THE WASHINGTON TIMES WEDNESDAY MAY 1 1907 13 I AND MONEY TOCKS9 BONDS Manipulated Pressure Shown in Hour NEW YORK May 1 T i stook mat Itet apenag irregular AnaoonOjf and PannsyKanK sUirUxl In M Wgner Steel preferred opened higher and g ln d in all Groa Mprthern preferred opened H lover and jout in all Northern awl Amalgamated lowt M much but the latter rallied Smelting Erie and Steel common declined 11 number of the leading spec- ulative issues on the stock exchange were under manipulated pressure during the flrat hour antI lower prices in a ma- jority of the list were forced on the gen oral nurket Union Pacific was the spe- cial feature In title downward movment The industrial group was notably strong Consolidated Gas advanced 1 the market for this stock being helped by deolUon of the court of appeals in the Brooklyn Union Gas case which was construed KS having a favorable effect on Consolidated Gs litigation Brook lyn Union Gas sold at 113 nd 125 against a last previous sate of Itt Government bonds unchanged other Noon The tock market developed a firmer tone after the first hour and although the volume of business was was enough buying from outside sources to cause a material in prlce Union Pacific contin- ued the leader moving up from H6 to 147 Reading from the lowest rates of the early trading and fractional gains were in a number of the other usually active railroad shares Amalgamated was in good demand and after selling as low as MH moved up to 95 2 p selling wave struck the market in the afternoon represent- ing change in the position of the room to the bear side because the rate for call money was run up to 4 per cent On this selling movement there was a general decline all around the room on which prices receded to the lowest prices of the day Trading was on a small scale in the afternoon CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Teat Open High Low Cloeclo July Set Corn July Mte ttfe July 42 4W 4 4gt 42 M t Pork July 1K 1S92 1572 1SM K80 Sept 15S7 1600 1687 1 00 1782- PIMUIGQ Md Mrty 1 The entries for Pimlteo May 2 First race Twoyearolds selling four furlong Proftt 102 Bayardo 110 Black King 110 Br 107 Nell Wt 102 Black Hawk 105 Lu etta Ktt Patrician 112 Desideratum 112 Shlndy 106 Maid of Carroll 101 Easter Bell 107 Second race Fouryearolds and up soiling mile and onesixteenth Deka ber 109 Bowling Bridge 107 Pleasant let Cobmosa 105 Nellie Burn 105 Tavaanes 105 Curses 102 Fuego 107 Delphie 100 Euripides 1116 Prince Brutus 102 Viperine 100 Third race Twoyearolds four and onehalf furlongs Bob Callahan Jr 110 Fred Mace 106 Merryman lift Giles 107 Ornamentation Laudable 107 2Iiss Catesby 103 Fourth race Merchants threeryearolds and up one mile Lotus Eater 117 Grevllla 101 Cobmosa Solon Shingle M II K Lady Vera Fifth race fouryear and up about two miles Cherry Fighter 14f Flying 343 Dromedary Ho Frank Somers 143 Lysietrata 134 Varner 145 Bonfire 13S Uenlala 186 Sixth race Maiden threeyearolds and up one mile yards Sally M Josie Hampton 111 Graf ton W Halt and King of Bashan S How About 113 W Garment 114 Canvas 91 Yellow Back M KolanekA 114 Allonby 99 Jobstown 96 Miss Morrow 11U Stooey Lee M Seventh race selling four furlongs Kitty Smith 102 Don- ald 102 Music Master 102 Our Trlndle 106 Merry Countess 107 John Lee 107 L ota Kathryn 1E Emma G 107 In 107 Gertrude Lee 104 Silver Brook 104 Gallant Lizzie 102 Apprentice allowance Weather rainy track good STOCK MARKET OPENS IRREGULAR Pa- cific 14 14 a mA bonds quiet but ttrni mAnother a moat 814 11 S1 83 D 4 4tY J PIMLIGO ENTRIES FOR TOMORROW Days 10 101 aclne Ids Virginian nd You Mt moriam First Y 3 a re- covery 83 4 Q4 S4 Oats ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Quotations furnished by A O Brown Co Building New York Stock Exchange Open Hlsh Ix Allis Chal Pr 31 3J Amal Copper 54 Am Car F r- Am Cotton OH Am Ice Sec 75 Aro Smelt 1SH1 Am Smelt pfWW Am S Fdy Am Sugar Am fob pf Woolen Aanconda Atchison W Atchison pf 56 Am tt Bait ft Ohio Big Four 72 3 30 30 75 75 11 1M 134 13134 100 10S 100 108 S 126 138 126 136 12- 5tt 82 92 38 29 28 29 Offfc 03 63 G2 CG vi vJw fitft 80 98 89 100 72 72 72 2 Bk Rapid Tr 60 80 50 58 Can PKclflc 177 177 171 17 9i 177 42 42 42 42 Ch G West 11 11 11 11 11 Ch G West A 53 S2 53 S Ch G West B 1 U 1 16 16 16 Ch M St P137 13SV4 IN 136 137 Chi Un Trac 4 4 4 4 4 Chi Un T Pr II 16 16 15 11 Col Fuel 35 35 36 35 36 Col SOU 35 35 26 25 21 Coni Ga N Y13S 135 133 1 138 Corn Prod 19 11 10 Corn Prod pf 77 77 77 77 78 Del Hud 1S7 7 1S7 1 7 18tf Den A R G pC 78 75 76 76 71 Erie 24 34 24 24 24 Erie 1st pf 56 86 66 65 Gen El c 148 148 148 148 149 Gt Nor pf 137 117 6 1 137 Kansas C So 25 26 26 25 25 Nash 130 1 11 119 130 Elev 140 140 1S Mo K Tex 37 J7 36 J7 Missouri Pac 7 7S 76 76 Nat Lead C2 O 62 2 North Am 75 76 76 76 74 N Y Air Braell 1 117 117 118 N Y Central 11S llt ll J 11S 11S N Y O W 3S 36 38 38 38 Norfolk Wet 78 78 77 78 78 Northern Pac 135 13 134 134 13 Northwest 153 1ST 152 162 158 Penn R R 237 136 127 127 Peoples Gas tag Z 12 92 Reading 112 113 Ul 111 112 S A I 28 28 28 28 28 Rep phi 34 84 84 84 85 T StL W pfd T 1 U S C I P 37 37 37 37 V S Steel 37 37 37 37 U S Steel 101 101 4 101 101 Wabash pfd 2 25 26 25 25 West Union 3 83 82 82 82- XI6CKLUAXBOC8 BONDS R I 70 70 70 70 72 Wabash Bs O 3 3 Tob 73 73 73 73 73 Tab s J0 MM 108 106 1M Atch 4s 38 M Sfl K M Gas Conv 134 136 134 136 134 Inter Met 4 7S 79 7 78 Penn Cony IMS 93 33 33 K Money 2 4 2 2 2 to noon today 812100 Total sales yesterday 778300 Quotation ftttnMred by A O Brown A Co Xunoey Building Members New York Stock Test Open Utah fW rlos Boston Con 29 2 28 20 20 British Col 7 S 7 8 8 Butte Coalition 27 37 27 27 37 liavls Daly 15 1S 15 14 1 Dominion Copper 7 6K 0- Kl Ryo tf S S Foster Cobalt 1 1 1 1 1 I Furnace Creek 1 3lfi 1 1 3tt 1 8M 1 Glroux Copper 9 ft 9 9 9 Ooidfleld Con S S 7 S 7 Gold Kill Greene Cananea 16 H 1 1 1 Greene Gold Sit 1 1 1 1 1 Greene Gold Stl pfd S KinK Edward 1 1 1 1 1 M Co of A 1 1 1 1 1 i Mitchell Min 4 4 4 4 4 Mont Shot 9 f Nevada Con 14 14 14 14 14 Nev Smelting 2 3 2 2 3 j Nevada Utah S 5 5 5 S- Xiplsslnr 14 14 14 14 14 Silver Queen 1 1 1 Stewart Mln 2 2 2 2 2 Tramp Con S7 Tonopab Ex f 3 3 3 3 Knob Cop 716 Wh K Cop pf 2 RAILWAY AND INDUSTRIALS Chicago Suby 17 ITVk 17 17 1- Manh Trans 6 5 5 Si Stand Oil 525 530 53 330 535 West Ice 33 33 32 33 33 GETS PRISON SENTENCE FOR AUTO SPEEDING Y May 1 William E Dodge oC New York son of the philan- thropist William Earl Dodge and son inlaw of Henry T Slq ftne the million air carpet manufacturer was today sentenced to serve a tenday term in prison In addition to paying a tine of automobile speeding Dodge has been arrested twice before for the same offense NEW YORK STOCKS 8 MUnN YelL 30 96 959 96 n 37 7i 7 S S 8 t- Am GISt J4J jI 94 D6 96f1 I loc A ti3 I IIIV Ches Ohio 5 1f Ja- I Den It G 3S 66 Lou i 1 140 36 783k DI I p S A I Rock I 22 2214 21 22 55 10 Ii 65 JO JO JO JO Line pr 115 Ui 135 South Pac q st 96 S6 South Ry m 2Z South Ry pC 87 87 87 7 Tex PRc 23 29 My Union 146 37i IS 111 tr S Steel J714 fi 97 13 4 6216 13IJr 4 t II 71 JIIJ4 THE CURB MARKET Exchange lAW 4 ISJi q j I 2 1 I I II 6 8 tJ 4 1 i IIz 38 Si 87 II ii ii ii ii st Who 36 IiJ4 91 ZTh 3ib 96 06 96 U3 42 38 33 28j 29S 6 Wauh < 62 21 SlosaSheff 5- 6StLSW 22- Soo 138 35 21 2 22 67 23 23 29 58 5 M 147 14 5g 91 6 2 2 2 1 38 United 34 YONKERs N > > < > > ¬ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY Gold Initial Dinner J With Every Purchase Amounting to 25 Everybody who needs furniture should profit by this lib f- eral offer Sh Think of it You only have to buy 25 worth of Furni g5- Ns ture at our underselling prices and on our easy creuit terms to get this Gold Initial Porcelain Dinner absolutely free The clearest and whitest dinr ware made is vS- figj permanently baked in ffer tho finest Pumlture at Underselling Pricea on t TEEMS and giro ovary purchaser a CEBXZTi CEASE AND THE ACCOUNT WIM j THE Q This I I- i I IA Q I1ta Set fA l i j t I V FREE I S I- Wo you EASY or whiCh m CASII or DEATX ALL PAYMENTS BE C HUB FURNITURJr CO Southeast Cornet I ca 7th and D Streets CREDIT IS YOUR PURSE I 4 O b c c t CATE GUARANTEE that I ° Sale of the board including the after call amour ted to 1750 shares of stock and 35500 In bonds Following are the sales and quota tions of todays market Washington Railway and Electric 4 per cent fiO tfOOOfcSO aooo o ioooo80 ioooo- lOWeQ 3000 m Norfolk and Washington Steamboat 6s 13000Q103V Capital Traction 20130Vi 200130 10 26C2 25fi2 25 g62 26662 26C2 26M2 28GS- Mergenthalar 5 11 5 911 5 p2U Mitchell Mining 6wfM4 lOOftHVi 10- 0Wasblntgon Loan and Trust 100206 40206 106806 After call Mergenthalor 1011 Lanston 200612 Washington Gas 80ff62H OAS BONDS Washington CM lea 106 F leG 109 RAILROAD BONDS Capital Traction R R 4 1M 106 Anocostla and Potomac 5o 100 City and Suburban Sa 181 Columbia Va 101 Columbia 08 1W 110 Metropolitan fa IK IK Metropolitan B 100 102 Wash Railway and Electric 4 7 Vi Wash Alex and lit Vernon SB 8H MISCELLANEOUS JONDB Potomac Bl trlc Light 6s 1 Norfolk and Wash Steamboat fa Uft- Che and Potomac Telephone i IMft 14 Washington Market ffa 1M PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS Capital Traction 33B6 1 Railway and Electric own H Wash Railway and pf 73 89 Norfolk and Steamboat 317 3W- Wa M gtHi Gas 2 K Georgetown G Ch and Potomac Telephone 50 Wash Alex and Mt Veraoa TYPE MACHINB STOCKS Mergentba 2 LanetOB MINING STOCKS Greene Canaaea IlK Mitchell 4 NATIONAL BANK STOCKS American J Capital ii 11 Columbia Ccrcmerdal Lincoln Metropolitan JJJ SB Traders Washington 5 Washington exchange i TRUST COMPANT STOCKS Am Security and Trw W Union Vaofa and Vabl Rton Sate Union Trust W rra ur SAVING BANK STOCKS Home Savings Union Saving L Merchant and MecHanter FIRE INSURANCE STOCKS Arlington 2L Columbia Commercial Corcoran f- Firemans S Franklin Metropolitan National Union Potomac 9 K STOCKS Columbia 3 s Real B tate MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS coo I Graphophone pf Washington Market Fidelity Storage ExdlvWend VALUABLE CHEESE WRAPPERS Lord Crawford of president- of the Royal Astronomical Society liaa a tine general library which would have been much larger and grander but for the fact that of hU ancestors the Premier Earl of Scotland disposed of thousandS of valuable volumes to cheesmen who ed their leaves as wrapping paper Financial H POTTS CO CORRESPONDENT BROKERS InveaUnent securlt 8 bought and fwr cash or on moderate morsulos 913 F Street Northwest Main C3- MFrancSs R Dooley Co Stocks Bonds Grain 10 F SL N W Le Droll Bldj Phono Main IIO1I1 MONEY AT 4 AND 5 PEE CE2IT loaned on real estate in the District or Columbia LOWEST COMMISSIONS 1008 P St WASlHNGTON PRICES 4 SO I4 if lOO VashnJton corn man 5 YJ3S- 5QfIiD 1 14 Washington Gas 1 Bl Asked Ill ert 8 BO II Wash I- 112 7t 121 181 It- CIl Farmers and III lit li7 141 tOO Natlonl Sat 387 1t5 Trust a Loan a 2M IS H I people t- a TITLE INSURANCE 86 i bone U M 86 rage 18 Et lAnd one Prom HEISXELL tz McLIlRA N W 1 flaliwa and Eleatric 50 410OC41002M 65 31 Electric Wash 41 9 10 16 4 29 15Cha14103 3Th 3M 146 Riggs Second 135 Trust 204 36 S 6 36 119 E1 old Telephone jy ¬ < > > > = > > CLEVELAND ASKS POLICE FOR HABENS RECORD- A was received at Poilco Hondquarters this morning from Cbve inquiring if the local department has any record of Edward S Habens who is under arrest there for the al- leged forgery of a check for 75 Habeas was arrested In this city for forgery In 1900 and sentenced to live years in Moundsville W Va penitentiary He was released in on 1000 l ¬ SUIT FOR 10OCQ FOR DEATH OF REESE- A suit for 10000 damages against the Capital Traction Company for alleged personal Injuries has in the District Supremo Court Annie Roose administratrix of the stat t of Archibald- A Reese It is charged in tho petition that Reese was struck b car and sustained injuries which resulted in d ath boon led b a Weve as nobby clothes for men and women as are made correctly can pay for them a little at a time each week Open an account with f iV f I V L fv t 4 i i t f iM Announcement Several months ago before my ads appeared in tio nothing on earth could Induce me to smAll fees I followed the nlffhost standard of workmanship bought only the best material and gave my patients my energies and I folt that I do served a fair fee Such is the sentiment of all conscientious dentists who do not advertise I knew my prices woro high anC wished to re duce them but tHe in which this could be done was to increase of high grade work as heretofore Within the past four months my practice has been trebled and the only thing that has done it has been conscientious work always doing only the best nd uiakiag my charges low Price List SSMSSJfe Only One Grade the Best p rice 1500 Pull set of teeth 800 1000 Partial set of teeth 500 1000 Logan Crown best only 400 and 500 300 up Gold Fillings 100 up 1800 Alveola Method of inserting teeth t without plates or bridges 10 00 800 and 1000 Bridgework 400 and Prices for Porcelain Inlays are cut in half i DR S G WALDO 1340 New York Ave Nw AeFl2JlL Financial Financial Holders of United States Electric Lighting Co Debentur Improve ment 6 Bonds and 6 Certifi- cates of IndebtednessD- ue on May i 1907 are requested to securities for payment with 4 AAV ER I CAN S E CITRTTY AND TRUST CJO ANY NORTHWEST CORNER OP FIFTEENTH STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE CHARLES J BELL President Interest allowed on deposits subject to check pricedyou A us- I I I I e I II j t w y my practice by advertising for with enter number of patients Z could afford to a leo yet maintain the name tcndard I t I i t 51000 The Waldo Gold Crown 22k 500 t 100 and 200 Plastic Filling 50c and 100 t My 1 500 t I 1 t- I I 0 I I I I I I I I II I 0 I depositsaid I 6 see o I e4sIts IIeC 0 CI 00Sr a sualler a I I i I S I I S IIII I e a p se es 4 4 I 0 > < > > ¬ ¬ + + = + + + i A O Brown BANKERS AND BROKERS 30 Broad Street and YORK WaldorfAstoria Private Wires to All Principal Cities WASHINGTON OFFICES Munsey Building Ponnerly Occupied by CHASMS G GATES fc CO HERBERT L JONES Manager SU3MBEBS New Tork Stock Exchange New York Cotton Sz Chicago Stock Erchanffe ChIcago Bpard of Trado Cleveland Stock Exchange I II Co c JJ I tr1 NEW 7- t j t 4 t LEPo2c1S Main 37903791 I n L J- I 0- j t 4 Financial Capital Jl000000 Surplus JWOOOOO oney Transmitted BY CABLE Drafts Issued direct on principal cities of the world Letters ot Credit Issued Exchange bought and sold Investments made Stocks Bonds bought sold 5 ITO C NATIONAL BANK Pa Ave Opp U S Treasury f OFFICE OF- T FIRST COOPERATIVE BUILDING 4 1325 Wisconsin Ave tI- T Established In 1SS2 T T 29th Series Subscription Books T now open 4 X First payment d e 4- T Paid up shares MMf T- T 4 per cent interest paid T I Subaorlbe Now 4 Organized 1879 Assets 217026007 THE EQUITABLE CoOperative Building i Association Offers the Best Inducements In Order to v- j SECURE A HOME For Information Cull or for PampHot Office Equitable Building 1003 F Street N W JOH2T JOY ED SDK President TBAWK P BEESIDE Secretary Deposit Your Surplus Funds will earn you a steady In Company pays Interest on all accounts Deposits subject to check at wilL Union Trust Co Loan Companies Z YOU BEUIQ TMIri AD for S50 IS ALL YOU PAY US Compare th above rate with what you now SlId see how much you by dealing with us Ko extra charge tar prcparte pevtmtt LOAN and TRUSr COMPANY 4 Commercial Bank Bid X W Cor 14th and G sts Entrance to Stevator Nos 7Mf S 14th St OUR RATESF- or Loans On FURNITURE PLLXOS AM TEAMS Borrow pay back 1150 Borrow 15 pay back 1700 Borrow 20 pay back 22 5 Borrow 25 pay back 2750 Borrow 850 PRY back 5400 This pays both principal and In terest Other amounts In proportion Union Loan and Trust Go HE DEOIT Qh ET STjnojizro Off Pleas A Company has recently opened at this addnte and Furniture Pianos Teams etc As a special lndocem at tc build cur business we will make the monthly or weekly payment onequarter than any other company In the city Peoples Loan Co and E Sts ENTRANCE 438 9th SC N W 913 G STREET N V LOANS ON FURNITURE PIANOS ORGANS TEAMS Lowest rates ana Quickest service In tho city other paid off Mutual Loan Trust Co 913 G St N W f Ei EfV Loaned at Enffl Roasonable From W to 900- 0Boxlneu confldentlal JOSEPH CAHJf Room 409 Staif r Elds 7th and P U aw fYf Per Yon CaR Month S 00 Money loaned on furniture ansi planai Phone Main 30S9 Aceat wIll call and ex- plain terms HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO ill ST N W Rooms 1 and 2 Second Floor Money Loaned Salaried Peoplea- nd others without security cozy payments ctUces In ES principal clUes save younoU- Gsoniy by getting my terms first D H- TOLMA24 Boom W3 tzj 15th a nor d 8tr- JiOAHS ON IITBKITUKE Here we are way down at the bottom of the column WHEN IN DOUBT about borrowing Just call on the company the least Thats us ABSOLUTELY no publicity no Ing Into your private affairs no delay 613 F ST N W 1 lVl I I I I I I 1 1 II II I I 1 H ASSOCUiTIOH 32d SL J MoithIy shares 25t Special shares fJ t t t T T T tt I i i- I I j- I i t I- i i I- t i t j f J- i J- I 1 I they The BANKING DEPT of thIs 166 ave Jy OrJ COcPAXDtB CITIZENS 10 Entrance 810 F 3L New Is prepared to make quick lip less Rate 2 10 F COLUItSI5 GUAItAiTEE CO PRIY ATE O CE 6 j 0 1 a I I ISS SS5 I Write Where rome PER MONIII OTB Iizt loan on ± ¬ Financial Save Your Money SystematicallyDe- posit a portion of your each week or each monti in our SAVINGS DEPT Pur Savings Dept gives attoaa protection and pays interest Funds payable on demand THE TRADERS National Bank Capital and Surplus 15 00000 BANK Depositors very facility that a complete banking establishment can furnish deposited here and are safeguarded by a capi- ta and surplus of six and onehalf millions dollars per cent Interest on arawiag accounts A higher rate on time deposits IKTEBjrariOZfAH HANKING- COBPOEATIOI 1415 G ST Uptown Branch 1124 Conn aye Downtown Branch Center Market A BANK AOOOUNT Here means profit for the We 3 f interest on sav accounts This Inler9S to under U government control Savings the same as national banks jtVCommerciol accounts Invited MERCHANTS MECHANICS SAVINGS The Safest Investments Are those that do not depend upon financial responsibility or tile stability Individual or oocporaUon First of tract mortga ThereBy eecuna- oa Rood real estate la the District oi Columbia coaetttote glK dB inwa mists are the only kind we maIn and aopptr to InTeetota bear 1r tercet parble Bamlanaaatty at the cent per annum and may t- U from tCM and up accrued Sr- ncSwartzell Rheem Hensey Co WARNER ttC T STREET Loan Companies CUT RATES OUR GUARANTEE matter what rate you are paying 01 be quoted to you will make yon 3 RATES 10 CHEAPER Even tr you now owe another loan wi- pany ese to vs WK WILL MAKE TOT A LOAN and give yes a longer ttoe to write or eaU to our offe 1 XEW YORK AVKNCK NC THTVE5T- Tetepbon Main 312 Second floor Fr- onTlO F N WT Is one place In thIs city where you are sure to got a square deal on furniture loans Our rates are tha- checftat Our terms and methods are iuc mc liberaL Zt costs you nothing to taUt with us either at your home or in our private offices Xoa can get the money today THE OLD KiU uBLS Washington Loan Co I- 610FSLNW Roonl I Our Specialty is to Pay Off Loans of HighRate We e Interested n ea of largo laeana who are M tinted with a small per cent on thai money They will advance any amount from M to HM OR honeebold furniture pianos hones wagon salaried employee etc In the ZHetriet You will like our and terms We charge tOt Internet only 810 one mo 6Oo S50 one mo 8165 SSO one mo 8105 75 one mo 8345 Sac one mo 8145 8100 one mo 8265 40 one mo 155 300 one mo 700 We else make a small charge for apprais- ing property etc Loans made out In easy payments any time from month to 1 year We make a specialty o loans from 10 to and can give you the amount the day you ask for it Call write or telephone Potomac Guarantee Loan Co 928 P St ZT W Atlantic Bid BOoms X7os 31 23 24 Second Zloor Telephone blain 639 These FIGURES What you pay the ten per center ywUU tor WOO for one month Si 66 Wht you pay the NATIOtfAIi for the Infvn What you save each month by fJJtyO4 dealing with the National In preference to tho ten per center Think what that means if you carry the loan nyc or six months After seeing web a comparison it la needless to say anything further about our rote It Is this la the men re- liable company to deal with We loon in any amount from no to too Interest in proportion Payments to suit your conven duo when it suits you No delay Na publicity No charge for paper Loans other companies said up anJ more money advanced National Loan Investment Go Room 41 Horn Ufa Bulldlnr Northeast RfU f Opp Corner E ir ith Floor Entrance on U Street TIlE ONLY INDEPENDENT COpy 602 WHEN IN NEED OF MONEYT- HE CAPITAL LOAN CO Can and Will You We loan money on Furniture and Pianos at a minimum rate of interest Loans with other oft and a larger sum advanced at a lower rate than you are now paying 602 F Street N W r Established 1S78 in- cOme Bank lTHST 2 A It VE THIS 2 vi leonoP and deposi- tor I t bank s- on BANK 7th AND Q STREETS the f- aq deed not These They per bad ot In ward at pu book9st CO CeIBIag LoBe and Ir 6 May we lout at pa It It 1IOt ealnelde8t come pbooe We will our t- Uft AMERICAN LOAN CO m II Money- Lenders tat same dnL I I I Inter- est 4 conve- nt per- cent I lags COR rati- o Fye a and interest for NORTHWEST No to have defTI- fII I haTh bay raise I ¬ < > ¬ ¬

TOCKS9 BONDS AND MONEY Save - …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1907-05-01/ed-1/seq-13.…the flrat hour antI lower prices in a ma-jority of the list were forced on the

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Manipulated PressureShown in


NEW YORK May 1 T i stook matItet apenag irregular AnaoonOjf andPannsyKanK sUirUxl In M Wgner Steelpreferred opened higher and g ln d inall Groa Mprthern preferred openedHlover and jout in all Northern

awl Amalgamated lowt M muchbut the latter rallied Smelting Erieand Steel common declined

11 number of the leading spec-

ulative issues on the stock exchangewere under manipulated pressure duringthe flrat hour antI lower prices in a ma-

jority of the list were forced on the genoral nurket Union Pacific was the spe-

cial feature In title downward movmentThe industrial group was notablystrong Consolidated Gas advanced 1

the market for this stock being helpedby deolUon of the court of appeals inthe Brooklyn Union Gas case which wasconstrued KS having a favorable effecton Consolidated Gs litigation Brooklyn Union Gas sold at 113 nd 125

against a last previous sate of IttGovernment bonds unchanged other

Noon The tock market developed afirmer tone after the first hour andalthough the volume of business was

was enough buying fromoutside sources to cause a material

in prlce Union Pacific contin-ued the leader moving up from H6 to147 Reading from the lowestrates of the early trading and fractionalgains were in a number of theother usually active railroad sharesAmalgamated was in good demand andafter selling as low as MH moved up to95

2 p selling wave struckthe market in the afternoon represent-ing change in the position of the room

to the bear side because therate for call money was run up to 4per cent On this selling movementthere was a general decline all aroundthe room on which prices receded tothe lowest prices of the day Tradingwas on a small scale in the afternoon



July Mtettfe

July 42 4W 4 4gt 42M tPork

July 1K 1S92 1572 1SM K80Sept 15S7 1600 1687 1 00 1782-

PIMUIGQ Md Mrty 1 The entriesfor Pimlteo May 2

First race Twoyearolds selling fourfurlong Proftt 102 Bayardo 110

Black King 110 Br 107 Nell Wt102 Black Hawk 105 Lu etta KttPatrician 112 Desideratum 112 Shlndy106 Maid of Carroll 101 Easter Bell 107

Second race Fouryearolds and upsoiling mile and onesixteenth Dekaber 109 Bowling Bridge 107 Pleasant

let Cobmosa 105 Nellie Burn105 Tavaanes 105 Curses 102 Fuego107 Delphie 100 Euripides 1116 PrinceBrutus 102 Viperine 100

Third race Twoyearolds four andonehalf furlongs Bob Callahan Jr110 Fred Mace 106 Merryman lift Giles107 Ornamentation Laudable 1072Iiss Catesby 103

Fourth race Merchantsthreeryearolds and up one mile LotusEater 117 Grevllla 101 CobmosaSolon Shingle M II K LadyVera

Fifth race fouryearand up about two milesCherry Fighter 14f Flying

343 Dromedary Ho Frank Somers 143Lysietrata 134 Varner 145 Bonfire 13SUenlala 186

Sixth race Maiden threeyearolds andup one mile yards SallyM Josie Hampton 111 Graf ton W

Halt and King of BashanS How About 113 WGarment 114 Canvas 91 Yellow BackM KolanekA 114 Allonby 99 Jobstown96 Miss Morrow 11U Stooey Lee M

Seventh race sellingfour furlongs Kitty Smith 102 Don-ald 102 Music Master 102 OurTrlndle 106 Merry Countess 107 JohnLee 107 L ota Kathryn 1E Emma G107 In 107 Gertrude Lee104 Silver Brook 104 Gallant Lizzie102

Apprentice allowanceWeather rainy track good






a mA

bonds quiet but ttrni


moat814 11 S183 D











Mt moriam















Quotations furnished by A O BrownCo Building New YorkStock Exchange

Open Hlsh IxAllis Chal Pr 31 3JAmal Copper 54Am Car F r-

Am Cotton OHAm Ice Sec 75

Aro Smelt 1SH1

Am Smelt pfWWAm S FdyAm SugarAm fob pf

WoolenAancondaAtchison WAtchison pf 56Am ttBait ft OhioBig Four 72

3 30 3075 75

11 1M 134 13134100 10S 100 108

S126 138 126 136 12-

5tt 82 9238 29 28 29

Offfc 03 63 G2


vi vJwfitft 80 98 89 100

72 72 72 2

Bk Rapid Tr 60 80 50 58Can PKclflc 177 177 171 17 9i 177

42 42 42 42Ch G West 11 11 11 11 11Ch G West A 53 S2 53 SCh G West B 1 U 1 16 16 16Ch M St P137 13SV4 IN 136 137Chi Un Trac 4 4 4 4 4Chi Un T Pr II 16 16 15 11Col Fuel 35 35 36 35 36Col SOU 35 35 26 25 21Coni Ga N Y13S 135 133 1 138Corn Prod 19 11 10Corn Prod pf 77 77 77 77 78Del Hud 1S7 7 1S7 1 7 18tf

Den A R G pC 78 75 76 76 71Erie 24 34 24 24 24

Erie 1st pf 56 86 66 65Gen El c 148 148 148 148 149Gt Nor pf 137 117 6 1 137Kansas C So 25 26 26 25 25

Nash 130 1 11 119 130Elev 140 140 1S

Mo K Tex 37 J7 36 J7Missouri Pac 7 7S 76 76Nat Lead C2 O 62 2North Am 75 76 76 76 74N Y Air Braell 1 117 117 118N Y Central 11S llt ll J 11S 11SN Y O W 3S 36 38 38 38Norfolk Wet 78 78 77 78 78Northern Pac 135 13 134 134 13Northwest 153 1ST 152 162 158Penn R R 237 136 127 127Peoples Gas tag Z 12 92Reading 112 113 Ul 111 112

S A I 28 28 28 28 28Rep phi 34 84 84 84 85

T StL W pfdT 1

U S C I P 37 37 37 37V S Steel 37 37 37 37U S Steel 101 101 4 101 101Wabash pfd 2 25 26 25 25West Union 3 83 82 82 82-


R I 70 70 70 70 72Wabash Bs O 3 3Tob 73 73 73 73 73Tab s J0 MM 108 106 1MAtch 4s 38 M Sfl K MGas Conv 134 136 134 136 134Inter Met 4 7S 79 7 78Penn Cony IMS 93 33 33 KMoney 2 4 2 2 2

to noon today 812100Total sales yesterday 778300

Quotation ftttnMred by A O Brown ACo Xunoey Building Members New YorkStock

TestOpen Utah fW rlos

Boston Con 29 2 28 20 20British Col 7 S 7 8 8Butte Coalition 27 37 27 27 37liavls Daly 15 1S 15 14 1Dominion Copper 7 6K 0-

Kl Ryo tf S SFoster Cobalt 1 1 1 1 1

I Furnace Creek 1 3lfi 1 1 3tt 1 8M 1Glroux Copper 9 ft 9 9 9Ooidfleld Con S S 7 S 7Gold KillGreene Cananea 16 H 1 1 1Greene Gold Sit 1 1 1 1 1Greene Gold Stl pfd S

KinK Edward 1 1 1 1 1M Co of A 1 1 1 1 1

i Mitchell Min 4 4 4 4 4

Mont Shot 9 fNevada Con 14 14 14 14 14Nev Smelting 2 3 2 2 3

j Nevada Utah S 5 5 5 S-

Xiplsslnr 14 14 14 14 14Silver Queen 1 1 1Stewart Mln 2 2 2 2 2Tramp Con S7

Tonopab Ex f 3 3 3 3Knob Cop 716

Wh K Cop pf 2

RAILWAY AND INDUSTRIALSChicago Suby 17 ITVk 17 17 1-

Manh Trans 6 5 5 SiStand Oil 525 530 53 330 535West Ice 33 33 32 33 33


Y May 1 William EDodge oC New York son of the philan-thropist William Earl Dodge and soninlaw of Henry T Slq ftne the millionair carpet manufacturer was todaysentenced to serve a tenday term inprison In addition to paying a tine of

automobile speedingDodge has been arrested twice before

for the same offense




3096 959 96n 37

7i 7

S S 8



J4J jI 94D6 96f1

Iloc A ti3


Ches Ohio





Den It G 3S


Lou i1 140



pS A I

Rock I 22 2214 21 2255 10 Ii 65JO JO JO JO

Line pr 115 Ui 135South Pac q st 96 S6South Ry m 2ZSouth Ry pC 87 87 87 7Tex PRc 23 29

MyUnion 146



tr S Steel J714 fi 97 134

6216 13IJr4 t

II 71






ISJiq j

I2 1




6 8 tJ4

1i IIz

38 Si 87II

ii ii ii ii st









38 33 28j 29S



< 62

21SlosaSheff 5-6StLSW 22-

Soo 13835

21 2 2267

23 23 2958 5 M

147 14

5g 91


2 2 2













½ ½ ½




J With Every Purchase Amounting to 25Everybody who needs furniture should profit by this lib f-

eral offerSh Think of it You only have to buy 25 worth of Furni g5-Ns ture at our underselling prices and on our easy creuit terms

to get this Gold Initial Porcelain Dinner absolutely freeThe clearest and whitest dinr ware made is vS-

figj permanently baked in

ffer tho finest Pumlture at Underselling Pricea ont TEEMS and giro ovary purchaser a CEBXZTiCEASE AND THE ACCOUNT WIM




i IIA Q I1ta Set fAl i jt



I-Wo you


HUB FURNITURJr CO Southeast Cornet Ica 7th and D StreetsCREDIT IS YOUR PURSE I








Sale of the board including the aftercall amour ted to 1750 shares of stockand 35500 In bonds

Following are the sales and quotations of todays market

Washington Railway and Electric 4per cent fiO tfOOOfcSO

aooo o ioooo80 ioooo-lOWeQ 3000 mNorfolk and Washington Steamboat

6s 13000Q103VCapital Traction 20130Vi 200130 10

26C2 25fi2 25 g6226662 26C2 26M2 28GS-

Mergenthalar 5 11 5 911 5 p2UMitchell Mining 6wfM4 lOOftHVi 10-

0Wasblntgon Loan and Trust 10020640206 106806

After call Mergenthalor 1011Lanston 200612Washington Gas 80ff62H

OAS BONDSWashington CM lea 106

F leG 109

RAILROAD BONDSCapital Traction R R 4 1M 106Anocostla and Potomac 5o 100City and Suburban Sa 181Columbia Va 101Columbia 08 1W 110Metropolitan fa IK IKMetropolitan B 100 102

Wash Railway and Electric 4 7 ViWash Alex and lit Vernon SB 8H

MISCELLANEOUS JONDBPotomac Bl trlc Light 6s 1

Norfolk and Wash Steamboat fa Uft-

Che and Potomac Telephone i IMft 14Washington Market ffa 1M

PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKSCapital Traction 33B6 1

Railway and Electric own HWash Railway and pf 73 89

Norfolk and Steamboat 317 3W-

Wa M gtHi Gas 2 KGeorgetown GCh and Potomac Telephone 50

Wash Alex and Mt VeraoaTYPE MACHINB STOCKS

Mergentba 2


Greene Canaaea IlKMitchell 4


ii 11ColumbiaCcrcmerdal

LincolnMetropolitan JJJ


TradersWashington 5Washington exchange i


UnionVaofa andVabl Rton Sate

Union Trust W rra ur

SAVING BANK STOCKSHome SavingsUnion Saving LMerchant and MecHanter

FIRE INSURANCE STOCKSArlington 2LColumbiaCommercialCorcoran f-

Firemans SFranklinMetropolitanNational Union

Potomac 9K

STOCKSColumbia 3 sReal B tate


I Graphophone pf

Washington MarketFidelity Storage


VALUABLE CHEESE WRAPPERSLord Crawford of president-

of the Royal Astronomical Society liaaa tine general library which wouldhave been much larger and grander butfor the fact that of hU ancestorsthe Premier Earl of Scotland disposedof thousandS of valuable volumes tocheesmen who ed their leaves aswrapping paper



InveaUnent securlt 8 bought and fwrcash or on moderate morsulos

913 F Street NorthwestMain C3-

MFrancSs R Dooley Co

Stocks Bonds Grain10 F SL N W Le Droll Bldj

Phono Main IIO1I1

MONEY AT 4 AND 5 PEE CE2ITloaned on real estate in the Districtor Columbia LOWEST COMMISSIONS

1008 P St


4 SO I4

if lOO

VashnJton cornman 5 YJ3S-

5QfIiD 1 14

Washington Gas


Bl Asked

Ill ert

8 BO


Wash I-






Farmers and IIIlit



Natlonl Sat 387 1t5Trust aLoan





I people t-a



ibone U

M 86


Et lAnd





flaliwa and Eleatric50








2915Cha14103 3Th

3M 146



Trust 20436

















A was received at PoilcoHondquarters this morning from Cbve

inquiring if the local departmenthas any record of Edward S Habenswho is under arrest there for the al-leged forgery of a check for 75 Habeaswas arrested In this city for forgery In1900 and sentenced to live years inMoundsville W Va penitentiary Hewas released in on 1000




A suit for 10000 damages against theCapital Traction Company for allegedpersonal Injuries has in theDistrict Supremo Court Annie Rooseadministratrix of the stat t of Archibald-A Reese It is charged in tho petitionthat Reese was struck b car andsustained injuries which resulted ind ath

boon ledb


Weve as nobby clothes for men and women as are madecorrectly can pay for them a little at a time

each week Open an account with

f iVf IV Lfv t 4 i i t fiM

AnnouncementSeveral months ago before my ads appeared in tionothing on earth could Induce me to smAll fees I followedthe nlffhost standard of workmanship bought only the best materialand gave my patients my energies and I folt that I doserved a fair fee Such is the sentiment of all conscientious dentistswho do not advertise I knew my prices woro high anC wished to reduce them but tHe in which this could be done was to increase

of high grade work as heretofore Within the past four months mypractice has been trebled and the only thing that has done it has beenconscientious work always doing only the best nd uiakiag my chargeslow

Price List

SSMSSJfe Only One Grade the Best p rice1500 Pull set of teeth 8001000 Partial set of teeth 5001000 Logan Crown best only 400 and 500

300 up Gold Fillings 100 up

1800 Alveola Method of inserting teetht without plates or bridges 10 00

800 and 1000 Bridgework 400 andPrices for Porcelain Inlays are cut in half

i DR S G WALDO1340 New York Ave Nw AeFl2JlL

Financial Financial

Holders of United States ElectricLighting Co Debentur Improvement 6 Bonds and 6 Certifi-cates of IndebtednessD-

ue on May i 1907 are requested tosecurities for payment with






Interest allowed on depositssubject to check




I I I I e I I Ij


w ymy practice by advertising for with enter number of patients Zcould afford to a leo yet maintain the name tcndard



i t51000 The Waldo Gold Crown 22k 500t

100 and 200 Plastic Filling 50c and 100 tMy

1500 t



I I 0 I I I I I I I I II I 0 I



6 see o I e4sIts IIeC 0 CI 00Sr





I S I I S I I I I I e a p s e es 4 4 I


>< > >






+ +




30 Broad Streetand YORK


Private Wires to All Principal CitiesWASHINGTON OFFICES

Munsey Building Ponnerly Occupied byCHASMS G GATES fc CO

HERBERT L JONES ManagerSU3MBEBSNew Tork Stock Exchange New York Cotton SzChicago Stock Erchanffe ChIcago Bpard of Trado

Cleveland Stock Exchange



Coc JJ

I tr1NEW 7-



4 t

LEPo2c1SMain 37903791


nL J-




t 4

FinancialCapital Jl000000 Surplus JWOOOOO

oney TransmittedBY CABLE

Drafts Issued direct on principalcities of the worldLetters ot Credit IssuedExchange bought and soldInvestments madeStocks Bonds bought sold


Pa Ave Opp U S Treasury



BUILDING4 1325 Wisconsin Ave tI-

T Established In 1SS2

TT 29th Series Subscription Books T

now open 4X First payment d e 4-

T Paid up shares MMf T-

T 4 per cent interest paid TI Subaorlbe Now 4

Organized 1879

Assets 217026007


CoOperative Buildingi Association

Offers the Best InducementsIn Order to v-

j SECURE A HOMEFor Information

Cull or for PampHotOffice Equitable Building

1003 F Street N WJOH2T JOY ED SDK President


Deposit Your Surplus Fundswill earn you a steady In

Company pays Interest on all accountsDeposits subject to check at wilL

Union Trust Co

Loan CompaniesZ YOU BEUIQ TMIri AD

for S50IS ALL YOU PAY USCompare th above rate with what you

now SlId see how much you bydealing with us

Ko extra charge tar prcparte pevtmttLOAN and TRUSr


4 Commercial Bank Bid X W Cor14th and G sts Entrance to StevatorNos 7Mf S 14th St

OUR RATESF-or Loans On

FURNITURE PLLXOS AM TEAMSBorrow pay back 1150Borrow 15 pay back 1700Borrow 20 pay back 22 5

Borrow 25 pay back 2750Borrow 850 PRY back 5400

This pays both principal and Interest Other amounts In proportion

Union Loan and Trust GoHE DEOIT Qh ETSTjnojizro Off Pleas

A Companyhas recently opened at this addnte and

Furniture Pianos Teams etcAs a special lndocem at tc build

cur business we will make the monthlyor weekly payment onequarter thanany other company In the city

Peoples Loan Co

and E StsENTRANCE 438 9th SC N W




Lowest rates ana Quickest serviceIn tho city other paid off

Mutual Loan Trust Co913 G St N W

f Ei EfV Loaned atEnffl Roasonable

From W to 900-0Boxlneu confldentlal

JOSEPH CAHJf Room 409Staif r Elds 7th and P U aw

fYf Per Yon CaR

Month S 00Money loaned on furniture ansi planai

Phone Main 30S9 Aceat wIll call and ex-plain terms

HOUSEHOLD LOAN COill ST N W Rooms 1 and 2 Second Floor

Money Loaned Salaried Peoplea-

nd others without security cozy paymentsctUces In ES principal clUes save younoU-Gsoniy by getting my terms first D H-TOLMA24 Boom W3 tzj 15th a nor d 8tr-

JiOAHS ON IITBKITUKEHere we are way down at the bottomof the column

WHEN IN DOUBT about borrowingJust call on the companythe least Thats us

ABSOLUTELY no publicity noIng Into your private affairs no delay

613 F ST N W


I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 H



MoithIy shares 25tSpecial shares fJ

t t

t T T T t t


i i-



I i


i i


t it j



i J-

I 1 I

theyThe BANKING DEPT of thIs





Entrance 810 F 3L

NewIs prepared to make quick




2 10















loan on




Save Your MoneySystematicallyDe-

posit a portion of youreach week or each monti

in our SAVINGS DEPTPur Savings Dept gives attoaa

protection and pays interestFunds payable on demand

THE TRADERSNational Bank

Capital and Surplus 15 00000


very facility that a completebanking establishment can furnish

deposited hereand are safeguarded by a capi-

ta and surplus of six and onehalfmillions dollarsper cent Interest on

arawiag accounts A higher rateon time deposits


Uptown Branch 1124 Conn ayeDowntown Branch Center Market


profit for theWe 3

f interest on savaccounts ThisInler9S to under U

government controlSavings the same as nationalbanks

jtVCommerciol accounts InvitedMERCHANTS MECHANICSSAVINGS

The Safest InvestmentsAre those that do not depend uponfinancial responsibility or tile stability

Individual or oocporaUon Firstof tract mortga ThereBy eecuna-oa Rood real estate la the District oiColumbia coaetttote glK dB inwamists are the only kind we maInand aopptr to InTeetota bear 1rtercet parble Bamlanaaatty at the

cent per annum and may t-

U from tCM and upaccrued Sr-

ncSwartzell RheemHensey Co


Loan Companies


matter what rate you are paying 01be quoted to you will make yon 3

RATES 10 CHEAPEREven tr you now owe another loan wi-

pany ese to vs WK WILL MAKE TOTA LOAN and give yes a longer ttoe to

write oreaU

to our offe

1 XEW YORK AVKNCK NC THTVE5T-Tetepbon Main 312 Second floor Fr-

onTlO F N WTIs one place In thIs city where

you are sure to got a square deal onfurniture loans Our rates are tha-checftat Our terms and methods areiuc mc liberaL Zt costs you nothingto taUt with us either at yourhome or in our private offices Xoacan get the money today


Washington Loan Co I-

610FSLNW Roonl I

Our Specialty is to Pay OffLoans of HighRate

We e Interested n ea of largo laeana whoare M tinted with a small per cent on thaimoney They will advance any amount from

M to HM OR honeebold furniture pianoshones wagon salaried employee etc In theZHetriet You will like our and termsWe charge tOt Internet only810 one mo 6Oo S50 one mo 8165SSO one mo 8105 75 one mo 8345Sac one mo 8145 8100 one mo 8265

40 one mo 155 300 one mo 700We else make a small charge for apprais-

ing property etc Loans made out In easypayments any time from month to 1 year

We make a specialty o loans from 10 toand can give you the amount the day

you ask for it Call write or telephone

Potomac Guarantee Loan Co928 P St ZT W Atlantic Bid

BOoms X7os 31 23 24 Second ZloorTelephone blain 639

These FIGURESWhat you pay the ten per centerywUU tor WOO for one month

Si 66 Wht you pay the NATIOtfAIifor the Infvn

What you save each month byfJJtyO4 dealing with the National Inpreference to tho ten per center Think whatthat means if you carry the loan nyc or sixmonths After seeing web a comparison itla needless to say anything further aboutour rote It Is this la the men re-liable company to deal with We loon inany amount from no to too Interest inproportion Payments to suit your conven

duo when it suits you No delay Napublicity No charge for paperLoans other companies said up anJmore money advanced

National Loan Investment Go

Room 41 Horn Ufa BulldlnrNortheast RfU f OppCorner E ir ith Floor

Entrance on U StreetTIlE ONLY INDEPENDENT COpy



Can and Will YouWe loan money on Furniture andPianos at a minimum rate of interestLoans with other oftand a larger sum advanced at a lowerrate than you are now paying602 F Street N W r

Established 1S78







vileonoP and



tbank s-



thef-aq deed



perbad ot Inward at pu

book9st CO CeIBIag LoBe and Ir


May welout at


It 1IOt ealnelde8t comepbooe We will our t-











4 conve-


centI lags


rati-o Fye

aand interest













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