Tiny Terrors Sample

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  • 7/28/2019 Tiny Terrors Sample



    The Playthings of History

    Long ago when humankind first walked the Earth, great evil walkedit with them. Older than us, from the time before sentience and

    rational thought infected our minds, these ancient evils preyed on us,

    both our flesh and our souls. Eventually these creatures were trapped

    in realms beyond this one by shamans, wizards, and spirit talkers of

    the ancient world. There were six of these terrible beasts, and each

    was imprisoned in their own realm, cut off from the souls and flesh

    they drew sustenance from. Behind otherworldly barriers they

    languished for time unknown before they found a weakness in their


    It was after the rise of agriculture among the tribes of humanity

    that the Six Beasts learned they were not alone in their prisons andbent the other creatures trapped with them to their will. These lesser

    creatures could pass through the barriers between worlds and bring

    back sustenance for the Six Beasts. Again the magic-workers of

    humanity stepped forth to combat this new threat, erecting magical

    defenses in this realm against the new minions of the Six Beasts. Each

    of the Six Beasts were targeted with their own massive ritual. The one

    performed to stop the Beast known as the Shaded King was the

    strongest since he was known to prey upon helpless children.

    Through ritual and ceremony the shamans and wizards of the world

    imbued the playthings of children with the energy of creation and

    Spirit, giving them life and power with which to defend the children of

    the world from the Shaded King.

    Not all toys were imbued so; only toys in the possession of

    children threatened by the Shaded King (known as "The Boogeyman"

    to children) would come to life. These toys, charged by the power of

    creation and the affection of their owners, could move about under

    their own power and even use the traits of their form or other toys as

    if they were real objects. A wooden doll of a warrior could use his

    shield and axe as if they were made of steel, while a bear made of

    cloth could rend with its claws. These small warriors of Spirit would

    defend humanity's children in the dark and in the light, forever


    In time the energy of creation that once suffused the world faded.

    The spirit toys weakened until they could not move in the presence of

    those who did not believe in their power, crushed by the might of

    mass manufacture and merchandising that reduced toys from being

    something wondrous to being something disposable. Still the toys

    fight on as best they can, seeking to protect their charges from the


    By Lee Hammock Artwork: James Jarvis and Corey Reid



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    The lives of children within Tiny Terrors are much as we adults

    remember it, only with two startling differences: there really is a

    monster under the bed or in the closet, and our toys really do come

    to life. The Boogeyman is still a very real threat to the children of the

    world, able harvest the innocence of children through acts of terror

    and fright.

    The Boogeyman targets the children whose innocence he desires

    with scary noises, voices in the darkness, hideous images in their

    room, or even violence. He prefers to leave children alive, but

    eventually his minions to scare all shreds of innocence out of his

    victims, leaving them blank, Spiritless human beings who will never

    dream again.

    Once the Boogeyman sends minions into the real world the

    ancient spells of the magic-workers of old activate, creating toy

    guardian Spirits around those children that are threatened. These

    animated toys have little in the way of memories, but do have

    personalities, skills, and abilities based on the shape and purpose of

    their toy. Army toys know about fighting, weapons, and military

    procedure from the moment they awake, while stuffed animals know

    about their animalistic traits and powers. These Spirits form in the

    toys most beloved to the threatened child. Each Spirit toy gains its

    power from the affection of its owner, expending energy to carry out

    certain actions in the execution of its duty, and it must be played with

    by the child in order to regain that Spirit energy.

    Usually toys carry out their missions within the confines of their

    child's room, but occasionally must travel elsewhere to defeat the

    Boogeyman. The minions of the Boogeyman may set up shop in the

    attic or basement, which may be but a short journey, but dodging

    adults, family pets, and other concerns can make such trips very

    dangerous indeed. Even more harrowing are trips to the Backyard,

    where many a toy has met its fate at the hands of a mean-spirited

    neighbor or an all-consuming pit of mud. Still, the Backyard is a

    prime location for the Boogeyman to strike, especially at night.

    Occasionally the Boogeyman targets a group of friends to terrorize,

    encouraging them to share their fears with their fellows and spread

    the terror. Such circumstances often result in the much heralded

    Sleepover, where the toys of several children can combine their forces

    to make one massed foray against the Boogeyman.

    Any toy in the possession of a child threatened by the Boogeyman

    can become a Spirit toy, though Spirit energy seems to favor

    handmade or antique toys over newer toys. Stuffed animals, action

    figures, dolls, construction blocks, and even security blankets are

    found among the spirit toys.

    Running a Tiny Terrors Campaign

    In a Tiny Terrors campaign the player characters are toys that

    must defend their owner from the Boogeyman and his minions. They

    may be newly awakened toys fresh out of the package, long treasured

    toys of an older time, or something in between.

    If possible it may help a Tiny Terrors campaign for each player to

    find a real toy that approximates the appearance and abilities of their

    character. The combat system in Tiny Terrors uses 5 in. as the basic

    unit of measure instead of 5 ft., meaning players could actually use

    toys instead of miniatures if they so desire. This also helps create

    realistic and interesting terrain as the game could be played on the

    floor of a room complete with furniture and other objects. In such

    cases use all the distances listed as normal.Eventually the toys may become powerful enough to challenge the

    Boogeyman directly, traveling to the Nightmare Realm to do battle.

    They can try and rescue children taken to the Nightmare Realm or

    destroy the Boogeyman's store of innocence, hopefully starving him.

    If they are brave enough they could try and accomplish what no one

    else has and destroy the Boogeyman, or at least weaken him for a

    time. In the end, the owner of the toys will grow up and forget them

    so the warrior toys do not last forever, but this does not diminish

    what they accomplished in their time.

    A Childs World


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    The rules for Tiny Terrors are the same as those found in the d20

    Modern SRD with some modifications. Those modifications are as


    Action Points

    Toys in Tiny Terrors do not get action points. Instead they get

    Spirit, which may be used in a similar fashion in addition

    accomplishing a variety of other tasks. See Chapter 4 for more



    Toys generally only have an allegiance to their child, though other

    allegiances are possible. They generally do not have allegiances to

    ideas or concepts such as Good, Law, or Chaos. Only the most

    dastardly of traitor toys have an allegiance to the Boogeyman.

    Distance and Movement

    Distance and movement in Tiny Terrors is measured in inches with

    each square on a map or grid equaling 5 in. instead of 5 ft. This

    means an average Medium sized character has a speed of 30 in. All

    distances measured in feet in the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game are

    instead measured in the same amount of inches.

    Weight is calculated according to the scale of the toys as if they

    were normal sized creature, so a Medium sized toy weighs 60-500

    lbs., his toy gun weighs 3-10 lbs., and an adult human weighs

    hundreds of tons.

    Keep in mind that terrains that cause humans no problems may be

    very treacherous for toys. Stairs must be scaled like cliffsides, and

    lawns are like impenetrable jungle. Toys often have access to vehicles,

    such as remote control cars, but driving these vehicles on rough

    terrain inflicts a -4 penalty on all Drive checks unless they were

    designed for off-road operation or have treads.

    Humans and Pets

    Human beings are beyond the scope of toy warriors to harm or

    affect in any sense. They are too large to match physically and adults

    disbelieve in the spirit toys so strongly the toys have trouble even

    moving in their presence (see chapter 4). Because of this humans are

    considered difficult terrain or traps rather than creatures that can be

    attacked or affected with Spirit magic. They are not represented via

    creature stat blocks. The main concern when interacting with an adult

    human is if it can see a toy warrior, so Spot checks are often the only

    roll involved in such encounters. See chapter 4 for more information

    on how humans interact with toys. Any attempts by a toy to use a

    human device, such as a real car or computer, imposes at least a -4

    penalty on any skill checks involved. Adults are assumed to be

    Colossal in size, while children are Huge or Gargantuan depending

    on their age.

    Family pets are another matter. Not being sentient, they cannot

    chose to disbelieve in the existence of Spirit toy and thus the toys

    may behave normally in their presence. Pets and other animals are

    treated as animal creatures of Huge, Gargantuan, or Colossal size

    and they may interact normally with the toys. For stats for pets and

    other animals use the appropriate type of animal from the d20

    Modern Roleplaying Game and modify its hit dice and abilities to be

    appropriate for a creature of its now massive size. For example a

    house cat, which is normally Tiny size with 1/8 hit dice modified to

    be Huge would have at least 6d8 hit dice and would have a base claw

    damage of 2d4. Some examples of family pets are included in

    Chapter 5.


    Other than gear gained from accessory feats (see Chapter 3), toys

    have limited equipment. Simple items like rope, sleeping bags or tents

    may be found and used by toys without requiring an accessory feat.

    Toys may temporarily use complex toy items they find, such as toy

    guns, tools, or cars, as if they were part of that toy's equipment by

    spending Spirit (see chapter 4). There are no stores for toys to

    purchase equipment, meaning items must be salvaged from other



    Toys in Tiny Terrors do not have an occupation. They instead gain

    extra feats and class skills from their toy type.


    Reputation in Tiny Terrors functions only for other toys and

    among children. When a reputation check is made involving other

    toys a successful check means they have heard of that specific toy

    warrior and his exploits. If a reputation check is made involving

    children success means that the child has heard of the toy and its line

    of toys, but not any information about that specific toy warrior. If a

    reputation check involving a child succeeds by 10 or more points the

    child knows something about the toy warrior's exploits, though such

    knowledge is incomplete and has been filtered through the stories

    told by his friends or urban legend.

    Wealth Bonus

    Toys do not possess material wealth and thus do not have wealth

    bonuses. Hence the Windfall feat is not available.

    The Rules


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    Character creation for Tiny Terrors follows the same basic process

    detailed in the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game, with some changes as

    listed below. Instead of races, players select a toy type from the list

    below. Characters do not select occupations because toys do not

    have jobs. The same basic classes from d20 Modern Roleplaying

    Game are used, though they have new names and new talent trees

    are available for each one.

    Accessory FeatsA number of new feats are available, including a new class of feats:

    accessory feats. For more information on accessory feats, see the

    section on feats, below.

    SpiritAll spirit toys have Spirit points. Spirit points may be spent to

    accomplish a number of things, from boosting die rolls to activating

    special abilities. A character begins each adventure with a number of

    Spirit equal to his base Spirit for his toy type + his character level +

    his highest ability score bonus + any Spirit bonuses due to feats or

    class abilities. This is the character's maximum Spirit. The character's

    current Spirit is equal to his maximum Spirit minus any Spirit used.

    Spirit automatically returns to the character's maximum Spirit

    between adventures and may only be gained during adventures if the

    toy is played with by a child or of if another toy shares his Spirit. For

    a full explanation of what Spirit can be used for see Chapter 4.

    Toy TypesPlayers must select from the following toy types for their

    character. Each toy type has a list of accessory feats it may select

    from. Selecting accessory feats not on this list costs 2 accessory feat


    All toy types have the following abilities:

    Toy Immunities:Toys are immune to suffocation, dehydration and

    starvation. They can only be affected by poisons and diseases of a

    magical nature or those that are a natural ability of a Spirit-imbuedcreature, such as a toy or minion of the Boogeyman.

    Action FigureAlways ready for combat and looking to solve most problems with

    violence, action figures are usually the front line of any battle with the

    minions of the Boogeyman. When they are awakened they have

    extensive military training and skills, and most action figures come

    with an array of weapons, backpacks, and vehicles. Action figures

    have little ability with the finer points of Spirit magic, preferring to

    solve things through more direct and physical means.

    Action figures rely on equipment more than other toys. Action

    figures from successful toy lines are often equipped with matching

    gear all drawn from their brand, while action figures from less

    successful lines may have to salvage gear from other types of toys.

    Toy Type Traits:

    Action Figures share the following toy type traits.

    Creature Type: Humanoid

    Size: Medium

    Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence,

    -2 Charisma

    Speed: 30 inches

    Accessory Feat List: Armor, Backpack, Color Change, Darkvision,

    Die Cast Construction, Increased Ability, Kung Fu Grip, Lights,

    Locomotion, Low Light Vision, Melee Weapon, Natural Armor,

    Natural Weapon, Parachute, Playset (Basic), Playset (Mobile), Playset

    Awareness, Playset Defenses, Playset Secrecy, Ranged Weapon, Size,

    Speed, Tools, Vehicle (Basic), Vehicle (Advanced), Voice Box, Voice

    Box (Conversation), Walkie Talkie, Well Known.

    Class Skills: The following skills are class skills for the action figure:

    Climb, Drive, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Tactics), Pilot, Spot,

    Repair, Treat Injury.

    Bonus Feats: Action figures may select one of the following feats as

    a bonus feat: Archaic Weapon Proficiency or Personal Firearms


    Bonus Accessory Feats:

    Action figures may select four

    accessory feats as bonus feats.

    Base Spirit: 1

    Character Creation


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    ConstructiveConstructives are in many ways the oddest of the toy types. They

    are essentially piles of living toy blocks and accoutrements that are

    able to reorganize themselves to fit different situations. Each

    Constructive has a humanoid figure of some type that serves as the

    focus of the intelligence and Spirit of the constructive. As long as that

    figure remains the constructive lives and may absorb more blocks into

    his "body" to replace lost ones.

    Constructives are the thinkers and builders of the toy world,

    always ready with an intricate trap or gadget to save the day.

    Constructives are the most flexible of toy types, being able to serve

    as a fortress, vehicle, or a ladder in rapid succession. They usually

    lack in people skills and do not possess impressive physical abilities,

    but their true strength lies in their many components.

    Toy Type Traits:

    Constructives hare the following toy type traits.

    Creature Type: Construct

    Size: Small

    Constructives gain a +1 size bonus to Defense, a +1 size bonus

    on Attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus to Hide checks. They take a -4

    penalty on grapple checks. Their lifting and carrying limits are three

    quarters of those of a Medium-size character.

    Constructives must use two hands to wield a Medium-size

    weapon, and light weapons for them are Tiny or smaller.Ability Modifiers: +2 Intelligence, +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2


    Speed: 20 inches.

    Accessory Feat List:Accessory Toy, Backpack, Blindsight, Builder

    Blocks, Darkvision, Die Cast Construction, Increased Ability, Lights,

    Locomotion, Low Light Vision, Melee Weapon, Size, Speed, Tools,

    Well Known.

    Class Skills: Constructives gain all of the following skills as class

    skills: Craft (All), Knowledge (Physical Sciences), Knowledge

    (Technology), Repair.

    Block Body (Ex): In addition to their humanoid body, constructivescan control and use a number of building blocks or other

    construction toys, building them into structures, vehicles, and other

    items in a remarkably short time. Vehicles built by a constructive out

    of his blocks move without a motor and can fly as long as they have

    wings attached regardless of aerodynamics.

    Each of a constructive's blocks has a block point value, listed

    below along with a description of the block type. These blocks can be

    combined to create useable devices , requiring a full round action for

    each block involved in the device and provoking attacks of

    opportunity. Each block device's abilities are determined by the blocks

    that make it up.

    A constructive may automatically control his devices, using

    whatever feats or skills would normally be used in doing so as long as

    he is in physical contact with it, but others may only use a

    constructive block device if the device includes a control block. A

    constructive gains a +4 bonus to all skill checks involving its block


    Multiple constructives can combine their blocks into a single


    Block devices have a hardness of 5 unless upgraded with armor


    The size of a block device is found using the following table.

    Constructive devices follow all the normal rules for object size.

    Number of Blocks Size

    1 Small

    2-3 Medium

    4-8 Large

    9-17 Huge

    18-33 Gargantuan

    34+ Colossal


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    Block Point Value: 3

    A mechanical version of a humanoid arm, it has a Strength of 16

    and a Dexterity equal to that of the constructive controlling it. This

    block may be used multiple times in the same device to provide

    multiple arms, or may be combined in a single arm, each additional

    arm block increasing its Strength by +2. Each arm block added to a

    block device adds +5 hit points to the device's total hit points.


    Block Point Value: 2

    Each armor block increases the device's hardness by +1.


    Block Point Value: 1

    Communication blocks allow users to communicate via radio to

    other communication blocks or walkie talkies within a 5,000 in.

    range. If multiple communication blocks are built into a block device

    each additional block doubles the range.


    Block Point Value: 3

    This small block allows the constructive to access the same

    functions as powerful computer, gaining a +4 bonus on Computeruse rolls and allowing the constructive to link into non-toy computers

    and computer networks through wireless or wired connections.


    Block Point Value: 2

    Controls allow any toy with the appropriate feats and skills to

    operate the block device. Any block device with wheels falls under

    the Surface Vehicle Operation (Block Device) feat while block devices

    with wings fall under the Aircraft Operation (Block Device) feat.

    Weapons block devices are under the Exotic Firearms Proficiency

    (Block Device) or Exotic Melee Weapons Proficiency (Block Device).


    Block Point Value: 2

    A block device with this block gains acid, cold, electricity, fire, or

    sonic resistance 5. Additional deflector blocks add an additional type

    of energy resistance or increase an existing energy resistance by +5.


    Block Point Value: 2

    Each engine block doubles the speed of a block vehicle, be it

    winged or wheeled vehicle. A vehicle can have no more engines than

    wheels or wings. Each engine block adds +5 hit points to any block

    device it is added to.


    Block Point Value: 3

    This block is a pair of legs that can be used for locomotion, having

    a speed of 30 in. A device must have one leg block for each structure

    block it possesses. Additional legs beyond the number required

    increase the device's speed by +10 in. per leg block, up to 60 in.

    Each leg block adds +5 hit points to any block device it is added to.

    Melee Weapon

    Block Point Value: 3

    A melee weapon block is some manner of cutting, bashing, or

    piercing weapon attached to a block device. This is normally done in

    conjunction with an arm so the weapon may be swung, but sometimes

    block device wheeled vehicles include lances for ramming attacks. A

    melee weapon block is considered a Small weapon that inflicts 1d6

    points of bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage with a 19-20/x2

    critical. Melee weapons have 10 hit points and hardness equal to that

    of the block device they are a part of (or 5 if the melee weapon is not

    part of a block device). Additional blocks may be spent on the melee

    weapon block to upgrade its abilities and each additional block allows

    one of the following upgrades to be added to the weapon.. Each of

    the following options may be used up to 5 times to upgrade the

    melee weapon block. Melee weapon blocks fall under the Exotic

    Melee Weapon Proficiency (Block Devices) feat.

    +1 equipment bonus to damage or attack rolls.

    Increase one size level, increasing the damage accordingly (1d8

    to 1d10, 1d10 to 2d6, etc.).

    Reduce the weapon one size level without reducing damage.

    Increase Reach 5 inches

    Grant a +2 bonus to Disarm or Trip attacks.

    Increase the critical range or multiplier by +1.

    Increase the hit points of the melee weapon by +10.

    Ranged Weapon

    Block Point Value: 3

    Representing anything from a pistol to a massive artillery piece, the

    ranged weapon block covers all manner of distance weapons for block


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