Tim’s Story Lost 120 Pounds On October 6, 2006, I had my annual physical with my doctor. Although hypertension and diabetes had yet to find me, at 340 pounds, I was obese. As a paramedic, I spend my days caring for patients of all types, with all complaints. My weight made my daily activities very difficult. I suddenly became aware of missed events and opportunities with family and friends because of my weight. I was on a path to shorten my life. On October 6, 2006, I made my appointment with Dr. Chae. My surgery was December 4, 2006. The kindness and skilled hands of Dr. Chae combined with the mentoring of Kelly Elliot bring me to my four-year anniversary. I have separated myself from 120 pounds! Update: I find new personal and professional opportunities almost every day. This fall, I stood atop six Colorado peaks more than 13,000 feet. I have the world by the tail like never before. I have been there as my daughter moves closer to her college degree. I have seen the safe return of my son from Iraq. Loved ones have entered my life I might have never known. This process includes daily challenges as well. Old habits like diet and coping behaviors die hard. Negative people and ideas are around every corner. I really owe my success to Dr. Chae, Kelly, my family, friends and most of all, my friends from the Sky Ridge Support Group. I feel I am just following the plan. It is said it takes a village to raise a child. I say it takes a support group to lose weight after surgery! Thank you for all your support and my best to everyone traveling the path of weight loss surgery. Before After Tim Now

Tim’s Story Lost 120 Pounds - PR Leapmedia.prleap.com/document/3105/Pants_Across_2011_Stories... · Tim’s Story Lost 120 Pounds On October 6, 2006, I had my annual physical with

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Page 1: Tim’s Story Lost 120 Pounds - PR Leapmedia.prleap.com/document/3105/Pants_Across_2011_Stories... · Tim’s Story Lost 120 Pounds On October 6, 2006, I had my annual physical with

Tim’s StoryLost 120 Pounds

On October 6, 2006, I had my annual physical with my doctor. Although hypertension and diabetes had yet to find me, at 340 pounds, I was obese.

As a paramedic, I spend my days caring for patients of all types, with all complaints. My weight made my daily activities very difficult. I suddenly became aware of missed events and opportunities

with family and friends because of my weight. I was on a path to shorten my life.

On October 6, 2006, I made my appointment with Dr. Chae. My surgery was December 4, 2006. The kindness and skilled hands of Dr. Chae combined with the mentoring of Kelly Elliot bring me to

my four-year anniversary. I have separated myself from 120 pounds!

Update: I find new personal and professional opportunities almost every day. This fall, I stood atop six

Colorado peaks more than 13,000 feet. I have the world by the tail like never before. I have been there as my daughter moves closer to her college degree. I have seen the safe return of my son from Iraq.

Loved ones have entered my life I might have never known.

This process includes daily challenges as well. Old habits like diet and coping behaviors die hard. Negative people and ideas are around every corner. I really owe my

success to Dr. Chae, Kelly, my family, friends and most of all, my friends from the Sky Ridge Support Group. I feel I am just following the plan.

It is said it takes a village to raise a child. I say it takes a support group to lose weight after surgery! Thank you for all your support and my best to everyone traveling the path of weight loss surgery.

Before After

Tim Now

Page 2: Tim’s Story Lost 120 Pounds - PR Leapmedia.prleap.com/document/3105/Pants_Across_2011_Stories... · Tim’s Story Lost 120 Pounds On October 6, 2006, I had my annual physical with

Mary’s Story Lost 120 Pounds

The journey that led me to the Sky Ridge program and Dr. Chae began in February 2006 when I visited my primary care physician seeking an explanation for my swollen ankles. Congestive heart disease was a possibility so I was

sent to a cardiologist for tests that proved my heart was in good shape but I was overweight, as I had been for most of my life. The cardiologist then referred me to a pulmonologist who administered several more tests and

determined I had sleep apnea. I didn’t want to be on a CPAP machine so he referred me to yet another specialist who believed I could be cured with surgery to carve off some of my soft palette and fix my deviated septum. But, that

surgery seemed awfully drastic and the side effects described were not going to be pleasant. All the doctors I saw agreed that weight loss definitely would help my situation. After 30 years of trying diets, programs,

pills, and fads, I was just worn out.

Even though I exercised at least five times per week and was watching my diet, I was not losing weight. My cholesterol numbers were high, my sugar levels were bordering on diabetes, and my blood pressure was going up. The fear of developing additional health problems and possibly shortening my life, led me to look for program in which I would once again pay money to lose weight that I would probably gain back in a year or two. During my

research, I learned about the gastric band procedure as a less invasive alternative to gastric bypass surgery. I had my surgery just before Thanksgiving in 2007, thinking “what better time to test my ability to stick with a weight loss

program than through the holidays?” Little did I know that my weight loss would be so significant the following year that people only recognized me because I was with my husband!

My first post-surgery year was spent losing a lot of weight and I was delighted with the results. This second year, I continued losing weight and I actually lost too much. With 132 pounds of weight gone, I was looking very gaunt

and had developed an irritation in my esophagus. To cure this, I had to have the entire fill taken out of my band, heal and then have my band refilled. Although I gained some of the weight back during this break, I felt and looked so

much better. Year two I focused on exercise and getting in shape.

Update: Now that I am in year three, I am continuing to exercise but find I have to watch what I eat to maintain my weight,

just like everyone else. The difference is that now I am the size I want to be and it’s a huge incentive to stay this way! My life is GREAT! My hope is that more general physicians will recommend bariatric surgery as an option to

their obese patients who have lost, and regained, hundreds of pounds over the years.

Before After

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Jo Ann’s StoryLost 153 Pounds

I had gastric bypass surgery on March 24, 2008 and have lost 153 pounds. This is my second “Pants Across Sky Ridge” event and I’m thrilled to say it’s the first of many to come at my goal weight!

My story begins at age 17 when I joined Weight Watchers for the first time. I was probably only about 20 pounds overweight. I am now 57 and cannot recall the number of times I have joined Weight Watchers,

lost up to 50 pounds, stopped and gained it all back and then some. When my health became affected by my 292 pounds, I knew I had to do something. I began watching a television show called “Big Medicine.” Every

week I wished I could do that or had the courage to try. Some weeks I would cry at their success and my fear of taking the risk. After all, I could try again and maybe this time…

I finally asked my family doctor about it and he referred me to Dr. Chae. I met with Dr. Chae and believed he could help me.

I just wanted to sit in an airplane seat without a seat belt extender, and not get the looks that meant “I hope I don’t have to sit next to her.” I worried about flights ahead of time and wanted to board the plane first to

avoid a fight with the seat belt while someone was next to me. I didn’t want to worry any more whether I would fit in a booth at a restaurant or possibly break a chair when seated in public. I wanted to walk without being

short of breath. I wanted to golf again but was too embarrassed to go. I didn’t want to explain to my husband, again, that I did not want to go to his office Christmas party because I was too embarrassed.

Update: I don’t have to worry about any of those things now. In fact, since last January, I have traveled many times,

quite comfortably, on an airplane with the seat belt draped across my lap (even in the middle seat). I can now cross my legs. I have gone horseback-riding. I want to try skiing again this winter. We also have a trip booked for London and Ireland next April, which will involve a lot of walking. I am really looking

forward to it rather than wondering how am I going to do it.

I can now do things I never dreamed of doing before. I have a new body (size 6 versus 24), a new spirit and a new outlook on life! I am so grateful to have the support of my loving husband through all of this.

He is ready to head to retirement with his new, active wife.

If I can do it, you can do it. As everyone at our support group says, “yes, I would do it again.”

Before After

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Alice’s StoryLost 160 Pounds

I have battled weight for most of my life. Even as a child I had a very hard time keeping it under control. After I had my children it became nearly impossible to take off weight, but very easy to put it on. I owned nearly every piece of exercise equipment sold on television and tried all the

high profile diets and still nothing worked.

In 2007 at age 57 I topped out at 355 pounds. I had Type II diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol and needed to have two total knee replacements. I was told that I couldn’t have the knee replacements done unless I lost at least 100 pounds. That did it! I had gastric bypass surgery June 2008. I went from a size 34 jeans to a size 16 – yeah me! Sometimes I still cannot

believe that is me looking back in the mirror.

Update: I am now two and a half years out from surgery and have had both of my knees replaced. I have

lost 160 pounds and feel great. I now enjoy an active lifestyle I never had before. I love to go for walks and ride my bike - I just move so much more. I absolutely love my new life!!!

Even though it is a major life style change I would suggest this to anyone who has been fight-ing a weight loss battle. I am very grateful to Dr. Chae, Kelly Elliot, our nutritionist, the monthly

support group and the Sky Ridge staff for all their support and the exceptional care.

Before After

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Kristen’s StoryLost 115 Pounds

I have very heavy “genes” in my family, and could see that the direction I was headed would lead me to look similar to my grandfather’s sisters, each weighing more than 300 pounds with multiple

weight related issues like diabetes, joint pain and high blood pressure.

I had been a very active and aggressive athlete throughout my life, and played volleyball and soccer for more than 20 years. All that activity helped me maintain a healthy weight. I knew my body had a

tendency to be heavy, but I had no idea what I would face in my thirties.

At 28, I had my one and only child. After having her, I could not lose weight no matter what I tried to do. It was as if my metabolism had been completely lost and didn’t know how to function. I tried to exercise and eat less but with a busy career, family, stress and travel it was very difficult to maintain a consistent weight loss and workout program. After ten years, I had gained 120 pounds and was very unhappy with how I felt

and looked; it was time to take permanent action.

Update: I had my gastric bypass on November 3, 2008. It has been an amazing two years since my surgery,

and I have lost 115 pounds in this short time. It is wonderful to have my life back! In my initial consultation with Dr. Chae, he told me “it is about getting your life back,” and he was right! This dramatic weight loss that can be experienced with some hard work has been incredible. Losing my weight has allowed me to

again do the things in life I enjoy most; playing and coaching sports, having fun with my family, horseback riding and exercising. I can hardly wait to exercise each day!!

I am thankful that I made the decision to have this surgery and take my life back.

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Vicki’s StoryLost 119 Pounds

When I was in fifth grade I learned that my parents were getting a divorce. This devastated me. My parents were and still are a very integral part of my life. I didn’t know how to deal with this

experience and found that eating made me feel better… for a minute. I had always been a little chunky, but soon after that year I started to put on the pounds. I am very much an emotional eater. Whenever something is bothering me, I want to eat. I am learning now to find other ways to deal with stress and emotional upset, but that

pattern that was started so many years ago is still deeply embedded in my brain.

The decision to have gastric bypass surgery was not an easy one. After multiple attempts (and every diet known to man), some successful, others not so much, I was desperate to be the healthy person I deserved to be. Losing the weight was not always the hard part, keeping it off was a different story.

My heaviest weight was 305 pounds and that was after more than 15 years of dieting.

Three years ago, when I found out my cousin was having gastric bypass, I thought she was taking the easy way out. I never thought of her as obese, she just seemed “chunky.” When I saw her a year later, I was overwhelmed by how

good she looked and how happy and confident she was. I never thought about how she may have been like me, quietly struggling with her weight with a smile on her face so no one knew how much she was hurting.

I started to hear commercials on the radio about gastric bypass, and did some research. I even read the book, “Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies,” which was actually pretty informative. I realized that the surgery was a tool and that I would have to commit to a lifelong lifestyle change. With my history of dieting, I knew a lot about what I should and shouldn’t eat. I also knew how important exercise is to losing weight. When I started thinking about everything I had tried in the past, I knew that gastric bypass surgery was anything but taking the easy way out.

Update: I have lost 119 pounds and am maintaining a healthy weight. I couldn’t be happier! I knew that my weight restrict-ed me, but I never knew how much that bothered me. A whole new world has opened. This summer I was able to climb a 14-er with my dad…something I have wanted to do for at least ten years. I love all the activities I am able to do and my kids are more active now too. We all have a new way of life. My ten-year old daughter and I will be running our first 5K this February. Something I would have never thought possible. So many times people ask me,

“if you had to do it all over again would you?” My answer is always “ABSOLUTELY!!!”

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Kathy’s StoryLost 105 Pounds

When I lost my job of five years, I went back to school. After earning a BS in accounting I went on to get my MBA. Prior to finishing my MBA, I wanted to improve my health. I made the decision to have gastric bypass.

I knew my body could not continue to maintain an extra 100 pounds for years to come. Family history showed heart attacks, diabetes, strokes, sleep apnea and joint problems. Unless I made some changes,

my fate would be similar. I felt I had invested a lot in my school and wanted to advance my career without the complications brought on by my excessive weight. When I interviewed for jobs, I felt

employers were less likely to hire someone 100 pounds overweight.

I started my process in May 2007 and within a year accomplished my goal of losing 105 pounds. I went from a size 22/24 to size 8/6, from 254 pounds to 149 pounds. I have

maintained my weight by following the recommended program, attending the support group, and staying in touch with my new friends from the group.

Now, I work out three to four times a week and my favorite workout is yoga. I enjoy diving, walking and riding my bike. I walked in my first 5K walk/race - Susan G. Koman -- with two of my support group friends

and our families. I went on a cruise to the Caribbean and could choose activities without worrying about weight limits. I tried rock climbing. I did not do well, but I tried getting up that wall three times! More than

I would have tried in the past. I feel like I have my life back.

Having the surgery is one of the best gifts I could ever give myself. I am asked all of the time, “would I have the surgery again?” My answer is YES without question!!

Before After

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Joann’s StoryLost 115 Pounds

Obesity runs in my family. So I thought it was normal to be a big person until I began going to school. I was teased a lot throughout my school years. I turned to drugs when I was a teenager and when I was sixteen found

recovery. Staying clean involved a lot of work. So, for a very long time, I accepted myself for who I was.

One day I woke up and was sitting on the edge of my bed and saw myself in the mirror. I saw a five foot two, 36-year-old woman who weighed 274 pounds, and it became unacceptable. I went to see my doctor to

discuss the option of bariatric surgery. He recommended I go see Dr. Chae. I made the appointment unsure if it was the right thing to do. When I went for the appointment, the office had chairs I could sit in comfortably, Dr. Chae listened to me, and informed me of my options. I spoke with Kelly and for the first time in my life

I was not talked down to. I was told I was eating exactly what I needed to maintain the weight I had. Up to this time I thought I was not eating a lot. I decided to begin the journey, completed all the

necessary requirements, and received a surgery date.

Update: December 8, 2003 was the day my life changed in a big way! I have lost a total of 115 pounds. Today, people

ask would you do it all over again and I say “in a heartbeat.” It has been several years since surgery and I have maintained my weight loss. I have learned that I can gain and lose weight just like normal people. I have had to make permanent changes in my lifestyle, my attitudes and my relationship with food. The most important tools I

have for continued success are my family, support groups, friends, and following “the rules.”

I am so grateful to Dr. Chae, Kelly, my husband, my mother, and so many other people in my life that have believed in me and supported me throughout this journey. I am free from the disease of addiction and the weight that held me down for so long. Dr. Chae and Kelly continue to be a part of my journey today through annual visits and support groups. Anything is possible as long as I continue to take a

chance and believe in the people who love me no matter what.

Before After

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Nancy’s StoryLost 115 Pounds

It was fourth grade and I was wearing my cute new pink pants. We were all standing in line to go to recess and the class bully said I looked like a pink pig and started making snorting sounds. This was a character defining moment; I chose to punch him in the nose as hard as I could. As he cried on the ground with a bloody nose, I became the cool girl who stood up to the bully but inside all I could do was cry. I never wore those pants again but kept up my façade up for the rest of my life. (Disclaimer: that was the first and only time I physically assaulted anyone). As I tried every

diet from healthy to truly bizarre, I kept overcompensating for my weight. I was the good daughter, straight “A” student, talented softball player, stellar employee, loving wife, “pot luck” mom but always failed at one thing,

my weight. No matter how many things I accomplished, I was still that insecure little girl.

My career led me to the Marketing Department at Sky Ridge. In 2006, my boss and I came up with an idea to showcase before and after pants in our lobby to draw attention to our bariatric surgery program and our first “Pants Across Sky Ridge” event was born. Year after year, I would create poster boards with the participant

stories and look in awe at their before and after pictures. I kept thinking I wish I had the courage to take that leap. After three years of getting to know a second family of sorts, I decided it was time.

Initially, my husband did not want me to have the surgery. He was afraid that he would lose his wife and mother of his children but eventually he realized that I had to do this for myself, for him and my kids.

I have lost 115 pounds to date and have gained back my life. I am doing things I haven’t even attempted to do in 20 years.

Update: I finished my first triathlon in August 2010 and am competing in a second in July 2011. I am full of energy! I can run around with my kids, take stairs at a jog, fit in an airplane seat and do so much more than I even thought possible.

I truly believe that I was meant to meet Dr. Chae, Kelly and all my friends at the support group. Without them, I would still be the “happy go lucky” woman who was really crying inside.

A special thank you to my husband, family, friends and coworkers for their amazing support!

Before After

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Jana’s StoryLost 267 Pounds

My name is Jana; it rhymes with banana. I’ve been called much worse in my life and sometimes I deserved it. I’m 44, been married for almost 13 years to a great

guy and we have a beautiful daughter, Emily.

My journey started in 2007 when I came to know in my heart that I was dying. It wasn’t possible to sugar-coat the situation. I WAS DYING. The final straw was in August 2007. I took my daughter, who was looking forward to starting kindergarten, to the store to buy clothes. We parked in the

handicapped space and we walked to the double doors. I had to rest on the bench inside those double doors to catch my breath and slow down my heart. My next mission was to obtain a shopping cart, not because I planned on buying more than a pair of jeans and maybe some socks, but because I

needed to lean on a cart to even consider walking any distance. After finding the girls’ department and grabbing anything I thought would fit my daughter, I was determined to snag the handicap assessable fitting room because I knew there was a large bench to rest on. While Emily tried on clothes, I wiped away the sweat and saw in the mirror that my face was bright red and some of my hair was stuck to my head with sweat – I was a heart attack waiting to happen. After quickly

gathering a few things to buy, we made our way to the checkout area. I became so out of breath, my heart pounding and my knees screaming at me that I asked myself “WHAT are you thinking?”

Ultimately, it was a very good question. What was I doing to my family, to my little girl? Did I subconsciously want to die – one bite at a time? I had tried all the diets – Weight Watchers, Diet

Center, hypnotism, and in college switched to the “let’s not eat” diet that lead to eating alone in my dorm room. I graduated from college 100 pounds heavier than when I entered.

Before After

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For the next 20 years, my life was predictable. Finding the perfect diet, spending untold amounts of money on a program to do well for about three or four weeks until a “just a…” would get me. Just a bite, just a taste, just one, just this once…and I would wake up among the candy bar wrappers, empty

soda bottles, potato chip bags and who knows what else. Well, since I failed once again, I might as well make the most of it and I’d be off again eating anything and everything. I can’t honestly say I ever

binged – my entire adult life was an eating binge! My ultimate attempt at denial was the time when I told myself that I could stop my crazy eating routine at any time.

When I decided to research weight loss surgery, I knew I had to create a medical team that would not only work with me and each other, but accompany me on this journey. I needed doctors and

professionals who had been on this road before and knew how to navigate the rough patches. I didn’t need a doctor who was more interested in the marketing campaign than the patients. I didn’t need a doctor who placed a “surgery coordinator” in between the patient and the initial consultation so my

insurance could be verified. I needed a doctor who saw me as a person, who understood where I was at and where I was coming from. I found my perfect doctor in Frank Chae, MD.

I had bypass surgery on December 17, 2007. My surgery and recovery have been picture perfect. No major complications, no trips to the ER, not even a call to Dr. Chae in the middle of the night. Oh sure, I’ve had some consequences of poor choices such as vomiting because I’ve eaten too fast and digestive

upset because I’ve eaten too much sugar. All in all, I take the approach of keeping my food plan sensible, healthy and sane. I make time to hit the gym. I have learned so much about myself through yoga, dance

classes, swimming endless laps and pushing myself to do just a bit more lifting weights.

Honestly, the most difficult process for me has been dealing with my own negative thinking and mindset. After abusing food (much like alcohol or drugs are abused) for most of my life, food was my drug of choice. Imagine the train wreck when I realized I could no longer use food as my best friend, my protector, my excuse not to participate in my own life. I had the good sense to seek out the help of a Certified Addiction Counselor even before surgery and saw her sometimes two or three times a week for months. I listened to her, whined, spilled more tears than I want to admit and threw myself the most wonderful pity parties. The day came when I knew that the game was

over – food was just food, food just lets me have enough energy to enjoy the real good stuff such as dancing like a fool with my daughter, rolling around the backyard, riding a bike for the

first time in more than 25 years and enjoying and loving my family, my friends and others in my life. I know longer live life like I’m dying – I’m experiencing living each and every day. Though my life

is not perfect, I have found a true undercurrent of joy.

I am so grateful for the chance to finally live a life that I had only dreamed about. This was only possible for me through the medical miracle of bariatric surgery and the grace of compassion, respect and love of my family, friends, my medical team of Dr. Frank Chae and staff, Ms. Dona Sanders, LMFT, CAC III, Dr.

C. David Bird, Dr. Nick Slenkovich and staff, Dr. Timothy Murphy and countless others who touch my life in so many positive ways. Though I will never be able to pay them back, I can pay it forward.

How can I help you in your journey?

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Janice’s StoryLost 153 Pounds

My gastric bypass surgery was January 16, 2006. I’ve reached my five-year mark and am so grateful for how this surgery has impacted my life. It freed me to return to a lifestyle of exercise and good health I so much enjoyed. Although I’ve experienced complications since my surgery, I would go through it all again. It was worth every struggle and hardship because I know that my God takes

my misery and creates a ministry. He makes me beautiful with all of my experiences!

I had been training for a marathon in 2001 when I began to experience severe spinal cord pain. After multiple tests, I learned I needed surgery. In 2002, I had spinal cord surgery wherein multiple

discs were repaired and mounted with plates. My running days had ended and my metabolism plummeted. I was devastated at the loss of my lifelong regimen of exercise and staying fit.

Depression overcame me. I felt the external pressure placed on me by insensitive people who made rude comments about my weight and appearance. The change was drastic, going from being fit to obese in a short amount of time. I was shocked at the way I was treated by others

because of my weight. It was painful to realize that human nature can be so cruel. I chose to have my surgery and immediately began to lose weight. Initially, I lost too much weight and needed to regain about 25 pounds in order to reach a healthy plateau. I have

been able to maintain this healthy weight for two years now.

I am grateful to everyone who supported and encouraged me over the last five years. Thank you for your love!!

Before After

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Kari’s StoryLost 80 Pounds

Struggling for the majority of my life with weight issues, I remember starting my first diet around age 11. I’ve spent an enormous amount of time and energy on a variety of weight loss programs only to fail, each time putting more and more weight back on. Then, about six years ago, I damaged several

discs in my lower back causing me tremendous pain.

I had difficulty walking, sitting or standing. With no activity, I gained additional weight. Not only did my back cause me discomfort but the years of added weight brought on Type II diabetes,

hypertension, high cholesterol and sleep apnea. I walked into Dr. Chae’s office weighing more than I could ever imagine and feeling the most miserable I had ever felt in my life.

I checked in for gastric bypass surgery on August 9, 2010 at 260 pounds. Now, just five months out from surgery, I’m already 80 pounds lighter! I went from a woman’s size 24 to a Misses size 14, and

I feel great. Two months ago, I rode a bike for the first time in 30 years!

I’m now able to exercise alongside my husband. I plan on taking skiing lessons this month and I signed up for a Triathlon in July. I’m doing activities I would never have dreamed of prior to the surgery. More importantly, my health issues have resolved and I’m looking forward to the future.

Before After

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Jo Ann’s StoryLost 116 Pounds

The day I met Dr. Frank Chae, I topped the scales at 291 pounds and my weight was increasing – it was completely out of control. I required oxygen 24-hours a day, seven-days a week. I took

medication for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and severe back and joint problems.

As a member of Weight Watchers, the most weight I ever lost was 11 pounds. Losing weight was a losing battle. What could I do to improve myself and my health?

I attended Dr. Chae’s seminar and made the decision to begin the process to have bariatric surgery. He suggested the gastric band procedure for me. After completing all the

requirements, I had surgery on November 9, 2009.

Today, I weigh 175 pounds, for a total loss of 116 pounds! I am elated about the weight loss but the fact that I no longer require oxygen is a great reason to celebrate. I am free of high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and my pulmonologist believes I might get to kick my

CPAP machine to the curb (my follow up test is late January).

Additionally, it has been such a pleasure to participate in all the family activities. Between the oxygen and not being ambulatory, I had always felt like more of a bystander. I recently had the opportunity to babysit my great grandchildren for eight weeks, two of whom are very active and

inquisitive toddlers. I would have never have been able to do that without the surgery. I thank Dr. Chae and the lap band for all these added benefits.

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Tobi-Lynn’s StoryLost 75 Pounds

During the summer of 2008, I began to investigate bariatric surgery. I knew a woman who had the gastric band procedure and quizzed her at length. She gave me a helpful booklet from her surgeon, and then my mom

introduced me to one of her neighbors who also had the procedure. Then I hit the internet and learned all I could, including the experience of different surgeons in my area. I decided I really wanted to do it - after almost 30 years of dieting, all I had done was lose a lot of weight to then gain it back. I checked into my insurance and

its requirements to qualify for coverage. I also interviewed several surgeons. Dr. Chae was, in my opinion, by far the most experienced and competent. When we met, we just clicked.

Then began the next phase of my journey -- a six-month, doctor-supervised diet, a meeting with a psychologist and a class with my surgeon’s nutritionist to learn what it would take to succeed after surgery. I did it all - eagerly! After submitting the insurance paperwork, I waited and waited to find out if I qualified. I got the

great news on my birthday that I did! Yippee! I had my gastric band surgery on June 15, 2009 and have never regretted it for a moment!

It is a journey, the band is a tool. I’ve had to learn a lot of lessons and challenging things about myself. It has not been easy. There have been slip-ups and bad behaviors rearing their ugly heads when I felt I could not cope. I lost my mom suddenly on May 2, 2010 after she had neck surgery. But, through it all, Dr. Chae, Kelly

Elliott and the fantastic support group at Sky Ridge have helped me get back up and keep walking my journey. I have a wonderfully supportive family and friend network. But truly being able to relate with people

who “get it” and understand the struggles we face is priceless.

I ended 2010 at my goal - a normal BMI. Wow! I have lost 75 pounds and gained a new appreciation for the things I am physically able to do now. My kids said they are proud of me! Two teenagers who are proud of their

mom? Priceless! We ride bikes together, walk/hike, camp, ride four-wheelers, go snowmobiling and I’m even back to skiing! Life is good again and I can participate. My health has improved by leaps and bounds. I’m no longer

hypertensive and am off the meds and my cholesterol numbers are back in the normal range too.

Would I do it again? ABSOLUTELY! Would I recommend it? Yes, but I do encourage people to really learn what it is about, what they will need to give up and live with as a result of the choice to have surgery. Visit the Sky

Ridge bariatric support group and ask questions. And, be sure to meet Dr. Chae - he is the best surgeon I know.

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Shanolyn’s StoryMy journey starts about 12 years ago. I was 314 pounds and very unhappy. I was on anxiety and

depression medications and kept having panic attacks that would send me spiraling down. I couldn’t function or take care of my family the way I should. It seemed they were taking care of me instead. I didn’t want it to be that way so I tried diet after diet. I would lose some weight, but it always came back with a

few extra pounds. And, when it came back, I would go into a depression again.

Then, a really good friend of mine told me about gastric bypass and how it had helped her in so many ways. So, I thought I should research it. The first time, my insurance denied it, but then my husband’s work changed insurance companies so I applied again. On March 29, 2010, I got a call from Dr. Chae asking

me when I wanted to have the surgery. I almost fell out of my chair I was so overcome with joy!

I asked Dr. Chae when he could fit me in and was expecting it to be a long wait. When he said how about April 5, I almost hyperventilated but somehow managed to say ABSOLUTELY! I was ecstatic! Even

though I was nervous and only had a week to mentally prepare myself for this journey, I knew it was time. Since surgery, the weight has been shedding off of me. I am been doing so well. I don’t have depression or anxiety and my knees don’t hurt. I can literally run up the stairs and not be out of breath. I can even

keep up with my kids and almost out run them! I’m eating healthier, making better choices and exercising. I can’t thank my best friend, Dr. Chae and his staff enough for all they have done for me and my family.

My entire family sees me in a new light, They can’t believe how great I look. And, I feel WONDERFUL!! I have gone from a size 26 plus to a size 14 and just can’t believe that this is me in these pants. I cried when

I tried my first pair of 14’s on. I haven’t been that size since I was 18 years old. I know things are just going to keep getting better and better. I AM A NEW PERSON!

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Sandra’s StoryLost 93 Pounds

My name is Sandra and I work at Sky Ridge in the Admissions Department. I decided last year that I was going to change my life and my health. I have a family history of diabetes,

high blood pressure and heart disease.

I topped out at 257 pounds. I had high blood pressure and didn’t want to progress to diabetes next. Two of my aunts, who were diabetic, had to get their legs amputated and the dialysis treatments they were enduring scared me. I wasn’t able to do much because

of the pain in my knees, feet and back.

I decided that I was going to have weight loss surgery but wasn’t sure which procedure was best for me. I spoke with my nutritionist, Kelly, and Dr. Chae. They helped me make up my mind to have gastric bypass. I am really happy that is the route I chose. In just six months, I have lost a total of 93 pounds and I feel great! I have noticed my knees, feet and back no longer hurt. I

can walk longer and faster without being short of breath. I truly recommend anyone who is struggling with this much weight, to look into bariatric surgery. My health is great, my blood

pressure is down and I feel like life is just wonderful!

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Ron’s StoryLost 145 Pounds

“Why the Hell Didn’t I do this Sooner?”

My story began when I was very young and being inducted into the “Clean Plate Club.” Many kids in my age group and older can remember not being allowed to leave the table until their plate was clean because there were starving kids somewhere in the world. You can’t waste food! In addition,

there was just a love of food in my family--especially around the holidays.

I have always been big and tall. So, I held my weight well. Everyone, including me, thought I just required more food to function. Of course, I didn’t say no when it was being offered and it went

down without a problem! After a while, I stopped limiting myself with food.

In my youth, I was overweight enough to be called fat but not enough where it limited me in playing sports or other activities. I just wasn’t the fastest and I sweated more than everyone else!

From my early teens to the present (except for three years of working in an office), I’ve always worked a manual labor job. I was able to eat what I wanted as I would more than likely burn it off just doing my job. What I didn’t realize was that as I progressed in my truck driving career, I was

doing less manual labor and more sitting behind the wheel just driving. Still eating the same amount of food in a given day and slowly blowing up.

In August 2009, I weighed in at nearly 370 pounds. My wife and I have a four-year old son and he wants to play. I had been thinking about and researching gastric bypass surgery for about three

years. At this point, I had been off my high blood pressure medication for a couple of years through a change in diet. But, my cholesterol and triglycerides were still jacked up. I had been taking

medication for that for almost four years and nothing was really changing. I got annoyed at myself enough to ask my doctor if he knew anyone that did the surgery. He gave me the number to Dr.

Frank Chae and I had a consultation with him.

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After meeting Dr. Chae, my fear and any other hang-ups about having the surgery were put to rest. He answered all my questions. He even gave me his cell number telling me to call him anytime if I thought

of anything else. These days, it’s rare to have a doctor make himself that accessible. I also met his nutritionist, Kelly Elliot. It was clear she was a wealth of knowledge when it came to food, nutrition and the successful relationship one can have with food. I left with a good feeling about doing the surgery but

the “when” became the question. I put their business cards in my pocket and left the office.

In November 2009, I received a call from my doctor’s office asking me to come in to discuss my monthly blood results face-to-face and ASAP. My doctor suspected Hepatitis A, but thankfully they determined it was a fatty liver. My liver was being destroyed by the amount of fat it had to filter out of my blood. That was my “Ah-Ha” moment! I left his office feeling terrible and knowing I had to get this surgery done if I was going to see my son graduate high school. Two weeks later, another unfortunate event happened. I wrecked my concrete mixer on an icy road and my company fired me, which gave me plenty of time off.

Following my rehabilitation from the accident, I began the three-month process of getting ready for the surgery. Satisfying the requirements of the insurance company was not as difficult as I thought it

would be. Everyone in Dr. Chae’s office was very professional and made it happen. During this time, I began attending the monthly support groups at Sky Ridge. I met great people and was able to ask many questions. My big concern was if they had any regrets with the surgery. The overwhelming answer to that was, “I wish I had done it sooner.” Right then and there, I knew I made the right decision. My

surgery was February 27, 2010 and I weighed 365 pounds.

Surgery went well and I was home in three days. This was a complete life change for me, but I was determined to make it work. Armed with Kelly Elliot’s post-surgery booklet, I’ve made it through every step of the post-surgery process. In July, I began working with a personal trainer. I attained my goal of 225 pounds on October 27, 2010. Currently, I weigh between 215 and 220 pounds. For the first time in

about 20 years, I actually feel good about my appearance!

I want to thank Dr. Chae for being the great surgeon and person that he was to me and will continue to be to all his future patients. Thanks for being the catalyst for my success. Thank you to Kelly Elliot for being the encyclopedia of nutrition and food that someone like me needed to meet. Your encouragement

throughout this process helped me to realize my weight loss goal.

Thank you to Chris Hanenburg from The Gym in Castle Rock for giving me the confidence to finally get off my butt and really work out. I’m on my way to being in better shape than I was when I was a teenager. You are the trainer to be reckoned with. Thank you to the wonderful people I’ve become

friends with at Kelly’s support group at Sky Ridge. Your shared experiences and encouragement have helped me more than you’ll ever know. Most of all, I want to thank my wife, Billie Ann, and my son

Brendan. While not on board at first, due to fear of losing me, you have come around to be my biggest supporters. That has enabled me to be the husband and father you both deserve. I love you both.

If any of what I have written here rings true to you, PLEASE make an appointment with Dr. Chae. I promise you will not regret it. YOU WILL GET YOUR LIFE BACK! You will join the rest of us in


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Sharon’s StoryLost 50 Pounds

For most of my adult life I have worn a size 12 and had very low self-esteem. After my fifth back surgery, pain pills, patches and gadgets, I had gained 150 pounds in a year and a half.

My doctors all told me that I needed to watch my eating and to exercise.

I worked with a nutritionist for more then a year to monitor my food intake and exercise. During this time I was still going to physical therapy and struggling with severe pain. At that

point, I was told not to do anything. I was so down and out of it. I wasn’t able to sit in a regular chair because I was so big. This made me feel even worse.

Finally, my nutritionist said he was going to do some research on weight loss surgery. At my next appointment, he gave me Dr. Chae’s number and told me he was an expert on

gastric banding surgery, particularly for people with severe medical issues.

That’s when my journey to get healthy started. Dr. Chae gave me so much hope without judging me like everyone else had done. He said “I can do this for YOU.”

On April 29, 2010 I had surgery. It has been a breeze.

He and his office staff, including Dr. Kaplan, have now become my family. I have lost 50 pounds in the past eight months and am looking forward to more to come. I am working hard on “seeing” myself as others see me…my mind is not there yet. Dr. Chae tells me each time how wonderfully

I am doing. That is my inspiration to continue on this journey in a positive way and not be so hard on myself any longer. I am happy and my health has improved. The gastric band has truly been

trouble-free for me. I deserve this and have earned it!

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Joy’s StoryI am a 57-year-old wife, mother and grandmother. I was active in high school and never had a weight problem until I got married at 18 and was alone a lot while my husband was deployed overseas. When he was home, I wanted to

impress him with my cooking abilities but ended up eating most of it myself. I have battled with my weight ever since. I have even managed to lose 100 pounds - TWICE! My challenge was keeping it OFF!

My health problems were starting to add up and I knew I had to do something or one of these problems was going to be irreversible. I spent a year and a half working out and lost 65 pounds. I gained it all back in five months.

The diabetes was back, the cholesterol was too high, my knees were shot, my foot and lower back were hurting all the time. I was left kicking myself again for “failing.”

I looked at gastric bypass as my last ditch effort to gain control over this issue. But I also had to get past my own feelings of “taking the easy way out.” I just decided that I was tired of being ashamed all the time. I was ashamed of how I looked, how many times I failed, losing and then being stupid enough to gain it all back and failing those around me who loved me enough to support me every time I lost the weight and then

were kind enough not to mention it when I gained it all back-plus more!

I spent months checking it all out and going to the required classes, learning as much as I could. I didn’t tell many people before the surgery as I didn’t want to have to “defend myself” and really

didn’t want their opinions or horror stories!

I had my surgery April 19, 2010 and it went great! Recovery wasn’t fun but it was on track and I was back to work in three weeks- not at 100% but able to do my job. At the six-month mark, I was 20 pounds ahead of the projection

and I feel very capable of achieving my goal of a losing 110 to 120 pounds!

The changes are HUGE. It is so much fun to see the shock on people’s faces when they look at me and suddenly realize they know me! My health is better than it has been since I was a teenager, and most

of the aches and pains are gone. I fit in the shower, the towel fits all the way around me and I get to put on clothes that I have bought at Forever 21!

What a feeling of confidence and pride in what I have (and continue to) accomplish with this tool that I was blessed to receive! Would I recommend this surgery? In a heartbeat! When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, when you am tired of being a failure in your attempts to gain some control over your weight and when you want a future that you

can enjoy with health and happiness for years to come... take the leap, use the tool and see what good health can feel like again! (Not to mention being able to buy skinny jeans for the first time!!!)

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