IObooI m00611. legi.!!.ltuive a5:t1embly to mnintain a Rystem of free schools fOI' the cducll­

tioll of tho youth of said ])ifl trict, and all moneys raised by general taxa­Jion or Il.ri.ing froOl dOllat ioull by Congrese, or from ot her ~ourc<.'II. cxcept by bequest Of dcvise, (or school pur~ ahall be appropriated fo r tho equnl benefit of allihe ,ooOls of aaid District betwcen certll.in .agee, to btl defined bylllw.

J Ultlaol or the 5.:0. 24. And be ,'tfurther en~ted, ThAt the SAid l egi~lativ~ :I!>sembly ~::ubl?o~tG. shnll hnve power to provide for the appointment of as many justices of

tho pence nml notnries public for said Di$triet as mny be deemed llece8-Bnry, to deflne tbeir jurisdiction a.nd prescribo thoir duties ;, but ju~ ti c()s of th~ pen.eo shall not hnve jurisdiction of any controveny in whi ch the title of land mf\y be in dispute, or in which the debt or stirn elnimed sho.ll cxceod on~ hundred dollnN: p,. fJVided, however, Thal "II jUli lices of the petlCO and notaries public now in commission ehall continue in office l iIl their present commissions expire, unlm 800ner removed pursuant to

.1 urllld!olion .nd ciUUM.

Those no1ll' In ollke to ocm­lhill •.

exi~ling hws. Jadleif.! ~omu 81(c. 25 . .And be it furt"" macted, That the judieinl eourts of ":lid

lo rem. ln, &C . District ahaH remain Il8 no\\' organized utltil nbolished or changed ofr .. tl~~:St'o- by act or Congr~; but such legislative u iWmbly ehnll have power to 1J!~ In c.- P:l9.9 l~\~s modifying the pmctice thereof, And conferring such atlt litionnl

Jun~dlctlon as may be ncor.s!ary to tbe due e:tecution and enforcement of tl.te hul'S of said District.

SEC. ~6 . .And 6e ufv.rlhtr enacted, That there shall be appointed b' the P resldCJl t of the United States, by and with the advice lIud con!;6l1t of the ~nato., 1\ board or health for SGid Di! trict, toO consist of finJ I,el'­SOilS, whose .1uLy i'sltall be to declare whnt shall be deemed nuisanccll injurious to health, and to provide ror the removal thereof; to make nnd

Page 7: T,ut - Scanned Retina · Seo. 2 . .And M it fu.rther enacted, That the execntive power and flll-GOVl",OT. &1" ... Rnd 101\11 - E~ions 01 ner of conJucling such election, aou mnke

o mlmOtY 1oc.IIO"IM/llsIIOI6/04OO/046100'2S.I,1

FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. S£.89. nI. Cn.62. 1871. 425

enro~ regulations to prevent domestio Iwimllls from running I\t large in lloerJofb .... hh. the cilie!l of \ V Il~hinglon and Georgetown; to prereat the enle of uu-... hole!O!D! food in &aid cities i and 10 perform such other duties as sban be imposed 1,11)(111 said board by the le~L'Jlative assembly.

SEC. 27. A nd k it !urtn" tfu:u:ltd. T hat the offices And dutie8 of f'f'g- ,Register of u ler of wills. recorder of deeds. United Stales attorney, and United :~;~rderot States marshal for SHitl District shan remain III under exiiting 18,,8 1i11 Atlorll61 WId modilied by act of Coogress; but sait.! legidlal ive assembly 8111!.11 ha\"e marahal. power 10 impose 8ueh additional tlulic.s upon eaid omeen, respecti \'ely, as may be neeesmry to the duo enforcement of the laws of u id District.

Sr.e. 28. And be itfiU'tlttr macttd, That the !tl.id Jcg~ l lI.tive asst:mllJy Corpot:t.tiOlll; allll ll have power to create by gene ral law, modify, ropt!lll, or amend, within said D iR! r ict, corl>Ol'lltions aggregll.te for religiou~, charilaLle, edu~ cationl'll, industrial, or commercial purpo!l c!!., lind to define tiu::ir powera and liabilitiea; Procidal, T hat the powers of oorpomtion& 10 cretued limited to the .ball 00 limited \0 the District of Columbia. Dhtrict..

SEC. 20. And be it .Iilrther enacted, That the legislative 81IM·.mhly P.uj'len. shall dcAne by law who shall be entitled to r .. lit'r n~ pAuper. in said Dis· trict, and shall prov ide by law ror tbe support IIlId ma intenance or ! uch paupel'l, and ror that pu rpoie shall rai:>e tho money nCce6lary "y taxa· t ion.

S&<:. 30. And be it further tnactea, T hnt tile Icgislnt il'e assembly Ihall Mh,l,te rial or_ ha,.e power to pro\' ide by law for the election o r a ppointment of such fleers. minister ial officeI'! ai may be deemed neceJ'Mry 10 CRrry inlO efJ'~et the JaWI of RRid ni~l r ict, to p rClcribc their d utics, their terms of office, Rnd the ra Il.! and m~nner of thllir compensation_

Sec. 31. ,,"ltd be ~.r!lrt1jer eflucted, Thnt Ihe govctn(lr,@ecretary,and O<I..-e .... or. _ other officers to.be RPIKIinted pUI'3Uant to tuii aet., Iiloll, be~ore lll llY act ~k':~:'r;".I~f. a! such, re!pectn'ely, lake a nd lIubscribe an olilth o r affirmation before n fuo"'.tion. judge o( the BUI)reUle court or the Dill trid of. Columbin, o r some jU ~ lice of Ihe peace in the limi~ or said D istrict, duly o.lIthoritcd 10 admin il te r OliIth. Dr IIffirma.tiona by the law~ now in force therein, or before the Chief Ju~ tice or !IOllIe llSSOCiate jUslil-e of th6 Supreme Cou r\ or the Unit-ed S lalel, to su pport the Constitution (If the 'Cnited S lales, and fa ithfully to diBcharge the duties of their respectil"e office! ; which Eaid oath~, when O.RIM til be 60 lakon. RhalJ be cert ified by the pe~n before whom the lAme shall h (l, \'e etrtifled, &c. been taken; A.nrf such certificates ~hlt ll be reccived lind recorded by the laid lecret:1r1 among thtl executivc proeecdings j Rnd all civil offiecl'8 in laid Dilltdct, bcfol'e they act. as such, shal! take Ilnd subscribe u lik e outh or affirmation before the Mid governor or secretu ry,or EOmejudge Ot· jus. t ice of tht: f>t~lI.C6 of the Distr ict, who m a.y be duly comminioned a nd qualified, or before the Chief Justice or the Supremf< Court. or the United Stfl I.I'JI, which ~n i (l oft!h or flffirmation shall be certified and transmit ted by the perann adminis te ring lhe I!nme to tho accnltllrJ , to be bl bim recordc:d as arore;aid ; a nd after ward the like oath ur ttfllnnntion shall be take n Rnd luLscribed, certified and rcco\'ded in such manner and form BS may btl prescribed by If\w.

SEC. 32. Arid be r'tju.rtller maded. T hat the gO\'em o r Ihal1 receive a n Sat.,...,,( a nnuul ~. l lI.ry or three thou'lI.nd doli:lra; and the leeretary fhall receh'e An I!O"" "0" IUId a nnunl uJary of two thou~llnd dolln!'!. nnd thaI thc said nlaties ~IUlll be secretary, paid quarter-ycnrly, frOIll the dales or the r~~peclh'~ a ppoinuncn[s, AI the Irea"ury or II I~ Unit~d States; but no payment .o:hnll be mnlle unti l .@aid officeu IhRII h.lll'e entcreU upon t he dutiel of their re ~pecti\'e appoint. mentl!. The members of the Jegi.l:l.IiI'C a.<sembly lihall \.10 f'ntiti f'ci to P.y fir me ..... r t!Ceit'6 rour dollars eat h pcr dny d ur ing ti lci r nclulI l attendAnce nL the bm ohmmbly. &eSSi()n the reof, And an ndtli tional nllOl'.'nnce of fou r dollars per day shall be paid to the prcsiding officer of ench Louse for each day bo F.ball 80 p retlide. And a chid clerk, one assiSlant clerk, ono cngrouing and one Clftrl.; •• lId enrolling clerk, !\lid a sergeant-at-anns may be cholc ra for each Il uu ~c; ·'8ealltolll-

" rOlL


Page 8: T,ut - Scanned Retina · Seo. 2 . .And M it fu.rther enacted, That the execntive power and flll-GOVl",OT. &1" ... Rnd 101\11 - E~ions 01 ner of conJucling such election, aou mnke

n l..,; memory I«,II""/IIIIISIIO 16104001~204l6!tf ----,

u ..... 100 _. _

F ORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. S£.!s. m . Cn. 62. 1871.

::md the chief clerk aball roocive four dollar.! per uny, and the ~nid other officers three dollars per day, duriug tbe sesaioo of tho legislati ve !lSSCm-

aeai_ 01 hly : Providtd, That there shall be but one seMion of lito ll'gi!iativo Itrltlt.tln .... aaembly annually, unless., on an extT1lordinary OCC8sioll, t ile g(WenlOr 'Pm!)!,. shall think proper to call the ieg'ildalive L'IIIembly togl!lher. And. tlH!

Dllbal¥m".ntl governor ami secretary of the Di.strict Ihll~ in th~ d i.bursemcnt or all ohppropriaUOOI moneys nppropriated by Congress and intrusted 10 them, bo go\'crncd by ConA' r solely by tbe instructions of the Secretary of the T reasury of the United

States, aod shall semiannually account 10 the Mid St.'Cretary (or tbe man· ocr in wh ich the aforesaid moneys ,hall hllve been expended; and no 6J:.penditure al1a\1 be made by the said legislative R!lembly of funds RP_ propriated by CoogrcS8, for object! not especinlly nul.hori ztlll hy ar.ts of Congress m o.k iog the appropriation&, Dor beyond the sum,. thu8 appro­priated for such objeel&

Flnhe.-kmo( SEC. 88 . .And k it fori"" en.acttd, Thtl.t the legislative lI~clIIlJ1y of 1'II!tb7tl~e a... the District of Columbia shall hold its first sesaion Ilt such t ime !Iud place .11Jl Y' in said District 118 the gtlvernor thereof sha.1I appoint nnd direct,

DoI~gat. to SEC. 34 . .And lH it jur/II" roart,u, That II dclegllttl to tile H ouse of W:~~~~:'ifve._ Rep~ntatives of the United S tnt e.~ to servo for tho term of two yellrs;

who sball be II citizen of the United States und (If tbe District of Culum­bia, and 8hl\1I have the qualifications of II vuler, may be elected by the voters qunlitlcd to eleet mcmbe1'8 or the legisla t ive assembly, \Vho slmli be entitled to the S8.ID.e right!. and privilegea as aN! exerciS(.'(1 und enjoyed by the delegates from the several Terri tories of the United States to the H ouae 0( Representatives, Ilnd shall also be II mc nl bP. r of the committee fur the Dimie\ of Columbia: bu' tho dul~gate fi l1l t elected 8hall hold hi,. 1IC1\~ only during the term uf the Congress ~o which he shall be ck etcd. The first elCi:tion shall be held at. the t irue nnd plm .. -cs ILlltl be oon.-luCk tl in soch nJ Onller M the eJection:i for members of tho Hou~ (. f Repn:scn_ !lItiVes are conducted; and at aU subsequen t eie4:tions the time fino

PturtJlty to .-eon.Ul utl<!n

lInd IA .. 10 bot in rc.-c. in u.. DtltriCt..

pi llec; lind the Inanller of holding the elections alilill be prt!scri~d by Illw. 'rhe perilOn hl\ving the gl'1;'ate~t number of legal \'OIl:S IIhllll be tle­c1l\ red lly the govel'llor to be duly elected, OIlU a certi ficnte thereof shall ])e jtinm accordingly; and tht: Consti~ution .mnd nil th t: laws of ti le Unit_ ed States., which are not locally i nupp1icnble. !Shull ha\'c the ~II [JI C fOl1:e and cfli:c t wi thin the !nid District of Columbia M elsewhere within the United SUites.

Dtlbllning 0(' SIi:C; 35. And bt i l "urther nlQct"d, Tilat 1111 officer!! to be appointed lie .... to gtve ... .1' . cur1tylPf1t'O'fed by the Prosi!ient. o f the United States, by lind with the ndvice IIml ('{In­~,~u.ry 01 sent of tho Senate, for the District of Colul"!lbia. who, by \' irtue of the

ur,.., pro\';sio t1 i1 of lilly law now existing, or which mny be ~nllc\(;d by Con­gr(l8~, nrc roquired to give sccurity for moneys that may be intl'llst\)d to tllelll for dlsllur"emenl. 51uIli give Bueh security nt s uch time nnu ill such mnnner a.s th~ Secretary of the T reaJIury lOlly prescr ibe.

Vllplt~t1ttr SEC. 86. Alld k ·it fUTth~ ma.clttl, T hol there shnll be 11 , 'nlualion t ':Pt:dtYStllft 10111 taken in the District or Columbia of 1\11 r eal callu e ~Iongillg to the Uni t_ Ih. Ot.tr let 011:' ed States iu ~il. ilt Distr ic t. ~xccpt the public buihlitfgs, and the g"ounds :!s\ ~:~ ~:e w hich b!lv~ been dCl.licate ll to the public use Ilij parks fLnd squnres, a t ,.tan, . nd r6tUrD IClUl t onoo In fjl'O YCRrs. and return thel'C(lf shall be made by the goven lor th-rDlado. to the P resident of the St:nnte and Spea.ker of the House of Represent-

at iVe!! on the first J:ly of the session of Congress held a.fler 811Ch '-ni llation al,"" be taken, nnd the nggregRte of the "nlual.ion of privatc property in lUI id District, whonever mlu.le by the uuthority of the legislolt i\'e MS8cmllly, ,hall Ue reported to CongreM by the go\'ernor: Proua'cled, T hat 1111 "ulun­ti0l110f prope rt.y belonging to tbe Uliited Stntt:8 11111111 ~ 11111010 by such jX:r!OIlS :is the Seeret:try (If the I nterior sball appoint, and under such re~lI l atiom 8.'1 he shaH pre.'~cribe.

Ilo BotI~oI pub- Sl:!:c. 87. A,.d be ilfurtlle.r e.nacee.d, T hat thero , hall be in the D is tr ic t 'If of Columbillo a board of public lYorkl, to consillt of Lbe goVernor, who


Page 9: T,ut - Scanned Retina · Seo. 2 . .And M it fu.rther enacted, That the execntive power and flll-GOVl",OT. &1" ... Rnd 101\11 - E~ions 01 ner of conJucling such election, aou mnke

'IL. . IB WlI ... ," yO</< So.

C ' tt · GoogI,

FORTY- FIRST CONGRESS. s .. ~ III. Cu. 62. 1871. t 27

allnll . be pres ident o~ Enid board; four penons, to be appointed by the Board or ptlbllc PrlnmlenL of the U mted Stales, by and witll Lhe ru.J.viee ",ud consent of worln,ofwbo(Q

tbe Sen~le, one ~f whom .sh~lI be a .civil engineer, and the at.hera cil izens ~~!~i p. r. and rt!sldents of ~he Ulstnct, having the quali fi cat ions of an elector thcn;lin; one of said board abaU be a citizen aDd residen t of Georgetown, and one of said board Ehall be a cititen and resident of the county out. ,ide of the eitie3 of WAshington and GtOrgctown. They shall hold offioe Wm 01' om~; for the wrm of fou r years. unless ~ner re lOoved by tJl C r res ident of the U nited Stutes. T he board of public works SIl Mn ha\·e ent ire control of POWCl1 I.nd and make nil regu lnwoDs whicll they sha ll deem neces.!ary [01· keepin" in dustiel, d

. II d . ... I_liD repAir the streel.s, a\'en Ue~, a eys, an sewers of the city. and a ll othe r -e.~ ... works ,.,.hicll may be intru; ted to their cha rge hy the legisuu i,'e A!lAerilbly o r Congress. Thoy shull di iburse upon their warrAnt 1\11 moneya a ppro- Di.bllIXlIKllt

priat td Ly !.be U nited State!, .or the Di~triet of Columbia, or collected of monera. from pro~rty-ho l dcrs, ill pu n uance of law, fu r the improvemcn t of stl'(lets, Avenues, aJley~, and .. 6wer5. and ro!l.ds and bridges, and shall au e8S in suc\} manner as shall be prescribed by law, upon the properly adjoining lind to be speeill l1y benefitoo by Ihe improvemcotA a uthor ized Betl(!rmenti, .by law and made by them, a reasonable proportion of tho COit of the im­pnwemcnt,·not exceeding Me third of sueh cost, which 8um shall be oolleeted as all olher taxes are collected. They shall wake ull ueCt.'6Sary Frinie bIilld­regula tions ~pecting the eonstructioo ofp riv8te buildings in the District iDP. of Columbia, subject to the super vision of the legislati \'e M5embly. All con lractll Wilde by the lair! board of public works shall be ill writing, and Conu.eta. . 11R1I be signed by the pur ties making Ihe same, and a copy thereof sha ll be Dleu in the office of the S6erelary of tbo D istrict; and aaill bonrd of Lillllt 1.0 po .. ee public works shall have no powa:r 10 nlake wntracU 10 bind &aid D ist rict toeontra.ct. to the Pllymcot of nny ~um3 of money except in pursuance of approllria. t iont m:ade by 1:I,w, lind not until sucb appropriuions shall hue lJcen lr.nde. All contracts made by said board in which any member of !aid boord !hClIl be pcr~on::llly interested shall be "oid. and no pAyment ahall be made thereon by u.id District 01' any officers thereof. On or before tbe fi nn Monday in N{H'6mber of each year, tlley 1I11all submit 10 each AnllluJ repoft. branch of the !egislluil'e assembly a report of tbeir transactious duri ng Ille preced ing YOOI", and al<lo furnish duplicates of Lhe samE: to the gov-ernor, to be by him lAid bt:fore the P rellident of the U niled SlalCS for t,rnnsmission to ti,e 1"'·0 houles of Cnngl"l"Sll j and ~hall be paid tbe sum Pt.,.. of two thousand live hundrcd dollars fl:I.ch annunlly.

S£c. 38. Alld be it /urfMr tnacud, T ha t tho offi cen llcrein providcd ~effI 't. for , who shall be appointed by the P resident., by Mllll wiLh the ad l'iee lind r.~~~d!n~1t; ~ consent of the Sen a te, shnll be paid by the Unilfld States by appTopria- pllidbrthl Vntt· t. i on ~ to ho mnde by lnw as hereinbefore provida:d; and all othel· (l!licen tdOSi'IIJII'ffl of IInid Di~t.riet pl'ovicled for by Ihis act shall be pnid by the District: t ltro ce .... P r-olJ,'ded, T hat no ~fllll\"y ~hall be paid to the gO\'ernor as a member of Pro, tso. the bonrd uf public works in nddit ion II) his salary ns goverllOl , nor 'ha ll My officer of the Army appointed upon t1n~ board of public woru receive a uy increase of plly for Fuch service.

S r.c, 89. A nd H it furtltn" tnacttd, Thll t if, at Rny e lection here.ner Penllltr fO!" 11-held in the D istr ict of Columbia, any perron shall knowingly pc~nnte l~~~i~c:!~d and vote, or attcmpt 10 vote, in the lla me of Any olher person, whether lit e!ecUOIII, ltvi ng, dcad, 0,· fl ct itiou! , or VOle more than onco at the ~l\m6 il.lection for a lly cnndidatc for the stl me office, ur " ute at a place where be mnT not bo entitled 10 vote, or vole without hAving a lawful righl 10 vole, UT do any u nlawful act to se<!ure a right or oppor tunity to vote for llimselr or ally other person, or by fo"* .. threats, menace, or intimillation, bribery, rewl\rd, or oWer, or prorniie thereof, or o[herwi~e unlnwfully pNlt"t:nt auy qualified vo ter or lhe D istrict of Columbia from freely exercising the r ight of luWmgc, or by fl ny such lueans induce My yoter to refuse to exercise such r ighi, or compel or induce, by any such w ellus 0" otherwise, any

Page 10: T,ut - Scanned Retina · Seo. 2 . .And M it fu.rther enacted, That the execntive power and flll-GOVl",OT. &1" ... Rnd 101\11 - E~ions 01 ner of conJucling such election, aou mnke

c tt· Googil

lolL.. fB W.k .... ,. .... ·,'"'o,· __ C":'-::::,.-.:"-..... C·'--'·;..:· _rlC;oft OOTV ~ "Of! P~~I H~. Co. i4 "'~Ift "roa", _ C Va"'rtJotlO"lI ...

FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SESs.. lIL Ca. 62,63,64, 65. 1811. "29

~he Di",trict of Columbia be, and is hereby. dedared to be the aacee!!Of Dletrlctol'Co­of said corporationa, and all the property of aaid corporat ions, alld of !~ ~It~e the county of Washington, !hall become vested in the said District of thin of Wll4h. Columbia, and nil flnes, penalties, cost8, and forfeitures, which are now ~gtoD aDd & by law mnde payable to &Rid cities. rCljpectively, or said levy court, shall ~;-r.!o.:~, 0, be paid to said District of Columbia, aud the Sl\lo.rid of the judge Rnd COI\.I.

clerk of lhe police court, the oompen~ation of th~ deputy clerk and bailiff'a of said police courl, and of the mSnlhall uf the Districl. of Colliwbis shall be paid by SAid District: Provided, That the moneya collected UPOD the ~ of jud~ements of lAid police court. or so much thereof ruI may be ncceSSlU"Y. ~p,~ ot~~ shaH be npplied to the flRyment of the salaries of the judge and other (lW~" po i08

officen or , nid court. and to the payment of the neceoaary expenses thereor, and nny surplus remaining ancr paying tile snlnrics. comp Sllrphu 10 b. lion, aDd expcn.;es atbrt:SaiJ, ~ lllill be paid IUtO the treasury of the D i! tric t mid In tntb. at the eud of every quarter, rutury,

ApPROVi-:O, February 21, 1871.

CHAP. LXIII. - An Act 10 change the Timafo' ItoIdi"9 I~. diwid and cireuit Court'tif Feb. Ill, 1811, u,. United Si.al~ fJJ. /::ri4, PflIniyluulfiu.

h it ~nadtd by til, &n.ak and IJiJus, of lhprt.entatt'vu oj the United Slam 0/ Ame"'co in Clongreu o.uemhled, ThIlt from and aficr Ibis dale the T_ofUQIt.-­J uly terms of tlia district nnd circuit courts of Ihe United States in and ed Stat,. oourU for tht! we5lem district of P ennsy1nnia. lilt EriCt , hAU be commen~ed .t E.w, L

and held on And after the third M onday of July in each year; and the Janttary terms or said coart at the same place ShAll be commenced aDd held at Erie, Penn,y lvania, on and nfter the second Monday in January ()( each year,

ApPROVI'!O, F ebruary 21, 1871.

CHAP. LXJ V. -An Ao:« 10 prt:Nitk {or Ih~ A ppot1iOllmtllt o{ 1k8 "lonbfn of Ih~ /(I[JI" Feb. 21, 1871. /ai/lit A JJWlUy 0/ 1M Ttrn/oly <if ruoM1~,

~ 1·' tlUlCttd by th, ,s,nale ami HOUII of RtprtleYIlativa of tlu Tlnited Stattl oj Amtn'C4 i'l Oongrt" (JsRmbkd) Thnt it lIhall be the duty of the Apportlon~nt governor, chief jll5tice, and United Slates attome, for the Territory of Col. ~m~!:."! 0( omdo, on or bctore tho first day of J Dne nezl, to make an ItpponioTlment _~~11 ~"f~I. of the members of the council and bouse of rep" (eentati~·C! ()( the said orNo. T erritory, among Ihe ee~eral d istricts, for the e lection of membeN of the coun~i1 lInd bouse of representatives, giving to each section of the Territory reprelICntalion in rutio of il8 JXlplllation, as near ti may be, All I :100( popll' ascertained tly the census taken by authority of the Unit<..-rl States in III •

the year eighteen hu ndred and seventy, SEC, 2, ~nd 1M il further enacted, 'fhnt it shall be the duty of said Ome!.t eerun·

governor, cllief j ustice, and United States attorney to mske an offi cial ~~t.or"lptJr. certificate showing Ihe number of memben of tbe council and house o( omlu representatives tho several dislrict.3 of said T erritory are enti tled [10] 8S appol"tion~1 under the prov~ion~ of Ihia act, and file said certifiCAte iD the office of the secretary of said T erri tory, un or before the fiNt day of J uly next, and said apportionment so made .hall i?C held tp ~ ~he proper nnd legnl "pportioDment fot' the membel'j of the next l%au;lallve asaembly of the Territory of Colorndo.

ArPUOVED, F ebruary 2 1, 18 71.

CHAP. LXV, - An Ad 10 rq>fa/ 1<11 Act of the UgulalU'-' of rV,rimiR9 T~fqrj op- Feb. ~I , 1811 , porlioni!!9 1(1"1 Turitol'"!j for .'tltmbu$ of the Cou/II;iI ami BOWH '!! J.~'rMntotivt' ojth. T at"i/<>rial Legilll1lurt.

Be it etlCl(' /ld by tn, S,nalt and H(JUI~ of RtprunitatiIN' of 1M Ufliud SWh, oj America in Oongren autmhkd, T hRt the Rct of the legis- AppOrtion.ment Ia of h T · r w · . 1 d "A __ ' . aClorlfg\$ inA ture t c Crrilor, 0 yOlUJD& eDllt e 0 act appo .. lomng o(\\'JODlln,Ter.

Page 11: T,ut - Scanned Retina · Seo. 2 . .And M it fu.rther enacted, That the execntive power and flll-GOVl",OT. &1" ... Rnd 101\11 - E~ions 01 ner of conJucling such election, aou mnke

U memOry. kK..OOVIUIII.tl(l161~"";;;;"";;;:'''';;;;'''O.:",'-------------------c~l !t,c""O;~:o-;;gt;. ----------

N.o... . fB (.hle. Iro You. ~.... [j U ..... II ,._. - .. .v_ "'rnHiCo~ GOTV "" = Ro~ Put HU Co... ~'l. MAln ...... m Mod VO .. ,u .. 'Onll.... U V ..... Us .. On~ ..

480 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SESS. III. Cu. 65, 67, 68. 1871.

ritory d1BIlp- the Territory of Wyoming into council nnd representath-e districts, f\nd prond, for othe r purposes," be, Rnd the same is hereby, disApproved nnd re-. Nut appor_ _ pealed, And Ibe next apportionment of said T erri tory for members of

t':~to bem the council and bouse of repreeenV'livC3 in thtl Territorillilegislaturtl shall 186~ eh_235, i 4, be made by tbe go .. emor of the Terri tory in the manncr nud form pre­Vol_ xv. p. l71t_ scribed in section four of the act of Congress entit led" A n ad to proville

a temporary government for the Territory of Wyoming," approved J uly lwerHy-fh-e, eighteen hund red ond sixty-eight.

ApPftovF.O, February 21, 1871_

Pfb. U, 1811. CHAP, I,XVII. - An Act to r.wJAllriu IAt U .. ion Pocifo! Roi/rood Company to iUII~ i I' &std, 10 c:'OIUtrtld a Bndge CJCr(W 1M Mi,~rtri Riou (It ~, NIhraika, o'ld Cq"n<:iI muff'. 1_.

& it t1lClCted hy the Senatt and Honse of R tpTtlltntativet of tIlt! Unittd St,uu ol .America £n C01l.qreu asst mbled, That for Ihe more ~rfec t can-

Union Pacifle n('ctiOIl of any rai lroad ... that nrc or ~hall bo constructed to the M i3souri Ra!lro~dCompa.- river, at or ncar Coulldl Bluffs, l owa, and Omaha, Nebraska, the Union :r.,,:a.Y~$: P acific Railroad Company be, and it is hereby, authorized to issue ~ut:h o:<)n.t~et,·&c.. bond" and secure the !lame hy mortgage on the bridge and AJ1pronchca ~.idge lll.c~thlll and ftppurtonances,!\.Bi t ro ily deem nl-eclfullO construct and main tain iL'I .... lIOuMrtnru b ·d ·d . d I , k dd ... , 'h Om.ba. .fl ge ove r sal n .. er, an t iC nlC , nn epoLs reqUlr«u to perrect' I e

Construction same, u no.,,- authorilcol by lllw of Congres.'I ; and l aid b.·idge rnlly be so t"Tidg<o; toll., constructed a~ to proviue for the paSStlge of ordimlry \·clticles and [favel,

. and said comprtny may levy IODd rollect tolls lind chnrges fOI· tit(:: u~e of the ~Ilme; and for the use nnd protection of @aid bridge ond prop~r!.y, the ullion PaeillC' Railway Company shall Ioe empowered, go\"crnerJ , IIlId

l U 6, cll . 24G. limiwc.l by the prodsions of the act elllitico "An oct to nu !llori~.e the Vol. xiv. po 'loU . ' r· b ·d d b'· h i d .. collslrucllOIl 0 C(' rtllln fl gr.I1, 1111 to esta Ii t Ic m as p ost f Oil S,

appruved J uly twenty-fi ve. e ighteen hunorCl1 11110 !jx ty-~ ix, so far as Ihe Eulem lenni- same ;5 II p"liif'-flble thereto : .Ihld pTOl;ided, TII:1t notl.i llg in th is aet. sh311

lIu, or •• uroad b ' d 'h . r, T" · " ., lI\1t to be e fIoO COll stru~ fill to c IIlngc I e eo~tern termHlIIS 0 IIC JUton He' ILI!! ebanged, r ni lrOlll1 fro m the plll.l"C whc te it is now fi xed under existing laws, 1I0r to

rele8St! ~nid Union Pllci!ic U l.ilr()Ad Compnny, or i(9 ~ uccessor;;, from i ti! CongnlU rn"-y obli~ntioll as C8tabli~hcd by Ilxi5ting Jaws: Providtd also, That Congress

~1I:alatllltonuDd s!u.1I III nlllilllCl\ have power to ·regillatc I'>aid bridge, alld tllC fates 101· the 'I'M. IraU3pOrlntion ~_( freigh" 311U IHlssengers o\'er tlte ~uUle, and the local t l";H'ti

Amount or hereinbefore pNwided lor_ A IlII IIIC amount of boods he rein nut\torizl'u ~- shlt ll nol exceed two lind 3 half millions of dollars: Provided, TluH if roitl ..... w ••

bridge ~ hllll 00 co!Ultroeled tl$ " d rawbr idge, t hu &llIne sllall be ronstl"ueted wilh Spllnl of !lot If!iS than two Ilundrcd feet in length in the clen.r 011 each side of the ecntrnl or pivot picr of the draw.

AI 'J'nOv.;D, PcbrulU·y 24, 1871.

Ffb. 2. , l R1l_ CHAP. LXVUl. _ h Ad t~ fI"OIJid,/or 11M Di~f'O'itiM ,!/"WW T lfIililaTy R_tiIlli<m"

.Be it enacted-by the &nnte and HOlls/! of iVprt!le».tativel of the UIII-{td Slatu of Amuica 1'11 Otmgrc&' autmUul. TIHlt the Secretary of W ar be,

hProvi. ion. fllr and!te is hereby, author iterl and empowered 1o trnllsfer to the custody

l eIA]eOree,... d . , r I S r h J . , ,. ,. r. I toIinmi!iwyrel_ nn contro 0 tlO ccreta ry 0 t e nter lOI', lor (ISpOS.tlOrl or cn~ .\,

erVllI;Du. ill lIccol·uing to tho existing laws of the Un ited S ta tes rduting to th e pubhc O~OIl ; lands, after apprflisemell t, to the hi.-..hest bidd~r, lUlU li t not leS! than the

apprAiscd \"1l111e, nor IlL ]1'83 than ~ne dollar and twenty-five CC! I\.s pt'r nere, Ibe United States military rcoer \"lItions II.t F orts Lane and Wnlln­W alln, in the S ta te of Oregon ; Fort Zarah, in lhc S tnLe of K{lIlSM;

Camp McGarry, in Ihe S tate of Ne\"ad3 ; F ort S nmncr, in tbe T err itory of New ~Ic)l. ico; .Fom J Ctl5Up find Sabine, in tho State of J ..ou is iann; F ort 'VlIyne :lOd F ort Smilh, ill the State of Arkfl~as; such p<>rt ion (of the F ort Ab<lrcrombia resen -a!ion as lies en"t of th~ R eu Riyer of t,ho North; aud sucb portions of the reser\'luiou at F ort Bridger, in tho

K&IlIAs; RIIInrl.; New Mexiw; LoIII,hm"-; ArkanlM ; Red River; WyoDling,