Work Study (Time and Motion) 1 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT

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Page 1: Time and Motion Studies

Work Study (Time and Motion)


Institute of Business & Management, UET Lahore

Final Project:

Time and Motion Studies


Prof. Nabeel Arif


M. Adnan Madni RMBA-FALL12-032

Fiza Murtaza RMBA-FALL12-028

M. Waseem RMBA-FALL12-024


M.B.A (3.5 Y) Sec-B




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Work Study (Time and Motion)


Project in any field of study is the kind of achievement for which every student is looking

for and thinking upon throughout his academic session that what it should be & how should it be

completed. It is definitely a keen desire of every student to full fill his requirement. It needs

through study untiring efforts, hard work with full devotion towards the cause and last but not

the least proper guidance and corporation from seniors and instructors.

We extend our gratitude to “Prof. Nabeel Arif” whose guidance, broadened vision and

his ample experience throughout the project served as a lighthouse in this incredible venture for

completion of the project.


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Work Study (Time and Motion)

Table of Contents




Work Study................................................................................................................................................7



Method Study (Motion Study)................................................................................................................9

Steps for Method Study Analysis (Motion Study)................................................................................9




Develop, Evaluate and Define...............................................................................................................10



Work Measurement (Time Study)........................................................................................................13

Eight Steps of Conducting a Time Study.............................................................................................13

Uses of Work Measurement (Time Study)..........................................................................................14

Techniques of Work Measurement (Time Study)...............................................................................14

Requirements for Effective Time Study...............................................................................................15

Tools for Time and Motion Study Analysis........................................................................................16

Operation Process Chart.........................................................................................................................17

Process Flow Chart.................................................................................................................................18

Flow Diagram..........................................................................................................................................20

Travel Chart.............................................................................................................................................21

Plant Layout............................................................................................................................................22

Fixed Position Layout............................................................................................................................22

Process Layout........................................................................................................................................23


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Product Layout........................................................................................................................................23

Aids for Improving Layout....................................................................................................................24

Impact of Time and Motion Study on Company.................................................................................24

Impact of Time and Motion Study on Individual................................................................................25

How to Manage Time and Motion Study in Company and OM?.....................................................26



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Time and Motion Study is rarely used in the industry now-a-days. This study using this

type of study method in order to increase production and identify any improvement that

could be made through identifying the process that involving manpower as the main reason

and state the time standard in order to achieve the objectives of increasing the production

and decreasing the cost. This study is using systematic observation, interview with discussion

and stopwatch time study. Statistically Fit and Production Modeller software is used to test

the data and make improvements. By stating the time standard for the process involving

manpower, production rate increase and the cost will be less. Other than that, proposal for

improvement could be made in order to enhance the effort to achieve the main objective

of any business organization in the world. We worked on it and did our best and after a

considerable performance and analysis, we became able to prepare this report.


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Work Study

Work Study introduces the most effective method of working. Work study is a means of

enhancing the production efficiency (productivity) of the firm by elimination of waste and

unnecessary operations. It is a technique to identify non-value adding operations by investigation

of all the factors affecting the job. It is the only accurate and systematic procedure oriented

technique to establish time standards. It is going to contribute to the profit as the savings will

start immediately and continue throughout the life of the product. Work study is conducted in

order to identify the current situation in the organization and to find the opportunities of

improvement. Basically Time Study is the technique of Work Measurement of concept Work Study and the Motion Study also known as Method Study is also the part of Work Study concept.

ObjectiveThe objective of work study is to assist the management to obtain the optimum use of the

human and material resources available to the organization for the accomplishment of the work

for which, it is engaged.

BenefitsWork Study has many benefits. Some of them are as:

Increase in Productivity

Increase in Efficiency

Improved Work Flow

Improved Work Layout

Improved Standards


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Work Study is carried out in two stages.

Method Study

Here we study the method and find out the improved method.

Work Measurement

Here we determine the standard time required to complete improved method.

Figure 1.1 Framework of work study

Work study is a generic term for those techniques, method study and work measurement

which are used in the examination of human work in all its contexts. And which lead

systematically to the investigation of all the factors which affect the efficiency and economy of

the situation being reviewed, in order to effect improvement.


Method Study Work Measurement

Higher Productivity

Motion Study Time Study

Work Study

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Work Study (Time and Motion)

Method Study ( Motion Study ) Motion study is part of Method Study where analysis of the motion. Method study

enables (allows) the industrial engineer to subject (focus) each operation to systematic (orderly)

analysis. The main purpose of method study is to eliminate the unnecessary operations and to

achieve the one best method of performing the operation. Method study is also called Methods

Engineering or Work Design. Method engineering is used to describe collection of analysis

techniques which focus on improving the effectiveness of men and machines.

The Gilbreths made use of scientific insights to develop a study method based upon the

analysis of Work Motions, consisting in part of filming (recording) the details of a worker’s

activities while recording the time. The films served two main purposes. One was the visual

record of how work had been done, emphasizing areas for improvement. Secondly, the films also

served the purpose of training workers about the best way to perform their work. This method

allowed the Gilbreths to build on the best elements of these work flows and to create a

standardized best practice.

Steps for Method Study Analysis ( Motion Study ) The basic approach to method study consists of the following eight steps.


The selection of the work or service function, to be improved using method study, is

often based on the perception (awareness) of where the best and most economically rewarding

improvements can be achieved, but can also be driven (focused) by health and safety and other



The relevant facts about the task being undertaken (started) by direct observation and

collect such additional data as may be needed from the appropriate (suitable) sources.

Here we record what is happening now, in order to make informed decisions about how

best to improve the operation. The recording can be done in a variety of ways, depending on the

activity observed and the knowledge of the method study engineer.


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The preferred method of recording nowadays is to use a PMTS (Predetermined Time

Motion System), which gives an in depth method breakdown (analysis) and a time analysis of

each step performed. Other recording methods include flow process charts, multiple activity

charts and layout analysis charts.


The ways the job is being performed and challenge (test) its purpose, place, sequence and

method of performance.

Here we use the questioning technique where, we critically (judgmentally) examine each

activity in turn to a systematic (logically) and progressive (advance) series of questions. It may

be easy to highlight methods improvements with organizational knowledge, but some of the

small steps forward are not always easily covered and these small steps may provide that giant

(huge) leap (rise) when accumulated (gathered).

Develop, Evaluate and Define

The most practical, economic and effective method, drawing on the assistance (support)

of those concerned (worried). Different alternatives to developing a new improved method,

comparing the costs and efficiencies of these methods with the current method. The new method

clearly and present it to those concerned.

This is the critical stage of method study when the improvements are suggested. The

method developments should be based on the facts obtained from the questioning technique

during the examination phase and also include information regarding time saved, value added,

distances reduced, standardization achieved, reduction in health and safety issues and any other

benefits derived from the new methods.


The new method as a standard practice and train the people involved in its application.

Using our documentation and new work instructions, we are now ready to install our new

methods of operation.


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The new methods and their potential benefits will have to be presented to, and accepted

by, the management of the organization, the supervisors and people who are to perform the new



The new method introduced controls procedures to prevent a drifting (travelling) back to

the previous method of work. We should never leave the new methods alone once they have

been installed. Checks should be made on a regular basis to ensure correct adherence (loyalty) to

the new methods, so the benefits can be realized.

Once the new methods of work are in place, accepted and worked to, we should now look

to start our process again to let us continually improve our organization.

We would then look to start our SREDIM. Process again to continually improve our



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Figure 1.2 Method Study Procedures


SelectWork which can be studied in Economic Advantage

RecordAll facts about the Job / Operation

ExamineThe facts critically (Purpose, Place, Sequence, Persons)

Seek Alternatives, Simplify, Eliminate, Combine or Change

DevelopA Record of an Improved Method under Prevailing Conditions Re-examine and Select the Best Method

EvaluateEvaluate Different Alternatives to Developing a New Improved Method Comparing the Cost Effectiveness

DefineMethod, Procedure, Layout, Equipment Working

Conditions, Material, Quality Instructions

InstallThe Improve Method, Plan Arrange and Implement

MaintainVerify at Regular Intervals that the Improved Is In Use

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Work Study (Time and Motion)

Work Measurement ( Time Study ) Work measurement is the application of techniques designed to establish the time for an

average worker to carry out a specified manufacturing task at a defined level of performance. 

Time Study consists of recording times and rates of work for elements of a specified job

carried out under specified conditions to obtain the time necessary to carry out a job at a defined

level of performance.

The application of science to business problems, and the use of Time-Study methods in

standard setting and the planning of work, was pioneered by Frederick Winslow Taylor. Taylor

liaised with factory managers and from the success of these discussions wrote several papers

proposing the use of wage-contingent performance standards based on scientific time study. At

its most basic level time studies involved breaking down each job into component parts, timing

each part and rearranging the parts into the most efficient method of working. By counting and

calculating, Taylor wanted to transform management, which was essentially an oral tradition,

into a set of calculated and written techniques.

Time study is for cost control. Time study is the application of a scientific method of

determining process times using data collection and statistical analysis.

Eight Steps of Conducting a Time Study 1) Define the task to be studied (after a methods analysis)

2) Break down the task into precise elements

3) Decide how many times each element of the task must be measured

4) Record the times and ratings of performance for the task elements

5) Compute the average observed cycle time (element times adjusted for unusual


6) Compute the normal time for each task element:

Normal Time=Average Actual CycleTime× Rating

7) Sum the normal times for each element to develop a total normal time for the task


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8) Compute the standard time:

Standard Time= Total NormalTime1−Allowance Factor

Uses of ( Time and Motion Study) Work measurement (Time Study) helps to uncover non-standardization that exists in the

workplace and non-value adding activities and waste. A work has to be measured for the

following reasons:

Reducing Labor Costs.

To set Operating Goals and Objectives.

Establishing Accurate Productivity Goals.

Identifying Non-Value-Added Time percentages

To Discover and eliminate lost or Ineffective Time.

To Compares the Efficiency of Alternative Methods.

To Establish Standard times for Performance Measurement.

Determining Current Staff Utilization and Identifying Opportunities.

Techniques of Work Measurement ( Time Study ) The following are the principal techniques by which work measurement (Time Study) is

carried out:

1) Time study

2) Activity Sampling

3) Predetermined Motion Time Systems

4) Synthesis from Standard Data

5) Estimating

6) Analytical Estimating

7) Comparative Estimating

Above mentioned these techniques we shall concern ourselves primarily with time study,

since it is the basic technique of work measurement.


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Requirements for Effective Time Study The requirements for effective time study are:

Co-operation and Goodwill

Defined Job

Defined Method

Quality Standard and Checks

Experienced Qualified Motivated Worker

Method of Timing

Method of Assessing Relative Performance

Elemental Breakdown (failure)

Recording Media


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Tools for Time and Motion Study Analysis For the proper implementation of various improvements made by time and motion study

analysis, it is necessary to formulate proper procedures to find out what is going on? And what

further improvements must be made? For this purpose various techniques has been designed.

Some of them are as follows:

The Operation Process Chart

The Flow Process Chart

The Flow Diagram

The Travel Chart

Some important Symbols used in such charts are as follows:

Figure 1.3 Process Chart Symbols


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The techniques are further discussed below.

Operation Process ChartIn an operations process chart all the operations and inspections involved are recorded.

The chart does not indicate where the work takes place or who performs it. The delays transport

and storages are not indicated.

But the entry points of materials are indicated.

"An operations Process Chart is a graphic representation of the sequence of all the

operations and inspections involved in a process or procedure"

Such a chart will serve as a starting point for the critical examination. This is a very

useful chart for initial analysis. Where the process is long and complicated, this chart provides an

overall picture and gives adequate information for critical examination.

Figure 1.4 Operation Process Chart


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Process Flow ChartIt may become necessary to go into a, certain amount of detail. A flow process chart is a

detailed chart, indicating all the activities involved in a process.

"A flow process chart (material)), is a process chart setting out the sequence of the

flow of a product or a procedure by recording all events under review in terms the material

being processed, using the appropriate symbols”

In a flow process chart (material), the subject of the chart is material. Since all the

activities, operations, inspections, movements, delays and storages are recorded all the five

symbols are used. The subject selected for recording should be one that provides continuity

throughout the process. A suitable unit or a grouping of material should be selected.

A flow process chart (material) is more detailed than the operation 'process chart. All the

factors contributing to the process must' be recorded. Though the degree of detail would depend

on the problem under consideration for method study, the chart should not be oversimplified.


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Figure 1.5 Flow Process Chart

Flow DiagramA flow diagram is a drawing or a model substantially to scale, which shows the location

of the various activities carried out and tube routes followed' by workers, materials or equipment

in their execution.

Figure 1.6 Flow Diagrams


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Travel ChartA Travel chart is a tabular record for presenting quantitative data about the movement of

worker, materials or equipment’s between any numbers of places over any given period of time.

By using this technique, we figure out the travelling frequency of materials or workers

between various departments. The departments having the most frequent travelling of worker or

materials are located very close to each other. The other departments are located on the same basis

of frequency of travelling.

Figure shows a sketch of the usage of this technique.

Figure 1.7 Travel Chart

Moreover all the layout strategies are also included in motion and time study analysis to

measure the effectiveness of the plans developed for the improvement of the performance of

machinery either in human form or in material form.

Plant Layout and Materials Handling offer very good scope for improvements and cost

reduction. While developing improved methods it is necessary to give a careful consideration to

the layout and handling aspects. A poor layout involving' excessive movement of materials and


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men and improper utilization of space can considerably increase the manufacturing costs besides

being unsafe.

Plant layout and materials handling are very much linked together. A good layout takes

all the aspects of materials movement and vice versa. Some of the aspects of plant layout and

materials handling with particular reference to an industry are briefly discussed in this chapter.

Plant LayoutPlant layout can be considered as the physical arrangement of industrial facilities. These

Facilities include

a) Buildings,

b) Equipment,

c) Workplaces,

d) Shortage points,

e) Offices, and

f) Employee facilities.

The fundamental objectives of a good layout are that

1) It should integrate all the factors affecting a layout and should be a best

2) Compromise

3) It should involve minimum movement of materials

4) There should be a continuous flow of work

5) The space should be effectively utilized

6) It should ensure satisfaction and safety for employees

7) It should be flexible to accommodate changes.

8) There are basically three types of layouts which are described as under:-

Fixed Position LayoutA fixed position layout is one where the material or major component remains in a fixed

place. All tools machinery, men and other pieces of materials are brought to it and the product is

built up into its final shape at the same location. Manufactures of a ship, construction of a building

are some of the examples. Such a layout would be adoptable when the material forming or

treating involves only hand tools and small machines or when only a few pieces are made or


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moving the major component or material is expensive.

Process LayoutIn a process layout all machines or process of the same type are grouped together. The

advantages of a process layout are

Better machine utilization,

Adoptable to a variety of products and frequent changes in sequence of operations and

Easier to maintain continuity of production in cases of machine break-downs and


The disadvantages of a process layout are:

Involves more materials handling,

Occupies more floor space and

Higher in-process inventory.

A process layout can be used in those situations where the machinery is highly

expensive, a variety of products are made, or intermittent or small demand for the product.

Product LayoutIn a product layout the arrangement of machinery is according to the sequence of

operations of the product. Advantages of such a layout are

Less material, handling,

Less in-process inventories and

Reduced congestion and less floor space are occupied.

Manufacturing costs' ate low at high volume of production but the costs will be very high

at lower volumes of production. The capital investment on machines may be quite high and all

operation times need to be balanced. A breakdown on any one machine in the line may hold up

the complete production time.

A product layout will be economical when the volume of production is large, when the

product design is standardized and when the demand is fairly steady. Most of the layouts in

practice are combination of the above. It may be worthwhile to have a product type of layout for

some of the components and others may have a process layout depending on the various factors as

discussed above.


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Aids for Improving LayoutThe Flow Process Chart, Flow Diagram and Travel Charts are all very

useful aids for charting the existing methods and movements and for developing improved layouts.

Travel chart is a recording technique which will be very helpful for recording quantitative data about the movement of materials, men and equipment between different locations in a particular period of time. While the flow process chart and flow diagram indicate the direction and distance the travel chart gives the frequency of movements.

Impact of Time and Motion Study on Company The impact of time and motion studies on company is that through it we analyze the

movements made by workers as they go about their daily routine duties. If there are wasted

movements that are repeated and which therefore waste time and reduce the productivity of the

worker company investigated that wastage idle time and remove it.  These studies are useful to

try to set up workspaces in such a way that a worker can do his/her routine duties as quickly and

efficiently as possible. Through this studies company improves the methods or procedures

adopted in performance of various jobs and also improves the lay out of the facility, utilization of


As well as reduce human effort by proper design of processes. Provide the suitable

working condition to the employees that they give their maximum output to the company which

is beneficial for both the company and the employee.

By time and motion studies company makes proper process (flow chart) and tries to

remove the idle time so due to this company made their product in minimum time and develop

an ideal time for each process.

Company provides a base for incentive schemes. They give incentive bonus or medical

allowances etc. to their employees so that they work effectively and efficiently.

Company make a best method for completing a particular job through time and motion studies

and Increase productivity because it provides a standard of performance to measure labor

efficiency give their rights in form of incentives.


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It also helps in exercising cost control through proper production control. When

standard time is taken management can be kept attention on causes of idle time

Eliminate the Unnecessary by knowing what is unnecessary as knowing what is the most

important in production and operation. Company eliminates insignificant tasks and

nonproductive activities.

Changing the sequence of operations based on the process chart and flow diagram to

affect a smooth flow of work through plant, which can reduce production time. Besides that,

changing the sequence of operation also involve layout of production, company can also reduce

space utilization.

Simplify the Necessary Operations Simplify the necessary operations to make the job

easier by analyzing the process in order to improve it through elimination, combine or rearrange

the sequence and layout of operations. By simplifying the operations, it can also effect for the

production time.

Impact of Time and Motion Study on Individual The time and motion also has an impact on the individual like it effect on the worker

It is the worker who is ultimately affected in one way or the other as a result of Time and motion

study. His job may get changed, and the procedure may change or the job may demand a lower

skill after method study. Besides the resistance to change, the workers may have certain fears

like the fear of unemployment as a result of method study. Many workers feel that they would be

made to work harder.it is also impact the supervisor.

The role of Supervisor in time and motion study is very important. His position is in

between the management and the worker. Supervisor is the man who directly deals with the,

worker and has the maximum contact with them. His help would be necessary in getting

information, in trying out alternative methods, implementation and maintenance of the new

method, training of the workers and many other things. Supervisor is in a position that can make

or break time and motion study in his section. Supervisor should be expressed\experience to time

and motion study through training programmers and seminars. Their willing, co-operation is

essential for the success of method study.

Time and motion study becomes a very much easier task when the labor management

relations are good and everyone is prepared to accept method study as a way of life ...in last, time


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and motion study that impact on individual is a man. A time and motion study Specialist, to be

successful, should have some basic qualities. A certain amount of general education, preferably

with additional technical knowledge, practical experience in the operation and processes on

which he is to carry out studies, an analytical bent of mind, getting along with people,

objectivity, enthusiasm and self-confidence are some of the traits which will make a time and

motion study man to be successful to achieve maximum results.

How to Manage Time and Motion Study in Company and OM? Time and motion study mean Method for establishing employee productivity standards

in which

1) A complex task is broken into small, simple steps,

2) The sequence of movements taken by the employee in performing those steps is carefully

observed to detect and eliminate redundant or wasteful motion, and

3) Precise time taken for each correct movement is measured. From these measurements

 Production and delivery times and prices can be computed and incentive schemes can be


As we discussed it above, each and every member must be supportive to implement these

tools for the Time and Motion Study to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the company.

But overall consequences rely upon the efforts of the management. We know that management

has various hierarchies within an organization. Each hierarchy has its own importance and its

own effects on the performance of various operation and activities of the company. But the main

control is always in the hands of the top management as top management is always the decision

making authority of any company. So Time and Motion Study needs full support of each

management level and at the most of top management. Top management must not only formulate

the procedure for the study but also maintain it in the proper manner.

Management firstly must be appropriate in following its basic principle of management

i.e. planning, organizing, leading and controlling because following these principles will create a

firm foundation to implication of Time and Study motion. As far its implementation is

concerned, when it is done, management should manage its maintenance and make proper

arrangement to check its effectiveness. For this purpose, management can use performance

measurement tools to figure any disturbance in the process. For this purpose, according to us the


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most appropriate method is the Fishbone (Ishikawa) Technique to figure out any deviance from

the standard track of the Time and Motion Study Process.

Figure 1.8 Ishikawa Diagram

As we can see from the above given diagram, every effect has some causes and by

handling those causes, we can easily overcome various issues in the proper performance of the

various operations. So in case of Time and Motion Study analysis, if there is any issue arises will

be certainly the cause of an unhealthy action. So by handling that action will cause an effect

which is in good of the process.


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