single moms 30DAY DEVOTIONAL FOR

TLSM30 Day Dev - Positive & Encouraging K-LOVE · perfect touch is painting and sculpting in your life every day to create the masterpiece He envisioned for you. ... Prayer: This

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single moms



Day 1: Starting Over

Scripture: “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” – Jeremiah 29:11

Reflection: Today is your new beginning. Often times starting over comes with an overwhelming amount of fear and uncertainties. You may be holding on to the past and all of its pain and sorrows, however a fresh start means a fresh mindset. Today the past will no longer be a hindrance; it will be a boost in the direction of Gods plans for you. You must be willing to accept His plans and know that a hopeful future awaits.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for the opportunity to start over. I pray that your love and grace fills my heart and creates in me a courageous spirit to boldly walk into my fresh start today.

Day 2: I am Good Enough!

Scripture: “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” – Ephesians 2:10

Reflection: Your life is a priceless work of art in Gods hands. Despite sinful blemishes and imperfections, God’s perfect touch is painting and sculpting in your life every day to create the masterpiece He envisioned for you. The painful chisels of our master’s tools are only to mold us into the beautiful, work of God created for good.

Prayer: Lord help me to see myself as you see me. I was designed and created for a purpose and I know you do not make mistakes. I believe that I will fulfill the purpose that you created me for. Thank you Lord for seeing the finished masterpiece when I could not see it myself.

Day 3: Trusting God

Scripture: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. See His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.” – Proverbs 3:5-6

Reflection: Man, it is hard to trust God sometimes, isn’t it? I know in my head that God is so good and so in control of my life, but there are times when my heart fears and worries and is anxious. Have you been there? Every time I am tempted to focus on that trial in my life I go back to the things that God has done for me. I make it a point to journal as much as possible, so I have a running praise log of all the things God has done in my life – all the times I’ve prayed for and trusted Him with something and He showed up on my behalf. Take this day to reflect on the good things God has done.

Prayer: Today, Lord, help me to trust you with my life. Forgive me when I try to do it all myself. Help me to rest in knowing that you are a far better planner than I am and that nothing in my life is a surprise to you. Help me to rest today Lord, in that knowledge.

30-Day Devotional for Single Moms May not be reproduced without expressed written consent

The Life of a Single Mom | 11613 Newcastle Ave, Ste. A | Baton Rouge, LA 70816 | 225.341.8055 | www.thelifeofasinglemom.com

Day 4: Living By Faith

Scripture: “For we live by faith, not by sight.” – 2 Corinthians 5:7

Reflection: Seven little words with so much meaning! We have the choice to either rely on our own human understanding or chose to relay on the promises of God’s truths and faithfulness. We cannot live by what we see, instead by the confidence in what we know about God.

Prayer: God, why do I try to live by what I see? I know you are good and you are constantly working behind the scenes to the betterment of my life. Help me to trust in that today. Help me to live in knowing your power through faith.

Day 5: Strength & Courage

Scripture: “This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

Reflection: Sometimes we find ourselves in circumstances where we feel alone and abandoned. We wonder if God sees us and if He knows how hard this time is for us. And we certainly do not feel courageous and strong. But when we feel that way, we have go to back to what God says. We have all we need through him to be fearless. There may be times when we are concerned about our future or the plans God has for us and we become anxious or worry. But God commands us to be strong, not because He’s demanding, but because through His power, we can be!

Prayer: Lord, there are many days when I am scared. I worry. I fear. I know I’m not supposed to, but I do. Help me to rise up and take my place in the Kingdom. Help me be that strong mom you’ve created me to be. Help me to be bold, courageous, fearless, and full of the knowledge of who you are. Pour your spirit on me that I may live each day courageous.

Day 6: Don’t Be Afraid!

Scripture: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, love, and of love, and of a sound mind.” – 2 Timothy 1:7

Reflection: Fear hinders the gifts that God has given us: His power, love, and sound mind. One of the greatest weapons of the devil is using fear to attack our minds and fill our thoughts with doubt and insecurities. He tells us that we are not good enough, we’re not worthy, and we’re useless. Believing the promises of 2 Timothy 1:7 fights against these thoughts. God’s strength will carry us.

Prayer: This day I choose your power, Lord. I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but Lord I am choosing to live in the knowledge of your power. I know that whatever comes my way this week, this month, or this lifetime, you are in control and your power, as creator of Heaven and Earth is all the strength I need.

30-Day Devotional for Single Moms May not be reproduced without expressed written consent

The Life of a Single Mom | 11613 Newcastle Ave, Ste. A | Baton Rouge, LA 70816 | 225.341.8055 | www.thelifeofasinglemom.com

Day 7: Live Freely

Scripture: “I can’t tell you how much I long for you to enter this wide-open, spacious life. We didn’t fence you in. The smallness you feel comes from within you. Your lives aren’t small, but you’re living them in a small way. I’m speaking as plainly as I can with great affection. Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively!” – 2 Corinthians 6:11-13

Reflection: I love this Scripture! Every single time I read it, I think, “It doesn’t get much more plain than that!” Paul just puts it out there when he’s talking to the Corinthians. We all have a tendency to box ourselves into small thinking. We see life with tunnel vision. Yet, God sees the big picture. He sees the past, the present, and the future. His heart for our lives is to live, not be boxed in by fear or bitterness or even worry, but to live in the freedom He paid for us to have. It is for freedom that He set us free.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for my wide-open, expansive, free life. Thank you that you have paid the price, you paid it all, that I may have abundant, free life. I thank you that today I am walking in your freedom. Help me not to look back or box my life in or live timidly. Help me to live bold and free and full of joy and happiness.

Day 8: Forever Dreaming?

Scripture: He replied, “What is impossible for people is possible with God.” – Luke 18:27

Reflection: For many of us, insurmountable disappointments of life have replaced our once all-consuming dreams. The fire and passion God placed inside us to accomplish that thing we knew we were placed here to do – own our business, become a teacher, start a Bible study – has been quenched. The very best thing you can doto help your child achieve his or her dream is achieving your own. Show your kids, against all odds, you made it.Inspire them to never give up by the very way you live your life – with tenacity and passion. Dare to dream newdreams! Dare to achieve the ones you already have.

Prayer: Thank you Father for every dream you’ve given me. Thank you that you will bring it to fruition when it is perfect for my life. I trust your timing today, Lord. Help me not to lose hope. Help me not to be discouraged. Help me to know that you are planting ideas and visions and dreams in me that will bless others. My dreams are not just for me, but they are for my children and grandchildren, my sisters, my co-workers. Help me to be the best me I can for your glory.

30-Day Devotional for Single Moms May not be reproduced without expressed written consent

The Life of a Single Mom | 11613 Newcastle Ave, Ste. A | Baton Rouge, LA 70816 | 225.341.8055 | www.thelifeofasinglemom.com

Day 9: Desires of my Heart

Scripture: “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” – Psalms 37:4

Reflection: It is so hard to remind ourselves that our life is not our own. God created us for his pleasure. He created us that we may be busy bringing others into his Kingdom. Focus today on lining your goals for your life up with the word of God. Draw close to Him every day.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I pray to take delight in you and as I do so I find happiness knowing that you are tending to my innermost desires. Help me to trust you to know what I truly need, and to be content with the blessings you choose to send my way.

Day 10: There’s no Comparison

Scripture: “Submit to God, and you will have peace; then things will go well for you.” – Jon 22:21

Reflection: There is no comparison to the peace this world gives us (temporary and unfulfilling) versus the eternal peace our Lord Jesus gives. His peace is the still water in the midst of a crazy storm. And man, don’t we have some crazy storms in our lives?! (I know I sure do). Too often we seek out fleeting attempts to find peace in our lives, and I wonder if the Lord is just looking down upon us with loving eyes and saying, “Girl, when you get finished chasing that temporary fix, I am here. I am waiting.” Your Savior sees that storm you are in and there is absolutely no comparison for the peace, love, joy, and goodness of Him.

Prayer: Father, thank you that you see me. Thank you that although I cannot see how this challenge in my life is going to work out, you are still in control. Father, I give you this hurdle, this mountain, today. I lay it down at your feet and I trust. I trust that you see, you care, you hear, and you are in control. Thank you for your goodness in my life. You are worthy to be praised.

Day 11: Tempted by Temptation

Scripture: “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you can endure.” – 1 Corinthians 10:13

Reflection: Whatever the temptation, regardless of how minute or awful, it is common to man. One of the lies of the enemy is that your temptation is unique and no one else experiences the same temptation.

Prayer: Lord, forgive me when I’ve failed you. Forgive me when I have fallen prey to the pit of temptation and have wandered in the dessert looking for satisfaction in places other than you. Father, thank you that your forgiveness is readily available to me. Now, Lord, help me to run from it, when it comes again. I know it will come, and I know that you are greater, than any attack of the evil one. I know that your intention for my life is good and holy and pure. Help me to live righteously before you.

30-Day Devotional for Single Moms May not be reproduced without expressed written consent

The Life of a Single Mom | 11613 Newcastle Ave, Ste. A | Baton Rouge, LA 70816 | 225.341.8055 | www.thelifeofasinglemom.com

Day 12: Peace

Scripture: “I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” – John 14:27

Reflection: Peace, by definition, is the absence of chaos or calamity or war, but we all know that there can be complete calm all around us and there is still an internal war raging within us internally. God’s peace is the absence of that internal war. I am convinced that as we travel through different seasons of life, there will always be something attempting to steal our peace, and we cannot wait until that thing is over to claim or peace, or there will simply be another thing waiting on us over the next hill. God’s peace, through Christ’s blood, has already been promised to us, now we must simply take hold, and rest in the knowledge that our God has this thing under control.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for the many examples of peace in my life. I thank you that even though my life can often be chaotic, you are the calm. You are my rock, salvation, comforter, joy-giver, and you are my peace. I claim that today.

Day 13: Prayer Privilege

Scripture: “Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.” – Romans 12:12

Reflection: My son was always into athletics. In fact, from the time that he was about four years old, I can’t remember him not playing in some sport. We’ve done it all – basketball, football, swimming, track, baseball, soccer, you name it. And I remember being exhausted through the years, as I balanced a full-time job and homework and sitting hours and hours in the bleachers or stands somewhere. But one thing happened through the years that I am forever thankful for. As I developed friendships with other moms, God constantly brought me the privilege of praying for others. It was a regular occurrence that fellow mothers would share with me some of the challenges they were facing in their home, and I often shared with them my own challenges. More times than I can count, I have the great privilege of petitioning God on their behalf.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the privilege of prayer. I am humbled that I can come before you with anything. I thank you that you are my best friend, my Savior, my confidante, and that there is nothing I cannot pray to you about.

Day 14: This is my Season

Scripture: “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” – Ecclesiastes 3:1

Reflection: God has a purpose for everything that happens in our lives. He is weaving the pieces of our life’s puzzle together in a way that only he can. And each trial in life passes, just like the changing of seasons. I can tell you, as the mother of two young adult children, the thought of my children becoming adults seemed like a far-away time when my babies were small. But just as my friends before me had promised, the rearing of my

30-Day Devotional for Single Moms May not be reproduced without expressed written consent

The Life of a Single Mom | 11613 Newcastle Ave, Ste. A | Baton Rouge, LA 70816 | 225.341.8055 | www.thelifeofasinglemom.com

children was only a season, and it passed so quickly. I want to encourage you today that God loves you and He has big plans for you. He is moving you from season to season. Some are more fun than others, but all of them will work for your good.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the season I am in today. Help me to focus on the good in my life today. Father, show me that your hand is at work in my life in this season, and help me to enjoy it, for it is quickly passing.

Day 15: No More Tears

Scripture: “You keep track of all my sorrow. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” – Psalm 56:8

Reflection: I am a crier, I confess. And the older I get, the more prone to tears I am! I cry for good things and sad ones. But truthfully, my early years of single parenthood probably led to more tears than any other. You see, I simply could not believe how hard life was. I never expected to be a single mom, like many of you. And the challenges left in the wake of a broken heart were sometimes too much to bear. Ladies, today, God sees you. There isn’t one tear you’ve shed that your God didn’t see. He wiped them from your face and bottled them. Reflect today on the good things God has done. Thank him for his hand in your life. Thank him that He will redeem all the ashes and hardships and challenges in your life for beauty one day.

Prayer: Father, thank you that you care enough for me that you have bottled my tears, that you have taken the time to caress my broken heart. Thank you that not one tear I’ve shed has been wasted.

Day 16: A Perfect Love

Scripture: “For your unfailing love is as high as the heavens, Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.” – Psalm 57:10

Reflection: I was raised in a pretty difficult home life. There was fighting and profanity and many times, I didn’t feel loved. So when I began to learn about the love of my Heavenly Father, it was very difficult to fully understand His love. How could God love me when I was such a mess? I think this difficulty to understand His love made it even harder for me to come to Him. When I would attend church, I mostly sat in shame, convinced that all the other people in church were perfect and that I was the most messed up one! Have you ever been there? It was only in later years that I came into a better understanding of God’s love for me. There’s nothing I could do to earn it and nothing I could do to lose it. God’s love is eternal, from everlasting to everlasting. He loves me even deeper than I love my kids, and that’s pretty deep!

Prayer: Lord, I praise you for your perfect love. I praise you that you love me deeper than I can fully comprehend. I thank you that you have placed people in my life that love me and I thank you for the opportunity to love my children in such a deep way. Father, Worthy is your name and greatly it is to be praised. Thank you for your love in my life, even on those days, when I don’t feel I deserve it, which are many.

30-Day Devotional for Single Moms May not be reproduced without expressed written consent

The Life of a Single Mom | 11613 Newcastle Ave, Ste. A | Baton Rouge, LA 70816 | 225.341.8055 | www.thelifeofasinglemom.com

Day 17: Handing Over the Bags

Scripture: “For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” – Matthew 11:30

Reflection: Why is it that we, as Christians, want to continue to drag behind us the heavy weight of this world when Jesus already promised us a light one?! I cannot tell you the number of times that I relinquish one area of my life to the Lord, but then secretly try to control and hang on to others. Now, that’s not what I say to my friends. To my friends, I tell them that I have handed it all over to God. I let go and let God. But secretly, I am dragging the heavy load. Yet, I’m angry and bitter and exhausted from dragging it. Have you ever kept the weight of sin or unforgiveness or just the busyness of life far too long and struggled to relinquish it to your God?

Prayer: Lord, today, I am handing you the baggage. I have carried the shame of my past too long. It has worn me down. It has made me be short with my children and quick to anger with my friends. Help me to just give it to you. Lord, I thank you that you are strong when I am weak. I thank you that this heavy load is not too heavy for you. Help me to visualize letting go of it today.

Day 18: Embracing Friendships

Scripture: “The seeds of good deeds become a tree of life; a wise person wins friends.” – Proverbs 11:30

Reflection: God created us for relationships. His intention for our lives wasn’t to live in complete solitude from others. Many times when we are depressed or feeling lonely, it fuels the desire to further isolate, which in turn makes us more depressed, more self-deprecating, and even more lonely. We can even begin to question God in our life. Is He really there? Does He really care? That is exactly where Satan wants you. Our friends help us gain perspective. They are our encouragers, when we feel like we aren’t good moms or are having a bad week. They are the ones that help remind us of the good things in our lives. Don’t sacrifice the goodness of great friends due to the busyness of life or even Satan’s lies that you don’t have time for friends. You can’t afford not to have them!

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for the friends that are in my life. I thank you that you give me the opportunity to be a good friend to others. I pray blessings over their lives today. Help me to make time for my friends.

Day 19: How Do I See Me? (Proverbs 23:7)

Scripture: “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16

Reflection: I remember learning this memory verse when I was a little girl in Sunday school. In fact, it’s probably the first scripture I ever memorized. It is the cornerstone of our faith as Christians and if we aren’t careful, we can gloss over it as a common one that we always hear. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Jesus died for our sins, we may think. Think about putting your own son or daughter to death for the mistakes of another. Think about how much you love your child, how thankful you are for your babies, and how unwilling you would be to let

30-Day Devotional for Single Moms May not be reproduced without expressed written consent

The Life of a Single Mom | 11613 Newcastle Ave, Ste. A | Baton Rouge, LA 70816 | 225.341.8055 | www.thelifeofasinglemom.com

anyone hurt them. Yet, our God, our gracious, loving Father, did that for you and me. That’s how much God loves you. Did you see yourself as beloved, worthy to be loved, holy and perfect in His sight? Admittedly, I don’t always see myself through the lens that God looks at me. Let’s commit today to honor ourselves, our bodies, our thought-lives, because of how much our God loves us and how he sees us.

Prayer: Lord, thank you that you see me as better than I sometimes see myself. Thank you for your son. Thank you that even in my darkest hour, Lord, you don’t stop loving me. Help me to value myself as much as you do.

Day 20: I am an Overcomer!

Scripture: “But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.” – 1 John 4:4

Reflection: There are many days when the endless piles of laundry, the pages of homework, and the demands on my time at work make me feel like anything but an overcomer! There are many days, unfortunately, when I feel defeated, like I’m not good enough, like I’ll never measure up as a mom or friend or employee. In fact sometimes, even the sin in my life seems too heavy a temptation. But when we accept Jesus, we are in fact, overcomers. Jesus faced the trials in this world that we do. He faced temptation and criticism. Yet, He overcame. I want to invite you today that if you are standing in the midst of some of the biggest battles of your life to remind Satan that you will be victorious. See yourself as a victor today. Say it aloud, even when you don’t feel it. Put it on sticky notes around your house or in your purse. The more we reflect on God’s promises for our life, the more we believe them and can live them.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you that the battle is won. I thank you that this trial will not overcome me, for I am an overcomer through you. Lord, help me to walk that out, today. Help me to see myself as victorious, when the load seems unbearable.

Day 21: The Power in my Words

Scripture: “The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” – Proverbs 18:21

Reflection: Admittedly, I am a talker – a big talker. Many, many….many times, I’ve stuck my big, fat foot right into my mouth, because I sometimes don’t know when to stop talking! This Scripture is a reminder for me to think before I speak. All of us have people in our lives (our kids, for one) that are listening intently to what we say. Our words have the ability to invest life and light and power into someone’s life or we can tear them down. I was in a conversation the other day and I thought about something that my dad said to me when I was a little girl. It was shocking that I could remember it, but I did. It wasn’t life-giving or encouraging. It was pretty hurtful. And when I brought it up in conversation, tears stung my eyes. I could not believe that after more than thirty years, that thing still bothered me. I stopped and prayed, right then, that God would allow me to release that. And then, I asked for forgiveness for those many times when I’ve said hurtful things to my friends, family, or even my kids. Let us be ever-aware of the power of our words.

30-Day Devotional for Single Moms May not be reproduced without expressed written consent

The Life of a Single Mom | 11613 Newcastle Ave, Ste. A | Baton Rouge, LA 70816 | 225.341.8055 | www.thelifeofasinglemom.com

Prayer: Lord, bring to my mind those times when I have hurt someone with my words. Show me how I can ask them for forgiveness. Quicken in my spirit anytime that I may be tempted to say the wrong thing that it would not even come from my lips. Help me to speak life over my children, my friends, my co-workers. Give me the words to say to them that come from your heart, that I may be a source of encouragement, not a source of disappointment or death for them. Help me to forgive those in my life that have spoken poorly to me. Help me to release them to you, today.

Day 22: Hot-Tempered

Scripture: “The more I thought about it, the hotter I got, igniting a fire of words.” – Psalm 39:3

Reflection: Eek! I am embarrassed to say that this scripture speaks to me way more than it should! Ugh, have you ever had a cashier to be rude to you at the supermarket and the more you thought about what she said, the madder you got about it? That has been me on more than one occasion. When someone has hurt or offended me with their words, I have a tendency to replay the words in my head over and over. And the more I think on it, the more upset I become. This is especially true if someone has said a cruel thing about my family or children. Yet, when Jesus was lied upon, beaten, and abused, His instruction to us was to forgive and to keep forgiving as many times as necessary to live in peace. We must be slow to anger. It can be so hard for me to do that! But what does my hot-tempered words or behavior accomplish? Does it make my offender less likely to offend? Does it show them Christ? No. So we have to be keenly aware of our tempers and our quickness to anger and bring it in control. Our kids are watching. Nonbelievers are watching.

Prayer: Father, help me guard my tongue. Help me to extend grace to others, when they say or do something unkind to me. Help me to see the good in others and see people the way you see them. Lord, forgive me for the many times, when I have been far too quick to anger and have said or done something hurtful to others.

Day 23: Grace

Scripture: “But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out his special favor on me – and not without results. For I have worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet it was not I but God who was working through me by his grace.” – 1 Corinthians 15:10

Reflection: I love receiving God’s grace. I love receiving grace from others. When I’ve messed up, I am anxious to have people forgive me and extend grace when I don’t deserve it. On the contrast, I am not such a huge lover of grace when I have to give it! Isn’t that true for all of us? We want people to see our side, see how hard we are working, how innocent our mistakes are, but we have a harder time when it comes to others hurting us. My desire is to extend the same grace to others that Christ gives me. I must admit that I fail often, but I am improving every day. I would also encourage you that there are times, when it is appropriate to give grace to your children, even when they’ve made a mistake and broken a rule in your home. Use discernment here. But there are times when your loving ability to give them a second chance and extend grace will show them more of God’s love for them than a dozen Scriptures.

30-Day Devotional for Single Moms May not be reproduced without expressed written consent

The Life of a Single Mom | 11613 Newcastle Ave, Ste. A | Baton Rouge, LA 70816 | 225.341.8055 | www.thelifeofasinglemom.com

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your grace. Thank you that you are always willing to forgive me and that you extend undeserved grace to me often. Help me to be that to others. Help me to extend grace when others fail me. Help me to know when it is appropriate to extend grace to my children. I want your heart for others. Fill me with your compassion and grace for others.

Day 24: Goodbye Anger

Scripture: “Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.” – James 1:19-20

Reflection: This is not the first response for most of us to be slow to anger. It is a practiced skill that is perfected over time and spiritual maturity. As with any other skill in our lives, it does not come without determination and purposeful thought. There was great pride in my family when I was growing up, that our family members were hot-tempered and we wouldn’t take baloney from anyone! Yet, that isn’t God’s heart at all. His heart is for His children to be loving, peaceful, and slow to become anger. Years ago, I remember becoming so angry that a driver pulled over in front of me during a heavy traffic day, that I chased her, aggressively weaving in and out of traffic just to angrily look at her and perhaps even utter a few choice words. How childish I was! Many times when we take the time to reflect on a situation that has made us angry and caused us to lash out, we are embarrassed with our behavior. Take the time to keep your mouth closed and think! You will be glad you did.

Prayer: Lord, help me to control my anger. Help me to be righteously angry when others have sinned against you, but Father, help me to use discernment and know how to keep the main thing, the main thing. Lord, forgive me when I have been quick to anger. Develop in me a gentleness and compassion that comes through your Spirit.

Day 25: Just Be Patient

Scripture: “Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.” – Romans 12:12

Reflection: Someone recently asked me when things settled down for me, as I was sharing how hard my early years of single parenting were. I jokingly replied, “Things have never settled down. I haven’t slept in twenty years!” I am a busy person. I have trouble sitting still and relaxing. And mostly, I have trouble being patient. I want instant gratification. If I pray for something, I want God to snap his fingers and instantly deliver it to me. I want to see the fruit of seeds I’ve planted in my children. I want to be the first in line at the grocery store. I struggle with patience immensely. Years ago, when I wanted to start my first single mom’s Bible study in my home, I went before my pastors and asked if it would be okay. It was almost a year before I was given permission to do it! Ugh, I was livid! Admittedly, I have not been the most graceful “waiter”. Yet, many of the best things in my life have come after the wait. How many times has God delivered to you instantly what you wanted? How many times have you had to wait patiently for his perfect timing?

Prayer: Lord, help me to wait upon you. Help me to enjoy the wait, as I recognize it as your love for me and your desire to have all the intricate details of my life worked out in your perfect timing. Give me the virtue of

30-Day Devotional for Single Moms May not be reproduced without expressed written consent

The Life of a Single Mom | 11613 Newcastle Ave, Ste. A | Baton Rouge, LA 70816 | 225.341.8055 | www.thelifeofasinglemom.com

patience each day, that I may be loving and kind to others, especially my children. And Father, thank you, that you are always patient with me.

Day 26: I am Not a Victim

Scripture: “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33

Reflection: All of us are victims of something. Maybe you lost your parents at a young age. Perhaps you have undergone a serious or even life-threatening medical condition. Many of you are divorced or lost a spouse through death. Some of you are victims of abuse. There is an endless list of problems that we can fall prey to. But the truth is, as Christ followers, we are not victims. We are more than conquerors. The victory is won. Life is hard and in this world we will have trouble. But our Savior has overcome it all. Through His strength and power we are victors. We are more than simply surviving in life. We are flourishing and thriving and living the abundant life.

Prayer: Father, I am a victor through you. Remind me of this truth often when life gets hard. Help me to remember the challenges you walked through on earth. Help me to know that my life here on Earth is temporary. Father, thank you that you paid the price for my freedom that I may live and flourish.

Day 27: God’s Unfailing Provision

Scripture: “And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:19

Reflection: When I was the most financially destitute that I’ve ever been in my life, it was very hard for me to keep groceries in my apartment. I was utilizing government assistance but it seemed to never be enough to last us to month’s end. Never, not one time in all my years, have my children gone hungry. Praise God. God sent angels to me on many occasions to feed us unexpectedly. I remember finding a one hundred dollar bill under my door one night and I cried and cried. One time, I found one thousand dollars in my mail box for a check that I didn’t even know was owed to me. Many times, when it never made sense on paper, my God provided for me. I know that many single moms struggle with finances or emotional peace or just the parental ability to make tough decisions. But our God provides. He is going to supply everything you need, maybe not everything you want, and maybe not in your timing, but our God is faithful.

Prayer: Father, thank you for my many blessings. Thank you for my children. Thank you that you have provided a roof over my head, a car to drive, and food for my family. God, I thank you that you have good plans for me and that your eternal gifts are far more than I deserve. Help me to see all your provision in my life, daily, that I may be filled with gratitude of your goodness.

30-Day Devotional for Single Moms May not be reproduced without expressed written consent

The Life of a Single Mom | 11613 Newcastle Ave, Ste. A | Baton Rouge, LA 70816 | 225.341.8055 | www.thelifeofasinglemom.com

Day 28: Moment of Honesty

Scripture: “Their insults have broken my heart, and I am in despair. If only one person would show me some pity; if only one would turn and comfort me.” – Psalm 69:20

Reflection: I have been so very hurt in my life. I have been insulted many times and my heart has been broken in two by the devastation of failed relationships, the disappointment of what I hoped for and what never was. I know you can relate. Single moms are some of the strongest women in the world, and unfortunately, oftentimes, some of the most hurt. There have been times when the insults of others and the immense broken heart I carried beat me down to such a place where I didn’t feel I had the energy to even get out of bed each day. Be honest with God about your feelings. He already knows. He is our friend, our ever-present help in time of need. He loves us so much and wants us to come to Him with our hurts. It’s okay to not have it together all the time. Today, maybe you need to just come before your Heavenly Father with that heavy load of disappointment and hurt you are carrying, be honest with him, and let him heal the wounds.

Prayer: Father, today, I come bringing a broken heart. It’s been hard. I’ve been hurt by what was done or said and there have been days, when I felt I couldn’t go on. Yet, Lord, I know you know the pain of a broken heart all too well. Your word says you can heal this broken heart. Father, I ask that you do it today. Father, I trust that you will do it. And please give me the strength to go on and be the mother you have called me to be. Help me to forgive those who have hurt and insulted me.

Day 29: LOL

Scripture: “We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. And the other nations said, ‘What amazing things the Lord has done for them.’” – Psalm 126:2

Reflection: Have you ever heard the expression, “I had to laugh to keep from crying.”? I think there’s some great truth in that statement. There are times in our lives when we feel pressed from all sides, seemingly everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong! And we have choices to make in those desperate times. We can choose to freak out when our kids have gotten the permanent marker and drawn all over themselves from head to toe and all over the living room wall or we can choose to laugh at their innocence. We can choose to wallow in misery that our car has broken down for the 4th time this year, or we can laugh and say to the Lord, “Lord, I don’t know what you have planned for me, but I know this is gonna be good, ‘cuz it can’t get much worse!” I realize that not every hardship is cause for laughter, but sometimes, a good, deep belly laugh is just what you need to make it through. Find something today that will cause you to laugh hysterically at yourself or your children. It truly does the body good!

Prayer: Father, this has been a long week. It’s been a hard season and I don’t even remember the last time I had a really good laugh. I’m asking you today to bring something to me this week that will cause me to laugh uncontrollably. Help me to laugh without fear of my future and enjoy my life, in spite of present challenges. Help me to enjoy my kids and laugh at myself occasionally, too.

30-Day Devotional for Single Moms May not be reproduced without expressed written consent

The Life of a Single Mom | 11613 Newcastle Ave, Ste. A | Baton Rouge, LA 70816 | 225.341.8055 | www.thelifeofasinglemom.com

Day 30: I Believe!

Scripture: “Jesus asked, ‘Do you finally believe?’” – John 16:31

Reflection: The disciples had Jesus in their midst, in their daily lives, and they struggled to believe that he was the son of God. They saw the miracles first-hand. They saw his power and goodness. I would like to believe that I would not be a doubting Thomas, that I would have the fearlessness of Peter to get out of the boat and walk onto the water with Jesus. But the truth is, I have struggled to believe God’s promises in my life, sometimes. It’s hard to believe that God will make all things work for my good, when I’m in the middle of the valley. It’s hard to embrace that my tears are not shed in vain, when I feel alone. Our activated faith and belief is what truly moves the evidence of the power of God in our lives.

Prayer: Father, forgive my unbelief. Help me to never doubt your goodness. Help me to be very aware of your presence in my life, your mighty hand at work in my children’s lives. Show me who you are a little more each day.

30-Day Devotional for Single Moms May not be reproduced without expressed written consent

The Life of a Single Mom | 11613 Newcastle Ave, Ste. A | Baton Rouge, LA 70816 | 225.341.8055 | www.thelifeofasinglemom.com

This resource was provided to you by The Life of a Single Mom, a national non-profit organization headquartered in Baton Rouge, LA. We provide solutions for local churches & communities to launch & grow single mom support groups. Our programs

help single moms succeed in finances, parenting, and health & wellness, while connecting them to a group in their community for encouragement, networking, and empowerment. We serve more than 50,000 single mothers annually and have assisted with 1,514 single mom support groups. We are a hub for all things single parent and single parent ministry related. We are a multi-

award winning, fully-accredited 501c3 nonprofit. For more information and additional resources visit our website at www.thelifeofasinglemom.com or email us at [email protected].

11613 Newcastle Ave., Ste. A | Baton Rouge, LA 70816 | 225.341.8055 | www.thelifeofasinglemom.com