*£.--. : __- .,- ,- : t7 !. •.-»-hi ,, .? • '_• - *i , » i . V •» •- * - : * . * . . •, . •*il « ,.. i cf an svdev wade by Jemrs Carpal; 1tf e I its std Umiy cf Hew York,ac- pen 10 all pertoi.* 1 aving elates s^aiaat icvrge r»*xoei.l, hsieol the city of * . t w J, to «xhibn the taaewiifi lie TUIUH kbacnier. at d.« • ore t-t Eta MI*. Ce. stnrl, h«-r place for he tiattract«• td i.rtote the fust da* of A.ay, one Uieusaad ind <hiriy-6v*. Yotk,t*i. 26m, 18S4. Kll'/.\KHH BEMF.NT, . EircwrUB •( ol an i> der of ihi fei.iresale ol U.e City y of N t » ^otk, IOIKC ishtrtly given te ii f clam .«11 ilt n ;n d* status) ih< r-siaie St.ettcn, tair erf N«» York, dtcrated, io n e dmy anthrntica'td io lie »ul*< ntt r, rot Want' la Ci vt n, Citn »i -ilt-ri at ioi.i street m ile c««v trf'fcrcwfciye, within r the f.isi publication of this col a t . , bet i7-h. 1W4. Kim.AKP N. SBELTON, Ic iog Executor of Sicpbevi L. SAertee. i hereby given to ah peisoes having ciaime ,li ha Burn.**, laie of the Cuv ei New d, to present ihe same wi'b U»e vei.cacrs mbscruVr, at hit office No. 153 Mttibeiry ;nv of N« w York, on or before the Ihuai w York, 90th ..I October, lbS4. CHARLES USbOK.N, E t t cut or. lit nby givm to ad persons avuigcfaim* nof.ro C"rn*rli, late of the City of New e> eased, u> present the same, with lbs lot e lubxnter, II hs rrsMesee Mo. r. et. u> the cuv o" New Yoik. on or I Jul. next. Dated New York, 23d< C. A. QARDIN • fi'ni uni i<> an ordirol James lamtd5ey£yf Surrogate of the county of New York, v f iv. u o all persons who have c aims ate of Su-an K Field, la'e ol ihe cn\ of :he • aiJ c«iil»iy, drcciSed, IO rihibil III* vouch' rs ih»-r«<f, io ihe subscriber, Hack- ».'D, nistrjior thereof, a I his place oi busi- furling s i p , in t: e city of N e w York, oa mih ay .1 July, 1835. 1 ork. Jai.i.siv 5>h, 1835. HliKsON W. FIELD, Administrator. berrby givtn io all persons bavins, ciajsne i In r'etViirau, la'e of ihe city id N e w , io present ihe same with tbe vouchers «iii .M.i ediuei aw Neison Cha>e, Esqs., No .3 Nsvsati sireet, IB the city of N e w r ih- 15'ti liciv ol Ju'v next. I8S5 fo it.uars UKNJA.VIN WALDRON, E\erno« <•! J«'t:o HciielfClu. oeceasej. LLultiiMi A N 1 h.L> by the »ur> ho give* iht^lii^..*;*! ca»h price Iw.ai £«'inleniiTis' ar.<3 boys' icll ofi garmeuis , addressing a line ti»rougb the r-usi Othca , bf waiiiltu on tiv M . L I M L i . Y , No. 109 Chatnaju at. K!S of Musical Ii.&lruniems, GUA», Piaicia, property of every deM:riptM>ii bow«hl lor wM */i..\tji:—Genuine Wtsiars Cough ,, Boston b o n s e i . Ipicac and Tola Lc- l„,u.j:Xc .HiJ Jujube fasie—these arti> lulled io allay ihe rrniatioo caused by ale at Chore..'s Dispeksarv, 186 Broad- .5 bereuv ittven to an personn having e ain.a ,'larlrs baUlwio, a u of tr.e c"y of N e w (-•r ai Law. deceased, io pn sent the J*nie, itia ihtrcof, in William S Ba-owa, ins at the sinre of John Johnsvus feons. No. «ireet, in 'he ciiy o! Nii> l"i>ri», on orbo* av of Jn'v i.eil. York. i3<i • I Jar.oarv, 1835. VWLUA.M S. BALDWIN, .A i ••• ».ritor. BUVD, a .Mei;.:ef ot the Koyn Golte^a una is Ireland, and lit y a praciniODtr ta :., ..n. i-rlers ha semes I" 'he affiicted in o; a ct-rta-n disease. His long expeneoco niioii io iinsclaM n: cujipJaiuis, bis pteas- ri)-' i.|;:i-os n.ode ol ircaiuien!, bis extraor- duriax a :•'•! g and eiiended practice, anal e».'.iuia r medics' uuaiifica ions, aro aftw on »bich he n-ts hw claims to public of eirpincism when igaorant pretenders qoocus art dan'y spteadini; their oats, to io dt» ri:r n«i, I 'r Boyd woud wiab to i and warning v i n e to his fellow ciea* ii them to be*are ot such danjerou* fier* ii ds Mho niitiht .'.are been at iht- day " l a i palmy pr de cf 3,.i;.hcod,' U ibeu* caoes irearu by on* du>y qaalified, are now •ngst ih- incur ible and the ijead ! Appa- verv cooimon and i-a-n'y rtleciod ; but to aunt poison, wincb will otherwise con> io an iiii.'im. ly grate, belongs to the 1e(n> ' ot nit die oc in the bands ol a skillfvJ and er. F .; Oi. Botd m such, he is wilbnf i patrons, b. prooucinic lor their inspectioa i-rna. a« a inemoei of ihe Koyal Coilegs 1 elind, and .ik- wise tesliaioti^als for t a - i.i. Iron, mai.v who are justly considered man i u s onhrir profession. His rnoda i s.il<, erirctual anil expeditious, not re» ;be use oi mercury, or restraint in diet or cent atficinns he pledges himself to re- t wr'.ui a lew days, and cases of longer "•eater n.ui.gf.iu will be irea'ed Willi cis> il. , ihe p\ tent may rest assured, after bav» i ' i " from the lands of Dr. Boyd, last I'ab.'ished ijpon a souoJ aud firm ba-sis, and lutein is rrnoviied and unimpaired. Hal •i.«r an»l taitfi are pledged to this, and ho iba: fiii cliaracter and standing are sufR> t hcm<.. an.i secrecy may in all cases bo Hoor-i at at'enOance from 7 in ihe moroitif . 14 fVv.-r st.-ee:, ouedoor from Water. t uKBtT'l may r.e consulted in tat- mot »al manner ai hi» olhce, \t Duajie street a ria.ii and \N ii:iam s's., New York, wbfl" cil wiiti delicate diseases, old < !*M.ate U a, worms, disea&es ol I e L.adder, urethr mil all doeasi tar.sing trom lite abuso O ipuritv olblocd, are inviied to call. i elfecU arising from the abuse ot mercury prion. P.rsons troubled «uh I certain jply to Dr. CorbMt, with tbe perfect assu*> it radically cured nnheut a particle ot iv other dangerous anrdicine. hi* charges , ar.d propor.Hiaed to the means of the ap tas been educated in Europe, wtderteacn- 'dged latent., and has had considers*!* nsive hospita s and dispensaries. Instant hose si'rlicied wnh piles, and a perfect i three days without connneoicni from bo» •as; pain to 'he patient. may be had to j>rerent the occurrence oi *«•. 1 he rao»t honorable secrecy will bs mtancedaily from 7 A. M.to 10P. M. •.K I ON ron ii.je* iii be con.iiiii i d a* usu old csiabishniem, No. 4 Feck-sup. wber* I tor eignteen vea/s. Seeing so many of illirrs«ufferi/ij from tl* ravages of a CSt* n« knowing that many valuable members " lling sacr.iices to the baits held sat by nder«, derm* if his dniy to apprtao ihuoo t sehvvet every one who has indulged ta re io consult a professional man of ewi- abiliiy, an I h nor p—as DO diseases havs e lasidthiusiv to destroy lh« const 11 at MMI ich are ihe consequences o 1 " unguarded ay a man en whose n'e depends all tbo ler wife and darling offspring, has fallen a per trta.rueni, which might have beea ot) lu-ring Dr. A., who aiitiou* io sootb ibo iserv, ts consul ed daily, by either soJt, ncr . -,,., - t a uitni bring mild, safe, and ; n reasonable, and la ever? instance it's, guarantees a core. Recestf asToo i a few days without loconvenienco w) lost h norable ccrecy observed I ic consulted in all chroti c diseases, * » ;^'» E n ; B..i'jii* Oust ructions, Lira* inunaii n of the Eyr»; old alcermied left, c. which are considered tncurabfe (•• ecured a Dr. A.\ Dispen^arr. 4 Pe*» utirgriiy and cat.dor may bo found wbiab ti.ii*>, has already been two rallnjt prBsd* fe. he convenience and secrecy so awoeaary mem, Dr A does not kropa drwf ewjew ttitrnts axe under no apprebeasaos) af e l an amplication. nculai in observing Dr. Aad*rto*»'« W*" Peck slip, one door from the eoTO** «»* i impossible to calculate the injury that taking the practitioner. . aily, from seven in the morna**; asxtMiasil B cootuiues to be consulted at bio •*?• re respectfully apprised,Pr. Bort* hem A the medical profession i» * o CitJ en a regular member of said " f ^ V * ^ for the last 28 years in the c«jro» X»e»» ctice frooi being general, be coBDHea lo a ocii W Mediniif. which engages his BM , viz: Luea Veneria,Scrofula, Scorbuftfs Lepa, and a'.l diseases artsiag frem >•>(>"" His well-known integrity chailengea tb* «y; his experience very great; bis S»ce«**' lie caution* the unfortunate a^ailtst «*• iry i thousands i annually mercurislhrw very many tk ands of cases committ*4 ill grades and every degree of mali|a*jacjr# restored his patients to health and a sowiwi« 'he decided preference given to Dr. Horaay tes the confidence reposrd in the skill **« iisunguisbes bis practice. The learmad i|.'«alicaliyobserves: "Married p^sofss, to be BBatried, *l i.nld be particularly caarn ifTecttons. What a dreadful uihintaMf - • losterity.* See that your case is erasbV a " _ , led up." Persons *J9icted witb prouasJiad 1* case* need not despair of a coaapWe rw» . lying to Dr. Horne. Recent aJTuillioiM " [^ , without the use of mercury, exuxujsvsswed * ,"| Gteeu and Strict rj-es removed by aa aaay*** jj ie persons who may; have coBlraaiasi aaa*--**, t bleat poison, are invited to make kapsi" orae, af bis establishment, No. aS C°*?JJ s * k u Greenwieh street. A restdeaca *»^»)*; «^ 'ork city has established Df. B o t a a a « * * * . ' i of honor, and based aiioa real rsaaaata* Dr. Horne t»tfVrs to aw !?"»««*• » ••»•**;. irs*Matad1staacasbywritiBa>tWes^, fee, shall have r o a - d y » « V « ? ^ * * ,-Jr * ly, until half paat t * *• J™"?*^, ,,., foe takea uTutaleaa post paid-all olf handed ia. . . luraesoslcaaat* so axrajwed, hat par* fasiidJoaa. aaay aapJy w«h enter.willsiaad - -. 4 •<i »-si HBW YORK. I»TID AMD PCBLIIIID ST THE PROPRIETORS, •SJABVWBKKT—AT fJIO rsaa —• . . . | .gfn insurajkce r p H B Trtistosa eftaaNew Yora * - » ^ ^^ ^ ^ J. f nsal Ca. P w,w ^ tft , ^wtbesaibandpni. aleat to their feik* extoaaa. » £ $ Z ^ e reduced seat psaeuce of , « ttna -.*TL 1 ii UMUTO Uvea ia future ai kair rates ol uuuraaca, and ww — fjMoraaco ol v* 9 '**-— 15 iO 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 00 K. A. NICOLL. Soc'rv. KiTX. 0 81 0 91 0 95 1 31 1 36 1 69 1 93 toe i St 4 19 WM BARD, ?res'U 4 C AS x OFF CLOTHING.—Tha preseat being the the season for gentlemen to throw off their winter .arments, are informed that the highest prices are given or such, and every description of Ctotbing by the sub- scribar to whom a tine addressed with directions to call » s-entlemea .will be punctually attended to. eagenuo , p/. LUMLRY, 109 Chatham sL fc j| nearly opposite the theatre. I # ''*"^ ;• .^"-i-Jr 1 V 1 -!- j?»VL UMBER 10145 NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, JVIARCH 4, 1835. NO. 49 WILLIAM-STREET. T EETH—SAMUEL A V E R Y , Surgeon Dentist, bogs leave to announce that he has fom.cd a cu> partaar-bip with Mr. Solyman Brown, who is hereafter to attend exclusively to the mechanical, and himself to the surgical departments of the profession. Many Usuasouials can bo shown from gentlemen of the highest respectability. The following from the cel- ebrated. Dentai Surgeon, Mr. E. Parmly, MI respectful- ly presented : From a knowledge of the professional and moral char- actor of Mr. Brown aad Mr. Avery, I feel great pride aad nleaaww ia recommending them to tbe entire con- ideaca,af taoaa who may reoaire tbair aid w the excr- eta* af their respective branches of the profession. RLEAZER PARMLY, 11 Park place. N. B. Rooms at No. 4 Park Place, near Broadway. R. LOU13 PHILIPDON having just returned from London and Paris, in which cities he has passed the last two years Improving himself in the sci- ence of music, now offers hie services as a teacher of the Piano Forte to tbe ladies and gentlemen of New York, hoping that his excellent plan of teaching, and the strict attention with which he will devote himself to his scho- ars, will receive the kind patronage of the citueos of New York. Any eoBintunicetion left for him at the Music Stores •I Messrs. Dubois & Stodart and S. F. Atwclt will be punctually attended to. n5 it S TATE O F N E W KORK. ss.—/• Ckancery.— In pursuance of a decree of the Court of Chancery of the State of New York, wit! be sold at public auction at the Merchants' Exchange in the city of New York on the 12th day of March next, at 12 o'clock at noon, under the dtrec. i of the subacribcr, one oftbe Masters of this Court, * Ail that certain house and lot of ground in ihe cny of New York, situaie in Gold street, now known as No. 100, formerly 106 Gold street; bounded as follows : westerly ia front by Gold street aforesaid ; northerly by the house now known as 102, formerly as 103 Gold street; easterly in the rear bv lot formerly leased to William Tiltoa, and southerly br the house now known as 98, formerly as 104 Gold street." And also, " all that certain messuage, tenement and lot »tgrjunj in thecuy of New York, now known as 98, formerly as 104 Gold street, and bounded in front on Gold street, on the north by houses and lot now known as 100, formerly as 106 Gold street, easterly in the rear on William TUton's lot : southerly by house and lot now or fortaarly of William Tucker, coatuiiing in breadth in froat and rear 23 feet, and in length on both sides 55 feet, be the sxne more or less." Aad also," All that certain messuage, tenement and lot of ground in the city of New York aforesaid, now known as N o . 102, locoerly as 108 Gold street, and b Minded ia Front on Gold street, on tbe north by Frank- furt street ; east in the rear by the house aad lot now or formerly owned by Morris Shipley ; o i the south by the house uow known as 100 formerly 108 Gold street ; and on tbe west in froot br G o d street, containing 23 fee* front and rear and 55 deep on each side, or there- abouts. Together with all aud singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging. Dated January id, 1835 WILLIAM VAN WYCK, iy2$ lawSw Master in Chancery. TYORDEAUX WINK—180 dozen Cbambertin. vin- N runn coot I ing 11 New Fi At H' clay attn« the ft hour, the d N. nal s N' on a riTcE— February 2d, 1835. The ateamboal K K W A K K , Captain B. Tate, will commence Km^ind from Newark, on Monday, Feb. 2d and Lc to run >• long as the ice will permit. Leav- Lwark at 8 1-2 A. M. ; aad foot of Barclay street, York, at 2 1-* P . M . re 12 1-2 coats. kinds of freight taken as usual. pi ,BOKEN FERRV..—The steamboats HOBO- KEN and PIONEER will leave the foot of Bar- treetand Hoboken every 20 mtnutcs, commencing ever hour ; and the F A I K Y d U E E N will leave btof Canal st. at the commencement of every and Hoboken every intermediate half hour during At IC son's Cour up an both Ni RTF.AM BOATS. £ On Sundays there will be two boats at Ca- rt WINTER ARRANGEMENT. IWARK. JERSEY CITY, fc NEW-YORK COACHES.—The Coaches of the above line will, d after November 17th, run as follows: Leaf* Ntwv'K. Ltam New York. 9 o'clock, A.M.I At 91j o'clock, A.M. I j - P. M. J S " P. M. P- Seats seats secured by applviag at J. T . Tbom- Hotel. Newark, and at J. Patten's Hotel, 73 landt street, New Y ork. Passeagers will be taken i set down at their respeciveplaces of residence, t Newark and New York. Fare 37, cents. |w York, 13th Nov. 1834. "13 tf X^ tags of 1827 i iSOdosea H.rtaifage, vintage 1825. 90 dozea Chateau Loovtlle, vintage lota 60 95 50 50 30 60 25 120 do do do do do do do do do Chateau Lantte Margeaux, Larose, Pomard, St. Estephe, Parr-iiiac, St. Julian, Haul Brtou, Muscat, do do do do do do do do do 1325 1827 18i5 1825 1827 1325 1827 1825 & 1827 1827 all of the best brands. A so, 12 pipes Claret, of different tort* and vintage* 70 Alien ot very superior Madeira, from tbe Londot decks. CORDIALS.—125 cases cordials, of the branr* of Forrester & Frees. 350 baskets annisette, of the same brand. 15 Demijohns, 5 gailoos each, ol old cbaimpaigne brandy, S W E E T OIL.—300 baskets Bordeaux Oil, of the house of Ores. Ie jeune, stamped on the bottles, and the best ia the market. The moat of ffce above mentioned articles are entitled to debenture, direct unportauoas, and for Bust purchaser* by ale ia 1 to tadtewSsa JULIUS HIRSCHFELD, 5 Pine street. M ERCHANTS' FIRE INSURANCE COM PAN Y—Office No. 53 Wall street, New York > Incorporated with a capital of half a million of Dollars for the sole purpose of insurance against loss or damage by FIRE, dwelling houses, ware hotr«s, buildings in gener- al, merchandize, .-hips in port t«. I their cargoes, house- hold furniture, wearing app«A. and every description oi personal property Fa IC them. Com | leave s'ree Cars NE\ landt COI1VI siclen fARK RAIL KOAD ACCOMMODATION. BSENGEHS going in this line will be called for, hr leaving their address at the office foot of Cour:- tireet, where an Omnibus will also be in waiting to passengers on the arrival of the Cars to their re- in the city. SAM. McLAUGHLIN, Driver: 12J cents. York, I3ih Nov^lSSL for th I The) keep aceoi jccupatious.hc. _ . . . — , to. The rates of premium and conditions of insurance are uniform with all the other Fire Insurance Companies ia the city. JONATHAN LAWRENCE, President. NATSAKIXI. W. STBOBA, Sec*y. DIRECTORS^ most UAld ter dt nowi the ci larlyi assur forDi exec* N. plied notjci Jonathan Lawrence, Henry Kneeland, Thomas Bloodgood, John A. Stevens, Robert Chesebrough, Francis H. Nicoll, Thomas Lawrence, Jamea Boyd, Jr. William W. Fox, Qeorge Barclay, Michael Bonvham, Jeromus Johnson James Strong, Jacob P. Giraud, Peter A. Jay, David M. Prall, O. Mauran, Ephraim Holbrook Augustus W. Hupeden, William Whillock, Jr. Henry K. Begert Anthony C. Rossire, Daniel Low, Moses Taylor, H and i next tifuli tbeC the good boan F< immi lots this | regu mens F peril No Oliver Corwin. THE CITY COMPAN1 FIRE INSURANCE CAPITAL $3O0JD00. 189 Chatham, corner of James street. - — t Office N o . I9f UUIUtliHM, .... -.. T HE Capital Stock of this Company having been alt paid in and secured, agreeably to the conditions ot the Act of incorporation, the company w ill receive ap- plications for insuring dwelling houses, warehouses and other buildings, ships ia port and their cargoes, merchan- dise, machinery, household furniture and other personal against loss or damage by Flaa, on terms as as any other Fir* Insuraac* Company in th* tvoral citv Preserved Fi*h, Josiah Macy, Robert Hicks, Robert I. Walker, William H.Falls, J>seph W . C o lies, Isaac Frost, William C. White, David S. Brown, Cyrus Hitchcock, R. A. DIRECTORS. Cornelius W. Lawrence, Abraham Bell, John Barrow, Thomas J. Townsend, John D. Wright, Benjamin Clark, Amos Willets, Peter S. Titus, Edward A. Wright, Dame! Trimble, Thomas Carpenter. JOHN BARROW, President. R s t DISS, Secretary. N P for lull hie Jutav* Newark. At 7 o'clock, 81 o'clock. 10 o'clock, Ui o'clock, CARS. /.r.-it-t- Newark. Ax NEWARK RAIL ROAD MORNING CARS i*at« Jersey Ciry. At 7 o'clock. 8, o'clock, j 10 o'clock, llfj o'clock, | AFTERNOON [eave Jersey City. At I o'clock, 2i o'clock, 4 o'clock, 5 o'clock, 37) cents. f * To secure a seat, passengers should provide Ives with a ticket, to be had at the office of the |any, foot of Courtlandt utreet, New York, and to in the Jarsey City Ferry Boats, foot of Courtlandt at least 10 minutes before the hour at which the epart. nl8 tf 2. 4 5 o'clock, o'clock, o'clock, o'clock. T O THE LADIES.—Miss PRESCOTT conttn- ues to give lessons to Ladies in the various bran- ches of a solid Education. Those Ending themselves defi ctent either in Penmanship, Arithmetic, English Gram- mar, Single Entry Bookkeeping, or correct Reading can receive such a course of confidential instruction as will in a short time render them proficients if not critics. There arc no classes—the instruction is generally indi- vidual. Miss Prescott solicits the attention of those in- terested. She has a variety of specimens of pupil'* im- provement, and numerous References and Recommen- dations from Literary Genttemcn both in this city and MI New England, from which she deems; it sufficient lo oi- ler tbe following : To whom it may concern : This may certify that Miss J J. Prescott is, in my judgment, well qualified to give an accurate knowledge of English Grammar to those who wish to obtain instruction in tbal|indispensable re- quisite of a polite education. C. M. 1NGEBSOLL. New York, 17th January, 1835. With pleasure I testify in favor of Miss J. J. Pres- cott'* knowledge ol the theory and practice of Single Entry Bookkeeping. I believe her] fully capable of teaching thai branch of a useful education. CJ C. MARSH: New York, Dec 1, 1833. From the knowledge I have of Miss J. J. Prejcott's superior skill in the art of Writing, I can cheerfully and confidently recommend her as being well qualified to teach this pleasing and important accomplishment. NATHANIELlD. GOULD.* Boston, July 25, 1832. * Now residing in Brooklyn. This certifieth that Miss J. J. Prescott has been a very acceptable and perfectly well approved member of nl9lf DEN f,i. Forward Rail Road to Faro to Rail Road ad Fa CAN PAIL T1 eeple- take : town, TON Fai deck | Fr« High' Free! Pril Stagi Fa 50 eel C Pai day* o'cioc Bargi Bordi boat o'cloi AI o«" I? iter it |eir sincere thanks to the ladies oflhis city and others encouragement they havereceived from them would inform their customers that they continue to r m hand a large and elegant assortment of Corsets, manu actured from the most durable materials and of the ipproved shape ; and as a careful Attention will be y them totne requests oftheir customers, they flat inuelves that theirs will be found superior to any use, and they solicit and look with confidence for ntinuance of the public favor. They receive regu te newest fashions ft oin London and" Pans,and they their friends and the public that every order, either esses or Corsets, will be promptly and carefully led. B. Country and Southern merchants can be sup- rvitb Corsets, on moderate terms and at theshortest J30 AND AMBOY RAIL ROAD LINE FOR PHILADELPHIA. (St'XD.l V* EXCEPTED,) AT 7 O'CLOCK, A. M. E steamboat S W A N , Capt. C. Seymour, will ave pier No. 1, North River, daily, Sundays ex- at 7 o'clock. Passengers for Philadc.pliia will t Rail Road Cars at Souih Amboy to Borden- d arrive at Philadelphia by steamboat TK.EN- Capt. Wui M. Jenkins, at 3 o'clock, P. M t in the above hue lo Philadelphia, assengers, $2. •hold and Monmouth Line, via ton, from thence to Freehold by stages old S2 25. ceton and Trenton Line, via Fare lo Princeton 11 50; lo T rem on 12. e to Perth and South Amboy and New Brunswick u. lANAL LINE FOR PHILADELPHIA, pengers will leave New York Mondays, VVednes- and Fridays by steamboat NAPOLEON, at 1 , P. M., lod^e at New Brunswick, take the Canal the following morning at 5 o'clock, Intown at 12 o'clock noon ; there take the JTRENTON, and arrive in Philadelphia at 3 h,P. M. ie to Philadelphia $2. baggage at the risk of its owner arrive at steam- I. BLISS, Agent. [DIES' CORSET WAREHOUSE, wholesale nd retail, at No. 132 William street. The Misses this Institution; that she has studied here, with talents rarely equalled and success of Ihe most promising char- acter, English Grammar, Geography], Common Arith- metic, Latin, &c, and she has my entire confidence in her superior qualifications, both mental and acquired, to instruct pupils in the solid branches of Literature. JOSEPH JOSL1N, PrWtJptor of M onmouih Academy. Monmouth, Me. Nov. 26,1822. Besides the above testimonials, she has others of her character and scholarship from the following gentlemen : J. Nichols, D.D. Portland, Me. Rev. J. Woodman, New Gloucester, Me, Hen. E. Hilton, Wiscasset, Me. Hon . J M. Harper, present member of Congress, and numerous other names equally honorable, that can be seen by calling at her rooms, 297 Broadway. Terms moderate, and made known Ion application.— From one to two hours devoted to each lesson. Rooms open for instruction from 8 o'clock, A. M. to 9 in tho evening. iCJ 0 ,Ladies may depend upon th* most careful at- tention, «nd upon the utmost secrecy if required. ~~ GOLD MEDAL PREMIUM. FOR HUMAN INCORRUPTIBLE TEETH. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the ladies and gentlemen of New York and citizbns generally that he solely disposes of and inserts the Primtum Human In- corruptible Tetlh, for which a Gold Medal, tbe highest prize ever awarded was given for their superiority in quality and manner of inserting them. The attention of those ladies and gentlemen who are desirous of rcpleting the vacancies caused by the loss of the original teeth, is respectfully invited to the Sub- scriber's Human fncorruptibU Teeth j likewise, to his method and manner of setting and iusqrting them—they *re incorruptible, thev never change lieu colour,Do* do they absorb the saliva or juices of the mouth, con- sequently they do not cause an unpleasant taste or fetid breath. They can be supplied from one to an entire set, to correspond with the living teeth, which, with Hu- man, Nuiural and all kinds ol artificial teeth set and in- serted on the latest improved style ot Dental Mechanism. His method of inserting them gives toj the wearer ease combined with all the important objects of the art. Their different uses-in mastication, articulation, and preserving the original form of the moiith, without hav- ing to perform any unpleasant or painful operations.— Sets ofteeih inserted by Atmospheric pressure, without the aid of Springs, Clasps, Ligatures, &c. when fixed they are guaranteed to set on the unerring principles of adhesion; and from their uniformity and adaption to '.he mouth, to elude detection by the elbsest scrutiny. OPERATIVE DENTAL-SUROERY. The subscriber performs every operation on the Teeth. Sums, aud Mouth, on the most modern and approved principles of Dental surgery, with the least possible pain, and correct professional skill. Carious teeth filled with | kit cement; likewise, with gold, plskina, etc.—LOOM MR. & MRS, BLEECKER'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, FRANKLIN ACADEMY, SING-SING, N . Y . M T HE Year is divided into two Terii-s—one comments] ing on the first of May, the other on the first of No- vember. There will be two vacations during the year, viz : the Spring vacation pi three weeks, commencing on the 8th of October. A public examination oftbe Pu- pils takes place immediately irisiaiag the vacations. No Pupil will be received for a sho, ter period than one Term. Terms—flfO per annum, payable quarterly in ad- vance—including Tuition, Washing, and Mending. Boarders io furnish their own cot, bed, and bedding. No deduction for any absence dur ng the Term, except sickness of the Pupil prevents attendance. The following Extra Charges art made, vis : Music, wnh use of Instrument, $12 per quarter. French, 5 do. Latin and Greek, fi do. -Jrawing, 6 do. Vocal Music, 8 do. TEACHERS.» G. W. BLEECKER, Principal oi the Institution: MRS. A . E . BLEECKER, Family Superintend ent. MISS H. N. ERR1NGTON, Superintendent of Female Department and Inslroctrsss on Piano Forte, and in the Frencn Language. MISSC. ERRINGTON, Musical Assistant and Instructress in Drawing. MISS G. ERRINGTON, Assistant in English De- partment. MRS. S. A. BLEECKER, Instructress in Needle Work. RUN YON, Instructer in Vocal Music. J. T R U S T , Instructor on the Harp au C. H. MR MR Guitar. REFEREBC*S. Rev. J. F. Schroeder, Hon. Walter Bowne, Cone, Elisha Morrill, Esq. J. D. Stevenson, Esq. 1835. [fe4 Srr^ S. H. " C. G. Somers, Sing-Sing, Feb. 2. P URSUANT lo an order of James Campbell, Esq. Surrogate of the County of New York, Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against (he es- tate of Ciprianod. la Camera, lata of thif city of New York,merchant, deceased, to present tile same, with the vouchers thereof, to either of the eibcutors, on or before 29th of August next. Dated New [York, 21st of February, 1835. FRANCIS STOPPANf, ! , residing ai 62 Ann st. FRANCIS DELHOYO, fe21 6m* residing at 168 Broadway Executors. D ENTISTRY.—EZRA DODGE, Demist, No. 2 Park place, returns his thanks to his numerous friends for the patronage bestowed during the last eight years. E . D . conceives it necessary at the present time to call the attention of thoae friends who have been so grossly deceived by submitting to the tricks of impos- tors, io the fact that be still continues to employ such- substances as a most extensive experience has convinced him can alone be safely used for the purpose of filling and plugging decayed teeth. The neeessity of this no- tice will be more apparent when it is stated that within the last three months ho has been obliged to extract ma- ny teeth (which by proper management would undoubt- edly have been saved) from individuals who had permit- led themselves to be gulled by the advertisements of " Royal" poisoners and unprincipled impostors, when,if they had examined facts, they would have ascertained that " Republicans" well understand their business. E. D. continues to insert human and incorruptible teeth, from one to the complete set, on his usual terms; and for his skill and success in alt the various branches of his profession, he begs leave to refer to the following gentlemen. Dr. V. Mott, Dr. A. Wright, Dr. Oram, Dr. Wilson, Dr. Manley, Dr. Hunter, Rev. H. Channing, Rev. A. Dickinson, Col. A. Burr, Isaac L. Kip, S. Sulwell, R. R. Lansing, Isaac Jones, Isaac Young, George D. Woolsey, A. Gamage, James J, Mapes, Leonard W. Kip, Trios Jenkins. fe25 lm ES, Corset. Dress and Habit Makers, would ten- leb £ r^dered^rm, whe&erWmgIfrom age, neglect, •"- - * " L - l~-i.~- **f» k t . g.,tv nnA others I r . ' '.. ,. /.^f » » « —•» icro/ula,mercury,or ihedmanes of the gums. Irregu- larities of the teeth in children prevented, in adults, TEL TO LET 4 AT STATES ISLAND.— i large double three story brick Hotel,now building, i be completed on or before the first day of May nsuing, when possession will be given. It is beau- situated at tbe new ferry, about a mile south of lUaranttne, commanding & view of the ocean and of itv and bay of N e w York. Any one keeping a !i«uae may rely upon having it filled with permanent »rs during the summer months ' sale, 32 tots of ground fronting on this ferry, and diately adjacent t a h e steamboat wharf; also other a the vicinity. The perfectly healthy location of ropcrty, its proximity to an established ferry, and a ar communication with the city, offer great induce- l to purchasers ol real estate. |r further particulars, a view of the map of the pro- , and a plan of the hotel, apply toStaptes & Clarke, 2 Hanover st. MINTHORNE TOMPKINS, WILLIAM I. STAPLES. >w York, 17th Feb. 1835. fe!8tf etfec s remedied. Teeth and the stumps The treatment of children's Teeth to. A. C. CAS' No. 297| Broadway,between Duaneaj Refers to J. C. Cheesman M . D . J. B. Beck.M.D., F. U. Johnson, ring, M . D . , J. Torrev.M. D., J. J. A. Smith,M. D., J.'Delafield, M. Surgeons to the N. Y. Hosp.tal,) G. ate, as to hi* professional skill. teeth extracted icularly attended ,E, Ikntut. idReedats.N.Y. , Mott, M . D . ; D.,N.H. Der- Smith M. D., ., (Professors & ushe, M. D: &c. JL.L.S.— For preveotiug amT destroying the arising trom a free use of Spirituous Liquors, and teai ing a dislike for ihe same—a valuable and use- Ucovery for all classes of society.—The incalcula- isorders and unhappy accidenu resulting from In- temj jsranee, accidental as well as habitual, have more thai once alarmed the community. Many piana of aim iteration nave been formed, and means resorted to, ,111V I,VI nv... .»_, hrepgh the instrumentality ot temperance societies, •d I v medical skii, to correct hat brutish tsste foi aid ed 1 W'medical skill, to correct nai orim... ......... al- coh«.chquors: bui heretofore their combined exertions U J f rA^E^HABERT, M . D . m well known al- rea y by his numerous and nseful discoveries, haa been or* mate enough, through a long t a * • J**™ ha, sea the*, to reach his aim, and render to society that It- mnoriint .erv.ee. He composes Puls-tasteless- »hi N OTICE is hereby given that application will be made before the Commissioners of the Land offics, oftbe Stale of New York, on tbe tenth day of April next, a: their office at the Capitol in the city of Albany for a release lo Anne Bryson of the city of Now York, widow, of such interest as the State of New York, may have acquired by Escheat from James Englishbee, late of said city, deceased, in those lots of land, together with the buildings thereon, situate in fhe Sixth ward ol said city, and known and described as lots No. 22 Reed street N o . II Republican Alley, No. 64 Duane street. No. 66 Duane street, No. 53 Duane street, No. 55 Duane street. No. &7 Duane street. New York, February 25th, 1835. WESTERN it EDWARDS, fe26 law6w Attorneys for Applicant. C ~ONSUMPT10N, Cough, Colds, Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Chest,Ste. Commutucaied— I, William L. Hagaa, hereby certify taat I have been for ibr.re years affected with consump- tion, spittiBg of blood, difficult brtathuig, night aweats, lose of appetite, etc etc. ; that I have taken a number of patent cough medicines, but received but Utile relief from any of ihem. Being recommended however, to try Dr.Taylor's" Balsam of Liverwort," by a friend, whom it had cured of a most distressing cough. I procur- ed a bottle from his store, No. 375 Bowery; which aae other, has entirely cured me, so that I can now at- taasi ta my **uuness. ft* WILLIAM ^rbe'uV;;;t*ar.»««. *:*>-. *.*** «»»• ger | Their merit will consist in preventing the common effe ts arising from a free use of spirituous liquors, and .no Estroymg! almost instantaneously, the most complete and beastly state of drunkenness; while al the same *m foy iak,ng an overdose, they will create in the *ys- tem a lasung disgust for all ardent spirit. 1 he importance of such a discovery, which may sl-o be l Leful w persons of a sober regular conduct, causes me boctor tataje. '•»•» ,he confidence wh.ch the public wiVSaVhimm thi. particular, will fully recompenae hint for bis trouble and studious ™ ~ « b e e . H »ld in boxes, w,th proper °»~ 1 ^"^U«LJ»«? box fat hi. Medical and Chemical Store, 322 Broadway, opposite the Hospital, N . V . N OTICE.—PUDIIC nonce is hereby) given, that by a resolution of the Common Council, tne Street Coin missioner was authorized to collect the several sums of money due on the Assessments -which remained uncol lected in the hands of Ebenezer Whifmg, Collector of Assessments, at ihe time of his decc Therefore, notice is hereby further sons who are indebted on ci her of (hereinafter described) to call at l sioners Office, and pay the same with this date, at the end of which time a fi quents will be presented to tbe Comm dcr to lake measures for advertising tl menls for sale to pay the said assessments.— Barrow street, extending from 6th Avenue lo Asylum street, Tompkins Square, opening in the 11 th ward, Lewis Street, paving from 4th to 8th street, and blasting rock between iven lo all per- e Assessments Street Comma- four weeks from I return ef delm- Council, in or- e lands and lene- 13th 7th to the 10th Av- HAGAN. 40Leonard st. r.ou poit SAL hi.—To be sold at Public Auc tio«%» Wednesday, 4th day of March next at t H cori 87 f 721 pro| wel. fron cail is il ofC beu whi ply P P by iat« exh scrl Mi the Au I «\Ja*ki J>. M.at the Richmond County Hall, in the vd- H .Tjrniehmond a valuable Farm, pleasantly * .mated l-Tl-f fouth^'ofSmien M.nd. on the Mam Road ^heQuaraaanaioAntaay F.rry, about six mde. j24ifr jOLSTOUN STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE.—The piece of ground on the southwest cr of Housioun and M ilberry streets, with a front of let 7 inches (half the block) on Housioun street, and [el 10 inches on Mulberry, is offered for sale. This eriv is valuable on acemmt of its beiirg situated in a improved and important street, a I >ut equi distant Broadway and the Bowery, offering an excellent lo- in for line public or private edifices. T h e proper -y creasing in value, and by the contemplated extension entre street.it would he materially benefited without B cut by the line of the street. For terms of sale, h will be rendered convenient to tne purchaser, sp- in S 1 D E L L fit LIVINGSTON, No. 3 Murray at. btr Bowery, regulating and 16th street, Eighteethstreet, paving from the "il enue, Seventh street, paving between Avenue D and Lewis street. Third street, paving from Avenue C to 150 feel east of the same. Avenue C, paving from 2d to 3d street. Fifth street, curb and gutter from LJewis street to th. East liver. Caiharinc street, re-paving from Cherry to Madison street. Fifth street, paving from Avenue D| to C. Cross, Anthony and Little Water streets, paving. Avenue B, regulating and laying curb from 5th to 2d street. Sixteenth street, pitching and paving from the 8th to 10th Avenue. Third Avenue,sidewalks paving from 12th streets. Tenth, Stuyvesant, ic. streets, paving from the Bow ery to .he 2d avenue. GEO. B. SMITH, Street Commissioner. Street Commissioner's Office, February 23d, 1835. Printers to the Corporation are P INE STREET—Notice is hereby given to all per- sons interesied, that the Commissioners duly ap- pointed to perform certain duties relative to widening Pine street on tbe Northeasterly side thereof from Broad- way to Nassau st. in the First ward of the city of New York, hare completed their report of estimate and as- sessment as well of ibe loss and damage sustained by tbe owners and parties interested of and in the lands and premises, required for the said widening of Pine St., as of the benefit and advan tage received by lb. owners and parties interested of and in certain lands and premis- es, not required for the said widening of Pine street, and that the said Commissioners have ueposiied a tru* copy or irasscripi of its* axwd rrtptrt or est'tnate and assess- ment in tbe premises in the Clerks Ojlice of the city of New York, for tbe inspeciiou ot whomsoever it may con- cern, aad chat tb. objection* thereto tf any, mast accord- ins; »e taw, be made in writing to.ike said Commissioners or either of them, within ten days after the first publica- tion of this notice. And notiae x§ hereby further given, that said report of eatuaatB and assessment will be pre- sented to tne Supreme Court of Judicature of tbe peo- ple oftbe Slate of New York, at the Capitol in the .city of Albany, on the nineteenth day of March next, at the opening of the Court on that day,or as soon thereafter a* Counsel can be h*d thereon. New York, Feb, 28th, 1835. SAMUEL GILFORD. Jr. 126 William st. W. B. VAN NOTWICK, 23 Water st. ANTHONY J. BLEECKER, 27 Merchant's Exchange. mt I4t r Commissioners. H AVRE PACKETS—(Union Lino)—From New York on the 8th, 16th, and 24th of each month. From Havre on the 1st, 8ih, and 16th of every month. Having mads a new arrangement for the sailing of these packets, Iho subscribers Will despatch them as above, and in the following order, viz: From New York. I 24th Nov. «J 16th March. ( 8th July. ( 8th Dec. < 24th March ( 16th July (I6th Dec. < 6th April (24th July (24th Dec. < 16th April J 8th Aug. ( SthJan. s|24th April (16th Aug. ( 16tb Jan. } 8th May (24th Aug. fc-SSA*™* | a j £ 18th Feb. 2 24th May (16th Sept: New Ship SILVIE DE i 16th Feb. GRASSE, L. Wie- <j 8th June ' " {24ihSept. ) 24th Feb. > 16tb June > 8th Oct. (8th March, <J24th June ( 16th Oct. These vessels are all of tho first class, and ably com mended, with elegant accommodations for passengers, comprising all thai may be required for comfort and con- venience, uclud.ng wines and stores of every descrip- tion. Goods sent lo either of the subscribers, at New York, will be forwarded bv these packets free of all charge, ex- cept those actually locurred. C. BOLTON, F O X I t LIVINGSTON, 29 Wall at. WM. WHITLOCK, Jr. 46 South st. JOHN L BOYD, Broker, 49 Wall st. n26 Ship HAVRE, Caas. Stoddard. Ship SULLY* C. A. Forbes. Ship FRANCIS DE- PAU, H. Robinson, Ship RHONE, John Rocketi, Ship FORMOSA, W. B. Orae. Ship FRANCOIS 1. John Caslofi. Shi Snip CHARLE- MANGE, Pierce. derholdt. Ship POLAND, Capt. Anthony, Ship ALBANY, E. Hawkins. as From Uavrt, 4 8th Jan. ] 1*1 May ( 16tb Aug. (16th Jan. < 8th May ( 1st Sept. { 1st Feb. 116th May ( 8tll Sept. i 8th Fen. < 1st June. ( 16th Sept. I 16th Feb. < 8th June. f 1st Oct. i 1st March < 16th June ( 8th Oct. I 8th March < 1st July (16th Oct, i 16th March <? 8th July ( 1st Novr t 1st April. i 16th July ( 8th Nov; ( 8th April < 1st Aug. ( I6Ji Nov. I 16th April < 8ih Aug. ( 1st Dec. T HE CITIZEN, A Daily Paper, to be published in the City of New-York, and to bo conducted by Gentlemen of well known and acknowledged talents ; for the geod of our country and tha benefit of mankind. MOTTO—Fides, Liberias.Amicetia Praecipua anion hu- mam bona. PROSPECTUS. D W B L L I j r a H O U 8 E A N D TWELVELOTS •r „Jf.9£2SF££F •TOMPKINSVILLE,VA- TEN ISLAND. FOR 8ALE-Wdlbe sold a? noe- tic auction, on the 13th day of March next, at 12o'cfock at noon, at Nautilus Hall, in the village of Tompkins- ville SUfsB Island, kept by Mr. Joan Simocweo, the dwelling House and premise*, lately owned by Mr. Griffin Tompkins, and still in his rnrxrrsrion and oc- cupation, situated ea the Wast side of Richmond •treet, in the village of Tompkin tille, Siaien Is- *au. The black of ground on which lbs house stands ?3&*,»«) feet ia breadth ia front an Richmond atreet, y * . l0 5»et in breadth, in the rear on First street, by 200 mena depth oa each aide. The house ie placed about ~™ e * •*•* from Richmond sltvei, stands oa elevated g y ? . * * * * » ground being open in ih»ot,aJlbrds a fine 2Taa «~! ^ «*New York. It is 42 feet in breadth . J 2 . k ,n de >U, l *o l «fo« nnd * -aW high, with DiTiS ^7 ,,> "" , J buiU rf «»-. filled m with brick, and hous? TK 0 ! 1 ** re *f,»«umg ibe wiwte length of the hou^on « e h ? * h *" '**«-- runnrng through the tru» TK-_ room, a breakfast ro*m and pan- roo^J^J*T , ^c l H fir « fl «»'-« on 2d, and 4 m?E&*&j£^*~***.- Tbeho,«e t A DA,LT Pxraut will be .mued early in May next. J «»• work well1 d o a e ^ b e r e ^ T . e ' b B ^ l h ? n, h c T (*«oonar, if practicable) lo be called ' T H E C I T I - «•«« «here.r ^(^^VrV^V^Z^r^' *EN. I ice-housa now filled »it>. ;~. Tk.^.*TT *".° * rt It will be devoted to Mercantile, Mechanical Manm- Jactunng and Agricultural interests, and Internal lm P '"£?.'**' ***t **•*», and Inventions. concise ac- and National and the r --—....... ^,,,», ocience, ana inventions. ..J!«. re, J? n L w,d Do "»«»"cintcHigeBce r *riih a l^r.t 0 . ,he V«**to*V of our S U e an Legislature, whi « in .-—; •> ti _«_. session, will be given, i all su _ e, will from tinw to time be h . remnant of our revolutionary band of patriots will - find a devoted advocate in tbe Citizen. iTOJ* iVJTfF ORLEANS. T HE Louisiana and New York Line of Packets will sail on every ether Monday from New York and from New Orleans—commencing the 22d September from N e w York ; and to insure the strictest punctuality in the time of sailing, the Line will hereafter consist of six ships, viz :— SHAKSPEARE, Capt. Collins, te sail 26th Jan. LOUISVILLE,Capt. Palmer, to sail9th Feb. HUNTSVILLE, Capt. Palmer, to sail 23d Feb. Ship YAZOO, Capt Packard, to sail 9th March. MISSISSIPPI, Capt. Robinson, to sail 23d do. VICKSBURG, Capt. Woodhouse, to sail 6th April. The above ships aro all new, of thefitst class, copper fastened and coppered, and upwards of 600 tons burthen —are of a light draught of water, being built in this city expressly for the trade. The r cabins are filled up on the most improved and convenient plan, and furnished in a neat and elegant style. The price of passage is fixed at §80, for which ample stores, of the first quality, wil be provided, and every regard had to the comfort and en tire satisfa lion of passengers. These packets are com manded by captains well experienced in the trade, wb- wdl give every attention, ana exert themselves to accom- modate. They will at all times be towed up and down the Mississippi by steamboats, and tbe strictest punctu- ality observed in the time of sailing. The owners of these ships will not bs responsible for any letter, parcel or package sent by, or pu t on board of them, unless a regular Bill of Lading be signed therefor at ihe counting house of the agents. All Goods sent lo tbe subscriber will be forwarded free of commission. For freight or passage, apply io E. K. COLLINS, 68 South st. cor. of Pine. No freight received ailer Saturday evening previous to the day of sailing. J29 I speeches of distinguished" members, ohall subjects of, vital importance to th. people, will from time to time be inserted. The columns will be open at all times to fair investi- gation and remark, apon the General aad State Admin- istrations, without regard to Party. The supremacy */j the people will be held inviolate, and tb. voice of the ma- jority from the B*xVss-asw shall ever Be regarded. The sound principles at RrPCBLICAXISAI, as incul- cated by WASHIBCTOW and Jaraaason, will be the only political creed for its gusjaace and government. Worth, Talent and Industry, shall bo duly rewarded. Calumny and detraction will find no place In its co- lumns. No exertions will be spared to suppress vice and immorality, and exalt virtue and rtltgiun. The requests and complaints af the injwed or un/ur- tunote will never go unheeded. Th ever A vigilant eye will be kept upon what are in FACT, and what are merely in term. MONOPOLIES. Every thing called a monopoly, will not be considered as such, unless it shall satisfactorily appear that abuses are oc- casioned thereby. In the approaching election for the Chief Magistrate of the Union, no preference wilt be given at Ihe present to any candidate. T o furnish the citizens of the Uniteu Slates with a Journal, in which the merits and demerits of PUBLIC of- ficers may be impartially canvassed, without regard lo party dictation, will be a great desideratum. In a government like ours, .very citizen should be suf- ficiently acquainted with political and diplomatic affairs, that be cannot be misled by partisan editors. Let the voice of freemen be heard, and ihe responsive sound will be always satisfactory to every well-wisher of the country. The lime has arrived when a paper, uncontrolled by Party, unshackled and free, is much desired among us. The Editors of this paper, by an assidious application to their duly, on the princi les above mentioned, trust to receive a snare of public patronage. New York, February 2Sd, 18357 TERMS. x he CITIZEN will be printed on a large size imperial ahee^m elegant style, and delivered to subscribers in ibut City and Brooklyn, at | 1 0 per annum, payable quarterly. Country semi-weekly paper, $4, payable in advance. Country weekly paper, f t , in advance.— Charge* for advertising, tbe same ss other daily city P*P*r-- fe24 2awtI6Mh to 28th A MOS STREET.—Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that the Commissioners du v appointed lo perform certain duties relative lo extending Amos street from Greenwich lane to the Sixth Avenue, in ibe Ninth Ward of the city of New York, have com- pleted their report of estimate and assessment as well of the loss and damage sustained by the owners and parties interested of and in the lands and premises required for the said extension of Amos street, as of the benefit and advantage received by tbe owners and panies interested of and in certain lands and premises not required for the said extension of Amos street, and thai the said Com- missioners have deposited a true copy or transcript of tbe said report of estimate and assessment in the premi- ses, in the Clerk's office of the city of New York, for th. inspection of whomsoever it may concern, and that ob- jections thereto, if any, must, according lo law, be made in writing to the said Commissioners, or either of them, within ten days after the first publication of this notice. And notice is hereby further given, that the said report of estimate and assessment will be presented lo the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of N e w York, at the capitol in the city of Albany, on the nine- teenth day of March, instant, at the opening ef the Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon' New York, March 2, 1835. JACOB S. BAKER, 134 White street. ANTHONY J. BLEECKER, 27 Exchange. SIMEON BROWN, 14lh street, near 6th Avenue. m2 14t Commissioners. FOR VERA CRUZ. (Mexican Mail Paekeis.) T O sail from New York on tbe 5th aad Vera Cruz, 1st of each month, excepting the months of July and August. Ship MEXICAN, Capt. Trash, hence 5* January, and Vera Cruz, 1st March. Ship CONGRESS, Capt. Kemble, hence, 5th Feb. and Vera Cruz, 1st April, N»w .hip MONTEZUMA, CapU Davis, hence6th March, Vera Cruz, 1st May. The Ships of this Line were all built expressly for the trade, are coppered and armed, and very fast sailers. Their commanders are experienced ia the trade. For tbe better accommodation of passengers, their cabins are fitted and furnished in a style similar to ibe European Packets. Tbe greatest punctuality will be observed in their sailing. For freight or paisage, apply to E. K. COLLINS, 68 Sonth st. IC?** The mail will be closed at 10 o'clock on the 5th of each month. Letters from any part of the United States for Mexico, post paid, will be niailel if forwarded to the Post Office in New York. d20 COMMUNICATION WITH IRELAND. P ASSAGES can be secured, and money sent home with regularity and safety from No. 246 Pear street, payable in every Province and County in Ire- land, viz: Province Lttntttr. Dublin, Keath, Louth, Longford, Watmeath, King* County, Kildare, Queen's County, Wicklow, Carlow, Kilkenny and Wexford. Province Ulster. Londonderry, Antrim, Donegal, Tyrone, Fermanagh, Down, Armagh, Monaghan and Cavan. Province Connaught. Sligo, Leitnm, Mayo, Roscommon and Galway. Province Muntter. Cork, Waterford, Kerry, Limerick, Tipperarary and Clare. Letters forwarded te the subscribers from any part of the United States (post paid) will be duly sent on per die Liverpool packets sailing 1st, 8th, 16th and 24th of each month. Apply to or address DOUGLASS, ROBINSON & CO, 246 Pearl street, or ROBINSON BROTHERS, n7 Liverpool. P OSSIBLY THERE M A Y B E SOME PER S O N S afflicted with pains or weakness in the side breast, back, or limb*, or with distressing coughs, aslh mas, &c, who have not yet used Badeau's celebrated Strengthening Plasters. Those who have will confer lasting obligations on the subscriber, by informing him by letter or otherwise, of the effect produced by wearing them and those who have not, are politely tequested to read the following, from gentleman who fill that station in so- ciety, that it is impossible for them to be influenced by any motives but the most noble and exalted, to write this .— Fishk.ll, April 24 1934. Mr. Beadeu :— I am grateful to you, sir, for furnish- ing to me and the community, so pleasant and effectual relief from the distressing effects of a heavy cold. Some few weeks since I was afflicted with a bad cold, and (ell severely pressed on my lungs, with acute pains in tbe chest. By applying one of your celebrated plasters, I was much relieved in 2 days, and have continued its use, until tbe difficulty is effectually removed, and consider them the easiest, cheapest, and most pleasant remedy such invalids can obtain. Yours, etc REV. J. Z. NICHOLS. Sir,—From a knowledge of the materials of which your Plasters are composed, and more from the beneficial eg- eefs of them I have observed, I am prepared t. place them above any thing of the kind now in use, not only for tb. complaints for which plasters ar. generally applied, but for others, as recommenced in your advertisement. New York, May 2d. SAMUEL SARGEANT.M. D. These Plasters are entirely free from every species of quackery, and I cheerfully invite the closet investigation of the pciesitific, intelligent and sceptical. Persons about purchsing, will be particular to ask for * Badaou's Cele- brated Strengthening Plaster,' and see that the directions with my signature are placed on the back of the plaster. Sold wholesale and retail, by the subscriber, who is the ole inventor and proprietor, at tbe Bowery Medicine tore, 260 Bowery, New York. N. W. BADEAU. W ILLOW WARE—6 dor. Carriages for children, throe different sizes. 8 doz. Cradles, do. do: 10 do. Chairs for infants, 115 Nest's Market Bas- articularly desired to i mert the above daily for 4 weeks jrom date. GUNS, &c. I Pearl street, offers m the most accom- [jRSUANT to an order ol James Campbell, Sur- rogate of the County of New York, notice is here- ;iven to all persons having claims against the Es- nf John Martin, deceased, that they are required to bit the same with the vouchers thereof, to the sub- , the Administratrix of the Estate oi the said John * v M ~ 257 Broadway, in Fifteenth day of f in, at her place of business. No. iy ef New York, at or before tre st nest. New York, Feb. 9, 1835. (Signed) MARGARET MARTIN, tit law6m Administratrix H ARDWARE, CUTLERY, ADAM W. S P I E S , N o . 195 ihe following to Country merchants modeling terms— i LOCKS of all kinds, Brass Goods, etc etc. General sholf Hardwares. Files, Tools, Saw*, Chains, &c. Sec. Axes, Shovels, Spades, Hoes and Plantation Tools generally, Anvils, Vices, Sledges, Bellows and Smith's Tools, Guns, Pistols, Rifles, Musket*, Cane Rifles and Cane Guns, Gun Smith's Tools and Gun materials of all kinds, Percussion Caps and Pills. Shot Belts, Powder Flasks, Game Nets, be. Fishing Tackle of all kinds. Mathematical Instruments, Tape Measurers, Spy- glasses, Spectacles, Needles, &c. &C. Military Goods generally Violin*, Violin Strings,Chessmen,! Snuff Boxes, &c. &c. together with a great variety of other fancy arti- cles. d9 OTTON FACTORY AT AllGTION.—The Beaver Mill at Valatie Columbia County State of N. York, containing one hundred and four looms, and the necessary number of Spindles, will be leased on the premises at pnblic auction (or the teitm of six years, on Thursday tho I9th March next. Tprms at the sale. Particulars will be given by appiyingko J. J. Van Allen, at Valatie. or io tbe subscriber. JAMES BENKARD. I NTENDED as a regular packet ship between Sligo and New York—The now ship SLIGO PACKET, M. Briiton, sails from Sligo for New York, on the 15th May. For passage only, apply to Gilbert McCloine, Sligo ; Ihe Messrs. Robinsons at Co. Dublin; Messrs. Robinson Brothers, Liverpool, or DOUGLASS, ROBINSON & C O . fe20 246 Pearl at. N . Y . | was built by ds ' welld i rear now filled with ice. Tbe ground, about tfio bouse are well hud o«t, cultivated as a garden, and plan- fed wnh shrubbery of various kinds. There is a new Episcopal Church just erected on the property adjoining the said premises, with the exception of which t»e grounds directly in the vicinity are si ill open. The bouse w within fire minutes walk of the ferry at the Quaran- tine Ground, and presents many advantages to a person doing business in the city of New York, aad wishing a residence on Staten Island. Also, the block of grouud on the east side of Richmond street aforesaid, dually opposite the above mentioned premises : containing IflsT toet and 6 inches in front on Richmond street, I If feet and 6 inches is bread ih in the rear, and 100 feet in depth en each side, aad fronting on Grant street en the southerly side. The title to the above property is indisputable. War- ranty deeds will be given. A part of ihe purchase mo- ney may remain on Bond and mortgage. For further paiticulars inquire of Minlhorne Tompkins, Staten Isl- and, or of C. C. Young, 63 Cedar atreet, New York. fe27 osts S HERIFF'S SALE—By virtue of a writ fieri facta* to me directed and delivered, I will expeee te pub- lic sale, u tb. sales room ol the Merchants ' Exchange, OB Friday, twenty third day of March aesi.ai 1 o'clock "• M. all the right, titl* aad uiiere.1 of Truman Hawley, which he bad on the ninth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, or at any time afterward*, of, in and lo all those two certain lot* of ground with the dwelling houses on liiem ereoted, situate, lying and being io tbe Twelfth Ward of the oily of New- York, and known and distinguished on a map of Land, belonging to Samuel Boyd, made by George B. Smith, City Surveyor, dated 24th January, 1826, aad w luck is en file in the oflic of tbe Register, in and for the city aad coun- ty of N e w York, by numbers r-my-foor and six:y- five, aad are bonaded together as follows: easterly in front by the ninth avenue, northerly by lot number sixty- six on said map, westerly by lot number one hundred and twenty-seven oa said map, It southerly by Eighteenth street, containing together in breadih, from and rear, forty eight feet four inches, and in length on each side one hundred feet, be the same more or less.— Together with all aad singular the appurtenances and herediiaments thereunto belonging or in any wise apper- taining. Dated New Yoik, February 2d, 1835. JOHN HLLLYER, Sheriff. Henry Ramsay, Deputy Sheriff. j2S law6w L AVENDER BALSAM for preserving and p motiag the growth of the Hair. This article which though never before offered before to the public, has been extensively used in private families, and with great suc- cess ia restoring the hair in bald places in promoting its growth and strengthening and preventing il .from falling oat. The great demand for the Lavender Bslssm by those who have known its effects has compelled the proprieior to offer itforsale. The subscriber in offering this article to the public feels warranted in recommending it as well from the highly re- spectable certificate, which follow as from personal knowledge of its effects. If applied when the hair haa commenced falling out, it will assuredly arrest it, and where the head has been bald by sickness or other causes will produce full growth of silken hair. Price f 1 per bottle. For sale by H. HART, 127 Broadway, •30 next door to the City Hotel. A RT1CLES FOR THE TOILET- J\ Salt of Lemons Otto of roses Permanent ink Pastiles, various perfumes Pomade Divine Quill tooth picks Vegetable cerate Court platsler Goldbeateis' skin Japanned dressing cases Roso wood do Powdei boxes Night lamps Pastde burners Razor Strops Magnetic razor tablet Razors, Rodgers Penknives do Scissors do Double pins Mirrors for the mouth Shell combs, in every vart" ety of Imperial Crops Bands, Dressing, and Po diet Horn, the same Ivory combs Boxwood do Perfumed sachets for clothes Hair brushes, warranted lie. fkc. Tooth do Eine walking canes Nail do Curling iron* Shaving de Pi rich ing do Shaving beaes in glass, me- Powder boxes island wood Glass, Toilet, and other China pots bo ties—Per sale by H. HART, eg ltt Broadway, dext door teC'My Hotel. kets kets. 150 Nest's covered Baskets. 6 doz. each round, square and oval Clothes Baa* F OR Tli etc.—I lm New Yoik, February 17th, 1835 .—The voeded with first rate Timber, iow and Tillable L situated near the acres, 90 of whkch ia w, jlj^T~ ^ Tillable Land. tbe remainder consists of Mendow aat^iuwoiex—n»^^ the Old Also, 7 acres of Woodlan J, named premises. Also, 12 Acres of Salt Meadow, situated in Town Meadow. Persona wishing to purchase, ar a requested to caff on en her of the subscribers, near the premise*, or W . B . Wiadle, 56 Maideatane, New York. D. L. CLAWSON, CROWEL MUNDY, Ex-cutors of Uarmanus Guion, deceased. Richmond County, Soutbhaki, Feb. 4, 1835. foe 2aw2wfedt4thM M ERCHANTS' DYING AND PRINTING WORKS—The subscribers are prepared to re- ceive orders for Printing, Dying, Dressing restoring and folding sitk and cotton goods of all descriptions. 0.000s damaged from salt water or other causes restor- ed and folded ia original state. Unsaleable goods print- ed and altered to be seasonable. Pamaloen Stuffs, Vestmgs, and Saltinets, striped and printed, in haad- BOBM style and with despatch. JOSIAH DOW St CO. Agents, teSSdw . 157 Pearl si. H IDES—ItOO Mexican, prune quality, for sal. by. E. K. COLLINS, 68 South M. OSITIVE SALE.bv order of Assignees splendid Steamboat OHIO, a. auCion-On Tuesday E.emng, March 10,1835, al half past se»en o'clock, at th, Philadelphia Exchange, will be ^ J * * ^ w. r.oul reserve, by order of the assignees,^ihe superior S lamboat OHIO, together with her cabin brut-re, A I., a* she now lies aTlhe Southwark Rail Road Depot \v harf, near the Navy Yard, Philadefohia. k-ha boat is only two years oW, well bu.lt of the best n* fter .als, very capacious; 150 feet ou deck.M foe* 8 ,n ihe* beam. 9 feetdeplh of hold ; her guards 14feet in th i clear : two low prossure engines, 36 inch cylinders, aid 9 feet siroke ; chain cables. She has a Ladies ci bin on deck, handsomely furnished with damask cur- ia lis, Brussels carpet, mahogany dressing table, hair m lllresses, 6tc, an extra promenade deck above l ne txat throughout is handsomely and con ven ! e " , £fo ,, " n - M L and ia in good order. Cost upwards or $5t),uw. Bale Dosilive, to close a concern. „„..- sale po. M T H O M A S & S oN, Philadelphia, February IS, 1835. Auctioneers. fel0 6i23fc27f3 6«t9m J ARGE ROOMS TO L E T - T h e second floor of h. .it. HOUM No. 108 Broadway, corner of Pine St., ^r„.ii»Jrf"o\ooms, connected by folding door, in ctBBistingoi « w »™y .' emch wde . The from ib I «e«^« n i ,, ; g : < £ * > fcet deep, ihe back Room T O G E N T L E M E N OF THM LEGAL PRO FKSSION.—A Counsellor in! Law and Equity, of five years practice in the country, Intending .to locate in the city, would form a partnership with an old and re- spectable member of the NewYorW Bar, to whom his ceeersl attendance to the office bn«ihess, and a portion ot the Court would be an object. Hfa would be willing to form a connexion on a guaranteed portion of tho pro- coeds of Ihe office, he devoting his a tenlion as above, or would accept of the station of ClerkJ at a stipulated sala- ry. Reference given and required. Address toi the 3^,nr.nflhBPoel. f20 4t«w2w TVTbTlCE.-JOHN B. P E C K , [formerly or ihe firm \ of Peck fcLannuier, having bade arrangements with tbe best and most ™]<»"*J$2$^? !& country ban now opened a HAT SlORb., N o . 4»U Grand street, opposite E.st Broadvjay, where the pub. Uc natronage. wUh that of h i . friedds.wiil be awfully received^ana'amply rewarded by biing suppUed with an article wh ch cannot be surpassed I N.B. A full MsorimeBt of all kinds of Hats^Caps, Furs, &c ,4 "" S ' F ASHIONABLE FnNCY GOODS, &c—J. S. F O U N T A I N * CO. (formerly of Broadway) No. 66 Maiden lane, lower oorn.r of Willtatr stresi, have just received per Sully, and ether Havre packets, the following styles of rich and fashionable goods from Pa- ris, some of which caoaot be found in any other estab- lishment in thin city ;—Pans Embroideries, in all the most fashionable shapes ; Canezous, Pellaireens, Fich- ues, Mantilleis, Capes and Collars en muslin and lace, embroidered Linen Cambric Hdkl's and infants Caps At Robes. Printed Muslins and Jaconets from 4*. to 10s. per yd; Chally and Moussaline Laine, from 6s to 20s nor yard ; figured silks,black and co.'d, from 56 cents te 01 50 per yard ; black and colored plain Silks, of every quality for Dresses and L inings. Belts, Gauze Ribbons of the newest and finest styles and qualities, fancy Kdkfs and Scarfs, very splendid; Plaid Silks, the newest Article yet offered; Merino Cloths for travelling dresses, Cambric Calicees. new patterns, Paris quality. Also, staple Goods of the various qualities Mourning Articles of all kinds, with a general assortment of fancy and siapl. articles which are well worthy the attention of strangers, all of which are offered at the fottxr fegJJ FOUNTAIN'S. NOOK'S DENTRIFICE F O R T H E TEETB AND GUMS.—There are certain essential requi- sites in the composition of a Dentrifice, necessary to form such a prepanionas will produce the effect of clean- ing and whitening the teeth without injuring ihe enamel, and by strengthening the gums, to render them firm, flo- rid and healthy. This Dentrifice is offered to the public as a preparation perfectly harmless ; Ihe ingredients which compose it are directed against that collection of injurious matter which to freqnontly collects on the teeth, generally denominated tartar; tha Dentrifice acts as an antiseptic, and prevents further accumulation. The gums are not neglected in the composition of this prepa- ration ; in scorbutic affections of that delicate part, the Dentrifice will be found an effectual remedy. To en- large further upon its merits and efficacy would be un- necessary ; it ouly requires to be used, in order to form a correct estimation oftbe qualitierhere rpecjfied. The trade supplied bv _ _ . „ . „ RICHARD EVANS A CO. 284 Pearl atreet. Sold by Rushton A Aspinwall, 81 William st.; John B. Dodd, 193 & 64S Broadway; Haviland, Broadway Dickie, Broadway ; Perkins, Courtlandt st.; Thomson Maiden Lane ; Coggeshall, corner Pearl & Roso BIB. James W. Smith, Brooklyn; and other reapeotab Druggists. P ASSAGE FROM SLIGO.—Passages direct from Sligo can be engaged in a goad American Ship, to sail from thence oa the 15th May. Draft* on the Com- pany's agent, Mr. Gilbert McGloine. Fare #17, which inc lanes hospital moaey, DOUGLASS, ROBINSON & CO, 246 Pearl st. Messrs. ROBINSON BROTHERS. felS Liverpool. 200 do. Trieste Baskets. WOOD WARE. 100 Nest's Cedar Wash Tubs, 76 doz. Cedar Bas- kets. 60 do. de. Piggtns, 20 doz. do Churns. 20 do. painted Wash Tubs, 1200 do Pails. 125 doz. tnrncd Keelers and Coolers. For sale on liberal terms by W. B. WINDLE, f 17 56 Maiden lane. " THE CURE OF RHEUMATISM, GoJI, Dr. CHTRCH'S Essence of Mustard is confidently recommended for the cure of infl amatory and chronic rheumatism, gout, palsy, sprains, bruises, lum- bago, chilblains, ate There is perhaps no malady to which the human frame is subject, that has had more ap- plications of various kinds administered as remedies iban the rheumatism, nor is there scarce a disorder that ha* resisted with like force the attempts to remove it; a bot- tle as a trial will prove the virtues of the Essence of Mustard to excel those of any romedv now offered for sale ; it has stood the test of time, and experience war- rants the above recommendation—lor sale at Church's Dispensary, No. 188 Bowery, Rushton & Aspinwall, 110 Broodway and 86 William st. J no. B. Dodd, 193 fc 643 Broadway,J. H. Hart, corner Chamber and Broad- way, Coggeshall's, corner Rose and Pearl st, aad at most of die druggists in this city. dfi N' o8tf ^.uiisilcMK B A S K S 1 S.—Just received from Can- CtoSrsmalllofof Rattan Bilkeu, mad.forthe ..«-.^ «f Itneoim waste paper in a Merchant's express l » » y » _ h * w a ^ « w i ^ ^ ^ ^^ WINDLE, 56 Maiden lane. iperior assortment of choice impressions, lOIT.SSAnnsfc. Countini House, of a peculiar.! •ome. For sale by w> f.13 C AST OFF CLOTHING, GUNS, WATCHES &c—M. Lumley, of 109 Chatham street, who for several years has undoubtedly given an unprecedented high price for all descriptions of gentlemen* and boyscasl iff clothing, kc. wishes to remind the public, that from the facilities and arrangements he has made, stilt enables him to give the rvrj highest cash price for al) such descriptions of articles. By sending, or addressing thro' the Peat Office, persons will be attended at their rest* lenecby M. L U M L E Y . 106 Chatham at. T O E N G R A V E R S - A very si French Plate Paper, suit able fi just received for sale by fe!8 lw A TKINSON'S Turkish Dy« grey hair on the head, whisket single application to a beautiful wi<hout suining the skin or the ft H. HART fe!8 next ic tr*x, «* t dooi io AY^R r% . changing red or and eyebrows by a J permanent black, est Unen—for aale by 127 Broadway. the City Hotel. Tke third Floor in the mime House, consisting^.^nre- | O U B U 3 H E D T HI6_ DA.Y-f^ st it of two rooms dr*- w th, or without tho asssgr 11. P"tSsoV™o=H** Unfortunate author oftbe A TKINSON* CURLING FLUID O R V E - GETABLE HAIR OIL^For preservtng and regeneratiag the growth of *•***% "*** ^ . " f » ia curl during e»rciae, daaemg. walkmg, or tn.damp weather. Itis cheaper and lar suoenor to Hu.le An- tique Extracts or pomatums for drawing Ae hair; it cleans the head frtmTBeurf I. makes the hasr if dry or harsh, soft and glossy, »"*«"'• lo . tne UmU «*** w « » faceting • W — " ' jTi&T, Wl Broadwxy. ET GCK>DB.-Dwna.f^ on board the ship Sovereign. Juet received 1700 yards of vary su- f24 On Ihe Premise* sale by DE BEHR. fe29 3t 101 Broadway. w Ipenar ^ K * ^ \ f & & £ & * > SO Maiden lane. P AS8AGE FROM LONDONDERRY TO NEW YORK, via. Liverpool, with a free passage across in tbe Steerage.—Arrangements have beea madeforget- ting out of steerage passeagers in good American ships, where the accommodations are comfortable and com- plete. Drafts on Mr. Samuel Robinson, tho Company's Agent. Apply or address 246 Pearl si reel, DOUGLASS, ROBINSON 6t CO. or Messrs, ROBINSON, BROTHERS. feS Liverpool. P ASSAGE FROM BELFAST TO NEW YORK, via Liverpool, with a free passage across in the steamer. Engagements have been entered into for ihe comfortable bringing out of steerage passengers from Bel- fast to New York. Drafts on th. Company's Agent, Mr. Charles Allen, 106 High st. Apply or address 246 Peart atreet. DOUGLASS, ROBINSON A CO, or Messrs. ROBINSON BROTHERS, IS Liverpool. A S S A G E from Newry. Duudalk, Warren's Point and Drogheda, can now b . secured in first rate packet ships, where the accommodations are comfortable and complete. The passage has been fixed at f 15, which includes the hospital money. Drafts as usual. Apply or address to DOUGLAS, ROBINSON A CO, 246 Pearl street, or ROBINSON A BROTHERS, Jtl Liverpool. R ~EPRINT OF CHAMBERS' EDINBURGH JOURNAL—Price three cents. This day is published N o . 17 of Chambers' Edinburgh Journal. C O N T E N T S — ! . Windfalls, 2. Popular information, Literature—Homer—Heroditus, 3 . T h e Marvellous History of Mynheer Von Wod.nblock, 4. Lady Isabel— A Legend. 6. The English and ihe Scotch. 6. Bio- graphic Sketch—Mungo Park. 7. Horses in ancient timea. 8. The last moment* of Robert Bruce, King of Scotland. 9. Bear Hunting. 10. The Origin of the Porteous Mob. 11. Report ef the Committee on sieam Carriages. 12. Aa Auki Wife's Address lo the Moon. New York—R. J. RICHARDS, 46 Ann slrest. Boston—SAMULL COLEMAN. Philadelphia—ORRIN ROGERS. Term*, 61 50 per annum in advance, or three cents a number on delivery Any person obtaining five subacri- bers,& paymg in advance will be entitled to a sixth copy gratia All Liters must be peat paid. Part 4, containing 4 weekly numbers, is readyforde- delivery. Price 12§ cams. m2 OI ICE.—The undersigned have formed a limited partnership under Title 1 st, Chapter 4th, ol the 2d part of the Revised Statutes, entitled M of limited part- nerships," for ihe purpose of buying and selling and deal- ing in hardware and articles connected therewith aa now usually conducted in ihe city of New York, under the firm of " Wenman A WyckotT," te commence on the 2d day of March 1835, and terminate en th. let day of February 1640.—That Bernard K. Wenmen and Jacob V. D. Wyekoff.both af ibe city oT New York ars the general partners, and that said special pertner hath con- tributed to said partnership in actual cash tbe sum often thousand dollars. New York, March t, 1836^ w E NMAN, j. V . E . WYCKOFF, DANIEL B. DASH any Coun'.r C E W L Y I N V E N T E D P A T E N T TRUSS.— This instrument has already taken tbe place of eve* ry other for the safe and easy retention and cure of her nia or rupture. It possesses great and decided advanta- ges over every truss that ha* been hitherto offered to the public, in as much as it is capable of adapting itself to Ihe motions of the body at the same time that it keeps up an uniform, constant, safe and easy sctfon on the rup- tured part. By means of a small spring attached lo the lower part of the front pad it exerts a two fold action, making the pressure upwards and backwards, thus re taming the hernia with ease and security. The above Truss is adjusted and applied by a Sur- geon who has devoted particular attention to the subject ef hernia and ihe construction and application of trusses, at hi*office N o . 2 Ann street, near Broadway,two doors H ART'S ESSENCE OF T Y R E , for chang n; r^d or gray hair, whiskers, eyebrows, lie. to a black or brown—Many ladies and gentlemen have an aver- sion to apply liquid te change the colour of the hair, be- cause of tbe soiling the skin and the linen ; but if proper attention is paid lo the directions for using the Essence of Tyre, thero will not be tbe smallest inconvenience at- tending 11. Out of ihe vast numbers that continue to use the E*- sene* of Tyre there has not been tbe aiigblest complaint, on tne contrary, it has created surprise, as fhe Hair ro- sumts a natural color on applying the Dye. It does not give several colors, as many dyes, but im- parts a brown or Mack. Particular attention must be paid to the directions through which the proprietors are confident of its ultimate success. The great advantage this article possesses over every other dye is its economy. Ii is half the price of Row- land's and Atkinson's, quantity and quality considered, and is warranted the same tn ingredient and quality as Rowland's, both ha-nng been lested by chemical experi- meat. Depilatory Powder, for removing superfluous hair from ihe face, neck, and arms of ladies. Il must be a desirable object to remove from tbe persons of ladies, any thing which tends to disfigura, or to detract from their beauty or feminine character. Nothing contributes more lo this disfranchisement, than a superfluous growth of hair on the face or neck. And in looking upon an otherwise beautiful form, we cannot but regret fhe want ot some specific which should remove from it so disagreeable an appendage. This object is effectually attained by the Depilatory Powder, a preparation perfectly innocent in its effects on the complexion, but which entirely erases the hair, leaving tbe skin as soft as an infant's. Forsaleby H. H A R T , 127 Broadway, fe24 next door north of City Hotel. V ALUABLE MEDICINES—DR. OHCKOH'S COUGH DROPS—This justly celebrated Medi- cine is unrivalled for the relief and cure oftbe most dis- tressing disease, oftbe breast and lungs ; since first dis- covered, many very extraordinary cases have been per- formed by ihe persevering use of it for a short time. 11 is an effectual remedy in asthmas, consumptions, hoop- ing cough, soreness of the breast aad stomach, and other diseases arising from cole's Dr. Church's Essence of Mustard, for the cure i rheumatism, gout, sprains, he. Thre is perhaps no malady to whice the human frame is subject, .liat has had more applications of various kinds administered as t emedies than the rheumatism, nor is there scarcely a disorder that has resisted with like force the attempts :•> remove it. The virtues of the Essence ef Mustard will be found to excel those of any remedy whatever. Dr. Church'* Anti-spasmodic Elixir, for tbe cure of convulsions,hysteria, epileptic or falling fits. T o it; : « I persons who are so unfortunate as to labour under any o the above named diseases, this article is confidently ret .-~— 1 - J _ - .11 i * -_*•=•—. . - -. - . - y t r _ trom tbe American Museum No C S o n f n e s a n Z f w . n e l ^ ^ £ Z ^ \ ^ - ^ - * - - » - * * » •»**** -k*~ - 2 doors from it, and Dr. Glover's Truss can be had at I - thi* office only. SCJ*See the name and number. N m2 m3 8wd I r f .J5| * ' '****#? to tbo City Hotel. EW WORK ON PROSPECTIVE.—Practical _ . Prospective, for the use of Students, translated from the French, by E . P . Thenot, by one of bis pupils, 8vo. Plates. T h e following is among the many testimonials we have received in lav or oflhis valuaVIe work. Gentlemen—I have examined with attention the little work on " Practical Prospective" translated from the French oi Thenot, which you sent in.. Such a work has been for a long time a desideratum among the Art- ists in this country, and I am gratified to find the want so-well supplied. 1 can recommend it with safety a. one of the beat I have perused, since it avoids the pro. Iixtty ol the larger works, and yet contains alt that is necessary or practical purpose of the Artist, i oar most obedient servant, SAMUEL F. B. MOBSE, President of the National Academy of Design. Published by BLISS, WADSWORTH & CO. fel8 111 Fulton street. _ P ~ E R F U M E R Y , SOAPS, «tc—For »ale by H. Hart, 127 Broadway, next deer to the City Hotel. For the Growth and Preservation of the Hair. Vegetable Cerate or bair Restorative, Prenlia*' Bears' Oil, Atkinson*' Bears' Grease, French Pomatums, in pofs or rolls, French Antique Oil*, Low's Vegetable Exuact, for cleansing the hair, Preniws'Curling Fluid. For Coloring the Hair—Essence of Tyre, Mahem- med's Turkish Dye, Atkinson's Vegetable Dye, Atkin- son's Pomade Noir. For the Head-ache.—Aromatic Vinegar; Mounsey's Preston Saulis; The Pungeant Vial; Four Thieves Vm- For Extracting Grease from cloth, silk, cotton, or lin- en goods—Vestimental Soap, Erosive Ball, Erasive For the Teeth.—Charcoal Tooth Powder, Enamel Dentifrice, Trotter'* Tooth Powder, Hudson's Tooth Powder, Chlorine Tooth Popder. Coral Tooth Powder, Rowland's Alrana Extract, Chlorine Tocth Wash, Trotter's Dentrifice, Peruvian Tooth Powder. Botanic Tooth Tincture. Cosmetics—Cream of Almonds, or Kalydor, French Milk of Roses, English Cold Cream, Elmond Paste and Powder, Pate d'Almandea Liquides, Gow land's Lotion, Rowland's Ralydor, Peart Powder, for removing tan, sunburn, freckles and cutaneous eruption* ; Perfumed toilet Powders, Rouge en Tabletts, Liquid Rouge, vege- table Rouge, in powder, Rouge Cosmctinue, Chinapois, Rouge de Theatre, Otto of Rose Lip Salve, Court Plas- ter. Soaps for Washing and Shaving.—Prenti**' Fancy Toilet soaps, eleven varieties, Oxygen soap, Wavertey Tablet, Rigge's Vegetable *oap. Ambrosial »nd Cam- phor soap, White and Brown Windsor soap, The Al mono soap l(celebraud) Transparent "unesaMo*. and other 1 soaps, Cocoa nut soap and a variety of Frencl and English soaps. "" ' - received, tor Bab V A C O . 157 Pearl street. Dr. Church's Vegetable Lotion, for tbe removal of all eruptions on the face or skin, freckles, ringworms, and whiten and soften tbe skin. Dr. Church's Vermifuge, for the cure of worms in chil dren and grown persons--they are an excellent altera tive and contain nothing but what is perfectly innocent yetpowerful. The above medicines are for sale wholesale or retail by the proprietors, at CHURCH'S Dispensary, 188 Bowery, aud by roost of the Druggists in thin city. B A DEAD'S ANODYNE BALSAM. " Ne Plu Ultra."—A harmless, pleasant and infallible, reme> dy for the gout, rheumatism, inflammatory sore'throat, inflammation oftbe bowel., tie. Il will be found a valu- ble a remedy in any stage of the consumption, as it will positively relieve pain in almost every situation, and un- der all circumstances. For the gout and rheumatism it will prove invaluable, as it will afford immediate and soothing relief in the greatest extremities of pain. For inflammatory sore throat, a piece of flannel moistened with the Balsam, applied to the threat, and renewed every two or three hours, it ia one of the most efficacious remedies, for by means of this warm stimulating Balsam, tbe throat and sometimes the whole body is put into a perspiration, which carries off or lessens the inflamma- tion. Indeed there is not a pain or ache incident to the haman frame (that can be alleviated by external applica- tions) but th II Basam will be found highly useful in miti- gating. It has an agreeable and fragrant' perfume— is a very useful aad convenient article, and should be found in every family. It is put up neatly in bottle*, at $ 1 for the large size, and 60 cent* iheemaller; and all the genu- ine has my signature. Sold al the Bow.ry Store, 260 Bowery, N . Y. by at Medicine N. W. BADEAU. C APS, CAPS. AND STGCKS.-Th. subsenn espectfully informs hi. customer* and country mer chantsrtbat having completed bis sprmg assortment he is now ready to furnish them with any of the following articles on the roost reasonably terete. Sea Otter Cans Seal Nutria Hair Seal Gennet Chinchilla Leather Cloth Marine Silk Cir«assiau Hair Cloth Jo do do do do do do do do do do Bombazeen Stocks) Do Pleated Silk / Do Pleated Velvet Satin Do Pleated Levantine 1 Whit. X air | Black do 1 Silk A Bristle do de do do do do do do do do IT V JA,7 p Mr i street. I (J I Patent Leather do Trimmings for Cap and Stock-makers, patent leatf.jr, medicated and other Oil Silks. JI2 1w L. MORANGE. 105 William su A TKINSON'S DEPILATORY—For removing superfluous hsir hom ihe neck, fsce and arms of ladies with equal certainly and safety, leaving ihe skin whiter aad smoother than before the application. For sal. by H. HART, ft] 127 Broadway. rtOKFEE—1000 bag* St. DomiBgo, for sale by ' aEO.DOUaLASBkCo, JU_ . Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

to UMBER 10145 NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, JVIARCH 4, 1835NO. …fultonhistory.com/newspaper 10/New York NY Evening... · TEETH—SAMUEL AVERY, Surgeon Dentist, bogs leave to announce that

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Page 1: to UMBER 10145 NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, JVIARCH 4, 1835NO. …fultonhistory.com/newspaper 10/New York NY Evening... · TEETH—SAMUEL AVERY, Surgeon Dentist, bogs leave to announce that

*£.--. : __-.,- • ,-: t7!.

•.-»-hi , , .? • '_• - *i , » i . V

• • • » • - * - : * . * . . • , .

• * i l « , . .

i cf an svdev wade by Jemrs C a r p a l ; 1tf e I its std U m i y cf H e w Y o r k , a c -pen 10 all pertoi.* 1 aving e l a t e s s^aiaat icvrge r»*xoei.l, hsieol the city of * . t w J, to «xhibn the taaewi i f i l i e T U I U H kbacnier. at d.« • ore t-t E t a M I * . Ce .

s t n r l , h«-r place for he tiattract«• td i.rtote the fust da* of A.ay, one Uieusaad ind <hiriy-6v*. Y o t k , t * i . 26m, 18S4.

K l l ' / . \ K H H B E M F . N T , . EircwrUB

•( ol an i> der of ihi fei.iresale ol U.e City y of N t » ^otk, IOIKC i s h t r t l y given te ii f clam .«11 ilt n ;n d* status) ih< r-siaie St.ettcn, tair erf N « » York, dtcrated, io

n e dmy anthrntica'td io l i e »ul*< ntt r, ro t W a n t ' l a Ci vt n, Citn »i -ilt-ri at ioi.i street m i l e c««v trf'fcrcwfciye, within r the f.isi publication of this col a t . ,

bet i7-h. 1W4. K i m . A K P N . S B E L T O N ,

Ic iog Executor of Sicpbevi L . SAertee.

i hereby given to ah peisoes having ciaime ,li ha Burn.**, laie of the Cuv ei N e w d, to present ihe same wi'b U»e vei.cacrs mbscruVr, at hit office N o . 153 Mttibeiry ;nv of N« w York, on or before the Ihuai

N» w York, 90th ..I October, lbS4. C H A R L E S USbOK.N,

Et t cut or.

lit nby givm to ad persons avuigcfaim* nof.ro C"rn*rli, late of the City of N e w e> eased, u> present the same, with lbs lot e l u b x n t e r , I I h s rrsMesee M o .

r. et. u> the cuv o" New Yoik. on or I Jul. next. Dated New York, 23d<

C. A. Q A R D I N

• f i ' n i uni i<> an ordirol James lamtd5ey£yf Surrogate of the county of N e w York, v f iv. u o all persons who have c aims ate of Su-an K Field, la'e ol ihe c n \ of :he • aiJ c«iil»iy, drcciSed, IO rihibil III* vouch' rs ih»-r«<f, io ihe subscriber, Hack-».'D, nistrjior thereof, a I his place oi busi-

furling s i p , in t: e city of N e w York, oa mih ay .1 July, 1835. 1 ork. Jai.i.siv 5>h, 1835.

H l i K s O N W. F I E L D , Administrator.

berrby givtn io all persons bavins, ciajsne i In r'etViirau, la'e of ihe city id N e w , io present ihe same with tbe vouchers «iii .M.i ediuei a w Neison Cha>e, Esqs . , No .3 Nsvsati sireet, IB the city of N e w r ih- 15'ti liciv ol Ju'v next.

I8S5 fo it.uars

UKNJA.VIN W A L D R O N , E \ e r n o « <•! J«'t:o Hci ie l fClu . o e c e a s e j .

L L u l t i i M i A N 1 h.L> by the »ur> ho give* iht^lii^..*;*! ca»h price Iw.ai £«'inleniiTis' ar.<3 boys' icll ofi garmeuis , addressing a line ti»rougb the r-usi Othca , bf waiiiltu on tiv M . L I M L i . Y, N o . 109 Chatnaju at.

K!S of Musical Ii.&lruniems, G U A » , Piaicia, property of every deM:riptM>ii bow«hl lor

• wM

* / i . . \ t j i : — G e n u i n e Wtsiars Cough ,, Boston b o n s e i . Ipicac and Tola Lc-

l„,u.j:Xc .HiJ Jujube fas ie—these arti> lulled io allay ihe rrniatioo caused by ale at Chore..'s Dispeksarv, 186 Broad-

. 5 bereuv ittven to an personn having e ain.a

,'larlrs baUlwio, a u of tr.e c"y of New (-•r ai Law. deceased, io pn sent the J*nie, itia ihtrcof, in William S Ba-owa, ins at the sinre of John Johnsvus feons. N o . «ireet , in 'he ciiy o! N i i > l"i>ri», on o r b o * av of Jn'v i . e i l . York. i3<i • I Jar.oarv, 1835.

VWLUA.M S. B A L D W I N , .A i ••• » . r i t o r .

BUVD, a .Mei;.:ef ot the Koyn Golte^a una is Ireland, and l i t y a praciniODtr ta :., ..n. i-rlers ha s e m e s I" 'he affiicted in o; a ct-rta-n disease. His long expeneoco niioii io iinsclaM n: cujipJaiuis, bis pteas-ri)-' i.|;:i-os n.ode ol ircaiuien!, bis extraor-

duriax a :•'•! g and eiiended practice, anal e».'.iuia r medics' uuaiifica ions, aro a f tw on »bich he n - t s hw claims to public

of eirpincism when igaorant pretenders qoocus art dan'y spteadini; their oats, to r« io dt» ri:r n«i, I 'r Boyd woud wiab to i and warning v ine to his fellow ciea* ii them to be*are ot such danjerou* fier* ii ds Mho niitiht .'.are been at iht- day " l a i palmy pr de cf 3,.i;.hcod,' U ibeu* caoes irearu by on* du>y qaalified, are now

•ngst ih- incur ible and the ijead ! Appa-verv cooimon and i-a-n'y rtleciod ; but to aunt poison, wincb will otherwise con> io an iiii.'im. ly grate, belongs to the 1e(n> ' ot nit die oc in the bands ol a skillfvJ and er. F .; Oi. Botd m such, he is wilbnf i patrons, b. prooucinic lor their inspectioa i-rna. a« a inemoei of ihe Koyal Coilegs 1 elind, and .ik- wise tesliaioti^als for ta -i.i. Iron, mai.v who are justly considered man i u s onhrir profession. His rnoda i s.il<, erirctual anil expeditious, not re» ;be use oi mercury, or restraint in diet or cent atficinns he pledges himself to re-t wr'.ui a lew days, and cases of longer "•eater n.ui.gf.iu will be irea'ed Willi c i s >

i l .

, ihe p\ tent may rest assured, after bav» i ' i " from the lands of Dr. Boyd, last I'ab.'ished ijpon a souoJ aud firm ba-sis, and lutein is rrnoviied and unimpaired. Hal •i.«r an»l taitfi are pledged to this, and ho

iba: fiii cliaracter and standing are sufR>

t hcm<.. an.i secrecy may in all cases bo Hoor-i at at'enOance from 7 in ihe moroitif

. 14 fVv.-r st.-ee:, ouedoor from Water.

t u K B t T ' l may r.e consulted in tat- mot »al manner ai hi» olhce, \t Duajie street a ria.ii and \N ii:iam s's., New York, wbfl" cil wiiti delicate diseases, old < !*M.ate U a, worms, disea&es ol I e L.adder, urethr mil all doeasi tar.sing trom lite abuso O ipuritv olblocd, are inviied to call. i elfecU arising from the abuse ot mercury prion. P.rsons troubled «uh I certain jply to Dr. CorbMt, with tbe perfect assu*>

it radically cured nnheut a particle ot iv other dangerous anrdicine. hi* charges , ar.d propor.Hiaed to the means of the ap

tas been educated in Europe, wtderteacn-'dged latent., and has had considers*!* nsive hospita s and dispensaries. Instant hose si'rlicied wnh piles, and a perfect i three days without connneoicni from bo» •as; pain to 'he patient. may be had to j>rerent the occurrence oi *«•. 1 he rao»t honorable secrecy will bs

mtancedaily from 7 A. M . t o 10P. M.

•.K I ON ron ii.je* iii be con.iiiii i d a* usu old csiabishniem, N o . 4 Feck-sup. wber* I tor eignteen vea/s. Seeing so many of i l l irrs«ufferi/ij from t l * ravages o f a CSt*

n« knowing that many valuable members " lling sacr.iices to the baits held sat by nder«, derm* if his dniy to apprtao ihuoo t sehvvet every one who has indulged ta re io consult a professional man of ewi -abiliiy, an I h nor p— as DO diseases havs e lasidthiusiv to destroy lh« const 11 at MMI ich are ihe consequences o1" unguarded ay a man en whose n'e depends all tbo ler wife and darling offspring, has fallen a per trta.rueni, which might have beea ot) lu-ring Dr. A . , who aiitiou* io sootb ibo iserv, ts consul ed daily, by either soJt, ncr . -,,., -t a uitni bring mild, safe, and ; n reasonable, and la ever? instance it's, guarantees a core. Recestf asToo i a few days without loconvenienco w) lost h norable ccrecy observed I ic consulted in all chroti c diseases, * » ;^'» E n ; B..i'jii* Oust ructions, Lira* inunaii n of the Eyr»; old alcermied left , c. which are considered tncurabfe ( • • ecured a Dr. A.\ Dispen^arr. 4 Pe*» utirgriiy and cat.dor may bo found wbiab ti.ii*>, has already been two rallnjt prBsd* f e . he convenience and secrecy so awoeaary mem, Dr A does not kropa drwf ewjew ttitrnts axe under no apprebeasaos) af e l

an amplication. nculai in observing Dr. Aad*rto*»'« W*" Peck slip, one door from the eoTO** «»* i impossible to calculate the injury that taking the practitioner. . aily, from seven in the morna**; asxtMiasil

B cootuiues to be consulted at bio • * ? • re respectfully apprised,Pr. B o r t * hemA

the medical profession i» * o CitJ o» en a regular member of said " f ^ V * ^ for the last 28 years in the c«jro» X»e»» ctice frooi being general, be coBDHea lo a ocii W Mediniif. which engages his BM , viz: Luea Veneria,Scrofula, Scorbuftfs Lepa, and a'.l diseases artsiag frem >•>(>"" His well-known integrity chailengea t b *

«y; his experience very great; bis S»ce«**' lie caution* the unfortunate a^ailtst «*• iry i thousands i annually mercurislhrw very many tk ands of cases committ*4

ill grades and every degree of mali|a*jacjr# restored his patients to health and a sowiwi« 'he decided preference given to Dr. Horaay tes the confidence reposrd in the skill **« • iisunguisbes bis practice. The learmad i| .'«alicaliyobserves: "Married p^sofss, to be BBatried, *l i.nld be particularly caarn ifTecttons. What a dreadful u i h i n t a M f - • losterity.* S e e that your case i s erasbV a " _ , led up." Persons *J9icted witb prouasJiad 1 * case* need not despair of a coaapWe rw» . lying to Dr. Horne. Recent aJTuillioiM " [^ , without the use of mercury, exuxujsvsswed * ,"| Gteeu and Strict rj-es removed by aa aaay*** jj ie persons who may; have coBlraaiasi aaa*--**, t bleat poison, are invited to make kapsi" orae, af bis establishment, N o . aS C°*?JJ s * k

u Greenwieh street. A restdeaca *»^»)*; «^ 'ork city has established Df. B o t a a a « * * * . ' i of honor, and based aiioa real rsaaaata* Dr. Horne t»tfVrs to aw !?"»««*• » • • » • * * ; . „ i r s * M a t a d 1 s t a a c a s b y w r i t i B a > t W e s ^ ,

fee, shall have r o a - d y » « V « ? ^ * * , - J r * ly, until half paat t * * • J ™ " ? * ^ , , , . , f o e takea uTutaleaa post p a i d - a l l o l f handed ia . . . l u r a e s o s l c a a a t * s o axrajwed, hat par*

fasiidJoaa. aaay aapJy w«h enter.wil ls iaad -

-. 4

• < i


H B W YORK. I » T I D AMD P C B L I I I I D ST T H E P R O P R I E T O R S , • S J A B V W B K K T — A T fJIO rsaa

— •

. . . | .gfn insurajkce r p H B Trtistosa e f t a a N e w Yora * - » ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J . f nsal Ca . P w , w ^ t f t

, ^ w t b e s a i b a n d p n i . aleat to their f e i k * extoaaa. » £ $ Z ^ e reduced seat psaeuce of , « t t n a - . * T L 1 i i UMUTO Uvea ia future ai kair rates ol uuuraaca, and ww —

fjMoraaco ol v*9 '**-—

15 iO 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 00

K. A. NICOLL. Soc'rv.

K i T X . 0 81 0 91 0 95 1 31 1 36 1 69 1 93

toe i St 4 19

WM BARD, ?res'U 4

C— A S x O F F C L O T H I N G . — T h a preseat being the

the season for gentlemen to throw off their winter .arments, are informed that the highest prices are given or such, and every description of Ctotbing by the sub-

scribar to whom a tine addressed with directions to call » s-entlemea .will be punctually attended to . eagenuo , p / . L U M L R Y , 109 Chatham sL

fcj| nearly opposite the theatre.


# • ' ' * " ^ ;• . ^ " - i - J r 1 V 1 - ! - j?»VL


TE E T H — S A M U E L A V E R Y , Surgeon Dentist, bogs leave to announce that he has fom.cd a cu>

partaar-bip with Mr. Solyman Brown, who is hereafter to attend exclusively to the mechanical, and himself to the surgical departments of the profession.

Many Usuasouials can bo shown from gentlemen of the highest respectability. The following from the cel­ebrated. Dentai Surgeon, Mr. E . Parmly, MI respectful­ly presented :

From a knowledge of the professional and moral char-actor of Mr. Brown aad Mr. Avery, I feel great pride aad nleaaww ia recommending them to tbe entire con-ideaca ,a f taoaa who may reoaire tbair aid w the excr­eta* af their respective branches of the profession.

R L E A Z E R P A R M L Y , 11 Park place. N . B . Rooms at N o . 4 Park Place, near Broadway.

R. LOU13 P H I L I P D O N having just returned from London and Paris, in which cities he has

passed the last two years Improving himself in the sci­ence of music, now offers hie services as a teacher of the Piano Forte to tbe ladies and gentlemen of N e w York, hoping that his excellent plan of teaching, and the strict attention with which he will devote himself to his scho-ars, will receive the kind patronage of the citueos of New York.

Any eoBintunicetion left for him at the Music Stores •I Messrs. Dubois & Stodart and S . F . Atwclt will be punctually attended to. n5 it

ST A T E O F N E W KORK. s s . — / • Ckancery.— In pursuance of a decree of the Court of Chancery

of the State of N e w York, wit! be sold at public auction at the Merchants' Exchange in the city of New York on the 12th day of March next, at 12 o'clock at noon, under the dtrec. i of the subacribcr, one oftbe Masters of this Court, * Ail that certain house and lot of ground in ihe cny of New York, situaie in Gold street, now known as N o . 100, formerly 106 Gold street; bounded as follows : westerly ia front by Gold street aforesaid ; northerly by the house now known as 102, formerly as 103 Gold street; easterly in the rear bv lot formerly leased to William Tiltoa, and southerly br the house now known as 98, formerly as 104 Gold street."

And also, " all that certain messuage, tenement and lot »tgrjunj in thecuy of N e w York, now known as 98, formerly as 104 Gold street, and bounded in front on Gold street, on the north by houses and lot now known as 100, formerly as 106 Gold street, easterly in the rear on William TUton's lot : southerly by house and lot now or fortaarly of William Tucker, coatuiiing in breadth in froat and rear 23 feet, and in length on both sides 55 feet, be the sxne more or less."

Aad a l so ," All that certain messuage, tenement and lot of ground in the city of N e w York aforesaid, now known as N o . 102, locoerly as 108 Gold street, and b Minded ia Front on Gold street, on tbe north by Frank­furt street ; east in the rear by the house aad lot now or formerly owned by Morris Shipley ; o i the south by the house uow known as 100 formerly 108 Gold street ; and on tbe west in froot br G o d street, containing 23 fee* front and rear and 55 deep on each side, or there­abouts. Together with all aud singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging.

Dated January id, 1835 W I L L I A M V A N W Y C K ,

iy2$ lawSw Master in Chancery. T Y O R D E A U X W I N K — 1 8 0 dozen Cbambertin. vin-

N runn coot I ing 11 New

Fi At

H' clay attn« the ft hour, the d

N . nal s

N' on a

r i T c E — February 2d, 1835. The ateamboal K K W A K K , Captain B . Tate , will commence K m ^ i n d from Newark, on Monday, Feb . 2d and L c to run >• long as the ice will permit. Leav-Lwark at 8 1-2 A. M. ; aad foot of Barclay street, York, at 2 1-* P . M . re 12 1-2 coats. kinds of freight taken as usual. pi

, B O K E N F E R R V . . — T h e steamboats H O B O -K E N and P I O N E E R will leave the foot of Bar-treetand Hoboken every 20 mtnutcs, commencing ever hour ; and the F A I K Y d U E E N will leave

btof Canal st. at the commencement of every and Hoboken every intermediate half hour during


IC son's Cour up an both

N i


£ On Sundays there will be two boats at Ca­rt

W I N T E R A R R A N G E M E N T . I W A R K . J E R S E Y C I T Y , fc N E W - Y O R K COACHES.—The Coaches of the above line will, d after November 17th, run as follows: Leaf* Ntwv'K. Ltam New York.

9 o'clock, A . M . I At 91j o'clock, A . M . I j - P . M . J S " P. M. P- Seats seats secured by applviag at J. T . Tbom-Hotel. Newark, and at J. Patten's Hotel, 73 landt street, N e w Y ork. Passeagers will be taken i set down at their respeciveplaces of residence, t Newark and New York. Fare 3 7 , cents.

|w York, 13th Nov. 1834. "13 tf

X ^ tags of 1827 i iSOdosea H.rtaifage, vintage 1825. 90 dozea Chateau Loovtlle, vintage l o t a 60 95 50 50 30 60 25


do do do do do do do do do

Chateau Lantte Margeaux, Larose, Pomard, St . Estephe, Parr-iiiac, St. Julian, Haul Brtou, Muscat,

do do do do do do do do do

1325 1827 18i5 1825 1827 1325 1827 1825 & 1827


all of the best brands. A so, 12 pipes Claret, of different tort* and vintage* 70 Alien ot very superior Madeira, from tbe Londot

decks. C O R D I A L S . — 1 2 5 cases cordials, of the branr* of

Forrester & Frees. 350 baskets annisette, of the same brand.

15 Demijohns, 5 gailoos each, ol old cbaimpaigne brandy,

S W E E T OIL.—300 baskets Bordeaux Oil, of the house of O r e s . Ie jeune, stamped on the bottles, and the best ia the market.

The moat of ffce above mentioned articles are entitled to debenture, direct unportauoas, and for Bust purchaser* by

ale ia 1 to

tadtewSsa J U L I U S H I R S C H F E L D ,

5 Pine street.

ME R C H A N T S ' F I R E I N S U R A N C E COM P A N Y—Office N o . 53 Wall street, New York >

Incorporated with a capital of half a million of Dollars for the sole purpose of insurance against loss or damage by F I R E , dwelling houses, ware hotr«s, buildings in gener­al, merchandize, .-hips in port t«. I their cargoes, house­hold furniture, wearing app«A. and every description oi personal property

Fa I C

them. Com | leave s'ree Cars

N E \

landt COI1VI siclen

f A R K R A I L K O A D A C C O M M O D A T I O N . B S E N G E H S going in this line will be called for, hr leaving their address at the office foot of Cour:-tireet, where an Omnibus will also be in waiting to

passengers on the arrival of the Cars to their re­in the city.

S A M . M c L A U G H L I N , Driver: 12J cents. York, I3ih Nov^lSSL

for th I The) keep

aceoi jccupatious.hc. _ . . . — , to. The rates of premium and conditions of insurance are uniform with all the other Fire Insurance Companies ia the city.

J O N A T H A N L A W R E N C E , President. N A T S A K I X I . W . S T B O B A , Sec*y.

D I R E C T O R S ^

most UAld ter dt nowi the ci larlyi assur forDi exec*

N . plied notjci

Jonathan Lawrence, Henry Kneeland, Thomas Bloodgood, John A. Stevens, Robert Chesebrough, Francis H. Nicoll, Thomas Lawrence, Jamea Boyd, Jr. William W . Fox, Qeorge Barclay, Michael Bonvham, Jeromus Johnson

James Strong, Jacob P . Giraud, Peter A . Jay, David M. Prall, O. Mauran, Ephraim Holbrook Augustus W . Hupeden, William Whillock, Jr. Henry K. Begert Anthony C . Rossire, Daniel Low, Moses Taylor,

H and i next tifuli tbeC the good boan

F< immi lots this | regu mens

F peril No

Oliver Corwin.

T H E C I T Y C O M P A N 1 F I R E I N S U R A N C E

CAPITAL $3O0JD00. 189 Chatham, corner of James street. • - — t Office N o . I 9 f U U I U t l i H M , . . . . - . .

TH E Capital Stock of this Company having been alt paid in and secured, agreeably to the conditions ot

the Act of incorporation, the company w ill receive ap­plications for insuring dwelling houses, warehouses and other buildings, ships ia port and their cargoes, merchan­dise, machinery, household furniture and other personal

against loss or damage by F l a a , on terms as as any other Fir* Insuraac* Company in th* tvoral


Preserved Fi*h, Josiah Macy, Robert Hicks, Robert I. Walker, William H . F a l l s , J>seph W . C o lies, Isaac Frost, William C . White, David S . Brown, Cyrus Hitchcock,

R . A.

D I R E C T O R S . Cornelius W . Lawrence, Abraham Bell, John Barrow, Thomas J. Townsend, John D. Wright, Benjamin Clark, Amos Willets, Peter S . Titus, Edward A . Wright, Dame! Trimble,

Thomas Carpenter. J O H N B A R R O W , President.

R s t D I S S , Secretary.


P for lul l hie

Jutav* Newark. At 7 o'clock,

81 o'clock. 10 o'clock, Ui o'clock,

C A R S . /.r.-it-t- Newark.



i*at« Jersey Ciry. At 7 o'clock.

8 , o'clock, j 10 o'clock, llfj o'clock, |

A F T E R N O O N [eave Jersey City.

At I o'clock, 2 i o'clock, 4 o'clock, 5 o'clock,

37) cents.

f* T o secure a seat, passengers should provide Ives with a ticket, to be had at the office of the

|any, foot of Courtlandt utreet, New York, and to in the Jarsey City Ferry Boats, foot of Courtlandt

at least 10 minutes before the hour at which the epart. n l8 tf

2 . 4 5

o'clock, o'clock, o'clock, o'clock.

TO T H E L A D I E S . — M i s s P R E S C O T T conttn-ues to give lessons to Ladies in the various bran­

ches of a solid Education. Those Ending themselves defi ctent either in Penmanship, Arithmetic, English Gram­mar, Single Entry Bookkeeping, or correct Reading can receive such a course of confidential instruction as will in a short time render them proficients if not critics. There arc no classes—the instruction is generally indi­vidual. Miss Prescott solicits the attention of those in­terested. She has a variety of specimens of pupil'* im­provement, and numerous References and Recommen­dations from Literary Genttemcn both in this city and MI N e w England, from which she deems; it sufficient lo oi­ler tbe following :

T o whom it may concern : This may certify that Miss J J. Prescott is , in my judgment, well qualified to give an accurate knowledge of English Grammar to those who wish to obtain instruction in tbal|indispensable re­quisite of a polite education.

C . M . 1 N G E B S O L L . N e w York, 17th January, 1835. With pleasure I testify in favor of Miss J. J. Pres­

cott'* knowledge ol the theory and practice of Single Entry Bookkeeping. I believe her] fully capable of teaching thai branch of a useful education.

CJ C. M A R S H : N e w York, Dec 1, 1833. From the knowledge I have of Miss J. J. Prejcott's

superior skill in the art of Writing, I can cheerfully and confidently recommend her as being well qualified to teach this pleasing and important accomplishment.

N A T H A N I E L l D . G O U L D . * Boston, July 25, 1832. * Now residing in Brooklyn. This certifieth that Miss J. J. Prescott has been a

very acceptable and perfectly well approved member of

n l 9 l f


f,i. Forward

Rail Road to Faro to

Rail Road a d




T1 eeple-take : t o w n , T O N

Fai deck |

Fr« High' Free!

Pril Stagi

Fa 50 eel

C Pai

day* o'cioc Bargi Bordi boat o'cloi

F« AI o«"

I? iter it |eir sincere thanks to the ladies oflhis city and others

encouragement they havereceived from them would inform their customers that they continue to

r m hand a large and elegant assortment of Corsets, manu actured from the most durable materials and of the

ipproved shape ; and as a careful Attention will be y them totne requests of their customers, they flat inuelves that theirs will be found superior to any

use , and they solicit and look with confidence for ntinuance of the public favor. They receive regu te newest fashions ft oin London and" Pans,and they their friends and the public that every order, either

esses or Corsets, will be promptly and carefully

led. B . Country and Southern merchants can be sup-rvitb Corsets, on moderate terms and at theshortest



(St 'XD.l V* EXCEPTED,) AT 7 O'CLOCK, A. M. E steamboat S W A N , Capt. C . Seymour, will ave pier N o . 1, North River, daily, Sundays ex-

at 7 o'clock. Passengers for Philadc.pliia will

t Rail Road Cars at Souih Amboy to Borden-d arrive at Philadelphia by steamboat TK.EN-

Capt. Wui M. Jenkins, at 3 o'clock, P. M t in the above hue lo Philadelphia, assengers, $ 2 . •hold and Monmouth Line, via ton, from thence to Freehold by stages old S2 25. ceton and Trenton Line, via

Fare lo Princeton 11 5 0 ; lo T rem on 12 . e to Perth and South Amboy and New Brunswick u . l A N A L L I N E F O R P H I L A D E L P H I A , pengers will leave New York Mondays, VVednes-and Fridays by steamboat N A P O L E O N , at 1 , P . M . , lod^e at New Brunswick, take the Canal the following morning at 5 o'clock,

Intown at 12 o'clock noon ; there take the JTRENTON, and arrive in Philadelphia at 3 h , P . M . ie to Philadelphia $2. baggage at the risk of its owner

arrive at steam-

I. B L I S S , Agent . [DIES' C O R S E T W A R E H O U S E , wholesale nd retail, at N o . 132 William street. T h e Misses

this Institution; that she has studied here, with talents rarely equalled and success of Ihe most promising char­acter, English Grammar, Geography], Common Arith­metic, Latin, & c , and she has my entire confidence in her superior qualifications, both mental and acquired, to instruct pupils in the solid branches of Literature.

J O S E P H JOSL1N, PrWtJptor of M onmouih Academy.

Monmouth, Me . Nov. 26,1822. Besides the above testimonials, she has others of her

character and scholarship from the following gentlemen : J. Nichols, D . D . Portland, M e . Rev . J. Woodman, New Gloucester, Me, Hen. E . Hilton, Wiscasset, M e . Hon . J M. Harper, present member of Congress,

and numerous other names equally honorable, that can be seen by calling at her rooms, 297 Broadway.

Terms moderate, and made known Ion application.— From one to two hours devoted to each lesson. Rooms open for instruction from 8 o'clock, A. M. to 9 in tho evening.

iCJ 0 ,Lad ie s may depend upon th* most careful at­tention, «nd upon the utmost secrecy if required.

~~ G O L D M E D A L P R E M I U M . F O R H U M A N I N C O R R U P T I B L E T E E T H .

TH E subscriber respectfully informs the ladies and gentlemen of N e w York and citizbns generally that

he solely disposes of and inserts the Primtum Human In­corruptible Tetlh, for which a Gold Medal, tbe highest prize ever awarded was given for their superiority in quality and manner of inserting them.

The attention of those ladies and gentlemen who are desirous of rcpleting the vacancies caused by the loss of the original teeth, is respectfully invited to the Sub­scriber's Human fncorruptibU Teeth j likewise, to his method and manner of setting and iusqrting them—they *re incorruptible, thev never change l i e u colour,Do* do they absorb the saliva or juices of the mouth, con­sequently they do not cause an unpleasant taste or fetid breath. They can be supplied from one to an entire set, to correspond with the living teeth, which, with Hu­man, Nuiural and all kinds ol artificial teeth set and in­serted on the latest improved style ot Dental Mechanism. His method of inserting them gives toj the wearer ease

combined with all the important objects of the art. Their different u s e s - i n mastication, articulation, and preserving the original form of the moiith, without hav­ing to perform any unpleasant or painful operations.— Sets ofteeih inserted by Atmospheric pressure, without the aid of Springs, Clasps, Ligatures, &c. when fixed they are guaranteed to set on the unerring principles of adhesion; and from their uniformity and adaption to '.he mouth, to elude detection by the elbsest scrutiny.

OPERATIVE DENTAL-SUROERY. The subscriber performs every operation on the Teeth .

Sums , aud Mouth, on the most modern and approved principles of Dental surgery, with the least possible pain, and correct professional skill. Carious teeth filled with

| kit cement; likewise, with gold, plskina, e tc .—LOOM

M R . & M R S , B L E E C K E R ' S B O A R D I N G S C H O O L F O R Y O U N G L A D I E S ,


TH E Year is divided into two Terii-s—one comments] ing on the first of May, the other on the first of N o ­

vember. There will be two vacations during the year, viz : the Spring vacation pi three weeks, commencing on the 8th of October. A public examination oftbe Pu­pils takes place immediately i r i s i a i a g the vacations. N o Pupil will be received for a sho, ter period than one Term.

Terms—flfO per annum, payable quarterly in ad­vance—including Tuition, Washing, and Mending. Boarders io furnish their own cot, bed, and bedding. N o deduction for any absence dur ng the Term, except sickness of the Pupil prevents attendance.

The following Extra Charges art made, vis : Music, wnh use of Instrument, $12 per quarter. French, 5 do. Latin and Greek, fi do. -Jrawing, 6 do. Vocal Music, 8 do.

T E A C H E R S . » G. W . B L E E C K E R , Principal oi the Institution: M R S . A . E . B L E E C K E R , Family Superintend

ent. M I S S H . N . E R R 1 N G T O N , Superintendent of

Female Department and Inslroctrsss on Piano Forte, and in the Frencn Language.

M I S S C . E R R I N G T O N , Musical Assistant and Instructress in Drawing.

M I S S G. E R R I N G T O N , Assistant in English De­partment.

M R S . S . A . B L E E C K E R , Instructress in Needle Work.

R U N Y O N , Instructer in Vocal Music. J. T R U S T , Instructor on the Harp au

C . H.



Rev. J. F . Schroeder, Hon. Walter Bowne, Cone, Elisha Morrill, Esq.

J. D . Stevenson, Esq. 1835. [fe4 Srr^

S . H . " C. G. Somers, Sing-Sing, Feb. 2.

PU R S U A N T lo an order of James Campbell, Esq. Surrogate of the County of New York, Notice is

hereby given to all persons having claims against (he es­tate of Ciprianod. la Camera, lata of thif city of N e w York,merchant, deceased, to present tile same, with the vouchers thereof, to either of the eibcutors, on or before 29th of August next. Dated N e w [York, 21st of February, 1835.

F R A N C I S S T O P P A N f , ! , residing ai 62 Ann st.

F R A N C I S D E L H O Y O , fe21 6m* residing at 168 Broadway


DE N T I S T R Y . — E Z R A D O D G E , Demist, N o . 2 Park place, returns his thanks to his numerous

friends for the patronage bestowed during the last eight years. E . D . conceives it necessary at the present time to call the attention of thoae friends who have been so grossly deceived by submitting to the tricks of impos­tors, io the fact that be still continues to employ such-substances as a most extensive experience has convinced him can alone be safely used for the purpose of filling and plugging decayed teeth. The neeessity of this no­tice will be more apparent when it is stated that within the last three months ho has been obliged to extract ma­ny teeth (which by proper management would undoubt­edly have been saved) from individuals who had permit-led themselves to be gulled by the advertisements of " Royal" poisoners and unprincipled impostors, when,if they had examined facts, they would have ascertained that " Republicans" well understand their business.

E . D . continues to insert human and incorruptible teeth, from one to the complete set, on his usual terms; and for his skill and success in alt the various branches of his profession, he begs leave to refer to the following gentlemen.

Dr. V . Mott, Dr. A . Wright, Dr. Oram, Dr. Wilson, Dr. Manley, Dr. Hunter, Rev. H. Channing, Rev . A . Dickinson, Col. A . Burr, Isaac L. Kip, S . Sulwell, R. R. Lansing, Isaac Jones, Isaac Young, George D. Woolsey, A . Gamage, James J, Mapes, Leonard W . Kip , Trios Jenkins . fe25 l m

E S , Corset. Dress and Habit Makers, would ten- leb£ r^dered^rm, w h e & e r W m g I f r o m age, neglect, •"- - * " L - l~-i.~- **f» k t . g.,tv nnA o thers I r . ' ' . . ,. / . ^ f » » « —•»

icro/ula,mercury,or ihedmanes of the gums. Irregu­larities of the teeth in children prevented, in adults,

T E L T O L E T 4 A T S T A T E S I S L A N D . — i large double three story brick Hotel,now building, i be completed on or before the first day of May nsuing, when possession will be given. It is beau-situated at tbe new ferry, about a mile south of

lUaranttne, commanding & view of the ocean and of itv and bay of N e w York. Any one keeping a !i«uae may rely upon having it filled with permanent »rs during the summer months ' sale, 32 tots of ground fronting on this ferry, and diately adjacent t a h e steamboat wharf; also other a the vicinity. The perfectly healthy location of ropcrty, its proximity to an established ferry, and a ar communication with the city, offer great induce-l to purchasers ol real estate. |r further particulars, a view of the map of the pro-, and a plan of the hotel, apply toStaptes & Clarke, 2 Hanover st.

M I N T H O R N E T O M P K I N S , W I L L I A M I. S T A P L E S .

>w York, 17th Feb. 1835. f e ! 8 t f etfec s

remedied. Teeth and the stumps The treatment of children's Tee th to.

A . C . C A S ' No. 2 9 7 | Broadway,between Duaneaj

Refers to J. C . Cheesman M . D . J. B . B e c k . M . D . , F . U . Johnson, ring, M . D . , J. Torrev .M. D . , J. J. A . Smith,M. D . , J.'Delafield, M. Surgeons to the N . Y. Hosp.tal,) G. a t e , as to hi* professional skill.

teeth extracted icularly attended

,E, Ikntut. i d R e e d a t s . N . Y . , Mott, M . D . ; D . , N . H . Der-

Smith M . D . , ., (Professors & ushe, M . D: &c.

JL.L.S.— For preveotiug amT destroying the arising trom a free use of Spirituous Liquors, and teai ing a dislike for ihe same—a valuable and use-Ucovery for all classes of society.—The incalcula-isorders and unhappy accidenu resulting from In-

temj jsranee, accidental as well as habitual, have more thai once alarmed the community. Many piana of aim iteration nave been formed, and means resorted to, ,111V I , V I — n v . . . . » _ ,

hrepgh the instrumentality ot temperance societies, •d I v medical skii , to correct hat brutish tsste foi

aid ed 1 W'medical skill, to correct nai orim... . . . . . . . . . al-coh«.chquors: bui heretofore their combined exertions

U J f r A ^ E ^ H A B E R T , M . D . m well known al-rea y by his numerous and nseful discoveries, haa been or* mate enough, through a long t a * • J * * ™ ha, sea the* , to reach his aim, and render to society that It- mnoriint .erv.ee. He composes P u l s - t a s t e l e s s -


NO T I C E is hereby given that application will be made before the Commissioners of the Land offics,

o f tbe Stale of N e w York, on tbe tenth day of April next, a: their office at the Capitol in the city of Albany for a release lo Anne Bryson of the city of Now York, widow, of such interest as the State of N e w York, may have acquired by Escheat from James Englishbee, late of said city, deceased, in those lots of land, together with the buildings thereon, situate in fhe Sixth ward ol said city, and known and described as lots N o . 22 Reed street N o . II Republican Alley, N o . 64 Duane street. N o . 66 Duane street, N o . 53 Duane street, N o . 55 Duane street. N o . &7 Duane street.

New York, February 25th, 1835. W E S T E R N it E D W A R D S ,

fe26 law6w Attorneys for Applicant.

C~ O N S U M P T 1 0 N , Cough, Colds, Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Chest,Ste.

Commutucaied— I, William L. Hagaa, hereby certify taat I have been for ibr.re years affected with consump­tion, spittiBg of blood, difficult brtathuig, night aweats, lose of appetite, etc etc. ; that I have taken a number of patent cough medicines, but received but Utile relief from any of ihem. Being recommended however, to try Dr .Taylor ' s" Balsam of Liverwort," by a friend, whom it had cured of a most distressing cough. I procur­ed a bottle from his store, N o . 375 Bowery; which aae other, has entirely cured me, so that I can now at-taasi ta my **uuness.

ft* W I L L I A M

^rbe'uV;;;t*ar.»««. *:*>-. *.*** «»»• ger | Their merit will consist in preventing the common effe ts arising from a free use of spirituous liquors, and .no Estroymg! almost instantaneously, the most complete and beastly state of drunkenness; while al the same *m f o y iak,ng an overdose, they will create in the *ys-tem a lasung disgust for all ardent spirit. 1 he importance of such a discovery, which may sl-o

be l Leful w persons of a sober regular conduct, causes me boctor t a t a j e . ' •»•» , h e confidence wh.ch the public w i V S a V h i m m thi. particular, will fully recompenae hint for bis trouble and studious ™ ~ « b e e .

H »ld in boxes, w,th proper ° » ~ 1 ^ " ^ U « L J » « ? box fat hi. Medical and Chemical Store, 322 Broadway, opposite the Hospital, N . V.

NOTICE.—PUDIIC nonce is hereby) given, that by a resolution of the Common Council, tne Street Coin

missioner was authorized to collect the several sums of money due on the Assessments -which remained uncol lected in the hands of Ebenezer Whifmg, Collector of Assessments, at ihe time of his decc

Therefore, notice is hereby further sons who are indebted on ci her of (hereinafter described) to call at l sioners Office, and pay the same with this date, at the end of which time a fi quents will be presented to tbe Comm dcr to lake measures for advertising tl menls for sale to pay the said assessments.—

Barrow street, extending from 6th Avenue lo Asylum street,

Tompkins Square, opening in the 11 th ward, Lewis Street, paving from 4th to 8th street,

and blasting rock between

iven lo all per-e Assessments Street Comma-four weeks from I return ef delm-Council, in or-

e lands and lene-


7th to the 10th Av-

H A G A N . 40Leonard st.

r . o u p o i t S A L hi .—To be sold at Public Auc tio«%» Wednesday, 4th day of March next at t

H cori 87 f 721 pro| wel. fron cail is il ofC beu whi ply


P by iat« exh scrl Mi the Au


«\Ja*ki J>. M . a t the Richmond County Hall, in the vd-H .Tjrniehmond a valuable Farm, pleasantly * .mated l - T l - f f o u t h ^ ' o f S m i e n M . n d . on the Mam Road ^ h e Q u a r a a a n a i o A n t a a y F.rry, about six mde.

j 2 4 i f r

jOLSTOUN S T R E E T P R O P E R T Y FOR S A L E . — T h e piece of ground on the southwest

cr of Housioun and M ilberry streets, with a front of let 7 inches (half the block) on Housioun street, and [el 10 inches on Mulberry, is offered for sale. This eriv is valuable on acemmt of its beiirg situated in a improved and important street, a I >ut equi distant Broadway and the Bowery, offering an excellent lo­

in for line public or private edifices. The proper -y creasing in value, and by the contemplated extension entre street.it would he materially benefited without B cut by the line of the street. For terms of sale, h will be rendered convenient to tne purchaser, sp­in S 1 D E L L fit L I V I N G S T O N , N o . 3 Murray at.

b t r

Bowery, regulating and 16th street,

Eighteethstreet, paving from the "il enue,

Seventh street, paving between Avenue D and Lewis street.

Third street, paving from Avenue C to 150 feel east of the same.

Avenue C, paving from 2d to 3d street. Fifth street, curb and gutter from LJewis street to t h .

East liver. Caiharinc street, re-paving from Cherry to Madison

street. Fifth street, paving from Avenue D| to C . Cross, Anthony and Little Water streets, paving. Avenue B, regulating and laying curb from 5th to 2d

street. Sixteenth street, pitching and paving from the 8th to

10th Avenue. Third Avenue,sidewalks paving from 12th

streets. Tenth, Stuyvesant, i c . streets, paving from the Bow

ery to .he 2d avenue. G E O . B. S M I T H , Street Commissioner.

Street Commissioner's Office, February 23d, 1835.

Printers to the Corporation are

PI N E S T R E E T — N o t i c e is hereby given to all per­sons interesied, that the Commissioners duly ap­

pointed to perform certain duties relative to widening Pine street on tbe Northeasterly side thereof from Broad­way to Nassau st. in the First ward of the city of N e w York, hare completed their report of estimate and as­sessment as well of ibe loss and damage sustained by tbe owners and parties interested of and in the lands and premises, required for the said widening of Pine St., as of the benefit and advan tage received by l b . owners and parties interested of and in certain lands and premis­es, not required for the said widening of Pine street, and that the said Commissioners have ueposiied a tru* copy or irasscripi of its* axwd rrtptrt or est'tnate and assess­ment in tbe premises in the Clerks Ojlice of the city of N e w York, for tbe inspeciiou ot whomsoever it may con­cern, aad chat t b . objection* thereto tf any, mast accord-ins; »e taw, be made in writing to.ike said Commissioners or either of them, within ten days after the first publica­tion of this notice. And notiae x§ hereby further given, that said report of eatuaatB and assessment will be pre­sented to tne Supreme Court of Judicature of tbe peo­ple oftbe S late of N e w York, at the Capitol in the .city of Albany, on the nineteenth day of March next, at the opening of the Court on that day,or as soon thereafter a* Counsel can be h*d thereon.

N e w York, Feb, 28th, 1835. S A M U E L G I L F O R D . Jr. 126 William st. W . B . V A N N O T W I C K , 23 Water st. A N T H O N Y J. B L E E C K E R ,

27 Merchant's Exchange. mt I4t r Commissioners.

HA V R E P A C K E T S — ( U n i o n Lino)—From N e w York on the 8th, 16th, and 24th of each month.

From Havre on the 1st, 8ih, and 16th of every month. Having mads a new arrangement for the sailing of these packets, Iho subscribers Will despatch them as above, and in the following order, viz:

From New York. I 24th N o v . «J 16th March. ( 8th July. ( 8th Dec . < 24th March ( 16th July ( I 6 t h Dec . < 6th April (24th July (24th Dec . < 16th April J 8th Aug. ( SthJan. s|24th April (16 th Aug. ( 16tb Jan. } 8th May ( 2 4 t h A u g .

fc-SSA*™* | a j £ 18th Feb. 2 24th May (16th Sept:

New Ship S I L V I E D E i 16th Feb. G R A S S E , L . W i e - <j 8th June ' " { 2 4 i h S e p t .

) 24th Feb. > 16tb June > 8th Oct. ( 8 th March, <J24th June ( 16th Oct.

These vessels are all of tho first class, and ably com mended, with elegant accommodations for passengers, comprising all thai may be required for comfort and con­venience, uclud.ng wines and stores of every descrip­tion.

Goods sent lo either of the subscribers, at N e w York, will be forwarded bv these packets free of all charge, ex­cept those actually locurred.

C. B O L T O N , F O X It L I V I N G S T O N , 29 Wall at.

W M . W H I T L O C K , Jr. 46 South st. J O H N L B O Y D , Broker, 49 Wall st. n26

Ship H A V R E , Caas. Stoddard.

Ship S U L L Y * C . A . Forbes.

Ship F R A N C I S D E -P A U , H . Robinson,

Ship R H O N E , John Rocketi,

Ship F O R M O S A , W . B . Orae.

Ship F R A N C O I S 1. John Caslofi.


Snip C H A R L E -M A N G E , Pierce.


Ship P O L A N D , Capt. Anthony,

Ship A L B A N Y , E . Hawkins.


From Uavrt, 4 8th Jan. ] 1*1 May ( 16tb Aug. (16 th Jan. < 8th May ( 1st Sept. { 1st Feb . 116th May ( 8tll Sept. i 8th F e n . < 1st June. ( 16th Sept. I 16th F e b . < 8th June. f 1st Oct. i 1st March < 16th June ( 8th Oct. I 8th March < 1st July ( 1 6 t h Oct, i 16th March <? 8th July ( 1st Novr t 1st April. i 16th July ( 8th Nov; ( 8th April < 1st Aug. ( I6Ji Nov. I 16th April < 8ih Aug. ( 1st Dec .

TH E C I T I Z E N , A Daily Paper, to be published in the Ci ty of New-York, and to bo conducted by

Gentlemen of well known and acknowledged talents ; for the geod of our country and tha benefit of mankind. M O T T O — F i d e s , Liberias.Amicetia Praecipua anion hu-mam bona.

P R O S P E C T U S .

DW B L L I j r a H O U 8 E A N D T W E L V E L O T S •r „Jf.9£2SF££F •TOMPKINSVILLE,VA-T E N I S L A N D . F O R 8 A L E - W d l b e sold a? noe­tic auction, on the 13th day of March next, at 12o'cfock at noon, at Nautilus Hall, in the village of Tompkins-ville SUfsB Island, kept by Mr. Joan Simocweo, the dwelling House and premise*, lately owned by Mr. Griffin Tompkins, and still in his rnrxrrsrion and oc­cupation, situated ea the Wast side of Richmond •treet, in the village of Tompkin tille, Siaien Is-*au . The black of ground on which lbs house stands ?3&*,»«) feet ia breadth ia front an Richmond atreet, y * . l 0 5 » e t in breadth, in the rear on First street, by 200 mena depth oa each aide. T h e house i e placed about ~ ™ e * •*•* from Richmond sltvei , stands oa elevated g y ? . * * * * » ground being open in ih»ot,aJlbrds a fine 2Taa « ~ ! ^ «*New York. It is 4 2 feet in breadth . J 2 . k , n de•>U,• l * o • l « f o « nnd * -aW high, with DiTiS ^ 7 , , > " " ,

Jb u i U rf « » - . filled m with brick, and

hous? TK0!1 ** r e *f ,»«umg ibe wiwte length of the hou^on « e h ? * h *" ' * * « - - runnrng through the

tru» T K - _ room, a breakfast ro*m and pan-r o o ^ J ^ J * T , ^ c l H f i r « f l « » ' - « on 2d, and 4 m ? E & * & j £ ^ * ~ * * * . - Tbeho,«e

t A D A , L T Pxraut will be .mued early in M a y next. J «»• work well1 d o a e ^ b e r e ^ T . e ' b B ^ l h ? n , hc T

(*«oonar, if practicable) lo be called ' T H E C I T I - « • « « « h e r e . r ^ ( ^ ^ V r V ^ V ^ Z ^ r ^ ' * E N . I ice-housa now filled »it>. ;~. T k . ^ . * T T *".° * r t

It will be devoted to Mercantile, Mechanical Manm-Jactunng and Agricultural interests, and Internal lm P'"£?.'**' * * * t * * • * » , and Inventions.

concise ac -and National

and the

r --—..... . . ^,,,», ocience, ana inventions. . .J!«.r e ,J?n

Lw , d Do"»«»"cintcHigeBcer*riih a

l ^ r . t 0 . , h e V«**to*V of our S U e an Legislature, whi « in .-—; •> t i _«_. session, will be g iven , i all su _

e, will from tinw to time be

h . remnant of our revolutionary band o f patriots will - find a devoted advocate in tbe Citizen.


TH E Louisiana and N e w York Line of Packets will sail on every ether Monday from N e w York and

from N e w Orleans—commencing the 22d September from N e w York ; and to insure the strictest punctuality in the time of sailing, the Line will hereafter consist of six ships, viz :—

S H A K S P E A R E , Capt. Collins, te sail 26th Jan. L O U I S V I L L E , C a p t . Palmer, to sail9th Feb . H U N T S V I L L E , Capt. Palmer, to sail 23d Feb. Ship YAZOO, C a p t Packard, to sail 9th March. M I S S I S S I P P I , Capt. Robinson, to sail 23d do. V I C K S B U R G , Capt. Woodhouse, to sail 6th April. The above ships aro all new, of the fit st class, copper

fastened and coppered, and upwards of 600 tons burthen —are of a light draught of water, being built in this city expressly for the trade. The r cabins are filled up on the most improved and convenient plan, and furnished in a neat and elegant style. T h e price of passage is fixed at §80, for which ample stores, of the first quality, wil be provided, and every regard had to the comfort and en tire satisfa lion of passengers. These packets are com manded by captains well experienced in the trade, wb-wdl give every attention, ana exert themselves to accom­modate. They will at all times be towed up and down the Mississippi by steamboats, and tbe strictest punctu­ality observed in the time of sailing.

T h e owners of these ships will not bs responsible for any letter, parcel or package sent by, or pu t on board of them, unless a regular Bill of Lading be signed therefor at ihe counting house of the agents.

All Goods sent lo tbe subscriber will be forwarded free of commission. For freight or passage, apply io

E . K. C O L L I N S , 68 South st. cor. of Pine. N o freight received ailer Saturday evening previous

to the day of sailing. J29

I speeches of distinguished" members, ohall subjects of, vital importance to t h . people, will from time to time be inserted.

T h e columns will be open at all times to fair investi­gation and remark, apon the General aad State Admin-istrations, without regard to Party. The supremacy */j the people will be held inviolate, and tb . voice of the ma­jority from the B*xVss-asw shall ever Be regarded.

T h e sound principles at RrPCBLICAXISAI, as incul­cated by W A S H I B C T O W and J a r a a a s o n , will be the only political creed for its gusjaace and government.

Worth, Talent and Industry, shall bo duly rewarded. Calumny and detraction will find no place In its co­

lumns. N o exertions will be spared to suppress vice and immorality, and exalt virtue and rtltgiun.

The requests and complaints af the injwed or un/ur-tunote will never go unheeded.

Th ever

A vigilant eye will be kept upon what are i n F A C T , and what are merely in term. MONOPOLIES. Every thing called a monopoly, will not be considered as such, unless it shall satisfactorily appear that abuses are oc­casioned thereby.

In the approaching election for the Chief Magistrate of the Union, no preference wilt be given at Ihe present to any candidate.

T o furnish the citizens of the Uniteu Slates with a Journal, in which the merits and demerits of PUBLIC of­ficers may be impartially canvassed, without regard lo party dictation, will be a great desideratum.

In a government like ours, .very citizen should be suf­ficiently acquainted with political and diplomatic affairs, that be cannot be misled by partisan editors.

Let the voice of freemen be heard, and ihe responsive sound will be always satisfactory to every well-wisher of the country.

The lime has arrived when a paper, uncontrolled by Party, unshackled and free, is much desired among us.

The Editors of this paper, by an assidious application to their duly, on the princi les above mentioned, trust to receive a snare of public patronage.

N e w York, February 2Sd, 1 8 3 5 7 T E R M S .

x he C I T I Z E N will be printed on a large size imperial ahee^m elegant style, and delivered to subscribers in ibut City and Brooklyn, at | 1 0 per annum, payable quarterly. Country semi-weekly paper, $4 , payable in advance. Country weekly paper, f t , in advance.— Charge* for advertising, tbe same s s other daily city P*P*r-- fe24 2awtI6Mh

to 28th

AMOS S T R E E T . — N o t i c e is hereby given to all persons interested, that the Commissioners du v

appointed lo perform certain duties relative lo extending Amos street from Greenwich lane to the Sixth Avenue, in ibe Ninth Ward of the city of N e w York, have com­pleted their report of estimate and assessment as well of the loss and damage sustained by the owners and parties interested of and in the lands and premises required for the said extension of Amos street, as of the benefit and advantage received by tbe owners and panies interested of and in certain lands and premises not required for the said extension of Amos street, and thai the said Com­missioners have deposited a true copy or transcript of tbe said report of estimate and assessment in the premi­ses, in the Clerk's office of the city of N e w York, for t h . inspection of whomsoever it may concern, and that ob­jections thereto, if any, must, according lo law, be made in writing to the said Commissioners, or either of them, within ten days after the first publication of this notice. And notice is hereby further given, that the said report of estimate and assessment will be presented lo the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of N e w York, at the capitol in the city of Albany, on the nine­teenth day of March, instant, at the opening ef the Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon'

N e w York, March 2 , 1835. J A C O B S . B A K E R , 134 White street. A N T H O N Y J. B L E E C K E R , 27 Exchange. S I M E O N B R O W N , 14lh street,

near 6th Avenue. m2 14t Commissioners.

FOR VERA CRUZ. (Mexican Mail Paekeis.)

TO sail from N e w York on tbe 5th aad Vera Cruz, 1st of each month, excepting the months of July

and August. Ship M E X I C A N , Capt. Trash, hence 5 * January,

and Vera Cruz, 1st March. Ship C O N G R E S S , Capt. Kemble, hence, 5th Feb.

and Vera Cruz, 1st April, N»w .hip M O N T E Z U M A , CapU Davis, hence6th

March, Vera Cruz, 1st May. The Ships of this Line were all built expressly for the

trade, are coppered and armed, and very fast sailers. Their commanders are experienced ia the trade. For tbe better accommodation of passengers, their cabins are fitted and furnished in a style similar to ibe European Packets. Tbe greatest punctuality will be observed in their sailing.

For freight or paisage, apply to E . K. C O L L I N S , 68 Sonth st.

IC?** T h e mail will be closed at 10 o'clock on the 5th of each month. Letters from any part of the United States for Mexico, post paid, will be niailel if forwarded to the Post Office in N e w York. d20


PA S S A G E S can be secured, and money sent home with regularity and safety from No. 246 Pear

street, payable in every Province and County in Ire­land, viz:

Province Lttntttr. Dublin, Keath, Louth, Longford, Watmeath, King*

County, Kildare, Queen's County, Wicklow, Carlow, Kilkenny and Wexford.

Province Ulster. Londonderry, Antrim, Donegal, Tyrone, Fermanagh,

Down, Armagh, Monaghan and Cavan. Province Connaught.

Sligo, Leitnm, Mayo, Roscommon and Galway. Province Muntter.

Cork, Waterford, Kerry, Limerick, Tipperarary and Clare.

Letters forwarded te the subscribers from any part of the United States (post paid) will be duly sent on per die Liverpool packets sailing 1st, 8th, 16th and 24th of each month. Apply to or address

D O U G L A S S , R O B I N S O N & CO, 246 Pearl street, or

R O B I N S O N B R O T H E R S , n7 Liverpool.

PO S S I B L Y T H E R E M A Y B E S O M E P E R S O N S afflicted with pains or weakness in the side

breast, back, or limb*, or with distressing coughs, aslh mas, & c , who have not yet used Badeau's celebrated Strengthening Plasters. Those who have will confer lasting obligations on the subscriber, by informing him by letter or otherwise, of the effect produced by wearing them and those who have not, are politely tequested to read the following, from gentleman who fill that station in so­ciety, that it is impossible for them to be influenced by any motives but the most noble and exalted, to write this .—

Fishk.ll, April 24 1934. Mr. Beadeu :— I am grateful to you, sir, for furnish­

ing to me and the community, so pleasant and effectual relief from the distressing effects of a heavy cold. Some few weeks since I was afflicted with a bad cold, and (ell severely pressed on my lungs, with acute pains in tbe chest. By applying one of your celebrated plasters, I was much relieved in 2 days, and have continued its use, until tbe difficulty is effectually removed, and consider them the easiest, cheapest, and most pleasant remedy such invalids can obtain. Yours, etc

R E V . J. Z . N I C H O L S . Sir,—From a knowledge of the materials of which your

Plasters are composed, and more from the beneficial eg-eefs of them I have observed, I am prepared t . place them above any thing of the kind now in use, not only for t b . complaints for which plasters a r . generally applied, but for others, as recommenced in your advertisement.

N e w York, M a y 2d. S A M U E L S A R G E A N T . M . D .

These Plasters are entirely free from every species of quackery, and I cheerfully invite the closet investigation of the pciesitific, intelligent and sceptical. Persons about purchsing, will be particular to ask for * Badaou's Cele­brated Strengthening Plaster,' and see that the directions with my signature are placed on the back of the plaster. Sold wholesale and retail, by the subscriber, who is the ole inventor and proprietor, at tbe Bowery Medicine tore, 260 Bowery, N e w York. N . W . B A D E A U .

W I L L O W W A R E — 6 dor. Carriages for children, throe different sizes.

8 doz. Cradles, do. do: 10 do. Chairs for infants, 115 Nest 's Market Bas-

articularly desired

to i mert the above daily for 4 weeks jrom date. G U N S , &c.

I Pearl street, offers m the most accom-

[ j R S U A N T to an order ol James Campbell, Sur­rogate of the County of N e w York, notice is here-;iven to all persons having claims against the Es-nf John Martin, deceased, that they are required to bit the same with the vouchers thereof, to the sub-

, the Administratrix of the Estate oi the said John * v M ~ 257 Broadway, in

Fifteenth day of fin, at her place of business. N o . iy ef N e w York, at or before tre st nest. N e w York, Feb. 9, 1835.

(Signed) M A R G A R E T M A R T I N , t i t law6m Administratrix

HA R D W A R E , C U T L E R Y , A D A M W . S P I E S , N o . 195

ihe following to Country merchants modeling terms— i

LOCKS of all kinds, Brass Goods, e t c etc. General sholf Hardwares. Fi les , Tools , Saw*, Chains, &c. Sec. Axes , Shovels, Spades, Hoes and Plantation Tools

generally, Anvils, Vices, Sledges, Bellows and Smith's Tools, Guns, Pistols, Rifles, Musket*, Cane Rifles and Cane Guns, Gun Smith's Tools and Gun materials of all k inds , P e r c u s s i o n C a p s and P i l l s .

Shot Belts, Powder Flasks, Game N e t s , b e . Fishing Tackle of all kinds. Mathematical Instruments, Tape Measurers, Spy­

glasses, Spectacles, Needles, &c. &C. Military Goods generally Violin*, Violin Strings,Chessmen,! Snuff Boxes, &c.

&c. together with a great variety of other fancy arti­cles. d9

O T T O N F A C T O R Y A T AllGTION.—The Beaver Mill at Valatie Columbia County State of

N . York, containing one hundred and four looms, and the necessary number of Spindles, will be leased on the premises at pnblic auction (or the teitm of six years, on Thursday tho I9th March next. Tprms at the sale. Particulars will be given by appiyingko J. J. Van Allen, at Valatie. or io tbe subscriber.

J A M E S B E N K A R D .

IN T E N D E D as a regular packet ship between Sligo and N e w York—The now ship S L I G O P A C K E T ,

M. Briiton, sails from Sligo for N e w York, on the 15th May. For passage only, apply to Gilbert McCloine, Sligo ; Ihe Messrs. Robinsons at Co. Dublin; Messrs. Robinson Brothers, Liverpool, or

D O U G L A S S , R O B I N S O N & CO. fe20 246 Pearl at. N . Y .

| was built by ds ' welld

i rear now filled with ice. Tbe ground, about tfio

bouse are well hud o«t, cultivated as a garden, and plan-fed wnh shrubbery of various kinds. There is a new Episcopal Church just erected on the property adjoining the said premises, with the exception of which t»e grounds directly in the vicinity are si ill open. The bouse w within fire minutes walk of the ferry at the Quaran­tine Ground, and presents many advantages to a person doing business in the city of N e w York, aad wishing a residence on Staten Island.

Also, the block of grouud on the east side of Richmond street aforesaid, d u a l l y opposite the above mentioned premises : containing IflsT toet and 6 inches in front on Richmond street, I I f feet and 6 inches i s bread ih in the rear, and 100 feet in depth en each side, aad fronting on Grant street en the southerly side.

The title to the above property is indisputable. War­ranty deeds will be given. A part of ihe purchase mo­ney may remain on Bond and mortgage. For further paiticulars inquire of Minlhorne Tompkins, Staten Isl­and, or of C . C . Young, 63 Cedar atreet, N e w York.

fe27 osts

SH E R I F F ' S S A L E — B y virtue of a writ fieri facta* to me directed and delivered, I will expeee te pub­

lic sale, u tb . sales room ol the Merchants' Exchange, OB Friday, twenty third day of March aesi .ai 1 o'clock "• M. all the right, titl* aad uiiere.1 of Truman Hawley, which he bad on the ninth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, or at any time afterward*, of, in and lo all those two certain lot* of ground with the dwelling houses on liiem ereoted, situate, lying and being io tbe Twelfth Ward of the oily of New- York, and known and distinguished on a map of Land, belonging to Samuel Boyd, made by George B. Smith, City Surveyor, dated 24th January, 1826, aad w luck is en file in the of l ic of tbe Register, in and for the city aad coun­ty of N e w York, by numbers r-my-foor and six:y-five, aad are bonaded together as follows: easterly in front by the ninth avenue, northerly by lot number sixty-six on said map, westerly by lot number one hundred and twenty-seven oa said map, It southerly by Eighteenth street, containing together in breadih, from and rear, forty eight feet four inches, and in length on each side one hundred feet, be the same more or less.— Together with all aad singular the appurtenances and herediiaments thereunto belonging or in any wise apper­taining. Dated N e w Yoik, February 2d, 1835.

J O H N H L L L Y E R , Sheriff. Henry Ramsay, Deputy Sheriff. j2S law6w

LA V E N D E R B A L S A M for preserving and p motiag the growth of the Hair. This article which

though never before offered before to the public, has been extensively used in private families, and with great suc­cess ia restoring the hair in bald places in promoting its growth and strengthening and preventing il .from falling oat.

The great demand for the Lavender Bslssm by those who have known its effects has compelled the proprieior to offer it for sale.

The subscriber in offering this article to the public feels warranted in recommending it as well from the highly re­spectable certificate, which follow as from personal knowledge of its effects. If applied when the hair haa commenced falling out, it will assuredly arrest i t , and where the head has been bald by sickness or other causes will produce full growth of silken hair. Price f 1 per bottle. For sale by

H . H A R T , 127 Broadway, •30 next door to the City Hotel.

A R T 1 C L E S F O R T H E T O I L E T -J \ Salt of Lemons Otto of roses Permanent ink Pastiles, various perfumes Pomade Divine Quill tooth picks Vegetable cerate Court platsler Goldbeateis' skin Japanned dressing cases Roso wood do Powdei boxes Night lamps Pastde burners

Razor Strops Magnetic razor tablet Razors, Rodgers Penknives do Scissors do Double pins Mirrors for the mouth Shell combs, in every vart"

ety of Imperial Crops Bands, Dressing, and P o diet

Horn, the same Ivory combs Boxwood do

Perfumed sachets for clothes Hair brushes, warranted l i e . fkc. Tooth do

Eine walking canes Nail do Curling iron* Shaving de Pi rich ing do Shaving beaes in glass, me-Powder boxes island wood Glass, Toi let , and other China pots

bo ties—Per sale by H. H A R T , e g l t t Broadway, dext door teC'My Hotel.



150 Nest's covered Baskets. 6 doz. each round, square and oval Clothes Baa*

FOR T l i etc.—I

lm N e w Yoik, February 17th, 1835


voeded with first rate Timber, iow and Tillable L

situated near the

acres, 90 of whkch ia w , j l j ^ T ~ ^ Tillable Land. tbe remainder consists of Mendow a a t ^ i u w o i e x — n » ^ ^

the Old

Also, 7 acres of Woodlan J, named premises.

Also, 12 Acres of Salt Meadow, situated in Town Meadow.

Persona wishing to purchase, ar a requested to caff on en her of the subscribers, near the premise*, or W . B . Wiadle, 56 Maideatane, N e w York.

D . L. C L A W S O N , C R O W E L M U N D Y ,

Ex-cutors of Uarmanus Guion, deceased. Richmond County, Soutbhaki, Feb . 4, 1835. foe 2aw2wfedt4thM

ME R C H A N T S ' D Y I N G A N D P R I N T I N G W O R K S — T h e subscribers are prepared to re­

ceive orders for Printing, Dying, Dressing restoring and folding sitk and cotton goods of all descriptions.

0.000s damaged from salt water or other causes restor­ed and folded ia original state. Unsaleable goods print­ed and altered to be seasonable. Pamaloen Stuffs, Vestmgs, and Saltinets, striped and printed, in haad-BOBM style and with despatch.

JOSIAH D O W St CO. Agents, teSSdw . 157 Pearl s i .

HIDES—ItOO Mexican, prune quality, for sa l . by. E . K. C O L L I N S , 68 South M.

O S I T I V E S A L E . b v order of Assignees splendid Steamboat OHIO, a. a u C i o n - O n Tuesday

E.emng, March 10,1835, al half past se»en o'clock, at th, Philadelphia Exchange, will be • ^ J * * ^ w. r.oul reserve, by order of the assignees,^ihe superior S lamboat OHIO, together with her cabin b r u t - r e , A I., a* she now lies aTlhe Southwark Rail Road Depot \v harf, near the Navy Yard, Philadefohia.

k-ha boat is only two years oW, well bu.lt of the best n* fter .als, very capacious; 150 feet ou deck .M foe* 8 ,n ihe* beam. 9 feetdeplh of hold ; her guards 14feet in th i clear : two low prossure engines, 36 inch cylinders, aid 9 feet siroke ; chain cables. She has a Ladies ci bin on deck, handsomely furnished with damask cur­ia lis, Brussels carpet, mahogany dressing table, hair m lllresses, 6 t c , an extra promenade deck above l ne txat throughout is handsomely and c o n v e n ! e " , £ f o , , " n -M L and ia in good order. Cost upwards or $5t),uw.

Bale Dosilive, to close a concern. „ „ . . -s a l e po . M T H O M A S & S o N , Philadelphia, February IS, 1835. Auctioneers. fel0 6 i 2 3 f c 2 7 f 3 6«t9m

JA R G E R O O M S T O L E T - T h e second floor of

h. . i t . H O U M N o . 108 Broadway, corner of Pine St., ^ r „ . i i » J r f " o \ o o m s , connected by folding door, in ctBBistingoi « w »™y .' e m c h w d e . The from ib I « e « ^ « n i , , ; g : < £ * > fcet deep, ihe back Room

TO G E N T L E M E N O F T H M L E G A L P R O F K S S I O N . — A Counsellor in! Law and Equity,

of five years practice in the country, Intending .to locate in the city, would form a partnership with an old and re­spectable member of the NewYorW Bar, to whom his ceeersl attendance to the office bn«ihess, and a portion ot the Court would be an object. Hfa would be willing to form a connexion on a guaranteed portion of tho pro-coeds of Ihe office, he devoting his a tenlion as above, or would accept of the station of ClerkJ at a stipulated sala­ry. Reference given and required. Address toi the 3 ^ , n r . n f l h B P o e l . f20 4t«w2w

T V T b T l C E . - J O H N B . P E C K , [formerly or ihe firm \ of Peck fcLannuier, having bade arrangements

with tbe best and most ™]<»"*J$2$^? ! & country ban now opened a H A T S l O R b . , N o . 4»U Grand street, opposite E . s t Broadvjay, where the pub. Uc natronage. wUh that of h i . friedds.wiil be a w f u l l y received^ana'amply rewarded by biing suppUed with an article wh ch cannot be surpassed I

N . B . A full MsorimeBt of all kinds of Hats^Caps,

Furs, &c ,4""S'

FA S H I O N A B L E F n N C Y GOODS, & c — J . S. F O U N T A I N * CO. (formerly of Broadway) No .

66 Maiden lane, lower oorn.r of Willtatr stresi, have just received per Sully, and ether Havre packets, the following styles of rich and fashionable goods from Pa­ris, some of which caoaot be found in any other estab­lishment in thin city ;—Pans Embroideries, in all the most fashionable shapes ; Canezous, Pellaireens, Fich-ues, Mantilleis, Capes and Collars en muslin and lace, embroidered Linen Cambric Hdkl's and infants Caps At Robes.

Printed Muslins and Jaconets from 4*. to 10s. per yd; Chally and Moussaline Laine, from 6s to 20s nor yard ; figured silks,black and co.'d, from 56 cents te 01 50 per yard ; black and colored plain Silks, of every quality for Dresses and L inings.

Belts, Gauze Ribbons of the newest and finest styles and qualities, fancy Kdkfs and Scarfs, very splendid; Plaid Silks, the newest Article yet offered; Merino Cloths for travelling dresses, Cambric Calicees. new patterns, Paris quality.

Also, staple Goods of the various qualities Mourning Articles of all kinds, with a general assortment of fancy and siapl . articles which are well worthy the attention of strangers, all of which are offered at the fottxr

fegJJ F O U N T A I N ' S . NOOK'S D E N T R I F I C E F O R T H E T E E T B

A N D G U M S . — T h e r e are certain essential requi­sites in the composition of a Dentrifice, necessary to form such a prepanionas will produce the effect of clean­ing and whitening the teeth without injuring ihe enamel, and by strengthening the gums, to render them firm, flo­rid and healthy. This Dentrifice is offered to the public as a preparation perfectly harmless ; Ihe ingredients which compose it are directed against that collection of injurious matter which to freqnontly collects on the teeth, generally denominated tartar; tha Dentrifice acts as an antiseptic, and prevents further accumulation. T h e gums are not neglected in the composition of this prepa­ration ; in scorbutic affections o f that delicate part, the Dentrifice will be found an effectual remedy. T o en­large further upon its merits and efficacy would be un­necessary ; it ouly requires to be used, in order to form a correct estimation oftbe qualitierhere rpecjfied. The trade supplied bv _ _ . „ . „

R I C H A R D E V A N S A CO. 284 Pearl atreet. Sold by Rushton A Aspinwall, 81 William s t . ; John

B. Dodd, 193 & 64S Broadway; Haviland, Broadway Dickie, Broadway ; Perkins, Courtlandt s t . ; Thomson Maiden Lane ; Coggeshall, corner Pearl & Roso BIB. James W . Smith, Brooklyn; and other reapeotab Druggists. •

PA S S A G E F R O M SLIGO.—Passages direct from Sligo can be engaged in a goad American Ship, to

sail from thence oa the 15th May. Draft* on the Com­pany's agent, Mr. Gilbert McGloine. Fare #17, which inc lanes hospital moaey,

D O U G L A S S , R O B I N S O N & CO, 246 Pearl st.

Messrs. R O B I N S O N B R O T H E R S . felS Liverpool.

200 do. Trieste Baskets. W O O D W A R E .

100 Nest 's Cedar Wash Tubs, 76 doz. Cedar Bas ­kets.

60 do. de. Piggtns, 20 doz. do Churns. 20 do. painted Wash Tubs, 1200 do Pails. 125 doz. tnrncd Keelers and Coolers. For sale on

liberal terms by W . B . W I N D L E , f 17 56 Maiden lane.

" T H E C U R E O F R H E U M A T I S M , GoJI, Dr. C H T R C H ' S Essence of Mustard is

confidently recommended for the cure of infl amatory and chronic rheumatism, gout, palsy, sprains, bruises, lum­bago, chilblains, a t e There is perhaps no malady to which the human frame is subject, that has had more ap­plications of various kinds administered as remedies iban the rheumatism, nor is there scarce a disorder that ha* resisted with like force the attempts to remove i t ; a bot­tle as a trial will prove the virtues of the Essence of Mustard to excel those of any romedv now offered for sale ; it has stood the test of time, and experience war­rants the above recommendation—lor sale at Church's Dispensary, N o . 188 Bowery, Rushton & Aspinwall, 110 Broodway and 86 William st. J no. B . Dodd, 193 fc 643 Broadway,J. H . Hart, corner Chamber and Broad­way, Coggeshall's, corner Rose and Pearl st, aad at most of die druggists in this city. dfi


o 8 t f

^ . u i i s i l c M K B A S K S 1 S.—Just received from Can-C t o S r s m a l l l o f o f Rattan B i l k e u , mad. for the

. . « - . ^ «f Itneoim waste paper in a Merchant's express l » » y » _ h * w a ^ « w i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

W I N D L E , 56 Maiden lane.

iperior assortment of choice impressions,


Countini House, of a p e c u l i a r . ! •ome. For sale by w >


CA S T O F F C L O T H I N G , G U N S , W A T C H E S & c — M . Lumley, of 109 Chatham street, who for

several years has undoubtedly given an unprecedented high price for all descriptions of gentlemen* and boyscasl iff clothing, k c . wishes to remind the public, that from the facilities and arrangements he has made, stilt enables him to give the rvrj highest cash price for al) such descriptions of articles. B y sending, or addressing thro' the Peat Office, persons will be attended at their rest* l e n e c b y M . L U M L E Y . 106 Chatham at.

TO E N G R A V E R S - A very si French Plate Paper, suit able fi

just received for sale by fe!8 l w

AT K I N S O N ' S Turkish Dy« grey hair on the head, whisket

single application to a beautiful wi<hout suining the skin or the ft

H . H A R T fe!8 next


t r * x , «* t dooi io A Y ^ R


. changing red or and eyebrows by a

J permanent black, est Unen—for aale by 127 Broadway.

the City Hotel.

Tke third Floor in the mime House, consisting^.^nre- | O U B U 3 H E D T H I 6 _ D A . Y - f ^ st i t of two rooms dr*-w th, or without tho

a s s s g r 11. P"tSsoV™o=H** Unfortunate

author oftbe

AT K I N S O N * C U R L I N G F L U I D OR V E ­G E T A B L E H A I R O I L ^ F o r preservtng and

regeneratiag the growth of * • * * * % " * * * ^ . " f » ia curl during e»rc iae , daaemg. walkmg, or tn.damp weather. I t i s cheaper and lar suoenor to Hu.le A n ­tique Extracts or pomatums for drawing A e hair; it cleans the head frtmTBeurf I. makes the hasr if dry or harsh, soft and glossy, » " * « " ' • l o . t n e UmU « * * * w « » f a c e t i n g • W — " ' j T i & T , Wl Broadwxy.

E T GCK>DB. -Dwna . f^ on board the ship Sovereign. Juet received 1700 yards of vary su-

f24 On Ihe Premise*

sale by D E B E H R .

fe29 3t 101 Broadway.

w Ipenar ^ K ™ * ^ \ f & & £ & * >

SO Maiden lane.

PA S 8 A G E F R O M L O N D O N D E R R Y TO N E W Y O R K , via. Liverpool, with a free passage across

in tbe Steerage.—Arrangements have beea made for get-ting out of steerage passeagers in good American ships, where the accommodations are comfortable and com­plete. Drafts on Mr. Samuel Robinson, tho Company's Agent. Apply or address 246 Pearl si reel,

D O U G L A S S , R O B I N S O N 6t CO. or Messrs, R O B I N S O N , B R O T H E R S .

feS Liverpool.

PA S S A G E F R O M B E L F A S T T O N E W YORK, via Liverpool, with a free passage across in the

steamer. Engagements have been entered into for ihe comfortable bringing out of steerage passengers from Bel­fast to New York. Drafts on t h . Company's Agent, Mr. Charles Allen, 106 High st. Apply or address 246 Peart atreet.

D O U G L A S S , R O B I N S O N A CO, or Messrs. R O B I N S O N B R O T H E R S ,

IS Liverpool.

A S S A G E from Newry. Duudalk, Warren's Point and Drogheda, can now b . secured in first rate

packet ships, where the accommodations are comfortable and complete. The passage has been fixed at f 15, which includes the hospital money. Drafts as usual. Apply or address to

D O U G L A S , R O B I N S O N A CO, 246 Pearl street, or

R O B I N S O N A B R O T H E R S , J t l Liverpool.

R~ E P R I N T O F C H A M B E R S ' E D I N B U R G H J O U R N A L — P r i c e three cents. This day is

published N o . 17 of Chambers' Edinburgh Journal. C O N T E N T S — ! . Windfalls, 2 . Popular information, Literature—Homer—Heroditus, 3 . T h e Marvellous

History of Mynheer Von Wod.nblock, 4 . Lady Isabel— A Legend. 6. The English and ihe Scotch. 6 . Bio­graphic Sketch—Mungo Park. 7. Horses in ancient timea. 8 . The last moment* of Robert Bruce, King of Scotland. 9. Bear Hunting. 10. The Origin of the Porteous Mob. 11. Report ef the Committee on sieam Carriages. 12. A a Auki Wife's Address lo the Moon.

N e w York—R. J. R I C H A R D S , 46 Ann slrest. Bos ton—SAMULL C O L E M A N . Philadelphia—ORRIN R O G E R S .

Term*, 61 50 per annum in advance, or three cents a number on delivery Any person obtaining five subacri-bers,& paymg in advance will be entitled to a sixth copy gratia

All Liters must be peat paid. Part 4 , containing 4 weekly numbers, is ready for de-

delivery. Price 12§ cams. m2 O I ICE.—The undersigned have formed a limited

partnership under Title 1 s t , Chapter 4th, ol the 2d part of the Revised Statutes, entitled M of limited part­nerships," for ihe purpose of buying and selling and deal­ing in hardware and articles connected therewith aa now usually conducted in ihe city of N e w York, under the firm of " Wenman A WyckotT," te commence on the 2d day of March 1835, and terminate en t h . let day of February 1640.—That Bernard K. Wenmen and Jacob V. D . Wyekoff.both af ibe city oT N e w York ars the general partners, and that said special pertner hath con­tributed to said partnership in actual cash tbe sum often thousand dollars.

N e w York, March t, 1 8 3 6 ^ w E N M A N , j . V . E . W Y C K O F F , D A N I E L B . D A S H

any Coun'.r C

E W L Y I N V E N T E D P A T E N T T R U S S . — This instrument has already taken tbe place of eve*

ry other for the safe and easy retention and cure of her nia or rupture. It possesses great and decided advanta­ges over every truss that ha* been hitherto offered to the public, in as much as it is capable of adapting itself to Ihe motions of the body at the same time that it keeps up an uniform, constant, safe and easy sctfon on the rup­tured part. By means of a small spring attached lo the lower part of the front pad it exerts a two fold action, making the pressure upwards and backwards, thus re taming the hernia with ease and security.

The above Truss is adjusted and applied by a Sur­geon who has devoted particular attention to the subject ef hernia and ihe construction and application of trusses, at hi*office N o . 2 Ann street, near Broadway,two doors

HA R T ' S E S S E N C E OF T Y R E , for chang n; r̂ d or gray hair, whiskers, eyebrows, l i e . to a black

or brown—Many ladies and gentlemen have an aver­sion to apply liquid te change the colour of the hair, be­causeof tbe soiling the skin and the linen ; but if proper attention is paid lo the directions for using the Essence of Tyre, thero will not be tbe smallest inconvenience at­tending 11.

Out of ihe vast numbers that continue to use the E*-sene* of Tyre there has not been tbe aiigblest complaint, on tne contrary, it has created surprise, as fhe Hair ro-sumts a natural color on applying the Dye .

It does not give several colors, as many dyes, but im­parts a brown or Mack. Particular attention must be paid to the directions through which the proprietors are confident of its ultimate success.

The great advantage this article possesses over every other dye is its economy. Ii is half the price of Row­land's and Atkinson's, quantity and quality considered, and is warranted the same tn ingredient and quality as Rowland's, both ha-nng been lested by chemical experi-meat.

Depilatory Powder, for removing superfluous hair from ihe face, neck, and arms of ladies. Il must be a desirable object to remove from tbe persons of ladies, any thing which tends to disfigura, or to detract from their beauty or feminine character.

Nothing contributes more lo this disfranchisement, than a superfluous growth of hair on the face or neck. And in looking upon an otherwise beautiful form, we cannot but regret fhe want ot some specific which should remove from it so disagreeable an appendage.

This object is effectually attained by the Depilatory Powder, a preparation perfectly innocent in its effects on the complexion, but which entirely erases the hair, leaving tbe skin as soft as an infant's.

F o r s a l e b y H . H A R T , 127 Broadway, fe24 next door north of City Hotel.

VA L U A B L E M E D I C I N E S — D R . OHCKOH'S C O U G H D R O P S — T h i s justly celebrated Medi­

cine is unrivalled for the relief and cure oftbe most dis­tressing disease, oftbe breast and lungs ; since first dis­covered, many very extraordinary cases have been per­formed by ihe persevering use of it for a short time. 11 is an effectual remedy in asthmas, consumptions, hoop­ing cough, soreness of the breast aad stomach, and other diseases arising from cole's

Dr. Church's Essence of Mustard, for the cure i rheumatism, gout, sprains, he. Thre is perhaps no malady to whice the human frame is subject, .liat has had more applications of various kinds administered as t emedies than the rheumatism, nor is there scarcely a disorder that has resisted with like force the attempts :•> remove it. T h e virtues of the Essence ef Mustard will be found to excel those of any remedy whatever.

Dr. Church'* Anti-spasmodic Elixir, for tbe cure of convulsions,hysteria, epileptic or falling fits. To it; : «

Ipersons who are so unfortunate as to labour under any o the above named diseases, this article is confidently ret . - ~ — 1 - J _ - . 11 i * - _ * • = • — . . - - . - . - y t r _

trom tbe American Museum

N o C S o n f n e s a n Z f w . n e l ^ ^ £ Z ^ \ ^ - ^ - * - - » - * * » •»**** - k * ~ -2 doors from it, and Dr. Glover's Truss can be had at I -thi* office only. SCJ*See the name and number.



m3 8wd

I rf.J5| * ' ' * * * * # ? to tbo City Hotel.

E W W O R K O N PROSPECTIVE.—Pract ica l _ . Prospective, for the use of Students, translated from the French, by E . P . Thenot, by one of bis pupils, 8vo. Plates.

The following is among the many testimonials we have received in lav or oflhis valuaVIe work.

Gentlemen—I have examined with attention the little work on " Practical Prospective" translated from the French oi Thenot, which you sent in . . Such a work has been for a long time a desideratum among the Art­ists in this country, and I am gratified to find the want so-well supplied. 1 can recommend it with safety a . one of the beat I have perused, since it avoids the pro. Iixtty ol the larger works, and yet contains alt that is necessary or practical purpose of the Artist,

i oar most obedient servant, S A M U E L F . B. M O B S E ,

President of the National Academy of Design. Published by

B L I S S , W A D S W O R T H & C O . fe l8 111 Fulton street. _

P~ E R F U M E R Y , S O A P S , « tc—For »ale by H. Hart, 127 Broadway, next deer to the City Hotel. For the Growth and Preservation of the Hair.

Vegetable Cerate or bair Restorative, Prenlia*' Bears' Oil, Atkinson*' Bears' Grease, French Pomatums, in pofs or rolls, French Antique Oil*, Low's Vegetable Exuact , for cleansing the hair, Preniws'Curling Fluid.

For Coloring the Hair—Essence of Tyre, Mahem-med's Turkish Dye, Atkinson's Vegetable Dye , Atkin-son's Pomade Noir.

For the Head-ache.—Aromatic Vinegar; Mounsey's Preston Saulis; The Pungeant Vial; Four Thieves Vm-

For Extracting Grease from cloth, silk, cotton, or lin­en goods—Vestimental Soap, Erosive Ball , Erasive

For the Teeth.—Charcoal Tooth Powder, Enamel Dentifrice, Trotter'* Tooth Powder, Hudson's Tooth Powder, Chlorine Tooth Popder. Coral Tooth Powder, Rowland's Alrana Extract, Chlorine Tocth Wash , Trotter's Dentrifice, Peruvian Tooth Powder. Botanic Tooth Tincture.

Cosmetics—Cream of Almonds, or Kalydor, French Milk of Roses, English Cold Cream, Elmond Paste and Powder, Pate d'Almandea Liquides, Gow land's Lotion, Rowland's Ralydor, Peart Powder, for removing tan, sunburn, freckles and cutaneous eruption* ; Perfumed toilet Powders, Rouge en Tabletts, Liquid Rouge, vege­table Rouge, in powder, Rouge Cosmctinue, Chinapois, Rouge de Theatre, Otto of Rose Lip Salve, Court Plas­ter.

Soaps for Washing and Shaving.—Prenti**' Fancy Toilet soaps, eleven varieties, Oxygen soap, Wavertey Tablet, Rigge's Vegetable *oap. Ambrosial »nd Cam­phor soap, White and Brown Windsor soap, The Al mono soap l(celebraud) Transparent " u n e s a M o * . and other1 soaps, Cocoa nut soap and a variety of Frencl and English soaps.

" " ' - received, tor Bab V A C O .

157 Pearl street.

Dr. Church's Vegetable Lotion, for tbe removal of all eruptions on the face or skin, freckles, ringworms, and whiten and soften tbe skin.

Dr. Church's Vermifuge, for the cure of worms in chil dren and grown persons--they are an excellent altera tive and contain nothing but what is perfectly innocent yetpowerful.

T h e above medicines are for sale wholesale or retail by the proprietors, at C H U R C H ' S Dispensary, 188 Bowery, aud by roost of the Druggists in thin city.

BA D E A D ' S A N O D Y N E B A L S A M . " Ne Plu Ultra."—A harmless, pleasant and infallible, reme>

dy for the gout, rheumatism, inflammatory sore'throat, inflammation oftbe bowel., t i e . Il will be found a valu-ble a remedy in any stage of the consumption, as it will positively relieve pain in almost every situation, and un­der all circumstances. For the gout and rheumatism it will prove invaluable, as it will afford immediate and soothing relief in the greatest extremities of pain. For inflammatory sore throat, a piece of flannel moistened with the Balsam, applied to the threat, and renewed every two or three hours, it ia one of the most efficacious remedies, for by means of this warm stimulating Balsam, tbe throat and sometimes the whole body is put into a perspiration, which carries off or lessens the inflamma­tion. Indeed there is not a pain or ache incident to the haman frame (that can be alleviated by external applica­tions) but th II Basam will be found highly useful in miti­gating. It has an agreeable and fragrant' perfume— is a very useful aad convenient article, and should be found in every family. It is put up neatly in bottle*, at $ 1 for the large size, and 60 cent* iheemaller; and all the genu­ine has my signature. Sold al the Bow.ry Store, 260 Bowery, N . Y. by



N . W . B A D E A U .

CA P S , C A P S . A N D S T G C K S . - T h . subsenn espectfully informs hi . customer* and country mer

chantsrtbat having completed bis sprmg assortment he is now ready to furnish them with any of the following articles on the roost reasonably terete.

Sea Otter Cans Seal Nutria Hair Seal Gennet Chinchilla Leather Cloth Marine Silk Cir«assiau Hair Cloth

Jo do do do do do do do do do do

Bombazeen Stocks) Do Pleated Silk / Do Pleated Velvet Satin Do Pleated Levantine

1 Whi t . X air | Black do 1 Silk A Bristle

do de do do do do do do do do

I T V JA,7 p M r i street. I ( J

I Patent Leather do Trimmings for Cap and Stock-makers, patent leatf.jr,

medicated and other Oil Silks. JI2 1w L . M O R A N G E . 105 William su

AT K I N S O N ' S D E P I L A T O R Y — F o r removing superfluous hsir hom ihe neck, fsce and arms of

ladies with equal certainly and safety, leaving ihe skin whiter aad smoother than before the application. For sal . by H . H A R T ,

f t ] 127 Broadway.

r t O K F E E — 1 0 0 0 bag* St. DomiBgo, for sale by ' aEO.DOUaLASBkCo,

JU_ — .

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
