THE RICH -TS^^F -*fi*~sV. DISPA WHOLE NUMBER, icm RICHMOND, VA.. SATtrRDAt MORNING. MARCH 7, 188.5. THREE CENTS PER COPY. apwiai. RswTtrRS. MARCH 4. ! 1 tn* inaiia-ut-aOtvn of Cleveland a* l*i*r*!den of lb* Pnit< d state* and thc ooVrtng of M t**(~»in* in DRY HOODS. A. by LEVY * DAVIS. 1 r*a» nf 18V'. iSlNOHAMS at 7c. a yard; i ran* Hw. him .ll ams at ev. a yard; J cane of MERRIMACK PRINTED Hut Et .t e,e. a yard worth 10c.; 1 .ss.- WHITE CORDKD KIO. CK al 4c. tani worth Sac.: 1 rote WHITE STRIPED LAWHateJfC. t yard, would lt-cheap at ft/*.; 1 wot* WHITE SATIN STRIPED NAIN BOOK at Sv a yan! worth 1«*4C-; 1 caa. WHITE CHECKED NAINSOOK B To. a yard worth 10c.; Yard-wide HARK ITUNTKD PERCAI K- at 7e. a yard worth lay-. STRIPED SEERSUCKERS at »>/.. a yan worth b r.' SMALL CHECKED DRKSSiKrODS. nearl; all woo), ai If*)at * yard, formerly sol. at Mn: LACE STRIPED KCHIM for CI'RTAINK a 18,-je.. which la very cheap; TWILLED CRASH ToWKI.LlNO at r,c. yard worth He.: Remnai.i* of CoTToN SHKETINi;; Ita -.initi.ts of BLEACH ED COTTON Rc ronan!* of DOCTOR DIAl'KR; Remnant* of DR Ess HOODS el every de acrlptlon; Iii iiinanl* of Cl RTA IN LACKS; Remnant* of CARPETS and MATTINO. mh 4 1,1 V. A DAVIS. .¦ron. mwm\iwm^*u_ WHEN THE MICH ADVERTISED remedla- fall, trv "BODKKKK'i- PULMONARY I'.ALSAM for cotiKh*. col.ls hoarse nc**. »nd nore th mat. lt ha* been ii anaare_ral usa tot twenty year*. andl**tiil lb* beat remedy known._ fe 1*4 "THE VERNON TX)OTH-_a01_ta 1MPORTED HY IT'HCKLL, LAHD A CO, This li tie III.rs I URI SH matte and t-iiti bf bad of I'nl.K MILLER A Co.. T. HoHERTS HA KKK J. lil.Alll Ninlli mid Iii..mt streets). Il i. I .L-l MANN If. H. M. ILVRRI-st.N, ll M. SlIEII.D A CO., il SHI CHILD, l-OWHATAN K. IU TTY. E. P. REEVE, L. Il, TlloviAS A CO., I ll. VV ILL1 AMS (17thand tlnst.l (. W MIMI R BOO wael Marshall! A. H. HiiltlVs. fe -i'i B LAIRS CHLORAL THYMOL I* a powerful Berm-dr*troyer; lt I* the ts-st detslorlter; It ha* a pleasant smell; The insnii'i of iisliiK ll I* simple uml "on\ enlent; lt wonderfully promote* the comfort of sick rooms; Il shoiilil alway* Ix- us.it where there 1* contagious disease. Eor sile by druK«l*t*. Price. ,*.(i BenUl a bot (ie. J* 10 i IONS! MPTION, I li:ive a posTtivi V nm. ily fur the ttlMi\e disease; hy lt* lise tlinli-Hi.t's of caws of the worst kind ami «! ionic standing have been eared. Indeed. so stroiii. l* my faith in Ita efficacy that I will *eiid TWO BOTTLES EREK toaetlier With a VALUABLE TREATISE on tlilsdls- ease, lo hui sufferer, i.it eexpressiind l«**t- BS. t' addrea*. Hit. T. A. SLOCUM. 181 IVarl »lrt*et. New York, de 3-eodern_ 1 AHI KS..Penn) rojal Pills (" (~_c_- -*. rster'sEnxlish iare worth their weight In ifol.i. Kuli istrticuliir*. 4c. Chii-h.-stci Chemical Co., alis Madlaon aeuare, Phlla* dt-lpbi*. fe 14-Tu Th.Su.VSu.lApl t HIV*, ».i \snvv v itt eke. / * I Di KS. - Just received a larne addili.tn- -to hiv line ..I .- - KINK CteM'KH. -maklliK the lamest variety ever- - .hown tu the elly. -COME AND SEE THEM. MIK PRICE HILL ASTONISH- -Can at l**t suiii>ivcusiii,n,r*vv iili . --a--s| \ t,AMI'-, - - E.R. TAYLOR.- - Kill Mi'n street. - upoMii paet-ofrV -Telephon« SSS. mh i CI N LAMP. vTITH ALL THE IM- *~ I'RoVEMENlS. 1st. llnllinmy benn' Hjluil to filly ipeilll titliiHcs. .'.I, l.coneiiiy tins Kies I v>. I ii me ol I ll* li! casi* -.oe I li i i.i of m tent |K-r boar, ;*d. Take Ute ordinary ci'imney. 4tb. N*v*r break* or amok** the rh lainey, r.iii I'erfeetaatety, Reina mad* nt brass, panuni break if it lu!!*. Thea* lamp*mc Bade in is*t manner, in brees ntni nickel-plate, and warranted not to leak, (me lamp » lil liklhi ii rts.in ol milln.irv size ? .. thai leathon and sew lin; can Lcd.m.-in all pail*. i.l ulli. I i.ll'.-s. iN. J h.. fe vm_litU7 Main stree!. J k.htmni;. BUN, electric, ARD Ol H IR LAMPS. MNNI lt. IRA CHAMBER, and TIN ron i r-HETs ia Ktiat vm lui si M KI-INi; A HI li I.I'S. I l.ttl sj | | yrs, THOMAR JACKSOR, fe i eodim -tot east broad street. I, Ito*, is HI .at|l i:H. I.A*>II.-. ate. J I' I C 1 A 1. .SALL S - L. LEWIS'S - KINK Alli' HALLI.HY, - BM MAIN SIKKKT. .- 1 am now selllm* my flue stock of -riCTl'KKS. I'.ltoN/KS. msiJCKS, - and EASELS - at moa -ONIMTIIRD TO ONH-H kia* - Kl '.ll All PRK .. lo make 1000! for improicmeut*. -CALL KARL. AND t.ET CHOICR. -VALENTINES AT te)W FlUUHES. I.- .'. II.I.I HINATINI. Ol l.t. I> I RN THE WHITE LUC-NT I> s\KI TY OIL. lill I INERT s\l I sr. am. BEST OIL. linnie fiom the cc't-bnited lower-couuty 'rude. 1* free from ben/.line amt para'tltic. I Mil ls- burned in ah, oidiuai-y lamp. MILL NOT I.XI'l.oDK. ls apt HR-waler while lil color, free front .inpurities, tit*-* tiot Minike or crust the w i.'k In fact shim rim IO any Oil ottered lo lb*park-e rTr*-ie*i, lBOdeareea Beware ul rauntertelti l*ul up lueiiiisol len BU.B.S. I'i iicluilliiK can* Al Ot -TINT. HARWOOD A \t ATKINS, sm i. pnornii ros*, I Ll vi nih IND CAR, STREETS. mb H-lw UiciiviiM., V v. ALMA _A.-|n»A%»nil»TT Oil.. i HT OFF TWO TH1R1LSOF THK * expense o| Unlit in* your *tore. fat- ;o.v. oftlee. or house by u* in: Hie NEW MBA KAMI'S and AI.HA SAEETY .IL. leo nre-iest: le. n* ala.I hour* ot '.e..lamil, -power llttiit three Hine* the .rta* ibii.-v of an ordinary au*-.! el. Kor aa lo by li* RH TIMON H oil. COM HAN "i 1319 Main »tre*t **o!e AfSBll Southern stat**. At.ENTS WANTED. fe VSt-Sw ll EALTH IS WEALTH. lt*. E. C. WEST'S NERVE. AND HHAIN THKATMKNT. i kiiantuleefi *|«-einc for tlyau-rta. Hi.iii-**, . na*. Its. Nerv ou* Neuralgia, Head- ..Lt- N.-iVnt. I'rtMitraH.lI Cairned Itv Un- uam .I s iel a.I or tobacco. Wakeful mt**, Meutal iaepr.atlol Soft* ii na of the Htaln 'r-MUltiUB n ii**ittty and b-adlnu to uilserv, decay ann teatpt, PreiuM-r* Old Age. teas* of Power lit .tillar sax ewuat-tl oy over-exe.rlioo of tb* irs.it or ever-Ind ula*na.**, Each box eon* tm. oue ii.i'iiib s tt.-atmenl', tl a bos. ot » Ipoj.!-* for ffi. t.nt uv mail, prep.id on re- *ipt of (he prlt«e. WK Ol AHANTEK SIX l(.\ls tot ute any (**«*-. With t-aeii ordet NM.|\.-,l l.y us for slv boxe*. His'i»iii|*uli.'i'd rtth tl. -.ti- will send (he nure base, our writ- »ii t*u*i*nU*e to refund the woury lt Hi. rat I tn. et tits* not ett. ct a Cul*. Ou«tWBtetM a-U-dOBly bi JOHN C. WEST a* Co.. .eu *<*!. Mad.ott iii'''. an asi-da wlv Clilcaftv, UL "M A HYLAND, MY MARY¬ LAND.- .ss .. pretty wives. I .nv ely daughters, and noble men. "My fsrtn lira in a rather low and mias¬ matic situation, sud ..My wife:" .Who? " "Waaa very pretty blondef * Twenty yearsago. became. sallow!" "Hollow -eyed!'' "Withered and aged!" Before her time, from "Malarial vapors, though she. made no particular complaint, not being of the grump) kind, yetrauslng me great iineasi- ness. "A sliort time ago I purchased vom remedy for one of the children, who had a very seven' attack of biliousness, and lloe- . uiied to me that the remedy might help ny m ife. as I found that our little girl, upon recovery, bsd Lost| Her sallowness, and looked tts fresh aa a new-blown daisy. Well, the story ls soon told. M> wife to-day has gained her old- time beauty, with compound interest, and is dow as handsome a matron (If I do say lt myself, as cnn be fonnd In this county, which noted for pretty women. And I baie only Hop Hitters to thank for lt. 'The dear treat ure Just looked over my shoulder, and says I can flatter equal to the days of onr courtship'; and that re¬ minds n-e there might tie more jtrettu vice* ,f roy brother.farmers would doss I have dowe.'' Hoping you msy long ls» spared to do good, I fbpnkfuHy remain, C. L. Jambs. lleltnttle. Prince Ueore/e county. Mil,, May 88. 1888. OB* None genuine without a bunch of io. en Hops on the white label, shun all the vile, i-olsonoiis stuff with "Hop" or " Hops lu their name. mb fi-Tu,Th(w;AHalm Sill I I M.S.. W IOWAJI OF PAMUNKY TRIBE, 11 No. tl, INDEPENDENTORDER RKD Ml M..RROTMRR8 You aro hereby notified lo meet at your Win nani on SI'NDAY al l.ali-|*s! N o'eloek A. M. to pay the last tri¬ bute of respect to our uec**aiaod brother, K. II. ii iii ni itu, Memls-rs of sister tribes ara oordhvll) Invited to aden.I. By order of i i-e sachem. mh 7-ii* J.H. TAY LOK. C. nf B. K<>\. AL A!!« AMI M. The iiu-tu- bers oi mccarthy cm nth,, n... 4(1- it. A.. will attend a staled RIBfltlitQ nt Ontral ifnlt. Fifth street between Hroad and Marshall, on THIN .Mutunlay) KVK- NIN(i. March 7,1886, at 7!4o'clock. Mem¬ bers of sister Councils invited to ls- present. Iii order of tlie Regent. nli 7-lt* lt. M. DENNY. Heeretery. citvi-ii-vis. RICHMOND TH Ka TU K. MARCH 7ni. PKuPl.KHM'.lIT To-NTOHT. To-MUMT. LAST TIMK OF LYNWOOD. s.e |.ii.es: .miand Me.; galleries. 15 and m.. A Uland MATINEE ut 2:80 1'. M.of ys. n:. Admission, Od nm] He.: reserved seats, rle. nih 7-lt* R ICHMOND THEATRE. n nh. ht*. ¦ (...inmeiieins MONDAY. Marok MB, URAMO MATINEE WEDNESDAY, PB icu ell engagement of RU. PRANK MA Y (i SITT-OKTKl) HV \ company Of acknowledged artists under the ie.i iiatre men I of Mn. (SHERIDAN CORBYN. Will present, enc the last time In this etty' Mayo's ever welcome DAVY CK. UKI Tl. Justly lei med un idyl of the bach woods. Hos ..ttl. e ii iii i.e..pend for reserve .ii H MT ll DAY at 8 A, M. SPECIAL .niinri;. I'm. ix: fce*-veci «v», flt atTinls-kiou T.'.c.; di ess elrele, BOC. J family circle. Iftc: taller). lOe. u.ii «-3o DI MK MUSE! M. MOZART HAIL. OPEN1NO ol'THK OPERA SEASON. Kelnrn ol th,- Harris Ope rn Company. With elyl.leen il rsl -.lass arl Isis and a Milong chorus. I RIDAY AND > ATI KDAY. \| \-i oil I MASCOTTE EVERY AFTERNOON AND NIGHT. Prices ot admission as usual. 10 cents; reserved seats BO cania Kl in- had at c. P, Johnston'a \>\H Main street. Dooli open afternoon 1:80; performance oobbrrmibm 8:80. Niiriii. d>-ms openntT; perforuianee commences Ht t-. mh :(-.'.( r»t I'pr.n. CUPPER SI PPERI Ht: YOUNO I.ADIK-s sn.'il IV OK TR1NJT1 ('HI RCII will -me a slT'PKH and Kl ¦'RsllMKNTSat the 'burch MON¬ DA V NH.lil'. March nih. Their (nen.ls and lin- public arc invited to favor them nilli their piescitee and patronage. nih 7-21* ( IVIIIISIOW MinK'.v (.KAMI KXt I RS10N COLORADO ANDCAI.II'oHMA MTTTllMi THE MAMMOTH CAVE ol' KEYITCKY. THK YOBKMITE VALLEY, AMU "Tin i: K \ 11 i;k.s of ORB vt IN PK ll I.St. rotenvs on lill KsDAV M vy 7 sh;,, I 'nil mt. ii ears, tlixt.class hotel ii.-coiuiiio- dation em niue-dl iles, iind all BeaSaBBT) expensesIneliided.ooeupytna club! necks. un deaerlpllvs pt-oaramnWi with mae oi the ionic, sent free bj mail on application. \.lilies* THo.MAs Cin.k ,V SON. i. .'ssii,iwnii aol Broadway. N. Y. |7 I BO PI! A j (-.-..Ks KXCL'RHION PARTIER si, il from Nsw York In April. May, June, aud Julv 1>\ llrst-.TiisshleamshiJ-s. sI'KiTAI. TolKlsT TD KKTs for INDI¬ VIDUAL III \\ Kl.l.Kits at REDUCED KA'I KS In the best route* for pleasure ism I, COOK'S KXCl RsloNlsT. with iua|*< coiitiiins full isiiiieiiiurs. by niall for len ..lils. THOMA* CooK ,V SON. J«l ISioadway. New York. I. 81-tteAW88t BUFFY'S Wtl.TRIHsKIA. JC*I SKI, OIL! IX) YOI' KNOW WHAT IT ls? Ask Mini physician or druggist, and he will tell you lt isa HANK. DEADLY poison. DI KKY 1 PURE MALT WHISKKY is entirely Rae Buna fusel oil; absolutely pine sud uaadnlteraled; a positive cure tor CoNsl MITTON, PI I.MONAKY TROl KI.KS. MALARIA. 1NDI0K.S.TON. WASTING DISEASES, and the only recognized ANTIDOTE POB CHOLERA. A BEVERAGE ARD MKDICINE OOM- KINKD. BsVll (o any address lu tbe I'nited states east of the itockv Mountains), all express ¦iiiirg, s prepaid, in plain case.no chance io: com mem containing six quart bottles. ju receipt of ail dollart. PRICE oNKDOl.l.AKl'KK MOTTKK. Sold by leading druggists aud flue grocery- j ulises. TUE DI KKY MALT WHISKKY CO., Haltiluore. Md. K. A. SAl INDERI A HON. agents roi Rich¬ mond, fe 18-dlluAw4t IIIBh.s IVIKUT 4>r MEAT. IlEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT JtM MEAT PTNEST AND CHEAPEST MKA'l KI.AVOHINO STOCK 1'iilt soil's MADK-DISIIKS ANDHAUCEH. Annual sales. 8.000,000 jars. L.1EHIC I'oMI'AWS EXTRACT Of MEAT. Au invaluable tonie, "to a success sud a boon for which nations should b el grateful.' -see " Mednal Press,' I.aoeet.''le. .,.miine only with the lae .mule of Mamu l.u-lilg's slgnstiire lu blue ink scross the label. The title . Karon Die- big " and pbotogrspb having lieen large¬ ly used by dealers with un connection with liston I,icing, the public are lu- |or;.i d 1 hal the Liebig CoinpRiiy alone csu oft. r the article with Karon Liebig s guarantee of genuiness. .llltIO COMPANY* EXTRACT OK MEAT, io l*e lind ol all Storekeepers, (i.tweis. snd Chemist*. Sol,-agents for itu- Knited States wholesale only). C. lu 1 in A Co.. 8 J 11.hinch avenue, I ern¬ don, England. Riy l7-s^i;i THE STATE AT LARGE. NORFOLK NEWS, mort er . l»r*rer-B**fc **<! . Dtarr-ne l*~*Hta After Tw«*tr-rttr*e %'*..«- [Corrrattondence of tbe Richmond Dispatch. Noreolk, March C. IriHi. In 1«61 the residence of Major Wit liim W. Lamb, fsther of the prcscn Mayor of Norfolk, wss sacked hy tin northern force.*, and Mr. Lamb wa' imprisoned hy (ienera! Butler snd sf- terwsrds banished to thc South. All the household (roods were stolen snd among other article* an old farm Iv prsyer-book and a private disry kepi by Miss |jual The prsyer-book wau published in 1708, in Uk- time of Queer Anne, and besides heine; s gre** .'. riosity was highly prised by the family as it was owned by Ann Martin, o Edenton, N. C. as far back as 1748. This good lady wss -rest-grandmothei of botn William W. Lamb and his wife, and the book was -riven to Mrs. IaiiiV (mother of the present Mayor) in 1830, just after her marriage. It i* lilied with fine steel engravings, and thr epistles and gospel* are in manuscript. The book was valued by the late Mr, Lamb above anything of the kind in hi* possession, and be advertised for it, offering all sorts of rewards foi its return, but ail to no purpose. Well, on the 17th of February Colonel William Lamb received a letter from Mr. .lolm K. Hcikes. an express-messenger, living in Randolph county, Indiana, sta¬ ting that during the war, while a soldier in the I'nion army, he hajj gotten pos¬ session of thc diary above mentioned, but as it wss written in cipher he could not tel] to whom it belonged. Finally. however, his little boy discovered the key to the alphabet snd found that thc book belonged to Miss Lamb. The father had seen through thc papers that Colonel I.mb was Mayor of Nor¬ folk, and wrote to him concerning the diary, which he seemed very glad to re¬ turn to the owner. About tin titm- ol the receipt of this letter Colonel Lamb hsd occasion to go to Philadelphia, and while there BTU shown an old prayer¬ book, which the owner said bc had pur* BSSed soon after the war at OM I'oint from a collection of books said to be¬ long to Jell'. I lavis. Ile prized thc book bight)*, and -aid lie had refused an otter ol $ IUD for it. Colonel Lamb was rejoiced lo recognize in it his long-lost family treasure, and the gentleman re¬ lumed it to thc proper owner. The remarkable feature of the story is found in tBB coincidence that these two books should have heen returned simultane¬ ously, the one from Indiana and thc other from Philadelphia, after a lapse ol twenty-three years. Thc ejectment suit of theO ld-Fcllows ca. The Montefiore Literary Society was decided in favor of the plaintiffs, and the Literary Society has to give up its hall. '_ Ilia. PETERSBURG A SD VICINITY. tauddfii llraib .Briioralii* to H~re la- ¦lallatlon ora Past jr. Correspondence nf the Richmond Dlipatcb.' P_~*_BSRU_~, March G. tt8-. .Mr. .Juninis Williams, a well-known citizen of Ettrick, died last night, after I very brief illness. His death, indeed, USS sudden. He was a shoemaker by trade, and worked in this city. Mr. J. H. Van Aitken, who was sonic time aga suspended lion* duty a* United states inspector af tobacco bi Colonel Itrady, has. it is BIB.'ritOBn, been restored to his position under irders from Washington. At a speci.il meeting of EaH llanover Presbytery held iu this city y.-tci'- lay afternoon Rt v. .1. W. Kose'.iro and Kev. a. R. Ilolderby were received as members ol' the Prc-.liv lay. Last ni-sht Rev. Mr. Ro'chro wa* installed is pastor ol' tim Tabb-Street church bera in the presence a! u very large seagpegatie.. Dr. Pryor. ofNottou ay; Dr. Armstrong, ol' Norfolk, ami Rev. I. K. Winn, ol titi- eily, were thc olli- 'iating ministers. Rev. Mr. BasebTQ is the twelfth pastor this church has bud. of which thc sainted Mr. Reiijaiinii II. Kkc was the first. Its pulpit has been filled at times by .some of the ablest liv ines of ihe Presbyterian faith. Among them such men «s 1 ir. William s. Plunicr. Dr. Jahn barbara. Hr. A. B, Van /.amit. Hr. A. W. Miller. Dr. William J. Boge, Dr. Riitheifoord. ami Hr. T. I). Wither.-)...on. Some improvements are contem¬ plated in ourpost-otticc. which will bc vt ry acceptable to the public. New lock-boxes ure to be inlroilucad ami made BOre sci ure than at present, and they are to bc secessibll at all hours af tbs dav ami sight, instead af enrjrdn* risa* thc dav. saal present, and for only me liot.r on Sunday- ami holidays. At thc annual meeting ol'the Peters¬ burg Savings and Insurance Company neill v estel day thc old Hoard of Di¬ rectors vv ith few exception* were re¬ jected and Major I'. R, Scott was basan president for the ensuing year. The PctiTshurgt ts who have returned icm rTashtagten express themselves as neatly pleased with thc scenes of in- uiguration-day, and say the BCeasioo ivas thc grandest ol' the kimi they hive vii-witnessed. RoiiIN AD.tlit. Mon lion*,- Heir.., .ii ti, fire. Special telegram to the Dispatch.] Danville., Va., March 8,1888. Tbs storehouse ami stock ol' Mlsdi ol r'. V. Chaney, at the junction of thc I'anvillf and New-River and thc Rich* nomi and Danville railroads, were mt in .1 up yesterday evening. Thc tuilding was insured in the Rochester icrtnun for I860 and the goods in the toy al for $1,500. The loss on the :oods is hardly covered. Thc br. omuienced in the upper part af thc muse, where a stove-pipe passed brough it. PHILIPPI IN L UCK. .tu* I waitui Near lb. 1'oriarr Uanda/,.u. or Ihe West Viral*!* Kr! Vira. A Philippi (W . Vs.) special _gnj Not many people in the great world be- oml the mountains that rise scntinel- ike around it know aught ol this 'hilippi. Few maps bear its name, md but little has ever happened to call he wotld's attention this way. It is rue that the first laud-battle of thc var wss fought in its streets, anti that ¦ere General Kelley, now of Cumber- and, Md., gained the distinction of being he first officer to be wounded in the long trite : but that wss a quarter of a cen- ii! v ago, and the old people of the then rv the dead of Ihe now. A few years go it gained something of un ephemeral ml undesirable reputation ax the hesd- ia i te is of the " Ked Men," a band of obbers and murderers, with sub-lodges ii all pails of the State, sud having he most complete organization of any .and of thieves the world ever knew. Int thc organization is gone, except erhaps a lew weak posts far beck in be mount sins, lt.* leaders are iu jail. niue at Huffalo, N. V., others at Di¬ rt.it. Mich., and others yet at Mound* ille. in this State. And so for several esra Philippi, quaint, old-fashioned, sd conservative, has slept away th weeks and months in contented isola¬ tion. Tygart'e mer. a narrow, noisy stream, full of sharp falls and fine trout. rushes madly by on one nide beneath SU- gar-Loaf mountain. From thc river a valley spread* away half a mile to an- oUier mountain. At the upper and lower ends of the valley the mountain* almost join each other, forming n bowl- like valley, in wlii-h the village sleeps. Judge Wood, of the Supreme Bench of thc State, lives her-, and the place. a mere village of 2iK> twills. supports two newspapers, a bank, and the usual number of churches. Xever in the history of thc town has liquor been cold in it, and a drunken man is a curiosity. A year ago a little narrow- gauge railroad felt its way round thc bold points of forbidden precipices and tumbling hills until it reached Philippi. (Jreal was the rejoicing when the mini¬ ature engine rumbled tip to thc little wooden station. The fatted ralf was killed, together with neveral other members of the bovine family, and the people made merry. If Philippi thought of the railroad as any¬ thing elna than a relief from a weary stage-coach ride across the mountains to the outer world it is not recorded. Hut one day a Yankee, by some odd chance, found his way into these hills. and seeing the wealth of timlier on their sides, and suspecting the greater riches in their bowels, began operations. threat logs of maple, pine, and walnut lound their way to far-off cities. Pre¬ sently a linc vein of coal was found, and a new industry inaugu¬ rated. This was shortly followed by a discovery that has made Phi¬ lippi the gateway to a storehouse of wealth untold, lt was accident, this discovery, like so many more. S. I,. Refer one day found in a limestone-hill on his farm on thc edge of Randolph county, near the corner of li rant, Tack¬ er, and Pendleton counties, a curious cleft he had not before noticed. A busk wind poured from it. and certain mnrks fiore positive evidence that in some day long gone by man lind entered it. Mr. lieger explored the cleft and found a large i ave. part of nature's and part of mini's Blabing. From (toe side t'uan- titiis of bluish-gray and heavy ore had bass taken, the pick mark <till remain¬ ing. A stream of clear water ia anti through thc cave, coming suddenly from a low opening in one side and disappear¬ ing ns suddenly on the other. Mr. Rogar sent some of thc mineral to Philadel¬ phia, where it was assayed, showing it to be lead unusually pure. A company was foi nied. and the lea 1 iii great quan¬ tities is now being mined. Prepara¬ tions fur sBielting and radar inf it aro milking, ami a busy, prosperous village bna sprung up about the mine, which ia, apparently, inexhaustible. Philippi ia the depot of supplies, and the old town is springing into new life. In ransacking the old mine human skeletons were found. Nothing was left to give any clue to their identity. fut years a tradition has existed that in this range of the Alleghenies -thc Buffalo mountain- -the Indians had silver-mines, but it arni regarded sim¬ ply as a tradition but tin- lead-mine! now in operation at Kegcrville is the solution ol' the talc. T.iUhV UEVoiSU. a I. m.ii. .'..>.. CanteaaM the vi., .i.. or lier Hil-iMlliI TlnrlT \rn.s Ass. A Beaton (Mum.] anecial taja About thirty years ago Mr-. Abigail Gardner was conricted of the murder of her husband iu Mingham and sen¬ tenced tn life-imprisonment. She re- fu-cd kl a. knowledge the crime, and bet motive for its coinmi-sinii could not be divined. Mr-. Gardner i* ROU seventy ---(yen year- ol.I. She is an in¬ mate of the House of Correction in New Bedford. A len days ago she sent for Ber. Hr, Coo, the chaplain of the institution, an.l made ,-i confession to hilo that abe poisoned lier husband w iib Breenie. A * to motives, sim could ::t lol none, but -imply it iterated that a demon aoouaed to urge her OB until the murder was committed. lier husband, -he .says, vi as a kind man. and she never could complain of hi- trealnient of her. Mrs. Gardner is oki whelmed with remorse fer her act. *Sa*s Hull, y's « ..mei. ;i*Hl]-Mall Uftzettc.l lt M1SM ;it first sight incredible that an occurrence of 215 jean ago could lu- reported with but one link between thc person who tells you ami the actual witness. Such, however, lathe feet. The Barrator in quilt hm was the rene- rable rector of Buahej (the Kev. w. Fal- ii.iur). just deceased at the age Ol M. Ile had heard hi* grandfather (the ceh drated I»r. Falconer, of Kath.) -av that he had been told bj In- grand- 888-ther tina -he (uilil remember bliug held upito the window to ase Bailey's c.nnet. which appeared in li.t.'.i. She Waa (lieu six veins old. Ur. Falconer, the intervener, was born in 1744 and died in 1 *"24. Assuming him to hive beeta at least ail veals of aga when this story wa- told linn, his grandmother must have been ninety. Kilt the wonder might be increased, for if Kr. Falconer iuld the story in the last year ol his lite (1824) M> a child of ail years it might be passed on to the next century with only one link between the witness and the narrator. After all, we are not so dependent on writing aa WO -oinetimes a-siiiiie ourselves to be. -^a-»>- llni|.nn-llj» Val li; .lion. An Ottawa (Om.) --.e. mi say,: Thu liovernineiit i- titting out the dominion screw steamer Lansdowne. 4(i;i ton- bin den, to proceed to llud.-on bay in June, to ((ailinn(i observations com¬ menced by the steamer Neptune lent year, and to bring home in the fall the wera! parin- ii ho vv intered along the .oast- ol Hudson Straits and bay for thc purpose of making observation-. Parliament last year voted -.100.000 for this service, and this year will vote 110,000 further, the object being to dis¬ coid, if possible, whether or not Ilml- -nii bav can 1. safely navigated during th. summer months as an outlet for the products of the Northwest Territories. A I'mllatnent House *sel/c-l. A Qtaabai telegram says Charlehois, the contractor for thc Parliament build¬ ings, made a show of refusing tn de¬ liver np the Parliament building for the Bunajas Wednesday morning unless his last year's d'sputed claim and aanthill large claim for extras this year were admitted. Ile caused bars to be nailed across the doors, and kept posses-ion for about an hour until the Premier in¬ structed the I sher of the Black Rod to remove the bars by force and take pos¬ session for the legislstjre. This was about io be done when Charlehois gave up ihe keys under a formal protest, re- -i-rving hi-lights against the <!ovem¬ inent. I lor*l«. ni s Brawn Frs-a-araBlaa is recommended and used by physi¬ cians. It is the best and healthiest baking-powder made. THIS CITY'S NEWS. MOA RD OF PUBLIC INTERESTS aVeatla*.! Tar Pellre I .-miaal.n-ra Cor Matt- l*o* ntnl iarhsoa Vt ar.l.. Thc Hoard of Public Interests met at tlie Council chamber yesterday evening. Present : Mr. J. T. F.llyson (president) ami Messrs. W. R. Howie, Henry C. Jones. Andrea* Pizzini. C. R. Barlu- dale. F. T. Olasjrow. A. R. Courtney. W. II. IMcasants, T. ll. Eliott, E. O. Nulling, and John H. Purcell; Ben. T. August, secretary. The President stated thal the Hoard hail been called to select three citizens from Mallison and three from Jackson Ward to be recommended to the City Council, from whom that body will elect one lo serve as a member of the Hoard of Police Commissioners from Madison Ward in place of Mr. P. II. .Mayo, resigned, ami one from Jackson Ward in place of Mr. John ll. Ores- ham, resigned. The Hoard then made thc following nominations: Madison Ward. E. B. Addison, Edward ('..hen, and John Oil. (ackson Wan!.J. W. Bevc- rd-tc. Norman V. Randolph, and A. ti. Robert-oii. Verdict for Pliii.un. '1 he City Circuit Court was engaged yesterday in hearing the suit of Thomas French against (harlts E. Belvia, ex* m itor of the estate ol' the late .John A. Delvin. About a year ago, while French waa taking a heavy trunk trout a wagon in front of ihe St. .lames Ho¬ tel, vt liii-Ii is a part of Belvia*! estate, the trunk slipped ami fell through a cellar-light. French was hurt ami is now *uing for $5,000 damages. The nmin i|uestiona wire. Hid French u*e due caution, such as would ordinarily lie used in handling the trunk, and did Delvin have the place so secure as t>> avoid an ordinary travel lev being hurt. The jary returned a verdict for $1,000 in faioi of the plaintiff. I m.-limn Kulti. The steenl-tug Alvin llrovvu was -old in front of the custom-house yester¬ day st 12 o'clock. Th.* sale was ona writ ol rend, crponi issued from the clerk's office of the District Court of tin Eastern district of thc 1 nited States in the admiralty suit of Jobu Tur¬ ner r.a. The Alvin I'.rou n. The tug kill), kctl out to A. M. Molci ... k Io $2 OOO. he --tlc is subject to thc con- tinuatinn o! thc court. The tug was built last year, and has been used onlv ;tbr.iit six mouths. \\ hen built it coat about $4.',l)0. ViraUil* c..i Club. Ai i meeting of the Virginia Bea! Club held at the American Hotel hist ftvhning.Hon. A. M. Kailey (president) presiding.E. -I. Kilduff was elected captain. The treasurer's report showed the Club to be in a good financial condition. and it was determined to enter a Bret* ehv-s crew at the next State regatta. A (rainer will be sela ted, and he will appoint the crew. Tim initiation-fee has been reduced to id tot the next sixty days as an extra inducement to desiring to join. Snpreint » ..uri ol' Appeal*. OgmttntUroosootti Biebrsj) and -'* ap¬ peal allowed and siipcrsediin awarded lo a deere.'pronounced by the Circuit Court of Binid county ul the August ti rm. I ss I. Harbour against the Commonwealth. Al ;ilcd by John W. Davis, !>,).. for the plaintiff in error mn! the Attorney- (lent ial for thc Commonwealth. ir rt**i m:;-» Coori. The following cases were dispo ed o! yesterday : Samuel Deane, charged with forgery, was tried ami acquitted. Isaac Drown (colored), charged with housebreaking _ti<l I.rt.ny. Ac- (luHted. Thc cases ..I Polk.tnefl William H. Raker and Justice Jaiaes llaBoraa, charged with perjury, new coatinued until next Thursday. coin-c canes. The following cases were disposed ol' yesterday morning: Ann Lewis (colored), for abasing Ann .loins in thc street was tined 12.50. Catharine Sheppard, drunk ami dis- nnl.ily. Discharged. John Donohoe, suspicious character. Discharged. Miner.a ChristiBB. assaulting Slid abusing Sophie Powell. Dismissed with c,|s|. Sophie Powell, cursing and abusing Minerva Powell, Difuniiwed with costs, 'haili s Morns (colored), felony. Dis- rhsrgod. Andrew Harri! (colored), charged with being of unsound mind. Dis- c (verged. Nilson Hasher, drunk. Durcharged. < lover lt.,,«t lin. m.1. la-t Sunday night the depot build* 'Bf at lover. Ilalitav county. OB the I'lchmond and Danville railroad. WM bumed. Thc lire is wnaeeed ta have ott Ul red from rats nibbling matches. Univ thc depot building WItsde**t!*4r*ed. Tbs leeds in lbs house were saved. .ess probably ibout 1800. Itt* Theatre l.«st night the Plympton Coea- paay gave ..Caste" at the Thea¬ tre. Ibis comedy is old and well- known here, and was presented smooth¬ ly ami with effect. The play will bc repeated to-day al thc matinee, and to¬ night Ihe company will close its eugagB- m nt with .* Lynwood.'' nepal*. Appointed. Collector-of-Ciist(iuis Russdl BBS ap¬ pointed John P. Bl¦hermerhorn, ol' Rich¬ mond, deputy collector at We*t Point, \a.. in place* of George V Cwathsssy. I'.t .onail* «n«l Uriel*. i onuiion'tcalth's-Attorney Witt, who etui ned WtBt IfsibiBglBB yesterday, rt poi ls that he was robbed there of about 1701 Judge Cramp RiU -ce Mr. Witt to¬ day for the purpose of living a time mi¬ llie trial ol' Mr. Sniitli. lion. Oeorge D. Wi-e will return to the eily in a few days, ami will then five consideration to the postmaster- ship questijii. I he distinguished violinist who so ^slighted the Mo/art audience Thurs- iiay. Mr. Nshsn Fisnko. will to-day rendel Handel's Largo'' at the syna¬ gogue. _ Bain-riler Mallar*. The union meetings which have been in progress here for tin la-t six weeks dosed last night. I he mei tings were beld »t ihe Clopton-Mieet dispel thia week, were lsrgch attended, and there were s number of conversion*. These nave indeed been "union meetings." Ihe pastor* of the different churches ind tbe laymen as well have all heen united sud have etirne*tly worked to- nether for the one grand object.the ssl- i alien of souls- and their a ork has been rewarded and their prayers answered by the ingathering of many souls. Messrs. Addison and Kenjamin Weisl¬ in r. of Augusta. (Ja., formerly of thia city, are visiting; friends here. They caine up with the Clinch Rina military company to attend thc inauguration. The cases of Sampson liravton and John Hill (both colored), for assaulting cadi other at a funeral last Sunday af¬ ternoon, will bc tried in the Mayor's Court this ni" ruing. "Little Red Riding-Hood" will be presented at Cersley's Hall some time next month for the benefit of thc Meade- Memorial Ebbm opal church. The cast will le made up entirely ol' small girls. The March tenn of the I hestcrlield County Court begins Monday. This is a grand-jury term, but there arc very fea' cases to be tried. The funeral of F.ddieGalloway. KrUJ., who died Thursday afternoon, took place from the initial Methodist church, of which be was a member, yesterday afternoon. Rev. William H. Christian, the pa-tor. preaching thc sermon. There were a large number of the friends of deceased present to pay their last tribute of respect. The family has the sympathy ol' many friends in their bereavement. he II. T. --riles, .lr., who was before the Poli.e Court is nut the H. T. Sale with Cohen Hrotlur-. R. K. Chaffin .\ Co.. Real Kstate Agents, (all special attention to their auction sale of that handsome and de¬ sirably-located dwelling at the corner of Fighth and Franklin streets this eve¬ ning at 4* o'clock. I'm *«iil.«ei liters Kielli,loti.l 11 IcpKimr Kachana-*. Please add the following names tl your list ol siib-i libers 4:t. Wherry A Wcisigcr : 278, A. UunM .V Son; 161, l.'ichiiinnd Chili: X",4. Young Men- Christian AaaoCUttion ; 32). T. William Pemberton (rooklosco): 292, .1.1'. Bur- rougha 225, W. ll. Oreen (reuManae); .-'¦">!>. P. II. Mayo troaideaco); 28, W, S. Forbea (rcanJotace) * S58, Thomas Adkins (residence) : 203, Potts. Stokes A Co. ; pi:,. John Adams; 340, .1. K. Jefrons; 337, I. M. Griflki; 300, R. Adams ; 235, T. W. Wood: 17ti. Old Dominion Steamship Compa¬ ny. Miiin street; -jit. \\. I.. Plcming; 359, Turpin .V Martin 128, I.. I'. ( hli-lian (re-i.lenee) ; 85, J. hf. Blair (upper -ton) ; SOO, Henry T. Miller ,V Co. : 27. Old Dominion Tobacoe WTare- housc: 45, The Mumal \asnmuoe 80- I'-iy of VirginJa; 86, W. B. Harnnaa 04, \ .nu:! Stoambonl Compan* ; 241, VT. <i. Taylor4Co.: 43, Cw. Branch I C... 58, doini I.. Williams (18, I.. T. < hiistiali; 145, ll. M. Shield-. A MW catalogue will be i-stnd short¬ ly giving UM above names and all -ub- sequenl additions. We have boen obliged to change Borne numbers, and if hub-.Tiber- will in ike corresponding change* on their pu lani li-t they will sBye theuuelvea much de¬ la} and prevent confusion to us. ( ll.\NTilS. .I'll, non Richmond Club, formerly A. I,. Kivi.erase linter; 334, noa > di rn g Men'- Christian Association, tomi.t!v Richmond Ice Company, Mar¬ shall-ti .ct erase latter; 321, now T. Wiilirm Psnihss-tca, fcMTn-M.r«-«AW»ori l.laii.erase latter: 292, now .1. F. Burroughi, formerly Ptetrton Belrin, Fifteenth street.crn-e hitter: 225, non W. ll. Green, former!] lt. II. Smith.erase latter: 2','K BOW P, ll. Mayo (residence), formerly C. C. Buek, Twelfth -treel.erase latter; 28, non \\. B, Forbea (reaidence), formerly .1. J. fTaggaser.era-e latter; -'"I, now Potta, stoke.-1 Co., formerly H. Wen- denburg, Fifteenth -tret: ;;7. non I.. M. Griffin, formerly -J. B, I Bl y erans latter; 300, BOW B. Adam, formerly Choaapenke and ohio purchasing agent'- office; '-'.'..".. non T. W. W.1. inimcrh C. H.Page (roaidence).eraae latter; 217. now \V. I.. Heming, for¬ merly < itv Ca--Works. Cary -incl; !"><. now I.. T. Chri-tian (residence), formerly T. M. R, Tal.-ott. rase lat¬ ter: s... now J, M. Blair, formerly W. A. James.era-e latter: _'7. DOW "hi I ion.inion Tobacco VYarehouae, formerly C. P. Iliiwi-ra-e latter: 45, UUW the Mutual Assurance Aaaociation of Virginia, formerly Virginia Home in- -iiraiue Compauj. ra-e latter; 96, non- W. B. ller-niiiii. formerly 8. I.. Weatherford eraae latter: 53, now John I.. Willi.,ms. foraaerlj IT, C. Sed¬ don J Co..eraae latter; 14".. row ll. M. Shields, formerly Hulton* Mercer. ernselatter; 302(B), R. ITendenburg, formerly 202; 202 (F), R. IFenden- hurg. torm.iii 203; 21 (B). Cbeaupeahe and Ohio general Ireighl office, former!] 21: 21 'li. Choaapenke and Ohio aur- chasing agent's office, formerly 300; 218(B), < iiv tia-Wink-.formerly -17 : 218 (Fy. City Cia-Works, formerly 218, Parties intending to subscribe will pteaae inform aa early aexl week. >.r tiny Brill be kw lute for tbe printer to get their names on the new li-t. -I. MT. CltKVVs. Manager Southern Ball Telephone Ka- cbauge, Hf member ! I'l-iiu-nHicr I Item, .ni., r Ur. Davida Syrup of Tar. Horehound, and Wild Cherry baa aeither its e<-ual nor superior a- a cough-cure, and wc adrise all aufferera to take it at once before it i- Um late, li ia pleasant, harmless, and efficient, and inver fails. Price. ._''¦ cent- at drugstores. dalmo sue rind Wa-cucll-* Healing-* Mr. ami Mr-. J. Henry will yet re¬ main three week- al No. §07 IttrfsCO -treet. Thi- jg a rare chance tor all. Numerous parties satisfied daily. Percale Milri* A -mall lot of Percale Shirts, worth ll, we will sell at Ct cents each. Biaau : 144s 16, 15), and 17 ouly. h. I!. Sl'KMK A Sos. 001 Main street. Old newspapers for sale at the Dis¬ patch counting-room at _.> cents per hundred. _ Hu. |<os vu hts BsUMaUM is the meat southern (.ant-eta* for Hie cure of Scrofulous Taint, Kticniiistlsin. Whilo "Swelling. Gout, limier. Consiiniptiou. Bronchitis. .Nervous lieiiilit). Malaria, and all diseases artsina from Bu impure condition ol His blood. Cer¬ tificates <-sn be presented from many lead- ina physicians, ministers, and heads of families ihrousuoul the South, endorsing Ki.sAi.uii in Mic inchest terms. Weare constsntly h> receipt of certificates of cures from the most reliable sonrres, and do not hesitate io recommend lt as tba bast known ieine.lv for Hui curs nf the above dlstsses._ A splendid lot nf Jack Kosl» in bloom at . I..U.N Moki'os -. e..mer.il Maitland Reservoir streets. lui i iimki**aiio*< or I 5mr rn ik nth used in msklna Bkow-s's Bmonchiai. Trochk* is such as to ai ve the bast possible effect willi Mfi-ty. They are the beat remedy In life tor roughs Colds, snd Throat Diseases. Brok k i'm xv (Toaks. THK DlSIATOI JOB-PJURTIRQ Hot'SR te lhorouehly«i|Olpped todoaHklmlsof Booa- AMi Jon-fBUnunu at IB* shortest, not ivs. A BANK CASHIEE'S SUICIDE. A -..».* Britni.*. Paellas aaa! M ~»--te. .Ma tlc «'*a*e. An Albion telegram says*: Since the failure of thc Firat National Bank of Albion and the aberonding of Warner. it* president, the people of this village and the surrounding country have been extremely sticceptible to the slightest breath of suspicion against any other moneyed institution, ami con¬ sequently thc news of thc probably suc¬ cessful attempt of Charles A. King, teller and acting cashier of the Orleans- County National Bank, to commit sui¬ cide this morning, threw tin- a hole vil¬ lage into a fever of excitement. Thc supposition wss that the suicide was the I'atsl consequence of snother of the alu july long list of bank defalcation*. but careful investigation proves this not to be thc case. At 10 o'clock this morning Mr. King intered the office of Hr. W. C. Bailey, who has been for some days in attend¬ ance upon Mrs. King, who has been ill with nervous prostration. Mr. King was ssked as to his own health, to which he responded thst no medicine thc doctor hsd could cure him. and added *. When nothing can help a man. what can he dor" Thc doctor left him to attend to the wants of an¬ other patient. King walked nervously up ami down the private office. A few moments later the report of a pistol vt as heard by the doctor, who. hastening into his inner office, saw King stagger amt full upon a couch with a bullet- Bound in his right temple. The doctor, In.lag no evidence of life alter a hor¬ ned examination, rsa to the bank ami notified the president, .1. M. Cornell. ami the cashier. K. K. Hart, nf thc at- attempt at suicide. They returned with him to his office and found that King had regainad consciousness. To inqui¬ ries as to how he felt he responded .. I don't want lo live. I have lived long enough. Don't prol.e for the bul- I. t." Asketithemotiveswilicliplnliiptcd the act. he Mild to President Cornell: li is not thc bank. Mr. Cornell, no¬ thing is wrong with the bank." King was removed to thc house ol'his father. Rheta he now lies awaiting death. Dr. Moore waa summoned from Rik hester to aitl thc Ima! physicians. The bullet wits not extracted hist night, and all hopes of his living an* given up. Mis survival for m. many hours puillei ihe physician-. Thc shot BBS tired into thc right temple. BBSSed entirely thrungli the brain, ami was then de- Beetod From Ihe skull ami thrown back lo and lodged in the durumaler. The pal nut has I ci ii trephined and the probe has been repeatedly BOMBd through thc bead without Hading ¦ ti.iti oi thc ball. IH al! inquirers Mr. King refuses to a-sign, ii reason foi his leif murder. foul! a-sign a probable deftcienBJ in bis accounts, others think it due to overwork, ead others again to anvil tv legal ding Hu- illaessofbis wife, Those most intimately SCO,-Minted with him and his a tia irs give .his as the arena* ble truth. Mr. King is a victim ol' a morbid religious spirit, which hus i.Idii impelled him to say thai no business-men could be a christian. Depending upon his salary for a live- hlio.nl. ami finding that the require* mints of a busJBSSS life pressed BOOB Iii' p. lill*' SI Ilse ol' WU.I wu* right. he sacrificed his life rather than hil con¬ science. That his act was meditated is proved hythe tact that he borrowed the revolver used -a four-, hushored, oM* fashioned revolver.only tifteen min¬ utes before he used it. A week ago he borrow cd a pistol of thc same gentle¬ man limn whom he obtained IBS OBS used to-day, hut returned il with th.- rt mark that he would not BBC it ju-t then. The name of Charles A. King WB! in t_UC0UBt~ a synonym for all that was upright und straightforward, ami many telegrams of sympathy from his business friends were tncived by his family. King hus been connel ted with the Orb ans Rank lui iwcnty-livc years. His age is forty- nile, ami he has a wife ami two chil¬ dren. UTICA'S SEW MAYOR. I. Hr ian Vim rh a* Ct.BM" or * British *itWecl .' A Utica (N. V.) telegram say* The lit,aid will punt to-morrow certillied copies of documents on tile in the de¬ partments i,t Washington concerning thc citizenship of Thomas V.. Kinney. w ho was yesterday elected mayor of this city on the reform ticket. These popers show that Kinney was arrested in Washington ut October. 1*1.4. mi suspicion ..I being a rebel spy, uml they contain his declaration to the Provost-Maisiutl amt to thc British Munster that he was a British subject. Ile was then twenty- three years old, had been only eight years in thc I sited Slates, hail been at¬ tending the I niversity of Virginia, and st the time of his arrest was on a trip north for fiimls to continue Ins studie*. Iii- university ertilicate named him a* .. Thomas l'. Kinney, ol' Canada." I This ami his ccrtilicale ol Hritish citi- /cii-hip .signed .. Frederick .1. Cridland. II. IL Si., acting Consul for thc State nt Virginia," are among the papers, ia well as the order of Secretary Stau- ton for his discharge from the nhl Capi¬ tol prison ll a M Hritish subject." Mr. Kinney has never been naturalized, hut during his residence herc he hu* claimed to be an A met nun iti/en aud has voted ,n- suth. Two years ago, when he was . candidate lor the Stale Senate, thc existence of these papers was intimated lo him, and he then publicly denied that he was ever ai rested a* a rebel spy, OT ever declared himself a Ibitish sub¬ ject, or claimed or received protection ns such. The papers were withheld from publication then, but now that lie bas been clarted to office a* an Ameri¬ can citizen he is asked to reconcile hi* sworn dei laration ol' British citizenship with the requirements of his present situation. If he cannot flo this it is ind his assumption of thc office of mayor will lie resisted by legal process. I lt ar lol le ni Al ea leo* Ulai* rt*.a. l...i..lon vv..ill The recent death of Colonel Vande- velde is a great misfortune for the poor distraught Empress Charlotte of Mexico w ho has been under his care for many years at Hie Chateau de Douchout. The Empress wss greatly attached to Colonel Vandevelde, and bis death has not boen announced to her. She has been told that he has taken s long journey on business for ber brother, the King of the Belgians. Site passe* mach of her time at the piano and at her easel, but since abe began to notice the Colo¬ nel's absence the Empress has neither played a note nor touched ber pencils. One of the characteristics of her mala¬ dy, however, is lack of memory, and it is therefore hoped that in a short time she will have forgotten ber guardian, even ss she seems to have forgotten the whole of her past existence. She never speaks of Maximilian, or of Mexico, uer evea af her father, Leopold I., whose favorite child she waa. Of late years sim has become abaolntoly indifferent to dress, although in the earlier years nf her insanity she waa constantly occupied with her toilet, and even while she waa living, at tbe (bateau de Tervueren i-bowed a marked tendency toward coquetry. Sometimoa she would arrange her smartest dresses upon tbe chairs, seemingly tm as', nins that she was still the centre of a court, and ahe would addresa tho -roams alternately in thr»-e or four diffeient lan- ¦rtiapes. When a little while ago Max¬ imilian's valet.who aaa with bim to the last.himself became insane and waa taken to Miramar. she trott- I about the poor fellow for a few days and thea completely forgot him. Tbe sitli.-n-d lady receives the kindliest treatment from all about her, snd ia frejuentli, visited hy the King and Queen of tbs* Melgian-i and the Cornie de Flandrc R.MOKB TKIXV (Toaks. Wilburs Cod-L.v >n Ott, a*d Man. The fnat popularity of ibis aafs and enVa- clous preparation ls alone attributable Ul Us inti-insii- worth. In the cure of l Vmshs. Cold*. Asthma. Kronrhllls, Whooptag- i'.-iiiIi, tserofulons lt ii morn, sn.l all Con¬ sumptive s\ in ploma, lt liss no superior ir e.,'.isl. Lal no vb* neglect the early eymR- ton.s of disease w hen an sgvnt la at hand which will cure all complaints ot Hie Cheat. Lom**, or Throat. Manufactured only ny A. H. Wil Ho a. Chemist, llostou. -sold by all di uga!»(*¦ RMOKB TRIXY (Tusks. T«E KI.OKKNCK NH.HTlMiALK A I III) M Its.I IO Ihe MIowlRgtB sn extract from a kiter written lo tho Her¬ man Kn,,nm d Meneoger. Bl Chambers buruh Tenn.: \ ki-::-.. .\( niK-sts. Just npeu the door fur her. unit Mrs. Wins¬ low m III prove the American Klnrenee Vlaht- n.un le of the Nursery. Of this we sn- so sure thst se lilli teach our ".susy to«ay. "A blessing on Mis. W tnslow for be,pins her to snrv ive sn.l sar-BBB the -triping endek- ma sn.l teething sieve, miis. WUTBUMI -s >i'i'ili;vii sMtl I' relieve* the child from iain iiii.l .-uiesily »-nierv snd dlarrliira. lt ¦oftena tua game, reaWRRB Inflanimation, cnn s iv in,1 colic, nm* em rles l he I oran t safely throaRh the teething peetoU. It performs 11. -.ii w'tui lt proreMMitto perform.--very part of il -ii..thins less. We have never seen Bra. BIn-loW know in >i ouly through tba ie|4ii:i!-."'i ol her Soothing xvi np for l hlldivu Tee!liing. If we hail Hie -tower we m.I'M iiuike her ss siie is u phimral sa- v.our lo the Infant race. Sold b.vall ilTiig- gists. Tm flit > -Mle icnUii Ixl! tlc. tull 1-eisllw ai « rio-o vT.is id-nil. lt. li. ITIAI-TTN 1 . (».. trustees sale of l.rick dwielllng .> Hie ii."th.-.isl .ni-. oi 1- u-hilt .ml Franklin streets, at 4', ". lori r. M. IUCHMOXD BAZAAR, IB A. M.. horses. in Hies, waguin,. .Ve. ll I. A LT ll (lu HDBfinr ( ureil me of rheumatism three months ago ult. my physktaas had i xlimihtiil their remedies R limul giving re¬ lict, c. P. donny ¦ mi Altoni.v st Ijiw IlriiuswT.k. (la. I lime been .flllct-il with rheumatism nearlv iortv iniri. un.I a ft-w bottle* ol swills speetllc cured inc. Ills u ii.si ku.I to thc (.uttering. I lt. \\ villi Thomson, (.a. I have been entirely relieie.l of ». . ,.ul .sm In mi righi sim bv the usu of >u .n s spcciile iin.l 14ii*--c! through Last win¬ ier without a rcl;i|»-e. SIliSKY IlKKIil-liT. Ijlitor Malla a rvftnsatar, Atlanta, (la. TWBJITI YI-'.AI's. -I bsd Is-enasuOVrei ftoiu ineiiiuatlsin lori Henty years; wssre- i1n, eil lo ii skeleton timid hardly Set about. ..un on .ru i ches, is u il! s specific has cured me miuii'I snd well. Mia. Bans Brrshor Maeoa, Qa. v-airi.. Six-slfte I,.,* relieved ins of rl.eu- iinitIsm. winch al om- Hm,, threatened lu stop un ministerial work. Kev. W. A. Kins. Cross Plains, Ala. ..u-ftH Specific is eli! rely Vegetal,le. i.iitWonltliKsl-sud skin-Diseases msiled lue. THKHWII I si-KiTKlCCli.. mh rt-1 w Atlanta, lia. w TWLA1 liAKINU-l'OWDEK. I'l'UK ASK WHoLKNllMK. It contain* no injurious Ingn dients. It leaves no deleterious substances In lb* bun.I, ss all pun-grape IT es ni- of- Tartar s nd Alum-Powders do. lt restores to the flour the highly .Import', ant constituents njected lu the bran of Ibo wheat. lt .¦¦nines a 1st ter aud lighter biscuit (lum sn} oilier lisking|»'**iler. MA KT IN KAI.MKLKISCII'S MONH, 89 I ulton street, Nsw York Established lu 1MB At wholesale by JOHN M. liKIXIlAM, de I 1-e.nil iii i: I,m..i.d in 11. i Mi ii ai. Ass i ms.): «... ii .-¦ . >r Viki.ima. Itu ll M..sn March i, ISM.*). rTslll-8 -lilli Si n I ITV .. i\<n|; ki nut ti.. 'I TillS -ol,l> sim IKTV." INCH HOHATBDIB I71M Inn removed itanm.-, to *-,... mu kami main arana, where they will tie pleased to see their friends and |* I rons a ml I he public generally. mh 7-1m K. n. si'..:(,Kit. secretary. ll noora, siiiiiv i ki run. Atm. o'! T(>M PRICES KOR CAMM. vi. soallana to offer isvrmms m Him..-,. -liul-s. l Kl NKM AM) HATCHfclX. OBr goodsBTS new mid fnshlonstile, pur.Tossed tor cash snd worthy the inspection of the il.-M'sl buyers. Nee our (iKNTLKMKN S CAI.KSKIN DRKf-N-HlKiKri at li. War- ruii'.-il to wear Well. WILLIAMS | Kulti), cornel 1 ...irili and lt road streets. nih 7-Jt M ISM MAUI K (oai'idltt ¦ v. om na siro i?»«.| ITU AL AWI RAM -I SOCIETY i)K vim.IMA. Ol KICK IN SOC IKTV * HITI.DIMJ, Ko, lull BARB Main sTRvrv, ixkst io I'osl-Oll Hg.. li »uies build nigs by annual and perpetual - nu the most favorable terms. Tills old Society hasjust removed its office lo Hie bliliiltliK Nu. ICM EAST "RAIN slllKKI, lucently purchased of UM Vir¬ ginia Hom. laenannee company. H A.CLAiniiltNK. PrincipalAgent. I is. n siii.i m. Secretory, nih 7- lal «nwunrrnaawsMB. LU. BI LIX PS k SON, r_^__B . UTiM-IIIMiCNUKK. ^**^^ TAKJ-'BM. 1S08 cast Mair smear (under Rt. Chaxlas Hotel). BURIAI.-CAHK8. XII KW m. and WV- M-.ltAI. CONN KYAVCKM furnlshad at all hour*, telegraph oiders att*u(_td to dar ar Riant._oe ir3 LT. CHRISTIAN, . Kl KMRHINO" I UK Kl AK KM. No. 1-218 i*as-.- Kr.iao STBKKT, BK I1MUMI, VA.. hasslsrge assortment of WooP aad NB iM.i.jc casks. cAHKirru, aMBuuUM, (.T/rrH CAMKBTH. ae. at low prkaa, . "ountry and telef rapn orderspmiai" (ended today or night. Oat J0SKP11 VV. LAI H^ KCKMRHINO I'NUBBTAJtBM. liiKMH KlKST AMD HKUAU STBRV-s, KiCHTHONt*. VA. WDODsnd Mr-TAI.Ui ULB1AIM'AH_M, KOHKJ*. HKAKMK. HACKS. Ral air lbin*al isuuuiie. al Mweei taiea Telegrsplilc sod eouulry orders eeUelteft. aa 88^-4_ r BMORTUVMAirffM A tBA-WrfW BM IBM. ZmLLnVvN RKNUKZVOirs WILL unen on THURmiAV Veaanan 1MB. at No. 800 Bass stki.rv, oo UwL'UKO FRAN PLAN. Will be eM4 to BBB RUT aM fr lauds and tba pul*" te gtosially W til be triad to aae any eM 18 .(Ml-' IJOOi ANO JOB WORK NEATLY

-TS^^F THE RICH DISPA - Library of Congress€¦ · I l.ttl sj | | yrs, THOMARJACKSOR, fe i eodim-tot east broadstreet. I, Ito*, is HI.at|l i:H. I.A*>II.-. ate. SJ I' I C 1 A 1. .SALL

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Page 1: -TS^^F THE RICH DISPA - Library of Congress€¦ · I l.ttl sj | | yrs, THOMARJACKSOR, fe i eodim-tot east broadstreet. I, Ito*, is HI.at|l i:H. I.A*>II.-. ate. SJ I' I C 1 A 1. .SALL

THE RICH-TS^^F -*fi*~sV.


apwiai. RswTtrRS.MARCH 4. !

1 tn* inaiia-ut-aOtvn of Cleveland a* l*i*r*!den

of lb* Pnit< d state* and thc ooVrtng of

M t**(~»in* in DRY HOODS.

A. by


1 r*a» nf 18V'. iSlNOHAMS at 7c. a yard;i ran* Hw. him .ll ams at ev. a yard;J cane of MERRIMACK PRINTED Hut Et

.t e,e. a yard worth 10c.;1 .ss.- WHITE CORDKD KIO. CK al 4c.

tani worth Sac.:1 rote WHITE STRIPED LAWHateJfC. t

yard, would lt-cheap at ft/*.;1 wot* WHITE SATIN STRIPED NAIN

BOOK at Sv a yan! worth 1«*4C-;1 caa. WHITE CHECKED NAINSOOK B

To. a yard worth 10c.;Yard-wide HARK ITUNTKD PERCAI K-

at 7e. a yard worth lay-.STRIPED SEERSUCKERS at »>/.. a yan

worth b r.'

SMALL CHECKED DRKSSiKrODS. nearl;all woo), ai If*)at * yard, formerly sol.at Mn:


18,-je.. which la very cheap;TWILLED CRASH ToWKI.LlNO at r,c.

yard worth He.:Remnai.i* of CoTToN SHKETINi;;Ita -.initi.ts of BLEACHED COTTONRc ronan!* of DOCTOR DIAl'KR;Remnant* of DREss HOODS el every de

acrlptlon;Iii iiinanl* of Cl RTA IN LACKS;Remnant* of CARPETS and MATTINO.mh 4 1,1 V. A DAVIS.

.¦ron. mwm\iwm^*u_WHEN THE MICH ADVERTISED

remedla- fall, trv "BODKKKK'i-PULMONARY I'.ALSAM for cotiKh*. col.lshoarsenc**. »nd nore th mat. lt ha* been iianaare_ral usa tot twenty year*. andl**tiillb* beat remedy known._ fe 1*4


This li tie III.rs I URI SH matte and t-iitibf bad of

I'nl.K MILLER A Co..T. HoHERTS HA KKKJ. lil.Alll Ninlli mid Iii..mt streets).Il i. I .L-l MANNIf. H. M. ILVRRI-st.N,ll M. SlIEII.D A CO.,il SHI CHILD,l-OWHATAN K. IU TTY.E. P. REEVE,L. Il, TlloviAS A CO.,I ll. VV ILL1AMS (17thand tlnst.l(. W MIMI R BOO wael Marshall!A. H. HiiltlVs. fe -i'i

BLAIRS CHLORAL THYMOLI* a powerful Berm-dr*troyer;lt I* the ts-st detslorlter;It ha* a pleasant smell;The insnii'i of iisliiK ll I*simple uml "on\ enlent;

lt wonderfully promote*the comfort of sick rooms;

Il shoiilil alway* Ix- us.itwhere there 1* contagious disease.

Eor sile by druK«l*t*.Price. ,*.(i BenUla bot (ie. J* 10

i IONS! MPTION, I li:ive a posTtiviV nm. ily fur the ttlMi\e disease; hy lt*lise tlinli-Hi.t's of caws of the worst kind ami«! ionic standing have been eared. Indeed.so stroiii. l* my faith in Ita efficacy that Iwill *eiid TWO BOTTLES EREK toaetlierWith a VALUABLE TREATISE on tlilsdls-ease, lo hui sufferer, i.it eexpressiind l«**t-BS. t' addrea*. Hit. T. A. SLOCUM.

181 IVarl »lrt*et. New York,de 3-eodern_

1 AHI KS..Penn) rojal Pills (" (~_c_--*. rster'sEnxlish iare worth their weightIn ifol.i. Kuli istrticuliir*. 4c. Chii-h.-stciChemical Co., alis Madlaon aeuare, Phlla*dt-lpbi*. fe 14-Tu Th.Su.VSu.lApl

t HIV*, ».i \snvv v itt eke.

/ * I Di KS.

- Just received a larne addili.tn--to hiv line ..I .-

- KINK CteM'KH.-maklliK the lamest variety ever-- .hown tu the elly.-COME AND SEE THEM.

MIK PRICE HILL ASTONISH--Can at l**t suiii>ivcusiii,n,r*vv iili .

--a--s| \ t,AMI'-,-- E.R.TAYLOR.-

- Kill Mi'n street.- upoMii paet-ofrV

-Telephon« SSS. mh i

CI N LAMP. vTITH ALL THE IM-*~ I'RoVEMENlS. 1st. llnllinmy benn'Hjluil to filly ipeilll titliiHcs. .'.I, l.coneiiiytins Kies I v>. I iime ol I ll* li! casi* -.oe I li i i.i ofm tent |K-r boar, ;*d. Take Ute ordinaryci'imney. 4tb. N*v*r break*or amok** therh lainey, r.iii I'erfeetaatety, Reina mad*nt brass, panuni break if it lu!!*. Thea*lamp*mc Bade in is*t manner, in breesntni nickel-plate, and warranted not to leak,(me lamp » lil liklhi ii rts.in ol milln.irv size

? .. thai leathon and sew lin; can Lcd.m.-inall pail*. i.l ulli. I i.ll'.-s. iN. J h..

fe vm_litU7 Main stree!.

J k.htmni;. BUN, electric,



ron i r-HETs ia Ktiat vm

lui siM KI-INi; A HI li I.I'S.

I l.ttl sj | | yrs,


fe i eodim -tot east broad street.

I, Ito*, is HI.at|l i:H. I.A*>II.-. ate.

J I' I C 1 A 1. .SALLS- L. LEWIS'S



.- 1 am now selllm* my flue stock of

-riCTl'KKS. I'.ltoN/KS. msiJCKS,- and EASELS

- at moa-ONIMTIIRD TO ONH-H kia*- Kl '.ll All PRK

.. lo make 1000! for improicmeut*.-CALL KARL. AND t.ET CHOICR.-VALENTINES AT te)W FlUUHES.

I.- .'.



linnie fiom the cc't-bnited lower-couuty'rude. 1* free from ben/.line amt para'tltic.I Mil ls- burned in ah, oidiuai-y lamp.

MILL NOT I.XI'l.oDK.ls apt HR-waler while lil color, free front

.inpurities, tit*-* tiot Minike or crust thew i.'k In fact shim rim IO any Oil ottered lo

lb*park-e rTr*-ie*i, lBOdeareea Bewareul rauntertelti

l*ul up lueiiiisol len BU.B.S. I'iiicluilliiK can*Al Ot -TINT. HARWOOD A \t ATKINS,

sm i. pnornii ros*,I Ll vi nih IND CAR, STREETS.mb H-lw UiciiviiM., V v.

ALMA _A.-|n»A%»nil»TT Oil..

i HT OFF TWO TH1R1LSOF THK* expense o| Unlit in* your *tore. fat-

;o.v. oftlee. or house by u* in: Hie NEWMBA KAMI'S and AI.HA SAEETY.IL. leo nre-iest: le. n* ala.I hour* ot'.e..lamil, -power llttiit three Hine* the .rta*ibii.-v of an ordinary au*-.! el. Kor aa lo byli* RH TIMON H oil. COM HAN "i

1319 Main »tre*t

**o!e AfSBll Southern stat**.



NERVE. AND HHAIN THKATMKNT.i kiiantuleefi *|«-einc for tlyau-rta. Hi.iii-**,

. na*. Its. Nerv ou* Neuralgia, Head-..Lt- N.-iVnt. I'rtMitraH.lI Cairned Itv Un- uam

.I s iel a.I or tobacco. Wakeful mt**, Meutaliaepr.atlol Soft* ii na of the Htaln 'r-MUltiUBn ii**ittty and b-adlnu to uilserv, decay annteatpt, PreiuM-r* Old Age. teas* of Power lit.tillar sax ewuat-tl oy over-exe.rlioo of tb*irs.it or ever-Ind ula*na.**, Each box eon*tm. oue ii.i'iiib s tt.-atmenl', tl a bos. ot

» Ipoj.!-* for ffi. t.nt uv mail, prep.id on re-

*ipt of (he prlt«e. WK Ol AHANTEK SIXl(.\ls tot ute any (**«*-. With t-aeii ordetNM.|\.-,l l.y us for slv boxe*. His'i»iii|*uli.'i'drtth tl. -.ti- will send (he nure base, our writ-»ii t*u*i*nU*e to refund the woury lt Hi.rat I tn. et tits* not ett. ct a Cul*. Ou«tWBtetMa-U-dOBly bi JOHN C. WEST a* Co..

.eu *<*!. Mad.ott iii'''.an asi-da wlv Clilcaftv, UL


.ss .. pretty wives.I .nv ely daughters, and noble men.

"My fsrtn lira in a rather low and mias¬

matic situation, sud..My wife:".Who? "

"Waaa very pretty blondef *

Twenty yearsago. became.sallow!"

"Hollow-eyed!''"Withered and aged!"Before her time, from"Malarial vapors, though she. made no

particular complaint, not being of the

grump) kind, yetrauslng me great iineasi-ness.

"A sliort time ago I purchased vomremedy for one of the children, who had a

very seven' attack of biliousness, and lloe-. uiied to me that the remedy might helpny m ife. as I found that our little girl, uponrecovery, bsd

Lost|Her sallowness, and looked tts fresh aa

a new-blown daisy. Well, the story ls soontold. M> wife to-day has gained her old-time beauty, with compound interest, andis dow as handsome a matron (If I do say ltmyself, as cnn be fonnd In this county,which l« noted for pretty women. And Ibaie only Hop Hitters to thank for lt.

'The dear treature Just looked over myshoulder, and says I can flatter equal tothe days of onr courtship'; and that re¬

minds n-e there might tie more jtrettu vice*,f roy brother.farmers would doss I havedowe.''Hoping you msy long ls» spared to do

good, I fbpnkfuHy remain, C. L. Jambs.lleltnttle. Prince Ueore/e county. Mil,, May88. 1888.

OB* None genuine without a bunch ofio. en Hops on the white label, shun allthe vile, i-olsonoiis stuff with "Hop" or" Hops lu their name.

mb fi-Tu,Th(w;AHalm

Sill I I M.S..

W IOWAJI OF PAMUNKY TRIBE,11 No. tl, INDEPENDENTORDER RKDMl M..RROTMRR8 You aro hereby notifiedlo meet at your Win nani on SI'NDAY all.ali-|*s! N o'eloek A. M. to pay the last tri¬bute of respect to our uec**aiaod brother, K.II. ii iii ni itu, Memls-rs of sister tribesara oordhvll) Invited to aden.I.By order of i i-e sachem.mh 7-ii* J.H. TAYLOK. C. nf B.

K<>\. AL A!!« AMI M. The iiu-tu-bers oi mccarthy cm nth,, n...

4(1- it. A.. will attend a staled RIBfltlitQ ntOntral ifnlt. Fifth street between Hroadand Marshall, on THIN .Mutunlay) KVK-NIN(i. March 7,1886, at 7!4o'clock. Mem¬bers of sister Councils invited to ls- present.

Iii order of tlie Regent.nli 7-lt* lt. M. DENNY. Heeretery.




s.e |.ii.es: .miand Me.; galleries. 15 andm.. A Uland MATINEE ut 2:80 1'. M.of

ys. n:. Admission, Od nm] He.: reservedseats,rle. nih 7-lt*

R ICHMOND THEATRE.n nh. ht*. ¦


PB icu ell engagement ofRU. PRANKM A Y (i

SITT-OKTKl) HV\ company Of acknowledged artists under

the ie.i iiatremen I ofMn. (SHERIDAN CORBYN.

Will present, enc the last time In this etty'Mayo's ever welcomeDAVY CK. UKI Tl.

Justly lei med un idyl of the bachwoods.Hos ..ttl. e ii iii i.e..pend for reserve

.ii H MT llDAY at 8 A, M.SPECIAL .niinri;.

I'm. ix: H« fce*-veci «v», flt atTinls-kiouT.'.c.; di ess elrele, BOC. J family circle. Iftc:taller). lOe. u.ii «-3o


OPEN1NO ol'THK OPERA SEASON.Kelnrn ol th,- Harris Ope rn Company. With

elyl.leen il rsl -.lass arl Isis and a Milongchorus.


Prices ot admission as usual. 10 cents;reserved seats BO cania Kl in- had at c. P,Johnston'a \>\H Main street. Dooli openafternoon 1:80; performance oobbrrmibm8:80. Niiriii. d>-ms openntT; perforuianeecommences Ht t-. mh :(-.'.(

r»t I'pr.n.


TR1NJT1 ('HI RCII will -me a slT'PKHand Kl ¦'RsllMKNTSat the 'burch MON¬DA V NH.lil'. March nih. Their (nen.lsand lin- public arc invited to favor themnilli their piescitee and patronage.

nih 7-21*





THK YOBKMITE VALLEY,AMU "Tin i: K \ 11 i;k.s of ORB vt

IN PK ll I.St.

rotenvs on

lill KsDAV M vy 7 sh;,,

I 'nil mt. ii ears, tlixt.class hotel ii.-coiuiiio-dation em niue-dl iles, iind all BeaSaBBT)expensesIneliided.ooeupytna club! necks.

un deaerlpllvs pt-oaramnWi with mae oithe ionic, sent free bj mail on application.

\.lilies* THo.MAs Cin.k ,V SON.i. .'ssii,iwnii aol Broadway. N. Y.

|7 I BO PI!A j (-.-..Ks KXCL'RHION PARTIER si, ilfrom Nsw York In April. May, June, audJulv 1>\ llrst-.TiisshleamshiJ-s.sI'KiTAI. TolKlsT TD KKTs for INDI¬VIDUAL III \\ Kl.l.Kits at REDUCEDKA'I KS In the best route* for pleasureism I, COOK'S KXCl RsloNlsT. withiua|*< coiitiiins full isiiiieiiiurs. by niall forlen ..lils. THOMA* CooK ,V SON.

J«l ISioadway. New York.I. 81-tteAW88t




Ask Mini physician or druggist, and he willtell you lt isa


is entirely Rae Buna fusel oil; absolutelypine sud uaadnlteraled; a positive

cure tor


and the only recognizedANTIDOTE POB CHOLERA.


BsVll (o any address lu tbe I'nited stateseast of the itockv Mountains), all express¦iiiirg, s prepaid, in plain case.no chanceio: com mem containing six quart bottles.ju receipt of ail dollart.PRICE oNKDOl.l.AKl'KK MOTTKK.Sold by leading druggists aud flue grocery-


Haltiluore. Md.K. A. SAlINDERI A HON. agents roi Rich¬

mond, fe 18-dlluAw4t



L.1EHIC I'oMI'AWS EXTRACT OfMEAT. Au invaluable tonie, "to asuccess sud a boon for which nationsshould b el grateful.' -see " MednalPress,' I.aoeet.''le.

.,.miine only with the lae .mule ofMamu l.u-lilg's slgnstiire lu blue inkscross the label. The title . Karon Die-big " and pbotogrspb having lieen large¬ly used by dealers with un connectionwith liston I,icing, the public are lu-|or;.i d 1 hal the Liebig CoinpRiiy alonecsu oft. r the article with Karon Liebig s

guarantee of genuiness.

.llltIO COMPANY* EXTRACT OKMEAT, io l*e lind ol all Storekeepers,(i.tweis. snd Chemist*. Sol,-agents foritu- Knited States wholesale only). C.lu 1 in A Co.. 8 J 11.hinch avenue, I ern¬

don, England. Riy l7-s^i;i


mort er . l»r*rer-B**fc **<! . Dtarr-nel*~*Hta After Tw«*tr-rttr*e %'*..«-

[Corrrattondence of tbe Richmond Dispatch.Noreolk, March C. IriHi.

In 1«61 the residence of Major Witliim W. Lamb, fsther of the prcscnMayor of Norfolk, wss sacked hy tinnorthern force.*, and Mr. Lamb wa'

imprisoned hy (ienera! Butler snd sf-terwsrds banished to thc South.

All the household (roods were stolensnd among other article* an old farm Iv

prsyer-book and a private disry kepiby Miss |jual The prsyer-book wau

published in 1708, in Uk- time of QueerAnne, and besides heine; s gre** .'.

riosity was highly prised by the familyas it was owned by Ann Martin, o

Edenton, N. C. as far back as 1748.This good lady wss -rest-grandmotheiof botn William W. Lamb and his wife,and the book was -riven to Mrs. IaiiiV(mother of the present Mayor) in 1830,just after her marriage. It i* liliedwith fine steel engravings, and threpistles and gospel* are in manuscript.The book was valued by the late Mr,Lamb above anything of the kind in hi*possession, and be advertised for it,offering all sorts of rewards foiits return, but ail to no purpose.Well, on the 17th of February ColonelWilliam Lamb received a letter from Mr..lolm K. Hcikes. an express-messenger,living in Randolph county, Indiana, sta¬

ting that during the war, while a soldierin the I'nion army, he hajj gotten pos¬session of thc diary above mentioned,but as it wss written in cipher he couldnot tel] to whom it belonged. Finally.however, his little boy discovered thekey to the alphabet snd found thatthc book belonged to Miss Lamb.The father had seen through thc papersthat Colonel I.mb was Mayor of Nor¬folk, and wrote to him concerning thediary, which he seemed very glad to re¬

turn to the owner. About tin titm- olthe receipt of this letter Colonel Lambhsd occasion to go to Philadelphia, andwhile there BTU shown an old prayer¬book, which the owner said bc had pur*BSSed soon after the war at OM I'ointfrom a collection of books said to be¬long to Jell'. I lavis. Ile prized thc bookbight)*, and -aid lie had refused anotter ol $ IUD for it. Colonel Lamb was

rejoiced lo recognize in it his long-lostfamily treasure, and the gentleman re¬

lumed it to thc proper owner. Theremarkable feature of the story is foundin tBB coincidence that these two booksshould have heen returned simultane¬ously, the one from Indiana and thcother from Philadelphia, after a lapseol twenty-three years.Thc ejectment suit of theO ld-Fcllows

ca. The Montefiore Literary Society wasdecided in favor of the plaintiffs, andthe Literary Society has to give up itshall. '_ Ilia.


tauddfii llraib .Briioralii* to H~re la-¦lallatlon ora Past jr.

Correspondence nf the Richmond Dlipatcb.'P_~*_BSRU_~, March G. tt8-.

.Mr. .Juninis Williams, a well-knowncitizen of Ettrick, died last night, afterI very brief illness. His death, indeed,USS sudden. He was a shoemaker bytrade, and worked in this city.Mr. J. H. Van Aitken, who was

sonic time aga suspended lion* duty a*

United states inspector af tobacco biColonel Itrady, has. it is BIB.'ritOBn,been restored to his position underirders from Washington.At a speci.il meeting of EaH llanover

Presbytery held iu this city y.-tci'-lay afternoon Rt v. .1. W. Kose'.iro andKev. a. R. Ilolderby were received as

members ol' the Prc-.liv lay. Lastni-sht Rev. Mr. Ro'chro wa* installedis pastor ol' tim Tabb-Street churchbera in the presence a! u very largeseagpegatie.. Dr. Pryor. ofNottou ay;Dr. Armstrong, ol' Norfolk, ami Rev.I. K. Winn, ol titi- eily, were thc olli-'iating ministers. Rev. Mr. BasebTQis the twelfth pastor this church hasbud. of which thc sainted Mr. ReiijaiiniiII. Kkc was the first. Its pulpit hasbeen filled at times by .some of the ablestliv ines of ihe Presbyterian faith.Among them such men «s 1 ir. Williams. Plunicr. Dr. Jahn barbara. Hr. A.B, Van /.amit. Hr. A. W. Miller. Dr.William J. Boge, Dr. Riitheifoord. amiHr. T. I). Wither.-)...on.Some improvements are contem¬

plated in ourpost-otticc. which will bcvt ry acceptable to the public. Newlock-boxes ure to be inlroilucad amimade BOre sci ure than at present, andthey are to bc secessibll at all hours aftbs dav ami sight, instead af enrjrdn*risa* thc dav. saal present, and for onlyme liot.r on Sunday- ami holidays.At thc annual meeting ol'the Peters¬

burg Savings and Insurance Companyneill v estel day thc old Hoard of Di¬rectors vv ith few exception* were re¬

jected and Major I'. R, Scott was

basan president for the ensuing year.The PctiTshurgt ts who have returned

icm rTashtagten express themselves as

neatly pleased with thc scenes of in-uiguration-day, and say the BCeasiooivas thc grandest ol' the kimi they hivevii-witnessed. RoiiIN AD.tlit.

Mon lion*,- Heir.., .ii ti, fire.Special telegram to the Dispatch.]Danville., Va., March 8,1888.

Tbs storehouse ami stock ol' Mlsdi olr'. V. Chaney, at the junction of thcI'anvillf and New-River and thc Rich*nomi and Danville railroads, weremt in .1 up yesterday evening. Thctuilding was insured in the Rochestericrtnun for I860 and the goods in thetoy al for $1,500. The loss on the:oods is hardly covered. Thc br.omuienced in the upper part af thcmuse, where a stove-pipe passedbrough it.

PHILIPPI IN L UCK..tu* I waitui Near lb. 1'oriarr Uanda/,.u. or

Ihe West Viral*!* Kr! Vira.A Philippi (W . Vs.) special _gnj

Not many people in the great world be-oml the mountains that rise scntinel-ike around it know aught ol this'hilippi. Few maps bear its name,md but little has ever happened to callhe wotld's attention this way. It isrue that the first laud-battle of thcvar wss fought in its streets, anti that¦ere General Kelley, now of Cumber-and, Md., gained the distinction ofbeinghe first officer to be wounded in the longtrite : but that wss a quarter of a cen-ii! v ago, and the old people of the thenrv the dead of Ihe now. A few yearsgo it gained something of un ephemeralml undesirable reputation ax the hesd-ia i te is of the " Ked Men," a band ofobbers and murderers, with sub-lodgesii all pails of the State, sud havinghe most complete organization of any.and of thieves the world ever knew.Int thc organization is gone, excepterhaps a lew weak posts far beck inbe mount sins, lt.* leaders are iu jail.niue at Huffalo, N. V., others at Di¬rt.it. Mich., and others yet at Mound*ille. in this State. And so for severalesra Philippi, quaint, old-fashioned,sd conservative, has slept away th

weeks and months in contented isola¬tion.

Tygart'e mer. a narrow, noisystream, full of sharp falls and fine trout.rushes madly by on one nide beneath SU-gar-Loaf mountain. From thc river a

valley spread* away half a mile to an-

oUier mountain. At the upper andlower ends of the valley the mountain*almost join each other, forming n bowl-like valley, in wlii-h the village sleeps.Judge Wood, of the Supreme Bench

of thc State, lives her-, and the place.a mere village of 2iK> twills. supportstwo newspapers, a bank, and theusual number of churches. Xeverin the history of thc town has liquorbeen cold in it, and a drunken man is a

curiosity. A year ago a little narrow-

gauge railroad felt its way round thcbold points of forbidden precipices andtumbling hills until it reached Philippi.(Jreal was the rejoicing when the mini¬ature engine rumbled tip to thc littlewooden station. The fatted ralf was

killed, together with neveral othermembers of the bovine family,and the people made merry. IfPhilippi thought of the railroad as any¬thing elna than a relief from a wearystage-coach ride across the mountainsto the outer world it is not recorded.Hut one day a Yankee, by some oddchance, found his way into these hills.and seeing the wealth of timlier on theirsides, and suspecting the greater richesin their bowels, began operations.threat logs of maple, pine, and walnutlound their way to far-off cities. Pre¬sently a linc vein of coal was

found, and a new industry inaugu¬rated. This was shortly followedby a discovery that has made Phi¬lippi the gateway to a storehouse ofwealth untold, lt was accident, thisdiscovery, like so many more. S. I,.Refer one day found in a limestone-hillon his farm on thc edge of Randolphcounty, near the corner of li rant, Tack¬er, and Pendleton counties, a curiouscleft he had not before noticed. A buskwind poured from it. and certain mnrksfiore positive evidence that in some daylong gone by man lind entered it.Mr. lieger explored the cleft and founda large i ave. part of nature's and partof mini's Blabing. From (toe side t'uan-titiis of bluish-gray and heavy ore hadbass taken, the pick mark <till remain¬ing. A stream of clear water ia antithrough thc cave, coming suddenly froma low opening in one side and disappear¬ing ns suddenly on the other. Mr. Rogarsent some of thc mineral to Philadel¬phia, where it was assayed, showing itto be lead unusually pure. A companywas foi nied. and the lea 1 iii great quan¬tities is now being mined. Prepara¬tions fur sBielting and radarinf it aro

milking, ami a busy, prosperous villagebna sprung up about the mine, which ia,apparently, inexhaustible.

Philippi ia the depot of supplies, andthe old town is springing into new life.In ransacking the old mine humanskeletons were found. Nothing wasleft to give any clue to their identity.fut years a tradition has existed thatin this range of the Alleghenies -thcBuffalo mountain- -the Indians hadsilver-mines, but it arni regarded sim¬ply as a tradition but tin- lead-mine!now in operation at Kegcrville is thesolution ol' the talc.


a I. m.ii. .'..>.. CanteaaM the vi., .i.. orlier Hil-iMlliI TlnrlT \rn.s Ass.

A Beaton (Mum.] anecial tajaAbout thirty years ago Mr-. AbigailGardner was conricted of the murderof her husband iu Mingham and sen¬

tenced tn life-imprisonment. She re-

fu-cd kl a. knowledge the crime, andbet motive for its coinmi-sinii could notbe divined. Mr-. Gardner i* ROUseventy ---(yen year- ol.I. She is an in¬mate of the House of Correction inNew Bedford. A len days ago she sentfor Ber. Hr, Coo, the chaplain of theinstitution, an.l made ,-i confession tohilo that abe poisoned lier husbandw iib Breenie. A * to motives, sim could

::t lol none, but -imply it iteratedthat a demon aoouaed to urge her OBuntil the murder was committed. lierhusband, -he .says, vi as a kind man.

and she never could complain of hi-trealnient of her. Mrs. Gardner isoki whelmed with remorse fer her act.

*Sa*s Hull, y's « ..mei.

;i*Hl]-Mall Uftzettc.llt M1SM ;it first sight incredible that

an occurrence of 215 jean ago couldlu- reported with but one link betweenthc person who tells you ami the actualwitness. Such, however, lathe feet.The Barrator in quilthm was the rene-rable rector ofBuahej (the Kev. w. Fal-ii.iur). just deceased at the age OlM. Ile had heard hi* grandfather (theceh drated I»r. Falconer, of Kath.) -av

that he had been told bj In- grand-888-ther tina -he (uilil remember bliugheld upito the window to ase Bailey'sc.nnet. which appeared in li.t.'.i. SheWaa (lieu six veins old. Ur. Falconer,the intervener, was born in 1744 anddied in 1 *"24. Assuming him to hive beetaat least ail veals of aga when this storywa- told linn, his grandmother musthave been ninety. Kilt the wondermight be increased, for if Kr. Falconeriuld the story in the last year ol his lite(1824) M> a child of ail years it mightbe passed on to the next century withonly one link between the witness andthe narrator. After all, we are not so

dependent on writing aa WO -oinetimesa-siiiiie ourselves to be.

-^a-»>-llni|.nn-llj» Val li; .lion.

An Ottawa (Om.) --.e.mi say,: Thuliovernineiit i- titting out the dominionscrew steamer Lansdowne. 4(i;i ton-bin den, to proceed to llud.-on bay inJune, to ((ailinn(i observations com¬menced by the steamer Neptune lentyear, and to bring home in the fall thewera! parin- ii ho vv intered along the.oast- ol Hudson Straits and bay forthc purpose of making observation-.Parliament last year voted -.100.000 forthis service, and this year will vote110,000 further, the object being to dis¬coid, if possible, whether or not Ilml--nii bav can 1. safely navigated duringth. summer months as an outlet for theproducts of the Northwest Territories.

A I'mllatnent House *sel/c-l.

A Qtaabai telegram says Charlehois,the contractor for thc Parliament build¬ings, made a show of refusing tn de¬liver np the Parliament building for theBunajas Wednesday morning unless hislast year's d'sputed claim and aanthilllarge claim for extras this year wereadmitted. Ile caused bars to be nailedacross the doors, and kept posses-ionfor about an hour until the Premier in¬structed the I sher of the Black Rod toremove the bars by force and take pos¬session for the legislstjre. This wasabout io be done when Charlehois gaveup ihe keys under a formal protest, re-

-i-rving hi-lights against the <!ovem¬inent.

I lor*l«. ni s Brawn Frs-a-araBlaais recommended and used by physi¬cians. It is the best and healthiestbaking-powder made.

THIS CITY'S NEWS.MOA RD OF PUBLIC INTERESTSaVeatla*.! Tar Pellre I .-miaal.n-ra Cor Matt-

l*o* ntnl iarhsoa Vt ar.l..

Thc Hoard of Public Interests met attlie Council chamber yesterday evening.Present : Mr. J. T. F.llyson (president)ami Messrs. W. R. Howie, Henry C.Jones. Andrea* Pizzini. C. R. Barlu-dale. F. T. Olasjrow. A. R. Courtney.W. II. IMcasants, T. ll. Eliott, E. O.Nulling, and John H. Purcell; Ben. T.August, secretary.The President stated thal the Hoard

hail been called to select three citizensfrom Mallison and three from JacksonWard to be recommended to the CityCouncil, from whom that body willelect one lo serve as a member of theHoard of Police Commissioners fromMadison Ward in place of Mr. P. II..Mayo, resigned, ami one from JacksonWard in place of Mr. John ll. Ores-ham, resigned.The Hoard then made thc following

nominations: Madison Ward. E. B.Addison, Edward ('..hen, and JohnOil. (ackson Wan!.J. W. Bevc-rd-tc. Norman V. Randolph, and A. ti.Robert-oii.

Verdict for Pliii.un.'1 he City Circuit Court was engaged

yesterday in hearing the suit of ThomasFrench against (harlts E. Belvia, ex*m itor of the estate ol' the late .John A.Delvin. About a year ago, whileFrench waa taking a heavy trunk trouta wagon in front of ihe St. .lames Ho¬tel, vt liii-Ii is a part of Belvia*! estate,the trunk slipped ami fell through a

cellar-light. French was hurt ami isnow *uing for $5,000 damages. Thenmin i|uestiona wire. Hid French u*edue caution, such as would ordinarilylie used in handling the trunk, and didDelvin have the place so secure as t>>avoid an ordinary travel lev being hurt.The jary returned a verdict for $1,000in faioi of the plaintiff.

I m.-limn Kulti.The steenl-tug Alvin llrovvu was -old

in front of the custom-house yester¬day st 12 o'clock. Th.* sale was onawrit ol rend, crponi issued from theclerk's office of the District Court oftin Eastern district of thc 1 nitedStates in the admiralty suit of Jobu Tur¬ner r.a. The Alvin I'.rou n. The tugkill), kctl out to A. M. Molci ... k Io$2 OOO. he --tlc is subject to thc con-tinuatinn o! thc court. The tug wasbuilt last year, and has been used onlv;tbr.iit six mouths. \\ hen built it coatabout $4.',l)0.

ViraUil* c..i Club.

Ai i meeting of the Virginia Bea!Club held at the American Hotel histftvhning.Hon. A. M. Kailey (president)presiding.E. -I. Kilduff was electedcaptain.

The treasurer's report showed theClub to be in a good financial condition.and it was determined to enter a Bret*ehv-s crew at the next State regatta.A (rainer will be sela ted, and he willappoint the crew. Tim initiation-feehas been reduced to id tot the next

sixty days as an extra inducement todesiring to join.

Snpreint » ..uri ol' Appeal*.OgmttntUroosootti Biebrsj) and -'* ap¬

peal allowed and siipcrsediin awardedlo a deere.'pronounced by the CircuitCourt of Binid county ul the Augustti rm. I ss I.

Harbour against the Commonwealth.Al ;ilcd by John W. Davis, !>,).. forthe plaintiff in error mn! the Attorney-(lent ial for thc Commonwealth.

ir rt**i m:;-» Coori.The following cases were dispo ed o!

yesterday :

Samuel Deane, charged with forgery,was tried ami acquitted.

Isaac Drown (colored), charged withhousebreaking _ti<l I.rt.ny. Ac-(luHted.

Thc cases ..I Polk.tnefl William H.Raker and Justice Jaiaes llaBoraa,charged with perjury, new coatinueduntil next Thursday.

coin-c canes.The following cases were disposed ol'

yesterday morning:Ann Lewis (colored), for abasing

Ann .loins in thc street was tined12.50.

Catharine Sheppard, drunk ami dis-nnl.ily. Discharged.John Donohoe, suspicious character.

Discharged.Miner.a ChristiBB. assaulting Slid

abusing Sophie Powell. Dismissed withc,|s|.

Sophie Powell, cursing and abusingMinerva Powell, Difuniiwed with costs,

'haili s Morns (colored), felony. Dis-rhsrgod.

Andrew Harri! (colored), chargedwith being of unsound mind. Dis-c(verged.

Nilson Hasher, drunk. Durcharged.< lover lt.,,«t lin. m.1.

la-t Sunday night the depot build*'Bf at lover. Ilalitav county. OB theI'lchmond and Danville railroad. WMbumed. Thc lire is wnaeeed ta haveottUlred from rats nibbling matches.Univ thc depot building WItsde**t!*4r*ed.Tbs leeds in lbs house were saved..ess probably ibout 1800.

Itt* Theatrel.«st night the Plympton Coea-

paay gave ..Caste" at the Thea¬tre. Ibis comedy is old and well-known here, and was presented smooth¬ly ami with effect. The play will bcrepeated to-day al thc matinee, and to¬

night Ihe company will close its eugagB-m nt with .* Lynwood.''

nepal*. Appointed.Collector-of-Ciist(iuis Russdl BBS ap¬

pointed John P. Bl¦hermerhorn, ol' Rich¬mond, deputy collector at We*t Point,\a.. in place* of George V Cwathsssy.

I'.t .onail* «n«l Uriel*.

i onuiion'tcalth's-Attorney Witt, whoetui ned WtBt IfsibiBglBB yesterday,

rt poi ls that he was robbed there ofabout 1701Judge Cramp RiU -ce Mr. Witt to¬

day for the purpose of living a time mi¬

llie trial ol' Mr. Sniitli.lion. Oeorge D. Wi-e will return to

the eily in a few days, ami will thenfive consideration to the postmaster-ship questijii.

I he distinguished violinist who so

^slighted the Mo/art audience Thurs-iiay. Mr. Nshsn Fisnko. will to-dayrendel Handel's Largo'' at the syna¬gogue.


Bain-riler Mallar*.

The union meetings which have beenin progress here for tin la-t six weeksdosed last night. I he mei tings were

beld »t ihe Clopton-Mieet dispel thiaweek, were lsrgch attended, and therewere s number of conversion*. Thesenave indeed been "union meetings."Ihe pastor* of the different churchesind tbe laymen as well have all heenunited sud have etirne*tly worked to-

nether for the one grand object.the ssl-i alien ofsouls- and their a ork has been

rewarded and their prayers answered bythe ingathering of many souls.

Messrs. Addison and Kenjamin Weisl¬in r. of Augusta. (Ja., formerly of thiacity, are visiting; friends here. Theycaine up with the Clinch Rina militarycompany to attend thc inauguration.The cases of Sampson liravton and

John Hill (both colored), for assaultingcadi other at a funeral last Sunday af¬ternoon, will bc tried in the Mayor'sCourt this ni" ruing.

"Little Red Riding-Hood" will bepresented at Cersley's Hall some timenext month for the benefit of thc Meade-Memorial Ebbm opal church. The castwill le made up entirely ol' small girls.The March tenn of the I hestcrlield

County Court begins Monday. This isa grand-jury term, but there arc veryfea' cases to be tried.The funeral of F.ddieGalloway. KrUJ.,

who died Thursday afternoon, tookplace from the initial Methodistchurch, of which be was a member,yesterday afternoon. Rev. William H.Christian, the pa-tor. preaching thcsermon. There were a large numberof the friends of deceased present to

pay their last tribute of respect. Thefamily has the sympathy ol' manyfriends in their bereavement.

he II. T. --riles, .lr., who was beforethe Poli.e Court is nut the H. T. Salewith Cohen Hrotlur-.

R. K. Chaffin .\ Co.. Real KstateAgents, (all special attention to theirauction sale of that handsome and de¬sirably-located dwelling at the cornerof Fighth and Franklin streets this eve¬

ning at 4* o'clock.

I'm *«iil.«ei liters Kielli,loti.l 11 IcpKimrKachana-*.

Please add the following names tlyour list ol siib-i libers 4:t. Wherry AWcisigcr : 278, A. UunM .V Son; 161,l.'ichiiinnd Chili: X",4. Young Men-Christian AaaoCUttion ; 32). T. WilliamPemberton (rooklosco): 292, .1.1'. Bur-rougha 225, W. ll. Oreen (reuManae);.-'¦">!>. P. II. Mayo troaideaco); 28, W,S. Forbea (rcanJotace) * S58, ThomasAdkins (residence) : 203, Potts. StokesA Co. ; pi:,. John Adams; 340, .1. K.Jefrons; 337, I. M. Griflki; 300,R. Adams ; 235, T. W. Wood:17ti. Old Dominion Steamship Compa¬ny. Miiin street; -jit. \\. I.. Plcming;359, Turpin .V Martin 128, I.. I'.( hli-lian (re-i.lenee) ; 85, J. hf. Blair(upper -ton) ; SOO, Henry T. Miller ,VCo. : 27. Old Dominion Tobacoe WTare-housc: 45, The Mumal \asnmuoe 80-I'-iy of VirginJa; 86, W. B. Harnnaa

04, \ .nu:! Stoambonl Compan* ; 241,VT. <i. Taylor4Co.: 43, Cw. BranchI C... 58, doini I.. Williams (18, I..T. < hiistiali; 145, ll. M. Shield-.

A MW catalogue will be i-stnd short¬ly giving UM above names and all -ub-sequenl additions.We have boen obliged to change Borne

numbers, and if hub-.Tiber- will in ikecorresponding change* on their pu lanili-t they will sBye theuuelvea much de¬la} and prevent confusion to us.

( ll.\NTilS.

.I'll, non Richmond Club, formerlyA. I,. Kivi.erase linter; 334, noa> di rn g Men'- Christian Association,tomi.t!v Richmond Ice Company, Mar¬shall-ti .ct erase latter; 321, now T.Wiilirm Psnihss-tca, fcMTn-M.r«-«AW»oril.laii.erase latter: 292, now .1. F.Burroughi, formerly Ptetrton Belrin,Fifteenth street.crn-e hitter: 225,non W. ll. Green, former!] lt. II.Smith.erase latter: 2','K BOW P, ll.Mayo (residence), formerly C. C. Buek,Twelfth -treel.erase latter; 28, non

\\. B, Forbea (reaidence), formerly .1.J. fTaggaser.era-e latter; -'"I, now

Potta, stoke.-1 Co., formerly H. Wen-denburg, Fifteenth -tret: ;;7. non I..M. Griffin, formerly -J. B, I Bl y eranslatter; 300, BOW B. Adam, formerlyChoaapenke and ohio purchasingagent'- office; '-'.'..".. non T. W. W.1.inimcrh C. H.Page (roaidence).eraaelatter; 217. now \V. I.. Heming, for¬merly < itv Ca--Works. Cary -incl;!"><. now I.. T. Chri-tian (residence),formerly T. M. R, Tal.-ott. rase lat¬ter: s... now J, M. Blair, formerly W.A. James.era-e latter: _'7. DOW "hiI ion.inion Tobacco VYarehouae, formerlyC. P. Iliiwi-ra-e latter: 45, UUWthe Mutual Assurance Aaaociation ofVirginia, formerly Virginia Home in--iiraiue Compauj. ra-e latter; 96,non- W. B. ller-niiiii. formerly 8. I..Weatherford eraae latter: 53, now

John I.. Willi.,ms. foraaerlj IT, C. Sed¬don J Co..eraae latter; 14".. row ll.M. Shields, formerly Hulton* Mercer.ernselatter; 302(B), R. ITendenburg,formerly 202; 202 (F), R. IFenden-hurg. torm.iii 203; 21 (B). Cbeaupeaheand Ohio general Ireighl office, former!]21: 21 'li. Choaapenke and Ohio aur-chasing agent's office, formerly 300;218(B), < iiv tia-Wink-.formerly -17 :

218 (Fy. City Cia-Works, formerly 218,Parties intending to subscribe will

pteaae inform aa early aexl week. >.r

tiny Brill be kw lute for tbe printer to

get their names on the new li-t.-I. MT. CltKVVs.

Manager Southern Ball Telephone Ka-cbauge,

Hfmember ! I'l-iiu-nHicr I Item, .ni., r

Ur. Davida Syrup of Tar. Horehound,and Wild Cherry baa aeither its e<-ualnor superior a- a cough-cure, and wc

adrise all aufferera to take it at oncebefore it i- Um late, li ia pleasant,harmless, and efficient, and inver fails.Price. ._''¦ cent- at drugstores.dalmo sue rind Wa-cucll-* Healing-*

Mr. ami Mr-. J. Henry will yet re¬

main three week- al No. §07 IttrfsCO-treet. Thi- jg a rare chance tor all.Numerous parties satisfied daily.

Percale Milri*

A -mall lot of Percale Shirts, worthll, we will sell at Ct cents each. Biaau :

144s 16, 15), and 17 ouly.h. I!. Sl'KMK A Sos.

001 Main street.

Old newspapers for sale at the Dis¬patch counting-room at _.> cents perhundred.


Hu. |<os vu hts BsUMaUM is the meatsouthern (.ant-eta* for Hie cure of ScrofulousTaint, Kticniiistlsin. Whilo "Swelling. Gout,limier. Consiiniptiou. Bronchitis. .Nervouslieiiilit). Malaria, and all diseases artsinafrom Bu impure condition ol His blood. Cer¬tificates <-sn be presented from many lead-ina physicians, ministers, and heads offamilies ihrousuoul the South, endorsingKi.sAi.uii in Mic inchest terms. Weareconstsntly h> receipt of certificates of curesfrom the most reliable sonrres, and w» donot hesitate io recommend lt as tba bastknown ieine.lv for Hui curs nf the abovedlstsses._A splendid lot nf Jack Kosl» in bloom

at. I..U.N Moki'os -.

e..mer.il Maitland Reservoir streets.

lui i iimki**aiio*< or I5mrrn iknth usedin msklna Bkow-s's Bmonchiai. Trochk*is such as to aive the bast possible effectwilli Mfi-ty. They are the beat remedy Inlife tor roughs Colds, snd Throat Diseases.

Brok k i'm xv (Toaks.

THK DlSIATOI JOB-PJURTIRQ Hot'SR telhorouehly«i|Olpped todoaHklmlsof Booa-AMi Jon-fBUnunu at IB* shortest, not ivs.

A BANK CASHIEE'S SUICIDE.A -..».* Britni.*. Paellas aaa!M ~»--te.

.Ma tlc «'*a*e.

An Albion telegram says*: Sincethe failure of thc Firat National Bank ofAlbion and the aberonding of Warner.it* president, the people of this villageand the surrounding country have beenextremely sticceptible to the slightestbreath of suspicion against anyother moneyed institution, ami con¬

sequently thc news of thc probably suc¬

cessful attempt of Charles A. King,teller and acting cashier of the Orleans-County National Bank, to commit sui¬cide this morning, threw tin- a hole vil¬lage into a fever of excitement. Thcsupposition wss that the suicide was

the I'atsl consequence of snother of thealu july long list of bank defalcation*.but careful investigation proves this notto be thc case.

At 10 o'clock this morning Mr. Kingintered the office of Hr. W. C. Bailey,who has been for some days in attend¬ance upon Mrs. King, who has been illwith nervous prostration. Mr. Kingwas ssked as to his own health, towhich he responded thst no medicinethc doctor hsd could cure him. andadded *. When nothing can help a

man. what can he dor" Thc doctorleft him to attend to the wants of an¬

other patient. King walked nervouslyup ami down the private office. A fewmoments later the report of a pistolvt as heard by the doctor, who. hasteninginto his inner office, saw King staggeramt full upon a couch with a bullet-Bound in his right temple. The doctor,In.lag no evidence of life alter a hor¬ned examination, rsa to the bank aminotified the president, .1. M. Cornell.ami the cashier. K. K. Hart, nf thc at-attempt at suicide. They returned withhim to his office and found that Kinghad regainad consciousness. To inqui¬ries as to how he felt he responded.. I don't want lo live. I have livedlong enough. Don't prol.e for the bul-I. t." Asketithemotiveswilicliplnliiptcdthe act. he Mild to President Cornell:

li is not thc bank. Mr. Cornell, no¬

thing is wrong with the bank."King was removed to thc house ol'his

father. Rheta he now lies awaitingdeath. Dr. Moore waa summoned fromRik hester to aitl thc Ima! physicians.The bullet wits not extracted hist night,and all hopes of his living an* given up.Mis survival for m. many hours puilleiihe physician-. Thc shot BBS tiredinto thc right temple. BBSSed entirelythrungli the brain, ami was then de-Beetod From Ihe skull ami thrown backlo and lodged in the durumaler. Thepal nut has I ci ii trephined and theprobe has been repeatedly BOMBdthrough thc bead without Hading ¦ti.iti oi thc ball.

IH al! inquirers Mr. King refuses to

a-sign, ii reason foi his leif murder.foul! a-sign a probable deftcienBJ inbis accounts, others think it due tooverwork, ead others again to anvil tvlegal ding Hu- illaessofbis wife, Thosemost intimately SCO,-Minted with himand his a tia irs give .his as the arena*ble truth. Mr. King is a victim ol' a

morbid religious spirit, which husi.Idii impelled him to say thai no

business-men could be a christian.Depending upon his salary for a live-hlio.nl. ami finding that the require*mints of a busJBSSS life pressed BOOBIii' p. lill*' SI Ilse ol' WU.I wu* right.he sacrificed his life rather than hil con¬science. That his act was meditated isproved hythe tact that he borrowed therevolver used -a four-, hushored, oM*fashioned revolver.only tifteen min¬utes before he used it. A week ago heborrow cd a pistol of thc same gentle¬man limn whom he obtained IBS OBSused to-day, hut returned il withth.- rt mark that he would notBBC it ju-t then. The name

of Charles A. King WB! in t_UC0UBt~a synonym for all that was upright undstraightforward, ami many telegrams ofsympathy from his business friendswere tncived by his family. King husbeen connel ted with the Orb ans Ranklui iwcnty-livc years. His age is forty-nile, ami he has a wife ami two chil¬dren.


I. Hr ian Vim rh a* Ct.BM" or * British*itWecl .'

A Utica (N. V.) telegram say* Thelit,aid will punt to-morrow certilliedcopies of documents on tile in the de¬partments i,t Washington concerningthc citizenship of Thomas V.. Kinney.w ho was yesterday elected mayor ofthis city on the reform ticket. Thesepopers show that Kinney was arrestedin Washington ut October. 1*1.4. mi

suspicion ..I being a rebel spy,uml they contain his declarationto the Provost-Maisiutl amt to thcBritish Munster that he was a

British subject. Ile was then twenty-three years old, had been only eightyears in thc I sited Slates, hail been at¬tending the I niversity of Virginia, andst the time of his arrest was on a tripnorth for fiimls to continue Ins studie*.Iii- university ertilicate named him a*.. Thomas l'. Kinney, ol' Canada." IThis ami his ccrtilicale ol Hritish citi-/cii-hip .signed .. Frederick .1. Cridland.II. IL Si., acting Consul for thc Statent Virginia," are among the papers,ia well as the order of Secretary Stau-ton for his discharge from the nhl Capi¬tol prison ll a M Hritish subject." Mr.Kinney has never been naturalized, hutduring his residence herc he hu* claimedto be an A met nun iti/en aud has voted,n- suth. Two years ago, when he was. candidate lor the Stale Senate, thcexistence of these papers was intimatedlo him, and he then publicly denied thathe was ever ai rested a* a rebel spy,OT ever declared himself a Ibitish sub¬ject, or claimed or received protectionns such. The papers were withheldfrom publication then, but now that liebas been clarted to office a* an Ameri¬can citizen he is asked to reconcile hi*sworn dei laration ol' British citizenshipwith the requirements of his presentsituation. If he cannot flo this it is

ind his assumption of thc office ofmayor will lie resisted by legal process.

I lt ar lol le ni Al ea leo* Ulai* rt*.a.l...i..lon vv..ill

The recent death of Colonel Vande-velde is a great misfortune for the poordistraught Empress Charlotte ofMexicow ho has been under his care for manyyears at Hie Chateau de Douchout. TheEmpress wss greatly attached to ColonelVandevelde, and bis death has not boenannounced to her. She has been toldthat he has taken s long journey onbusiness for ber brother, the Kingof the Belgians. Site passe* mach ofher time at the piano and at her easel,but since abe began to notice the Colo¬nel's absence the Empress has neitherplayed a note nor touched ber pencils.One of the characteristics of her mala¬dy, however, is lack of memory, and itis therefore hoped that in a short timeshe will have forgotten ber guardian,even ss she seems to have forgottenthe whole of her past existence.She never speaks of Maximilian, orof Mexico, uer evea af her father,Leopold I., whose favorite child

she waa. Of late years sim has become

abaolntoly indifferent to dress, althoughin the earlier years nf her insanity shewaa constantly occupied with her toilet,and even while she waa living, at tbe(bateau de Tervueren i-bowed a markedtendency toward coquetry. Sometimoashe would arrange her smartest dressesupon tbe chairs, seemingly tm as',ninsthat she was still the centre of a court,and ahe would addresa tho -roams

alternately in thr»-e or four diffeient lan-¦rtiapes. When a little while ago Max¬imilian's valet.who aaa with bim to

the last.himself became insane andwaa taken to Miramar. she trott- I aboutthe poor fellow for a few days and theacompletely forgot him. Tbe sitli.-n-d

lady receives the kindliest treatmentfrom all about her, snd ia frejuentli,visited hy the King and Queen of tbs*Melgian-i and the Cornie de Flandrc


Wilburs Cod-L.v >n Ott, a*d Man.The fnat popularity of ibis aafs and enVa-clous preparation ls alone attributable UlUs inti-insii- worth. In the cure of lVmshs.Cold*. Asthma. Kronrhllls, Whooptag-i'.-iiiIi, tserofulons lt ii morn, sn.l all Con¬sumptive s\ in ploma, lt liss no superior ire.,'.isl. Lal no vb* neglect the early eymR-ton.s of disease w hen an sgvnt la at handwhich will cure all complaints ot Hie Cheat.Lom**, or Throat. Manufactured only nyA. H. WilHoa. Chemist, llostou. -sold byall di uga!»(*¦RMOKB TRIXY (Tusks.

T«E KI.OKKNCK NH.HTlMiALKA I III) M Its.I IO Ihe MIowlRgtBsn extract from a kiter written lo tho Her¬man Kn,,nm d Meneoger. Bl Chambersburuh Tenn.:

\ ki-::-.. .\( niK-sts.Just npeu the door fur her. unit Mrs. Wins¬

low m III prove the American Klnrenee Vlaht-n.un le of the Nursery. Of this we sn- so

sure thst se lilli teach our ".susy to«ay."A blessing on Mis. W tnslow for be,pinsher to snrv ive sn.l sar-BBB the -triping endek-ma sn.l teething sieve, miis. WUTBUMI -s

>i'i'ili;vii sMtl I' relieve* the child fromiain iiii.l .-uiesily »-nierv snd dlarrliira. lt¦oftena tua game, reaWRRB Inflanimation,cnn s iv in,1 colic, nm* em rles l he I oran t safelythroaRh the teething peetoU. It performs11. -.ii w'tui lt proreMMitto perform.--verypart of il -ii..thins less. We have never seen

Bra. BIn-loW know in >i ouly through tbaie|4ii:i!-."'i ol her Soothing xvi np for

l hlldivu Tee!liing. If we hail Hie -towerwe m.I'M iiuike her ss siie is u phimral sa-

v.our lo the Infant race. Sold b.vall ilTiig-gists. Tm flit > -Mle icnUii Ixl! tlc.

tull 1-eisllw

ai « rio-o vT.is id-nil.

lt. li. ITIAI-TTN 1 . (».. trustees sale ofl.rick dwielllng .> Hie ii."th.-.isl .ni-.oi 1- u-hilt .ml Franklin streets, at 4',". lori r. M.

IUCHMOXD BAZAAR, IB A. M.. horses.in Hies, waguin,. .Ve.

ll I. A LT lls« (lu HDBfinr ( ureil me of rheumatism

three months ago ult. my physktaas hadi xlimihtiil their remedies R limul giving re¬lict, c. P. donny ¦ mi

Altoni.v st Ijiw IlriiuswT.k. (la.I lime been .flllct-il with rheumatism

nearlv iortv iniri. un.I a ft-w bottle* olswills speetllc cured inc. Ills u ii.si ku.Ito thc (.uttering. I lt. \\ villi

Thomson, (.a.I have been entirely relieie.l of ». .

,.ul .sm In mi righi sim bv the usu of>u .n s spcciile iin.l 14ii*--c! through Last win¬ier without a rcl;i|»-e.

SIliSKY IlKKIil-liT.Ijlitor Malla a rvftnsatar, Atlanta, (la.TWBJITI YI-'.AI's. -I bsd Is-enasuOVrei

ftoiu ineiiiuatlsin lori Henty years; wssre-i1n, eil lo ii skeleton timid hardly Set about...un on .ru i ches, isu il! s specific has curedme miuii'I snd well.

Mia. Bans Brrshor Maeoa, Qa.v-airi.. Six-slfte I,.,* relieved ins of rl.eu-

iinitIsm. winch al om- Hm,, threatened lustop un ministerial work.

Kev. W. A. Kins. Cross Plains, Ala.

..u-ftH Specific is eli! rely Vegetal,le.i.iitWonltliKsl-sud skin-Diseases msiledlue. THKHWII I si-KiTKlCCli..mhrt-1 w Atlanta, lia.



It contain* no injurious Ingn dients.It leaves no deleterious substances In lb*

bun.I, ss all pun-grape IT es ni- of-Tartar sndAlum-Powders do.

lt restores to the flour the highly .Import',ant constituents njected lu the bran of Ibowheat.

lt .¦¦nines a 1st ter aud lighter biscuit(lum sn} oilier lisking|»'**iler.

MA KTIN KAI.MKLKISCII'S MONH,89 I ulton street, Nsw York

Established lu 1MBAt wholesale by JOHN M. liKIXIlAM,de I 1-e.nil iii i: I,m..i.d

in 11. i Mi ii ai. Ass i ms.): «... ii .-¦. >r Viki.ima.

Itu ll M..sn March i, ISM.*).rTslll-8 -lilli Si n I ITV .. i\<n|;

ki nut ti..

'ITillS -ol,l> sim IKTV." INCHHOHATBDIB I71M Inn removed itanm.-,to

*-,... mu kami main arana,where they will tie pleased to see theirfriends and |* I rons a ml I he public generally.mh 7-1m K. n. si'..:(,Kit. secretary.

llnoora, siiiiiv i ki run. Atm.


vi. soallana to offer isvrmms m Him..-,.-liul-s. l Kl NKM AM) HATCHfclX. OBrgoodsBTS new mid fnshlonstile, pur.Tossedtor cash snd worthy the inspection of theil.-M'sl buyers. Nee our (iKNTLKMKN SCAI.KSKIN DRKf-N-HlKiKri at li. War-ruii'.-il to wear Well.

WILLIAMS | Kulti),cornel 1 ...irili and ltroad streets.

nih 7-Jt

MISM MAUI K (oai'idltt

¦ v. omna siro i?»«.|ITUAL AWI RAM -I SOCIETY

i)K vim.IMA.

Ol KICK IN SOCIKTV * HITI.DIMJ,Ko, lull BARB Main sTRvrv, ixkst io

I'osl-Oll Hg..

li »uies build nigs by annual and perpetual- nu the most favorable terms.

Tills old Society hasjust removed its officelo Hie bliliiltliK Nu. ICM EAST "RAINslllKKI, lucently purchased of UM Vir¬ginia Hom. laenannee company.

H A.CLAiniiltNK. PrincipalAgent.I is. n siii.i m. Secretory, nih 7- lal


LU. BILIX PS k SON, r_^__B. UTiM-IIIMiCNUKK. ^**^^

TAKJ-'BM.1S08 cast Mair smear (under Rt. Chaxlas

Hotel).BURIAI.-CAHK8. XIIKWm. and WV-

M-.ltAI. CONN KYAVCKM furnlshad at allhour*, telegraph oiders att*u(_td to dar ar

Riant._oe ir3


I UK Kl AKKM.No. 1-218 i*as-.- Kr.iao STBKKT,

BK I1MUMI, VA..hasslsrge assortment of WooP aad NBiM.i.jc casks. cAHKirru, aMBuuUM,(.T/rrH CAMKBTH. ae. at low prkaa,

. "ountry and telefrapn orderspmiai"(ended today or night. Oat




KOHKJ*. HKAKMK. HACKS. Ral air lbin*alisuuuiie. al Mweei taieaTelegrsplilc sod eouulry orders eeUelteft.aa88^-4_r


ZmLLnVvN RKNUKZVOirs WILLunen on THURmiAV Veaanan 1MB.

at No. 800 Bass stki.rv, oo UwL'UKOFRAN PLAN. Will be eM4 to BBB RUT aMfrlauds and tba pul*" te gtosially

W til be triad to aae any eM

18 .(Ml-'