September/Septiembre 23, 2018 Cycle/Ciclo II Year/Año B Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Vigésimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral 713-789-1250 Rev. Mario J. Arroyo, Pastor ............. Ext. 225 Fr. Scott Blick ................................... Ext. 260 Fr. Jhon Jaime Florez-Gallo .............. Ext. 221 Eduardo M. Dolpher ......................... Ext. 229 Deacon; Pastoral Associate; RCIA (Español) Annulments, Kairos Retreat Coord. Arturo Mendoza, Deacon; Funerals .. 713-789-1250 Sr. Rosalie Karstedt, CDP ................. 713-554-1556 StaManager; Coord. Of Women’s Ministry Sandra Russell .................................. 713-554-1562 Pastoral Associate; Social Media Coordinator Anne Bennett, Pastoral Associate ..... 713-554-1552 Fred Clay ........................................... 713-554-1555 Coord. of Liturgical & Support Ministries Meegan Dunlap ................................ 713-554-1551 Mother’s Day Out Jeanette Granados ........................... 713-554-1560 Bookkeeper; Marriage—English/Spanish Beatriz Green .................................... 713-554-1553 Coord. of Youth Ministry Coord. of Spanish Ministries David Lopez ...................................... 713-554-1561 Coord. of Sacraments in English & Spanish Aída Silva .......................................... 713-554-1563 Coord. of Children's Religious Education Andrea Velazquez............................. 281-895-3183 Quinceaños Coordinator John Wincelowicz ............................. 713-554-1559 Coord. of Adult Formation—English Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas Saturday/Sábado 4:30 pm (English) Sunday/Domingo 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 5:00 pm (English) 1:15 pm, 7:15 pm (Español) Mon, Tue, Thurs/Lun, Mar, Jue 12:15 pm (English) Wednesday/Miércoles 6:00 pm (Bilingüe) Office Hours/Horario de Oficina Mon-Thur / Lun-Jue 10:00 am - 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Closed Mon-Thur / Cerrado Lun-Jue 1-3 pm Friday/Viernes CLOSED/CERRADO Saturday/Sábado (Building & Church opens at 8 am) 10:00 am - 4:00 pm (Closed for Lunch 12-12:30 pm) Hospitality Desk 4-6 pm Sunday/Domingo CLOSED/CERRADO Hospitality Desk 8:00 am-4:00 pm (Lunch 12-12:30 pm) Adoration-Chapel/Adoración-Capilla Mon-Thurs/Lun-Jue 8:00 am-9:00 pm Friday/Viernes CLOSED/CERRADO Saturday/Sábado 8:00 am-9:00 pm Confession/Confesiones Tuesday (English) 5:00 pm-5:45 pm Wed/Miér (Spanish) 5:00 pm-5:45 pm Sat/Sáb (English & Spanish) 10:30 am-11:30 am Anointing of the Sick/Unción para los Enfermos (English and Spanish/Inglés y Español) Please call Oce/Favor de llamar a la Ocina Nursery/La Guardería Welcomes children 18 months-4 years old. Recibe niños de 18 meses a 4 años de edad. Sunday/Domingo: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Fee: $4.00 per child due at drop o. Cuota: $4.00 por niño que se debe pagar al dejar al niño. Transforming Cultural Catholics Into Intentional Disciples Transformando Católicos por Tradición en Discípulos con Intención

Transforming Cultural Catholics Into Intentional … · Ayúdanos a alcanzar la meta de nuestra para 2018 de: $ 177,000.00 Las tarjetas e información están disponibles en el Nártex

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September/Septiembre 23, 2018 Cycle/Ciclo II Year/Año B

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Vigésimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral 713-789-1250

Rev. Mario J. Arroyo, Pastor ............. Ext. 225 Fr. Scott Blick ................................... Ext. 260 Fr. Jhon Jaime Florez-Gallo .............. Ext. 221 Eduardo M. Dolpher ......................... Ext. 229 Deacon; Pastoral Associate; RCIA (Español) Annulments, Kairos Retreat Coord. Arturo Mendoza, Deacon; Funerals .. 713-789-1250 Sr. Rosalie Karstedt, CDP ................. 713-554-1556 Staff Manager; Coord. Of Women’s Ministry Sandra Russell .................................. 713-554-1562 Pastoral Associate; Social Media Coordinator Anne Bennett, Pastoral Associate ..... 713-554-1552 Fred Clay ........................................... 713-554-1555 Coord. of Liturgical & Support Ministries Meegan Dunlap ................................ 713-554-1551 Mother’s Day Out Jeanette Granados ........................... 713-554-1560 Bookkeeper; Marriage—English/Spanish Beatriz Green .................................... 713-554-1553 Coord. of Youth Ministry Coord. of Spanish Ministries David Lopez ...................................... 713-554-1561 Coord. of Sacraments in English & Spanish Aída Silva .......................................... 713-554-1563 Coord. of Children's Religious Education Andrea Velazquez ............................. 281-895-3183 Quinceaños Coordinator John Wincelowicz ............................. 713-554-1559 Coord. of Adult Formation—English

Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas Saturday/Sábado 4:30 pm (English)

Sunday/Domingo 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 5:00 pm (English) 1:15 pm, 7:15 pm (Español)

Mon, Tue, Thurs/Lun, Mar, Jue 12:15 pm (English) Wednesday/Miércoles 6:00 pm (Bilingüe)

Office Hours/Horario de Oficina Mon-Thur / Lun-Jue 10:00 am - 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Closed Mon-Thur / Cerrado Lun-Jue 1-3 pm Friday/Viernes CLOSED/CERRADO

Saturday/Sábado (Building & Church opens at 8 am) 10:00 am - 4:00 pm (Closed for Lunch 12-12:30 pm)

Hospitality Desk 4-6 pm Sunday/Domingo CLOSED/CERRADO

Hospitality Desk 8:00 am-4:00 pm (Lunch 12-12:30 pm)

Adoration-Chapel/Adoración-Capilla Mon-Thurs/Lun-Jue 8:00 am-9:00 pm

Friday/Viernes CLOSED/CERRADO Saturday/Sábado 8:00 am-9:00 pm

Confession/Confesiones Tuesday (English) 5:00 pm-5:45 pm

Wed/Miér (Spanish) 5:00 pm-5:45 pm Sat/Sáb (English & Spanish) 10:30 am-11:30 am

Anointing of the Sick/Unción para los Enfermos (English and Spanish/Inglés y Español)

Please call Office/Favor de llamar a la Oficina

Nursery/La Guardería Welcomes children 18 months-4 years old. Recibe niños de 18 meses a 4 años de edad.

Sunday/Domingo: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Fee: $4.00 per child due at drop off.

Cuota: $4.00 por niño que se debe pagar al dejar al niño.

Transforming Cultural Catholics Into Intentional Disciples Transformando Católicos por Tradición en Discípulos con Intención

Reflecting on God’s Word WHERE DO THE WARS COME FROM? The letter from Saint James is quite explicit about the problem of war and peace. “The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace.” So then, “Where do the wars and where do the conflicts among you come from? . . . You kill and envy but you cannot obtain; you fight and wage war.” War is an evil and never to be the first resort in settling conflicts. SIMPLICITY AND LOVE As Jesus walks along with his disciples, they are talking and arguing. Jesus asks them what they are discussing, but he knows. They are arguing about which of them will be greatest in the reign of God. He tells them that whoever wishes to be first must take the last place and be the servant of all. Then he takes a little child and places it in their midst. “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me.” Sometimes it is assumed that small children are incapable of understanding the teachings of the Gospels and the sacraments of the Church. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, which has its roots in the Montessori method of pedagogy, allows even very small children as young as three to experience the life of Jesus and the liturgy of the Church through materials such as the altar, small vestments in seasonal colors, and wooden maps of the Holy Land where Jesus lived and traveled, as well as other materials related to the Gospels and the liturgy. People who observe the children at their work using this method of catechesis are amazed at their understanding of the Gospels and especially the parables. Most importantly, the children develop a genuine love for Jesus that is deep and touching. There is a lesson here for all of us, as Jesus pointed out. We must have the same simplicity and love for Jesus as these little children in order to enter the reign of God.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

Stewardship Reflection “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” (MARK 9:35)

Jesus teaches us that we are called to serve one another. Sacrifice is not a word that many people like to hear. We think it means that we must give up something that we want. However, the literal meaning of sacrifice is “to make holy,” from the words “sacer” = sacred and “facere” = to make. In other words, we make our lives holy by sharing our gifts in the service of God.

Reflexión de la Corresponsabilidad "Si alguien quiere ser el primero, deberá ser el último y el servidor de todos" (MARCOS 9:35)

Jesús nos enseña que estamos llamados a servirnos unos a otros. Sacrificio no es una palabra que a muchas personas les guste escuchar. Pensamos que significa que debemos renunciar a algo que queremos. Sin embargo, el significado literal del sacrificio es

"hacer santo", de las palabras "sacer" = sagrado y "facere" = hacer. En otras palabras, hacemos nuestras vidas santas compartiendo nuestros dones en el servicio a Dios. 2

Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios ¿DE DÓNDE VIENEN LAS GUERRAS? La carta de Santiago es muy explicita acerca del problema de la guerra y la paz. “Los pacíficos siembran la paz y cosechan frutos de justicia.” Así que, “¿De dónde vienen las luchas y los conflictos entre ustedes?. . Ustedes codician lo que no pueden tener y acaban asesinando. Ambicionan algo que no pueden alcanzar, y entonces combaten y hacen la guerra.” La guerra es un mal y nunca será el

primer recurso para resolver conflictos. SENCILLEZ Y AMOR Mientras Jesús camina junto con sus discípulos, ellos van hablando y discutiendo. Jesús les pregunta de qué están discutiendo, pero él ya lo sabe. Están discutiendo acerca de cuál de ellos será más grande en el reino de Dios. Él les dice que quien quiera ser el primero debe tomar el último lugar y ser el esclavo de todos. Luego él toma a un niño y lo pone en medio de ellos. “El que reciba en mi nombre a uno de estos niños, a mí me recibe”. Algunas veces se asume que los niños pequeños son incapaces de entender las enseñanzas de los Evangelios y los sacramentos de la Iglesia. La catequesis del método del Buen Pastor, el cual tiene sus raíces en el método pedagógico Montessori, incluso permite a cada niño tan pequeño como de tres experimentar la vida de Jesús y la liturgia de la Iglesia por medio de recursos y materiales como el altar, ornamentos para los diferentes tiempos litúrgicos y mapas hechos de madera de Tierra Santa donde Jesús vivió y trabajó, también como otros materiales relacionados a los Evangelios y la liturgia. Las personas que observan a los niños interactuando en el salón de clases, llamado Atrio, quedan sorprendidos por su comprensión de los Evangelios y especialmente las parábolas. Pero más importante, los niños desarrollan un genuino amor por Jesús que es profundo y conmovedor. Hay una lección aquí para todos nosotros, como lo señaló Jesús. Nosotros debemos tener la misma sencillez y amor por Jesús como esos pequeños niños para poder entrar al reino de Dios.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

Daily Mass Readings Lecturas Diarias para la Misa

Mon. Prv 3:27-34; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 8:16-18

Lun. Prov 3:27-34; Sal 15:2-5; Lc 8:16-18

Tue. Prv 21:1-6, 10-13; Ps 119:1, 27, 30, 34, 35, 44; Lk 8:19-21

Mar. Prov 21:1-6, 10-13; Sal 119:1, 27, 30, 34, 35, 44; Lc 8:19-21

Wed. Prv 30:5-9; Ps 119:29, 72, 89, 101, 104, 163; Lk 9:1-6

Miér. Prov 30:5-9; Sal 119:29, 72, 89, 101, 104, 163; Lc 9:1-6

Thu. Eccl 1:2-11; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17bc; Lk 9:7-9

Jue. Eclo 1:2-11; Sal 90:3-6, 12-14, 17bc; Lc 9:7-9

Fri. Eccl 3:1-11; Ps 144:1b, 2abc, 3-4; Lk 9:18-22

Vie. Eclo 3:1-11; Sal 144:1b, 2abc, 3-4; Lc 9:18-22

Sat. Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a; Ps 138:1-5; Jn 1:47-51

Sáb. Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 o Ap 12:7-12a; Sal 138:1-5; Jn 1:47-51

Weekly Offering Ofrenda Semanal September 16, 2018

16 de septiembre de 2018 $ 21,410

2nd Collection / 2a Colecta More Than Bricks/Más Que Ladrillos

$ 3,313

Diocesan Services Fund Fondo de Servicios Diocesanos

$ 15

Prayers of the Week / Oraciones de la Semana

Oremus—Remember to pray for the living: the sick, the elderly, those preparing for marriage in our Community, and those that have gone to their eternal reward. Oremus—Recuerde orar por los vivos: por los enfermos, los ancianos, aquellos en preparación matrimonial de nuestra comunidad y aquellos que se han ido a su eterna recompensa.

This Week’s Second Offering La Segunda Ofrenda de esta

Semana: WHAM Services/Servicios de WHAM

DSF Update 2018 / Reporte del extracto del FSD del 2018 As of September 17, 2018 / A partir del 17 de septiembre del 2018

Goal/Nuestra meta: Total amount pledged / Cantidad total prometer:

Total amount paid / Cantidad total pagada: Total amount still owed / Cantidad total que se debe:

$177,000.00 140,280.48

124,066.09 $ 52,933.91

Mass Intentions Intenciones de la Misa

Sat/Sáb Sept/Sept 22 4:30 pm † Joseph Anzalone Sun/Dom Sept/Sept 23 9:00 am † Beth Ellen Terry 11:00 am Hugo Galatoire 1:15 pm Consuelo Quintero 5:00 pm For All/Para Todos 7:15 pm † Pedro Salamanca Mon/Lun Sept/Sept 24 12:15 pm Consuelo Quintero Tue/Mar Sept/Sept 25 12:15 pm † Natividad Torres Wed/Miér Sept/Sept 26 6:00 pm For All/Para Todos Thur/Jue Sept/Sept 27 12:15 pm † Beth Ellen Terry


Faith Direct: Now with Text-to-Give Giving to St. Cyril of Alexandria is easy with “Faith Direct Text-to-Give”!

To give via text, follow these steps: 1. Text a dollar amount to (832) 753-5887. 2. Register your credit/debit card (you will only need to do this once). 3. Save the number as a contact in your phone to make future giving faster

and easier.

Pick up the Faith Direct secure giving brochure in the Narthex of the Church, at the Hospitality Desk, or in the office.

For more information call toll free: 1-866-507-8757

Donación por Texto con Fe Directa (Faith Direct) ¡ Donar a San Cirilo de Alejandría es fácil con “Donación por Texto con Fe Directa”!

Para donar por texto, siga los siguientes pasos: 1. Envíe un mensaje de texto con la cantidad de dólar al (832) 753-5887. 2. Registre su tarjeta de crédito/debito (solo lo tendrá que hacer una vez) 3. Guarde este número en sus contactos para que pueda donar más fácil y

rápido en un futuro.

Recoja un folleto de “Faith Direct” en el Narthex en la Iglesia, en el Escritorio de Hospitalidad o en la oficina.

Para mas información: 1-866-507-8757 (gratis)


2018 Diocesan Services Fund/Fondos de Servicios Diocesanos 2018

Spotlight on Ministries served by your DSF Contributions: Jerome’s Hope

Jerome's Home - is a new program beginning this year. The program supports families who hove received a difficult, adverse diagnosis during pregnancy, an

infant loss or a child with significant health concerns.

A trained team of medical professionals, clergy members and mentors will assist families during and after pregnancy with spiritual, emotional and community

support. - For Information contact Julie Fritsch: (713) 741-8728

Help us reach our parish goal for 2018 of: Help us reach our parish goal for 2018 of: Help us reach our parish goal for 2018 of: $ 177,000.00$ 177,000.00$ 177,000.00 Cards and Information are available in the Narthex.

Las contribuciones al FSD están enfocadas en el siguiente ministerio:

Jerome’s Hope

Jerome’s Hope - es un nuevo programa que comienza este año. El programa apoya a las familias que han recibido un diagnóstico difícil y adverso durante el embarazo, una pérdida infantil o un niño con problemas significativos de salud.

Un equipo capacitado de profesionales médicos, miembros del clero y mentores ayudará a las familias durante y después del embarazo con apoyo espiritual, emocional, y comunitario. Para mas información - Miriam S. Escobar: (713) 440-3443

Ayúdanos a alcanzar la meta de nuestra para 2018 de: $ 177,000.00Ayúdanos a alcanzar la meta de nuestra para 2018 de: $ 177,000.00Ayúdanos a alcanzar la meta de nuestra para 2018 de: $ 177,000.00 Las tarjetas e información están disponibles en el Nártex.

Faith Formation Classes for Grades 6 thru 12 are held most Sunday afternoons of the year

(Sept. – April), from 3:15pm - 4:45pm.

9/30—Youth Ministry Kitchen 10/14—Registration for Peacemakers Due 10/18—Celebration of First Reconciliation 10/31-11/2—All Saint’s Triduum 11/2—Movie Night—Book of Life

11/4—Youth Ministry Kitchen 11/10—Jr. High Peacemakers 11/11—Teen Confirmation Information and Registration Meeting 11/18—Celebration of First Communion (Eucharist) 11/25—No Classes 12/2—Parent Meeting/ Registration for Baptism Preparation 12/7—Movie Night—The Star 12/8—Youth Ministry Posada

12/14—Christmas Choral Concert 12/15—Confirmation Retreat 1 12/23 thru 12/30—No Classes 1/5—Teen Confirmation Prep Begins 1/7—Preparation for Baptism, Year 2 Begins 1/13—Registration for Jr. High Rally Due 2/1—Movie Night 2/6—Preparation for Baptism, Year 1 Begins 2/15-17—Confirmation Retreat


For more information regarding Youth Ministry, contact: Para mas información acerca del ministerio de jóvenes llame a:

Beatriz Green – 713-554-1553 or [email protected]

Peacemakers is a one-day workshop for both early adolescent youth (6-8th grades) and their leaders to discuss and explore the problems facing youth during the Junior High years: including bullying, cliques, harassment, peer pressure, gangs, drugs/alcohol, and self-esteem challenges. The program offers Christ's models for handling these problems and provides youth with a place to openly discuss situations and solutions. Through a variety of activities, community building, role play, games, presentations, and discussions, participants will learn valuable skills to assist them in handling these issues.

Mark Your Calendar: November 10!

Grades 6-8

5 Visit the Target Registry set up in the name of

Gabriel Project: tgt.gifts/GabrielProject

List of Youth Ministry Classrooms, by Grade:

6.1 Room 103

6.2 Room 105

7 Room 227

8 Room 210

9 Room 224

10 Room 108

11 & 12 Room


Classes begin promptly at 3:15 pm. Students arriving at 3:30 pm or later will be considered tardy.

Don’t be late!

Doorway to Silence Wednesdays, 10-11 AM,

Room 119 Our focus will be on LECTIO DIVINA, a way to pray scripture. If you desire a personal understanding of scripture

and how the Lord speaks to your heart through his Word,

please join us on Wednesdays. Call Elise at 713-202-8709.

Social Ministry

The Legion of Mary (English) invites you to participate on

the recitation of the Rosary at 8:15am every Sunday in the

Church for the month of October.

October: 7, 14, 21, 28 The month of October is dedicated to the holy rosary, one of the best known of all Catholic devotions, for the many intercessions of critical battles for Christianity. Today, we are still fighting those battles. Pray the Rosary for peace, grace, love and above all, to improve your relationship with God! We look forward to leading the parish in this most holy and powerful intercession of prays to our Holy Father through our Blessed Mother.


Gabriel Project If you are pregnant and seeking assistance, please call 713-225-5826. English - Monday-Saturday, Spanish - Monday, Tuesday &

Friday 12:00-5:00 pm

Knights of Columbus Holy Hour for Life

September 24 Join us for Rosary and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, Monday, September 24, 7:00-8:00 PM in the Chapel as we pray for the unborn and the sanctity of life.

St. Cyril of Alexandria is the Church of the Month

at Churrascos in Sept. & Oct. See the “Church Member” special

on page 5 of this bulletin.

JOURNEY TO DAMASCUS An ecumenical Catholic sponsored 3-day weekend at Our Lady of

Lourdes retreat center in Houston, TX. The aim of the JTD is to promote leadership and service among Christian women and men

of all faith backgrounds. Cost is $180, which includes lodging, meals and a life-changing experience. Scholarships are available if

needed. Applications now being taken for the next Women’s JTD to be held October 4-7, 2018 and the next Men’s on January 24-27, 2019. For more information or to register, go to www.houstonjourney.org or email us at

[email protected] or contact Cindy Ramirez at 832-577-0484, email [email protected].

Brochures are available in the Narthex.

Day of Prayer and Reflection - Nov. 17 Sponsored by the Women of St. Cyril Group

Guest Speakers: Fr. John Rooney and Juanita Lamb

Cost: $20.00 - Watch for Ticket Sales

Altar Server Training Saturday, September 29,

9:00 AM This training is for ALL servers.

VOLUNTEERS INVITED: Since 1986 St. Cyril has hosted an annual Thanksgiving Dinner for men, women and children from our community and from area homeless shelters. It may be the only opportunity for some to enjoy a warm Thanksgiving Day meal. The 2018 event will be held on Thanksgiving Day, November 22. The planning team invites you to join us at our meetings where we plan and prepare for this event. If you are interested, please attend the first meeting on Thursday, October 4, at 7 PM in Room 211. For more information, call Kathy Boudreaux at 281-841-1229.

50th Wedding Anniversary Jubilee Mass Celebration The 2018 Wedding Anniversary Jubilee Mass honoring couples celebrating their Golden (50th) Anniversary of marriage in The Catholic Church will be

held on Sunday, October 21, 2018 at The Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart at 3 pm. Whether or not a couple attends the ceremony, they are eligible to

receive a special recognition. Registration for this celebration will be close on September 30, 2018 at midnight. Reserved seating will be limited for couples

celebrating their anniversary, so please register soon to be able to reserve your space and also to make sure you will receive your acknowledgment on

that day. Couples that register after September 30 will not receive a prepared WAJ packet, or a signed recognition. The packet and recognition will be mailed to your home after verification of your sacramental marriage is

confirmed. Register online: https://www.archgh.org/offices-ministries/pastoral-


FFF RRR. M. M. M A R I OA R I OA R I O ’’’ SSS CCC L A S S E SL A S S E SL A S S E S These program are already open and

in session. Join us!


The Word Among Us Explore next Sunday’s Scriptures with

videos from Dr. Brant Pitre all in a small group setting.

No Registration needed.


Theology Seminar for Adults Deeper reflections on Catholic Life. The History of Christian Theology The History of Christian Theology The History of Christian Theology Explore the concepts of Christian

Theology in this college level class led by Fr. Mario Arroyo. No

registration needed. Adults 18 to 88+


LLLOGOOGOOGOSSS: : : Introductory Theology for Young Adults

For Young Adults 18 to 25 Who Am I to JudgeWho Am I to JudgeWho Am I to Judge

Join Fr. Mario Arroyo to explore how we can talk about morality in a world

that no longer believes in truth. No registration needed.

Interested in Becoming Catholic?Interested in Becoming Catholic?Interested in Becoming Catholic? In need of the Sacraments?In need of the Sacraments?In need of the Sacraments?

Contact For Adult Sacraments in English & Spanish & English RCIA:

David Lopez - 713-554-1561 — [email protected]

Contact For All Other Adult Programs in English:

John Wincelowicz - 713-554-1559 — [email protected]

For More Information Visit Our Website: https://stcyrilhouston.org/


To Register for a program or for more information contact: John Wincelowicz in the St. Cyril office

713-554-1559 or [email protected]

Flyers in the Narthex, on the Adult Ministry Bulletin Board & the website: https://stcyrilhouston.org/adult-faith-formation

Sunday Morning Bible StudySunday Morning Bible StudySunday Morning Bible Study Breaking Open the Sunday ScripturesBreaking Open the Sunday ScripturesBreaking Open the Sunday Scriptures

11:00 am to 12:30 pm in Room 119

Explore the current Sunday Mass readings with in-depth video Scripture presentations from Dr. Brant Pitre. Registration Fee: $10.00, class size limited

Sunday Afternoon Bible StudySunday Afternoon Bible StudySunday Afternoon Bible Study

Mary: Mary: Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed MotherA Biblical Walk with the Blessed MotherA Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother 3:15 pm to 4:45 pm in Room 219

Great DVD presentations by Dr. Edward Sri and filmed on location in the Holy Land. No registration fee - program led by Juana & Manuel Mata

Monday Morning Bible StudyMonday Morning Bible StudyMonday Morning Bible Study

EPIC EPIC EPIC --- Journey Through Church HistoryJourney Through Church HistoryJourney Through Church History, , , 1000 AD - 1500 AD 10:15 am - 11:45 am in Room 105

This study presents the history of the Faith from a truly Catholic perspective! For Registration Fees see flyer. Led by John Wincelowicz

Tuesday Night Faith & Reason Seminar 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm in Room 121

LectioLectioLectioTMTMTM Eucharist: Unveiling Scripture & TraditionEucharist: Unveiling Scripture & TraditionEucharist: Unveiling Scripture & Tradition

Explore the biblical roots of the Eucharist: from Genesis to Revelation, with DVD presentations by Dr. Brant Pitre. For Registration Fees see flyer.

Theology On the VineTheology On the Vine October 4October 4

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm - Doors Open at 6:45

With Fr. Mario Arroyo

Theology on the Vine is open to all adults of any faith or none.

Doors open at 6:45 pm. From 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm enjoy a free glass of wine or other beverage, a light snack, and good conversation. We get the presentation started at 7:30’ish with plenty of time available for your

questions before we conclude at 9:00 pm.

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm - Doors Open at 6:45

For more information contact: John Wincelowicz Office: 713-554-1559 Email: [email protected]

RCIA & Confirmation Preparation for Adults

Classes underway. For more information or schedule, contact:

David Lopez at 713-554-1561

Lunes • Solo Para Parejas 7pm, Salón 223 • Grupo de Amor y

Serenidad 7pm, Salón 203 Martes • AMSIF 10am Salón 208 • Divino Niño Jesús 7pm, Salón 108 • Grupo de Amor y

Serenidad 7pm, Salón 203 Miércoles • Al-Anón 6pm, Salón 201 • Solo Para Parejas 7pm, Salón 223 • Grupo de Amor y

Serenidad 7pm, Salón 203 Sábado • Al-Anón 5pm, Salón 201 • Grupo de Amor y

Serenidad 7pm, Salón 203 • Sembradores de Amor 7pm, Salón 108

Eventos Semanales


Al-Anón Alicia H. 281-437-8539 AMSIF Hada Zahra 832-875-1044 Grupo de Amor y Serenidad 832-696-1851 713-277-4772 832-938-4127 Misioneros la Merced Norma Sánchez 281-770-3307 Sembradores de Amor Leonor Alatorre 832-277-7972 Solo Para Parejas Luz María Alfaro 832-880-6520 Nora Alvarado 832-866-3492 Talleres de Oración y Vida (TOV) Cecilia Chavez 832-418-7173 Sonia Henriquez 832-573-9458

Para Mas Información

Este es un llamado a todos los

Danzantes Matachines para

el inicio de las prácticas de la

Danza el próximo sábado de 5:00 pm a 7:00 pm en la Iglesia

de San Cirilo.

La Virgencita los espera

como cada año y nosotros también.

Ministerio Divino

Niño Jesús Nos reunimos todos los martes de 7-9 pm

en el Salón # 104, 106,108 y cada último

martes del mes tenemos una Santa Misa en Honor al Divino

Niño Jesús.

Acompáñanos este martes el 28 de agosto a celebrar la Santa Misa terminando con una hora

de adoración al Santísimo. Divino Niño Jesús,

En Ti Confío. No se pierdan esta gran oferta para los

meses de septiembre y octubre. Para mas detalles vayan a la pagina 5.

Para más información acerca de los programas

para adultos comuníquese con: Beatriz Green

(713) 554-1553 o en la red en

nuestra página en español,


Informes: Patricia Brent 832-794-2213 Ricardo Lomeli 346-276-9561


Qué Aprenderé? Sesión Uno: ¡Comida Saludable, Familias Saludables Sesión Dos: ¡Comida de Gran POTENCIA! Sesión Tres: Aprovechando MiPlato al Máximo Sesión Cuatro: El Poder de Planear Sesión Cinco: Establecer sus Límites Sesión Seis: ¡El Plato es Seguro! Sesión Siete: ¡La decisión es Suya! Sesión Ocho: Milagros a la Hora de Comer (opcional)

Cada miércoles de 1:30pm a 2:30pm en el Salón 119

iniciando el 3 de octubre Informes al teléfono

(956) 802-0863

No hay costo. ¡Las clases son GRATIS! Cada par cipante recibirá un cer ficado

al final del programa.




”Por tanto, id, y haced discípulos a todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo; enseñándoles

que guarden todas las cosas que os he mandado; y he aquí yo estoy con vosotros todos los días, hasta el fin del mundo.” Amén.

PROGRAMA Miércoles 26 Sep embre al

21 Noviembre de 7:00-9:00 p.m. Dones del Espíritu Santo:

26 Sep embre Introducción. 03 Octubre Sabiduría. 10 Octubre Entendimiento. 17 Octubre Piedad. 24 Octubre Temor de Dios.

07 Noviembre Consejo. 14 Noviembre Ciencia. 21 Noviembre Fortaleza. 25 Noviembre CEREMONIA DE DISCIPULOCONFIRMADO ANTE LA COMUNIDAD PARROQUIAL. Confraternización y compar r.