Today the system consist of over fifty station. And most stations provide additional data such as wind speed and direction, air temperature, and water temperature., We also maintain stations that provide water current, salinity, pH, and TCOON (Texas Coastal Ocean Observation Network) Starting in 1989 CBI started installing a modern state-of-the-art water level measurement system along the Texas coast with the goal of making the collected data available in near real-time.

Today the system consist of over fifty station. And most stations provide additional data such as wind speed and direction, air temperature, and water

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Page 1: Today the system consist of over fifty station. And most stations provide additional data such as wind speed and direction, air temperature, and water

Today the system consist of over fifty station. And most stations provide additional data such as wind speed and direction, air temperature, and water temperature., We also maintain stations that provide water current, salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen data.

TCOON (Texas Coastal Ocean Observation Network)

Starting in 1989 CBI started installing a modern state-of-the-art water level measurement system along the Texas coast with the goal of making the collected data available in near real-time.

Page 2: Today the system consist of over fifty station. And most stations provide additional data such as wind speed and direction, air temperature, and water

Although the intended primary use of the data was to establish tidal datums, the scope of the system has been broaden to include other uses:commercial shipping industry, recreational boaters, sailors and windsurfers, shrimping and fishing industry, marine construction,

decision-makers responsible for marine safety and emergency evacuation in the event of an approaching hurricane.

TCOON PurposeTCOON Purpose

Page 3: Today the system consist of over fifty station. And most stations provide additional data such as wind speed and direction, air temperature, and water

TCOON StationTCOON Station

All the stations in TCOON collect data at six-minute intervals (0.1 hours). In order to manage this large volume of data, a database management system has been developed and continues to be improved. An Intel based workstation

running UNIX is responsible for collecting, archiving, and decoding all source data received from the remote platforms. The data are supplied to sponsors and the public via the Internet at http://dnr.cbi.tamucc.edu and through voice telephone response systems.

Page 4: Today the system consist of over fifty station. And most stations provide additional data such as wind speed and direction, air temperature, and water

The Shoreline Environmental Research Facility (SERF)

Nine wave tanks capable of simulating both tides and waves with a continuous or recycled supply of fresh or sea water

• Permitted to test crude oil, refined oil, and spill response agents

• On-site labs (toxicology, general chemistry, sample handling)

•Simulated environments.

Simulates coastal environments to study processes controlling contaminant fate, effects, and remediation. SERF features include the following:

Page 5: Today the system consist of over fifty station. And most stations provide additional data such as wind speed and direction, air temperature, and water

Applications of HF RadarApplications of HF Radar

Oil Spill ResponseOil Spill Response Navigation/Port ManagementNavigation/Port Management Database for Bay ModelingDatabase for Bay Modeling

• Hydrodynamic modelingHydrodynamic modeling– Dredge analysisDredge analysis– Storm eventsStorm events

• Ecological modeling (salinity)Ecological modeling (salinity)

Page 6: Today the system consist of over fifty station. And most stations provide additional data such as wind speed and direction, air temperature, and water

Conrad Bluchers Conrad Bluchers Involvement with HF Involvement with HF RadarRadar

• CBI, through TGLO and TEES CBI, through TGLO and TEES support purchased a CODAR Ocean support purchased a CODAR Ocean Systems, Inc., a pair of SEASONDE Systems, Inc., a pair of SEASONDE 25-MHz HF-Radars.25-MHz HF-Radars.

• CBI has configured them to be a CBI has configured them to be a mobile, rapid-deployment system mobile, rapid-deployment system for oil spill response and research.for oil spill response and research.

Page 7: Today the system consist of over fifty station. And most stations provide additional data such as wind speed and direction, air temperature, and water

HF Radar unit in actionHF Radar unit in action

Page 8: Today the system consist of over fifty station. And most stations provide additional data such as wind speed and direction, air temperature, and water

Test Run of HF Radar in Test Run of HF Radar in Corpus Christi BayCorpus Christi Bay

Page 9: Today the system consist of over fifty station. And most stations provide additional data such as wind speed and direction, air temperature, and water

Florida SetupFlorida Setup