SUCCESS GUIDE To Markeng, Selling, and Managing the Human Side of Security

To Marketing, Selling, and Managing the Human Side of Security

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To Marketing, Selling, and Managing the Human Side of Security

Table of Contents

A feature comparison of all our comprehensive resale services

Introduction 04

Partnership & Resale Options 04

Insight into how you can offer hands-off HIPAA help

Healthcare Opportunities 06

Quickly calculate your per user cost and estimated MRR

MRR Calculator 08

Your onboarding resources & suggested first steps

Getting Started 09

Onboarding & Offboarding SOPs & Go-to-Market Toolkit

Your Support Resources 10

We've gathered tips from our most successful partners

Sales Success 11

A done-for-you complete calendar to promote training

Content Calendar 12

Where to find all your marketing resources & tips

Your Marketing Resources 14

We Can Help 15

Who is Breach Secure Now?

Partner Success Guide


Breach Secure Now (BSN) is the channel leader in Cybersecurity Awareness & HIPAA Compliance training. Founded in 2014 to help Managed Service Providers market, sell, and manage the human side of security, Breach Secure Now offers white-labeled training solutions that fit seamlessly into any MSP's stack. With ongoing and automated training programs backed by a redesigned, intuitive, and automated platform, MSPs can easily secure and celebrate the superhuman firewalls that make up their customers' organizations with hands-off management.



This Success Guide was built to help Breach Secure Now Partners market, sell, and manage the human side of security from start to finish. If you're new to BSN, this kit will walk you through how to get started, help you familiarize yourself with the products available for resell, how to calculate your MRR and market these services, how to close the deal, and everything in-between. Not new to BSN but looking to revamp how you use the service? This guide is for you too!

After reviewing this guide, you'll learn the basics to your Breach Secure Now partnership, have access to all the tools you need to get started, and be provided with the resources to successfully grow your MSP by leveraging the human side of security.

If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to contact us here!

Benefits included in your monthly partner subscription ($99/mo):

NFR Breach Prevention Platform account for your


Sales & Marketing resources & content

Access to resell any of our ongoing, automated

training programs

What's the Unlimited Cybersecurity Training account, and can I really create as many as I want?

Yes! This is a no-cost account to use for prospecting with:

Unlimited dark web domain scans

One-time baseline phishing simulation

Cybersecurity Training course

Partner Success Guide


Resale ProgramsMSRP pricing for our ongoing training programs are based on organization size. See page 8 to calculate your ideal per seat pricing!

Breach Prevention


HIPAA BreachPrevention

PlatformEVA MDProgram


Cybersecurity Training

HIPAA Privacy &Security Training

Dark WebMonitoring

Simulated Phishing

Weekly Micro Training

Monthly Security Newsletter

Employee VulnerabilityAssessment (EVA)

Catch Phish Outlook Plug-In

Annual RiskAssessment

Policy & ProcedureTemplates

HIPAA Risk Assessment Included

HIPAA RiskAssessment Included

18 HIPAA Policies &Procedures Included

18 HIPAA Policies &Procedures Included

Partner Success Guide


Healthcare Opportunities

Resale Options

Do you have clients in the healthcare industry? Maybe you're looking to penetrate the healthcare market? No matter what your experience is with HIPAA regulations, we have multiple options to help you offer HIPAA compliance and ongoing training programs built for healthcare.

See page 5 for feature breakdown and program details.

Standalone HIPAA compliance offering for

organizations only looking to meet minimum



Ongoing training program for customers already meeting HIPAA

compliance needs.

Robust HIPAA compliance & Ongoing training

offering for healthcare organizations.

Partner Success Guide


Not comfortable handling HIPAA?

HIPAA Secure Now Branding & Help Desk Services

Check out our add-ons to leverage the HIPAA experts at HIPAA Secure Now to handle all the tough stuff, without all the hassle!

Your MSP's Compliance

For just an additional $25/mo, you can upgrade your NFR Breach Prevention Platform account to a HIPAA Breach Prevention Platform account to meet your compliance requirements. See page 5 for feature breakdown. Learn more, here.

This service can be added on to any of the healthcare resale options on page 6 for ongoing access to a team of HIPAA experts.

HIPAA Secure Now SRA Consultation Services*

Add-on two live HIPAA Secure Now expert-guided consultations to complete & review the HIPAA SRA findings and work plan. *Branding & Help Desk Services required

Marketing Resources

HIPAA Help Guide

HIPAA Services Overview

Healthcare Webinar in a Box

Partner Success Guide


My MRR CalculatorCybersecurity & HIPAA Compliance training programs are affordably priced so that our partners can make a profit. On average, our partners are marking up these services up to 200%. Now that you know what services you'd like to resell, use this calculator to determine what your potential Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) and profits could be!

How many total clients do you have?




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Of those clients, how many are healthcare clients?

Average # of end users per client

Your ideal profit margin percentage

Your estimated monthly recurring revenue Your estimated cost per user

Your estimated monthly profits

Average customer's estimated cost per user

Partner Success Guide




Successfully Getting StartedTo help you prioritize where to begin, we've put together a few recommendations that will help you further familiarize yourself with the platform and services!


When you first become a partner, our Operations team meets with you one on one to walk you through the dashboard and answer any questions you may have. Haven't had your onboarding session or want a refresher? Let us know!

On-Demand Boot Camp

We created bite-sized webinars focused on different aspects of our service to better answer your questions, on-demand! From account management, to phishing, to training, check out the series here!

Set Up Your NFR Account

As a Managed Service Provider, you're especially at risk of a cyber-attack. That's why all partners get a no-cost Breach Prevention Platform account, included! Step through the onboarding process BEFORE you rollout the service to your customers by following our checklist, here! Need HIPAA compliance for your MSP? Upgrade to our Partner HIPAA Compliance program for an additional $25/mo. Learn more here!

Partner Success Guide


Your Support ResourcesWhat about when you're ready to onboard your first customer? What should you do? How do you ensure you've covered all the features, set up your client correctly, and provided them with all the steps to success they need to build a superhuman firewall? We've built all the resources you need to onboard your customer, empower employee participation, and even offboard customers that may no longer need your services.


In-portal program set up

Customize our Onboarding SOP to create standardized set up procedures for all your customers.

Onboarding SOP


In-portal program offboarding

Customize our our Offboarding SOP to create standardized offboarding procedures for customers that no longer utilize the BSN services.

Offboarding SOP

Customer and end-user engagement & buy-in

Customize our Marketing Onboarding Toolkit to provide management and end-users with the resources they need to get started and stay engaged!

Marketing Onboarding Toolkit

Use our MRR calculator to determine your estimated costs - or talk to our team to ensure you're quoting your customers correctly.

Send the MSP Annoucement email to notify your customers about the change to their contract.

Send 1 email per week 4 weeks prior to program rollout to prepare them for these changes!

Partner Success Guide


Success with SalesWe get asked a LOT about how our most successful partners are reselling our Cybersecurity & HIPAA Compliance training programs. So, we've done the research, gathered the feedback, and put together the top 3 factors that make up a successful sales strategy when it comes to ongoing training.

Bundle it

Adding comprehensive, ongoing cybersecurity or HIPAA compliance training into your MSP contract covers your bases, adds value, and increases profit margins. Use our MRR Calculator and MSP Annoucement email template to announce the pricing changes to your customers.

Data-Driven Sales

With no limit on the number of no-cost Unlimited Cybersecurity Training accounts you can create, we suggest using dark web scans and phishing simulations to identify vulnerabilities and justify the need for not only training, but your cybersecurity

services as well.

Tell the story

Don't talk about service, products, or technology. Talk about the "Why". Why does your client need to care? What can happen to them if they don't invest in your services? How will they benefit from your offering?

Partner Success Guide


Content CalendarHave you ever heard the saying, "content is king!"? It's true, having valuable content to share with your audience will help establish connections and show that you are a trusted security advisor and resource. Knowing what to post or share and when to do it is no easy feat. To help you get started, we put together a sample content calendar full of suggested social media posts and introductory emails!

Download The Content Calendar

Partner Success Guide


Tips for posting

Have a call to action. Your audience should know what action you want them to take after they read your post.

Consistency is key. Make sure you're posting valuable content regularly to stay top of mind.

Leverage Your Partner Resources To Build Your Next Content Calendar!

Looking for more tips on building an effective content calendar?Check out our Channel Chat program, full of bite-sized business coaching videos where CharTec's Brandi Reed walks you through why you need a content calendar and how to build one!

Partner Success Guide



Your Marketing ResourcesYour marketing resources can be found inside your Partner Resources page! Access to this page is available to Partner Administrators, or to those in your organization that you grant "Marketing" access to!

Here you'll find tons of resources like service flyers, presentations, social media ads, email campaigns, branded landing pages, and so much more!

Navigating Your Resources

To access your marketing resources, simply click on the "Partner Resources Kit" button on the bottom left corner of your portal dashboard.

Check out our marketing webinar where our team will walk you through your Partner Resources page!

Additional Resources

Breach Secure Now blog: Every week, we share a blog post on our website. Feel free to use the topics and/or content directly, or tweak to fit your target audience.

The monthly security newsletter sent to you and your cusotmers is another great resource that can be used to promote your services! Feel free to share via email or on social media to raise awareness and promote your offering!

We frequently post scams, threats, current events, and security tips on our social media accounts! Follow us to join our #SuperhumanFirewall movement, get updates, and feel free to repurpose anything we share!

TIP: When sharing the newsletter or blog via email or social media, direct your audience to your website to subscribe to your email list for future security updates - a great way to grow your list and promote your offering!

Follow us!


Partner Success Guide


It's Go Time!Thanks for checking out our Breach Secure Now Success Guide To Marketing, Selling, and Managing the Human Side of Security!

Armed with the information you need to price, market, sell, and manage your human security offering, we are confident that you're ready to get out there and start building some superhuman firewalls!

Need Support?

Need a re-introduction to your Partner Engagement Consultant? Want hands-on help from our Operations team?

Email us at [email protected]

Contact UsHave questions on anything we covered in this workbook? Want a deeper dive into Breach Secure Now? We'd love to help!

877 - 275 - 4545 https://www.breachsecurenow.com/contact-us/

Partner Success Guide