GOSPEL PRESENTATION Note to Presenter: This section is an optional presentation of the gospel. Before hand, ask permission to share the gospel in venues such as schools, formal community forums, etc. The gospel portion is best when interweaved with a testimony. For each of the four points, you can share a bit of your story in Christ. Not all venues will give you the time or allow you to share the gospel. If your venue does not allow for the gospel presentation, still give the audience the option to meet you later for the follow-up sessions called Traffick Proof: A Deeper Look . These sessions look deeper at human trafficking, injustice and the heart of God. Through these sessions you can develop friendships and share Christ. Download at www.justiceacts.org . (Also available as part of the Traffick Proof Kit.) HOW DOES GOD FEEL ABOUT HUMAN TRAFFICKING? God has always had a special place in His heart for THE POOR, THE OPPRESSED, and THE HURTING. In fact, Jesus stood before a group of people, took out the scriptures and read: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, and that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors, and that the time of the Lord’s favour has come.” Luke 4:18,19 Then Jesus sat down and said, “This Scripture has come true today before your very eyes!” Jesus was talking about Himself! HE IS the good news for the POOR. He is FREEDOM for the captives! He is SIGHT for the blind! He is POWER for the powerless! Jesus also said, “Satan’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness.” John 10:10 Who created Human Trafficking? God or the Devil? (Let Audience Answer.) Satan is the ultimate Human Trafficker. Only the Devil doesn’t just want to traffic your body, he really wants to traffick your soul. (Spirit-the part of you that live on forever.) It might surprise you to learn that, according to God, your soul and my soul has already been trafficked! That’s right! But, don’t worry. I’m going to give you the direct number to the person who can rescue your soul… Satan is the ultimate Human Trafficker… (Show the corresponding picture with each point.) POINT 1 Satan wants to trick you . He wants to tell you that Jesus isn’t really God. He wants to tell you lies that will keep you from knowing the God who created you to be with Him. Some people believe that Jesus isn’t enough for them, or even worse that God doesn’t really love them. Some people believe that Jesus isn’t the only way to true life in God. There are lots of lies Satan will tell us to keep us from Jesus. (This would be a good place to begin weaving personal testimonies throughout each of the four points. Example: Talk about the lie that you may have believed and kept you from God.)

Traffick Proof Gospel Portion FINAL

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Note to Presenter: This section is an optional presentation of the gospel. Before hand, ask permission to share the gospel in venues such as schools, formal community forums, etc. The gospel portion is best when interweaved with a testimony. For each of the four points, you can share a bit of your story in Christ. Not all venues will give you the time or allow you to share the gospel. If your venue does not allow for the gospel presentation, still give the audience the option to meet you later for the follow-up sessions called Traffick Proof: A Deeper Look. These sessions look deeper at human trafficking, injustice and the heart of God. Through these sessions you can develop friendships and share Christ. Download at www.justiceacts.org. (Also available as part of the Traffick Proof Kit.) HOW DOES GOD FEEL ABOUT HUMAN TRAFFICKING? God has always had a special place in His heart for THE POOR, THE OPPRESSED, and THE HURTING. In fact, Jesus stood before a group of people, took out the scriptures and read:

“The Spir i t of the Lord is upon me, for he has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives wil l be released, and that the bl ind wil l see, that the downtrodden wil l be freed from their oppressors,

and that the t ime of the Lord’s favour has come.” Luke 4:18,19

Then Jesus sat down and said, “This Scripture has come true today before your very eyes!” Jesus was talking about Himself! HE IS the good news for the POOR. He is FREEDOM for the captives! He is SIGHT for the blind! He is POWER for the powerless!

Jesus also said, “Satan’s purpose is to steal and kil l and destroy. My purpose is to give l i fe in all

i ts ful lness.” John 10:10 Who created Human Trafficking? God or the Devil? (Let Audience Answer.) Satan is the ultimate Human Trafficker. Only the Devil doesn’t just want to traffic your body, he really wants to traffick your soul. (Spirit-the part of you that live on forever.) It might surprise you to learn that, according to God, your soul and my soul has already been trafficked! That’s right! But, don’t worry. I’m going to give you the direct number to the person who can rescue your soul… Satan is the ultimate Human Trafficker… (Show the corresponding picture with each point.)

POINT 1 Satan wants to tr ick you. He wants to tell you that Jesus isn’t really God. He wants to tell you lies that will keep you

from knowing the God who created you to be with Him. Some people believe that Jesus isn’t enough for them, or even worse that God doesn’t really love them. Some people believe that Jesus isn’t the only way to true life in God. There are lots of lies Satan will tell us to keep us from Jesus. (This would be a good place to begin weaving personal testimonies throughout each of the four points. Example: Talk about the lie that you may have believed and kept you from God.)

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But, don’t be tr icked! Jesus says, “I AM the way, the TRUTH and the l i fe. No one can come to the Father, but through Me.” (John 14:6) Jesus is TRUTH, and He will only tell you the truth. He says, “I am the WAY you want to live. I am the LIFE you are longing for. I am the ONLY way to God


Satan wants to use you. He wants to get you to spend your life chasing after things you think could make you happy, but really can’t: like money, jobs, success, relationships, sex, drugs, alcohol, family

and so on. Some of these things are good, and God wants us to have them. Some of these things are bad. The truth I want you to hear is that none of those things can replace your need for a relationship with Jesus. None of them will gain you a place in God’s family and eternity in heaven. (Continue to weave in your personal testimony.)

Don’t be used! You can l ive the destiny God created you for! Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He wil l give you the desires of your heart.” Jesus created you with a unique design and destiny. In relationship with Him, you can discover this design and live out your destiny. This is what Jesus wants for you in this life!

POINT 3 Satan wants to trap you. He traps each of us in different ways. Some people get trapped in their own efforts to survive. Satan wants you so focused on just you and your family making it from one week to the next, that you don’t ever stop and take the time to find God. Yet, God is

waiting to help you! Some people get trapped in their own success. He wants you so busy trying to succeed that you forget being in God’s family is the most important thing. Some people, Satan traps in their own guilt. Once you’ve crossed into a life of sin, crime, drugs, sex, etc., Satan wants you to feel so guilty that you don’t realize God still LOVES you and can make you clean again. Some people are trapped by their own pain. Life is so tough; they think God has forgotten them. (Continue to weave in your personal testimony.)

Well I want to say today, God has NOT forgotten you. He’s sent me here today to tell you that He sees you. He loves you. He wants to start a relationship with you that will change you and your life. So, you do not have to stay trapped! No one with God can truly be trapped. Galatians 5:1 “I t is

freedom that Christ has set us free!”

POINT 4 Finally, Satan wants to transport you. Not only does he want to trap you in this life. His ultimate goal is to take you to a place for all eternity that’s far, far away from God. A place we call Hell. And, the sad thing is that Satan owns us. We are in his debt. It’s a legal debt. So, He has a right to do this. The Bible says, “For the Wages of Sin is Death….” (Romans 6:23) We have to

pay this debt. We are trapped by our sin. We can’t get free. That’s the Bad News. (Continue to weave in your personal testimony.)

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But, now for the Good News - Jesus. “For the Wages of Sin is Death. But the Free Gift of God is eternal l i fe!” (Romans 6:23) Jesus knows Satan legally owns us, but He made a way to buy back your freedom. He paid this debt for our sin when He chose to die on the cross. He paid your debt. He’s ready to set you free.

God created you to spend all eternity in his love, with his family (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). He created you for freedom, for destiny, for blessing, for heaven, for Himself. He can never and will never forget you or give up on you. Ephesians 1: 4, 5 “Even before God made the world, God loved us and chose us… God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and i t gave him great pleasure.” How many of you want to take your place in the family of God and become who you were really created to be? Pray with Them. Suggestions for leading a group in prayer: You may ask everyone to repeat the prayer after you or si lently in their hearts. You could have those who would l ike to receive Christ stay afterward and talk with you, then lead them in prayer and coordinate fol low-up. A suggested prayer: “Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I want to be a part of your family. I want to live in a relationship with you. I want to be who you created me to be. I believe you, Jesus, are the son of God and my Saviour. I believe you died on the cross and paid the debt for my sin. Please forgive me for my sin and accept me as your adopted child. I declare that my soul does not belong to Satan, but is now free and belongs to you! Thank you Jesus that some day I will spend eternity with you. In the meantime, help me learn to follow you and to walk in relationship with you.” Amen Encourage those who prayed to receive Christ as their Saviour to join in on the Traff ick Proof: A Deeper Look sessions. Note for presenter: Follow-up: The great thing about Traffick Proof: A Deeper Look is that it gives you a tool for follow-up and relationship development. While programs like Traffick Proof are great in the fight against Human Trafficking, we need to never forget that our lives as believers are ultimately about bringing people into the family of God. Traffick Proof: A Deeper Look makes it easy for you to gather together people for a few sessions, who are interested in Injustice and God’s Heart. I encourage you to continue on with your group after the three sessions. You can continue to share Christ, begin a Bible Study and lead a group of disciples into a living relationship with Jesus. While presenting Traffick Proof can educate the masses on how to protect themselves from Human Trafficking, it is one-on-one discipleship that will transform a person’s life. Never underestimate the power you have, with Jesus, to change the world one life at a time. Transformed lives transform nations.

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