Top-down Syntax Analysis Top-down Syntax Analysis – Wilhelm/Maurer: Compiler Design, Chapter 8 – Reinhard Wilhelm Universität des Saarlandes [email protected] and Mooly Sagiv Tel Aviv University [email protected]

Top-down Syntax Analysiscompilers.cs.uni-saarland.de/teaching/cc/2011/slides/05_ll.pdf · Top-down Syntax Analysis Grammar for Arithmetic Expressions Left factored grammar G2,

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Top-down Syntax Analysis

– Wilhelm/Maurer: Compiler Design, Chapter 8 –

Reinhard WilhelmUniversität des [email protected]

andMooly Sagiv

Tel Aviv [email protected]

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Top-down Syntax Analysis


◮ Functionality and Method

◮ Recursive Descent Parsing

◮ Using parsing tables

◮ Explicit stacks

◮ Creating the table

◮ LL(k)–grammars

◮ Other properties

◮ Handling Limitations

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Top-Down Syntax Analysis

input: A sequence of symbols (tokens)

output: A syntax tree or an error message

method ◮ Read input from left to right◮ Construct the syntax tree in a top-down manner

starting with a node labeled with the startsymbol

◮ until input accepted (or error) do◮ Predict expansion for the actual leftmost

nonterminal (maybe using some lookahead intothe remaining input) or

◮ Verify predicted terminal symbol against nextsymbol of the remaining input

Finds leftmost derivations.

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Grammar for Arithmetic Expressions

Left factored grammar G2, i.e. left recursion removed.

S → EE → TE ′ E generates T with a continuation E ′

E ′ → +E |ǫ E ′ generates possibly empty sequence of +T sT → FT ′ T generates F with a continuation T ′

T ′ → ∗T |ǫ T ′ generates possibly empty sequence of ∗F sF → id|(E )

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Recursive Descent Parsing

◮ parser is a program,

◮ a procedure X for each non-terminal X ,◮ parses words for non-terminal X ,◮ starts with the first symbol read (into variable nextsym),◮ ends with the following symbol read (into variable nextsym).

◮ uses one symbol lookahead into the remaining input.

◮ uses the FiFo sets to make the expansion transitionsdeterministic

FiFo(N → α) = FIRST1(α)⊕1FOLLOW1(N) ={

FIRST1(α) ∪ FOLLOW1(N) α∗

=⇒ ǫ

FIRST1(α) otherwise

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Parser for G2

program parser;var nextsym: string;proc scan;{reads next input symbol into nextsym}

proc error (message: string);{issues error message and stops parser}

proc accept; {terminates successfully}

proc S;begin Eend ;

proc E;begin T; E’end ;

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

proc E’;begin

case nextsym in

{”+”}: if nextsym = "+ "then scanelse error( "+ expected") fi ; E;

otherwise ;endcase

end ;

proc T;begin F; T’ end ;

proc T’;begin

case nextsym in

{” ∗ ”}: if nextsym = "*"then scanelse error( "* expected") fi ; T;

otherwise ;endcase

end ;

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

proc F;begin

case nextsym in

{”(”}: if nextsym = "("then scanelse error( "( expected") fi ; E;if nextsym = ”)”then scan else error(" ) expected") fi;

otherwise if nextsym =”id”then scan else error("id expected") fi;


end ;begin

scan; S;if nextsym = ”#” then accept else error("# expected") fi

end .

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

How to Construct such a Parser Program

Observation: Much redundant code generated. Why this?Code was automatically generated from the grammar and the FiFosets.Nice application for a functional programming language!Let G = (VN ,VT ,P ,S) be a context-free grammar and FiFo bethe computed lookahead sets.The functional program generating the parser would have thefunctions:N_prog : VN → code nonterminalsC_prog : (VN ∪ VT )∗ → code concantenationsS_prog : VN ∪ VT → code symbols

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Parser Schema

program parser;var nextsym: symbol;proc scan;

(∗ reads next input symbol into nextsym ∗)proc error (message: string);

(∗ issues error message and stops the parser ∗)proc accept;

(∗ terminates parser successfully ∗)

N_prog(X0); (* X0 start symbol *)N_prog(X1);


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Top-down Syntax Analysis

beginscan;X0;if nextsym = ”#”

then acceptelse error(". . . ")


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Top-down Syntax Analysis

The Non-terminal Procedures

N = Non-terminal, C = Concatenation, S = Symbol

N_prog(X ) = (* X → α1|α2| · · · |αk−1|αk *)proc X;begincase nextsym inFiFo(X → α1) : C_progr(α1);FiFo(X → α2) : C_progr(α2);

...FiFo(X → αk−1) : C_progr(αk−1);otherwise C_progr(αk);endcaseend ;

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

C_progr(α1α2 · · ·αk) =S_progr(α1); S_progr(α2); . . . S_progr(αk);

S_progr(a) =if nextsym = a then scanelse error ( "a expected")fi

S_progr(Y ) = Y

FiFo–sets should be disjoint (LL(1)–grammar)

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

A Generative Solution

Generate the control of a deterministic PDA from the grammar andthe FiFo sets.

◮ At compiler–generation time construct a table MM : VN × VT → PM[N, a] is the production used to expand nonterminal N whenthe current symbol is a

◮ For some grammars report that the table cannot beconstructedThe compiler writer can then decide to:

◮ change the grammar (but not the language)◮ use a more general parser-generator◮ “Patch” the table (manually or using some rules)

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Creating the table

Input: cfg G , FIRST1 und FOLLOW1 for G .

Output: The parsing table M or an indication that such atable cannot be constructed

Method: M is constructed as follows:For all X → α ∈ P and a ∈ FIRST1(α), setM[X , a] = (X → α).If ε ∈ FIRST1(α), for all b ∈ FOLLOW1(X ), setM[X , b] = (X → α).Set all other entries of M to error .

Parser table cannot be constructed if at least one entry is set twice.G is not LL(1)

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Example – arithmetic expressions

nonterminal symbol Production

S (, id S → ES +, ∗, ), # errorE (, id E → TE ′

E +, ∗, ), # errorE ′ + E ′ → +EE ′ ), # E ′ → ǫE ′ (, ∗, id errorT (, id T → FT ′

T +, ∗, ), # errorT ′ ∗ T ′ → ∗TT ′ +, ), # T ′ → ǫT ′ (, id errorF id F → idF ( F → (E)F +, ∗, ) error

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

LL-Parser Driver (interprets the table M)

program parser;var nextsym: symbol;var st: stack of item;proc scan;

(∗ reads next input symbol into nextsym ∗)proc error (message: string);

(∗ issues error message and stops the parser ∗)proc accept;

(∗ terminates parser successfully ∗)proc reduce;

(∗ replaces [X → β.Y γ][Y → α.] by [X → βY .γ] ∗)proc pop;

(∗ removes topmost item from st ∗)proc push ( i : item);

(∗ pushes i onto st ∗)proc replaceby ( i: item);

(∗ replaces topmost item of st by i ∗)

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

beginscan; push( [S ′ → .S] );while nextsym 6= "#"docase top in[X → β.aγ]: if nextsym = a

then scan; replaceby([X → βa.γ]else error fi ;

[X → β.Y γ] : if M[Y , nextsym] = (Y → α)then push([Y → .α])else error fi ;

[X → α.]: reduce;[S ′ → S .] : if nextsym = "#"then accept

else error fiendcaseod

end .

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Explicit StackDeterministic Pushdown Automaton







[X → α.Y β]







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Top-down Syntax Analysis


Goal: formalizing our intuition when the expand-transitionsof the Item-Pushdown-Automaton can be madedeterministic.

Means: k-symbol lookahead into the remaining input.

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Top-down Syntax Analysis


Let G = (VN ,VT ,P ,S) be a cfg and k be a natural number.G is an LL(k)-grammar iff the following holds:if there exist two leftmost derivations



uY α =⇒lm



ux and



uY α =⇒lm



uy , and if k : x = k : y ,

then β = γ.The expansion of the leftmost non-terminal is always uniquelydetermined by

◮ the consumed part of the input and

◮ the next k symbols of the remaining input

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Top-down Syntax Analysis


Let G = (VN ,VT ,P ,S) be a cfg and k be a natural number.G is an LL(k)-grammar iff the following holds:if there exist two leftmost derivations



uY α =⇒lm



ux and



uY α =⇒lm



uy , and if k : x = k : y ,

then β = γ.The expansion of the leftmost non-terminal is always uniquelydetermined by

◮ the consumed part of the input and

◮ the next k symbols of the remaining input

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Example 1Let G1 be the cfg with the productions

STAT → if id then STAT else STAT fi |while id do STAT od |begin STAT end |id := id

G1 is an LL(1)-grammar.



w STAT α =⇒lm

w β α∗


w x



w STAT α =⇒lm

w γ α∗


w y

From 1 : x = 1 : y follows β = γ,e.g., from 1 : x = 1 : y = if followsβ = γ = ”if id then STAT else STAT fi”

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Example 1Let G1 be the cfg with the productions

STAT → if id then STAT else STAT fi |while id do STAT od |begin STAT end |id := id

G1 is an LL(1)-grammar.



w STAT α =⇒lm

w β α∗


w x



w STAT α =⇒lm

w γ α∗


w y

From 1 : x = 1 : y follows β = γ,e.g., from 1 : x = 1 : y = if followsβ = γ = ”if id then STAT else STAT fi”

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Example 2

Let G2 be the cfg with the productions

STAT → if id then STAT else STAT fi |while id do STAT od |begin STAT end |id := id |id: STAT | (∗ labeled statem. ∗)id (id ) (∗ procedure call ∗)

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Example 2 (cont’d)

G2 is not an LL(1)–grammar.



w STAT α =⇒lm


β︷ ︸︸ ︷

id := id α∗


w x



w STAT α =⇒lm


γ︷ ︸︸ ︷

id : STAT α∗


w y



w STAT α =⇒lm


δ︷ ︸︸ ︷

id(id) α∗


w z

and 1 : x = 1 : y = 1 : z = ” id”,and β, γ, δ are pairwise different.G2 is an LL(2)–grammar.2 : x = ” id :=”, 2 : y = ” id :”, 2 : z = ” id(” are pairwise different.

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Example 3

Let G3 have the productions

STAT → if id then STAT else STAT fi |while id do STAT od |begin STAT end |VAR := VAR |id( IDLIST ) (∗ procedure call ∗)

VAR → id | id (IDLIST ) (∗ indexed variable ∗)IDLIST → id | id, IDLIST

G3 is not an LL(k)–grammar for any k .

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Example 3

Let G3 have the productions

STAT → if id then STAT else STAT fi |while id do STAT od |begin STAT end |VAR := VAR |id( IDLIST ) (∗ procedure call ∗)

VAR → id | id (IDLIST ) (∗ indexed variable ∗)IDLIST → id | id, IDLIST

G3 is not an LL(k)–grammar for any k .

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Top-down Syntax Analysis


Assume G3 to be LL(k) for a k > 0.

Let STAT ⇒ β∗


x and STAT ⇒ γ∗


y with

x = id (id, id, . . . , id︸ ︷︷ ︸

⌈ k

2⌉ times

) := id and y = id (id, id, . . . , id︸ ︷︷ ︸

⌈ k

2⌉ times


Then k : x = k : y ,but β = ”VAR := VAR ” 6= γ = ”id (IDLIST)”.

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Transforming to LL(k)

Factorization creates an LL(2)–grammar, equivalent to G3.

The productionsSTAT → VAR := VAR | id(IDLIST)

are replaced bySTAT → ASSPROC | id := VARASSPROC → id(IDLIST) APRESTAPREST → := VAR | ε

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

A non–LL(k)–language

Let G4 = ({S , A, B}, {0, 1, a, b}, P4, S)

P4 =

S → A | B

A → aAb | 0B → aBbb | 1

L(G4) = {an0bn | n ≥ 0} ∪ {an1b2n | n ≥ 0}.G4 is not LL(k) for any k .

Consider the two leftmost derivations



S =⇒lm






S =⇒lm




With u = α = ε, β = A, γ = B, x = ”ak0bk”, y = ”ak1b2k” it holdsk : x = k : y , but β 6= γ.Since k can be chosen arbitrarily, we have G4 is not LL(k) for any k .

There even is no LL(k)-grammar for L(G4) for any k .

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Towards Checkable LL(k)–conditions

TheoremG is LL(k)–grammar iff the following condition holds:Are A → β and A → γ different productions in P , then

FIRSTk(βα) ∩ FIRSTk(γα) = ∅ for all α with S∗



TheoremLet G be a cfg without productions of the form X → ε.G is an LL(1)–grammar ifffor each non-terminal X with the alternatives X → α1| . . . |αn

the sets FIRST1(α1), . . . , FIRST1(αn) are pairwise disjoint.

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

TheoremG is LL(1) iffFor different productions A → β and A → γFIRST1(β)⊕1FOLLOW1(A) ∩ FIRST1(γ)⊕1FOLLOW1(A) = ∅ .

Corollary:G is LL(1) iff for all alternatives A → α1| . . . |αn:

1. FIRST1(α1), . . . ,FIRST1(αn) are pairwise disjoint; inparticular, at most one of them may contain ε

2. αi∗

=⇒ ε implies:

FIRST1(αj) ∩ FOLLOW1(A) = ∅ for 1 ≤ j ≤ n, j 6= i .

The condition of the Theorem was used in the parserconstruction!

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Further Definitions and Theorems

◮ G is called a strong LL(k)-grammar if for each two differentproductions A → β and A → γ

FIRSTk(β)⊕kFOLLOWk(A) ∩ FIRSTk(γ)⊕kFOLLOWk(A) = ∅,

◮ A production is called directly left recursive, if it has theform A → Aα

◮ A non-terminal A is called left recursive if it has a derivationA

+=⇒ Aα.

◮ A cfg G is called left recursive, if G contains at least one leftrecursive non-terminal

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(a) G is not LL(k) for any k if G is left recursive.

(b) G is not ambiguous if G is LL(k)-grammar.

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Regular Right Sides

Left recursion

◮ prevents LL parsing,

◮ is used for lists and sequences,

◮ can be replaced by iteration, i.e., the Kleene star

Needs new definitions for derivation, First, and Follow!

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Right-regular Context-free Grammar

P : VN → RA is now a function from VN into the set RA of regularexpressions over VN ∪ VT .A pair (X , r) with p(X ) = r is written as X → r .New causes for non-determinism! Which?

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Example: Arithmetic Expressions

S → EE → T{{+ | −}T}∗

T → F{{∗ | /}F}∗

F → (E ) | Id

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Regular Derivations

A derivation step

(a) w X β =⇒R,lm

w αβ mit α = p(X )

(b) w (r1 | . . . | rn)β =⇒R,lm

w ri β für 1 ≤ i ≤ n

(c) w (r)∗ β =⇒R,lm

w β

(d) w (r)∗ β =⇒R,lm

w r (r)∗ β

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Regular leftmost derivation for id + id ∗ idS =⇒


E =⇒R,lm













id + T{{+|−}T}∗


id + F{{∗|/}F}∗{{+|−}T}∗


id + {(E)|id}{{∗|/}F}∗{{+|−}T}∗


id + id{{∗|/}F}∗{{+|−}T}∗


id + id{∗|/}F{{∗|/}F}∗{{+|−}T}∗


id + id ∗ F{{∗|/}F}∗{{+|−}T}∗


id + id ∗ {(E)|id}{{∗|/}F}∗{{+|−}T}∗


id + id ∗ id{{∗|/}F}∗{{+|−}T}∗

=⇒ id + id ∗ id{{+|−}T}∗

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Computation of First

Compute ε-productivity first.

eps(a) = false, for a ∈ VT

eps(ε) = trueeps(r∗) = trueeps(X ) = eps(r), if p(X ) = r for X ∈ VN

eps((r1| . . . |rn)) =n∨


eps(ri )

eps((r1 . . . rn)) =



eps(ri )

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then ε-free First

ε-ffi(ε) = ∅ε-ffi(a) = {a}ε-ffi(r∗) = ε-ffi(r)ε-ffi(X ) = ε-ffi(r), if p(X ) = r

ε-ffi((r1| . . . |rn)) =⋃

1 ≤ i ≤ nε-ffi(ri )

ε-ffi((r1 . . . rn)) =⋃

1 ≤ j ≤ n{ε-ffi(rj) |


eps(ri )}

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Computation of Follow

Follow depends on the right context of a subexpression:Unusual “bottom-up” recursion!

(1) FOLLOW1([S ′ → .S]) = {#} The eof symbol ’#’ follows after each input word.

(2) FOLLOW1([X → · · · (r1| · · · |.ri | · · · |rn) · · · ]) =FOLLOW1([X → · · · .(r1| · · · |ri | · · · |rn) · · · ]) for 1 ≤ i ≤ n

(3) FOLLOW1([X → · · · (· · · .ri ri+1 · · · ) · · · ]) =

ε-ffi(ri+1) ∪




FOLLOW1([X → · · · (· · · ri .ri+1 · · · ) · · · ]),if eps(ri+1) = true

∅ otherwise

(4) FOLLOW1([X → · · · (r1 · · · rn−1.rn) · · · ]) = (FOLLOW1)FOLLOW1([X → · · · .(r1 · · · rn−1rn) · · · ])

(5) FOLLOW1([X → · · · (.r)∗ · · · ]) =ε-ffi(r) ∪ FOLLOW1([X → · · · .(r)∗ · · · ])

(6) FOLLOW1([X → .r ]) =S

FOLLOW1([Y → · · · .X · · · ])

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

then the FiFo-Sets

FiFo(N → α) = FIRST1(α)⊕1FOLLOW1(N) ={

FIRST1(α) ∪ FOLLOW1(N) α∗

=⇒ ǫ

FIRST1(α) otherwise

This formulation allows efficient computation, see Pure UnionProblems in the Book!

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

Recursive Descent Parsing

s t r uc t symbol nextsym ;

/∗ Returns nex t i npu t symbol ∗/vo id scan ( ) ;

/∗ P r i n t s the e r r o r message ands top s the run o f the p a r s e r ∗/

vo id e r r o r ( S t r i n g e r ro rMes sage ) ;

/∗ Announces the end o f the a n a l y s i s ands t op s the run o f the p a r s e r ∗/

vo id accept ( ) ;

/∗ Tr a n s l a t i n g the i npu t grammar ∗/p_progr (X0 → α0 ) ;p_progr (X1 → α1 ) ;

...p_progr (Xn → αn ) ;

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

vo id p a r s e r ( ) {scan ( ) ;X0 ( ) ;

i f ( nextsym == "\#" )accept ( ) ;

e l s e

e r r o r ( ". . ." ) ;}

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

p_progr (X → .α)

/∗ . . .we c r e a t e an a c co r d i ng method l i k e t h i s . ∗/vo id X() {

prog r ( [X → .α ] ) ;}

vo id prog r ( [X → · · · .(α1|α2| · · · |αk−1|αk ) · · · ] ) {switch ( ) {

case ( nextsym ∈ FiFo ( [X → · · · (.α1|α2| · · · |αk−1|αk) · · · ] ) ) :p rog r ( [X → · · · (.α1|α2| · · · |αk−1|αk) · · · ] ) ;

break ;case ( nextsym ∈ FiFo ( [X → · · · (α1|.α2| · · · |αk−1|αk) · · · ] ) ) :

p rog r ( [X → · · · (α1|.α2| · · · |αk−1|αk) · · · ] ) ;break ;

...case ( nextsym ∈ FiFo ( [X → · · · (α1|α2| · · · |.αk−1|αk) · · · ] ) ) :

p rog r ( [X → · · · (α1|α2| · · · |.αk−1|αk) · · · ] ) ;break ;de f au l t :

p rog r ( [X → · · · (α1|α2| · · · |αk−1|.αk) · · · ] ) ;}


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Top-down Syntax Analysis

vo id prog r ( [X → · · · .(α)∗ · · · ] ) {whi le ( nextsym ∈ FIRST1(α) ) ) {

prog r ( [X → · · · .α · · · ] ) ;}


vo id prog r ( [X → · · · .(α)+ · · · ] ) {do {

prog r ( [X → · · · .α · · · ] ) ;} whi le ( nextsym ∈ FIRST1(α) ) ;


vo id prog r ( [X → · · · .ǫ · · · ] ) {}

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

For a ∈ VT is

vo id prog r ( [X → · · · .a · · · ] ) {i f ( nextsym == a)

scan ( ) ;e l s e

e r r o r ( ". . ." ) ;}

For Y ∈ VN is

vo id prog r ( [X → · · · .Y · · · ] ) = vo id Y()

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

RLL Parser for the Expression Grammar

symbol nextsym ;

/∗ Returns nex t i npu t symbol ∗/symbol scan ( ) ;

/∗ P r i n t s the e r r o r message ands top s the run o f the p a r s e r ∗/

vo id e r r o r ( S t r i n g e r ro rMes sage ) ;

/∗ Announces the end o f the a n a l y s i s ands t op s the run o f the p a r s e r ∗/

vo id accept ( ) ;

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Top-down Syntax Analysis

RLL Parser for the Expression Grammarvo id S ( ) {

E ( ) ;}vo id E( ) {

T( ) ;whi le ( nextsym == "+" | | nextsym == "−" ) {

switch ( nextsym ) {case "+" :

i f ( nextsym == "+" )scan ( ) ;

e l s e

e r r o r ( "+␣ expected " ) ;break ;de f au l t :

i f ( nextsym == "−" )scan ( ) ;

e l s e

e r r o r ( "−␣ expected " ) ;}T( ) ;


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Top-down Syntax Analysis

RLL Parser for the Expression Grammar

vo id T() {F ( ) ;whi le ( nextsym == "∗" | | nextsym == "/" ) {

switch ( nextsym ) {case "∗" :

i f ( nextsym == "∗" )scan ( ) ;

e l s e

e r r o r ( "∗␣ expected " ) ;break ;de f au l t :

i f ( nextsym == "/" )scan ( ) ;

e l s e

e r r o r ( "/␣ expected " ) ;}F ( ) ;


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Top-down Syntax Analysis

RLL Parser for the Expression Grammar

vo id F ( ) {switch ( nextsym ) {

case " ( " :E ( ) ;i f ( nextsym == " )" )

scan ( ) ;e l s e

e r r o r ( " ) ␣ expec ted " ) ;de f au l t :

i f ( nextsym == " i d " )scan ( ) ;

e l s e

e r r o r ( " i d ␣ expec ted " ) ;}


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Top-down Syntax Analysis

RLL Parser for the Expression Grammar

vo id p a r s e r ( ) {scan ( ) ;S ( ) ;i f ( nextsym == "#" )

accept ( ) ;e l s e

e r r o r ( "#␣ expected " ) ;}