w < 1 ii I THE INTERIOR JOURNAL I BTANKOIID KY JISE 0 1C03 In fllllojr your prescriptions wo uio proporIone ¬ pot do boner If yon paid us doublo tho price which li always reasonable Pen i cye Drug Store t PERSONALS MRS E D KENNEDY has bean quit a tick DLEDSOK BAILEY U back Irom La1 tonla MR V T WILON of Ca ay was hero Friday JUDGE W Eo VARNON went to Cia dlnnatl Friday 1 ELD D J PINICERTON spent sever ¬ al dave In Veraallle MISS STELLA DALLQU Is visiting her brother at Lancaster MR D C ALLEN circuit clerk of Mercer was here yesterday MIL ALVAII LUCAS and wire of Mid dleburg were here Saturday O A FRITH of Brodhfiad was a guest of Dr W B OBannon MHSDAMHS 8 M OWN and L U Cook are visiting at Somerset It Bo HALE of Kansas City Is bit mother Mrs Wood to Halo Miss LlNDA MILLER went to Dan rlllo yesterday to visit friends Miss JEAN LAI LEY of Crab Orob ard Is with Mrs Annie Lasley AP NEVIUS of Wlncnester spent Sunday with the hometolks bore Miss LUCILE JOHNSON of Kings Title was bere shopping Saturday MILS ILA IIOLUAM of Crab Orch ard Is tbo guest of Miss Anna Cook MR ISAAC JON S will return this week from a visit to bis sons In Meets ¬ as- p Miss MAYMBKAMSKY of Garrard is with ber sister Mrs John Bright a Jr MRS J U STUacv of Livingston Is with her sister Mrs J O Crutch fieldw b ATTORNEYS U Tomll ° son of are here attending court MISS MAROIE MCOLARY Of Mt Vernon Is the pest of the Misses Mo Clary MRS O J Chow continues quite 111 Mrs Minnie Hooker Is somewhat Im ¬ proved I Mn JAMBS MILLER wife and oblld rea will arrive today to visit Mrs Sue 4 Holmes I MR AND MRS T B COLLINS are at Crab Orchard Springs Utohmond RegisterMR J YAOHK and family o Loutirlfle are with Mr and Mrss M Bright It S TUOICRR formerly of the tVe Sod orders his paper sent to him Tyrone O T MR ANDREW BCCHANAN Is back at Crab Orchard from a protracted stay at Roswell N M MlSSBS ANNIE Good and Sarah Smith of Waynesburg paid this ofllce a pleatant sail yesterday OWEN MILLER Is back from New Mexico la very bad health He Is with his uncle Mr 8 M Owens MRS JOHN A BLAIN acd baodo i children Roberta and Susan are Ing her aunt Mrs John Ellis ANOTHER little son has arrived at t the home of Mr and Mrs Harry C x Bsughman of the West End MRS J G SCOTT and Mill Ana Scstt of Nlcnolasvllle are with Mrs J G Livingston and daughters MR J A BBAZLEY and Dr W S Beazley of Lancaster spent Sunday with tbelr brothers and sister hero MR WILL LACKEY wife and baby went up to Mlddlesboro yesterday to visit the family of Mr S W Givens DR W B PENNY and family Danville attended the commencement exercises of the graded school Frlde MISSES JENNIE DUNCAN of Lanes- ter and Jean Warren of Danville came over to see Miss Josephine War ¬ rea graduate I Miss MARGARET WITHERSPOON- Mrs J W Drye and Miss Corlnno Drye of Harrodsburg are visiting tbo Misses Hackley MRS DR B F MORRIS left Sund morning for Tnomasyllle N 0 to lo ¬ cite Her husband has been tborfi sometime and Is enjoying a lucrative MARY BARDEE HUNDLEY pratlcef tbo graduates at St Cat The commencement will occur on tbo evening of the 17th MRS WILL SEVERANCE will rota from Shelby tomorrow Her eleta Misses Elizabeth and Virginia Plcke will come with her and apend eo 11 tlmo hero Miss Virginia has just grad ¬ uated from Science Hill College MRS H MARTIN and little dough ter Virginia wore bere from Rock cattle yesterday He told us that bis daughter Miss Sadie Martin who Is visiting at Lynchburg VII was just getting over a spell of typhoid foyer J H ALLEN the druggist has gone to Martlnsyllle Tad In hopes of com plating the cure of rheumatism by the useof the celebrated water and bat heno ai Highland Sanitarium Miss Clydla Waddle entertained at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs J L Waddla in honor of her visitor Miss Lela Carter at Stanford Somerset Journal ° BOWARD COLEMAN has returned from College at MClersburg ishero P W WillW formerly of Casey Oklaborne dayalto In Cincinnati and other points In Ohio ofthe Jamesb1cIechnle forWllklaaburlC Marba MR W J ROMANS of Lancaster was hero yesterday and left the advcr lliemcnt which appears on our second pogo Read It childrenBretaa tor a pleasant visit hero to the families of Messrs Jell Hill and W T Tucker have returned home onLOCALS FEED oats for tale by Carton k Pence CraigHocker I I soh gins it McKInncys PURE German Millet Seed for sale I cheap Carson Jt Pence Cow pea cane seed and millet seed I at Higgles tVMoKlnnays THE Casey County Fair Association has changed the date of hi exhibition to Aug M three days from Aug 10 three day IT Is nearing catalogue time for fairs and colleges Remember this oHJco is headquarters for such work High grade work at low prices Is our motto LboOtteobelm other day which bad 22 rattles It as over six feet long and weighed 75 poundi TIIBRB are now two Sisters of Char Icy at Ottenbelm and soother Isoxpect ed soon Iu September they will open a school la which both Kngllsh and German will be taught TUB smallpox stuat lon much bet ter in the Hubble section No new cat patlonubue lay up and fumigating is the order of the day around Hubble now T sot SaturdayIe dischargedet one legs Ho died Sunday 1 BOUGHT PJNK COTTAGE FARM Mr W L McCarty of Klngsvllle has IpleadldPlak Carty will erect a handsome dwelling on the place and will move to It when bo can leave ale business Interests at Klngsvlllo maMANLY BCEY son of Rev o Huey Is a candidate for cloak room Auembly1m who will represent Boone county In lethe next Legislature will menage the young mans campaign end It Is hope that be will land the polite and ban some youth KILLED Joba Stephenson son of Logan Stephenson who used to live TopekaICII the heart by a friend while the two ofaara hunting ducks Ho was about 35 years old and Is survived by a wile Bad nephes w maoagerfor was hero Friday in floe spirits over his companys oil prospects Ho says Wells No 2 and 4 are pumping six barrel No 5 pumps 10 end No 0 which is be ayfog drilled fare every Indication of be log the best yet Nos land 3 are b laIC cleaned out and are not pumping now 1 AT the elocutlonery coctest to be Frldh0 ail be gIven In prizes Of this amount20 will be given to the winner and 910 to tho second best Three competent parsons WIre II e dma e GOOD SELECTION Upon the rec ommondatton of RepresentativeElect J M Alvenon Senator James B Me Creary has nominated Charles Harvey Saufloy for appointment as first alter- nate to Wells Covington Logan pal ° ¬ clpal for midshipman In The U S Academy at Annapolis Mr Saud ail will go to Annapolis this weak to examined and It fe sincerely hoped that will pave He Is a fine young man hoe just graduated from tho Stanford High School and Is well equipped for the rigid examination he will have to tofMrs i SOUTHERN BROTHERS who will do on ncrobotlo turn at tiller Ella ba Saunders vaudeville entertainment Waltons Opera House tonight Seo them ++ +++ + + + +++ + + + + 4 + ++ + + FRESH bread every day at W1II18I FOR SALe r second band Deorlng Binder In good repair A W Carpenter Moreland WE have a secondhand McCormic- binder for Hale Has only been used e season Carson S Pence GO to Sacray studio Stan ford and Danville for highclass pic tuna at right prices Quickest and belt service 4t EDGAINES told us yesterday that he ld to Ed Austin a 12000 J L Case threshing machine ono of the most completo tbreibers ever brought to this section TILE C W B Id not meet last Wednesday afternoon Tho regular monthly meeting will be bold next Wedneiday afternoon at 230 oclock at the Christian church To TilE PEN U L Tate of Rockcastle peered through to Freak tort Saturday with six prisoners all white convicted at the term of court whlcb closed Saturday with Hon R SiAmong got three years for killing Squire Ju Gatllff and Will Frazier and Fraotc Brown each 16 who were given two years for robbing cars at Mt Vernon CIRCUIT COURT convened yesterday with Judge M O Saufle and Common wealths Attorney Owsley present The ollowlng tempera the greed jury E D Kennedy Jat Rlgtby J E Ham moods Dr O A Cox J T Martin J R Hale P M Condor J T Harris J H Collier Robert Lewis Frank North and P S Hughes J H Collier was appointed foreman In addition to the obarge along the customary lines Judge Saufley Informed the grand jury that the members of the county court are liable to Indictment for failure to them t are on oft girl bonds for any damages that may accrue on account of accidents duo to defects In tho pikes Ho also sold that sthe trustees of the various towns in the county are not doing their duty and that be would be glad if the grand jury would stroll through the streets of Stanford while In session and examine their condition and also if to examine the streets of the nth towns In the county Attention was again called to the condition of the court house and the absolute necessity hou are rapidly turning to mold The fol toeing compose the petit jury G W Evens W P Givens J W Norrls J P Chandler W L Murphy W H Shanks Tim Hutchison J B Cllk Sandldgod M Chandler Hunley Gooch O J Crow Henry Drye J E Portman Jno Edmliton T C Ball Wm Dunn J B Bathes H F Newland WH Dud derar EVERY available space of the Chris tlan church was occupied Friday eve clog by the crowd that witnessed tie Commencement Exercises of the Stan ¬ ford High School The church w beautifully decorated with flowers e wasD a most one wore five graduates as the program printed boo low shows and each read an Interest fog and wellworded essay They were recipients of unbounded applause while presentede pr ident of the board of trustees of t school made a splendid talk to the graduates which we trust will not be as seed sown on stony Prof R S Eubank the ablo prlDCl of the school presented the graduates to the audlenee The musical of the program was a most oajoya texture Following la the program Invocation Rev J W Begin Necessity of An Ideal In The For ¬ mation of Character Sara Bau man Ventre a Terre Kowlskl Varnon and Beaslo Pestle The chanted West Mario Mahony La Mozelle Ilgenfistz Sara Baugh and Roberta OBannon Ancient My thology Versus Modern Legend Cbas Saufley The Chapel In tao Mount tains Wilson Franco Cooper acterlzatlon Josephine WArren l Irabo Baughman Lowell Mission i Blanche VanDeveer Grand Polka lie Concert Bartell Allle Huffman siren to Class Dr W B OBannon WaltzJulia RIon King Stella ii and Anna Dust Benediction Rev J Ross tuts FLOORING celling weatherboard fog rough lumber fence posts and shingles for sale by H J McRobertt THE Odd Fellows decidedaot to ob rave decoration day this afternoon but will have memorial services at their ball tonight MR ALBERT B r BLEand sister Miss Hulen Bensley will appear before a Stanford audience for tbelr first time In Miss Ella May Saunders entertain ¬ meat tonight Seo and hear them ABSOLUTELY o Rwas done In Countyt dont recall when we cyer met with ¬ out doing omo little work be added JOE EMORYS tried to secure a pledge from him yesterday to metro tba race for assessor and be promised them that ho would likely announce at tbo proper time Joo Is a wheelhorse friendk oraoy thing be may want A DISPATCH from Cloyds Landing says James I White a real estate dealer of Stanford nee purchased Low Island which Is situated In Cumber ¬ land river between oil gusbqrs on both books and iscontldercd very valuable oil land The famous burning wolf lan the river bear opposite this Is ¬ land A company wlli be Incorporated to develop the Island A number of wells will be drilled ta aElla Waltons Opera House tonight Open log overture Rsglans Ravellngs In ¬ troducing On Emancipation Day A B Beailey Recitation Wlshtl wuz a boyMary Sbepard Cook Posse Bridal Scene Weary Travelers What We Love Nancy Willie Scarce Ra Splnklly Helen Bcasley Recitation Dead r ussy Cat Mamie Moore Rsney Bill Dooley ao9 family Mvrtle OBannon MedleyWahzelAIJert The Boy With a Hoe Warren Eu ¬ book Solo Then Ill Bo Satisfied With LifeEd Southern sort Black Overcoat with a Velvet Collar Misses Allle Vanandale and Clara Cooper Metirs George Ellie and George Men alee SoloA Rose With a Broken StemA B Beailey accompanied by Miss Alllo Huffman Jones Trouble Lucy Lee Walton Mary Sbepard Cook Sarah Hundley and Warren Eubank fiecltatlonCbarley and the Possum Miss Katie Hatelton Hoedowntitlese Allle Vanarsdale Beauty Solo Under Southern Skies Miss Dot Camnltz Etheoplan Eccen ¬ tricities Bert Southern Coin Some BueyCharlev Bill Baileys return Southern and Company Miss Ella May SBUOE den manager Albert B Beailey mu ¬ s teal director Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab lets are jest what you need when you eatinger appeI and give you a relish for your food For eisle by Craig Rocker UMBRELLAS Recovered and repaired and made almost m good al new for a small amount I can trampW Strial FRANK ATKIDS Stanford WOOL WANTED I will pay the highest mar ¬ ket price for 50000 pounds of Wool Call and get sacks BOONEid Livery Feed and Sale Stable Depot St Stanford Kyi DorseyOoIddustl2052 byFull brother to Estetle t IOJf Sired by byho Arabian itallion DoraeyOoldclult1 dam Florence by Mingo Chief a ion of OoHi Morgan descending from Justin Mor gan making him an Intensely Inbred Nor honesP I > hands and weighs 1200 pounds A prove en and uniform breeder of high class road Runtb10 ¬ mand at tap price Will make the present 214Tho tag cot Money due when colt comes or qhmate parted with 2127Ea ofm Haras Natlonaux No 12663 by M H Tlchncr A Co In SOS Winner of Ont at the National Universal Exposition at Paris France la 160708 competing 00 stallions and unbeaten In America Color headsba breedyloolng form with unulualltep and action Will make present season at my farm j5vlDBn parted with TheP for accidents or escapee F REID at able buy to dress will feel care ¬ ful of our Clothing TO6FTHE most the think the doing dress you do it a i WELL DRESSED man of today is tho man whodrusses to suit the OCCASION and the SEASON The new things of today are Broad Brim Hats Soft Shirts with neat effect Wash Vests in neat colors Low Cut Patent Shoes Neckties very small Four in hands long andnar rOw Socks in Lace effects modest col ors Collars double band turn downme Hum high Belts narrow black grey tend tan color All the above items we have in great variety and newest pat terns Torms Cash HJMRoberts a j ¬ ¬ a SUMMER GOODS Summer time is bere in earnest and we have a very complete stock of everything you will need for comfortable clothing See us for wash goods such as White Goods Lawns Dimities Piques Docks Linens Lace Hosiery Summer Corsets Fans Umbrellas Ribbons LOW SHOES Slippers Ac We are offering many Induce ¬ meats to buyers of Summer Goods Come to us and let us show you how much a DOLLAR will buy SEVERANCE SON OIL STOVES sertssrassere i Refrigerator Water Coolers Screen Door and Window Screen Wire Poultry Netting Smooth and Barb Wire Grass and BUlb Blades LOW CASH PRICES ON COOK STOVES JOHN BRIGHT JR CO H W B McROBERTS THE DRUGGIST HasJNew Spring Styles ofJ WALL PAPER Best Ready Mixed PAINT for any Purpose t

tried Clothing childrenBretaa r second onLOCALS soh tanyx.uky.edu/dips/xt75tb0xqm4n/data/0607.pdfw < 1 ii I THE INTERIOR JOURNAL I BTANKOIID KY JISE 0 1C03 proporIoneIn fllllojr your

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Page 1: tried Clothing childrenBretaa r second onLOCALS soh tanyx.uky.edu/dips/xt75tb0xqm4n/data/0607.pdfw < 1 ii I THE INTERIOR JOURNAL I BTANKOIID KY JISE 0 1C03 proporIoneIn fllllojr your

w <





In fllllojr your prescriptions wo uioproporIone ¬

pot do boner If yon paid us doublo thoprice which li always reasonable Pen

i cye Drug Storet


MRS E D KENNEDY has bean quitatick

DLEDSOK BAILEY U back Irom La1tonla

MR V T WILON of Ca ay washero Friday

JUDGE W Eo VARNON went to Ciadlnnatl Friday

1 ELD D J PINICERTON spent sever ¬

al dave In VeraallleMISS STELLA DALLQU Is visiting

her brother at LancasterMR D C ALLEN circuit clerk of

Mercer was here yesterdayMIL ALVAII LUCAS and wire of Mid

dleburg were here SaturdayO A FRITH of Brodhfiad was a

guest of Dr W B OBannonMHSDAMHS 8 M OWN and L U

Cook are visiting at SomersetIt Bo HALE of Kansas City Is

bit mother Mrs Wood to HaloMiss LlNDA MILLER went to Dan

rlllo yesterday to visit friendsMiss JEAN LAI LEY of Crab Orob

ard Is with Mrs Annie LasleyAP NEVIUS of Wlncnester spent

Sunday with the hometolks boreMiss LUCILE JOHNSON of Kings

Title was bere shopping SaturdayMILS ILA IIOLUAM of Crab Orch

ard Is tbo guest of Miss Anna CookMR ISAAC JON S will return this

week from a visit to bis sons In Meets ¬


pMiss MAYMBKAMSKY of Garrardis with ber sister Mrs John BrightaJr

MRS J U STUacv of LivingstonIs with her sister Mrs J O Crutchfieldwb ATTORNEYSU Tomll ° son of are here attendingcourt

MISS MAROIE MCOLARY Of MtVernon Is the pest of the Misses MoClary

MRS O J Chow continues quite 111

Mrs Minnie Hooker Is somewhat Im ¬

provedI Mn JAMBS MILLER wife and oblld

rea will arrive today to visit Mrs Sue4 HolmesI MR AND MRS T B COLLINS are at

Crab Orchard Springs Utohmond

RegisterMRJ YAOHK and family o

Loutirlfle are with Mr and MrssM BrightIt S TUOICRR formerly of the tVe

Sod orders his paper sent to himTyrone O T

MR ANDREW BCCHANAN Is back atCrab Orchard from a protracted stayat Roswell N M

MlSSBS ANNIE Good and SarahSmith of Waynesburg paid this ofllcea pleatant sail yesterday

OWEN MILLER Is back from NewMexico la very bad health He Is withhis uncle Mr 8 M Owens

MRS JOHN A BLAIN acd baodoi children Roberta and Susan are

Ing her aunt Mrs John EllisANOTHER little son has arrived att the home of Mr and Mrs Harry C

x Bsughman of the West EndMRS J G SCOTT and Mill Ana

Scstt of Nlcnolasvllle are with MrsJ G Livingston and daughters

MR J A BBAZLEY and Dr W SBeazley of Lancaster spent Sundaywith tbelr brothers and sister hero

MR WILL LACKEY wife and babywent up to Mlddlesboro yesterday tovisit the family of Mr S W Givens

DR W B PENNY and familyDanville attended the commencementexercises of the graded school Frlde


ter and Jean Warren of Danvillecame over to see Miss Josephine War ¬


Mrs J W Drye and Miss CorlnnoDrye of Harrodsburg are visiting tboMisses Hackley

MRS DR B F MORRIS left Sundmorning for Tnomasyllle N 0 to lo ¬

cite Her husband has been tborfisometime and Is enjoying a lucrative


pratlcef tbo graduates at St CatThe commencement

will occur on tbo evening of

the 17thMRS WILL SEVERANCE will rota

from Shelby tomorrow Her eletaMisses Elizabeth and Virginia Plckewill come with her and apend eo

11 tlmo hero Miss Virginia has just grad ¬

uated from Science Hill College

MRS H MARTIN and little doughter Virginia wore bere from Rockcattle yesterday He told us that bisdaughter Miss Sadie Martin who Is

visiting at Lynchburg VII was justgetting over a spell of typhoid foyer

J H ALLEN the druggist has gone

to Martlnsyllle Tad In hopes of complating the cure of rheumatism by theuseof the celebrated water and bat henoai Highland Sanitarium Miss Clydla

Waddle entertained at the home of herparents Mr and Mrs J L Waddla inhonor of her visitor Miss Lela Carterat Stanford Somerset Journal


BOWARD COLEMAN has returnedfrom College at MClersburgisheroP W WillW formerly of Casey

OklabornedayaltoIn Cincinnati and other points In OhiooftheJamesb1cIechnleforWllklaaburlCMarbaMR W J ROMANS of Lancasterwas hero yesterday and left the advcrlliemcnt which appears on our secondpogo Read It

childrenBretaator a pleasant visit hero to the familiesof Messrs Jell Hill and W T Tuckerhave returned home

onLOCALSFEED oats for tale by Carton k


CraigHocker I

Isohgins it McKInncys

PURE German Millet Seed for saleI

cheap Carson Jt Pence

Cow pea cane seed and millet seed I

at Higgles tVMoKlnnays

THE Casey County Fair Associationhas changed the date of hi exhibitionto Aug M three days from Aug 10three day

IT Is nearing catalogue time for fairsand colleges Remember this oHJco isheadquarters for such work Highgrade work at low prices Is our motto

LboOtteobelmother day which bad 22 rattles It

as over six feet long and weighed 75poundi

TIIBRB are now two Sisters of CharIcy at Ottenbelm and soother Isoxpected soon Iu September they will opena school la which both Kngllsh andGerman will be taught

TUB smallpox stuat lonmuch better in the Hubble section No new catpatlonubuelay up and fumigating is the order ofthe day around Hubble now

TsotSaturdayIedischargedetonelegs Ho died Sunday


BOUGHT PJNK COTTAGE FARMMr W L McCarty of Klngsvllle has

IpleadldPlakCarty will erect a handsome dwellingon the place and will move to It whenbo can leave ale business Interests atKlngsvlllo

maMANLY BCEY son of Rev oHuey Is a candidate for cloak room

Auembly1mwho will represent Boone county In

lethe next Legislature will menage theyoung mans campaign end It Is hopethat be will land the polite and bansome youth

KILLED Joba Stephenson son ofLogan Stephenson who used to live

TopekaICIIthe heart by a friend while the two

ofaara hunting ducks Ho was about 35years old and Is survived by a wile Badnephes w

maoagerforwas hero Friday in floe spirits over hiscompanys oil prospects Ho says WellsNo 2 and 4 are pumping six barrelNo 5 pumps 10 end No 0 which is be

ayfog drilled fare every Indication of belog the best yet Nos land 3 are blaIC cleaned out and are not pumpingnow


AT the elocutlonery coctest to beFrldh0 ailbe

gIven In prizes Of this amount20 willbe given to the winner and 910 to thosecond best Three competent parsonsWIre II

edma e

GOOD SELECTION Upon the recommondatton of RepresentativeElectJ M Alvenon Senator James B MeCreary has nominated Charles HarveySaufloy for appointment as first alter-nate to Wells Covington Logan pal ° ¬

clpal for midshipman In The U SAcademy at Annapolis Mr Saud ailwill go to Annapolis this weak toexamined and It fe sincerely hoped that

will pave He Is a fine young manhoe just graduated from tho StanfordHigh School and Is well equipped forthe rigid examination he will have totofMrs


SOUTHERN BROTHERS who will doon ncrobotlo turn at tiller Ella baSaunders vaudeville entertainmentWaltons Opera House tonight Seothem++++++ +++++ +++ + 4 + + ++ +

FRESH bread every day at W1II18IFOR SALe


second bandDeorlng Binder In good repair A WCarpenter Moreland

WE have a secondhand McCormic-binder for Hale Has only been used

e season Carson S Pence

GO to Sacray studio Stanford and Danville for highclass pictuna at right prices Quickest andbelt service 4t

EDGAINES told us yesterday that held to Ed Austin a 12000 J L Case

threshing machine ono of the mostcompleto tbreibers ever brought tothis section

TILE C W B Id notmeet lastWednesday afternoon Tho regularmonthly meeting will be bold nextWedneiday afternoon at 230 oclock atthe Christian church

To TilE PEN U L Tateof Rockcastle peered through to Freaktort Saturday with six prisoners allwhite convicted at the term of courtwhlcb closed Saturday with Hon RSiAmonggot three years for killing Squire JuGatllff and Will Frazier and FraotcBrown each 16 who were given twoyears for robbing cars at Mt Vernon

CIRCUIT COURT convened yesterdaywith Judge M O Saufle and Commonwealths Attorney Owsley present Theollowlng tempera the greed jury E

D Kennedy Jat Rlgtby J E Hammoods Dr O A Cox J T Martin JR Hale P M Condor J T HarrisJ H Collier Robert Lewis FrankNorth and P S Hughes J H Collierwas appointed foreman In addition tothe obarge along the customary linesJudge Saufley Informed the grand jurythat the members of the county courtare liable to Indictment for failure tothem t

are on oftgirl bonds for any damages that mayaccrue on account of accidents duo todefects In tho pikes Ho also sold that

sthe trustees of the various towns in thecounty are not doing their duty andthat be would be glad if the grandjury would stroll through the streets ofStanford while In session and examinetheir condition and also ifto examine the streets of the nthtowns In the county Attention wasagain called to the condition of thecourt house and the absolute necessityhouare rapidly turning to mold The foltoeing compose the petit jury G WEvens W P Givens J W Norrls JP Chandler W L Murphy W HShanks Tim Hutchison J B CllkSandldgodM Chandler Hunley Gooch O JCrow Henry Drye J E Portman JnoEdmliton T C Ball Wm Dunn JB Bathes H F Newland W H Dudderar

EVERY available space of the Christlan church was occupied Friday eveclog by the crowd that witnessed tieCommencement Exercises of the Stan ¬

ford High School The church wbeautifully decorated with flowers ewasD amost one wore fivegraduates as the program printed boolow shows and each read an Interestfog and wellworded essay They wererecipients of unbounded applause whilepresentedeprident of the board of trustees of tschool made a splendid talk to thegraduates which we trust will notbe as seed sown on stonyProf R S Eubank the ablo prlDClof the school presented the graduatesto the audlenee The musicalof the program was a most oajoyatexture Following la the program

Invocation Rev J W BeginNecessity of An Ideal In The For¬

mation of Character Sara Bauman Ventre a Terre KowlsklVarnon and Beaslo Pestle Thechanted West Mario Mahony LaMozelle Ilgenfistz Sara Baughand Roberta OBannon Ancient Mythology Versus Modern Legend CbasSaufley The Chapel In tao Mounttains Wilson Franco Cooperacterlzatlon Josephine WArren lIraboBaughman Lowell Mission iBlanche VanDeveer Grand Polka lieConcert Bartell Allle Huffmansiren to Class Dr W B OBannonWaltzJulia RIon King Stella ii

and Anna Dust Benediction RevJ Ross


FLOORING celling weatherboardfog rough lumber fence posts andshingles for sale by H J McRobertt

THE Odd Fellows decidedaot to obrave decoration day this afternoonbut will have memorial services at theirball tonight


BLEand sisterMiss Hulen Bensley will appear beforea Stanford audience for tbelr first timeIn Miss Ella May Saunders entertain ¬meat tonight Seo and hear them

ABSOLUTELY o Rwas done InCountytdont recall when we cyer met with ¬

out doing omo little work be added

JOE EMORYS tried to securea pledge from him yesterday to metrotba race for assessor and be promisedthem that ho would likely announce attbo proper time Joo Is a wheelhorsefriendkoraoything be may want

A DISPATCH from Cloyds Landingsays James I White a real estatedealer of Stanford nee purchased LowIsland which Is situated In Cumber ¬

land river between oil gusbqrs on bothbooks and iscontldercd very valuableoil land The famous burning wolflan the river bear opposite this Is ¬

land A company wlli be Incorporatedto develop the Island A number ofwells will be drilledtaaEllaWaltons Opera House tonight Openlog overture Rsglans Ravellngs In ¬

troducing On Emancipation Day AB Beailey Recitation Wlshtl wuza boyMary Sbepard Cook PosseBridal Scene Weary Travelers WhatWe Love Nancy Willie Scarce RaSplnklly

Helen Bcasley Recitation Deadr ussy Cat Mamie Moore Rsney BillDooley ao9 family Mvrtle OBannon

MedleyWahzelAIJertThe Boy With a Hoe Warren Eu ¬

book Solo Then Ill Bo SatisfiedWith LifeEd Southern sort BlackOvercoat with a Velvet Collar MissesAllle Vanandale and Clara CooperMetirs George Ellie and George Menalee SoloA Rose With a BrokenStemA B Beailey accompanied byMiss Alllo Huffman Jones TroubleLucy Lee Walton Mary Sbepard CookSarah Hundley and Warren EubankfiecltatlonCbarley and the PossumMiss Katie Hatelton HoedowntitleseAllle VanarsdaleBeauty Solo Under Southern Skies

Miss Dot Camnltz Etheoplan Eccen ¬

tricities Bert Southern Coin SomeBueyCharlevBill Baileys return Southern

and Company Miss Ella May SBUOEden manager Albert B Beailey mu ¬

s teal director

Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets are jest what you need when youeatingerappeIand give you a relish for your food For

eisle by Craig Rocker

UMBRELLASRecovered and repaired and made almostm good al new for a small amount I cantrampWStrial FRANK ATKIDS Stanford


I will pay the highest mar¬

ket price for 50000 poundsof Wool Call and get sacks

BOONEidLivery Feed and Sale Stable Depot StStanford Kyi


byFull brother to Estetle t IOJf Sired bybyhoArabian itallion DoraeyOoldclult1 damFlorence by Mingo Chief a ion ofOoHi Morgan descending from Justin Morgan making him an Intensely Inbred NorhonesPI > hands and weighs 1200 pounds A proveen and uniform breeder of high class roadRuntb10 ¬

mand at tap price Will make the present214Thotag cot Money due when colt comes orqhmate parted with

2127EaofmHaras Natlonaux No 12663 by M HTlchncr A Co In SOS Winner of Ontat the National Universal Exposition atParis France la 160708 competing 00stallions and unbeaten In America Colorheadsbabreedyloolngform with unulualltep and action

Will make present season at my farmj5vlDBnparted withThePfor accidents or escapee F REID

at ablebuy

todress willfeel care ¬

ful of our




the thinkthe doing

dressyou do it



WELL DRESSED man of today is thoman whodrusses to suit the OCCASIONand the SEASON The new things oftoday are Broad Brim Hats Soft Shirtswith neat effect Wash Vests in neatcolors Low Cut Patent Shoes Necktiesvery small Four in hands long andnarrOw Socks in Lace effects modest colors Collars double band turn downmeHum high Belts narrow black greytend tan color All the above items wehave in great variety and newest patterns

TormsCash HJMRoberts







Summer time is bere in earnest and we have avery complete stock of everything you will needfor comfortable clothing See us for wash goodssuch as White Goods Lawns Dimities PiquesDocks Linens Lace Hosiery Summer CorsetsFans Umbrellas Ribbons

LOW SHOESSlippers Ac We are offering many Induce ¬

meats to buyers of Summer Goods Come to usand let us show you how much a DOLLAR willbuy


OIL STOVESsertssrasserei RefrigeratorWater Coolers

Screen Door and WindowScreen Wire

Poultry NettingSmooth and Barb Wire

Grass and BUlb Blades




HasJNew Spring Styles ofJWALL PAPERBest Ready Mixed PAINT for any Purpose
