Tried and True Tips for Enhancing Oxytocin Naturally & Playfully ‘Oxytocin is a gals best friend and the perfect antidote to stress’ Created by Sheryl Allen and Linda Fels ©2017 All Rights Reserved www.bodybraindynamics.com

Tried and True Tips for Enhancing Oxytocin Naturally & Playfully · 2017-12-14 · 6 Playful Ideas for Boosting Oxytocin Oxy Quickie: When you’re feeling ‘out of sorts’ call

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Page 1: Tried and True Tips for Enhancing Oxytocin Naturally & Playfully · 2017-12-14 · 6 Playful Ideas for Boosting Oxytocin Oxy Quickie: When you’re feeling ‘out of sorts’ call

Tried and True Tips for Enhancing Oxytocin Naturally & Playfully

‘Oxytocin is a gals best friend and the perfect antidote to stress’

Created by Sheryl Allen and Linda Fels

©2017 All Rights Reserved www.bodybraindynamics.com

Page 2: Tried and True Tips for Enhancing Oxytocin Naturally & Playfully · 2017-12-14 · 6 Playful Ideas for Boosting Oxytocin Oxy Quickie: When you’re feeling ‘out of sorts’ call


Tah Dah! This key, the hormone Oxytocin, when increased,

significantly decreases stress and overwhelm.

Women, particularly in the Western world, are more stressed than ever. Decreasing this stress is vital to our own

health and happiness. Addressing stress effectively is more about changing our

understanding of stress and how to choose new ways of being rather than attempting to avoid stressful situations.

Stress is affecting our body, mind, emotions and behavior in many undesirable ways.

In exploring how we could reduce the stress in our own lives, we discovered a surprisingly over-looked key which we can all begin to

access now.

So, why are women more stressed than ever? The feminist advances in our society have produced many positives in the lives of women—financial freedom, expansion of

women into all areas of society, and broadening the definition of human rights. It has also created the myth of the “Superwoman” and the "Supermom"—that we can do it

all and should do it all. Whether a woman is in the workplace, has her own business, is trying to climb the corporate or economic ladder or is a stay-at-home mom dealing with juggling her children's activities, volunteering and even homeschooling, feeling

overwhelmed has become her ’normal’ state of being—with little time for herself.

In today’s fast-paced world, women tend to live in a constant state of urgency—even when there is no emergency because it feels like there is so much to do and so many

tasks and people relying on us. It’s difficult for some of us to even imagine taking time for ourselves to simply relax and enjoy the pleasures of life.

Women relieve stress by producing oxytocin. We produce oxytocin by being heard,

by nurturing AND being nurtured. Although this can and does occur in our relation-ships with male partners, it most easily happens in the company of other women. Most women tend to understand this instinctively so it is vital for women to spend

more time in the presence of women.

Our lifestyles have changed ladies, but our biology has not!

STRESS the #1 Health Challenge

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In order to understand the benefits of Oxytocin, it’s important to recognize the difference between the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems:

The sympathetic system is an immediate, survival type reaction to danger or stress, often referred to as the fight or flight response. It is meant to be temporary—yet today, many of us habitually stay stuck in the sympathetic nervous system. Adrenalin and cortisol are the primary hormones released.

The para-sympathetic system is meant to be our natural way of living. Often referred to as ‘rest and digest’ it is evident when we are feeling content and calm and not anxious, stressed or over-whelmed. It is about thriving rather than surviving. Oxytocin is the primary hormone released.

The ‘para-sympathetic’ (PS)* system helps the body to heal and grow. It changes nourishment to energy, storing it up for later use and body and mind become calm. In this state we have greater access to our internal resources and creativity. The ability to learn and solve problems increases when we are not stressed.

*We call this the ‘PS I love you’ hormone to remember the importance of self-care.

We intend for this information we are offering to help you see how essential it is for women to create lives with less stress and more ease. We look forward to sharing

some playful solutions to begin decreasing your stress and increasing Oxytocin. Sim-ple activities, nutritional suggestions, personal care and the importance of women in community is our focus. We invite you to take time and have some fun as you enter

into some Oxy-Play—because adding more play in your day is an excellent beginning. Linda & Sheryl

Think of your sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems like riding a bicycle. You pedal—sometimes really hard to get up a hill with all your energy going into your ex-tremities as your heartbeat speeds up. Next, you relax and coast to regain energy and strength. You know what happens if you don’t get a chance to coast—you run out of vim and vigor, balance is shaky and maybe you crash. Relaxing is essential!

Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems

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Be Kind (to yourself and others)

Respect (yourself and others) Ask others to join in the fun

Look after each other

Guidelines for fun-filled experiences on your Oxytocin Playground

Swinging Higher and Higher...elevating Oxytocin!

Remember the freedom you felt when swinging as a child, often calling out “Higher, Higher!”

Reaching for higher thoughts enhances Oxytocin. Sometimes taking life experiences and circumstances too seriously becomes an unconscious habit. What if you pivot from serious to curious with a “hmmm...I wonder how I could see this differently?” Try it!

Sliding with Ease...let go and flow!

Remember the first time you had the courage to climb up to the top of the BIG slide, sat, looked down and maybe even closed your eyes as you let go and allowed the slide to carry you down. The next time you probably climbed up more quickly and joyfully raised your arms in the air, squealing with delight...and you kept going back to slide down again and again.

You can bring this courage back into your life by remembering ease and joy can follow a slightly scary event when you let go and allow your heart to carry you safely to begin again. Whether it’s speaking up for yourself or learning something new “You can do it!”

Playful Ideas for Boosting Oxytocin

Oxy Quickie: Your brain likes ‘slightly scary’ so trying new things which you are

drawn to can help you create more Oxytocin. When you have fun doing something new and exciting you’ll be surprised how energized you feel.

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Monkeying Around...be silly!

Ahhhh...the monkey bars. Remember the first time you went swinging

along arm over arm needing momentum to make it all the way across—and how exciting it was to reach the other side! Or, we would just hang upside-down and make faces at each other. Silliness is another word

for being spontaneous and allowing energy to flow through you without worrying about what anyone else is thinking. Being silly usually gives us

the giggles which can often become a full belly laugh. While being silly alone can be liberating, being silly with a girlfriend is doubling the pleasure...and the FUN! Get silly today—no matter who’s watching!

Sandbox Play...creative ideas taking shape!

Sometimes we need to slow down and play more quietly. Remember the

fascination of playing with sand? You could add water and make castles or simply scoop it up and allow it to sift through your fingers. Even if other kids were playing nearby, you often found yourself in your own little

world. When we get quiet and more introspective, our thoughts slow down and we can come up with creative solutions. Take some quiet time today.

Oxy Quickie: Sometimes it’s difficult to remember how to play. Barbara Sher

shares that a female is usually her most authentic self between the ages of 7 and 11. What did you enjoy most at this time in your life and how can you recap-

ture the feeling it brought to you?

Playful Ideas for Boosting Oxytocin

See-Saw Balancing...feeling more balanced!

Whether you called it a teeter-totter or a see-saw, it was more fun

when you were both about the same size so there was more balance. Finding the balance between up and down and staying steady is a lot like life’s ups and downs—and we need each other to bring more balance into

our lives as we support one another and sometimes reach for the same goals or simply be there to say “I got you covered”. What area of your

life can you bring more balance to—work, play, relationships?

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Playful Ideas for Boosting Oxytocin

Oxy Quickie: When you’re feeling ‘out of sorts’ call a girlfriend or get out and

get active—or both! Remember Oxytocin is also about connecting and relating to yourself and others. Or, maybe just relax, sit outside and read a good book.

Merrily-Go-Round...connecting with friends!

Remember all the fun of a merry-go-round? It took team-

work with everyone running til we all jumped on and en-joyed the ride! Occasionally there would be scraped knees and tears but we comforted each other. One of the quick-

est ways to create Oxytocin is to spend time with girl-friends and have fun together. Whether it’s one friend or

a group, as long as we are laughing, crying and listening to each other—together our sister spirit can get us through anything. Call a friend today and listen to each other.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this journey back to when life was easier and simpler. Remember, you can access the joyful little girl within any time. She knows how to

have fun and giggle with glee over silliness.

We can’t forget other playground games like hopscotch, jump rope or jacks. All were fun either playing on our own or with others!

Remember ‘Simon Says’ and ‘Mother-May-I’? Terrific group games where each took of us turns being the leader. We learned a lot about co-operation and

problem solving with these games. What other games did you enjoy?

(Sheryl: Sometimes I carry jacks in my purse and once at a party a group of us gals sat on the kitchen floor and had a ball playing jacks—the guys thought we

were nuts as we giggled, laughed and had a terrific nostalgic time.)

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Now that’s we’ve begun our fun on the playground, how about a picnic...

THE INVITATIONS What's a picnic without people? Who to invite? Women produce oxytocin by being with other women. So whether you picnic with one female friend or a whole circle of women, being together is the most important first step.

THE FOOD Next comes the food - a Potluck, of course! Everyone brings some-thing so all can nurture AND be nurtured. This IS the secret sauce. Being able to give voice to life and in turn, listen and hold each other in a safe space. Caring for others and being cared for. Giving and receiving. Feel the oxytocin flow and don't forget the silverware!

INDULGE THE SENSES Enjoy real food - brightly colored fresh vegetables and fruits, clean meats, seafood and beans, properly prepared grains and nuts. Use colors to feed the eyes, aromas to evoke fond memories, and tex-tures for that tactile experience. Yes, pleasure is IN! Here comes the oxytocin and there goes the stress.

FAT IS YOUR FRIEND (FABULOUS FACTS ABOUT FAT!) Healthy fats do more than make food taste good. They trigger a hormone-releasing cascade that includes our favorite one —oxytocin. A HUG for your gut while feeding your brain, fuels long burning energy, and balances hormones. Indulge with butter, eggs, coconut, nuts, salmon, avocado, and olive oil.

WHAT'S A PICNIC WITHOUT A FEW BUGS? We're not talking about ants! Bring good bugs with you in the form of fermented foods like brined pickles, raw sauerkraut and tangy kombucha. Healthy gut microbes mean a healthy happy body. Women intuitively care for others. How about caring for the millions of microbes that keep us healthy and alive? Plus, fermented foods deliver a little tang to the meal.

RELAX & RELATE Sit down, take a deep breath and hold hands in a circle. Give thanks for this gathering, for friends, for the food and for life itself. Then share, laugh, eat (AND chew!) and feel the stress melt away. Chewing your food is a gentle massage for your mouth, assists your stomach in digestion, slows you down and is a FREE digestive aid.

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OXY Quickie: Many women LOVE chocolate! Chocolate actually produces serotonin

and as her serotonin levels increase, so do her oxytocin levels. A quality dark chocolate is usually healthiest so enjoy chocolate (in moderation) to treats yourself!

Oxy Yays and Nays

Be an Oxytocin YAYsayer, NOT a NAYsayer

Call a girlfriend when you need some-one to listen to you.

Focus on what is working in your life.

Eat slowly and chew well.

Count your blessings.

Hugs, lots of hugs.

Watch funny movies.

Spend time in nature.

Nap when needed.

Turn off the news.

Take a technology respite.

Do something you enjoy daily.

Laugh everyday!

Always feeling rushed.

Putting yourself last on your list.

Saying “Yes” when you want to say “No”.

Trying to do everything by yourself.

Focusing on what isn’t working in your life.

Eating on the run and gobbling your food—barely chewing it.

Avoiding physical contact and social interactions.

Watching the news all the time—even when it upsets you.

Complaining and listening to complainers.

Trying to control what you can’t.

Life is about balance in all areas. Some days are easier than others to maintain balance. The good news is that we always have opportunities to make different choices.

Baby steps are a doable, simple way to begin your Oxytocin journey. What’s the first baby step you can take today?

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Shakin’ Off Stress...Energizing and Fun!

This is a favorite quick energizer and stress relief activity because it’s easy, playful and revitalizing.

Shakin’ off Stress first thing in the morning is a dynamic way to begin your day as you awaken your whole body and release tension! It’s also a terrific pick me up if you feel stressful during the day or just need a play-ful break and to get moving! (1-3 minutes recommended time)

Physical Benefits

Enhances circulation and moves oxygen throughout heart, body & brain. Stimulates the lymphatic system to purify, detox and cleanse the body. Lightens your mood—and it’s FUN!


Stand with knees slightly bent, feet shoulder width apart and flat on the floor, and arms comfortably hanging at your sides. Begin to bounce up and down keeping both feet flat on the floor. Now begin loosely shaking your hands at your sides. Keep feet flat on floor through the entire activity. Next, while breathing normally, begin to move arms upward shaking hands all around. (Hands should be soft, not stiff or completely limp.) Shake hands in front of your body and at your sides while you continue to bounce and breathe normally—notice if you tend to hold your breath! Eventually bring your hands higher (above the head) while continuing to shake and bounce. For an extra boost of fun toward the end, you can shake your head and whole body with a booty shake and shimmy shake before stopping.

When finished stand still, breathing normally with arms at sides. Notice the tingling throughout your body as billions of cells energize and happy dance through your system! This tingling results from the cells in your body vibrating faster and generating cellular electricity which is conduct-ed throughout the body by adequate levels of water, oxygen and minerals.

Oxy Quickie: Anytime you can bring more play into your day, you enhance your

ability to increase Oxytocin. How can you be more playful in some of other activities, tasks or exercises—put on favorite music and dance, sing or be silly!

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The Oxytocin Breath

Posture: Since our body language (position) can put us into fight or flight rather than flow, be sure feet are flat on the floor and you are sitting straight but not rigid (no slouching). Imagine a thread gently pulling your head toward the ceiling. Shoulders are

relaxed and not up toward your earlobes.

Eyes: Soften your gaze—relax the muscles in your eyes. You can still be focused but not

with tension in the muscles around your eyes. When you have a slight smile (Mona Lisa style) this brings relaxation to your eyes promoting Oxytocin release and opening the parasympathetic pathway.

Breath: Allow (don’t force) a deep inhale of breath through your nose into your belly to the count of 5 and then gently exhale through your mouth with a “Haaahhhhh” sound,

feeling your body relax. Continue the Oxy Breath 3-5 times or until you feel peaceful.

Notice: The “Hah” sound causes your throat muscles to relax while an ‘ahhh’ sound con-stricts the larynx muscles rather than relaxing them. Try both and notice the difference.

When we inhale through our nose, it filters and warms the air, allowing oxygen to go into our lungs. When we breathe out through our mouth, it signals to our body to relax and


OXY Increasing Activities...Enhancing R & R (Relaxing and Relating)

Quick Stress Relief...As Easy Peasy as 1-2-3!

BREATHE using your Oxy-Breath a few times. You may choose to focus on a word like peace, calm, ease or love. When you feel more relaxed include the yawn and smile.

YAWN Yawning is one of the quickest ways to get more oxygen to your brain and relax muscles in your face, neck and upper body. Yawning enhances brain performance by cooling down your brain.

SMILE—it’s almost impossible to be tense or troubled with a genuine smile on your face! Finding it difficult to smile? Think of something or someone that makes you smile. Notice the effect smiling has on your body and your attitude!

Doing these 3 simple things relaxes your brain and body so you can respond rather than react to a situation causing distress.

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Giving hugs or getting hugs (or a massage) directly stimulates oxytocin production.

Non-sexual touch several times a day is vital to a woman’s health—physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. A woman needs to touch or be touched several times a day. Just as women’s faces tend to light up when interacting with a baby or child, this same glow occurs when she receives a compliment or gives or gets a hug or massage. All of these touching activities

stimulate higher levels of Oxytocin in her body.

Tending and befriending—caring, sharing, listening, helping, nurturing, teaching, guiding, healing, feeding, grooming and cleaning stimulates oxy-tocin and is a woman’s innate antidote to stress. Women’s stress levels diminish and Oxytocin also increases when they willingly communicate, cooperate and collaborate with others.

Oxytocin: The HUGGING Hormone

A Hug is a gift that keeps on giving to yourself and others!


Relieve Tension Reduce Stress Generate Goodwill

Oxy Quickie: Petting and hugging your pets also produces Oxytocin! If you don’t have a

pet you may want to offer to pet sit for a friend!

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Women Connecting and Supporting Each Other

in Community

Now that we've shared a few ideas on stress, relief, nutrition and self-care, let's explore how to genrate oxytocin producing communities of women.

Sometimes a group of women ‘gels’ and intuitively supports one another in ways which produce Oxytocin. However, this is not always the case. So, here are three

guidelines to help you in creating Oxytocin enhancing groups of women:

First, everyone needs to be heard and even rant a little but it must be

time limited. You do not want your time together to become a ‘bitching’

session. This defeats the purpose. So, share your challenges and/or concerns and move on. 5 –10 minutes each should suffice.

Second, focus on what's going right in your lives...count your blessings.

Take turns practicing positivity. Give voice all that’s good in your lives.

And third and most important—have FUN! Choose activities to do

together that are enjoyable and encourage playfulness and laughter.

The Dali Lama says “Western women will save the world.” Together we can do this...when we take care of ourselves!

The Silver Tent Community is a wonderful way for women 50 and older to connect locally and globally with Silver Sisters from a variety of cultures. Sharing our gifts, talents, and wisdom we are continuing to grow and evolve...together as One.

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©2017 www.bodybraindynamics.com All Rights Reserved.

“For me, the term "Inner-Net" brings up visions of how all the systems of

our body - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual communicate and process

information together.” Linda Fels

“I see women world-wide connecting our hearts faster than the speed of

light on our Inner-Net…lighting up the entire planet. Or, as Sonia

Choquette shares: faster than the speed of love.” Sheryl Allen

Ageless Women Rock the ‘Inner-Net’

We invite you to check out our webpage www.bodybraindynamics.com so you

can see what we’re up to. Our in depth e-book on Oxytocin will be released soon

with lots more info and ideas. A new class: Her Brain, His Brain ‘They’re not the

same!’ about the differences between the male and female brains and how to better

understand and lovingly communicate with the men in our lives will be ready by fall.

Thank you for joining us on this brief Oxytocin journey. Sisters, we are happy

to support you in any way we can. We appreciate opportunities for interviews

and other venues to get the word out and inform women everywhere about the

importance of Oxytocin which can be a life-changer for women everywhere.

Linda Fels owns a thriving nutritional therapy practice specializ-

ing in digestive issues and brain health. She believes that wellness is

out to get us—we simply need to get out of the way. By focusing on a

person's unique biochemistry and taking into account lifestyle prefer-

ences, we work together to customize a pathway to optimal health.

Linda is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP),

Restorative Wellness Practitioner (RWP) and Certified GAPS™

Practitioner seeing clients in-person, via video calls and in group settings. She

practices oxytocin releasing activities within several women's groups and through lots

of self-care.

Sheryl Allen has been studying and applying alternative health

practices for over 40 years. She is a licensed Brain Gym® Consultant,

and has facilitated Brain Gym based workshops on a variety of topics

for 17 years. Her classes are creative, engaging, playful and often

life-changing. She enjoys the synergy of small group gatherings with

women coming together to create essential community. Sheryl is

dedicated to working with women 40+ to understand how excess

stress adversely affects today’s women and what they can do to have less stress,

healthier relationships and live more peaceful, playful, dynamic and balanced lives.