Purdue University Purdue e-Pubs ECE Technical Reports Electrical and Computer Engineering 10-1-1994 Tree Structured Grobner Basis Computation on Parallel Machines Hemal V. Shah Purdue University School of Electrical Engineering Jose A. B. Fortes Purdue University School of Electrical Engineering Follow this and additional works at: hp://docs.lib.purdue.edu/ecetr is document has been made available through Purdue e-Pubs, a service of the Purdue University Libraries. Please contact [email protected] for additional information. Shah, Hemal V. and Fortes, Jose A. B., "Tree Structured Grobner Basis Computation on Parallel Machines" (1994). ECE Technical Reports. Paper 199. hp://docs.lib.purdue.edu/ecetr/199

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ECE Technical Reports Electrical and Computer Engineering


Tree Structured Grobner Basis Computation onParallel MachinesHemal V. ShahPurdue University School of Electrical Engineering

Jose A. B. FortesPurdue University School of Electrical Engineering

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Shah, Hemal V. and Fortes, Jose A. B., "Tree Structured Grobner Basis Computation on Parallel Machines" (1994). ECE TechnicalReports. Paper 199.http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/ecetr/199

Page 2: Tree Structured Grobner Basis Computation on Parallel Machines

TR-EE 94-30 OCTOBER 1994

Page 3: Tree Structured Grobner Basis Computation on Parallel Machines

Tree Strilctured Grobner Basis Computation on Parallel Machines

Hemal V. Shah and Jose A. B. Fortes Department of Electrical Engineering

Purdue University West Lafayette, In 47907, USA

hvs@ecn. purdue.edu

Abstract: With the advent of symbolic mathematical software packages such as Maple, Mathematics, and Macsyma, symbolic computation has become widely used in many scientific applications. Though a significant effort has been put in performing numeric computation on multiprocessors, symbolic computation on parallel machines is still in an unexplored state. However, symbolic mathematical applications are ideal candidates for parallel processing, because they are computationally intensive. This paper considers the parallel computation of Grobner basis, a special basis for a mul- tivariate polynomial ideal over a field that plays a key role in symbolic computation. Large G.robner basis computation poses a challenging problem due to its dynamic data dependent behavior and resource-intensiveness. In an attempt to meet this challenge, a new tree structured approach for Grijbner basis computation in parallel is proposed in this paper. It constructs the Grobner basis of a set of polynomials fi-om Grobner basis of its subsets. The tree structured approach proposed in this paper lends itself to parallel implementation and significantly reduces the computation time of large Grobner basis. Finally, experimental results illustrating the effectiveness of the new approacll are provided.

Keywords: Symbolic computation, Grobner basis, mathematical software, numeric computation; parallel machines, SIMD, MIMD.

Page 4: Tree Structured Grobner Basis Computation on Parallel Machines

1 Introduction

In spite of the fact that most scientific computation has been numeric in nature, the availability of mathemat:~cal software packages like Maple, Mathematica, Macsyma, etc., has enabled and popularized the use of symbolic manipulation in many applications. Problem. areas that require the usage of symbolic computation or mixed computation include geometric modeling, geometric theorem proving, robotics and control. Grobner basis, a special multivariate polynomial basis, is a very impos;ant concept in symbolic computation. Generally, construction of a Grobner basis is time-consu:rning and resource intensive, because of both the need of exact arithmetic and the possibility of generating and analyzing many polynomials. It has been shown that its worst-case complexity is doubly exponential. [HofSO]. In this paper, a tree structured approach for performing Grobner bask computation is proposed. Using this approach, large polynomial computations can be performed more efficiently in an uniprocessor and tree-based parallel implementations are possible. The parallel algorithm presented in this paper is based on divide-and-conquer strategy.

Several researchers have addressed the issue of parallel execution of a Grobn~er basis algorithm. In his paper on IIMAPLE)J, Siegl [Sie93] described a way of performing parallel symbolic com- putation using parallel declarative programming language Strand and the sequential computer algebra systern Maple. Ponder [Pon89, Ponb, Pona] proposed two parallel algorithms for Grobner basis computiition (Parallel S-poly and Parallel reduction). In his views, bo1,h algorithms were Yess parallel'' and slow in convergence. Inferring from his conclusions, exploring other ways to parallelize Grijbner basis computation need to be considered. For parallel Grobner basis computa- tion, Schreiner and Hong [SH93b7 SH93al showed that by invoking optimized routines of PACLIB, a system for parallel algebraic computation on shared memory computers, a maximum speedup of 10 could be achieved on a 20 processor Sequent Symmetry (a MIMD corr~puter with shared memory) for Grobner basis computation. Senechaud [Sen89, Sen90, Sen911 computed Grobner basis by computing Grobner basis of the subsets of a set of polynomials and cornbining them. The algorithm presented in this paper takes a similar approach. Vidal [VidSO] proposed algorithms for Grobner basis computation on shared memory multiprocessor using synchronization between processes. In his approach, each processor reduced S-polynomial of an unreduced pair in parallel. Depending on the result of the reduction, the processor updated the basis and the set of pairs.

Despite previous research on parallel computation of Grobner basis, there is a room for im- provement. 111 this paper, a variant of Buchberger7s algorithm for Grobner basis computation is presented. The new algorithm is easy to visualize as a tree structured computation and provides more insights into parallel Grobner basis computation. In the next section, l~asic concepts and definitions related to polynomials and Grobner basis computation are briefly reviewed. In Section 3, a parallel algorithm for Grobner basis computation is described and its correctness is proven. Finally, some results and conclusions are provided in Section 4.

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2 Polynomials and Grobner Basis

2.1 Definitions

In this subsection, basic concepts related to polynomials and Grobner basis computation are presented for later use in the paper. An example illustrating the use of definitions is given before subsection 2.2. The definitions are quite similar to those of [BW93, CL0931.

, , where Definition 2.1 (Monomial) A monomial in XI , . . . , x, is a product of the forrn xyl . . xffn all exponents a l , . - . , a, are nonnegative integers. The total degree of the monomial is the sum al + . . . + a,, The following notation is used hereon:

For example, let n = 2; if x = (xl, x2), a = (2, l), then x" = xTx2.

Definition 2.2 (Polynomial) A polynomial f in X I , . - . , x, with coefficients in field k is a finite linear combination of monomials. A polynomial f is written as

where the sun1 is over a finite number of n-tuples a = (al,. . ,a,). The set of all polynomials in xl , . . , x, with coefficients in k is denoted by k[xl, - - , x,].

A simple example of the last definition is f = 2xTx2 - XI + x2 - 1.

Definition 2.3 (Ideals) A subset I C k[xl, - . . , x,] is an ideal if it contains 0 and it is closed under polynornial addition and polynomial multiplication, i.e.

2. If f , g E I, then f + g E I,

3. I f f E I and h E ~ [ X ~ , . ~ . , X , ] , then hf E I.

Definition 2 . 4 (Monomial Ordering) A monomial ordering on k[xl, - . . , x,,] is any relation > on Z:,, or eqoivalently, any relation on the set of monomials xa, a E Z:,, satisfying:

1. > is a total (or linear) ordering on Z:,, -

Page 6: Tree Structured Grobner Basis Computation on Parallel Machines

2. If a > )I? and y E .Z30, - then a + y > p + y,

3. > is a well-ordering on 23,. This means that every nonempty subset of 23, has a smallest - - element; under > .

Lexicographic,al ordering which is used in the remaining paper is defined next.

Definition 2.5 (Lexicographical Ordering) Let a , P E 23,. The exponent vector a! is Iex- icographicall~ greater than P written as a >leX P, iff, in a -- P , the leftmoist nonzero entry is positive. Similarly, xa >re, s o , if a >leX P. For example, if x = (xl, 2 2 ) , then a:x2 >lex 1, because (271) > l a (070).

Other mononlial ordering used in symbolic computations are Inverse !exicogruphical, Graded Eex- icographical, and Graded reverse lexicographical.

Definition 2.6 (Coefficient, Term, Multidegree, Leading Coefficient., Leading Mono- mial, Leading Term) Let

f = x a,xa be a polynomial in k[xl,. . . , x,]. ff

1. a, is thl: coeficient of the monomial xff ,

2. If a, # 0, then a,xa is a term off,

3. The multidegree off is multideg(f) = max(a E 23, - : a, # 0) with respect to lexicographical ordering,

4. The leading coeficient off is LC( f ) = amultideg(j) E k,

5. The leading monomial of f is LM( f ) = xm"'tideg(f),

6. The leading term off is LT(f) = LC(f)LM(f).

Definition 2.7 (S-polynomial) The S-polynomial of two polynomials

f = x a,xa and g = aex"s ff D

where xY = Ll:M(LM(f), LM(g)) is the least common multiple of LM(f ) and LM(g).

Page 7: Tree Structured Grobner Basis Computation on Parallel Machines

2 Definiti0r.s 2.6 and 2.7 are now illustrated for two polynomials, fl = 2~,2x :~- 1 and f2 = xlx2- X I with X I >!,, 2 2 . The multidegrees of fl and f 2 are rnultideg(fl) = (2, I) , rnultideg(f2) = (1,2), their leading coefficients are LC(fl) = 2, LC(f2) = 1, their leading mononlials are LM(fl) = x;x2, LM( f2) = ~1x22, their leading terms are LT( fl) = 2x:x2, LT( f2) = xlxi, the least common

2 multiple of the leading monomials is, LCM(LM(fl), LM(f2)) = LCM(x?x2, x1x2) = X;X;. The S-polynomial of fl and f 2 is

In the next subsection, a polynomial division algorithm that aids in finding a normal form of a polynomial with respect to a set of polynomials is provided. Using this normal form algorithm, a set of polyriomials can be reduced.

2.2 Normal Form Algorithm

In this subsection, a normal form algorithm which will be used later in Grobner basis computation is discussed. A normal form algorithm computes the fully reduced form of a polynomial with respect to a set of polynomials F. A normal form of a polynomial p with respect to a set of polynomials j? is denoted by NF(p, F). The algorithm as described in [Hof9OJ is as follows:

Algor i thm ;!.I (Normal Form) Input: A set F of polynomials, and a polynomial p.

Output: A normal form NF(p, F) of p with respect to F.


1. Set po =: p and i = 0.

2. For i = 0,1,2, - , repeat step 3 until p; cannot be rewritten; then output p; and stop.

3. If there is a polynomial f in F such that the leading monomial of f divides a term a,xa in p;, then rewrite p; as = p; - L T ( f ) '

Using the normal form algorithm, a set of polynomials F can be reduced on itself by replacing each polynomial f E F with its normal form with respect to set F - { f) . The rleduction algorithm [BW93] is described as below:

Algor i thm 2.2 (Reduce) Input: A set AP of polynomials.

Output: A reduced set F' = Reduce(F) of polynomials.

Page 8: Tree Structured Grobner Basis Computation on Parallel Machines

begin F' + F While there is p E F' which is reducible on F' - {p) do

Select p from F' F' c F' - {p) h c NF(p, F') if h # 0 then

F' + F' U {h) end

end F' + {f /Hc(f : l l f E F')


To d e r n o n ~ t r ~ ~ t e the functionality of these algorithms, an example is presented next. Let F = {x; - 2 2 , -XI + xi) , with X I >lez 52. The reduced set of F is computed by algorithm Reduce as follows.

Initially, F' = {x: - 5 2 , -XI + x;), then p = z: - 2 2 is selected, leading to F' = {-xl + xi). Now, the computation of N F ( ~ , F') is carried out using algorithm 2.1. Initially, po =

2 2 p = 2, - 22. After executing step 3 of algorithm 2.1, pl = xt - x2 + (-xl + xi)x2 = xlx2 - x2, then, p2 = (xlxi - x2) + (-x1 + x;)xE = xi - 2 2 . Therefore, h = IVF(p, F') = xi - 22, and algorithm Reduce updates F' to F' = {xi - x2, -XI + xi). Continui~lg the execution of algorithm Reduce, p = -xl + xi, is selected leading to F' = {xi - x2), NF(p , 8'') = -XI + xi. So, the final educed set is,

The definitions and reduction algorithms presented in the last two subsections are used in Grobner basis computiition next.

2.3 Grolmer Basis Computation

In this subsection, the definition of Grobner basis and Buchberger's algorithm to compute it are provided.

Definition 2.8 Let F be a set of polynomials. Then a basis G for Id (F) , ideal generated by F, is a Grobner hasis iff

1. for all pairs (gi, gj), i # j, the remainder of the division of Spoly(g;, gj) by G is zero, in other words ArF(Spoly (gi, gj), G) = 0, and

2. the ideals generated by F and G are identical.

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Definition 2.9 A minimal Grobner basis for a polynomial ideal I is a Grobner basis G for I such that

1. LC(p) := 1 for all p E G and

2. for all 11 E G ; LT(p) 3 Id(LT(G - { p ) ) ) .

Definition :!.lo A reduced Grobner basis for a polynomial ideal I is a Griibner basis G for I such that

1. LC(p) := 1 for all p E G and

2. for all p~ E G, no monomial of p lies in Id(LT(G - { p ) ) ) .

A well-known algorithm for the computation of Grobner basis of a given set of polynomials is due to Buchberger in [Buc85a]. A reduced Grobner basis can be obtained by running the algorithm Reduce on the Grobner basis computed by Buchberger's algorithm.

Algorithm 2.3 (Grobner) Input: F = { f l , . - , , f , ) .

Output: A Grobner basis G = { g l , . - , g t ) = Grobner(F); such that Id (F) = .ld(G).

begin G + 17

B t { ( g i , g j ) J g i , g j E G with i # j ) While B # q5 do

Select ( g i , g j ) from B

B B - {(gi ,gj)) h S P ~ ~ Y ( Y ~ , Y ~ ) ho t N F ( h , G ) if ho # 0 then

B B u {(g,ho)Is E G ) G t G U {ho)

end end


The following; is an illustration of the execution of the above algorithm. Let F be a set of two- variate polynomials

F = {x: - " 2 , - X I + x i ) .

Page 10: Tree Structured Grobner Basis Computation on Parallel Machines

Initially, G =: {x: - x2, -XI + x:), B = {(g1,92)). A pair (gl, g2) is selected by algorithm Griibner leading to h = Spoly(g1, g2) = xlxi - x2, ho = NF(h , G) = x; - x2 f 0. The algorithm Grobner then updates G and B to G = {x; - x2, -XI + xi, x; - x2), B =: g3), (g2, g3)). Furthermore, NF(Spoly (gl, g3), G) = 0 and hTF(Spoly(g2, g3), G) = 0. So, the algorithm Grobner terminates with the Grobner basis

And, the reduced Grobner basis computed by algorithm Reduce is

Though Buc:?berger1s algorithm is a vital step in symbolic computation, it can be resource- intensive ancl time-consuming for large polynomial computations. Furtherinore, it is difficult to parallelize. A new parallel algorithm to overcome these drawbacks is provided in the next section.

3 Para~llelization of Grobner Basis computation In the previoils section, the Grobner basis computation details were provided. Due to its dynamic input depend.ent behavior, Buchberger's algorithm is difficult to parallelize efficiently. In this section a new variant of Buchberger's algorithm is presented which can be inferred from [Sengo]. The main idea behind the alternative approach is to compute Grobner basis of a given set from the Grobner basis of its subsets. The parallel algorithm presented next assumes availability of 2 p

processors. A New Parallel Algorithm for Griibner Basis computation

Algorithm 3.1 (Par-Griibner-Tree) Input: F = { , f i , - . , f,) given in 2P subsets Fl, - . , F 2 p such that F = u?L1 Fi. Output: A reduced Grobner basis G = {gl,. . . ,gt) = Par-Grobner-Tree(F); such that Id(G) = Id(F) .

begin for i == 1 to 2 P pardo

G; = Grobner-Tree(F;) G; = Reduce(Ga)

end for i == 1 to p do

Page 11: Tree Structured Grobner Basis Computation on Parallel Machines

for j = I to 2P step 2i pardo Gj = Grobner-Combine(Gj7 Gj+2i-1 )

end end G =


Algorithm 3.1 invokes other algorithms called Grobner-Combine and Grobner- Tree described as below. Grobner-Combine is almost the same as Buchberger's algorithm. But, here pairs of the same set are not considered because they are from the same Grobner basis sei, thus they possess the first property of the definition 2.8. On a similar note, Grobner- Tree is the algorithm which sequentially c:omputes the Grobner basis of a given set in a tree structure.

Algorithm 3.2 (Grobner-Combine) Input: Two reduced Grobner basis sets G I , G2.

Output: A reduced Grobner basis G = Grobner-Combine(G1, G2) ; such that ItE(G) = Id(G1uG2).

begin G + (21 U G2 B + ( ( ~ i , gj) 19; E G1, gj E G2, criteria(g;, gj) # 0 ) While B # 4 do

Select a pair ( g i 7 g j ) from B B + B - { ( ~ i , ~ j ) ) h + S P O ~ Y (9; 7 g j ) ho +- N F ( h , G ) if ho # 0 then

B + B U { ( g , ho) lg E G, criteria(h0, g) # 0 ) G + G u {ho)

end end G = reduce(G)


Algorithm 3.3 (Grobner-Tree) Input: A set of polynomials F = ifi,. . . , f,), where s = 2".

Output: A reduced Grobner basis G = {g l , . . - ,gt) = Grabner-Tree(F); such that Id(G) = Id(F) .

begin for i == 1 to IF1 do

Page 12: Tree Structured Grobner Basis Computation on Parallel Machines

G.i = { fd) end for i == 1 to log, (FI do

for j = 1 to IF) step 2; do Gj = Grobner-Combine(Gj, Gj+,i-I)

end end


Here, criteria( f , g) [Buc79] is the check which returns zero if NF(Spoly (f, g), G) is zero. This is very useful in computation, because by detecting this criteria, one will avoid an entry to B and then del'etion of it from B later on. From implementation point of view, this results in an improvement to overall performance of the algorithm. Next, the correctness of Par-Grobner-Tree is discussed.

3.1 Cor~rectness of the New Parallel Algorithm for Czrobner Basis Conlput at ion

In order to p:rove the correctness of Par-Grobner-Tree, the following two theorems are presented.

Theorem 3.1 The basis G generated from basis G1, G2 by algorithm Grobner-Combine, is the reduced G r i h e r basis of ideal generated by set F , where F = Fl U F2, G1 and G2 are reduced Grobner basis of sets Fl and F2 respectively.

Proof: Here G is the reduced basis generated from two sets G1 and G2, so

2. from algorithm Grobner-Combine it is evident that for all pairs i # j, NF (Spoly(gi, gj), G) = 0, where g;, gj E G.

Therefore, basis G generated by the algorithm Grobner-Combine is the reduced Grobner basis of ideal generated by set F.

The tree stru.ctured computation for the algorithm Par-Grobner-Tree is shown in figure 1. The relationship hetween the algorithms Grobner and Grobner-combine is as below:

where F = FL U F2.

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Figure 1: Grobner Basis Computation Viewed as a Tree Computation

Theorem 3.2 In the tree structured computation of the algorithm Par-Grdrbner-Tree, G is the reduced Grobner basis of ideal generated by set F.

Proof: I:I this proof, the associativity of union and Grobner-Combine, and the relationship between Grobner and Grobner-Combine algorithms are used.

2 p

= .Reduce(GrGbner(U <(O))) (from equation(1))

This proves the correctness of the algorithm Par-Grobner-Tree. Furthermore, in Grobner-Tree, a reduced G~,obner basis of the union of two sets is always computed. So, by executing algorithm

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Par-Grobner- Tree, the reduced Grobner basis of a set of polynomials is obtained. The tree struc- tured compui;ation gives the best performance when the initial set on each node is itself a Grobner basis. In that case, Par-Grobner-Tree(F) = F. But, in the worst case, the time complexity of Par-Grobner-Tree can be doubly exponential same as that of the Buchberger's algorithm. The complexity measure used here is based upon the maximum total degree of the resulting polynomi- als during the computation. The effectiveness of the new algorithm is demonstrated by the results provided in the following section.

4 Results and Conclusions

4.1 Results

The results provided in this section are based on experiments performed on Intel Paragon, a distributed memory parallel machine. Two different types of polynomial equations are considered. The lexicogra.phical term ordering is used to order the terms of polynomials. The first type of set of polynomials arises from the equations of n cylinders in n-dimensional space. The form of the polynomial equations is as described below:

F = {f l , . . . , fn ) , where

lsjsn f = ( ) - 1, for 1 i n and x > x > - > l e x xn.


The second type of set of polynomials consists of the following equations,

F = {f l , . - . , f n ) , where

Figure 2 shows the execution times of both the tree structured algorithm Grotlner- Tree and Buch- berger's algorithm for both types of polynomials. It can be ascertained that, for the same set of polynomials, the computation time for executing Buchberger's algorithm grows expo- nentially faster than the time required to compute the Grobner basis using the tree algorithm (Grobner-Tree). This suggests that for a large set of polynomials, Grobner basis can be sequen- tially compu'ted more efficiently and faster by using tree structured algorithm Grobner- Tree than

Page 15: Tree Structured Grobner Basis Computation on Parallel Machines

Type 1 polynomials

0 5 10 15 20 Number of polynomials

- Type 2 polynomials

8 -


Number of polynomials

Figure 2: Comparison of Gr6bner- Tree algorithm with Buchberger's Algorithm

Number of polynomials -32

I Communication times I


U1 u

1 z 3 - .-

E' .- F



Number of processors

Figure 3: Timing information of Par-Grobner-Tree algorithm for Type :I polynomials

- Total time -.-.-.-.-.- ".


Computatlon time

- Total lime

* .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-:< - "# Computatlon tlme ". 36

Page 16: Tree Structured Grobner Basis Computation on Parallel Machines

umber of polynomials : A otal Oa61 :32 _ . - . ' time

/ time .+ . utation time

Number of processors

= 128

Total time Q) V) Computation time C .- ' 'I- Communication time i= 1

I Number of polynomial:;

Total time_. , . x . - '

/ . /.x-.-

Gomputation rn time / - - ,JP

- ' ifohmunitation time

"0' 10 20 30 40 Number of procerssors

Number of polynomial's

C .- 50 .-

"ti 20 40 60 80 Number of processors

"0 50 100 150 Number of processors

Figure 4: Timing information of Par-Griibner-Tree algorithm for Type 2 polynomials

Page 17: Tree Structured Grobner Basis Computation on Parallel Machines

that by Buchberger's algorithm. Furthermore, the tree structured computation can be naturally parallelized using algorithm Par-Grobner-Tree. The parallel execution times obtained using this algorithm call be seen in Figures 3 and 4.

The poly~iomial sets which are initially combined at the lowest level affect the execution times of the parallem1 algorithm. For the first type of polynomials, the different initial combinations tried are

From Figure 3, it can be inferred that the execution times for the same set of polynomials differ for different initial combinations. However, for all combinations, a significant reduction in execution time is achielred up to a certain number of processors (4 in this example). On the other hand, an increase in the number of processors after a certain limit results in an increase in communication time without a significant reduction in computation time.

For the second type of polynomial equations, different problem sizes are: used to study the effect of scaling the problem on the computation and communication times. As shown in Figure 4, as the prot)lem size increases, the ratio of the computation time to the comnlunication time also increases. The amount of speed-up achieved is limited after a certain number of processors (4 in this case). Tlle main reason for this behavior is unbalanced load distribution across processors and computation granularity that increases with the level of the nodes in the tree. The nodes at high levels in the computational tree tend to dominate the execution time of the whole computation. So, using more than four processors results in very small execution time savings due to parallel computation at low levels of the tree.

In this paper, an alternative approach for Grobner basis computation was presented. For large computations, this approach results in faster execution times than Buchberger's algorithm. Fur- thermore, in this study, parallelism in the tree structured Grijbner basis computation was exploited and the bott lenecks were identified. The tree structured Grobner basis compiltation presented in this paper provides a structure which is easy to parallelize. On the other h.and, the limitation imposed on speed-up achievable by using this approach suggests that the parallelism available in- side each node of the computational tree needs to be exploited. This is the basis for an approach, currently being pursued by the authors, that will result in a balanced tree structured Grobner ba- sis computation. Other issues such as reducing coefficient growth, efficient memory management, and avoiding unnecessary computations are also being considered.

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