TOEFL Listening Phrase

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  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    ; ^, l$ g5 K+ a: v$ Z- J9 V, m5 b4 Q4 z- s0 s

    1,a while back ,: y4 [0 K9 J1 M' V: Y

    -Sam want to be able to play in the basketball game this week, yet he hurt his

    knee pretty badly a while back , i don't know why he didn't quit right away.

    2,about to , -I am about to go swimming.

    3,according to ,

    -There are a big sales going on at the department store downtown this week

    according to George.

    4,account for , K, d: {+ ~9 y: S2 @5 Z

    -how do you account for it?

    5,and how ,,

    -the concert pianoist is fantastic - [0 X5 o5 e, Q3 p: b/ q, ]

    -and how6 I+ @7 A: ?4 G$ t1 [: P3 ^

    6,as a rule 1 |8 \7 I% {) r6 B# _

    -I am not surprised you didn't like that movie. I found it really frightening


    I did too, I don't care much for horror movie as a rule.

    7,at one's service

    -Phil ,could you give me a hand with this file cabinet that belongs against the

    wall next to the bulletin board?

    -at your service.

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    8,at most ,, ~& n4 C% [3 \, r" y+ J; ~

    -has Sandy ever missed coming to one of our parties?

    -only once or twice at most

    9,back and forth ,

    -most fishes can do this by waving back and forth in snacklike motion

    -i don't want a raser racer( ) or touring bike( ) or anything,mostly I

    will just be using it ,a bike to get me back and forth from work., m& k% H ?& B+ e& O

    % j.

    10.backup , 5 V+ _$ g; \' _9 J

    -while i was going to come down Elm street ,but the traffic was really backed

    up3 H- [4 r% i% R5 L0 u

    -the subway is running behind schedule and traffic is backed up for blocks,I

    don't know if we will make the seven fifteen show.

    -it's a beautiful night ,let's try to get there on foot ,and if we don't make it,let's

    just 2 [# m$ H0 |3 \' g4 ?$ Ehave dinner near the theater.

    11,be anything but 8 Y, n4 d5 p1 @* G

    -Susan is anything but poor

    / S6 L2 r, P, {0 e3 X1 Q12,be beyond % P5 }! e& ~* l9 n; i4 v2 k! ~

    - I think Tom left his own umbrella on the bus

    why he's so irresponsible is beyond me.6 y ^+ b2 E5 H5 l8 F3 m6 U. p2 G

    13,be broke ,

    -Caro was broke after his vacation...

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    22,boil down ,

    -they said the train won't arrive until nine, well, what that boils down to is yet

    an another delay in our schedule ,# x1 _4

    `+ ?: w1 a

    23,break down ,

    -registration ought not to be easier than ever this year, unless the computer

    breaks down" U$ i8 m4 r! ~: c: o x* Z0 `


    -if the computer doesn't break down again, the dad data will be available to us


    -it's only a matter of time before my car breaks down again

    24,break in

    -the walk phone sounds like a perfect opportunity for me to break in my new

    pair of sports shoes

    25,brighten one's spirits ,; M0 r' V: s& |1 p1 l3 t

    -the flowers in the window really brighten my spirits7 m7 q. y0 Z0 R. u* d, A

    26,bring up something ,, 5 Z9 K/ L1 J6 U# C g

    -I am glad youve brought up the question about our investigation sent to the

    makeup of the earth centeria interior

    27,brush up on ,, {1 Z ^8 M- G3 y4 }, R( E) Z

    -I really need to brush up on my math

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    28,build up ,

    -you also learned how to use the computer data base because the records are

    kept on it and building up the computer skills is a good preparation for lots of

    jobs+ @: I( W8 s2 ~4 v2 r

    29,bump into Z) l- k5 B' z! ^- ?" C" h

    -how long has you been since you saw Baky,I bumped into her at the market

    just last week

    -you know my car hasn't been the same since I had bumped into the

    telephone tall toll()

    Youd better have that looked into before you drive to Florida& [* A# I, z/ b) F

    30,burn in a hole in one's pockets ,

    -have you saved enough to buy that new printer of your computer yet

    You know money seems to be burning a hole in my pocket lately, maybe next


    31,by all means ,

    -shall I call you to let you know about the next meeting. A- p% W* H9 ?( ~# v

    By all means

    32,by and by ,

    -you will be able to meet these people by and by( C6 _( M; e5 d! q) S8 H1 n

    33,call off ,, 4 K7 ~9 A) }) r {/ h

    -has tomorrow's meeting been confirmed

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    I was told that it has been called off

    34,can't risk not doing 1 N" P( B% h* y3 l8 M. G

    -I can't risk not telling him $ n4 J8 E: ?, y; n& m

    35,carry on with ,

    -I don't know whether I should time my speech now or keep on revising my

    notes, what you think( B# `" ?# b# ~* C

    Id carry on with what you are doing

    36,carry out ,

    -over the course( , ) of the year, the company carried out the plan

    37,cash a check : u# q1 d4 H' t) j% L

    - Robber stopped in at a bank to cash a check: V0 i+ T5 e" z' H: S9 S* [9 _

    -did you say you were driving to town this morning

    Yes, I have to get a check cashed to pay my bookstore bill

    38,catch one's breath , 0 y5 p$ a. A- J) M q

    -if you are interested in genetics, the university has an outstanding team

    -I can't even climb the stairs without having to stop and catch my breath

    39,catch on

    -it's only open to phycology psychology( ) majors ,but I bet it will catch

    on elsewhere) c g/ e) Y2 O& h

    40,catch up on ,

    -hi, Annie, you are looking better, its nice to have you back,

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    Thanks, I just hope I can catch up on all the work Ive missed

    . N$ V" i Y1 A7 W+ S& g$ _

    41,check out

    -it seems to me I've seen that dark-haired man before# E, e, l' s: I! D3 I9 P+ D/ S: k

    Sure you have, he checked out our books at the circulation desk yesterday : k2

    U# |& _: `4 N0 k" [: }0 g6 S

    -the exit gate in front of the door wouldn't open and the guard immediately

    warned me that I

    Havent checked out my books7 R8 m1 k* S$ S6 j/ H

    -I think Ill add that information to my paper

    You really should check it out in your reference book

    42,clean out ,,

    -well, you cleaned out the refrigirator refrigerator this time, you must have

    been really hungry# E9 x: I) F! u% k$ K

    All I do was fix a snack, it would may left over there were not many leftovers

    from yesterday

    - Hey what happened to all that food we bought, the refrigerator was empty # S-

    S1 I+ H' w; u. Q

    My little brother with a big apetide appetite was here, he really clean these out

    43,clean up ,; g/ O5 h* f# z% ]4 D" U* U3 e- M# A

    -before we get started, Id like to thank everyone for coming down to the lake

    today to help with the cleaning up project

    -should I help clean up by throwing away these newspapers * ]: T% h% O6 T Y" |/ s

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    I want to clip a couple of articles first

    -what a mass mess for the custodian to clean up1 q) M% D9 Q" g. Z2 G& D

    You can say that again2 c, p8 t4 F5 G7 u" _

    44,clear out ," m9 ?' z6 a9 l! `! n- O1 [

    -you must also make sure that all of your personal property has been cleared

    out of your room

    45,clear up ,,, C1 M* h- Z( `

    -we can pass it out in our classes tomorrow to clear up the problem

    46,come about by accident , 5 `1 C6 ^# B, W9 N# ], ^

    -cola's transformation from medicinal syrup( , ) to a carbonated soft

    drink came about quite by accident7 y; C1 ~, { p/ \9 _% s! j2 H7 t

    47,come across ,

    -I happen to be looking through some of my roommate's science magazines

    and I came across an article on phynology phrenology



    48,come alone ,,/ |6 h# [3 S1 B. Q# R) `

    -how is Anns lab experiment coming alone

    I am not sure, why don't we go have a look

    -Jenys, you are redecorating your apartment, arent you, hows it coming alone

    I am just taking at one step at a time

    -how is your paper coming alone! i+ c/ D( F% q: G& m3 t

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    My type writer is broken2 V- C: O+ I# [& w5 d3 I

    -how is your oral presentation coming alone2 _) ~0 W) y9 r+ d

    49,come around ,

    -Gary is beginning to come around to my point of view7 J4 k, C6 J3 E4 q( |6 s5 \1 a

    50,come down with ,+ i! u0 S! S2 ?& N% k; Y' ^4 `/ l' e* R2 E

    -anyway, every year around the holidays like clockwork, I come down with

    something, P5 h+ Y, D* N$ D) [/ A* N

    4 J# k) z: B) }2 M3 Y( d6 [

    " w k6 U5 X* F Z$ T# s6 ]# a

    51,come over : r* G/ V9 }: _& ~3 E

    -he came over to our house just the other day 6 d+ y+ l4 x5 H9 }. H4 h

    52,come right out ,,

    -I would really like to know why Dona is always so hostile toward me . |5 S6 ~# o1

    F: |) p) `

    Did you ever think of just coming right out and asking her. O: O% s3 G9 P/ M: M5 v

    53,come up ,

    -Mark is watching a movie on TV

    Should he be doing that now with the exams coming up next week?

    -I know you have a lot in your mind with finals () coming up9 U L' t: }' j

    -I am way behind my letter writing, Ive got to get started

    Whos got time to write letters, exams are coming up, remember4 |! M& E( M; K, A. S:

    W, {

    54,come up with ,,

    -what have they decided to call a stadium, no one has come up with a good

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase



    -that means Id better come up with the speech pretty quickly

    -I've finally found a research topic for a sociaology sociology class

    Really, I am going to be up all night trying to come up with something by

    tomorrow% J+ S/ @( a; m' t' c2 g- T

    -that's why they came up with the program# ]" y8 f( @" C3 L* H

    55,come what may 7 k1 f q( ^! g8 h

    -we'll pick you up tomorrow at eight, come what may! y3 e' s2 E; P- U

    56,cool off ,, 1 f. ?; l$ y3 P

    -I was expecting another hot lucky muggy() day; n# ^& ^$ O( @4 g, _) i6 }

    But the wind's cooled things off, hasnt it+ ~& P. j4 J! I

    57,cope with ,

    -at one time, children didn't have to learn any more than how to cope with their


    Environment2 _) E% m/ Q9 D5 d

    , ,) V* Q' g0 y1 P2 _: {'

    d& ?) k

    58,count on sb or sth ,, 8 E% H7 ?# [' C+ M/ ?8 d0 j2 k, w

    -I should take them forecast seriously about the cold ,but not count too much

    on a lot of extra snow

    59,count the days

    -did your roommate looking forward to going home for the summer

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    She is counting the days- r4 }8 q! N- M+ Y) Y9 D# P9 p7 Y

    60,cram for ,

    -you seem well prepared for the Spanish mid-term test ,I am impressed ' K, g Z3

    Q4 c% z) r$ R

    I'd better be prepared ,I spend the last eighteen hours cramming for it7 B+ m2 j- `$

    ?# g- Q5 B

    61,cut back ,,

    -I will be working three days a week next semester and it was either cut back

    on my classes or try this distance learning course( ) out % j8 _) a' A2 C: N;

    d* a4 v* V/ }

    62,cut down ,, 1 B* Q7 H; R6 D0 N+ p+ d

    -It must really help with their schedules ,not to mention() how it will

    cut down on traffic+ X( D. Q& N% l, e- |8 g

    63,cut off , 1 F) I3 V# N0 c1 ~

    -did you get cut off

    No they asked me to hang up and try again later7 L6 |- r0 y" g9 R5 W( Z. D


    64,cut out

    -I told you to cut it out

    65,day and night ,,$ G: g& g# r! ~: i/ h& F

    -I can't stop thinking about my research

    Neither can I ,I am working on my thesis day and night5 L9 ~3 E1 C) D7 Q1 b x* w

    66,day in and day out ,,,,

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -when is Jack going to finish writing that program ' B8 l& D# A3 J8 R; _

    I don't know ,he has been working on it day in and day out 6 H8 `" s" P0 \+ ^5 a2 h/ V

    -has Cynthia been working hard on her term paper! K. ^0 [# _% h" d7 l% P

    Day in and day out# x% X9 `6 ?) v6 y& S

    67,die out ,

    -when gold and silver mining died out ,many of the prospectors turn the bruce

    lose burros loose()

    68,dirt cheap

    -you 've already furnished your apartment,I found some useful furnishes used

    furniture that was dirt cheap

    69,do good ' H3 T7 B4 Q1 M

    -the students have been protesting against the increasing tuition ()2

    n7 ^- K. k2 d/ Z) h

    Yes, I heard about the protest,but I don't know how much good it will do

    -you don't believe in diet diets ,do you

    Theres nothing wrong with them persay B( L2 D, W4 g5 l5 d% t

    Per se (by, of,or in itself or oneself or themselves), 2 y, F0 l( i% S, ^; N1 s u)


    But they have to combine with exercise to do any good

    70,drive up the wall

    -this computer is driving me up the wall1 h; Z9 B6 E4 K) S

    71,drop a line

    -please drop me a line when you get a chance

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    72,drop by + b, l$ _" j8 H) h G

    -let's drop by the post office again ,Fred, and see if there's any mail in it

    The post office again ,it's only been an hour% _4 L L7 Q- A" W; A

    73,drop in on ,- p% i! T5 ?5 D/ L o8 Y- b

    -Shara's been in home sick for a week9 |+ u; A( A& M( t. P1 U' ^

    Why don't we drop in on her and find out how she is doing# [4 E: z( s; {, c

    74,drop off

    -she dropped off to sleep in the chair instead of getting up and going to bed

    Mary ,did you drop off the roll of film for developing

    No ,I got Susan to do it/ R7 K5 J4 A. {0 Q4 r3 ~

    -I heard that the park electronics is going to be holding interviews on campus

    next week9 w9 O+ m5 G. o# ?7 _4 V

    Yeah,what day, I might to talk to them and drop off my resume

    75,drop sb off ; o6 S- g; }8 D

    -where do you want me to drop you off

    Right here is fine

    76,easier said than done ,

    -listen Joe you've already taken an exam ,just forget about it

    Thats easier said than done

    77,eat up : D8 D( S! E5 z) B M9 W9 c: |

    -are you going to join the chess club this year

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    Chess eat up too much of my time

    78,end up ,," I7 l0 N% I, }) r( r* ~

    -I am usually miserable for a week and it ends up ruining my holidays9 F0 W5 K%

    K9 G# m! L

    79,every now and then ,,

    -he stops to take a break every now and then 6 \9 G3 i! v9 O& o

    80,every once in a while ,

    -come to the movie with us ,everybody needs to take a break every once in a

    while7 d6 r% }. E7 x% J

    I guess I might as well ,I 've been studying so long ,and I can hardly


    81,every so often ,

    -do you have to work over time on your job

    Every so often I do

    82,fall back on ,

    -were you able to understand that French novel without any help from the


    I did pretty well, but I had to fall back on my dictionary occasionally ( w, ^. G9 t! O.

    C2 g, H- Z6 a

    83,far from being ,, rock and roll

    -you are not much of a rock and roll fan, are you

    Its far from being my favorite kind of music ,that's for sure

    84,figure out , 2 D4 F; \9 h, G+ F8 K

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -that's why scientists are trying to figure out what the

    barnacle's() glue is made of5 d, f# _! H. W!

    G( ~! _$ T! v

    -aren't you clever to figure that out: h# ^, u2 A/ `/ J

    -I thought Paul might be able to help me to figure out this computer program

    Paul is about the last person I ask if I were you

    -that's a nice computer you have, now I have to do is to figure you out how to

    use it

    -I have my new stereo for a whole week ,but I haven't yet figured it out how to

    record a cassette

    Didnt an instruction manual come with it

    85, fill in for ,

    -Richer was feverish yesterday ,I am not sure if he'll be up to attend today's


    And can someone fill in for him , d5 |+ ^. \0 ?3 x& Y

    86,fill one's shoes ,- W, Q1 M. c; a2 s- J8 ^

    -have you heard that Professor Johns is retiring

    Yes, the faculty won't find anyone to fill her shoes ' p* a" a% r8 _

    87,fill out ,

    -fill out the registration form and duplicate ,then keep one copy for your

    records% j$ s- d9 F! o# y

    -I am having trouble filling out this application form

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    Take it line by line and it won't seem so hard: S% M, y7 N& H* S3 m

    -I'd like to apply for the part-time job& A k) u* e. ~

    Fine just fill out this form, and someone will be with you in a moments

    88,finish up

    -what's happening with the new library building2 [9 O4 j9 W( u9 L3 @

    The work crew is just finishing it up2 Y, I1 R% x: w* ]( A

    89,fix a snack

    -well ,you cleaned out the refrigerator this time, you must have been really

    hungry2 P( n3 B n; a# y& W# D

    All I did was fix a snack ,there won't many leftovers from yesterday$ K7 S3 S) ~. W+

    E9 |

    90,for the sake of ,

    -so you'll be taking the courses just for the sake of learning l* x. i7 J+ t8 e0 q1 y

    91,from now on

    -form now on ,I refuse to put up with your silliness2 k) h3 w4 D5 b( E' C# y) P

    92,fry an egg on the side walk sidewalk -d$ K( n8 \8 m. ?4 ?5 g4 Q7 {; n

    -It's a bit warm out today. y0 P' S4 K. C7 K8 u E# D& N8 ~

    Warm ,you can fry an egg on the sidewalk C1 P1 e5 D1 u4 v8 m* @! x

    93,get along ,+ G4 W/ I: V1 d0 w; F4 i1 B

    -they are getting along fine in the their new school

    -Bob usually gets along with us

    94,get away ,,

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -Twain was in a confederate army for just two weeks and then he and his

    whole company went west to get away from the war and the army1 T: k d2 I C0 }

    95,get away with . B: }0 V$ L G* W: l

    -did you know that Bob is leaving for home tonight,he is planning to take his

    final exams/ T/ d4 h7 T& W5 Z) r" W

    He can get away with that

    96,get by ; e: l. h- C* Z( m9 l ]* E

    -I stayed up all night studying for the test

    Again, how you get by with so little rest is a mystery to me

    97,get going / D8 i$ y0 V$ V) `

    -I 've got to get going on my research project

    98,get nowhere 7 @, A- {' s9 e' g9 `

    -I am getting absolutely nowhere with this physics problems

    How about my going through them with you

    99,get off on the wrong foot , 0 X7 S2 z8

    O; o4 U" g4 a. v

    -I hate to get off on the wrong foot ( p, I0 Z* T2 v. z% s0 d) Y

    100,get off the ground ,,, ; x6 q( T' v( P1

    p7 ^- h8 _, q: `

    -how did you talk with Henrico Henry go

    It never really got off the ground

    101,get on someone's nerves ,

    -why did you come to the meeting late, I left a message with your roommate

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    about the time change

    She has a very short memory and it really gets on my nerves sometimes8 o, H

    m- [- o

    102,get out of ,/ V0 ~, d" N# n2 b" C/ {

    -how come your not working on that presentation any more

    Oh I got out of having to give it3 D& K- _3 M- R+ M

    -I never thought that Stan would try to get out of doing his work

    -we are going to the game on Friday ,but Saturday I am on duty at the library

    all day and can't

    Get out of it; T, ^( g; B' H* @) w! E7 Q/ J3 b

    103,get over ,

    -we just can't get over the fact that Teddy and March got married% S" G1 S. \! o6 C5

    U/ l


    -I heard John was turned down for the gradate fellowship she must be upset 4

    E8 z! H6 N: v

    He was that first, but you know John ,she got over it pretty quickly

    104,get over with ( w$ v K4 z! {

    -I honestly don't want to paint the room this week in June

    Neither do I ,but I think we should get it over with

    105,get something out of the way ,

    -how about going to the museum today ,they are having a special exhibit of

    local artists7 i3 K3 A/ Z( Q: i$ v

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    I'd love to if I can get this reading out of the way

    106,get somewhere v2 u2 o: q8 _/ ?

    -no matter how hard he tries ,he doesn't seem to get anywhere5 \8 T+ {$ f. G* ?

    107,get through

    -I had hard time getting through this novel . x1 ~! P8 Z5 T0 S! x6 Y2 @2 ? ^

    I know how you feel ,who can remember the names of 35 different characters

    108,get to ,

    -that leaky faucet is starting to get to me$ V0 @* ?" z6 A$ `0 M3 _

    What shall we do about it% Q2 b! H& Q. q6 q3 s; j& |

    109,give a hand with

    -Phil ,could you give me a hand with this file cabinet ,it belongs to the wall next

    to the bulletin board

    At your service - c8 ]# C" u; f- O

    110,give away 9 @7 L6 L8 B% }: G; |9 n1 c5 ?* x

    -did you really give away all your science texts when you moved

    Only the out-of-date ones

    1,give credibility to =

    -did you hear about jam(,) Jim Jim 7 `& [- g* p9f2 p" e# h

    I wouldn't give that rumor any credibility

    2,give out =, 2 C7 W {6 ]0 G+ N6 B

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -The dormitory laundry service gives out clean sheets each week, doesnt it? !

    b) a! j6 }2 O- B5 x+ t1 P# @, Y: ?

    3,give sb a ride =& C8 Q) r- V6 H( Y. a. z/ A

    -Can I give you a ride over there?

    4,give someone a break =, ()

    -Give me a break; I am nervous enough as it is? ,

    5,give up =,,! r$ n. ~& X: J+ u6 V

    -You are not going to give it up, are you?3 y0 Y+ K' {. T7 R

    -I think I am going to give up playing table tennis I lost again today

    Just because you lost, is there any reason to quit2 D- v' |8 G: \

    6,go ahead =# R+ t0 J1 {8 x' Z

    -Do go ahead before with your dessert?

    7,go around =. m. d/ g0 P6 ]) a* R: B! s

    -Are there enough assignment sheets to go around?/ _* F) U: @& G1 k9 I

    8,go in for =, ,-What he wants to do is get someone to go in for him just pass back the mid-

    term exams1 c; g$ U j0 n4 X

    / F) r1 c8 E9 k8 T( H

    9,go off =

    -She never wakes up before her alarm goes off

    10,go out of one's way = , 1 ^6 W" v/ @$ O( _) o6 g' e

    -I was touched that our neighbor brought over a dish when we moved in

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    Yes, Miss Smith really goes out of her way for others1 L* P @: L/ x5 ?

    11,go over =,,

    -Would you have some time this week to go over these questions with me?

    How does tomorrow sound8 @2 w3 d) \6 |1 b$ W2 A4 @* E

    =, 8 r2 E. L6 p2 I; G. c% @' D

    -How about seeing the new movie at the North Park Theater tonight

    Sounds great, but I got to go over my notes for tomorrow's mid-term

    12,go through the proper channels = ,

    -In order to do that, you have to go through the proper channels " z) \7 Z W* T! B6 }2


    13,go through = 4 a/ k6 ?3 Q3 _6 z- j0 G2 N

    -A policeman saw you go through that read light

    It was yellow; anyway, he turned left at the last corner% J' J1 t! N* h& V3 B9 ]

    14,go through with =

    -I am getting absolutely nowhere with these physics problems. \( e! _" J& a) f& N0 W

    How about my go through them with you

    15,good bargain =! O9 f! a$ T5 b" q" t. w9 L

    -Did you buy any of the sweaters that were on sale?7 q' L3 A- U3 q. X. X; `2 b

    Buy any? I got five of them; it was such a good bargain

    16,hand in =

    -I can't remember the due day pro-final for our final paper

    I think it is the last day of the class, but professor merdark said not to wait

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    25,have one's hands full =& g% C0 F" \& A- u7 V

    -Can you take over for me here I have a client coming to see you

    Well, I can't I'm kind of(, sort of ) have my hands full

    26,head and shoulders above =

    -In computer Porcine? Is head and shoulders above the rest of us

    27,help oneself = 7 w! a# S4 O" p/ t4 Q

    -George helped himself to another piece of pie

    28,help sb with sth =

    -I don't imagine that you would have time to help me this+ `: M5 X F& l4 m

    As it happens, I would

    29,hold down = 3 v2 Z& W6 I# j* O" _0 n-Holding down a job, going to class, studying sometimes can become too

    much for one person

    Take it easy+ R, ~, j$ ^0 O1 b5 Q+ I9 @

    30,hold on =,- f/ g' ]% P; _# u5 n+ i- i3 n

    -If I don't find my wallet pretty soon, I am going to have to report it stolen 9 q6 ^*

    y2 Z5 D8 ?- [

    Hold on, before you call campus security office, have you checked your car or

    your jacket pocket everywhere 9 b- z" J2 s0 Y/ w0 p

    31,hold up =,,

    -Have the parts we need for the copier arrived yetI ordered them last week, but something's holding them up+ y* l) N5 [- \* l

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -It's already ten oclock; I guess Bob and Amy won't be coming to the party

    They called at nine to say that they'd been held up

    -I am really sorry my article didn't make the deadline0 ]7 f9 ^) i) i; A4 V! y

    I guess that held up everything, ah$ o$ k# c6 F) y' L1 Q

    Well, not exactly, but I wouldn't look for it in this month's newsletter& {" U& I2T+ I1 M. ?7 ]


    -I really like your luggage

    It looks nice but it hasn't held up well

    32,if only = .....-If only this rain would stop

    -If only you'd told me sooner

    -If I only saved more money7 w" {/ O& b1 x

    -If only he'd drive more slowly

    -If only I paid attention in class2 y4 _ C1 {7 u

    33,in a little while =,! J. Y- q, Q/ g" Y( }0 }

    -I'll have this finished in a little while

    34,in charge =,- Z$ t0 H9 L8 K& ~; m; \# B

    -Did he put anyone in charge of fund raising?" w; f, B" A' ~6 C

    -I was in charge of grading all the problems sets the words that were assigned

    as homework

    35,in good shape = 9 y, p/ c6 H) D+ b; m

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -Before we play again, I am going to buy a good tennis racket

    Your shoes aren't in very good shape either

    36,in no time =,

    -He shall be here in no time at all ) ]; l; F) g9 B3 S8 N2 `5 J$ b& t

    37,in spite of = 1 i3 [9 t% G+ q- G6 ^

    -In spite of himself, he couldn't stop eating9 A% G( x: P7 H0 x1 Z1 L

    38,in the dark = 9 J# r W& X) m b/ g

    -Do you have any idea what this notice is about?

    I am as in the dark as you are

    39,in the red =, 3 m5 b; ]2 z/ {% c. i) j, _, J

    -So far the club is about three hundred dollars in the red, and we still have four

    month to go before membership renewal 1 ?0 w4 U1 j; J+ r! m, q

    Well, we may have to raise our dues dues()


    40,inside out =" I1 ?9 M0 n: m0 N+ U1 U' w9 h6 V

    -Here I am, I am lucky I made it to the exam on time

    I can see you are in a hurry; you are wearing your sweater inside out3 j/ [, U6 g4

    L2 U- L. {

    41,is ice cold = 9 f+ H0 I; A% U" t7 U! ]4 o

    -Does Professor Ford always come to class?

    Is ice cold?

    42,It never fails =( j. S1 u0 i3 _8 Q' D, N

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -It never fails; plan a big picnic and it sure to rain

    -It never fails it's raining hard outside and I am stark stuck stick

    Without an umbrella ()I'd like to let you have mine, but I have to go out soon

    43,it's who you know that counts =

    -Did you hear that Greg got a job in his uncles law office?

    Like they say, its who you know that counts

    44,keep an eye =, A5 \" s- Z5 x: U

    -One of the members of the dormitory counselor is quitting, do you know of

    anyone who would be interested in and taking her place?

    I am not sure, but I'll certainly keep an eye on for you' L) C* l! R0 R2 S

    45,keep from =,+ r' k& z5 B& @0 i: D$ @/ H

    -No one could keep him from speaking# f! H0 f) {% Q. C) W$ V- d

    46,keep track of =..,,

    -You certainly have a lot clocks there seems to be one in every room" V- E& `$ \, j

    My family gives them to me because I have trouble keeping track of the time5

    N$ J1 f: h8 ~2 s1 T

    47,knock oneself out =" g' F( N$ X; C0 w m2 |( ~( N

    -Gorier has been knocking herself out on that project

    48,last =

    -The last person I want to see is Jeff

    -Would you like to come mountain climbing with us?

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    Thats the last thing in the world I ever want to do; o9 L3 Q) ^4 o- G

    -I thought Paul might be able to help me figure out this computer program

    Paul is about the last person Id ask if I were you y8 G( o2 j; [

    49,lay off =,! M/ T! K/ X& ?- w% w

    -I got some bad news today' |2 K6 d8 f8 }2 H

    The store where I work is laying off staff

    Are they going to let you go?; e( p$ ~$ `$ g+ u9 J

    50,leave much to be desired = ,

    -Well dietitians( ) work hard to offer students nutritious and well-

    balanced diet

    Many of our young men and women claimed that brandy Bramley food like

    most dorm food leaves

    Much to be desired

    51,light up =,

    -Those flowers light up the whole room

    52,like apples and oranges =

    -Which game do you think is more difficult to learn, chess or bridge& E2 p+ J W6 }

    % r0 t. i3 @7 f; S

    They are like apples and oranges

    53,line up =,

    -I have this great job lined up to manage the closing door clothing store at

    them all at the mall

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase



    -Look at all those cars lined up for the ferry ( ); There must be forty

    ahead of us- i; h1 Q; p% x' _+ d2 K; Q3 t

    Yeah, I think it's going to be a while ' b1 a% d% N' n' }5 U! N( B' ~/ @

    54,live by oneself =

    -Mary said she wanted to live by herself

    55,look for a needle in a hay stack = `. r: y) _1 `/ l) ?& Y

    -We are supposed to meet John here at the train station

    Thats like looking for a needle in a hay stack ()

    56,look forward to =,

    -I am really looking forward to the picnic tomorrow- M# ]& F ^% O* |2 u4 Q( X

    If we are lucky we'll have some sun this year for a change" Y9 g6 H+ A& J" j' E! J3 D

    57,look into =,,

    -Martin is looking into the possibility of getting alone getting a loan()3 o8 ?3

    S8 |- a

    58,look over =,

    -The professor asked us to look over our papers for mistakes

    59,look up to = , ,+ Q7 e, V, e% Y# F-Dianna looks up to her teacher

    -I hear your older sister is on the Olympic team and on the honors list; she

    must be quite a person; {7 s5 ^- d' Q8 i

    She sure is, Ive always looked up to her8 |$ t4 ^4 y' B$ R8 \7 E

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    60,lose one's train of = 0 t7 `6 k7 V3 K. r2 H1 _" ?

    -When you interrupted me, you make me lose my train of thought6 E5 L0 W6 `9 x6 k

    61,lose track =,, 2 P) J9 K. }* K. Y n( p

    -Why were you late for the meeting this afternoon?

    I just lost track of time) Q, `' Q. S' q: E' M2 I5 O

    62,lose weight =

    -I must have lost some weight, look at baggy( ) in my pants are1 P/ h5 t* a"

    A- ?, u

    They don't look that loose to me

    63,make a point of =,,

    -Next time it snows, Ill make a point of taking a close look

    64,make ends meet = 9 ]4 R/ G- c- j

    -They understand how difficult it is to make ends meet when you are a

    student+ X9 b3 J$ \3 g5 }/ K8 k

    -Did you hear that Messier turn down that job?" f# F' U9 ^ [1 o6 G

    Yeah, the hours were convenient, but she wouldn't have been able to make

    ends meet

    65,make it =,,

    -Here I am, Im lucky I made it to the exam on time" W# g9 ]2 l. ?* R- v

    I can see you were in a hurry; you are wearing your sweater inside out

    -At the rate of its being used, the copier is not going to make it through the

    rest of the year

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    The year, its supposed to be good for five

    -The subway is running behind schedule and traffic is backed up for blocks I

    don't know - }% l8 ]. ~3 `

    If we will make the sever fifteen show

    It's a beautiful night, lets try to get there on foot, and if we don't make it, lets

    Just have dinner near the theater

    66,make out =,,,

    -Any messages for me0 O3 P1 [; u& F' Y& u" Q: f" N- W

    Someone did call, but there were so much static(), I couldn't make

    out what he was saying

    -Could you lend me your biology notes?

    Do you think you'll be able to make out my handwriting?) i' w, g9 j; a- \( W' h

    67,make reservation = 0 r( L+ r( S, o0 h

    -Too bad you didn't make a hotel reservation " E2 u, ]' C: S8 L8 c

    68,make sense = , 4 v3 o J: k' I8 g

    -Did you like the movie?

    I couldn't make any sense out of it

    -I guess it make sense considering how many students have jobs

    69,make the most of =

    -It's much too beautiful a day to waste in doors: T' m& O* n8 U/ M

    You are right, lets make the most of it

    70,make up =* L! e8 u1 R4 B1 X$ n

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -Suran wanted to take a make-up exam+ A4 z, l7 H

    -Lora has to make up the examination' ^, S' o/ o. \" m

    71,make up one's mind =+ O5 E0 N+ J1 P6 P& K

    -I think you help me make up my mind $ d: U6 |2 n/ ]

    72,meet each other half way =,- \/ F8 L8 g" {% T1 [$ y

    -My chemistry project is in trouble because my partner and I had totally

    different ideas about how to proceed

    You should tried to meet each other half way

    73,mess up =, 4 T b2 q! x4 G- L. |$ e) T

    -Su, would you like to be my lab partner with the next experiment

    Sure, I just can't believe you still want to work with me after I messed up last

    time/ L: y, `; ~7 s1 Z& `! s" |

    74,mix up =,

    -I get the time mixed up and went to the wrong class8 H3 V! j$ F9 ^1 @2 a" |

    -I am surprised to see you in class today, I heard you were sick

    Me, youve got me mixed up with somebody else" M& y3 A- W. u8 {3 h1 i$ |

    75,moment by moment =

    -As a result, Jazz is a natural expression of the moods and feelings of the

    artists, a moment by moment+ I0 O! p6 ^+ q6 w: ?

    " q$ N5 j+ s& S# @2 M/ R

    76,next to =

    -Eggs are supposed to be one of the most helpful foods

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    Next to potatoes $ s7 S' b/ e, @" z' q

    77,no way =

    -Do you think Mark will get there in time?0 M$ A) w! K4 H# q' n j! d* Y

    No way

    78,on account of =,

    -Do you think professor smith will cancel class on account of the special

    conference?9 _0 o' ?% m7 z5 k+ _8 Z, D) A

    Not likely

    79,on and off = , 1 z' Q4 e, D( C- X

    -Over three hundred and fifty labors and artisans have been working on and

    off since the money was raised to restore the house's grander grandeur ,

    -I just heard there are going to be showers on and off all weekend# d/ {. a j' I4 d

    c# }/ A

    There goes the picnic

    80,on campus =

    -Michel is the most talented actor on campus

    Isnt he though?

    81,on earth =,: |; d2 \1 R3 `8 p1 }( y' H

    -How on earth can you believe that?

    82,on end = ,

    -Did Linda ever finish that introductory chapter?

    I am not sure; she spent hours on end rewriting it

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    83,on one's own =,

    -She learned to use the computer on her own" G1 \6 s4 C/ R- d

    84,on sale =: ]/ c3 b" O, j) \; ~2 Z* Q3 V( R, I

    -Did you buy any of the sweaters that were on sale?

    Buy any, I got five of them, there were such a good bargain

    85,on the dot =,! o$ q: b4 b' T& M3 J

    -Did you and a man Amanda really meet exactly five minutes to two in front of

    the theater?

    Yes, we were both there on the dot" w, |) y7 J9 \4 C

    86,on the side =,. m) U2 I S* [: M* D3 P

    -He has a job on the side preparing a libratory every day for the next


    87,once and for all =, 0 K/ T* h6 V8 b) n

    -I am going to tell that neighbor of mine to turn down that music once and for


    I see why you are angry, but I've always found that the polite route is the most


    88,out of =,

    -I'd like to buy a copy of professor Franklin's book on shelves shells()2 E) f"

    `+ o3 M4 ~

    I am very sorry, that youve been out of print for some time now

    -The bookstore is out of textbooks for France 102' }$ t; l8 M- q0 [

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -How can we be out of salt, I bought them only last week0 u _# b G, P

    -The bookstore is out of lined notebook paper , P c/ A: V1 v8 N6 n; D

    89,out of business =,. j) n0 ]( P$ j- c+ L( v

    -The supermarket down the street is selling everything half price because they

    are going

    Out of business

    Sounds like an idea time to stock up on coffee- |4 _1 j! P9 m+ u

    90,out of earshot =

    -Hey, Joe, Joe, save your breath* @- v% C$ x4 ~4 a

    Hes out of earshot

    91,out of it =, 1 q5 P) _" x, f: n" }; \

    -Peter's really out of it these days

    Yeah I know, ever since he met Anne, hes been in another world 2 I5 R& M, ]$ A& _;

    h N

    92,out of one's mind = ! x0 q( T; R8 p

    -Gerry says he's planning to take an extra course this term

    Hes got to be out of his mind

    93,out of place =, ,

    -Just look at that new dormitory, the modern architecture seems so out of

    place among all the older buildings: |, R4 p1 i) z# }' S9 K

    94,out of steam =,, 0 A3 {" R. N7 i) g9 z) d

    -Lets jog for another mile. ^+ l m0 A$ \% b6 e

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    I'll try, but I am running out of steam

    95,out of the question =,

    -Could I hand in my paper a few days late?

    I am afraid that's out of the question

    96,out of this world =; o7 `3 p3 q$ h, `% K

    -Have you tried Susan's apple pie?

    I got the last piece, and it was out of this world. l8 V$ i- W5 N# X. b2 `# f

    97,pass up =; X# Q _: L! c, i, h

    -I was going to ? work on my thesis a lot in July, but I 'm sure myadvisor wouldn't want me to pass up this opportunity

    98,pay off =,

    -What a wonderful performance, the marching band has never sounded better

    Thanks; I guess all those hours of practice are finally paying off 9 X6 G3 m% s: N#

    D+ |

    99,pick up =1,

    -Have you picked up your ID card from the office yet?. x9 }# l# K$ {8 L. ]

    No the camera for taking photos was broken- }( ~2 Y3 R& H+ ]0 {3 @5 _( m4 H

    -Should we ask Paul to pick up our clothes at the dry cleaners?

    Why not, its right on his way home& }" O; o% V/ B

    -Professor Corks said you could pick up your term paper today at her office

    So she's graded it

    -I hope you had a chance to pick up those financial aid papers5 |( Y* K4 @0 |6 R7 j3

    H9 p

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    I thought I get day to do it later- G* T. [/ W! ^: Z5 Q

    -I thought you were picking David up at the airport" t# I C& D. J' A/ S& @* W% w

    How could air on Tuesday night

    -I'd like to pick this film up by four-tomorrow afternoon& n3 S/ D, q; w6 z6 y- b- g

    I can have it for you at two if you like

    -I'm going to the vegetable stand() today, can I pick up anything for you

    No thanks; I just came back from the market myself$ Y% C: C& Y- X- M. e: ]

    -Weve got a whole hour before the Browns come to pick us up

    Yeah, but we better get moving

    -I am going to the snack bar for a couple of coffee e$ [) F: C; z9 C) [8 V

    Would you like me to bring you back something?

    Not from the snack bar, but could you pick up a paper for me

    = 2,,

    -One team will pick up litter in the picnic area and jogging trail and one will dig

    out * z: Q- [. z- r2 L( g. P

    Garbage found in the sallow shallow () waters of the lake itself/ i$ e8 |( J8 m+

    X9 T; ?

    =,, C6 p* ~( P* S3 }0 _* |( f# J& g

    -I know Lorry play the piano but I didn't know she plays the Guitar

    Neither did I, It seems she just picked it up on her own over the summer+ \. i8

    X3 D8 v1 @: [" ?' ^

    100,play by ear =,

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -Muddy, are you drawing doing something special for your presentation in

    political science


    Not really, because the class so often turns into a discussion, Ive decided to

    play by / `9 D% I8 ?% y& y( J

    Ear' e5 W w) |% [9 n, z

    101,point out =,,

    -The first thing I'd like to point out is that the workbook contains of a very large

    amount of material far more than you could ever handle in a single semester

    102,pull away = 0 h% b E- s) h# T* L

    -Wasn't that the city bus that that'd just pulled away?

    103,push one's luck =,' O8 m. D- L6 u( {, S/ O/ c

    -If professor Thomason was willing to give us a three-day extension to finish

    the project, maybe he'll give us a few more days4 d$ q1 G# R) D9 G" `& l

    Lets not push our luck, marry, ok

    104,put away =....,

    -Is there a bus I can get to the station?- l) y, F) t/ k

    There is, but you can't rely on it, I 'all give you a ride if you can wait while I put

    These things away

    105,put on =,, 1 v* `- v, K# E+ M8 L) y9 j5 l+ M6 ]

    -I think I'll put on some music now

    What do you have, I am a classical music fan8 N/ a- l, s* m

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    106,put up =,,

    -The city is going to tear down those old houses and put up a new shopping



    -My company is flying me out to Hawaii on business next week7 M% G4 Q* P, G# j1

    @2 |- D

    Thats great, where are they putting you up

    107,put up with =,

    -From now on, I refuse to put up with your silliness

    108,race through =

    -Kevin race through the station, afraid he'd missed the train; o( A4 X3 ?& H- D) b# q

    109,race the roof =,

    -I borrowed Peter's favorite pen, and now I've lost it

    When he finds out, he will really raise the roof( A7 L4 F! L' u+ b |+ X

    110,really nothing to it =

    -I can run this projector, thats really nothing to it5 f4 R, M5 g; e8 S5 e5 ~

    111,return with regrets =

    -I return to the party invitation with regrets0 S; a' _, x2 b5 o

    112,ring a bell =,* ?. X% \4 T7 I' l/ ~: t. F

    -That name just doesn't ring a bell with me

    113,run into =,

    -If you run into any problem, please feel free to stop in $ U. M! ] [1 c* r' N

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    114,run out of =, 2 ~ D/ _" E( Z9 y- b* p: a

    -Remember to bring along two or three pens in case you ran out of ink% V a' L' b/

    T F' s

    -Cathy is running out of time on her project( U8 a! J% I; H% `, p- f

    -It looks as though we've run out of computer paper. h' n0 A7 Y; P% {

    116,run up against =& O) B! ?# D+ V, X. {3 ~& }

    -Have you run up against any problem in getting you visa renewed?

    Not yet \ Z) d+ Y5 p+ T( r

    117,rush hour =

    -Why don't we drive down town now?3 L. e9 ^7 W: ?

    Wouldnt it be better to wait until rush hour?6 B$ P3 p3 E- W# X/ U8 B8 b

    1,save one's breath -,# `1 ]: x1 ^; h# I) B1

    i3 y* S

    -Donna should save her breath because she can't convince her friends


    Save your breath he's out of ear shot earshot8 {) C0 ?2 K! V$ e$ a# u" d/ S: G

    2,say something about -

    -It's hard to believe that half the class couldn't do all the exercises, isnt it

    Charlie. S$ |! l7 Q0 L: b

    I am afraid that says something about our physical fitness ()

    3,see around -

    -Have you seen Jam around, we are supposed to play tennis?3 T6 {; G( z' a# C; f: \9

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    I5 X/ h

    Well, his racket is here on the table

    4,set in -,+ Z, n* M0 P7 b9 N

    -our exercises aren't enough to increase metabolism before fatigue () sets


    5,set out for -,/ X) g* t- w9 L5 ]

    -Which hiking trail did Karol's group take?

    I think they set out for the lake

    6,set up -, 8 [# D1 u, m8 X+ t" E% _1 ^

    -I think I've got six experiments this experiment set up right now

    You only think it's right? In chemistry, youve got to be sure# m0 m9 M; S0 H( E, x


    7,share a common outlook -' t4 n/ ?% A( E7 W$ W; i

    -Jeff and Alan share a common outlook on life' n; s# W; [6 @) i6 L1 o1 ?

    8,show off -,, 4 F& ?4 K' W8 c. G, ?

    -What a show off. n# B& C1 ^$ ^0 ~ r

    9,show up -1

    -How would the snale snail show up in the photographs if they were

    transparent?" v( p- [9 R2 n0 Z

    - , 3 ~% o' x% z- h0 G' `# V

    -Did David show up at the game? 0 n* ]4 P/ Z, b0 z! y/ A0 B$ w

    -The speaker showed up late for his statistic lecture) n, V' z, o+ _% L$ A

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -Mike promised he'd help on this rush job, but he never showed up/ m7 z' w0 a! P8

    G" m. I+ ?

    Some friend he is

    ()3 F6 h8 `; l+ Y2 q. d: `

    10,sick of -,

    -he is sick of his job

    11,sign up -,: }9 i4 e4 K0 z c

    -I am in a chemistry major, but I enjoy join and the course description says

    that any student can sign up' q+ \. K% q9 F* H9 ~" q' w" I

    -I am signing up for a non-credit( ) string on sanble string

    ensemble( ) course that needs meets once a week on Wednesday


    -I signed up for a month-long course but Katy signed up for the one that's

    eight weeks; P$ c1 K+ x# Z: v

    Long$ Z0 P' ]% u8 m/ f7 ^

    -Hi, Id like to signed up for the film selection committee, is this the right place

    Yes it is, there is lot of fun people on that committee, but you have to put a lot

    of hours, I hope your schedule isn't too tight

    12,sit in on -,

    -Maybe I should sit in on his class some time

    13,six of one and half a dozen half-a-dozen of the other -,

    -I can't decide whether to take anphology anthropology( ) or geology

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    this term 6 `' }3 C! w/ r+ n9 o

    Its six of one and half a dozen half-a-dozen of the other

    13,slip one's mind -( G2 [& a/ Q- E1 L; N# t) D( x& X" k

    -Donna ,you said you take this package to accounting( )

    yesterday % z. Y9 D$ w3 s# s: X5 R+ i7 ?

    oh,no ,it must have slipped my mind

    14,snap out of it -, 8 l- |# ~ B' |/ j$ f

    -Herry seems to be in a bad mood today

    Hell snap out of it when he finishes his biology project this afternoon ' `2 O& ?- j4

    c% S+ e6 [

    15,so far - 6 F% W9 J, G5 N* _) J# m! J# M

    -Our basketball team won every game so far8 A6 S+ f, p' ~" {+ ?

    16,spell out - ,

    -You need to spell out clear instructions for me( ]3 F4 @! G' J( L6 O; ]8 s" Q) l P: R

    17,stand up for -,

    -He stood up for what he thought was right8 {. E6 L; @5 I: M) |0 p! b

    18,stay up -, 9 }; k2 Q# m/ n5 y8 `

    -I stayed up all night studying for the text

    Again, how you get by with so little rest is a mystery to me1 y6 ?! I! i! f+ r( j x* C- s

    -Dub says she's going to stay up all night studying for her exam tomorrow


    Wouldnt she be better of getting a night sleep, so she will feel fresh in the

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase



    -I am exhausted I stayed up the whole night studying for my history mid-term

    exam) B& x9 @ m1 n8 x5 }" ]

    Why do you always wait till the last minute?

    19,stick around -

    -Leaving the party so soon? We are just getting ready to cut the cake1 H) y, E6 R9

    v1 c

    Sorry, I can't stick around) \2 E: l7 Y' |% t/ [+ }0 _

    20,stick with -,

    -I wonder what this new flavor of ice cream taste like

    I 've tried it last week, if I were you; I will stick with an old favorite + h$ { l& x" D3

    M3 n9 D' U9 |

    21,stuck up on -

    -The supper market down the street is selling everything half price because

    they are going out of business) S" p) W! { h e

    Sounds like an idea time to stuck up on coffee , \: R! N/ b s7 ], N

    1,stop by --# l0 R+ O: Q2 @: ?- f# K$ Y3 U: N

    -I'll stop by your room, its probably quieter there than in my hall : }' T9 X& { ?- c0 r2 r/

    r6 Y

    -Why don't you stop by our office so I can give you some forms to fill out and

    explain everything in more detail?

    2,strengthen straighten out -,/ e, x( I+ O) V* l8 h

    -I almost forgot I still owe you ten dollars from the other night, do you have

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    change for a twenty

    Oh, not at the moment, lets just strengthen it out some other time6 e( j) g- Q( N+ g

    % P" F

    3,switch off -,, A1 g- q$ [2 I! `! ]

    -Switch off the light, would you?# Z7 h' W2 ?$ A2 U) c9 S; p

    4,take care of -,

    -What would you do with your cat when you leave for vacation?

    I am having Ken take care of it

    5,take for -, / Z& M" u% F: p$ P( `9 S& S

    -I thought Pam said the math test wasn't until Monday PAM

    Alan ,you should know better than to take Pam's words for anything

    7 n7 \' z3 L( O j# Q5 u

    6,take for granted -,

    -We take for granted some of the other invitions inventions that enable people

    to live and work in skyscrapers

    -/ g2 e4

    ^( E4 W( `2 n% z: c0 z( e

    7,take forever to do

    -this calculous problems are not only tough they take forever to do4 u, l: l' S/ V$ O/ a

    8,take it easy , 1 m/ x" } T: ?/ P

    -Holding down a job, going to class, studying sometimes it can become too

    much for one person, take it easy

    -Now that I finally turned in my thesis, I plan to take it easy for a while : M7 v. C" C"

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    T3 I! C& E s' f

    -in the mean time() ,you should try to take it easy

    9,take one's time ,,- n3 ^- K1 A% q

    -Take your time and you 'all spend less money

    -Bruce said he would meet us

    Well, He is really taking his time getting here

    10,take over ,

    -We got someone to take over herry's job# e3 z8 j y% b: B

    -Can you take over for me here; I have a client coming to see me

    Well I can't have my hands for

    well I kind of( sort of a little ,somewhat s$ |7 Y' e8 E- U

    have my hands full (=tied up ,occupied ) u! _& n4 E0 F2 a2 T" n: B

    11,take up -1, 9 B: N# [8 J$ b7 \8 j6 Q-Robber wants to take up drawing


    -I think we should we should move on to the next item9 ^" V \9 o- @

    Ok, but Id like to take this matter up again at the end of the meeting$ x+ h, p0 q3 \.

    D/ R( S1 {

    9 x' V6 V% e1 m- R5 R) y

    12,take up with -

    -You know the noise in my dorm has really gotten out of control; my roommate

    and I can rarely get to sleep before midnight

    Why don't you take the problem up with the dorm supervisor?# r, f( Q. H: b7 ]; ]8 T. K5


  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    13,talk into 1 i9 A9 ^, h/ J- L# x

    -I am getting worried about Jennifer, all she talks about these days are her

    volleyball team and all she does is practice8 k! M+ k: m2 F: V7 n

    her grades will fall for sure, try to find her after dinner and talk some sense

    into her(). S: g# [2 \4 T* _6 A1 G

    14,talk out of ,& ], |% H `- ^6 ?

    -Havent you ever gone into a store thinking that you buy something and then

    talk yourself out of it?

    -I don't think our classmates should confront professor Themes with these


    I know, I am going to try to talk them out of it

    -I thought you were planning to take that phycology psycology() course

    at graduate school

    I was ,but I spoke with Dean() Johnson and she talked my out of it

    15,tear down =," Q; ~8 \( G, b0 x; |7 p5 q

    -In 1960, Knaggy hall was scheduled to be torn down

    -The city is going to tear down those old houses and put up a new shopping


    16,the other day

    -He came over to our house just the other day

    17,the other night

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -How did the game go the other night, did your team win+ P6 N3 @9 |# O0 n1 ]. l

    are you kidding ,that would be a first ,. Y/

    L. N+ e8 ~, d4 N; J

    18,the sooner the better 3 B( `. @! E" ]2 z

    -We should get started on that project' v$ x# u8 r: t6 l- }& _

    The sooner the better as far as I am concerned

    19,throw away , 6 y/ w/ N; O9 d5 P9 m

    -Should I help clean up by throwing away these newspapers? + e; Y9 F Z0 w

    I want to clip a couple of articles first

    20,tie up

    -Dick, please don't tie up the phone, I need to make a call) }+ s; Z$ |& Z+ H, |

    I 'all be off in a minute# o7 g7 X* D7 o2 V+ J( J1 p

    21,too good to be true -,

    -How wonderful, you won the scholarship, can you believe it9 c. B! g- N1 [0 S2 O

    No it's almost too good to be true/ Z$ k7 f% m5 i: H) Q

    22,torse and turn toss and turn

    -Last night I touse and turned tossed and turned () in bed ,too

    exhausted to sleep

    23, trade in ,

    -Its going to cast cost a fortune to get my car fixed$ L' Z. U! J; x. M

    Why don't you just trade it in for a new one?8 k3 @, V" N; O2 C; n

    1,try out for -

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -Did you get the part you tried out for in the play?

    That role was given to someone else, but I got the better part

    2,tune in -, 4 s# `. { E$ n. Y7 V" W* b9 `" M& g

    -Thank you for tuning in today

    3,turn down - 0 V7 K" v6 Z/ L: ~. A

    -Look, I am sorry to bother you about this, but could you turn that music down

    Sorry, I didn't realize you could hear it

    -I have trouble concentrating when my roommate plays loud music$ f- f% S( o6 e9

    D2 v

    Why don't you just ask him to turn down the volume herry?

    - ,. O: ^8 A q2 Q0 e- e5 c

    -He was approached by three companies with job offers, but he turns them all

    down0 g. K: C0 ], \ D) p

    -I heard John was turned down for the graduate fellowship, she must be upset.

    i/ ~3 w! k( i! f1 \

    She was that, but you know John, she got over it pretty quickly

    -Did you hear that Michel turn down that job

    Yeah the hours were convinient convenient but she would have been able to

    make ends meet9 N) f5 t) E( z# ?0 x

    4,turn in ,8 h, K% n" K" t. M+ {

    -Gerry ,did you turn in your locker() key5 q/ O: R(

    E2 x0 M5 k5 J" E

    No I got Sam to do it9 n# W, V0 O& ^: W k! l

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -Now that I finally turned in my thesis, I plan to take it easy for a while

    5 turn off ( x0 V1 K3 L* M) h/ Z

    -I turn off the lights all ready for bed" m" }! R& E% K0 ]( A

    -I missed the bus again today, because I turned the alarm clock off in my

    sleep, I don't know what to do

    Try putting it far enough away from your bed then you'll have to get up to turn

    it off

    6,turn one's back on $ p0 E& i9 B/ }3 i! z! ?$ r% i

    -Hell turn his back on me if I ask for money

    7,turn out ,

    -This course wasn't supposed to be hard* p* G T- D1 \1 T; j, j7 {

    But it sure turned out to be, didnt it3 N0 D% e; a" i! e. F+ N `

    8,under the whether

    -Its good to see you Mary, how have you been7 B- r' B+ \: d6 P) M

    Actually, I have been feeling under the whether recently

    9,under warrenty

    -Is this radio still under warrenty warranty?

    It should be, I bought it only six weeks ago1 C7 z2 r5 ?4 `" O

    10,up to -,

    -Do you think we should urge Bob to study Spanish?8 m; C8 Z6 r( F" {7 S

    Well have to leave that decision up to him( ~ e9 U {1 C$ x

    -Should we call Marcia and tell her about the meeting8 ]$ m/ t' D+ O" @! j

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    I am not sure; its up to you

    -,% S W, }8 A) J. U

    -I am afraid that Alan is not up to such a difficult task2 j$ \! n( k- [* {4 o, W

    11,up to one's neck -* z. F- l5 a- L& g

    -Come swimming with me. D S+ N' W( P3 y9 J6 P

    Sorry, but I am up to my neck in work

    12,upside down -

    -This calculator isn't working right ( ?% M) R. D0 r0 X

    I think you've got the battery in upside down

    13,wait until the last minute - 5 Z! F; R, O4 d$ n

    -I can't remember the due day for a final paper

    I think it is the last day of class, but professor Murdock said not to wait until

    last minute to hand it in4 H5 t! D8 H# Y- o

    14,warm up - 8 ?/ P. _2 H1 s. K3 v/ S1 l

    -Are you ready to go jogging?

    Almost, I have to warm up first

    15,wear away -,

    -It's highly abrasive abrasive and quickly wear away the out wax layer

    protecting inside bodies4 P& h+ p8 L+ e5 I: ~* C

    -over the years, rains have worn away the rocky mantle( ) of the

    continent& T# ]$ C4 f% _& k2 y, t

    16,wear out -,,

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -and rail road in railroading() doesn't wear out highway as tracks do ;

    i& b! V& ^) a

    17,what if - ," O6 X& D0 q* Z- i: |3 i# o+ m( \9 h

    -There are some interesting shows shells on the beach today

    What if we collect some after lunch?: U6 R5 w7 k! |+ j4 B2 V2 P" ?

    18,what's this I hear about - 3 T; \% k) w5 J$ H+ J

    -Whats this I hear about you are appearing on the six o'clock news5 H- W$ J" y- l$

    O8 j" c' O

    Oh, that, some people were filming something on campus and I just happen to

    pass them in front of the camera

    19,wind up ,,...

    -Thats a long line, do you think there will be any tickets left9 ~$ R' S0 x* U" h e- I

    I doubt it; guess we'll wind up going to the second show ' X z3 V# x+ H3 v. }

    20,work out # h4 x1 H) T# |" o, P

    -For the next half hour we will work out in the jam


    -I am having a problem getting the classes I want( C% M, S0 l# D% ^

    That's too bad, but I am sure you'll be able to work everything out before the




    -I hope this works out

    21,wrap up * X3 e( p3 T; ~7 c5 W) u4 R5 [

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -Do you think we can wrap up this report by five?

    Have you looked the clock recently?

    -we've been working on this proposal for so long that my eyes are starting to


    Why don't we get out of here, we can wrap it up later

    1,you bet ,,

    -Are you still planning to go to the concert?+ o) [! ]+ S1 j6 e2 r

    You bet I am

    -Are you looking forward to your move in April?1 d6 o/ F( J1 [: ~1 W/ o

    You bet I am, the rooms here are too small, and there is no storage space( a3 M,

    j& K% T. x/ H8 O5 k

    2,you can say that again 9 h- e- \) Y) N" b P

    -This room is freezing

    You can say that again+ |' P5 L; ] {& B9 g

    3,you said it

    -Now that they are soundproofed room, it sure is a lot easier to work in here! D+

    V6 H' f) P7 P7 I1 b

    You said it

    -Isnt it wonderful that Sally won the scholarship?

    You said it* w5 G7 ]# B( j

    4,you are telling me , ///

    -This is the longest assignment weve had all semester$ y& H& A0 F4 l

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    You are telling me

    1,after all ,+ Y2 V; g$ L1 p- P: \( q$ ~; Y) ?; [

    -summer session will be get on during begin on June twenty second* s. K6 n& ^& ?

    3 c

    so it has been said after all ' K$ S2 i4 ]8 h! P' o* W* U

    2,around the clock 24 -Marphy studied around the clock for her management exam+ f7 j% S3 a& O. u! I: m0

    u X

    3,as far as - , 1 ?6 A# W, d( _4 P( |7 R+ b7 f

    -Would the filture field trip be on Friday Friday is as originally scheduled9 a2 @-

    {2 @5 i: X( T

    As far as I know

    4,as a matter of fact 2 v( _* h2 F8 l# f

    -I imagine you've gotten your advisor's adviser's approval for your class


    As a matter of fact, I haven't

    5,at least ,

    -How are you enjoying our history?2 p$ ~( D, W* x X+ a6 T' i

    at least it is the diversion(,) from my normal course work I am getting

    tired of math

    6,back out , 3 Q& Y2 N3 I2 v2 O( ?4 k, U

    -Wasnt Bord supposed to sing tonight?

    Yes, but he backed out the last minute

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    7,be credited to

    -The success of emergency emergency landing was credited to capiten's

    captain's skill

    8,be oneself ,, m' e5 [2 f9 X

    -Ok, Ann, when it's your time, speak clearly and confidently about your

    qualifications for the job but most of all, just relax and be yourself0 `. H4 V3 Y; ]' B

    9,be selated slated to be , 0 p; K: w4 U9 e* L/ ^

    -a noble price Noble Price () winner is slated to be the next speaker; i! Q5

    Z$ l& Y( p! k+ I4 Y' g

    10,bear up -,,, 0 K" ?; E, T7 @5 I

    -Richard seems to be really anxious these days/ X6 k" k1 V$ Y- f# }$ Q5 [# A* j

    I think he's bearing up a extremely wear well under the circumstance

    11,bite off more than one can chew ///,o+ d6 U5 \0 Y% E1 P+ F

    -I hear you taking advanced physics course this semester ,how's it going

    I think I've bitten off more than I can chew bite off :()

    12,break new ground 2 {' e4 C Z6 B! B! j

    -His architecture design brought new ground in the field

    13,break up ,: C7 R+ q. y* m! k

    -our group broke up at two ()4 L$ S! }0 E9 T% t3 z1 i

    14,burn up ,,

    -Susan still hasn't gotten her research paper back

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    I know and she is really burned up at the professor+ w' T8 ]! L, B6 ?2 j

    15,care for ,,

    -He didn't care for his new tennis racket

    16,carry on ,, 7 l6 ]4 W/ d/ C/ I" H4 C( D* X

    -I think it's great that you are able to speak so many different languages $ C( I%

    K1 L. l5 s# N& ?

    I can carry on simple conversation, but that's really about it ! @1 x+ x, \: w6 S% f, `6 J.

    Y; W


    17,catch one's eye - 9 \ K3 L( K, ?8 \

    -that beautiful flulian floor lamp() really caught my eye/ r% l( B$ }: M5 M8 V% U5

    C* N' ~

    18,cheer up -,

    -Morph seems to know just the right things to say to Bob in order to cheer him

    up4 [' v& y8 `; K# ~6 l4 r, y

    that's just like her ()3 w, g: N' Y; U; P2 x$ b

    19,come into -,% l2 |/ |. g/ T! r

    -You know, Andeny has come into a lot of money recently7 x8 }3 K* C9 T# e' J

    Yes, I heard that her relative was generous to her9 C+ O* C5 w) s

    20,come out -,,

    -Thirty-six divided by five, No it doesn't come out right

    No problem, we can have one car forword full with an extra person in it. u: _8 \2

    [3 I6 }

    21,come to something ,,,

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -That report I did came to over fifty pages0 K7 ?, b8 H* Q4 U3 H

    my Godness My goodness ()=Goodness me goodness (,


    1,count out ,

    -I thought it would be fun if we all went to see that movie downtown

    Count me out, Ive heard it isn't worth the money" n& L: @) @ T. v9 u' P6 C* P

    2,cross out ,

    -we should cross out the names of people who never come2 a* {" l' L I2 F" D, Z

    3,cut out for ,

    -Doctor Hamilton doesn't feel Larry is cut out for the medical profession

    4,develop film

    -Karol, do you develop all you own films, only the black and white, I have the

    film left a film lab developed by my color pictures0 Z1 p6 h3 l" N1 [' n7 \

    5,dig up ,

    -She dug up a lot of information for her geology report0 y' s7 r6 u/ M- Y$ Z( Y

    6,do the trick , 1 u: U$ ]9 U2 Y6 _$ F! w7 T, h. m. Y

    -I 've been trying to get the funy furnace() to started ,but I can't find the

    right switch4 ]' x% f* p! i3 q8 ]6 ] ]

    Here I believe this one in the back will do the trick

    7,drag one's feet -, 9 x1 K3 }3 k( |% [9 @+ V

    -how's Bob coming along on his dissertation() proposal

    Hes really been dragging his feet1 B, ^& }4 u1 L6 h3 r) m" |

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    8,draw the line -, 0 f9 ]) c) }* d

    -Paul expects me to clean the room every week+ B0 z2 j: T8 p

    Thats where I draw the line

    9,drop an order ,% _- w4 p$ W& W! j

    -What do you mean my suit isn't ready yet; I dropped an order more than three

    weeks ago# r0 W" J6 s2 T5 G

    Our tailor has been out sick, so work is backed up about a week6 B1 t+ R; _" q

    10,drop out of ,,

    -Although Herry passed all his courses, he dropped out of college in June& }%

    P9 X+ p, D0 D

    11,due to ( Y! a7 w8 g, D' e8 w& F+ x" j

    -how was Doctor Thompsons talk on local wild life, it was cancelled due to the

    bad whether

    -due to the holiday, this session will meet only once next week6 T, U: Z, J( f) j8 ` l% X

    12,every other

    -our class club meets every other Wednesday

    13,face to face

    -I wasn't sure what she really thought of my suggestion just from our phone


    Yes it would be better to talk about it face to face% D! I; r& p2 B/ E

    14,fall apart , 6 m2 g( P7 h& l! y0 F2 D/ ?5 n

    -this chair is already falling apart and I am supposed to leave this room in

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    good condition at the end of the year

    I think Mr. Adams should look at it ()( t8 S& ]1 t; ^% A8


    15,fall on . T5 ?7 Q+ C# l: t

    -both the physics exam and calculus exam fall on the last day of the term

    16,feel down in the dumps -,

    -Kate was really feeling down in the dumps about her latest chemistry

    assignment5 l% M0 G3 d) z' H5 U

    17,few and far between ,, ,

    -Steve is really a terrific guy ,()

    He sure is, ones like him are few and far between

    18,fill somebody in on ,

    -Becky will fill you in on what happened to at the last meeting8 L/ p a2 E* k0 r3 h

    19,fit as a fiddow fiddle

    -herry, how have you been, I haven't seen you in ages

    I am fit as a fiddow fiddle; this exercise program I am following is terrific

    20,food for thought , ()6 v% b( N$ P( p V* I" f

    -there is a lot of food for thought in what he had to say E3 ~9 h* C6 O# z+ k% k0 F' q% s

    21,for sure -,,

    -you know for sure the class was cancelled$ k9 d/ W& F- b2 o

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    22,from top to bottom -,

    -maybe you lost your wallet in this room 2 G r. m) i1 w7 Q) J: V7 B3 v% C

    Ive already searched it from top to bottom: `7 I& Q2 H; N+ F

    1,get at -,,

    -I don't understand what she's getting at

    -do you understand what I am getting at

    2,get hold of -,

    -Stan has been trying to get hold of you all week

    3,get one's hands full ---

    -Do you think you can fix my television for my today?& w) T. w" @* ]/ x5 w

    Sorry, Ive got my hands full as it is

    4,get ride of -,

    -I wish I haven't got ride of those old letters& I$ Q6 k0 a6 c6 W

    5,get together -,

    -do we need to get together to plan our summer art seminar()

    is there anything wrong with right now ,/ e# k, ?4 S1 K9 F; a4 O* i

    6,go on -* a- w2 P, C+ }5 Z' z% \

    -what's going on for the renovation in your house, arent you building a new

    kitchen* a3 e' f( o4 M- W

    The workers are finishing up this week

    7,go out of business - ,, M! _2 n7 q5 Y

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -Did you buy your car from that dealer in the city?

    He went out of business last month

    8,ring and bell grin and bear -, () grin :. B$ T. X0 e% y. Z2 u) n8 W! Z

    -Carla, I can't take this job any longer; o. u3 q) w! x& d# e" }

    If you need the money, youll just have to rang and bell grin and bear it ) [. p- D0 ^3

    s) T I6 _; M

    9,had better ,

    -Julie had better to go to the supper market right away because her sister is

    coming for lunch

    10,have a hand in ...,...

    -She had a hand in this project7 I+ |1 y0 g) S! L4 K) h8 f

    10,have one's hands full

    -you look like you have your hands full, do you need some help carrying those

    boxes5 }1 q2 w) H2 P! Z$ E- t; u

    I sure do: a) v3 J6 m2 o* y) `

    11,hit the spot sport ,,

    -this lemonit lemonade sure hits the spot sport

    And how!

    12,hold off ,

    -I think I'll break down and get myself some new tows?

    I'll hold off, if I were you, there are some good sales next month

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    13,hold the line ,

    -Hello, can you tell me if the library will be open Saturday evening

    Hold the line please, Ill find out

    14,in ages

    -Henry, how have you been, I haven't seen you in ages

    I am fit as a fiddle() ,this exercise program I am following is terrific

    15,In case , ,,

    -I am ready to mail this package to my parents % s6 k& V; O/ p1 }+ x$ d' t

    You better have it ensured just in case it gets lost

    16,in memory of

    -Franklin Hall was built in memory of Benjamin Franklin

    17,in one's shoes 3 e- C4 P4 _6 w( [" w/ J( G2 E

    -I Think I'll go to movie tonight instead of working on my paper4 j: x) u0 m3 P) D+ l3 v-

    E1 z3 I

    I wouldn't if I were in your shoes

    18,in person

    -That was quite a game, the stadium was really full ' A) V' @2 W& D( i

    And being in there in person is so much more fun than watching the game in


    19,in shape

    -Susan swims a mile every day to keep in shape; a, [; F, S2 e

    20,in the event that

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -In the event that it rains, the game will be held in doors

    21,in the least , 3 j9 W- T6 J' w) |

    -This television program is not in the least boring* n, p7 Y* z$ M7 O+ U9 B) ^# l

    22,in the works ,,,# a3 d) {; n2 _6 f ]

    -An advanced course in theoretical chemistry is in the works) k5 i3 _: O) H5 C6 f

    23,in time ,

    -Shouldn't we call now if we are going to get a taxi in time?

    Why don't we ride with Bill Bill

    24,in vain ,

    -all his explanations were in vain

    25,keep between the two of us ,

    -What I am going to say is rather personal, so let's keep it between the two of


    26,know a single tour about know a thing or two about

    -Do you think Andy could help us plan the campain camping trip towards

    Vijunia West Virginia?" G! {* a3 K+ @7 A% a

    Well, since he spends every summer there he might know a single tour about


    27,leave for ,

    -I imagine you leave for the airport right after your last exam3 y. z4 Z h6 P# M2 v$ ~,

    O& J

    Unfortunately I can't 9 _0 X6 k0 z/ Y5 O r

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    28,leave no stone on turn unturned ,( M! K0 ]& C% p# n1 B

    -Lean left no stone on turn unturned in her research and handed in an

    excellent paper

    29,leave well enough alone , 5 P) y' u) m; E& i

    -I am going to revise my politics report U8 B% c4 t3 d+ Y5 [) J* ?

    I think you should leave well enough alone.

    1,let off -,,

    -half the drivers let you off in the innersection intersection1 @6 o% I! ?5 s

    2,let out -,,

    -I assumed you'd been in class until 3 o'clock today

    I usually am, Professor Smith let us out early 8 o* N( l. z1 D' o7 J

    3,little by little ,

    -little by little he learned to cook

    4,make a difference ,,

    -I am going to ask the neighbors to turn the music down, I cant hear myself

    think" @& A1 P& s i, `! S. u/ \& ]0 F

    do you really think it makes any difference to them 2 |

    % ~6 z$ I& {0 v/ |- k( D s( }

    5,make a night of it ,$ X/ R3 E3 @& q/ K& ^/ w" G5 c3 e

    -I am going to have to work late to finish my English report ' g- |( c0 o% l! M% Q- R

    I have to make a night of it myself

    6,make fun of ,, 8 d/ n4 v X! A# e' R

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -Little children occasionally like to make fun of others0 o9 ~' F0 Q* W+ {$ Q0 j! Q) }

    7,meddle in ,,, -Godden is always meddling in other people's business

    8,no longer ,

    -My pencil no longer has an eraser 6 s' \/ K5 T- M

    9,Not in a million years ,

    -Do you think we can get Professor McDowell to postpone our exam? , I, t% N+ s

    T) T8 E6 z) W7 ?8 V

    Not in a million years% G4 @# S0 t0 a: r5 c! W) \# |( x

    10,Nothing short of brilliance & ^ \5 F* H- z3 f. p/ g1 i$ n

    -The concert I heard last night was nothing of brilliance

    11,off-campus + [; l! z" P2 c% \

    -Off-campus apartments are twice as big and cost half as much as on-

    campus ones

    12,on cloud nine ,: W0 k& h0 O# y

    -Marcher looks she is on cloud nine, do you know what made her so happy * y/

    N# Q' @; }, ]

    She just had a paper accepted for publication

    13,on a diet 9 \, }- v: D! i, _4 K0 x

    -Why don't we start for some ice cream after the play?; ?$ i# P! l8 ^1 a( M

    I'd love to but I'm on a diet4 D/ p& F) J, x8 M1 X

    14,in on the tip of one's tone tongue() ,

    -Are you sure you can remember the name of that record" N- l' t" E& y+ m4 i+ W. {' V

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    It's just in on the tip of my tone tongue

    15,on the whole ,,! D: E. e5 c( B

    -On the whole, I found him to be the most reasonable instructor in that


    -On the whole, I don't care for fish& X4 `. y) e) H/ ?. ~% ^5 ]1 Y# J+ L R

    -On the whole, you express yourself very clearly( K7 u! |4 c. K X- q. @& S

    16,on time , 1 Q. o1 }, p8 X$ P) {. `8 w

    -Johnason is seldom on time for anything. `' ^2 \8 G% y

    17,one in a million ,

    -This school is lucky to have a teacher as good as Professor Johnson0 C# r+ X-

    ~( m8 V- a: p

    Hes one in a million

    18,out of order ( f" B h4 T) b, }* I. u) w U

    -the inside of pidious encyclopedias() were out of order: j: n, j3 z0 \" `% O

    19,out of town & @4 l P3 d/ \/ E& f% ~! P m, g

    -Say, Dave, can you fill in for me tonight at the restaurant, Id like to go out of

    town! P( ?2 u8 k. K

    Sure, Lora, if it's ok with your boss, when is your shift5 H) E. W. ?3 _" `

    20,over one's head , --Do you think Henry is up to running the business

    I am afraid it's over his head

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    21,phone bill ' H1 Q- @# y* r. r

    -this month's phone bill was lower than usual0 z$ P, q6 K7 w; d

    22,picture somebody as something 0 T) b" d' e1 v) O5 G8 j& p

    -I never picture you as the out-doors outdoors type

    i! W; n9 ~4 d* t* U# TWhen you live in mountains you learn to adapt

    23,put off ,' r. ~8 T5 O& z0 I# q

    -Did you finally finish the paper you want to present at the conference?

    I put it off and now it's too late( `7 `1 F* |7 G# x. ~

    24,put out ,,

    -Peter was giving a medal for helping to put out the forest fire

    He certainly showed a lot of courage

    25,put together

    -I simply can't get this chair put together properly; J: E5 e5 w0 R) ]4 ?/ e& c8 L

    If you follow the instruction step by step, I am sure everything will fit together

    26,reach the bottom of the beara barrel , barrel :-don't you have any other clean shirts' Y2 W( a: O, z8 m

    I guess I've reached the bottom of the bera barrel

    27,receive high ratings 6 c, V; ]0 \1 ^! ^1 Z }9 J5 t

    -The performance last night received high ratings, or did it% V0 P0 \' M! L" j/ Y

    28,result in ,! h6 N P* J @1 n

    -The high winds resulted in heavy damage to trees and power lines ()9 t. },

    p# X/ n6 ~0 \/ a9 V- l1 P

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    29,right away ,/ C6 \8 O0 b3 u+ ?

    -This lab needs repairing right away1 n% J" x; M# r& D8 r o

    30,rup rub the wrong way - , , , , rub :,

    -what do you think our new economic instructor

    I don't know, something about him rups rubs me the wrong way3 }- _0 }5 v. z( F0 X;

    p- p' ?

    1,run a temperature

    -how's Mary feeling today , ^( c( V) S9 u3 W. \

    She's still running a temperature

    2,run against for

    - Mark is decided to run against Jack for treaturar treasurer( )8 D) U; N7 G#

    k$ w( u" `: P5 B6 o

    3,run down ,,

    -Booms looking run down lately+ O8 F0 V" N8 T; Y* o

    4,run for

    -Hello I'm Ellen Parker and I am running for the sanit senate()

    I've heard what you have to say on TV and I'd be happy to vote for you

    5,scratch the surface 8 v7 Z# {5 O/ G$ C

    -you've certainly done a lot of research for your project 6 V6 @+ m9 s; Z1 B5 \

    It seems like a lot but actually I only scratch the surface

    6,see off ,

    -Thanks for volunteering to drive me to the airport, but I am taking a bus that

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    goes there for the campus* A+ P% c4 n4 T$ 4 I8 ^ i- h( a

    It's no trouble, beside; Id like to see you off

    7,see to it ,,' e2 T6 o) f. y/ y5 Z

    -I'll see to it immediately% V, N5 c$ F! n. C

    8,shake all over ,

    - weren't you nervous when the professor called on you

    I'll say, I shock all over

    9,short handed 6 I- O7 F z7 F

    -Cafiteria cafeteria is short handed, so we'll have to wait in line

    I know, they ask me to work today

    10,Side by side ,

    -Cafy and Elisoberze Cathy and Elizabeth work side by side in the chemistry


    11,slow down ! H. S q# T2 e2 W) r

    -Cant we slow down, I am tired

    Slow down, dont you realize how late we are going to be?

    12,stop over , 2 S' y' f4 u1 Y

    -I'll stop over the day after tomorrow, ok?; h# O m X( t; C: B

    13,sure thing , 1 j. L; b W G; s! U) g

    -Would it be ok if I use your phone to make a local call?

    Sure thing

    14,take into account 4 k0 f! ~! w/ o ]7 Q5 T

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -I think there will be seven cartons of books for us to mail

    Did you take mine into account too?

    15,take off : C D/ @) L' u4 I/ u3 b. i+ U

    -By the time we get to the airport, the plane will have taken off) C" [; k0 q6 } ?' l


    -how did you like the new exhibit at the art gallery- E1 m$ J' P' M7 x1 h

    I still haven't been able to take any time off from study

    16,talk to oneself

    -Don always talks to himself when he is alone

    17,tell apart ,

    -One piece of falk cloth is silk and the other is sythetic synthetic fabric * a# _/ n/ `1

    ^2 ]5 D' ]% @! w

    Amazing, I really can't tell them apart

    18,touch on , T9 }% i% t( g. D

    -Did Professor Tailor talk about genetic engineering today? p4 X$ D" p9 R6 X

    She touched on it" _5 }5 g3 E& P; Y9 Z) J. u( a

    19,turn on , v/ v* G) t5 r7 }$ M5 _. X) @* `

    -I turn on the air conditioner

    20,under no circumstances

    -Under no circumstances should you have to repeat that course

    ! x& A' % u/ _9 x d

    21,up in the air ,; l6 `, d% I) M0 I, H" H

    -her plans for the weekend are still up in the air

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    22,up to date ,

    -you've been very busy this week, at least now I am up to date on all my

    laboratory experiments

    23,wait in line 9 |! r( M R( U0 t# g% t

    -My brother has been waiting in line at the box office since five o'clock this


    Hoping to get front of? Seats for the concert of course. E8 F, Z2 \( T+ E$ v0 k. ]! h9 {

    24,wear and tail tear 1 U p( c% F( J; D* ~" g

    -why do you always put on slippers when you go into your apartment

    It saves wear and tail tear on the carpet3 i. ~7 ?1 W3 e) s

    25,what would you say

    -what would you say to a cup of coffee1 X$ ^6 W9 \ U9 B& C6 J

    Great idea- d% v* \5 p( O, C; F$ `

    26,when it comes to ,- T5 V k0 V& T8 d9 y

    -I have no will power when it comes to eating dessert ,

    5 o8 k8 P4 x6 A( e* i' Z2 D

    27,which way to turn ,- y1 P$ T3 ]: E1 i) L" N' O

    -It was really nice of Alan to help you figure out these results4 w' \! k' b4 Q; ]) }- T4 [6 ^

    Yeah, before she did, I had no idea which way to turn

    28,with flying colors ,

    -How did Alan do on her enchitistry ancient history exam? 8 x( N8 K5 h3 x) m

    She passed with flying colors4 m( E. }- Q+ H6 X2 N3 X0 H

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    29,word by word 0 P6 O, ], |) K8 i

    -Berry read the contract word by word) [3 V% e4 c' h9 S

    1,a heller of a hell of a ,/// (), ,

    -He made a hell of a shot in the basketball game; Z, b9 f# ^3 ]' } Q* `* _3 D

    -the accident left a hell of a bruce (?)

    2,a little knowledge is a dangerous thing

    -Tom has read a book on driving a car, and now he thinks he can drive

    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing8 C" S7 }; x m# d8 p7 r

    3,about time,,

    -The basketball team won last night about time

    4,above all ,,, 2 Z* K# s/ i% h7 " x I

    -what the bushwas produces above all is his own brave diggers ,the periteriet


    -above all, he was a first-rate math metichine mathematician()7 Y9 f4 T0 g; ['

    d1 h

    5,accustomed to ; ^( v+ z$ w+ f0 M# V/ Q3 L

    -she is accustomed to working hard ) e- n2 d4 ]7 L+ z* r

    -the work will be easy when you are accustomed to it

    6,across the board ,# s9 f4 M% E9 n6 K/

    L1 P! [, ]3 B

    -the President wanted tax lowered across the board

    -the workers at the store got an across the board across-the-board pay raise

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    7,act up ,/ T7 ]. f3 k% g8 @1 m( C, V

    -the dog acted up as the postman came to door

    4 K6 M5 j/ ^# U. r

    -the car acted up because the spark flarts plugs ( ) were dirty. k( Q ^( U0 q"


    8,add fuel to the flame ,

    -Bode was angry with Ted and Ted added fuel to the flame by laughing at him

    9,add insult to injury

    -He added insult to injury when he call them in called the man a rat()

    after he had already beaten him up


    -we started on the picnic and first it rained then to add insult to injury the car

    broke down

    10,afraid of one's shadow ,, ,

    -She won't stay alone in her house at night, she is afraid of her own shadow6

    l. }, k3 p1 ^5 x# u4 {7 f

    -John cries whenever he must say hello to a dog an adult, he is afraid of his

    own shadow0 @1 d3 J$ }1 z* f7 W1 l

    11,after one's own heart ,, 5

    ^8 s7 a: z9 q3 R- M( O. { A8 a

    -he likes baseball and good food, he is a man after my own heart

    -Thanks for agreeing with me about the class party, you are a girl after my

    own heart1 ]2 i( J1 Z; f% o1 C

    12,against the grin , 9 F% K# N( ~. o% R8 ^

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -his coarse and route rude ways went against the grin with me v4 O: |9 g- h* l: R+ V

    -it went against the grin with her to have to listen to his gossip 2 h) l5 H8 w& P7 P, O"

    E# `

    13,against the time , 8 I0 R( K* ]9 {' ?

    -It was a race against the time whether the doctor will get to the scene of the

    accident soon enough to save the injured man1 a/ U7 Q G0 B; i+ r

    -The outlaw() talked against the time with the Sallof ,hoping that his gains

    will come and rescue him# Q: X' C: h3 @( _! e: K

    14,all alone ,

    -I knew all alone that we would win

    -I knew all alone that Jam would come o6 @' t* t$ m9 C' w7 `+ s) W$ q

    15,all around ,

    -although we can not see it, there is air all around us

    -there are trees all around3 E$ N) U$ P7 v; P5 d" d0 D! R4 W

    16,all at once ,- y' m6 ?2 t& Y* L" _

    -Bill can play the piano, sing, and lead his orchestra all at once : p% R# l: Q0 H" s# e-

    C6 a/ Y


    -all at once, the ship struck a rock

    17,all ears ,

    -when John told about the sercuice circus, the boys were all ears

    18,all eyes ,

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    -at the theater, people were all eyes

    19,all of a sudden ,

    -all of a sudden, Ed appeared at the door

    20,all out ,,

    -we went all out to win a game

    -He went all out to finish the job and was very tired afterwards, V9 Y2 E3 A, q' L" Z#

    e& Q' h- d

    21,all over ,$ ?$ j. V6 ^3 G2 T C; {+ |5 p

    -He has a fever and aches all over

    ,+ u+ J$ P. N% @0 b/ _

    -She is her mother all over " h# w8 ~3 i6 y$ Y

    22,all roads lead to Rome

    -I don't care how you get the answer, said the teacher, all roads lead to Rome

    23,all set ,

    -how are you doing fixing my tire, Joe asked, all set the man answered! N+ X7 P5

    `. T6 }# W4 q

    24,all systems go ,, ////-after they road rolled out the invitations, it was all systems go for the wedding

    25,all the same , ,: _/ i7 @- Z7 ~4 A2 ^4 |

    -Mary is deaf ,but she takes captain in tap dancing() lessons all

    the same

    26,all the thing ,,& L1 d5 R! Q) l8 [

    -Dustine Hoffman was all the thing in the movies

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    27,all wet , 4 n5 B1 N: l* x3 m1 \( E

    -When the Right Wright brothers said they can build the a flying machine,

    people said they were all wet

    -If you think I like baseball, you are all wet

    28,allow for

    -we must allow for his inexperience& j) j; j( p4 h( u

    -we should allow for unexpected difficulty

    29,and so for forth

    -the different kinds of waves such as heat waves, sound waves, radio waves

    and so for forth

    30,and then some ,

    -talking his way out of this trouble was going to take all his witsome wit and

    then some


    31,answer for ,/ u% Q, X2 A, P! O# |

    -the secret service has to answer for the safety of the president President and

    his family


    32,armed to the teeth ,- Q) `8 @8 ^4 f' D

    -he will answer for his bad behavior& E, @4 w" Y# I- R$ p# \/ ^

    -The pari? troop were armed to the teeth

  • 8/2/2019 TOEFL Listening Phrase


    33,around the corner , ,- ]7 w3 B8 F9 f8 A' v s% ^! w" ^

    -the fortune tell little teller told Jane that there was an adventure( ) for her

    just around the corner

    34,as it were ,) T4 e, H+ j! V, K

    -in many ways children live as it were in a different world from adaults' adults8

    S' \# a5 y- \7 @' u. C4 C

    -The sunlight on the IC icy branches made, as it were, delicate lacy cups

    cobwebs from tree to tree' M% I2 b! n/ [( b1 i; Y


    35,as luck would have it -,,, N+ h% |' B" V

    -as luck would have it, there was a rain on the day of picnic ' @* t7 H2 Q3 Y- g( ~( e! U#


    -as luck would have it, no one was in the building when the explosion occurred

    36,as to ,: ?, A