LOZLL 1OTICES. P ARISH OF O!tLEAANM-Court of Prohates- The State of Louisiana, To all whom these pre- eOtiO Iy onnoern oreetineg - ot ye Ihna HENItY WILLIAM 'PAIFREY, a t of th- city of New irleate, ho npplid to me, - inter o'f Wll, In end for the palriah and city ,f rleani aforeaeid, fir a olintitieo or AdvertiemOent, nformily to an Act of the Legialature of the rtiler, led, "An Act fir the. further aseuron ce of titles to inres at judicial eates;" approved the the enth day of ch, 18:14. 1O i'CK81 is hIolehv given, to all whel it may conternt, et by virtue o1 and in obedience to a decree of lale em said Cort oef 'rohbates, rendered and eisited by oeent, on the 4th November, 1839, in the metter of e stlccession of Charles LI.nt Gtlernier, in soit enumer 15, entit'ed" It. W. Palfrey verset E'stale of Cite. . Garnier and Madam oarlder," which decree of Rale a grnnteton rule tkenn on tllhe nolth Octeter, 1t.39, * the abiverentitled cane, ly siid plaillntiff agnlust tile efendant; Mrre. fophle Vienuie, idlow, in coem iunity I said (:harle Louis Gtarner, tnld natural tetix to her -inrchild Jeann Jaques Gamier; as nteofter the pub- icationsand advertllusnenll required by Ianv, the tIie ilter of Wills aforesmid, did, on the sventh dlay of ember, fnr thouenaln eight hnedred and t'irts nlie, ,opodO ftlr pehlic sale by ausOtion at the Cityv Fxehtnge In St. I.ouiestreet, hetween Chalrtesa and Iilivet street., for what it did fetc.h, tihe following detsried landed prerpert,• to wit: D rfl iiptioo otF the property, as given in the Judicial Caonveyance. Two certint lots of gratnd, adininltg each other, together witn all the hulildilts and ilprovements there- on rights, privlleger, eantoms, ways, servitudes andt ap- pllrtenaneeo thlereunto helnnellng eer in tnyaise apper. lining, eiltoate in the eqeenre bh..tle : by Groaver, Ut- ranna Unionl and frr.delet streetse. in the feuolmtre aint Mary above this city, and delienatel by the nsum- brres tllirltee and fotrteen a et certain IIn dr ltwe bv Louis irinsier, Eq. sorveyr gnrlertl, ote sleet 1th tI. csamber ltS, anddetlncitdl in tile offee tef II. It, Crelan, E~q. ntany ptblic, for refere•cer, said klt nunmler thir teeo mennetrin twenty five feet font olt Grnvier street and twenty five feet in the rear, lt a derih of Iinety even feet'ftor twecehe ansd cor tilies, on tihe iile dlvieI- ins it from lot numbertwelve, slcd of ninety eight feet eght inline and two-limer, o tile ole iter id line .i- iing it from number fourteen, lotnd said lot ltttmb,r ouonesn meentndg tsaventy.live frt f o an e ,treid G rvier ret and twenlv five het in wilthl in the reer, by a pth ofnioety ieght feeL eight ietrhes nll tavo linee on i" line dlididine it frem nidleot nanher fertern, atd nee hundred fee son the ppnite eri tide l ine li g it fron lot nuetlber Ireer, whielt eid lote, orm part of eertain portion ofgrnte wnl ith Henry W. Phelrry a- qoir edhy htehay e feo tam Lasornt .lillstlhon, e v nl e ed brefore the raid l. It. 'esnnr, on the fr rt day SMy, 18:36, adjldiented to Ilenry W. Paltry, he o the lasnt end highest bidder, fIr the prie f nIine ooand dollars. $• o . Terms--Twelve mostles eredit for bhed willt stilesfc- eeemrity,leatioc mttgager upoll the property ; Ihe irte•r not to tlienate the ete before feull tayment h prejodiWce the moortgaee. I t eerefore all persons wtee can set up snty elrit, title claim is and to tie Ianderd property hleretn neerihed. renseqmener'of any inftw ,.10Iet iln tie ordter, eseree judgment slefre recited stdl tele-r wItech iot otl.` ,atldl, or anee irreg•lri ltv or il'eeeilee itl tie elt ainoeae or nlvtiere•ileti"r , n title, or ealnner of ,nr far oane ether dlefect what•leever, are herrely cited iadlnoi;ned to show enoatesn. witlin thirty tny- frnlt day this Motition is trl inserted In Ithe tlnli- pe- , why the Ihla eo made, s efaortelidl, hlllteel ne lbe lirned noel ho m ntlogatrd, in sceerlacnce with tile up- atiosn ofeaid purchlar. "•Wilntss ,tmy land aend te S.al ofnsid h'etrt of r'B Prol es, thin tnineteenth day F ftecnteer, A 1). 18)9. -Q W F C DUPIfI.S IS, d 3t Ile;teter rf \Vill. tIROISSE DI'ORLEANS-Coour des Preuveo J J -L'Etat de It Louisiane, a tous cux quo cult peut eoncerner Slut.: Qu'I soil conna que HEl RY WILLIAM PAL. FREY, demouraet dans In villo de Ina Nouvlle Ordans, s'est adresod au R6gister des Teoatumeno. F idana t pour la Pare soe et la villo de la nouvelle Orl6ans, exoffieio Greuier do nla Cour de. Preuve., dons at pour la dlite vill et Paroisas, pour publier at annoncer contormdment a un oeto, de Ia Legia- lature de P'Eat de liI Louisiano, ntitul6 " Aote pour confirmer loe titre does nequdrarrs aux tesoa judiciairos;" approuvd l 10 Mars. 1034. - Avis eat par le pr6sont donnd a tout cenx quo K eola pout concerner, qu' en veru et on exououlion d'un ddoret do vente do ta dite cour do. Prerven, rendu et Signd par consentdme t. lo qu.ltoorz No. C vemtbre ril hbua cent orente neuf; danos 'afftlrei do lo ucceOsaon de feu Charles Louia Gar(ier. proc6 us. 1,295, intitul6 H. W. Plfrev contre la to e. cession do Cbs. L. G trnior at Dune G rnier le. 4 -stal d6cret do vonts fut uccordd our un ruob, pris doans ia suadito affaire, Is neu! Oltobre., il lhuit cent trentn neuf, par lo dit ptointtffrontlr Il d.- S fendoreoae Dame Sophie ViPiu e , veove, en colnmm nautd du dit Charles Loulis Ga;lier.c t tutrice 0at0t. rello do son onfutnt moincur, Joan J..cqos Ganrlier, pt sprro lea aviVpoulu par he lot ; I Regilster deo- 'T aments stl u t offrlt vents re publiquo • 'encan le sept Ddcmbnhre., mil jit ce0nt rentone neuf,. It •uurse do la Citd, rue St. Louis, pour co qu''tles r rappurorteret la propriltaires fulcibre. ci-&prb~ dderiteo, Sevoir- Description des proplritcd d'apres Io transfer judicial ire. Deux certains lots do terre, atoenant I' tn I'au. tre, ensemble tutts le0, htiioes at noteL 0tidliiodije qui a'y trouv.n t, droits privi bre•, coluturmes, vires, ' situds dtane 'ilnt hnrb d p.ar ls rues Gravier, ,Ironne, Uninn et C.rmondele a• faubourg S~ile M ,rio, an dessuo de cntto villt, r 0t dc4igodo par Ice noumotrs reoize t qlatorze our un certain plan dresse par LouII. Brinerl., arpen. 0 tour gd•1dr.t, t S4 Ddcemhre, 1835, e t d6pt1o 11d reoeur- en I'dtude do II. B. CnasC, notaire public. Le dot lot no. treizno mIsurant vingt oinq pi dI de face. t In rue Gr vier, et vinglt clIiq piedl de large dons lo fuod. sur une profondour do qalore vingt dix aspt pioda quaotro plouces quatra lignes sur It ligno. qui !e adpnre du lot No. dotozn, et do quatre ving dizhuit pieds huit pouces deux lignes our nla ligne oppoe6e, qui to sopare du lot No. quatoorze, at le dit lot No qua;torz ma0nrant vlngt cinq piedt de feoe la Itite rue Gravucr, et vioogt etoq pleds de large donia to fund, dur une profoudoor d.o quIllt vingt dix huit ptrda huit ptuces deux liguos cur la ligne quile o dpare, do dit lot No. traoiz,, et d.o cent0 piod ouur It ligno opposde, qli Ito odptro du lot No. quino : lesquols d,,uz lts do terr font partie d'un eertain morcoau doo trre qyo Illoueny V, Ptlfrey a sequin do Laurent Millaudon, par acts paood to 4 SMai 1836, pardevant to dot H. B Ceonas; adjugds a Henry W Pldtrey, pll offruant at drnior encld,. ehdrissnur, pour Is prix de neufn uillos pin*reb- 89,1100. Conditions-Douze mois do credit even r.otuino satisalisante et hypothequa our 'oe propril ; I'ae. qudrror no devnt pas nldhner les dites proprid61i su prdjudice do I'ihypuothque avant parfait paie- A cs0 causes, toutes personneo qui ont on pour- ralent avoir quelquea rdoelamations contoe lea hions fonds co-dessus dbcrito, en cousdqueneo d'un dd- faut do forms danas 'ordre, le ddcrat ou Io juoo- ment de la ('our, on vortu duoquol la vtnts a d•t faits on do tol a irr6gulari 6 ou ill1galit6 d.an O'cstimation, Pavia on le temps ot to mode do tl ents.e uo pour toute oautro causeO queleonque, mnot par cos prdsentes citido d'avoir a dddouire dans trente juure a dater do la publtiction du prdeout avie, dans lea paptors public, les rai.oueo pou0r leo- quelles la vente siosi frite no serait pas upprouvde at hocmologude, comme in ddmanude Ito dit acqud. En foi do quoi, j'y ai appod ma signature at oI Seeau do la dote Cour des Prouve,, L. S. . cdix neurvihmojourdu oiads de icembre A. D. 1839. W F C DUPLESSIS. dI9 S3t Rdgister dos ITetauentsll "TATE of Louiaitn-V 'oriar. ':otrt, of thoe lcrroh 1 S and t:iltry of New Orler. Preotnr. tlrt lonerrhle " I Charles 1antriao,,Jude. No. 12,'6(0-Herv t;:zeaux In.hio crediltor. 'lae eeiRion lf prrolittc li rho |vtl eroner is llotrh, eacepted Iv the colllrt filr rho bnefilt of J hi creditonr and itto d r r'od lrl i a .ltooe in -t .4t I raCdi d eors he held at the rlfi ne ofl.ar t qo Trg .ou, t.aq. io tory publt, on Fridey the 24th nvot of Jatuary netit. there aed then to deltberate nt the ,ffuireof the petliion. or,and in the meanilne aI proceledintt eeoiloet hio prronaudl property ollre layd. It is trler nrdlrr,, -tht I.. brhgals, Elq. he pllointood to represent tlhe shblntcreditors. By order of the conrr. f A RMANI) Pr'OT', Crlerk. Clerk' Oilice, New Orleane, December 20th, 183t0. dl--3te&of i ETAT DE LA LOUISIANE-Cour de Pa- . roeiss. pour laparoisse at rillo do Il Nuonellle Present Pilon. Chbrtle Maurian, Jurge. No. 12,240. lien y Cesoauo contre ses Cr6anciers. La cession des propridods, par lt Pdtitionaire eat seeeptde per leCour, pour in b6lndflee de soe erd nsocier. et ii eat ordotnd qu'unoe asemblde deedsts erdanciera, ait lieu. oa bureau do Laroq to Turtgeu, notaire publie, Vesd edi to 24 h(fforlaver prrehainl pour y ddli•rder urtoe lea affiri dudit petit.(on ure,. at qu'en attendant, toutee pourllates cnotre as per. sonlto et sm propridtds sent arretls. [I est do plus ordonnd que L. Legauo snit nolumtm6 pour rdpre. center lesa rdeancioer abses,. Pear ordre do IlCour. Nouvello Orldans 20 Dec. 1839. ARMAND PITOT. d21 3t Greff•r, '• EIl)ICIN S, &c.--Ieadling from ships Sr. t.ouis, .• ClheroLCke, Lotuiville, Jo•epidline and Ohio- Pule. rhobtrh in rtsel Sicily brir.mrone do Inldigo it oeruc)no Pladder in r.okhbarrels and kegs •lit prtre in ke;s Flour Solphur in barrels (;roud gioger in do Race ginger in hoge I20 hibl eonto.r-eil atl aole inlc tks Saleratus in do Bellilu and soda powders Cantor ,'it bottles Patentmedicine vintl, a-sorted vials Paint and varnish brushes WVilh a general asonrtmrlentel'medicines for plnntations ndrlclee. ForseleryJARVIS & ANDREWS. n29 corner Com,. & Tileapitoulan at I[RIN'rTIVG MATERI \LS-JohlIn J Ilawell & .T Co, 49 Camp atreae, hae Ithie day' received a rnee. tell trllotv of type. eaRe.', prloe.•. brt•r rrri., er.hllto gI :Rn:, MBall•t , plainersl qnoins, resuI o rinqo icke, .raho omi n . aticknmorndaurt% irn) t Ier clebated dnnlldy fIJuhnaon &Smlrth, Philodolpin, wlhiehiaoFl•'rd to•l •d tmre on aOeomntmdatialgrrmt. m, PAUL JiNES. A RAM in fllve ats,from the Freeth ol Alex. ftintas,by Win.Be,"rer, il New rirleans. Thli. pity, very hvIr.ahly reeived in Ire North, in more atron.ly reeommemiled It the itilile of New Ur- lean, as the irst production ifea well keIlnown rentlemall orthis city. For sale at the printleipIl t(lk tores, and aIt - JOHNS& Coi. 1T7 anr St. Charl.sl and i:omnmon at YELI. tW VEVKI(. A NATOMIICAI0, Patholnogical and Therapentie re- s earhen ln the Yellow Fever of riibrallar, of 1828. ry P. Ch. A. Lewis, author of Lewis on Fever, IBlood Lettig. A. &" &c., juet received and. for sole by J. J. IIAS WELL &a Co, nucaessor' to ALEX. T)WEIR, 49 Camnp at. 115 A LFILItl) DE It1)SdANN, ortile Adventures of a .to Frerlh gen lemli.-a new avelt hrv I W M Ry enolr.sled foresle by J J IIAWEI tI . in Co. hi nli 49 Clamp sat 1)U3lA'S MeMOliS. at .1 EMIItiRS of hi own liln, including thle Revola fi. E tien, the In1mpire and Ilthe estoration, by Iieut. ev Count inltthew ilunsa, jult received lld tr sale bhv J. i J. HS IWELL & Co, successom to ALtX. TOWII. tIo 49 Cllamp t. t15 1It t 'l:lll1.1. S MA'PS-John J Iewell L Co, 49 lI Caret streti, have just reePl, Irll Ir, Phliladelphia re ia erri I triply if litrehtl' remrs rlitr fie poc cr, vi-: or fIr Texs-, I•oitiaon,, Anllballri, Missi-lppi, Terne-sre, or Kenltucky, Michiean, Wieentn•in &cA. &c. together with at a fresh sup sly of ,litrhell's georrltphy and tllne. s,19 of I.AW BOOKS. so T'OlY'S Ceomtnestry ll tie I.nwof gellcy; OVen- (holl's New Y ark Rfepirls; CrWarl't, New York Ilteporls; Jrhtartn' New York Ieeportl; R•lln unl - MtrtlI'e Crwll Canea; Chitty on Iille, aew edit. 'lh.e bhove with agenleral ansortmlent of Law Books, just received andfor alel hI .l<'lN , IIASWELL & Co. d 'to) R, 49 ICamp latree .1 I Ti'l' N(VE I.'I'I ES--Sak Ileurr 4 hl frl4nred, Si or the golelle age ol Merry i{lllalid, 3 •Vlla. Foather rlrller and the Lonourth!ecgs rIolrimr, by V. II. Crrlelton, uthor ocf Venal lMale, etc. 2 vole. The C.nrnn oft. r1d B ee.i.rr. ir the I la llahok of the A Mun of Fahlioln; by theau.hor of the ".I a's of :ti- I queue." E JOHN~li & C:o, N tr Statinrer'ns 1. ll, a2 car St Charles anid ClnCotn etlla Si j# tU I' IECElVrl- IhPe Bealle of .I Senion, it pornt h by the Counlte•n 'ofBllsaington, illustrated, Lonldonl elition The Shnkmpeare (Gallerr, eontluining the principal eI- tInle crlllroters iii tI plays of the grert Poel, Lun- I dn erhtilin. Fori elle I. t, archri'tlnam anil nIew yenr's present, ty hy Frederihk Seh•hlrrl, Lonrllt ellilllrll. Friendsthip's t(lfering nil \ind ter's Wl\re iot, cri ehrtmrna srdiew ynr'a nrtesl,ltr 18(41). I r .o edrion. E JiIiNS o . "i'o, N ti "ailtiolcri Itill, d1 cur St(Charrles lRd elimorn tll. ie;. W F V i -K-.L Suitol';Arn ir- for Y f lor , il henautifnl ilIllnilrat d ecgrtvier, publlhhed I.y Ar kermlllrn , Co., .ltudon. - Thel C(ltres.brld Cr ill L roinilr)lrlll trinill tIhe aInw of the gnRIIIPre tiluIitdlli pwler Iof tie iinecesareolllrkt ire th hlest meth,, I s i ,l' tloi ,dollg tile gulnI, V c. -e., hv \V I.ewi, ronl 1i::t19. S'hess; orh gilners, inll ia .rie. of plaoree.ive lesson, illuastratedt by nmenron4 daitranlP, ,rimed in c--hors; 2d f dili n, revi;ed n1111 c r eted,lh\ W I rwis,l.o di, alRio. Flyr.r'y lllle , e lulntde tr ellllrllo . Jult rcetneil anid lr snte rt E JtIIt'S ('o. d2 Slationetr'I. lnll N ICIItlJ I.\S NICI ICIlY clr Irlre illn our v!imlrr, Scllp ed BuiIn, just receioved eon far *rle he r. 1. IIAaWhI.I & di-i, ucce.a.rsir to Alec. 'I'UWiII 4 i (Cllmp .reet. d3 FIIKE :.1AUN RY. J UT receivredl a fw opies or f ellowa' Expoiltioli of thle llyteriere or rligillul dlgolll ald collrtlllni of' the nliernl Egyp tians, ltythtererins anid Druids; u, all inqir itito the eorigit, history and purpolrt of Freellmlunory, ftor isle Iy JO)HN J HASWELL & Co. Srace8 ire in d7 A TOW I R, 49 t:nmp srreet L AW IOOKS--A new s0 t11,v thre itllowing work en I.on a w, jit received by the subscriber. 'rllun llll-t ke, i:l(( veels lotrllllllntln SJl.narof il the Laws of set-l,fsr with an alcpendi Kltet'l C•rlllellPnt-rten aridge, h ,lv rt•eottn Jorltion E.ve lla ' Modalern t"lltries nllld 1're, .- dllotl of Ueclllutioll P.etdlilln, ,etlriPear d Writs Coke's thlrten hooks of lil r teprs, abridged bhy Jolhn A ) ulllup llrgererlll' ,,• n ulll of 1aritlile I.rws,cnnso itilne of tleltie'. iii t•lilpi, feithianlld illU tlrlll: U; rallal . tel frmll l tlelatra if itlr |•ir, .i ittl mleln. givers' riglht, - a ill \ ericu , clliZele , with it iomtlllen. fry l t "tie rtrUfits and on the CIns•tlruon and phr, i ofthe U. -. E JOIIN ir Co', N S tationer' lall, n8 correer hlrler a Ondl amnrnr rt. AtI;NuA.S irt)ll 1810. '1 r11 ,a itf Areerra, lv lJohn RIeese; splendid I lllllrmotet-o monlldl Ch.llr, .tln~. le l 18'40, by RIev. Jolhin A Clark; aIlefllll le,+l- accl, i,)tllnll Iet lierirn It treng lur 18-Ill, by Misr C II Waitrmnn; Thelrelll lir 181.•t a Christinai and Now Years pre, h s!e:: I";,-l itl l Illllf m Sn ellrlrrtbtlcU 1I1, Chi,' eil Gr i' 8I10--lsan, The •If , 1310-t'lh Vilr. dnt.rnd I.iterary Sllllvell I', . i er - ', t all I": J liNS it u I iCr.A ti lat l n7riirlllr Syt (llrlrrrlr alr (:irlmllll sat Ir11 ll se lendid .11".1l, Mlin ed h tle .'ou leas Iof 1 Itlesilt• n itan ii i tlrrtne d wtl.t ltwi i ve lier 1111 hi-,lhly liamshzel ellngr.v: tl-t r, eeiveI and f r sale Ilt J J l[.\S\t.[.o 0 o, 25 411 (lI Camp at rlYlltI. Jllrist o;Low mand lquilv pl).Iorter•, m.lllmining in tie etIwril CoI rInn ts". Lasr ned lgEIit inl traln.l, dlringt tIe year 11139. I'iilshe il r rto tlly at $7, er all.uln. ublshripliifir rtlciivcd he JOtN J 'iASWI-I.LL C . Ce. a Suc'esnlrn t"i td7 A 'I'O\tlI-It, 43 Caiii st .ANNtUAL.S1 F 101.4(Iv. eU{ C ' received per .hip I. :ll1), ihe Ionio ing pleno a UI Lainlon Ii' ''iil t), I' Th e a•ml tln, l ,•c1icYl oforiinnl pros)e andllo voerr, (ietnl of ilelautv, .isplnyved in I series If Iwelve highly pl fillilhe.d enorl iie.r .' varioisulbjlctla y thI. oullc ap toss Iof BJtU siill ,,t: toi. Fishe'r'fI intwi ot [•.l.l Scrap tonk, 184n, with poeli.,l illolstrtill Io L. E(. . andMiry I I owIIlIo ll. lieutm'+ Book of lienat,', Ib40, ,ith beautifld engrav- ino-, d.l 'd i (thl ', o.'s' of Illesiogio . tot The Kelpl.bike fir 18.111, edited by I.udy . Ilunrli f Keath'o Iictolresque lii-nal Inr 1840; Wind•or Caisle coi cold it- E•lo'iron, by I. ititolhi'. co The Po•l of IA olr,ca, l hy .Joi Itee.e, splendid noorucco to Chri-lin KeepIInke for 1840, by Recv. John A. Clark, ie iollroclllo bIouiid. sa Bellin .'a ilferinog for 1810(, by Miss Waermeln, em- ba boesed. be 'PThe lGe iF r 1810, a Cicrimlllu ainil New Year's Pre- see,. ieh xb.ld d oi ornt'o, . ale The Perl or Alfrcii •,o : i f for 1840. Trie 'hill's iem for 1840. sii The Violet b.r 1810. el T a if far 1I40. Tne Itell of IheSeason, a poem, by Ihe Countess of ni lie sinetio. i Shlaksplle'r Ga Gdllery, oroilainrii the prinripol feopale or .lioractt.r in the lidsys of the gret ipeoni Forget Ole N.', it e'hriiileoas anod lew Y•ar's Preeot, to li Fred Sil Obhert, Friendshiis' Oflering and Widhl.o'i Wrethill, a Chris(t- ola alnd New crYear's lreeilet, edited by Frederick The Token nl Ati tilac ouveeiiriba citll aniod New Year's Prela.t, edited l•I S. i t;.lldricil. L E JOlINS i C, o. I N. Orleans Stlti:iler's H[Ill, srloec St. i'erler clot C(OmneIi(tI w•fIV B'tflSl(I-- er l di ie e eie or thle Slite" of Il lia, byl I' R Jineo, E.q. 2 toolo. E s Thei ' orto! fr Rlhr e ef i oilrleo •lecold, by thle amllhlor iof MIarv Its iolland, tli+. O SLNi'sl Mate, an iticat lrmilancne of Allerie,h by the autoier jof Alhenla, of I.tllaneru, •: . ,. 2 viola. I Jack Siceslard complete, by Ainleworth,2 Ao. . Walkland WVanlherines ill the world of literature, hy ithe u'h-r of the ieniih n al tille hlr, " els. .Nicholcas ieklbiy complete in ine vcol. witl and witli.. A out illustratin•al. Sketehec by Bee, in o:le vri. lic. i12 d5 F. JO NO5 & Co, Statinner's hall 7lCOllfl.4,' NICKIIEBY anid Jack Sheppilrd,com- pletl-John J liaswell , 1'o 49 (Catnp st reet, hlve jll reeiced i f w lf iel oitfJark dlSeheppr, ii•icnllte l i al tool oe: lso Nicholas Niekleby clitplete, illusirsied. dlS -gSSIAN'S POEMiS-J-lohn Jllewell and Co, 19 S a ('limp Isteelt, ihe tiiii lay received a few copiiesi 'if Ithe p min ife .fl.i, Iracnlitedl by Jimes alncliher. non, Esq. a inew edition iotora. d2i ANNUALS FOR 1840. U I ' receove fro t New Yorkthe following splen- aI did L..dl n Ediltionl : . 'Ihe Amaralct , a nlir•,llany of original prose norc vere., ellted lbl' K. lirvey. SGein of IHeaity, dipl.tlyed in a seriea ofrtwIve hihly fioietlld egraovines Ifvariolus anhjects by the Cta iltiiteco of'lle-aicgtitn. l. Fisber' l)mwillne l kom Sc op Bbk, 1840. with poeti- Is c ll lltrtatiolns hv I.. E. I.. noil Mtrv Howilt. e. Hlliath' Iink of oBeoty, 18111, withhlealifll engllre 1i Ig, edited Ill thi lleo nts orI Bl.:sinltonl. The Keeplake for 1810, edited by Lady IE. MIuarit ,lorthil . lentla's Pouresqeie a•tnal for 1810; Windsor canstle aeid itrenvilros by I. Illilehie. The Poet. of Ameriei byJllhni .(o en, spilendid morocco bolllld. is. Chri-tian Keep.lnk for 1840, by iev. John A. Clhrk 0llll l Illoloild. Bellgin' (lt ri o for 1840, by \lies Waterman, eni. The Gem 'lir 1810. a Christmnla oi New Years Pre- sent ilbt)Cedi anid mnlrstern. The eiael ar 'eciiin'e Gift for 1840. The Child's Gem for 1840. The Vileit for 1840. The Gift for 840. The Hell of the Seaaon, a poem by the Countess of llecinltot. Sh..kLearer' CGallery. centainine the prinei:al femlle I chcaroctert. inthe plays l tile greart ielt. Forget lto Net, a Christlmne aod New Years' present, by Freiml. Sllurt. Friendehip'' eferin iand Widow'a Wreth, a Christ- am mniaandNew Year's Present, edited by Frederick ShoilnhL rt. The T'ken cnad Atlantce Sai veiir, a CbchriltI and New V'enr'. l'teellt, editeld by S. . iooilrib h. The Iris of Prsie, Poitry and Art, for 1810, illne- trele.l .ibh engrelvinla by Xi. & I W. .. Filhlco. fiioo n. painlinsr l J. IBrowne. Kdiimlllby lils Ailhltld. S Thle IHoLk of the tlenrloir. orlth Coulrt of qllOet k' Vieturit, with plllend d nilanvign earreuted iInder Ihi ep, itUtrinteandinle sf. a & W. E. Findee, vitlh poetieql rion(.fr IJHN J HASWELI. i Cn, d! 1aW e eoA Toar O lamp ne SEZPPZ3: LI.T.. . Ooastw ise. FOR NEW YORK. LOUISIANA AND NEW YORK LINE OF PACKETS. (To Bail eser other Monday ) Thui Line iaco an a+ed ul ti.e tlohuw•aih ip, vig: Ship AL') '. Capt. TIra k MISSISSIPPI, P Hillard " LOUISVILLE, " Allen " HAKSPt.PB BE, IitIlilt HUI 'l'SVyI.LE, Eldidre " SAARATOGA, " tlnth.way Thi above ships are all of the irst lsnes, acppered and ol,,r firntea e I, lf a lilit dnrught of wet r, atnd built in ,ew 1 ork expressly for the Imr-d with elegenti aecoulmodlatona fBtr ipssengeis, and cmmlalnladed by ibln .a. Ileri.enc..d masitr. 'I .ei. piceIf .II....gei+" pa fixed at $B10, .ithoit w ines or iqulrla ; alIl e store' i every otler particular wi Ille roviled, andl evey at- eamllo, ei.en to iritnu thehe ilnlllbrt iof tlhlose passn to ni:l a rl in tlut line. The slips will to all tales, I towenIulp ad down th ie ive ad the greatestpunctu- aliy tei•,.ried Its i, their d v of talliej , ii Netlier ih.,• wners or captainei f athet ships will he re.spniibte til jewelry, h ulioll, preious .tolle, silver or phlaed ware.brreakage of hls, hllow wre, ularble or graltite, enoIer. ge of tii, rIIet Of irone i stiel, or fir env letters, parcel ,r inrcknge enl Iv ir puti nil oard A o anhell, uo era regular bill o llading aretaken ftr the soml, andIhe vaine thereofexpressed. For Ireiglti ,r plnralge apply tou1 n27 W t IniSDu)ICK & hASINES,7nTCmp s toi FOIL I.IVERI'Ot L. - The A I fast sai.ii"e harque ELEANOR, Copt. McPherlon. lih•ig part of her cargo engaeed, will have dilopt'h. For freight or p aas.e a, ily on bo.ard tor d'25 Ht)LItES & 9•0i.IS.9 iinlk place FOIt NEW YIORK Regular Packet of the 10th inlatnet Hi line's Line .,ftPaekte. The eonlperril ned coppenr fasniilled pIaket shlp AIIK'I$S S.I, Dmalls I.a-tet, havsing two hirds of her aergo engaged andgoing on Ihnrd, will io-ilively sI i abovae. Fut bl•lan fti'rin•it nr pan.-se henin' elegant aet coaininloiians, a ply to itlo aoitnin ua bonlld, twi tiers below the Vegeisble Market, nr to o d2L3 A t'UIIEN: 90 Comi n at FOR I.IVERPO;OI.. 'h rei f~et sniline, ,rqred and coppmr ftat- enrdplancket ship PI'AN I'IIEA. Alihby.nolaer is now hadin ind wiiill mnet w'ith qulk ded- entrh. ta'r ibiret ,r pnsange, hving eleriai accom- umidtiaam,apply ito th In 'aptii n l Iiad, or t,• di l A CI)IrEN, o 90 I omnmseoat Fitll I1 ViO'11• 10)1.. fThe t Ihe i tl 5 siiling shil P•oWHAITTAN. a ('firia ( tV ) M IUi.rrenI will ail nit Satar- i 'oy nxt. For pesintag,apple ior bard, "1," ,liiti.. irC.a.n I .e.C, .n I ' I.AtDI i.A , dl7 51 C(:imiiiip lI FOIL FItEtlaill"' n 0 t CI.11I'EIt. T-- he Imi-h shiii 'I'll IlTlIS i i now ready t, receivse ireiglht fr l poi t ini llEuilrie. A . r.,.glit ftir iamliburi g ir Aiteerlp i In "et Il- .ireid. Ap ily to .1i0i A iIi.tJ l FI.i K h or the Interior. CONVENT SACEIMIi IIF lRl. Ii nhii-eqii,,,t ,f he ladies tair I 2 t a e king tl ,,e, sl.u t e r 1811. ile s otem " 1 II t I t EIIN, C:atitin Frick, ill lave Si .iM ,•h'l mii thie 171h1 iiilti, llllll ,hr to i lve lh__ ill liv._ o d fll New t)r ien ry. t ,r114 Rgar P e . acket. , iThe nle, flist runiingr steamhilr .l tilI, l• 1T . CaJes . Waert astri will leave New i )rlelnna veryav Wr• re da nrnig ut I hclck . h. ordll Bayotu Sara every un tnlllld ~al fite ihtl ne hourni. Flyor Irighlt or ipa sage appl y on boardor toi 2 r N. IP Ic IDI.AW, Camp ER FOR BAVOU tARA rtegn i-tr P reeie on ear rin.•s, The splendid iassenger ti eamhoat LJSnm l BRII.BNT, lese Illrt muster, . cwill Isove New Orlnins every Wed- eidals ll a'clock A. St. n ua clrJiaiSara, &ever iSnlmrda at Illaell c l.ek sti. M iig tie ernai dowll On aSuidav. •in fireight or parnsage Oapply to ipt. ariel feb25 .D ,IS & VIB1TA I .II BRIC I JEWELRY. n ow c No. e at CnArT hartroSRn, A Ftr L . A s ,mri oemati. n-i ree ive l ieon isting if ear rin% locket+, broimhei flteer 'i in., .,l nmd kris w irl i iamtei ranorn,aciansir miid knita, winlleis n.rklaeen aim beadsil all ile anove articles will lie o~ffermd n thie ha i rcal.Onle terms. N. B. I hear t fru'it ginms wiilaw. Sile. esielvea end ihoaa cn.es, mr sale. tilenne rlil at 16 Chartres ________________________________ II.USE FLRNISHING STORE, * NO. 55 CAMP STREET, NEW ORLEANS. rI lll; SUBSCRIB ill S. having now opened their stock ofu Gool. consisting of Tfable Cutlery; fin, ivory handled Knives and Forks; [va- ry t;lelo anl de.ert Knivsu andForks,:II .•ct.; Ivory and buck handi Belef anld gila carv.ers; oystrr and cork's knlve-; Germanl, Etghhl; and dllmltinC rillitufact red mieatsaws and cloavors; anes, hia chaote, uok saws, &e ; patenrrt pocket anod pltLin cork screw; Grm nsilver, te t id table spoons, turks, butter and fish knives; English ja- paned tea trays, wateurs, in sets xld single; bread llll knlifo Ilray; cnsolnion anord plin toll plate waril- ere ;lna enddeer, with and without tea; tea clnrric- ters; chamber candlestick,; onllrs;; nurse la.nps; foothatlls, washl kettles and chaimber pails; &e. plar,. ished and block tin ware; conrmon tin ware; tea and coffie urns, with and without I.lnps and heraters; co.fe brggrng amnd tilters; tea and tcrfic pots; pa- tout imperial dish covers, in sets; dalsh and plato heaters; eg boilers; egg slice, whi,rs, ladles, &oe.; sauceand stew pans; pepprr and dredging boxes; bake. pIdding, patly and milk pans; reflecting ba- kers; tin roastersr. &c & A gnt ral assorrortment ofpot metal and iron ware; akillets, bake pans, spiid rs, elay and iron furnacesr IOIv tiorlltaece, with pipe surtUable for 11i ill roorsHs; shovels, togs,anldirolls, Ieders, brae eta, &c. WooId and willow ware; chairs, cordage, brooms, f ilalr, k•., comnprising a general assortnllent of lhouse anld kltcihlrn l'Orlituro, wlich we now offer e on reasonab o terms, and hope, by our long ac- qrlaintanen with tilhe bolsirness, and unremlitting at- , Lution, to Illerit a share of lple patroinage. d19 CAMPBELl. BE;EBE. k PllitE OLOGY. A SYSTEM of Ptlreno;ugy by George Combo, inow edmon, revised sand a 1lurgod Lectures on Phirlnolorgy, by Georgr Crombe, E-q. includring its appll allonto the prerset anud prropectlio cilditiol of'tile Unllted States- of illustrated with enolored plates. Elements oi' Prrrrnology, by G:orge Combse, with oeengr.vlnOg, ftiurth Aelrlcall edlation. Is Outlines of Purennoogy, by G Spi.rzlrcr, Ml. D. Fourth edition. Pihrenology or tile Doctrine of the mental Phe. ry nonlena, by J. G. rpurlzhimn, M. D. In two volumes. t _All introduction toP!hrrnrology in the form of quetion and anwer, with an appenlldlix and notes, by Robert M oeisoh. - Examinat on of the ulhjetionsl m:ade in Britain a- agairnl the . octriner or Galland Spurzhenm, be by J G Spurzhoil, M. D. 'I Lectures on MoralPadlo.oply, by Gouge Combe, -Lectures on Popular Educatior by George Conbe, 19 Eq. e0 Errors of Phrenology ex4rosed, by Theomas Swal, o.' M. D. second edition. - The above, with a large supply of seientifio works, iutt received and for sale by nl. JOHN J HASW LL & Co, d23 Succerslra to A Towar, 41) i'p at l AT'S-'bhe Rlhnerle r-have recelved atr . l.,. I r ,sivrins by every paucket, larnge allsplv of iliever. hi Russia, tur and.hallr.klll silk Hata, of tLhe littr (nabI ilnlo andI eat imnalllfitaltra, hichi thiery ofiar lor illnperC ti.- o tothle citizlens and pual ie gneraly. For sale by Gi ).'il1P& Co,, I N. Naval, Military & Fashiunable Tlatters, under o 3 1 LExhag•l Iiolel, ti t Chalrles at art iAMII.L.A t:Oli)AGF:-.- eimlplete aucortioent of 1 llnwsr's na ll Iroe, dire t if. to the Iactory, war- rallteill i, hoot a qlalily qrllril alvy i ntile ciity, llw . ulrc ing stll Ibr i ale by I'k•IEItLAlti tt\V, O17 t iti ollllpst Irk RON-The nldersignedoffer fr rsale oen clllinn. I lrlng terili-, ir lotis rn eait plrcheord: etir cargo of . oI' Irojlst r. ciretiel ti oum Slrmkho'or per brig tPaleoa, complrising a full arid corntplete asorrlllen ll ol el a sies. re- LAYI'ON & Coe. dt--ti 53 Old Lavo e et NEW GOODS. IBUSIH & ALLEN arenow ;r.pninl a complete as- U astirlnnt In lihen shirts; do i.nmlrrie, with linecl of frinlt; lieoll coll rs; rilk, eOOlln anll mrmnr inderr hirr and drawere: camblric ancd silk handkerrchils; te black lnd fanl:v cravats, io greal variety ;lllhailr carf-; lMtakegf every deacription; g u ln arlie and coton sus- int, pender.; silk, cotton and lilread Gtlover; gelltlulmrer' llareakih ghlovec. sr- IAlo--a tirleid .nasrtmenl of ladies' andm igetl.'men'r inhk writi lei elo, lirer.inC casre, sl oiinal boles, work Iore-, Pnrr F'o ioa, prrofauery cer srtlery, at the I A lnd Z A IL, oarorer of rI.Charles snd teo:lirmn ctr NEW N5oVEI.-G James--llenry of Guioe, or hi. I t blatPe of lloi. by (i P It James, author of the tI(ibher o H ,ilinac. c. in iwo, lva. Tie t Url rlr rlo o r ,Ir'B irt( h.elr rSecndl a ith ortlel Ih Wule., by tllh author of Mrs Armylagr, a'. Ae. in iwo q ol.. ous received aod fir a le i.y rit J J IIAS, ELI.I &Co, 49 Camp et TIIISK.Y -C btrs rnr•,rid, in etorna, tor. c by f VY".n0 QV ORAEY1 t44N- Let. I , ;LOUISIANA GRAND REAL ESTATE AND STOCK f- ESutorftit of ttje Statt of ourotifana. CALDWELL, OAKEY & PRITCHARD, MANAGERS AND PROPRIETORS. g) The First, or Half Million Lottery, and the Second,or Two Million Lottery, are respectfully presoeted no the Pulia, The HALF MILLION LO I TERY will be drawn in December, and finished at one drawing. The TWO MILLION LO TTERY will bedrawn on the old plan of Blanks and Prizes-Numbers In one wheel, and Blanks and Prizes in another wheel. Botll Lotteries. uldor the supervision oftwo Judges of Coulrts, , WILL BE DRAWN IN NEW ORLEANS. The HALF MILLIO' LOTTERY offers chances to 1,291 Prizes, of whleh 33 are Pris e of Real Estate and 335 of Stock, beircie many Prizes oem. posed ofTick s inthe Grand Two Million Lottery, affording a particip.,tion of chancers ale., to the holder of a Ticket for Prizer in The GRAND LO I TERY of Two Millions of Dollars-10,000 Prlzea!l-to thefull amount of $2,000,000, of which 107 are Priles of Real Estate. Only 9 Blankse to a Prlze!!!-Simple Nos I to 100,000. 100,000 ''lekels at $20-2,000,000. Scheme and selling price tie the amne. Among the Prizes in, these two lottrries are many public and private buildings which adorn the city of New Orleans, and are til pride of Its Inhab. itants-the Verandal, St. Charles street Theatre, American Camp strer Theatre, St. Charles Arcade Builrlings. with IlItels, Dwelling Houses, Stores, Building Lots, and many entire equares ol Ground-beeides Stocks ia Banks and other institutions of the State of Louisiana, amounting in the whole te TWO MILLIONS FIVE HUNDRED TIIOUSAND DOLLARS. Al the Rnea Estate and Stocks offered in Prizes are owned by them and in thleir possession:- lie acte ofr ale, with clear titles, are vested in their firm, and recorded in the offien of Adolpbe Mazureau, Notary Public, and office of conveyances, ready to transfer to the holders of Prize Tickets, exempt front illembhrance: 1,Tio proPlrty is sot apart unalterably to tihat sole and only purpose, and can, inno event whatever, be convoyed othlerwise by the arm than to tieo lholdrs of tihe Prizs Tehkets. _I- AME RICAN CAMP STREET THEATRE LOTTERY, CAPITAL $540,000, IN 1,291 P zenal! Will Imdrawn in DECEMBER NEXT; and in order to gratify, at an curly period, the purchasers DRI oflickets, t e combination is adopted for this Lot. tery nly, of 1 to 75, whereby the drawing will he completed in a few minutes by the drawing ot '1 12 Numbere fromn the wheel. in tl 69,525 Tickets, at 110 each-675,250. the 1.291 PRIZES!!' earn SCHEME. CAMP ST. THEATRE AND GROUND, \'ili be prize to the holder of the ltt, Ld and 3S buW. nu. . ers . . . . . $150,000 'T'iat aubstactrl four story brick huildinig called Arms.tron_'s hotel, fi,rmng the corrler ol'(ulp aitd \uechez strreets . . . 40,000 Prize to 4111, anl aind 1t•t. That valuable fie stiory b, ick estre on Old Le - vee street, occupied by Aleesar H At W Hop. kill. . . . . . . . 35,000 1.T I'rize. t the 7th, 0it nai 9thr. . iThat elegant dwelltg lhoue and tlot, No 74 Ilov al strea, trculitr It rly ,: V Goodrich 25,0 00Gtt tr lrize to thet 10th, I:tihon 112th.Th FTiattaro ctory double dwelling and dbuble lot T in ld i. ei,.aled by J a Hall . . 18,000 t n nI z to itu trt, lit nnd 4th. .nd An ellli e nquaie orfgroullnd in tifahhorg Annlln- rfli cirtin, Id . Ihounded by Liberty, henton, aer < Mlel luoee and Terpsichre.sts. . . 14,000 e Plrize tol, 2d and 5th. rend llThat ttre rtry stir.r atd ot corner Comp r lld " Julia reire,soccupied by Mlr. .. L.aaltier for f t'ri d,ry onda....0•2,000 nut l'rnz t nlet, 2d and nth. gee' 'lrt tirne itory -tore and lot cornerof St lMary y and Julia at. . . . . . 100h etur arcze to it, 2d anld d7th.r. A certifilite Ibr 500 ticketa in the two million lottery, at $ ar0 each .. 100,0 The fortunate Ihlder oflhis prize may realize 2. the1 hllpp v ,1latiny to htaiti po•sne.ionthrough their maedium, of tle. principle pOrtlii of tile vanrious splendidprized in the two millirn leer lotaerv, will be a- of Prize to lst, 2d and 0th. t That laree buhidingand e4tentsive her in the winl city ) l.acftyslte, iubloilrg i.ivnrrtlais, corner gru Wnatlli.ta and aChtppt.wa its. IUG by 200 aIf leert Prize to at, 2d aend 9th. ,00 A certiui ate of 425 tickets in the two million Id lottery, $t Vlloeb . . 50011 St Prize to lst, rat rol nthr 0u. I 'hill tire seirr" dwellialn house and ilo,G i1 0l. e Nayade at. niext mi donbli ao clorner of Mel l tonrl-e i7,5e'0l l SP ize to Ist, 'd and 11th. fo A certificate fir 3:' tickets it the two million 60 lottery, t $•0 eich, 6,500 Prize to It, 2d anl Itbh. A dacelliin hcae lot l ua it n Victory tt. 3d M5. bi.g "21ii frcm lot farming ctrier of D'En- fet licr it. 6,5 0( ri P. iz to lst, 3,1 anild4. l n certificate for 3011tickets in the two million iar lotery, i $t 2 r.lch . 6,000 gCa 'rize to let, 3i.1 ed 51e. nP A lot oflgruind in Navndes at. ?d 31. being tihe nr tlliid lo llwlnu tleuo l tmelm st. 5,500 rnt Prize to loI, :Id and6th. 4 A eeltlicale fir 270 lickers in the two milliMon l I ttery, lit $bli each;il 5,401 strt faze to isst,:3d rnad7th. In A certifclie ior 'l:25 tickets in the two million Oltery at $2.1 euch 4,500 e PrAze tu lt, 3t aldrn E. o S tG A rwo atllrv ldweuill lgI)Ihue I nd lot, ,d 3i. on " I)'Ilhie at. hnext the liorernr lot of Vietory Prize to It, d l it. 4n 9th.L A dainalle hlt n 'l ' er -iahore 9t. d1M. odjilln illg tIe Iorner It I Nytvudesat. 3,500 00 Prize toIst,:hl and 110h. Ap eligibly r iilaed bitlling lot or Relieious n1 "t. 1d 31. 51 lot froln ths, on corner of 5t. sir le Jametle tI. - 3,030 de ai t in nnn t mtton e, sant $i2t eac 3,01)0 sir Prize to Ilt, 3d und 12 Iht. 3 Oat entire squnre olgrttlll in fittlhilurd An- Snuncictihn, 2dd i. hlialted by Cherry, ThI-bn d 'lin, Chellr1t csld Erreto ate. 12,500 Er lu Prize it let, ih and Silth. - A desirible builhling lot, 3d, M.corner lof Mo ai td renu and 3hlautelut ets. 1,900 ha i Prize to tt, 41h ian1d t6h. A diairal le buildiolg ht 2.5 eet on MlonlregUt r sat. 31 71. 411t nt for ilaeir at. 1,81i0 tn '; Prize to Iat, 4lh atd7th. SAn entre rsquare of er.d, I2l1M. aounded it td hy Ctlio, Pet,, 7Errati ani Wali tiste. 00 fa -- Prize to let, 4llt anid th. A portion of qioureci nfground in 2d M. bound. i to ed h Errato and EIhgleats. . 1.000 i Prize tot , a l, 4th an, 9th. A equsrn of'rnail iodd 31. bouhded by Ma.. i e, Pine nid liil •et. 1,000 ti b Prie to Ist, 4r sind 0Ilh. At, An eligirle lhildino ii, Inituh,eur .ivaedaird, ; ilry f Iafateel e, 3'J eet i, Washington street, 'Ili-t from Cliprawni streeat . 751t Il tPrie to Iat, 4thand 11th. A boidhlig I1 a1oganrald, aity if tI.ifyette, 3 2 foiu an t Vanilniton snreet, ad Ith htit from a r. Ulippnwa strect, 7 750 or of Irize to I .4th and 12th." for Fi r Iuildlina Ite f grourod, city of Lafayetie, or - :1!) to 411 fet raehit llrllthier, otree It i 4h L it- cro l,tcltrc eraJer n e t eet,oat $100 eth 2,400 Prize t Iatt 5th ani til-It4.5h ilnd 7th- - let, 5th and 81--lrat, Silt and 9th, $ ri10 Sic haiildinglotsre of ground, iitated at ito 61th i ho, fromn ot corner Washiagton street, $3110 eeilt. 1,800 Priza to lt, S1t anSd lll t h--1 l, 511th nd Ith 1 -loft, 5Iith anl 1i21-I i, Gth ,id 7th-tl, 6ith i nad Sth-lt, lith aIId 9t1h. oiur plrizesl entli, tacertificte in thetwo million 'd lottery, 3110ieketo, t $"I20e.ehl . 6,01)0 a ith Priz, ito 1, ih onnt 2th-1 t. 71h andil 01,--lat, 71T and 9Gth-tol, 7tlt rini (hllh. Twll Itrizar,•arch a cerli•ait•oIh r roe larcikrls l ill the twon Iilliunt eotlelyi 25U tit:kets, at $'20 h. ech . . 5,10100 Price to Ist fi hal 10th-sta sthr and11th - W O Fie priz., eacnh shacen of r:ock in Ihte P i.h tl tra in railroa eulnparlv, 40 atllard, o alillo nli each, , 4,000 a and Paiza i, lit, 71i a tI -lth-ast, Tth and lthi--lt, 8th n ud I tlh--1l, 8th and 91t- 2 tiin 1 htr nled uth. It Five Prize, each F sar.• of PnI'chnoartraln irn, railrnail ostoik, :30 hahe. At $Lill . 3t,000 Prize to lat, 8 and 1nd th- -st, ilth and to, 11 ht-ltl, 9 h ald l12h--lt,h 9Gi t aoll)t--lGet, 9til ndl 1,1h. the, Eight )rizPe,each e eertifClate nf:i0 lirrekel in lte a two mnilihllo Iloerv, :Ok1tirtls, it $211 each. 8,000 a, Prize ti ati, Ilib andl 121h--lst. ltbh nod J 12th--rl. 3i nndi 4dh--O,d toianil 5th--l,34l tln ll Sth-Od, 3dl and 7ith--l, 3d and ltlh- i d,, 3d uani 9ih. ' 'Tea prize, ecach 3 shares of stock in the bank of Laouiatnita, 311 slhare., t $i00, 3,002 it Prize nto l.ld all lOthI -2d 31 and I ih- dl, h1 aid 12-- 1,4thl and 5111--'Ol. lIh nnd S 6111--li, 41it anod Tth-Oi, 4th and 0lh--Si1, ace, 4th ibnd 9th--21d, 4l and 10h--:d, 4th ond canh, 11b. Ia' mrTwenty prizee, eaeh a certifrente fir 25 tieket hy in ter wo aIuiion Illttrerv, 5'0I icnit, at $20 !0,000 Prizea to rthe SI 411i ncul 1t1ih--i, 5111 end ider 6h-Oid, Siti 7riit rh--2,.5 it onil 8ih-•Oi. 51hS iiat Oil, 51l anrl It lh-Oil ri niet 111Til-Oil, b61 0. 6th aild Itlit--i11. Sriti snil Itlh--2h,T1,h inl Gr11i--lil, Tih iiudl Sh--id.7r1ihrrrt tOriI- - Oh cnoi 9ih. SittVo-lhree prieZs. enel one chare in tlle nga Ocn ellOa ltrneaoe lllitr e coyl sllrrn, at $5 ,1511 ar, Priceo IIi tickets haviniag 1ith lnal 1ta1i. in. Onell hicnrd and iwenty ril princs, ech i aerifiella ur G10 tiekhler in the teu eiliu at IrirrieItVil tiruhekelr$.lt . O5ra011 - Pi-ireo to tickhti haeliig cny three drown i,!tr share, inthe New " rlrtitir gatalsiglhtnad rlee bahlotiag cuulllnacv, O l.,t eioru. ar $:I . 11,310 ilJ;• piiel lu the 1;cttad Od.lr 3, ad, 4th. f-;On holred anti weenty-aix paria, eaeh two ared New Orleans ga,• tIht and bakinog a Shc', 5,360 ren'ar Prizca to telt 9thrand 10th, or 10th and GI ih. maib Throehaundred and filren prince. eich a err- llt liA atr ,iffouartiekets i.r the two arilliou lota S rcc, 10000 tiekbti..t $0i, Prizes ti, 4th adn Slh--ilh tnd 4th--6Sib ih, and Tl,--7th nid 8th and Oil ,nd .lh. I tile F•orll" holoired anu f,,rrcyouc prize .aeb a aher- tificalte orPet iekhll.ii, ite two inillion lot. aI. re, ir 1••5 ticketh ia 1i0, . 26,160 twin Princ It Itt a d :1d-2, lcc)l 51th-it nlrd Oih--4th c.ld 71hl--Sth atd tRh--Slh and 91h-- TWO MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, 10.000 PIZZlES AMOUNTING TO TWO MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, DRAWN ON TIIE OLD PLAN OF BI.ANKS AND PRIIZES.-NO CtMIIlNA'I'I N NVMEZRS. 100,000 Tickets, at $O0, - -- $2,000,000. SIMPLY NUMBERED, 1 To 100,000. The scheme and selling prices are the same, us no additions or reservatlons are made for expensci in this lottery: tholo conltmgeot exponses will oper.teo e a larre deductionu t•o the valuation aet on the proprorty. MODIE OF DRAWING.--The Number 1 to 100,000 will be placed in one whnol, and the same number of Blanks and Prizes in another wheel. To every nualher drawn from one wheel, a tieket from the Blank and Prizo wheel will be drawn, until the whlole i•. drawn. THE FIRST DAY'S DRAWING OF TilE TWO MIL- 4. LION LOTTE'IittY, Ith' Mlai MONDAY, JANUARY Gth, 1840._ pet 3r Eachday'l dra.wing under the supervision oftwo JIldte Alto of Cturta its New Orlleta, and thebo whoel opned a nd 127 i sealed by ie. he.2d 10,000 PRI ZE S. I. Tihe VERANI.\H anld grotntd, vnlued at $50000C j ThIA .tluhlet end ettletede. ediiee is 6 ttor t ret1 high, tasd presents a tront of 143 . et on Saint Ifroe Charles street, and 10 fli:et ot Common, street. 4a Tihe prinei pl portio. of tt hefrolt of the base- 2d ient stor coelrie sIa t.g Ige nr cottehiltns men and ei.lht ttores, snd Iwo granll ellries to the 0 edlfce i dieelsteleldud a n such is now oeCllpi.s- i mnoul; 3110 pernsnll s men ao t tUtllo tile Ime oivea- lI irlltlr v aetanllllum1inledw nitllhdlrawinerooll IRs palr- lur• ,nlld bed remlllllt. ihe pretent reint tlvt - 'll hly ttviettete It the leaseo to $31,510t. The '3 It stires oll tIe blaseml t rendller itsalsc ltiblo of 5: augtio•metnetion to $45,0001 to tIle fulottlot holder m., oftthi prize.n 2. TI lE -T'. C tI\RLES TI'IIRATtE AND 5 GItOUNI), with tIle scllery, machinery, ei wardrobe,tnic, &c. cotmlete . 500,000 3 I This eagnificieetotructtre has a frontof 130e5 Ieet on Stt htarles street, witll a depth & front h eir, of 1711 feet oln t Chbrles Arenad. The entatci- by Iv andt acttotlltmlldatittnI o2ithin correspond w'ith tile t.cgnittde of its exterior. 'T'h .lv gramlnl oloon is 25 by 1.9 feet. 'I'eTefi er tieer of boxesare sunrlolunted illt extensive gulle- 5 ries; 47 of llhe boXeshave htldoirs or retlling Ith rooms. In the centre of Iht dottle is sul'pent. tied a magnificienlchaitdeher, t2 f et itn height, 31) eet in cirtelilltteeeellcn, weigltteg 4,501 tIt,.,&= lilunlted itlh 76gae lights, and costt 1,et t1117 The scenery antd Itachinerv are unequalled on 5! 'Iieelntirtellt, oeli tte ,wardrobe ie mtgnificent. 12 for 3 terns at $311,t0(t Itr IoltllUlt n . 3. TttE S. t I tLE AR0CADE BtA f UI L L n DItNGS. BA 1'll, .\ND GiROUND,val- tlu ued at.r 150,000 0 A boartihl bhockof the Cotrinthia o 1 rder, 54 le, feet frlonet ole Ctpl omeet, by tIOu dPep, hIutt on te Si Choreteets Arc.tde,4 stoieS high. 'lt'o lowen plot is cluelited by bar o0oaesh*[1op, t2 Itloe, lntd ltes tulle tell e nd floor arete Ih - r- eI t hillird rlotm- in the Ulled lStates. 'heI b utIer storieis nt trivided i lt 4. lodging rllooms all entrlourt. l'lt wltole rents fir $15,1110( per Alt n eunnutn. 4. FIte entile square of gree•nd, 2 rd .1 e i I tolity, of eihteltt Iteildilltg lIen ot. l)rytdt'a So 0 treet, e holtntlel by Mltpomenta 1er leeo, alnide l'Ierpstellore strets e t. . 37,0011 5. Th' n elltire tonre tO ground on Ilrvlde Jo 0 stree t. e I nll2 n icip ,l htv , Co ltlt,. l i tlll l b I buI tld ln g lots,e bteotuel ety Elltorpte, Llercuhls and 'e'erp. et slpore Fitre .. . . 32,000 ail 6. The ftenr story Itrik store, No. Ohld SLevee slreeet, IsettooillietlSiClt t, Iroullltl also o Cillnte rtlet. 30,001 I. The t lit Irstory new brick denlling house 0 on Ctrtlldelet ntl.e', 2oI illteiloitit• forlnig bl e til cornr fl' (iritviler teel. 30,000 sle . Th'l'et. etile sqltareof groudl ton Itrendes streeltl 2d Il cii litlat, (ontn il otsl 1 h•i, n 511 i did ity -uterpe atnd tierltesbe streets, and tIle ir, . .i.e .l. is luhur. .. . . 8,00. 9. Th'll elltiresnlo.,e tef grllltta on ItIereule to O0strent, 2d e t eleiitclty, ol, 16 lots, toeoded by Ott ,lIell l enel stree, &c.. . 23,0100 10. 'I'ele entlle equare fgroundl oIlerctlesn e ntreet, d tlUlltieitltthtty, l I li toett Uiotttled by ot 10 Eteerlle, Tetrpilttllle. eilteel&c. 23,000 11. The rte e slr t ureeof trndli on Gravier be street, att utiein u icil y, ct.lllaino g 18l ote , 0 bouded by -- . 0 . ,000 he I2. The netice sLqtulre of groud t1111 Benton street,2d 11 I 11ihil h ty . e llllt li it I l lots, II LIul- O dend y Iuterlle Ilatd 'Ire'n tsihltre streets. . 1 t,0110 13. The ertire t ,re of •round on Mel po.t to elle ee ates t,2i tllltllllltte ltallt.,t lttllttllilt It l0,o l 10 bOllded Ihy rIutotR cotd 'nrpTicltllre srceete. 13,000 bh, 14. The, elllirn qllllre lof grtlllll all Beoln a tIree l, 2t1 tllllt itlli t, , eettttitttg 18 ht Il 00 hounded by 'urpl•ichure, iiertty nd IEulterllp all-.ets . . . . 14,100 at 15. 'Thle Iwo sntry hllluse and lot on New 0 .evei street' 2d1 ttt(lttielptty, cttser of RIoltt h street, :l by 113 fet . 11,00111 16. The Sql.nre of euroill on I Jtoteules .etreel, 2d muniipaelity, of 9 lote, btueded 1y, IlorCau- 0t Itee, Elltnrll and Fe leity s treetst 12.000 17. The eont.reelt greett tn tleo.ttn street, bt 2tdmutucti tlito, of l I lohtstoueled hy .1et- puleeno tell I.lberly treelts, and tle lilte of Ilthe 50 er prlleet . . . . 11,000 18. 'lThe square of ground on t 1eltpomeneeo street,d 2.1 6111 cialilt. ' o Ii, eetod Inded c by et LibTerty. Tearnlei .reteuld II to w lrsotteet 11,000 100 19. l'he equare.of ,gfllntl tt 'Ial T treeon n 211 luniei lletlt.ttf eit , o tebllolele by Sltlpte- r.ene, Ilnei alld Ihbert Itreept 11,000 It 211. "tle. trteugtller 1 .aret on gro Tl don Ilell- Ion streeI, 2 te11e. Ih'5 lots, belullded by While I- 11,1 tEutlee rlote .It . . 10,I000 100 l. .'' on e story building and grotund on Julia stleelt,d l. ler t e thoe ortler of Catlllt b elrelt, of i5 byl 78 ft . 9,1;00 22. The nqtlllre oIf around on lhalia sIrelet. I m•i I. tt 16Ie. , botellded ty llltietnlte, Jocuh 00and Ilootd eteea 9,000 ri 13. Thbe to ry btilline on Jo;lla street, nhxt tsl tile crller of •,r lary eleetl, con30ihll h oa Iker, ttud hriiog 23R by 7i toet . 9,300 24. l'ie1ttsqare Cf grettet tn MelpmIleO.O h tOOo en ,I iot t hlelltldtet by I oI O card, 'Iet'tlslch re and Jl.oh st-eet, 2d .i . . 9,000 t 25. 'Ihe sqtl.ure greud tr1 .ibore stree t, 3d Ite. ot 13 tote. htttillle by 'lrlepaic sOre, Ilew- It too atl lid I'elicitv st etseet . . . 9,11(10 261. The aqu•re of round o t Ileeetu slrrent 21d it. tl7 luots, boIunded by Whlite attd Ulleliu 3 eens gottol 8,2 000 , 27. The one .try uildlig .nd;I grnd.,,I 8n U 00Julia street, 2•1 t. being 3d ltot etrum tlp I slrl,"25 by 78 6i-el 8,1,000t 28. tIhe nqtore of groettec on Melpomene ltree, d it. of Iit Its, bt lttllted dtt Jactb t l lic I and 'Ter-ittttl) strelet . 8,000( 00 29. The eILn settr helildino adl gro, nd on Julia •trenl, 2d ile. b•itg 4th tot fro I C pUllly ireel, Ihtcing25 by ;olet 8,0000 311. Thenqetren tfgrousod on blohlia ttnres, 2d ni. ,if16 Iots, bloded by Jaol , Solih on btd I Melptt,,eano ,loest 7,500 008 3I. The osqltro tictfgroetold on Th.li taroent, 211tt.of 18 lotls,hlteoded t tlo .tntel, Stlls anelt .lle ,olnlee streets , 10011 3'i. Ttieate or btiliag and lt o Nva- I des* Streel ,1nll. ctiller tif'l'Piichllt.e Sirenet 6,000 33. 'IThee e oft I egrulld o 'e'elpsihrloe tt.bee, :It ot. tI 1t l•t, hbttounded by ISettle, 000 Matuulnsl anid tlottlal, eo str-cls 6,000 31. 'The hlt ofeteced tio Opelle o•tnet, d2d mn. corner of ellelpotouete sntretl 31 ly 1:17" feet .. 5,500 35. The squure ..f groll.d oln IMelomeneno btreet,l II. ofu 9 Itst, Ouullded btty Iloward, Ja- noit oeldFehtcitv oltretls .- ,500 30. '.I'et ll ef groolm! ,it New LNenee streat, 2i it. telt to tolu COllelet llee llblll street, 30 by 105 f; .. 5,500 :17. 'I'h square of greun, on T''itlia meet, ,15 9t1 ,. i lt lhett, ht ti,ited by ,:lort, .llo ecel. 1 atld tlltllletl e etc-et. 5.501 M8. 'T'heitfl.t erotnd n New I nee eat I 2d te. ehie ithe Id toe freec Itohin street, hll ,011 ito t by 105 fett I1" 5,500 :19.'T'he squire cf sertedtt,t" ietrrnt•strtet, o1 m. of18 Ih,,, bound e by Clsra,'l' lllo antd elle.otmrne streetsl •5,000 .310 ot. Ieiteg the 4tk tel fotm, 'I'Tersichbor soteoe , ',asit 31 tI.t 1 .7 f-n 5 . 2,00 41. T'h qltqre anntereetendeon '.lereeultI t st}ee Od lhlel 5 teet, L ;oundd by whbiti ald, lelpto- i360 nen•ltreeta .. 2,000 42. 'The Ilo oflroued on Nt sene Ilreat; 2d I m. heig nsxt to Ihe lot forliig the celrlmr nt 'lerpticinro attet. end hoviolg 32 by 1S ie . . . . ,008 43. Titnq t.eret'ofneCttOtlld es "lhbslin ntces, te i fl. of17 Illt, tlllutolned by Clara, Sleltlttm no oon. Sloetin tlreels - 5,000 41. 'Ibe tot otirguncd,'elt'eor'fl Vic'ro, and to d'tEngltien ctr.et-, .tte. 0 2;2 ItS toot 02 CALDWELL, OAK Y & PRITCIIARD, w Ov6ERS O Aug. 30•t'•, I•o .Mt OlTean., Aug, 3(•0t, 1.3• 4I 45. The partion of sqouare of groutd as 'lholilo slree, Od uto. of lb lort, bounded by lauoaos I and lsla istreets, ancdoterper- Ala petty . . 0,0JO 46. The lot of ground formninl the corner rf Apollto ind'l'srlo:hore stsreets, Jd in. ot32 by 107 1i'7t 8 ,000 17. The sqnareofground on lIhlin street, Ld in. t0115 Ito, hIourded by jaunse l,tlut sr n ,Il Thre ta as!nl brink houte and Inl on Wushliohgton st eet, oiy oflt ette, being I oW 'e-l 7iot (ultlppewa elnert, and btuyng 40 les I fronlt, Iy (11t) eet in d1,epth . 1,to00 49. AThe quaon o gron unI in T'htIia street, td nt. oft I'• ,lot.ttIl.led by At rOiu anttllsjo. t8 1 nrtlne leets alll Klg; -muivue ,01 pro 5). 1I'l oulo te toly Iuiditg .llotnl of gro•nd an ouyuders ntre, beoing tlnde 3d l fi'l.',trtrp icorells htrelt, ,,bno, 3 by1i7 fea't 8,000 A 51. lloe t sqtre e gnt ne d in Erraa streeet, 30 01 I1' n toulu, l. node) I.y latin and 'Thalt lit Airl ls antll E tlllng enuls . . , 000 5. Tlhe lon (ofiround oil ApI , t llo lreat,7 t. (ops tie, t restleoce ofJ Field I'. .. Iei• the 211 lu fru rll nritnokihtle nttlrl, und srilllttU andWlnut tse 41000 0 t. A itrt of groulnd onA nlln sitreet, 04 io. C being the 3.1 h..t ttft' 'l'ertnlthonsrueos,theriet, 32 ho 1I27 let . 4,000 55. A lot ofnground on Apollo street, 2d ,. Ibeito tie 4Ilt l'otI l trpielhor street, haringl 32 11: by 27 fteet ,4,008 •lt. A Ir onfroncd on Victory sineet, 2dim. hteving 26 by 11121let, djoiing tile lot lonming t te cur l'ucttglr tgte n treet 4,000 57. A Int el groond :2 by 07 fert, bIing i ts bIt It lotfone at tin ilch terms ths orcer o - 'Terpicholore slee1t 4,000 co S 8. A lot olrirounod on Aoello r reet, 32 by be 127 Itee. bing the g2d lot from tuht wh the forms the eorner f'le pooue etreet. Sd It. 4,063 511. A I.t ofnrouotl en Apoullo oseetf 3 by 127 tfint, odjttitog tle lot lortti.og lt' corner of Ol totllltllee ltree l . 4,000 011. A rlinuo ofgrnOud on Thaolia street, 2d it.Clotntuigtl II lots, tuuudod by SuliI Und lM nuhel treet' .s . 4t,000 61.A lot oI groellld n lelpiollsna street, lnet to tile l lot frrlmlill thle cul'teor oft Apollo •ut. t,3.2y 127 fiPI , OrtJ t y. 3.500 62. A lot of erou oil Terlninhoe sltreet, 2dt. 3'2 hr 1i 7li•lt, hbtg the 1o2d i'eum tnt which I(brll In thlellr lnof oyll l ostreet 3,500 b3. A lot or gruld o el o .oe o ntrou s 2reel 2 Ill. A2 "rum t wh ich forma Itbe corner of Apullt srtelt, theing 3I tv 127 fetet 3',500 61. A e•qltre of gttound on Terpcichorer ntn.eel. cobnbooitg 5 lote, boundted by Jucb and olin streett 3,000 o 6.5A. A otof ground on Rehim, -tr,.et bedig Junes frtry , d having 32by I27 feet 3,000 06. A tiaore of gruod eon laintg 19 hto Ilntoled by t hllerr, nento, Chrntte n Cu t ld Ci 0 street. 9,500 67. A square ,gf rounld eenltluioing 17 h;ot Iotlllltted Iy Eagle, lHe lp ,.tttn11 ttlllUttt eud 0 'TItalina ettet . 2,500 li1. A quiolre olground, eontaiitg 18 tots, otalluded hy \mu tlell lo, ulb ey uoldIolireut 0 str et . 2a ,500 0 t. A sall drellig ouse On tg llIrround 11 toe o hi ,l •luoa. rtt, - fetrlUl Inubrllln street, oIner ;lt hr 2,00 S 7. A urqUre o1 glOlld, onttiltrng 1i lots ,000 tbotreeltli) 'hli, Ss eu J tt trl 1,00 1 73. A tnure if roundtl,' ootooining 4 lut ho 0oundted by) Tttli,,, olis std Jtttn, ctreeil0 190t 73.4 ng llur., ul gruu dlld+ tlltllilllllg 10 lots, 10 huulnlnd by Cltare, t1lellp n udllr d Mlartin il leet .a 1,00 71. .\ rrne uar ge o tlm.no onltaiing 10 lots, 10 houled by teol, 'l'hauliu, Sprce nd Elrrs . to i eels1,500 75. , square oft gtollUd continin'tg 22 hots tO ltuodled by llheteonlt, ErrutLn, Sptteo lnd Cli a ltetell- 1,100 ;A tquare ofground, cnntoining 22 htte ounded by lSpioce, ErteLo, Peuch oand (Cli Ietel1,00 77. A quanrennfground eontttailing l lote Iboullded Ity Iprote neiiii Peet etteets 1,00 tt II 7J. A e:luonre Io gtllllld cont:aillng 0 lots hollllloed by ('ecll, .mrruet, 'earsr ud Cliu I streetls 1,500 10 79.A -quae of ground eoutaining 18 low• b)lnded hby \Vall, 3lultle anil (ito street, 1,500 h0. Ite' trittttlor otqttoare of groutlld ound. ell ty Ilerc lees alld .11llltellle eltreet+ 1,5011 00 8i. A •q rel lllnl d ollllllll.o illn g 2 lots Ilutttld by t httloe, Clo, l'itte atd Culln.pe streets1,400 0082. A squaire ofground uonthaindg 0 lote 14 lonoltde by t:herry sod l'i'oib o•t rote ,00I 83. A aqunre olgrunell ctollillini 10 loll 00 Iloundedl by Ingle, ttrot tllll \\ not sto.neis 1,400 4. A square ,tftrouuntl cooilt'Ug 24 elut eouttlld by Mlpleot, )td I)llio atie ts, snd by 00 the New t lrlelons tnllll 1,200 85.A•u•otre ef'grnnuod ontoining1 10 eut, bounlded by 1 all, Chlo td 51010 estreetsa I,00 00 . A.qquret oll elOUnd I olitting 10V losll Ilbultblded lyPettc tuItd Ertato llr eelt 00 87.A sttuaro oIf'luulod eeotintng 10 lots 00 bountded by :li , 'ear ted I'eh It alreets 00 88.A qulnre of nrlulld lllllllllill e e lolt hntode,.l tyPelrt, Cliu and Wull I orert B00 100 89.A Irltnlltlltr tloo tcertotoo Uulldoed Iv IIlltlotll ,'ell i d bll I hrlpoede ts 81t0 o 90. A Iriuu•ulur sqllulle IIf.: iouild it the cure 00 nlor ufoJuob uld'i hlin stlrert . 00 91. A Irinllgulor equ .re of e•ettul bH)lnded by'I erpich.oe intd .•Ulis stro.l . 00 "01 92. A hisnoulur otulrst tofnrund bundoed h, ,lltldooIu c nIod Liartrn fiestr 590 93. A\Iriul•nll:;r squlre f glouud Ibonded h00 tblio sitd Peaooeltrt . . 800 094. A eqllUoe (l' ground ettaimniog 1t Ihtl httmn ed Iv 1la tIr, 'ellut nt tllt Itlu010001 Snoild iloe eall so . t.'). A hlot ,•f ground on Washingt.n tetrlr Il t O! frott thtlu o lltltl Inollln the clolil.r of tOO Clhilt.,'w drvot, Ihemg 10 Iby 125 feot 750 9h. A hll ie gtl oool 0 i \'-hl•elllon trleet i t t wi oh• lhe .ell frtl~l ltbolh Oertlto Ito cotlr 100 ot' Ctipte ,hrstnrtttring 40 bly 125 fet 750 97. A qullrto of lluul •lnllta nilg 12 lots hbottld Iy :lMle, tuoyphi osyne, Piu't and Ve- 500 aIltltretl 500 1. A trin n g!tar ttinnre o ground hounded It, (the•itto lld 'h'ltht. oteets 4011 011 '99. A tiolzulnrq.'tn,e tfground boundlled by MSlun-ellnl Elrlutttreets r400 000 100. A lot efcrttllod foruling the corner of Jel,.ey llWV ohlll'llheU1.o1.1, hatineing 5 feel SaIle i l;rll,,+ hnd 113 r n ltle luler 350 000 01. A l-t ofgolrlud rtllilng bt e rnr of Jerre nond l"ourd tl reltr illn tle sote otlolre, Itvong ' .'e ftet u, tle former rtd 115 f'et n Ilts 50 Inltt'r 350 102. A Ilt gronmltn onJ'ersev stree, 25 by 15 fret, ite 'th I ties let lorting tte ctrter 501 f \t' .lli'.gtlll ttreet . . 300 t:., A lot ofcroo,.d oon e J nre street 2l by 115 t•ot, teig Illb, 81i from I cotl iter of nl'aSl. 50tnlgolll street 500 104. A Iriongolor square ofgrooud Iounded bye'tli and tloprtloe eltet.t 3 '[' 500 0.. ,\sttnoulr square uofgromed ounded by I'efr ntll, Ellltooirei. 200 IntO. A triaeoll',r sque er;eofgrlo bounrded 500 Itt'llhope, ine 11t 1 Ellpllro',ve street 200 107. A t inlgnla.r sqnare l g.oluud, bounded by \Itlo. and Vntletreets . . 00 ,000 '9,370 priooI share eeach les Light and IlttH•tttc :ottlompan stttok, at $010 281,100 200 rte•', 0 nItllre eachAlelthnn'st Eo- ,000 clhansteol , m l $75 $7 15,000 177 prizes, I alare each Oeesn Inostanse t:omplty oek t $s0 . . 8,850 ,000 161 irios,t rhnrresc h lercete,'s Inauranes cu$sty etonk h t*' . . 01,800 46Itrtezs. I shone *ach, Elchengo sags k la m.tt pcotntan-t'k, $50 . ,O00 0 posizm I ehu.o each, I'olsnartroio Rail liet( *oep.o.ny stoohk,1a1t100 . 3,00 000 Fire Iusurosnte noralsi,) Isicb, t $50 2n0 too Tier ,sinAoo fllOlsre tto•0.001h The DAIL? Paper is neatly printed with a""- type on an extra, double medimn abhot, at $11 per aainum, payable seml annualli n adeamas. The Tae-wwaav.e Paper, cnntlining h* ersdhts 'Watler of two dailijo, $10, poyablo in adoade'e whore no Oity reference is giveS. JOHN GIBSO.N. NEzW ORLEAS. KAY 1839. JOB PRINTING, OP VCRY DESCRI TION- Lam .rEIIDII.T,IIANDOOELY ANDCHEAPLY EXECJ7TIP AT TEE OFFICE O '133 True Jmericass, tfr. CIA'ILEC YTI.IEET, NEAR POYDftAU. m23 COTTOJ CIKCULARS Ii' l'RIN''El) wish Ihe Greatleel EKpedilionter it a sl tlre ensurpaed in Now zOAncARS, or rsle where. orproaa left mL CoxrrleO Rote in St. Charlet 3il enons, (Cohefr of (drooflr S) es, at ' It R1R AM ERICAN PRINI'fL 7f OFPFC L corner of l'ortic. and St Charls Saretets Will ht ,notnttllt cIftnrtfd Io. tT'EAM BOAT BlLEB. 0 WNI3EI34, A(ENT5, r CA PTAINe .fI$TEAE IBOATS can lcer. IMer Billeelrmtk of, is nea or mere Colored Inks en I'ain er Colored Paper, if" desptcch, aod .efeacvrable Tormoebi by eaiag i Oocrccael'PIrIUk AMERICAN U OFVICE wsa l'tcdrao and St. Charlne streetm ORLE"ANS Z.T30Gi8hPNZa 'IfIL[U ESTA llLItIi M EN'r, No. 53, Magazine Strays, ( 01, osits bionks' Arcade. R'ILL1.4AI OR *kNA' pROrRIETOR JARVIS & ANDREWS. WIIOI.EAAI.E AND IIETAII. l)oALERS IN MEDICINmS, PAINTS 03.S LIFE STL~'UFS' ANtD WbiVJOIV' GcLASIS, Corner uot Couincon aol '1ehoopitooalaa aaets, atw wILLIANS. NA'T'HAN JARVIN. JOHN W. ANDREWS, A large upply o Garden Nroed, a arracted ei. growth of 18l. CHAMPLIN & COOPER - IROCEIRS ANDi DPEAIERS LN LlWOYlSlONIY ANDI FIEED, No. 79 and 82 Julia macset, New Oclean. llYShip and Ftct,ily stores put upt. ma? WASDIONA3IU CLOTUIIIN TAYLOR & HAJJDEN, Me. 14 beetrca Setrese IIAVT: anonstant stpltly of evretral I. err t in to peatlemstu'a dreom, cit thel hast styic, at New YorEe Reoec 11.s1 211 I"AI.EILt 1N AMERICAN & ENGLISH CROWN GLASS, NIL' 3 Cs noecmLzr S'AcCOST. 10 BAZAAR. ~V5IIC ALZ;EN. NO. 1, LICUANacI MOTEL :.'erner of St. (?k.rleeotcJ (.ocrtcen re,. NEWV ORLEANS. T lPOtt'IERS end Dealora in Flrench attd Enotich I'T'erfmlcry; Dresaintg Con an nd Portable teake, Cutlerr, Hnlity. G~lovres Shirts, htlge, L'mbrellas, Cntroatttt Fantcv Articlea. d5 tiAAIUEL '1'UBY, .Merrhaodie Bnroker 4 Cotomiasion VArC.,es, 'l (t)re, 311. (amtp et.-For the prentrn. J. P. FREEMAN & CO., &.Iearle 'bdbdag DeI.Heleaj No 3, tiltcotctne trert, TiAVE contantly on hood a large supply Cloth inE, olcultctt'd for he country trade. Theiram,. tortttent beitg large, ttrrehitatt fttoee alc cunaav oi te supptliod cIa lteolurcctnoattice. FIIIFAIEN'S INtURANPE COMPAJVY OF NEt', ORLEANS. Thisr CnmSmpans ere now grestredl to ala Ne. 24 Muason's Biuilding, Canal st~rrr. E L IT nc'YV New Oleonon, nov 15.183. 5 lItInSKItI CLANN(IN, MOUSE AND SIGN PAINer No. I12 Cntmpit strect. Wauletnle Dealer in P'ontt, Oil, Vrnidal,'e mtll Winldutw atd PintoruyOlene Ac..' FAST 1ONABL.E CLOTH 'I ROAD SOJ B b a' G OO~Ji No . US, (Ihoeoeam1 Str.ee tno Otoir below :" L7 1VF constantlyon hand everyaie.tl Ii ittg tt gettlttnctt't drers stde in c, t. ,, .., totr and tttttt ta into blct teyles which iole ~ ,; fii cuv.I, at reduced p Irices. ,, deed-ill)A BANK NO'lTE ENGRAVIN t H WDON WRIGHT HATOR & f'1ir'O i I AVE okietd auullice in Naw Orlenl•,.: ,-.inu 1 equal ailvnnt gea s e i thh te helueirn ,e. ,rk, ofr the Ipurmr Ol'eld gran oing aprinluntil "••t .P o•lrst UnItl, ltilliw of Exelcage, 0a l kiittea a ,i ,I.f t , ' CehPtkl andl l vther plnl tlllit paers, req rl1;: . eeirtt nuitlt L'oret tsn; e lid haer lee ianip) ,n , i•oll uer lT' sLue keepillg otall (,lutST and.iwprAeTt , ,rb lltruGt- -d to their care; their apeci. hens eonracer i1h 1 "ie to:e over fire hundhed Nanking int• l lutlons, a::,t s, ,rdera will le exectel with lrnptitule, nt- ,n:( tl:h auel tItrms. ()Tfie ilneroflt oywl anld Canal t :.. Nea, Orhanh . eN .iemhpr"-, 183lf-. ii I' |i 11.AK PI!C•., S'. LO)UIS 'lltlErI' IElsTAoUIlA r, e iI'" Jt 'Tll: EXIiCHANGE. Slll RtS bh rihe tr hu the hen orloitnc r iahee ' -:va Is iith r ted ith e blie in en -ral, that lie wi . a , f, mihh h a n itetaltuat, where peraclo he Ie~ acerdinrti hia hil re, the regular p,* -•i a .i Fite ceati. fir ltretkli fe., andSe•aenltel -, " r,', fta i)annler. II..e hlreskfn t will oeui.it oe.. . :.' pltion, one cull f c, fure t illt n h, heIf. a OA ulld lrulel at diacreircn. the deiiiner ." .n: ,eiuae li brtioptiott, a , oup. Ituft bt, hat. . . . hi en I ci dii tt ci in A gret ilulnl r of perm nle hia e treoner. a ,. a lullng ll, of the ni convenience tal a el . ':.ai wlere ley, are obhliged tolhe at ceohg tbl ,t. i 1ie veuence it, etullshine ie thesaiurat , tr in aied where itertlit. will he attended to r. + " .r.,: the dtit,, ati thennier rate then it hile tel ,' h;,t, 'T'hle i•bletihirr hitl•n lo eleegnt Palel t a"" :, .. ,'u pIallle, noll d will extcutle city detllUlntuila. alS--w MIICHEI. DOUAld. To HOUSEKEEPERS. HOTELS, STEAM BOATS, and COUNTRY DEALERS, !UtIIE m lalchcbere are llow rreeitil• direct fronlm tihe i iltnufttlitlee, lnrgnt suPpliesl o talues, tiuhhitO d ttflliPnwure, I oikhir Itltiees, PlItt-ld and Silerwar. L.anllp'l Cha+deliePr, Jripanrry, Killc-u ware'i .an itoni I'urisheitC Utiles eIuersilly, which tllty ider l at nutillall , lw. pricee, it Nio. 17 Caap atrlrhaidN 3.l4 (cliiOi t,e aelct. itti-4we It oInOWEI M Ca M.NSION IIOUSE HOTEl. O llsE l cundlersacgned, present lroprietoreso this wenll S lihi wiln psaIllicsiieii, acllclled to arii Hlutcide, uar id i)llthr ilieP. N: . 119, hlavet lh, uattler, luI cunci. to tlh puttdlin, hnl Itheir gretetleoe E tiL iatl- tlui will he ,me tli.til•i to•fnIder cIttIirthla oe tt4c iai ireii liIm f lvor themlltil Ilheir latritnlte. a•i.ii eutlegic titnPereeill', the hiece lic teritroe.lAl•ltera "t clu tv, ciiellclpiilctti, Ci. are si well known that It itl setri-Iy CUNY& FULTON. MANSION IOUSE HOTEL, d la Hlabannu. OS ineracsritoa nuovao prnprietarioredl dblb . ieioneilto etsttllceinienlo nonbhtldo MAN:. SION HOUSE, stulld en Ina elle do Ia Obrapia. NuLEi. 1191; fietilol thonor do nUiclieir la pubhllO ernlle tet mnyorea efluerztn y oatencinea aran dedi- caduia tp cnnplaecer k Is pertonas que le favoroe- cancian u platrnehein. Lal oetittnja que ponea di. ela cl'x parn lonviegerua. tnnto per ou loelidad, cilttnlidad, etc. etc. sou tan conecidan, quo ue inu- til mttitinercrlau. 21 set-ly CUNY & FULTON. MANSION HOUSE HOTEL, d Is Hneonne. I ES rourignts, niouveaux m propriiairee de 1r16. tele illenlent ailu6 dons It rue do i Obrapia, No. 1i49, conu nusIn taro dte MANSION IIOUSE, cnnit lIltotntr d'inforntor le tublie, qu'ila reront tous lure efolirts pour as rehdlo agreablel caux pericnnel qui voudront bien lee favoriser de clur ctlnfitine. Loscuetmoditds quoftfre cottla tIa. .- o utlx voytgeur olltet asee etltuae poln Pon pititijuger n6ceaeairo d'ent fairo ci Ia detail. I hlip--ly CUNY & FULTON. t! CA LL IOLLTON . linTEL. (C LAVAUD lhas the honor ofinfolllb g hi{iebidr. - l i n tb ts, plhli a in generLl, thiat tlile h kektr wien Hlatol at Cunr'llltc:, wherehn trullt hewill irdieii i tle calln• lias old friend and eall o•ae o nedeer. Private l mttier will Inchndmotenely proirndd' fi A . Sglvllig l ittle iotice eforehandl. He bl will a t ae inl lier gnoe•tnta ewitlh foiiline or individualo diMu•"roo I fntieici tehe suimniet at Ulermlltna . BIAZAAR. Corner ofSt. C•la'/ens & "mi . . ) VIUI! & ALIAN wmild mtpetetfaull7 oill at p eiitiniil aceiteelien letragees aUar titirnneo phto t-niiri>lltil iieellaiiiehx linen 'hiroo, do+iljalukrie.o 9 itln lrehll rutllll fa.lu.nolla luien IfllQi ulwl rol- ilre: -ilk, tlllllle tnd elerinoi olrder I•ia% se d ewnl r I elnchrie nlld silklanlehirellltft hlatltond fry e• ' r-:l Ia ut itl vnaieli: telaokf nfeerr d•lel•ralao; ilg.,, icei c . lee1 iottil ritnpentderel: eilk, on'itl lid thread tmlleve. geAii hoLkin llovee: utubrellea and aire gItld Smintled. , , . .l.u,--iplenmiid u..t....ne.n lea'c n !eed ( Ista a I "or .Pet, lceaingeicao ,cipea s wl a a5, t 4 ii N(.nn ider.

True American (New Orleans, La.) 1839-12-28 [p ] · -tht I.. brhgals, Elq. he pllointood to represent tlhe shblntcreditors. By order of the conrr. ... center lesa rdeancioer abses,

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The State of Louisiana, To all whom these pre-eOtiO Iy onnoern oreetineg -

ot ye Ihna HENItY WILLIAM 'PAIFREY, at of th- city of New irleate, ho npplid to me,-inter o'f Wll, In end for the palriah and city ,frleani aforeaeid, fir a olintitieo or AdvertiemOent,

nformily to an Act of the Legialature of the rtiler,led, "An Act fir the. further aseuron ce of titles toinres at judicial eates;" approved the the enth day ofch, 18:14.1O i'CK81 is hIolehv given, to all whel it may conternt,

et by virtue o1 and in obedience to a decree of laleem said Cort oef 'rohbates, rendered and eisited by

oeent, on the 4th November, 1839, in the metter ofe stlccession of Charles LI.nt Gtlernier, in soit enumer15, entit'ed" It. W. Palfrey verset E'stale of Cite.. Garnier and Mad am oarlder," which decree of Ralea grnnteton rule tkenn on tllhe nolth Octeter, 1t.39,

* the abiverentitled cane, ly siid plaillntiff agnlust tileefendant; Mrre. fophle Vienuie, idlow, in coem iunityI said (:harle Louis Gtarner, tnld natural tetix to her-inrchild Jeann Jaques Gamier; as nteofter the pub-

icationsand advertllusnenll required by Ianv, the tIieilter of Wills aforesmid, did, on the sventh dlay of

• ember, fnr thouenaln eight hnedred and t'irts nlie,,opodO ftlr pehlic sale by ausOtion at the Cityv FxehtngeIn St. I.ouie street, hetween Chalrtesa and Iilivet street.,for what it did fetc.h, tihe following detsried landedprerpert,• to wit:

D rfl iiptioo otF the property, as given in the JudicialCaonveyance.

Two certint lots of gratnd, adininltg each other,together witn all the hulildilts and ilprovements there-on rights, privlleger, eantoms, ways, servitudes andt ap-pllrtenaneeo thlereunto helnnellng eer in tnyaise apper.lining, eiltoate in the eqeenre bh..tle : by Groaver, Ut-

ranna Unionl and frr.delet streetse. in the feuolmtreaint Mary above this city, and delienatel by the nsum-brres tllirltee and fotrteen a et certain IIn dr ltwe bvLouis irinsier, Eq. sorveyr gnrlertl, ote sleet 1th tI.csamber ltS, and detlncitdl in tile offee tef II. It, Crelan,E~q. ntany ptblic, for refere•cer, said klt nunmler thirteeo mennetrin twenty five feet font olt Grnvier streetand twenty five feet in the rear, lt a derih of Iinety

even feet'ftor twecehe ansd cor tilies, on tihe iile dlvieI-ins it from lot number twelve, slcd of ninety eight feeteght inline and two-limer, o tile ole iter id line .i-

iing it from number fourteen, lotnd said lot ltttmb,rouonesn meentndg tsaventy.live frt f o an e ,treid G rvier

ret and twenlv five het in wilthl in the reer, by apth ofnioety ieght feeL eight ietrhes nll tavo linee on

i" line dlididine it frem nid leot nanher fertern, atdnee hundred fee son the ppnite eri tide l ine li g it

fron lot nuetlber Ireer, whielt eid lote, orm part ofeertain portion ofgrnte wnl ith Henry W. Phelrry a-qoir edhy htehay e feo tam Lasornt .lillstlhon, e v nl e

ed brefore the raid l. It. 'esnnr, on the fr rt daySMy, 18:36, adjldiented to Ilenry W. Paltry, heo the lasnt end highest bidder, fIr the prie f nIine

ooand dollars. $• o .Terms--Twelve mostles eredit for bhed willt stilesfc-

eeemrity,leatioc mttgager upoll the property ; Iheirte•r not to tlienate the ete before feull tayment

h prejodiWce the moortgaee.Iteerefore all persons wtee can set up snty elrit, title

claim is and to tie Ianderd property hleretn neerihed.renseqmener'of any inftw ,.10Iet iln tie ordter, esereejudgment slefre recited stdl tele-r wItech iot otl.`

,atldl, or anee irreg•lri ltv or il'eeeilee itl tie eltainoeae or nlvtiere•ileti"r , • n title, or ealnner of,nr far oane ether dlefect what•leever, are herrely cited

iadlnoi;ned to show enoatesn. witlin thirty tny- frnltday this Motition is trl inserted In Ithe tlnli- pe-, why the Ihla eo made, s efaortelidl, hlllteel ne lbelirned noel homntlogatrd, in sceerlacnce with tile up-atiosn ofeaid purchlar.

"•Wilntss ,tmy land aend te S.al ofnsid h'etrt ofr'B Prol es, thin tnineteenth day F ftecnteer, A

1). 18)9.-Q W F C DUPIfI.S IS,

d 3t Ile;teter rf \Vill.

tIROISSE DI'ORLEANS-Coour des PreuveoJ J -L'Etat de It Louisiane, a tous cux quo cultpeut eoncerner Slut.:

Qu'I soil conna que HEl RY WILLIAM PAL.FREY, demouraet dans In villo de Ina NouvlleOrdans, s'est adresod au R6gister des Teoatumeno. F

idana t pour la Pare soe et la villo de la nouvelle

Orl6ans, exoffieio Greuier do nla Cour de. Preuve.,dons at pour la dlite vill et Paroisas, pour publierat annoncer contormdment a un oeto, de Ia Legia-lature de P'Eat de liI Louisiano, ntitul6 " Aotepour confirmer loe titre does nequdrarrs aux tesoajudiciairos;" approuvd l 10 Mars. 1034. -

Avis eat par le pr6sont donnd a tout cenx quo Keola pout concerner, qu' en veru et on exououlion

d'un ddoret do vente do ta dite cour do. Prerven,rendu et Signd par consentdme t. lo qu.ltoorz No. Cvemtbre ril hbua cent orente neuf; danos 'afftlrei dolo ucceOsaon de feu Charles Louia Gar(ier. proc6us. 1,295, intitul6 H. W. Plfrev contre la to e.cession do Cbs. L. G trnior at Dune G rnier le. 4-stal d6cret do vonts fut uccordd our un ruob, prisdoans ia suadito affaire, Is neu! Oltobre., il lhuitcent trentn neuf, par lo dit ptointtffrontlr Il d.- Sfendoreoae Dame Sophie ViPiu

e, veove, en colnmm

nautd du dit Charles Loulis Ga;lier.c t tutrice 0at0t.

rello do son onfutnt moincur, Joan J..cqos Ganrlier,pt sprro lea aviVpoulu par he lot ; I Regilster deo-

'T aments stl u t offrlt vents re publiquo • 'encanle sept Ddcmbnhre., mil jit ce0nt rentone neuf,. It•uurse do la Citd, rue St. Louis, pour co qu''tlesr rappurorteret la propriltaires fulcibre. ci-&prb~dderiteo, Sevoir-

Description des proplritcd d'apres Io transferjudicial ire.

Deux certains lots do terre, atoenant I' tn I'au.tre, ensemble tutts le0, htiioes at noteL 0tidliiodije

qui a'y trouv.n t, droits privi bre•, coluturmes, vires,' situds dtane 'ilnt hnrb d

p.ar ls rues Gravier, ,Ironne, Uninn et C.rmondelea• faubourg S~ile M ,rio, an dessuo de cntto villt, r0t dc4igodo par Ice noumotrs reoize t qlatorze our

un certain plan dresse par LouII. Brinerl., arpen. 0tour gd•1dr.t, t S4 Ddcemhre, 1835, e

t d6pt1o 11d

reoeur- en I'dtude do II. B. CnasC, notaire public.Le dot lot no. treizno mIsurant vingt oinq pi dI

de face. t In rue Gr vier, et vinglt clIiq piedl de largedons lo fuod. sur une profondour do qalore vingtdix aspt pioda quaotro plouces quatra lignes sur Itligno. qui !e adpnre du lot No. dotozn, et do quatreving dizhuit pieds huit pouces deux lignes our nlaligne oppoe6e, qui to sopare du lot No. quatoorze, atle dit lot No qua;torz ma0nrant vlngt cinq piedt

de feoe la Itite rue Gravucr, et vioogt etoq pledsde large donia to fund, dur une profoudoor d.o quIllt

vingt dix huit ptrda huit ptuces deux liguos cur laligne quile o dpare, do dit lot No. traoiz,, et d.o cent0piod ouur It ligno opposde, qli Ito odptro du lot No.quino : lesquols d,,uz lts do terr font partie d'uneertain morcoau doo trre qyo Illoueny V, Ptlfrey asequin do Laurent Millaudon, par acts paood to 4SMai 1836, pardevant to dot H. B Ceonas; adjugdsa Henry W Pldtrey, pll offruant at drnior encld,.

ehdrissnur, pour Is prix de neufn uillos pin*reb-89,1100.

Conditions-Douze mois do credit even r.otuinosatisalisante et hypothequa our 'oe propril ; I'ae.qudrror no devnt pas nldhner les dites proprid61isu prdjudice do I'ihypuothque avant parfait paie-

A cs0 causes, toutes personneo qui ont on pour-ralent avoir quelquea rdoelamations contoe lea hionsfonds co-dessus dbcrito, en cousdqueneo d'un dd-faut do forms danas 'ordre, le ddcrat ou Io juoo-ment de la ('our, on vortu duoquol la vtnts a d•tfaits on do tol a irr6gulari 6 ou ill1galit6 d.anO'cstimation, Pavia on le temps ot to mode do tl

ents.e uo pour toute oautro causeO queleonque, mnot

par cos prdsentes citido d'avoir a dddouire danstrente juure a dater do la publtiction du prdeoutavie, dans lea paptors public, les rai.oueo pou0r leo-quelles la vente siosi frite no serait pas upprouvdeat hocmologude, comme in ddmanude Ito dit acqud.

En foi do quoi, j'y ai appod ma signatureat oI Seeau do la dote Cour des Prouve,,

L. S. . cdix neurvihmojourdu oiads de icembreA. D. 1839.

W F C DUPLESSIS.dI9 S3t Rdgister dos ITetauentsll

"TATE of Louiaitn-V 'oriar. ':otrt, of thoe lcrroh 1S and t:iltry of New Orler. Preotnr. tlrt lonerrhle "I Charles 1antriao,,Jude. No. 12,'6(0-Herv t;:zeaux

In. hio crediltor. 'lae eeiRion lf prrolittc li rho |vtl

eroner is llotrh, eacepted Iv the colllrt filr rho bnefilt of Jhi creditonr and itto d r r'od lrl i a .ltooe in -t .4t I raCdi deors he held at the rlfi ne ofl.ar t qo Trg .ou, t.aq. iotory publt, on Fridey the 24th nvot of Jatuary netit.there aed then to deltberate nt the ,ffuireof the petliion.or,and in the meanilne aI proceledintt eeoiloet hioprronaudl property ollre layd. It is trler nrdlrr,,-tht I.. brhgals, Elq. he pllointood to represent tlheshblntcreditors. By order of the conrr.

f A RMANI) Pr'OT', Crlerk.Clerk' Oilice, New Orleane, December 20th, 183t0.

dl--3te&ofi ETAT DE LA LOUISIANE-Cour de Pa-. roeiss. pour laparoisse at rillo do Il Nuonellle

Present Pilon. Chbrtle Maurian, Jurge.No. 12,240. lien y Cesoauo contre ses Cr6anciers.

La cession des propridods, par lt Pdtitionaire eatseeeptde per leCour, pour in b6lndflee de soe erd

nsocier. et ii eat ordotnd qu'unoe asemblde deedstserdanciera, ait lieu. oa bureau do Laroq to Turtgeu,notaire publie, Vesd edi to 24 h(f forlaver prrehainlpour y ddli•rder urtoe lea affiri dudit petit.(on ure,.at qu'en attendant, toutee pourllates cnotre as per.sonlto et sm propridtds sent arretls. [I est do plusordonnd que L. Legauo snit nolumtm6 pour rdpre.center lesa rdeancioer abses,.

Pear ordre do IlCour.

Nouvello Orldans 20 Dec. 1839.ARMAND PITOT.

d21 3t Greff•r,

'• EIl)ICIN S, &c.--Ieadling from ships Sr. t.ouis,.• ClheroLCke, Lotuiville, Jo•epidline and Ohio-

Pule. rhobtrh in rtselSicily brir.mrone doInldigo it oeruc)noPladder in r.okhbarrels and kegs•lit prtre in ke;sFlour Solphur in barrels(;roud gioger in doRace ginger in hogeI20 hibl eonto.r-eil

atl aole inlc tksSaleratus in doBellilu and soda powdersCantor ,'it bottlesPatent medicine vintl, a-sorted vialsPaint and varnish brushes

WVilh a general asonrtmrlentel'medicines for plnntations

ndrlclee. ForseleryJARVIS & ANDREWS.n29 corner Com,. & Tileapitoulan at

I[RIN'rTIVG MATERI \LS-JohlIn J Ilawell &.T Co, 49 Camp atreae, hae Ithie day' received a rnee.

tell trllotv of type. eaRe.', prloe.•. brt•r rrri., er.hlltogI :Rn:, MBall•t , plainersl qnoins, resuI o rinqo icke,.raho omi

n. aticknmorndaurt% irn) t Ier clebated dnnlldy

fIJuhnaon &Smlrth, Philodolpin, wlhieh iaoFl•'rd to•l •dtmre on aOeomntmdatialgrrmt. m,

PAUL JiNES.A RAM in fllve ats, from the Freeth ol Alex.ftintas,by Win. Be,"rer, il New rirleans.

Thli. pity, very hvIr.ahly reeived in Ire North, inmore atron.ly reeommemiled It the itilile of New Ur-lean, as the irst production ifea well keIlnown rentlemallorthis city. For sale at the printleipIl t(lk tores, andaIt - JOHNS& Coi.1T7 anr St. Charl.sl and i:omnmon at

YELI. tW VEVKI(.A NATOMIICAI0, Patholnogical and Therapentie re-

s earhen ln the Yellow Fever of riibrallar, of 1828.ry P. Ch. A. Lewis, author of Lewis on Fever, IBlood

Lettig. A. &" &c., juet received and. for sole by J. J.IIAS WELL &a Co, nucaessor' to ALEX. T)WEIR, 49Camnp at. 115

A LFILItl) DE It1)SdANN, or tile Adventures of a.to Frerlh gen lemli.-a new avelt hrv I W M Ryenolr.sled foresle by J J IIAWEI tI . in Co. hinli 49 Clamp sat

1)U3lA'S MeMOliS. at.1 EMIItiRS of hi own liln, including thle Revola fi.

E tien, the In1mpire and Ilthe estoration, by Iieut. evCount inltthew ilunsa, jult received lld tr sale bhv J. iJ. HS IWELL & Co, successom to ALtX. TOWII. tIo49 Cllamp t. t15

1It t 'l:lll1.1. S MA'PS-John J Iewell L Co, 49lI Caret streti, have just reePl, Irll Ir, Phliladelphia reia erri I triply if litrehtl' remrs rlitr fie poc cr, vi-: orfIr Texs-, I•oitiaon,, Anllballri, Missi-lppi, Terne-sre, orKenltucky, Michiean, Wieentn•in &cA. &c. together with ata fresh sup sly of ,litrhell's georrltphy and tllne. s,19 of

I.AW BOOKS. soT'OlY'S Ceomtnestry ll tie I.nwof gellcy; OVen-(holl's New Y ark Rfepirls; CrWarl't, New York

Ilteporls; Jrhtartn' New York Ieeportl; R•lln unl -MtrtlI'e Crwll Canea; Chitty on Iille, aew edit.'lh.e bhove with a genleral ansortmlent of Law Books,

just received and for alel hI.l<'lN , IIASWELL & Co.

d 'to) R, 49 ICamp latree.1 I Ti'l' N(VE I.'I'I ES--Sak Ileurr 4 hl frl4nred,

Si or the golelle age ol Merry i{lllalid, 3 •Vlla.Foather rlrller and the Lonourth!ecgs rIolrimr, by V. II.

Crrlelton, uthor ocf Venal lMale, etc. 2 vole.The C.nrnn oft. r1d B ee.i.rr. ir the I la llahok of the AMun of Fahlioln; by the au.hor of the ".I a's of :ti- I

queue." E JOHN~li & C:o,N tr Statinrer'ns 1. ll,

a2 car St Charles anid ClnCotn etlla Si

j# tU I' IECElVrl- IhPe Bealle of .I Senion, it pornth by the Counlte•n 'ofBllsaington, illustrated, Lonldonlelition

The Shnkmpeare (Gallerr, eontluining the principal eI-tInle crlllroters iii tI plays of the grert Poel, Lun- Idn erhtilin.

Fori elle I. t, ar chri'tlnam anil nIew yenr's present, ty hyFrederihk Seh•hlrrl, Lonrllt ellilllrll.

Friendsthip's t(lfering nil \ind ter's Wl\re iot, cri ehrtmrnasrd iew ynr'a nrtesl,ltr 18(41). I r .o edrion.

E JiIiNS o . "i'o, N ti "ailtiolcri Itill,d1 cur St (Charrles lRd elimorn tll.

ie;. W F V i -K-.L Suitol';Arn ir- fo r Y f lor , ilhenautifnl ilIllnilrat d ecgrtvier, publlhhed I.yAr kermlllrn , Co., .ltudon. -

Thel C(ltres.brld Cr ill L roinilr)lrlll trinill tIhe aInw of thegnRIIIPre tiluIitdlli pwler Iof tie iinecesa reolllrkt ireth hlest meth,, I s i ,l' tloi ,dollg tile gulnI, V c. -e.,hv \V I.ewi, ronl 1i::t19.

S'hess; or h gilners, inll ia .rie. of plaoree.ive lesson,illuastratedt by nmenron4 daitranlP, ,rimed in c--hors;2d f dili n, revi;ed n1111 c r eted,lh\ W I rwis,l.odi, alRio. Flyr.r'y lllle , e lulntde tr ellllrllo .

Jult rcetneil anid lr snte • rt E JtIIt'S ('o.d2 Slationetr'I. lnll

N ICIItlJ I.\S NICI ICIlY clr Irlre illn our v!imlrr,Scllp ed BuiIn, just receioved eon far *rle he r. 1.

IIAaWhI.I & di-i, ucce.a.rsir to Alec. 'I'UWiII 4 i(Cllmp .reet. d3

FIIKE :.1AUN RY.J UT receivredl a fw opies or f ellowa' Expoiltioli

of thle llyteriere or rligillul dlgolll ald collrtlllniof' the nliernl Egyp tians, ltythtererins anid Druids;

u, all inqir itito the eorigit, history and purpolrt ofFreellmlunory, ftor isle Iy

JO)HN J HASWELL & Co.Srace8 ire in

d7 A TOW I R, 49 t:nmp srreet

L AW IOOKS--A new s0 t11,v thre itllowingwork en I.on a w, jit received by the subscriber.

'rllun llll-t ke, i:l(( veelslotrllllllntln SJl.narof il the Laws of set-l,fsr with analcpendi

Kltet'l C•rlllellPnt-rten aridge, h ,lv rt•eottn JorltionE.ve lla ' Modalern t"lltries nllld 1're, .- dllotl of Ueclllutioll

P.etdlilln, ,etlriPear d WritsCoke's thlrten hooks of lil

rteprs, abridged bhy Jolhn A

) ulllup

llrgererlll' ,,• n ulll of 1aritlile I.rws,cnnso itilne oftleltie'. iii t•lilpi, feithi anlld illU tlrlll: U; rallal .tel frmll l tlelatra if itlr |•ir, .i ittl mleln.

givers' riglht, - a ill \ ericu , clliZele , with it iomtlllen.

fry l t "tie rtrUfits and on the CIns•tlruon andphr, i of the U. -.

E JOIIN ir Co', N S tationer' lall,

n8 correer hlrler a Ondl amnrnr rt.

AtI;NuA.S irt)ll 1810.'1 r11 ,a itf Areerra, lv lJohn RIeese; splendidI lllllrmotet-o monlldlCh.llr, .tln~. le l 18'40, by RIev. Jolhin A Clark;

aIle fllll le,+l- accl, i,)tllnllIet lierirn It treng lur 18-Ill, by Misr C II Waitrmnn;

Thelrelll lir 181.•t a Christinai and Now Years pre,h s!e:: I";,-l itl l Illllf m Sn ellrlrrtbtlcU

1I1, Chi,' eil Gr i' 8I10--lsan,The •If , 1310-t'lh Vilr. dnt.rnd

I.iterary Sllllvell I', . i er - ', t allI": J liNS it u I iCr.A ti lat l

n7 riirlllr Syt (llrlrrrlr alr (:irlmllll sat

Ir11 ll se lendid .11".1l, Mlin ed h tle .'ou leas Iof1 Itlesilt• n itan ii i tlrrtne d wtl.t ltwi i ve lier1111 hi-,lhly liamshzel ellngr.v: tl-t r, eeiveI and f rsale Ilt J J l[.\S\t.[.o 0 o,

25 411 (lI Camp at

rlYlltI. Jllrist o; Low mand lquilv pl).Iorter•, m.lllmining

in tie etIwril CoI rInn ts". Lasr ned lgEIit inl traln.l,dlringt tIe year 11139. I'iilshe il r rto tlly at $7, erall.uln. ublshripliifir rtlciivcd he

JOtN J 'iASWI-I.LL C . Ce.a Suc'esnlrn t"i

td7 A 'I'O\tlI-It, 43 Caiii st

.ANNtUAL.S1 F 101.4(Iv.eU{

C ' received per .hip I. :ll1), ihe Ionio ing pleno

a UI Lainlon Ii' ''iil t), I'Th e a•ml tln, l ,•c1icYl oforiinnl pros)e andllo voerr,

(ietnl of ilelautv, .isplnyved in I series If Iwelve highly plfillilhe.d enorl iie.r . ' varioisulbjlctla y thI. oullc aptoss Iof BJtU siill ,,t: toi.

Fishe'r'fI intwi ot [•.l.l Scrap tonk, 184n, with poeli.,lillolstrtill Io L. E(. .and Miry I I owIIlIo ll.

lieutm'+ Book of lienat,', Ib40, ,ith beautifld engrav-ino-, d.l 'd i (thl ', o.'s' of Illesiogio . tot

The Kelpl.bike fir 18.111, edited by I.udy . Ilunrli f

Keath'o Iictolresque lii-nal Inr 1840; Wind•or Caisle coicold it- E•lo'iron, by I. ititolhi'. co

The Po•l of IA olr,ca, l hy .Joi Itee.e, splendid noorucco to

Chri-lin KeepIInke for 1840, by Recv. John A. Clark, ieiollroclllo bIouiid. sa

Bellin .'a ilferinog for 1810(, by Miss Waermeln, em- baboesed. be

'PThe lGe iF r 1810, a Cicrimlllu ainil New Year's Pre-see,. ieh xb.ld d oi ornt'o, . ale

The Perl or Alfrcii •,o : i f for 1840.Trie 'hill's iem for 1840. siiThe Violet b.r 1810. elT a if far 1I40.Tne Itell of Ihe Season, a poem, by Ihe Countess of ni

lie sinetio. iShlaksplle'r Ga Gdllery, oroilainrii the prinripol feopale or

.lioractt.r in the lidsys of the gret ipeoniForget Ole N.', it e'hriiileoas anod lew Y•ar's Preeot, to

li Fred Sil Obhert,Friendshiis' Oflering and Widhl.o'i Wrethill, a Chris(t-

ola alnd New crYear's lreeilet, edited by Frederick

The Token nl Ati tilac ouveeiiriba citll aniod NewYear's Prela.t, edited l•I S. i t;.lldricil. L

E JOlINS i C, o. IN. Orleans Stlti:iler's H[Ill,

srloec St. i'erler clot C(OmneIi( tIw•fIV B'tflSl(I-- er l di ie e eie or thle Slite" ofIl lia, byl I' R Jineo, E.q. 2 toolo. Es Thei ' orto! fr Rlhr e ef i oilrleo •lecold, by thleamllhlor iof MIarv Its iolland, tli+. O

SLNi'sl Mate, an iticat l rmilancne of Allerie,h by theautoier jof Alhenla, of I.tllaneru, •: . ,. 2 viola.I Jack Siceslard complete, by Ainleworth, 2 Ao. .

Walkl and WVanlherines ill the world of literature, hyithe u'h-r of the ieniih n al tille hlr, " els.

.Nicholcas ieklbiy complete in ine vcol. witl and witli.. Aout illustratin•al.

Sketehec by Bee, in o:le vri. lic.i12 d5 F. JO NO5 & Co, Statinner's hall

7lCOllfl.4,' NICKIIEBY anid Jack Sheppilrd,com-pletl-John J liaswell , 1'o 49 (Catnp st reet, hlve

jll reeiced i f w lf iel oitfJark dlSeheppr, ii•icnllte li al tool oe: lso Nicholas Niekleby clitplete, illusirsied.dlS

-gSSIAN'S POEMiS-J-lohn J llewell and Co, 19S a ('limp Isteelt, ihe tiiii lay received a few copiiesi'if Ithe p min ife .fl.i, Iracnlitedl by Jimes alncliher.non, Esq. a inew edition iotora. d2i

ANNUALS FOR 1840.U I ' receove fro t New York the following splen-

aI did L..dl n Ediltionl :

. 'Ihe Amaralct , a nlir•,llany of original prose norcvere., ellted lbl' K. lirvey.

SGein of IHeaity, dipl.tlyed in a seriea ofrtwIve hihlyfioietlld egraovines If variolus anhjects by theCta iltiiteco of'lle-aicgtitn.

l. Fisber' l)mwillne l kom Sc op Bbk, 1840. with poeti-Is c ll lltrtatiolns hv I.. E. I.. noil Mtrv Howilt.

e. Hlliath' Iink of oBeoty, 18111, with hlealifll engllre1i Ig, edited Ill thi lleo nts orI Bl.:sinltonl.

The Keeplake for 1810, edited by Lady IE. MIuarit,lorthil .

lentla's Pouresqeie a•tnal for 1810; Windsor canstleaeid it renvilros by I. Illilehie.

The Poet. of Ameriei by Jllhni .(o en, spilendid moroccobolllld.

is. Chri-tian Keep.lnk for 1840, by iev. John A. Clhrk0llll l Illoloild.

Bellgin' (lt ri o for 1840, by \lies Waterman, eni.

The Gem 'lir 1810. a Christmnla oi New Years Pre-sent ilbt)Cedi anid mnlrstern.

The eiael ar 'eciiin'e Gift for 1840.The Child's Gem for 1840.The Vileit for 1840.The Gift for 840.The Hell of the Seaaon, a poem by the Countess of

llecinltot.Sh..kLearer' CGallery. centainine the prinei:al femlle I

chcaroctert. in the plays l tile greart ielt.Forget lto Net, a Christlmne aod New Years' present,

by Freiml. Sllurt.Friendehip'' eferin iand Widow'a Wreth, a Christ-

am mniaand New Year's Present, edited by FrederickShoilnhL rt.

The T'ken cnad Atlantce Sai veiir, a CbchriltI andNew V'enr'. l'teellt, editeld by S. . iooilrib h.

The Iris of Prsie, Poitry and Art, for 1810, illne-trele.l .ibh engrelvinla by Xi. & I W. .. Filhlco. fiioon. painlinsr l J. IBrowne. Kdiimlllby lils Ailhltld.

S Thle IHoLk of the tlenrloir. or lth Coulrt of qllOetk' Vieturit, with plllend d nilanvign earreuted iInder Ihi

ep, itUtrinteandinle sf. a & W. E. Findee, vitlh poetieql

rion(.fr IJHN J HASWELI. i Cn,d! 1aW e eoA Toar O lamp ne

SEZPPZ3: LI.T.. .Ooastw ise.


PACKETS.(To Bail eser other Monday )

Thui Line iaco an a+ed ul ti.e tlohuw•aih ip, vig:Ship AL') '. Capt. TIra k


" HAKSPt.PB BE, IitIliltHUI 'l'SVyI.LE, Eldidre

" SAARATOGA, " tlnth.wayThi above ships are all of the irst lsnes, acppered

and ol,,r firntea e I, lf a lilit dnrught of wet r, atndbuilt in ,ew 1 ork expressly for the Imr-d with elegentiaecoulmodlatona fBtr ipssengeis, and cmmlalnladed by

ibln .a. Ileri.enc..d masitr. 'I .ei. piceIf .II....gei+" pafixed at $B10, .ithoit w ines or iqulrla ; alIl e store' ievery otler particular wi I lle roviled, andl evey at-eamllo, ei.en to iritnu thehe ilnlllbrt iof tlhlose passn

to ni:l a rl in tlut line. The slips will to all tales, ItowenI ulp ad down th ie ive ad the greatest punctu-aliy tei•,.ried Its i, their d v of talliej , ii

Netlier ih.,• wners or captainei f athet ships will here.spniibte til jewelry,

hulioll, preious .tolle, silver

or phlaed ware.brreakage of hls, hllow wre, ularbleor graltite, enoIer. ge of tii, rIIet Of iron e i stiel, or firenv letters, parcel ,r inrcknge enl Iv ir puti nil oard A

o anhell, uo era regular bill o llading are taken ftr thesoml, and Ihe vaine thereofexpressed.

For Ireiglti ,r plnralge apply tou1n27 W t IniSDu)ICK & hASINES,7nTCmp s toi

FOIL I.IVERI'Ot L.- The A I fast sai.ii"e harque ELEANOR,

Copt. McPherlon. lih•ig part of her cargoengaeed, will have dilopt'h.

For freight or p aas.e a, ily on bo.ard tord'25 Ht)LItES & 9•0i.IS.9 iinlk place

FOIt NEW YIORKRegular Packet of the 10th inlatnet

Hi line's Line .,ftPaekte.The eonlperril ned coppenr fasniilled pIaket

shlp AIIK'I$S S.I, Dmalls I.a-tet, havsing

two hirds of her aergo engaged and going onIhnrd, will io-ilively sI i abovae.

Fut bl•lan fti'rin•it nr pan.-se henin' elegant aetcoaininloiians, a ply to itlo aoitnin ua bonlld, twi tiersbelow the Vegeisble Market, nr to o

d2L3 A t'UIIEN: 90 Comi n at

FOR I.IVERPO;OI..'h rei f~et sniline, ,rqred and coppmr ftat-

enrd plancket ship PI'AN I'IIEA. Alihby.nolaeris now hadin ind wiiill mnet w'ith qulk ded-

entrh. ta'r ibiret ,r pnsange, hving eleriai accom-umidtiaam,apply ito th In 'aptii n l Iiad, or t,•

di l A CI)IrEN, o 90 I omnmseoat

Fitll I1 ViO'11• 10)1..fThe t Ihe i tl 5 siiling shil P•oWHAITTAN.

a ('firia ( tV )MIUi.rrenI will ail nit Satar-

i 'oy nxt. For pesintag, apple ior bard, "1,"

,liiti.. irC.a.n I .e.C, .n I ' I.AtDI i.A ,dl7 51 C(:imiiiip lI

FOIL FItEtlaill"' n 0 t CI.11I'EIt.T-- he Imi-h shiii 'I'll IlTlIS i i now ready t,

receivse ireiglht fr l poi t ini llEuilrie. A. r.,.glit ftir iamliburi g ir Aiteerlp i In "et Il-

.ireid. Ap ily to .1i0i A iIi.tJ l FI.i K

h or the Interior.CONVENT SACEIMIi IIF lRl.

Ii nhii-eqii,,,t ,f he ladies tair

I 2 t a e king tl ,,e, sl.u t e r 1811. ile s otem " 1II t I t EIIN, C:atitin Frick, ill

lave Si .iM ,•h'l mii thie 171h1 iiilti, llllll ,hr to i lvelh__ ill liv._ o d fll New t)r ien ry. t ,r114

Rgar P e . acket.

, iThe nle, flist runiingr steamhilr

.l tilI, l• 1T . CaJes . Waert astri

will leave New i )rlelnna veryav Wr•

re da nrnig ut I hclck . h. ordll Bayotu Sara every untnlllld ~al fite ihtl ne hourni. Flyor Irighlt or ipa

sage apply

on boardor toi2 r N. IP Ic IDI.AW, Camp ER

FOR BAVOU tARArtegn i-tr P reeie on

ear rin.•s, The splendid iassenger ti eamhoatLJSnm l BRII.BNT, lese Illrt muster,. cwill Isove New Orlnins every Wed-eidals ll a'clock A. St. n ua clrJiaiSara, &ever

iSnlmrda at Illaell c l.ek sti. M iig tie ernai dowll OnaSuidav. •in fireight or parnsage Oapply to ipt. ariel

feb25 .D ,IS & VIB1TAI.II

BRIC I JEWELRY.n ow c No. e at CnArT hartroSRn,

A Ftr L . A s ,mri oemati. n-i ree ive l ieon isting if

ear rin% locket+, broimhei flteer 'i in., .,l

nmd kris w irli

iamtei ranorn,aciansir miid knita, winlleis

n.rklaeen aim beadsil all ile anove articles will lieo~ffermd n thie ha i rcal.Onle terms.

N. B. I hear t fru'it ginms wiilaw. Sile. esielveaend ihoaa cn.es, mr sale. tilenne rlil at 16 Chartres




NO. 55 CAMP STREET, NEW ORLEANS.rI lll; SUBSCRIB ill S. having now opened

their stock ofu Gool. consisting of TfableCutlery; fin, ivory handled Knives and Forks; [va-ry t;lelo anl de.ert Knivsu and Forks, :II .•ct.;Ivory and buck handi Belef anld gila carv.ers;oystrr and cork's knlve-; Germanl, Etghhl; anddllmltinC rillitufact red mieat saws and cloavors;anes, hia chaote, uok saws, &e ; patenrrt pocket anodpltLin cork screw; Grm nsilver, te t id tablespoons, turks, butter and fish knives; English ja-paned tea trays, wateurs, in sets xld single; breadllll knlifo Ilray; cnsolnion anord plin toll plate waril-ere ; lna enddeer, with and without tea; tea clnrric-ters; chamber candlestick,; onllrs;; nurse la.nps;foothatlls, washl kettles and chaimber pails; &e. plar,.ished and block tin ware; conrmon tin ware; tea andcoffie urns, with and without I.lnps and heraters;co.fe brggrng amnd tilters; tea and tcrfic pots; pa-tout imperial dish covers, in sets; dalsh and platoheaters; eg boilers; egg slice, whi,rs, ladles, &oe.;sauce and stew pans; pepprr and dredging boxes;bake. pIdding, patly and milk pans; reflecting ba-kers; tin roastersr. &c &

A gnt ral assorrortment of pot metal and iron ware;akillets, bake pans, spiid rs, elay and iron furnacesrIOIv tiorlltaece, with pipe surtUable for 11i ill roorsHs;

shovels, togs, anldirolls, Ieders, brae eta, &c.WooId and willow ware; chairs, cordage, brooms,

f ilalr, k•., comnprising a general assortnllent of

lhouse anld kltcihlrn l'Orlituro, wlich we now offere on reasonab o terms, and hope, by our long ac-qrlaintanen with tilhe bolsirness, and unremlitting at-, Lution, to Illerit a share of lple patroinage.d19 CAMPBELl. BE;EBE.

k PllitE OLOGY.

A SYSTEM of Ptlreno;ugy by George Combo,inow edmon, revised sand a 1lurgod

Lectures on Phirlnolorgy, by Georgr Crombe, E-q.includring its appll allon to the prerset anudprropectlio cilditiol of'tile Unllted States-

of illustrated with enolored plates.

Elements oi' Prrrrnology, by G:orge Combse, withoe engr.vlnOg, ftiurth Aelrlcall edlation.

Is Outlines of Purennoogy, by G Spi.rzlrcr, Ml. D.Fourth edition.

Pihrenology or tile Doctrine of the mental Phe.ry nonlena, by J. G. rpurlzhimn, M. D. In two

volumes.t _All introduction to P!hrrnrology in the form of

quetion and anwer, with an appenlldlix andnotes, by Robert M oeisoh.

-Examinat on of the ulhjetionsl m:ade in Britaina- agairnl the . octriner or Gall and Spurzhenm,be by J G Spurzhoil, M. D.

'I Lectures on Moral Padlo.oply, by Gouge Combe,

-Lectures on Popular Educatior by George Conbe,19 Eq.e0 Errors of Phrenology ex4rosed, by Theomas Swal,o.' M. D. second edition.

-The above, with a large supply of seientifio works,iutt received and for sale bynl. JOHN J HASW LL & Co,

d23 Succerslra to A Towar, 41) i'p atl AT'S-'bhe Rlhnerle r-have recelved atr . l.,. I

r ,sivrins by every paucket, larnge allsplv of iliever.hi Russia, tur and .hallr.klll silk Hata, of tLhe littr (nabI

ilnlo andI eat imnalllfitaltra, hichi thiery ofiar lor illnperCti.- o to thle citizlens and pual ie gneraly. For sale by

Gi ).'il1P& Co,,

I N. Naval, Military & Fashiunable Tlatters, undero3

1 LExhag•l Iiolel, ti t Chalrles atart iAMII.L.A t:Oli)AGF:-.- eimlplete aucortioent of

1 llnwsr's na ll Iroe, dire t if. to the Iactory, war-rallteill i, hoot a qlalily qrllril alvy i

n tile ciity, llw

. ulrc ing stll Ibr i ale by I'k•IEItLAlti tt\V,O 17 t iti ollllpstIrk RON-The nldersigned offer fr rsale oen clllinn.

I lrlng terili-, ir lotis rn eait plrcheord: etir cargoof . oI' Irojlst r. ciretiel ti oum Slrmkho'or per brig tPaleoa,

complrising a full arid corntplete asorrlllen ll ol el a sies.re- LAYI'ON & Coe.

dt--ti 53 Old Lavo e et

NEW GOODS.IBUSIH & ALLEN are now ;r.pninl a complete as-U astirlnnt In lihen shirts; do i.nmlrrie, with linecl

of frinlt; lieoll coll rs; rilk, eOOlln anll mrmnr inderrhirr and drawere: camblric ancd silk handkerrchils;

te black lnd fanl:v cravats, io greal variety ; lllhailr carf-;lMtakegf every deacription; g u ln arlie and coton sus-int, pender.; silk, cotton and lilread Gtlover; gelltlulmrer'

llareakih ghlovec.sr- IAlo--a tirleid .nasrtmenl of ladies' andm igetl.'men'r

inhk writi lei elo, lirer.inC casre, sl oiinal boles, work

Iore-, Pnrr F'o ioa, prrofauery cer srtlery, at the I Alnd Z A IL, oarorer of rI.Charles snd teo:lirmn ctr

NEW N5oVEI.-G James--llenry of Guioe, or hi.I t blatPe of lloi. by (i P It James, author of the

tI(ibher o H ,ilinac. c. in iwo, lva.Tie t Url rlr rlo o r ,Ir'B irt( h.elr rSecndl a ith ortlel

Ih Wule., by tllh author of Mrs Armylagr, a'. Ae. in iwo

q ol.. ous received aod fir a le i.yrit J J IIAS, ELI.I &Co, 49 Camp et

TIIISK.Y -C btrs rnr•,rid, in etorna, tor. c byf VY".n0 Q V ORAEY1 t44N- Let.


f- ESutorftit of ttje Statt of ourotifana.

CALDWELL, OAKEY & PRITCHARD, MANAGERS AND PROPRIETORS.g) The First, or Half Million Lottery, and the Second, or Two Million Lottery, are respectfully presoeted no the Pulia,

The HALF MILLION LO I TERY will be drawn in December, and finished at one drawing.The TWO MILLION LO TTERY will be drawn on the old plan of Blanks and Prizes-Numbers In one wheel, and Blanks and Prizes in anotherwheel. Botll Lotteries. uldor the supervision oftwo Judges of Coulrts, ,

WILL BE DRAWN IN NEW ORLEANS.The HALF MILLIO' LOTTERY offers chances to 1,291 Prizes, of whleh 33 are Pris e of Real Estate and 335 of Stock, beircie many Prizes oem.

posed of Tick s in the Grand Two Million Lottery, affording a particip.,tion of chancers ale., to the holder of a Ticket for Prizer inThe GRAND LO I TERY of Two Millions of Dollars-10,000 Prlzea!l-to the full amount of $2,000,000, of which 107 are Priles of Real Estate.Only 9 Blankse to a Prlze!!!-Simple Nos I to 100,000.100,000 ''lekels at $20-2,000,000. Scheme and selling price tie the amne.Among the Prizes in, these two lottrries are many public and private buildings which adorn the city of New Orleans, and are til pride of Its Inhab.

itants-the Verandal, St. Charles street Theatre, American Camp strer Theatre, St. Charles Arcade Builrlings. with IlItels, Dwelling Houses, Stores,Building Lots, and many entire equares ol Ground-beeides Stocks ia Banks and other institutions of the State of Louisiana, amounting in the whole te

TWO MILLIONS FIVE HUNDRED TIIOUSAND DOLLARS.Al the Rnea Estate and Stocks offered in Prizes are owned by them and in thleir possession:- lie acte ofr ale, with clear titles, are vested in their firm,and recorded in the offien of Adolpbe Mazureau, Notary Public, and office of conveyances, ready to transfer to the holders of Prize Tickets, exempt frontillembhrance: 1,Tio proPlrty is sot apart unalterably to tihat sole and only purpose, and can, in no event whatever, be convoyed othlerwise by the arm thanto tieo lholdrs of tihe Prizs Tehkets.



CAPITAL $540,000, IN 1,291 P zenal!

Will Imdrawn in DECEMBER NEXT; and inorder to gratify, at an curly period, the purchasers DRI

oflickets, t e combination is adopted for this Lot.

tery nly, of 1 to 75, whereby the drawing willhe completed in a few minutes by the drawing ot '112 Numbere fromn the wheel. in tl

69,525 Tickets, at 110 each-675,250. the

1.291 PRIZES!!' earn


\'ili be prize to the holder of the ltt, Ld and 3SbuW. nu. . ers . . . . . $150,000

'T'iat aubstactrl four story brick huildinigcalled Arms.tron_'s hotel, fi,rmng the corrlerol'(ulp aitd \uechez strreets . . . 40,000

Prize to 4111, anl aind 1t•t.That valuable fie stiory b, ick estre on Old Le -

vee street, occupied by Aleesar H At W Hop.kill. . . . . . . . 35,000 1.T

I'rize. t the 7th, 0it nai 9thr. .iThat elegant dwelltg lhoue and tlot, No 74

Ilov al strea, trculitr It rly ,: V Goodrich 25,0 00Gtt trlrize to thet 10th, I:tihon 112th.Th

FTiat taro ctory double dwelling and dbuble lot Tin ld i. ei,.aled by J a Hall . . 18,000 t n

nI z to itu trt, lit nnd 4th. .ndAn ellli e nquaie orfgroullnd in tifahhorg Annlln- rfli

cirtin, Id . Ihounded by Liberty, henton, aer <Mlel luoee and Terpsichre.sts. . . 14,000 e

Plrize to l, 2d and 5th. rendllThat ttre rtry stir.r atd ot corner Comp r lld "

Julia reire,soccupied by Mlr. .. L.aaltier for f t'ri

d,ry onda....0•2,000 nutl'rnz t nlet, 2d and nth. gee'

'lrt tirne itory -tore and lot cornerof St lMary yand Julia at. . . . . . 100h etur

arcze to it, 2d anld d7th.r.A certifilite Ibr 500 ticketa in the two million

lottery, at $ ar0 each .. 100,0The fortunate Ihlder oflhis prize may realize 2.

the1 hllppv ,1latiny to htaiti po•sne.ionthroughtheir maedium, of tle. principle pOrtlii oftile vanrious splendid prized in the two millirn leer

lotaerv, will be a- ofPrize to lst, 2d and 0th. t

That laree buhiding and e4tentsive her in the winlcity ) l.acftyslte, iubloilrg i.ivnrrtlais, corner gru

Wnatlli.ta and aChtppt.wa its. IUG by 200 aIfleert

Prize to at, 2d aend 9th. ,00A certiui ate of 425 tickets in the two million Id

lottery, $t Vlloeb . . 50011 StPrize to lst, rat rol nthr 0u.I 'hill tire seirr" dwellialn house and ilo,G i1 0l. e

Nayade at. niext mi donbli ao clorner of Mel ltonrl-e i7,5e'0l l

SP ize to Ist, 'd and 11th. foA certificate fir 3:' tickets it the two million 60

lottery, t $•0 eich, 6,500Prize to It, 2d anl Itbh.

A dacelliin hcae lot l ua it n Victory tt. 3d M5.bi.g "21ii frcm lot farming ctrier of D'En- fetlicr it. 6,5 0( riP. iz to lst, 3,1 anild 4. l

n certificate for 3011 tickets in the two million iarlotery, i $t 2 r.lch . 6,000 gCa

'rize to let, 3i.1 ed 51e. nP

A lot oflgruind in Navndes at. ?d 31. being tihe nrtlliid lo llwlnu tleuo l tmelm st. 5,500 rnt

Prize to loI, :Id and 6th. 4A eeltlicale fir 270 lickers in the two milliMon l

I ttery, lit $bli each;il 5,401 strt

faze to isst,:3d rnad 7th. InA certifclie ior 'l:25 tickets in the two million

Oltery at $2.1 euch 4,500 e

PrAze tu lt, 3t aldrn E. o S tG

A rwo atllrv ldweuill lgI)Ihue I nd lot, ,d 3i. on "I)'Ilhie at. hnext the liorernr lot of Vietory

Prize to It, d l it. 4n 9th.LA dainalle hlt n 'l

'er -iahore 9t. d1 M. odjilln

illg tIe Iorner It I Nytvudes at. 3,500 00

Prize to Ist,:hl and 110h.

Ap eligibly r iilaed bitlling lot or Relieious

n1 "t. 1d 31. 51 lot froln ths, on corner of 5t. sir

le Jametle tI. - 3,030 deai t in nnn t mtton e, sant $i2t eac 3,01)0 sirPrize to Ilt, 3d und 12 Iht. 3

Oat entire squnre olgrttlll in fittlhilurd An-Snuncictihn, 2dd i. hlialted by Cherry, ThI-bnd 'lin, Chellr1t csld Erreto ate. 12,500 Er

lu Prize it let, ih and Silth.- A desirible builhling lot, 3d, M. corner lof Mo ai

td renu and 3hlautelut ets. 1,900 hai Prize to tt, 41h ian1d t6h.

A diairal le buildiolg ht 2.5 eet on MlonlregUt rsat. 31 71. 411t nt for ilaeir at. 1,81i0 tn

'; Prize to Iat, 4lh atd 7th.SAn entre rsquare of er.d, I2l1M. aounded it

td hy Ctlio, Pet,, 7Errati ani Wali tiste. 00 fa-- Prize to let, 4llt anid th.

A portion of qioureci nfground in 2d M. bound. i

to ed h Errato and EIhgleats. . 1.000 iPrize tot , a l, 4th an, 9th.A equsrn of'rnail iodd 31. bouhded by Ma..

i e, Pine nid liil •et. 1,000 ti

b Prie to Ist, 4r sind 0Ilh. At,

An eligirle lhildino ii, Inituh,eur .ivaedaird,; ilry f Iafateel e, 3'J eet i, Washington street,'Ili-t from Cliprawni streeat . 751t Il

tPrie to Iat, 4th and 11th.A boidhlig I1 a1oganrald, aity if tI.ifyette, 3 2

foiu an t Vanilniton snreet, ad Ith htit from ar. Ulippnwa strect, 7 750 or

of Irize to I .4th and 12th."for Fi r Iuildlina Ite f grourod, city of Lafayetie, or

- :1!) to 411 fet raehi t llrllthier, otree It i 4h Lit- cro l,tcltrc eraJer n e t eet,oat $100 eth 2,400

Prize t Iatt 5th ani til-It4.5h ilnd 7th- -let, 5th and 81--lrat, Silt and 9th, $ ri10

Sic haiilding lotsre of ground, iitated at ito 61th iho, fromn ot corner Washiagton street, $3110

eeilt. 1,800

Priza to lt, S1t anSd lllth--1 l, 511th nd Ith 1-loft, 5Iith anl 1i21-I i, Gth ,id 7th-tl, 6ith i

nad Sth-lt, lith aIId 9t1h.

oiur plrizesl entli, tacertificte in thetwo million 'd

lottery, 3110 ieketo, t $"I20e.ehl . 6,01)0 aith Priz, ito 1, ih onnt 2th-1 t. 71h andil

01,--lat, 71T and 9Gth-tol, 7tlt rini (hllh.

Twll Itrizar,•arch a cerli•ait•o Ih r roe larcikrls lill the twon Iilliunt eotlelyi 25U tit:kets, at $'20h. ech . . 5,10100

Price to Ist fi hal 10th-sta sthr and 11th -W O Fie priz., eacnh shacen of r:ock in Ihte

P i.h tl tra in railroa eulnparlv, 40 atllard,o alillo nli each, , 4,000 a

and Paiza i, lit, 71i a tI -lth-ast, Tth andlthi--lt, 8th n ud I tlh--1l, 8th and 91t- 2

tiin 1 htr nled uth. ItFive Prize, each F sar.• of PnI'chnoartraln

irn, railrnail ostoik, :30 hahe. At $Lill . 3t,000

Prize to lat, 8 and 1nd th- -st, ilth andto, 11 ht-ltl, 9 h ald l12h--lt,h 9Gi t aoll)t--lGet,

9til ndl 1,1h.the, Eight )rizPe, each e eertifClate nf:i0 lirrekel in lte a

two mnilihllo Iloerv, :Ok1tirtls, it $211 each. 8,000

a, Prize ti ati, Ilib andl 121h--lst. ltbh nod J12th--rl. 3i nndi 4dh--O,d toianil 5th--l,34ltln ll Sth-Od, 3dl and 7ith--l, 3d and ltlh-i d,, 3d uani 9ih. '

'Tea prize, ecach 3 shares of stock in the bankof Laouiatnita, 311 slhare., t $i00, 3,002

it Prize nto l.ld all lOthI -2d 31 and I ih-dl, h1 aid 12-- 1,4thl and 5111--'Ol. lIh nnd

S 6111--li, 41it anod Tth-Oi, 4th and 0lh--Si1,ace, 4th ibnd 9th--21d, 4l and 10h--:d, 4th ond

canh, 11b.Ia' mrTwenty prizee, eaeh a certifrente fir 25 tiekethy in ter wo aIuiion Illttrerv, 5'0I icnit, at $20 !0,000

Prizea to rthe SI 411i ncul 1t1ih--i, 5111 endider 6h-Oid, Siti 7riit rh--2,.5 it onil 8ih-•Oi. 51hS

iiat • Oil, 51l anrl It lh-Oil ri niet 111Til-Oil, b61

0. 6th aild Itlit--i11. Sriti snil Itlh--2h,T1,hinl Gr11i--lil, Tih iiudl Sh--id.7r1ihrrrt tOriI-

- Oh cnoi 9ih.SittVo-lhree prieZs. enel one chare in tllenga Ocn ellOa ltrneaoe lllitr e coyl sllrrn, at $5 ,1511ar, Priceo IIi tickets haviniag 1ith lnal 1ta1i.

in. Onell hicnrd and iwenty ril princs, ech i

aerifiella ur G10 tiekhler in the teu eiliuat IrirrieItVil tiruhekelr$.lt .O5ra011- Pi-ireo to tickhti haeliig cny three drown

i,!tr share, inthe New " rlrtitir gatalsiglht nadrlee bahlotiag cuulllnacv, O l.,t eioru. ar $:I . 11,310

ilJ;• piiel lu the 1;ct tad Od.lr 3, ad, 4th.f-;On holred anti weenty-aix paria, eaeh two

ared New Orleans ga,• tIht and bakinoga Shc', 5,360

ren'ar Prizca to telt 9thr and 10th, or 10th and GI ih.maib Throehaundred and filren prince. eich a err-

llt liA atr ,iffouar tiekets i.r the two arilliou lotaS rcc, 10000 tiekbti..t $0i,

Prizes ti, 4th adn Slh--ilh tnd 4th--6Sibih, and Tl,--7th nid 8th and Oil ,nd .lh.I tile F•orll" holoired anu f,,rrcyouc prize .aeb a aher-

tificalte orPet iekhll.ii, ite two inillion lot.aI. re, ir 1••5 ticketh ia 1i0, . 26,160twin Princ It Itt a d :1d-2, lcc)l 51th-it nlrd

Oih--4th c.ld 71hl--Sth atd tRh--Slh and 91h--



100,000 Tickets, at $O0, - -- $2,000,000.SIMPLY NUMBERED, 1 To 100,000.

The scheme and selling prices are the same, us no additions or reservatlons are made for expensciin this lottery: tholo conltmgeot exponses will oper.teo e a larre deductionu t•o the valuation aet onthe proprorty.

MODIE OF DRAWING.--The Number 1 to 100,000 will be placed in one whnol, and the samenumber of Blanks and Prizes in another wheel. To every nualher drawn from one wheel, a tieketfrom the Blank and Prizo wheel will be drawn, until the whlole i•. drawn.


MlaiMONDAY, JANUARY Gth, 1840._ pet

3r Each day'l dra.wing under the supervision of two JIldte Altoof Cturta its New Orlleta, and thebo whoel opned

and 127 i

sealed by ie. he.2d

10,000 PRI ZE S.I. Tihe VERANI.\H anld grotntd, vnlued at $50000C j

ThIA .tluhlet end ettletede. ediiee is 6 ttor t ret1high, tasd presents a tront of 143 . et on Saint IfroeCharles street, and 10 fli:et ot Common, street. 4aTihe prinei pl portio. of tt hefrolt of the base- 2dient stor coelrie sIa t.g Ige nr cottehiltns menand ei.lht ttores, snd Iwo granll ellries to the 0

edlfce i dieelsteleldud a n such is now oeCllpi.s- i

mnoul; 3110 pernsnll s men ao t tUtllo tile Ime oivea- lIirlltlr v aetanllllum1inledw nitllhdlrawinerooll IRs palr-lur• ,nlld bed remlllllt. ihe pretent reint tlvt -'llhly ttviettete It the leaseo to $31,510t. The '3 Itstires oll tIe blaseml t rendller it salsc ltiblo of 5:augtio•metnetion to $45,0001 to tIle fulottlot holder m.,oftthi prize.n2. TI lE -T'. C tI\RLES TI'IIRATtE AND 5

GItOUNI), with tIle scllery, machinery, eiwardrobe, tnic, &c. cotmlete . 500,000 3 I

This eagnificieet otructtre has a front of 130e5Ieet on Stt htarles street, witll a depth & front h eir,of 1711 feet oln t Chbrles Arenad. The entatci- byIv andt acttotlltmlldatittnI o2ithin correspondw'ith tile t.cgnittde of its exterior. 'T'h .lvgramlnl oloon is 25 by 1.9 feet. 'I'eTe fi er tieerof boxes are sunrlolunted illt extensive gulle- 5ries; 47 of llhe boXes have htldoirs or retlling Ithrooms. In the centre of Iht dottle is sul'pent.tied a magnificienlchaitdeher, t2 f et itn height,31) eet in cirtelilltteeeellcn, weigltteg 4,501 tIt,.,&=lilunlted itlh 76 gae lights, and costt 1,et t1117The scenery antd Itachinerv are unequalled on 5!'Iie elntirtellt, oeli tte ,wardrobe ie mtgnificent. 12

for 3 terns at $311,t0(t Itr IoltllUlt n .3. TttE S. t I tLE AR0CADE BtA f UI L L n

DItNGS. BA 1'll, .\ND GiROUND, val- tluued at.r 150,000 0

A boartihl bhock of the Cotrinthia o 1 rder, 54 le,feet frlonet ole Ctpl omeet, by tIOu dPep, hIutton te Si Choreteets Arc.tde,4 stoieS high. 'lt'olowen plot is cluelited by bar o0oaesh*[1op, t2Itloe, lntd ltes tulle tell e nd floor arete Ih -r-eI t hillird rlotm- in the Ulled lStates. 'heI b

utIer storieis nt tr ivided i lt 4. lodging rlloomsall entrlourt. l'lt wltole rents fir $15,1110( per Altn eunnutn.

4. FIte entile square of gree•nd, 2 rd .1 e i Itolity, of eihteltt Iteildilltg lIen ot. l)rytdt'a So0 treet, e holtntlel by Mltpomenta 1er leeo, alnidel'Ierpstellore strets e t. . 37,0011

5. Th' n elltire tonre tO ground on Ilrvlde Jo0 stree t. e I nll2 n icip ,l htv , Co ltlt,. l i tlll l b I buI tld ln g

lots,e bteotuel ety Elltorpte, Llercuhls and 'e'erp. etslpore Fitre .. . . 32,000 ail

6. The ftenr story Itrik store, No. OhldSLevee slreeet, IsettooillietlSiClt t, Iroullltl also o

Cillnte rtlet. 30,001I. The t lit Ir story new brick denlling house

0 on Ctrtlldelet ntl.e', 2oI illteiloitit• forlnig bl etil cornr fl' (iritviler teel. 30,000 sle

. Th'l'et. etile sqltareof groudl ton Itrendesstreeltl 2d Il cii litlat, (ontn il otsl 1 h•i, n 511i did ity -uterpe atnd tierltesbe streets, and tIle ir,

. .i.e .l. is luhur. .. . . 8,00.9. Th'll elltiresnlo.,e tef grllltta on ItIereule to

O0strent, 2d e teleiitclty, ol, 16 lots, toeoded by Ott,lIell l enel stree, &c.. . 23,0100

10. 'I'ele entlle equare fgroundl oIlerctlesn entreet, d tlUlltieitltthtty, l

Ili toett Uiotttled by ot

10 Eteerlle, Tetrpilttllle. eilteel&c. 23,00011. The rte e slr t ureeof trndli on Gravier be

street, att utiein u icil y, ct.lllaino g 18l ote ,0 bouded by -- . 0 . ,000 he

I2. The netice sLqtulre of groud t1111 Bentonstreet, 2d 11 I 11ihil h

ty. e llllt li it

Illots, II LIul-

O dend y Iuterlle Ilatd 'Ire'n tsihltre streets. . 1 t,0110

13. The ertire t ,re of •round on Mel po.t to

elle ee ates t,2i tllltllllltte ltallt.,t lttllttllilt It l0,o l

10 bOllded Ihy rIutotR cotd 'nrpTicltllre srceete. 13,000 bh,

14. The, elllirn qllllre lof grtlllll all Beoln atIree l, 2t1 tllllt itlli t, , eettttitttg 18 ht Il00 hounded by 'urpl•ichure, iiertty nd IEulterllp

all-.ets . . . . 14,100 at15. 'Thle Iwo sntry hllluse and lot on New

0 .evei street' 2d1 ttt(lttielptty, cttser of RIoltt h

street, :l by 113 fet . 11,0011116. The Sql.nre of euroill on I Jtoteules .etreel,

2d muniipaelity, of 9 lote, btueded 1y, IlorCau-0t Itee, Elltnrll and Fe leity s treetst 12.000

17. The eont.reelt greett tn tleo.ttn street, bt2td mutucti tlito, of l I lohtstoueled hy .1et-puleeno tell I.lberly treelts, and tle lilte of Ilthe50 er prlleet . . . . 11,000

18. 'lThe square of ground on t 1eltpomeneeostreet,d 2.1 6111 cialilt. ' o Ii, eetod Inded c by etLibTerty. Tearnlei .reteuld II to w lr sotteet 11,000

100 19. l'he equare.of ,gfllntl tt 'Ial T treeon n211 luniei lletlt.ttf eit , o tebllolele by Sltlpte-r.ene, Ilnei alld Ihbert Itreept 11,000 It

211. "tle. trteugtller 1 .aret on gro Tl don Ilell-Ion streeI, 2 te11e. Ih'5 lots, belullded by While I-11,1 tEutlee rlote .It . . 10,I000100 l. .'' on e story building and grotund on

Julia s tleelt,d l. ler t e thoe ortler of Catlllt belrelt, of i5 byl 78 ft . 9,1;0022. The nqtlllre oIf around on lhalia sIrelet. I

m•i I. tt 16Ie. , botellded ty llltietnlte, Jocuh00 and Ilootd eteea 9,000 ri

13. Thbe to ry btilline on Jo;lla street,nhxt tsl tile crller of •,r lary eleetl, con30ihll hoa Iker, ttud hriiog 23R by 7i toet . 9,300

24. l'ie1ttsqare Cf grettet tn MelpmIleO.O htOOo en ,I iot t hlelltldtet by I oI O card, 'Iet'tlslch re

and Jl.oh st-eet, 2d .i . . 9,000 t25. 'Ihe sqtl.ure greud tr1 .ibore stree t,

3d Ite. ot 13 tote. htttillle by 'lrlepaic sOre, Ilew- Ittoo atl lid I'elicitv st etseet . . . 9,11(10

261. The aqu•re of round o t Ileeetu slrrent21d it. tl7 luots, boIunded by Whlite attd Ulleliu3 eens gottol 8,2 000 ,

27. The one .try uildlig .nd;I grnd.,,I 8n U00 Julia street, 2•1 t. being 3d ltot etrum tlp I

slrl,"25 by 78 6i-el 8,1,000t28. tIhe nqtore of groettec on Melpomene

ltree, d it. of Iit Its, bt lttllted dtt Jactb t l lic Iand 'Ter-ittttl) strelet . 8,000(

00 29. The eILn settr helildino adl gro, nd on

Julia •trenl, 2d ile. b•itg 4th tot fro I C pUlllyireel, Ihtcing25 by ;olet 8,0000311. Thenqetren tfgrousod on blohlia ttnres,

2d ni. ,if16 Iots, bloded by Jaol , Solih on btd IMelptt,,eano ,loest 7,500

008 3I. The osqltro tictfgroetold on Th.li taroent,211tt. of 18 lotls, hlteoded t tlo .tntel, Stlls anelt.lle ,olnlee streets , 10011

3'i. Ttieate or btiliag and lt o Nva- Ides* Streel ,1nll. ctiller tif'l'Piichllt.e Sirenet 6,000

33. 'IThee e oft I egrulld o 'e'elpsihrloett.bee, :It ot. tI 1t l•t, hbttounded by ISettle,

000 Matuulnsl anid tlottlal, eo str-cls 6,00031. 'The hlt ofeteced tio Opelle o•tnet, d2d

mn. corner of ellelpotouete sntretl 31 ly 1:17"feet .. 5,500

35. The squure ..f groll.d oln IMelomenenobtreet,l II. ofu

9 Itst, Ouullded btty Iloward, Ja-

noit oeld Fehtcitv oltretls .- ,50030. '.I'et ll ef groolm! ,it New LNenee streat,

2i it. telt to tolu COllelet llee llblll street, 30 by105 f; .. 5,500

:17. 'I'h square of greun, on T''itlia meet,,15 9t1 ,. i lt lhett, ht ti,ited by ,:lort, .llo ecel. 1

atld tlltllletl e etc-et. 5.501M8. 'T'heitfl.t erotnd n New I nee eat I2d te. ehie ithe Id toe freec Itohin street, hll,011 ito t by 105 fett I1" 5,500

:19. 'T'he squire cf sertedtt,t" ietrrnt•strtet,o1 m. of18 Ih,,, bound e by Clsra,'l' lllo antd

elle.otmrne streetsl •5,000

.310 ot. Ieiteg the 4tk tel fotm, 'I'Tersichbor soteoe ,',asit 31 tI.t 1 .7 f-n 5 . 2,00

41. T'h qltqre anntereetendeon '.lereeultI t st}eeOd lhlel 5 teet,

L;oundd by whbiti ald, lelpto-

i360 nen•ltreeta .. 2,00042. 'The Ilo oflroued on Nt sene Ilreat; 2d I

m. heig nsxt to Ihe lot forliig the celrlmr nt'lerpticinro attet. end hoviolg 32 by 1Sie . . . . ,00843. Titnq t.eret'ofneCttOtlld es "lhbslin ntces,

te i fl. of17 Illt, tlllutolned by Clara, Sleltlttm nooon. Sloetin tlreels - 5,000

41. 'Ibe tot otirguncd,'elt'eor'fl Vic'ro, andto d'tEngltien ctr.et-, .tte. 0 2;2 ItS toot 02


.Mt OlTean., Aug, 3(•0t, 1.3•


45. The partion of sqouare of groutd as'lholilo slree, Od uto. of lb lort, bounded bylauoaos I and lsla istreets, ancd oter per- Alapetty . . 0,0JO

46. The lot of ground formninl the corner rfApollto ind'l'srlo:hore stsreets, Jd in. ot32 by107 1i'7t 8 ,00017. The sqnareofground on lIhlin street,

Ld in. t0115 Ito, hIourded by jaunse l,tlut sr n

,Il Thre ta as!nl brink houte and Inl onWushliohgton st eet, oiy of lt ette, being I oW'e-l 7iot (ultlppewa elnert, and btuyng 40 lesI fronlt, Iy (11t) eet in d1,epth . 1,to00

49. AThe quaon o gron unI in T'htIia street,td nt. oft I'• ,lot.ttIl.led by At rOiu anttllsjo. t8 1

nrtlne leets alll Klg; -muivue ,01 pro5). 1I'l oulo te toly Iuiditg .llotnl of gro•nd

an ouyuders ntre, beoing tlnde 3d l fi'l.',trtrpicorells htrelt, ,,bno, 3 by 1i7 fea't 8,000 A51. lloe t sqtre e gnt ne d in Erraa streeet, 30

01 I1' n toulu, l. node) I.y latin and 'Thaltlit Airl ls antll E tlllng enuls . . , 0005. Tlhe lon (ofiround oil ApI , t llo lreat,7 t.(ops tie, t restleoce ofJ Field I'. .. Iei•the 211 lu fru rll nritnokihtle nttlrl, und srilllttU

and Wlnut tse 41000 0t. A itrt of groulnd on A nlln sitreet, 04 io. Cbeing the 3.1 h..t ttft' 'l'ertnlthonsrueos,theriet,

32 ho 1I27 let . 4,00055. A lot ofnground on Apollo street, 2d ,.

Ibeito tie 4Ilt l'otI l trpielhor street, haringl 32 11:by 27 fteet ,4,008•lt. A Ir onfroncd on Victory sineet, 2d im.

hteving 26 by 11121let, djoiing tile lot lonmingt te cur l'uc ttglr tgte n treet 4,000

57. A Int el groond :2 by 07 fert, bIing i tsbIt It lotfone at tin ilch term s ths orcer o -'Terpicholore slee1t 4,000 coS 8. A lot olrirounod on Aoello r reet, 32 by be127 Itee. bing the g2d lot from tuht wh the formsthe eorner f'le pooue etreet. Sd It. 4,063511. A I.t ofnrouotl en Apoullo oseetf 3 by

127 tfint, odjttitog tle lot lortti.og lt' corner ofOl totllltllee ltree l . 4,000011. A rlinuo ofgrnOud on Thaolia street, 2d

it.Clotntuigtl II lots, tuuudod by SuliI UndlM nuhel treet' .s . 4t,00061. A lot oI groellld n lelpiollsna street,

lnet to tile l lot frrlmlill thle cul'teor oft Apollo•ut. t,3.2y 127 fiPI , OrtJ t y. 3.50062. A lot of erou oil Terlninhoe sltreet,

2d t. 3'2 hr 1i 7 li•lt, hbtg the 1o2d i'eum tntwhich I(brll In thlellr lnof oyll l ostreet 3,500b3. A lot or gruld o el o .oe o ntrou s 2reel 2Ill. A2 "rum t wh ich forma Itbe corner ofApullt srtelt, theing 3I tv 127 fetet 3',50061. A e•qltre of gttound on Terpcichorer

ntn.eel. cobnbooitg 5 lote, boundted by Jucb and

olin streett 3,000o 6.5A. A ot of ground on Rehim, -tr,.et bedigJunes frtry , d having 32 by I27 feet 3,000

06. A tiaore of gruo d eon laintg 19 htoIlntoled by t hllerr, nento, Chrntte n Cu t ld Ci0 street. 9,500

67. A square ,gf rounld eenltluioing 17 h;otIotlllltted Iy Eagle, lHe

l p ,.tttn11 ttlllUttt eud0 'TItalina ettet . 2,500

li1. A quiolre ol ground, eontaiitg 18 tots,

otalluded hy \mu tlell lo, ulb ey uold Iolireut0 str et . 2a ,500

0 t. A sall drellig ouse On tg llIrround11 toe o hi ,l •luoa. rtt, - fetrlUl Inubrlllnstreet, oIner ;lt hr 2,00

S 7. A urqUre o1 glOlld, onttiltrng 1i lots ,000

tbotreeltli) 'hli, Ss eu J tt trl 1,00 173. A tnure if roundtl,' ootooining 4 lut ho

0 oundted by) Tttli,,, olis std Jtttn, ctreeil0 190t73. 4 ng llur., ul gruu dlld+ tlltllilllllg 10 lots,

10 huulnlnd by Cltare, t1lellp n udllr d Mlartinil leet .a 1,0071. .\ rrne uar ge o tlm.no onltaiing 10 lots,

10 houled by teol, 'l'hauliu, Sprce nd Elrrs .

to i eels1,50075. , square oft gtollUd continin'tg 22 hotstO ltuodled by llheteonlt, ErrutLn, Sptteo lnd Cli a

ltetell- 1,100;A tquare ofground, cnntoining 22 htte

ounded by lSpioce, ErteLo, Peuch oand (CliIetel1,00

77. A quanrennfground eontttailing l loteIboullded Ity Iprote neiiii Peet etteets 1,00 tt

II 7J. A e:luonre Io gtllllld cont:aillng 0 lotshollllloed by ('ecll, .mrruet, 'earsr ud Cliu Istreetls 1,50010 79. A -quae of ground eoutaining 18 low•

b)lnded hby \Vall, 3lultle anil (ito street, 1,500h0. Ite' trittttlor otqttoare of groutlld ound.

ell ty Ilerc lees alld .11llltellle eltreet+ 1,501100 8i. A •q rel lllnl d ollllllll.o illn g 2 lots

Ilutttld by t httloe, Clo, l'itte atd Culln.pestreets1,400

00 82. A squaire ofground uonthaindg 0 lote 14lonoltde by t:herry sod l'i'oib o•t rote ,00I83. A aqunre olgrunell ctollillini 10 loll00 Iloundedl by Ingle, ttrot tllll \\ not sto.neis 1,4004. A square ,tftrouuntl cooilt'Ug 24 elut

eouttlld by Mlpleot, )td I)llio atie ts, snd by00 the New t lrlelons tnllll 1,200

85. A•u•otre ef'grnnuod ontoining1 10 eut,bounlded by 1 all, Chlo td 51010 estreetsa I,00

00 .A.qquret oll elOUnd I olitting 10V losllIlbultblded ly Pettc tuItd Ertato llr eelt 0087. A sttuaro oIf'luulod eeotintng 10 lots00 bountded by :li , 'ear ted I'eh It alreets 00

88. A qulnre of nrlulld lllllllllill e e lolthntode,.l ty Pelrt, Cliu and Wull I orert B00100 89. A Irltnlltlltr tloo tcertotoo Uulldoed

Iv IIlltlotll ,'ell i d bll I hrlpoede ts 81t0 o90. A Iriuu•ulur sqllulle IIf.: iouild it the cure

00 nlor ufoJuob uld'i hlin stlrert . 0091. A Irinllgulor equ .re of e•ettul bH)lnded

by 'I erpich.oe intd .•Ulis stro.l . 00"01 92. A hisnoulur otulrst tofnrund bundoed

h, ,lltldooIu c nIod Liartrn fiestr 59093. A\ Iriul•nll:;r squlre f glouud Ibondedh00 tblio sitd Peaooeltrt . . 800

094. A eqllUoe (l' ground ettaimniog 1t Ihtlhttmn ed Iv 1la tIr, 'ellut nt tllt Itlu 010001Snoild iloe eall so .

t.'). A hlot ,•f ground on Washingt.n tetrlrIl t O! frott thtlu o lltltl Inollln the clolil.r oftOO Clhilt.,'w drvot, Ihemg 10 Iby 125 feot 750

9h. A hll ie gtl oool 0 i \'-hl•elllon trleeti t t wi oh• lhe .ell frtl~l ltbolh Oertlto Ito cotlr

100 ot' Ctipte ,hrstnrtttring 40 bly 125 fet 75097. A qullrto of lluul •lnllta nilg 12 lots

hbottld Iy :lMle, tuoyphi osyne, Piu't and Ve-500 aIltltretl 5001. A trin


g!tar ttinnre o ground houndedIt, (the•itto lld 'h'ltht. oteets 4011011 '99. A tiolzulnrq.'tn,e tfground boundlled

by MSlun-ellnl Elrlutttreets r400000 100. A lot efcrttllod foruling the corner of

Jel,.ey ll WV ohlll'llheU1.o1.1, hatineing 5 feelSaIle i l;rll,,+ hnd 113 r n ltle luler 350

000 01. A l-t ofgolrlud rtllilng bt e rnr ofJerre nond l"ourd tl reltr illn tle sote otlolre,Itvong ' .'e ftet u, tle former rtd 115 f'et n Ilts

50 Inltt'r 350102. A Ilt gronmltn on J'ersev stree, 25 by15 fret, ite 'th I ties let lorting tte ctrter

501 f \t' .lli'.gtlll ttreet . . 300t:., A lot ofcroo,.d oon e J nre street 2l by

115 t•ot, teig Illb, 81i from I cotl iter of nl'aSl.50 tnlgolll street 500

104. A Iriongolor square ofgrooud Ioundedbye'tli and tloprtloe eltet.t 3 '['

500 0.. ,\ sttnoulr square uofgromed oundedby I'efr ntll, Ellltooirei. 200

IntO. A triaeoll',r sque er;eofgrlo bounrded500 It t'llhope, ine 11t 1 Ellpllro',ve street 200

107. A t inlgnla.r sqnare l g.oluud, boundedby \Itlo. and Vntletreets . . 00

,000 '9,370 prioo I share eeach les Light andIlttH•tttc :ottlompan stttok, at $010 281,100200 rte•', 0 nItllre each Alelthnn'st Eo-,000 clhansteol , m l $75 $7 15,000

177 prizes, I alare each Oeesn Inostanset:omplty oek t $s0 . . 8,850,000 161 irios,t rhnrresc h lercete,'s Inauranes

cu$st y etonk h t*' . . 01,80046 Itrtezs. I shone *ach, Elchengo sags k la m.ttpcotntan-t'k, $50 .

,O00 0 posizm I ehu.o each, I'olsnartroio Railliet( * oep.o.ny stoohk,1a1t100 . 3,00

000 Fire I usurosnte noralsi,) Isicb, t $50 2n0

too Tier ,sinAoo fllOlsre tto•0.001h

The DAIL? Paper is neatly printed with a""-type on an extra, double medimn abhot, at $11

per aainum, payable seml annualli n adeamas.

The Tae-wwaav.e Paper, cnntlining h* ersdhts'Watler of two dailijo, $10, poyablo in adoade'e

whore no Oity reference is giveS.




True Jmericass,tfr. CIA'ILEC YTI.IEET, NEAR POYDftAU.


COTTOJ CIKCULARSIi' l'RIN''El) wish Ihe Greatleel EKpedilionter

it a sl tlre ensurpaed in Now zOAncARS, or rslewhere.

orproaa left mL CoxrrleO Rote in St. Charlet 3ilenons, (Cohefr of (drooflr S) es, at ' It R1R

AM ERICAN PRINI'fL 7f OFPFC Lcorner of l'ortic. and St Charls Saretets Will ht

,notnttllt cIftnrtfd Io.


IBOATS can lcer. IMer Billeelrmtk of, is neaor mere Colored Inks en I'ain er Colored Paper, if"desptcch, aod .efeacvrable Tormoebi by eaiag iOocrccael'PIrIUk AMERICAN U OFVICE wsal'tcdrao and St. Charlne streetm


No. 53, Magazine Strays,(01, osits bionks' Arcade.




Corner uot Couincon aol '1ehoopitooalaa aaets,atw wILLIANS.


A large upply o Garden Nroed, a arracted ei. growthof 18l.



No. 79 and 82 Julia macset, New Oclean.llYShip and Ftct, ily stores put upt. ma?


Me. 14 beetrca SetreseIIAVT: anonstant stpltly of evretral I. err t in

to peatlemstu'a dreom, cit thel hast styic, at New YorEeReoec 11.s1 211


NIL' 3 Cs noecmLzr S'AcCOST. 10BAZAAR.


:.'erner of St. (?k.rleeotcJ (.ocrtcen re,.NEWV ORLEANS.T lPOtt'IERS end Dealora in Flrench attd Enotich

I'T'erfmlcry; Dresaintg Con an nd Portable teake,Cutlerr, Hnlity. G~lovres Shirts, htlge, L'mbrellas,Cntroatttt Fantcv Articlea. d5

tiAAIUEL '1'UBY,.Merrhaodie Bnroker 4 Cotomiasion VArC.,es,

'l (t)re, 311. (amtp et.-For the prentrn.J. P. FREEMAN & CO.,&.Iearle 'bdbdag DeI.Heleaj

No 3, tiltcotctne trert,TiAVE contantly on hood a large supply Cloth

inE, olcultctt'd for he country trade. Theiram,.tortttent beitg large, ttrrehitatt fttoee alc cunaav oite supptliod cIa lteolurcctnoattice.



Thisr CnmSmpans ere now grestredl to ala

Ne. 24 Muason's Biuilding, Canal st~rrr.E L IT nc'YV

New Oleonon, nov 15.183. 5lItInSKItI CLANN(IN,

MOUSE AND SIGN PAINerNo. I12 Cntmpit strect.

Wauletnle Dealer in P'ontt, Oil, Vrnidal,'emtll Winldutw atd PintoruyOlene Ac..'


No . US, (Ihoeoeam1 Str.eetno Otoir below :"

L7 1VF constantly on hand everyaie.tlIi ittg tt gettlttnctt't drers stde in c, t. ,, ..,totr and tttttt ta into blct teyles which iole ~ ,; fiicuv.I, at reduced p Irices.

,, deed-ill)A

BANK NO'lTE ENGRAVIN tH WDON WRIGHT HATOR & f'1ir'O iI AVE okietd au ullice in Naw Orlenl•,.: ,-.inu1 equal ailvnnt gea s e i thh te helueirn ,e. ,rk,

ofr the Ipurmr Ol'eld gran oing aprinluntil "••t .P o•lrstUnItl, ltilliw of Exelcage, 0a l kiittea a ,i ,I.f t , 'CehPtkl andl l vther plnl tlllit paers, req rl1;: . eeirttnuitlt L'oret tsn; e lid haer lee ianip) ,n , i•oll uerlT' sLue keepillg ot all (,lutST and.iwprAeTt , ,rb lltruGt--d to their care; their apeci. hens eonracer i1h 1 "ie to:eover fire hundhed Nanking int•

llutlons, a::,t s, ,rdera

will le exectel with lrnptitule, nt- ,n:( tl:h aueltItrms. ()Tfie ilneroflt oywl anld Canal t :..

Nea, Orhanh .eN .iemhpr"-, 183lf-.ii I' |i 11.A K PI!C•.,

S'. LO)UIS 'lltlErI' IElsTAoUIlA r, e iI'" Jt'Tll: EXIiCHANGE.

Slll RtS bh rihe tr hu the hen orloitnc r iahee ' -:va Isiith r ted ith e blie in en -ral, that lie wi . a , f,mihh h a n itetaltuat, where peraclo he Ie~

acerdinrti hia hil re, the regular p,* -•i a .iFite ceati. fir ltretkli fe., and Se•aenltel -, " r,', fta

i)annler. II..e hlreskfn t will oeui.it oe.. . :.'pltion, one cull f c, fure t illt n h, heIf. a OAulld lrulel at diacreircn. the deiiiner ." .n:,eiuae li brtioptiott, a , oup. Ituft bt, hat. . . .

hi en I ci dii tt ci inA gret ilulnl r of perm nle hia

e treoner. a ,.

a lullng ll, of the ni convenience tal a el . ':.aiwlere ley, are obhliged to lhe at ceohg tbl ,t. i 1ie

veuence it, etullshine ie thesaiurat , tr inaied where itertlit. will he attended to r. + " .r.,:the dtit,, at i thennier rate then it hile tel ,' h;,t,'T'hle i•bletihirr hitl• n lo eleegnt Palel t a"" :, .. ,'u

pIallle, noll d will extcutle city detllUlntuila.alS--w MIICHEI. DOUAld.


!UtIIE m lalchcbere are llow rreeitil• direct fronlm tihei iltnufttlitlee, lnrgnt suPpliesl o talues, tiuhhitO d

ttflliPnwure, I oikhir Itltiees, PlItt-ld and Silerwar.L.anllp'l Cha+deliePr, Jripanrry, Killc-u ware'i .anitoni I'urisheitC Utiles eIuersilly, which tllty ider l atnutillall , lw. pricee, it Nio. 17 Caap atrlrhaidN 3.l4

(cliiOi t,e aelct. itti-4we It oInOWEI M Ca


llsE l cundlersacgned, present lroprietoreso this wenllS lihi wiln psaIllicsiieii, acllclled to arii Hlutcide,uar id i)llthr ilieP. N: . 119, hlavet lh, uattler,luI cunci. to tlh puttdlin, hnl Itheir gretetleoe E tiL iatl-tlui will he ,me tli.til•i to•fnIder cIttIirthla oe tt4ciai ireii liIm f lvor them lltil Ilheir latritnlte. a•i.iieutlegic titnPereeill', the hiece lic teritroe.lAl•ltera "t

clu tv, ciiellclpiilctti, Ci. are si well known that It itl

setri-Iy CUNY& FULTON.


OS ineracsritoa nuovao prnprietarioredl dblb .ieioneilto etsttllceinienlo nonbhtldo MAN:.

SION HOUSE, stulld en Ina elle do Ia Obrapia.NuLEi. 1191; fietilol thonor do nUiclieir la pubhllO

ernlle tet mnyorea efluerztn y oatencinea aran dedi-caduia tp cnnplaecer k Is pertonas que le favoroe-can cian u platrnehein. Lal oetittnja que ponea di.ela cl'x parn lonviegerua. tnnto per ou loelidad,cilttnlidad, etc. etc. sou tan conecidan, quo ue inu-til mttitinercrlau.

21 set-ly CUNY & FULTON.


I ES rourignts, niouveaux m propriiairee de 1r16.tele illenlent ailu6 dons It rue do i Obrapia,

No. 1i49, conu nusIn taro dte MANSIONIIOUSE, cnnit lIltotntr d'inforntor le tublie, qu'ilareront tous lure efolirts pour as rehdlo agreablelcaux pericnnel qui voudront bien lee favoriser declur ctlnfitine. Los cuetmoditds quoftfre cottla tIa..-o utlx voytgeur olltet asee etltuae poln Ponpititijuger n6ceaeairo d'ent fairo ci Ia detail.

I hlip--ly CUNY & FULTON.


linTEL.(C LAVAUD lhas the honor ofinfolllb g hi{iebidr. -

l i n tb ts, plhli a in generLl, thiat tlile h kektr wien

Hlatol at Cunr'llltc:, where hn trullt he will irdieiii tle calln• l ias old friend and eall o•ae o nedeer.Private l mttier will Inc hndmotenely proirndd' fi A .Sglvllig l ittle iotice eforehandl. He bl will a t aeinl lier gnoe•tnta ewitlh foiiline or individualo diMu•"rooI fntieici tehe suimniet at Ulermlltna .

BIAZAAR.Corner of St. C•la'/ens & "mi . .

) VIUI! & ALIAN wmild mtpetetfaull7 oill atp eiitiniil aceiteelien letragees aUar titirnneo phto

t-niiri>lltil iieellaiiiehx linen 'hiroo, do+iljalukrie.o9 itln lrehll rutllll fa.lu.nolla luien IfllQi ulwl rol-

ilre: -ilk, tlllllle tnd elerinoi olrder I•ia% se d ewnl rI elnchrie nlld silk lanlehirellltft hlatltond fry e• 'r-:l Ia ut itl vnaieli: telaokf nf eerr d•lel•ralao; ilg.,,

iceic. lee1 iottil ritnpentderel: eilk, on'itl lid thread

tmlleve. geAii hoLkin llovee: utubrellea and aire gItldSmintled. , , ..l.u,--iplenmiid u..t....ne.n lea'c n !eed ( Ista a

I "or .Pet, lceaingeicao ,cipea s wl a a5, t

4 ii N(.nn ider.