Shevat/Adar 5777 February 2017 Volume 27 Issue 17 NEWSLETTER Tu B’Shvat

Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot

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Page 1: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot

Shevat/Adar 5777 February 2017 Volume 27 Issue 17


Tu B’Shvat

Page 2: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot


PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th)

Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m.

Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot

Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot

Mincha/Maariv – 5:00 p.m.

PARASHAT BESHALACH (February 10th - 11th)

Candle Lighting: 5:07 p.m.

Friday 2/10 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot

Saturday 2/11 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot

Mincha/Maariv – 5:00 p.m.

PARASHAT YITRO (February 17th - 18th)

Candle Lighting: 5:15 p.m.

Friday 2/17 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot

Saturday 2/18 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot

Mincha/Maariv – 5:15 p.m.


(February 24th - 25th)

Candle Lighting: 5:24 p.m.

Friday 2/24 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot

Saturday 2/25 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot

Mincha/Maariv – 5:15 p.m.

Shabbat Services for February 2017

Rabbi Benjamin Herman 516-938-2540

([email protected])

Diane Charet, Co-President 516-509-4075

([email protected])

Martha Perlson, Co-President 516-524-0884

([email protected])

Leslie Blank, Financial Secretary 516-931-2176

([email protected])

Richard Cepler, Chairman of the Board 516-822-3694

([email protected])

Bruce Dorman. Vice President 516-313-7608

([email protected])

Terry Ginzburg, Vice President 516-390-8992

([email protected])

Leslie Hartman, Vice President 516-938-8529

([email protected])

Anita Haut, Vice President 516-409-8656

([email protected])

Erv Hoffman, Treasurer 516-965-1001

([email protected])

Nancy Sherman, Recording Secretary 516-827-0818

([email protected])

Amy Kahane, Education Director 516-938-2540

([email protected])

Ilene Morrin, Dir. Iken STEM Academy Preschool

([email protected]) 516-938-2540

Mark Hametz, Caterer 516-734-0418

([email protected])

Galit Dardashtian, Newsletter Editor 516-938-2540

([email protected])

Elissa Greenstein, Newsletter Editor 302-932-0467

([email protected])

If you are interested in advertising, the Jericho Jewish Center Newsletter is published monthly September - June

Please call (516) 938-2540

430 North Broadway, Jericho, NY 11753

Tel: 516-938-2540 Fax 516-938-2552

e-mail: info@ jerichojc.org website: www.jerichojc.com

To the Jericho Jewish Center Congregation:

Words cannot express how much your expressions of condolence on the loss of our father,

father-in-law and grandfather meant to us.

Thank you.

Mark, Beth, Nicole and Jack Wilkow

Brian and Karen Wilkow

Page 3: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot

The Place of Song

On Saturday February 11 we will celebrate both Tu’BShvat, the birthday of the trees and Shabbat Shirah, the Sabbath of Song. Tu B’Shvat is one of the four Jewish new years (see if you can name the other three). It is the place of song that I would like to devote this column to, however. Song plays a special role in many of our lives. I love to sing and will often sing to the pop songs on the radio when I drive around town. At one point I thought of becoming a Cantor but was advised that with my voice, that was not the best choice of career. Nevertheless, I love participating in karaoke events and singing to music from my IPod. A love of song is also expressed in both the Torah and Haftorah portions for

BeShellach, which feature paeans to God by the Israelites after defeat of their enemies in war. In the Torah portion, Moses and the Children of Israel (probably the men) sing to thank G-d for casting the Egyptians into the sea. The words used to begin the song are, “I will sing to G-d for G-d has triumphed. Horse and rider G-d has cast into the sea.” Next Miriam takes a timbrel, dances with the other Israelite women and chants the first line from the song that Moses and the men sang. Finally, in our Haftorah from Judges, Deborah and Barak sing a paean to G-d for G-d’s defeat of Sisera and the Canaanite army.

There are so many questions that can be asked about these songs. First, why are they paginated differently from the rest of the Torah? The poetic songs of Moses and Deborah are broken into three columns, unlike most of the Torah, which is composed of full lines with periodic breaks signaling the end of a section or book. Other questions are why was Miriam called a prophetess and referred to as the sister of Aaron? It is another question that I would like to focus on, however: why did Miriam and the women take timbrels?

Rashi’s answer to this is that G-d saw that Miriam and the women were righteous ones of the generation and thus did a miracle, enabling the timbrels to be brought out from Egypt. I like Rashi’s comment in that it shows the use of instruments to be positive, yet I do not feel it goes deep enough. I prefer the comment of Moses Alshekh of 16 th Century Tsfat, who said that the men who were surrounding Moses were at a high prophetic level, and the women who were surrounding Miriam saw the men rejoicing and felt that they could never reach this level. Miriam therefore brought out the timbrel to awaken the women and enable them to celebrate with G-d.

What I prefer about AlShekh’s reading is that it highlights the power that instruments can have in creating an environment of godliness and spirituality. The utilization of timbrels enabled the women to connect with G-d at a high spiritual level through singing a fervent, joyous song.

I would go a step further, stating that the timbrels enabled the women to express the prophetic powers that were inherent in them. According to Alshekh, the Israelite women saw the Israelite men singing around Moses and felt inadequate compared to them. How could they connect to G-d at as high a level as their leader Moses and the men around him? It took Miriam playing the timbrels for the women to realize that they had an equally powerful connection to G-d and to be confident in their ability to sing and dance to G-d at this moment of celebration. This event also helped cement Miriam as a prophetess, as she was able to awaken godliness and spirituality in others.

The lesson of Miriam and the timbrels can be applied to each of us. All of us have aspects of ourselves in which we feel inadequate compared to others. For some it might be singing or dancing; for others it might be our professional or social status, our intellectual or interpersonal skills, or the number of friends that we have. These feelings of inadequacy can block us until the timbrels come to awaken us, overpower the feelings of inadequacy and enable us to reach our potential.

I hope each of us will take time to think of which inner qualities we want to be expressed this year and how we would like to express them. As we see with Miriam and the women, the incorporation of one element can enhance one’s confidence and thus enable these qualities to be expressed. For some of us it might not be as simple as adding instruments but might rather involve a change of scenery or stepping out of our comfort zone. However, I hope we will make the effort to have ourselves seen in the way we would like and enable the feelings of inadequacy to dissipate. Once again I wish you a Happy New Year, and I hope that this “New Year” will bring about increased joy through song.


Page 4: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot

Happy February & Presidents Day (in advance)!

What word could be more thought-provoking [these days] than the word ‘President’? As I write this

article, President-elect Trump’s Inauguration is just days away and I think, what a tumultuous time it

is on the national political scene! With America’s concerns running high and opinions controversial,

we can’t help but think about how we, individually and as a country, will be impacted by this new


Closer to home, at the Jericho Jewish Center, I think the transition from mine and Diane’s presidency

to that of the next administration will be a great deal less alarming! There will be no fiery debates

scheduled among the nominees for the position. However, there is a Town Hall Meeting planned for

the last week in March.

We’ve heard from congregants that there has not been enough discussion on the important topics,

nor time given to be able to have a thorough understanding of each annual JJC budget. With the

upcoming Town Hall Meeting, it is our intent that this experience will provide a more in-depth and

transparent view into the overall process.

The Town Hall Meeting is a forum where we will be discussing where we have been, as a

congregation, and more importantly, where we are heading in the future. Be on the lookout for the

details of date and time. It is of the utmost importance that congregants plan to attend in order to

share thoughts, ideas and suggestions. This is the venue in which to be heard because your opinion

greatly matters!

In the meantime, we continue to ask that that you do whatever you are able to contribute to

maintaining our wonderful home and our spiritual community. Please participate in our fundraising

events and our committees. Check out the Upcoming Events Section and the Calendar contained in

the Newsletter. Attend our minyanim and Shabbat services. Encourage your friends to join us at our

events, and give your voice and your efforts to our continued progress.

Thank you to Diane for all her support and oversight on all matters while I was away. It’s good to be

home from South Carolina, and I look forward to reconnecting with you all, and y’all!

Martha Perlson


Diane Charet Martha Perlson

Page 5: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot


Happy New Year!

In a blink, 2016 has passed and we've turned the calendar to 2017! We look

back with gratitude to you for sharing your children with us. We value your partnership.

As we look back, we share some highlights and fun facts about 2016.


We used more than 200 baby wipes.

We served nearly 300 hot lunches and several of gallons of milk.

Our future Picasso's used more than 25 pints of paint to create their masterpieces.

Our friends went on several walks around the Jericho Jewish Center.

We posted more than 1,000 photos on Ikenstem.com.

Each teacher estimates they have read more than 50 books.

We added new events in 2016 such as our trip to White Post Farms, Cornell Cooperative came to

school and presented us with a Dairy Delight presentation. Officer Merkel came and taught us about

train safety. We have a special event for Wacky Wednesday each week. We added a music and

nature program too. For 2017....we look ahead to a wonderful year filled with even more laughter,

fun, and learning.

I lene Morr in

Director of Iken STEM Academy Preschool


This January we kicked off with

celebrations around beloved children

classics such as Winnie the Pooh. We

also had Mozart's birthday in January,

so we introduced some of his music to

circle time—and of course, rest time!

From our Iken family to yours, our

very best wishes for a Happy New


IKEN STEM SCIENCE ACADEMY DAY CAMP Iken Stem Academy at the JJC will offer a camp for pre-school children. Camp begins July 5th and ends August 18th. The hours are 9:30 - 2:00 for our 3-5 year olds and 9:30-12:00 for children 1 1/2 - 2 years olds. We have full summer or half summer options to accommodate your summer plans. Our preschool summer program includes daily arts and crafts, nature, sports, music, water play & outdoor playtime in our large playground. Each week we will have a fun theme for children to enjoy. Our indoor gym is air-conditioned. Campers will enjoy sports and gym time inside on rainy days. We provide a daily lunch and snack. **Children enrolled in our school for the 2017-18 school year will receive a 5% discount. Call Ilene or Mindy at 516-938-2540 or 516-900-IKEN for further information!

Page 6: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot


The Jericho Jewish Center Sisterhood is busy planning for the upcoming months. Under the guidance of our own members, Roberta Ende and Lynn Buzen, our canasta players are

having fun during the winter months. Please check the calendar for future game nights. Each lesson is only $5 and new players are welcome! Purim is just around the corner and it’s time to start thinking about

ordering your Purim gift bags and/or cards to commemorate this happy and festive holiday. Please help support our Sisterhood in our biggest fundraiser of the year! Please contact Sue Mishan or Barbara Rosenblum if you haven’t received your order form or you wish to volunteer your time in preparing and/or delivering the Purim bags. Marjorie Wolfe -lecturer/author We are planning to have Marjorie Wolfe speak at a future Sisterhood meeting. She is the author of “Are Yentas, Kibitzers & Tummlers Weapons of Mass Instruction? Yiddish Trivia” and “Yiddish for Dog & Cat Lovers.” She will share her thoughts on topics such as “50 Fabulous Yiddish ‘F’ Words – and the stories behind them.” It will be a most entertaining evening, so please make every effort to attend. Please check future announcements for this event date. Judaica Gift Shop Whether you need a house warming gift, holiday items, or any Judaica gift, please consider buying from our own Judaica gift shop. We can order most items at discounted prices. For further information, please contact Cindy Tannenbaum at 631-367-6447 or [email protected]

Sisterhood Calendar:

Mah Jongg Events/Game nights/Canasta/Bridge will be planned by Roberta Ende throughout the year. Please check mailings and flyers.

TBA – Speaker Marjorie Wolfe Cindy Tannenbaum, Sisterhood President


Page 7: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot

T O R A H F U N D Thank you to all the 2016-17 Torah Fund supporters. We are looking forward to honoring our

Woman of Achievement, Phyllis Schultz, on Sisterhood Shabbat, May 20. In June, she will be

honored, together with all BQLI Sisterhoods, at a gala dinner.

You may support the Torah Fund campaign in many different ways. As a Benefactor, your $180

contribution is totally tax deductible. You may also purchase individual, meaningful cards @

$5.00 per card or 4 for $18.00. All are available in the temple office. If you wish to have your

card mailed, $5.00 per card, please call Judy Cohen @ (516) 931-0742 and she will be happy

to do that for you.

Evelyn Rubin – [email protected] – 935-1377 Judy Solomon – [email protected] – 938-7538 7

Page 8: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot

Amy Kahane

Educat ion Director

Although the sky in New York is gloomy, in Israel the growing season is about to commence and

the almond trees are starting to bloom. Each of our students has been given a Tzedekah box from

the JNF (Jewish National Fund) to fill with money. Please return them to our school by Feb 7th so

we can plant several trees in the student’s honor in time for Tu B’Shevat.

We have mailed out the Mid-year report cards in order to notify parents of their children (s)

academic progress including: school attendance, participation in Shabbat-in-Shul, one-to-one and

tutoring sessions (grade applicable). If you would like to have a conference with your child’s

teacher, please contact her via email (on letter with report card) to set up a mutually convenient

time. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me through the main office.

We celebrated Havdallah with many families when Rabbi Herman taught us all about the

differences between the three services we recite daily (Shacharit, Mincha and Maariv). Then, we set

up the Ulam as a Minute-to-Win-It competition between teams. A SUPER FUN night was had by

all culminating with an ice cream sundae bar and Jewpardy.

It is such a joy to learn with your children!

Upcoming events:

February 7 Tu B’Shevat Celebration

February 10,11,12- Environmental Shabbaton at JJC (details to follow)

February 21 – No RS classes due to mid-winter break

March 4- Havdallah Israeli Dancing/Wine Tasting

March 11- Purim Megillah reading, Costume contest, Carnival, Health fair


Amy Kahane


Page 9: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot


the still kickin it jake!

february 5 - jake!s mens club 69th Annual World Wide Wrap SuperBowl Extravaganza.

join us for morning minyan followed by a tailgate breakfast feast. we will have spare sets of tefillin, and donning coaches for those of you that wish to learn how to wear them. the Rabbi will give a game day pep talk. lt. Dan will conduct our jake!s mens SuperBowl Boxes Pool. $10 per box - see lt. Dan to make your selections.

march 18 - visit us at the jake!s mens club Craps Table at the greatest JJC Casino Night of all time. a phenomenal time will be had by all!!! more details next month.

Page 10: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot

Upcoming Events:

February 7, 2017 - Tu B’Shevat Celebration.

February 9 & 16, 2017 - Canasta Nights 7:00pm - 9:00pm / $5 per person. RSVP by February 7.

February 10 -12, 2017- Environmental Shabbaton at JJC. Details to follow….

March 4 - Havdallah Israeli Dancing/Wine Tasting. For parents & children.

March 11 - Purim Megillah reading, Costume contest, Carnival, Health fair.

March 18, 2017 - Casino Night 8:30pm - 12:30am / $100 per person after February 17 (includes $300 in JJC bucks) . EARLY BIRD - $75 per person on or before February 17 (includes $400 in JJC bucks). Sponsorships available. Please look at flyer for more information.


The JJC Sisterhood Gift Shop is ready to assist you with all of your Judaica needs. Whether it’s a mezuzah, parchment scroll, baby, Bar/ Bat Mitzvah, wedding, holiday or house warming gift, we can get it for you at discounted prices.

For additional information or to set up an appointment, please contact: Cindy Tannenbaum (631) 367-6447 or [email protected]

Sisterhood Gift Shop



Monthly newsletters are available to be viewed on

our website: www.jerichojc.com

Thank you to Leslie Berman for

continuing to update our website!

Page 11: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot

Vera Fridman

In memory of her father, David Sabov

Alethea Weisman

In memory of her father, Sol Gottesfeld

Lorraine Elowsky

In memory of her father, Henry Nassberg

Ivan Fried

In memory of his grandfather, Jack Aptekar

James Sherman

In memory of his father, Marvin Sherman

Nancy Bessen

In memory of her father, Felix Shaffer

Martin & Fran Dinhofer

In memory of his mother, Estelle Dinhofer

Martin Ratner

In memory of his mother, Pauline Ratner

Francine Lawrence

In memory of her mother, Lillian Rabkin

Lloyd Shor

In memory of his mother, Sydell Shor

Susan Mishan

In memory of her father, Sol Shafner

Florence Kantor

In memory of her father, Philip Thrope

Riva Meyerovitz

In memory of her father, Robert H. Roberts

Irene Sankari

In memory of her father, Rene Farhi

Avi Wolf

In memory of his father, Max Wolf

Lawrence Rosenthal

In memory of his father, Sidney Rosenthal

Robert Hordos

In memory of his father, Albert Hordos & mother, Ruth Berk

Barbara Hordos

In memory of her father, Jack Sirota & grandmother, Bertha Schwartz

Sheldon Amster

In memory of his brother, Walter Amster

Albert Drutman

In memory his mother, Rebecca Drutman

Judith Mehler

In memory of her mother, Dora Zeigler

Bruce Maultasch

In memory of his father, Manny Maultasch

Miriam Katz

In memory of her sister, Naomi Lehrman

Beverly Ceasar

In memory of her father, Sidney Herman

David Buzen

In memory his mother, Harriet Buzen

Robert Grubin

In memory of his mother, Florence Grubin

Barbara Rosenblum

In memory of her grandmother, Anna Silver

Andrew Rosenblum

In memory of his grandmother, Ressi Schwartz


Yahrzeit Donations

We are grateful for the following donations in the memory of a loved one


Page 12: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot


For any information on the purchase of Israel Bonds, please contact our representative, Arnie Schweitzer. His direct line is 212-446-5858 or e-mail him at [email protected]. Evelyn Rubin [email protected]



NAME A TABLE - Your name, or your company’s name:


in the amount of $40 to register


$18 registration fee.

DONATE RAFFLE PRIZES - Tickets to sporting

events, round of golf, fun night out, day at

your club, etc.

SOLICIT RAFFLE PRIZES - Ask your favorite

shops for a donation: Salon services, message,

restaurants, golf lessons, gift cards, etc.


Game Table


Mah Jongg Table


Cocktail Table

Bronze: $600

4 Admission

Tickets + $400 JJC

bucks per guest

Silver: $1,200

8 Admission

Tickets + $400 JJC

bucks per guest

Gold: $2,400

12 Admission

Tickets + $400 JJC

bucks per guest

Casino Night Sponsorship Options

Page 13: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot


The congregat ion of the

Jer icho Jewish Center

o f fers a HUGE

thank you to

I lene & Joel Joachim for

the new doors in the

Beit Midrash

Registration for Destination Science Summer Camp 2017 is now open!

Enroll by February 15 and receive $70 week savings. Be sure to tell a friend or two.

Camp is Monday through Friday for ages 5 - 11.

Email to [email protected]. www.destinationscience.org

At Religious School, students are wrapped in tefillin

Jewpardy at Havdallah program

Cup game at Havdallah program

Page 14: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot


Yahrze i t Observances for the month of February

Yahrzeit is observed the evening before and the morning of the date listed. Please consider

attending morning and/or evening minyan to support those observing the yahrzeit of a loved

one. If you have additions or corrections please contact the synagogue office.


Avner Mishan, father of Dr. Marc Mishan


Helene Cader, sister of Maurice Schwartz


Matty Jacobson, mother of jake! Jacobson

Blanche Wexelman, mother of Elliot Wexelman


Daniel Ahoubim, father of Mehrdad Ahoubim

Anne Goldberg, mother of Samuel Goldberg

Theresa Pfeffer, mother of Florence Baumoel


Helen Stern, mother of Ruth Cohen


Goldie Goldfarb, mother of Stephen Goldfarb

Jacob Herman, father of Judi Ebbin

Charles Littman, father of Joan Glickman

Dr. Theodore L. Price, father of Dr. Marvin Price


Zoltan, friend of Andrew Gluck

Charles Bildner, father of William Bildner

James Joseph Hunter, grandfather of James



Violet Allen, mother of Irene Kirsh

Leah Gerber, mother of Frances Ehrlich

Tillie Ortner, great aunt of Renee Ritz


Annette Nassberg, mother of Lorraine Elowsky

Edith Telson, mother of Lynne Barsky


Hannah Green, mother of Barry Green


Morris Goldfarb, father of Gail Goldfarb

Mollie Cohen, grandmother of Betty Schwartz

R. Eva Ritz, mother of Arthur Ritz


Edith Arschin, mother of Arthur Arschin

David Telson, father of Lynne Barsky


Benjamin Bortnick, father of Bernard Bortnick

Leonard M. Hausman, father of Alicia Schreibstein


Abraham Lifschitz, father of Marilyn Siber


Helene Eisner, mother-in-law of Ivan Fried

Charles Skoller, brother-in-law of Maurice



Max Gevirtz, father of Rose Marshall

Abraham Novick, brother of Murray Novick


Charles Marchbein, father of Dr. Harvey



Yetta Present, mother of Irene Raider

Anna Silver, grandmother of Barbara Rosenblum

Emily Weiss, mother of Suzan Weinstein


Winnie Feldman, mother of Alan Feldman

Sonia Novick, mother of Murray Novick

Page 15: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot


Bessie Waldman, mother of Elizabeth Durst

Gunther Wolff, father of Nan Theodore 2/27 Benjamin Greenberger, father of Gail


Max Marshall, father-in-law of Rose Marshall

Ressi Schwartz, grandmother of Dr. Andrew Rosenblum

Anna Sonsol, mother of Betty Schwartz

Leonard Rubin, husband of Evelyn Rubin

2/28 Barbara Glickman, daughter of Joan


Benno Popielarz, father of Evelyn Rubin

Fannie Zwerdling, mother-in-law of Florence Zwerdling

Yahrzeit Observances Continued...


The Congregat ion extends

condolences to :

Tamar Mahaffy & family, in memory of Solomon

Noah z”l, father of congregant, Tamar Mahaffy

Mark Wilkow & family, in memory of Elliot Wilkow z”l,

father of Mark Wilkow, Past President of JJC

Diane Hershkowitz & family, in memory of Evelyn Cala,

z”l, mother of congregant, Diane Hershkowitz

Page 16: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot


Eileen Aptman

David Arlen

Nancy Bessen

Jack Cohen

Judith Cohen

Yana Cohen

Alan Feldman

Glenn Forrest

James Green

Linda Greenbaum

Harriet Goldenberg

Shirley Grubin

Susan Harwood

jake! Jacobson

Melissa Kaufman

Barbara Kessler

Donna Kirshenbaum

Barbara Krieger

Jennifer Libertoff

Arnold Peskin

Barbara Smiler

Jessica Smith

Arnold Sofer

Rhonda Starr

The newsletter has its

very own email address!

Please send all newsletter

submissions to:

[email protected]

Women of the Minyan

Rena Klein, Helene Cepler & Barbara Rosenblum

Sponsor ing a K iddush

Please e-mail or phone if you are interested in

sponsoring a Kiddush honoring or memorializing a loved

one or for a celebratory event. There are a number of

options as to how this can be done. Briefly, JJC offers a

Basic Standard Shabbat Kiddush prepared by Al and

staff, two different plans for an Upgraded Kiddush under

the auspices of Mark Hametz of Kay Caterers, and an

Approved Outside Vendor Kiddush. Kay Caterers offers

a more elaborate kiddush as well. The prices are based

on a 75 person Congregation Kiddush; there is an extra

charge for additional guests.

In addition, if anyone is interested in hosting a Minyan

Breakfast that, too, is available. I would be happy to

discuss each of the options in detail with you regarding

content and cost.

In order to secure your date of

choice on the Congregation

Calendar, kindly contact me with

your request as soon as this has

become a consideration of yours

or you have made a decision.

Judy Solomon (516) 938-7538

[email protected]

Arthur & Renee Ritz

Page 17: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot



Apri l 2 , 2017


Jericho Jewish Center is sponsoring a community service / hunger relief event in collaboration with “rock CAN roll Inc. ®”, a non-profit, hunger relief organization to make sandwiches & pack bagged lunches, while rocking out to great music, that will be

donated to 11 different food agencies in the Nassau / Suffolk area.

The event is non-sectarian so ALL are welcome to join in the fun.

We are expecting quite a large group of community volunteers who will lend their help!

We would love to

announce your Simcha in the Newsletter.

Please submit details to [email protected]

for our next issue.

Richard & Helene Cepler on the birth of

their granddaughter , Sadie Maxine Cepler

The Congregation Extends

a Warm Mazel Tov to:

Do you find it difficult to view documents on

your computer?

Did you know that you can increase the size of what you are viewing?

Here’s how: Hold down the control button on your key board while also

using the wheel on your mouse - scroll the wheel up to enlarge and down

to decrease!


Page 18: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot

General Fund

Arthur & Sharon Arschin

Judy Solomon

Elliot Wexelman

Jeff & Jaqueline Ehrlich

Anita Haut

Arnold & Estelle Cohen

Mark & Martha Perlson

Kiddush Fund

Alan & Linda Rosen

Morton Gelb

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

Florence Baumoel

Barbara Sadick

Stuart & Beth Blumenstock

Arnold & Sylvia Wishner

Youth & Education Enrichment Fund

Judy Solomon

Torah Maintenance & Repair Fund Judy Solomon

Choir Fund

Judy Solomon

Holocaust Memorial Garden Evelyn Rubin

All checks should be made out to: Jericho Jewish Center. Please use the form included in this newsletter. For additional information contact the JJC Office (516) 938-2540.

CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT - funds the building structure FACILITIES - cleaning, repair and renovation of building interior ENDOWMENT - Synagogue programs and services LIBRARY BEAUTIFICATION - maintaining and updating the library SANCTUARY MEMORIAL - beautification & physical maintenance of the sanctuary YOUTH & EDUCATION ENRICHMENT - religious school and youth projects & programs SPECIAL - assistance for those in need. TALLIT/TEFILLIN FUND - new Tallitot / Tefillin LIBRARY BOOKS - $18 a book BIBLE/PRAYER BOOK - Bible (Humash) $75, Prayer Book [Siddur] - $45 SIMCHA TREE LEAVES (Simchas only) - $250 each / “CHAI” STONES $1,800 contact: Shirley Grubin @ 342-9179 MEMORIAL YAHRZEIT PLAQUES - $475 contact: Andrew Rosenblum HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL GARDEN - Contact Bill Kassimir 516.681.8759 KIDDUSH - Contact the office WALK OF REMEMBRANCE - $118 per Brick Contact: Bill Kassimir 516.681.8759 PATHWAY TO THE FUTURE - $613 per brick - contact Bill Kassimir 516.681.8759 TORAH MAINTENANCE & REPAIR





The Jericho Jewish Center

is only as strong as our congregation

P l e as e D onate!

Page 19: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot


Martha & Mark Perlson

Kay & Herbert Stein

Vera & William Fridman

Susan & Nelson Taxel

Barbara & Dan Krieger

Lori & David Hoch

Jay & Susan Kaplan



Joanne & Stephen Herman

Evelyn Rubin

Anonymous Alan & Linda Durst

TOMAICH JJC (builder) $500

Iris & Joel Yohai

Bette & Lawrence Rosenthal

Bernard Berko

Steve & Edie Wishner

SHOMER $1,000

Stephen & Barbara Goldfarb

Norman Cohen

Allan & Elizabeth Durst

Donald & Phyllis Schechter


Keter means crown, and is the ornament on top

of our Torahs; our gift from God uniting us as a people. The Keter Torah campaign began 9 years ago as a fundraiser and is still strong today. There are several contribution options available, and I welcome the oppor-tunity to discuss them with you.

The temple is only as strong as its members and we need your support. Please join me as a KETER TORAH CONTRIBUTOR. Donors are displayed monthly in

the newsletter (see below) and we look forward to filling the page!

My motto is: “give until it feels really great”. Mark Perlson

Want to feel REALLY special?

Be a part of a community effort to benefit our synagogue?

We want to thank the following Keter Torah Supporters for

the 2016 - 2017 JJC Fiscal Year



The brick path known as "The Walk of Remembrance" in

the JJC Holocaust Memorial Garden continues to fill up with

sandblasted inscribed bricks that commemorate many different

occasions such as weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, births,

memorials, graduations, etc.

Purchasing a brick is also a wonderful way to honor someone or make note of

anything that is special to you. The purchase price of a brick is $118. Please note

that the bricks purchased when the garden was dedicated in May, 2001 still look as

good as they did then.

Thank you for your consideration. The brick path is filling up rapidly. If you have

any questions please call Bill Kassimir 681-8759. Thank you.

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The New Neighbor Mezuzah Fund, seeded by the generous donat ion

f rom I r is & Stanley Salomon, w i l l be used when Rabbi Herman reaches out to potent ia l new members, of fer ing the mezuzah and blessings.

The Bikkur Chol im Fund, dedicated to the memory of I rving Gluck, Sherwin Gluck’s father, is to purchase comfort i tems such as: soup, books, f lowers, etc . to br ing when we visi t people who are ei ther in the hospi tal or are home bound.

ATTENTION ! The “New Neighbor

Mezuzah Fund” and the “Bikkur Chol im Fund”

have been created!



Have you ever looked at the wall to the right of the Sanctuary doors and wondered what is that? That is our Simcha Tree. The leafs on the tree can be purchased to commemorate a simcha such as: the birth of a grandchild, a Bar / Bas Mitzvah, or to honor a special birthday. A leaf can be purchased for any happy occasion. Your message will be engraved on the leaf. Choose a spot and the leaf is installed. Next time you come to the JJC, before entering the sanctuary, have a look, and consider a leaf in honor of someone. This is a lovely way to support the Jericho Jewish center and honor your dear one. The cost of a leaf is $250.00. The “CHAI” stones are $1,800.

I look forward to hearing from you. Shirley Grubin 516-342-9179

Many Thanks to

Barbara Smiler and

the Cantor Wolkin

Memorial Fund for

sponsoring the new

floral arrangements

that flank our bimah.

Page 21: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot


Kay Caterers In need of a Special Shabbos or Holiday meal?

Special occasion?

Call us for all your catering needs

516 734-0418

[email protected]

Kosher Supervision by the Orthodox Union

Want to place an ad in the Newsletter?

Have a business card you’d like us to post?

Want to promote an event not sponsored

by the JJC?

For details contact the

Jericho Jewish Center Office for details.




The Newsletter can also

be read on our website!



503 North Broadway, Jericho (Next to Marshalls) 516-931-2121

For every purchase you make,

a % is donated to our Sisterhood.

Any questions, please call Helene

Cepler: 646-872-4499

Thank you to our local businesses for their support! Let’s show our support to them!

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To the congregants who have generously sponsored Casino Night

Alan Feldman - Silver

Howard & Phyllis Schultz - Bronze

Jane Zimmerman - Silver

Jay & Susan Kaplan - Gold

Barbara & Dan Krieger - Gold

Machine Components - Gold



Howard Gendel

Steven & Lynn Gordonson

David Pastrich

Wallace & Eileen Aptman

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 7:30am



11am Parshat


8pm Evening



7:30am Morning


8pm Evening Minyan





6pm Shabbat


4 9am Shabbat Services

9:45am Shabbat-in Shul-School 5pm Mincha/Maariv


9am Morning


8pm Evening



7:30am Morning


8pm Evening Minyan

8:15pm Early

Prophets class

7 7:30am Morning


4:15pm Religious


6:30pm Hebrew High

7pm Beginner

Hebrew Class

8pm Evening Minyan


7:30am Morning


11am Parshat


8pm Evening



7:30am Morning


8pm Evening Minyan

10 Shabbaton


Morning Minyan

6pm Shabbat


7pm Friday Night


11 Shabbaton

9am Shabbat


11am Shabbat


5pm Mincha/Maariv

12 Shabbaton

9am Morning


8pm Evening






8pm Evening Minyan

8:15pm Early

Prophets class

14 7:30am Morning


4:15pm Religious


6:30pm Hebrew High

7pm Beginner

Hebrew Class

8pm Evening Minyan


7:30am Morning


11am Parshat


8pm Evening






8pm Evening Minyan



Morning Minyan

6pm Shabbat


18 9am Shabbat Services 5:15pm Mincha/Maariv


9am Morning


8pm Evening



7:30am Morning


8pm Evening Minyan

8:15pm Early

Prophets class

20 No Religious


7:30am Morning


4:15pm Religious


6:30pm Hebrew High

7pm Beginner

Hebrew Class

8pm Evening Minyan


7:30am Morning


11am Parshat


8pm Evening



7:30am Morning


8pm Evening Minyan



Morning Minyan

6pm Shabbat


25 9am Shabbat Services 5:15pm Mincha/Maariv


9am Morning


8pm Evening



7:15am Morning


8pm Evening Minyan

8:15pm Early

Prophets class

28 7:30am Morning


4:15pm Religious


6:30pm Hebrew High

7pm Beginner

Hebrew Class

8pm Evening Minyan



Page 24: Tu B’Shvat · 2018-05-24 · 2 PARASHAT BO (February 3rd - 4th) Candle Lighting: 4:58 p.m. Friday 2/3 – 6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Tefillot Saturday 2/4 – 9:00 a.m. – Shabbat Tefillot

430 North Broadway Jericho, NY 11753