ifl ... p. sfcr s r- - v & Mn M. shi I v Tt' 10: O BTyauTajjim.tyi'ai'injiiginjKt'iiwm'jLMii-'j- " u'ji'fmwlu w wtajjijjj bpu p o wxaxxss.' wssa j "jjjtwkjw nm 'hmhi u 'it i u u m m iwnu i l.i 'lifwww K. 'J ' pfSt? Vol. XriL No. 1861. HONOLULU II., I., THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 9, 1888. GO OENTO OUDSOniPTION PER MONTH. r TKF. TJATT.Y EnT-.T.P.- . . r. a r"v fc" &t in 5y f ? c CriM M. V if ;?" - f Is printed and published at tho ofllco, Quoon Btrcct, Honolulu, II. I., ovcry afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, - BO conte por Month. Address nil Communications Daily Bulletin. Advertlsomcnts, tc en3uro insertion, flliould bo handed In before ono o'clock P. M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlolor JAS. G. CLEVIOR Manager Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Nowspapor, Book and Job Printing of all kinds dono on the most, fivorablo 'terms. liell Tolephono No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 Dally Bulletin Snnuurr Published twice a Month, An interesting and comprehensive publication, and contains from 40 to CO columns of reading matter on local top. ics, and a complete resume of Hjalulu and Island News. It is tho best paper Dubllshed iu tho Kingdom to Bend to friends abroad. Subscription (mailed) 83.50 a year. . i ii i .' i. i Commission Merchants. TT HA.OKITJBI-.- I & Co., General Commission Agents. 670 ly Honolulu Q. W. MACFARLANE & Co. MPOKTJERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Honolulu. H. I. Queen street, - - - 1G48 BREWER Ss COMPANY, 0. (Llmltsd) Oknkbal Meiioantile and Commission Agents. list of officers: P. O. Jowes, Jr. .. .President & Manager J. O. Oaiiteh. .. ..Treasurer & Secretary DIltECTORS : Hon; 0. R. Bisiior. S. C. Allbm, II. Watkrhobsk. sadly T. "WATERHOTJSE, JOHN Importer and Dealer in Qencral Merckandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1 B. N. Castlc.-- J. B. Atherton-- G. P. Castle & Cooke, Castle Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King St., Honolulu. 1 Clam Spreckels. Win. G. Irwin. Irwin & Company, Wa. Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 GRINBAUM & CO., MS. Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and 124 California street, 1 Sun Francisco, Cal. & CO., WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal1, and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen ste., Honolulu. 1 It. Lowers, P. J. Lowroy, O. M. Cooko. ewers & Cooke, L (successors to Lewcrs & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, .Honolulu 1 CHR. GERTZ, - No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.tT" Importer and Decler in Gent's, Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. Gonsalyes Ac Co., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 280 Beaver Block, Honolulu. Notice of Removal ! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Has removed to one of the New Stores In the Thomas JIloclc, King Street, Three doors from Castlo & Cookes', Where he is propared to manufacture all kinds of Jewelry. GO aTm. hewett, Stationer & Newsdealer, Merchant Street, - Honolulu, H.I Mutual Tel. 371. llell Tel.SOg, La,w Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specially. Orders taken for Nowspapersr Periodi- cals, Books, Music, etc., from any part of tho world, having made nil arrange. meut3 therefor whilst iu San Fraucieco, Med Jttubber JStuuipu to Order. 71 Professionals. M. THOMPSON, Attoruoy-at-La- w. Office in Campbell's Block, Cer. Fort & Merchant SU., Honolulu, U. I. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. t3? When desired, will glv the Hit In a written opinion, as to the probablo re- sult of thu contention upon the facts stated. 163lr JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in any of the Kingdom bought, sold and eased, on commission. Loans ncgotla ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gnzctte Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 106 BROWN, Attorncr and Counsellor at Law-Notar- Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowlcdgmcnt3 of Instruments for the Island olOahu. Merchant street, Hono-'nl- u. 1 J Alfred Magoon, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 173 43 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly JOHN A. HASSINQER, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Ofllco, Honolulu. DOCTOR WEBB. Office and Residence next door to the American Minister's on Alakea street, between Hotel and Bcretania streets'. Office Hours from 7 to 9 a.m.; from 1 to 3 p. m, and 7 to 8 p in. Telephone . 91 2m M AX HAEDICKE, M. D. X'lxyBlclaix and. Wurgeon. ( 8 to 10 a. m. Officb Hours 1 to 3 p. a. (7 to 8 p.m. Office and residence : Cor. of Adams' Lane and Union Sircct. S3 Mutual Telcphono 458. rim VETERINARY. A RITCHIE ROW AT, Veterinary Surgeon. Office and Residence: 160 King street. Mutual Telephone 354. Orders left at Hotel Stables will be received and promptly nttended to. 43 3m J H. SOPBB.M.D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. W. Corner Sixth and Market streets, opposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab- lishment, San Francises. 23 MALCOLM BROWN, NOTARY PUBLIC For tho Island of Oahu. Office,: : Gov't Building, nonelulu. 3Gtf II. II. SENSOR. J. W. BMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Boerioke & Seechlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Stcksecker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y HOLLISTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1 09 Fort Street, William's Block, Hobo-21- 6 Honolulu, H. I. WENNER & CO. Hnnnfncturlnc Jeweller, NO. 03 JTOBT BTBBET, Constantly on hand a large assortmen of erery dcBcrlptionof Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silrer Plated Ware, Ac. 958 ly HAWAIIAN HOTEL CARRIAGE CO, Carriages at all hours, day and night. Saddle Horses, Buggies, Wagonettes and Village Carts witi stylish and gentle horses to let. FOR SALE. A fow Horses, guaranteed. Beccnd hand Hacks, Open and Top BuggiM, Carts and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up Telephone 32, or apply t 1574 Ir Steum Works, Sunnv South Tele, Bell 172,ilutual 215 Depot, Merchant Street. Telo, Bell 172, Mutual 800. The undersigned having purchased the busiuess of tho Tahiti Lemonade Works, the depot has been removed to No. 28 Merchant Street. All orders lor Aerated Waters manu1 facturcd nt the above establishment will receive prompt attention. J. E. UKOWiOo. P. O. Hor 489. 1829 TFYOU LOSE "ANYTHING, JL advertise it in the Daily Bwjjitiw, t " Ti i r" - ' r i nr i mil Till il mn i i liinin ihnm im t ir l unlm rf r n . n - - . . - n i ' r'trmm KmLAi-jf-- , lltU-- i j . ' ' am , , 3ripu The Bost Lunch in Town, Tea and Ooffee.at ill Hours Tho lnestBitiid I Cigars & Tobacco nlways on kand. H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor. The Cosmopolitan Restaurant Hew House, AL. Bethel Street (Next Castle & Cooke's) Board, $5.fi0 per week, 35 cts por meal. f4.G0 " 25ct3 " Tho tables are supplied with every delicacy obtninabloin tho market. 21 Patronage elicited. lm IMOItiaJEXt STEAI CANDY FACTOR! AWD BAE13BT. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Ceok and Baker. 71 Hotel 8t. 1MW Telephone 74 WE. McCAWDIiESS, No. 6 Queen street,.-- . Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Boar, Tool, Hutton, Clan. ., A Family and Shipping Orders carefully atteaded to; Live stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and Vegetables f all kinds supplied to order. 846 ly Til 33 Metropolitan Meat Company 81 King Street, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Botail Butchers AND JTAVX CONTRAOTOBS. 1717 ly D. MEIIE k CO. Commission Merchants 2SS3E53E5'' SHIP CHANDLERY, Nivrul StoreS& Grocorlca Bricks, Iilmo & Cemont. Families and Ships supplied on most reasonable terms. liar ISLAND ORDERS SOLICITED. Mutual Tele, 202. P. O. Box, 479. No. 26 Fort: St., op. O. S. S. Co'i Wharf. 18(0 tf Foiled Anps Stock Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old. Heller Calve? from 10 io 13 months old. APPLY TO J. I. DOWSETT. Honolulu. June 24. 1887. 70 Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Bue do Dunkerqne, - - - Paris. Executes Indents for every description ot French, Belglai, SwIbi, German, and English Goods, at tke best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices. Commission, per cent. All Trado and Cash Discounts allowed to Clients. Origlnul Invoices forwarded when requested. Remittances, through a London or Paris Banker, payablo on delivery of Shipping documents; or, direct to the muuuger. The Agency Represents, Buys, and Sells, for Home and Colonial Firms. Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics, Silks. Velvetb, Lawns, Chlntees, Muslins, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, Laces, Gloves, Fringes, Parasols, Habordashory, Gold and Silver Lace, Flannels, Feathers, Pearls, Boots and Shoes, Glass, and China.wure, Clocks, Watches, jewenry, jrunpy uoous. Klectro-plal- e. Musical Instruments, Fans, Ecclesiastical and Optical Goods, Mirrors, Toys, Perfumery, Wiues, &o , Oilman's Stores, i)ook., Artistio Furniture, Statlouery, Chrotaos, Machinery, &o'., &o, IBOly bJ T YOU WANT A SERVANT, l advertise in tho Daily Bullktiw, 'ttiVAZ Corsets. Corsets. Corsets For a good durablo and conforlablo Corsst, go to tho POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, 104. Fort Street, Honolulu. N. S. SACHS, - -- . - Proprietor. Try our Abdominal Corset It is n strong; good fitting, and especially adapted for stout ladies. Our Madame Foy's CorBot Is a health corset, with skirt supporters, light in weight, and highly recom- mended for this climate. The P. D. Corset Is so well known that thoy need no recommendation. Wo bavc thorn, at present, in all sizes. Our Venus Corset Cannot be beat for oleganco of fit and for cointort ; it is n 500-bon- o oorsot, and we can recommoiid them to wear. Our Riding Corset Is just what is wanted here ; we had them especially made ; thoy nro short, strong and comfortable, and a, trial of thorn will prove that thoy uro tho best over imported into this Kingdom. Our Nursing Corset Is a good fitting and comfortablocorset, and low in price. We have a. number of different brands too numerous to mention, but wo guarantco that our prices aro'the lowest, and inspection is solicitod. HAY HAY AND -- GRAIN GRAIN. Largest Stocks, Choicest Quality, Lowest Prices. Telephones 175. Corner A. MOBGAN, Blacksmith Work; Painting and 79 & Mini Street JEntx-tmce- s irom Iing? and Mox-oliui- it Sim. Bvery description of work in the above lines performed in a flrst-clas- s manner. Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty. m Bell Telephone, 187. -- ia (327 ly) tar Bell Telephone, 10T. -- I JOHN ITT, 1. 8 FEED CO., Edinburgh. & Queen Streets. Carriage Building, Trimming, Oil Rose Premises Kaataai Street CO Granite, Iron and Tin Ware I Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE House Keeping Goods, PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER AND 993 SHEET IRON WORK. GEO. ENGELHARDT, (Formerly with Samuel Nott). Importer and JDoalor In STOVES, CHANDELIERS, LAMPS, OHOOKEHY, GLABSWAltE, HOUSE FURNIBHENU HAltDWAKB, AGATE IHON AND TINWARE. Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company. Beaver Block. - Fort Street. tar Store formerly occupied by S. NOT 1', opposito Bpreckcls & Co.'s Bank. -- ij ICO hare chahce for investment BETTER THAN A GOVERNMENT BOND OFFERED n r B H ne I im all mmm OF THE UNITED STATES. ' ASMliTa OVKU .... 880,000,000. protection of I.Vfo Instnaucc combined with the Investment Principles of THE Savings think Kx.impli.'of ir.'0-yua- r Endowment Policy for $10,000 takon out at the ago of 2!5 jenis: Annual ' Total Premiums Cash Fund Equivalent Paid Premium. Paid in 20 yrs. Then due. Up Policy for Llfo. v" $487 $9,740 $18,110 $43,000 Estimates for different amounts and different aces cheerfully civen, your family from future want or provide Indisputable, .vc., &c. For full particulars, apply to Alexander 1016 ly rvEOUGE LUCAS, v-- " (Jontraotor votmsssn and BUllder,iqj Honolulu Steam rianlng Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work unish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan, infc, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other solicited Contractor mid Itniidcr. Stores and ofllces littcd up, Estimates t'ivcu on all kiuds of brick and wooden buildings, Plans and Specifications furl nished. E2T Ofllce, 110 Bcretania St.: Mutual Telcphbne, 252: Postonlce Box: ISO. ;)22 ly g& rag PLAMINQ MILL. Aliikea, near Jncon St, Tcloiihouo 55. f. rupprecht; Fresco Iaiiitei, 126 Nuuanu St., Honolulu, H. L r0!lm Offioo 42 Merchant St., Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18y Pt-f- i Honolulu iron "Works, iLaaaateSteam engines, sugar mills, boil-ers- 4 coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 J. HOPP & CO. 74 King Street Manufacturers and Importers of all . kiuds of Furniture & Upholstery' Goods FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY. All kinds ol Jobbing promptly attended to. CHAIRS TO RENT For Balls or Paitics in smnll or largo 831 quantities. ly. -- lEST- Merchant Tailoring Establisbm't Tho undersigned having opened a first, class Merchant Tailoring Estab- lishment at tho Cor. King and Bethel Streets, (Damon Building) under the firm name of F.Habermacher&Co, Bi'gs leave to solicit the p.itroungo of his fi lends and public generally. 00 Om F. HABEHMACHEE. , LAEftlE & CO. Have n Large block of tho VEEY BEST HAY. Which is offered at Ixiwcst Murket Prices AND-Deliv- ered Frootoany part of the City AGENTS VOH THE Facifio Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for the Hoover Tolephono. .Commissioner of Doedsfor California Telephone No. 147. 700J BY TUB (.s urance Go Annuity foi Life $1,310 Protect for your own old age. Policies Free, J. Cartwright, General Agent, Hawaiian Islands. ' FIRE, LIFE, a MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insuronco Co. Assets, $5,055,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Assots, $450,000 Anglo-Novad- a Assnranoo Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marino Ins. Go Capital, $10,000,000 New York Lifo Insurance $75,000,000 C.O.BERGEE HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1G33 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo & Marino Insur'oo Agents. AGENTS FOR Xlio Tlcw Knslund MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPLY, of Boston. The JEtna Fire Insurance Co. of Hnrtford, Conn. The Union Flro nntl Marine Insurance Co. of Ban Francisco, Cala. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp'v ESTABLISHED 1845, Capital, 9,000,000 Rolchtmarks. undersigned, having been ap pointed agent of the above Company for the Hawaiian Islnnds, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings, Furniture.Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on the most Favorable Teraa Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable in Honolulu. H. RIEMENSOHNEIDBrS, G70 ly at Wilder & Co's. Hustace & Robertson, r it a. y at in . LL orders for Cartage promptly at. tX- - tended to. Partlculirr attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods In transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Ofllce, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. P83 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19. The ' Inter -- Island Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hand for sole Bteain Family and Blacktmith Cea and a general assortment of 4i5 Bar Iron. TAHITI LEMONADE WORKS. HIGH CLASS AERATED WATEBS. Lemon Sodu nnd Ginger Ale of all in feiior quality, in him II' bottles, vs re- tailed by Chinamen at Flvo cents a hot. tie, nru not and will not be made at this establishment. 17C0 'M "V- "wtty VJ " i '4 w -- ..i ..;

Ti i shi I - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/15667/1/1888020901.pdf · out at the ago of 2!5 jenis: Annual ' Total Premiums

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Page 1: Ti i shi I - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/15667/1/1888020901.pdf · out at the ago of 2!5 jenis: Annual ' Total Premiums

ifl ... p.

sfcr s r-- v &Mn M.shi I v Tt'

10: OBTyauTajjim.tyi'ai'injiiginjKt'iiwm'jLMii-'j- " u'ji'fmwlu wwtajjijjj bpu p o wxaxxss.' wssa j "jjjtwkjw nm 'hmhi u 'it i u u m m iwnu i l.i 'lifwww

K. 'J '















Vif ;?" - f

Is printed and published at tho ofllco,

Quoon Btrcct, Honolulu, II. I., ovcry

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, - BO conte por Month.

Address nil Communications DailyBulletin.

Advertlsomcnts, tc en3uro insertion,flliould bo handed In before ono o'clockP. M.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlolor


Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Nowspapor, Book and Job Printing ofall kinds dono on the most, fivorablo'terms.liell Tolephono No. 250

Mutual Telephone No. 250

Dally Bulletin SnnuurrPublished twice a Month,

An interesting and comprehensivepublication, and contains from 40 to CO

columns of reading matter on local top.ics, and a complete resume of Hjaluluand Island News. It is tho best paperDubllshed iu tho Kingdom to Bend tofriends abroad.

Subscription (mailed) 83.50 a year..i ii i .' i. i

Commission Merchants.


General Commission Agents.

670 ly Honolulu



Honolulu. H. I.Queen street, - - -1G48

BREWER Ss COMPANY,0. (Llmltsd)

Oknkbal Meiioantile andCommission Agents.

list of officers:P. O. Jowes, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Oaiiteh. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary


Hon; 0. R. Bisiior. S. C. Allbm,II. Watkrhobsk.


T. "WATERHOTJSE,JOHN Importer and Dealer in QencralMerckandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1

B. N. Castlc.-- J. B. Atherton-- G. P. Castle& Cooke,Castle Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King St.,Honolulu. 1

Clam Spreckels. Win. G. Irwin.

Irwin & Company,Wa. Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

GRINBAUM & CO.,MS. Importers of General Merchandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

124 California street,1 Sun Francisco, Cal.

& CO.,WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal1, and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen ste.,Honolulu. 1

It. Lowers, P. J. Lowroy, O. M. Cooko.

ewers & Cooke,L (successors to Lewcrs & Dickson.)Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,.Honolulu 1

CHR. GERTZ, -No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.tT"

Importer and Decler in Gent's, Ladles'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.

Gonsalyes Ac Co.,Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants280 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal !

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Has removed to one of the NewStores In the

Thomas JIloclc, King Street,Three doors from Castlo & Cookes',

Where he is propared to manufactureall kinds of Jewelry. GO

aTm. hewett,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Merchant Street, - Honolulu, H.IMutual Tel. 371. llell Tel.SOg,

La,w Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specially.

Orders taken for Nowspapersr Periodi-cals, Books, Music, etc., from any partof tho world, having made nil arrange.meut3 therefor whilst iu San Fraucieco,

Med Jttubber JStuuipu to Order.71


M. THOMPSON,Attoruoy-at-La- w.

Office in Campbell's Block, Cer. Fort &Merchant SU., Honolulu, U. I.


t3? When desired, will glv the Hit Ina written opinion, as to the probablo re-

sult of thu contention upon the factsstated. 163lr


and Notary Public. Real Estate in anyof the Kingdom bought, sold and

eased, on commission. Loans ncgotlated, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gnzctte Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 106

BROWN,Attorncr and Counsellor at Law-Notar-

Public, and Agent for taking Acknowlcdgmcnt3 of Instruments for theIsland olOahu. Merchant street, Hono-'nl- u.


J Alfred Magoon,ATTORNEY AT LAW.

173 43 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly

JOHN A. HASSINQER,Agent to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Ofllco,Honolulu.

DOCTOR WEBB.Office and Residence next door to the

American Minister's on Alakea street,between Hotel and Bcretania streets'.

Office Hours from 7 to 9 a.m.; from1 to 3 p. m, and 7 to 8 p in.

Telephone . 91 2m

MAX HAEDICKE, M. D.X'lxyBlclaix and. Wurgeon.

( 8 to 10 a. m.Officb Hours 1 to 3 p. a.

(7 to 8 p.m.Office and residence : Cor. of Adams'

Lane and Union Sircct.S3 Mutual Telcphono 458. rim


A RITCHIE ROWAT,Veterinary Surgeon.

Office and Residence: 160 King street.Mutual Telephone 354. Orders left atHotel Stables will be received andpromptly nttended to. 43 3m


Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. W. Corner Sixth and Market streets,opposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab-lishment, San Francises. 23


NOTARY PUBLICFor tho Island of Oahu.

Office,: : Gov't Building, nonelulu.3Gtf



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Boerioke & Seechlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Stcksecker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

1 09 Fort Street, William's Block, Hobo-21- 6

Honolulu, H. I.

WENNER & CO.Hnnnfncturlnc Jeweller,

NO. 03 JTOBT BTBBET,Constantly on hand a large assortmen

of erery dcBcrlptionof Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silrer Plated Ware, Ac.

958 ly


CARRIAGE CO,Carriages at all hours, day and night.

Saddle Horses, Buggies, Wagonettes andVillage Carts witi stylish and gentlehorses to let.

FOR SALE.A fow Horses, guaranteed. Beccnd

hand Hacks, Open and Top BuggiM,Carts and Harness.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring up Telephone 32, or apply t

1574 Ir

Steum Works, Sunnv SouthTele, Bell 172,ilutual 215

Depot, Merchant Street.Telo, Bell 172, Mutual 800.

The undersigned having purchasedthe busiuess of tho Tahiti LemonadeWorks, the depot has been removed toNo. 28 Merchant Street.

All orders lor Aerated Waters manu1facturcd nt the above establishment willreceive prompt attention.

J. E. UKOWiOo.P. O. Hor 489. 1829

TFYOU LOSE "ANYTHING,JL advertise it in the Daily Bwjjitiw,

t " Ti i r" - ' r i nr i mil Till il mn i i liinin ihnm im t ir l unlm rf r n . n - - . . - n i ' r'trmm KmLAi-jf-- , lltU-- i j







3ripuThe Bost Lunch in Town,

Tea and Ooffee.at ill Hours

Tho lnestBitiid I

Cigars & Tobacconlways on kand.

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Cosmopolitan Restaurant

Hew House, AL. Bethel Street

(Next Castle & Cooke's)

Board, $5.fi0 per week, 35 cts por meal.f4.G0 " 25ct3 "

Tho tables are supplied with everydelicacy obtninabloin tho market.21 Patronage elicited. lm



F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Ceok and Baker.

71 Hotel 8t. 1MW Telephone 74

WE. McCAWDIiESS,No. 6 Queen street,.-- . Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestBoar, Tool, Hutton, Clan. ., A

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyatteaded to; Live stock furnished tovessels at short notice, and Vegetables

f all kinds supplied to order. 846 ly

Til 33


Meat Company81 King Street,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholesale & Botail ButchersAND



Commission Merchants2SS3E53E5''


Nivrul StoreS& GrocorlcaBricks, Iilmo & Cemont.

Families and Ships supplied on mostreasonable terms.

liar ISLAND ORDERS SOLICITED.Mutual Tele, 202. P. O. Box, 479.

No. 26 Fort: St., op. O. S. S. Co'i Wharf.18(0 tf

Foiled Anps Stock

Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old.

Heller Calve? from 10 io 13 months old.


J. I. DOWSETT.Honolulu. June 24. 1887. 70

Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.36 Bue do Dunkerqne, - - - Paris.

Executes Indents for every descriptionot French, Belglai,SwIbi, German, and English Goods, attke best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Commission, per cent.All Trado and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Origlnul Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payablo on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to themuuuger.

The Agency Represents, Buys, andSells, for Home and Colonial Firms.

Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks. Velvetb, Lawns, Chlntees,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Habordashory,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Glass, andChina.wure, Clocks, Watches,jewenry, jrunpy uoous.Klectro-plal- e. Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys,Perfumery, Wiues, &o ,Oilman's Stores, i)ook., ArtistioFurniture, Statlouery,Chrotaos, Machinery, &o'., &o,

IBOly bJ

T YOU WANT A SERVANT,l advertise in tho Daily Bullktiw,


Corsets. Corsets. Corsets

For a good durablo and conforlablo Corsst, go to tho

POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE,104. Fort Street, Honolulu.

N. S. SACHS, - -- . - Proprietor.

Try our Abdominal CorsetIt is n strong; good fitting, and especially adapted for stout ladies.

Our Madame Foy's CorBotIs a health corset, with skirt supporters, light in weight, and highly recom-mended for this climate.

The P. D. CorsetIs so well known that thoy need no recommendation. Wo bavc thorn, atpresent, in all sizes.

Our Venus CorsetCannot be beat for oleganco of fit and for cointort ; it is n 500-bon- o oorsot,and we can recommoiid them to wear.

Our Riding CorsetIs just what is wanted here ; we had them especially made ; thoy nro short,strong and comfortable, and a, trial of thorn will prove that thoy uro tho bestover imported into this Kingdom.

Our Nursing CorsetIs a good fitting and comfortablocorset, and low in price.

We have a. number of different brands too numerous to mention, butwo guarantco that our prices aro'the lowest, and inspection is solicitod.


GRAIN.Largest Stocks,

Choicest Quality,Lowest Prices.

Telephones 175. Corner

A. MOBGAN,Blacksmith Work;

Painting and79 & Mini Street

JEntx-tmce- s irom Iing? and Mox-oliui- it Sim.

Bvery description of work in the above lines performed in a flrst-clas- s manner.

Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty.m Bell Telephone, 187. -- ia (327 ly) tar Bell Telephone, 10T. -- I

JOHN ITT, 1. 8

FEED CO.,Edinburgh. & Queen Streets.

Carriage Building,


Oil Rose Premises

Kaataai Street


Granite, Iron and Tin Ware I

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE


GEO. ENGELHARDT,(Formerly with Samuel Nott).

Importer and JDoalor In



Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company.Beaver Block. - Fort Street.

tar Store formerly occupied by S. NOT 1', opposito Bpreckcls & Co.'s Bank. --ijICO

hare chahce for investmentBETTER THAN A GOVERNMENT BOND


n r B H n e


ASMliTa OVKU .... 880,000,000.

protection of I.Vfo Instnaucc combined with the Investment Principles ofTHE Savings think Kx.impli.'of ir.'0-yua- r Endowment Policy for $10,000 takonout at the ago of 2!5 jenis:Annual ' Total Premiums Cash Fund Equivalent PaidPremium. Paid in 20 yrs. Then due. Up Policy for Llfo. v"

$487 $9,740 $18,110 $43,000Estimates for different amounts and different aces cheerfully civen,

your family from future want or provideIndisputable, .vc., &c.

For full particulars, apply to

Alexander1016 ly

rvEOUGE LUCAS,v-- " (Jontraotor votmsssn

and BUllder,iqj

Honolulu Steam rianlng Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work unish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan,infc, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other


Contractor mid Itniidcr.Stores and ofllces littcd up, Estimatest'ivcu on all kiuds of brick and woodenbuildings, Plans and Specifications furlnished. E2T Ofllce, 110 Bcretania St.:Mutual Telcphbne, 252: Postonlce Box:ISO. ;)22 ly

g& rag

PLAMINQ MILL.Aliikea, near Jncon St,

Tcloiihouo 55.

f. rupprecht;Fresco Iaiiitei,

126 Nuuanu St., Honolulu, H. Lr0!lm

Offioo 42 Merchant St., Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.

18yPt-f- i Honolulu iron "Works,

iLaaaateSteam engines, sugar mills, boil-ers- 4

coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

J. HOPP & CO.74 King Street

Manufacturers and Importers of all. kiuds of

Furniture & Upholstery' Goods

FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY.All kinds ol Jobbing promptly attended to.

CHAIRS TO RENTFor Balls or Paitics in smnll or largo

831 quantities. ly.

-- lEST-Merchant Tailoring Establisbm't

Tho undersigned having opened a first,class Merchant Tailoring Estab-

lishment at tho

Cor. King and Bethel Streets,(Damon Building) under the firm

name of

F.Habermacher&Co,Bi'gs leave to solicit the p.itroungo of

his fi lends and public generally.


, LAEftlE & CO.Have n Large block of tho


Which is offered at Ixiwcst Murket PricesAND-Deliv- ered

Frootoany part of the City

AGENTS VOH THEFacifio Mutual Life Insurance Co.


Agents for the Hoover Tolephono.

.Commissioner of Doedsfor California

Telephone No. 147. 700J



urance Go

Annuityfoi Life$1,310Protect

for your own old age. Policies Free,

J. Cartwright,General Agent, Hawaiian Islands.



MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insuronco Co.

Assets, $5,055,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine)Assots, $450,000

Anglo-Novad- a Assnranoo Corporation(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Fire and Marino Ins. Go

Capital, $10,000,000

New York Lifo Insurance$75,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1G33 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firo & Marino Insur'oo Agents.



of Boston.

The JEtna Fire Insurance Co.of Hnrtford, Conn.

The Union Flro nntl

Marine Insurance Co.of Ban Francisco, Cala.

101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'v


Capital, 9,000,000 Rolchtmarks.undersigned, having been ap

pointed agent of the above Companyfor the Hawaiian Islnnds, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture.Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on the most Favorable Teraa

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable inHonolulu.

H. RIEMENSOHNEIDBrS,G70 ly at Wilder & Co's.

Hustace & Robertson,

r it a. y at in .LL orders for Cartage promptly at.

tX- - tended to. Partlculirr attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Ofllce, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.P83 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19.

The ' Inter -- Island SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for sole

Bteain Family and Blacktmith Cea

and a general assortment of


HIGH CLASS AERATED WATEBS.Lemon Sodu nnd Ginger Ale of all in

feiior quality, in him II' bottles, vs re-tailed by Chinamen at Flvo cents a hot.tie, nru not and will not be made at thisestablishment. 17C0

'M"V- "wtty




'4 w-- ..i


Page 2: Ti i shi I - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/15667/1/1888020901.pdf · out at the ago of 2!5 jenis: Annual ' Total Premiums







, ?



Oefice of the Boaud or Health,)Honolulu, Feb. 0, 1888.

At a meeting of the Boaid of

Health held nt 8 :30 o'clock A. M., onThursday, February !), 1888, the fol-

lowing resolution was passed:Kesolvkd: That the various cot-

tages and houses in Honolulu belownamed, viz :

1 Residence W. P. Tolor, "Vnikiki.2 Residence II. F. Glade. No. 13

Judd street.3 Cottage on rnemiscs of A. Her-

bert, Knpiolani 1'ark.4 Residence M. D.nis, JNo. 17 Nuu- -

anu street.5 Residence F. Gertz, No. 103 Foit

street.6 Dudoit House, Hawaiian Hotel

premises.7 S. S. Australia.

Bo and hereby are declaied to beplaces of quarantine, under the regu-lations of the Board of Health andtho laws of this Kingdom untilfurther oideis.

N. B. EMERSON,President of the Board of Health.


BISHOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands

Draw Exchange on the

Hemic ol California, S3. JP.And their agents in


Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Son, LondonThe Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

London,Tho Commercial Bank Co.. of Sydney,

Sydney,The Bank of Now Zealand: Auckland,

Chrlstchurch, and Wellington,The Bank of British Columbia, Vic-tori- a,

B. C, and Portland, Or.

Transact a General Banking Business.CfiO ly


$atlt jglttTTitfin

Pledg to H6lther Beot nor Party,

But est atliehod lor tho benefit ol all.

THURSDAY, FEB. 9, 1888.


Our passport system is adverselycriticised in San Francisco papersreceived by the Australia yesterday.Private letters by the same mailbring the information that peoplethere regard with disfavor tho factthat a person cannot enter this coun-try without paj'ing an admission fee,nor leave it w ithout a passport, forwhich he also has to pay a fee.This fact is said to militate againsttravel to this country, and may beurged as one of the various reasonsfor the abolition of tho system. Itcannot bo truly' said that the Hos-

pital tax collectable from a personbefore he is permitted to land,is particularly burdensome; northat the legal requirement to pro-

cure and pay for a passport by aperson who has been in the countrymore than a month, before he canleave it, is any serious trouble to hon-

est people. But the actual operationof the law is a matter which peopleabioad are not likely to be familiarwith, nor concern themselves tolearn. The bald fact that the Ha-

waiian Kingdom has a passport sys-

tem comes to their knowledge moreeasily, and it impresses them unfa-

vorably. An American or an En-

glishman does not like a passport,lie does not believe in such a docu-

ment. It is something which he isnot accustomed to. He considers ita remnant of despotism to be ex-

cluded from the polity of a freocountry. And we think the soonerthe suppoi tera of the passport sys-tem in this country adopt the sameview, the better it will be for thecountry. Efforts arc being madeby our own people to induce touristtravel in this direction, and as longas tho passport law remains on thestatute books they will find it anobstacle to success.

The retail price of coal in NewYork has been higher in tho last twomonths than at any previous periodin twelve j'ears. If tho strikes intho mines and on the Readijig Rail-road are maintained, prices will stillgo up. One of tho largestdealerssaid to-da- y the continuance of thepresent difllculty for thirty days willjustify the dealers in demanding 88,as much as tho situation now war-rants. Tho present asking price isSC.25. It is estimated the dealersin town have coal enough on handto last three weeks. There is littlocoming here.

..' m.os' ? 11 V Tr? 'y.A j ftK,' i ;.ii- - ,( r


Editoii Bulletin: In case yourreaders up town do not know howquarantine is kept down toion I willgive you n, few facts from n personalexperience and illumine their layminds.

The Australia comes into port,and after consultation is allowed tocome alongside the O. S. S. Co.'swharf. Almost immediately gentle-men connected with the agents'OV. G. I. & Co.), oHioc coon board,mingle with tho passengers, chat,have n talk on the veto, etc., nil, ofcourse in a business way, then thePresident of the Board of Healthgoes onboard, accompanied bj' someof his satellites, mingles freely,comes off and goes uptown. Presently, a Custom House ofllccr goeson board, does exactly the samething as before mentioned. Againthe President of tho Board of Healthis back and on board again, givingsome new orders, comes off, and isapproached by a man who wants ajob as guai d. He is asked in terri-ble tones, how he ever came to getinsido the sacred portals of thisquarantine ground, and in answer tothis question he is immediately or-

dered off the premises, so as to re-duce if possible, the danger of in-

fection, and so it goes on all day.There is constant intercourse be-

tween the people on board and thoseOn she wharf, and the latter eventu-ally will go uptown and mingle withtheir fellow men. Now, Mr. Editor,if this is quarantine what isn't?Is the President of the Board ofHealth or any one with his writtenpermission, proof against smallpox,or of carrying its infection? if theBoard of Health is going to have aquarantine, let's have it in toto ormake no attempt at such a farce asis at present being perpetrated ona confiding public. Yours, II.

Honolulu, Feb. 8.


Mn. Editok: The law regulat-ing the Government water supplypassed in 188C imposes a penalty( ?) of ten per cent, in addition tothe rate, if such late remain unpaid15 days after it became due.

Now the same law requires appli-cations for privileges on a printedform supplied by the Minister ofInterior to be signed by the appli-cant, this form to contain a state-ment of the terms and conditionsupon which water may be used.

"The Superintendent of waterworks shall, at least ten days beforesuch water rates shall be payablenotify i all persons then holdingwater privileges, as aforesaid by ad-

vertisement in one or more news-papers published in the English andHawaiian languages, that such ratesaio payable on the 1st days of Janu-ary or July as the case may be, nextfollowing such notice." (Italicsmine.)

It cannot be said that personsalready holding piivilegcs prior tothe law of 188G are going to know"the terms and conditions uponwhich water may be used," particu-larly as they signed no written ap-plication therefor. It seems to methat the Superintendent's notifica-tion by advcitisement is notice onlyto those who had made written ap-plications for piivilegcs, and thusbecame acquainted with the "termsand conditions."

Query. By the statute of 188G,is the Superintendent of waterworksrequired to notify all holders ofwater privileges of the time of pay-ing rates in the absence of mlesregulating the same which said sta-tute authorizes the Minister of In-

terior to make?Old Privillge.

Late Foreta lews.


New York, Jan. 10 In a talkwith the Paris correspondent of the"Woild" DcLesseps says: "I shallam over to Panama toward the be-ginning of March, and may tell you,as a bit of news, that I will takeEngineer Eiffel with me. Wo havejust drawn up a contract with Eiffel& Son to construct a huge lock withiron gates at the foot of the Cule-br- a,

to be fed with the water of theChagres river there, and it is by theconstruction of this basin or lockthat the canal will be open fortraffic. Eiffel, you know, is theman who is consti noting that hugeiron tower on thoExhibition grounds.They have been making lots of funof Eiffel's Tower of Babel, as theycall it, but all the same it will haveexcellent practical use for ntmos-pher- ic

and astronomical observa-tions."

Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 1G Satur-day and Sunday nights wore thecoldest ever experienced in this sec-tion, tho thermometer registering19 degrees below zero at one time.

Tho reports of cases of freezingfrom points in Kansas aie appalling.Tho bluzard that l aged through thatsection a few weeks ago left the peo-ple in an exhausted condition. Itis estimated that 3,000 people inClarke county are in a destitute con-dition.

Tho Presbyterian minister ofHartford, Keaincy county, writes totho Aid Society, imploring assist-ance for tho pcoplo of that section,saying: "If relief does not comesoon hundreds will die."

New York, Jan. 17 ColonejFred Graut has been offeied byGovernor Hill the nomination of

txi&njzttttymtuu KmiiiiiimiLMjumiisar!KKvwmMii

Quarantine Commissioner in place ofThomas C. Piatt but he has de-

clined it. Hill nominated him oneyear ago, but Piatt prevented theconfirmation of the nomination bythe Senate.

The report of the Commissionappointed by the Legislating to re-

port upon the most humano andpractical method known to modernscienco of carrying into effect thosentence of death in capital cases,was transmitted to the Lcgislatiucyesterday. It recommends the kill-

ing of culprits by electricity.Pittsburg, Jan. 17 .There was

another hcav break in oil to-da- y

and great excitement prevails, butno failures are reported. The mar-ket opened at OOjc, advanced to90c, then broke under heavy sell-

ing to 84ijc. A leaction then set inand at 1 o'clock prices were firm at853c.

Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 17 Thehealth officials and the press arc"very indignant over the statementspublished about the prevalence ofthe yellow, fever, ami assert posi-tively that there is not a single caseof yellow fever in South Florida.

New York, Jan. 17 No tidingshave yctjbecn received of the miss-ing steamer Britannia, bound forthis port with 850 Italian steeragepassengers.

Washington, Jan. 17 SpeakerCarlisle, while at dinner at thcRiggsHouse yesterday, was taken sud-denly fnd seriously ill and reachedhome with the utmost difficulty. liew ill probably be prevented from pre-

siding over the House for some days.He was somewhat improved lastevening.

Speaker Cailislo was taken withanother chill at-- i o'clock this morn-ing, and his physician was hastilysummoned. At 8 o'clock the Speakerwas sleeping quietly. His symp-toms at that hour were rather morefavorable. At 11 o'clock Dr. Sow-

ers leported Mr. Carlisle's condi-tion much improved. Dr. Sowersspeaks very encouragingly and pre-

dicts no alarming consequences ofthe attack.

Speaker Cailislo is resting morecasil' this afternoon. About 4o'clock this morning his conditionwas so serious that for a .short timehe was thought to be dying. Hohad a violent chill and lapsed intounconsciousness. Physicians werehastily summoned, and under theircare he obtained relief. Pneumoniais feared and should the diseasefollow the chills the chance for Mr.Cailisle's recovciy are veiy remote,lie is in poor gencial health and hisconstitution is enfeebled by overwork and mental worry. In theHouse this morning the Chaplainprayed for the Speaker s recovery.

New York, Jan 21. An incipientsmallpox epidemic has broken outin Brooklyn. The first of the pre-sent week there was not a case ofthe disease known to exist in thecity, but since last Wednesdaytwenty-thre- e cases have developed.Following the report of cases re-

ceived by the Health Department ofthe city "Wednesday, there were sixnew cases recorded, Thursdayseven, and Fiiday ten. The casesso far are confined to cheap lodging-house- s

in the western part of thecity and are largely among home-less people. Three fumigatingwagons are kept going by tho HealthDepaitment and thirteen- - persons inthe employ of the department arcgiving individual attention to vac-cinating. A member of the Boardof Health sajrs he does not antici-pate a serious spread of the disease.

1 flULMimtT ULUB

AH gentlemen who are willingto become liiurabcib of the above

Club will meet at 7:30

o'clock, in Hie linll of Engine Co.

No. 2, Cell Tower. A coidinl wel.

come to all.



rpHK undcisigned familjar with thoA management of tho outside plan,talion work seeks an engagement ashead luna. Address,

A. MOKOFP;01 3w Eagle llnuso.


I HEREBY notify the Mutual Tele,phono O), thai, unless lbcv lemuvo

tilth telephone i,olu oh niv nrenilso. atthe hud of Emma btreet, between nowmid Wednesday, the 14th instant, I shallremove it myself.

BEN JOE IONAOIO.Honolulu, Fob. 0, 1888. 01 lw


AT tho annual meeting of tho StarMill Co. held ut tho ofllce pf Win.

G. Irwin & Co., on Wednesday, February8, 1S8, tho following offlccra were dulyelected to serve for tho cimihig year;

John nintl President,Jumcs Ronton , .... .Vice-Presiden-

( SecrolaiyWm. G. Irwin &

( Ticasuier,Henry II. Itenton Auditor.

Wm. G. IRWIN,01 8t


,1TR. John Magoon is nuthoricd toXTi collect for our account, nnd sitrnreceipts. J. E. BROWN & CO.

Jan. 10, 1888. 1835

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.



On WEDNESDAY, Feb'y loth,

At 10 o'clock a. M., at tho picmiscs, No.'M Lunalllo street, (third house from

the corner of Pcnacola bptcI)adjoining the icsidcnco of

Mr J. r.ut'as, I will sellat public auction on

account ol incou tiers


The Entire Household Furniture!, covirmsino

1 New Mnthuscl; Grand Orchestral 7Octavo Piano valued at $800,

Upholstered lied Lounge in red plush,1 Carved Black AVnlnut jr. T. Bedroom

set 7 pieces,Spiing MattraEses,

1 Pine Bedroom Set,

Mosquito Net,Koa and Jnpniuso Tables,

Mirrors and Chandclleis,Pictures,

Ctutains nnd Poles,Centre Hugs,

Webster's Dictionary and Stands I

Dlnluc Table,Cliuirs,

I ECoa Bedroom Set,Crockciy, Glns and Silver waic,

1 New Singer Hewing Machine,

1 Superior Cooking Stove !

Ncaily New.

Kitchen Utensils,Etc., Etc., Etc , Etc.


1 Family Can Inge Horse safe for alady to dihe,

1 Bet of Harness,

1 TOP BUGGY.Ifiy"Premisrs open for inspection on

TUESDAY, February 14th, from 3 a. m.to 3 v. M.

JAS. F. MORGAN,59 td Auctioneer.


Steamship Comp'y


uAUSTRALIA,"Will leave Honolulu ftr the above


Tuesday, Feb 14,AT WOON.

For Freight or Passage, apply to

WM. G. IEWIN & CO., Agents.01 lw

By the S. S. "Australia" 8lh February,j AND NOW ON SALE- --

California Oranges---prim- o sample, BarrelsSaurkraut. Kegs Saurkraut, Crates White

Heart Cabbage, Celery on Ico,Crates Cauliflower,



A large consignment ofPotatoes, Figs, Canned Fruits, Jellic,Jains, Prunes, Raisins, Chestnuts, Wal.nuts, Hardnuts, Almondnuts. CannedTomatoes, Etc., Eic, Etc, Etc., Etc.ES'LOW PRICE TO SUIT TIIE.TIMES- -a

CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET,GO Iiiig Ntrect, Honolulu, tf


DRAFT drawn by Waiakea Mill Co.,by C. O. Kennedy, No 188,

on Mtss:s. T. II. D.ivics & Co., in fxvorof M. Lovcll for ?12C, lias been lost andpayment stopped. All persons are can.Uoncil against cashing tho above diaft.58 3t M. LOVELL.


hills duo tbc undersigned, con.tracted prior to December 81, 1687,

must be paid before the end of the cur-rent month, or tliey will bo placed intho hands of a collector who will haveinstructions to enforce settlement.

L. B. KERR,C0 2w Merchant Tailor.


A well-to-d- o Rooming House,

Yielding not less 100 por month.Long lease. For particulars anply atthis office. 83 lm

Notice of Election,

tho annual meeting of O. BrowerAT & Co., LM , hhl this day, the fol.lowing named persons were elected asofficcis for the ensuing year:

P. O. Jones... President,P. O. Jones Manager,J. O. Carter Sieietary,J. O. Carter Tieasnrer,W. F. Allen Auditor,

Hon. 0. It. Bishop, Biim'l 0. Allen andHon. II. AValerlioufo Directors.

J. O. GARTER. Secretary,U, Brower & Co.

Honolulu, Febiuiuy 1, 1888. 54 lm


DURING my absence fiom thoMr, J, it. Bmw will act for

mo under full power of attorney,S. I, SHAW.

Honolulu, Jan. 21, 1B8. 19 2w

TF YOU FIND ANYTHING,X advertise it in tho Daily Bolletih

in n Miliar iimiiimnin iijimtmiMmimwmuiuuuuumitmiMiaMJtHtwuuMiMiJinmM


A. P. MADElltOS & CO., merchanttailors, have tho pleasure to In.

form their customeis, that they liavoicmovcd their tailoring establishmentfrom Gonsalvci & Co.'s store to cornerof Union nnd Hotel street, wlieto thoywill ho glad to reccivo a call from theircustomers, nnd fiom tho nubile ingeneral. CB lm


Frozen uyoiuiau

(On Ico)

RECEIVEDPer S. S. Australia,

At The Beaver SaloonII. J. NOLTE, proprietor



IIIE uuderslgntd wishes to buy a1 good "PHAETON."

G0 3t W. O. SMITH.


BAGGAGE Epicss and Drayman.on King, ncir conur of

Fort street. Mutual Telephone CC5.

All kinds of curling faithfully andpromptly attended to. Furniture movedand carefully handled. If you want aw agon oi dray, jou will find it to youradvantage to ring up Telephone 503.

CO lm


npilE undorsigned having been ap.X pointed asRlgnuo of the estate of

G. On Chong, of Honolulu, bankrupt.All persons are hereby notified to pay totho undersigned any amounts duo tosaid hnnkmpt and io make immediatepayment of the tame.

V. C PARKE,Assignee Estate of 0 On Chong

Honolulu. Fob. 0. 1888. C8 3t


TF you want your piano rebuffed, re.JL iltted or tuned by a resident tuner,leave your orders nt G. West & Co.'sMusic Store, 10") Fort street. Satisfac-tion guaranteed. 53 2w


TWO llooins, in Wilder & Co.'s Stoneopposite! Likclikc

Wharf. WILDER & CO.51 2w


rpHE house now occupied by Mr.X Daniel R. Vida. (Air. Gibson'stown residence.) For paitlcul&rs applyto D. R. Vida ou llio premises, or at theoffice of James I. Dowsett. 50 lw

TO LET.riWO nicely furnished looms in a pri.X vate family with or without board,about 10 minutes walk from the Post-ofTic- o

Inquire nt this ofllce. 5f 2w


and LOT, terms reasonableHOUSE of T. W. Rawlins, Hawaiian Soap Woiks.

Loleo, Honolulu. 30 tfTO LET.

at Waikiki.COTTAGE yards, stables,etc. Rent verv modeiatc.

Apply to J. E BROWN & CO.,00 if 28 Merchant street.


A GENTLEMAN can get a well

board.) Location about 10 minutes'walk from Post office. Please apply atthe ofllce of the Bulletin. 5'2 tf


Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder.

Having improved facilities, is preparedto fill orders at short notice.

1831 tf

FORJALE!A Chance to Procure a Good Paying


rWING to my intended departure IJ wish to sell rav Clear Store and

Billiard Room. This is one of the bestequipped Billlaid Rooms in Hie towu.I have four Tables of tho veiy latest

iud ohm Pool Table with pa.tent ultachmuit421m 'V. J. MCCARTHY.

New York Line.

Au Al vessel will he despatched bythis Line for Honolulu, to leave

New "York in all May.

For further information apply to

W. H. CROSSMAK & BROS.,77 & 78 Broadway Streof,

Ney York.


CASTLE & COOKE,C7 3m Honolulu.




10 young Stallions fired by the cele-brated liorscb'"BosweU" and Trlnmph,"

A number of Hereford, Duiham andAngus Bulls.

100 head of fine well bred Heifers, inlots to suit.

10 lino Mules suitable fpr plantationwork,



. jumjuii'mhww

NEW CHOPHOUSLThe undonlgned lopcctfnlly notify

tho public, Hint thoy haoopened tho

PAGBFBC HOUSE,(Next above tho Custom Homo)


First Class Chop and Lunch House,

Whore tholr patrons nio assured of re.coivlng nothing hut what is

first class in tood, cookingand serving.


By strict attention to business and anearnest endeavor to please our tatrous,we solicit your patronage.

BAltltUlt & McLKAN.41 lm



(Lincoln Block, King Street.)

UPSTAIRS is n select Dining Roomwhero Poultry, if desired, will be servedthree lime a day. This room has CleanTable Linen, Silver I'latcd Ware, NewChlnn, civil and attentive waiters, andthe Tabic is supplied with every deli-cacy tho Markets afloro.

Rates, $6.00- - per Week.

DOWNSTAIRS, tho General Restau-rant, is well supplied with Chan andSubstantial Food of many vnriotios.

Board, $4.50 per Week.

First Class Cooking a Specialty.

46 4m C. AH MI3E.

a t1goon H-- 2

P 109B CDso CD

S e


S CZJa; a po era

o rp P4 30 a. 3" Pn 3 V wo CDVIr-- c p

a.(5 CD t8 0B P.

o or? ZlH B O0 -3


0-l CD

H P-- Bc CDrt-C-

NOTECE,All persons are hereby forbid-

den frcm excavating, diggingor depositing rubbish in thestreets of this district, withoutthe written vordtr of the RoadSupervisor.


Road Supervisor,35 lm Kona, Oahu.


White Bros.' Portland Cement



"BLTJCHEK."Tho Fine KentuckyImported Jack

JB DL XT O 3BC 3E R,,"Will stand at the Enterprise Ranch for

a limited number of mares.

fTI3BM8 B10r3BKA.a?aE-- C

Apply to J. A. Magoon, agent, 42Merchant street, or to Silv&no do No.briga, at the Enterprise Rnnch; headof Yyllio street, Nuuimu Valley.


Dissolution of Partnership.

interest of Mr. Clarence Macfurlano in tho film of WEST,

DOW & CO. hai this day been pur-chased by Mr, Gideon West, who a?.Humes all liabilities of said firm. Alldebts duo said firm uro duo and payableto Mr. G. West. .

WEST, DOW & CO.Honolulu, Jan. 14, 1888.

NOTICE.MR. G. WEST having hecomo solo

owner of the business carried onunder tbo (Irra name of West, Dow &

Ce., wilt, in future, carry on said busi-ness under the Arm name and stylo of

G. WEST ii CO.Honolulu, Jan. IS, 1888. U'J lm


Lum Kee Company will do ageneral retail mercantile business

at Kapaa, Island of Kauai, and ConOlfiiok is tho manager of eald husinebs,and has full authoiity to sign tho firmname In all matters appertaining to Baldbusiness LUM KEJi CO,


ii4.SLk2H. wt,i--



rpHE Remington Typewriter is thoJL atandnrd writing innclilut) of thoworld. It prints 70 chnrnclois, or withcertain combination, nboul 80 1 hnractcrs,with tbo operation of only 30 Leys. Themaclilnc is so simple that any ono tnnwrite with it, and its manipulation Is socailly understood, that hut little prnottco Is required to enable the operator toncqulro facility in its use. The aveiagobpetd of the pen is from 15 to 20words per minute, and the average speedof llio type writer n Horn io io to w nitlsper minute. Time spent in wiltingwith tho pen is at least two thlidswasted.

Orders for the above 'nstrument maybo left with tho undesigned at the of

lice of W. G. Irwin & Co., and will e

prompt attention. The undtrsign.ed is also prepared to give purchasersfull Itis-t- i notions- ns to tho use of thomncliluc.

For fur her particulars apply toW. M. GIFFARD,

So'e Agent for the Hawaiian Islands1532 I m

Bell Tel. 172. .Mutual Tel. 800.P. 0. Box 400.

J. MOm & co..7

Fiio Proof Stone Building,

42 Merchant Street

General Commission Merchants

General Agency for Huw'n IA indsof the

Burlington and Chicago Railway

AcrosH Amei'lcu,Connecting nt Boton with theAr.oioa

and MadeiraTlirougbticlsctsgi anted from Honolulu

Merchandise stored and sold on com.mission. Consignments tolicitcd.

Properties leased, rented and sold.Legal documents drawn.Books audited and adjusted.Accounts collected.Authorized collector, Mr. 0. Clarke.

Tahiti Lemonade Depot,28 Merchant Street.

High Class Aerated Waters,Absolutely Pure

Tahiti Lemonade Depot,28 Merchant Street.

Slop .le,Tahiti Lemonade Depot,

28 Merchant Street

Tahiti Lemonade.Tahiti Lemonade Depot,

28 Merchant Street.Ginger Ale, Grenadine & Cream Soda.

Oider3 promptly attended to.75 cents per dozen, delivered.

Tahihi Lemonade Depot,28 Merchant Street.

Plain Soda, equal to Schwcppes. 33

Yosemite Skating

SS Xfi, I-- IS" ISkating! Skating! Skating!

Commencing Jnnunry Oth,

Every Friday Evenins !

For Ladies and their Escorts.

Everv Friday Evening will bo keptporfcctly select for ladies & gentleman.

Band in Attendance.THOMAS 13. WAXJL,

1G01 Piojirictor. lyr

Tahiti Lemonade Works.

CUSTOMERS who have on hand anyor Cases, would

greatly oblige word to thoDepot. 28 Merchant street, end they willat oncu he cnlled for.

Our Bottles are all crystal valve, andthe words "TAHITI LEMONADEWORKfi" blown thereon.

Bell Telephone 172.Mutual Telephone 3fi0.

45 tf J. E. BROWN & CO.


ALL pirtiea having claims againstMajesty's Estate nro requested

to have their accounts made out In de-

tail, sworn to as to correctness, and pre.sent them to Col. C. P, laukea, at theofllce of H. M's Chamberlain, Honolulu,within tin co months from date of thisnotice.


Trustees of HIb Majesty's Estate.Honolulu, Nov. 21, 1887. 03 3m


LL accounts due Mrs. A. M, MelliiJ.placed in a Collectors hands withoutfurther notice if not raid by tho 15lh,last. MRS. A. M. MBLLIB,31 2w 17 Emma Urcet.


J. E. BROWN & CO.MESSRS to collect for thoP Bulletin

Honolulu June 8th. 1B87, 57


Page 3: Ti i shi I - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/15667/1/1888020901.pdf · out at the ago of 2!5 jenis: Annual ' Total Premiums



te-- I

f ,





'' -








The Arcado-EG- AN & CO.

New Store, New Goods

atoliicriiy Illoek,Fort Street.

THEailtt tiTIitftit

THURSDAY, FEB. 0, 1888.


Stmr Knnla from Wulnlimfitmr Wnlmnnnlo from Wnimanalo

Feb 0Htmr Kllauca Hon from llamukuaSclir Kaulkcaoull from Kohala


Wnlmnnnlo for Wnlmanalo


Stmr WO Hall for Liilialnn, Maalaca,Kona and Kau at 10 a m


schooner Kalnbow broughtonrrls llrnwnod from 1'Ullloa


The bktuc Geo O Perkins went upontho Jlarlno Hallway this morning.

Arrivals at San FranciscoJan 10, Schr Itosarlo 18 days from

Kahulul.Jan 21, S S Zcalandla, 7 days from

Honolulu.Jan 23, bk O D Bryant and bktne

Mary Wiuklcman, 20 and 20 days fromHonolulu, respectively.

Jan 24, bgtne J. D Sprcckcls, 20days from Honolulu.

Jan 20, bktuo Ella, 21 days from Ho-

nolulu.Jan 27, 3 S City of New York, 8 days

from Honolulu.Ja"n 28, bk Ceylon, 18 days from Ho-

nolulu.Jan 30, bktoo W II Dlmond, 23 days

from Honolulu.Arrival at Port Townscntl

Jah 23, bktne ot Lucie from HonolulnDepartures from San Francisco

Jan 29, bk Saranac for Honolulu.Jan 29, bktne Discovery for Honolulu.

From Puget BoundJan 9, bk C O Whitmore, with 500,-00- 0

ft lumber for Honolulu.From Sanil'cdro

Oau 27, bk W W Case for Kahulul


HHS Caroline, Sir W WisemanUSS Vaudalia, Bear Admiral KimberlyBk Caibarlen, PerkinsBk Mln, McCroneAm tern G C Perkins, Nordbcrg,Bktne Amelia, NcwhallBgntne Consuclo, CousinsBk Lady Lampson, LondergronS S Australia, Houdlett


PORTS.H Keiths ll's Zilveven Kruis, Jocke,

frnm S America due Mar 20

U 8 S Marion, from South America,due Jan J0-3- 1

Am bark Will W Case, Robertson,from San Francisco, due at Kahului,Jan 2-- 15

Am S S Alameda, H G Morse, fromthe Colonics, en route to San Francisco,due Feb 12

IIIJMS Thukuba, frorifTnhiti, dueApril 1--

Ger bark Deutchland, from Bremen,sailed October 28th, due Feb 20

Am bk Martha Davis, F M Benson,from Bostou, due Mar 1

Am ship Mystic Belle, Cooke, fromNew Yo.-k-, due March

Brit bk St Thomas Bell, sailed fromCardiff, October 22d, due March 1--

Brit bk Natuna, sailed from Liver-pool, Nov 20th, due Mar 5--

Am bk Saranac, from San Francisco,duo Jan

Am bk Lady Ilarewood, from Hongkong, due Dec 5-- 25

Ger bkH JMtzcnberg.from Honkong,due Dee 10-- 15

Am bktne Eureka, Meyers, from SanFrancisco, due Jan 10

Am tern Dora Blulim, from San Fran-cisco, due at Hllo, Jan 25-3- 1

Am bark OO M hltmorc, from PortTownsend, due Jan 20-3- 1.

USS Ada'ms from Samoa, due Feb10-1- 5.

Am bk Edward May, Johnson, fromHongkong, due Jan 20-3- 1.

Am bktne Uattlo 8 Bangs, Bangs,from Hongkong, duo Feb 5.

Am ship Anna from San Francisco,due at Kahulul, Maul, Jan 28-3- 1.

Haw S S Australia, II O Houdlette,from San Francisco, due Feb 7.


At Deptford, Kent, England, Nov.30, 1887, Ada Charlotte Evans, sister toMrsT. Jjt.Bnwllns, of Honolulu, aged24 years.


Nexu SaturdayNow Year.

will be Chinese

MuBio at tho Rinkevening for skating and dancing.

The bark Lady Lampson will sailfor San Francisco on Saturdaymorning.

The Band will play at tho Queen'sHospital afternoon from3 to 5 o'clock.

J. A. Cummins, Esq., left for Wai-munal- o,

on his steam yacht Waima-nal- o,


A OAUDKN party will bo given, attho residenco of Mr. T. H. Davies,next Tuesday afternoon.

- -

Harry, who injured Charloy atWaikiki, was to be tried in tho PolicoCourt this afternoon.

Tub Hawaiian Band will play attho Queen's Hospital bctweon threeand live o'clock

A man was arrested this morningon a warrant-swor- n out by his wifecharging him with wilful neglect.

The Hawaiian Business Agonoywill shortly inovo into tho bluo house,cornor of Fort and Merchant streets.

Au, interested in tho formation ofa debating club aro invited to meetthis ovoning, at 7 :30 o'clock, in thoroom of Engino Qo. No, 2. Organi-

zation is tho object of ttyo ruoeting,

Tfie Arcade-EG- AN & CO.

Call ntul Kxnmlno tlio

$12.50 Gent's Blue Flan'l SuitsWorth SitO. .

A. meeting of tho Cabinet was be-

ing held at 2 o'clock this afternoon.

A situation is wanted by a manus head Luna on a plantation, isthoioughly conscrvant with the work.

It will bo seen in ourcolumn a notico from tho Board ofHealth, specifying the differentplaces under quarantine.


The Royal Hawaiian Bandgive a concert this evening alo'clock at tho Hawaiian Hotel.

will7:30Fol- -

lowing is the programme:1'AllT It

Overture The. Exiles GassnerPolka The Dragoons. . .'..... FahrbachChorus Tutinhnuser WagnerSelection Jllkado Sullivan

A hi Wcla.TAUT II.

Belectlon Ermlnie JacobWaltz Glltla MlllockcrTwo Dellllr Marches Schild

Hawaii Ponol.SSESGK! --XJALJ


We clip the following from thoHolland City News of Michigan, un-

der date of January 14th, 1888 :

Under tho auspices of the Ladies'Society of the First PresbyterianChurch, of Grand Haven, the IteV.E. C. Oggel will give a lecture inthat city, this Saturday evening, on"The Hawaiian Islands." Mr. andMrs. Oggel will bo the guests of Dr.and Mrs. A. Van der Veen.


Our Summary will uo issued onSaturday morning in time for themail which leaves here for San Fran-cisco on tho 12th inst. It will con-

tain in a concise form all the news,local and general to date, besides alarge amountfbf correspondence onthe leading topics of the day. Per-sons desirous of copies can be suppli-ed at the Office, or at the bookstoresof A. M. Hewett and J. H. Soper.


Among the passengers by theAustralia was Mr. T. Shimizu, ayoung Japanese, a graduate of thoNaval School, who comes to engagein Christian work among his country-men on these islands. He has beenengaged in this work in San Fran-cisco in connection with the Metho-dist Mission. He will work herounder the direction of the HawaiianBoard, the Central Union Churchhaving voted to pay his salary forsix months.



The Chinese New Year finds thebusiness men in Chinatown hardpressed for money to settle theiraccounts. The fire, tho liquor law,the opium license, the unsettled poli-

tical and financial prospects all havehad a share in. bringing about thisstate of affairs. Besides all this,vessels expected from China havenot yet arrived, and the City of NewYork was not allowed to land herfreight, much of which was goodsdesigned for the New Year's trade.


By tho steamer Kaala, which ar-

rived last evening, a report was re-

ceived of considerable damages doneto houses at Koolau and Waialua,during the recent heavy weather.A warehouse at Mokuleia was com-

pletely demolished. Two houses atKapuuwiki were blown down, andone at Waialua was leveled by thewind and washed away by the river.Mr. Dickson's house had a closeshave from being blown down. Treeswere snapped off or uprooted andhouses shifted by the wind at someplaces.

Tho weather last night was verynasty. Tho Kaala did not stop atWaianae, on account of badweather.


"We understand that Mr. RobertII. Hind has purchased Messrs. W.G. Irwin & Co.'s entire interest inthe Star Mill Co., at Kohala, whichincludes tho control of the stock,and the. present book debt amount-

ing to something over $100,000. Inconnection with this transaction Mr.Hind also purchased from W. G.Irwin & Co. some valuable tractsof land which they owned near theHawl Mill. Altogether the sale is auimportant one and involves a largesum of money.

In another column will bo seentho annual election of officers of thoStar Mill Co. for tho onjming year.

"We understand that W. G. Irwin& Co. will still retains the agency oftho company as representing Mr.Hind.


For San Francisco, per S. S. Alameda, to leave here Ieu.Boyan and wifo, R.

12: A. LW. Wilcox and

wifo, Dr. Webb and wife, J, T.Waterhouse jr., J. Dyer, J. Petroff,S. Busli and lady, F. T. Throssell,F, R. Throssell, W. B. Cahouno, J.S. Cove, Leigh Hunt and wife, andM. Lovell.

For San Francisco, per S. S. Aus-

tralia, Feb. 14: II. F. Glado, J. J.Flynn, Sands Forman, J. D. Col-raq- n,

Cnpt, Hobron and wifo, C. F.Overbouch. F. M. Shimp, C. E.Blair, Geq. Bonuoy, S, Fpstcr, Miss

Tho Arcade-EG- AN & CO.

Dry Goods

Now Stock, Latest Btylca to suit tho3IOHt 1'nHtliUonH.

E. C. Smith, E. M. Walsh and wife,Mrs. E. C. Damon and Mrs. Mar-garet Harndcn. '



Mr. L. M. Mather has been di-

rectly heard from by several gentle-men here, by tho last mail. He was,at the timo of writing, at Los An-

geles, presenting tho attractions ofthese islands to the people there,with the view of inducing them tocome and see us. The "Los AngelesTribune" of January 29 contains nnarticle from Mr. Mather's pen,graphically descriptive of theso isl-

ands. A party was being organizedto come down by next steamer: 13names were on the list when theAustralia left. Mr. Mather complainsthat many of the reports which gofrom hero have a damaging effectupon tlio country, and strongly tendto keep people from visiting it.


The following tenders were open-ed at the Interior Department yes-

terday, for the printing and bind-ing of the license forms 2G formsand 63 books :

Press Publishing Company : Totalamount of bid, S 124.75; rato perbook, $1.98; quality of paper, 30lbs medium.

Hawaiian Gazette Company : To-

tal amount of bid, $12G ; rate perbook, $2 ; quality of paper, 20 lbsflat cap.

Pacific Commercial Advertiser:Total amount of bid, $170 ; rate perbook, 82.79 ; quality of paper, 40lbs medium.

The contract was awarded to thoPress Publishing Co.



Tuesday, Feb. 7, 1888.Estate of Lorenzo Marchant. F.

A. Schaefer applied for temporaryadministration and Friday, March2d, set for proof of will.

F. M. Hatch, Attorney for peti-tioner.



Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1888.The Court opened at 10 a. m.

Foreitrn iurv in attendance: and at11.20 a. k. ordered a recess takenuntil 2 y. u.

The King vs. George Hawkinsand Joseph Silva ; conspiracy.

Indicted at October term.Partly heard on 6th inst., and

continued till y. Tried beforea foreign jury; verdict, not guilty.Defendants are acquitted and dis-

charged.The Court directed the jury that

the Crown having failed to prove amaterial allegation in the indictmentunder the circumstance they mustacquit the defendants.

The jury without retiring rendereda verdict of not guilty.

Attorney-Gener- al C. W. Ashfordand F. M. Hatch for the crown ; "W.

A. Kinney for defendants, tThursday, Feb. 9, 1887.

The Court opened at 10. 0G a. m.Foreign jurors in attendance.12 m. recess is taken until 1 r

James W. Gay vs. Joseph


Mendonca ; action of Covenant.Over from January term, 1888.

Being tried before a Foreign jury.Will possibly be finished to-da- y orearly

A. S. Hartwcll for plaintiff"; F.M. Hatch for defendant.



Ah Ku, violating session laws of188G, $10.

Hakuoo and Swanscy, drunken-ness, 80 each.

D. Kahanu, selling awa withouta license, not concluded.


Late Foreign NewsChicago, Jan. 21. A Nebraska

City special says: Judge Kinney,Agent at the Yankton Sioux IndianReservation, arrived here yesterday.It took him five days to go thirtymiles, the thermometer being 4 deg-belo- w

zero most of the time. Thecoal on the train ran low, when thopassengers all crowded into one car.The men discarded their outer gar-ments and wrapped the womon nndchildren up in thorn. Two babiesperished. Tho Judge says tho lossof life in Dakota is under-estimate- d,

as tho newspapers have tried tocover it up. While at a station inBonhomme county nine frozen bodies were brought into the depot inone doy. The loss" in the wholecounty will reach 1G0, and estimatesmade in Yankton yesterday of tholoss of life through the Territoryllguro up over ono thousand lives.Tho roads from the agency to Yank-ton wore lined with dead cattle,many farmers losing all they had.Although a largo number of Indianswere out huntinggduring tho storm,none aro missing.

Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. 21."Grandma" Garfield, mother of tholate President James A, Garfield,died tliis morning at the homo ofMrs. Garfield, in Mentor, aged

I eighty-si- x years,

The Arcado-EG- AN & C0.

Gents' Furnishing Goods

Fluent Custom aiaito Clotliliiff,Iiiulictt' A, Ucnl'M Vino HIioch.

Washington, Jan. 23. Tlio o

Court to-da- y rondcrcd a de-

cision in tho Maxwell-Prell- er mur-der case, dismissing tho case forwant of jurisdiction. The effect ofthe decision is to nfllrm the sentenceof death pronounced by the Mis-

souri State Court.New York, Jan. 23. The Post's

Washington special says that thenew Postal Convention with Canadasimply adds to the provisions of theother conventions the right to sendmail matter of the fourth class.Anything which can be sent throughthe domestic mails, liquids excepted,may now be sent to Canada by mail.Duties will be collected on dutiablearticles at the post olllce of tho ad-

dress. Tho amount will be statedupon a slip attached to tho packageby the assessing customs officers atthe exchange office from, which thepackage will be forwarded to itsdestination.

New York, Jan. 23. TheB EssexMarket Polico Court was crowdedthis morning, tho occasion being theappearance of tho olficcrs of PeterCooper Post of the Grand Army ofthe Republic, which was arrestedyesterday while taking part in thefuneral procession of a dead mem-

ber, tho charge being that theparade was without a permit. Inaddition to Peter Cooper Post manyother Grand Army men were present. Justice Patterson says that?the fclaw was originally passed toprevent riotous anarchist parades.Ho wished to read up, and post-poned further examination for a fewdays.

New York, Jan. 24. An Ottawaspecial says: It is semi-official- ly

stated that the Home Governmenthas urged the Dominion Cabinet tomake such concession on the fisher-ies question as will bring about asettlement. It plainly intimated thatwhile the demands of Canada areadmitted to be of importance, theymust not be allowed to prejudice thelarger international interests invol-ved. There arc indications of ayielding disposition on the pait ofthe Canadian Government under theunusual pressure from Downingstreet, and the absolute certaint3'that the Canadian terms would inany case be refused by tho Ameri-can Congress. In olllcial quartersthe reports from Washington thatthe negotiations have broken downarc denied.

New Yoik, Jan. 24. An Ottawaspecial says: The semi-offici- al announcement comes from Uiiiglanuthat Hon. Joseph Chamberlain islikely to succeed Lord Lansdownc asGovernor-Gener- al of Canada. It isrepresented that in view of import-ant questions which are likely toarise, the British Government desiresto have its Canadian Executive onewho cannot entirely keep the over-ambitio- us

Canadians in check, butwho is conversant with every phaseof the social and political conditionof the country. It is known thatLord Lansdownc is anxious to returnto his Irish estates.

Washington, Jan. 30. The SignalCorps Station at Nantucket reportsupwards of fifty vessels in the icenear Nantucket and from Great Pointto Tuckernut Shoals. Many of themare adrift, having lost anchors andchains. The ice is ten inches ormore thick, and the most powerfulvessels can render them no assistance.Most of them will be wrecked unlessprompt assistance is rendered whenthe ice breaks up.

Washington, Jan. 30. The HouseCommittee on tho Election of Presi-dent and Vice-Preside- nt will y

report favorably on RepresentativeCrain's Constitutional amendmentchanging the time of the meeting ofCongress. Jt provides that Congressshall meet on the first Monday inJanuary of each year instead of thofirst Monday in December, as atpresent, and that tho sessions shallnot extend loncrer than the 31st ofDecember following. This is in-

tended to do away with the shortsessions of Congress.

New York, Jan. 30. Various esti-

mates, ranging from 2,000,000 to85,000,000, aro raado of the lossesby the great fire on Broadway to-

day. It is claimed as aggrcvatingcircumstances that there was an in-

sufficient force of water. Fiv.o'largcbuildings are total wrecks, and thefiremen are still pouring water onthe smoking ruins. It is said thatseveral hydrants were found frozenwhen the flames had gained headwayand they had to be thawed out,causing some delay. Tho stock iscompletely ruined in eight buildings.Two buildings, those at 549 and 551Broadwuy, were old buildings. Theywero in such a bad condition that noinsurance company would take riskson them except at exorbitant rates.They aro reported to bo a total loss.During the progress of tho fire manypersons who had business on thopremises, proprietors, reporters andothers, had narrow escapes from thofalling bricks and debris. The fireis said to have been caused by abadly banked flro in Roger's build-ing.


Vienna, Jan, 18. The "Frcm-denblat- t"

hopes tho peaceful utter-ances expressed by tho Czar in re-

sponding to the New Year congratu-lations of the city of Moscow fullycorrespond with tho earnest desireeverywhere prevailing lor tip mawtpnanco pf neaco. I.t says i,t cannot,However, overlook the fact that not--

Tho Arcado-EG- AN & CO.

Have Opened

Willi tlio l'liioHt Display or Jooi1hover Hliown In tills Kingdom.

withstanding tho effort made to thatend, tho fooling of anxiety regard-ing tho future, which is now weigh-ing on everybody, does not seem todisappear.

London, Jan. 23. John Bright,in a letter to tho papers, says thatGladstone prefers to maintain silencewhen questioned legarding suchcases as the circulation of bills, at-

tributing tho Mitchcllstown riot toBright and Chamberlain. Brightfears that Gladstone does not objectto the stones and mud thrown by hisfollowers. He says Gladstone latterly has given uo definite answerregarding Irish affairs, probably be-

cause he fears that the reply mightinjure his cause and party.

Sofia, Jan. 24. Prince Ferdinandand party arrived at Philippopolisyesterday evening. At various stationsalong the railroad crowds has assem-bled, which displayed great enthus-iasm, and presented addresses offidelity to the Prince. At Philip-popolis the party was welcomed bythe Commander of tho Garrison, thePrefect, Greek and BulgarianBishops, Turkish Muftis and Jewishrabbis, who presented Prince Ferdi-nand with addresses. Along theroute to Dr. Tchoumakoff's resi-dence, where the party is stopping,the people showed the greatest en-

thusiasm, cheering the Prince nndhis mother and throwing bouquetsto the ladies of the party. The townwas brilliantly illuminated.

New York, January 30. A Romecable to the "Woild" says: An un-

pleasant incident, which lias greatlyaffected the Pope, occurred at theVatican the other day. As the GrandMaster of the Household of thePrince of Colonna was advancing totho throne of his Holiness to presenta magnificent diamond jubilee gift,on behalf of his master, he suddenlyfell forward on Ins face, and wlienraised was found to be dead.

Rome, Jan. 30. The CabinetCouncil has decided not to renewthe commercial treaty of 1881 withFrance, but will make new and con-

ciliatory proposals to France uponwhich a treaty can be based. IfFrance should reject its ally's offersnegotiations will be brought to anend.--


MESSRS. DODD & MILLERreceived oj. Australia

another lot of that "I'llILADEU'HIA.LA.GEU BEKR" in kegs, which theyaro offering to their customers. 01 lw

BOAT BUILDINGRYAN'S Bear of Lucas' Mill.03


forma Port, Madeira and Malaga,for sale in kec' and cases by

UONSALVES & CO.,01 Queeu gtrcet.

CLEAN RAGS and second handnlil bo gratefully recclv.

eil for tho use of tho Innrute of thoBrunch Hospital for Lepers at Knkaako,or Rt the Leper Scttlinent on Molokai,if left with J. T. Waicrhouse, jr., nt thoQueen Street Store. t&f tf

TOB PRINTING ol all kinds exe-- Jciiteri ut tha Daily Bhi.lktih Quire

9 NICE LARGE FURNISHEDiu rooms, No. 4 Uaidcn Lime, thesecond door from Union street. Applyon the premises. Iftlf

a' i

Bulletin" SummaryJan. 14. No. 29.

60 Columns of Original Matter.

Is now issued and will be found tobo an interesting and comprehensivenumber, containing GO columns ofreading matter on local topics, and& complete resume of Honolulu andisland news. There is no better paperpublished in the Kingdom to send tofriends abroad. Subscription $2.50per annum, including postage toforeign countries. To be had from

J. II. Soper, Merchant street,A. M. Hewett, Merchant street,and Bulletin Olllce.

WING WO TAI 8b GO.'Al Xuuauti Htreut,

Have jubt received ex b'mr ''Alameda,"a choice lot of

Embroidered Silk Tablo Covers,

" " Pillow Cases," Shawls," Handkerchiefs,

Silk Sashes, Sandal Wood Fans, &c., &c.

Also a largo lino ofChina Matting, China & Japan Tea,

Camphor TrunkH, llattan Chairs,Japanese Screens, Provisions, &c.

23 im



Mrs. A. M. Mollisnavinjr. removed her Dressmaking

EilubHthmcnt to

go. 17 Emma St.,Will be pleased to scalier friends and

natrons there from and after January


3rd, 1838.

Mutual Telephone 484 ; Uell 410.28 lm

DAILY BULLETIN -- TheTHE popular paper published.


ess--BS- 5-










car iroxi.

the above

atmentioned will be sold

such prices



S. EHKLIQH,63 & 65 Fort street.

Opposite Irwin fc Co.


General AfjeutKExpert Aocountanis and Collectors, Real Estate, Firo & Life Insuranco

Agents, Custom-Hous- e, Loan and Exchango Brokers.Departments of Business.

Books Accounts nccumtely kept i.ml tuopcrly adjusted.Collections Mill receive spiciul attention nii'l returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty, Records searched and correct Abstracts of Title

furnished.Legal Documents and Papers of every carofully drawn ami hand.

soincly cngrrCopying and Translating in all languages in general utc U this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sold. Tc$ paid and Property safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Fire Lifo Insuranco effected in ffrst class Insuranco Compauius,Custom-Hous- a Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.Loans negotiated at tavorablo rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on moat favorable terms.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.






2T All Business entrusted to our oare will receive prompt and faithful attention atmodcrato chargos.

Haing had nn extcnsivo hrsinrB4 experience for oer twcuty.flro years inYork City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to nil business of an

Intricate and complicated nature, or requiring luet and discretion, and respectfullysolicit a Uial.

Bell Telephone No. 274. Xlti'wniiuii KuwiiicNS .Asreiicy.Ian. 7-- ly

Telephone Hoth Companies '.M0.




1 11 FORT.O. Box 207.


FHESII GOODS from California on ICE, by each steamer of tho O. S. 8. Co.. A COMI'l.UTU USE OK


Ji:sr ir.cr.ivr.D isr "zhaiakdia"A FINE LOT OF ''NEW ZEALAND," "KIDNEY" AND "BLUE DERWENT" POTATOES.

.ALSOA Very Choice Lot of N. Z. " Taranaki Butter,"

(IN KEUS.)All of which we oiler to the Public at IlKASONABLE PRICES.

Fresh New Zealand Butter, ON ICE, In 1 Pouud Pats !

By arrival from New Zealand SOMETHING FINE.ltr.O

-- o WE HAVE o--



1731 ly

Just Received at HoBlister & Co.'sA. largo assortment of

PEREUIES! PERFUMES!Comprising tho well-know- n brands of




i &?

.&&bttib :dAMMl, mJMitdmi Xljsu





- vI




Page 4: Ti i shi I - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/15667/1/1888020901.pdf · out at the ago of 2!5 jenis: Annual ' Total Premiums







A queer story comes from Bor-deaux. A woman who was wellknown In Hie demi-mond- e, both inParis and tho Provinces, took afancy to a man called the '.'cham-pion skeleton," who was exhibitinghimself with a giant at a local fair.The marriage ceremony was of thefirst class order. The "atomy" andhis bride canio out in gorgeous ap-

parel, and were accompanied to thealtar by all tho mountebanks of thofair, including tho giant, tho lovelyCircassian, the manager of the wax-

works and the "artistes" of thevarious itinerant temples of Thespisand Thalia.

The bride, an interesting female24 years old, was given away byher quondam protector, a personagewith a princely title and a plethoricpurse. He it was who paid thoreckonings for the biidc's toilet, thefaultless evening suit and the laven-der kids of tlic "champion skeleton,"the marriage ceremony, and thowedding breakfast. The churchwas filled with llowcrs; a crimsoncarpet was spread and the ricethrown by admiring mountebanksalong the route of the bridal pro-

cession. In the evening, after thehappy pair had departed for theirhoneymoon, there was a banquet atwhich fifty saltimbanqucs sat down.This was succeeded by a bill, whichwas unique of its kind, the bride'sformer protector having given or-

ders that no expense was to be. spared in order to celebrate the

auspicious occasion in a befittingmanner. fLondon Daily Telegraph.


Pried Cream. Make a smoothpaste with three tablespoonfuls ofrice Hour or corn starch and part ofa pint of milk ; then gradually addthe rest of the pint, two whole eggsand the yolks of four eggs, with apat of very fresh butter, powderedwhite sugar to taste, and a few dropsof essence of almond. Put the mix-

ture into a saucepan on the fire andnever cease stirring until it is quitethick. Spread it out on a slab tothe thickness of a half-inc- h. Whenquite cold cut it out in lozenges; eggand crumb them ; fry them a nicecolor in lard, and serve with powder-ed sugar over them.

A new way to cook cranberries.Sort and wash the berries. Putthem on the fire in cold water. Assoon as they arc scalding hot takethem off and drain them in a sieve.Thus they lose much of their acridtaste, but not their flavor. The ber-

ries must not be left in the sieve aminute, for fear of losing their juice.Turn them into a pan. Add sugarin proportion of one pound to fourquarts of fruit. Put in tho berriesand boil them soft, but not to amash. Cover with a napkin whilecooling, and stir them gently occa-

sionally. Small bowls make verygood molds.

An October Salad. llub the saladbowl with garlic. Take four toma-toes, not over-rip- e, skin, slice them,and get rid of the pips and waterysubstance; chop the slices coarselyand put them in the bowl with fourtablcspoonfuls of tomato sauce outof a bottle, one of tarragon vinegar,and two of oil, pepper and salt totaste; slice in lengths thomiddle rib of a dozen large leavesof lettuce, turn over the whole inthe bowl till the salad is well mixed.Have some pulled bread poundedand passed through a colander, strewthe top of the salad plentifully withthis, and, after letting it rest tenminutes, serve with cold undercut ofsirloin.

0. S. S. CO.'S TIME TABLE.fe

Arrive at Honolulu from San Francisco.

Australia Febi uary 7Zcalandhi Fchiuaiy 10Australia Maicli 0Alameda t . .March 15Australia Apiil '.

Mariposa Apiil 12Australia May 1Zealandin May 10Australia May 29Alameda.' Juno 7Australia Juno 20Mariposa July 5Australia July 2--

Zealandia August 2Australia August 21Alameda August 30Australia Soplcmbcr 18Mariposa Soptembcr 27

,,, Australia October 10' Zcalandia October 25

Australia November 13Alameda , November 22

'Australia. , . , December 11

Loavo Honolulu lor San Francisco.

Alameda, , Pebruary 12Australia Febiunry PIMariposa March 11Australia Maich 13Zenlnudin, . . . , April 8Austialia ,,..,. April 10Alameda , May 0Australia May 8Mariposa, , , . . . . . June 3Australia , , , Juno !5

Zctilantlia ,.,.,,.. .July 1Australia ,. ..,.,. July 3Alameda July 2!)

Australia July 31Mariposa. ..,...,.,..,... August 20Australia ..August 28

cahmdia September 23Australia ,,.,,, September 25Alameda. . , October 21Australia October 23Maripota Novcmbor 18Australia. . , November 20Zcalandia December 10Australia December 18

Alameda , , . ,(1880) Juminry 13

TF YOU WANT A SITUATIONJL advertUo in tko Daily Buixbtin.

wrwiwjjyj.tfgywjriPiy' iwwwjuwLwiiwgwtiwff


Many people bclicvo that Nntu.rohas somewhere a remedy for everydisease. So many and so terriblenro the ills of life, and so slight thopleasure wo get as time flics past,that such n belief is tho least faithwe can show in a gracious and all-wi- se

Providence. A few remediesbut, alas, how few! have been

found. Others, so far, lie hiddenfrom human inquiry. Occasionallydeath follows quickly Onlho heels ofthe evil an illustratio M&f tho dan-gerous character of tuvnlment tobe relieved.

Tor example, Nervous Dyspepsiais a compaiatively new disease,growing out of the conditions ofmodem life. It is a joint affectionof tho digestive organs and of thenervous system. These two wereformerly treated as separate ail-

ments, and it was left for the clear-sighted thinkers to prove that thebasis of this terrible and often fatalcomplication lies chiefly in the dis-

ordered and depraved functions ofdigestion and nutrition. Theyreasoned thus: "If we can inducethe stomach to do its work, andstimulate tho excretive organs todrive out of the body the poisonouswaste matters which remain afterthe life-givi- elements of the foodhave been absorbed, wc shall haveconquered Nervous Dyspepsia andNervous Exhaustion." And theywcto light. Knowing the infalliblepower of Sicgel's Syrup in less com-plicated though similar diseases,they resolved to test it fully in this.To leave no ground for doubt, theyprescribed the remedy in hundred'sof cases which had been ptonounccdincurable with perfect success inevery instance where their directionsas to living and diet were scrupu-lously followed. Nervous Dyspep-sia and Exhaustion may almost becalled a peculiarly English disease.To a greater or less extent half thepeople of this country suffer from it

both sexes and all ages. In nocountry in the world arc there somany insane asylums filled to over-flowing, all resulting from thisalarming disease. Its leading symp-toms arc these; frequent or con-tinual headache ; a dull pain at thebase of the brain ; bad breath ;

nauseous eructations ; the rising ofsour and pungent fluids to thethroat; a sense of oppression andfaintness at the pit of the stomach,flatulence ; wakefulness and loss ofsleep; disgust with food even whenweak from the need of it; stickyand slimy matter on tho teeth or inthe mouth, especially on rising inthe morning; furred and coatedtongue ; dull eyes ; cold hands andfeet ; constipation ; dry or roughskin; inability to fix the mind onany labour or calling continuous at-

tention ; and oppressive and sadforebodings and fear.

All this terrible group MotherSiegcl's Curative Syrup removes byits positive, powerful, direct, yetpainless and gentle action upon thefunctions of digestion and assimila-tion. Those elements of the foodthat build up and strengthen thesystem are sent upon their mission,while all waste matters (the ashes oflife's fire) which, unremoved poisonand kill, arc expelled from the bodythrough the bowels, kidneys, andskin. The weak and prostratednerves are quieted, toned, and fedby the purified blood. As the re-

sult, health, with its enjoyments,blessings and power, returns to thesufferer, who has perhaps abandonedall hope of ever seeing anotber wellday.

Mother Scigel's Curative Syrupis for sale by all chemists and medi-cine vendors, and by the proprietors,A, J. White, Limited, 35, Farring-do- n

Road, London.January 13, 1888.

Honolulu LibraryANB

Reading Room Association.

Cor. Hotel & AInltca Strceta,Open every Day and Evening.

The Library consists at the presenttliuo o over Five Thousand Volumes.

The Heading Boom is supplied withabout fifty of tho leading newspapeisand peiiodleals.

A l'arlor is piovlded for conversationiml games,

Terms of membership, fifty cents a--iiontli, payable quartet ly in advance.No formality required In joining' exceptsigning the l oil.

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors f i om tho other islands aro wel-come to the looms at all times as guests,

This Association having no legularmeans of support except the dues ofmembers, It is expected that icsldcutsof Honolulu who Ueshe to avail them-selves of its piivileges, and all who feelan interest in maintaining an institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand becomo regular cnutiihutors.

A. J. OARTWRIGUT, Pros.,M. 31. SCOUT, nt,

II. A. PAltMELEE, Secretary,A, L. SMITH, Tieasuier,O. T. RODGERS, M.D.,

Chilli man Hall and Libutry Committee.

o :luso HivwAiiAimALL persons who want to communi

with the Poitucueso, eithertor business, or for piocuring workmen,servants or any other helps, will find itihu most prolltublu way to advertise intho Ltso fawaiiauo, tho new organ oftho Portuguese colony, which Is pub.llshed on Merchant street, Gazette Iluild.lng, (Post-Olllc- o Letter liox E.), andonly charges reasonable mtus lor advertlfMimiMiia

rpHE PEOPLES' PAPER-T- heX. Daily Hullctin 00 cts per month,


Bell Tel. ai8. Jllutnnl Tel. lilOI'.O.llox-UG- .

Office - 88 Merchant St., Honolulu

General Business Agency.


Convoyanclnn a Spoclalty Hccotdi fccarch-c- d

and abstracts of title furnished onsboit notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing In alllanguages in general usu la tlio King-dom.

Custom House urokcrago File and Life.Insuinnce receive piompi attention.


MR. JOHN GOOD JR. AuthoilzcdCollector.'

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE,bought, sold and rented.

Soveral valuable properties In andaround the city now for salu ou easytcims.Convenient Cottages in desirable healthy

locations in and near the city to let orlease at reasonable latcs.

Employment Wanted by several men andboys, who willmnku themselves useful in performing tho various ulllcciand chores lequlicd by puvnle fnmbiics.

Full particulars given on applicationat the agency.

Oiilcid from the other Islands pioinpt-l- y

attended to.

Richard Cayford,Late P.inicr tolT.lt II. 1'iince of

Walca' 12th Royal Lauccis.



Horses and Cattle Treated forall Diseases.

Kcm1ciic: 31 Alnkca Street,p. o. uox tOB. aotc


AMrtnlMDi Ml Service

FOK SAK FJRANUISCO,The new and fine Al steel steamship

"Alameda,"Of the Uccanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu lrom Sydneyand Auckland oil or about

February 12, 1888.And will leave foi tho above port withmails and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, having Il


WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland,

The new and line Al steel steamship

It Zealandia,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

February 16, 1888,And will have prompt dispatch withmails and passengeis for tins above port.

For freight or passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

to37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

fiotice to SnHeis

On m after Dec. 31, '87



"The Daily Bulletin."

All complaints, &c, in future,must bo made direct to tho Managerof tho Daily Bulletin ; and

All SubscriptionsDuo up to this day, Doo. 3 1 6t, 887will bo collected by J. E, Brown &.

Co,, whoso receipt fop the same willbe rocognized only.

Bulletin Office,

Honolulu, Deo. 31, 1887.

THE DAILY BULLETIN -- Thopopular paper published.


Grass Seeds

Grass Seeds

Grass Seeds

Mow Is i Time to Plait



The undersigned havo just received,

fresh, from the Colonics,

Pasture Grass Seeds

In great vai lety, and which

they oflcr

In Lots to Suit.

As the rainy season is now com.

iug on, Planters and Graziers

are particularly called on to

GiT8 tliese Grasses a trial

WM. G. IRWIN & Co.

07 lm23

Let me have a mild

THE ABOVE BEQUEST IS HEARDly in cigar stores, saloons and

oilier p aces where cigars are sold, forit is an undisputed fnctthatmostsmokeisprefer a mikt cigar and that those whonave lor a long time smoked strongcigars, principally imported Manilas,will, after having thoroughly injuredthe stomach and impaired tho nervonnsystem, surely want a mild cigar, if theycould find the right kind.

How many thousands of smokers whosuffer from loss of appetite, headache,nervous irritability, asthma, etc., andwho have tried all possible remedieswithout success, might bo cured if theyknew that (heir sufferings were causedby the intemperate use of strong cigars,and that they should only smoke mildand properly prepared ones.

It is a fact that all mild cigars agreewell with Einokcrs, for in most casesthere is a lack of care in tho selection ofthe tobacco, ind often the necessary ex.periencc for it is wanting, yet there isone brand which suits the most fastidioussmoker, and that is


Which is mado from mild, aromatic andparticularly selected and prepared to-

bacco, ami tombines all the qualitieswhich may bo expected from a healthcigar. It causes no bad cn"cct of anykind, is agreeable to the taste, burnsevenly to the eud and possesses u finearoma. No smoker should fail to givo

Engelbreht's "Sampler" CigarsA fair trial, and benefit himself at thosame time. .

For sale Everywhere,

Hawaiian Livery Stables,LELEO, Palama.

Horses taken to board by tho day, weekor month fed well, and looked afterby careful and experienced Stablemen.Carriages and all kinds of Vehicleskept clean and nhrcd for, as well asHarness. MOSES PALAU,45 lin Man.ger.

FOR SALE.Q WHALE BOATS; 1 DeckedO 'tVhalo Boat, 30 feet long, 8 feetdeep; 8 leet wide; 2 22 feet Surf Boats;1 16 feet Surf Boat; 2 Decked Plunger,10 feet long, 0 feet 0 inches wide, 2 feetC inches deep, with mast nnd sails allcomplete; 1 3J feet Sailing Scow, willrmast and sails all complote. Apply to.

E. B. BYAN.Boat Builder and General Jobber, fil tf


Vf&&L5&fLt Praxis!. l'lKItOlS'rtl'AlKMrlil:j&prw rACHETIC EUSTICTRUSS

rtriisimtl nnd flMl.T flCVIlINHII "" J ED V EtnntrlnTriiRn. ParfeotRbtainerII SlliiX J uy towtar. inbtaiitlyrttlleveBCvery

raw. JldHcurotl t)iouaucU. Katuh 1875.Hfind tnr Vrt.n Tlliiatc'H I'ntni.hlnt rJnl.

MAnuPTinn attrinTDi ma rr.304 north bixtii streut'st. iouisTMo;,7tH bflU'MEHTO BT . (JAN FHANOIBOO.CAIj,

Fob. 88, 'S7. 1571 ly



Al Quality,Just received ex Mariposa by

J. E. BROWN & CO.,

17 28 Merchant Street.

Horse Clipping!DONE and with despatchNEATLY HAWAIIAN HOTEL STA-

BLES. Hand Clippers, 82tf

LOVEJOY & CO.,Importers and Jobbers of Pino


No. 15 Xuuniiu St., Honolulu.C5J TELEruoKn EOS. . 3m-w&- s


Tho Walkiki residence of Mr. Fred HIlajseldcn situated at Kapiolani Parkbetween the residences of lion. W. G.Irwin, nnd Mr. Frank Brown, U offeredfor lent, lease, or sale. For terms applyto tho undersigned.92 if FBED H. UAYSELDEN.

' 0Apples, Honey,Boned Chicken & TurkeyBreakfast GemBran, Oats,Citron, Lemon & Orange Peel '

Cala Prunes, Dates,Cape Cod CranberriesEastern CodfishFrench Peas, Rolled OatsGermca, Crackora,Jersey Blue PotatoesKegs Family BeefLunch Tongue

And a general assortment

Olias, Hustace, -

-- if

ntm &


sewsAt i. J.

03 tt

For Sale! To Let! For Lease!

FOR SALE Lot of Land. 175x108 ft.Healthy Location. Good vlow, $960.

Lot of Land, 155x103 ft. Healthy Lo-

cation, ctc.j 850.

TO LET 1 Dwelling House, 4 rooms,$15 per month.Housn with Store, $40 per month.

Booms, eu suite or single, from f2 to (0per week.

FOB. LEASE 4 Lots, each 50x70 feet,for building. Good Location; waterlaid on; teims easy and the right par-tie- s

assisted in building.APPLY TO

FRANK GODFREY,CopylHt and Jeiicinl Business Agent

No. 84 King Street.P O. Box ,14C. Burgess' Express Office.




Manufacturer.Book Binding of all description neatly

and promptly executed.Campbell Block, Booms 10 and ll,Mcr.722 chant Btrcct. ly

Minco Moat, in 5 lb tubsNuts, Raisins,Oxford SausagesOnions, Wheat, Corn,Paragon BaconPlum PuddingRussian CaviarSaloon & Medium BreadSmoked BeefSalt Pork, 5 lb tinsSmoked Halibut"World's Breakfast' FoodWhittaker Hams

of Groceries, for sale by

DEting- - Street;.




Groceries, Provisions and Feed,. EAST COBNEB FOBT AND KING STBEETS

Now Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern States and EurepoFresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended to.and Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders soli-cite-

Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box 145. Telephone No. 93. 103 ly



5 ii




Every Description of







Book and General PrintingExecuted with neatness and dispatch.


Uudcr the above heading thoDoncastcr Jicporlcr of July Gth,1887, publishes tho following in itseditorial columns

Our readers may recall tho cir-

cumstance of a young clerk, namedArthur Richold, falling insensibleon tho Wcatlcy Lane in this townsoino time ago, and being pickedup, as he continued perfectly help-

less, and taken in a cab by twogentlemen to the ofllco of F. "V.

Fisher, Esq; tho solicitor who em-

ployed him. On restoring him toconsciousness it was ascertainedthat he was aflictcd with whatseemed to be an incurable disease.When he was able to speak hosaid ho had been to his dinner andnnd was on his way back to hiswork, when suddenly his head wasin a whirl and ho fell in the streetlike a man who is knocked down.On coming to his senses in tho soli-

citor's olllco ho thought what thi3might mean, and feared he wasgoing to have a fit of illness, whichwe all know is a very dreadfulthing for a poor man with a familyto 'care for.

With this in his mind ho at oncosought the best medical advice,telling the doctors how ho had beenattacked. They questioned hi mland found that his present maladywas exhaustion of the nervous sys-

tem resulting from general debility,indigestion, and dyspepsia of achronic nature. This in turn hadbeen caused by confinement to hisdesk and grief at the loss of dearfriends by death. Tho coming onof this strange disease, as describedby Mr. Richold, must be of inter-

est both to sick and well. Ho hadnoticed for several years previously,in fact, that his eyes and faco be-

gan to have a yellow look; therewas a eticky and unpleasant Blinieon tho gums and teeth in thomorning; the tongue coated; andthe bowels so bound and costivethat it induced that most painfuland troublesome ailment the piles.He says thcro was Bomo pain inthe sides and back and a sense offulness on the right side, as thoughtho liver were enlarging, whichproved to be tho terrible fact.The secretions from tho kidneyswould be scanty and high-coloure-

with a kind of gritty or sandydeposit after standing.

These things had troubled Mr.Richold a long time, and after hisfall in the street ho clearly perceivedthat the fit of giddiness was nothingmore than a sign of the steadlyand deadly advance of the complaint,which began in digestion and dys-pepsia. His story of how ho wentfrom one physician to another insearch of a cure that his wifu andlittle ones might not come to want isvery pathetic and touching. Finallyhe became too ill to keep his situa-tion and had to give it up. Thiswas a sad calamity. He was appall-ed to think how lie should be ablo tolive. But God raised up friendswho helped to keep the wolf fromtho door. He tken went to tho sea-

side at Walton-on-thc-Naz- e, butneither the change, nor the phy-sicians who treated him there, didany good. All being without availho visited London, with a sort ofvague hopo that somo advantagemight happen to him in the metro-polis. This was in October, 1885.

How wonderful, indeed, are thoways of Providence, which dashesdown our highest hopes and thenhelps us when wo least expect it.

While in London ho stated his con-dition-

a friend, who strongly ad-

vised him to try a medicine which hecalled Mother Seiyel's CurativeSyrup, saying it was genuine andhonest, and often cured when every-thing else had failed. He boughta bottle of a chemist in Pimlico, andbegan using it according to the di-

rections. He did this without faithor hope, and the public, may there-fore judge of his surprise and plea-sure when after taking a few doseshe felt great relief. Ho .could eatbetter ; his food distressed him- less ;

the symptoms we have named abated ;

tho dark spots which had floatedbefore his eyes like smuts of soot,gradually disappeared, and hisstrength' increased. Before thistime his knees would knock togetherwhenever he tried to walk. So (e-ncouraged was he now that he kep,on using Mother fieigel't CurativeSyrup until it ended in completelycuring mm.

In speaking of his wonderful re-

covery Mr. Richold says it' madohim think of poor Robinson Crusoe,and his deliverance from captivityon his island in the sea; and added,"But for Mother Seigel's CurativeSyrup the grass would now bsgrowing over my grave."

Our readers can rest assured ofof tho strict truth of all the state-ments in this most remarkable case,as Mr. Richold (now residing atSwiss Cottage, Walton-on-the-Naz-

belongs to ono of tho oldest andmost respected families in the beau-tiful village of Long Melford,Suffolk, and his personal characteris attested by so high an authorityas the Rev. C. J. Maityu, rectorof that parish, besides other excel-lent names. We hayo deemed thecaso of such inportance to the pub-lic a? to justify us in giving thisshort account of it in our columns.

January 13, 1888.


-- 1

I Vi






