Disclaimer This movie is an educational resource only and should not be used to manage dental health. All decisions about the management of tooth discoloration must be made in conjunction with your dentist or a licensed health care provider. Multimedia Health Education TOOTH DISCOLORATION

Tooth Discoloration YPO December 11“Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area. Tooth Discoloration can occur

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Page 1: Tooth Discoloration YPO December 11“Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area. Tooth Discoloration can occur


This movie is an educational resource only and should not be used to manage dental health. All decisions about the management of tooth discoloration must be made in conjunction with your dentist or a licensed health care provider.

Multimedia Health Education


Page 2: Tooth Discoloration YPO December 11“Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area. Tooth Discoloration can occur




2 . Overview of Tooth Discoloration a. What is Tooth Discoloration?

1 . Normal Tooth Anatomya. Introduction

b. Normal Tooth Anatomy

3 . Treatment Optionsa. Diagnosis

b. Treatment

b. Types of Tooth Discoloration c. Signs and Symptoms d. Causes

c. Preventive Measures

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH DISCOLORATION

Page 3: Tooth Discoloration YPO December 11“Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area. Tooth Discoloration can occur


Most people would like to have a bright smile with pearly white teeth. A nice smile can be the most defining part of a person’s appearance. Improper care of your teeth, however, can lead to tooth discoloration. Tooth Discoloration is any change in color and translucency of the tooth due to any cause.

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH DISCOLORATION

In order to learn more about tooth discoloration, it helps to understand normal tooth anatomy.

Page 4: Tooth Discoloration YPO December 11“Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area. Tooth Discoloration can occur

Unit 1: Normal Tooth Anatomy

(Continued in next page)

Normal Tooth Anatomy

A tooth has two main parts: a crown portion and a root portion.


Crown is the part of the tooth which is seen in the mouth.

Root is the part of the tooth which is inside the jaw bone.

(Fig. 1)

(Refer fig. 1 to 3)

(Fig. 2)

(Fig. 3)

The different parts of a tooth consist of :

(Fig. 4)

(Refer fig. 4)

Enamel DentinCementumPulp

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH DISCOLORATION

Page 5: Tooth Discoloration YPO December 11“Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area. Tooth Discoloration can occur

Unit 1: Normal Tooth Anatomy


Enamel is the highly mineralized and hard outer substance of the tooth. Its color varies from light yellow to grayish white.

(Refer fig. 5)(Fig. 5)


Dentin is that part of the tooth which is present between enamel or cementum and pulp chamber. It is softer than enamel and therefore decays more rapidly.

(Fig. 6)(Refer fig. 6)


Cementum is a bony substance covering the root of the tooth. Its color is yellowish and is softer than dentin or enamel. The main function of cementum is to serve as a medium for periodontal ligaments to attach to the tooth for stability.

(Refer fig. 7)

(Fig. 7)

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH DISCOLORATION

Page 6: Tooth Discoloration YPO December 11“Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area. Tooth Discoloration can occur

Unit 1: Normal Tooth Anatomy


The dental pulp is the center portion of the tooth. It is filled with soft connective tissue which contains blood vessels and nerves .It is commonly called the “nerve of the tooth”.

(Fig. 8)

(Refer fig. 8)

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH DISCOLORATION

Page 7: Tooth Discoloration YPO December 11“Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area. Tooth Discoloration can occur

Unit 2: Overview of Tooth Discoloration

What is Tooth Discoloration?

Tooth Discoloration is any change in color and translucency of the tooth due to any cause.

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH DISCOLORATION

Tooth Discoloration is also known as “Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area.

Tooth Discoloration can occur on the outer layer of the tooth, enamel, or on the inner layer of the tooth, the dentin.

(Fig. 9)

(Refer fig. 9)

Different Types of Tooth Discoloration

Extrinsic DiscolorationIntrinsic Discoloration

There are two types of tooth discoloration:

Extrinsic Discoloration:

This type occurs when the outer layer of the tooth is stained. These stains are caused due to smoking, coffee, tea, and other colored drinks.

Intrinsic Discoloration:

This type occurs when the inner layer of the tooth is stained. These stains can occur due to certain medications, use of the antibiotic tetracycline during pregnancy, damage to the permanent tooth, or over exposure to fluoride.

Signs of Tooth Discoloration

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Page 8: Tooth Discoloration YPO December 11“Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area. Tooth Discoloration can occur

Unit 2: Overview of Tooth Discoloration

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH DISCOLORATION

Signs of Tooth Discoloration

(Fig. 10)

Stains on the enamel

(Refer fig. 10)

(Fig. 11)

White streaks

(Refer fig. 11)

Brown spots and pits

(Refer fig. 12)

Yellow tint

(Refer fig. 13)

(Fig. 12)

(Fig. 13)

Page 9: Tooth Discoloration YPO December 11“Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area. Tooth Discoloration can occur

Unit 2: Overview of Tooth Discoloration

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH DISCOLORATION

What Causes Tooth Discoloration?

Certain foods and drinks- Poor dental hygieneSmoking or chewing tobacco- Caries (cavities)

Tooth discoloration can be caused by any of the following:

Certain infections in pregnant mothers

Several diseases that can affect enamel and dentin

Dental products used in dentistry

Certain medications

Excessive fluoride


Normal aging

Page 10: Tooth Discoloration YPO December 11“Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area. Tooth Discoloration can occur

Unit 3: Treatment of Tooth Discoloration

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH DISCOLORATION


Diagnosis of tooth discoloration is obtained through an oral exam and the patient’s history.

Oral ExamHistory

Oral Exam:

Diagnosis of tooth discoloration can be done by your dentist by merely looking at the teeth on oral exam. The signs are relatively visible. Discoloration starts with any tint or white streak on the teeth.


History taking can be useful in differentiating between intrinsic and extrinsic stains and includes the patient’s history of diet and oral habits.


A healthy smile improves self image and confidence and indicates good overall health. Today dentists have many treatment modalities to improve the appearance of your smile.

Superficial stains or extrinsic stains are removed by simple professional scale and polish done by the dentist. An Ultrasonic scaler is used to remove the stains and polishing is done with pumice.

(Fig. 14)

(Fig. 15)

(Refer fig. 14 to 20 )

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Page 11: Tooth Discoloration YPO December 11“Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area. Tooth Discoloration can occur

Unit 3: Treatment of Tooth Discoloration

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH DISCOLORATION

Deep embedded stains or intrinsic stains cannot be removed by scale and polish techniques and require tooth whitening treatment.

(Fig. 16)

(Fig. 17)

(Fig. 18)

(Fig. 19)

(Continued in next page)

(Refer fig. 14 to 20 )

Page 12: Tooth Discoloration YPO December 11“Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area. Tooth Discoloration can occur

Unit 3: Treatment of Tooth Discoloration

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH DISCOLORATION

(Fig. 20)

(Refer fig. 14 to 20 )

Tooth Whitening: This procedure is done only in cases of mild fluorosis. It is also known as “ Tooth Bleaching”. This is a common procedure in the field of cosmetic dentistry. Bleaching is done by bleaching strips, bleaching pen, bleaching gel, laser bleaching and natural bleaching.

(Fig. 21)

First the dentist applies gel on the gums to protect the soft tissue from irritation. Then the whitening product is applied to the tooth. This product contains hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide.

(Continued in next page)

(Fig. 22)

(Refer fig. 21to 26 )

Page 13: Tooth Discoloration YPO December 11“Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area. Tooth Discoloration can occur

Unit 3: Treatment of Tooth Discoloration

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH DISCOLORATION

(Fig. 23)

(Fig. 24)

(Fig. 25)

(Fig. 26)

As this product is broken down oxygen gets into the enamel on the teeth and the tooth color is made lighter. As a result of bleaching there may be temporary tooth sensitivity to heat and cold and gum irritation may be present.

(Refer fig. 21to 26 )

Page 14: Tooth Discoloration YPO December 11“Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area. Tooth Discoloration can occur

Unit 3: Treatment of Tooth Discoloration

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH DISCOLORATION

In the case of inherited or developmental stains, these types of stains cannot be removed by teeth whitening. In such cases Veneers and Composite bonding may be the only option.

Composite bonding: In this procedure, plastic material or resin material which matches the color of the tooth is applied. It is then bonded onto the tooth using a special kind of light.

(Fig. 27)

(Fig. 28)

(Fig. 29)

(Refer fig. 27to 29 )

Veneers: In this treatment a thin wafer like tooth colored material known as porcelain veneer or porcelain laminate is designed to cover the front portion of the teeth.

(Fig. 30)

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(Refer fig. 30 to 32 )

Page 15: Tooth Discoloration YPO December 11“Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area. Tooth Discoloration can occur

Unit 3: Treatment of Tooth Discoloration

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH DISCOLORATION

(Fig. 31)

(Fig. 32)

Prognosis for extrinsic stains is good. Intrinsic stains however may be more difficult or take longer to remove.

(Refer fig. 30 to 32 )

Measures to Prevent Tooth Discoloration

Improve dental hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly.

Quit Smoking

(Fig. 33)

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Page 16: Tooth Discoloration YPO December 11“Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area. Tooth Discoloration can occur

Unit 3: Treatment of Tooth Discoloration

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH DISCOLORATION

Avoid foods that cause stains Avoid water with high fluoride concentration.

Visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings

every 6 months.

(Fig. 33)

Page 17: Tooth Discoloration YPO December 11“Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area. Tooth Discoloration can occur

Unit 3: Disclaimer


Although every effort is made to educate you on tooth discoloration and take control, there will be specific information that will not be discussed. Talk to your dentist or health care provider about any concerns you have about tooth discoloration.

Multimedia Health EducationTOOTH DISCOLORATION

Page 18: Tooth Discoloration YPO December 11“Darkening of Teeth.” Teeth become discolored by stains on the tooth surface. A stain is a discolored spot or area. Tooth Discoloration can occur


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