Trinity Anglican Church Bradford Parish Profile 2016

Trinity Anglican Church Bradford · Trinity Anglican Church Bradford ... Trinity Anglican Church in Bradford was built in 1851. ... We have a piano in the church for use with the

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Trinity Anglican Church

Bradford Parish Profile 2016

Trinity Anglican Church

Bradford Parish Profile 2016

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ 3

Worship, Liturgy and Music ............................................................................................. 5

Services and Liturgy .................................................................................................... 5

Special Services .......................................................................................................... 5

Children's Services ...................................................................................................... 7

Monthly Services ......................................................................................................... 8

Music ........................................................................................................................... 8

Altar Guild .................................................................................................................... 8

Learning and Spiritual Development and Nurture ........................................................... 9

Ministry for Children ..................................................................................................... 9

Ministry for Youth ....................................................................................................... 10

Ministry for Young Adults ........................................................................................... 11

Ministry for Adults ...................................................................................................... 11

Ministry for New Christians ........................................................................................ 13

Mutual Support and Fellowship ..................................................................................... 13

Pastoral Care ................................................................................................................ 16

Human, Physical and Financial Resources ................................................................... 18

Parish Statistics ......................................................................................................... 18

Staff Positions ............................................................................................................ 18

Leadership Style ........................................................................................................ 19

Buildings and Physical Resources ............................................................................. 20

Financials .................................................................................................................. 22

Our Neighbourhood and our Mission Field .................................................................... 25

Location and Surrounding Communities: ................................................................... 25

The Bradford West Gwillimbury Community, Amenities and Events .......................... 26

Demographics of our Neighbourhood ........................................................................ 28

Opportunities and Challenges for our Ministry ........................................................... 30

1 Executive Summary | Trinity Bradford

Outreach and Evangelism ............................................................................................. 30

Outreach .................................................................................................................... 30

Response to Needs Within Our Community .............................................................. 31

Identified Needs and Our Response .......................................................................... 31

Response to Needs Beyond Our Community ............................................................ 32

Evangelism ................................................................................................................ 33

Present Reality and Future Vision ................................................................................. 34

Profile for the New Priest ............................................................................................... 35

Professional Skills and Knowledge ............................................................................ 36

Approach to Congregation and Community ............................................................... 36

Leadership Style ........................................................................................................ 36

2 Executive Summary | Trinity Bradford

Executive Summary

Trinity Anglican Church in Bradford was built in 1851.

Unfortunately, the original wooden church and most of its

furnishings were destroyed by fire in 1900. The baptismal font,

which we use today, was one of the few things saved by Mr.

McKinstry, the blacksmith. The Parish of Trinity Bradford has a

history of hard work and dedicated parishioners and only eight

months after the fire, the present brick building opened for

services, fully paid for. The warmth of the wood and brick and

the vibrant colours of the stained glass windows above the altar

and in the body of the church, continue to add a depth to the

spiritual focus during our worship.

In 1986 the addition of the Bantam wing, including the narthex

and additional Sunday school room, provided the vehicle for a

more welcoming atmosphere and encouraged parishioners to

meet together comfortably following the service. The Hopkins wing, added in 1994,

allowed the church to become handicapped accessible and brought the office space into

a more modern era.

Since that time we have added a parking lot to the south of the church, as well as

undertaking some major structural repairs, including those to the original bell tower.

The rectory, located adjacent to the church, is a cozy, three bedroom plus upstairs

den/office, 1.5 bath, well maintained home. It is close to schools, shopping, medical

facilities and a variety of restaurants.

Historically we have been part of a parish with three, then two points. Currently we are a

single point parish.

In 2014 when St. Paul's Anglican church, Coulson’s Hill closed, we were blessed that

some of its parishioners came to be part of the Trinity family. Their organ was a generous

gift to Trinity Church and was installed that same year. Saint Paul’s Cemetery has become

the responsibility of Trinity Church with representation from both churches on the

cemetery board.

As a pastoral size church, Trinity continues to work at being a welcoming, inclusive

church, providing a variety of outlets for volunteering, social interaction and spiritual

development. We value the support that we gain through informal interactions within the

congregation as well as the more formalized care from the priest. We have programs that

focus on children, youth, adults and seniors.

3 Executive Summary | Trinity Bradford


Trinity is pastoral sized, active, traditional, well managed, and open to new ideas.

Trinity is seeking to grow, to meet the needs of our community (within the church and beyond), and to provide a space for meaningful and relevant worship and liturgy.

Trinity needs someone to lead, to collaborate, to assist with relevant and meaningful worship and liturgy.

We worship in a fairly traditional liturgical style (mostly from the BAS), but try to be open

to new ideas and new forms of services.

Trinity is seeking to grow, to continue to meet the needs of our community (within the

church and beyond) and to provide a space for meaningful and relevant worship and


We have much to be thankful for, and much to look forward to. We have committed

volunteers, and a strong leadership group. We recognize many of our challenges and are

looking for a priest who can help us clarify our goals and put our vision into practice.

4 Executive Summary | Trinity Bradford

Worship, Liturgy and Music

We would describe ourselves as using a traditional Anglican

liturgy. We have tried different variations of the liturgy over

the years and come back to a more “traditional” style. We fall

somewhere in between “high church” and “low church”, with

practices adopted from each.

Services and Liturgy Trinity has a choral Eucharist service each Sunday at 10 AM. The first Sunday of the month the BCP is used. Subsequent Sunday services are from the BAS. Average Sunday attendance is 50 to 60 people, with up to 100 people for high holidays.

When using the BAS:

The services are usually chosen from Eucharistic prayers one to five (prayer six is used once in a while).

The psalm for each Sunday is occasionally led by a Cantor with sung responses by the congregation. Other Sundays it is read antiphonally, led by the priest.

The litany for the Prayers of the People is led by a member of the congregation. It may include current events, Deanery and Parish prayer cycles, prayers of thanksgiving, names of people who have requested prayer and names of the parishioners cyclically brought forward throughout the year.

During regular services the sidespeople, who work in pairs, greet, hand out leaflets and welcome parishioners and visitors and guide the congregation at communion time. Congregation members also participate in the worship service by leading the Prayers of the People as well as acting as crucifers, acolytes, chalice bearers and readers. Anointing is provided during Communion by licensed anointers as part of Trinity’s healing ministry.

Lay led Morning Prayer is held when the priest is absent and a substitute priest is not present. This service may be from the BCP or the BAS.

Special Services At Trinity Bradford we have many special services throughout the year. We have listed them below in chronological order.

5 Worship, Liturgy and Music | Trinity Bradford


Broad church

Normally choral BAS – BCP once a month

One Sunday morning service (10am)

Once a month Taize service (on hold)

Once monthly Evensong

Other services for outreach and special purposes

Baptisms are performed by request to the priest throughout the year especially at Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, All Saints Day, the Baptism of Jesus, and Easter Vigil. Confirmations are performed by request to the priest and the availability of the Bishop.

Thinking Day Service – Sunday near February 22, Scouts and Guides are invited to attend and participate in the service.

Ash Wednesday – two services (one during the day and one in the evening) with ashes administered.

During Lent, every Wednesday there are rotating Lenten services for the Bradford community. The locations and preaching are shared among a number of the local Interfaith Ministerial. Worship is in the style of the hose congregation with a guest preacher of another denomination.

Palm Sunday Passion Service is done with dramatic readings.

Holy week Maundy Thursday Service with washing of the feet. Outdoor Stations of the Cross around the perimeter of the church weather

permitting followed by the Good Friday Service in the church. Easter Vigil - Saturday evening Easter Sunday Service

Trinity Sunday – anniversary service with celebratory cake.

Cemetery Service - a Sunday afternoon in June at our former sister parish of St. Paul's Coulson’s Hill Cemetery (Eleventh Line).

Rally Sunday - the second Sunday in September, celebrates the gathering of the congregation after the summer and the beginning of Sunday school program -followed by hotdogs and corn on the cob.

Back to Church Sunday (bring a friend to church) - end of September.

St. Francis Service – blessing of the animals, recently held the last Sunday in September.

Harvest Home Service first Sunday in October.

Thanksgiving Service second Sunday in October.

Remembrance Service – the Legion members are invited the Sunday before November 11.


Blue Christmas service – a service for those who are going through difficult times at Christmas. We offer this in partnership with Bradford United Church (one

6 Worship, Liturgy and Music | Trinity Bradford

church hosts, the other provides the preacher and refreshments). Usually held the second Wednesday of December.

Christmas pageant – Sometimes during a morning service. The last two years held in conjunction with Lessons and Carols.

Lessons and Carols Service – usually in the evening of the Sunday before Christmas.

Christmas Christmas Eve family Eucharist at 7pm, Christmas Eve midnight mass at 11pm. Christmas morning – quiet service (some parishioners gather at the nursing

home to sing carols).

Children's Services

We happily welcome children to be present at every Sunday service. There are two

services that are dedicated, planned and led by the children throughout the year, one in

the spring and one in the fall. Special music and liturgy are used. We also celebrate the

end of Vacation Bible School (VBS) on the Sunday ending VBS week where children

share the songs and Bible verses with the congregation in place of the sermon. It is held

in the middle of August.

7 Worship, Liturgy and Music | Trinity Bradford

Monthly Services

The Service of Compline with anointing for health and wholeness is held on the first

Wednesday of the month following the monthly Soul Survivors (cancer support group)

meeting. Taize services are held one Wednesday evening a month. This is a relatively

new service offered at Trinity. Evensong is held one Sunday evening a month (the Taize

service and Evensong have been on hold during this transition time). Holy Communion,

using a shortened version of the BAS, is held at the local nursing home on the afternoon

of the first Sunday of the month.


The music at Trinity consists of our full-time organist playing the hymns which are sung

by the congregation during the services. We have a piano in the church for use with the

choir or with particular hymns. Our music is usually from the "Common Praise” hymnal

although we own and have used supplemental books in the past. The old blue hymnal is

used during the BCP Choral Eucharist service and may be used during Morning Prayer


A choir is formed for special

occasions such as Lessons and

Carols, Christmas, and Easter as

well as for funerals by request.

Trinity has in past had a choir. As

our congregation grows it is our

hope that more people with a

choral background will be

interested in joining a viable and

ongoing choir.

In addition to the regular Sunday

service, piano accompaniment is

provided for Taize service. The

organ is used at Evensong.

When parishioners are available we have incorporated other instruments (eg flute and

guitar) into our special services.

Altar Guild

We have a dedicated group of individuals who comprise the Altar Guild. They order the

wine and wafers, care for the brass and silver, candles and fair linens and take care of

the Sanctuary including the flowers for regular and special services.

8 Worship, Liturgy and Music | Trinity Bradford

Learning and Spiritual Development and Nurture

Ministry for Children

We encourage parents to bring their children to church and work to make Trinity a “child

friendly” space. If children prefer to stay with their parents, we have crayons,

paper/pictures, toys and books available. Our narthex is quite large and open so children

can roam or play while parents may be able to participate in some of the service. A large

rocking chair is provided for parents with babies. If children “escape” from their parents,

parishioners and sidespeople help return them to parents or grandparents with good

humour. This congregation is very welcoming to young children. We accept, and even

enjoy, their minor disruptions. In the past we have included a children’s talk at the start of

the service. While we are not currently incorporating this into the service, this would be

well received if the new Incumbent was interested.

Sunday School is available for children in Junior Kindergarten and up (ages 4 to10). It is

provided every Sunday during the church service beginning in September at Rally Sunday

and continuing until the picnic in June. Sunday School enrollment varies from one to six

children. We have a paid Sunday Schoolteacher and a relief teacher. Our Sunday

Schoolteacher uses resources from “Sunday School Sermons for Kids” for lesson plans

and Pinterest as a source of ideas for artwork and applicable crafts. The children begin

their Sunday worship in the Sunday School and join their parents during Communion.

Every year we have a Christmas Pageant. All children in the Sunday School are included.

Lines are learned and costumes are made for each child. The youth (11 and up) are

encouraged to play musical instruments and sing.

Twice a year we have a children’s service. The children do the readings, are sidespeople,

lead the Prayers of the People, and help during the reading of the Gospel. They are also

asked to do the bible readings on special occasions in Church such as Vacation Bible

School Sunday and the early Christmas Service at 7 pm.

In the past we have had a nursery school available during the church service. We

anticipate restarting this again to meet an identified need.

Messy Church was tried several years ago on Saturday afternoons. Unfortunately, there

was a very low (at times no) attendance by families and it was discontinued.

9 Learning and Spiritual Development and Nurture | Trinity Bradford

For many years we have

sponsored a very successful

Vacation Bible School, usually in

mid-August, for one week from 9

am – 12 pm. It is run by

volunteers and supported with

donations from parishioners.

Approximately 30 to 36 children

of all ages, from 4 to 12 years

old, attend. VBS typically

welcomes our own children and

many from the broader

community of Bradford, with a

waiting list at times. There is a

new theme every year with snacks, artwork, crafts and games all related to the chosen

theme. The wrap up service is an opportunity for the children to showcase what they have


Ministry for Youth (11-14 yrs old)

Trinity’s youth group meets one Friday night a month from 7 – 9 pm. The program is run

by a paid Youth Program Coordinator with help from volunteers and parents when

necessary. Various activities and outings are arranged for the group each meeting. They

participated in the Bell Tower Walkathon (fundraiser for repairs to our bell tower) and at

Christmas made crafts to sell to parishioners to help raise money for the Bell Tower

restoration fund. There are approximately six to eight young people in the group from both

Trinity and the community. They also participate in the Christmas Pageant with the

Sunday School.

During our church dinners, teas, and dances we reach out to the youth group and to

young people in the community who

need community service hours to

graduate from High School. They help

with setting up for events, serving, selling

of tickets and clean up.

Confirmation classes are set up with the

Priest, usually when two or three want to

be confirmed.

Recently, two of our young people have

started participating in the service as

crucifers and acolytes. Training sessions

10 Learning and Spiritual Development and Nurture | Trinity Bradford

are set up for the youth who are interested in serving at the altar. This is an exciting return

to an old tradition.

Ministry for Young Adults (18-25 yrs old)

We have not been offering any programs at this time for this age group. We believe this

is a missional opportunity and would be happy to consider supporting programs for this

age group in the future. This age group helps out with some events, our fundraisers and

church activities. While they do not attend Sunday service regularly or frequently, many

who are associated with the parish share their talent and skills to help out where they can.

For instance they have helped with repairs at the Church and rectory and help with lawn

maintenance and other special projects.

Ministry for Adults

We have several adult programs. During Lent we take part in special Wednesday night

Lenten services that are hosted at different churches in our community - Christian

Reformed, Roman Catholic, Baptist, Greek Orthodox and United. Each

reverend/pastor/priest speaks at a church, other than their own, and parishioners are able

to experience the different services styles and customs. This is a wonderful learning

experience for all with coffee afterwards for fellowship.

Bible studies have been offered in the evening several times a year. They have been led

by our priest. These studies were well attended, typically 7 - 9 people. We have also had

bible studies in the afternoon where sections of the bible were discussed. These were lay

led, with the passages and questions provided by the priest. Parishioners took turns

hosting them in their homes for a more comfortable setting. During these studies we had

the opportunity to share our journey of faith and our spiritual experiences. It was also a

very safe environment to seek answers to questions many had never asked.

Everyone is encouraged to become part of the Sunday service by doing the readings,

intercessory prayers, being a sidesperson, or serving at the altar. We have several people

trained to administer the chalice. We have seven people, licensed by the bishop, who

take turns anointing every Sunday. A few of these licensed people also take communion

and anointing to our shut-ins, house -bound and hospitalized parishioners.

Last year, we added a Taize service once a month. It provided a time for meditation and

reflection in a busy world. These services have typically had 8 – 10 attendees.

In the past, parishioners have attended one day training sessions on welcoming put on

by the Diocese. We have had many people tell us that one thing they remember about

their first day attending our Church was the smiling person greeting them as they entered.

There are two scheduled sidespeople and a number of informal greeters who

11 Learning and Spiritual Development and Nurture | Trinity Bradford

watch for new people. We have a welcome booklet that is full of information about our

Church that they can take home. These booklets are in a prominent position when they

walk in, as is our pamphlet that contains the past history of our Church that is available

for anyone. The sidespeople offer these resources to newcomers and visitors.

In the past we have had several small groups who met in people’s homes to help “gather”

our parishioners and provide emotional and spiritual support. At the present time there is

one group still functioning at Miller Park Senior Residence. There are approximately 12

in the group that meet in the senior’s residence as a number of participants have some

difficulty with walking. It is made up of many of our own parishioners as well as other

ladies from Miller Park of various faith traditions. A number of “younger” seniors attend to

give support. The group has a covenant that what is said in the group is kept in the group.

This allows participants to offer up their concerns in confidence, and we pray for them

and their family members. It is also a place that lets the leader of the group share what is

going on in Church so that shut-in parishioners can stay up to date with what is happening

in the church. It allows them still feel a part of the Church they have been attending to for

50 years or more! We also arrange for Communion or anointing on request. Twice a year

the priest joins the group for a celebratory meal.

We have a confidential prayer circle, which has 28 parishioners participating. An email is

sent out once a request comes in for prayers. Parishioners without a computer or access

to email are called with the information so they can be included in this ministry. This gives

some parishioners a sense of belonging and inclusion especially when they might not be

physically able to join in other events or groups.

12 Learning and Spiritual Development and Nurture | Trinity Bradford

Two or three times a year we have a men’s breakfast. There have been speakers followed

by good discussion and good shared fellowship. This is a special ministry for several men

who consider themselves parishioners, but attend Sunday services infrequently.

Ministry for New Christians

As needed, the priest will conduct baptismal sessions for parents who want their babies

baptized. if there are adults who want to be baptized or who would like to become

Anglicans or learn more about the Anglican faith, classes are arranged with the priest.

Mutual Support and Fellowship

At Trinity we have intentionally molded ourselves as a friendly and caring church. This is

helped in part by the fact that we are a pastoral sized church, but we also put conscious

effort into maintaining a friendly and caring space. When concerns are brought forward

by parishioners, we try to address them and make changes whenever possible.

Each Sunday as parishioners,

visitors, or newcomers enter the

church they are welcomed by two

sidespeople who act as greeters. If

someone is identified as new or

visiting, they are encouraged to join

us for coffee hour after the service.

Coffee hour is held in the narthex after

each service. Holding it in the bright

and airy space directly outside the

Sanctuary encourages people to stay

as they do not have to move to

another part of the building. Not only

do our sidespeople try to identify

those who are new and may need assistance but we encourage our parishioners to reach

out during and after the service to engage newcomers. We have produced a “welcome

newcomers” folder which we offer to people who have indicated they might like to join us

or who may be visiting and looking for a new spiritual home. We encourage people to

provide us with their names, etc. so that we can reach out to them but we try very hard

not to overwhelm them.

During the service, the Passing of the Peace is a busy and welcoming time. Many

parishioners leave their seats to greet as many people as possible. We try to make sure

13 Mutual Support and Fellowship | Trinity Bradford

that a number of parishioners welcome newcomers but also try to be aware if people are

uncomfortable with the attention.

Rally Sunday marks the end of the summer and signals the start of Sunday School in

September. This service is accompanied by hotdogs and corn on the cob served on the

church lawn. We have other special services which include fellowship such as our Church

Picnic and our Cemetery Service at the nearby St. Paul’s Coulson’s Hill Cemetery. At

Christmas time in conjunction with the Bradford United Church we have a Blue Christmas

Service a contemplative and supportive liturgy for those for whom Christmas is a difficult


Since Trinity is a relatively small

parish there are many ways in

which people can become part

of the life of the church. As we get

to know members and discover

their interests, we try to steer

them to events and groups which

they might find enjoyable.

individuals, couples and young

people can help during the

service as sidespeople, readers,

servers, communion assistants,

alter guild members, choir

members (on special occasions)

and Sunday school helpers.

Members are also invited to take part in activities such as home and hospital visitation,

pastoral phone calls, the Second Hand Shop (located in the basement of the church),

caring for the church properties, making palm crosses, and the Krafty Knitters.

The Krafty Knitters group meets twice a month in

the afternoon. The group consists of experienced

knitters and those wanting to learn. They knit

many items including our prayer shawls that are

blessed by the priest and given to people in need.

Some of their projects have been to raise money

for the bell tower restoration and for our Syrian

refugee family. Their efforts, which raised several

thousand dollars, were featured on CTV news.

The Krafty Knitters group is fellowship driven,

offering support for people within and outside

Trinity, and willingly teaching newcomers.

14 Mutual Support and Fellowship | Trinity Bradford

There is opportunity for fellowship in many different ways! We encourage congregational

gathering and interaction with potluck dinners, one of which is connected to our Trinity

Talent Show. We have a Games Night which provides intergenerational fun and games.

All men are invited to our Men's Breakfasts. There is usually a speaker and members are

encouraged to bring a guest. Many of our fundraisers provide the vehicle for fun and

fellowship. For example our Hymn Sing with Sundaes is enjoyed by parishioners and

members of the Bradford community in the summer. Parishioners gather to provide

catering for funerals and other functions. As you can see, we do like to eat and many of

our functions are accompanied by food. Even Vestry contains a luncheon which

encourages interaction and participation.

Trinity is blessed with a strong core of lay leaders in formal and informal roles. This is an

open group of parishioners who welcome new members and support our ministries to

the physical and spiritual needs of our congregation. The provide rides to church events,

phone calls, and visits, among many other needs.

Our Prayer Circle prays confidentially within their own homes for anyone, both in the

parish and the community, who wishes prayer support.

Our newsletter “News from The Pews” comes out once a month and keeps parishioners

up to date with all the parish activities.

Trinity is part of and supports the Tecumseth Deanery, which is comprised of parishes in

the southern part of Simcoe County.

15 Mutual Support and Fellowship | Trinity Bradford

Pastoral Care

The priest, two spiritual visitors and other members of the parish, especially the Advisory

Board, all participate in providing support and pastoral care in the church and in the

community. Pastoral care is an agenda item for the monthly Advisory Board meeting and

concerns brought forward by members of the congregation are discussed appropriately.

Confidential items are taken directly to the priest.

The priest makes phone calls,

sends emails and visits the sick and

shut-ins including providing home

Communion when requested. This

includes visits to Bradford Valley

nursing home, Miller Park Senior’s

residence and Southlake Regional

Health Centre in Newmarket. A

monthly Nursing Home Eucharist is

provided by the priest with support

from members of the congregation.

Our church building has a clergy

office where individuals can come

for pastoral guidance. The priest also officiates at funerals, provides bereavement

counselling and grief education sessions.

We have two Spiritual Visitors trained through the hospital Chaplain. There are sevenlay

anointers licensed by the Bishop, and many caring parishioners who keep close contact

with seniors, shut-ins and other members of the congregation.

The Spiritual Visitors carry out regular hospital visits and an anointer prays with

parishioners every Sunday in Church. They also take Communion and administer

anointing in private homes, seniors’ residences and the hospital.

In addition to hospital visits, parishioners provide informal support through visits, offering

help with suggestions for family and community support for the individual. Parishioners

also take meals to shut-ins, elderly and the sick.

Once a month, the priest co-leads Soul Survivors Cancer Support Group followed by a

service of Compline for health and healing.

16 Pastoral Care | Trinity Bradford

The Prayer Circle provides prayer support for parishioners and community members and

appropriate cards also are sent to individuals in need through our greeting card ministry.

Trinity’s pastoral care creates a strong and meaningful relationship between all members

of the congregation. It is a significant activity within the church community. We have

found that pastoral care through calls and visitations has added significant value to our

church life. This service has been missed when it has not been provided in the past.

17 Pastoral Care | Trinity Bradford

Human, Physical and Financial Resources

Parish Statistics

2012 2013 2014 2015

Number on Parish List 118 families

Total Identifiable


93 76 80 87

Average Sunday


69 63 62 60

Average Total Weekly


79 75 75 76

Baptisms 8 8 10 5

Weddings 4 1 2 1

Funerals 8 8 10 8

Age Range of


1 to 96 yrs

New Parishioners Approx. 39 in last 4


*11 people joined us when St Paul’s Coulson’s Hill closed in 2014

Staff Positions

Paid Positions

Position # hours worked $ per


Actual Salary



Salary 2016

Secretary 25 hrs/month $15/ hr $4,609 $4,495

Sunday School


Group Coordinator

2 hrs/week (Sunday


4 hrs/month(Youth


$25/hr $2,577 $2,600

Organist $100/service $7,200 $6,500

Clergy Full time Salary As per diocesan guidelines




Depends on weather,

cutting, number of


$16/hr Approximately



18 Human, Physical and Financial Resources | Trinity Bradford


Active and capable lay leadership

Lay leadership encourages succession with Advisory Board

Well managed with balanced budget

Key Volunteer Positions

1. Advisory Board – Chair and seven ex officio members elected by Vestry, two

wardens, two deputy wardens, and staff members (clergy, Sunday school coordinator

and secretary). We have an active and engaged Advisory Board; all parishioners are

welcome to attend. The Board plays a key role in supporting the Wardens and

Incumbent in the smooth running of the parish.

2. Treasurer - 10 hours per week

3. Altar Guild – eight parishioners

4. Decorating committee – dress the church for special occasions

5. Lay readers – five parishioners are able to take morning prayer services

6. Service coordinator – creates the schedule for lay worship assistants

7. Lay worship assistants – sidespeople, altar guild, readers, servers, intercessors

8. Licensed anointers – seven parishioners take turns offering anointing for healing at

each service (some also take anointing and communion to homes and hospital)

9. Envelope secretary and counter - 2 hours each per week

10. Sexton – a number of parishioners volunteer to fill this role

11. Maintenance support people – gardeners, cleaners, grass cutting, snow shoveling

12. Cemetery Board (Cemetery at St. Paul’s Coulson Hill)– Chair, Treasurer, two

members at large, and the Wardens

13. Screening Coordinator- takes care of police checks and screening

14. Card Care – writes and sends Thank you, Sympathy, Get Well and Thinking of You

cards. This ministry is led by one of our longtime parishioners now confined to home.

15. Vacation Bible School Coordinator

16. Lenten and Advent Children’s Programs Coordinator (on hold)

Leadership Style We are a pastoral sized church and

operate in a collaborative/consultative

style. The Advisory Board provides

advice to the Wardens and Clergy who

consider and make final decisions.

Advisory Board meets once a month and

works as a team to reach a consensus.

Many other member of the congregation

an even some friends in the broader

community volunteer to support parish


19 Human, Physical and Financial Resources | Trinity Bradford

Buildings and Physical Resources

Church Building

Constructed: 1900 (original church built 1851, destroyed by fire)

Gross Area: 5840 sq.ft – includes the worship space, the narthex and office space as

well a fully finished basement.

Worship Space:

Stained glass and coloured windows

Baptismal font saved from original church and still used today

Light Oak Altar and reredos, forward facing, raised altar with choir seating/pews

Pews with cushions, cushioned kneelers –painted

Area: 1488 sq.ft (seating capacity 120-140)

Not air conditioned

Forced air heating system upgraded 1995

The organ is one of the Prestige II series, manufactured by Viscount of Italy: a

pipe-sampled, two-manual classical church organ, in a 32 pedal board console. It

is 12 years old.

Office and narthex additions:

Narthex completed in 1986, office and choir room completed 1994

Area: 1432 sq.ft

Includes a 221 sq.ft clergy office, a general office, a choir room, a barrier free

washroom (with a change table), a coat cupboard and a lift to the basement

20 Human, Physical and Financial Resources | Trinity Bradford

Office and choir room addition is air conditioned and heated (1994)


Fully finished with full kitchen facilities and male and female washrooms

Elevator to basement

Sunday School areas and Second Hand Shop are located in the basement


We have a parking lot adjacent to the church which can hold approximately 25 cars. On

street parking is also available. Two barrier free spaces are provided with a barrier free

path of travel to the north entrance.


St Paul’s Coulson’s Hill Cemetery was established in 1842. The 3 ½ acre cemetery is

located adjacent to the former St Paul’s Anglican Church on the Eleventh Line,

approximately 5 minutes north of Bradford. Responsibility for St Paul’s Coulson’s Hill

Cemetery was assumed by Trinity in 2014 when St Paul’s Church closed. It is still an

active cemetery (380 graves are available) and is administered by the Cemetery Board.

There is a Superintendent/ Groundskeeper who cares for the grounds and funerals.


1350 sq. ft brick house

Two storeys (plus full basement, unfinished, with utility room and washer/dryer)

Three bedrooms

1.5 bath (full bath upstairs renovated 2016, powder room off kitchen)

Single car detached garage

21 Human, Physical and Financial Resources | Trinity Bradford

Fenced in backyard, with personal garden space for the clergy family, if desired.

Property maintained by parishioners and clergy (if interested in gardening)

Forced air gas furnace (installed 2005) and central air conditioner (both checked

August 2016)

Kitchen with stove, fridge and dishwasher

Cozy living room

Separate dining room

Sunroom 110 sq. ft

Located on same property as church


Trinity operates with a balanced budget. For the last three years we have been able to

meet all of our capital and operating costs through regular Sunday givings combined with

fundraising events. We have a bequest of approximately $3,200 a year from a former

parishioner. We have been able to meet our Diocesan apportionment.

We are currently in the process of restoring the church’s bell tower. Over the years it has

suffered water damage and as a result requires structural work. We have raised almost

all of the $60,000 quoted for the project. We are still fundraising for a contingency fund

and we will continue to fundraise until the final bills are in. We have plans for a “top up

campaign” to raise the last final amounts. We have diocesan approval and the building

permit in hand. We anticipate the work to be completed over four weeks in

October/November 2016.

22 Human, Physical and Financial Resources | Trinity Bradford

Income Statement

2015 2014 2013


Donations (PAG, Envelopes and


$130,562 $120,822 $114,260

Gain on Sale* 0 0 $48,891

Rental Income* (House and Parish


$810 $110 $5,578

Interest Income** $55 $35 $34

Total $131,427.00 $120,967.00 $168,763.00


Clergy $70,820 $65,184 $61,834

Property Administration $19,347 $18,811 $21,066

Office Administration $9,674 $8,590 $10,690

Diocese Dues $11,619 $9,482 $8,134

Insurance $3,364 $3,786 $4,145

Choir and Music $7,245 $3,100 $3,350

Travel $3,570 $3,603 $3,178

Finance (Bank fees, other

financial costs such as lawyers

etc. for sale of house)

$73 $101 $1,827

Outreach and Discipleship $1,554 $1,602 $1,000

Total $127,266.00 $114,259.00 $115,224.00

Excess $4,161.00 $6,708.00 $53,539.00

*Parish owned and rented out an adjacent property, it was sold in 2013

**Interest from a bequest held by the Diocese

23 Human, Physical and Financial Resources | Trinity Bradford

2015 2014 2013

Current Assets

Cash (includes Capital, Vestry,

Cemetery, Memorial, and Bell Tower


$91,436.00 $57,482.00 $44,929.00

Investments (Cemetery) $97,929.00 $101,273.00 $0.00

HST receivable $558.00 $1,070.00 $2,120.00

Prepaid expenses $568.00 $795.00 $495.00

Investments(Altar Guild/Memorial) $2,661.00 $0.00 $2,500.00

Total $193,152.00 $160,620.00 $50,044.00


Accounts Payable $3,655.00 $2,109.00 $2,715.00

Government remittances


$125.00 $111.00 $0.00

Total $3,780.00 $2,220.00 $2,715.00

Net Assets (Equity)

Vestry Fund $16,580.00 $12,452.00 $5,711.00

Capital Fund $41,832.00 $14,803.00 $23,665.00

Cemetery Fund* $110,793.00 $112,320.00 N/A

Internally Restricted Funds $20,167.00 $18,825.00 $17,953.00

Total Liabilities $193,152.00 $160,620.00 $50,044.00

*Responsibility for St Paul’s Coulson’s Hill Cemetery assumed in 2014

We will try to financially support our priest going on the Bishop’s Pilgrimage in 2017.

24 Human, Physical and Financial Resources | Trinity Bradford


Mixed urban-rural community

Population 34,000

Rapid growth driven by commuters seeking relatively affordable housing

Deep agricultural roots

GO Train and Bus connections to communities south and Toronto

Our Neighbourhood and our Mission Field

Location and Surrounding Communities:

Bradford West Gwillimbury (BWG or Bradford) is part of

Simcoe County, located between Toronto and Barrie in

southern Ontario. Bradford has urban and rural areas, and

offers easy access to key business markets and

attractions. It has a small town feel, but is close enough to

large cities to take advantage of their amenities. The town

has a population of 34,000 and includes the former town

of Bradford and surrounding farm country (former

township of West Gwillimbury.

Location Distance to BWG (Km)

Toronto, ON 53.4

Barrie, ON 32.2

Muskoka, ON 87.6

Mississauga 58.9

Newmarket 14.3

25 Our Neighbourhood and our Mission Field | Trinity Bradford

Bradford has direct access to Toronto and Barrie by Go Trains and Go Buses. There is

also easy access via Highways 400 and 404. There are currently 5 morning southbound

trains to Union Station in Toronto and there are 7 afternoon northbound trains to Bradford

and further north. In the summer there are weekend Go Trains to Toronto. All day service

from Union Station to Barrie (stopping in Bradford) is anticipated in the near future.

Easy access to the 400-series of highways enables over 75 percent of Bradford West

Gwillimbury’s residents to commute to other communities such as Toronto, Vaughan,

Newmarket and Barrie for work.

New to Bradford is the 2 route BWG Transit bus service which is fully handicap


Trinity Anglican Church is centrally located at 62 Church St., just north of Holland St and

west of Barrie St. This is considered the older part of Bradford. Approximately 90% of our

parishioners live within the BWG boundaries.

Anglican sister churches in the area include St. John’s Cookstown, St. Peter’s Churchill,

Christ Church Holland Landing, and St. James the Apostle, Sharon.

Other places of worship in Bradford are Holy Martyrs of Japan Roman Catholic Church,

Bradford United Church, Bradford Community Church, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, St.

John's Presbyterian Church, Bradford Alliance Church, Bradford Baptist Church, and the

Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

The Bradford West Gwillimbury Community, Amenities and Events

Historically Bradford has been a small rural town. In

recent years the town has begun its expansion. There

are many new subdivisions and with the population

increase the shopping amenities have expanded.

There are many well-known big box chains as well

as unique restaurants.

Other shopping areas include Upper

Canada Mall in Newmarket (15 minutes

south) and Barrie (25-30 minutes north).

26 Our Neighbourhood and our Mission Field | Trinity Bradford

Bradford is known for the Holland Marsh, the vegetable capital of Ontario. The Holland

Marsh has over 125 farms with more than 60 different crops being grown. This provides

seasonal work for local people and for migrant workers.

Bradford is looking to attract more

manufacturing and industry to the

area. The manufacturing subsectors

located in BWG include plastics,

automotive machinery, chemical and

fabricated metal products. There are

also vegetable and chicken processing

and packaging plants.

Bradford offers programs and cultural

facilities through The BWG Public

Library, The Leisure Centre, andthe

Portuguese Cultural Centre. The

Leisure Centre is a new town facility which provides a wide variety of programs such as

fitness, aquatics and ice skating/hockey. Other facilities include The Bradford and District

Memorial Community Centre, The Bradford Curling Club, and The Bob Fallis Sports

Centre. Bradford offers many leisure programs for children and adults such as soccer,

baseball, softball, dance, music, drama, golf and curling. The Danube Seniors’ Centre

provides recreational events and programs for seniors.

There are several festivals and events

throughout the year, such as Carrotfest, Ribfest,

Marsh Mash (canoe race on the canal) and The

Studio Arts Tour. There is a Farmer’s Market at

the library Saturday mornings during the

summer. There is a large evening illuminated

Christmas Parade.

Medical Facilities

Bradford is fortunate to have a number of medical facilities including walk-in clinics and

The Family Health Unit (a satellite of the Southlake Regional Health Centre Family Health

Unit) as well as Radiology and Medical Labs.

We are fourteen kilometers(approximately 20 minutes) north of Southlake Regional

Health Centre. It is a renowned Regional General Hospital, Cancer and Cardiac Care

Center, serving northern York Region and South Simcoe County.

27 Our Neighbourhood and our Mission Field | Trinity Bradford

Social Agencies

The following social service agencies are prominently active in Bradford. In the

Outreach Section we discuss which of these agencies we work with.

CHATS (assistance for seniors)

LOFT - housing for persons with disabilities (a member of Anglican Faithworks)

Christian Horizons

Bradford Immigrant Community Services

Children Aid Society

Early Years Centre

THE HUB – for youth 11 – 18 years old


There are also numoerous volunteer organization supporting the migrant workers and

other member of our community.


In Bradford there are two secondary schools, (one public and one Roman Catholic), six

public elementary schools and four Roman catholic elementary schools. A Montessori

school has just opened for younger students.

Both private and public daycare services are available.

Demographics of our Neighbourhood

The total estimated population for

Bradford (2015) is approximately 34,000.

Bradford saw growth of 16.8% between

2006 and 2011. Bradford’s population is

expected to grow to approximately

47,800 by the year 2016 and 50, 500 by

year 2031. There are presently

approximately 700 new houses built in

Bradford each year.

Discussions are taking place at a

community level concerning growth and

population, keeping the downtown core

vital, attractive, and active, as well as preserving employment lands and creating

seniors’ affordable housing.

English is the predominant language in Bradford. Bradford has been influenced by

waves of migrant workers. Portuguese (currently approximately 20% of Bradford’s

28 Our Neighbourhood and our Mission Field | Trinity Bradford

population), Italian, and Dutch have historically settled the Holland Marsh/Bradford area

and continue to make their homes here. The Roman Catholic Church mainly serves the

Italian and Portuguese communities and the Christian Reformed Church the Dutch


The ethnic background in Bradford remains predominantly Caucasian. Other ethnic

groups such as Black, Asian, South Asian, East Indian are moving into the area but at

this time are relatively small in number. The demographics of our church reflect these

statistics. We presently have several visible minority families in our congregation.


According to Statistics Canada, the average income level per household in Bradford

before taxes is $99,441. This number is based on several (up to four or five) incomes per

household. Our experience has been that the majority of our parishioners live on a lower

household income.

Education Levels in Bradford

High school certificate/equivalent – 10,085

Apprenticeship or trades certificate/diploma – 3,665

College, Diploma – 7,780

University diploma/degree – 5,660

Break down of population by age (2014)

Percentage of the population between the ages of 29 and 59 is 58.6%. The majority of

Bradford’s population is young to middle aged.

28,075 population in BWG

0-14 yrs 15-64 65+

29 Our Neighbourhood and our Mission Field | Trinity Bradford

Opportunities and Challenges for our Ministry

Because Bradford’s houses are more affordable than the surrounding communities,

Newmarket south to Toronto, Bradford has many young families moving into the area.

This growth has not been reflected in Trinity’s membership as we have a much higher

percentage of older people. We recognize that young families are busy, many travel out

of town for work, and therefore do not spend a significant amount of time in Bradford.

Recreational activities for children and young people also compete for space in family life.

To facilitate youth involvement, we believe it is necessary to have the parents become

involved in the church so that young people can attend regularly and participate.

Bradford is becoming more diverse and we recognize it is important to be inclusive and

open to change. We have had informative “get to know you” gatherings with groups such

as the Muslim Ladies Group.

As the population of Bradford grows, we are experiencing more of the social challenges

experienced in larger communities. Homelessness, isolation and crime are increasing.

We would like to see our outreach and pastoral care grow to help with these challenges.

We have made an effort to have a presence in the community by supporting a refugee

family and by being a presence in many community programs, charities and activities.

Outreach and Evangelism


We see ourselves as a caring congregation and have been committed to outreach in the

community and beyond for many years.

Much of the identification of local needs has been informal. Members of our church who

have served on Bradford Town Council or held a variety of roles in community agencies

have identified opportunities for ministry and outreach. We have liaised with Bradford

Community Initiatives (an umbrella group for various social agencies) and used some of

their information to identify areas for ministry and outreach. A number of years ago we

produced a Health Survey for the congregation which led to us offering yoga for seniors.

We have invited speakers (through Faithworks and others) to come and explain their

needs and tell us about their agencies. We continue to financially support a number of

these organizations on a yearly basis, such as the Mission to Seafarers, Loaves and

Fishes (Canadian Food Grains), The Diocese of the Arctic and the Walter J Creighton

Scholarship Fund.

30 | Trinity Bradford

Response to Needs Within Our Community

Responses from our parish include

financial contributions to a variety of

agencies who support the above

identified needs. Many parish

members also volunteer their time

especially through the Helping Hands

Food Bank, The Community Meals

through Community Initiatives and

support the Lions Club during their

Car Draw.

Our Second Hand Shop grew out of

an identified need for low cost

clothing and household items. It

helps support the church financially and also meets the need for involvement in activities

for some of our parishioners. The Soul Survivors Group, which meets monthly, was

started a number of years ago in response to a request by a parishioner for a vehicle for

those experiencing cancer and other chronic illnesses to get together to support one

another in their health care journeys. This group has attracted participants from the

community at large.


Aging, shut-ins, loneliness and bereavement

Mental health and people with disabilities

Healing ministry

Poverty and hunger

Care for women and children

Identified Needs and Our Response

Trinity sees the need for our support in the community. Our support

may be strictly financial (SF) and/or through direct involvement (DI) as

volunteers, a resource agency, meeting space, etc.:

1. Aging, Shut-ins, Loneliness and Bereavement

Phone calls to and visitation of shut-ins, the elderly, ill, and

those experiencing difficulties

Monthly Nursing Home Service (Bradford Valley) and other

services at the local seniors’ residence and the retirement

home by request

Yoga for Seniors

Blue Christmas Service (partnered with Bradford United


2. Mental Health & People with Disabilities

Canadian Mental Health Association -New Beginnings (SF)

Christian Horizons (SF)

Bradford LOFT (SF - money for taxi to church service)

31 Outreach and Evangelism | Trinity Bradford

3. Healing Ministry / Support during cancer and other chronic illness

Soul Survivors -Monthly support group including a short service with anointing and

laying on of hands

Doane House Hospice (SF)

Prayer Shawl Ministry (we also have access to quilts) (DI)

4. Poverty and Hunger

Helping Hands Food Bank (we can also access food if individuals come to the church

looking for food) (SF & DI). Trinity parishioners have been a very active part of this

agency for many years.

Community Meals (SF & DI)

Refugee Sponsorship (SF & DI)

Second Hand Shop –items available at minimal cost or free, if needed

5. Care for Women and Children

Rose of Sharon (SF), care for young single mothers

My Sisters Place (SF), women’s shelter

At Christmas we participate in the Shoebox Program (Samaritan’s Purse) and we

supply a crib, toys, clothing, and necessities for a young mother through Rose of


This past year our youth group leader introduced our young people to the joys of

helping others at the Food Bank. They have also done fundraising for outreach projects.


Response to Needs Beyond Our Community A number of members of the congregation contribute to

Faithworks as a campaign and some support individual

Faithworks agencies such as All Saints Community Center,

PWRDF, the David Busby Centre in Barrie and Loft

Community Services (Bradford).

Outreach and Evangelism | Trinity Bradford

This past year, Trinity along with three churches in Bradford has sponsored and continues

to provide support for a twelve member Syrian refugee family. The Al-Shteiwe family had

fled Homs and was living in Lebanon until they arrived in January. Trinity is a formal

signatory to the sponsorship agreement, and has provided volunteer financial and

household donations. A special adventure was organizing donations through our Second

Hand Store for the birth of their infant son, less than two months after their arrival in

January! Trinity has also shared its experiences with other sponsorship groups which

have formed in the area.


At Trinity we feel it is important to contribute to the wellbeing of the Bradford West

Gwillimbury community. Previous priests have participated in the Bradford Ministerial

group which brings together a number of local ministers. This has facilitated our ongoing

community work with things like Vacation Bible School, the Blue Christmas Service, the

Lenten Ecumenical services, support for the Syrian refugee family and helps to provide

us with a visible presence in the town.

Along with other churches we have a weekly ad in the local paper. We have a website

and Facebook page which we are making an effort to keep current. We are investigating

the efficacy of other social media platforms.

We have described in the Mutual Support and Fellowship section our practices before,

during and after the service which we feel have been quite successful in reaching out to

people. We offered a course for "new Christians” a few years ago but it was not well

attended at that time. We have tried "messy church” without much success.

We include services and activities which may appeal to people who do not belong to a

church such as the Blessing of Animals, the Cemetery service (for individuals with a

connection to St Paul’s Coulson’s Hill cemetery), Remembrance Day Service, Lessons

and Carols, Summer Hymn Sing and Sundaes, Blue Christmas, outdoor Stations of the

33 Outreach and Evangelism | Trinity Bradford

Cross and advertise them in the local paper. Our one week Vacation Bible School is

oversubscribed. Many of the participants are not children of members of the parish. We

take part in the Bradford Doors Open historical tour. In the past we have had a float in the

Bradford Christmas parade.

Our Krafty Knitters rent a booth at the local farmers’ market once a year as a fundraiser

and outreach. They have found that individuals will approach them and talk about "church

things" while looking at their crafts.

Trinity hosts a series of community dinners during the year which are always sold out with

many community members attending. Through these fundraisers, dinners, dances, teas

etc., people discover where the church is located and that we are friendly group of people.

Tickets are often purchased by people who can’t attend but donate the tickets back as

discretionary charity support.

Our former priest took part with local clergy at the train station for "Back to Church”

Sunday and parishioners were encouraged to bring a friend to church. He also was a

visible presence in the community where people would chat in the local coffee shop. For

many years our priest has served as Padre to the local branch of the Royal Canadian

Legion. The Legion has indicated they would like to continue this practice.

In the past we have provided space for groups such as Brownies, Pathfinders, CMHA-

New Beginnings and Alcoholics Anonymous.


Returned to financial stability and reestablished as a positive congregation

Challenged to be a visible and viable place to meet and know God and find a meaningful place in God’s world

Strategic commitment to children with paid Sunday School teacher

Present Reality and Future Vision

As a congregation we are proud that Trinity Church has

been an Anglican presence in Bradford for over 160 years.

During that time the church has experienced many

successes and faced a number of challenges.

Approximately ten years ago Trinity was working toward the

dream of building a new church in downtown Bradford to

facilitate our outreach programs and to attract and

accommodate the needs of a growing younger population in

Bradford West Gwillimbury. Due to a variety of

circumstances, we were unable to bring this dream to fruition

and we experienced financial instability. Within the last five

years, with the help of our priest, we have once again

become financially viable and reestablished ourselves as a

cohesive and positive congregation.

34 Present Reality and Future Vision | Trinity Bradford

Even though we have a number of young families and middle aged couples in our church,

a large part of the congregation is 65 plus. The latter are quite often the members who

provide the key support to the church financially as well as through their volunteer

services. However, the core leadership has shown itself to be open to change, and to

conscious succession planning through the Advisory Board.

The parish is not taking part in Natural Church Development at this time. We as a Church

would welcome participation in this program in the future.

A lot of the growth in Bradford is young families with the parent(s) working out of town.

These young families often have to juggle two careers, children’s activities and family

“together” time. The church must try to complement these demands rather than compete

with them. This poses challenges and opportunities for us as a parish.

We believe that God is leading us to care about and for the older people in our

congregation as well as to incorporate ways to support our families with children and

teens. We also believe God is challenging us to be a visible and viable place where people

who are moving into the Bradford area can come to meet and know God and to find a

meaningful place in God’s world.

We try to be an inclusive and welcoming church. We have made a strategic commitment

to reach out to children with a paid Sunday school teacher and encourage children and

teen participation during services. The congregation responds well to newcomers who

are invited to our coffee hour and other activities such as the knitting, cancer support

group and VBS which might meet their needs, and gently draws them into the life of the


We are a fairly relaxed church although we enjoy ritual

and the Anglican liturgy as well as socially pertinent


Profile for the New Priest

Trinity sees itself as a warm, friendly, and caring church

and would welcome a priest whose strong leadership

skills and ability to work closely with staff and volunteers

would complement our vision of ourselves.

We would encourage our new priest to reach out to the

wider community of BWG. Our Incumbents have

35 Profile for the New Priest | Trinity Bradford


Professional skills and knowledge: Leadership, Music, Computer Literacy, and Meaningful Sermons.

A Caring, Open, and Outgoing approach to parishioners and community.

Leadership style that is Objective,

Empowering, and Collaborative.

traditionally been Padre to the Local Legion and have been part of the Ministerial

Committee. This Committee has been instrumental in coordinating church outreach such

as Weekly Lenten Services in the community.

At Trinity we value pastoral care and outreach. We would hope our new Incumbent would

carry on with visitations, phone calls, special services and as time permits attend at some

of our social and fundraising events.

We are trying to encourage family and youth ministry. We are supporting this financially

with a paid Sunday school and youth position. We still see a need for further leadership

in providing young couples and youth a space and programs that will sustain their spiritual


Professional Skills and Knowledge Provide leadership on religious matters including bible studies and/or spiritual


Encourage music in our worship

Be a knowledgeable link to Diocesan and National level of the Church

Being open to a variety of worship services

Meaningful sermons

General computer literacy and knowledge of common computer programs such as

Outlook, Word, Excel, PDF, etc.

Open to utilizing social media for communication within the parish and out to the


Helpful to have a good business sense

Approach to Congregation and Community Approachable, excellent interpersonal skills


Understanding and Listening


Leadership Style Empowers participation

Holds a vision of what this Parish could and should be



36 Profile for the New Priest | Trinity Bradford