a UNDERTAKERS. J. C. HOL8T & CO., UNDERTAKERS At the Old Stand, N0.8a0 MAIN STREET anil MEMPHIS. TKNN. J. H.UI KKTY C. Li. rungrr, with K Whthi FLAHERTY WESCHE, Manufacturers and 1 leadera In F"XT MTURE. AN l KAtTl'KK all kind of Kurniturefor iYJ, tM trade at their IMPIf on V ANt'h KI'UKCT. Keati on band a lacsrei Furniture, aud at reasonable rales. General Undertaker and lValera in Metanc and Wooden Cofflua. Prompt attention paid to Undertaking at tliuea. n Street, Memphis. Tenn. IS" UNDERTAKER, Dealer is METALLIC CASES AND CASKETS, And Manufactures of WUOIUCM and HOeiK- - 'OOI OOFKIKS. of ail kinda, . H t.. B. cor Baynso fc I : Order for UEdertagJug promptly attended mr So. 1 Carriage always on hand to for family j. b. Mecuiii!. McOAFFSEY CORNELIUS UNDERTAKERS UfD EMBALMER8 OF THE DEAD, jy. ai7 Second Strtet, Kear Monroe. MV-mnhi- - - Tennessee. a, KTAI.IC CkSM and Caskets ana '! 24 offin eonetantiy on band. W. Also, & K. SMITH, Wholesale end Retail Ileal- - In METUIC BURIAL CASES AND CAKKETS, No. it) Monroe BL, Memphis Tenn. A no If inn all M to. iet KKTAhKW huh- ciUee ud town umi. to Memphis always find at anlishmeul ail styles ol articles lu Una as great variety as be found in the THK I.OVVKST I'KH'FU CONFECTIONERIES. NEW ICE CREAM SALOON. n'HK rNPERf lOSICn TAKF. PUnATOWE infonmi He pe.hllr. and eeieelallv u,e ladies ihat l heir fpaciouj and Marvifl-reu- t Saloon (l he lar!-s- i and flrewt inlheciry), NuVk' uPKN. will rurulan HK.CKKIM. HM H 4Ti:itS, ' II I It ! : I! I om ki rioi.Rir.s IASTKIi. And all th VARIOI's Ll Xt Rli-- and KEI n At'l OF THE SKAHO, and shall stmre no pam to make oat extnhUBhrnenl the most lesort la the city, w'e snail continue to MAMFACTtRK PIRE CVXIHES, : sriet furnished fresh, daily or 'onnlrj' Trade, v. at 1'W Rates. 01 desirable Wedding Cakes, Pjranilde, Tes, and all dew riptions of PASTRHX made to or- der, by able and ilU-- Cntariluiien. L.. KOJCO St ., Sw4 and 299 Se- ond streal, vjfi t'ornesof Mallson. SPECHT'S CONFECTIONARY REOPENED I Confectionary In Etch Yarletf, And all of the best quality, constantly on hand and for sale at price, to unit the timet.. A LARGE LOT OF TOYS. WISES AMI CHAMPAGAES Of superior vintage. WEDDINCS AND PARTIES ftupplteJ w.lh everr reqniaite. on aaort notlea, ua rohlTtf TOBACCO AND CIGARS THURMOND, FOSTER & CO., tobacco factors AND OKNKKAL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, l de,r brtralaw Opera Booee, :14 !So.011cl street. Mettcrn and tlretnla Totaero Aycrrt, HA1KR, NAKHHIKTZ 4 CO- - re .Vo. 4 Huirhin' Hotme, HOUSTON, TEXAS, iiKAivKVi. tOHlvS( AtiKNT AND lrolue ItiOa:i-- . sFKKitH II IU SKKt IChU WHIKIRIgM a 9 IVxai and elsewhere njKiu llie oulj bale an Kxrlnsiv Casli Rasis. Iwrl 'r' pmatj KALUH Oi Kh KSTATK. proceed depslled Ii k to credit of patriKa,or rasaiLted alt he. or Kajieasa.aadiraeted. lais tf It. Cj --as aa eon- - can Ity Al. O. BRADLEY Oeatler iu a: . kinds of 377 (Jackaon Block) Main Street. dAW . XO XT OLD FRIENDS est Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas, the at Lanugo n JHUCj and rcdlam IIMtt at . ....ar nr i i,- -i- thnugh wu: event 4tJU' n impoverished .f 111 m Mr. I will lieir r,ii the in life. w nUimtnended u ptblie .1 w No. 4- - V.iM Oi' u Block, where rootni, ltaHoto eeed InJan insurance. Ttife Associated nge I it Li in III J' tela in ian, U and en rr .T el K I si me and Is infldeure lion to thnee Ui 1, K- - MoJbAHOS r to LOTTERIES. GRAND DISTRIBUTION 2,350 PREMIUMS, AMOCNTINU TO IN O Ke $253,950 IN 9000 CERTIFICATES THREE PRELIIIIXARY 1)RU!GS AM) ONE GRAND SCHEME. llttlstlppl Asrlfuiinral, .durational and MaantaUnrlaR lid hotlc'j at JtUs. Chartered ly an Act of the I)ritaiurp of Mis- sissippi, fume r'ebruary Hi, lav;. THK following receipt from I lie state Traas-- 1 un r exhibits In feci tDal the Hoclely has paid InUi til Slate Treasury the sum of rive Thousand llollare lor Uie benefit of the State Jalverslty. COPY OP RPVEIPT. Ne. rTT -- yt.vtc of Mississippi Five Thoaaaud I Milan, male Treasury, Jackson : Kti-- ii'pi of W. 1 Lylea. President, etc., per C.il. While, the sumof Pi . e Thousand" Hollars lu fall ef Auditor's receipt warrant No 127, deled July It. A.D. ltsji, lu hut favor, uu account o! I'nivcrsit, of : o.it.j.i. under ath section of Arl of Kctiiuary 1. 1WT, an API tbc Arleallnral. hiu-- , :Uual afcd Manufai Lener Aid scarlet)-- . iiivt'U under my bund and aeal at offloetbiN of Jolv. v.l, .: or. n H. K('il)I,HlaleTraavarer. In tlie Three Prvlinrtnary nietrlbatiatM and itntnd Spbenip. Ibere will be distributed ll.jd Preiuiiuu aiiujunUnK to Fi.i,Mjo ui VfV cerua-cate- PKKMIL Mrs FKUM m TO ,00,000. latPrrllmlnar Ulsirlbutioa,8rptlST. 1 Plflniuia Of 4,(1 I l,U 400 lreinluius auiooutioc to of " 4 " I'' to 1 of I " Ill " " iuuo i,ii Sd Prrliinlnarr DUtrlbutlon, Ort. 10. 'ti; Premium lreailuuu amounting U I'rfilmmar.i l)ltribuUou, 1'reaninm JJ tfi.i.mi.' 2.IWJ l.UUI ,Wo 1JU oi. IS. ti;. sj Premlams amounting UK NtHKMK, UtA 1 I'reniium of i ' .. swstl la - A. IX' u W6 " IHjn Premiums amounting lo . :v Jii ... 30 ajM l,SAl ISO 75 43 uai .. LjM UaM 154) 6U0 II W.ti'i f US vfm TjO 8a ,,11,1 2,IMI 2UUU l.nw o -- S.SJII to - jJMJ . 11, '7. Ua ts'.ooo $s Hvjtaa laM 1U.UUU Hum t.llJU 4.ISSJ 2j0uu 3.0 ll L,0UO 1UAUU M 7.."iii0 ti li.'jm loo lo.twu 7u .Mf.iau $..Vt,Mi Whido i .rtiflcatji. V First Instalment, m Ji:ii.. Sta ; First InKijaJnientsSB SO. tuarttTri, Firat luMnlioeut, f:t JT. TtAkt-- uotict that certltlcalra arc U be paid for in laKialuif uta of twenty Ave p-- r aeaa, of the whole feutu tor lit- - - rt, aud Third I?t ritaitlon- - and iMM BflMfpa. Tht- - whole atwoutil may be paid at nnre. If peeh-rrwi- Ky thlK plan ll svtti be seen that ibe tfrltfi of afracl-u- u vor ten ceuu per flay, daring the month, will pnrrhaxe a Vunrter i ertitacate, and keep hf aame renewed thnmhout the vhoDi Herfa, If not drawn on( in 11 rat, secoiW or third preliiuiuariea. Frfmlums Paid Wtltioot IN'ductlon. ii.. (Vr!!!ifnlfti m;iy perch i A t rorn or ottiered tiiroafh any Of thvi Hoclety'M A- n; or .yi diracl Iroui ttus uHlce. All oriern and (tuainuH icat-oi- is by tjia.i c.r eXpTv-- will ttvfive prompt aiteutlon. t'ertiti-ttles- , UHV tt? irlereii throAiKh the Com panV Atrenia. liYUta FAHFItoKF, M0 Hac-u- u ktreet, hist 4'ourt rAnuar, Tenn. W. ft. tjY lefrX, PTealdaiiU A LttkK r S v MiMUU. Hef ruliii v. auXj tdel NO GIFT ENTERPRISE Or nny other Swindle ! MI8S01KI AM) KSTr('KT STA- T- HAVAJA LOT TKKI RH. lUI LM.AL LOTTKIUtS IN I. S. THHV are drawn nrnfer Htat Charters ; have 1 been drawn for over FOKTY V1AKK J k tlx mm? be and are depos.ted with U. H. m Hecnnty. Tne prisea m- - drawn In public by two sworn lO'iiriiiKHientt-ppolute- ii ty tbe huM. Muel e draw a if tlckeU are so Li ox not-- PRIZES ALL CAS H Tnerearetwo Htale I'rawtagn each day, aad two ii.VKnii irawlncsecli mouth, Itrawlnvs can be seen two hours after pur-cha- of tickets. One-ha- lf the TIckeM are MA, 1 fiiaea paid n day of purchafte. TirkeU 1 to HL h c ,r4i to Scheme. T l'rtia-9- f' toflW.tw, aocirdtup tnrctieine. Ill U I t Art t VI no .. . W. VAN VOAMT, Mo. SECOND DRAWING OF Southern Asylum LAND COMPANY, TO TAKE PLACE AT HERNANDO. MISS., AUGUST, 1867. 1HK Firvt IvrawlUK, whlrb took place nt ller- - IiHI:do. MlaK ,on llie Ihlh list., Wks Atlenlel with uiiiwuai Nuenh, v t ii it in remembered Hint Suit a few i ks eint'su Irani the lucep-Ua- of the enterprirte to that event. flT.Uat) wortu of lickeis havina tteeu sold, a like amount of property wats drawn for, under the MEN rviaUr.n of aenUerneii Heiected ay Uie Ut ket boldeea )reii. The uusuart harmony and good feeling pervaded thoaa , and, as Wlil le itaen from the auljoiti-- l certificate of the Vnaterit, Uie affair wm ooiidueted to a olaae in a moat gratify lug and aMttfaUn manner : II CRN AN do, m k June Hi) ''. Wehawrjr certify that the al-r- raport of tlae First inlawing of the Southern Asylum Ik ccttrert, and thai tbe procaadiUKS were charac- terised by aspintof falrne-- w and Jturtneas by any Drawing of which we have any knowledge. The Managera of Uie Com )'-- ' placed Uie Uekett and a liHui under oar aole ntanagei-veii- t, and n. ' Atgued: J- MoItfJAN, KOBF.KT TKMFLR, V, A- - M f.KKl WK'i tl ICK, W. W. i'AMKTN, M. M V I N1, JOHN AlNBLIfc, Jommlllee. J. M. H.M.I., tlerk. The I'rlze drawn od this oeeaalon numbered Foi i veu, and comprised IoTh In the vicinity of Memphis, Tenn.. i otintb, Misa.. and Her uaulo. MiMM., ileeda to which have been made P lite lucky ticket-holder- . For tbla, the j 1'r.t wing, however, we are able to offer our liifgnmM still mora attraetlve Indoeements to intert-aM- t tlieinMelvea lu our wcbi me. h'roni a leaiithy lu-- i of property, luurh of which has the f n Hdvertiaedtai the puMie, we neleet OIK LIST OF PRIZKS. in Be-- 1 The First and tUipUal Prise, OiL M. 49L Oallowav'a valoahle residenee, comer i.f court sud li.ird streets, Memphis, 'nr MatA only feuea the center nr the eity, ami .... .,,11111, . nii ine r.,i.rsl. mte and nuty ... ljul n , (set trout by as' , an-- .Aiur-- i at taaaj. Second Ihrize. A rftLage residence of SxWt, m Uah city ef CI quarter of a laile frutu atid withiu oat- - h , terwcUug every part I hird Prize. one resldeuce lot adiolnin ..,. tii.mi -- M 101 eo tuu s I THK atued .lw,u. w . .ilist Wet: very availshle l... tjdJ, J; .,,.1 durably kjeatea. ,: - .... Fourth Prize. ne residence lot adjnlclni above pronertr VaiuedallaMa Fifth Prize, trie reaMcocc lot adjoin! ng above, also Wtim feei. Valued at thud. Sixth Prize, A moat valuable inaaufactaring ste with a periM luaJ fail of 37 feet of water, Kaatd lu wliiHion couuty. Alahsuua, with lu acrea of iainl. Valued at f lu.uuu. Seventh Prie. n e Franklin Fetnala InsUtnte, at Holly BajL Miaw. : a liaudaoiite and w l nchoi.i hulidtug, suoat aiiglbty kcatel Tl:ls bt veiy deairabie property. Valoadat faotiu Eiyhth Prize: o No. t, In Mays' MeraDlils. aire hex lit' fc-t- . A beauUlai butidlnc lot. Valued stiJm. ilWat Prize: 7i arrea of woodland near lialf-igh- , Kbelbr ooniity, Tannea-M:- , iinttant from mphia nine asilaa. T-- rs la very- - dejttrah a, and an excellent prize. Valued at SttAAj. Tenth Prize . (Vxlaga Residence, s moans ; lot larxm feet on RoriHiid avenue, near Mempbat and Cbarlesbm railroad, near eorjurallan line. Valued al MM Tickets $3 each. Maybe had of, or ordered through, any of tbe Compauy's ageuts. at the Central Agenay. Meaupnla, lo i of Col. Jasio Htrein, Hernando. Ulaa. Htockholdera, iilrectora and Officers of the Company are prohibited from purchasing or holding tickets In any of the drawings. Tlie Company Isetruply the media for the jiurctiaee and aaleof real raute between property d the Rcaerai pubJe , Jeki Im THE MEMPHIS I3A.IT5r APPEAL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER lO, 1867. BANKS AND BANKING 6AY0S0 SATlirUS INBTITl)T10, MKMfBW, TKMRBMEK, B&nklog House 19 Madison SL Tbla lnattlaltoa, niwaalaed la UB, baa baaw InieonUnnoaaand aacoaatfal operation for tbe paal u u years, ooutlnnea to tranaaot a GKHjSBAL e xchanoh aud BAHKIKO BtTBIHHW. Will Keeeive Uepoatta, Bar and SeU l'urrlirn Jk ItoaawiUc Exchange. Uetd, atllawr auas) (lamrreoit naiy, Kxcbaoge in snrat to auit pQrchaaen, laiuuon anl all lwdlns dtlee of the Doited la lea, and will aiakeooUecUoaa on aU aoeeaal-b- ptare In tbe north and West. L M. 1TUT, OMktar. J0IX 0. halt I IK. fwUMt- - BANKING.: CIPHIS INSDHAKCE COMPANY. ORGANIZED 1844. OFFICE, X 1- - MADISOJf STREET. J. J. MUKr'HY. K. M. CASH, - I'rewiile'iit. DIRECTORS I J. 3. MITRPUV. K M. APPKKHON, T. A.MtWN, d.C. JOH.NMtiN. Of O. T A. Nelson, Of O. KalU A Co. J J'. FRANK, K. M.CAHH. J. T. HTRArrON, of titration, Uoyer A Ca. nlH m insttuntlnti la trenar,J to receive le- - iumiIim hnv and Ball feaenaflssj on all the .rlnriiml onmaiemal oUiea. and to oollerl ihanivMn ill! nrinrlna! ikoluls Ud eertlou. Kemluaaoes prorupwr aiiendwi tO, X.I.Ann Planter' Bank Sole. w N apeordanre. with an act of the (ieneral As-- 1 u mbly of the Stale of Tennesaee, approved i..mi..r!'' ... i'i.i.iml an n't "To ezutdlte Die dlslr.l.uUon 'f Uie eOketa of Ranks whlnb I I ij t or fiiuv iimkr at.!tflllllf lib ainona 111 miUea a. horrbj given Ui Use hold- ers of the notes of the Planters' Rank of Ten- - iineae to preeeut Uni to Uie undersuiUKd at Hie Rank in Nashville for payment bets-ee- now and the first day of Janualy, 1HA, or they will le forever barred. jyZ7 ual.lHSU I). WEAVER. Trnstee. MEMPHIS CITY SAVINGS INSTITUTION, Baeeeaaora lo Ogden, Tobey A Oa, Ho. 1C JrfersOB StpMt, Memphis, Tenn. S. H. TOBET, Prea l. E. C. KIRK, fash. rTtRANSAOTH (ieneral Ibelves Ilennslts. and dealsln Oold. Silver. Kxchtings, Oovernment Maeniities and Uuoar, rant Money ar OuUectloua promptly attended to. DIKKCTOKS : A. J. WHITE. a huh woodri rr, S. K TfiBEY, run in tr PEOPLE'S BAH OF TENNESSEE, HEMFHISi Madison Street F. W. SMITH, : D. A. SHEPHERD, iu t tr JAK. O. REN. MAY. KIRK. 12 THE DeSOTO BANK OF MEMPHIS, NO. 20 MAU1SOH STREET. JAM KM KI.UKK, - w. n. wMt, - T. K. FtRVSWOKTH, rresiaent. t, C01IMEBCIAL BANK OF TENNESSEE, MEMPHIS. J. W. ttn President. I. K. wAKTI, :::::: BVILSIlfO, Corner Madron and Streets. DOES A OKNKKAI. DEPOSIT AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS; DBA La IS Cnrurrrnt Monrif . : : : : ntul Government Heruritie. Collectloi troai all Solicited. plO TBE MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. TKSKiNATF.n IKPtSITOBY AMFI!AN I iit! Agent of the United Ktatea. Capita paid lu, f SW'.IKW. t apital , I,(ai,utnt. i uiiecuotiM inaae m tua . nna ai aoea- - Hit.ie pntnta In the H,utL. and pnocliially mittetl on the day of at current rates or W H. CHERRY. : : lVesiaent A. T. LACEY, t Vioe-FreHlde- J.J.FKKEMAN, : : : Oauiriiwr Karroks. Anum W. Uood wyn, Opt. ('. it. Chnrcb. ft. A. Partee, IL Houah M. K.Cochran, A. J. White, H. Tom Hnwn,J4hn la Taylor, Jaw. K. Merrltnun, Thos. rt Hmith, T. Ueey, W. H. Cherry, myii If FIRST NATIONAL BANK C T on tf ai OF MEMPHIS, Depository and Financial Ajrent or THa Unitod. States. B. DAVIS, - - C. BR1HKLEY, P. MORRIS, W. JOHWSTOaT. LKVV, DliDaH, Banking RoaloeH, OOUEW, No. (Jaahieir. laslilfp. PAGK, (ashler. BAKE Main Coin. polnta Autlmrlzeil payment, Kxctiunge. WootlrotT. frealdent. . - Caabler Aa't Cashier, liAWRIKGE 4 ST. J0!n JVo. JTetP Street, JVej York. Wt offer onr services for tbe Purchase or tale of Stocks, GOLD. UOVKKXHENT, OB RAILWAY SECURITIES Only on Omnratasloo, and transact a feneral Banking and Brokerage Business on the moat liberal terms mhZ4tf MEMPHIS GERMAN SAVINGS INSTITUTION, .! ADAMS STRICT HO. 16. Ocnoral ZOem n it. American and European EXCHANGE BUSINESS-B- - PASTS, rrrsldcat. raKD hjrskr, niMri my-i- l tr THE MAHTTA Xo. 9 MadUoo St., Soaiphlt, Trnn J. LEVY, Pres-l- . L. V. K M. K- : . h (Succesaora to Levy Boii',1 DIALS IU ICORKIIjN IN)ME8TI0 KIOHANdK. Ovid, Silver, Stock , Bond, rioternraentand MI seel laneiMn Secant lei A Nil sli deaciiptiona of lTi. current Fnnda. IstrsalU reeelve.1 autsect loi heck. Colle- - tiona solicited aud protnplty cared for. aul If GERMAN NATIONAL' BANK OF MEMPHIS. No. 293 Main Street. JUT!" COKOftXa, MiKTin usirriif, J.J.J KM, : : KKC'l'OKSi w. .'lie: inn a. JOI KPKOMT, A. t N. 1FF11 KI MKR, H. II. MKTW, J. P.11UFFMAH, K. C Hreiaddent. A. T. A. BoKO.Caahler. MX. .' : I rcildcat. : taaklcr. lai't t aikler. 1 I il JOHM DlmjNHfCR, C A. DA MM AN, JACOB WKI.1.KK, NK H KUKCtl, E Mtn.K, ANK. KI.N M.K'I i. J. JKNJi Y. Collection nuuU on ail aceestibU point in tlie Southwest. ixekaare Mr ute oa priarlaai ciua of lAlted btatea and oa all prin- cipal cities or -- rope. an21 ABSTRACT OFFICE. ROOM NO. 1. Comer Monroe and Second Su. K have the Abatract Hooka and complete Tf index ot the Register i ofQae. eomnlled by tbe late HKNBV A. UkNE; n.l saei more than a years' trial at their aeenreay and a carerni eiperlenee In the business, (not on mutake uavLna oaaurrad la all thai linn we are euabled to furnlah eonplete deralgn- - lort Pickering, X emphia and Shelby County Amanda, at (ha aborteat nolle and on the moat reasona- ble term,. J. CAM PBKL.L. CO., UlhAI U A A wwcaianri ie Bona cajnpoeu. 1EMP1IIS AM'KAl F ar u.fl Mepki AHpeaLJ UlaANi llK IC AA Hi:. BY N t v WAfHtAljU " all tbe airy Tittle thiuo-- Tliat only lack Ibe r. wlugt To make tlicrn angflM set in, Hi, none ai lliem That can compare Witkour own " lova'n ynnna dream," lllanclie llaalH! Rbe 1h a dalntv , dar llfikr aprile ! MoTery diinlmj aad ho wiulv No lotMrar than my ariu! Th KiinllKht there is like her hair! Ah, thou art Lova" own charm, Ulauoha i iu And then atie wwia w like adove! Twuwhl nmkethn Uul Kill mad wltb love To Uat hir Hwert rfpllta' Ti henvt-n'- owu blue A tirlBlitJT hnf Ttaa thy dear nmlltnK rves, iilunche lUabeT FIACIAL AMI COMMERCIAL OKFICK OF THK RAII.Y APPKAL.I lUafHis, beptanibtir u, Uaff. j The course of financial matters runa akraB smoothly, hut with the same so-- 'tint of Btrinirnioy wbk'h baa cliarac-Urise- il the market for the few preceding months. The fear of tieliii? up money for too Ion a time rtlll prevent Mtotn-mixlatio- n to any extent. The flret move-ti--nt of Uie new crop, or rather as soon an cotton curnmeiiceM to come forward lu Hwli amounts as will give confidence that receipts will be heavier from day to day. we liKk for a very conslderalile chauge for the betUff. Money whicli now lies idle will then come forth from its hidinir places in abundance, and Una who have left no effort unwpared to will fe astoniahed at the ease with which they can eflect a discount. Tbe proclamation of the president should have a beneficial effect on the finances of the south, and will no doubt tend to remove the uncertainty which hax ex- isted tn the minds of many relative to oar future. Oold is rapidly advancing in New York, It opened at 12;c aud closed at flfe. Iu this market dealers were not ruJiftwimr the rise very cloaely. The baying rates in the morning was 41 Jc, but rose to 42c before the close. Hiver hi scarce at 3' to 33c for halves and quarters. City scrip is becoming weaker. Large amounts are offered and the buying rates among dealers are widely at variance, la soma instances brrt 48c is offered, wiiile others otter ot to .tJc. The helliui; rates have not declined to correspond. Dealers are not disposed to part with it at less than 54 to 55c. Comity warrant are more in demand. Brokers bid 65 to GTc and sell at 7U to 75c. Police scrip Is waning. The demand is light and becoming more so daily. 70 to 72c are the buyingraUs. Selling at 75c. In bonds and stocks there are no trans- actions to report. lUtes of exchange have not varied. Cotton bills are takeu at oar to ! dis- count. Checking on New York at j pre- mium aud on 8t. Liouisat i premium. A recent motion for an injunction and tbe appointment of a receiver to wind up the affairs of the Merchant- -' Union I'lxpreas company, was denied. The court found tbe compauy solveut, owing uo debts, and having several thousand dollars iu its treasury. The sum of ten thousand six huudred and forty-thre- e dollars were expeuded oa St .Louis during the past mouth for keeping the streets clean. Au inadvertant but very imiiortant error in the last oflicial statement of Uie public (Wit has been discovered at Uie treasury department. The correction reduces the amount of the debt by 0; the aggregate debt is therefore $1492,000,0110 instead of $2,505,000,01 I. The error was caused iiy counting ma- tured compound interest notes not pre sented for payment. This item, specilic- - ally, is a new feature iu ine dent state- ment, and on tin- - occasion the mistake was made of uot deducting this from the amount of debt bearing currency in- terest. John A. Kasson, of Iowa, is at pres ent in Berlin, negotiating with I'l.i-.-l- a for a poetal treaty similar to Uiat just coucluded lietween England and the United States. A recent circular from the treasury department addre-se- to the principil collectors of customs on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, iusUticts tbetu to inquire rigilauUy into all cases of violation of the law in relation to the Coolie trade, and to report infractions thereof imme- diately to the department, as well as no tify the nearest United States attorney of the same. The question of the legality of the tax upon the snares ot national nauk sloes was brought up for adjudication a few davs ago before the circuit court of (Vsiper county, Mo., at its August term, in Uie case of the Central Hank at lloou-v- i lie against Thomas E. Ilochester, the collector of CooiKjr county. The tax was decided lo be illegal, and a perpetual in- junction granted against tlie collector. TI ie decision was based upon tbe author- ity of the recent decisions of the supreme court of the United States aud of the superior courts of Ohio, Indiana, Penn- sylvania and other states. The crse at BtHjuvil' was argued by eminent cotiu-N- on both sides before Judge Miller, and, in the light of recent decisions by tbe highest tribunals of other states, he did not hesitate to grant the injunction. rt. It. Tojiky. fiesident, ED. C. JCtRK, Casiiler. MEHPULS t'lTV SAWSfiS WSTItlTOS DKALF.KK Itf 6ol, fillrrr, Bxrhaiige. Government Se- curities, I'ncarrcBl Honey, blocks, Bunds, Land Warrants. Police, Uity and County Scrip, tc, ktc. Xo lti Jeffereon Street, MEMPHIS. : TamrrsKX. iluyina ICate Bank orTeu.uld m'se ..' W.Tenn. " IThalUlifswalo Middle Ten 11 Hi City Bank SB pal nisi alt Hank us Bortlieru Bank J Oeoee M .( Plan i era' " ( Union " J helbyville ' .sii Southern " Tradeia " tfc'i ALABAMA. Bank ol. Mobile ( " ' " Belraa J Comniercial Hank - aastern Bauk northern " Central " Bouthern as Si.RTH ''AKOI.ISA. Bank of Cane Kfmr ... t2 - imanuvie. w " flarendon 2 " Contneree... J2 " FayeatevlUe.. 7 " .. i 10 - N. Carolina.. l Wnlistlsiril Al WashiUKi'Hi i" 14 WilminaKin.ls M Yaticevvllle... S (Vunmeri'iHl Hank VS KHrmers' K'k of N . C Merchants' think 4(1 Miners Plsiirrs'H'k U l.AM' WABKASrs. til acres, war isti ..( 40 m " " "... so lai " ... he in) " ... 148 leu not ' " ... 130 sosns. H jr.LK bonds. .75 M AC It 1! connonssji M. AO. K.K- - bonds it M. AU i: K nonuous U Tenn. bonds, old tie' uea. in Tenn. ennpetia 70 Ml .1 K.U 1st Ul Ie... M 2d " 40 Mamp'laCUy b'uds...io ' omipons.c-- , : : : : TKNN. enoRGM. Kuyinu Itnte Aunnsta A B. Co 5 Ban k of A ngusta- - 50 AUieaa. (Vduiubus... tf " ttnmmerce ... 4 " Kulton .40 " K'n're Mtale .31 Mfddlaua t4 Havannab... 35 " Htaleof Uu . n Centr'l H, B, B'k Co . City ii'k ! Aukusui.1 F'lin'rs A M'ch'cs. ti Ha. It. K. A B k Ce tf, Marine Hank r Mreb'ts PrcrsB'k. 4 I'lanlera' Hank... 12 Union Bank 4 Mechanic's Bank 2 Mau'fact'ra " 12 SOl'TH CAKOI.IBA. Bank oft ainden H " Cbarteston U " Chester 7 " ie- " Hamburg 15 " j Newbury B. Carolina... 7 " BUte, old Is'e 7 " Btate new 5 i ommercial Hsnk. Bank lo r rni rs a a, I ll Ba .. Mi otiKiiis' Kiink I'isipie s Haak 4n BI.Anters' s Hlanl'rsAM'cb'esH'k.lO Bouth W. K. K 1st He Hank Union .JBU FORRION RXCItANOR. llraflnn Kagiand. Ire- land and Hcoiiand 17 N.r lb. alenlriir. Kranee, A Belgium, !A tiuues lor II e". OKHMANV. Bremen II. hi fur 1 gold aaaaaar Berlin, U 7 for I stall thaler Flank fort, me mr 1 guilder. , Sweden. 41V; for one IK'KSUHlcr Tlwro was seme inuuirv for cotton to day and a few sales were made, but at a lower figure than on Saturday. Tbe de cline reported iu Liverpool and New York, together with tlie few buyers Boon the market here, caused a large falling ofl from onr previous ipioiaiioii. Mid- dling sold during the day from 23 to t,- low middling, 22 to 22c; good ordinary, 21 to 22c; ordinary, 19 to 20. Receipts for the day, 73 bales. Shipments, 151 bales. Our business streeta y were well Hi rouged with busy feet, hut trade was not so good an It was expected. Much of the inactivity stui existing cab belaid to tl - 'ii Ii pn. .... n ,si articles of prime necessity, and the small orders lM?ing filled show very plaiuly that buyers are awaiting that decline which must come as soon as Uie cro are sent to market. Farmers of the nerth can't hold back much longer, and when pro- duce does move forward, it will do so n such quantities as will materially affect prices. Meats particularly are held at high figure, both here nd in northern cities. Corn, though in very light de- mand, is scarce and firm at jl 15 to$l 20 fol prime yellow aud white with very little of the former in market. Oats are in fair supply at 70c. Meal is dull and declining. Sale on the levee took place at $5 40 to $5 GO, and from store at $5 75, Hay is dull at $2U on the levee for prime timothy, but In store holders ask $112 to $2t, and in some instances $25, but sates are not freuuent at the latter figure. Bran Is firm at $19 to $20. India bagging, 29 to 80c ; Kentucky power loom, 2S hand, 20 to 27c ; machine rone. 11 to 12c. l'otatoea are more plentiful ; seiiiar at $4 to $4 50. Onions, scarce $4 2-- to $T 50. Apple are in light supply and held at ja to $2 SO, as to condition. Choice butter, 32 to 35c ; common, 20 to 30c. Chickens are dull young, $4 to $4 00 ; old, $5 to $5 60. Coffee, Kip, 85 to 271e. Eggs scarce at 25 to 27c. Flour, dull ; fine, $0 a to $7 : superfine, $7 50 to $8: X, $9 to $10; XX, $10 50 to $11 ; X X. and all fancy brands, $12 lo $13, Lard in tierces, 13 to 134c; kegs, 14 to 15c. Mess pork, $20 50 to $27 : mess beef, $16 50 ; clear sides, firm at lt-- to lie 5 wtrwuKiArs, 14 u 1.5c ; eaavaased ham-- . 18 to 2oc ; sugar cured, 21 to 23c Salt, $3 25 per bbl. Sugar, 17 to 20c for oru'hed and clarified ; 14 to 17c for brown. Western Reserve cheese, 14 to Me; factory, 15 to 16c. Whisky, com- mon, $1 66 to fci. In Is proposed to erect a monument lu Berlin to the man who first introduced the potato in Europe. At the present time tbe extant of lanri under potato cultivation in France is 5,040, 3f4 acres!; in Austria it is I,30k,14S acres; in Great Britain, I acres; in Belgium, 309,- - 850 acres; iu Sweden, 334,000; in Hol- land, a0S,8.S7 ; la WurtemUtrt, Hi7,04S, and in Denmark, 00, 17tf aarea. o Tbe import duty on sardines Is fifty per cent. When they are sold by the case there is no additional lax ; but if leas than a case is sold a one cent stamp mast be placed ou each box or half box. Im- porters have been in the habit of selling Ices than a case to their friends or cus- tomers, and aomatimes without placing stamps on the boxes. This practice lias 'I'll general with tbe wholesale dealers. A few days ago a young man called on several dealers in New York, ten or twelve in unniu-r- , and bought two or three boxes of sardines from each. In a few days Uie firms received noUce that Uiey had been prosecuted for violating the internal revenue law. The result was that, with ousts aud penalUes to- gether, they veresmulcted iu sums rang- ing from $150 to $260 each. Of course the young man received one-ha- lf tbe penal t ie. and made a very gomi job ut it. ' He was a spy, whim business it !a to trap people who, ignorantly or pur- posely, violate the revenue tawa. Wagon ami ('jirrlajre H'.lerliU. Corrected Uaiiy by WoodhuTU, Bmllli A Co., Nus. Ill and lit! Ureen It reel, bt. bouts. llncsy wheels 111 uooll5 OU ihiixy wheels, Httrven'tt paeeei el t 'Si Wiutoti wheels . B III ot Hussy hubs, per set 1 a on Wiujon huim, do 1 ; l DO HUKkT spokes, do :i 9U4 6W WuonxKea, do 2 7tm 75 Hem felloes, Uu A. 1 IM I SI, HliWed felloes, U(l . 1 '.. i 7.", BacKF shafts, per pair wi Buinf psee, tmoti a, at W nouslnaletreusaud N,Vokes,doa 'i Hum Plow handles, per doaou. '2 f4a 2 i Huucy beds, each . 14 800 17 Ob RIVER MATTERS. WEATHBK AND B1VERM, It was quite cloudy on Sunday morn- ing, but towards evening the clouds had cleared up aud the suu came out bright and pleai-aut-. Yesterday was a hot dry day, aud the heat upon Uia levee was almost as oppressive as at auy time dur- ing the season. The river at this poiut still foes down at the rate of some two inches per day. The upper river is low to Cairo and St. Louis, and decliuiug, with seven to eight feet at Phillips', which is the worst place. The Ohio is falling, with scarce four feet to Iouis-vill- e. The St. Francis is very low so much so au to cause the Haiubleton to lay up. She got aground on her last trip at Campbell's, aud was detained tweuty hours. The channel is narrow aud full of snags. In White river tbemis but five feet to Devall's Bluff aud four feet to Augusta, and falling. The Arkansas is low and very troublesome. Arrivals. Steamer M. Hanibleton, St. Fr. river. " Ezra Porter, Cincinnati. " Julia, New Orleans, " America, Arkansas river. " Commercial, White river. " Belle Memphis, St. Louis. " Empire, Louisville. " Natoma, Vk ksbtirg. " City of Alton, St. Louis. Ttiwboat Mohawk, New Orleans. raeparlairfta. Steamer U..ra Parter, New Orleans. " Julia, St. Louis. " Mohawk, St. Louis. " Belle .Memphis, St. Lonis. " K. C. Oray, Evaueville. Koala la Pert. Commercial, Umpire, Natoma, City of Alton. itcxixuiiesa. Business was gissi on the landing yes- terday. The Isiats iu port were receiv- ing and discharging very fair trips. The Nightingale, Capt. J. Alex. Fra zier, will leave for Yicksburg to-d- at I p iu. Tbe W. H. Arthur, Capt. Drouillad, is the Atlantic and Mississippi Steamship packet for New Orleans She leaves at 5 p.m. The Umpire, Capt. Whitlow, is adver tised for Louisville this eveuing at " o'clock. The Olive Branch, due yesterday from above, had uot arrived at a late hour last uight. To-d-ay at 5 p.m. we have the splendid steamer City of Cairo for St. Louis. Capt. Sam. McPheeters is in charge, aud Mr. Mct'reightis chief clerk. The Altou is not excelled in any respect. The Mollie Hanibleton lays up a couple of trips to repair. The America arrived from Little Rock and goes to the docks at tins place for an overhauling. Biiiy Clark, a well known St. Francis rivet i lerk, is at present iu our city pros- pecting. He will soon be heard of put- ting his sig. to bills of lading ou some good packet. The K Fj Ijpe was not In the river at last accounts. The Ball, Vindicator and (iickstep were pulling at her, and screws were used from shore, but to no avail. The damage to the boat is quite serious. The Commercial, with Capt. Billy Ash-for- d in command, will leave y at o p.m. for white river. The Commercial is a comfortable passenger packet, anil counects at Devall's Bluff with theLitUe Book train. Capt. Morton am) Charley Nmithers are clerks. ('apt. Sam. McPheetere will hack out the Belle St. Louis y at 5 p.m. for Cairo and St. Louis. Capt. Sam. is a boatman all over, and very popular with travelers. Mr. McCrerght is chief clerk. The splendid St. Patrick, haviug her new shaft In position and being again on the wi' path, will leave at 5 p.ru. for Viokshnrg and the bends. Capt. Oer-re- lt F. Huls commands aud Dr. Clay Bice will as usual preside at the desk. The Starlight, on her up trip, struck a log at the head of Hurricane, which cut away a section of her wheel and broke a flange. The Memphis and New Orleans trade will be well attended to this year. Tbe Henry Ames, with Capt. Frauk Hicks in commaud, will be the pioueer boat, leaving this Krt on Uie 2d of October. Then follows the elegant ami swift low pressure packet Richiuoud, with Cant S' .... I i ...... rri , ClUl -- eai ,u eoojlUnilU. 1 )e ihlllillia also, one oi me nuest ste.. ra afloat, " goes in " on Saturday the. 5th of Octo- ber. The Indiana is in charge of Capt. Rube Neal, who, like his brother Stut, will never say die. Tim gay Southerner, with the old time officer snd gallant Capt. John T. Shirley on the roof, will leave this port on alternate Wednesdays, she will also go up as high as Paducali, but as she will leave here at regular hours -- he may be claimed as a Memphis packet. Besides Uie four boats above named, the Atlantic and Mittsisslppi Steamship company contemplate putting in tlie trade two of the finest boats iu their line the Olive Branch aud the W. R Arthur. The Olive Branch will he commanded by ('Apt. Ike Jones, who is one of tbe cleverest officers afloat, while the Arthur, in charge of Capt. Drouil-lar- d, will make some of the swift ones hunt the bank. There is no reason why Memphis should not support a dailv line of packets to New Orleans now, as well or even . better than a one before Uie war. Nearly all the cotton brought to Uiis port this season will go south, while Uie Memphis and Louis- ville railtoad will give a fair passenger trip daily. Memphis is y at the head of navigation, as surely as St. Louis is at anotner season of the year, and the day is not far distant when the largest sized steamers will make our tmrt their termini up stream at all times. "Things is work-in- , and uy anotner year no boat of the class of the Richmond or Indiana will ever enter the mouth of the Ohio. Since writing the above we fhave learned through a letter to Capt, Frank Hicks that the Olive Branch will as- suredly go Into the trade, and will run in connecUon with the Henry Ames, leav- ing Memphis ou October nth, and on every alternate Wednesday during the season. Tbtsaecures to onr city two very elegant packets, officered by men who are well known in the trade, and to whom the interests of cur city may 1 tiHi tided without hesitat ton. Capt. Frank Hicks, who has been un- well for some days with an attack of bil- lions fever, is, we are glad lo say, rapidly recovering, aud will go down to his plantation At present he is stopping al tbe Gayoso. Mr. John Sullivan, formerly of the St. Patrick, gts-- s into the office of Capt. Shir- ley's packet Southerner. He will lie assisted by Ale. Stewart, our whilom friend of the Liberty. Capt. Sam. H. Shock returned home yesterday. He has made such arrange ments as win enlarge ma ipnoTe or use fulness to Memphis and put money in his purse. We will have more to say on the subject but can't help ad ding that no man deserves success more than Capt. Sara. lite necessity of a quarantine Is no longer a matter of doubt. Tbe yellow fever, which has been daily increasing in New Orleans, i reaching out its hide- - him arms along tbe river above, and wn some nays ago reported tne occurrence of fnf.il cases in Natchez and Vicksburg. Tlie arrival of the Mohawk at our land ing, on tuinnay, wiin nearly an tier crew laid prostrate, was a waruing not lost tsiti our board or neaitu. in iS3d the II. R. W. Hill arrived here from New Orleans with several cases ou Ixyard, and Ued up at the foot of Linden street. Some of her crew died. It spread to the shore, and our old citizens remember but too well how fatal the disease became in tlie southern part of our city. The board of health, it wiU he seen, have taken action in Uie matter, and have, we learn, chartered the red wharf boat formerly used by Uie Arkansas mail line, but reeenUy laying at the point above Hope-fiel- and will place her at President's island for tbe use of the health officer. Capt. Garret Huia, who takes com- mand of the St. Patrick, has bought an hitertst in that packet. He is au old isiatman, and has been very popular in Uie Bend trade, Capt. John J. Edson, who has done.mucb towards making the St. 'at rick a general favorite, retires for a time, but will, we hope, soon be on the roof of another fine packet in a paying trade. The Natoma had not arrived at a late hour last night, but is, we suppose, in port this mornit g. She was delayed by tiying to get Uie Louisiana off a bar at I'apaw island, a few miles above LACLEDE HOTEL Comer Fifth and Chestnut Streets, ST. LOUIS, MO. II R ) 1 A S K I Ar. M A Ii I IV a3 P K P IE TO US EMMA MERCER INSTITUTE, LATE FALL YALOBUSHA BAPTIST FEMALE INSTITUTE, WILL COMMENCE ITS SESSION ON THE 9TH OF SEPTEMBER. hvm" tvrncH aud parliculara, apply to tlie Prisrlpal, MRS. EMMA HOLOOM BE. (Jukka ha, Mims . AujcoKt u. 1fVP. H IMPROVED IRON SCREW COTTON PRESS WM. A. ROBINSON CO., MEMPHIS, TKNN., X UHNIX for Mlssisslnni. Iswi"laiia. ArUaiiass ulirl Teune ee. For SIMPLICITY. EI'llNtlH Y I IP p.A BI I, ITY Him IMKK, u sLauils unrivalled, aim its areat excellruce in llieee respects makes it liie B K8T aud I'HfIA 1'EH.T PUITuN I'KKaS IN TIIK WJKIAl. Manv testimonial aa to its practical iitllily and superior xceilenc--ca- In the aeiMon of isaft t he hs-a- l demand lor this Press araa ao great we were nnalile to meet it, ami were obliged to disappoint many w uo applied for Iheru. We tarnish the Irons at imr W eras ii Memphis Air It si, with plans and siieciflealious for pulling uu. The entire cost of a com plete, when uuL up. Including freight ou Irons, Is but little over t v WM. A. K'lHINSON A til, HUHiiatf Western Kouadry and M:ii.'tilne 8I100, oinssiils (layoso tlou,-- Memphis, lenu. HOLLENBERG at OERTEL, Architects and Builders' Supplies, Manu5aC(tirera GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES, COPPER uA.7TI SIIKET IRON WOHKURS, 3lti (second street, and Clinton street bet. Howard's Row and fcajoio street. GALVANIZ ED IRON CORNICES, DISTILLERIES OF ALL SIZES Made to Oriler. .md-liiit- ul rtimtllleriiva Tor Nnle. STEAMBO AT WORK, COPPER AND SHEET IRON, PSOMPTIiY. TIN HOOFING AUD (I V TT K Ii I N ( CHEAP. Marble and Slato Mantels, and a large of Orates oonstantly on band. TIN, GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. ANTI-MALARIA- L BITTERS! No Person need Saffcrrrom Fever and Ague, as this Medicine will She Immediate ltelicf, and Effect a Permanent Cure. 3l TONIC XT IS TJ JTJSTJ A TjT-TP- . CO EorlSale by all Druggists and General Jtettler. D. T. EYKaTS A CO., Proprietors and Sole irfaiuilii tnrer-- , I'etemiuri;, V.i, P. I. HTJETTE a o - H - T'S OUR to tba IV wn have no In tlielr suneriortty over any prounc- - Uoa In our markets. In deviaeineut are purely oouinuusded with special aaaptllnda lo Uie varleua ty pea stomaclo derangements prevaleut dlmata. la It Is a K.mlle aadargoliig a aervaia lllneaw. It la a care for Hyspepela. It aaslaU UtgaatloB. Itoarea and Ubotera Morhas. It la a preventive for Ubllla and revara, H la au Invaluable oorapaniou for traveling at ail seasons af Uie year. It la a enterprise aad Tpn-einn- DONS assortment AS FOR SALE BY FRANKLIN 15 merit. aW old everywhere. C. H. EBBEKT & CO., Hola Croprietoirw. tf 'sroe.fils. TMia & NO. 313 STREET mm Court Street. arreting KITTKKH Houtliern beaitnncy asserUUi Northern their they southern sttmnlant after lMarrliea Host Isolll LYONS, FIES & CO., "Wholesale and Retail DKALKItS IN DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, ETC., J40 Main HI reel, MEMPHIS, TEW Jf. H. Lyons. Kiss, J. HA STOR I OA, O R for & Pit-s- or Se or of our to J. uu PLANTATION HUPPLIKH. Trustee's Sale. 11 V virtue of a Deed of Trust to me executed Xi by H. Heeasel, Nr., and Jannet Meeauel, ou the 24th day of August, -.- 1. on Saturday, September 11, ls7, Between the hours of 19 a.m. and 2 p.m., at the Ouurt house door of tlie Law Ooortoi Memphis, I wbJ aell to Ibe blgbcsl bidder, fur cash, toe following properly: fart of u uf Oriiiual I'ounlry Lot, No. 5rw. Liegimiiug nrty-tw- o feet from the corner of Hh;h street and Poplar, on the sout li aide of Poplar sm et, ran. mug em, parauiri . ,w . mtcvi. miy-uv- e lei to a atake. thence southward by one hnn- dred and forty-eig- and nue-hal- f feet to an alley sixteen feel win a, thence wealwanlly with aaid alley fifty-fiv- e leel lo a stake, thence uiirthwardly oue jhnndred and fbrty-elgn- i and on. half feet to the Beginning. sale mud to p .y note of aaid B. See-sel- , Sr., and Jaimel nninil.lHllable to r. Kleldiaan for tbesnni of line Thousand dollnrs with loterest front the iUUi of Aogosl, WM. EViuitv of wnlvvu.; 'A. B. MYEK8. WW Xrustea, K 1ST T CO., MAIN thaayaUm C H 0 I BO TOOF, PHILLIPS & CO., COTTON FACTORS, WHOLESALE GROCERS ANU Commission Merchants, No. W Front BL, MemptiK jvi. s. Tool, chas. j. viiiixira- - r, m.vauan. ijTRI'T al tentlon paid o LbeHTORAUK AND i MAI.K OK I'flTMN, and instrncrtona loardituE same strictly olieyed. Our fatr'htle tor the haiiftling of Co!!on are iiiisoriti-wu-- d and we invite tsaaecial atfentlau to Ibis hranch of our business, faamow assured of our ability to glva entire satisfaction to all who may tavor us with t io - ' : aafAJl sntpinentM by our open Policy of Insoraoce, anlvsw oLberwlse One stack of BAOl!. ROPB, IROW-TrK- and PLANiAWON rtlrppiJh4 gesierally will alw;ya be i .an; in ll and complete, anu onereu on- a kjiawt .is can h hud in Hps n k et Ttiankfnl in onr nnnn roua natrons for tha very Ubeial tavors hitherto exteniietl is, wert- - sfiectfuliy aide a continuance of the same, ll'-- ' H t C - J rai.e. via . ,,wa. a . ., - fv tion iy strict attention lo lae wnnta and our cnsUMnttirs. Major J.J. uI'rtRY, whose conn.cllon with fair house stfll continnea, wilt ha pleased to a call !rmi hm nutnetotis friends wbaa Vim; it; the city. TOOK, PHI III. i in. PLANTATION AND NKW bTKAM SAW MILL FOR HALF. a HARK t'HAWOK KOK A PA VINO IX- - JA vesunent Tbe nlanlai ion is known as the town of ' Lake riluff." on Wlule river.Ark. milie aliove the and LiLU- - Rock th;!- road crossing, containinglielweeB fourand Ave hundred acres, atsmt ue nonrinwi cloexeu (1& feel above the late overtlowi, the remainder lieavily timbered, fogeiher with the whole or nail inter. t in a NKW 8AW MILL, foitv tioraersiwerjjcngliie. MiacKaaiiUi'.eahoa. OiiM-n- n's Tools. Wiuenns and all ncct-ssar- aururlenaucce for running the same. 'lTir. is a line Munsein with n ine rooms, a I 'later n. pnelly 4lai gallons.) Uireel'abins, a Warehouse. two good Wood Yards, and uie best landings ou tlie river. I ne anove win ne soni at low ng- - unsandoD r.isy lenns. for rnrinsr partlcu-Lar- address Mrs. il C H. Biyllf Appeal Office. KJTABE PIANOS! KN ABE PIANOS ! rpHKHK nnrlvaJVejd Inatmioents are fully war A ranted lor seven yea ret, and aro lor sale at JfO. 375 MA I If T., (Jackson Block,) Memphis. Tennessee, 1w) By LHOPOL1. i ti KVKii EUREKA AND PRATT'S SOUTHERN MADE COTTON GI rtUIK KL'BKhlAOIN ae pa rates bn La. bulla acd X sticks from the Setd otion, and will pay fo-- itself In one crop of art hales. PRTT'H tilN nealK no putCng out speaks for Itaeu. and like goo! wluu, uot forgottou by those woo Iiave trhsl it Ulna repaired by a skill nl Ism wHelit. whfrse fiictorv was burned by tba Tan keee wbIe oa was in the Confederute ervie. tm Bands, tiam aad Iaatber, furulaheai at prices, orders soitcueu ana promptly Oiled. Add rasa, Memphis, Tenn., U W TKU KHr'A 1ST, Care of Karrtngton A Howoll, nu20 Agent for Pan lei Pratt COAL, COAL. wniw is Lhe time to lay In your Winter sod- ply and the place to purchase the best j rMM" n., moLKt, MKLI.KitilH A I. XX, Jb Mouth Court ilreet, aulwnwdlf lrnrofaaio. LEGAL. Trustee's Sale. virtue of a iru- -l ieed executed lo me oa RY Win dav of Join, use, aw ll ina and I'lirlatoplier a mas. rttian, aud .lu y reicla- - ered in tue KeKlso s unireoi riitiuy lmlj, Tenne-ae- . for the purpuaeol paying Uaa debt liwrelu aecureu, i win on Sstwrday, ilth wwy irf 8etjHtaa)er, 1143, at the aalearooni of Saw Knyster. Trexevalil A to., no. -- .a xueei, Memphis, Tennessee. (Ayera Hloek), eeil. tolhe lilKneal htdoer. forlwali, uie iinuiwiiix real estate. Uewlt : A certain lot ft srnind In the roumyof cthelliy, mate of reaneaeea,. anu cny l Memphis, known anu n.iw,ii "t""1 dan of Villi's suhdivlaiou of ( mialy lo No. Ml is lot Mo. a, h, lusted at Ihesoptrnaat earner of Kotieaon and Ullla STreeM. fronting .1 f!et ea the soiiiii -- Ideof iioi.-o- ii stsse una lag southward for depth IISS, feet between lioaa lavaliel Willi Hill-lns- lo an alley -- ee retai l wiili ..Li of ih aepuru tiauces lliereun.o iielouginc. The title to the above property is lllev.l to I. en,!; hut I will mj asll in convey aa fru-ie- e. i..pnt or retlempuoa waived. Hale ix twcen hour, of leand i nviwl. Jim r p. T uuh ,uit, Trastee. lsstWOOda Peyton. AlLorneya aullUla pursuance of a trnat dMHi s&ocatad to me rs uie tifi uaj ii jojWl m. af ltavte. bh'1 inly rrvr-ni- i in tlr- - K- - orrttcr'a tifllc! of Mnm- -. urerri, St. KrunciiL ' YittehfiatJ Mod W 'Mnjrutl toom.ra, aud ii Ui KLalti of .r.. if... I will, on lth Day of SfpttniliT, 17. t toa aoutbaroMt fornt-- T of Main huh mauitou aiiwn, in me ciiy oi prnagmtrt to wmU, Mt fm .In nrtiui.a 4Ua iiUiioL r. for cit-i- i, the (o11wlD( de-- -- r.t.-'i traclM or pancalx of hml lying lu the roautiea cf Mooroe. Orean, fit. Kruiirfi. Cralg-mm- t and Wncainifr, Htateof Ark&iiMHa, vie : In UiwitHhip &, N range, W heetmn 1'., MBr acrea ; St i aertlon It, tjj arrea; H W iioa II. m hirTv-- : WH of rt K aretkra H. Hi mrrm ; 4 ii! K nv-- i Ifru 'jn. Ii arrea ; W K of ana-- tton r w oi aaattsa w aatioB 'M, acrea ; n arrea; K fracUiinai acree ; lota N J aod i acrcx: Iota InfHW arrea; N K fractional acreH ; K of K 4 of irartlon.Ll aertlon IV, of tit wctiou Tr. V) act-- . DMaa zj. :zm acrea, H, M 4,1 fractloi virefr ...I Trust Sale. BarcUfMD t, 24, ; K , of ea ; M W of of K atMtlan Ju of Jtxi 0 N W of ti, of aeetion H of amioa lf W-- m ecflon NK 41 V acTea: 9m fractional etfrm on acrea aeclton i. acrea N K 5 In tovriiHhlp li. N range 5, K la, acTaa, ucuon as,aai aajnaj In wwnahip aenai waeraa; B H aectioii i,Uo! N 3, : .n ll.:cci N of anct I ou ll,lai acres: N W of ft W of - uon 1, ; seeuon mi, aaaaa ; mc Uon 9, H K M of section acrai taction . acrea K of aectloa 7, -- r (JVFis si. .aar im uuu trw . saction irt --ecrxa ; fracliooul part (east of ' acrea; mvUoo rH'i acre f. o' seciion aer- -: or W a' -- S. ai 7. sai atim H. acrea. NW il tedum It acrea; W In Township rsnge M N W of fractional M of . too i. m VV don K. I2a V f fraci ?! of aa W of W MO bm 60 M0 :iat rtcina 21, a, bsb of w '.or seen .u acrte-- L N of Ml ta lownaolp 3U, N ii section lAi au-i-'i section is. acraa aecUon acrea KM aaew, aaaaa acrea acres th;n acrea N V. of B s. of H acres K : N K oraeclinn is, 40 acrea N '. of N W of aseUoD I, Vi acres ; S ', of IB uf Ms tiou 1, li a. res ; Ji E of N W of seciluu 2, 73.LOJ acrea H EofH W !i section a, 4uaeraa; ;;of N w I, of section ll. So ucr.r. Mellon Ctl acrtsi is aal N w ci section 1X4SI acies ; see lion 'A, S4S acrea ; v. of aectiou 2U, acres section n acrea : W '.of S W V ax'rea. lu Lovvnr.!iip2I, N rang section 1.8T3I :t-- acres aection 2,w acrta .section asctlou HMt acres N of N K , K of N K of -- action 12. VJi acrea: 8 ft acres a. oi r, ami - t acres; S of M W l4 or "wi acres; W of secliou JJU acres; N i. of section lu township . 7l .147 u acres, fr SHI acres; S W fra. hio acres; W W Vof W !.of ao of W M of seel lu toa nslilp Jli, 2 Section 22, su acres t, 4U acres SW - , of 33 H W iia) il, i :i . ), Hi) - ; rtion ,r t ; : mm of raaea 12. U - . ; 7. law n ' aw ee- e- A, acho 3), VJi . i. U. c . r -- t m r .. f r. N crea E: , 44 ; W 51. loj , o un IX S; li, 4 . f ; f ; 7 f -, 13) ' 12, 11, , 11. WO airrea. tiof ; rtlon N rautte f. tj. fnuiQua! section W fractional i of Kectiou a. lotuil j of Mention 7. rtT7 li a UonilVg of 7. m TI- - r. ' . ir aerltoa , ' iirrv-- i ; lion W. N K ion 1H, .jy acna. raiiLe fi V, N: . of NW of HW ',' of N W i of section of N K of aectlon 16, b acies ; K of SE of SM Lion i, m acres. Jn township -- 1, N range 6 K: at K of H E o Section 11, fwi acres. ; N W , or s K '4 of 11, i anrea ; HW '4of ectiou -- 3, li acres ; W y. of 'ii. .CsWatrMM. ; W WulHW saUN W , of section i4, 1'HI acres ; H ' of N K '4 of sec- tion it, r acres ;W of ti Vf af section 2t, tens ; N "f :Z3) a res ; sectiou "JO, sat acres K' .ni'S W l, of --t, fti acres ; ' of S W ' ot sactMMi 31, 7te b acrea ; S ll ol S K of aectlon :icrea ; N E ' . of S C ( of section t, a acres ; N K ) of S K of sec-ti-- -- X tiiacrea. In township N ranee 1, W : S S of aaatlou a, Ztu acres; rt W '4 section 9, IS)) acres; W of 3 W ' and K of S K of aectlon , lai acres; s of S K of cliu J, Hi) acre; rt K ami N W H of aectkai JJI acres; N K Aand K ,o( S W of sectiou KM aaTes; H W of 5i W "9 of action 17, acres; K !, of E of N W V ol section -- I, 2i acres ; X V and N of N K ' or acres : s W '4 of WK of 12. 41 acr-- s : N of S W of ee tion 12, fvl l.VKSI acre : s K 4 of rt W ofwtlnu 41 acres; N W of mtctlota Is, l say 1m acres; rt W M of Kectiou 7, ITS'al-lii- u acrea; s of N M ot aactaou 7, tfl acres; N K rsf N V. '4 atul rt 't of N K of section 2X, -t m-- .N h of N W and F. f.ofSW '4 22, I --ii acret; F l-- , of H V '4 of aectioii 1, sm acrea; '..of rt K mid X K 4 of rt W '4 of aectioii 2, IJi acres; K X U of aection , as H7 M acres; X W l4 Of X W Ja of kectiou 2,61 2Telt)U acrea; X K of section , 13 IV'acrea. I11 township 6. N rar-E- l,K: fraci lonai n Il.6-- N Wu acres; N K of arcrion iy, M acrea ;K of s K of a?ctlon t, acrea ; Tots I, ;i and of XW XA of section S, I2l section 4, To!5-l'J- acres; E of rt W and s K of SK'i of 1, J acrea; N S of N W 4 and S',ofH Y. of aection 10, IJ acrea; W a af i W !4 or actit:a 11. w acres; N of 1" au acrea; JaT K of X W of aectiun Aw .1 acrea ; E or H K Kof sec- tion t, 1A7 U acres ; W of 14 W of k c tion 2, &) acn-- ; Iota Noa. 1. 2 and i of N K 1 of aection H, 125 WN acres; WofK W li of sec- tion :i su aeres; X ' a of sectiou a, and W of N K '4 and of 4 nt sizel tracts. The title Lo tliene lands is ileveii 10 ue good bul 1 snail convey on. v is trustee. The equity of reiiemptin is waived by aid trnat deed. Hale lo begin al 11 o'clock: a.m. and eoniiane until asuflieiency Uiereof la void to latiely aaul trust oaed. w . . Ji . r Trust RoviTgii, Tmuvivt A Co., AiuttonBen. - THK OF TllK Atit material whiclt luvs ever been discovered NO effected crealar - illo in tbo house hold e- oxtozny --ban MAGIC SOAP. n- - It is a labor saving tnasaslion. aa wali a i an vainahle remedy m Scurvy, rtcald Head. tiona of ths and 1'iles DandrulT re tnovea from tbe head, tire Teeth whitened anil c!eans-d- , Plate :it:il Jewelry c leaned, rttalna etketuahy retaove! from Carpels, Knmilnre, i tothea. Paint, Varnlh or Macula, with th greatest facility aud aril hout injuiy to the It la a great aaviug ot time and laooi- I In washinajclotuiw. ll is Iheonly known rtoap arhicb will wash r lannels with ine eaaa oi cot-La- n or lluen without fuiiin or slirinkiDg. All tii cm- - iwetlected without Injury to tba skin or the nioat delicate fabrics. It taisacSNats no final it it whatever. I Tbe world Is challangist to produce a soap which poaat-saa- w hum valuauh' propertn-- a and which so lnnoconua and saJV. It U a home Invention, and defles competition in ao. part ot tin worm, it na itecnma a neceasiiy In Memphis, and tta use is rapidly spreading throcghaal thertonth.aud eventual!, will as- tern) over the Vankea rttates. North and Month America, Kuros, Asia, Africa aud Mauuf.actured aolely by c P. McOtmstry, Mem-pbl- Tana., aud sold at tbe following places lu tbe city at wboUaie and retail : Page Co ' Ijean'a, TaylerS iriig Store, Poplar Meow; KlDin's. corner of Third and Adams : Oliver A ta. - DetSLo BlHk. Mssllson street; will vn I be found at any rejeeLaiIe tatuily grocery ir drug store. The proprietor la determined that Its anao aeep pace w.ui eifciMullngdeniaiul for its use. an III lOCk ISLAM) MALFlTI KJu CO, TO SO UTHEB ft HER VII A NTS. yon wish to nupplv yooraelvea Tor the Kan IF Winter Trade with the very best de- - acrintlona and style or A LL wwnvai MKKBt .and wltn tbe most durable JalAMH and KKRrtKY FABK11X, f.niLt ill Free from Shoddy aad other imparttii's, Wjltsaadrtof DhniVKKY McdIMSKY'S iniportBDtotijectscan Order Hamjiles from the niveTlber. and they will be forwarded, wlUi artea. attached, daring tlie months of July anu Augnat. 1 r in these eainplee yon can make your aelts:Ljnns and re turn vour oruers. anu ine vnssis win ue IOT- - wardeVt direct from the Manufactory. JOHW A. YOtJHO, Prea't, Charlotte. N. C. WAKEAifTID TUB MIATBaT KEHBDT C. WILLIAMS' ptalaaaa af Wild DR. berry aasl WwaaJ ssatka, a im warty and pcaitlvecare for t'oaaumption. iu its aanrly .I agea, oerore mm ran aiseaae naa auvanceo 10 far. ind acertain cure foTPueumonia. Atiirua. Spitting of Blood, Nichl Sweats. Husky Ti.nai, Wasting of the Kieab, Bronchitis. Coach a. Oobla, Palpitation of the iirmrt, Lcaw of ttrength.Catarrlis, Pleonsy. Whiatping iougli, Oittlcwit Breathing, and all disease, of the 'he t and Lungs, together with all the affec-Uo- which predispose tba above named cin Al tue cornuieiiceriieui o' ino war ine uianu-fkctnr- e of labia highly popolar remedy was soapeiuleil. The proprietor aud haa roaae arrangements to reintroduce it again extensively tluoughout lha Houtiicrn Statsa, and relies apon tbe pax n m age of his okl friends and cimtornors for a renewal of tbe fa- vors heretofore catenated, lo him. Tboae who are not acunamted. with this vainahle and sci entific preparation, are referred to tba jumph- - lets to he procure-- from Rgenis. Sold rival! Iinnrct'ts In Mem phta, Tenn , and thronhont th tatea. ao4 MARTIN EYKE, w w. 11. euuerioa, aa.er in SL'tJi:hrvl-ll- l and Maltreasss, 44)4 Monroe street. Att dearripttona of Mattr'.aiiiand g maile to order. Partlcaiar atteution paid UiBleamlsjai wora. uiu jiaiLresseerenovaieu. All kinds uf Lptiolsiering none by competent .lnd cxperiencaq workmen. anis in Sotlce-- To ill Wlioni H star Concera. MYlKrtH Is no longer In our em loy MRU. lsaulhorlied to collect money. nr irnllMe i nny .uuim Kir ua. unless constl. tutcd onr agent by power or attorney. All or com nmnlaal Ions reUtim. to.injir. of the late firm, if. Myers A Co., should be directed to as here. A. J.TKUW3IWI INK CO., Angnat , !B7. antltawW Want a from Missinsippi. SITUATION in a Wholesale Orucery Mtnre A preferred, by man of steady Morel Char acter, na uas naa anra wqwrlsmw t. HI. acquaintance to Chickasaw, Oktibbeha, Lowudes. .Monroe and PonUitoetXMlnlles, Mksa Pertset uli-ia- c- tiou given to character, uuiinOcation, etc. For tlie pirsent address fi, Boa Jfin. Corinth. IU . n. sEi.uks, Virginia. SI A i:tiiHnMH n a m extends :is 3. wtlXrAstB. Tt., Mem plus. X bt a. F. VI3HTX, Virginia. SELDEM, WILLI 4 MS & CO., rsiBEK DKAI.KrUS, 174 Madlaoa streea, oa the bavou. A roll of Lumbar. Laths and Sliiugtes. etc, alwayi on hand. apU oi L . . L i i .-- -aa a siMin-iniT- ai LEGAL. Trust Sale. f poniuanna of tho provuaion.- - to iut Mti uleu KiKHM, tUBl (itaSiUf tnMB HI Ui of a lii Uy of am! w duly In tba MMn ornc of n.itlly Trouaaaaa. in book No. , tasory March, eotitity. t l otlvr 0 on SATWKJ'AY, Ti i K 1A Y MKrTKJH bHWn 1h uvoal irm of aaiaa, ay at ll o'cmmt). at public ver.dac, Lo the Iiitfh-- tt liiddrt tas i'a-- Watts! the i...M.t be- - iSe ill oloOeCOUVeysd by hlU W!n sl. i wlfi only sell and convey such lltia mm aaia in nini aa inwwu aioreaael. JAM MX LKIC J a.. Trustee, raptenibar i,l)rt m uk Trust Salt: S rnsneof ihe proTta VU ui9 rXHClllfcU ()' J. A. i Uat. cum. -- jning i he flriu of 9 isjuii Jkii, aiAA tA- - fkmt ti ac i4.ilife Hayder In tlie puyment of a certain note thereia hmiiLkhmmI, l will alfar uu Siiurdaj , ibe 1 lib ia ofScptf iMKtweau itio iMMi ti hours of llo'cinest in at aablie veniu haider, al tbe MeinptiiM, tiie i taal sstalc. atta HUie of Teauai acd Auction fruiia Ony and rami oaa hnndrd faet to an ctty of Merupl uaied two Uon otoar frame, five yesrs froa will be soldi of t mat. TKKMrt CAHH. lievea tne to be caol. atUl he WiU utle us rests in hliii m Hepl U. It- -. and ttm 'it Trust Da-- vll ajui Knot, ou wblrh parpoaa of of evrtala prom wtll Mill rIKH, --vfcai at lJi protni ktreW allej M aMiea. say al t iaa door the city or described laaehold of Uaa of Haelby, the Krout. In the of Metnphin, lhs ln. aiae tof irronl to satisfy the term iltlc WniNt the am JAM LEK, of aaid deed ba- il Will onvey aucii safci. Truster's 8lle. nV virtue of a Trust iJeed xaeuted lo rne ou D tba ajth day of .Inn- -. by Ktchard ijirTifs and Nupolanu W it.'oet r, aiid y ragitereiil iu tna Kagawtee a oAea Hheiiy caunly, Tenu , lor the purpoan of aying tbe debla Uareu- - asrnixeAi, 1 will on Monday, Mh Day orSeptemberjMiT, At the Saierwoan of K ,. r Trex-eva- Cb , No. 279 Nacrrad rtreet, Meiu- - 611, Ten now--- (Ayraa' block), sell to tba bikjcr, forcHah, the foiiawitxtr. real tale, : A certain lot of gioumi the oaunty of shalby and state of Tenues-aa- a. known aud dMlgnutd ou tba niuu It 'routing o.i tlia h hW feat, extendi; llnaa frofo front KaM of Wain atrae in ig rv- - m 149 B. du aT 4k in nily aa Truntetj. trinity of redemptiou waive Sale between 1? and 1 o'clock. Jt H f. J UtKVANT, Truatae. LoarwcsMl A iVyton, Attorneys ao td Sheriff's Sale. r WILL oflVr for sale, to tba hijthe.s I lu eaaa. at t tie door of that Irani llonaa. La the city Mempbia, rthelby rttate of ToQnewe. on the iMIi ilay of ber, isa7. wiliiln tba asuai houoa, Uie T. ijuaarl l nI saau eatsfle. aa the aropen fUus, to satisfy an execalion iu favoi Ray, ns of ,vmimeretal Bank of K from the trcuit Court at the Mi IWJ7, jodfcmenl Hh day of lartobar, ajaty-rtv- e hnndred and thiiiy-uia- e 7; Lara and ciwts, to-a- : Tlie east ent on the noith side of JefTers..ni r-et Uia west "i- - ui t'entr alley, f oulidk 1Wi on Jefferson street anil 7iL. feet u alley, wilbafonr-at- s ry bricJi Minding also, on lot ayj at the corner, on the at Of Market street and east aile Tim being: IM fe-- t snarc. wltb the block story rasfdence teuefiienis therein ; naliuiVMu f lot 47". a r 01 ih al Market nUtSt siitl side ol the tlrsf illey east of Third vtie. lun teet front on Market itre lepti. ol about isv lest 011 tbe east sloV alley, being the residence property of ant, t Titua, all beinic tn tne city or M itlielbj aauuly aasl ita-- a of r ti; drnrn 'n the niaps and plan or irfd c f. M WIX'l KKrt, Itv I.U.HW.W. LetiulV st.Si.tl. of Ui Civil duiy TruMie. iut li. of Last Aincast St, UK7. aa5t-in3- TrutU S4iie. IS pnrsnance rha proviaona uie executed by rtir day af .ae mbai m whlcb la oaly in the sfl.ee of rthelhy eonutv, in 4toott Xo. 4v. Part 1, faaaaa 47, 47ii and 47; and also in pursuanca ot a 4 t lacieo ajirdi: hy ibe w lam M. rtuiitii. Judge of Uie ttiaacary 'oart of Mempioa. on 2- -i day of April, 17, tn the cau-c- tandina In aaid urt , Wherein t iiartea J. Hey an otlieca axe atvd A. and other- - are tle'end-anta.i- v IM, al the MaJenrooin ot Koynter, hl A Co., Auciioneeri, rto. 270 rtarond street, Ayres 'ling, TiK-.i- ay, 17th Heplenibr, ;eiareen tha of 1" o'clock. a.m.,and. tt an. said day, - - to sell, at Mbction, to Ibe nigbeat hi doer, apon ' b temia hereinafter mnt Ion tne following described Lot Land, lu- - gether situated sea, viz known m bwrng the mpmvementa n Mempnl", Tba tenement The equity ot redemption ia waive!, and Uie title believed to be perfect, hut I convey aa trustee. J. Wlt'Krt. TrnaLea. Hotmteb. TKEtkV.tjrr Co., AucuonacrB. aolKid Y virtu in u. rthelt N aiiaii only M in Slier iff' s Sale . stAi. for IU J and VI af A. rttmK and a I will In iruntot tlas it or wniphi. PAY. the 7th day of the boars of nab situif in it's Uy ( Shelby aasd IMa ot i I I lows : Ib-- Of fiirfii lataas. lb on 1 Sept. aalU- -. of terms is aa lierlff. Troat 'onsen 11. rttreet hours of anhlic t, of there oonts. Is John aell. area) lt to uie of No. la; luuni-- Uieuce uunuwaruiy vvajci ibe vrest 8ld e f'f Knth stiv et on ltua stake aowtrMsast comer of hot Na. U ; thenna Wuatwardly with the booth '.; of salu No. 13 it-- It it"'t ' taAe the soulhwet corner of said No. i; and tba east side of au alley: thence couthwardiy with tbe east aide of said alley 59 feet to a staka In tbe northwest corner af said No. 15 ; thence eastwardly 14S faet to I he begin n iuKi fM': S ln No. 4 aud lite a me lot convayad to W. '1 la by Amelia TailaH and by W. T. Lane to Marcus J. Wright, levied on aa tba property of aaul Marcus J. Wrwtut, and Old U satisfy die foregoing icoi ion. P. M WINTKRS, rtherilT. j . 14 .s .trT-.- it, ii. aV aula Alt TOTICf With Id trust e Uth day i (wblcn da af Critter payruent tne p,j Itrauuea 9natn to SSl Tt Ciisti met Trustee. of m the waenrnn, county etion of of of tin ce enr waa. tor lor tne city Jk Trust Sale. lersignad set rtun. rected lot lot lot given that in accordance ns anddlrecliouaof a deed id delivered to rue an tba W, by Hlchard B Hawley rd In I he Recorder's oftlce y, Arkansas.) aad for tha ea therein described. I will Friday. September 27, 1847, ba Clerk's office, in tbe town of ideu county, Arkansas, sell to f.e r,y,:riliu!tiWiit,aveii 1 e line if rang a eight ts, eaa. a LMtac oartar in same ty-t- () n thirty -- rtb of Iba ts jtb r.ii idisu- Tba Ulla this properly lieheved to Ian rerittclly gooL but shall convey only aa Part of tins land comprises one of the flnest plantation ou the Military i..ad, with Uin-- luaa, i ah as. etc., IsMugtbeplautaiiou known a the Brown Place, near Marlon, Ark. Vkaneery CmiH of MeapbK Tenn li a mi Bnr-a- j d U it 1 Keehna and Jarnea t, iritauu who sue by their a, at friend kceiin. citiaaaa of Uavt sun county, , va. K. C. ltrtnklev aad other creditora estate oi Was. ta. Jasea, lirereiora ordered ttmt ail who are in an v or manner Inlaraatad m tbe adnilnui-tr- a tiara of aid eat;tH, or who bare cianua against the same, appear and rile the aaaae wiab foe Clerk and Ma.sier of thKt'ourt, aulhetitica-lea- l iu the manner piaaarfbtl ay law, on or ba forn the am. Monday in. Octolar. 17. o tba aanieau-a- ll and wiii la barrd both in law aud equity; and that thia order be published daily for thirty dadrs in the Memphis Hajiy Appeal. A. AIaTOis, Clerk and Vaster friancery Coert of Memphis, WatoHT A MoKnit'K.SoJa. forComplainanis, Sept. S, 1SS7. aet NOTICE. rpHK creditors of the estate of E. M. Appleby 1 are hereby notified that I bavu sutujested (lie insolvency of amid estate to the tlerkof tba Oiiintv t'onrt of Tinton connly. Tennessee. and the trediUira of sa-- d estate are not tried to tile laheir claims, duly authenticated, within six mouths from the data hereof, or th.s notice will ba Hied in bar of toe same- J. K, DAJMNlKU'AdxtUnUlrator. AartT BaL Tajr7. apis tf trust Sale, Tin ue of a Deed of Trust made by Charles BV uensi leh and recorded in the ttegis-le- r s ota ol nlieHqr eoauly, Tennessee, in hook No. St. part i, page raw and following, I will, on Saturday, Uie atth September. l.T. in front of the Conrtn, iso door f the Law court rv Memphis, in Mcmdlls,TattBSuaee, on second street, neliweli I on aud Jywi streets, be-- l wee n the hoars of If o clock am. and I o'clock Am. of aaid day, proeeed to sell, at suction, to Uie highest liidder, for cash, tbe following lot or parcel of land in the cny of and designated oa the plat of said aty as part of lot No. '171. to-w- : Beginning at tlie northeast comer or a lot on the south aide of Jefferson street known a, fieorge Crwrnwetl's, Sif feet westwaruly from the intersection ol ferferaon and Third street. ; tnence eastwardly with the sontii side of Jerfersoa strert flfty-eig- feet to Its Intersection with Third street : thence southwardly with the west aide of Third Street one hundred and forty eight and a half feel ta an alley : mean weatwardly with Ibe north side of .said alley one hundred and six inches to the west side m another alley- - : Hieoce northwardly with the esel side Of said alley tbirty-si- z feet to the south tsmnd-ar- y line of Cromwell's lot ; thence east-wer- v with said Cromwell's south bonndary line aoH Met to th south- - .si corner of CromwcIPs lot ; thence northwardli with the eusi aaaailary ttne of ssld CmmweJI's lot one Hundred and twelve aad a half feet to the be- ginning. The title to said property is believed to ba t, thwetiaity of redemption .waived. bat cmvey as trustee only. nuai id James about TtlUHAS Lr.r.CH. Trust,.. 17lb MM way toc3 saw said ant Attachment Notice, Before Joha C. CMahton, J. P. John Oiision vs. Augustus Orten. 'liUK delenemnl la the above aatlUsat causa X will take nolle that an aUaehmenl has twen - ied out naAlntt h.ni upon the grounds rl..L lie la a ol in, su.i.ir i.mm see and tlie ease set for hearing .1 my office In Uie city of Memphis, on the HK.li day of Septem- ber sir. .imD and wUere h. o.n n. i -- ,i defend said auit or tha same will be proesewed with ex parte ; and that a copy of this order be once a week for four weeks in tha Subllahed Dally Appeal. JOHN C CRJlIUUTON, J. P. Memphis, Aaguai la, low. aoW lawl 4

TUESDAY, 1EMP1IIS LACLEDE HOTEL · 2017-12-16 · : sriet furnished fresh, daily or 'onnlrj'Trade, v. at 1'W Rates. 01 desirable Wedding Cakes, Pjranilde, Tes, and all dew riptions

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Page 1: TUESDAY, 1EMP1IIS LACLEDE HOTEL · 2017-12-16 · : sriet furnished fresh, daily or 'onnlrj'Trade, v. at 1'W Rates. 01 desirable Wedding Cakes, Pjranilde, Tes, and all dew riptions



J. C. HOL8T & CO.,

UNDERTAKERSAt the Old Stand,


J. H.UI KKTYC. Li. rungrr, with K Whthi

FLAHERTY WESCHE,Manufacturers and 1 leadera In

F"XT MTURE.AN l KAtTl'KK all kind of Kurniturefor

iYJ, tM trade at their IMPIf on V ANt'hKI'UKCT. Keati on band a lacsreiFurniture, aud at reasonable rales.

General Undertaker and lValera in Metancand Wooden Cofflua.

Prompt attention paid to Undertakingat tliuea.

n Street, Memphis. Tenn.




And Manufactures of WUOIUCM and HOeiK- -

'OOI OOFKIKS. of ail kinda,. H t.. B. cor Baynso fc I

: Order for UEdertagJug promptlyattended

mr So. 1 Carriage always on hand to forfamily

j. b. Mecuiii!.




jy. ai7 Second Strtet,Kear Monroe.

MV-mnhi- - - Tennessee.a, KTAI.IC CkSM and Caskets ana '!24

offin eonetantiy on band.




K. SMITH,Wholesale end Retail Ileal- - In


AND CAKKETS,No. it) Monroe BL, Memphis Tenn.

Ano If





KKTAhKW huh- ciUee ud townumi. to Memphis always find atanlishmeul ail styles ol articles lu Unaas great variety as be found in the




n'HK rNPERf lOSICn TAKF. PUnATOWEinfonmi He pe.hllr. and eeieelallv

u,e ladies ihat l heir fpaciouj and Marvifl-reu- t

Saloon (l he lar!-s- i and flrewt inlheciry),NuVk' uPKN. will rurulan


' II I It ! : I! I

om ki rioi.Rir.sIASTKIi.

And all th VARIOI's Ll Xt Rli-- and KEIn At'l OF THE SKAHO, and shall stmre nopam to make oat extnhUBhrnenl the most

lesort la the city,w'e snail continue to

MAMFACTtRK PIRE CVXIHES,: sriet furnished fresh, daily

or 'onnlrj' Trade,v. at 1'W Rates.



Wedding Cakes, Pjranilde, Tes,and all dew riptions of PASTRHX made to or-

der, by able and ilU-- Cntariluiien.L.. KOJCO St .,

Sw4 and 299 Se- ond streal,vjfi t'ornesof Mallson.



Confectionary In Etch Yarletf,And all of the best quality, constantly on hand

and for sale at price, to unit the timet..



Of superior vintage.

WEDDINCS AND PARTIESftupplteJ w.lh everr reqniaite. on aaort notlea,

ua rohlTtf



tobacco factorsAND OKNKKAL.

COMMISSION MERCHANTS,l de,r brtralaw Opera Booee,

:14 !So.011cl street.Mettcrn and tlretnla Totaero Aycrrt,



.Vo. 4 Huirhin' Hotme,



lrolue ItiOa:i-- .

sFKKitH II IU SKKt IChU WHIKIRIgMa 9 IVxai and elsewhere njKiu llie ouljbale an

Kxrlnsiv Casli Rasis.Iwrl 'r' pmatj KALUH Oi

Kh KSTATK. proceed depslled Iik to credit of patriKa,or rasaiLted alt he.

or Kajieasa.aadiraeted. lais tf



eon- -




O. BRADLEYOeatler iu a: . kinds of

377 (Jackaon Block) Main Street.dAW



Tennessee, Mississippiand Arkansas,

the at Lanugo n JHUCj and rcdlamIIMtt at . ....ar nr i i,- -i-

thnugh wu: event4tJU' n impoverished

.f 111


Mr. I




in life. wnUimtnended u ptblie.1 w No. 4- - V.iM Oi'

u Block, whererootni, ltaHoto eeed InJan



nge I

it Li












me and Isinfldeure

lion to thnee Ui

1, K- - MoJbAHOS








O Ke

$253,950 IN 9000 CERTIFICATES




llttlstlppl Asrlfuiinral, .durationaland MaantaUnrlaR lid hotlc'j

at JtUs.

Chartered ly an Act of the I)ritaiurp of Mis-sissippi, fume r'ebruary Hi, lav;.

THK following receipt from I lie state Traas-- 1

un r exhibits In feci tDal the Hoclely haspaid InUi til Slate Treasury the sum of riveThousand llollare lor Uie benefit of the StateJalverslty.

COPY OP RPVEIPT.Ne. rTT -- yt.vtc of Mississippi Five Thoaaaud

I Milan, male Treasury, Jackson :

Kti-- ii'pi of W. 1 Lylea. President, etc., perC.il. While, the sumof Pi . e Thousand" Hollarslu fall ef Auditor's receipt warrant No 127,deled July It. A.D. ltsji, lu hut favor, uu accounto! I'nivcrsit, of : o.it.j.i. under ath sectionof Arl of Kctiiuary 1. 1WT, an API

tbc Arleallnral. hiu-- ,

:Uual afcd Manufai Lener Aid scarlet)-- .

iiivt'U under my bund and aeal at offloetbiNof Jolv. v.l, .:

or. n H. K('il)I,HlaleTraavarer.

In tlie Three Prvlinrtnary nietrlbatiatM anditntnd Spbenip. Ibere will be distributed ll.jdPreiuiiuu aiiujunUnK to Fi.i,Mjo ui VfV cerua-cate-

PKKMIL Mrs FKUM m TO ,00,000.

latPrrllmlnar Ulsirlbutioa,8rptlST.1 Plflniuia Of 4,(1 I l,U

400 lreinluius auiooutioc to


"4 "

I'' to

1 ofI

"Ill "



Sd Prrliinlnarr DUtrlbutlon, Ort. 10. 'ti;Premium

lreailuuu amounting

U I'rfilmmar.i l)ltribuUou,1'reaninm






oi. IS. ti;.

sj Premlams amounting

U K NtHKMK, UtA1 I'reniium of

i ' .. swstlla -A.

IX' uW6 "

IHjn Premiums amounting lo



... 30



uai.. LjM











to - jJMJ

. 11, '7.Ua ts'.ooo $s

Hvjtaa laM1U.UUU Humt.llJU 4.ISSJ2j0uu 3.0 llL,0UO 1UAUU

M 7.."iii0

ti li.'jmloo lo.twu7u .Mf.iau


Whido i .rtiflcatji. V First Instalment, mJi:ii.. Sta ; First InKijaJnientsSB SO.

tuarttTri, Firat luMnlioeut, f:t JT.

TtAkt-- uotict that certltlcalra arc U be paid forin laKialuif uta of twenty Ave p-- r aeaa, of thewhole feutu tor lit- - - rt, aud Third

I?t ritaitlon- - and iMM BflMfpa.Tht-- whole atwoutil may be paid at nnre. If

peeh-rrwi- Ky thlK plan ll svtti be seen that ibetfrltfi of afracl-u- u vor ten ceuu per flay,

daring the month, will pnrrhaxe a Vunrteri ertitacate, and keep hf aame renewedthnmhout the vhoDi Herfa, If not drawn on(in 11 rat, secoiW or third preliiuiuariea.

Frfmlums Paid Wtltioot IN'ductlon.

ii.. (Vr!!!ifnlfti m;iy perch i A t rorn orottiered tiiroafh any Of thvi Hoclety'M A- n;or .yi diracl Iroui ttus uHlce.

All oriern and (tuainuH icat-oi- is by tjia.i c.reXpTv-- will ttvfive prompt aiteutlon.

t'ertiti-ttles- , UHV tt? irlereii throAiKh the CompanV Atrenia. liYUta FAHFItoKF, M0 Hac-u- u

ktreet, hist 4'ourt rAnuar, Tenn.W. ft. tjY lefrX, PTealdaiiU

A LttkK r S v MiMUU. Hef ruliii v. auXj tdel

NO GIFT ENTERPRISEOr nny other Swindle !




THHV are drawn nrnfer Htat Charters ; have1 been drawn for over FOKTY V1AKK

J k tlx mm? be and are depos.ted with U. H.m Hecnnty.

Tne prisea m- - drawn In public by two swornlO'iiriiiKHientt-ppolute- ii ty tbe huM.

Muel e draw a if tlckeU are so Li ox not--

PRIZES ALL CAS HTnerearetwo Htale I'rawtagn each day, aad

two ii.VKnii irawlncsecli mouth,Itrawlnvs can be seen two hours after pur-cha-

of tickets.One-ha- lf the TIckeM are MA, 1

fiiaea paid n day of purchafte.TirkeU 1 to HL h c ,r4i to Scheme.


l'rtia-9- f' toflW.tw, aocirdtup tnrctieine.Ill U I t Art t VI no





Southern AsylumLAND COMPANY,



1HK Firvt IvrawlUK, whlrb took place nt ller- -

IiHI:do. MlaK ,on llie Ihlh list., Wks Atlenlelwith uiiiwuai Nuenh, v t ii it in rememberedHint Suit a few i ks eint'su Irani the lucep-Ua-

of the enterprirte to that event. flT.Uat)wortu of lickeis havina tteeu sold, a likeamount of property wats drawn for, under theMEN rviaUr.n of aenUerneii Heiected ay Uie Ut ketboldeea )reii. The uusuart harmony andgood feeling pervaded thoaa , and, asWlil le itaen from the auljoiti-- l certificate ofthe Vnaterit, Uie affair wm ooiidueted to aolaae in a moat gratify lug and aMttfaUnmanner :

II CRN AN do, m k June Hi) ''.Wehawrjr certify that the al-r- raport oftlae First inlawing of the Southern Asylum Ikccttrert, and thai tbe procaadiUKS were charac-terised by aspintof falrne-- w and Jturtneas

by any Drawing of which we haveany knowledge. The Managera of Uie Com)'-- ' placed Uie Uekett and a liHui under oaraole ntanagei-veii- t, and n. '

Atgued: J- MoItfJAN,KOBF.KT TKMFLR,V, A- - M f.KKl WK'i tl ICK,W. W. i'AMKTN,M. M V I N1,JOHN AlNBLIfc,

Jommlllee.J. M. H.M.I., tlerk.

The I'rlze drawn od this oeeaalon numberedFoi i veu, and comprised IoTh In the vicinityof Memphis, Tenn.. i otintb, Misa.. and Heruaulo. MiMM., ileeda to which have been madeP lite lucky ticket-holder- . For tbla, the j

1'r.t wing, however, we are able to offer ourliifgnmM still mora attraetlve Indoeements tointert-aM- t tlieinMelvea lu our wcbi me. h'roni aleaiithy lu-- i of property, luurh of which has

the f n Hdvertiaedtai the puMie, we neleet


in Be-- 1 The First and tUipUal Prise,OiL M. 49L Oallowav'a valoahle residenee,comer i.f court sud li.ird streets, Memphis,

'nr MatA only feuea the center nr the eity, ami.... .,,11111, . nii ine r.,i.rsl. mte andnuty ... ljul n , (set trout by as' , an--.Aiur--i at taaaj.

Second Ihrize.A rftLage residence of

SxWt, m Uah city ef CIquarter of a laile frutuatid withiu oat-- h ,terwcUug every part

I hird Prize.one resldeuce lot adiolnin










.lw,u. w .

.ilist Wet: very availshle l... tjdJ, J; .,,.1durably kjeatea. ,: -


Fourth Prize.ne residence lot adjnlclni above pronertr


Fifth Prize,trie reaMcocc lot adjoin! ng above, also Wtim

feei. Valued at thud.

Sixth Prize,A moat valuable inaaufactaring ste with a

periM luaJ fail of 37 feet of water, Kaatd luwliiHion couuty. Alahsuua, with lu acrea ofiainl. Valued at f lu.uuu.

Seventh Prie.n e Franklin Fetnala InsUtnte, at HollyBajL Miaw. : a liaudaoiite and w l

nchoi.i hulidtug, suoat aiiglbty kcatelTl:ls bt veiy deairabie property. Valoadat faotiu

Eiyhth Prize:o No. t, In Mays' MeraDlils.

aire hex lit' fc-t- . A beauUlai butidlnc lot.Valued stiJm.

ilWat Prize:7i arrea of woodland near lialf-igh- , Kbelbr

ooniity, Tannea-M:- , iinttant from mphia nineasilaa. T-- rs la very- - dejttrah a, and an excellentprize. Valued at SttAAj.

Tenth Prize .

(Vxlaga Residence, s moans ; lot larxm feeton RoriHiid avenue, near Mempbat andCbarlesbm railroad, near eorjurallan line.Valued al MM

Tickets $3 each. Maybe had of, or orderedthrough, any of tbe Compauy's ageuts. at theCentral Agenay. Meaupnla, lo i of Col.Jasio Htrein, Hernando. Ulaa.

Htockholdera, iilrectora and Officers of theCompany are prohibited from purchasing orholding tickets In any of the drawings. TlieCompany Isetruply the media for the jiurctiaeeand aaleof real raute between property d

the Rcaerai pubJe , Jeki Im



B&nklog House 19 Madison SL

Tbla lnattlaltoa, niwaalaed la UB, baa baawInieonUnnoaaand aacoaatfal operation for tbepaal u u years, ooutlnnea to tranaaot aGKHjSBAL e xchanoh aud

BAHKIKO BtTBIHHW.Will Keeeive Uepoatta, Bar and SeU

l'urrlirn Jk ItoaawiUc Exchange.Uetd, atllawr auas) (lamrreoit naiy,

Kxcbaoge in snrat to auit pQrchaaen,laiuuon anl all lwdlns dtlee of the Doited

la lea, and will aiakeooUecUoaa on aU aoeeaal-b-

ptare In tbe north and West.

L M. 1TUT, OMktar.

J0IX 0. halt I IK. fwUMt- -





J. J. MUKr'HY.K. M. CASH, -




Of O. T A. Nelson, Of O. KalU A Co.J J'. FRANK, K. M.CAHH.J. T. HTRArrON, of titration, Uoyer A Ca.

nlH m insttuntlnti la trenar,J to receive le- -

iumiIim hnv and Ball feaenaflssj on all the.rlnriiml onmaiemal oUiea. and to oollerl

ihanivMn ill! nrinrlna! ikolulsUd eertlou. Kemluaaoes prorupwr aiiendwitO, X.I.Ann

Planter' Bank Sole.w N apeordanre. with an act of the (ieneral As--

1 u mbly of the Stale of Tennesaee, approvedi..mi..r!'' ... i'i.i.iml an n't "To ezutdlteDie dlslr.l.uUon 'f Uie eOketa of Ranks whlnb


I ij


or fiiuv iimkr at.!tflllllf lib ainona 111

miUea a. horrbj given Ui Use hold-ers of the notes of the Planters' Rank of Ten- -

iineae to preeeut Uni to Uie undersuiUKd atHie Rank in Nashville for payment bets-ee-

now and the first day of Janualy, 1HA, or theywill le forever barred.

jyZ7 ual.lHSU I). WEAVER. Trnstee.


SAVINGS INSTITUTION,Baeeeaaora lo Ogden, Tobey A Oa,

Ho. 1C JrfersOB StpMt, Memphis, Tenn.

S. H. TOBET, Prea l. E. C. KIRK, fash.rTtRANSAOTH (ieneral

Ibelves Ilennslts. and dealsln Oold. Silver.Kxchtings, Oovernment Maeniities and Uuoar,rant Moneyar OuUectloua promptly attended to.


A. J. WHITE.a huh woodri rr,S. K TfiBEY,

run in tr


HEMFHISiMadison Street

F. W. SMITH, :

D. A. SHEPHERD,iu t tr






w. n. wMt, -




MEMPHIS.J. W. ttn President.

I. K. wAKTI, ::::::BVILSIlfO,

Corner Madron and Streets.



Cnrurrrnt Monrif


: : : :

ntul Government Heruritie.Collectloi troai all Solicited.




TKSKiNATF.n IKPtSITOBY AMFI!ANI iit! Agent of the United Ktatea. Capita

paid lu, fSW'.IKW. t apital , I,(ai,utnt.i uiiecuotiM inaae m tua . nna ai aoea- -

Hit.ie pntnta In the H,utL. and pnocliiallymittetl on the day of at current ratesorW H. CHERRY. : : lVesiaentA. T. LACEY, t Vioe-FreHlde-

J.J.FKKEMAN, : : : OauiriiwrKarroks. Anum W. Uood

wyn, Opt. ('. it. Chnrcb. ft. A. Partee, ILHouah M. K.Cochran, A. J. White, H. TomHnwn,J4hn la Taylor, Jaw. K. Merrltnun, Thos.rt Hmith, T. Ueey, W. H. Cherry, myii If







OF MEMPHIS,Depository and Financial Ajrent

or THa

Unitod. States.B. DAVIS, - -




Banking RoaloeH,














. - CaablerAa't Cashier,

liAWRIKGE 4 ST. J0!nJVo. JTetP Street, JVej York.

Wt offer onr services for tbe

Purchase or tale of Stocks,


RAILWAY SECURITIESOnly on Omnratasloo, and transact a feneral

Banking and Brokerage Businesson the moat liberal terms mhZ4tf



Ocnoral ZOem n it.

American and European


PASTS, rrrsldcat.raKD hjrskr, niMri

my-i- l tr


Xo. 9 MadUoo St., Soaiphlt, Trnn

J. LEVY, Pres-l-.

L. V. KM.

K- : . h

(Succesaora to Levy Boii',1



Ovid, Silver, Stock , Bond,rioternraentand M Iseel laneiMn Secant lei

A Nil sli deaciiptiona of lTi. current Fnnda.IstrsalU reeelve.1 autsect loi heck. Colle- -

tiona solicited aud protnplty cared for. aul If


OF MEMPHIS.No. 293 Main Street.JUT!" COKOftXa,

MiKTin usirriif,J.J.J KM, : :

KKC'l'OKSiw. .'lie: inn a.JOI KPKOMT,A. t


K. C





BoKO.Caahler.MX. .'

: I rcildcat.: taaklcr.

lai't t aikler.

1 I



i. J. JKNJi Y.

Collection nuuU on ail aceestibUpoint in tlie Southwest.

ixekaare Mr ute oa priarlaai ciuaof lAlted btatea and oa all prin-cipal cities or -- rope.



Comer Monroe and Second Su.K have the Abatract Hooka and complete

Tf index ot the Register i ofQae. eomnlledby tbe late HKNBV A. UkNE; n.l saeimore than a years' trial at their aeenreayand a carerni eiperlenee In the business, (noton mutake uavLna oaaurrad la all thai linnwe are euabled to furnlah eonplete deralgn- -

lort Pickering, Xemphia and ShelbyCounty Amanda,

at (ha aborteat nolle and on the moat reasona-ble term,. J. CAM PBKL.L. CO.,



Awwcaianri ie Bona cajnpoeu.

1EMP1IIS AM'KAlF ar u.fl Mepki AHpeaLJ

UlaANi llK IC A A Hi:.BY N t v WAfHtAljU

" all tbe airy Tittle thiuo--Tliat only lack Ibe r. wlugt

To make tlicrn angflM set in,Hi, none ai lliem

That can compareWitkour own " lova'n ynnna dream,"

lllanclie llaalH!

Rbe 1h a dalntv , dar llfikr aprile !

MoTery diinlmj aad ho wiulvNo lotMrar than my ariu!

Th KiinllKht thereis like her hair!

Ah, thou art Lova" own charm,Ulauoha i iu

And then atie wwia w like adove!Twuwhl nmkethn Uul Kill mad wltb love

To Uat hir Hwert rfpllta'Ti henvt-n'- owu blueA tirlBlitJT hnf

Ttaa thy dear nmlltnK rves,iilunche lUabeT


OKFICK OF THK RAII.Y APPKAL.IlUafHis, beptanibtir u, Uaff. j

The course of financial matters runaakraB smoothly, hut with the sameso-- 'tint of Btrinirnioy wbk'h baa cliarac-Urise- il

the market for the few precedingmonths. The fear of tieliii? up moneyfor too Ion a time rtlll prevent Mtotn-mixlatio- n

to any extent. The flret move-ti--nt

of Uie new crop, or rather as soonan cotton curnmeiiceM to come forward luHwli amounts as will give confidencethat receipts will be heavier from day today. we liKk for a very conslderalilechauge for the betUff. Money whiclinow lies idle will then come forth fromits hidinir places in abundance, and Unawho have left no effort unwpared to

will fe astoniahed at the easewith which they can eflect a discount.Tbe proclamation of the president shouldhave a beneficial effect on the financesof the south, and will no doubt tend toremove the uncertainty which hax ex-

isted tn the minds of many relative tooar future.

Oold is rapidly advancing in NewYork, It opened at 12;c aud closed atflfe. Iu this market dealers were notruJiftwimr the rise very cloaely. Thebaying rates in the morning was 41 Jc,but rose to 42c before the close.

Hiver hi scarce at 3' to 33c for halvesand quarters.

City scrip is becoming weaker. Largeamounts are offered and the buying ratesamong dealers are widely at variance,la soma instances brrt 48c is offered,wiiile others otter ot to .tJc. The helliui;rates have not declined to correspond.Dealers are not disposed to part with itat less than 54 to 55c.

Comity warrant are more in demand.Brokers bid 65 to GTc and sell at 7U to75c.

Police scrip Is waning. The demandis light and becoming more so daily.70 to 72c are the buyingraUs. Selling at75c.

In bonds and stocks there are no trans-actions to report.

lUtes of exchange have not varied.Cotton bills are takeu at oar to ! dis-

count. Checking on New York at j pre-mium aud on 8t. Liouisat i premium.

A recent motion for an injunction andtbe appointment of a receiver to windup the affairs of the Merchant- -' UnionI'lxpreas company, was denied. Thecourt found tbe compauy solveut, owinguo debts, and having several thousanddollars iu its treasury.

The sum of ten thousand six huudredand forty-thre- e dollars were expeudedoa St .Louis during the past mouth forkeeping the streets clean.

Au inadvertant but very imiiortanterror in the last oflicial statement of Uiepublic (Wit has been discovered at Uietreasury department. The correctionreduces the amount of the debt by 0;

the aggregate debt is therefore$1492,000,0110 instead of $2,505,000,01 I.

The error was caused iiy counting ma-tured compound interest notes not presented for payment. This item, specilic- -ally, is a new feature iu ine dent state-ment, and on tin- - occasion the mistakewas made of uot deducting this fromthe amount of debt bearing currency in-

terest.John A. Kasson, of Iowa, is at pres

ent in Berlin, negotiating with I'l.i-.-l- a

for a poetal treaty similar to Uiat justcoucluded lietween England and theUnited States.

A recent circular from the treasurydepartment addre-se- to the principilcollectors of customs on the Atlantic andPacific coasts, iusUticts tbetu to inquirerigilauUy into all cases of violation ofthe law in relation to the Coolie trade,and to report infractions thereof imme-diately to the department, as well as notify the nearest United States attorney ofthe same.

The question of the legality of the taxupon the snares ot national nauk sloeswas brought up for adjudication a fewdavs ago before the circuit court of(Vsiper county, Mo., at its August term,in Uie case of the Central Hank at lloou-v- i

lie against Thomas E. Ilochester, thecollector of CooiKjr county. The tax wasdecided lo be illegal, and a perpetual in-

junction granted against tlie collector.TI ie decision was based upon tbe author-ity of the recent decisions of the supremecourt of the United States aud of thesuperior courts of Ohio, Indiana, Penn-sylvania and other states. The crse atBtHjuvil' was argued by eminent cotiu-N-

on both sides before Judge Miller,and, in the light of recent decisions bytbe highest tribunals of other states, hedid not hesitate to grant the injunction.

rt. It. Tojiky. fiesident, ED. C. JCtRK, Casiiler.


6ol, fillrrr, Bxrhaiige. Government Se-curities, I'ncarrcBl Honey, blocks,

Bunds, Land Warrants. Police,Uity and County Scrip,

tc, ktc.Xo lti Jeffereon Street,


TamrrsKX.iluyina ICate

Bank orTeu.uld m'se ..'W.Tenn.

" IThalUlifswaloMiddle Ten 11 Hi

City Bank SB

pal nisi alt Hank us

Bortlieru Bank JOeoee M .(

Plan i era' " (

Union " Jhelbyville ' .sii

Southern "Tradeia " tfc'i

ALABAMA.Bank ol.Mobile (

" '" Belraa J

Comniercial Hank -aastern Bauknorthern "Central "Bouthern as

Si.RTH ''AKOI.ISA.Bank of Cane Kfmr ... t2- imanuvie. w

" flarendon 2" Contneree... J2" FayeatevlUe.. 7" .. i 10- N. Carolina.. l

Wnlistlsiril AlWashiUKi'Hi i"

14 WilminaKin.lsM Yaticevvllle... S

(Vunmeri'iHl Hank VS

KHrmers' K'k of N . CMerchants' think 4(1

Miners Plsiirrs'H'k Ul.AM' WABKASrs.

til acres, war isti ..( 40m " " "... so

lai " ... hein) " ... 148leu not ' " ... 130

sosns.H jr.LK bonds. .75M AC It 1! connonssjiM. AO. K.K- - bonds itM. A U i: K nonuous UTenn. bonds, old tie'

uea. inTenn. ennpetia 70Ml .1 K.U 1st Ul Ie...

M 2d " 40Mamp'laCUy b'uds...io

' omipons.c--,

: : : : TKNN.enoRGM.

Kuyinu ItnteAunnsta A B. Co 5Ban k of A ngusta- - 50

AUieaa.(Vduiubus... tf

" ttnmmerce ... 4" Kulton .40" K'n're Mtale .31

Mfddlaua t4

Havannab... 35" Htaleof Uu . n

Centr'l H, B, B'k Co .

City ii'k ! Aukusui.1F'lin'rs A M'ch'cs. tiHa. It. K. A B k Ce tf,Marine Hank rMreb'ts PrcrsB'k. 4I'lanlera' Hank... 12

Union Bank 4Mechanic's Bank 2Mau'fact'ra " 12

SOl'TH CAKOI.IBA.Bank oft ainden H

" Cbarteston U" Chester 7" ie-" Hamburg 15" jNewbury

B. Carolina... 7" BUte, old Is'e 7" Btate new 5

i ommercial Hsnk.Bank lo

r rni rs a a, I ll Ba ..Mi otiKiiis' KiinkI'isipie s Haak 4nBI.Anters' sHlanl'rsAM'cb'esH'k.lOBouth W. K. K1st He HankUnion .JBU

FORRION RXCItANOR.llraflnn Kagiand. Ire-

land and Hcoiiand17 N.r lb. alenlriir.

Kranee, ABelgium, !A tiuueslor II e".

OKHMANV.Bremen II. hi fur 1 gold

aaaaaarBerlin, U 7 for I

stall thalerFlank fort, me mr 1

guilder. ,Sweden. 41V; for one


Tlwro was seme inuuirv for cotton today and a few sales were made, but at alower figure than on Saturday. Tbe decline reported iu Liverpool and NewYork, together with tlie few buyers Boonthe market here, caused a large fallingofl from onr previous ipioiaiioii. Mid-dling sold during the day from 23 to t,-

low middling, 22 to 22c; good ordinary,21 to 22c; ordinary, 19 to 20. Receiptsfor the day, 73 bales. Shipments, 151bales.

Our business streeta y were wellHi rouged with busy feet, hut trade wasnot so good an It was expected. Much ofthe inactivity stui existing cab belaid totl - 'ii Ii pn. .... n ,si articles of primenecessity, and the small orders lM?ingfilled show very plaiuly that buyers areawaiting that decline which must comeas soon as Uie cro are sentto market. Farmers of the nerth can'thold back much longer, and when pro-duce does move forward, it will do so nsuch quantities as will materially affectprices. Meats particularly are held athigh figure, both here nd in northerncities. Corn, though in very light de-mand, is scarce and firm at jl 15 to$l 20fol prime yellow aud white with verylittle of the former in market. Oats arein fair supply at 70c. Meal is dull anddeclining. Sale on the levee took placeat $5 40 to $5 GO, and from store at $5 75,Hay is dull at $2U on the levee for primetimothy, but In store holders ask $112 to$2t, and in some instances $25, but satesare not freuuent at the latter figure. BranIs firm at $19 to $20. India bagging, 29 to80c ; Kentucky power loom, 2S hand, 20to 27c ; machine rone. 11 to 12c.l'otatoea are more plentiful ; seiiiar at$4 to $4 50. Onions, scarce $4 2-- to $T 50.Apple are in light supply and heldat ja to $2 SO, as to condition. Choicebutter, 32 to 35c ; common, 20 to 30c.Chickens are dull young, $4 to$4 00 ; old, $5 to $5 60. Coffee, Kip, 85 to271e. Eggs scarce at 25 to 27c. Flour,dull ; fine, $0 a to $7 : superfine, $7 50 to$8: X, $9 to $10; XX, $10 50 to $11 ;X X. and all fancy brands, $12 lo $13,Lard in tierces, 13 to 134c; kegs,14 to 15c. Mess pork, $20 50 to $27 :mess beef, $16 50 ; clear sides, firm at lt--

to lie 5 wtrwuKiArs, 14 u 1.5c ; eaavaasedham-- . 18 to 2oc ; sugar cured, 21 to 23cSalt, $3 25 per bbl. Sugar, 17 to 20c fororu'hed and clarified ; 14 to 17c forbrown. Western Reserve cheese, 14 toMe; factory, 15 to 16c. Whisky, com-mon, $1 66 to fci.

In Is proposed to erect a monument luBerlin to the man who first introducedthe potato in Europe. At the present

time tbe extant of lanri under potatocultivation in France is 5,040, 3f4 acres!;in Austria it is I,30k,14S acres; in GreatBritain, I acres; in Belgium, 309,- -850 acres; iu Sweden, 334,000; in Hol-land, a0S,8.S7 ; la WurtemUtrt, Hi7,04S,and in Denmark, 00, 17tf aarea. o

Tbe import duty on sardines Is fiftyper cent. When they are sold by thecase there is no additional lax ; but if leasthan a case is sold a one cent stamp mastbe placed ou each box or half box. Im-porters have been in the habit of sellingIces than a case to their friends or cus-tomers, and aomatimes without placingstamps on the boxes. This practice lias

'I'll general with tbe wholesale dealers.A few days ago a young man called onseveral dealers in New York, ten ortwelve in unniu-r- , and bought two orthree boxes of sardines from each. In afew days Uie firms received noUce thatUiey had been prosecuted for violatingthe internal revenue law. The resultwas that, with ousts aud penalUes to-gether, they veresmulcted iu sums rang-ing from $150 to $260 each. Of coursethe young man received one-ha- lf tbepenal t ie. and made a very gomi job utit. ' He was a spy, whim business it !a totrap people who, ignorantly or pur-posely, violate the revenue tawa.

Wagon ami ('jirrlajre H'.lerliU.Corrected Uaiiy by WoodhuTU, Bmllli A Co.,

Nus. Ill and lit! Ureen It reel, bt. bouts.llncsy wheels 111 uooll5 OU

ihiixy wheels, Httrven'tt paeeei el t 'SiWiutoti wheels . B III otHussy hubs, per set 1 a onWiujon huim, do 1 ; l DO

HUKkT spokes, do :i 9U4 6 WWuonxKea, do 2 7tm 75Hem felloes, Uu A. 1 IM I SI,HliWed felloes, U(l . 1 '.. i 7.",

BacKF shafts, per pair wiBuinf psee, tmoti a, atW nouslnaletreusaud N,Vokes,doa 'i HumPlow handles, per doaou. '2 f4a 2 iHuucy beds, each . 14 800 17 Ob


It was quite cloudy on Sunday morn-ing, but towards evening the clouds hadcleared up aud the suu came out brightand pleai-aut-. Yesterday was a hot dryday, aud the heat upon Uia levee wasalmost as oppressive as at auy time dur-ing the season. The river at this poiutstill foes down at the rate of some twoinches per day. The upper river is lowto Cairo and St. Louis, and decliuiug,with seven to eight feet at Phillips',which is the worst place. The Ohio isfalling, with scarce four feet to Iouis-vill- e.

The St. Francis is very low somuch so au to cause the Haiubleton tolay up. She got aground on her last tripat Campbell's, aud was detained tweutyhours. The channel is narrow aud fullof snags. In White river tbemis but fivefeet to Devall's Bluff aud four feet toAugusta, and falling. The Arkansas islow and very troublesome.

Arrivals.Steamer M. Hanibleton, St. Fr. river.

" Ezra Porter, Cincinnati." Julia, New Orleans," America, Arkansas river." Commercial, White river." Belle Memphis, St. Louis." Empire, Louisville." Natoma, Vk ksbtirg." City of Alton, St. Louis.

Ttiwboat Mohawk, New Orleans.raeparlairfta.

Steamer U..ra Parter, New Orleans." Julia, St. Louis." Mohawk, St. Louis." Belle .Memphis, St. Lonis." K. C. Oray, Evaueville.

Koala la Pert.Commercial, Umpire, Natoma, City of


Business was gissi on the landing yes-terday. The Isiats iu port were receiv-ing and discharging very fair trips.

The Nightingale, Capt. J. Alex. Frazier, will leave for Yicksburg to-d- atI p iu.

Tbe W. H. Arthur, Capt. Drouillad, isthe Atlantic and Mississippi Steamshippacket for New Orleans Sheleaves at 5 p.m.

The Umpire, Capt. Whitlow, is advertised for Louisville this eveuing at "

o'clock.The Olive Branch, due yesterday from

above, had uot arrived at a late hour lastuight.

To-d-ay at 5 p.m. we have the splendidsteamer City of Cairo for St. Louis. Capt.Sam. McPheeters is in charge, aud Mr.Mct'reightis chief clerk. The Altou isnot excelled in any respect.

The Mollie Hanibleton lays up a coupleof trips to repair.

The America arrived from Little Rockand goes to the docks at tins place foran overhauling.

Biiiy Clark, a well known St. Francisrivet i lerk, is at present iu our city pros-pecting. He will soon be heard of put-ting his sig. to bills of lading ou somegood packet.

The K Fj Ijpe was not In the river atlast accounts. The Ball, Vindicator and(iickstep were pulling at her, and screwswere used from shore, but to no avail.The damage to the boat is quite serious.

The Commercial, with Capt. Billy Ash-for- d

in command, will leave y at op.m. for white river. The Commercialis a comfortable passenger packet, anilcounects at Devall's Bluff with theLitUeBook train. Capt. Morton am) CharleyNmithers are clerks.

('apt. Sam. McPheetere will hack outthe Belle St. Louis y at 5 p.m. forCairo and St. Louis. Capt. Sam. is aboatman all over, and very popular withtravelers. Mr. McCrerght is chief clerk.

The splendid St. Patrick, haviug hernew shaft In position and being again onthe wi' path, will leave at 5 p.ru.for Viokshnrg and the bends. Capt. Oer-re- lt

F. Huls commands aud Dr. Clay Bicewill as usual preside at the desk.

The Starlight, on her up trip, struck alog at the head of Hurricane, which cutaway a section of her wheel and broke aflange.

The Memphis and New Orleans tradewill be well attended to this year. TbeHenry Ames, with Capt. Frauk Hicks incommaud, will be the pioueer boat,leaving this Krt on Uie 2d of October.Then follows the elegant ami swift lowpressure packet Richiuoud, with CantS' .... I i ...... rri ,

ClUl -- eai ,u eoojlUnilU. 1 )e ihlllilliaalso, one oi me nuest ste.. ra afloat," goes in " on Saturday the. 5th of Octo-ber. The Indiana is in charge of Capt.Rube Neal, who, like his brother Stut,will never say die. Tim gay Southerner,with the old time officer snd gallantCapt. John T. Shirley on the roof, willleave this port on alternate Wednesdays,she will also go up as high as Paducali,but as she will leave here at regularhours -- he may be claimed as a Memphispacket. Besides Uie four boats abovenamed, the Atlantic and MittsisslppiSteamship company contemplate puttingin tlie trade two of the finest boats iutheir line the Olive Branch aud the W.R Arthur. The Olive Branch will hecommanded by ('Apt. Ike Jones, who isone of tbe cleverest officers afloat, whilethe Arthur, in charge of Capt. Drouil-lar- d,

will make some of the swift oneshunt the bank. There is no reason whyMemphis should not support a dailv lineof packets to New Orleans now, as wellor even . better than a onebefore Uie war. Nearly all the cottonbrought to Uiis port this season will gosouth, while Uie Memphis and Louis-ville railtoad will give a fair passengertrip daily. Memphis is y at thehead of navigation, as surely as St. Louisis at anotner season of the year, and theday is not far distant when the largestsized steamers will make our tmrt theirtermini up stream at all times. "Thingsis work-in- , and uy anotner year no boatof the class of the Richmond or Indianawill ever enter the mouth of the Ohio.

Since writing the above we fhavelearned through a letter to Capt, FrankHicks that the Olive Branch will as-suredly go Into the trade, and will run inconnecUon with the Henry Ames, leav-ing Memphis ou October nth, and onevery alternate Wednesday during theseason. Tbtsaecures to onr city two veryelegant packets, officered by men whoare well known in the trade, and towhom the interests of cur city may 1

tiHi tided without hesitat ton.Capt. Frank Hicks, who has been un-

well for some days with an attack of bil-

lions fever, is, we are glad lo say, rapidlyrecovering, aud will go down to hisplantation At present he isstopping al tbe Gayoso.

Mr. John Sullivan, formerly of the St.Patrick, gts--s into the office of Capt. Shir-ley's packet Southerner. He will lieassisted by Ale. Stewart, our whilomfriend of the Liberty.

Capt. Sam. H. Shock returned homeyesterday. He has made such arrangements as win enlarge ma ipnoTe or usefulness to Memphis and put money inhis purse. We will have more to say onthe subject but can't help adding that no man deserves success morethan Capt. Sara.

lite necessity of a quarantine Is nolonger a matter of doubt. Tbe yellowfever, which has been daily increasingin New Orleans, i reaching out its hide- -him arms along tbe river above, and wn

some nays ago reported tne occurrence offnf.il cases in Natchez and Vicksburg.Tlie arrival of the Mohawk at our landing, on tuinnay, wiin nearly an tier crewlaid prostrate, was a waruing not lost

tsiti our board or neaitu. in iS3d theII. R. W. Hill arrived here from NewOrleans with several cases ou Ixyard, andUed up at the foot of Linden street.Some of her crew died. It spread to theshore, and our old citizens remember buttoo well how fatal the disease became intlie southern part of our city. The boardof health, it wiU he seen, have takenaction in Uie matter, and have, we learn,chartered the red wharf boat formerlyused by Uie Arkansas mail line, butreeenUy laying at the point above Hope-fiel-

and will place her at President'sisland for tbe use of the health officer.

Capt. Garret Huia, who takes com-mand of the St. Patrick, has bought anhitertst in that packet. He is au oldisiatman, and has been very popular inUie Bend trade, Capt. John J. Edson,who has done.mucb towards making theSt. 'at rick a general favorite, retires fora time, but will, we hope, soon be on theroof of another fine packet in a payingtrade.

The Natoma had not arrived at a latehour last night, but is, we suppose, inport this mornit g. She was delayed bytiying to get Uie Louisiana off a bar atI'apaw island, a few miles above

LACLEDE HOTELComer Fifth and Chestnut Streets,


II R ) 1 A S K I Ar. M A Ii I IV

a3 P K P I E TO US





SESSION ON THE 9TH OF SEPTEMBER.hvm" tvrncH aud parliculara, apply to tlie Prisrlpal,

MRS. EMMA HOLOOM BE.(Jukka ha, Mims . AujcoKt u. 1fVP.



X UHNIX for Mlssisslnni. Iswi"laiia. ArUaiiass ulirl Teune ee. For SIMPLICITY. EI'llNtlH Y

I IP p.A BI I, ITY Him IMKK, u sLauils unrivalled, aim its areat excellruce in llieee respectsmakes it liie B K8T aud I'HfIA 1'EH.T PUITuN I'KKaS IN TIIK WJKIAl.

Manv testimonial aa to its practical iitllily and superior xceilenc--ca- In theaeiMon of isaft t he hs-a- l demand lor this Press araa ao great we were nnalile to meet it, amiwere obliged to disappoint many w uo applied for Iheru. We tarnish the Irons at imr W eras iiMemphis Air It si, with plans and siieciflealious for pulling uu. The entire cost of a complete, when uuL up. Including freight ou Irons, Is but little over tv

WM. A. K'lHINSON A til,HUHiiatf Western Kouadry and M:ii.'tilne 8I100, oinssiils (layoso tlou,-- Memphis, lenu.

HOLLENBERG at OERTEL,Architects and Builders' Supplies,



uA.7TI SIIKET IRON WOHKURS,3lti (second street, and Clinton street bet. Howard's Row and fcajoio street.


Made to Oriler. .md-liiit- ul rtimtllleriiva Tor Nnle.


TIN HOOFING AUD (I V T T K Ii I N ( CHEAP.Marble and Slato Mantels, and a large of Orates

oonstantly on band.



ANTI-MALARIA- L BITTERS!No Person need Saffcrrrom Fever and Ague, as this Medicine will She

Immediate ltelicf, and Effect a Permanent Cure.



EorlSale by all Druggists and General Jtettler.D. T. EYKaTS A CO.,

Proprietors and Sole irfaiuilii tnrer-- , I'etemiuri;, V.i,





OUR to tbaIV wn have no In

tlielr suneriortty over any prounc- -

Uoa In our markets. In deviaeineutare purely oouinuusded withspecial aaaptllnda lo Uie varleua ty pea

stomaclo derangements prevaleutdlmata.


It Is a K.mlleaadargoliig a aervaia lllneaw.

It la a care for Hyspepela.It aaslaU UtgaatloB.Itoarea and Ubotera Morhas.It la a preventive for Ubllla and revara,H la au Invaluable oorapaniou for

traveling at ail seasons af Uie year.It la a enterprise aad








merit.aW old everywhere.

C. H. EBBEKT & CO.,Hola Croprietoirw.

tf 'sroe.fils. TMia

& NO. 313 STREET

mmCourt Street.

arreting KITTKKH Houtliernbeaitnncy asserUUi

Northerntheir they


sttmnlant after





"Wholesale and RetailDKALKItS IN



J40 Main HI reel, MEMPHIS, TEW Jf.H. Lyons.














Trustee's Sale.11 V virtue of a Deed of Trust to me executedXi by H. Heeasel, Nr., and Jannet Meeauel, outhe 24th day of August, -.- 1. on

Saturday, September 11, ls7,Between the hours of 19 a.m. and 2 p.m., at theOuurt house door of tlie Law Ooortoi Memphis,I wbJ aell to Ibe blgbcsl bidder, fur cash, toefollowing properly: fart of u ufOriiiual I'ounlry Lot, No. 5rw. Liegimiiug nrty-tw- o

feet from the corner of Hh;h street andPoplar, on the sout li aide of Poplar sm et, ran.mug em, parauiri . ,w . mtcvi. miy-uv- e

lei to a atake. thence southward by one hnn-dred and forty-eig- and nue-hal- f feet to analley sixteen feel wina, thence wealwanllywith aaid alley fifty-fiv- e leel lo a stake, thenceuiirthwardly oue jhnndred and fbrty-elgn- i andon. half feet to the Beginning.

sale mud to p .y note of aaid B. See-sel- , Sr.,and Jaimel nninil.lHllable to r. Kleldiaan fortbesnni of line Thousand dollnrs with loterestfront the iUUi of Aogosl, WM. EViuitv of

wnlvvu.; 'A. B. MYEK8.WW Xrustea,










Commission Merchants,No. W Front BL, MemptiK

jvi. s. Tool, chas. j. viiiixira- - r, m.vauan.

ijTRI'T al tentlon paid o LbeHTORAUK ANDi MAI.K OK I'flTMN, and instrncrtonaloardituE same strictly olieyed. Our fatr'htletor the haiiftling of Co!!on are iiiisoriti-wu-- dand we invite tsaaecial atfentlau to Ibis hranchof our business, faamow assured of our abilityto glva entire satisfaction to all who may tavorus with t io - ' :

aafAJl sntpinentM by our openPolicy of Insoraoce, anlvsw oLberwlse

One stack of BAOl!. ROPB, IROW-TrK-

and PLANiAWON rtlrppiJh4 gesierally willalw;ya be i .an; in ll and complete, anu onereuon- a kjiawt .is can h hud in Hps n k et

Ttiankfnl in onr nnnn roua natrons for thavery Ubeial tavors hitherto exteniietl is, wert- -

sfiectfuliy aide a continuance of the same,ll'-- ' H t C - J rai.e. via . ,,wa. a . . , -

fv tion iy strict attention lo lae wnnta andour cnsUMnttirs.

Major J.J. uI'rtRY, whose conn.cllon withfair house stfll continnea, wilt ha pleased to

a call !rmi hm nutnetotis friends wbaaVim; it; the city.



a HARK t'HAWOK KOK A PA VINO IX- -JA vesunent Tbe nlanlai ion is known as thetown of ' Lake riluff." on Wlule river.Ark.milie aliove the and LiLU- - Rock th;!-road crossing, containinglielweeB fourand Avehundred acres, atsmt ue nonrinwi cloexeu(1& feel above the late overtlowi, the remainderlieavily timbered, fogeiher with the whole ornail inter. t in a NKW 8AW MILL,foitv tioraersiwerjjcngliie. MiacKaaiiUi'.eahoa.

OiiM-n- n's Tools. Wiuenns and all ncct-ssar-

aururlenaucce for running the same. 'lTir. isa line Munsein with n ine rooms, a I 'later n.pnelly 4lai gallons.) Uireel'abins, a Warehouse.two good Wood Yards, and uie best landingsou tlie river. I ne anove win ne soni at low ng- -

unsandoD r.isy lenns. for rnrinsr partlcu-Lar-

address Mrs. il C H.Biyllf Appeal Office.


rpHKHK nnrlvaJVejd Inatmioents are fully warA ranted lor seven yea ret, and aro lor sale at

JfO. 375 MA I If T., (Jackson Block,)

Memphis. Tennessee,1w) By LHOPOL1. i ti KVKii


COTTON GIrtUIK KL'BKhlAOIN aepa rates bn La. bulla acdX sticks from the Setd otion, and will pay

fo-- itself In one crop of art hales. PRTT'HtilN nealK no putCng out speaks for Itaeu. andlike goo! wluu, uot forgottou by those wooIiave trhsl it Ulna repaired by a skill nl IsmwHelit. whfrse fiictorv was burned by tba Tankeee wbIe oa was in the Confederute ervie.

tm Bands, tiam aad Iaatber, furulaheai atprices, orders soitcueu ana promptly

Oiled. Add rasa, Memphis, Tenn.,U W TKU KHr'A 1ST,

Care of Karrtngton A Howoll,nu20 Agent for Pan lei Pratt

COAL, COAL.wniw is Lhe time to lay In your Winter sod-

ply and the place to purchase the best j

rMM" n.,moLKt, MKLI.KitilH A I.XX,Jb Mouth Court ilreet,

aulwnwdlf lrnrofaaio.


Trustee's Sale.virtue of a iru- -l ieed executed lo me oaRY Win dav of Join, use, aw ll ina

and I'lirlatoplier a mas. rttian, aud .lu y reicla- -ered in tue KeKlso s unireoi riitiuy lmlj,

Tenne-ae- . for the purpuaeol paying Uaa debtliwrelu aecureu, i win on

Sstwrday, ilth wwy irf 8etjHtaa)er, 1143,

at the aalearooni of Saw Knyster.Trexevalil A to., no. -- .a xueei,Memphis, Tennessee. (Ayera Hloek), eeil.tolhe lilKneal htdoer. forlwali, uie iinuiwiiix realestate. Uewlt : A certain lot ft srnind In theroumyof cthelliy, mate of reaneaeea,. anu cny

l Memphis, known anu n.iw,ii "t""1dan of Villi's suhdivlaiou of ( mialy lo No. Mlis lot Mo. a, h, lusted at Ihesoptrnaat earner ofKotieaon and Ullla STreeM. fronting .1 f!etea the soiiiii -- Ideof iioi.-o- ii stsse unalag southward for depth IISS, feet betweenlioaa lavaliel Willi Hill-lns- lo an alley --eeretai l wiili ..Li of ih aepuru tiauces lliereun.oiielouginc. The title to the above property islllev.l to I. en,!; hut I will mj asll inconvey aa fru-ie- e. i..pnt or retlempuoawaived. Hale ix twcen hour, of leand i nviwl.

Jim r p. T uuh ,uit, Trastee.lsstWOOda Peyton. AlLorneya aullUla

pursuance of a trnat dMHi s&ocatad to me

rs uie tifi uaj ii jojWl m. afltavte. bh'1 inly rrvr-ni- i in tlr- - K- -orrttcr'a tifllc! of Mnm- -. urerri, St. KrunciiL

' YittehfiatJ Mod W 'Mnjrutl toom.ra, aud ii UiKLalti of .r.. if... I will, on lth Day ofSfpttniliT, 17. t toa aoutbaroMt fornt-- T ofMain huh mauitou aiiwn, in me ciiy oi

prnagmtrt to wmU, Mt fm .In nrtiui.a 4Ua

iiUiioL r. for cit-i- i, the (o11wlD( de---- r.t.-'i traclM or pancalx of hml lying lu theroautiea cf Mooroe. Orean, fit. Kruiirfi. Cralg-mm- t

and Wncainifr, Htateof Ark&iiMHa, vie :

In UiwitHhip &, N range, W heetmn 1'., MBracrea ; St i aertlon It, tjj arrea; H W iioaII. m hirTv-- : W H of rt K aretkra H. Hi mrrm ;

4 ii! K nv-- i Ifru 'jn. Ii arrea ; W K of ana--tton

r w oi aaattsawaatioB 'M, acrea ; narrea; K fracUiinaiacree ; lota N J aod i

acrcx: Iota InfHWarrea; N K fractionalacreH ; K of K 4 ofirartlon.Ll aertlon IV,

oftit wctiou Tr. V) act-- .

DMaa zj. :zm acrea,H,

M 4,1




Trust Sale.

BarcUfMD t,24, ; K , ofea ; M W of ofK atMtlan Juof Jtxi 0

N W of ti,of aeetion H

of amioa lf W-- m

ecflon NK41 V acTea: 9mfractional etfrm

on acrea aecltoni.acrea N K 5

In tovriiHhlp li. N range 5, Kla, acTaa, ucuon as,aai aajnaj

In wwnahipaenai


B H aectioiii,Uo!N 3, :

.n ll.:cci Nof anct I ou ll,lai acres: N W of ft W of

- uon 1, ; seeuon mi, aaaaa ; mcUon 9, H K M of section acraitaction . acrea K of aectloa 7,

-- r (JVFis si. .aar im uuu trw .saction irt --ecrxa ; fracliooul part (east of' acrea; mvUoorH'i acre f. o' seciion aer- -: orW a' --S. ai 7. sai atim

H. acrea. NW il tedum Itacrea; W

In Township rsnge M N W offractionalM of. too i.

m VV

don K. I2aV f fraci?!






M0 :iatrtcina



w '.or seen .u acrte-- L

N ofMl

ta lownaolp 3U, Nii section lAi au-i-'i

section is.







th;n acrea

N V. of Bs. of


acresK : N K oraeclinn is, 40 acrea N '. of

N W of aseUoD I, Vi acres ; S ', of IBuf Ms tiou 1, li a. res ; Ji E of N W

of seciluu 2, 73.LOJ acrea H EofH W !isection a, 4uaeraa; ;;of N w I, of sectionll. So ucr.r. Mellon Ctl acrtsiis aal N w ci section 1X4SI acies ; see lion'A, S4S acrea ; v. of aectiou 2U, acressection n acrea : W '.of S W V

ax'rea.lu Lovvnr.!iip2I, N rang section 1.8T3I :t--

acres aection 2,w acrta .sectionasctlou HMt acres N of N K ,

K of N K of --action 12. VJi acrea: 8ft acres


oi r, ami - t

acres; S of M W l4 or "wi acres; Wof secliou JJU acres; N i. of section

lu township. 7l

.147 u acres, frSHI acres; S W fra.hio acres; WW Vof W !.of ao

of W M of seellu toa nslilp Jli, 2

Section 22, su acrest, 4U acres S W

- , of33 H



i :i




;rtion ,r t




raaea 12.U -


; 7. law

n ' aw ee-e- A,

acho 3), VJi

. i.U.



r --t m







44 ;W


loj, o

un IXS; li,

4 .






-, 13)' 12,

11, , 11.WO airrea.




N rautte f. tj. fnuiQua! sectionW fractional i of Kectiou a.

lotuil j of Mention 7. rtT7li aUonilVg of 7. m TI- -

r. ' . ir aerltoa , ' iirrv-- i ;

lion W. N Kion 1H, .jy acna.raiiLe fi V, N: . of N W ofHW ',' of N W i of section

of N K of aectlon 16, b acies ; K of S E ofSM Lion i, m acres.

Jn township -- 1, N range 6 K: at K of H E oSection 11, fwi acres. ; N W , or s K '4 of11, i anrea ; H W '4of ectiou --3, li acres ; W y.of 'ii. .CsWatrMM. ; W WulHW saUN W, of section i4, 1'HI acres ; H ' of N K '4 of sec-

tion it, r acres ; W of ti Vf af section 2t,tens ; N "f :Z3) a res ; sectiou "JO,

sat acres K' .ni'S W l, of --t, fti acres ;' of S W ' ot sactMMi 31, 7te b acrea ; S ll

ol S K of aectlon :icrea ; N E ' . of S C( of section t, a acres ; N K ) of S K of sec-ti--

--X tiiacrea.In township N ranee 1, W : S S of aaatlou

a, Ztu acres; rt W '4 section 9, IS)) acres;W of 3 W ' and K of S K of aectlon, lai acres; s of S K of cliu J, Hi)

acre; rt K ami N W H of aectkaiJJI acres; N K Aand K ,o( S W of sectiouKM aaTes; H W of 5i W "9 of action 17,

acres; K !, of E of N W V olsection --I, 2i acres ; X V and N of N K '

or acres : s W '4 of W K of12. 41 acr-- s : N of S W of ee

tion 12, fvl l.VKSI acre : s K 4 of rt W ofwtlnu41 acres; N W of mtctlota Is, l say 1m

acres; rt W M of Kectiou 7, ITS'al-lii- u acrea; sof N M ot aactaou 7, tfl acres; N K rsfN V. '4 atul rt 't of N K of section 2X, -t m--

.N h of N W and F. f.ofSW '4 22,I --ii acret; F l--, of H V '4 of aectioii 1, sm acrea;

'..of rt K mid X K 4 of rt W '4 of aectioii 2,IJi acres; K X U of aection , as H7 Macres; X W l4 Of X W Ja of kectiou 2,61 2Telt)U

acrea; X K of section , 13 IV'acrea.I11 township 6. N rar-E- l,K: fraci lonai n

Il.6-- N Wu acres; N K of arcrion iy, Macrea ; K of s K of a?ctlon t, acrea ; Tots I, ;i

and of X W XA of section S, I2lsection 4, To!5-l'J- acres; E of rt W

and s K of SK'i of 1, J acrea; N Sof N W 4 and S',ofH Y. of aection 10, IJacrea; W a af i W !4 or actit:a 11. w acres;N of 1" au acrea; JaT K of X W ofaectiun Aw .1 acrea ; E or H K Kof sec-tion t, 1A7 U acres ; W of 14 W of k ction 2, &) acn-- ; Iota Noa. 1. 2 and i of N K 1 ofaection H, 125 WN acres; WofK W li of sec-tion :i su aeres; X ' a of sectiou a, and W of

N K '4 and of4

nt sizel tracts. The title Lo tliene lands isileveii 10 ue good bul 1 snail convey on. v is

trustee. The equity of reiiemptin is waived byaid trnat deed. Hale lo begin al 11 o'clock: a.m.

and eoniiane until asuflieiency Uiereof la voidto latiely aaul trust oaed.

w . . Ji . rTrust

RoviTgii, Tmuvivt A Co., AiuttonBen.-

THK OF TllK Atitmaterial whiclt luvs ever been discoveredNO effected crealar - illo in tbo house

hold e- oxtozny --ban

MAGIC SOAP.n- -It is a labor saving tnasaslion. aa wali a i an

vainahle remedy m Scurvy, rtcald Head.tiona of ths and 1'iles DandrulT retnovea from tbe head, tire Teeth whitened anilc!eans-d- , Plate :it:il Jewelry c leaned, rttalnaetketuahy retaove! from Carpels, Knmilnre,i tothea. Paint, Varnlh or Macula, with thgreatest facility aud aril hout injuiy to the

It la a great aaviug ot time and laooi-I In washinajclotuiw. ll is Iheonly known rtoap

arhicb will wash r lannels with ine eaaa oi cot-La-n

or lluen without fuiiin or slirinkiDg. Alltii cm- - iwetlected withoutInjury to tba skin or the nioat delicate fabrics.It taisacSNats no final it it whatever.

I Tbe world Is challangist to produce a soapwhich poaat-saa- w hum valuauh' propertn-- a

and which so lnnoconua and saJV. It U ahome Invention, and defles competition in ao.part ot tin worm, it na itecnma a neceasiiyIn Memphis, and tta use is rapidly spreadingthrocghaal thertonth.aud eventual!, will as-tern) over the Vankea rttates. North and MonthAmerica, Kuros, Asia, Africa audMauuf.actured aolely by c P. McOtmstry, Mem-pbl-

Tana., aud sold at tbe following places lutbe city at wboUaie and retail : Page Co '

Ijean'a, TaylerS iriig Store, Poplar Meow;KlDin's. corner of Third and Adams : Oliver A

ta. - DetSLo BlHk. Mssllson street; will vnI be found at any rejeeLaiIe tatuily grocery irdrug store. The proprietor la determined thatIts anao aeep pace w.ui

eifciMullngdeniaiul for its use. an III



yon wish to nupplv yooraelvea Tor the KanIF Winter Trade with the very best de--acrintlona and style or A LL wwnvaiMKKBt .and wltn tbe most durable JalAMHand KKRrtKY FABK11X,


ill Free from Shoddy aad otherimparttii's,





Order Hamjiles from the niveTlber. and theywill be forwarded, wlUi artea. attached, daringtlie months of July anu Augnat. 1 r in theseeainplee yon can make your aelts:Ljnns and return vour oruers. anu ine vnssis win ue IOT- -wardeVt direct from the Manufactory.

JOHW A. YOtJHO, Prea't,Charlotte. N. C.


C. WILLIAMS' ptalaaaa af WildDR. berry aasl WwaaJ ssatka, a im wartyand pcaitlvecare for t'oaaumption. iu its aanrly.I agea, oerore mm ran aiseaae naa auvanceo 10far. ind acertain cure foTPueumonia. Atiirua.Spitting of Blood, Nichl Sweats. Husky Ti.nai,Wasting of the Kieab, Bronchitis. Coach a.Oobla, Palpitation of the iirmrt, Lcaw ofttrength.Catarrlis, Pleonsy. Whiatping iougli,Oittlcwit Breathing, and all disease, of the'he t and Lungs, together with all the affec-Uo-

which predispose tba above named cinAl tue cornuieiiceriieui o' ino war ine uianu-fkctnr- e

of labia highly popolar remedy wassoapeiuleil. The proprietor aud

haa roaae arrangements to reintroduceit again extensively tluoughout lha HoutiicrnStatsa, and relies apon tbe pax n m age of his oklfriends and cimtornors for a renewal of tbe fa-

vors heretofore catenated, lo him. Tboae whoare not acunamted. with this vainahle and scientific preparation, are referred to tba jumph- -lets to he procure-- from Rgenis.

Sold rival! Iinnrct'ts In Mem phta, Tenn , andthronhont th tatea. ao4

MARTIN EYKE,w w. 11. euuerioa, aa.er inSL'tJi:hrvl-ll- land Maltreasss, 44)4 Monroe

street. Att dearripttona of Mattr'.aiiiand g

maile to order. Partlcaiar atteution paidUiBleamlsjai wora. uiu jiaiLresseerenovaieu.All kinds uf Lptiolsiering none by competent.lnd cxperiencaq workmen. anis in

Sotlce-- To ill Wlioni H star Concera.MYlKrtH Is no longer In our em loyMRU. lsaulhorlied to collect money.

nr irnllMe i nny .uuim Kir ua. unless constl.tutcd onr agent by power or attorney. All

or com nmnlaal Ions reUtim. to.injir.of the late firm, if. Myers A Co., should bedirected to as here.


Angnat , !B7. antltawW

Wanta from Missinsippi.SITUATION in a Wholesale Orucery MtnreA preferred, by man of steady Morel Char

acter, na uas naa anra wqwrlsmwt. HI. acquaintance to

Chickasaw, Oktibbeha, Lowudes. .Monroeand PonUitoetXMlnlles, Mksa Pertset uli-ia- c-

tiou given to character, uuiinOcation, etc.For tlie pirsent address fi, Boa Jfin. Corinth.

IU .

n. sEi.uks,Virginia.

SI Ai:tiiHnMH n




3. wtlXrAstB. Tt.,Mem plus.



a. F. VI3HTX,Virginia.

SELDEM, WILLI 4 MS & CO.,rsiBEK DKAI.KrUS, 174 Madlaoa streea, oathe bavou. A roll of Lumbar.

Laths and Sliiugtes. etc, alwayi on hand. apU


L . . L

ii .-- -aa a siMin-iniT-ai


Trust Sale.f poniuanna of tho provuaion.- -

to iut Mti uleuKiKHM, tUBl (itaSiUf tnMB HI


of a

lii Uy of am! w dulyIn tba MMn ornc of n.itlly

Trouaaaaa. in book No. ,




tl otlvr

0 on SATWKJ'AY, Ti i K 1A YMKrTKJH bHWn 1h uvoal

irm of aaiaa, ay at ll o'cmmt).at public ver.dac, Lo the Iiitfh-- tt liiddrt

tas i'a-- Watts! the i...M.t be- -iSe ill oloOeCOUVeysd by hlU W!n sl.i wlfi only sell and convey such lltia mm

aaia in nini aa inwwu aioreaael.JAM MX LKIC J a.. Trustee,

raptenibar i,l)rt m uk

Trust Salt:S rnsneof ihe proTta

VU ui9 rXHClllfcU ()' J. A. i

Uat. cum. -- jning i he flriu of

9 isjuii Jkii, aiAA tA- - fkmt ti ac i4.ilifeHayder In tlie puyment of a certainnote thereia hmiiLkhmmI, l will alfar uu

Siiurdaj , ibe 1 lib ia ofScptfiMKtweau itio iMMi ti hours ofllo'cinest in at aablie veniuhaider, al tbeMeinptiiM, tiie i

taal sstalc. attaHUie of Teauaiacd Auctionfruiia Ony

and ramioaa hnndrdfaet to anctty of Merupluaied two Uonotoar frame,five yesrs froawill be soldiof t mat.

TKKMrt CAHH.lievea tne to becaol. atUl he WiUutle us rests in hliii m

Hepl U. It--.



Trust Da--

vll ajuiKnot, ou


parpoaa ofof evrtala prom







M aMiea. say alt

iaa door the city ordescribed laaehold of

Uaa of Haelby,the Krout.In the of Metnphin,

lhs ln. aiae tof irronl

to satisfy the term

iltlcWniNt the am


of aaid deed

ba-il Willonvey aucii


Truster's 8lle.nV virtue of a Trust iJeed xaeuted lo rne ouD tba ajth day of .Inn- -. by KtchardijirTifs and Nupolanu W it.'oet r, aiid yragitereiil iu tna Kagawtee a oAea Hheiiycaunly, Tenu , lor the purpoan of aying tbedebla Uareu-- asrnixeAi, 1 will onMonday, Mh Day orSeptemberjMiT,At the Saierwoan of K , . r Trex-eva-

Cb , No. 279 Nacrrad rtreet, Meiu- -

611, Ten now--- (Ayraa' block), sell to tbabikjcr, forcHah, the foiiawitxtr. realtale, : A certain lot of gioumithe oaunty of shalby and state of Tenues-aa- a.

known aud dMlgnutd ou tba niuu

It 'routing o.i tlia hhW feat, extendi;llnaa frofo frontKaM of Wain atrae


rv- -

m 149

B. duaT



nily aa Truntetj. trinity of redemptiou waiveSale between 1? and 1 o'clock.

Jt H f. J UtKVANT, Truatae.LoarwcsMl A iVyton, Attorneys ao td

Sheriff's Sale.r WILL oflVr for sale, to tba hijthe.sI lu eaaa. at t tie door of that Iranillonaa. La the city Mempbia, rthelbyrttate of ToQnewe. on the iMIi ilay ofber, isa7. wiliiln tba asuai houoa, Uie T.

ijuaarl l n I saau eatsfle. aa the aropenfUus, to satisfy an execalion iu favoiRay, ns of ,vmimeretal Bank of K

from the trcuit Court at the MiIWJ7, jodfcmenl Hh day of lartobar,ajaty-rtv- e hnndred and thiiiy-uia- e 7;

Lara and ciwts, to-a- : Tlie east enton the noith side of JefTers..ni r-et

Uia west "i- - ui t'entr alley, f oulidk1Wi on Jefferson street anil 7iL. feet ualley, wilbafonr-at- s ry bricJi Mindingalso, on lot ayj at the corner, on the atOf Market street and east aile Timbeing: IM fe-- t snarc. wltb the blockstory rasfdence teuefiienis therein ;

naliuiVMu f lot 47". a r

01 ih al Market nUtSt siitlside ol the tlrsf illey east of Third vtie.

lun teet front on Market itrelepti. ol about isv lest 011 tbe east sloValley, being the residence property ofant, t Titua, all beinic tn tne city or M

itlielbj aauuly aasl ita-- a of r ti;drnrn 'n the niaps and plan or irfd c

f. M WIX'l KKrt,Itv I.U.HW.W. LetiulV st.Si.tl.








Aincast St, UK7. aa5t-in3-

TrutU S4iie.IS pnrsnance rha proviaona

uie executed by rtirday af .ae mbai m whlcb la oaly

in the sfl.ee of rthelhy eonutv,in 4toott Xo. 4v. Part 1, faaaaa 47, 47ii and 47;and also in pursuanca ot a 4 t lacieoajirdi: hy ibe w lam M. rtuiitii. Judge ofUie ttiaacary 'oart of Mempioa. on 2--i day ofApril, 17, tn the cau-c- tandina In aaid urt ,

Wherein t iiartea J. Hey an otlieca axeatvd A. and other- - are tle'end-anta.i- v

IM, al the MaJenrooin ot Koynter, hl

A Co., Auciioneeri, rto. 270 rtarond street,Ayres 'ling,TiK-.i- ay, 17th Heplenibr,;eiareen tha of 1" o'clock. a.m.,and.tt an. said day, - - to sell, at

Mbction, to Ibe nigbeat hi doer,apon ' b temia hereinafter mnt Iontne following described Lot Land, lu- -gethersituatedsea, vizknownm bwrng

the mpmvementan Mempnl",Tba tenement

The equity ot redemption ia waive!,and Uie title believed to be perfect, hut I

convey aa trustee.J. Wlt'Krt. TrnaLea.

Hotmteb. TKEtkV.tjrr Co., AucuonacrB.aolKid

Y virtuin



aiiaii onlyM


Slier iff' s Sale .

stAi. for IU J and VI

af A. rttmK and aI will In iruntottlas it or wniphi.PAY. the 7th day ofthe boars of nabsituif in it's Uy (

Shelby aasd IMa ot iI I lows : Ib--







aalU- -.
















to uie

of No. la; luuni-- Uieuce uunuwaruiyvvajci ibe vrest 8ld e f'f Knth stiv et on ltuastake aowtrMsast comer of hot Na. U ; thennaWuatwardly with the booth '.; of salu No.13 it-- It it"'t ' taAe the soulhwet corner ofsaid No. i; and tba east side of au alley:thence couthwardiy with tbe east aide of saidalley 59 feet to a staka In tbe northwest corneraf said No. 15 ; thence eastwardly 14S faetto I he begin n iuKi fM': S ln No. 4 aud lite a melot convayad to W. '1 la by Amelia TailaHand by W. T. Lane to Marcus J. Wright, leviedon aa tba property of aaul Marcus J. Wrwtut,and Old U satisfy die foregoing icoi ion.

P. M WINTKRS, rtherilT.j . 14 .s .trT-.- it, ii. aV aula Alt


Id trust eUth day i

(wblcn daaf Critterpayruent

tne p,jItrauuea9natn toSSl Tt

Ciisti met


of mthe


countyetion of


of tince


waa. tor





Trust Sale.








given that in accordancens anddlrecliouaof a deed

id delivered to rue an tbaW, by Hlchard B Hawleyrd In I he Recorder's oftlce

y, Arkansas.) aad for thaea therein described. I will

Friday. September 27, 1847,ba Clerk's office, in tbe town ofideu county, Arkansas, sell to

f.e r,y,:riliu!tiWiit,aveii1 e line if rang a eight ts, eaa.



in samety-t- ()n thirty --

rtb of Ibats jtb r.ii

idisu-Tba Ulla this properly lieheved to Ian

rerittclly gooL but shall convey only aa

Part of tins land comprises one of the flnestplantation ou the Military i..ad, with Uin--

luaa, i ah as. etc., IsMugtbeplautaiiou knowna the Brown Place, near Marlon, Ark.

Vkaneery CmiH of MeapbK




Bnr-a- j


U it1

Keehna and Jarneat, iritauu who sue by their a, at friend

kceiin. citiaaaa of Uavt sun county,, va. K. C. ltrtnklev aad other creditoraestate oi Was. ta. Jasea,

lirereiora ordered ttmt ail who are inan v or manner Inlaraatad m tbe adnilnui-tr- a

tiara of aid eat;tH, or who bare cianuaagainst the same, appear and rile the aaaae wiabfoe Clerk and Ma.sier of thKt'ourt, aulhetitica-lea- l

iu the manner piaaarfbtl ay law, on or baforn the am. Monday in. Octolar. 17. o tbaaanieau-a- ll and wiii la barrd both in law audequity; and that thia order be published dailyfor thirty dadrs in the Memphis Hajiy Appeal.

A. AIaTOis,Clerk and Vaster friancery Coert of Memphis,

WatoHT A MoKnit'K.SoJa. forComplainanis,Sept. S, 1SS7. aet

NOTICE.rpHK creditors of the estate of E. M. Appleby1 are hereby notified that I bavu sutujested

(lie insolvency of amid estate to the tlerkof tbaOiiintv t'onrt of Tinton connly. Tennessee. andthe trediUira of sa--d estate are not tried to tilelaheir claims, duly authenticated, within sixmouths from the data hereof, or th.s notice willba Hied in bar of toe same-

J. K, DAJMNlKU'AdxtUnUlrator.AartT BaL Tajr7. apis tf

trust Sale,Tin ue of a Deed of Trust made by CharlesBV uensi leh and recorded in the ttegis-le- r

s ota ol nlieHqr eoauly, Tennessee, inhook No. St. part i, page raw and following, I

will, on Saturday, Uie atth September. l.T. infront of the Conrtn, iso door f the Law courtrv Memphis, in Mcmdlls,TattBSuaee, on secondstreet, neliweli I on aud Jywi streets, be--lwee n the hoars of If o clock am. and I o'clock

Am. of aaid day, proeeed to sell, at suction, toUie highest liidder, for cash, tbe following

lot or parcel of land in the cny ofand designated oa the plat of said

aty as part of lot No. '171. to-w- : Beginning attlie northeast comer or a lot on the south aideof Jefferson street known a, fieorge Crwrnwetl's,Sif feet westwaruly from the intersection olferferaon and Third street. ; tnence eastwardlywith the sontii side of Jerfersoa strert flfty-eig-

feet to Its Intersection with Third street :

thence southwardly with the west aide of ThirdStreet one hundred and forty eight and a halffeel ta an alley : mean weatwardly with Ibenorth side of .said alley one hundred and

six inches to the west side m anotheralley-- : Hieoce northwardly with the esel sideOf said alley tbirty-si- z feet to the south tsmnd-ar- y

line of Cromwell's lot ; thence east-wer-

v with said Cromwell's south bonndaryline aoH Met to th south- - .si corner ofCromwcIPs lot ; thence northwardli with theeusi aaaailary ttne of ssld CmmweJI's lot oneHundred and twelve aad a half feet to the be-ginning.

The title to said property is believed to bat, thwetiaity of redemption .waived.

bat cmvey as trustee only.nuai id



TtlUHAS Lr.r.CH. Trust,..







Attachment Notice,Before Joha C. CMahton, J. P.John Oiision vs. Augustus Orten.'liUK delenemnl la the above aatlUsat causaX will take nolle that an aUaehmenl hastwen - ied out naAlntt h.ni upon the groundsrl..L lie la a ol in, su.i.ir i.mmsee and tlie ease set for hearing .1 my office InUie city of Memphis, on the HK.li day of Septem-ber sir. .imD and wUere h. o.n n. i --,idefend said auit or tha same will be proesewedwith ex parte ; and that a copy of this order be

once a week for four weeks in thaSubllahed Dally Appeal.JOHN C CRJlIUUTON, J. P.

Memphis, Aaguai la, low. aoW lawl