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Turn Your Website Into a Sales Magnet

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©2012 Weidert Group Inc.


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Page 2: Turn Your Website Into a Sales Magnet

{ What is Inbound Marketing?

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{ Inbound Marketing


Inbound Marketing is a strategy and associated tools & processes

focused on content creation, search engines and social media,

engineered to drive awareness and attraction of your business

and feed your sales funnel with the best prospects.

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{ Inbound Marketing


What can you expect when you implement anInbound Marketing strategy?

• Get found online by more quali!ed visitors• Convert more visitors into leads• Nurture leads with discipline and consistency• Close leads efficiently• Make smart marketing investments guided by analytics

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{ Why Focus Effort on Your Web Presence?


78% of Internet users conduct product

research online

B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads

than those that don’t

Companies blogging have 97% more inbound links

and 55% more website visitors

65% of internet users read a blog daily

When searching online, 88% of users click on organic link versus 12% on pay-per-click links

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Why Focus Effort on Your Web Presence?

93% of U.S. adult internet users spend time on


41% of B2B companies and 67% of B2C companies have acquired a customer through Facebook

61% of B2B companies have acquired a customer

through LinkedIn

Companies using Twitter average 2X more leads

than those that don’t

3 out of 4 Inbound Marketing channels (blogs, social media, SEO) cost less than any outbound channels

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{ The 5 Disciplines ofEffective Inbound Marketing

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{ Discipline #1: Get found

An Inbound Marketing strategy and associated tools & processes allow you to...Create, optimize and promote remarkable content

• Easily create and publish fresh, optimized content that increases your visibility and draws search engine crawlers – and visitors – to your site

• Interact on social media. You need to reach potential customers where they’re searching, and some searches will lead them to social media like Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook. Part of an Inbound Marketing strategy is to !nd where they’re searching and, once there, answer questions promptly and communicate what you can offer


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{ Discipline #1: Get found

• Attract search engines. Search engine optimization (SEO) improves your chances of getting found in organic (non-paid) searches. Inbound Marketing uses keyword, page optimization & link evaluation tools to help you create keyword-rich content – content that improves search rankings and increases quali!ed traffic and leads

• Manage your web content. An Inbound Marketing strategy depends on an easy-to-use website management tool (one that fully integrated with your CMS), allowing you to control your content, update it regularly and continue to optimize it for search engines

• Manage your emails / email campaigns. This Inbound Marketing tool automates communications and is capable of sending a single email to just a few leads, or a personalized email offer to a large segment of your contacts


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{ Discipline #2: Convert

An Inbound Marketing strategy and associated tools & processes allow you to...Capture visitors and encourage self-identi!cation as leads

• Identify prospects. Do you know when a big prospect is checking out your site? Inbound Marketing tools gather intelligence from visitors to let you know who’s visiting your site, giving you a leg up on competitors

• Promote via landing page offers. Developing and posting valuable landing pages on your site helps capture leads, allows you to see exactly who is responding to offers, assists in lead follow-up, and provides a way to measure effectiveness of different offers


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{ Discipline #3: Nurture

An Inbound Marketing strategy and associated tools & processes allow you to...Engage leads over time to guide them down the sales funnel

• Automate a lead nurturing campaign. A set of tools allow you to provide the information your leads have indicated they’re looking for (and right when when they’re looking for it), increasing quali!ed leads with less effort and spend

• Integrate with your CRM system. This Inbound Marketing tool provides all the bene!ts of lead intelligence from a single portal. APIs are available to interface with nearly any CRM


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{ Discipline #4: Close

An Inbound Marketing strategy and associated tools & processes allow you to...Increase your close rate and start building loyalty

• Provide your sales team with valuable information. Utilize lead intelligence to ensure they’re calling the right leads at the right time with the right message – and increase conversion rates

• Close your customers. Using the lead intelligence tool, you’ll know when a lead is ready to commit. In many cases, well-nurtured leads will close themselves!

• Roll your lead information directly into customer accounts. This tool allows you to maintain all relationship information so you can understand how to respond to each customers’ needs and interests


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{ Discipline #5: Analyze

An Inbound Marketing strategy and associated tools & processes allow you to...Make smart marketing investments

• Measure your results. Because “You can’t manage what you can’t measure,” Inbound Marketing tools allow you to track successes and plan spending appropriately based on closed-loop ROI

• Understand your reach. While Inbound Marketing may be a new way of thinking, proven business metrics are still important. Inbound Marketing tools gather data about your brand reach in popular media to help you understand changes in your market presence


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{ Discipline #5: Analyze

• Understand what your competition is doing...and why. Inbound Marketing tools provide data about competitors’ web success (i.e., indexed pages, inbound linking domains, total traffic & social media reach) so you can see where you are doing well v. competition, and where improvements should be made

• Identify what blogs get read...and why. Creating remarkable content that draws quali!ed traffic is much easier when you know your audience’s interests. Integrated metrics tools identify your most popular and engaging posts so you can give the people what they want consistently


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{ What’s Involved?

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{ What’s involved in getting started?

Inbound Marketing requires discipline and commitment. The process includes:• Strategy and internal/external role de!nitions for your SEO, content

development, and communications direct to prospects and on social media• Website modi!cations• An SEO strategy• Blog development and postings• Content development and landing page offers implementation• Regular HTML email distributions based on where the prospect is in the sales

funnel• Social media interaction• Metrics analysis and activity adjustments


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Lynden, Inc. - Transportation & Logistics - 2,000+ employees• Heavily utilized landing pages with conversion forms, blogging & SEO

tools• Primary metrics for Inbound Marketing success is both number of

quali!ed quote requests generated, plus call center volume:• Increased total quote requests by 270%• Increased quote requests generated online by more than 412%• Increased total inquiries to call center by 93%

Does it work?An Inbound Marketing case study

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360º Signs - Commercial Signage - 5 employees• Utilized website CMS for frequent website updates, blogging tools & link


• Primary metrics for Inbound Marketing success:

• Increased monthly organic search traffic by 700%• Doubled the number of daily leads generated

• Signi!cantly reduced pay-per-click spending• Generated almost 500 inbound links from more than 150 linking



Does it work?An Inbound Marketing case study

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{ Interested? Want to know more?


Weidert Group can help you leverage the power of Inbound Marketing –the kind of power that turns your sales funnel into an opportunity magnet,

with the best prospects powerless to resist.

Give us a call: 920.731.2771. Ask for Greg Linnemanstons,our president, at extension 231.