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□ AllotAllot com.allot.www

□ Axxana Axxana com.axxana.www

□ FinjanFinjan com.finjan.www

□ InsightixInsightix com.insightix.www

□ Mellanox Mellanox

□ OrsusOrsus



□ PineappPineapp com.pineapp.Www

□ RadwareRadware com.radware.www

□ SafendSafend com.safend.www

□ Sky Box SecuritySky Box Security com.skyboxsecurity.www

□ Waterfall Security Waterfall Security SolutionsSolutions www.waterfall-security.com

McBDC Business Development & Consultancy Co.Ltd Istanbul /Turkey Tel : 0 216 336 60 17 Fax : 0 216 336 04 91 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Cem Ünal

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Israel Economic Office Istanbul, Turkey Tel: 0 212 317 65 47/48 Fax: 0212 317 65 49 E-mail: [email protected] Contacts: Estella Barokas – Yael Saranga – Teri Behiri

To Registration Please contact us.To Registration Please contact us. In order to register please mark the name of company you are In order to register please mark the name of company you are interested to meet with and let us know what are your priorities interested to meet with and let us know what are your priorities for example if it is important first for you to meet Finjan and then for example if it is important first for you to meet Finjan and then Axxana then mark 1 next to finjan and 2 next to Axxana.Axxana then mark 1 next to finjan and 2 next to Axxana.

IT Security and Storage Showcase of Technologies &

Turkish- Israeli Business Forum 27th November, 2008 , Thursday Sheraton Istanbul Maslak Hotel

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IT Security & Storage 14

IT Security & Storage 4

Featured Israeli CompaniesFeatured Israeli Companies

AllotAllot www.allot.com

AxxanaAxxana www.axxana.com

FinjanFinjan www.finjan.com InsightixInsightix www.insightix.com

MellanoxMellanox OrsusOrsus

www.mellanox.com www.orsus.com

PineAppPineApp www.pineapp.com

RadwareRadware www.radware.com

SafendSafend www.safend.com

Sky Box SecuritySky Box Security www.skyboxsecurity.com

Waterfall Waterfall SolutionsSolutions www.waterfall-solutions.com

Unique Selling Propositon:Unique Selling Propositon: Only competition is from a far more complicated solution (‘multi-hop’) which is also dramatically more expensive Coupled with Storage Systems of the major vendors, users will benefit a superior solution on the one hand while having the technical responsibility of a major storage vendor on the other Ability to survive any type of disaster without losing data In essence, Axxana relies on newly available technologies which are coupled with technologies borrowed from the aerospace industry, used to build flight data recorders (FDR) - better known as a Black Box. The devices are especially built to withstand very wild external conditions (aircraft accidents) to protect the data they host. Axxana is using the same technology to produce a similar device for data centers. This device, located in the primary data center can withstand most of the known disasters such as earth quake, terror, weather, fire, etc., enabling organizations to replicate their data completely at any distance, and protect the data being written to it. The result is a higher recovery success rates compared with the traditional solutions. Data is moved from the box in time frames complying with Banks’ RTO requirements. The ‘Black Box’ interfaces with the Storage Subsystem’s controller and serves as part of the Replication System receiving data to be replicated and saving all the ‘write operations’ onto an internal flash memory in a cyclical way. The box therefore retains between last minutes to last hours of operation at any given moment, depending on the nature of the organization. and its replication system. It does so with no influence on the Storage and/or Replication System (primarily Asynchronous Mirroring). In case of a disaster the ‘Black Box’ transmits this data over a wireline and/or wireless connection to a secondary site where the organization may resume operation from the exact moment operation stopped in the primary site. To increase resilience, a few ‘Black Boxes’ may be used. In addition to transmitting the data, the box retains the data internally so it can later on be physically retrieved. An integral part of the ‘Black Box’ will be early detection components, making use of extremely valuable information about upcoming disasters.

Axxana Axxana

Contact InformationContact Information Axxana 38 Habarzel St. Tel-Aviv / Israel Tel: +972-78-788-7821 Ms. Liat Malki : [email protected] Mr. Dan Hochberg, Executive Vice President Business Development and Sales : [email protected] www.axxana.com

An innovative solution in the area of Disaster Recover/ Business Continuity which offers a new paradigm in Data Replication (DR), enabling organizations which replicate their data to remote sites not to lose any data (like with Synchronous mirroring) and not to be limited in distance (like Asynchronous mirroring). As a byproduct, the solution solves the respectively aching problems and limitations of both existing methods including: The extreme costs involved with Synchronous mirroring Dependency on communication link and line condition Manageability (e.g. Inconsistency among Controllers (Asynchronous mirroring)) The underlying idea behind the solution is overcoming the fundamental limitation of traditional Data Replication solutions - namely the requirement to move all data which needs to be protected outside the premises where it is generated prior to disaster (fire, terror, flood, etc.).

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Allot Communications Allot Communications

Contact InformationContact Information Allot Communications 22 Hanagar st. Hod Hasharon / Israel Tel: +972 9 7619200 Fax: + 972 9 7443626 Mr. Dror Hacohen, Regional Manager : [email protected] www.allot.com

Founded in 1996. Listed on the NASDAQ Global Market under the ticker symbol ALLT in 2006. Allot Communications (NASDAQ: ALLT) is a leading provider of intelligent IP service optimization solutions for DSL, wireless and mobile broadband carriers, service providers, and enterprises. Allot's rich portfolio of hardware platforms and software applications utilizes deep packet inspection (DPI) technology to transform broadband pipes into smart networks that can rapidly and efficiently deploy value added Internet services. Allot's scalable, carrier-grade solutions provide the visibility, security, application control and subscriber management that are vital to managing Internet service delivery, guaranteeing quality of experience (QoE), containing operating costs, and maximizing revenue in broadband networks. For more information, visit www.allot.com.

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Unique Selling Propositon:Unique Selling Propositon: Allot Communications (NASDAQ: ALLT) is a leading provider of intelligent IP service optimization and revenue generation solutions based on deep packet inspection (DPI) technology: ο Achieve network transparency ο Guarantee access and QoE ο Stop abuse and inefficiency Allot’s industry-leading product portfolio for intelligent IP service optimization solutions offers: Allot Service Gateway is a scalable, carrier–class platform for the inspection and control of network traffic on multiple 10GE links at throughput rates ranging from 4Gbps to 25 Gbps. Open design for integration of multi-vendor services. Allot NetEnforcer bandwidth management devices inspect, monitor, and control application and user traffic at throughput rates ranging from 200Mbps to 5Gbps. Allot Subscriber Management Platform (SMP) provides per-subscriber visibility and policy control to provision and enforce tiered subscriber services and quotabased usage plans. Allot NetXplorer management application suite provides a consolidated picture of all application and user traffic on the network and delivers the network business intelligence that is needed to manage IP services efficiently and profitably. Allot ServiceProtector ensures service continuity and guards network integrity against Denial of Service (DoS/DDoS) attacks, Zero Day attacks, worms, zombie and spambot behavior.


Unique Selling Propositon:Unique Selling Propositon:

Insightix solutions offer the following key benefits: • Fast Implementation –completely agentless and can be rolled out in a matter of hours

without any extensive deployment efforts. • Full Network Coverage – applies coverage to all devices on the network. • Low Total Cost-of-Ownership – there is no need to implement specialized hardware or

replace existing network equipment. Insightix offers two main products – Insightix NAC and Insightix Visibility. Insightix NAC delivers complete and real-time network access control, ensuring that only authorized and compliant devices are allowed to access and operate on the network. Insightix NAC is simple to install and operational in a matter of hours. The deployment of Insightix NAC requires no software agent agents, switch integration, specialized software or hardware replacement. Insightix Visibility is a comprehensive network discovery and monitoring application. It generates a complete and accurate inventory of all devices connected to the network and presents a graphic topology of the entire IT infrastructure.

Insightix Insightix

Contact InformationContact Information Insightix Hasadna 13, POB 2660 Raanana / Israel Tel: +972 9 740 1667 Mr.Yair Lezer Vice President of Sales : [email protected]

Clients around the world use Insightix technology to detect, identify, profile and control ALL devices connected to their IT networks – in real time. Total Network Visibility. Insightix customers typically discover an additional 20 – 50% of devices connected to their networks when using Insightix Network Visibility; the majority of these devices would remain undiscovered with conventional network management tools. An enterprise that must demonstrate regulatory compliance, protect itself from a growing array of IP-enabled devices, and orchestrate an increasingly complex and dynamic IT asset base, needs total Network Visibility. Insightix customers include prominent companies in the banking, retail, media, transportation, manufacturing, education and additional industries. Insightix was founded by Ofir Arkin and its investors include SoftBank Capital, Blumberg Capital and Quest Software (NASDAQ:QSFT).

IT Security & Storage

Unique Selling Propositon:Unique Selling Propositon: Finjan’s web security offering differs from other security solutions in that it does not rely on signatures, URLs or reputation attributes to block the malicious code trying to enter the network. Finjan utilizes patented active real-time technology to inspect the code on each webpage and determines in real time what the code intends to do. Finjan’s Secure Web Gateway solutions leverage patented active real-time security technologies (Active real-time content inspection security, Vulnerability Anti.dote™, Anti-Spyware and SSL Inspection engines) to achieve protection against any type of incoming and outgoing malicious code. For increased Web 2.0 and productivity control, URL Filtering engines from IBM Proventia Web Filter® technology and Websense® are available as an extra option. Finjan’s Secure Web Gateway Solutions also include an optional cache appliance, providing enterprises with a complete solution for active real-time web security and content acceleration. For larger deployments, this solution can be integrated with various third-party Load Balancing options to ensure compliance with the high performance and availability requirements of enterprise networks. These optional modules are deployed in a fully integrated manner with our web security appliances based on each organization's needs. Large enterprises also benefit from an optional external reporting and logging system that provides a flexible and scalable data analysis platform for internal use, audits and compliance requirements. Finjan’s Secure Web Gateway Solution is known for its interoperability, including support of Cisco WCCPv2 standards and ICAP for interoperability with various networking and caching systems. Its transparent handling of web traffic reduces transmission costs and downloading time, which is especially important for large enterprises. The wizard-driven security policy decision-making system, with a single-click rules refinement enhancement, ensures that security policies are easily set up and managed. The integrated dashboard provides instant information on the system’s performance and its risk level, using an extensive set of graphs and views for quick and accurate insight. Finjan offers secure web gateway products for the enterprise market.

Finjan Finjan

Contact InformationContact Information Finjan Ltd Hamachshev St. 1 Netanya / Israel Tel: + 972 98648200 Mr. Yoav Shrieber Director Business Development & Sales : [email protected] www.finjan.com

Finjan is a leading provider of Secure Web Gateway Solutions for the enterprise market. Utilizing patented active real-time content inspection technology, Finjan’s solutions prevent Crimeware and other malicious web content from infiltrating corporate networks and stealing business data. Finjan’s active real-time content inspection technology detects malicious content based on the code’s intended criminal action, without using signatures, URLs or reputation attributes. By preventing Crimeware and targeted attacks that often evade other solutions, Finjan enables companies to safeguard their valuable corporate and customer information.

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Orsus SolutionsOrsus Solutions

Orsus® is a Situation Management pioneer. Situation Management is a new, holistic approach to optimizing situation planning, response and analysis. Situator™ is the first comprehensive Situation Management software platform to unify management of the entire Control Room Lifecycle for security, safety and emergency services where the risk of human error can lead to financial loss, injury and damage to public image. With successful implementation in a variety of industries and a reputation for innovative ideas and development Orsus possesses the knowledge, experience and determination to shape the future of Situation Management.

Unique Selling Propositon:Unique Selling Propositon:

Situator’s comprehensive set of modular control room tools can be tailored to meet the unique needs of any security control room regardless of size and complexity. Situator easily expands to accommodate growth and new technologies while delivering the following benefits: Faster, more effective response

On-time expert knowledge. Transform plans into actionable tasks. Free control room personnel to focus on more critical tasks.

Reduce operational costs Reduce administrative overhead. Reduce resource utilization. Improve continuity of operations. Reduce false alarms.

Reduce human error Rule-driven response automation. Expert decision support.

Continuously improve preparedness Comprehensive training and simulations. Customized reporting and debriefing. Advanced analysis tools Comprehensive solutions - plan, act, improve Orsus solutions are built to take full advantage of an overlay solution to the many alerting sources in an enterprise – and to facilitate planning, response and analysis of emergency and routine situations with continuous improvement to enhance preparedness. To this end, we’ve included the industry’s most comprehensive, flexible and rich set of planning, debriefing and simulation tools – ensuring that, when the time comes, everyone knows where and what they need to do in any scenario

Contact InformationContact Information Orsus Solutions 3 Haplada St. Yehuda / Israel Tel: +972 35386777 Mr. Tal Amit : [email protected] www.orsus.com

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Unique Selling Propositon:Unique Selling Propositon: Perimeter led Security ,has the ability to block unwanted traffic including Viruses, Spam and Phishing, regardless of their content at the IP level and email envelope level. Multi Anti-Virus Engines and Multi Anti-Spam Engines PineApp ZDS™ - Zombie Detection System An innovative Three tier policy management mechanism Inappropriate Content Control PineApp offers three unique comprehensive appliance solutions for small, medium and large organization all markets and segments. PineApp Mail-SeCure™ - Email Security at the Perimeter Mail-SeCure is a leading email security appliance that protects your organization from both targeted and non-targeted email-related threats. Mail-SeCure, a complete email security solution, blocks most threats prior to receiving the content of the message. This allows organizations to function better by significantly lowering resource consumption and bandwidth, thus saving the organization from having to upgrade its current systems, in order to overcome its lack of network resources. Mail-SeCure's inexpensive, high-performance security solution ensures a fast return of investment, making this solution beneficial to all sized businesses. PineApp Surf-SeCure™ - Real-time Web filtering Surf-SeCure provides a real-time filtering system that protects your organization from Internet-based threats. In addition, the appliance provides enforcement of the organization's surfing policy. Surf-SeCure inspects HTTP and FTP traffic and provides full protection against known and emerging Viruses, new-age Virus outbreaks, Worms and Trojan-horses. An additional inspection layer enables the system to block Spyware software. Surf-SeCure facilitates organizational productivity, optimizes bandwidth consumption and reduces liability. PineApp SeCure SoHo™ - An "All-in-One" security appliance SeCure SoHo appliance offers a complete all-in-one UTM (Unified Threat Management) solution for small organizations. SeCure SoHo combines the best of PineApp Mail-SeCure product with a powerful Firewall and Internet surfing filtering mechanism. SeCure SoHo allows organizations of up to 50 users to be protected in all aspects, such as electronic mail and Internet browsing, using a self-maintained, auto-updated solution.


Contact InformationContact Information PineApp 8 Hata'asia street Nesher, Israel, 36601 Tel: + 972 4 821 23 21 Mr. Lior Kramberg Middle East Sales Director: [email protected] www.pineapp.com

PineApp™, a leader in securing networks and email systems, offers comprehensive appliance solutions for small, medium and large organizations and focuses on the development of unique and innovative engines which fight the different threats that exploit email systems. Founded in 2002, PineApp is headquartered in Israel, with branch offices in the US, UK, Italy, Spain, France, Russia and Singapour. In the past five years PineApp has specialized in email and content security systems and already has significant presence in more than 50 countries. This specialty enabled PineApp to establish itself as a pioneer in developing unique and innovative engines to fight the different threats. Over the last five years, PineApp has established itself as a pioneer in the development of unique and innovative engines to fight the different threats that exploit email systems. As a result, PineApp has become a leading supplier of comprehensive appliance based security solutions for email systems, suitable for organisations of all sizes from SOHO to large organizations.

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Unique Selling Propositon:Unique Selling Propositon: Radware works with the world’s largest enterprise and carrier customers to deliver an application infrastructure that ensures the availability, scalability, performance and security of their of business-critical applications. Our approach helps them extract maximum value from their IT and people investment, while providing maximum agility to support their goals. Radware’s APSolute product family aligns IT infrastructure with business processes by enabling business-smart networking. “Business-smart networking” is the understanding of real-time business events that take place, and then immediately acting on those events. By making networks “business smart,” Radware’s solutions maximize ROI from IT investments by ensuring fast, reliable, secure delivery of both web-enabled applications and services that drive business productivity. APSolute products are built around a family of intelligent application switches designed to meet the high-capacity, high-speed processing requirements for the most intensive networking operations. The product family also leverages our innovative OS software architecture, using unprecedented granular application intelligence to tune network behavior, end-to-end, and intelligently integrate availability, performance and security capabilities to solve the problems of traffic overloads, transaction failures, database logjams, server bottleneck and security breaches. Radware’s architectural approach to business-smart networking addresses the full range of availability, performance and security challenges associated with several key data center trends including. With Radware APSolute, enterprises can deliver missions critical applications everywhere – over the Internet and across the WAN – optimizing end-to-end network operations for high scalability, consolidation and operational cost savings.


Contact InformationContact Information Radware 22 Wallenberg Street. Tel Aviv / Israel Tel: + 972 52 6118249 Mr. Roberto Neisser Regional Sales Director: [email protected] www.radware.com

Radware (NASDAQ:RDWR), the global leader in integrated application delivery solutions, assures the full availability, maximum performance, and complete security of business-critical applications for more than 5,000 enterprises and carriers worldwide. With APSolute™, Radware's comprehensive and award-winning suite of intelligent front-end, access, and security products, companies in every industry can drive business productivity, improve profitability, and reduce IT operating and infrastructure costs by making their networks "business smart." For more information, please visit www.radware.com

Unique Selling Propositon:Unique Selling Propositon:

The Internal Threat Industry statistics consistently show that the most significant security threat to the organization comes from within. With over 60% of confidential data residing on the endpoints , over 70% of security breaches originating from within , and data losses accounting for some $50 billion in damage to US companies last year alone – both malicious and accidental internal threats must be dealt with head-on. Enterprises today are making internal security – and especially internal access to network resources - their highest priority, even above gateway solutions like antivirus and firewalls. Today's greatest enterprise security challenge is - how to provide access to key information without exposing it to risk? How to trust internal users – but retain enough control over their actions to verify their reliability? The Goal - Endpoint Connectivity without Fear In a world of never-ending connectivity, the struggle for data security has moved from the gateway to the endpoint. Enterprise endpoints are swamped with new connectivity options - PDAs, USB drives, CD/DVD-RW and iPods, as well as more advanced technologies based on WiFi, Bluetooth, and IrDA - all can connect seamlessly and instantaneously to the organizational network. The result – increased productivity, with a corresponding increase in the danger of information leakage and data theft. Regulatory Imperatives With the rise of regulatory security initiatives like Sarbanes Oxley (SOX), HIPAA, FISMA, and BASEL II – organizations are required to scrupulously and continuously comply with evolving data security standards. These standards demand ongoing and highly-granular visibility into network user activity, and immediate remedy with audit trail of security breaches at the endpoint. Without an effective solution in place to both secure and monitor, compliance achieved is easily lost. Safend - Visibility and Control Based on patent-pending Digital Membrane technology, Safend's innovative endpoint security solutions deliver complete visibility and granular control over all enterprise endpoints – enabling connectivity and productivity, without sacrificing security.


Contact InformationContact Information Safend 32 Habarzel St. Tel Aviv / Israel Tel: +972-3-644-2662 Ms. Mony Bulocinic VP Sales EMEA : [email protected]

Safend’s best of breed endpoint security solutions enable organizations to securely enjoy the advantages of mobile computing - from removable media and wireless protocols to the Smartphone - enhancing productivity without sacrificing data security. Safend's advanced solutions deliver granular visibility and control over the organization’s endpoints – exposing existing and potential threats, and enabling precision prevention and remedy to ensure comprehensive internal data security. Committed to delivering maximum security with the greatest simplicity and minimum Total Cost of Ownership, Safend delivers highly-robust, ultra-secure solutions that are intuitive to manage and virtually impossible to circumvent.

12 IT Security & Storage

Unique Selling Propositon:Unique Selling Propositon: The Skybox Secure product line provides a comprehensive, business-centric view of exposures to critical and regulated assets. This product line offers three core applications: · Risk Exposure Analyzer - Automates risk assessment and remediation prioritization for risk reduction and resource optimization. · Threat Alert Manager - Enhances productivity and reduces time in managing daily threat alerts workflow and remediation tracking. · Security Profile Advisor - Measures the effectiveness of vulnerability and remediation programs with KPI generation and trends derived from multiple sources. The Skybox Assure product line provides a comprehensive, scalable solution that drives the cost of network security compliance down, while improving the availability and security of the network. This product line offers three core applications: · Firewall Compliance Auditor – Automates the on-demand firewall compliance, change assurance, and rule usage analysis process. · Network Compliance Auditor – An automated and holistic network policy compliance, network connectivity troubleshooting, and visualization solution. All of the above applications play a critical role in effective and efficient Risk and Compliance Management. Over 150 of the largest companies in the world have deployed Skybox and have rrealized an ROI measured in months. With Skybox solutions, organizations can proactively improve IT security and assure network compliance while saving time and money. The solution is completely automated and integrates seamlessly with existing security investments. More information about Skybox's solutions can be found at: www.skyboxsecurity.com. Skybox offers two product lines based on the Skybox View® platform: Skybox Secure™ and Skybox Assure™.

Skybox SecuritySkybox Security

Contact InformationContact Information Skybox Security 2077 Gateway Place, Suite 550 San Josa / California US Tel: +972 9-9545922 Ms. Galit Israeli Director of Operations: [email protected] Ms. Revital Shabat Office Manager:. [email protected] www.skyboxsecurity.com

Skybox Security is the undisputed leader in automated risk and compliance management for IT security and network operations. The fundamental goal of our solutions is to reduce cost, automate processes, improve risk visibility, and ensure the network is compliant. Skybox offers two product lines: Skybox Secure automates the lifecycle of risk management, while Skybox Assure streamlines network security compliance. Each of these prodyct lines share a common and modular risk and compliance management software platform called Skybox View.

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Unique Selling Propositon:Unique Selling Propositon: Product Overview page: http://www.mellanox.com/products/overview.php Silicon Adapters: Mellanox leads the industry by being the first to offer 10Gb/s, 20Gb/s, and 40Gb/s silicon adapters, 30Gb/s and 60 Gb/s switches and the first to deliver integrated physical layers (SerDes) in an InfiniBand semiconductor. Mellanox also delivers high-bandwidth and industry leading 10GigE connectivity with its dual-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet Adapters. Adapter cards; Mellanox offers a dual-port 10Gb/s PCI-X card, dual-port and single-port 20Gb/s PCI Express cards, and dual-port 40Gb/s PCI Express 2.0 cards designed to drive the full performance of high-speed InfiniBand fabrics. Mellanox's ConnectX IB, 4th generation InfiniBand adapter card, leads the market in performance, throughput, and lowest latency. Mellanox's ConnectX EN Ethernet Network Interface Cards (NIC) deliver high-bandwidth and industry leading 10GigE connectivity with stateless offloads. Software: Mellanox offers High Performance Interconnect Software for HPC and Enterprise Data Centers Production Development Kits: Mellanox Production Development Kits (PDK) are complete sets of files that enable OEMs to rapidly manufacture and deliver high-performance InfiniBand switches with a number of different

Mellanox TechnologiesMellanox Technologies

Contact InformationContact Information Mellanox Technologies 2900 Stender Way Santa Clara / US Tel: + 1 408 970-3400

Mellanox Technologies is a leading supplier of semiconductor-based, interconnect products to world-class server, storage, and infrastructure OEMs servicing Fortune 500 data centers, the world’s most powerful supercomputers, and mission critical embedded applications. The company’s Virtual Protocol Interconnect™ (VPI) enables standard communication protocols to operate over any converged network (InfiniBand, Ethernet, Data Center Ethernet) with the same software solution. Utilizing proven networking, clustering, storage, virtualization and RDMA acceleration engines, VPI optimizes application performance, power consumption, workload agility, and total system efficiency while future-proofing IT infrastructure. Founded in 1999, Mellanox Technologies is headquartered in Santa Clara, California and Yokneam, Israel. For more information, visit Mellanox at www.mellanox.com.

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Unique Selling Propositon:Unique Selling Propositon:

Waterfall's strength is the fact that is completely uni-directional. Hence, there is no return channel whatsoever. To overcome potential limitations originating from the nature of a uni-directional connection, our proprietary communications protocol and health-monitoring mechanisms ensure data integrity and high-maintainability. Waterfall One-Way® is a secure core for unidirectional connectivity, incorporating several patent pending technologies. Waterfall's technology is based on a physically unidirectional link (based on fiber optics) between a sending component (Tx) and a receiving component (Rx). The unidirectional connection is indifferent to software definitions, malicious codes and any type of online attack. Hence, the connection can be considered a “physically separate” link which protects the sensitive systems behind it from all types of computer based attacks.

Waterfall Security SolutionsWaterfall Security Solutions

Contact InformationContact Information Waterfall Security Solutions Hamelacha 16, Afek Industrial Park Rosh Haayin / Israel Tel: +972 3-9003718 Mr. Roy Tshukati EMEA Sales Director : [email protected] Mr. Avner Turniansky Product Marketing Manager: [email protected] www.waterfall-security.com

Waterfall Security Solutions Ltd. is the leading provider of secure unidirectional connectivity for Segregated Networks, IP Surveillance Infrastructure and SCADA Systems. Developed in 2004, Waterfall has been deployed in many homeland security and critical national infrastructure organizations, as well as a large variety of financial & enterprise customers. Waterfall Security has managed to create a unique security solution different than both classic IT security means like firewalls and the drastic IT measure of network segregation. Waterfall provides a way to connect segregated networks just enough to provide an unhindered one-way data flow. This unidirectionality, realized at the physical layer, ensures that hackers cannot initiate a hacking session versus the network, and that data-theft becomes an impossibility. This impregnable protection remains at place at all times and cannot be affected by any activity originating from the networks bridged by the Waterfall solution.

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