Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScript Tim Doherty Software Architect TimCDoherty timdoherty.net /in/timdoherty

Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScriptfiles.meetup.com/8990802/TreatingFrameworkFatigue-FINAL.pdf · Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScript Tim Doherty Software Architect

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Page 1: Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScriptfiles.meetup.com/8990802/TreatingFrameworkFatigue-FINAL.pdf · Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScript Tim Doherty Software Architect

Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScript

Tim DohertySoftware Architect

TimCDoherty timdoherty.net/in/timdoherty

Page 2: Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScriptfiles.meetup.com/8990802/TreatingFrameworkFatigue-FINAL.pdf · Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScript Tim Doherty Software Architect


Page 3: Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScriptfiles.meetup.com/8990802/TreatingFrameworkFatigue-FINAL.pdf · Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScript Tim Doherty Software Architect



Page 4: Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScriptfiles.meetup.com/8990802/TreatingFrameworkFatigue-FINAL.pdf · Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScript Tim Doherty Software Architect

Hey, this one looks cool!TimCDoherty

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You May Suffer From Framework Fatigue


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• One-way reactive data flow

• Two-way data binding

• Micro-frameworks

• Virtual DOM

• Extensible HTML

• Decoupled, event-driven architecture



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Page 10: Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScriptfiles.meetup.com/8990802/TreatingFrameworkFatigue-FINAL.pdf · Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScript Tim Doherty Software Architect


Page 11: Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScriptfiles.meetup.com/8990802/TreatingFrameworkFatigue-FINAL.pdf · Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScript Tim Doherty Software Architect

• Another framework? Seriously?

• Mine’s The Right Framework™, who cares?

• My framework does the job, why do I need The Right Framework™?

• Do I even need a framework?


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Page 13: Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScriptfiles.meetup.com/8990802/TreatingFrameworkFatigue-FINAL.pdf · Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScript Tim Doherty Software Architect

• “3x to 5x faster on initial render and re-render scenarios”

• “More powerful than Backbone and faster or more flexible than React, Meteor, and AngularJS”

• “…faster than you ever thought possible.”

• “…a simpler programming model and better performance.”

• “More productive out of the box”

• “The most powerful, flexible and forward-looking JavaScript client framework in the world"


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Reduced Capacity for Hype and Marketing Lingo


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• “A Javascript Framework for Building Brilliant Applications”

• “Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework”

• “Designed with developer ergonomics in mind, its friendly APIs help you get your job done—fast”

• “A next gen JavaScript client framework for mobile, desktop and web that leverages simple conventions to empower your creativity"

• “Simplify dynamic JavaScript UIs with the Model-View-View Model (MVVM) pattern”

• “Declarative component sugar for event-driven RequireJS apps”

• “Intuitive, Fast and Composable MVVM for building interactive interfaces”

• “A highly modular, loosely coupled, non-frameworky framework for building advanced JavaScript apps”


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Go NativeTimCDoherty

Page 19: Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScriptfiles.meetup.com/8990802/TreatingFrameworkFatigue-FINAL.pdf · Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScript Tim Doherty Software Architect

Favor built-ins (standard library) over framework/library equivalents

• Array: forEach(), find(), map(), every()

• Object: defineProperty(), assign(), keys()

• Function: bind()

• String: startsWith(), includes(), endsWith()

• Tagged Template Literals*


Page 20: Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScriptfiles.meetup.com/8990802/TreatingFrameworkFatigue-FINAL.pdf · Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScript Tim Doherty Software Architect

If performance really matters, go native anyway:


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Go DeepTimCDoherty

Page 22: Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScriptfiles.meetup.com/8990802/TreatingFrameworkFatigue-FINAL.pdf · Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScript Tim Doherty Software Architect

Learn ES 5

• Everything in ES 5 is still valid JavaScript

• ECMAScript 2015 (a.k.a. ES 6) is a superset of ES 5

• Much of the new ES 6 syntax is just terse, concise ES 5


Page 23: Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScriptfiles.meetup.com/8990802/TreatingFrameworkFatigue-FINAL.pdf · Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScript Tim Doherty Software Architect

Prototypal Inheritance

• But… JavaScript has classes now, right?

• Object.create

• Differential vs. Concatenative (mixins)

Functional Programming

• First-class and higher order functions

• Pure functions


Page 24: Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScriptfiles.meetup.com/8990802/TreatingFrameworkFatigue-FINAL.pdf · Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScript Tim Doherty Software Architect

Closures, IIFEs, module pattern

Type coercion

Lexical scope and hoisting

Equality and strict equality

Asynchrony and callbacks

Function call(), apply(), and bind()

What in the hell “this” is?


Page 25: Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScriptfiles.meetup.com/8990802/TreatingFrameworkFatigue-FINAL.pdf · Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScript Tim Doherty Software Architect

Learn ES 6 (and beyond)New syntax

• Let/const, rest/spread, destructuring, arrow functions…

Enhanced standard library

• Object, array, string, math, number, regex…

Entirely new features

• Iterators/generators, proxies, map/set, promises, symbols…


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(shameless plug)

• ECMAScript 6 In Depth: Part I - Tim Doherty

• ECMAScript 6 In Depth: Part II - Tim Doherty

• ECMAScript 6 In Depth: Part III - Tim Doherty


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Use the Source!TimCDoherty

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Page 31: Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScriptfiles.meetup.com/8990802/TreatingFrameworkFatigue-FINAL.pdf · Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScript Tim Doherty Software Architect

• Original jQuery annotated source

• Underscore annotated source

• Backbone annotated source

• 10 Things I Learned From the jQuery Source - Paul Irish


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Learn what is and isn’t JavaScripthttp://i.stack.imgur.com/SeCUb.jpgTimCDoherty

Page 33: Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScriptfiles.meetup.com/8990802/TreatingFrameworkFatigue-FINAL.pdf · Treating Framework Fatigue With JavaScript Tim Doherty Software Architect

• Language vs. environment

• Browser, server, database, OS

• Host-provided APIs (DOM, XMLHttpRequest, etc.)

• Complimentary technologies (CSS)

• Go deep with the language first

• Then go deep with supporting technologies (DOM, CSS, etc.)



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Learn How to Learn


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• Change is the only constant

• Even The Right Framework™’s days will be numbered

• You cannot know everything about everything

• Learn enough to be productive, then improve by immersion

• Develop a strategy for focused knowledge gathering


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Side Effects• Language-level skills

• Increased confidence

• Better problem solving ability

• Knowing what “this” is

**Occasionally, JavaScript users have reported a desire to write their own framework, or abandon frameworks altogether, although this is rare


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Tim DohertySoftware Architect

TimCDoherty timdoherty.net/in/timdoherty