Total Surrender - Subramanian A

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  • 8/6/2019 Total Surrender - Subramanian A


    Total Surrender

    Throughout our life, we are under a fear-complex or ananxiety syndrome. As a baby we were afraid of the beatings of our

    parents. We were afraid of darkness and other crawling and flying

    creatures. As a boy or a girl, we were afraid of our schools and the

    never ending examinations. We were afraid of our teachers and text


    As a teenager, we were afraid of the changes that took place in our

    body the conditions of puberty. There was anxiety. There was


    Then, as an youngster, we were anxious to come up in life. We were

    eager to get a good job. What next? We had anxieties of love. We fell

    into love affairs. We were afraid of our parents and the society. We

    made either history of it or lost the battle. Sometimes we found in a

    meter of rope the eternal solace.

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    And by winning the battle, we got married. We were afraid of our

    first night. It was a mental battle between our great expectations

    and the realities of the moment.

    As years went by, we became anxious to become a father or a

    mother. The process was delayed during the initial days of marriagebut now everything seemed to get out of the hands in a natural way.

    We went to see the doctors and the help of all gods were sincerely

    sought after.

    And finally, we were blessed with a son or a daughter. As they grew,

    our anxieties also slowly began piling up. The children got cold or

    fever and we rushed to the steps of a cosmopolitan hospital. If the

    baby was slightly under weight or slim, our anxiety had no end. We

    were eager to grow our babies strictly according to the prescriptions

    of the medical charts and certain health magazines in which we hadmore faith than in ourselves. Our shelves were always filled with an

    array of medicines meant for our children. Every month we took our

    children to the nearby clinic to find out their growth , to find out

    whether eggs or bananas were required for their health.

    When those anxious days slowly came to an end, another fear crept

    into our mind in the form of their education. Admission looked at us

    like a laughing devil. We nearly fainted when we heard about the

    amount of LKG admission fee plus the donation amount. The morewe intended to send our children to very good schools, the more was

    the agony in the regard. We realized that the schools were just

    auction centers in this regard and swallowed our tears just for the

    sake of the future of our children.

    And when our children began their education, it became a question

    of ranks and dispositions. We became embodiments of anxiety and

    tension during their examinations. During their SSLC public

    examination, we took leave and sat at home and closely watched

    their performance.

    Then, the days of Entrance and admission to a professional college

    tore our heart and pocket. It drained our nerves.

    After those years of educational acrobatics, we were anxious to see

    our children well settled in life, well married and brought forth the

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    next generation. The memories our wayward youth added fuel to our

    anxieties and so took all precautions to avert such dangers in the

    case of our children. We were aware of the stones that were thrown

    during our youth!

    Slowly and steadily, we were becoming old. We were losing our vital

    forces. We were becoming old people. We were realizing that at no

    point in life, the actual result coincided with the expected result.

    Both our job front and family front did not yield the desired results.

    We were afraid of the uncertainties of life after our retirement.

    Sometimes, the picture of total annihilation haunted us. We were

    eager to secure our financial position for a better life and in that rat

    race very much less thought that our mental attitude towards life

    was the key factor for leading a peaceful life. At every step in our life,

    the anxiety syndrome did not leave our thoughts. Once we botheredabout paying Income Tax. We tried to evade it. Our mind was fuil of

    various investment schemes. We were eager to see our money

    multiplied ten fold in no time and always brooded about paying

    Income Tax. We often cursed our Government for taxing us for no

    apparent reason. According to our notions, however we were rich,

    we always fell into middle income group and never fell into the class

    of rich. We never looked at those who were struggling to meet a

    square meal when our children were leading a carefree life and that

    our kitchen never knew shortage of provisions.Then, we were afraid of snakes and thieves. Whenever a window was

    open, we were afraid of thieves and snakes entering through it.

    Whenever we locked our houses and went somewhere on a short

    visit, we could not really sleep peacefully. The picture of a gigantic

    thief stole our sleepy nights. We were often anxious and over

    cautious. It was like that we were keeping a treasure at home

    equivalent to the treasure of Padmanabhaswamy temple! In short,

    we always chased a shadow.

    We became old. Our children were away by that time. We were leftalone. We did not know how to manage with our time. We practically

    had no mental pre-occupation except worrying about our future! We

    were forlorn. We received money orders every month from our

    children. The relationship existed in letters and annual visits. We

    wanted love in the form of a persons presence but it was not to be

    there. We were husband and wife alone in that big house looking at

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    each other and often killing our time by watching those wretched TV


    That was one set up. In another set up, our children deserted us

    totally and we were all alone. We swallowed tears and our sweetmemories became fading clouds and walked like mindless, aimless

    men and women.

    On the one side life was exhausting and death was around the

    corner. On the other side, life itself revealed a great uncertain future.

    We were dejected. We were thrown out of gear. A fear complex

    always followed us like a shadow.

    Ad did we ever live? We simply existed and tried to live happily and

    peacefully but both were rather elusive. In one sense, we had overexpectations in life. At no stage in life we admitted that we were

    contented about life. If anybody asked us why we were over anxious

    and over expected, we never agreed with them and said that we were

    only natural in our behavior and expectations about life. The fact

    remained that the uncertainties always caught us somewhere and

    pinned us like a shapeless figure.

    We believed in god and admitted that we were god fearing but in

    reality we had no implicit faith in Him. This was the reason for our

    misery. We went to temples, mosques and churches, worshiped thegod inside the sanctum, praised the lord for his mercy and

    benefaction of life, cracked coconuts to get rid of the pains of life,

    lighted candles and sought his blessings and knelt before him and

    searched Him in the distant skies but in our heart of hearts there

    was the element of refusal to totally surrender before Him. We

    appreciated the existence of god in so far as He bestowed on us all

    the goodness of life but failed to give our heart whenever He seemed

    to desert us. This really brought us sorrow.

    If we could appreciate the existence of god , then, why did we fail to

    totally surrender before Him? There wasnt the element of total

    honesty in our approach to God. He was believed and at the same

    time disbelieved. This wont work in our approach to god. Even in

    our approach with other people, this attitude wont pay dividends.

    Our level of ego drove us to a corner. We had a feeling that we could

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    change the course of our life with our own efforts the Will to work

    and achieve results. We felt that we could plan well our life. We were

    under the guise that we had the steering wheel in our hands.

    In this context, we claimed all credits for our victories in our life andblamed god for all the short comings. Who is god to give us only

    miseries and no happiness? Is He so partial? Then, why should we

    believe in such a god? Why should we go to temples and churches in

    expectation? We could have dispensed with the whole idea because

    after all god was sure to give us only miseries!

    If we believed in god, we had to fully believe Him, surrender before

    Him. Otherwise, we have to discard Him. There should not be an

    indecisive thought as in our approach to friends and relatives. God

    cannot be casually approached. In fact, god has no hands in ourmisery and happiness but if we surrendered before Him, He would

    give us enough mental resources to properly think and act and

    Providence would always prevail on us. Just try to understand deeply

    the life of Swami Vivekananda and other people and you will

    certainly be convinced. Even in our personal life, we can cite many

    incidents that were acts of Providence. Somebody would have guided

    you at one point or a book might have turned the tables at some

    point of time. Your entry to Poetriesonline in itself might have been

    an act of Providence.

    If we are open in our life, Providence is surely to follow.
