TRAINING YOUR TIMOTHYS Introduction Our Timothy Training Class is one of the most important leadership trainings that we do here at Capital Christian Center. The goal is to envision all potential leaders with the leadership philosophy of CCC and the heart of the Senior Pastor. This training is for those who will be assuming leadership responsibilities within the church. The Timothys are trained by me to personally impart the vision first hand. One of the points we want to communicate is that the ministry is birthed in the heart of the Senior Pastor and is like a baby to him, and just like a father of a child would not let just anyone care for his child, the pastor wants to ensure that those he puts the baby into their hands are trustworthy and loyal and will care for the child the same as the pastor would. That is why this is called Training Your Timothys from I Corinthians 4:15-17 and Philippians 2:19-23. Some of the key attitudes and requirements for a successful training class are: 1. You must be a member and share is the vision and values of CCC. 2. Prayerfully sought God’s will to attend the class. It is important for you to believe that God wants you to be in the class, that I have prayerfully considered you, and know that it is God’s will for you to be in the class. 3. Must believe that I am placed in your life to lead you. If you don’t believe that I am chosen to lead you, you will not be able to receive from me and become a disciple of the ministry. The Timothy Training is to disciple people in the vision of the church, and that starts with believing that I am God’s chosen visionary leader. It’s not to say that I am never wrong or make mistakes – just to believe I am chosen by God to lead. 1

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Our Timothy Training Class is one of the most important leadership trainings that we do here at Capital Christian Center.

The goal is to envision all potential leaders with the leadership philosophy of CCC and the heart of the Senior Pastor.

This training is for those who will be assuming leadership responsibilities within the church. The Timothys are trained by me to personally impart the vision first hand.

One of the points we want to communicate is that the ministry is birthed in the heart of the Senior Pastor and is like a baby to him, and just like a father of a child would not let just anyone care for his child, the pastor wants to ensure that those he puts the baby into their hands are trustworthy and loyal and will care for the child the same as the pastor would. That is why this is called Training Your Timothys from I Corinthians 4:15-17 and Philippians 2:19-23.

Some of the key attitudes and requirements for a successful training class are:1. You must be a member and share is the vision and values of CCC.2. Prayerfully sought God’s will to attend the class. It is important for you to believe

that God wants you to be in the class, that I have prayerfully considered you, and know that it is God’s will for you to be in the class.

3. Must believe that I am placed in your life to lead you. If you don’t believe that I am chosen to lead you, you will not be able to receive from me and become a disciple of the ministry. The Timothy Training is to disciple people in the vision of the church, and that starts with believing that I am God’s chosen visionary leader. It’s not to say that I am never wrong or make mistakes – just to believe I am chosen by God to lead.

4. It is important that all sessions be attended because we are endeavoring to bond together as a leadership community.

5. Read 2 books from the reading list and turn in a book report for each book that would consist of 2-3 “Power Thoughts” per chapter.

6. Must be involved with loving and nurturing the congregation through:a. Guest Servicesb. Small Groupsc. Personal Workers/Altar Prayer

7. Pray prior to each class that you will receive the most that you can from this life changing training session.


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Why Are You Here?

What is your purpose for taking this class? My purpose for you being here is “To become disciples of this ministry.”

(1 Corinthians 4:15; Philippians 2:19)

I. The key is for you to believe you are here because God wants you here.

1. It is important that you make the personal, vital decision that God wants you here. If you don’t believe this, you are welcome to excuse yourself from coming to future classes.

2. The challenge you will receive in this class requires that you believe it is God’s invitation for you to be here.

3. I believe everyone who is here is in the will of God, because as I prayed I believe God chose you to be trained at this time.

II. The purpose of this class is to make disciples who will engage in the vision of this church and help bring it to pass.

1. For any leader to fulfill the vision that God has given him, he must develop a leadership team. (Exodus 18:13-23; Numbers 11:10-17)

2. For that team to become successful they must believe in the leader, and that the vision he is trying to fulfill is from God. (1 Chronicles 12:16)

3. This is why it is important that you are in this class by God’s invitation, not just the Pastor’s or your own initiative.

4. If you believe that God wants you here, it is easy to trust and be willing to follow His leadership.

A. True Biblical leaders feel the weight of the vision. (Numbers 11:10-12)B. True Biblical leaders take the responsibility to see the vision fulfilled.

(Numbers 11:13)C. True Biblical vision cannot be fulfilled without the help of others.

(Numbers 11:14-15)D. To help a true Biblical leader fulfill the vision, he needs:

1) Others that will stand with Him and be loyal to Him. (Numbers 11:16)


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2) Others that will love the vision and care for the vision as the leader does. (Numbers 11:17a)

3) Others that will help bear the burden of the leader to fulfill the vision. (Numbers 11:17b)If you cannot be loyal and stand with the leader and love the vision as he does, you cannot help him fulfill that vision. (1 Corinthians 4:15-17; Philippians 2:19-23)

5. True Biblical vision is always to be a blessing to those it is directed at.

A. Example: Although the children of Israel often complained against Moses and resisted his leadership, they were always the focus of the blessings and rewards of getting the vision fulfilled. (Exodus 3:6-10)

6. It is possible to be called by God to be on a leadership team, but allow wrong motives to disqualify you.

III. For any leadership team to be strong and successful, they must have unity and loyalty to one another. (1 Cor. 1:10; Rom. 15:5-6; 16:17-20; Phil. 2:1-4; Num. 12:1-2; Acts 1:14; 2:1, 46-47; 4-24-31; Titus 3:8-11; 3 John 9-12; 1 Thess. 5:12-13)

1. Marriage is an example of a leadership team’s development of unity and loyalty.

2. Explain the marriage process, how two people meet and move toward becoming one flesh (having one vision).

A. Common experiences = Attending the church.B. Getting acquainted = Membership classes, serving in the

church.C. Dating relationship begins = A commitment is developed.

One woman kind of guy.One church kind of guy.Becoming faithful to one church.

D. Engagement = A strong commitment toward the future is made. But more testing of the relationship needs to take place.

E. The marriage/wedding = A ceremony of love.Becoming an elder, staff person, or team leader.

F. Marriage adjustment = Problem-solving and continued growth. Dealing with unrealistic or unmet expectations.

G. Raising children = Creating new families.Creating new leaders for seed.


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You Have Been Invited

I. Remember that the call to ministry and the call to serve is an invitation. (Matthew 22:1-9; 13-14)

1. Everyone receives an invitation to serve.

2. It is important to note that the invitation comes from God.

3. He is not forcing; He is giving you a choice.

II. When you feel that the call to minister and serve is not your choice, it affects your motivation in a negative way.

1. Your motivation can change when it goes from your choice to a choice someone else is making for you.

2. In the ministry and service for God expectations may be high, pressures may be felt, but the choice to serve is always yours.

3. Many are called,

4. But few are chosen.A. Our motivation opens the door to us being chosen.

III. To stay chosen you must remain faithful.1. Revelation 17:14, “These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will

overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.”

2. Leaders must inspire themselves for the long run.

3. It must be your choice to get motivated and stay motivated.

Examples - David was called by God to serve his generation, Acts 13. Philemon went from being useless to useful, Philemon 11. Demas went from being useful to useless. We must stay faithful in the

present, 2 Timothy 4:10. John Mark went from useful to useless, back to useful. Never give up

regardless of the problem. Learn to turn failures around.


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IV. Understanding God’s invitation.1. You must be convinced that God is inviting you to live a higher life of meaning

and purpose. (Mark 10:17-31)

2. God is inviting you to let Him live His life through you. (Acts 9:15)A. So the honor and glory of your ministry must go to God alone.B. If a master builder builds a beautiful home we don’t give honor to the tools

that He used, but to Him. (1 Corinthians 3:5-16)

3. God is inviting you to discover your gifting and develop it.A. God gifts each one of us. (Romans 12:3-8)B. But we must discover that gift, develop and use it.C. We must develop our character to effectively flow in our gift.

4. God is inviting you to serve. (Mark 10:42-45)A. Serving is what makes someone great.B. Servants are what make great churches.C. God builds on the servant-hearted, not the talented.D. Our willingness to serve reveals our heart.

5. God is inviting you to bear your cross daily. (1 Peter 2:20-21)A. How do you respond to some of the challenges you face in serving

people?B. How do you respond when people you love turn against you?C. What do you do when you teach someone the Word, pray for them,

counsel them, and they still go the wrong way?D. What are some other crosses you can think of?E. By bearing your cross you fulfill your destiny.


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Our Response & Heart Condition

I. How we respond to God’s call comes from the condition of our heart.

1. Our heart affects our motivation.

2. Example: A wife can ask her husband to attend church with her.A. He can respond to her request as being a pressure or a negative.B. Or he can respond by loving to do it to meet his wife’s need.C. Going to church isn’t the issue.D. It’s who is asking him to do it and how he will choose to respond.

3. One view of the request is seen as an external pressure, losing their control and choice.

4. Another view of the request could be internally motivated: it’s my choice and I love to please my wife.

5. What are some examples of responding to external motivation? Internal motivation?

6. External motivation is not always wrong when the heart of those using it is to move people into internal motivation.

II. When we are responding to God’s call, it isn’t what He is asking us to do; it’s who is asking us to do it.

1. The condition of our heart affects how we respond to the call. (Proverbs 4:23; Matthew 12:34-35; Mark 7:14-23)

2. Let’s look at some conditions of the heart in the Bible:

A. Embittered Heart = A bitter heart cultivates strife, offenses, and envy. No good can come out of a heart when it is bitter. This heart is one of the greatest potential killers, and it disqualifies many people from the call to serve and from relationships. (Hebrews 12:15)

B. Shallow Heart = having no depth, quick to respond, then having no commitment, and does not know how to connect intimately with God and people. Out of touch with themselves, unrealistic, does not count the cost.

C. Willing Heart = Working, helping, doings things voluntarily.Offer willingly = Exodus 35:21, 22, 29Loyal = 1 Chronicles 28:9Volunteers = Psalm 110:3


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Willing hearts must be strong and build strong faith in others. (Romans 10:17)

D. Tender Heart = Easily damaged, sensitive to emotional pain, quick to feel compassion, sore to the touch.

Jesus grew up tender before the Lord. Isaiah 53:2Be tenderhearted. Ephesians 4:32God will give you a new heart. Ezekiel 36:26The king’s heart was tender. 2 Kings 22:19

A tender heart that is not guarded can become an embittered or hardened heart.

E. Hardened Heart = Closed, unwilling to hear or listen, stubborn. A hard heart no longer hears. A hard heart must be shattered. (Matthew 13:14; Zechariah 7:11-12; Hebrews 3:13)

F. Overcrowded Heart = Not focused, easily distracted, does not separate the important from the urgent. A willing heart can easily become overcrowded if it is not guarded. (Proverbs 4:23; Matthew 13:22)

G. Pure Heart = Without blemish, clean, undefiled. Sin pollutes and defiles our heart. (Matthew 5:7; 23:26; John 13:10; Romans 14:10-13)


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3. Which ones do you feel as a leader you must personally watch out for?

4. A mature believer will recognize when his heart is not right and repent and offer it to God and ask for His help to have a pure heart. (Ezekiel 36:26)

III. People who do not respond to the invitation of God’s call do so by the condition of their heart, and use good, but unacceptable, excuses to cover up their heart condition.

1. In Luke 14:16-24 honorable excuses are offered for rejecting the invitation, but they all had an unacceptable heart condition.

Verse 18 But they all with one accord began to make excuses.The motives of their heart were the same: they didn’t put the invitation first, but had more important things in their own life, or they disliked the One who invited them.

2. Below is a list of unacceptable, but common excuses. These excuses are used to mask the real condition of the heart which is disinterest or dislike.

A. Turning a deaf ear to the invitation - Matthew 22:5.B. Not giving the invitation serious thought.C. Putting cares (even good) of this life first - Luke 9:57-62.D. I have to go bury my father. (Luke 9: 59-60)E. I have to hang out and say goodbye to my relatives. (Luke 9:61-62)F. Putting business or profit first - Luke 14:18.G. Many would rather pursue material gain than pursue God’s call.H. Putting other activities first - Luke 14:19.I. I’m already involved in too many important activities to get involved.J. Putting a wife, relatives first - Luke 14:20.K. Not that you always care that much about your relatives, but the real heart

condition (excuse) is that I’m really not that interested in the call.

3. We can have a reasonable, good excuse that puts an obstacle in our way, then we use that excuse to not totally commit to the call to serve the Lord.

4. It is deceiving to think that since I have no trouble in a certain area now that I will not have any trouble later.

5. Because our heart condition can change just as easy from good to evil, and from evil to good.


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VI. Here are some acceptable responses to the call:

1. The right responses given in the Bible:Whatever He says to you, do it. John 2:5Present yourself a living sacrifice. Romans 12:1-2Be it unto me according to your Word. Luke 1:38Nevertheless at your Word I will... Luke 5:5Lord, what will you have me to do? Acts 9:6

2. What is your personal response to God’s call?

3. Are you presently willing and prepared to pay the price of not looking back?


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Being Prepared & Proven In Your Church

I. Many potential leaders in the body of Christ struggle and never get past the part of local church preparation. (Acts 16:1-5)

1. God begins to prove us for leadership through a local church.

2. Timothy’s training began in a local church. (Acts 16:1-3)

3. If training begins in a local church, then the first thing a potential leader must do is get committed and get planted. (Psalm 1:1-4; 92:12-15; Acts 14:21-23)

4. Why does training begin in the local church? The church is the governing body that prepares potential leaders, releases leaders, and corrects leaders.

5. (Acts 13:1-4; Matthew 18:15-20)

6. The first step in preparation is to get planted in a church and its vision. Without making that commitment we can never really be a developed Timothy. (Psalms 68:6; 85:12)

II. Training begins with having a disciple’s attitude.

1. What is the difference between a disciple and a pupil? Pupils want information; disciples learn and practice and teach others what they learn.

2. A disciple must be a good listener. A scoffer or a person who cannot be taught can never make a good disciple:

Will not go to the wise. Proverbs 15:12 Seeks wisdom and doesn’t find it because he doesn’t go to the wise.

Proverbs 14:6 Scoffers insult and speak against those who try to help them. Proverbs

9:7-9 The wise will not try to help the scoffer for this reason. When the scoffer is dealt with the simple learn. They learn what not to do.

Proverbs 13:1; 19:25; 21:11; 22:10; 24:9

3. A disciple is someone under instruction, has a willingness to learn, listen, and take it in, to practice and live what they have learned.


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4. The word disciple implies the existence of a personal attachment with his instructor (1 Corinthians 4:15-17; Philippians 2:19). It becomes in many ways like a father/son relationship.

5. A disciple has to have the spiritual maturity to overcome personal problems, even his heritage. (Acts 16:1)

A. We cannot let past problems and personal failures stop us.B. We must overcome our setbacks.C. We must be over comers, not blamers.

III. Three things local church preparation proves:1. Local church preparation proves the opportunity for someone to develop a good

report. Acts 16:2, “He was well-spoken of by the brethren.” (Luke 16:10-12; Acts 6:3; 22:12; 3 John 9-12; 1 Timothy 3:7; 5:10)

2. Local church preparation provides the church community and leadership the opportunity to examine the fruit. (1 Thessalonians 5:12; 1 Timothy 5:17; Psalm 26:2; Exodus 16:4; 2:20; Deuteronomy 8:2; 13:3; 1 Thessalonians 5:21)

A. 1 Timothy 3:10, “But let these also first be proved; then let them serve as deacons, being found blameless.”

3. Local church preparation provides the opportunity to observe whether there is a submissive spirit or not.

A. “Submission” is the state of being willing to submit, humbly obedient, to defer to another’s wishes.

B. Paul was asking Timothy to trust him (submit) when he circumcised him. Timothy’s response to Paul allowed Timothy greater authority and influence in his ministry.

C. The three levels of authority we should submit to:

1) Submit to God/Word - James 4:72) Submit to our conscience - Romans 2:12-163) Submit to man at various levels:

Leaders Hebrews 13:17; 1 Peter 5:5Governments Romans 13:1-7Husband Ephesians 5:22One another Ephesians 5:21


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I. God calls unfaithful people but He chooses the faithful.(1 Timothy 1:12; 1 Samuel 2:26, 35; 3:19-20)

1. Faithfulness is an absolute necessity to fulfilling your calling:My beloved and faithful son in the Lord. 1 Cor. 4:17The faithful will be blessed. Prov. 28:20Jesus was faithful to God’s house. Heb. 3:1-2Jeroboam was called but was unfaithful and led Israel into sin1 King 11:26-40; 12:25-33; 14:1-20

2. Faithfulness is something you look for in potential leaders:Commit to faithful men. 2 Tim. 2:2Required that a man be found faithful 1 Cor. 4:2; How do we look for faithfulness? Prov.20:6

3. Faithfulness can be defined as, “One who is accountable, steadfast, firm, keeps their promises, follows through on their commitments, swears to their own hurt, trustworthy, can be depended on, internal strength, single-minded, stays focused, and does not get off course.”

4. Faithfulness is an attitude of God and thus an attribute He wants us to develop into our lives. (Deut. 7:9; Isa. 49:7; Lam. 3:22-23; 1 Cor. 1:9; 10:13; 1 Thess. 5:24; 2 Thess. 3:3; 2 Tim. 2:13; Heb. 10:23; 11:11)

5. Faithfulness is the key to our personal call to leadership. (Matt. 24:45-46; 25:21-29; Luke 12:42; 19:17; 1 Tim. 1:12; Neh. 9:8; 13:13)

6. Godly men who choose leaders to serve on the basis of their faithfulness:Paul chose Onesimus. Col. 4:9Paul chose Tychicus. Eph. 6:21Paul chose Silvanus. 1 Pet. 5:12Paul chose Timothy. 1 Cor. 4:17Paul tells Timothy to commit teaching responsibilities to faithful men 2 Tim. 2:2Paul chose Epaphras. Col. 1:17

II. Three musts of faithfulness.

1. Being faithful in natural things. (Luke 16:11; Daniel 6:4)A. Faithfulness in natural things, like finances, your job, must be done to the

Lord and not to seek the favor of man. (Ephesians 6:6-9)


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B. A faithful person in natural things increases his leadership influence with those around him.

2. Being faithful in small things. (Luke 16:10-13)A. If there are things that are beneath you, then there are things from God that

are too good for you. (Mark 10:42-45; John 13:1-17)B. What small things do you look for in a potential leader?C. If we do not pass these three tests of faithfulness we will get to keep taking

them until we do.D. If you have experienced the promotion of God in your life today, it’s because

you were faithful in small things yesterday, and to experience God’s promotion in your life tomorrow you must be faithful in small things today.

3. Being faithful in another man’s house. (Luke 16:12; 1 Corinthians 4:2)A. This test is designed to reveal our true attitudes.B. If we do not have a Biblical attitude and pure heart we are only fulfilling our

own agenda and not God’s.C. The heart of a true leader is to see others succeed. (Philippians 2:1-4)D. Moses was faithful in Jethro’s house. (Exodus 3:1-2)E. Miriam and Aaron did not understand his promotion. It did not come from

Moses; it came from God because He was faithful. (Numbers 12:1; Hebrews 3:1-2)

F. David was faithful to his father’s sheep and a faithful servant of Saul, even though Saul refused to recognize it. (1 Samuel 16:11; 17:15)

III. A faithful leader’s progress:

1. Responsibility. (Mark 13:34)A. Leadership cannot give you authority, but they can give you the

opportunity to earn authority by how you faithfully handle responsibilities.B. If you’re unfaithful your title doesn’t give you influence, just control.C. Carry out assignments and other work to the best of your ability and

greater authority will be given to you.

2. Ability - your talents. (Matthew 25:15)A. When we faithfully use our abilities to their fullest God blesses us with more

ability. (Luke 19:24-26)B. Don’t serve halfhearted; serve with all your strength.C. Push your present potential to its limits.

3. Maturity and authority of the leader. (Luke 19:7)1) Spiritual authority comes from spiritual maturity.2) How knowledgeable of the Word am I?3) How easily offended am I?


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4) How faithful and loyal to others am I?5) How much love do I walk in?6) How developed is my potential?7) Am I committed to personal growth?8) Am I serving with a servant heart?

4. Accountability - your trustworthiness. (Luke 16:2)A. Accountability has to do with your ability to be trusted in a local church.B. The call of God on a leader is to be faithful to Him and in turn faithful to lead

His people.


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Relationship is the Foundation for Equipping

I. Relationship is the foundation for impartation. (2 Timothy 2:1)

1. The father/son relationship is the Biblical model for impartation and equipping for ministry. (Proverbs 1:8, 10, 15; 2:1; 3:1, 11; 4:1, 20; 5:1; 6:1-3; 7:1-2; 10:1)

2. The relationship forms the foundation for the training.

3. Do you feel, based on your childhood experiences, that you have a clear vision of a fathering relationship?

4. The father/son relationship involves:Model = Sets the exampleTeach = InstructsAuthority = Roles recognized, the father’s honorLove = The foundation of trustCommitment = Integrity of His WordCorrection = Wisdom to correct and assistDiscipline = The respect to discipline is given

II. Timothy received his impartation for ministry from Paul. (1 Timothy 4:12-16; 2 Timothy 3:10-12)

Paul imparted nine important things that Timothy should be committed to:

1. Paul’s long-suffering - Ephesians 4:2

2. Paul’s faith - I Timothy 1:2-5, 19; 2:7; 3:9, 13; 4:1, 6; 5:8, 12; 6:10, 12; 2 Timothy 4:7

3. Paul’s love - I Thessalonians 1:3; Galatians 5:6; Romans 5:5

4. Paul’s suffering - 2 Timothy 2:3; 1:8

5. Paul’s determination - Philippians 3:12-14; 2 Timothy 2:5; 4:7

6. Paul’s persecution - Acts 13:50; 14:5-26; 2 Corinthians 4:8-10

7. Paul’s doctrine - 1 Timothy 1:3, 10; 4:6, 13, 16; Ephesians 4:14A. Your authority to lead will be derived.B. A leader must know the scriptures.


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8. Paul’s motivation - Philippians 3:12-16A. A leader without motivation is dead in the water.B. Motivation or lack of it is based on what you put into yourself.

9. Paul’s purpose - Philippians 3:13-14; Romans 8:28; 9:11; 2 Timothy 1:9


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God’s Choosing of Leaders

I. God’s choosing of leaders. (Psalm 65:4; 89:19; 1 Chronicles 7:40; 19:10; Exodus 17:9; Numbers 27:16-20)

1. God chooses because of His grace. (Ephesians 2:8-10; Philippians 1:6; Deuteronomy 7:6-8; 2 Corinthians 3:5-6)

2. God chooses because of character. (1 Timothy 3:1-13; Exodus 18:20-26;A. Titus 1:5-9)B. Truth (Word)C. Fear GodD. AbilityE. Honesty

3. God chooses because of a tender heart. (1 Samuel 13:14; 1 Samuel 16:1-13)David was chosen because his heart was tender and changeable.

4. God chooses because of fruitfulness. (John 15:16-19)A. God gave talents to three men in Matthew 25, but only two used those

talents in a fruitful way.B. Fruitfulness is a confirmation of God’s gifting and work in a leader’s life.

(Numbers 16:4-30)C. A chosen ministry will blossom like Aaron’s rod. (Numbers 17:1-5)D. Your ministry must be fruitful in the place you lay it down.E. \A chosen ministry is also like Moses’ rod.

*Releases the supernatural power of God - Exodus 4:19.*Solves problems and makes a way where there is no way – Exodus 14:16.*Brings refreshing water of the Spirit - Exodus 17:5.

5. God chooses because of courage. (Joshua 1:2-9; Judges 7:1-7)A. A leader must be courageous and determined to use faith.B. Proven under pressure. (2 Samuel 10:9; Joshua 8:3)C. Faithful in battle.

6. God chooses because of teachableness.A. An unteachable person cannot make a good leader. (Proverbs 15:12;

14:6; 9:7-9; 13:1; 19:25; 21:11; 22:10; 24:9)B. God looks for teachable people.C. Don’t let pride stop the work of God in you.


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7. God chooses because of capacity and aptitude. (Exodus 18:18-26; Deut. 1:8-18)A. We are to choose capable leaders. (Exodus 18:20-26; Deuteronomy 1:9-

18)B. God chose Solomon for a particular leadership He wanted.C. God tells Moses the kind of help he needs and that God has provided.

(Exodus 31:1-6)

8. God chooses because of our ability to be trusted. (1 Chronicles 9:22-27)A. A true commitment to the house of God.B. A responsible gate-keeper.C. Chosen because they faithfully keep the responsibilities of their trusted


9. God choosing does not guarantee success. (Mark 3:13-19)A. Judas was chosen, but failed. (John 6:70-71)B. Chosen, but did not maintain his integrity.

10.God chooses by His purposes and that is often the most unlikely. (2 Timothy 1:9; 1 Corinthians 1:26-29; John 1:40-42; Ephesians 1:4-5; Romans 8:28-30)


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God’s Placement of Leaders

I. God’s placement of leaders. (Acts 20:28-32)

1. A leader’s placement requires he takes heed unto himself. (Acts 20:28; 1 Timothy 4:12)

A. How do we take heed unto ourselves?B. Guard your heart. (Proverbs 4:23)C. As a leader placed over a ministry you are an asset that must be taken

care of to endure for the long haul.D. Six gauges to make sure you don’t run out:

1) Spiritual refueling.2) Emotional refueling.3) Relational refueling. (Includes marriage, children, and key

friendships.)4) Leadership refueling.5) Physical refueling. (Includes sleep, rest, and exercise.)6) Financial refueling.

2. The placement of a leader is to guard the flock. (Acts 20:28) A. The leader is there for the benefit of the flock, not the flock for the benefit

of the leader.B. Lead the flock according to the vision of God to lead them into the

blessing of God.

3. The placement of the leader is to shepherd the flock. (Acts 20:28)A. To care for, nurture, feed, provide for.B. True Biblical leadership feeds the flock. (Ezekiel 34:1-16)C. Feed is based on the need and the state of the flock. (Proverbs 27:23)

4. The placement of a leader is to fight off the enemy from the flock. (Acts 20:29; John 10:11-12)

A. Pray for the protection of the sheep.B. Engage in spiritual warfare for the sheep.C. When should we be aware of spiritual attacks?

5. The placement of a leader is to guard against false leaders and teachers. (Acts 20:30)

A. Anything that draws people after themselves.B. This kind of false teaching usually rises up from within the flock.

6. The placement of a leader is to bring correction to the flock. (Acts 20:31)A. Admonish, correct, and rebuke.


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B. A leader must correct unbiblical attitudes and behaviors in the congregation.


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7. The placement of a leader is to train and equip others. (Acts 20:32)A. For the kingdom to advance, new leaders must be trained and equipped.B. When new leaders are raised up the body of Christ is built up in love.

(Ephesians 4:16)C. When people are equipped to serve, they discover their purpose and

receive their inheritance.

II. Guard against the trap of selfish ambition. (Philippians 2:3; Romans 2:7-8; Philippians 1:16; James 3:14-16; 2 Corinthians 12:20; Galatians 5:20)

1. “Ambition” - “Eagerness to attain success, honor, power, fame, superiority, wealth, inordinate desire for something.”

2. Many preach or lead for selfish ambition. (Philippians 1:16)

3. Because their goals and objectives are never surrendered to the will of God they become negative desires that cannot be blessed by God, because the focus is on doing their will, and keeps us from doing His will.

4. Let’s look at the end results of selfish ambition.A. Selfish ambition brings destruction and ruin. (Proverbs 17:19)

1) If God isn’t in it, it will not work. (John 15:5)B. Selfish ambition brings shame. (Proverbs 3:34-35)

1) Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. (Psalm 127:1)

C. Selfish ambition brings deception. (Obadiah 3-5; James 3:14-16)1) We can justify anything in our thinking when we are not checking our

motives out.2) This is why Jesus said the servant-hearted can be great. (Mark 10:43)3) When we let our hearts be filled with selfish ambition we deceive

ourselves into believing lies and we exalt ourselves.4) Selfish ambition is a work of the flesh and cannot be blessed by God.

(Galatians 5:20)a. Selfish ambition limits the body of Christ.b. It hinders and stops the work of God. (2 Corinthians 12:20)

5) Selfish ambition will produce some very humbling experiences.(2 Corinthians 10:5; Luke 14:11; 18:14; Ezekiel 21:26)

a. When we exalt ourselves we will be humbled, but when we humble ourselves God can exalt us.


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A Leader’s Promotion

I. A leader’s promotion by God.

1. Promotion - “To raise up in rank or status, to encourage, exalt, honor, lift up.”

2. God is the One who exalts and promotes true Biblical leadership. (Psalm 75:4-5; 127:1; 1 Samuel 2:1-10; Psalm 132:17; 148:14; James 4:10; 1 Peter 5:5-6)

3. Principles of Biblical promotion into leadership:A. God promotes us when we have true humility, not self-promotion.

(Matthew 23:12; 1 Peter 5:5-6; 1 Samuel 12:6)1) If you have to establish yourself your leadership is not from God.

(Joshua 3:7)2) David served Saul even though Saul tried to kill him.

B. God promotes us as we develop our character to match His gifts and talents in our life. (1 Timothy 3:1-13; Psalm 89:16-17)1) God is not impressed with our talents because He gave them to us

and He knows what they can do.2) God is impressed when our character is faithful to His calling and

gifting. (Matthew 25:22-29; 1 Timothy 1:12)

3) Righteous character brings promotion. (Luke 16:10-13)

C. God promotes us when we abide in the place He has set us. (1 Corinthians 12:18; 2 Corinthians 10:12-16; Judges 9:8-15; John 15:1-8)1) Find the place God wants you and serve there.2) Take advantage of the opportunities provided to you by God

regardless of how small they may appear. (Zechariah 4:10)

D. God promotes us when we esteem others and serve to see their advancement. (Philippians 2:1-4; James 1:9; Matthew 23:11-12; Matthew 20:25-28)1) Biblical leadership is to help others succeed in God.2) Samuel served under Eli’s leadership and didn’t try to exalt himself.

(2 Samuel 2:3)

E. God promotes us when we sell out to Him and give Him our best.(Matthew 6:33; Proverbs 29:18; Philippians 3:12-16; Romans 12:1-2)1) We must stay single-minded. (James 1:8)2) A half-hearted effort will not produce the blessing or promotion of



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3) Daniel, Meshach, Shadrach, and Abed-Nego were promoted because they gave God their best. (Daniel 3:28-29; Daniel 6:25-28)

F. God promotes us when we handle difficulties and correction wisely.(Genesis 37; Matthew 12:33-35; 6:22-23; Hebrews 12:3-11)1) How do you handle correction and hardships?2) How do you handle it when you are not recognized?3) When you are mistreated?4) When someone gets promoted that you feel is less gifted, talented,

or qualified than you?

G. God promotes us when we are a faithful servant loving the task given to us where we are at. (Colossians 3:22-25; Ephesians 6:5-9; Genesis 37)1) Be faithful in your task. (Proverbs 25:19)2) Faithfulness with a right heart is the key.3) A pure faithfulness shows your love for those you serve.

II. Promotion can be delayed:

1. What can cause our promotion to be delayed?A. Delays will draw stuff out of you.

1) Why do you seek promotion?2) Why do you need it?

B. Delays will draw out our inner attitudes.1) When you experience a delay what comes out of you?

C. Delays are sometimes necessary for our vision to die.1) Personal agendas must die to do God’s will. (Philippians 3:12-14)

D. Delays help to develop our faith and testimony. (James 1:2-4)E. Delays come to establish that our promotion is from God and not men.

1) There are those promoted by man and those promoted by God.F. Delays help create humility.

1) Learn to trust God and depend on His Spirit, not your own efforts.

2. Delays can be caused by unbiblical perceptions of leadership.A. I will be promoted because of what I do.

1) I am the next in line.a) Promotion doesn’t come because of seniority.b) That kind of thinking is setting you up to be knocked down.

2) I will climb my way to the top.a) Biblical leadership is a climb to the bottom. (Matthew 20:26-

28)3) I will be promoted because I have a strong inner drive.

a) Self-ambition doesn’t bring Biblical promotion.


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b) A strong drive that is submitted by God will be used.4) Biblical promotion should be based on who you are, not what you

do.5) I will be promoted because of my education and accomplishments.

a) Education is important but it doesn’t earn the right to leadership.

6) I will be promoted by the leadership when they see how responsible I am.a) True promotion must come from God.b) May serve faithfully and never be recognized by man.

Threats to a Leader

I. Threats to leadership.

A. The threat of even “small” sins. (Hebrews 12:1; Song of Solomon 2:15)1) A leader must lay aside both weights and besetting sins.2) Weights are not necessarily sin, but things that hold us back from giving God

our best.3) Besetting sins are those sins which an individual is personally inclined toward

because of his temperament, weakness or environment.

B. The threat of not having clear goals and purposes. (Hebrews 12:1; Habakkuk 2:2-3; Proverbs 29:18)1) A leader must have clear goals to keep from getting lost.

C. The threat of distractions or something that we fix our heart and eyes on. (Hebrews 12:2; Mark 4:18-19)

1) Some of Satan’s distractions to commitment:a. Love of pleasureb. Cares of this lifec. Deceitfulness of richesd. Over-indulgencee. Double-mindednessf. Lust and breakdown of moralsg. Murmuring

D. The threat of a negative view. (Hebrews 12:4; Matthew 6:22-23)1) If you focus on your hardships, they soon become much greater than they

really are. We have not suffered unto blood so don’t let self-pity in.2) Pastors get lost in a multitude of smaller issues and lose the anointing by

wrong focus on wrong activities:


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a. Focus on one bad message or decision.b. Focus on people who leave the church.c. Focus on the few bad remarks.

E. The threat of loving motivation. (Hebrews 12:2)1) Remember the law of physics, a law at rest remains at rest unless it is

acted upon by an outside force. What do you build into your life to help keep you motivated?

F. The threat of over-relaxation - not staying on guard. (Hebrews 12:3)1) It is a gradual letting down of effort leading to tiredness.2) It is the relaxing of moral virtue, strength, and soul disciplines after

accomplishing the goal.3) Examples:

a. Solomon: After accomplishing his goal of building the temple, he relaxed and entered into idolatry.

b. The most dangerous time is after great victories.c. Gideon: After a great victory he relaxed his inner strength and set

up an ephod.G. The threat of not receiving instruction and correction from God. (Hebrews 12:5-

11)1) The threat of bitterness that weakens. (Hebrews 12:15-17)

a. Bitterness in people.b. Hurt by people, but letting it stay unresolved.c. Disillusioned with the city/church

H. Correction or chastening from God is for our benefit. God does not discipline His people aimlessly but with a definite purpose for His correction, so you can be blessed.

I. The threat of discouragement. (Hebrews 12:12-13)1) To lose heart, to become broken in spirit. (Psalm 34:18)


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Increasing Your Leadership Capacity

I. Increasing your leadership capacity. (Exodus chapter 18)A. What can you do to raise your level of leadership?

B. What are your personal limitations?

C. What options do you see?

D. How can I help?

E. Our ability to lead, work together and solve problems is in direct proportion to our ability to grow and influence others.

II. Believe God to increase your leadership capacity. (Psalm 115:12-15; Proverbs 1:5; 9:9; Matthew 13:12; Luke 17:5; John 3:30; 1 Corinthians 3:6-16; Colossians 2:19)

A. Learn to recognize your capacity. (Luke 5:36-39)

B. If you are thinking of shrinking back, stressed out, overwhelmed, you are stretched to your present limitations.

III. Increase through a spirit of excellence. (Daniel 5:11-12; 6:4)

A. Excellence is a core value you must fight for.

B. The standard for excellence is always raised each time it is reached.

C. Excellence never happens by accident.

D. Jesus, because of His excellence, attracted people of every kind. (Mark 7:37)

IV. Increase your attitude. (Matthew 12:33-35)A. Your attitude determines your altitude.

B. Your approach to life and people.

C. Your approach to respect for people.

D. Your approach to confidence in people.V. Increase your communication skills. (James chapter 3)


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A. Poor communication skills are a bummer.

B. Effective leaders are effective communicators.

C. Be a good listener.

D. Learn to communicate from a position of strength.

E. Your ability to communicate your vision is the biggest key to getting anyone to help you fulfill it.

VI. Increase in personal refreshing. (Ecclesiastes 12:1; 1 Timothy 4:12; Acts 20:28; 1 Thessalonians 5:17)

A. Learn how to refresh yourself.

B. Learn how to read your:1) Spiritual gauge2) Emotional gauge3) Relational gauge4) Leadership gauge5) Physical gauge6) Financial gauge

VII. Increase your ability to manage multiple demands effectively.

A. Learn how to effectively delegate.

B. Motivate others to help you accomplish a task.

VIII. Increase by becoming a part of a team sharing the same core values.(Philippians 3:12-16)

A. Two people moving in the same direction are stronger than one.

B. Increase yourself by being a part of the team.

C. Develop core values.


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Training Plans for Team Captains

A. All teams need a Timothy trained team captain.

B. All teams need a clear mission statement.

C. All teams need a clear plan of organization.

D. All teams need a team captain/team assistant training.

E. All teams need the monthly team building.

F. All team captains need a meeting with their team leaders.

G. All team captains and team leaders need regular meetings with the Pastor.

Team Captain Duties

I. Recruit the best players.

A. Learn to attract and recruit the best.

B. Always recruit from a position of strength, not weakness.

C. Envision people who it would be good for them to be on your team and why it would be good for the team to have their special abilities or attitude on your team.

II. Nurture those players.

A. As they are handed off to you take responsibility over the new member to nurture, disciple, encourage, pray for, believe in, and support.

B. Once on a schedule use that schedule to help hold them accountable to the things of God and house of God.

C. Your role is to be a spiritual mentor to everyone on your team.

D. Create a form system to build them.


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III. Equip them.

A. Give them the training they need.

B. Give them the skills needed to do the job.

C. Provide the materials and supplies they need.

D. Give them the tools.

E. Make things happen that they would like to have to improve their job.

F. Fight for funding resources and facilities. Go to battle for your team.

G. Follow through on your promises to improve things or meet their needs. Don’t just send things up the line and drop it. Make sure you follow through and make things happen.

IV. Build for excellence.

A. Provide training for your assistants.

B. Raise everyone’s standard for excellence.

C. Prepare for the future by rising up leaders to replace yourself or multiply your ministry.

D. Envision your team to be the best and go for the best.

E. Excellence doesn’t just happen; it is planned for and diligently pursued.


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Team Captain Evaluation

A. Does this person have the ability to attract people to their team?

B. Can they grow a ministry from little or no structure?

C. Can they maintain an existing or established ministry?

D. Can they take the ministry team where the leadership of the church wants it to go?

E. Have they received adequate training to build and lead their team?

F. Do they provide team assistant training from their team?

G. How are their people skills?

H. How are their communication skills?

I. How are their organization skills?

J. How are their problem-solving skills?

K. How are their management skills?

Team Evaluation

A. What is the morale of the team?

B. Does the team have a strong vision?

C. Does the team have the right equipment?

D. Does the team have adequate funding or resources?

E. Does the team have adequate facilities?

F. Is the team poised for growth?


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Profile of a Winning Team

I. Seven Qualities of a Winning Team.

A group of people playing the same game.If you tell a group of friends to get together and play some ball, and one

shows up with a football, another shows up with a softball, and still another shows up with a basketball, you cannot form a team until you decide what game you will play.

Getting everyone to play the same game sets the groundwork to create unity.Winning teams are all playing the same game when they take the field.

Winning teams have winning leadership.1) Someone who decides:

a. Here is what we are doing.b. Here is how we are going to do it.c. He holds the team together like glue.d. He makes out the lineup to determine who plays and who doesn’t.e. He helps each player understand his position.f. He motivates and influences the team.g. He inspires them toward their goal.h. He convinces them to believe.i. He strongly challenges them to give their best and be their best.j. He requires a commitment to the vision and goals of the team.

2) He is a good motivator:a. There are two kinds of motivation:

Compulsion Persuasion

b. If you know what motivates people you have a powerful tool at your hand for dealing with them. Example: If 30 guys show up to play on the church softball team

and the coach declares this team is playing to win and the ten best players will be rewarded for their efforts:

Most will drop out after that because it is too serious. But the serious will stay to play. But if it’s too loose the serious ball players will move on

to a more competitive team.Winning teams have clearly understood roles.

1) What position someone plays and how to play it is important for any player to understand to excel at his position.

2) In baseball when the outfielder picks up the ball he better know what to do with it because he cannot tag anyone out from the outfield.


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3) It’s important everyone on your team understands their roles on the team, and if they don’t then they need to be encouraged to ask questions.

a. The better they understand their position the better they can play it.

Winning teams have a strong commitment to winning.1) They practice, train, and do whatever it takes to improve.2) They are willing to make the extra effort.3) The Raiders football team logo is “commitment to excellence.”4) Winning teams are seldom more talented than losing teams, just more

committed. The higher you aim - the longer it takes. The higher you aim - the higher the level of commitment. The higher you aim - the greater the growth you must make.

5) Many people want success and excellence, but they want it through mediocrity.

6) They want the church their children attend to be excellent, but not have a personal commitment to excellence.

Winning teams provide lots of encouragement to one another.Winning teams make their team members more successful.If someone messes up they encourage that person to shake it off, because

we need you to be ready for the next play that comes your way.

Winning teams are disciplined.1) Bad attitudes don’t play and eventually find their way off the team.2) Not following the game play will have a player removed from the lineup.3) A lack of discipline hurts the whole team, and how discipline is handled on

the team can cause greater unity or easily disrupt the team.

Winning teams have a winning game plan an execute it.If we can stay to our game plan we will win.They stay out of penalties and foul trouble because they execute the game

plan.They know what signal to snap the ball on.They know what player from the opposing team they want to stop.


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Preparing for a New Season

I. Think of September as a new season:

We must measure ourselves against something.

We don’t measure ourselves against others - that’s unwise. (2 Corinthians 10:12-16)

We measure ourselves against our vision. (Philippians 3:12-16)

A vision that is never measured is a dream. It’s like a vapor or puff of smoke.

II. Any group of people getting together to form a team must ask some fundamental questions:

A. What goals does this team have?1) Some team’s vision is just to make the playoffs.2) Dallas 49er’s think Super Bowl.

B. What level of competition are we going to play at?1) Different levels.2) Various skill levels.3) Lower the competition level, the less the commitment.4) Example of pros: the difference on most teams is the extra commitment.5) Excellence is never an accident or something that just happens. It is a

goal that is diligently pursued.

C. Who or what can we build on to get better?1) If it’s a person, talk to them about their commitment to your team.2) Envision them.3) All-star hitter.4) What is working well? Classes training schedule.

D. Where do we need to improve?1) For instance, second base, left field.2) Identify your need and recruit to fill that need.3) How can we improve ourselves?

E. What will be our team philosophy?1) The mind of the team.2) The collective team working together will look like this:



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Wide OpenConservative

Low scoringHigh scoring


Outrageous = RodmanStrong Discipline = New York Knicks

3) We are going to do as much as we can as fast as we can.F. If we don’t measure ourselves, how will we know how we’re doing?

1) Major league win and loss column.2) How do we measure ourselves?3) I measure the growth of the church against my goals.4) This is where I know what is working.5) And where I need to improve.6) Some goals I had from the second year of the church we are just now

seeing come to pass.7) In that second year I did not reach my goals, but I did not give up, so now I

see some of those goals coming to pass.8) I did not reach my goal, but I improved.

Does Your Team Have Specific Goals?

A. Has our team made a specific commitment to grow and increase?1) To reach its goals?

B. Has our team made a specific commitment to grow and develop its players?1) Do we have a firm system that recognizes, trains, promotes from within?

C. Is our team willing to make changes (sometimes difficult ones) to keep its team and players improving?

D. Does our team support leaders (with and without titles) who are willing to make difficult decisions necessary for people’s personal growth and team objectives?

E. Does our team place an emphasis on production rather than position or title?

F. Do team leaders have a vision and share it effectively with their teammates?1) Vision, roles, and mission?

G. Does our team think big?

H. Are there players on the team willing to pay the price of personal sacrifice to insure their growth to help the team reach its growth/goals?


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I. Are there players on the team willing to pay the price of personal sacrifice to insure that other teammates grow to help the team reach its growth goals?

Developing Into a Championship Team

I. Becoming one of the best.

A. Use the Mariners as an example of a team that is developing into a champion.

B. They have never been one before, but now they have a chance.

C. They are in a position to reach their goal, but they must play as a team and they must make the plays that allow them to win.

II. To become a champion you must win and to win you must score.

A. Ask yourself, how does our team score?1) New people and by making disciples

B. How does the opposing team score?

Lost People Not DisciplineNo personal touch No personal careIgnored No mentoringNo special care No spiritual training or equipping

New people are like runners on third in baseball. They don’t score until they touch home base.

The Championship’s Factors

The Confidence Factor:

a. They expect to win.b. Instead of being intimidated they are the intimidators.c. They believe they will make the plays.


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The Performance Factor:They make the big plays (the clutch hit or catch).Each clutch play builds the collective teams’ confidence, and they play off of

each other’s confidence.Their skill level improves because effort is increased.

The Focus Factor:1) They have a spirit of excellence.2) They must keep their goal clearly in front of them.3) They must not sway from that goal or get careless.4) When excellence is your standard the best will hit the mark and the rest

will hit the target.5) Focus raises everyone’s performance.6) Focus creates the powerful force of unity.

The Determination Factor:1) How determined am I?2) At critical times or when slumping they reach down inside and pull

something out that lets them turn things around.3) They get determined to turn things around.

The Commitment Factor:1) They have a strong commitment to improve, get better, work harder and

train.2) What can I do to help improve this team?3) For us it involves:

a. Personal growthb. Personally growing to help others grow

The Fun Factor:1) Winning is fun.2) Winning makes mistakes lose their pain.3) Winning is the best cure for failure.


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What Causes a Team to Breakdown?

I. A team can be cruising along and all of a sudden the wheels fall off.

A. The 1995 California angels lost a 13 game lead in the last month of the season.

B. A team can break down for many reasons or combination of reasons, but a leader must assess quickly what the causes are and make adjustments.

C. Below is a list of reasons a team may break down:1) Distraction of the team’s goals.2) Loss of confidence.3) Lack of commitment - forgot what it took to become successful.4) Not continuing to improve.5) Becoming over-confident.6) Lack of communication.7) Division gets started.8) Going into a slump.9) Change of attitude.10)Poor conditioning.11)Choking under the pressure.12)Depending too heavily on one player.13)Loss of a key player.14)Blaming others and not focusing on the task at hand.

D. Team breakdown:1) When there is a lack of commitment.2) When there is a lack of communication.3) When there is a lack of training.4) When there are no clear goals or vision.5) When there is ineffective delegation.6) When we depend on one person too much.


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Value: Love God Through Worship


Value: Know God Through Fellowship


Value: Grow in God Through His Word


Value: Serve God by Serving Others


Value: Share Christ with the Lost



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