TrumpetWeekly 2015-10-31

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  • 8/20/2019 TrumpetWeekly 2015-10-31

    1/12Trumpet Weekly | October , 1

    OCTOBER 30, 2015

      H  U  L  T  O  N

      A  R  C  H  I  V  E /  G  E  T  T  Y  I  M  A  G  E  S

    Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)

    How Many Germans SecretlyAdmire Hitler?Brad Macdonald | October 29

    I A H

    down in he cener o Berlin or Dusseldor or a sleepy Ger-

    man village in rural Bavaria. Wha would he 19h-cenury despo

    hink o modern Germany? More ineresingly, wha would mod-

    ern Germans hink o Hiler?

    This is he ploline o Look Who’s

     Back,  a new film recenly released in

    Germany. Look Who’s Back is based

    on he besselling novel by Timur Ver-

    mes, and is a  Borat-syle sairical film

    in which Adol Hiler comes o lie

    and atemps o sar a lie in modern

    Germany. In he film, he resurreced

    Hiler ravels he counry, making

    observaions, sirring up rouble, and, mos ineresingly, iner-

    viewing ordinary Germans.

    Look Who’s Back has been a massive hi, a leas by German


    Alhough i’s only a movie, more han a ew commenaors—

    many o whom are Germans, including he film’s direcor, David

    Wnend—have expressed concern a wha his movie has appar-

    enly uncovered.  Deutsche Welle  explained he recepion Hi-

    ler and his film crew received as hey raveled across Germany.

    “Everywhere hey wen, hey go similar reacions: passersby who

    cheer Hiler on as he drives pas, sand uprigh and make he Hi-

    ler salue. Many ook phoos.” The Washington Post inerviewed

    Wnend: “Mos o hese people reac o he sigh o one o he

    20h cenury’s viles leaders wih and BRAD MACDONALD

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    They pose or selfies wih he eared Nazi leader and perorm he

    amous Hiler salue or him” (emphasis added).

    The Hiler salue is acually illegal in Germany, bu hese peo-

    ple didn’ mind—and neiher did he auhoriies, i would seem.

    I realize ha we’re alking abou a movie, and a comedy a

    ha. Bu isn’ his a litle odd and somewha disconcering? Wha

    should we make o he ac ha mos o he people Hiler came

    ino conac wih greeed him warmly and enhusiasically?

    O he 300 hours o video ooage o Hiler conversing wih heGerman public, here were only wo incidences o individuals

    responding negaively o his acor playing Hiler. One occurred

    in Bayreuh, Bavaria, where a man walked up o Hiler and said:

    “In he year 2014, i someone comes o he cenral square in

    Bayreuh preending o be Hiler, and i ha is oleraed by he

    general public, hen I have o say: ‘This is bad or Germany’ … ‘and

    i i were up o me, I would have you chased off.’”

    This man’s poin is absoluely legiimae, bu wha’s incredible

    is ha only one man expressed i!

    During his inerview wih he Pos, Wnend—a German him-

    sel—shared how surprised he was by how many ordinary Ger-

    mans had no qualms abou conversing wih Hiler, and a he

    same ime expressed xenophobic, racis views abou oreignersliving in Germany. One woman complained ha Germany’s prob-

    lems were he resul o oreigners living in Germany. One man

    explained ha immigrans rom Arica had caused Germany’s IQ

    o drop by 20 percen. Anoher complained ha oreigners could

    do whaever hey waned because Germans were oo ull o guil

    abou World War . “We Germans are no allowed o open our

    mouhs because we sill have ha sigma,” he said.

    These people made hese remarks on camera, while in conver-

    saion wih a man made o look like Adol Hiler.

    Anoher hing oo: This enire movie was filmed in he sum-

    mer o 2014—long beore he curren migran crisis!

    One scene in paricular caugh Wnend by surprise. The aim

    o he scene was o see i Hiler could persuade a group o soccer

    ans o assaul a man (anoher acor) who was making ani-Germanremarks. Wnend recalled how surprised he was by how quickly

    Hiler was able o incie he young Germans o violence. I Hiler

    didn’ sep in, Wnend recalls, hey would have beaen up his man.

    “The largely posiive reacion o Hiler among Germans

    may remind some o he way Mao Zedong is reaed in China

    or Joseph Salin in some pars o Russia—as a kish curio,” he

     Post repored. “These exreme opinions are no coming rom he

    ringes, bu rom he cener,’ Wnend explained. [They’re] no

    neo-Nazis, bu normal middle-class people.”

    Again, isn’ his disconcering? According o Wnend, “I you

    pu him [Hiler] on a T-shir, I hink people would buy i.” This

    film, and is errific success, reveals an alarming complacency—

    and even an affiniy—or Hiler.“I’s hard o say jus how many people in Germany openly, or

    behind closed doors, suppor he [a ar-righ pary wih neo-

    Nazi views] and how many would ell you over a beer ha hings

    under Hiler really weren’ ha bad,” Deutsche Welle wroe.

      Follow Brad Macdonald







     Tehran and Moscow: A Shaky AllianceNOW | October 27


    A M T ,

    common goal—o prop [Bashar] Assad up and crush he

    remaining rebel groups on he ground—heir long-erm visions

    or Syria and he region differ. Their poliical and miliary srae-

    gies reveal ha he curren alliance is a emporary one. I’s an alli-

    ance over Assad, no Syria. …

    Iran is looking o change demography—moving Sunnis rom

    Zabadani and he Damascus suburbs o Idlib—because i sees he

    conflic and any uure soluion as based on secarian grounds. …

    Iran believes ha he Shiies in he region are he proecors o

    is poliical agenda and wans o unie all Shiies under is umbrella

    irrespecive o he borders beween counries or saes. In Iran’s

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    view Syria is no a sae—i’s jus par o he Iranian plan. …

    O course Puin mainly wans o empower himsel, bu he

    needs he Syrian insiuions o do so. Russia wans o preserve

    he Syrian sae. Puin wans o prop Assad up simply because he

    sae insiuions—including he army and he securiy appara-

    us—are sill linked o his regime. Puin is no invesing in Assad

    per se, bu raher in Syria’s insiuions. …

    Unlike Tehran, Moscow is no ineresed in changing demog-

    raphy or in mainaining he Shiie/Alawie corridor. Moscowdoes no wan o see Assad go and hen be implicily replaced by

    [Iranian Gen. Qassem] Suleimani. Assad mus go evenually, bu

    only afer a sable poliical soluion is secured. …

    According o an Al-Hayat repor, Iran’s aemp o run he Tar-

    ous miliary base was one o he reasons Russia decided o move.

    This corridor is necessary or Iran, bu he coas is equally signi-

    ican o Russia. …

    Wih differen goals, diverse sraegies and divergen visions,

    Moscow and Tehran are bound o disagree. Afer Assad’s humil-

    iaing visi o Moscow, las week’s Vienna meeing which

    excluded Iran, and a Russian-Israeli miliary coordinaion in

    Syria, Russia seems o have proceeded wih a plan. According o

    an  Al-Quds al-Arabi  repor, he Russian iniiaive presened in

    Vienna includes wo ineresing poins: irs, ha all counries

    (Iran included) should immediaely cease miliary assisance o

    whomever hey’re supporing in Syria; and wo, ha Russia keep

    is orces in Syria o guaranee ha he peace plan is implemened

    aer he [Unied Naions Securiy Council] approves i.

    This means ha Russia wans Iran and is miliias ou o Syria

    and i wans o say. No grea news or Iran, which probably now

    eels berayed by he Caesar. Iran has spen billions o dollars

    in Syria and los housands o Iranian, Lebanese and Iraqi Shi-ie fighers, including elie commanders, o keep a firm grip on

    Syria, no hand i over o Moscow.

    I is already oo lae or Iran o pull back rom he alliance. In

    any case, ha was he only choice afer is losses yielded no vicory

    This doesn’ mean ha Russia doesn’ need Iran anymore and

    can go on wihou he suppor o is ground roops. Puin has pu

    himsel and his counry in a dilemma. He now has o please every-

    one and ge a soluion beore i’s oo lae, or beore he Gul saes

    realiae by sending manpads o he rebels, a which poin every-

    one can kiss a poliical soluion goodbye.

    This emporary alliance beween he Caesar and Wali al-Faqih

    will no endure. Russia is a bully bu Iran will no be he obedi-

    en wie.

     Analysis: Russia-Iran Alliance Tactical, Not StrategicJerusalem Post | October 26

    C R S I

    help keep Syrian Presiden Bashar Assad in power is raugh

    wih underlying ension, which could be exploied by Israel or he


    Iran’s revoluionary expansionis agenda and is argeing oIsrael is a odds wih Russia’s long-erm goals in he region.

    Russia seeks o solidiy Assad’s regime in an Alawie mini-sae

    in he ace o a Sunni onslaugh unded by Gul saes. …

    Harold Rhode, a senior ellow a he New York-based Gaes-

    one Insiue and a ormer adviser a he Penagon, old he  Jeru-

    salem Post on Sunday ha Russian and Iranian long-erm iner-

    ess in Syria, and elsewhere, diverge.

    “Russia does no rus Iran,” he said. “Russia doesn’ wan Iran

    o be an equal parner in Syria. Russia wans o rule he roos.”

    Iran is rying o urn Alawies ino Shiies, assered Rhode,

    adding ha Russia looks on his negaively. For Russia, he said,

    he more members o he ani-Sunni coaliion he beter. “This is

    Russia’s radiional approach—divide and conquer.” …

    Col. (Res.) Dr. Eran Lerman, a senior research associae a he

    Begin-Sada Cener or Sraegic Sudies a Bar-Ilan Universiy,

    said in a recen repor, “For Moscow, Assad is a clien o be saved

    rom he gallows.“For Iran, Syria is a key seppingsone on he road o desabi-

    lizing Jordan; and, as Ayaollah Khamenei has ordered, o ‘urning

    he Wes Bank ino he nex Gaza.’” …

    Rhode says “Russia does no wan a powerul Iran running an

    alliance in he Middle Eas near Russia’s borders.” …

    In a elling anecdoe, in 1989, he Islamic Republic’s ounder,

    Ayaollah Khomeini, sen a leter o ormer Sovie leader Mikhail

    Gorbachev inviing him o conver o Islam.

    Russia preers Muslims o be occupied fighing each oher

    insead o urning heir angs agains non-Muslim Russia, con-

    inued Rhode. …

    Russia and Iran “are acical allies, no sraegic parners.”

    U.S. Is Driving Mideas Allies Toward Puin

    Josh Rogin and Eli Lake, Bloomberg View | October 26

    A M E ,

    o paience wih Presiden Barack Obama’s policy in Syria, are

    now reaching ou o a resurgen Russia—even hough i is bolsering

    he very dicaor so many o hem have pushed o leave power.

    Some in Washingon see he new ies as a hrea o U.S. iner-

    ess, especially because he U.S. has worked since he 1970s o

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    keep Russian influence ou o he Middle Eas. Bu he Obama

    adminisraion sees an opporuniy. The Sae Deparmen is

    now quiely encouraging U.S. allies o engage wih Moscow, as

    par o Secreary John Kerry’s ques o win Russian suppor or a

    poliical process in Syria. …

    Bu while Kerry ocused on convincing Russia o join wih he

    Wes, Puin has been working o convince America’s Middle Eas

    allies ha Moscow is he new power in he region.

    Prince Turki al-Faisal, Saudi Arabia’s ormer ambassador oWashingon and ormer inelligence chie, said as much Friday

    a he Cener or Sraegic and Inernaional Sudies in Washing-

    on. There he gave Presiden Vladimir Puin credi or oumaneu-

    vering he U.S. and said Russia was now in a posiion o demand

    atenion and respec.

    “Puin is a man who has done so much harm o innocen peo-

    ple hroughou he area in Syria. Bu I mus also consider ha he

    is he head o a sae, and ha sae is a big sae, and he eels ha

    sae should have a decision-making role in he world,” he said.

    “And we have o deal wih him. And i’s no ha you ignore him or

    cas him off as a megalomaniac. He has a vision o he world and a

    sraegy o pu ha vision in place.”

    By hosing Assad in Moscow, Turki said, Puin sen a mes-

    sage o he region ha anyone who wishes o ous Assad mus go

    hrough him. Puin may no be sincere when he says he wans o

    figh he Islamic Sae, bu he U.S.-led coaliion has no commi-ed he resources necessary or he mission eiher, he said.

    While Russia paricipaes in he new U.S.-led discussions over

    Syria, i is simulaneously sriking side deals wih U.S. allies o

    urher is miliary presence here, which he U.S. governmen

    has called counerproducive. …

    Reired Gen. Jack Keane esified las week ha Moscow is

    beting on U.S. inacion. …

    Israel Premier Orders Review of Saus for Eas Jerusalem

    Associated Press | October 26

    P M B N o he saus o cerain Palesinian neighborhoods in Eas

    Jerusalem, an official confirmed Monday, a decision ha could

    poenially srip ens o housands o Palesinians o heir Israeli

    residency righs.

    Such a move is unlikely o overcome Israeli legal hurdles, bu

    he very prospec has unnerved Palesinians in he ciy. The

    review comes afer weeks o Israeli-Palesinian violence, much o

    i concenraed in Eas Jerusalem, he secion o he ciy claimed

    by he Palesinians or heir uure capial. Many o he Palesin-

    ian atackers involved in deadly assauls came rom Eas Jerusa-

    lem neighborhoods. Any move o change he saus o he ciy’s

    Palesinians would hreaen unleashing new unres and draw

    inernaional condemnaions.The curren round o violence began las monh wih clashes

    a Jerusalem’s mos sensiive holy sie, a hillop compound in he

    Old Ciy ha is revered by Jews and Muslims. The clashes quicklyspread o oher areas o Eas Jerusalem, across Israel and ino he

    Wes Bank and Gaza Srip. …

    The Israeli official said ha Neanyahu recenly ordered a

    review o Palesinian neighborhoods locaed ouside o Israel’s

    Wes Bank separae barrier. Roughly one hird o he ciy’s Pal-

    esinian populaion, abou 100,000 people, lives ouside he bar-


    Israel capured Eas Jerusalem and he Wes Bank rom Jor-

    dan in he 1967 Mideas war. I immediaely annexed Eas Jeru-

    salem as par o is capial in a move ha has never been inerna-

    ionally recognized. …

    Neanyahu has said he curren wave o violence is he resul

    o Palesinian inciemen. Bu Palesinians say i is he resul oyears o Israeli occupaion, ailed peace effors and dwindling

    hopes o ever gaining independence. …

    Can he EU Play a Role in Taming Israeli-Palesinian Violence?

    EU Observer | October 26

    T, EU , F M,

    will add her weigh o inernaional effors o conain and

    ulimaely deescalae he laes wave o Israeli-Palesinian vio-

    lence when she welcomes Palesinian [Auhoriy] Presiden Mah-

    moud Abbas o Brussels.

    A he op o her agenda will be o explore concree seps ha

    can be aken by all sides o calm ensions on he ground and

    hopeully reinjec some confidence in he healh o he moribund

    wo-sae soluion.

    For Mogherini, his will be an opporuniy o posiion Europe

    as an increasingly indispensable player in effors o solve he

    long-running Israeli-Palesinian conflic by porraying EU insi-

    uions as working in andem wih U.S. Secreary John Kerry,

    who has been holding his own se o alks wih regional leaders.

    I comes a a ime in which he EU and is member saes have

    shown increasing signs o diplomaic acivism designed o unlock

    Israeli-Palesinian negoiaions, wheher hrough he Unied

    Naions Securiy Council, in he orm o European parliamenary

    suppor or Palesinian recogniion, or effors o exclude Israeli

    setlemens rom EU-Israel bilaeral agreemens.

    Despie he inheren poenial in his kind o European diplo-

    macy and he considerable expecaions buil over he las year,

    2015 has been a wased opporuniy o fill he diplomaic vac-

    uum lef by U.S. disengagemen ollowing he collapse o Kerry’s

    peace-making effors in April 2014. …

    European effors mus … be geared owards changing Israeli

    public opinion. …

    “Why Europe’s meddling in he Middle Eas? Why  is apparen

    Palesinian bias? Given 20h-cenury hisory, why is i no

    more careful o be evenhanded? … The well-known prophecy

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    of an end-ime “abominaion of desolaion” (i.e. Mathew 24:15)

    is describing a European “peacekeeping” army moving ino

    Israel—mos likely a he inviaion of he Jews! “And when ye

    shall see Jerusalem compassed wih armies, hen know ha

    he desolaion hereof is nigh” (Luke 21:20). … And wha will ap-

    pear o be Jerusalem’s ulimae salvaion will suddenly become

    Israel’s bloodies holocaus!”

    “The Counterfeit Peacemaker ,” Trumpet, August 2001

    Former Iran Leader Said o Admi Counry Pursued Nukes

    Times of Israel | October 28

    A  I counry’s nuclear program was sared wih he inen o

    building a nuclear weapon, Iranian dissidens said.

    The repored commens by Hashemi Rasanjani o he sae-run

    news agency would appear o mark he firs ime a op Iranian

    official—curren or ormer—has said he counry sough a nuclear

    weapon, in conravenion o repeaed assurances by he regime ha

    is enrichmen program is and always has been peaceul. …

    Rasanjani said he program was begun while he counry was

    a war wih Iraq in he 1980s wih he express consen and paric-

    ipaion o Ayaollah Ali Khamenei, according o .

    “Our basic docrine was peaceul usage o he nuclear ech-

    nology alhough we never abandoned he idea ha i one day we

    are hreaened and i is imperaive, we would have he capabiliyor going he oher pah [o nuclear weapon] as well,” Rasanjani

    reporedly said.

    According o he , Rasanjani’s commens are anamoun

    o admiting ha he counry is sill pursuing a nuclear weapon,

    hough ha asserion was no borne ou by he group’s ransla-

    ion o he inerview.

    “The saemen by Rasanjani is an unequivocal esimony o

    he ac ha he Iranian regime, rom he onse unil presen, andunder direc supervision o Khamenei and Rasanjani, has been

    in search o he nuclear weapon and has never abandoned i,”

    said in a saemen. …

    [Rasanjani] is now considered a moderae close o he reorm-

    is camp. …

    He said he and Khamenei, who was a he ime a poliician and

    close confidan o Ayaollah Ruhollah Khomeini, boh wen o

    Pakisan o explore he issue afer he oubreak o war wih Iraq

    and a ailed bombing o Iraq’s Osirak nuclear aciliy.

    “Those years, we were all hinking ha we should arm our-

    selves wih deerren elemens since he war was no abou o

    end and in our deensive policies we had he word o Imam [Kho-

    meini] in mind ha he war may las 20 years,” he said.

    “Iran’s prophesied push has already sared. America isn’

    going o sop i. Jus wach. I’s going o keep geting more

    provocaive, more aggressive, more volaile and violen. Unil

    i ends in war.”

    “Iran Wants War. It Is About to Get One.”, Jan. 4, 2012

    Russian Warships May Be Shuting Ou Israel’s Air Force Access o Syria

    Business Insider | October 26

    T I A F ()  . …Over he years, he has become more echnologically

    advanced and is now an imporan par o our naional securiy.

    Bu above all, i has become an imporan elemen o our spe-

    cial operaions, providing our orces wih he abiliy o reach ar,

    silenly and in deadly ashion.

    Operaions such as OP Babylon—bombing an Iraqi nuclear

    plan—or Operaion Orchard were imporan milesones in

    progression and developmen. Is repuaion has since helped he

    Jewish counry rule he sky in a manner ha offers us reedom

    o acion, even in such a complex conflic as he Syrian civil war.

    Bu wih he recen developmens in Syria, he Russians work-

    ing o esablish a sronger presence in he region, i is likely ha

    he era o he crossing borders as i merely walking over a

    sidewalk is nearly over.

    The Russian Navy’s Black Sea flagship, he guided missile

    cruiser Moscow—or Moskva “glory” —lef rom Sevasopol in

    Crimea Sepember 24, according o Russian sae-conrolled

    media. I is currenly locaed o he wes o Laakia, in wesern

    Syria. …

    By posiioning he Moskva, a cruiser armed wih S-300 mis-

    siles, wes o Laakia, he Russians have endangered he ’s

    avorie corridor o fligh ino Syria. The has no sealh

    capabiliies o circumven his ani-access/area denial—A2/

    AD—bubble, nor any oher air orce in he area.Russian Presiden Vladimir Puin managed o do in several

    days wha U.S. Presiden Barack Obama ailed o do in he las

    hree years: He’s creaed a rue no-fly zone.

    Puin’s acions suges, in my opinion, ha he’s willing o orce

    he coaliion and he Israel Air Force ino reporing and coor-

    dinaing heir flighs in he region—an ac I’m sure no one is in

    avor o or willing o comply wih.

    The Moskva carries an esimaed 64 S-300 missiles, according

    o oreign sources, and could inercep muliple arges up o 150

    miles away, making i a serious hrea in addiion o oher Rus-

    sian asses in he region.

    The presence o he Moskva essenially locks down Briish air

    asses in Cyprus, American F-16s in he souhern par o Turkey,

    and he Israeli Air Force, which likes o use ha paricular fligh

    corridor or peneraion ino Syria, or alernaively when flying

    over he wesern par o Lebanon. Any flighs in or around he

    counry will now be ricky or he o accomplish.

    Currenly, here’s a grea deal o disinormaion and propa-

    ganda on he web peraining o Russian aciviies in he region

    and heir osensibly benevolen operaions o rid he region o

    he likes o . …

    Bu one may no ignore realiy. Russian aciviies on he

    diplomaic field suges ha he Russians have inenionally

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    esablished heir own no-fly zones, creaing A2/AD bubbles in

    Syria hrough which no aircraf, unless sealh-capable, can


    The Russian Navy has reesablished is old Cold War base, Tar-

    us, on he wesern coas o Syria. Tha, along wih a Russian air-

    base in norhwesern Syria, ensures ha Russia can mainain

    seady supply roues ino Syria o suppor is miliary acions.

    Considering his and he sophisicaed air-deense capabil-

    iies he Russians have already deployed in Syria, perhaps he

    enire operaion is abou more han merely buoying Syrian Presi-

    den Bashar Assad’s regime in he shor erm. …

    The proposed American no-fly zone idea was mean o proec

    civilians. The Russian no-fly zone does he opposie and poses

    complicaions in lands beyond Syria. I proecs he Assad regime

    as i coninues o kill civilians. The more Obama allows he Rus-

    sian miliary o become involved in Syria, he more I suspec ha

    Obama has reconsidered orcing Assad ou o he game.





    Is War About to Break Out in the Balkans?James Lyon, Foreign Policy | October 26


    L R

    sian airsrikes agains U.S.-backed ani-Assad rebels in Syria

    and reugees flooding hrough he Balkans on heir way o Wes-

    ern Europe, a crisis is brewing in Bosnia-Herzegovina on he

    European Union’s souheas flank. And here, oo, Moscow has ahand in he mischie-making.

    November 21 marks he 20h anniversary o he Dayon peace

    agreemen, which ended 3½ years o brual war beween Serbs,

    Croas and Bosniaks. … The Dayon agreemen creaed wo highly

    auonomous eniies inside Bosnia: he Bosniak-Croa major-

    iy ederaion and he Serb majoriy Republika Srpska. Milorad

    Dodik, presiden o Republika Srpska, plans o rain on he Dayon

    anniversary parade by openly violaing he agreemen on Novem-

    ber 15 in a move ha many see as a hinly veiled independence


    The scheduled plebiscie has only one quesion: “Do you sup-

    por he unconsiuional and unauhorized imposiion o laws

    by he High Represenaive o he Inernaional Communiy in

    Bosnia and Herzegovina, paricularly he imposed laws on he

    Cour and Prosecuor’s Office o [Bosnia-Herzegovina] and he

    implemenaion o heir decisions on he erriory o Repub-

    lika Srpska?” Such a biased and leading quesion offers only one

    righ answer. The reerendum will give Dodik poliical and legal

    cover o order Republika Srpska insiuions—rom governmen

    adminisraors o ax collecors—o sop obeying sae cour

    orders, verdics and rulings, and o obsruc he work o he pros-

    ecuor’s office. … While he reerendum only addresses he judi-

    ciary, is desrucive inenions make i a de aco declaraion o

    independence. Les anyone doub Dodik’s inenions, in April he

    announced ha Republika Srpska will hold an independence re-

    erendum in 2018. …

    Throughou hese provocaions, Moscow has backed Repub-

    lika Srpska. The Russian ambassador o Bosnia, Pyor Ivansov,has saed ha he reerendum is an inernal mater or he coun-

    ry and has expressed his sympahy oward Republika Srpska

    complains over he sae judiciary. Russian ambassadors have

    been noable in heir reusal o suppor he inernaional com-

    muniy’s effors o sop Dodik’s atemps o ear Bosnia apar, as

    well as in heir opposiion o Bosnia’s EU and membership

    issues ha hey had earlier agreed o. … There is now even some

    quesion as o wheher Russia suppors he sovereigny and erri-

    orial inegriy o Bosnia.

    By backing Dodik, Puin is able o creae subsanial problems

    or he Wes wihou needing o inves resources or diplomaic

    energy. This patern should be amiliar. From Abkhazia in Geor-

    gia o Transnisria in Moldova o mos recenly Crimea and eas-

    ern Ukraine, Russia has sough o preven Wesern encroach-

    men in regions ha i hisorically viewed as is own, ye had los

    afer he all o he Berlin Wall. I seems ha i Moscow can’ con-

    rol a cerain erriory, hen i will op o creae a climae o insa-

    biliy ha prevens he EU, he Unied Saes and rom gain-

    ing a meaningul oohold. This holds rue or he Balkans, which

    Russia has radiionally viewed as is sphere o influence. As

    neighboring Monenegro now moves closer o membership,

    Moscow wishes o draw a line agains urher Wesern advances

    in he region.

  • 8/20/2019 TrumpetWeekly 2015-10-31

    7/12Trumpet Weekly | October , 7

    Officials who undersand Bosnia’s ragiliy are worried—and

    wih good reason. …

    The Bosniaks and Croas wen o war in 1992 o keep Bosnia

    ogeher, and here is no indicaion ha oday hey’d be willing o

    le Republika Srpska go wihou a figh. Should violence erup, i

    will be el across he Balkans. I could spill over o Kosovo, souh

    Serbia, Macedonia and he Muslim-majoriy Serbian region o

    Sandzak. And spillover rom Bosnia could disrup ongoing alks

    beween Belgrade and Prisina over he normalizaion o rela-

    ions. I could bring a reurn o he ehnic cleansing o he 1990s

    and renewed reugee flows. I could also radicalize Bosnia’s mod-

    erae Muslims, who are under growing pressure rom exremis

    Gul elemens, risking he creaion o an angry, Muslim-majoriy

    minisae direcly on he EU’s border. …

    Greece’s Bailout Deal With Europe Is Starting to Show CracksDavid Francis, Foreign Policy | October 27

    T E U G

    he €86 billion euros, or $95 billion, bailou ha Ahens

    needs o say solven is beginning o show signs o srain, wih

    crediors hreaening o delay an Ocober paymen as Greek

    Prime Miniser Alexis Tsipras srugles o implemen promised

    auseriy reorms.

    On Monday, Valdis Dombrovskis, a senior European Com-mission official charged wih assessing how well Greece is abid-

    ing by is Augus commimens, said ha he EU and Greece sill

    disagree on how o oughen oreclosure laws. Righ now, an esi-

    maed 320,000 Greeks are in arrears, or behind in heir home

    loan paymens. This represens abou 40 percen o all Greek

    home loans.

    Tsipras’s governmen wans cover or borrowers wih homes

    worh up o €300,000, or $331,185, and who earn up o €35,000, or

    $38,638, per year. Tha would accoun or abou 75 percen o he

    loans now in arrears. According o he lefis Greek governmen,

    he EU’s counerproposal—proecion or homes worh up o jus

    €120,000 euros, or $132,474—would leave 80 percen o he Greek

    borrowers who are behind on home paymens a risk o losingheir homes o oreclosure.

    The growing oreclosure rif is he laes o srain he deal

    beween Greece and is crediors. … According o a Tuesday

    repor in he German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung,  Tsipras

    has ollowed hrough on only 14 o he 48 reorms he promised or

    a hird, €86 billion, or $95 billion, bailou he agreed o in Augus.

    The paper also repored ha Ahen’s European crediors plan o

    hold back an Ocober paymen o $3.32 billion. …

    “There is growing concern in Berlin and among oher credi-

    ors ha reorms are already beginning o slide in Ahens,” Muj-

    aba Rahman, head o he Eurasia Group’s European pracice,

    said Tuesday. “This was expeced nex year, bu he ac i is hap-pening now is an indicaion o jus how challenging he siuaion

    remains wih Greece.” …

    Perhaps even more pressing is a planned €25 billion bailou

    paymen o recapialize Greek banks, which are badly in need o

    cash afer exended closures, daily-cash-wihdrawal limis, and

    emergency measures designed o keep money in Greece his pas

    summer. This, oo, depends on wheher Greece can deliver he

    ax increase and privaizaion o public asses is governmen

    agreed o.

    Looming over all o his is he Inernaional Moneary Fund.

    The said i would no paricipae in he bailou unless Greece,

    plagued by years o anemic economic growh and unemploymen

    a 25 percen, delivers he reorms i has promised; officialsare currenly in Greece reviewing is progress. chie Chris-

    ine Lagarde wans some o Greece’s deb o be orgiven, some-

    hing Germany says is illegal. Lawmakers in Berlin have warned

    hey migh no paricipae in uure bailous wihou he on

    board. …


    Austria plans Slovenia border fence: Ausria is looking o

    conrol he flood o migrans by building a ence a he main

    border crossing wih Slovenia. The ence will no close he bor-

    der bu will aid in mainaining beter conrol o migrans, he

    Ausrian Chancellor said Wednesday. The decision comes afer

    85,000 reugees flowed ino Slovenia in he las 10 days afer Hun-

    gary closed is border wih Croaia. The plan has drawn criicism

    rom Angela Merkel who is working o keep reedom o ravel in

    Europe. Ausria’s barrier will be he firs beween wo members

    o he documen-ree ravel area in Europe.

    Germany still in northern Iraq: German Deense Miniser

    Ursula von der Leyen on Tuesday reaffirmed her coun-

    ry’s commimen o raining Peshmerga fighers as par o an

    inernaional effor o comba he Islamic Sae. Von der Leyen

    made he remarks on a visi o Iraq’s semi-auonomous Kurd-

    ish region where she me wih he Presiden o Iraq’s Kurdisan

    Region, Masoud Barzani. Since he beginning o he war agains

    he Islamic Sae, he Kurdish Peshmerga fighers have been seen

    as he mos effecive ground fighing orce. Germany has so ar

    rained 4,700 Peshmerga and batalion o Yazidi Chrisian figh-

    ers. Berlin’s decision o send is soldiers ino norhern Iraq in lae

    2014 is he firs ime since World War ha German soldiers have

    conribued o a war effor wihou a Unied Naions mandae.

    The end of Merkel: Financial Times  journalis Gideon Rach-

    man posed an aricle his week iled “The End o he Merkel

    Era Is Wihin Sigh.” Rachman wries ha he reugee crisis in

  • 8/20/2019 TrumpetWeekly 2015-10-31

    8/12Trumpet Weekly | October , 8

    Germany “is likely o spell he end o he Merkel era.” German

    Chancellor Angela Merkel has aced skepicism—even by mem-

    bers o her own pary—abou how she is handling he migran

    crisis. Germans are used o seeing a Merkel who is “calm and

    in conrol,” wries Rachman. However, he reugee crisis has

    revealed anoher side o Ms. Merkel. Prior o he migran crisis,

    Germany was in a “golden era,” Rachman wroe. Merkel had won

    hree successive vicories, was popular in Germany, and was he

    dominan poliical figure in Europe. Germany experienced peace

    and prosperiy, “all while keeping he roubles o he world a a

    sae disance.” The migran crisis, however, has brough he prob-

    lems o he world righ o he doorseps o many Germans. Rach-

    man wries ha regardless o Merkel’s ae, “he reugee crisis

    marks a urning poin.”


    Russia and China: Beware the Budding Eurasian Colossus?National Interest | October 25


    [R] P V P

    a keeping he Wes off balance wih his Syrian gambi

    also raises he urgency o undersanding he rajecory o heChina-Russia relaionship. For years, Wesern analyss have sug-

    gesed ha he Moscow-Beijing ie could no amoun o much

    because i is widely regarded as purely a relaionship o conve-

    nience suffused wih muual suspicion. … Bu Wesern sraegiss

    are, neverheless, righ o wach his relaionship closely since a

    major srenghening o Russia-China relaions could develop ino

    he Eurasian “colossus” (albei wih wo capials raher han one)

    ha geopoliics gurus have long warned abou.

    Signs o a seadily enhancing Russia-China parnership are

    quie readily visible. Reciprocal visis by he wo presidens o

    observe one anoher’s vicory celebraions (and he conspicuous

    lack o Wesern leaders a eiher even) seemed o demonsrae

    a shared conemporary isolaion as well as he common hisoryo suffering caasrophic losses in he enormous conflagraion o

    he Second World War. …

    A recen aricle in he presigious Chinese miliary journal

    China Military Science highlighs ha shared hisory in exploring

    “China-Sovie Union Cooperaion During he World Ani-Fascis

    War.” In a chaper o World War ha is rarely discussed in he

    Wes, his aricle explains ha Moscow did impressively provide

    China wih almos 1,000 aircraf (and accompanying voluneer

    pilos) in he our years afer he Nanjing Massacre in December

    1937. …

    While ha hisory is indeed ineresing and relevan, he ocus

    o his … is insead on he conemporary China-Russia relaion-

    ship. … This Chinese analysis demonsraes a keen awareness

    ha Wesern analyss are now seriously concerned les he rela-

    ionship evolves ino a ull-up “miliary-poliical alliance.” … The

    Chinese auhor observes, moreover, ha he Wes is always aim-ing o “use China o pin down Russia and o employ Russia o pin

    down China ….”

    Waching Puin’s Syrian sraegy unold, along wih all he

    relaed Wesern perurbaions, many Chinese diplomas are sure

    o advocae or ha mos classic o Chinese sraagem: Si on he

    mounain and wach he igers figh.

    However, Wesern analyss may ye be oo skepical regarding

    he developmen o Russia-China relaions. As sugesed above,

    various periods in hisory have seen very high levels o Chi-

    na-Russian collaboraion, o include—les we orge—he very

    ounding o he Chinese Communis Pary. I is no a all clear, as

    is ofen sugesed, ha anagonism is he “naural sae” o affairs

    in China-Russia relaions. The dual combinaion o he “rebal-ance,” in andem wih he Wes’s sill evolving sraegic response

    o he Ukraine crisis, may ye prove sufficien o solidiy a geopo-

    liically significan Eurasian counerpoise.

    “The Trumpet  and is predecessor have forecas [he Rus-

    sia-China axis] for more han five decades, bu now he world is

    caching on o his undeniable rend—and realizing he massive

    implicaions. … We’ve been looking for his seismic geopoliical

    even for half a cenury. And now, somewha suddenly, i has

    arrived. … The Russia-China axis is no longer merely a fore-

    cas. It is here, and i is changing he world.”

    “The Russia-China Axis Is Here,” Trumpet, January 2015

     A New Cold War Deep Under the Sea?Adm. Jim Stavridis | October 28


    under he sea. Well over 95 percen o everyhing moving on

    he global Inerne passes hrough 200 or so highly acive cables,

    some as deep underwaer as Moun Everes is all. On a nor-

    mal day, ha inormaion is sae and sound, humming along he

    proeced fiber-opic srands upon which moves he inormaion

    ha is he backbone o he world’s economy.

    Bu recen repors by a variey o sources indicae renewed

    ineres by Russian submarine orces in surveillance o hose

    cables, including deailed monioring and argeing o he sysem.

  • 8/20/2019 TrumpetWeekly 2015-10-31

    9/12Trumpet Weekly | October , 9

    The acical reasons or doing so are plain: in he case o heigh-

    ened ensions, access o he underwaer cable sysem represens

    a rich rove o inelligence, a poenial major disrupion o an ene-

    my’s economy and a symbolic ches hump or he Russian Navy.

    Placing he submarine aciviy in he larger conex o Rus-

    sian geopoliical sraegy, i is possible o see he broader raio-

    nale or hese moves a his momen. Firs, such acions play

    well o a domesic Russian audience ha wans o see Russia as

    he global counerweigh o he U.S. Russian Presiden VladimirPuin above all else craves respec, and his acions—rom invad-

    ing Georgia o annexing Crimea o muscling ino Syria on he

    side o he reprehensible Assad regime o acive surveillance—

    enhance his inernaional imporance and profile. …

    Second, hese ypes o high ech, delicae and complex

    undersea maneuvers consiue imporan raining and prepara-

    ion or he Russian Navy. …

    Addiionally, he underwaer maneuvers are a signal o he

    U.S. and is allies, much like he oher recen agressive inerna-

    ional moves coming rom Moscow. Russia is reaching or many

    oher Cold War ools as well, including agressive long-range

    bomber parols above naions (paricularly he Balic saes)

    and building up significan miliary capabiliy in he Arcic. …

    [W]ha we should do in response o Russian behavior aroundhe world, including repors o underwaer cable surveillance?

    We mus avoid sumbling backwards ino a new Cold War. …

    Despie hese undamenal weaknesses, under Puin, he

    Russians will reach or Cold War ools in an effor o prove heir

    global relevance. …

    Puin Wans o Ax Dollar From Russian Trade 

    RT | October 28

    R P V P men or urning a blind eye on U.S. dollar paymens in he

    domesic oil rade. …

    Puin also sressed he imporance o no using he U.S. dol-

    lar in inernaional rade, a goal ha has been on he Kremlin’s

    agenda since he deerioraion o relaions wih he U.S. over

    Ukraine. …

    “Reserve currency saus … gives America special privileges

    and enormous power. I les Americans borrow money a

    lower raes han heir Asian and European counerpars. Isubsidizes heir sandard of living. … When economic rouble

    srikes, America is able o crank up he prining presses and

    flood he economy wih dollars—and he world has litle choice

    bu o keep acceping hem and using hem. … Biblical proph-

    ecy is explici in forecasing America’s decline. … The ground-

     work for ha world is being laid oday. The blows o America’s

    economic migh are descending rapidly and forcibly. Brace

     yourself: A new economic age is abou o begin.”

    “Deathblow to the Dollar ,” Trumpet, July 2015

     Angry China Shadows U.S. Warshi p Near Man-made Islands

    Reuters | October 28

    C W U.S.

    sile desroyer close o one o Beijing’s man-made islands in

    he dispued Souh China Sea, saying i had racked and warned

    he ship and called in he U.S. ambassador o proes.

    The Lassen’s parol on Tuesday was he mos significan

    U.S. challenge ye o he 12-nauical-mile erriorial limis China

    claims around arificial islands i has buil in he Spraly archi-

    pelago. …

    The U.S. desroyer sailed wihin 12 nauical miles o Subi Ree,

    one o seven arificial islands buil up by China in he pas year.

    A Chinese guided-missile desroyer and a naval parol ship

    shadowed and gave warnings o he U.S. warship “according o

    law,” China’s Deense Minisry said.

    The U.S. parol was a “coercive acion ha seeks o miliarize

    he Souh China Sea region” and an “abuse” o reedom o naviga-

    ion under inernaional law, i said. …

    The U.S. deense official said he Lassen was ollowed a a

    sae disance by a Chinese ship and no incidens were repored

    during he 72-mile passage.

    “I would expec ha his becomes a regular operaion in

    he Souh China Sea,” he official said. “This ype o operaion

    shouldn’ be seen as provocaive.” …

    China’s Vice Foreign Miniser Zhang Yesui summoned

    U.S. Ambassador Max Baucus, elling him ha he parol was

    “exremely irresponsible,” he Foreign Minisry said. I said ear-

    lier he Lassen “illegally” enered waers near islands and

    rees in he Spralys.

    Foreign Minisry spokesman Lu Kang old a daily briefing on

    Tuesday ha i he Unied Saes coninued o “creae ensions

    in he region,” China migh conclude i had o “increase and

    srenghen he building up o our relevan abiliies.” …

    Under he UN Convenion on he Law o he Sea, 12-naui-

    cal-mile limis canno be se around man-made islands buil on

    previously submerged rees. …

    Securiy expers have said Washingon’s reedom-o-naviga-

    ion parols would have o be regular o be effecive, given Chi-

    nese ambiions o projec power deep ino mariime Souheas

    Asia and beyond. …

    Washingon worries ha China has buil up is ouposs wih

    he aim o exending is miliary reach in he Souh China Sea.

    China says hey will have mainly civilian uses and undefined

    deense purposes.

  • 8/20/2019 TrumpetWeekly 2015-10-31

    10/12Trumpet Weekly | October , 10

    China’s Miliary Buil Wih Cloned Weapons

    USNI News | October 26

    … A C

    o a disconcering degree is he manuacure o

    weapon sysems. China’s expanding miliary and growing asser-

    iveness has been bolsered by weapons cloned rom he arse-

    nals o oher counries. Bleeding edge U.S. aircraf including he

    Lockheed Marin F-35 Join Srike Figher and Norhrop Grum-man X-47B unmanned comba air vehicle have Chinese couner-

    pars ha are remarkably similar. Some o he echnology used in

    hese designs was almos cerainly acquired hrough a vigorous

    Chinese cyberspying campaign.

    U.S. Deense officials have saed ha Chinese miliary hack-

    ers underaking “echnical reconnaissance” have succeeded

    in pilering highly classified echnical documens on a number

    o occasions. The sensiive echnical daa ha is known o have

    been compromised is now eviden in he laes versions o several

    Chinese weapons.

    Officials also suspec ha China has managed o obain valu-

    able echnical advances by making backroom deals wih U.S.

    allies ha bough American weapons. …

    I is no only American weapon designs and echnology hahave been solen and replicaed by he Chinese. Russia has a

    imes served as China’s unwiting research and developmen

    deparmen. …

    [S]everal U.S. miliary and indusry officials have expressed

    concern ha he ongoing sophisicaed cyberespionage cam-

    paign will allow China o rapidly improve heir arsenal and even

    soon produce aircraf ha will mach all aspecs o U.S. fifh-gen-

    eraion fighers like he F-22 and F-35. …

    Japan Waches Russian Miliary Bases on Kurils

    VOA News | October 29

    R ,

    including one on he Kuril Islands. The Sovie Union seized

    he islands rom Japan a he end o World War . The proposed

    bases are a small par o Russian effors o increase and proec

    rade wih Asian economies. …

    Russia’s miliary spending has increased by $600 billion over

    he pas 10 years. The Russian Navy’s Pacific Flee is made up o

    73 vessels: 50 warships and 23 submarines. In recen years, Rus-

    sia has been developing closer ies wih China.

    Boh Japan and Russia know he imporance o he Kurils. …

    IMF Said o Give China Srong Signs of Reserve-Currency Nod

    Bloomberg News | October 23


    I M F [] 

    old China ha he yuan is likely o join he und’s baske o

    reserve currencies soon, according o Chinese officials wih

    knowledge o he mater, a move ha may make more counries

    comorable using he uni or including i in heir oreign-ex-

    change holdings.

    The has given Chinese officials srong signals in meeings

    ha he yuan is likely o win inclusion in he curren review o

    he Special Drawing Righs, he und’s uni o accoun, said hree

    people who asked no o be idenified because he alks were pri-

    vae. Chinese officials are so confiden o winning approval ha

    hey have begun preparing saemens o celebrae he decision,

    according o wo people. …

    Winning he ’s endorsemen would validae effors by

    Presiden Xi Jinping o push hrough policies aimed a making

    he world’s second-biges economy more marke oriened,

    boosing China’s presige as i prepares o hos Group o 20

    gaherings nex year. A leas $1 rillion o global reserves will

    conver o Chinese asses i he yuan joins he ’s reserve bas-

    ke, according o Sandard Charered Plc and Invesmen

    Managers. …

    saus is significan as “a seal o approval” rom he

    ha he yuan is indeed an inernaionalized currency, ana-

    lyss said in May. …

    The U.S. ook a sep oward backing China’s bid las

    monh, when i sofened is insisence ha he Chinese imple-

    men financial reorms o win suppor. The U.S. now says i will

    suppor inclusion o he yuan i i demonsraes i mees he ’s

    echnical crieria. …

    Russia o Honor S-400 Missile Defense Sysems Conrac Wih China on Time 

    Sputnik News | October 27

    R , R,

    honor is conrac wih China on he delivery o S-400

    missile deense sysems, Rosoboronexpor General Direcor

    Anaoly Isaikin said Tuesday. …

  • 8/20/2019 TrumpetWeekly 2015-10-31

    11/12Trumpet Weekly | October , 11


    Habakkuk: Wonder Marvelously Gerald Flurry, The Key of David | October 30

    More han 2,500 years ago, he Prophe Habakkuk warned o

    nuclear winer in his end ime. Ye he was filled wih hope.

    How can you develop his hope in your lie?

    Get Ready: People Are Trying to Normalize PedophiliaJoel Hilliker | October 28


    A major argumen o he homosexual lobby is ha same-

    sex atracion is geneically deermined—ha people are born 

    homosexual. Because ha is he case, he argumen ollows, hen

    i you say homosexualiy is wrong, you are as haeul and bigoedas i you were condemning someone or heir skin color.

    Homosexual aciviss decry any effor o change someone’s

    sexual orienaion as morally reprehensible. Afer all, how can

     you try to change someone from his genetic destiny? They believe

    ha he morally right hing is a ull, unresriced expression o

    ha supposed inborn endency.

    Well, if  geneics do deermine moraliy, ha noion has some

    serious implicaions.

    Today’s homosexual special ineres jugernau sared as a

    small movemen. Now, here is anoher small movemen ha is

    growing sronger—a movemen ha wans o exend his same

    kind o moraliy-is-geneic argumen o a new group o people:

     pedophiles, people who are sexually atraced o children.Michael L. Brown, auhor o he book A Queer Thing Happened

    to America,  wroe his in he Christian Post:  “[S]ome psychia-

    ric leaders who were insrumenal in removing homosexualiy

    rom he American Psychiaric Associaion’s lis o menal disor-

    ders in 1973 have been fighing o remove pedophilia as a disor-

    der as well, no o jusiy he abuse o children bu raher o say

    ha being sexually atraced o children is no a menal disorder”

    (Sepember 28).

    “Scieniss a he [Cener or Menal Healh and Addicion in

    Torono] have uncovered a series o associaions ha suges pedo-

    philia has biological roos,” he Los Angeles Times repors, adding

    ha more and more people are aking he view ha pedophilia is “a

    sexual orienaion as immuable as heerosexualiy or homosexu-

    aliy.” …

    In his book, Michael Brown documens how he main argu-

    mens ha have successully normalized homosexualiy are now

    supporing he normalizaion o pedophilia. The Christian Post 

    repor liss eigh o hem:

    Pedophilia is innae and immuable; people are born his way

    and canno change.

    Pederasy is richly atesed in many differen culures hrough-

    ou hisory.

    The claim ha adul-child sexual relaionships cause harm is

    grealy oversaed and ofen compleely inaccurae.

    Consensual adul-child sex can acually be beneficial o he


    Pederasy should no be classified as a menal disorder, since

    i does no cause disress o he pederas o have hese desiresand since he pederas can uncion as a normal, conribuing

    member o sociey.

    Many o he illusrious homosexuals o he pas were acually


    People are agains iner-generaional inimacy because o

    aniquaed social sandards and purianical sexual phobias.

    This is all abou love and equaliy and liberaion.

    Look again a each o hose argumens and replace pedophilia

    or  pederasty wih homosexuality.  This is exacly he line o rea-

    soning ha has successully normalized and vauned homosex-


    You migh hink, That practice could never become legal, let

    alone popular. Bu in 2005, how many people hough hey’d eversee he Whie House bahed in he colors o he homosexual flag?

    Wih pedophilia, however, here is a wis o he argumen. I

    isn’ simply, We’re born this way, so don’t judge us. They add his:

     And don’t worry—we’re not a threat to your children. 

    This is he argumen ha appeared in a Sepember 21 Salon.

    com aricle headlined, “I’m a Pedophile, Bu No a Monser.”

    In anoher example, his pas Sunday’s ediion o Briish paper

    he Independent  conained an aricle by a prominen psychol-

    ogis, Dr. Glenn Wilson. The ile: “No All Pedophiles Are Bad

    People—We Need o Have a Sense o Proporion.” The aricle

    reads: “In my sudies o he Pedophile Inormaion Exchange in

    he 1980s, many members admited sexual eelings or children

    which hey had been able o conain or urn o social good. Some

    graviaed oward occupaions such as schooleacher or social

    worker, where hey could enjoy he company o children wihou

    ploting abuse. … I is possible o be atraced o children as a sex-

    ual orienaion wihou acing upon hose desires.”

    Ask yoursel: Does he idea ha pedophiles won’ necessarily

    ac on heir desire o have sex wih children comor you? Would

    you suppor a pedophile who wans o be your child’s eacher or

    social worker so he can “enjoy he company o children”? Does i

    reassure you ha “i is possible” o be atraced o children wih-

    ou acing on ha?

  • 8/20/2019 TrumpetWeekly 2015-10-31


    Bu hink abou his: I geneics deermine moraliy, then why

    would it be wrong for a pedophile to gratify his desires? 

    How does i make sense o label a “born ha way” pedophile

    who ulfills his desires a “monser”—bu hen o say ha a “born

    ha way” homosexual should  ulfill his desires and even marry,

    because he was “born ha way”?

    In ruh, i i is wrong o condone pedophilia despie some

    people supposedly being born wih i, hen i is also wrong o jus-

    iy homosexualiy or ha reason.You can’ have i boh ways. Eiher geneics deermines moral-

    iy or i doesn’.

    And he ruh is— .

    Here’s anoher hing o ask yoursel. This new wave o aciviss

    is rying o ge us o sympahize wih hose who have romanic

    eelings or children bu do no ac on hem. Do you really hink

    ha’s hey are rying o do? Jus o feel compassion or celibate

     pedophiles? I you hink ha is where his rend is going o sop,

    wake up. You know absoluely nohing abou his group o people.


      Follow Joel Hilliker

    DETroi Public Schools: 93% No Proficien in Reading; 96% No Proficien in Mah

    cns News | October 28

    I D ,

    graders are no proficien in mahemaics, and 93 percen are

    no proficien in reading.

    Tha is according o he resuls o he 2015 Naional Assess-men o Educaional Progress ess published by he Deparmen

    o Educaion’s Naional Cener or Educaional Saisics.

    Only 4 percen o Deroi public school eighh graders are

    proficien or beter in mah and only 7 percen in reading. …

    According o daa published by he Deroi Public Schools, he

    school disric’s operaing expenses in he fiscal year ha ended

    on June 30, 2014, amouned o approximaely $14,743 per suden.Naionwide, only 33 percen o public-school eighh graders

    scored proficien or beter in reading in 2015, and only 32 percen

    scored proficien or beter in mahemaics. …

    75% of Populaion Growh Since 2000 From Immigraion, 100 Million More by 2065

    Washington Examiner | October 27

    T U S

    immigrans over he nex 50 years, driven by a huge spur o

    legally-admited “spouses” who can hen sponsor oreign amily

    members o become Americans, according o a comprehensive

    new immigraion repor.In he period 2010-2019, he U.S. is now projeced o process

    he larges number o legal immigrans in U.S. hisory, over 10

    million, said he repor published by Negaive Populaion Growh

    Inc. And hree quarers o he U.S. populaion growh his cen-

    ury has come rom immigraion, said he repor.

    “Immigraion, couning boh new admissions and birhs

    o immigran women, was responsible or hree ourhs o he

    growh in our populaion his cenury. I curren rends coninue,

    immigraion will add anoher 100 million people o he Unied

    Saes in he nex 50 years,” said he repor.

    Auhor Jessica Vaughan, he direcor o Policy Sudies a he

    Cener or Immigraion Sudies, said ha mos o he legal immi-graion is driven by amilies due o rules ha essenially provide

    an open door or parens and spouses o U.S. ciizens. …

    Also, he number o spouses legally allowed ino he Unied

    Saes has jumped rom 196,000 in 2000 o 415,000 oday. “This

    caegory also can riger chain migraion, as he new spouses can

    qualiy or ciizenship and he righ o sponsor heir amily mem-

    bers more quickly han oher immigrans,” added he repor. …

    Remember the Sabbath Day, To Keep it Holy Stephen Flurry,

    Trumpet Daily | October 30

    Why did God se apar he Sabbah as “holy”?

    Follow Sephen Flurry