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Tiggy’s adventures

This is Tiggy. He’s a British tiger. He’s little an d he has got big eyes. He’s got stripes with the colours of the British flag. He’s wearing a bowler hat. He’s a rea lly nice tiger. He likes drawing and telling a lot of storie s about his country. He would like to teach us English and moreover, he is interested in learning more about Catalonia.

This year he is very enthusiastic because he has be en invited to visit Catalonia and to participate in the party ‘English Day in Sant Just’. He would share with his Catalan friends the origin of some traditions, folklore and daily habits of the English people. Tiggy is a good observer and he has got a lot of curiosity about the English cultur e. Firstly, he looks on the internet for lots of thing s. He also likes travelling around the different towns and villages of the Unit ed Kingdom and meeting new friends. He is going to talk with a lot of people who can tell him a lot of stories, legends and traditions.

After that, Tiggy let his imagination run away and he draws up a plan for investigating the origin of some English traditions. It is his main aim. For example, he has curiosity about the origin of Pilla r Box, Telephone box and Red Double Decker bus.

He’s also interested in the symbols of England. He would like to know if the typical English food includes fish and chips, sandwiches and roast beef. Why nobody has ever seen the Loch Ness Monster? Why the typical hat is called bowler Will our friend achieve his purpose…?

Montserrat school

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Tiggy starts his search about English traditions. H e goes around London asking people but they don’t have enough informatio n. Finally he decides to go to Hyde Park and there he meets a very nice mouse.

Tiggy asks him if he knows anything about English traditions and he says that he knows a website with a lot of information about it. Tiggy runs to his home and searches for the website on his computer. He starts to read it. He is amazed when he sees the great quantity of information he can find. He likes the story about the origin of the word sandwich . It comes from the Earl of Sandwich. He liked playing cards a lot. One day while he was playing, he was very hungry and ordered to bring him two slices of bread with a piece of

beef. The Earl was able to continue his game while eating his snack; and from that incident, we have in his tied that quick- food product that we now know as the sandwich. He also finds that Fish and chips is the classic English take-away food and is the traditional national food of England. It became popular in the 1860's when railways began to bring fresh fish stra ight from the east coast to the our cities over night. Tiggy thinks that this information is very interest ing but he wants to know more. Then he sees that the author’s name of this w ebsite is called Nicole and she lives in Paris. As Tiggy is very adventurou s, decides to fly to Paris. He gets Nicole’s address and he goes to her house. He knocks on the door and suddenly a very beautiful tigress opens it. Tiggy immediately falls in love with her. When Tiggy tells her why he is there, Nicole invites him to a cup of tea and she says that she was living in England for a lot of years and she has a secret, she takes all the information out of a hat that has belonged to her family for ages.

IES Sant Just B

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After their chat, Tiggy wants to look at Nicole's h at. And he asks her: - Can you lend me your hat for a moment? - Yes, of course, But only if you kiss me.

He tries to kiss her but the hat swallows Tiggy and Nicole. Inside the hat everything is very dark. Nicole is very scared and she starts shaking.

Suddenly they fall and appear in a hat shop. An old man was there. -How can I help you? - He asks. They were confused. They answer: -Where are we? Who are you? -I'm Mr. Bowler the famous hat maker. Are you Mr. C oke? -No I'm not. I'm Tiggy. -Oh!, I'm sorry I'm waiting for Mr. Edward Coke bec ause he ordered me a new hat for the Earl of Leicester’s gamekeepers. It must be a close-fitting, low-crowned hat to protect his gamekeepers' heads f rom low-hanging branches. The door opens and a man enters. -Are you Mr. Coke? - asks the hat maker. -Is my new hat ready? - Yes, of course. Do you want to try it?

Mr Coke takes the hat and throws it to the floor. Then he stamps hard on it twice, and then he comments: - Well I think it's perfect. It's strong enough. I need a lot of them for all my workers. How much is it? - It's twelve shillings. I'm sure your new hat is going to be very useful.

-Can I have a receipt? Don't forget to write the d ate. -Today is 17th December 1849. Tiggy and Nicole are puzzled. They are in the PAST, at the exact moment the bowler hat was created. What are they going to do now!!!

Canigó school, group A

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Tiggy doesn’t know what to do, so he decides to try and kiss Nicole again and see what happens. Maybe they will go back again to Nicole’s house in Paris. Then, all of a sudden, the bowler hat swallows Tiggy and Nicole once more, but they don’t appear in Paris, they appear by the Houses of Parliament in London.

There, a man is going to be hang! He’s tied to

a stake and he can’t move. A man with a crown, probably a king, is looking at him. There are a lot of people watching the scene, too. They all wear old clothes and big hats. Tiggy and Nicole ask a man in the crowd what is happening. The man starts to tell them the story. He says:

“This man, Guy Fawkes,

is going to be hung because he is a traitor. Some time ago, he tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London with some barrels of powder because he wanted to kill King James I of England and IV of Scotland. The leader of the plot, Robert Catesby, had asked Guy Fawkes to watch the barrels of powder and light them in the morning of 5th November. Fortunately, an anonymous letter was sent to the authorities and some soldiers discovered and arrested him.”

Tiggy realizes they are back in

1605, when the Gunpowder Plot took place. He knows the story because he learned it at school and because they celebrate the plot’s failure every year on Bonfire Night. It’s a popular British celebration.

Tiggy and Nicole are puzzled

again. They don’t know what to do. Should they try and kiss each other again?

IES Sant Just A

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At that moment the crowd started pushing. Tiggy and Nicole fell into the River Thames, the water was fr ozen and they lost consciousness. Nobody knows how long they were into the water, but when a boat that carr ied goods rescued them they were in 1840. The sailors of the boat thought that these animals could be a good business, they wanted to turn the tigers into beautiful carpets. On this boat the butler of Anna, the seventh Duches s of Bedford, was also travelling. He had an idea: th e tigers could keep the guests of the Duchess amused at tea time. The butler bought

Tiggy and Nicole and when the boat docked they took a carriage to the mansion of the Duchess. On the way Nelson, the butler, told them the story of Afternoon Tea: “Afternoon Tea has been introduced in England by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford. One day she became hungry around four o’clock in the afternoon. The evening m eal in her household was served late at eight o’clock, therefore there w as a long period of time between lunch and dinner. The Duchess asked for a t ray of tea, bread and butter and some cakes to be brought to her room dur ing the late afternoon. This became a habit of hers and she bega n inviting friends to join her. Today this pause for tea is a fashionable social ev ent The upper-class and society women change into long gowns, gloves and ha ts for their afternoon tea which is grown in India or Ceylon and is poured from silver tea pots into delicate bone china cups. It is serve d in the drawing room between four and five o’clock ”. Tiger noticed how different the custom was now and he said to Nicole: “Nowadays afternoon tea is just a biscuit or a smal l cake and a mug of tea, usually made using a teabag. For these people it would be a Sacrilege!. In fact we have High Tea, it is served later (around six in the evening) and it is a dinner meal for the common people. Tea is also served but we also eat meat, fish, eggs, cheese, bread and butter, and cake. It is more of a man’s meal than a ladies social diversion” When they arrived to the mansion the butler gave them some clothes and they were dressed as hig h society people. Everybody was surprised with those amazing guests a nd the gossip started...

Madre Sacramento school 6 th grade

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After having tea at lady Bedford’s mansion, they we nt for a walk and stopped at the main square. There were lots of peop le, so when they tried to walk, they bumped into each other and kissed! And the hat swallowed them again. They appeared at a place full of boxes. "Why are there so many boxes?" Asked Nicole. A man turned around and said: "It´s Boxing day!!! You should know because you guys are rich!!" said the man. "We´re not.... never mind" said Nicole noticing that she was still wearing the dress from lady Bedford’s house " May I ask what day is it today?" asked Tiggy " It's December 26th!! Said the man excitedly. "The queen will give boxes to the poor at midnight . That’s what rich people must do the day after Christmas". Suddenly a woman with a crown on the head opens the door. "Is everything ready?!" the queen Shouted. Nicole s ays: “By the way, who are you? -I'm the queen of England. -What queen? -Queen Victoria!!!. My reign is the longest in the history of England and I'm the queen of Great Britain, Ireland and India. -And when did you begin to be the queen? -When I wa s nineteen, on 28th of June of 1838.

-Sorry your majesty!- I didn’t know.... “said Nicole. “Can we help you?” Asked Tiggy trying to solve the situation. -“Yes, of course” says Victoria.” Ok come with me. But don’t tell anybody who I am” They went to a poor house and they gave boxes to a poor family. And the family said: “Thank you!! You are a very good person!” “Your welcome!” The queen says. “ Bye see you later!” Tiggy and Nicole said. They went out of the house. “ It's late”- Tiggy says – “We must go. Bye bye Victoria!” They turn the corner and disappeared before the queen could say anything else.

It was a very cold night. Tiggy hugged Nicole. They were very tired. They just wanted to sleep.

Canigó school, group B

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Tiggy and Nicole were very tired. They sat on a ben ch in a park to rest. It was chilly and Tiggy hugged Nicole. They covered th emselves with the magic hat to get protected from the cold. Then, all of a sudden, the hat swallowed them and they appeared in a very dark roo m with a lot of shelves full of books and a red carpet on the floor . It looked like a very old library.

Tiggy thought: ‘Oh no! Did we travel through time again? Where are we now?’ Nicole and Tiggy inspected the room to guess where and ‘when’ they were. They found photos all over the walls, a lot of newspapers and a smoking pipe on a very big messy desk. In the photos, there was a middle-aged man with a very hairy moustache. The newspapers on the desk were from the year 1887. They had travelled some years towards the present, but

they were still in the 19 th century. Suddenly, they heard a noise and saw a shadow on th e wall. They were really scared. They didn’t know what to do. A man a ppeared in the room. He was the man in the photos, but he looked older a nd his moustache bigger. The man jumped back when he saw them Tiggy and Nicole. ‘Who are you? What are you doing in my house? I’m g oing to call the police!’ The man said angrily. ‘Oh no! Please, don’t call the police. We aren’t th ieves.’ ‘So… who are you then?’ He asked. ‘We are Tiggy and Nicole. We come from the past, I mean… from the future!’ ‘I don’t believe you. It is impossible to travel through time! I’m going to call the police immediately!’ The man said again angrily. Then, Nicole realized who that man was. She had information about him in his webpage, and she said: ‘I know who you are. You are Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.’ ‘Yes, I am Arthur Conan Doyle. Do I know you, young lady?’ ‘No, you don’t, but in the future you are a very famous writer. You are the creator of Sherlock Holmes.’ ‘Sherlock Holmes?’ ‘Yes, the very intelligent detective who investigat es crimes with his friend Watson. He is always very well-dressed and smokes f rom a pipe.’ Sir Arthur was very surprised, and he said: ‘This i s the main character in the novel I’m writing, but his name is Sherrinford. ’

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Sir Arthur was very excited and asked them for more details about Sherlock Holmes and his stories, and also about the places they had been with the magic hat. Tiggy and Nicole told him about the bowler hat, Guy Fawkes, the Afternoon Tea and Boxing Day. Sir Arthu r listened quietly. Then, they talked for a while and got to the conclu sion that the hat showed them important moments in the history of Eng land. Sir Arthur wanted to know more, so he asked them to travel to their present with them to see the success of his novels and stories. Nicole and Tiggy accepted, and they covered themselves with th e magic hat. Suddenly, it was very dark again. When they could see again, Sir Arthur was not there and the hat spoke: ‘Sir Arthur Conan Doyle cannot travel through time. He doesn’t exist in the present.’

IES Sant Just C -Where is Arthur? –asks Tiggy -Arthur returned to London because he wants to fini sh the writing of his book Sherrinford, later known as Sherlock Holmes –s ays the bowler hat. Then Tiggy tries to kiss her, but the bowler hat sh allows Tiggy and Nicole. Suddenly they are in a London’s well-known street: Oxford street. There is a pancake race. -What is a Pancake race?- asks Tiggy to Nicole. -It’s a pancake’s day celebration –Nicole tells Tiggy. This festivity is on Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, six weeks before Easter. In Britain, people eat pancakes on Pancake Day. In some towns, like London, there are pancake races. People run th rough the streets holding frying pans with pancakes. Each runner thro ws the pancake into the air and catches it with the pan. The pancake re cipe is very easy, if you want to do it, you need:

• 1 cup flour • 1 cup milk • 1 egg (beaten) • 1/3 cup butter • 1 tablespoon sugar (optional) • 1 teaspoon baking powder

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In a large bowl combine the flour, milk, egg, butte r, sugar and baking powder. Preheat a lightly greased griddle or frying pan. Pour about ¼ cup of butter into pan for each pancake. Cook until pan cakes are cooked. -Look the Pancake race starts! –says Tiggy -Let’s go! –answers Nicole. While they are looking the race, they see how a pa ncake jumps very high and sticks to the bowler hat and starts to roll fas ter and faster. Suddenly, a bird appears and eats the pancake; then the bird becomes happy and begins to sing a rap: Mix a pancake Stir a pancake Pop it in the pan Fry the pancake Toss the pancake Match it if you can! When the bird end the rap, Tiggy and Nicole pursue him and see him flying to the Big Ben. -What’s the Big Ben? –asks Tiggy to Nicole. Big Ben is the nickname for the great bell f the cl ock of the Palace of Westminster in London. – says Nicole Then they see the bowler hat trapped in the minute hand of the clock. Quickly they climb the stairs of Big Ben and when t hey arrive there, they want to take the hat, but unlucky, the hat flies to the river, and they decide to give a kiss to get under the bowler hat coming b ack to Paris.

Montseny school

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They kiss but the hat doesn’t swallow them because it is wet. They go down to the river to take the hat and they wait for the hat to get dry. When the hat is dry they kiss again but they don’t appea r in the present Paris. They appear in a place where there are a lot of tee nagers trying to play some games and speak English but they can’t do it v ery well. There are some boys and girls watching a video but they don’t look happy. They don’t know where they are, so they ask a woman with a sticker on her T-shirt which says “English Teacher”:

- Where are we? What are you doing? – asks Tiggy.

- This is a disaster! Nobody wants to participate, no body is speaking English, that’s horrible!! It has been the same for the last 5 years! – yells the woman.

Then, Tiggy looks up and he sees a big poster which says: ENGLISH DAY IN SANT JUST 2015. He realizes where they are: they are in the future, they are in Sant Just, they are on the English Day! ! But it is strange because there is no mascot on the poster and Tiggy knows that every year one of his mascots friends attend the English Day. Why is everybody so sad? Why isn’t there a mascot on the poster? Why aren’t they speaking in English? I thought the English Day was a funny day to play, speak and learn English… Then, the teacher answers:

- Five years ago our mascot didn’t come to the English Day, we don’t know why. That year our students were sad and disappointed. They are still waiting for him. Since then, the English Day has never been the same. The other mascots are afraid o f coming because when he was invited he disappeared.

Tiggy feels responsible for this disaster and at th e same time the teacher realizes that he is the mascot of 2011. He is Tiggy !! They are both shocked.

- Are you Tiggy? – asks the teacher.

- Yes, I am

- Where have you been all this time?

- It’s a long story. When I won the mascot contest I wanted to learn about English traditions to tell the teenagers in S ant Just. I visited Nicole in Paris and she had a magic bowler hat. The hat swallowed us every time we kissed and we travelled through ti me. We have been to the places and times where traditions began .

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- We want to come back to our present but we don’t kn ow how because the hat always takes us where he wants – Ni cole says.

Then, Tiggy remembers that the hat spoke to them on ce, when the writer of Sherlock Holmes wanted to travel to the future. It was when the hat swallowed them and all became dark.

- Every time the hat swallows us it gets dark inside. At that moment we could try to communicate and tell him where we w ant to go – Tiggy says.

- It can work. That’s a good idea – says Nicole happi ly.

- Ok, do it – says the teacher- try to save the Eng lish Day.

Tiggy and Nicole take the hat and kiss. When the ha t becomes dark inside they shout: “Take us to the English Day in Sant Jus t 2011!!!” Suddenly they see a light and they hear a voice: “W elcome to the English Day 2011”. Tiggy looks up and sees a picture of him on a big poster.

- Nicole, we did it ! – shouts Tiggy - Let’s have fun with all these boys and girls !!

And then Nicole kisses Tiggy “again” …

Madre Sacramento 1st ESO

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English Day 2011English Day 2011English Day 2011English Day 2011 Mascota guanyadora: “Tig“Tig“Tig“Tigggggy”y”y”y” Autora: Cira PujolCira PujolCira PujolCira Pujol Escola MONTSERRATMONTSERRATMONTSERRATMONTSERRAT Escoles participants: CEIPCEIPCEIPCEIP CanigóCanigóCanigóCanigó CEIPCEIPCEIPCEIP MontsenyMontsenyMontsenyMontseny CEIPCEIPCEIPCEIP MontserratMontserratMontserratMontserrat Escola Madre SacramentoEscola Madre SacramentoEscola Madre SacramentoEscola Madre Sacramento IES Sant JustIES Sant JustIES Sant JustIES Sant Just Activitat Pla de formació de zona

Amb la col·laboració de l’Ajuntament de Sant Just Desvern