TllE NATlON/il. C^ L THOI.IC: RJSK RmT.hJTION GROUP. INC. "IVIRTUS^WW." Registration Instructions Before or after your first Protecting God's Children session {but not both), you will need to register with the VIRTUS Program. This is required of all participants. If you do not have Internet access, and cannot temporarily gain Internet access via school, university, library, work, home or other means, please register with your Facilitator or your VIRTUS Coordinator. Go to http://www.virlusonline .Grq On the left-hand side of the page, click the yellow link labeled "Registration." Choose the name of your organization from the pull-down menu by clicking the downward arrow and highlighting your organization. Once your organization is selected, click "Select." IVIRTUS^.^- RBvlsWtngm* Basics of Abuca Prevention Conversaiion Guidelines tor Parenls: 6e Awarg BV Tynar Alten, Esq. Registration Pmuinw llm I'mlnrtinn Cod's Cliililreii Program tiii^ Wi!iih%ritiiii!iii: •IJ9!«l5t«r2 -•:»0»rlle..<r 51-13 Lrnl^j in irm io alutnblK, 4 fa# bsti«i lot bim to A M gtttl milhtont Aonj VMind ft#cfc and to drca-w^ it tHe depfft Plerise select your Archdiocese/Dioc^se/Reltgioits Ofijaiiiirition from flie list below: - Seteci your organiialion Selecl Create a user ID and a passv»'ord you can easily remember. This is necessary for all participants. This establishes your account within your Diocese and the VIRTUS program. If your preferred user ID is already taken, please choose another ID, We recommend the use of email addresses ss user names. Click Continue to proceed. Provide the inforrn.stiori requested on the following page. Several fields are required, sucii as name, address, phone nu.Tibe/ arid e- maii address. Click Continue to proceed. - if you do not hav$ an email address, consider obtaining a free email account at msii.yahoo.com, or any other free service. This is necessary for your VIRTUS Coordinator to communicate with you. If you cannot obtain an email address, enter: [email protected]. This will notify your VltRTL'S Coordinator thai you do not have an email address. •• If you do not have personal internet access, and you are not able to obtain temporary Internet access for one hour per month, complete the registration process and your ViRTUS Programs Coordinator will contact you. Other options are available for your continued training. PleasG create a user ici anil password that you will (ise to access your accouiil Create a User 10: Creaie a Password: [ ] Continue Ssluiaiion r. Ptssse seteci j.i^'jj M-ri^.le N'eni.i ^ j i .8SilJsr„6 I I' Ems.l ^ Home Aodress Home ^.ddress Cont'd; Ctij. L Sleie: | - Selecl - ' Wort< Phone; F [ Cor.linm? j Select the PRIMARY location where you work, volunteer or worship. You will be able to selecl additional locations later it you serve at niultiple locations within your organization. C-iick Continue to proceed. PUase s^leci th* fifunricy lacorion where you woiV-. '-'ot-jMfe"f of w«rch(p l.ocaiion [• Please select - "•'•'""'I Copyrighi 2002-2004 oy Mie Mailonsi C^inolic Risi' Reierilion Group, Inc noh\3 fe;{e"v-r^ Thi:^ information lasf re^Hs'?':• on 2.'2'^'200'3 ^'^--y-h 1 of 2

TllE NATlON/il. C^L IVIRTUS^WW. THOI.IC: RJSK RmT.hJTION ... · 5/29/2019  · If you have additional questions about the registration process, please contact your session's facilitator,

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Page 1: TllE NATlON/il. C^L IVIRTUS^WW. THOI.IC: RJSK RmT.hJTION ... · 5/29/2019  · If you have additional questions about the registration process, please contact your session's facilitator,

T l l E N A T l O N / i l . C ^ L T H O I . I C : R J S K R m T . h J T I O N G R O U P . I N C .

"IVIRTUS^WW." Registration Instructions

Before or after your first Protect ing G o d ' s Chi ldren s e s s i o n {but not both), you will need to register with the V I R T U S Program. Th is is required of all par t ic ipants . If you do not have Internet a c c e s s , and c a n n o t temporari ly gain Internet a c c e s s via s c h o o l , university, library, work, home or other m e a n s , p lease register with your Faci l i ta tor or your V I R T U S Coordinator.

Go to h t tp : / /www.v i r luson l ine .Grq

On the left-hand side of the page , click the yel low link labeled "Reg is t ra t ion . "

Choose the name of your organ izat ion f rom the pul l-down menu by clicking the downward a r row and highl ight ing your organizat ion. Once your organizat ion is se lected, click "Select."

I V I R T U S ^ . ^ -

R B v l s W t n g m * B a s i c s of A b u c a P r e v e n t i o n

Conversaiion Guidelines tor Parenls: 6e Awarg

BV Tynar Alten, Esq.

• Registration

• Pmuinw llm I'mlnrtinn Cod's Cliililreii Program

• t i i i ^ W i ! i i h % r i t i i i i ! i i i :

•IJ9!«l5t«r2 -•:»0»rlle..<r 51-13 Lrnl j

in irm io alutnblK, 4 fa# bsti«i lot bim to A M • gtttl milhtont Aonj VMind ft#cfc and to drca-w^ it tHe depfft

Plerise select your Archdiocese/Dioc^se/Reltgioits Ofijaiii irition from flie list below:

- Seteci your organiialion — Selecl

Create a user ID and a passv»'ord you can easi ly remember. This is necessary for all part ic ipants. This estab l ishes your account within your Diocese and the V I R T U S p rog ram. If your preferred user ID is already taken, p lease choose another ID, We recommend the use of emai l addresses ss user names. Click Continue to proceed.

Provide the inforrn.stiori requested on the fol lowing page. Several fields are required, suci i as name , address, phone nu.Tibe/ arid e-maii address. Click Continue to p roceed.

- i f you do not hav$ an email address, consider obtaining a free email account at msii.yahoo.com, or any other free service. This is necessary for your VIRTUS Coordinator to communicate with you. If you cannot obtain an email address, enter: [email protected]. This will notify your VltRTL'S Coordinator thai you do not have an email address.

•• If you do not have personal internet access, and you are not able to obtain temporary Internet access for one hour per month, complete the registration process and your ViRTUS Programs Coordinator will contact you. Other options are available for your continued training.

P l e a s G crea te a user ici ani l p a s s w o r d that y o u wi l l (ise to access your a c c o u i i l

Create a User 10:

Creaie a Password: [ ]


Ssluiaiion r. Ptssse seteci • j.i 'jj

M-ri^.le N'eni.i ^ j

i . 8 S i l J s r „ 6 I I'

E m s . l ^

Home Aodress

Home ^.ddress Cont'd;

Ctij. L

Sleie: | - Selecl - '

Wort< Phone; F

[ Cor.linm? j

Select the PRIMARY location whe re you work, volunteer or worship. You will be able to se lec l addi t ional locations later it you serve at niult iple locat ions within your organizat ion. C-iick Continue to p roceed.

PUase s^leci th * fifunricy lacorion where you woiV-. '-'ot-jMfe"f of w«rch(p

l.ocaiion [• Please select - "•'•'""'I

Copyrighi 2002-2004 oy Mie Mailonsi C^inolic Risi' Reierilion Group, Inc noh\3 fe;{e"v-r^ Thi:^ information lasf re^Hs'?':• on 2.'2'^'200'3 ^'^--y-h 1 of 2

Page 2: TllE NATlON/il. C^L IVIRTUS^WW. THOI.IC: RJSK RmT.hJTION ... · 5/29/2019  · If you have additional questions about the registration process, please contact your session's facilitator,


I VIRTUS ^w:^" Your current list of locations is displayed. If you need to add an additional location, choose Y E S . Otherwise, choose NO.

Select the role{s) that you serve within your organization. Please check all roles that apply. Additionally, if you tiave a title within your diocese, enter it in the box. I.e. Teacher, D R E , Catechist, etc. Click Continue to proceed.

Answer three Y E S / N O questions and then click Continue.

If you have already attended a Protecting God's Children Sess ion , click Y E S , otherwise click NO.

If you chose NO during the previous step, you will be presented with a list of all upcoming sess ions within your organization. W h e n you find the session you would like to attend, click the circle next to the title.

If you chose Y E S during the previous step, skip this step.

If you chose Y E S , you will be presented with a list of all sess ions • that have been held within your organization. Choose the session you attended by clicking the downward arrow and highlighting the sess ion , and then dick Connplete Registration.

Registration Instructions

This ts Hit list o d o c a l l o n s wlih wh ich yoti nit ossocl^itcd:

St. Josephs Parish (Tulsa)

Do you n « e d lo add another location?

S 1 ^

P)eas« s«l«ct Ute roUs dial you |»lay within your di«ces<

P l « > l « (harii a i that apply.

Q Cindidali loi oniination O Paftnt

B Daacor O Pn««

B Elliictlol O VokmleM

E Empjoree

If you h9n a tilts within four diocasa, plaasa anlaj il here: [

I Conlkiut j

A r e y o u a parenj l or.yttardian of a child i i i ide f 18^ O Y e $

© : l ehpose lipUo answer this question

Have you airesidy anehded a Protecting God's Children Session?

P.lease select 1he-4es5ii)n-yoii wish to nne.iid

Unlt jx o t l i t H ^ * nota4 aU >*ssl«ni j r« o«ntfgatad In English.

© Protecting Go 's Children for Adults

Where: TestSHe (Tuiss)

When- Monday, Qctobsr 25 . 2004 6;0b'PM:

Eslioiatej lime: 3 Krs

Space's [emaininq: 7Df25

P t a m M l a d I l ia M S S I O I I you an*n<)*4

- Plaasa salaci -

You will see a message on your screen confirming that you have completed the registration process. If you correctly entered your email address during the process, you will receive an email confirming your information. Additionally, your Virtus Coordinator may contact you via e-mail with information regarding your continuing training status.

If you have additional questions about the registration process, please contact your sess ion 's facilitator, your Virtus Coordinator, or the V I R T U S Help Desk at 1-888-847-8870.

Thnnk you (or completing th« regtstraison process.

Thank you fof regtslering for a Protecting God's Children session and with VIRTUS Online. You win recefvs an^email confirming your registration for Ihe session you selected.

After you attend youi session, your account requesl wili be reviewed by your Coordinator.

You will b« notified via email when your VIRTUS Online account is activated.

Copyrigh! 2002-2004 by The National Calhol ic R isk Retention Group, Inc. AH rights reserved . This information las! revised on 2/25/2005. Page 2 of 2

Page 3: TllE NATlON/il. C^L IVIRTUS^WW. THOI.IC: RJSK RmT.hJTION ... · 5/29/2019  · If you have additional questions about the registration process, please contact your session's facilitator,

L E T US T A K E Y O U 8 f l N C E S O r F r o U H H A N D S -

Here is how to schedule a fmgeiprinting appointment:

1. When it is lime for an applicant to be fingerprinted, direct them to log onto the www.fieldprintflorida.com website to schedule their appointment.

2. Click "Schedule An Appointment".

3. Applicants will create a secure username/password and enter the Fieldprint scheduling system.

4. In the Reason why you need to be fingerprinted screen; the applicant will select the web link: I know my Fieldprint Code

4. Provide the applicant witti the following access code(s), which they will input on the website to gain access to the online scheduling tool:

SchoolVolunteer FPAOMSchoolVol

Please note the access code IS case sensitive.

4. The applicant will provide their contact and demographic info. The information requested on the scheduling site is the information required by FDLE/FBI in order to process the criminal search. This is the same information required to be completed by the representative on "the old" ink hard cards.

5. From this point forward the website will prompt the representative for the required information to find a local collection facility and schedule an appointment. Instructions, directions, maps, and photos will all be provided directly online.

6. If the representative has any issues or questions, they may contact our customer service team at (800) 799-1067 or at CustomerSen/ice(a)fieldprint.com. They may also select the "Contact Us" link on the website.

Page 4: TllE NATlON/il. C^L IVIRTUS^WW. THOI.IC: RJSK RmT.hJTION ... · 5/29/2019  · If you have additional questions about the registration process, please contact your session's facilitator,

w Archdiocese of Miami

Volunteer Pledge to Promote Safe Environment

As a volimteer in the Archdiocese of Miami, I am committed to being a person of good moral character and to be conscious of the unique authority and responsibility that I hold due to the trust placed in me by way of service to minors or vulnerable adults. I am expected to uphold the following Pledge to Promote a Safe Environment which covers activities in which I may be working with minors or vulnerable adults. The Pledge supports the Archdiocesan policy outlined in "Creating and Maintaining a Safe Environment for Children and Vulnerable Adults." I also declare that I have read the following and have been given a copy for reference. Based on the following I pledge to:

1. Treat everyone with respect, loyalty, patience, integrity, courtesy, dignity, and consideration, regardless o f the circumstances of the encounter.

2. Assume the full burden o f responsibility for setting and maintaining clear and appropriate physical and emotional boundaries with minors or vulnerable persons

3. Avoid situations that would present unsupervised one-on-one contact with a minor or vulnerable person.

4. Use positive reinforcement rather than cnticisin, competition or comparison when working with others, especially minors or wlnerable persons.

5. Show prudent discretion in the expression of affections used with minors or vulnerable adults and to adhere to the PAN principle— keeping all touch Public Appropriate and Nonsexual. Discretion should include refraining from giving or receiving gifts from minors or vulnerable adults, and/or their parents except small tokens o f appreciation on occasions such as Chuistmias or birthdays.

6. Avoid any coveil or overt sexual behavior with mmors or vuinerabie adults even i f they initiate such behavior. This includes seductive speech or gestures as well as physical contact that sexually abuses, exploits, or harasses a person.

7. Never initiate sexual behavior with a minor or vulnerable adult. Such behavior, i f witnessed, must be reported to a supervisor immediately.

8- Repon suspected abuse lo the legal authonties by contacting the Department o f Children and Families, DCF, at 1-800-96ABUSE (1-800-962-2873) and to notify my supervisor o f the report, including the case number, as soon as possible. I understand that failure to report suspected abuse to civi l authorities is a crimxc.

9. Cooperate ftjlly in any i.nvestigation of abuse of minors or vulnerable persons.

Page 5: TllE NATlON/il. C^L IVIRTUS^WW. THOI.IC: RJSK RmT.hJTION ... · 5/29/2019  · If you have additional questions about the registration process, please contact your session's facilitator,

10. Exercise care to avoid exposing others when suffering from a contagious condition such as the f lu, fever, or cold.

11. Never possess, consiime, or offer alcohol products, tobacco products or illegal drugs, nor be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, when engaged in any ministry of the Archdiocese o f Miami especially with minors or vulnerable persons.

12. Never humiliate, ridicule, frighten, threaten, or degrade anyone especially minors or vulnerable persons including when applying discipline.

13. Never strike, spank, shake, or slap anyone especially minors or vulnerable persons. 14. Never touch anyone, especially minors or vulnerable persons in a sexual or other

inappropriate manner. 15. Never use profanity in the presence of anyone especially minors or vulnerable


16. Never allow a situation where a child or vulnerable adult is alone in a car with an adult i f that adult is neither the parent nor guardian.

17. Never share a bedroom with anyone with whom 1 am in ministry, especially minors or vulnerable adults.

18. Never provide anyone, especially minors or vulnerable adults, with videos, readings or graphic materials which are inappropriately sexual in nature.

19. Never communicate electronically, including social networking sites and text messaging, with minors or vulnerable persons, except as specifically authorized by school policy. Parents/guardians should be the primary contact source and all communication must be copied to the supervisor.

20. Never engage m sexual behavior over the internet with those in my ministry and/or anyone, especially minors or vulnerable adults, when engaged in ministrj'.

21. Immediately repo.n suspected violations o f the Pledge to the Principal, Program Director or Clergy. I f the suspected violator is the Principal, Program Director or Clergy the report should be made to the Vicar Cienera! (305-762-1220).

I pledge to follow these guidelines in my relationships with all persons with whom ! have contact in my ministry, especially minors or '/ulnerable adults.

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