Traducao via Val Daily – 07/05/11

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    TheTraducao via Val Dailyt: as shared by Traducao via Val + 218 followed people on TwitterNext update in about 23 hoursHEADLINES EDUCATION ART & ENTERTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY STORIES BUSINESS HEALTH #XL8 #LANGUAGE

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    Contributor Article;_~::;t... ProZcom How long has your longest working relationship with a client been?(Poll Discussion)

    UserThread poster : Stal fPol I: How long has your longestwork ing relationship with a client been? Staff United States Local time:05:50 SITE STAFF This forum topic is for the dis .. .

    ~ ~k_hansson Jonathan pledges to promote indigenous languages I NigerianCompassPRESIDENT Good luck Jonathan has re itera ted his administ rat ion 's commitment toensure tha t the country 's indigenous languages are kept a live . He gave theassurance in his address at the launch and p ...

    ~~'iI_- ProZcom Translator Events - 1st Proz'com Europe International conference -Rome 2011 20011st Europe Internat ional Conference Rome, I taly

    21-22 May 2011 Welcome to the website of the 1st Europeaninterna tiona l con ference! Did you know tha t 2011 is the . ..

    ~traoucaov iav 81 Coverage: ITI Conference

    Val lvon ica e tradutora tecnica ha quase dez anos (princ ipa lmente textos qu imicos,farmaceuticos e o il & gas). Geek, b loguei ra, tui tei ra , "porquinha prat ica" de CATTools, TMs, TBs & cia. Selec t Cat ...

    ~elterlein o DIAONLINE - CIterra, Cerve ja tem menos calo ria que suco de laran ja I Foto: ReproducaoIntemet Rio - Antes das justi fi cat ivas facoraveis a bebida, eimportante lembrar que apenas 0 consumo moderado e gradual e capaz d . ..,,~

    yperlingo B.C. miners dig deep to save endangered indigenous languages

    VANCOUVER - Br it ish Colurnbiaas min ing community is l itera lly put ting i ts moneywhere its mouth is a at least the mouths of many of its first nationsa employees a bymaking the f irs t donatio . ..

    ~~~ GrammarMonkeys Not that adjective of (a) nounNot that ad jective of (a) nounMatt Hutson asked via email : Is the fol lowing sentencegrammat ical ly cor rect? " It doesn 't seem l ike tha t painful o f work for $50/hour."(Contex t: Iwas describing to m. ..

    ~~!!W sarahdillon Duden Online Musings from an overworked translatorPosted by J il l (@bonn jil l) in Too ls , Trans lat ion S ites. t rackback German trans la tors,rejoice ! S ince ear ly May Duden has put its Duden Rechtschre ibung and DeutschesUniversalworterbuch onl ine for u...


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    Web Translations 810g Archive New Translation App Released


    A new app has recent ly been re leased cal led "Babels hot (phototranslator)", The clue is in the name - it is indeed an app that willtranslate the text that appears in a photo taken with your camera ...


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    Menina de 7 anos recebe aplicaEnviado por Fernando Moreira - 06.05.2011 I 00h54rn Enquanto arnaioria das rneninas de 7 anos brinca corn os batons da mae, paraa pequena Bree Evans, da rnesrna idade, "be leza" e coisa rnuito

    seria, Ed ...

    SDL Trados Studio 2009 Intermediate for Translators in Bern - In-person/on-site trainingFur ther developrnent : Use an Early B ird pr ice now! In-person training - SDL TradosStud io 2009 Advanced for Trans lators Learning Objectives: This course is designedto teach attendees sorne of the rno . ..

    Regulatory Requirements for Medical Device Calibration Programsis being presented by Dan O'Leary, President , of Ornbu Enterprises and airs onThursday, June 30th, 2011. For rnore details or to regis ter, please visit our site atwww.fxconferences.comQuality Mana ...

    Running Windows 7 on your iPhone (Guest Blog)Today 's guest blogger is web/ app developer and tech enthusiastChr is Voel tner o f Lunarpages. Check h irn out on Twi tterat @LunarVee. I arn a Websi te Developer, iPhone App Developer ,Blogger, YouTub ...

    Intense interest surrounds dog who may have participated in binLaden raid

    Arnericans are fascina ted by the 79 anonyrnous U.S. sold iers whodaringly raided Osarna bin Laden's Abbottabad, Pakistancorn pound this week, bu t one canine cornrnando is a tt ract ingespecially fervent in...

    Top 100 Language Lovers 2011 competition starts today- Nominateyour favorite!

    Web Analytics: Diagnose Your Website Bounce RateThe f irst 5 seconds of a visit or' s experience on your website willrnost likely deterrnine what they do next . If t he user is notat tracted or i rnpressed, they wi ll "bounce" or qu ickly leave yourwebs ...



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    D~Ii:_~ larusalka


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    P-!!I~~ NOVALanguages

    i i i ! ~USalka

    ~~~ JanineLibbey

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    -~,,:t _Translation


    GNU Press I Free Software Foundation Online Shop I Buy GNU tGNU Press is proud to offer a special holiday sale on Free as inFreedom(2.0) and Free Sof tware Free Socie ty : Se lected Essays ofRichard Stallman (2nd Edition). Get 10% off when you buy bothbooks . ..

    Top Ten Best Online Time Tracking SoftwareWhere does the time go? Whether you need to know for billing purposes or just wanta bet ter idea of how your work day is split up, you can always answer that questionwith a good t ime-t rack ing appl . . .

    Event Registration (EVENT: 302105)Tackl ing the Communication Challenges of Multinational

    Compliance Programs Live Webcast 1Thursday, May 19, 2011 112:00 PM EDT, 4:00PM GMT Inconsisten t or inef fect ive communicat ion o f your globa l. . .

    Building Better Bicycle Cultures: Early Cargo Bike Learning inCopenhagen

    Cargo bike culture starts early in Copenhagen. With 25% offamilies with two or more kids us ing a cargo bike to get around, it 'sa part of life for children in so many ways to be well-acquainted wi. ..

    Schumpeter: Barrboo innovation I The EconomistCHINA'S cont inued economic progress depends on mastering the ar t o f mou ld-breaking innovation. President Hu Jintao intones that the "capacity for independentinnovat ion" is the "core of our na tiona . ..

    Kalimat: A Magazine To Advance Design And Linguistic LiteracyDanah Abdulla founded Kalimat Magazine in 2010 as a starting point for a largermed ia project tha t aims to advance design and Eng lish language l iteracy around theworld. The magazine's conten t o ffe .. .

    A$25 PC On a USB StickKPexEA wri tes with this excerpt f rom " [Game developer David ] Brabenhas developed a tiny USB stick PC that has an HDMI port on one end and a USBport on the other. You plug it into an HOM . ..

    10 Historic Tweets That Captivated the WorldSome tweets document h is to ry . Others make history. Otherss imply serve as a zeitge is t for how our cul tu re and communica tionare evolvinq .Over the past several years, we've documented qui te afew no. ..

    How The Language Of The Bible Has ChangedBy Bruce Nolan Religion News ServiceNEW ORLEANS -- Working in a cluster ofoffices above a L ifeWay Chr is tian Booksto re, Bible scholars are bur ied in a 20-yearproject to codif y the thousands of cha . ..

    Traducci6n de archivos FrameMakerEn la industria de la traducci6n y la localizac i6n, resulta muycomun la traducci6n de manuales, cataloqos, fol letos y o trosdocumentos de t ipo tecnico, Estos diferentes tipos de documentospueden ...

    Pocket News - 6 de maio - L&PM WebTV

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    Sigmund Freud Nasceu em Fre iberg, na Moravia (hoje Republ icaTcheca) . Devido a problemas economicos, sua fami lia se mudoupara a Austria em 1860. Aos 17 anos, Freud ingressou naUniversidade de Vie ...

    La Conferencia MoU 2.0 I BootheandoAcaba de f inal izar con gran exito la primera conferencia de universidades signatariasde un memorando de entend imiento con Naciones Unidas (F irst Conference ofUnivers it ies tha t have signed a Memor . ..

    47% are illiterate in Detroit - Joanne JacobsSome 47 percent o f Detro it 's adul ts are " functional ly il li te ra te ," according to theDetro it Regiona l Workforce Fund, a job tra ining nonprof it . Tha t means they can' t fillout a form or a job applica ...


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    Contributor Article

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    What Is the Best Language Approach for Bilingual Parents to Usewith Their Children?


    Dear Madalena, My husband and I both speak English but Iambilingual and speak German as well. I would like to teach my sonGerman, he is 19 months old. What is the best way for me to dothis? ...

    Carro a 190kmlh bate na Ponte Rio-Niter

    ~~~ JanineLibbey Emergency Shelter

    AcidenteCarro a 190km/h bate na Ponte Rio-Niter6i, e duaspessoas morrem07/05 as 07h53 Athos Moura RIO - Duas pessoasmorreram em um acidente na Ponte Rio-Ni te r6i , na madrugadadeste sabado. De aco. ..

    V is it s taysafeshe for the most updated in fo rmation from the Shelby CountyOf fice of Preparedness/EMA 5-6-11 - Hope is currently AT FULL CAPACITY as anEmergency Shelter. If you would like to ...

    -~~ _Translation Mexican Spanish

    rotecte ....LS I ~~ qabiria

    Spanish is the mos t spoken language in Mexico: 97% of peopleuse i t e ither as thei r mother tongue or a second language. However ,there are 67 indigenous languages in use and they have been

    What do you think about using a wiki for technical documentation?I've been a technical writ er for more than ten years, and have used the full range oftools. About four years ago, I s tarted a new job. Whee, all the documentation is on awiki! I loved it f rom the ...

    ~~~ JanineLibbey Undocumented teens in Alabama barred from prom I Latino Life

    - reports that undocumented teens in Alabamacan' t go to prom under a newly passed bill that bars all but legalresidents from "participation in any extracurr icular activity outside0...

    Saint Louis and Mexico City feature in new BBC 'Earth Reporters'series - News - Professional ResourcesDate:6 May 2011Source(s) :BBCln Sa int Lou is , Senega l's former cap ital , and one ofthe cities most threatened by sea-level rise in Af rica, one man wants to bring theplight of his citizens to the wor. . .

    .a ~biria Localization World: Localization Genius

    SourceD multilingualli ...



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  • 8/6/2019 Traducao via Val Daily 07/05/11


    ~Iwwers etzerln

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    < 9 > ~gOjek

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    ~~l:W andref aure

    RII~~ _marocca


    i.J!II~t . : . : : : . . J erik_hansson

    - ~l JussaraSimoes

    Just answer all the ques tions below correctly, and we will enter your name into adrawing for a ful l-conference pass for Local izat ion World Barcelona (a 975 value) . I fyou have a lready registered . ..

    Fort Thiingen - Luxembourg City- LuxembourgFor t Thiinqen (popu lar ly known as "Dr ii i Eeche len" (Three Acoms)in Luxembourg due to the three acorns on top of the three towers)is part of the historic fort if ications of Luxembourg City built in . ..

    National Council of La RazaNCLR Annual Conference Washington, DC is a city with a foot in every corner of theworld. Home to the president o f the Uni ted Sta tes and venerab le estab lishmentssuch as the Supreme Court , U.S. Con ...

    ApSIC Tools Weblog ApSIC Xbench 2.9 beta released!Posted: May 5th, 2011 under ApSIC Xbench. We are happy to announce the releaseof ApSIC Xbench 2.9 beta ! New fea tures o f this release inc lude: More formatssuppor ted. A few more b il ingua l formats h . ..

    Daily Crowdsource Launches First Forum to Discuss Crowdsourcing,Crowdfunding, and Open Innovation I#1 Site for Crowdsourcing,Crowdfunding, & Open Innovation News

    The Daily Crowdsource continues to create tools to unif y thecrowdsourcing industry, as today we launch the f irst non-commercial forum where people can discuss the issues and news

    related to crowds ...

    Can Orkut defend its market leadership in Brazil from Facebook? IfsO,how?No. Orkut used to be popular in India and Brazil but that was the time whenFacebook was not in picture. Now, Facebook has already become the number 1social networking website in India. In Braz il , . ..

    Alquimia no Grand Fantasia: DiversAEo e Muitos PrAamios!Argile o que A a Alquimia? A Alquimia A um jogo onde vacA" apos ta

    uma f icha e ganha um item aleatA'rio, desde itens simples atAmontarias e itens muito raros! VocA" tem a chance de ganharqualquer um d...


    Saiba no que voce cre - Dica Cultural blogdomjOla galera, Depois de um breve periodo de recesso, estamos de valta! E comnovidades, po i s e hora de inaugurar a sessiio de Dicas Culturais. Como ja foicomentado em posts anteriores, nessa secao do.. .

    Minha Casa, Minha VidajPrograma em riscoMinha Casa, Minha Vida ja esta sob 0 dominiode milicia na Zona Oeste Publicada em 06/05/2011 as23h37mSerg io Ramalho RIO - A mil ic ia chef iada pelo ex-PMRicardo Teixei ra da Cruz, . ..

    German firms offer jobs at fair, complain about poor language skillsTen German inves tors act ive in Slovakia took part in the Start Your Career in aGerman Company job fai r at Z il ina Un ivers ity on Thursday, May 5. GermanAmbassador to S lovakia Axel Har tmann noted th . ..

    Zynga Files Documents Disclosing Major Fundraising Round I TriciaDuryee IeMoney

    by Tricia Duryee Posted on May 6,2011 at 5:18 PM PT Moreevidence has sur faced tha t Zynga is c lose to complet ing a g igant ic

    round of funding just shy of $500 million. In February, Boomtown's Kara .. .

    I i i i I ctrav elphotogr ...



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    Mother language is a resource not an handicapmorsmal .o rg is ed ited on an independent bas is , accord ing to thepr inc ip les enshr ined by the Edi to r's poster and by the Norweg ianmedia's ethical standards as expressed on the Ethical Code ofPracti. ..

    Cobertura: Think Latin AmericaVal lvon ica e tradutora tecnica ha quase dez anos (princ ipa lmente textos qu imicos,farmaceuticos e o il & gas). Geek, b loguei ra, tui tei ra , "porquinha prat ica" de CATTools, 1Ms, TBs & cia.Selecionar ...

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    ArticleSyrian tanks and troops 'enter flashpoint Baniyas city'7 May 2011 Last updated at 02:40 ET Troops and tanks are reported to have sweptinto the Sy rian city of Baniyas, a centre of anti-government protes ts. They entered inthree places and were head ing . ..

    iPromoci6n de Arcillas en Doble, s610 hoy!Comprando paquetes de 10, 25 Y 50 Arcillas, usted recibe el DOBLE de Arcillas ensu cuenta.Solo HOY us ted compra paquetes de Arcilla 2 x 1 en el Alrnacen deart iculos de la Web.Es ta promoci6n esta d . ..

    Grey's Anatomy: Photos and Character PicturesGREY'S ANATOMY - "With You I'm Born Again" -- After an unforgettable and heart-pound ing season f inale, "Grey 's Anatomy" returns for its seventh season onTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 (9:00-10 :01 p.m., ET. ..

    U.S. Tried but Failed to Kill Yemeni ClericThe U.S. launched a drone st rike in Yemen on Thursday aimed at killing Anwar al-Awlaki, the American-born radical cleric suspected of orchestrating terrorist attacksin the U.S, but he evaded the m . ..

    EE UU intenta sinEE UU s igue persiguiendo a AI Qaeda tras la muerte de Bin Laden.

    The Wall S tree t Journa l expl ica que un avi6n no tripu lado estadounidense hainentado acabar en Yemen con el lider de la filial de AI. ..

    Margarida Ferra jardinagem sensivel - Visao.ptA delicadeza e, talvez, a primeira impressao que se tem dela, um aroma subtil. E otentador usar as metaforas botanicas , mas es ta autora nao tem a simplicidade demalmequer branco, coracao solarengo ....

    What next in Afghanistan? IBooks'The proposed new US approach pays very l it tle a ttent ion to thereasons why many Pashtuns in both Afghanistan and Pakistansuppor t the Tal iban. ' Photograph: AFP Photo/Getty Images The

    most importan ...

    Translation news - Proz'comThe Center for the Art of Trans la tion 's blog post presents the audio of renownedauthor, t ranslator , and MacArthur "Genu is" Lydia Davis , who d iscussed heracc laimed new trans la tion o f Madame Bovary . ..


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    .~---. _.. _.,... -- ..- --_.-J--. _. ---._- .. -.,._-- ... ,..- .. _... ---- .. -hiding place all along Robert Fisk, CommentatorsA middle-aged nonent it y, a political failure outstripped by history - by the millions ofArabs demanding freedom and democracy in the Middle East - died in Pakistanyesterday. And then the world we . ..

    Language Expert Mark Frobose Reveals How to Say 'Happy Mother'sDay' in the World's Languages(PRWEB) May 06, 2011 Many know that the modem version of Mother's Day in theUnited States was first observed in 1907. Many others are aware that Mother' s Dayis always celebrated on the second Su ...

    Translation news - Proz'comThere was a quick poll published this week on the subject of rates. While acomprehensive survey on translator rates which takes into account factors such aslanguage pai r, f ield, c lien t type, etc . .. .

    Notes from the Oracle Usability Advistory Board GlobalizationWorking Group (not lost in translation)

    I am rea lly happy with the outcome of the inaugural g lobal izat ion~ .....=~~ ( internationalization, local ization, and translation) working groupsessions at the Oracle Usabilit y Advisory Board Europe in the 0...

    No to AV... Yes to a whole new constitutional conflict I PoliticsChris Huhne, Lord Reid and Danny Alexander give the ir reaction as the referendumon the altemative vote s lides towards defea t L ink to this v ideo Poten tial ly the mostserious threat to the UK in it. . .

    Do you get copyright royalties for translation jobs you've done? (PollDiscussion)

    UserThread poster: StalfPolI: Do you get copyrightroyalties for translation jobs you've done? Staf f United States Local time:05:34 SITE STAFF Sinan Evcan Turkey Local time: ...

    Atlas Virtual de Anatomia IMedico Nerdskip to main I skip to sidebarA sernelhanca de muitos at las que ja publicamos noblog, t razemos mais um muito ut il ao estudante: um atlas v ir tua l de anatomia !Organ izado por a lunos e profess ores da . ..

    Iran's supreme leader tells Ahmadinejad: accept minister or quit IWorld news

    Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has declined to officia llysuppor t the supreme leader's reinsta tement of a min is te r.Photograph: Raheb Homavandi/Reuters An unprecedented power

    struggle at the .. .

    03maneiras divertidas de aprender medicinaskip to main I skip to sidebarSe voce mal comecou 0 semestre e jaesta achando cansativo estudar, veja algumas maneiras divertidasde estudar medicina para quebrar a monoton ia!1. L ivros paracolori. ..

    Athens Mulls Plans for New Currency: Greece Considers Exit fromEuro Zone - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News

    By Christian Reiermann REUTERS Anti euro protest in Athens: TheGreek government is under massive pressure . Wi ll o ther Europeancountr ies t ry to stop Greece from leaving the euro?The debt crisis


    French radio stations struggle to fulfil French-language quotas -News - THE DRUM - Advertising, Design, Media, Marketing, Digital,PR










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    Thu 5 May 2011 Music industry representat ives in France have gathered at theo ff ices o f the country 's broadcast watchdog the CSA to a ir concerns over difficult-to-f i l l quotas on French-language tit. ..

    Time Tracking Tools for FreelancersWhether you track hours to bill clients or just to know where the

    day goes, here's our growing list of the best time track ing tools for freelancers thatwe've come across. Many of these time t racke . ..

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    Translation news - Proz'comStory f lagged by ApSIC announced the release of ApSIC Xbench

    2.9 beta! New features of this release include: More formats supported. A few morebi lingual formats have been added. Now i t is possib le . ..

    'Motherese' illllortant for children's language developmentTalking to chi ld ren has a lways been fundamental to languagedevelopment, but new research reveals that the way we talk tochildren is key to bu ilding the ir ab ili ty to understand and crea tesentence ...

    Quincy, MA, 02169 @ GetTranslatorJobs.comLocation : Quincy, MA Posta l Code: 02169 Clin ical Interp reter

    Employment-My Career Center-View Job Cart-Job Listings- Tit le: Clinical InterpreterDiv is ion: Interp reter Serv ices Locat ion: Quincy, MA ...

    Asecond language for every high school student, Stanford's RussellBerman says

    L.A. CiceroStanford humanit ies Professor Russel l Berman cal ls for'a national commitment to ramping up the quality of education. ' BYCYNTHIA HAVEN All high school students should be fluent in aIan...

    International business drives need for multilingual attorneysPremium Article Preview I For full site access: Subsc ribe Now Business First - byJeff Bell Date: Friday , May 6,2011, 6:00am EDT - Las t Modif ied: Friday, May 6,2011, 9:01am EDT Janet Adams I Bu...

    Moreno Valley Sign Language Interpreter School JobLocation : Moreno Va lley, CA Postal Code: 92553 Moreno Valley

    S ign Language Interpre te r School Job S ign Language Interpreter Schoo l Jobs inMoreno Val ley This is a ful l- time posit ion, but part -t ime . ..

    Multilingual Computing, Inc., News Detail[e ~"" " ol Ii:! " I U.S. L ibrary o f Congress selects Trusted Transla tionsTrustedTranslat ions, Inc., a t ranslat ion service company, has been selected by the U.S.Library of Congress as one of its primary translation p ...

    BBC News - Audio slideshow: World view5 May 2011 Last updated at 09:37 ET From bright red parrots in Guatamala - toGreen land's snowy landscape - the photographers who impressed the judges at the


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    MEDICAL INTERPRETER HC, ASSOC - Part-time 20 hours/week!MEDICAL INTERPRETER HC, ASSOC - Part -t ime 20 hours/week!

    Descript ion : Under the d irection o f the Coord ina to r of Community Heal th , theemployee serves as a Spanish / English medical interpreter for ...

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    Malaysia to hire 300 US English tutorsMuhyiddin said the teachers will be part of the US Peace Corpprogramme. - file picKUALA LUMPUR, May 6 - Malaysia willhire some 300 English language tutors f rom the US next year tobolster efforts ...

    Translators Without Borders - HIFA2015 (Healthcare Information ForAll by2015) .. .HIFA2015 (Heal thcare Informat ion For A ll by 2015) members are rais ing awarenessabout heal th informat ion pover ty as a response to the UK nationa l newspaper , TheGuard ian 's quest ions: "What 's the wo. ..

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    Language Interpreter Schoo l Jobs We have an excel lent school based SignLanguage Interpreter Job in A lexandr ia, Louisiana area for the 201 . ..

    The Chosun IIbo (English Edition): Daily News from KoreaThe modern Japanese language was inf luenced sign if ican tly by a migrat ion offarmers from the Korean Peninsula some 2,200 years ago, scient is ts bel ieve. SeanLee and Toshikazu Hasegama of the Univer . ..

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    Translation news - Proz'comThe nomina tion phase of the Top 100 Language Lovers 2011 compet it ion hostedby the bab. la language portal and the Lexiophi les language b log has a lreadysta rted. The compet it ion looks for the best 10 . ..

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    AI Jazeera has obtained new footage of the compound where Osama bin Laden waskilled. The pictures show the interiors of the house where the al-Qaeda leader isthought to have been hiding for up to . ..

    Dlclonarlo de Nomes I EstenanePor Pricila Reis Franz em 01. Jan, 20041 Dicionario de Nomes 1No CommentsEstenaneOriginario do Espanhol: des pender tempo (variacao de Estenan, oriqinarioda regiao das Astur iasj .Traducao para Qu...

    Don't Miss It! Early Bird Rates End May 9th!==Jo.lot Don't Miss It !Early Bird Rates End May 9th! Don't Miss I t! Earlyi~:i i,'t"- Bird Reg is trat ion for the 2nd North American Summi t on Interpret inghas been extended until May 9th! Be sure to take advantage oft. . .

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    Don't Miss It! Early Bird Rates Extended to May 9th!Don't Miss It! Early Bird Rates Extended to May 9th! Don't Miss It!Early Bird Regist ration for the 2nd North American Summit onInterpreting has been extended until May 9th! Be sure to takeadvant. ..

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    Proz'com powwow for translators in Rome, ItalyThis Powwow will take place on Sunday May 22nd, alter the 1st Europe Intemational Conference is over. Say arrivederc i to new and o ldf riends at the post-con ference Powwow Sunday, May 22nd. . .

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    Por paulosisinno Essa entrada foi postada em maio 6,2011 as 5:15 pm sob a(s)categoria(s) Uncategor ized . Voce pode acompanhar as respostas desse postat raves do RSS 2.0feed. Voce pode responder, 0...

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    [e SHARE oll1l"l Xbench 2.9ApSIC S.L. , a provider of technical translat ion andsof tware product local izat ion , has released Xbench version 2.9. The new vers iond irectly suppor ts SDL Stud io 2009 b il ingua l f iles and t...

    IQdonnaparrish Multilingual Computing, Inc., News Detail D

    [e SHARE o ll1l " I New account managers a t LanguageWireLanguageWire, a prov idero f t ranslat ion , proofreading, text edi ting, layout and graphic processing services, hashired Alam Ali and Elisabeth May Jansen as accou . ..

    II!IIQIIIMatheusCastro Jerry Seinfeld - Personal Archives D jerryseinfeld.comA comedian from New York

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