TNSDA CARRYIN’ ALONG NEWSLETTER Volume 1, Issue 2 July, 2020 TORONTO NIGERIAN SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Website: torontonigeriansda.org @TNSDA_Nigeria @TorontoNigerianSDA From the Editor… When you pass through waters and fire…” Waters and fire are often used in the scriptures to denote suffering, trial, testing, and calamity. As such, they represent situations we face in life that can overwhelm and consume us. These situations are often inevitable, as God does not say if you pass through the waters and fire, but when you do, be rest assured that He is with you. God did not say this to frighten us, instead, He is simply telling us, “you must never fear, because not only did I form you; you are mine. I know you by name!” (Isaiah 43:1-2). God wants us to know that we are never alone; he has promised to never leave nor forsake us (Joshua 1:5). Secondly, He is assuring us that because He is with us, the waters and fire of life will neither overwhelm nor consume us. As we go through this challenging time and our personal waters and fire of life, let us take courage from the Word of God, and remember that He is always with us. And because God is with us, He will carry us through. In this issue of TNSDA quarterly newsletter, you will read how the church has been engaging her local and global communities during the COVID-19 lockdown; our experience of a church without walls via our online service; the various departmental activities/events that happened at our church during the second quarter of the year 2020, and during COVID-19 lockdown; and upcoming events at TNSDA church during third quarter. Shalom. Pastor’s Corner “Day of Good News.” Brethren, I greet you in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave Himself as a ransom for our sins. Our daily news at this time of pandemic era seems to be of ‘no good news’. Some people have even stopped following the social media and listening to the daily news due to the bad news of COVID-19. Brethren, many are losing their lives to this COVID-19 coupled with the various shootings in our major cities. People’s hearts are filled with fear and it seems no help is coming from anywhere. While science and various research companies are trying their best to quickly find a solution to the COVID-19 crises, fear has gripped the hearts of many. This is the kind of world we live in. The question is: “is it possible to see any light in the present situation? Are we being given lemons with the choices of making lemonade or to drink it bitterly with squeezed or frowned faces?” I hope we will rather choose to make lemonade. Brethren, we need to see the “good news” that has occurred in our lives even in this time of pandemic and share that good news wherever we find ourselves. This reminds me of what happened in the lives of four outcast Samaritans in 2 Kings 6:24-7:19. The story reveals how the king of Syria, Ben-Hadad, besieged Samaria which resulted in a great famine in the land. The famine was so intense that “... a donkey’s head was sold for eighty shekels of silver and one-fourth of a kab of dove droppings for five shekels of silver” (2Kings 6:24). Those Oyediran Akinrinade, PhD TNSDA Communications Director

TNSDA CARRYIN’ ALONG NEWSLETTER · I hope we will rather choose to make lemonade. Brethren, we need to see the “good news” that has occurred in our lives even in this time of

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Page 1: TNSDA CARRYIN’ ALONG NEWSLETTER · I hope we will rather choose to make lemonade. Brethren, we need to see the “good news” that has occurred in our lives even in this time of


Volume 1, Issue 2 July, 2020


Website: torontonigeriansda.org

@TNSDA_Nigeria @TorontoNigerianSDA

From the Editor…

“When you pass through waters and fire…”

Waters and fire are often used in the scriptures to denote suffering, trial, testing, and calamity. As such, they represent situations we face in life that can overwhelm and consume us. These situations are often inevitable, as God does not say if you pass through the waters and fire, but when you do, be rest assured that He is with you. God did not say this to frighten us, instead, He is simply telling us, “you must never fear, because not only did I form you; you are mine. I know you by name!” (Isaiah 43:1-2).

God wants us to know that we are never alone; he has promised to never leave nor forsake us (Joshua 1:5). Secondly, He is assuring us that because He is with us, the waters and fire of life will neither overwhelm nor consume us. As we go through this challenging time and our personal waters and fire of life, let us take courage from the Word of God, and remember that He is always with us. And because God is with us, He will carry us through.

In this issue of TNSDA quarterly newsletter, you will read how the church has been engaging her local and global communities during the COVID-19 lockdown; our experience of a church without walls via our online service; the various departmental activities/events that happened at our church during the second quarter of the year 2020, and during COVID-19 lockdown; and upcoming events at TNSDA church during third quarter. Shalom.

Pastor’s Corner

“Day of Good News.”

Brethren, I greet you in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave Himself as a ransom for our sins. Our daily news at this time of pandemic era seems to be of ‘no good news’. Some people have even stopped following the social media and listening to the daily news due to the bad news of COVID-19. Brethren, many are losing their lives to this COVID-19 coupled with the various shootings in our major cities. People’s hearts are filled with fear and it seems no help is coming from anywhere. While science and various research companies are trying their best to quickly find a solution to the COVID-19 crises, fear has gripped the hearts of many. This is the kind of world we live in.

The question is: “is it possible to see any light in the present situation? Are we being given lemons with the choices of making lemonade or to drink it bitterly with squeezed or frowned faces?” I hope we will rather choose to make lemonade. Brethren, we need to see the “good news” that has occurred in our lives even in this time of pandemic and share that good news wherever we find ourselves.

This reminds me of what happened in the lives of four outcast Samaritans in 2 Kings 6:24-7:19. The story reveals how the king of Syria, Ben-Hadad, besieged Samaria which resulted in a great famine in the land. The famine was so intense that “... a donkey’s head was sold for eighty shekels of silver and one-fourth of a kab of dove droppings for five shekels of silver” (2Kings 6:24). Those

Oyediran Akinrinade, PhD TNSDA Communications Director

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page 2 ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you…’ Joshua 1:5

times were so terrible that people started practicing cannibalism. Infants were eaten for survival. The situation made the king of Samaria angry and he started blaming the man of God Elisha; and, even threatened to kill him. To the inhabitants of Samaria, all hope was gone but God had not finished with them yet. The man of God, Elisha, prophesied the end of the famine just a day after he was threatened by the king of Samaria.

To the fulfillment of Elisha’s prophecy, during the evening, four lepers whose homes were outside the gate of the city met and had a very rational conversation with each other in 2Kings 7:3-4. In their conversation, they realized that “all die be die” meaning, entering the city to die of hunger and facing the Syrian army to be killed is of the same kind of death. They also realized that the probability of the Syrian army having mercy on them was greater than going to the city to die of hunger; so, they decided to face the Syrian army and to ask for arms. The scripture says; “…they rose at twilight to go to the camp of the Syrians; and when they had come to the outskirts of the Syrian camp, to their surprise no one was there” (2Kings 7:5). Surprisingly, the whole Syrian army had fled for their lives, leaving all their foodstuff, ammunitions, horses and donkeys because of the terror that God had released upon them the night before. Brethren, we live in perilous times but the God we serve is able to bring an end to the present pandemic.

The story continues that when the four lepers found the empty Syrian camp, they enjoyed themselves while they “…ate and drank, and carried from some of the silver and gold and went and hid them:” (2 Kings 7:8). Even though they went and looted other tents of much booties, they came to their unselfish senses and realized that it was not good for them to enjoy alone so, “…they said to one another, “We are not doing right. This day is a day of good news, and we remain silent…” (2Kings 7:9). Despite living in a turbulent era, these days can be days of good news. Though many have lost loved ones and front-line workers are sacrificing their lives, yet we can see and appreciate the “good news” within the days ahead.

● May it be that it was the enemy’s plan to shut the churches but our God, as always, was years ahead

of him and provided technology whereby regular attendees of churches and those who were finding it difficult to hear the word of God in churches are now enjoying our weekly Sabbath services as well as prayer meetings and bible studies virtually.

● We are living in the troubling times but the day of “good news” can be seen as people are still giving their hearts to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

● These days can be days of “good news” because those who think they know much are now seeing that there are things they do not know without consulting the “All-knowing God”.

● These days can be days of “good news” because prayer and the name Jesus which disappeared in our hospitals are now being re-introduced whereby nurses and doctors are seen praying and seeking God’s mercies in some hospitals.

● These days can be days of “good news” whereby many wealthy people have come to the realization that material things are nothing when one is faced with death.

Brethren, let us open our eyes of faith to discern and to know what the Lord is teaching us in this pandemic era and to apply them to our lives. Times may be hard, sickness may come, jobs may be lost and death may knock at our doors but always remember, there is also a day of “good news” when we can proclaim to the world of this good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let us witness to others and let them know that our God can let the storm of fear come upon the enemy and can also allow the east wind to blow over this deadly pandemic. Brethren, appreciate the good news and proclaim it! May God bless us all. Pastor Joseph Amankwah.

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‘I will never leave you nor forsake you…’ Joshua 1:5

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Elders’ corner

Blessings to you Toronto Nigerian SDA Church Brethren.

I am grateful to our Almighty God who in His infinite mercy has accorded us the privilege to serve and to be called His own in such a time like this. A time when all human wisdom and knowledge in all facets of life have failed them; A time when relationships, marriages and families are in shambles; a time when people are deluding themselves and seeking for solutions in the wrong places; a time when humanity has put God our Creator in the back bench. Amid all these, I draw strength from the book of Romans 15:14 “I myself am convinced, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another”

Amid the confusions and chaos in the world today, God still loves us unconditionally and has entrusted the most important responsibility in our hands - The responsibility of winning souls for God’s Kingdom. A call to selfless service to God and man which Jesus exemplified in His life and ministry (Mark 10:45).

As Christians living in this world, we are not immune from the troubles, trials and other challenges of this world. For this reason, Jesus forewarned us saying: “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Our Lord Jesus promised that pains and trials will not overtake us. Brethren, let’s remember that we can take heart and have peace, but that does not mean that all things will be easy, but it does mean that hard things of this life are temporary and they are preparing us for an eternal glory. Our peace is not in the absence of strife or troubles, but in Jesus and what He has done to make our future sure.

Friends, I do believe that the message of the Gospel is exactly what this world needs now. The Gospel will bring help, hope and healing to a broken, fallen and fearful world.

My prayer to every member of the Toronto Nigerian SDA Church is found in the book of Col. 3:15-17 “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him”

May our Lord’s blessings be with you as you continue to serve Him and carry on with your ministry in His Kingdom. Amen.

Your Fellow Servant in the Lord Elder Daniel Ahunanya

Online Services and Live Streaming

TNSDA church online services church have truly been an experience of a church without walls transcending the virtual digital space across the globe. Every Sabbath, we have attendees joining from across Canada, USA, Europe and Africa. The experience of a church without walls has been evident in the ever-increasing number of participants tuning in weekly.

Also, in our bid to foster the proclamation of the gospel despite COVID-19 lockdown, TNSDA church has been reaching and engaging the local and global communities by live-streaming her services on her Facebook page and YouTube channel (see below):

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonrontoNigerianSDA

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcHlkRzOGG9dwEPneDzfhTg

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Members are urged to share the links with friends and neighbors to invite them to our online services. Details of our weekly virtual services are as follow:

1. Mid-week Prayer Meeting Every Thursday, 7 - 8pm via zoom platform

https://us04web.zoom.us/j/988244054Meeting ID: 988 244 054

2. Worship Service on Sabbath Every Sabbath, 9:30am – 12noon via zoom platform

https://us04web.zoom.us/j/989447218 Meeting ID: 989 447 218

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‘I will never leave you nor forsake you…’ Joshua 1:5

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Zoom Revival Series

TNSDA church held a zoom revival series tagged “Experiencing the secret of Elijah’s power” between April 25 to May 2, 2020 anchored by our own church Pastor, Pastor Joseph Amankwah. The entire event was streamed online via our Facebook page and YouTube channel. The recorded revival series is still available on the church’s Facebook and YouTube channel registering views even after the series.

The zoom revival series was a huge success as we recorded increasing number of participants throughout the event. Indeed, all who joined were revived by experiencing the secrets of Elijah’s power. In each daily program, Pastor Amankwah shared three secrets from the life and ministry of the prophet of God - Elijah, with practical insights on how same can be applied to our present-day Christian journey.

Number of participants that joined the zoom revival series without counting children and spouses within each family.

Number of participants joining online worship service weekly

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‘I will never leave you nor forsake you…’ Joshua 1:5

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Healthy living in times like these

As the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown has forced many into solitary and sedentary lifestyles, the health ministry of TNSDA church gave series of health talks captioned “Healthy Living in Times Like These” during the revival series to advice members on ways to avoid the negative impact such a lifestyle can have on us. These talks provided evidence-based teachings on healthy eating, exercise, mental health, physical health, and infection control in times like these. Many thanks to the team for bringing such timely and practical talks suitable for such a time like this and keeping tabs on the collective health of all members as stated in 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul (ESV)

Operation Reach Out to One during COVID-19 lockdown

With our services now online, the Deacons and Deaconesses of TNSDA church decided to extend the ‘Operation Reach Out to One’ program, that was originally aimed at reaching out to absent members in church, to all TNSDA church members bi-weekly. Through this program, Deacons and Deaconesses of TNSDA church are reaching out to all members to check on, encourage, and most importantly, pray with them in this challenging time. Unity and love is being fostered by Deacons and Deaconesses championing this great initiative as it is helping the church to stay connected to members. Kudos to the Deacons and Deaconess of TNSDA church.

Food Drive Amidst COVID-19 Lock Down

A rather unfortunate economic effect of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the loss of jobs and livelihood. Many homes and individuals have been greatly impacted by this and the church is no different. To address this pressing need, the hospitality department of TNSDA church in collaboration with the Women’s Ministries and Deacon’s department immediately launched a food drive and/or food

bank program to cater to the needs of families. Through this initiative, food items were given to not only members but also to our local community impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition to the edibles, FundScrip gift cards were given out to help relieve the financial impact of the pandemic. This way, the church has not only been able to support her members but has also been able to reach out to the local community. The three departments involved with this initiative are very appreciative of the support of each member who has contributed in one way or another to the success of this program

Women’s Ministries Weekly Prayer

Seeing the need to intensify prayers during this challenging time, the Women’s Ministries of TNSDA church started weekly prayer meeting 6:00pm - 7:30pm every Sabbath via the zoom platform. Through this, the women are lifting not only themselves but also the entire church up to God as well as praying for God’s intervention regarding the pandemic. Because of this prayer meetings, someone who has been joining this weekly prayer session has indicated interest in joining the church as soon as the church re-opens. Prayer is indeed the master key.

Men’s Ministries Fellowship

TNSDA men have also been keeping the bond of fellowship, unity and togetherness during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown through their monthly virtual fellowship. Held every first Sunday, the program is helping to strengthen the cord of unity among men and in the church. The leadership of Men’s ministries is thankful to all men for making this a reality.

Men’s week of prayer

May 17 – 24, 2020, the men of valor of TNSDA church came together to seek the face of God and to intercede with God on behalf of members via the zoom platform with focus

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on healing for church members. On the last day of a week-long prayer session, several members testified to God’s faithfulness and healing mercies as promised in Jeremiah 30:17 "But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the LORD…"

Women Appreciation

In addition to Mother’s Day virtual celebration held on May 9, 2020, TNSDA church men, on May 30, 2020, deemed it fit to appreciate and celebrate women for the roles they play in the church, for holding the church together by visiting members, and for supporting the men. As a token of their appreciation, men gave out gift cards to every woman in the church. Truly TNSDA church women are women of virtue.

Fathers’ Day Celebration

2020 edition of Fathers’ Day celebration was equally amazing. Though done virtually on May 20, the women’s ministries celebrated and appreciated TNSDA church men and fathers by distributing customized power bank fashionably packaged and delivered to all men. No doubt, the women appreciate men and fathers for their roles both at home and church, and for sacrificing selflessly for the family. The men’s ministries leader on behalf of the men expressed gratitude to women and God for this celebration.

Building fund

As part of our effort toward raising fund for TNSDA church building project, the stewardship department and building committee launched the FundScrip program, a Canada-wide fundraising program in which supporters pay for their shopping (groceries, gas, home & garden, entertainment, restaurants, and much more) with gift cards. Apart from helping to raise fund for the building project, current supporters have testified that the program is helping them greatly in staying within their budgets. In addition to the FundScrip program, individual donations via TNSDA church online giving platform is encouraged. All members

are encouraged to support this initiative that will assist in setting up a Sanctuary for God.

Youths and young adults’ community outreach program

The young adults, in addition to holding their regular bible study virtually on zoom, have been engaging and helping the community during the COVID-19 pandemic. To date, the youth and young adults of TNSDA church have donated to two community centers during this challenging time. Plans are in the pipeline to support more community centers and other causes through their outreach programs. The youths and young adults are grateful to all those who have supported them in this mission.

Virtual adventurer club

As a way of engaging the children, the children’s ministries have been holding regular meetings on the zoom platform every second and third Sabbath of the month. At the meetings, the adventurers with the assistance of their parents, continued to work on their various class books. To the Glory of God, all the Adventurers finished their books and are now ready for Investiture.

Toronto Nigerian Soaring Eagles Adventurer Club members participated in the Ontario Conference Adventurers – United in Prayer (April 11-18, 2020), Ontario Conference Adventurer Family - United in Worship (May 2 – May 9, 2020), and Ontario Conference Tribute to Seniors by Adventurers (June 5 - 26, 2020) via the zoom platform. Obinna joined other adventurers virtually in praying for the COVID-19 victims and frontline workers during the Ontario Conference United in Prayer program. At the Ontario Conference United in Worship program, Adebola, Obinna, Uche, and Onyi respectively did the scripture reading, rendered special music and gave a sermonette. Also, Onyi was privileged to preach while Obinna and Uche rendered special music at the just concluded Ontario Conference Tribute to Seniors by Adventurers program.

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Screen shot taken at the Adventurers Club Meeting on June 20, 2020

Adebola doing the scripture reading at the United in Worship program

Obinna and Uche rendering special music at the United in Worship Program

Onyi preaching at the United in worship program Obinna praying at the United in prayer program

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On May 3 and 31, 2020, the Toronto Nigerian Soaring Eagles Adventurer Club Director, the Associate Director and a parent instructor, Sis. Toyin Akinrinade, participated in the North American Division Adventurers Basic Staff Training where they learned and acquired the necessary skills needed to successfully run an Adventurer Club program.

Youth mentoring

Based on the biblical injunction that we should train up a

child (proverbs 22:6) and the African heritage practices that

states “it takes a village to raise a child”, the TNSDA church

Youth Council has been meeting with youths 12-20 years

old, providing series of educational and empowerment

workshops. The objective is to create awareness of systemic

barriers, provide strategies to successfully navigate the

system, build resilience, self-capacity and thrive.

Workshops conducted so far include identity, purpose, goal-

setting, and academic success. Workshops on career

planning, networking, scholarship, social media, financial

empowerment and mentorship are slated for third quarter.