f THE WASHINGTON TI3IES AUGUST 1900 4 t 1 rT r SVNDAY COLLEGES lEAVING Dixon Declares Heads of Educational Institutions Are Guilty CLAIMS OUR SCHOOLS ARE SURELY DOOMED Criticises Foster and Hnrper of Chicago Unrvwsity Unitarian Church 1 Dead LOS ANGELES CaL Aug 15 Dr A C Dixon famous scholar strict ortho doxist and noted preacher orator aRt lecturer is in Los Angeles resting front his vigorous campaign to oust Di orge Foster of the University of Chi- cago from the councils of the Baptist church Our American college and universi- ties I am sorry to say are getting away far away from thexhurch DC Dixon said but the separation spells ruin of the schools Founded on the Bible with the Bible behind them they must eianl to their colors or close their doors Time was when college presidents recognised a power greater than them selves That day seems to be passing We find the collegians yawping against the Creator ofthe universe We find such as Eliot dictating religion ol the future How lo esome Go nut be to be cast to oblHIon while Eliot he conies The guardian of the universe Our schools simply must back to eternal principles back to their relig ious senses or they will lose themselves in the very vacuum of their theories There was Harper of the University- of Chicago who with one fac on orthodoxy and grinned with the oth- er with whomsoever Dissenter stood be- fore him The Bible must stand as it is written from first verse to last It needs apology and suggests no controversy it reconciles itself with rath- er it is science itself Miracles Of course I believe in miracles Turning water icto the wine is no more wonderful tnan the making- of the lily of the fields and neither is it much of a job compared with the work of construcUng a universe in six days 1 tell you that the embryonic theory- is a tissue of absurdities There isn t question as to which came first egg or the ben It van only have Been tbe adult len- It a man leaps oat from standard Of religion and goes drowning himself Into a sea of theory then he Is talked about by the world That is why su h men as Foster prominent are so few and their so drastlr that It creates surprise That is a healthy sign About Foster though I must say one thing 1 admire the personal courage- It ts not such as roster that we hava heard but those who less bluntly sow the seeds Qf Unitartanlfim The Uni- tarian Church is itself dead but it has a cleavage c There are Unitarian Baptists Unitar- ian Methodists and Unitarian this and that This will be the religious divi of tLe world eventually Harvard University Chicago University and such places are about the change INFANT HAS WINGS CHtfEPS LIKE CHICK Report of Armless Child Comes From Montgomery County Virginia rOANOKB Vs Aug JSA report copee from JkUMttqraierjr county that a w rvA there has birth to a child with wins instead of arms A Roaifolte man wbo recently return- ed from a trip to that county in a wagon tells the story A young woman asked for a ride and wms accommodat- ed She related having just let a home whe a baby was feathered BiCgB The young woman declared that she knew th truth of this hav- ing stf n the child The baby she made a noJee like a chicken YUNG KWAI MAY GET APPOINTMENT HERE NVsilKnown Chinese Diplomat Ex- pected to Succeed Dr Yen Tung Kw fa Chinese diplomat weD known in tbts country may suoejMd Dr Yen in the ofnc of second secretary of the Chins legation Twta iMfer Yung Kwal Item bit on duty in Wash- ington When LiangCheng was head of the legation here Yung Kwai was secretaryInterpreter and last fall he was in Washington with Tang Yi when statesman this to thank the President for remission of the Boxer Indemnity Yung Kwal peaks well has an American wife and his children were born in this country ADMIRAL IS VICTIM OF CLEVER CROOK- W P Potter Chief of Navigation Bureau Looking for Man Passing As His Son PORTSMOUTH N H Au 15Rear Admiral Potter U E N chief of th Bureau of Navigation at Washington is hot on the track of a stylish ybung man who to working under the of his son in obtaining money from promi- nent naval people through the country In a telegram to friends here the ad- miral says of this man If there is any way of man or causing arrest for obtaining money false pretenses I shall be very glad to it don BRUIN GOES FISHING PBNFIBW Pa Aug Wil- son Wallace tbe veteran mountaineer herder was riding his pony along Lick run near the old Spanish dam he beard a splashing in the deep water and disrovf rori a hlc fishing Bruin having the infi wataf iJ m f stu it of fK n the caused the bear to decamp BIBLE SAYS PASTOR- D I men et I be Jed I n scienceor I I I I ThE I mans hR said Chest the He the by 11 While ow fih jaI Ppll fOnt Pony 4 the lts tried don e bout wth boa came ngUsh guise exposing hem Was Par ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < CHAMBER TO COMBAT INAUGURATION DATE Washington Business Body Plans An Ingenious Campaign Have President Take Oath in Some Thrilling Literature on Subject J to MayPromises I ITshJ This Is to he strictly under your hat dear public for it would not be fair to disturb Uncle Joes vacation or mar the rut of any of the tariff tired solons by scattering broadcast such a piece of information The Chamber of Commerce is hack of it This organization has been back of several things lately but it is now getting ready to pull off a stunt which promises to make the whole country sit up and take notice Aad the result may be that it will find itself more of a political than a com- mercial body and at Ute head of a whole string of similarly transformed bodies all of them working for the same object The change of the Inaugural date The Chamber is going to consider bringing about this change by issuing two books One of then will bo a pie tore of the balding of an inauKuratioa in March under conditions even more unsatisfactory than thoee of the last inauguration if possible The second book win contain a glowing account of an inauguration h 4d in May thirtyone years hence with Weal weather prevail- ing It is calculated that the contrast between tbe will be so great that a great national sentiment will be created in favor of changing inaugural dte To Put Solons on Run Not only an ingenious arrangement you will exclaim but classy o classy in fact that Is promises Immediately to put aH the solons on the run before they will be able to successfully com- bat It And there are members of the Cham- ber who believe these two highly imagin- ative and literary producUons will do- th work In any event they promise for a time at least to make the average type of to Pdt a sickly hue upon the thrilling novel and to the public a new kind of reading On first page of the first book4b President of the United States will his death This of course 1ft working the blood and thunder fea- ture up rather rapidly The author will that the President was on March 4 and that the story begins four later which accounts for the demise of the Chief Executive so early In the game He died of contracted on inauguratoin Day Reader Will Shudder The reader will shudder at such a state ox aairs as aa opener for the story then he too wttT see that it uitbe helped for no person who reads the book throughout will that vuefc thins are to be expected And when tbe reading public has laid down volume numbe one it will give a shudder more prolonged than an the others and the will shudder and everybody will reel shaky and deride that a change wouldnt be bad For It is to be a very gloomy pessimistic unsavory foreboding vol- ume and couldnt do otherwise but make people resttlass- AH but the change Listen to this The story in is the great inaugural week of May 1 to 7 Flowers are in bloom birds are sing ing and thousands are pouring in from every section of the country to ee Hon Mr So and So proclauntd Chief Executive Isnt that some Utopia for you Vol- ume njumber two win tell all about it And when tbe public has laid down volume number two win feel so re- lieved it vhftving the effect of volume XNM worn off that it will rise lip hi its enthusiasm and the solons wIn hIve to change the ui- aogursl date te salt the wishes at the people about all there will be to It Simple Isnt it Extremely so Chamber Guards Plans While the Chamber of Commerce has guarded its plans with the utmost se- crecy It became known today that at the very next meeting of the executive HK It FREE Missouri Senator Says His State Will Profit by the Change KAHANT Mss Aug Ifcgroaiori- fvtlttajn Warner of Missouri and family ar guests at the Hotel Tudor He from the west today with Mrs Warner and her son and will leave hte family here on North lAore and home within a few days In dis- cussing the new tariff Senator War- ner said It to generally considered that Massachusetts has been used pretty well in the sew tariff but I think the whole country also has its share of benefits I was at fist opposed to free hides but afterward might be wen to grant them Next to Massachusetts my the country Missouri will get what- ever benefits free hides can confer I can see nothing to criticise In Tafts stand during the considera- tion of the great question He accom- plished treat results If he used the big stick it was certainly wrapped in velvet SHARPSHOOTER KILLED CAMP PBRRT Ohio Aug li Pri- vate C H Powell of Company F Tenth United States Infantry sus- tained injuries which resulted in his death when he was struck by an nest the camp of the marksmen here yesterday TIM machine was owned and driven by H C Cleaver of Port Clinton Ohio FLOOD KILLS SIXTY MONTEREY Mexico Aug liSe ports today show that the flood In the Banta Catarlna river region caused great in a wide scope of terri- tory The loss of life will more than sixty fifteen hehifc drowned in this city A number of villages in the path of the flood below Monterey were swept away AUTO INJURES FOUR PAVTf PK15T R I Aug IS Four r or if wo so riuTsv injured two prob UTiaUJl and three narrowly escaped death m two part nutomobilt Hr i lents ia Uito city within twelve hour two d erlptloR8 t JlCe Inaugu- rated pneu- monia when lnaujuratloRII are held In March lIOiOo That IWARNER GLAD NOW THAT the ret- urn d as shoes as any In read I J campaign fade hit tls but esme ate makes many Presi- dent auto- mobile ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > committee the proposition of mafriu an appropriation to print the two volume will come up for consideration Already the second volume has been written and rend by several members of the committee The author is H well known contributor to magazine His best efforts are being volume number one in the event th proposition goes through That he ha the ability to put up Just the class of literature In title volume the Chamber wants he has demonstrated beyond thc shadow of n doubt by his first nort Details of how the literature is to bp distributed will not be worked nut ir course until the Chamber has drrl l 1 whether it can afford to take up til project and properly finance it Tt i- mpossible however that the principal chambers of commerce In all the Stat f of the Union will be asked to take iiv the campaign awl bpar the expense of distributing the literature In their re- spective territories In the event of thi plan being worked out nearly ever body in the country will be given a chance to read the books The volumes probably will be issued separately so that those persons wlm usually look at the end of a book iiefnrp they start it to see If th lady with flif dark marries the nan who saves her from the villains clutches will tint have a chance to do so After the ef feet of volume i umber one has tak n hold in the manner desired volume number two Will be turned loose awl after that will come the last act of tl the hoped for people up and demanding the Holding of Presidential Inaugurations in the month of May Clever Arrangement- So just lie low about this gentle reader and see how it out It is a very clever little arrangement and yo must admit has poeeibtylUee Here are a few little paragraphs from volume two describing the pleasurts of the Inaugural ca nival week in May which has taken especially well with the members of the chamber anil should prove practical molding public opln It probably win make you jealous of the nineteen fortyoneer The merriest and perhaps the most pleasurable time of the arrived for the downtown portion of city was given over to the Lord of and many were the antics which right willingly masked followers Among these Indian chiefs witches Robin Hood pennants of many nations in pictur- esque garbs Highlanders wearing their kIlts In control so far as the weather was concerned Red Riding Hoods clowns in white In red tambourine girls monks and priests by the score m dominoes red white violet yellow green orange In short every color af the rainbow andcvery tint find shade of these colors one and all threaded their way in and out through the laugh- ing jesting crowds Celebrate For Fair Prom the windows and balconies flags and handkerchiefs were waved and hands clapped in delighted applause lion bonn were tossed from balcony to balcony and cfcilght by the most dexter- ous flowers and bits of pine and cedar torn from Jj e garlands were waited on of the crowd floated two or three balloons from which at frequent Intervals were dropped tiny Amer- ican flags and gaily advertising cards vhteh were caught up by the maskers and tossed from cne to another- as If like a tennis ball the game was to keep them from touching the ground as long an The babel of voices with the tooting of horns the squeaking of toy balloons the shrill tones of wooden whistles were relieved however by pleasant r sounds for every now and t en from a window or balcony wo id sound the strains from some popular air perchance the old Red Blue or tht Dixie or the new national song or the latest popular ballad which would be taken ip by hundreds of j eraon on the streets carried on to the next window or balcony and so on until the streets for squares resouniert with the strains Police Commissioners Dont Want Woman Socialist- In Their Midst PROVIDENCE R I Aug HrThe board of police commissioners will put an embargo on a proposed visit to this city by Emma Goldman Notice of this intended visit was through a communication which Mayor Henry Fletcher received this morning from the secretary of the free speech council of New York in which it was said that Dr Ben I- ReHunan would call upon the mayor in a few days and arrange for a series of meetings to be addressed by Miss Goldman communication was promptly referred to the police com- missioners who will repeat the pro- ceedings of about three years ago when Miss Goldman was arrested and sent out of the city with a warning not to return under peril of prosecu floe She will not be permitted to hold any meeting here POLICE IN BOSTON SEEK CHINESE GIRLS Slave Trade in Celestial Maidens Said to Flourish in Hub BOSTON Mus Aug IS Inspectors Cronin and Coiiway of police head quarters today are making a rigid search of Bostons Chinatown district tor the purpose of Keating Chinese slave girls if any are in this city local police It te said have re- ceived numerous complaints from differ- ent societies and to stamp out the slave girt trade in this STRONG COMBINE LARErO Ter Aug 15 The Ber- muda onion growers of the Laredo dis- trict have formed an organization to control the American onicn market Their onion this season old for They wty that tbWr lark of- nianirati n enabled Eastern Buyers to depress prices I for Eyes it the he tlayed aided ida t Top the In street In the air just above the heads color d mln td These WILL STOP GOLDMANS MEETING I l I Th I I I City I t I I aaved works Ion MIs- rule weed heads re tte belowt MAYOR The < ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > IS CRACK SHOT I CAPT F N HEIDENREICH Commands D C N G Rifle Team Captain Heidenreich Will Head Team at the Camp Pe ry Shoot On Tuesday the export riflemen of the District National Guard to the number of eighteen will Washington for Ohio to compote with the marksmen of every State in the UnIOn and army navy and martHa corps for the national trophy as well as the various other prises offered by the United Status Government and the Rifle Association The eighteen men who will represent the District of Columbia include the fifteen members of the brigade team and the necessary supply of officers to- gether with Ueut Cot James E Ben retired an expert marksman and au- thority n rifle practice who was for wanjr years captain of the local rise team Colonel Bell retired but few weeks ago and his old place at the head of the team this year will bo taken by Capt Frederick H Hetdanrelch assist- ant inspector of small arms practice for the brigade Captain Heidenreich is a young man who has made a name for himself among Ute marksmen of the country For several past he has been a member of Ute Districts team in the national shooting tourneys and is counted one of the crack shots of the country His team this year has been carefully selected end it is hoped that the District will finish up with the leaders The members re all experienced in similar eomtwdtionis and include Capt William W Cookies Pint Infantry Capt George G Dennison retired JJeut Frank W Holt ordnance depart- ment Lieut Ralph Alderman ordnance department Lieut Harry C Caldwell First infantry Lieut Richard Powers Ftrst Infantry Lieut Charles Putnam retired Lieut Louis A Clausel Second Infantry S rgt Thomas Brown Com- pany I First Infantry Sergt John P Mater Company L Second Infantry Sergt John H Cole Second Infantry Corp Joseph D Schrlvor Company I First Infantry Private A C Colt Com- pany Second Infantry and Private- J R Fehr Company I First Infantry Lient Thomas F McAnally ordnance department te the team coach and JJetit B Hodgson Second In- fantry ts team quartermaster ana spot- ter preliminary practice for tile na- tional match engage the attention of more than 1000 marksmen will begin Friday next and on the fol- lowing Monday tbe tttonal team match begins tobe foJMwo by the individual match and th4 team and indi- vidual matches Following these will be the matches of the National Rifle Association The District contingent will remain on the Mg range until 3 ART SMUGGLED ROME Aug 16 Two marble busts masterpieces ot Francesco de Larana of the flft nth century have been smug- gled out of Italy The busts were offer- ed to the Italian government for WttO they have been sent to the United States MILITIA MARKSMEN READY FOR TOURNEY Local leave the G p Sep- tember WORKS but WEre It is that Na- tional year ke declIned ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ INVENTORS CONGRESS PLANS SESSION HERE Meeting on August 1 9 Will Be for of Organ- izing Men Who Place New Mechanical Improve- ments on the Market Purp se Poets ant Cmn and Presidents have dreamed o the fartiaracnt of Man where the nattom ot the earth shall talk together awl proclaim the t laying down forever of the arms the dis- mantling of the Dreadnaughts and the heating of a million swords into plow- shares Anarchists have conjured up frenzied vicions of the day when ther shall be no governmtnts at KM no parliaments- no dumas no congresses but It has re- mained for a few Washingtonians not merely to dream bpt to make ready for what they esteem the master parliament f all wherein the inventors uf tho wtrld the Bdlsonstobe the Wrights of the next decade the Wattaes the Kultons the Marconis shall come to- gether and discuss the creatures of their brains Just Imagine a congress of inventor Think of 300 of the brightest mechanlal geniuses in the country together Per one of the number has almost perfected a new type of flying machine which oHImataly will make the Wright flyer look like a boys kite Some detail bothers him and he tells the congress about U The 200 start thinking about that detail In ten min- utes or twenty or in an hour some- one of all that assembly of inventors Nit flying to perfect Paddy Holmes and How- ard Reynolds Cover Mun sey Run Route Paddy the bicycle man and one of the characters of the Washing ton pollc force and Howard C Rey- nolds of the Fourth precinct inspired by the Munaey Reliability Run to Bos- ton out from this city before the first streak of dawn today on a bicycle tour o Boston and return They expect to make the trip each way In six Ui ra at the longest giving them four days for slghtstfahig on the way The longest stop willbe made in New York where the two coppers will take In Coney Island and the Great WhIte Way and watch how the New York traffic men do It Policemen Holmes and Reynolds re celved their initial interest in the trip through reading of the Munsey reliabil- ity tour to Boston and return which will be run at September Thy studied ail the available map and road dope and decided to take the most aiong the railroad They made the start a little before daylight at an easy pace and expected to reach B timore early the day If not too tired they will push on to Havre Grace Other be ParryvBle Newark Wilmington and Philadelphia They will take the moat direct road from Philadelphia to Jer- sey City and then take the ferry to New York TO BURY CLERGYMAN SOLDIER TOMORROW- The Rev W H Black Dies Sud of Lincoln Poet Funeral service for Rev William a r tm of civil war for many years In the record division of the pension office and a Methodist minister will be held tomorrow morning from his late residence urn Fifth street northwest Mr Black died suddenly yesterday morning He was a member of the Lincoln Post Grand Army of the and that organization will con- duct the services at the grave Mr Bock was born in Pennsylvania eighty years ago and the civil war served in the Twentythird Ken tucky U S A He had been a Methodist minister since ISIS He is survived by one daughter Mrs Lily Harris of this city and by one son James P Black of Vineland N J DRAWING FOR TENNIS TOURNAMENT BEGINS NEWPORT R I Aug drawings for the twentyninth na- tional lawn tennis tournament which will begin at the Newport Casino next Tuesday will be made tate today upon the arrival uf James Dwight president of the association The number of entries larger than that of last year and all the cracks of the countrj wilt participate i solv the problem and Is ready BICYCLE POLICEMEN START ON LONG RIDE Holmes started t J denlyMember tie H th Re- public liThe is has The age route l Bigek VolUnteers ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Positively the Greatest Eyeglass Value Ever Offered in Washington These glasses were intended to sell at 250 but to introduce them we are offering them at this remarkable special reduction They have perfectly ground Periscopic Lenses and hand- some gold mountings Guaranteed for Twenty Years Which is as iong as any glasses will lasi We examine your eyes absolutely free of charge and prescribe glasses only where they are absolutely necessary Fitting and adjusting without extra charge 917 Ave N W Eye Specialist 0 Our Famous 1 Special I Pal J e ± And besides tint say William P Armstrong soldier prospector inventor and in this movement we want to have the patent laws changed so that the in- ventor will have a better show I know men who have had patents in the Pat ent Grace cr years We want to be able to supply any inventor in the world with information about the possibility- of his taking out a patent at a nominal cost I once paid 85 to learn something about the prospbctlve patent that a so- ciety of inventors properly organized with here could havtf fur nished for the cost of postage We would like to see a patent court Often decisions in patent cases are hinged upon technicalities which only a very good mechanic can understand There are between 250000 and 318000 In ventors known in this country and probably twice that number of whom Is no record We want to see a new patent office here We want to see the old building bore turned into a sort of museum for the exhibition of patents Every in- ventor in the world would be interested In it This prospective society would not be for a selfish purpose It would have nothing to do with the exploitation of We only want organ- ization to aid and protect Inventors They know nothing about business but if there was an organization some one should be found in it who would see that menvvrs were not bamboozled We will Moid the next meeting for the purpose of organizing tors on of August 19 I hope to there because there are always ttcorea of them In Washington CEREMONY POSTPONED VrlENN E Fauce Aug dedi- cation of a irorument here to Michael Servetus the Spanish physician who was burne1 at the stake at Geneva in 1553 after being convicted of heresy which was sot for yesterday been postponed until 1910 for the reason that the monument has not yet been com- pleted Curtis Guild former governor of Massachusetts was invited to deliver- an address at the unveiling ka r t nl see many I J liThe h ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < Declares Overwork Respon sible for Herbert Fleish ners Condition Herbert E Fletofcner who mysterious 17 disappeared from Washington sev- ere days ago ami found in New York suffering a temporary lose of memory believed to Have been caused by his failure to get a promotion and by unrequited love t today at hie old home in Brighton Mass He was taken there by tile brother Cheater who was hi Washington a few days ago to con duct the search for Mm Physicians do not believe his low of memorywill he permanent It is clear- ly the result of a great mental strain to which Mr Pleiehner has temporarily succumbed they say and with the qui t- of his home and care of friends h should regain full ppogessioa of his fac- ulties withhj a few weeks Until Fieishner himself is able to tell about it if he consents to do BO the cause of his sudden aberration will be something of a mystery His tibet Otto Fi tehrer Acting librarian trf the Boston Public Library scouts the idea that bw son was worried over a love affair In the opinion uf his father beak down was the result of his too arduous work ia preparing for the posi- tion of translator in the De- partment and the shock at the news of his failure was too much fur him Ml Fkjtehaer has beer preparing for this examination for He was encouraged by General Hitchcock who his friends say hal expressed a desire to have him in his department- His sax that his failure meant the breakingor his engagement with his fiancee and that he was unable to stand double blow On the morn- Ing before his disappearance he seen to receive a special letter which several witnesses saw him at various times during the day This letter they believe to have been from his sweetheart breaking their en- Ragement and the one that caused to brealt down FATHER SAYS SON WAS NOT INSANE was th PCt Posto tce the wa Postmaster con- ning ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < Are You In On This Were Offering C ff V J J For Solutions to Mrs Browns New Puzzle The Seven Mysterious Pictures Brown who has delighted and amiied nearly two weeks now Read what Mrs Brown said in writing do Times about her new puzzle We will pick a certain advertisement on the classified pages of The Times each night for one week We will then suggest to you some rebus form by which this advertisement may be distinguished For instance if the ad should be headed Sale Boys Coats the rebus pic- tures may well be A picture of a sail boat f Next toit a picture of two three Soys And next the letter C in front of a picture of a bucket marked Oats coats Mrs Browns plan is probably clear to everyone To add inter est to the contest The Times offers I 2500 In Prizes r I I I INI I I I- t T- I I- I in Prizes It I i 1 f I I i f f f a puzzler but t i off log IS f s- I readers fQr t The i 1 t T- Ii t 1 I- f ofpicture t- t f t i- I f f sale 1 or b t- l I i 1 f- f t- T I I SSSI p Its very tantalizing t easy Qi3e 4JJ i MrMe l3 own rsponjbfe fot I I ¬ + i First Prize 125O S Second Prize 750 Third Prize j 509 I In case of tie neatness of the answer will be a T- T after the publication of the seventh picture Single solutions will i- i not be considered The first puzzle picture is Art other will follow tomorrow night and so on for the one week After Thursday August 19th Address Replies to THE j The Washington Tames i y B Those desiringto get back numbers of The TIma to I solve Puzzles 1 and 2 can do so at The Times office 1 Here We Are at Puzzle No 3 j ij It illustrates an advertisement or a part of an advertisement J- r printed in the classified columns of todays paper 2O QUI BEST PA Coupon for the Anwer The above picture means Answers to all seven Picture Puzzles must be in eth CLASSI FlED MAN c 0 i I I I 81 J st a I I Advertisement i t 1- f I I Page 1 Column v t i i t- t j s >

TO J COLLEGES lEAVING INAUGURATION DATE HERE€¦ · Clinton Ohio FLOOD KILLS SIXTY MONTEREY Mexico Aug liSe ports today show that the flood In the Banta Catarlna river region caused

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Page 1: TO J COLLEGES lEAVING INAUGURATION DATE HERE€¦ · Clinton Ohio FLOOD KILLS SIXTY MONTEREY Mexico Aug liSe ports today show that the flood In the Banta Catarlna river region caused



rT r



Dixon Declares Headsof Educational Institutions

Are Guilty


Criticises Foster and Hnrper of

Chicago Unrvwsity Unitarian

Church 1 Dead

LOS ANGELES CaL Aug 15 Dr AC Dixon famous scholar strict orthodoxist and noted preacher orator aRtlecturer is in Los Angeles resting fronthis vigorous campaign to oust Di

orge Foster of the University of Chi-

cago from the councils of the Baptistchurch

Our American college and universi-ties I am sorry to say are getting away

far away from thexhurch DC Dixonsaid but the separation spells ruin ofthe schools Founded on the Bible withthe Bible behind them they must eianlto their colors or close their doors

Time was when college presidentsrecognised a power greater than themselves That day seems to be passingWe find the collegians yawping againstthe Creator ofthe universe We findsuch as Eliot dictating religion olthe future How lo esome Go nut beto be cast to oblHIon while Eliot heconies The guardian of the universeOur schools simply must back toeternal principles back to their religious senses or they will lose themselvesin the very vacuum of their theories

There was Harper of the University-of Chicago who with one facon orthodoxy and grinned with the oth-

er with whomsoever Dissenter stood be-

fore himThe Bible must stand as it is written

from first verse to last It needsapology and suggests no controversyit reconciles itself with rath-er it is science itself

Miracles Of course I believe in

miracles Turning water icto the wineis no more wonderful tnan the making-

of the lily of the fields and neither isit much of a job compared with thework of construcUng a universe in sixdays

1 tell you that the embryonic theory-is a tissue of absurdities There isn t

question as to which came firstegg or the ben It van only have

Been tbe adult len-It a man leaps oat from standard

Of religion and goes drowninghimself Into a sea of theory then he Istalked about by the world That is whysu h men as Foster prominent

are so few and their sodrastlr that It creates surprise That isa healthy sign About Foster thoughI must say one thing 1 admire the

personal courage-It ts not such as roster that we

hava heard but those who less bluntlysow the seeds Qf Unitartanlfim The Uni-tarian Church is itself dead but it has

a cleavage cThere are Unitarian Baptists Unitar-

ian Methodists and Unitarian this andthat This will be the religious divi

of tLe world eventually HarvardUniversity Chicago University andsuch places are about thechange



Report of Armless Child Comes

From Montgomery County

VirginiarOANOKB Vs Aug JSA report

copee from JkUMttqraierjr county that aw rvA there has birth to a childwith wins instead of arms

A Roaifolte man wbo recently return-ed from a trip to that county in awagon tells the story A young womanasked for a ride and wms accommodat-ed She related having just let a homewhe a baby was featheredBiCgB

The young woman declared that sheknew th truth of this hav-ing stfn the child The baby shemade a noJee like a chicken



NVsilKnown Chinese Diplomat Ex-

pected to Succeed Dr

YenTung Kw f a Chinese diplomat weD

known in tbts country may suoejMd DrYen in the ofnc of second secretary ofthe Chins legation Twta iMferYung Kwal Item bit on duty in Wash-ington

When LiangCheng washead of the legation here Yung Kwaiwas secretaryInterpreter and last fallhe was in Washington with TangYi when statesman thisto thank the President forremission of the Boxer Indemnity

Yung Kwal peaks wellhas an American wife and his childrenwere born in this country


W P Potter Chief of NavigationBureau Looking for Man

Passing As His Son

PORTSMOUTH N H Au 15RearAdmiral Potter U E N chief of thBureau of Navigation at Washingtonis hot on the track of a stylish ybungman who to working under the ofhis son in obtaining money from promi-nent naval people through the country

In a telegram to friends here the ad-miral says of this man Ifthere is any way of manor causing arrest for obtainingmoney false pretenses I shall be veryglad to it don


son Wallace tbe veteran mountaineerherder was riding his pony along

Lick run near the old Spanish dam hebeard a splashing in the deep waterand disrovf rori a hlc fishingBruin having the infiwataf iJ m f stu itof fK n the caused the bearto decamp























11 While


fih jaIPpll fOnt







e bout wth
























Washington Business Body Plans An Ingenious Campaign

Have President Take Oath in

Some Thrilling Literature on Subject


to MayPromises I

ITshJThis Is to he strictly under your hat

dear public for it would not be fair todisturb Uncle Joes vacation or marthe rut of any of the tariff tiredsolons by scattering broadcast such apiece of information

The Chamber of Commerce is hackof it This organization has beenback of several things lately but itis now getting ready to pull off astunt which promises to make thewhole country sit up and take noticeAad the result may be that it will finditself more of a political than a com-mercial body and at Ute head of awhole string of similarly transformedbodies all of them working for thesame object

The change of the Inaugural dateThe Chamber is going to consider

bringing about this change by issuingtwo books One of then will bo a pietore of the balding of an inauKuratioain March under conditions even moreunsatisfactory than thoee of the lastinauguration if possible The secondbook win contain a glowing account ofan inauguration h 4d in May thirtyoneyears hence with Weal weather prevail-ing It is calculated that the contrastbetween tbe will be sogreat that a great national sentimentwill be created in favor of changinginaugural dte

To Put Solons on RunNot only an ingenious arrangement

you will exclaim but classy o classyin fact that Is promises Immediately toput aH the solons on the run beforethey will be able to successfully com-bat It

And there are members of the Cham-ber who believe these two highly imagin-ative and literary producUons will do-th work

In any event they promise for a timeat least to make the average type of

to Pdt a sickly hue upon thethrilling novel and to the public a

new kind of readingOn first page of the first

book4b President of the United Stateswill his death This of course1ft working the blood and thunder fea-ture up rather rapidly The author will

that the President wason March 4 and that the story

begins four later which accountsfor the demise of the Chief Executive soearly In the game He died of

contracted on inauguratoin DayReader Will Shudder

The reader will shudder at such astate ox aairs as aa opener for thestory then he too wttT see that ituitbe helped for no person who

reads the book throughout willthat vuefc thins are to be expected

And when tbe reading publichas laid down volume numbe one itwill give a shudder more prolongedthan an the others and the willshudder and everybody will reel shakyand deride that a change wouldnt bebad For It is to be a very gloomypessimistic unsavory foreboding vol-ume and couldnt do otherwise butmake people resttlass-

AH but the change Listen to thisThe story in is thegreat inaugural week of May 1 to 7

Flowers are in bloom birds are singing and thousands are pouring in fromevery section of the country to eeHon Mr So and So proclauntd ChiefExecutiveIsnt that some Utopia for you Vol-

ume njumber two win tell all about itAnd when tbe public has laid down

volume number two win feel so re-lieved it vhftving the effect of volume

XNM worn off that it will riselip hi its enthusiasm and the solons

wIn hIve to change the ui-aogursl date te salt the wishes at thepeople

about all there will be to ItSimple Isnt it Extremely so

Chamber Guards PlansWhile the Chamber of Commerce has

guarded its plans with the utmost se-crecy It became known today that atthe very next meeting of the executive


Missouri Senator Says HisState Will Profit by

the Change

KAHANT Mss Aug Ifcgroaiori-fvtlttajn Warner of Missouri and familyar guests at the Hotel Tudor He

from the west today with MrsWarner and her son and will leave htefamily here on North lAore and

home within a few days In dis-cussing the new tariff Senator War-ner said

It to generally considered thatMassachusetts has been used pretty wellin the sew tariff but I think the wholecountry also has its share of benefitsI was at fist opposed to free hides butafterward might be wen togrant them Next to Massachusetts my

the country Missouri will get what-ever benefits free hides can confer

I can see nothing to criticise InTafts stand during the considera-

tion of the great question He accom-plished treat results If he used thebig stick it was certainly wrapped in



vate C H Powell of Company FTenth United States Infantry sus-tained injuries which resulted in hisdeath when he was struck by an

nest the camp of the marksmenhere yesterday TIM machine was ownedand driven by H C Cleaver of PortClinton Ohio

FLOOD KILLS SIXTYMONTEREY Mexico Aug liSeports today show that the flood In the

Banta Catarlna river region causedgreat in a wide scope of terri-tory The loss of life will morethan sixty fifteen hehifc drowned in thiscity A number of villages in the pathof the flood below Monterey were sweptaway


r or if wo so riuTsv injured two probUTiaUJl and three narrowly escaped

death m two part nutomobilt Hr i

lents ia Uito city within twelve hour

two derlptloR8





when lnaujuratloRII are held In March





the ret-urn


as shoes as any In




campaign fade hit




ate makes many























> ¬


committee the proposition of mafriu anappropriation to print the two volumewill come up for consideration

Already the second volume has beenwritten and rend by several membersof the committee The author is H

well known contributor to magazineHis best efforts are beingvolume number one in the event thproposition goes through That he hathe ability to put up Just the class ofliterature In title volume the Chamberwants he has demonstrated beyond thcshadow of n doubt by his first nort

Details of how the literature is to bpdistributed will not be worked nut ircourse until the Chamber has drrl l 1

whether it can afford to take up tilproject and properly finance it Tt i-mpossible however that the principalchambers of commerce In all the Stat fof the Union will be asked to take iivthe campaign awl bpar the expense ofdistributing the literature In their re-spective territories In the event of thiplan being worked out nearly everbody in the country will be given achance to read the books

The volumes probably will be issuedseparately so that those persons wlmusually look at the end of a book iiefnrpthey start it to see If th lady with flifdark marries the nan who savesher from the villains clutches will tinthave a chance to do so After the effeet of volume i umber one has tak nhold in the manner desired volumenumber two Will be turned loose awlafter that will come the last act of tl

the hoped for people up anddemanding the Holding of PresidentialInaugurations in the month of May

Clever Arrangement-So just lie low about this gentle

reader and see how it out It isa very clever little arrangement andyo must admit has poeeibtylUee

Here are a few little paragraphs fromvolume two describing the pleasurts ofthe Inaugural ca nival week in Maywhich has taken especially well with themembers of the chamber anil shouldprove practical molding public opln

It probably win make you jealous ofthe nineteen fortyoneer

The merriest and perhaps the mostpleasurable time of the arrivedfor the downtown portion ofcity was given over to the Lord of

and many were the antics whichright willingly

masked followers Among theseIndian chiefs witches Robin Hoodpennants of many nations in pictur-esque garbs Highlanders wearing theirkIlts In control so far as theweather was concerned Red RidingHoods clowns in white Inred tambourine girls monks andpriests by the score mdominoes red white violet yellowgreen orange In short every color afthe rainbow andcvery tint find shadeof these colors one and all threadedtheir way in and out through the laugh-ing jesting crowds

Celebrate For FairProm the windows and balconies

flags and handkerchiefs were wavedand hands clapped in delighted applauselion bonn were tossed from balcony tobalcony and cfcilght by the most dexter-ous flowers and bits of pine and cedartorn from Jj e garlands were waited on

of the crowd floated two or threeballoons from which at frequentIntervals were dropped tiny Amer-ican flags and gaily advertisingcards vhteh were caught up by themaskers and tossed from cne to another-as If like a tennis ball the game wasto keep them from touching the groundas long an

The babel of voices withthe tooting of horns the squeakingof toy balloons the shrill tones ofwooden whistles were relievedhowever by pleasant r sounds forevery now and t en from a windowor balcony wo id sound the strainsfrom some popular air perchance theold Red Blue or thtDixie or the new national song orthe latest popular ballad which wouldbe taken ip by hundreds of j eraonon the streets carried on to the nextwindow or balcony and so on untilthe streets for squares resouniert withthe strains

Police Commissioners DontWant Woman Socialist-

In Their Midst

PROVIDENCE R I Aug HrTheboard of police commissioners willput an embargo on a proposed visit tothis city by Emma Goldman

Notice of this intended visit wasthrough a communication whichMayor Henry Fletcher received thismorning from the secretary of thefree speech council of New York inwhich it was said that Dr Ben I-

ReHunan would call upon the mayorin a few days and arrange for a seriesof meetings to be addressed by MissGoldman communication waspromptly referred to the police com-missioners who will repeat the pro-ceedings of about three years agowhen Miss Goldman was arrested andsent out of the city with a warningnot to return under peril of prosecufloe She will not be permitted tohold any meeting here



Slave Trade in Celestial MaidensSaid to Flourish in Hub

BOSTON Mus Aug IS InspectorsCronin and Coiiway of police headquarters today are making a rigidsearch of Bostons Chinatown districttor the purpose of Keating Chineseslave girls if any are in this city

local police It te said have re-ceived numerous complaints from differ-ent societies and to stampout the slave girt trade in this


muda onion growers of the Laredo dis-

trict have formed an organization tocontrol the American onicn marketTheir onion this season old for

They wty that tbWr lark of-

nianirati n enabled Eastern Buyers todepress prices






he tlayed aided ida



the In streetIn the air just above the heads

color d

mln td










I City










heads re ttebelowt






















Captain Heidenreich Will

Head Team at theCamp Pe ry Shoot

On Tuesday the export riflemen of theDistrict National Guard to the numberof eighteen will Washington for

Ohio to compote with themarksmen of every State in the UnIOnand army navy and martHa corpsfor the national trophy as well as thevarious other prises offered by theUnited Status Government and the

Rifle AssociationThe eighteen men who will represent

the District of Columbia include thefifteen members of the brigade teamand the necessary supply of officers to-

gether with Ueut Cot James E Benretired an expert marksman and au-

thority n rifle practice who was forwanjr years captain of the local riseteam

Colonel Bell retired but few weeksago and his old place at the head ofthe team this year will bo taken byCapt Frederick H Hetdanrelch assist-ant inspector of small arms practice forthe brigade Captain Heidenreich is ayoung man who has made a name forhimself among Ute marksmen of thecountry For several past he hasbeen a member of Ute Districts team inthe national shooting tourneys and iscounted one of the crack shots of thecountry His team this year has beencarefully selected end it is hoped thatthe District will finish up with theleaders

The members re all experienced insimilar eomtwdtionis and include CaptWilliam W Cookies Pint InfantryCapt George G Dennison retiredJJeut Frank W Holt ordnance depart-ment Lieut Ralph Alderman ordnancedepartment Lieut Harry C CaldwellFirst infantry Lieut Richard PowersFtrst Infantry Lieut Charles Putnamretired Lieut Louis A Clausel SecondInfantry S rgt Thomas Brown Com-pany I First Infantry Sergt John PMater Company L Second InfantrySergt John H Cole Second InfantryCorp Joseph D Schrlvor Company IFirst Infantry Private A C Colt Com-pany Second Infantry and Private-J R Fehr Company I First InfantryLient Thomas F McAnally ordnancedepartment te the team coach andJJetit B Hodgson Second In-fantry ts team quartermaster ana spot-ter

preliminary practice for tile na-tional match engage theattention of more than 1000 marksmenwill begin Friday next and on the fol-lowing Monday tbe tttonal team matchbegins tobe foJMwo by the individualmatch and th4 team and indi-vidual matches Following these willbe the matches of the National RifleAssociation The District contingentwill remain on the Mg range until


ART SMUGGLEDROME Aug 16 Two marble busts

masterpieces ot Francesco de Larana ofthe flft nth century have been smug-gled out of Italy The busts were offer-ed to the Italian government for WttOthey have been sent to the UnitedStates










but WEre It is that




















Meeting on August 1 9 Will Be for of Organ-

izing Men Who Place New Mechanical Improve-

ments on the Market

Purp se

Poets ant Cmn and Presidents havedreamed o the fartiaracnt of Manwhere the nattom ot the earth shalltalk together awl proclaim the t layingdown forever of the arms the dis-

mantling of the Dreadnaughts and theheating of a million swords into plow-

sharesAnarchists have conjured up frenzied

vicions of the day when ther shall beno governmtnts at KM no parliaments-no dumas no congresses but It has re-

mained for a few Washingtonians notmerely to dream bpt to make ready forwhat they esteem the master parliament

f all wherein the inventors uf thowtrld the Bdlsonstobe the Wrightsof the next decade the Wattaes theKultons the Marconis shall come to-

gether and discuss the creatures of theirbrains

Just Imagine a congress of inventorThink of 300 of the brightest mechanlalgeniuses in the country together Per

one of the number has almostperfected a new type of flying machinewhich oHImataly will make the Wrightflyer look like a boys kite

Some detail bothers him and he tells

the congress about U The 200 startthinking about that detail In ten min-

utes or twenty or in an hour some-

one of all that assembly of inventors

Nit flyingto perfect

Paddy Holmes and How-

ard Reynolds Cover Mun

sey Run Route

Paddy the bicycle man andone of the characters of the Washington pollc force and Howard C Rey-

nolds of the Fourth precinct inspiredby the Munaey Reliability Run to Bos-

ton out from this city beforethe first streak of dawn today on abicycle tour o Boston and return

They expect to make the trip eachway In six Ui ra at the longest givingthem four days for slghtstfahig on theway The longest stop willbe made inNew York where the two copperswill take In Coney Island and the GreatWhIte Way and watch how the NewYork traffic men do It

Policemen Holmes and Reynolds recelved their initial interest in the tripthrough reading of the Munsey reliabil-ity tour to Boston and return whichwill be run at September Thy studiedail the available map and road dopeand decided to take the most

aiong the railroadThey made the start a little before

daylight at an easy pace and expectedto reach B timore early the dayIf not too tired they will push on toHavre Grace Other beParryvBle Newark Wilmington andPhiladelphia They will take the moatdirect road from Philadelphia to Jer-sey City and then take the ferry toNew York



The Rev W H Black Dies Sud

of Lincoln

PoetFuneral service for Rev William

a r t m of civil warfor many years In the record divisionof the pension office and a Methodistminister will be held tomorrow morningfrom his late residence urn Fifth streetnorthwest

Mr Black died suddenly yesterdaymorning He was a member of theLincoln Post Grand Army of the

and that organization will con-

duct the services at the graveMr Bock was born in Pennsylvania

eighty years ago and the civilwar served in the Twentythird Kentucky U S A He hadbeen a Methodist minister since ISIS

He is survived by one daughter MrsLily Harris of this city and by oneson James P Black of Vineland N J


NEWPORT R I Augdrawings for the twentyninth na-tional lawn tennis tournament whichwill begin at the Newport Casino nextTuesday will be made tate today uponthe arrival uf James Dwight presidentof the association The number ofentries larger than that of lastyear and all the cracks ofthe countrj wilt participate


solv the problem andIs ready








tieH th




has Theage























Positively the GreatestEyeglass Value EverOffered in Washington

These glasses were intended to sell at 250but to introduce them we are offering them at

this remarkable special reduction They have

perfectly ground Periscopic Lenses and hand-

some gold mountings

Guaranteed for Twenty YearsWhich is as iong as any glasses will lasi

We examine your eyes absolutely free ofcharge and prescribe glasses only where they areabsolutely necessary Fitting and adjustingwithout extra charge

917 Ave N W

Eye Specialist


Our Famous 1 Special






And besides tint say William PArmstrong soldier prospector

inventor and inthis movement we want to have thepatent laws changed so that the in-

ventor will have a better show I knowmen who have had patents in the Patent Grace cr years We want to beable to supply any inventor in the worldwith information about the possibility-of his taking out a patent at a nominalcost I once paid 85 to learn somethingabout the prospbctlve patent that a so-ciety of inventors properly organizedwith here could havtf furnished for the cost of postage

We would like to see a patent courtOften decisions in patent cases arehinged upon technicalities which onlya very good mechanic can understandThere are between 250000 and 318000 Inventors known in this country andprobably twice that number of whom

Is no recordWe want to see a new patent office

here We want to see the old buildingbore turned into a sort of museum forthe exhibition of patents Every in-ventor in the world would be interestedIn it

This prospective society would notbe for a selfish purpose It would havenothing to do with the exploitation of

We only want organ-ization to aid and protect InventorsThey know nothing about business butif there was an organization some oneshould be found in it who would seethat menvvrs were not bamboozled

We will Moid the next meeting forthe purpose of organizingtors on of August 19 I hopeto there because there arealways ttcorea of them In Washington


cation of a irorument here to MichaelServetus the Spanish physician whowas burne1 at the stake at Geneva in1553 after being convicted of heresywhich was sot for yesterday beenpostponed until 1910 for the reason thatthe monument has not yet been com-pleted Curtis Guild former governorof Massachusetts was invited to deliver-an address at the unveiling

ka r


nlsee many















Declares Overwork Responsible for Herbert Fleish

ners Condition

Herbert E Fletofcner who mysterious17 disappeared from Washington sev-ere days ago ami found in NewYork suffering a temporary lose ofmemory believed to Have been causedby his failure to get a promotion andby unrequited love t today at hie oldhome in Brighton Mass He was takenthere by tile brother Cheater who washi Washington a few days ago to conduct the search for Mm

Physicians do not believe his low ofmemorywill he permanent It is clear-ly the result of a great mental strainto which Mr Pleiehner has temporarilysuccumbed they say and with the qui t-

of his home and care of friends hshould regain full ppogessioa of his fac-

ulties withhj a few weeksUntil Fieishner himself is able to tell

about it if he consents to do BO thecause of his sudden aberration will besomething of a mystery His tibetOtto Fi tehrer Acting librarian trf theBoston Public Library scouts the ideathat bw son was worried over a loveaffair

In the opinion uf his father beakdown was the result of his tooarduous work ia preparing for the posi-tion of translator in the De-

partment and the shock at the news ofhis failure was too much fur him

Ml Fkjtehaer has beer preparing forthis examination for Hewas encouraged by GeneralHitchcock who his friends say halexpressed a desire to have him in hisdepartment-

His sax that his failure meantthe breakingor his engagement withhis fiancee and that he was unable tostand double blow On the morn-Ing before his disappearance heseen to receive a special letterwhich several witnesses saw him

at various times during the dayThis letter they believe to have beenfrom his sweetheart breaking their en-Ragement and the one that caused

to brealt down




th PCt

Posto tce











Are You In On ThisWere Offering

C ffV JJFor Solutions to

Mrs Browns New Puzzle

The Seven Mysterious Pictures

Brown who has delighted and amiied nearlytwo weeks now

Read what Mrs Brown said in writing do Times abouther new puzzle

We will pick a certain advertisement on theclassified pages of The Times each night for oneweek We will then suggest to you some rebusform by which this advertisement maybe distinguished For instance if the ad shouldbe headed Sale Boys Coats the rebus pic-

tures may well beA picture of a sail boat fNext toit a picture of two three Soys

And next the letter C in front of a picture of abucket marked Oats coats

Mrs Browns plan is probably clear to everyone To add interest to the contest The Times offers

I 2500 In Prizes



t T-

I I-


in Prizes It

I i1 f


i f

ff a puzzler but ti off log IS f s-

I readers fQr

t Thei1


Ii t


f ofpicture t-

t ft i-

I f

f sale

1 or b t-

lI i1 f-

f t-




Its very tantalizing t easy Qi3e 4JJi MrMe l3 own rsponjbfe fot





i First Prize


Second Prize

750Third Prize j

509 I

In case of tie neatness of the answer will be a T-

T after the publication of the seventh picture Single solutions will i-

i not be considered The first puzzle picture is Artother will follow tomorrow night and so on for the one week

After Thursday August 19thAddress Replies to

THE jThe Washington Tames

i y B Those desiringto get back numbers of The TIma toI solve Puzzles 1 and 2 can do so at The Times office

1 Here We Are at Puzzle No 3 j

ij It illustrates an advertisement or a part of an advertisement J-

r printed in the classified columns of todays paper



Coupon for the AnwerThe above picture means

Answers to all seven Picture Puzzles must be in eth


c 0 i II I 81






Advertisementit 1-






i t-

t js
