00 it A A 6- - f ii ii ! n 1 1 ii 1 1 iron wr if ii II M ii VOL. XI.-N- O. 150 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. THURSDAY, JUNE 2, lb90. VKWE 5 CENTS. 2CfU) CltiDt'itisfiiifiitj. Australian Mail Service J, B. CASTLE, THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser W ftBUSHED Kvery Xoruintf Except Suudiiys, At No. 4tt Mwrclumt Si. HUBSCKIWUONSJi Miner? For Hi The ftiiiowinp uiacldiwry unaii.r Jat of IU hlar liU J'Uut wiU U- - aoSd al public auction at nw Azurly tlaU- - iin;!W dUtMxx.nl wf jriul- - Uy ItrAaMJ JPattie tfuairuiif f iurcUa.iiK miv iKrUou f tlii iiiacliiotrr an Kl Hrtl-cula- r and irici Irum lf utidoraitfuvti: CASTLE & COOKE, IMPOltTERH, Shipping and Commission Merchants, PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS. UEALEES IN BOILDEItS' AND GENERAL 1LHUWAUE, AGIllCLLTLKAL IJH'LEMENTS, PLANTATION SUl'PLIEB, Carpeatero' IllacksniitliH' JIachiniiit:' aad l'luinljers Took, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, VarnLshfcH, Lamp (joodg, anJ General Merchandise. Blako's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, Wilcox & Gibbs. and HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY, Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. GENERAL AGENTS, EXPERT ACCOUNTANTS AND COLLECTORS, REAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE HOUSE, LOAN AND o Departments Rnmrs and Accottnts accuratelv kent and r.nr.j.vc'TjnKa will rnpiv npcial attention Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished Copying and Translating in all languages Daih P. 0. ADVBiri8ii.onycr ...... ....? 00 .4 oil uiouth -- .. 3 00 - . per l"tuth ... .... 60 w i UiWAlliM (1 AZKlTtt. OSi J- -? .. ft 00 " .. foreigu tu- - 6 00 clu41n PoUge) 'All Trulut Adtftfrtlseineuts mut UAWA11AN UA2KTTK CO.. 40 Merc haul st., VWofflce Bex O. Honolalu. U. 1. LEWERS & COOKE, (Sueceaaors io Lewr ft Dlekwm) ItMporCrn and leler lu Lumber And ad! muds of BoUdinx Materials. No.32 FUliT STKJirr. Hoaululu. 1- - J0HN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in liEKEEAL MERCHANDISE. No. 25--31 Queen Street. Honolnla. ltf H. HACKFELD fc CO., General Commission Agents Cor. fort & Queen Sta.. Honolulu, ltf BEAVER SALOON, FurtHtreet, Opposite Wilder Co.'s, H. J. NOLTE, PKOPBIETOB. tlrat-cUa- s Lunchea Served with Tea, Coffee, Hmiii. ffitn '"-i- fr Ala or MUt. Open From 3 a. m. till 10 p.m. motors' Reqnlsitee Specialty. ltf HONOLULU IKON WORKS CO. Steam Engines, toilers, Kacar Mills, Coolers, Brass and EMt.CaMt!Brs, And wvchinery of every dencription mad to rder. PartlcaUr attention pid to ihlps bUck-rulthi- n. Job work executeil on tLe horteat UIW1'V YOUNG Mr, Importer of fine new styles of Manila & Havana Cigars, Cigarettes A RE AT ED WATERS, Etc. Cor. Jthel and Kins Street 98-3r- n- THE ROYAL SALOON, r ,. Under the Managenent of E. EC. F1, Wolter, Llanors. iew. and toe cold beers on dranght a 10 eents per glans. ' WONG SAV, Merchant Tafior, MHCFACTtTRKR OF Gentlemen's Underclothing And Fnrnifhins! Cood. Woolen anl Ponpree Coats. Wool, Calico, German and Linen Shirts. Finest Brands of Havana and Manila Cigars. 8 Kf nT tr-t- . - ,1 fVER HAS REMOVED FROM "Vi.itreet to Jlobello Lane, Palama. in general use in this Kingdom Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured. Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected. kND Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies. Real Houses, HVrns! Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch bOK SAN FRANCISCO, Fhe new and fine Al steel at&uusltiy MAEIPOSA" tl OcettulcMUjauibUip Ooniiiaiiy, wUI be due al llouolulu Iroiu Hyduey auU AuckltuiU gu or bout June 28, 18U0, Aud will leave for the nbuve port wtl.n nialla aud pMMaeiiier ou or about tbat .laie. br freight or paHitagu, lnviug hUPEUIGli ACfOMW.OOAiiON,ipl to Wm. ti. Irwin & Co., For Sydney ami Auckland. m The new And fine Al steel steamship O the Oceanic SHearuahtp Compauy. will be dne at Honolulu from u Fmaiclsco or or about July 5, 1890. and will have prompt dl3patca with malls an assengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC- COMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co., AflESTa Clans sspreclcels Wm. G. Irwin. GLAUS SPRECKELS & CO., HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ltMAKim Uraw Kxchang oo the principal parts o the world. Will receive deposit on open acconnt, make collections and condnct a general banking and exchange business. nutjt harlnr Interest received In their Sav ri.n,nl,n. mMt to onbllsfced rnles ant " ANDERSON & LUNDY, Dentists. ARTIFICIAL TEETH from one to an entire set in serted on gold, silver, allnm-knn- m and rubber bases. Crown and bridge work ft specialty. To persons wearing rubber plates which are a constant source of irritation to the month and throat, we would recommend our Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper- ations performed in accordance with the latoat mr.rnipmfnta in dental science. Teeth extracted without iain by the use of Nitrons Oxide Gas. Hotel street. Tregloan premises It. B. HITCHCOCK. 3.' M QUERN. HAWAIIAN TRANSFER COMPANY. omce npit tor to It. More, King St. Hell Tel. !(?; Mtu!l Tel. 565. 3 DKAYMEN. All orders for cartnfre prompt!)' attended to. 1'articnlar attention paid to the Storing and Shipping of Goods in Transit to Other Islands. AUo, P.lack and White Sand, in quanti- ties to suit, at lowest prices. --l- y CALL FOE DIAMOND CREAMERY Commission Merchant. Office Cartw right Uuilding, Mt hut Htreet, : llunolulu, 11. 1. My Hawaiian Commercial Salesrooms, 66 Cur. yueeu auil Nuuauu St. 3rXioxls of all descriptions sold on Ol commission. Mutual Telephone &1, 3l-l- y WILLIAM C. ACMI, Attosney and counsellor at LAW, Notary Public and Ueal Katate ltrukr. Ofkick 36 Merchant Street. 131-3i- u GxUlDNER K. WILDER, A.ttoriiev"at-Xjaw- , Ofkick Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street. 77 12W-l- y J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w. Ofiice Kaahumana Street, (In office formerly occupied by Mr. C 5o-l- y Kogers). WILLIAM C. PARKE, ATTORNEY -- AT -- LAW AND Agent to take Acknowledgments. Office No. 13 Kaahuruanu Street, Hono- - 67-l- y lum. H. I. Pianos For Bent. PIANOS IN GOOD ORDER from $4.0C to $7.00 per month. MUSIC DEPARTMENT OF THE HAWAIIAN NEWS COMPANY. 123-- tf GIG ABB AND TOBAOeO Of the beat qnality and cheap. ICED DKITTiS, At 87 King Street, near Fort St, Honolulu 104-l- m H. PETERSEN. GEORGE GRAY, (Late of the Customs) I EOS LEAVE TO INFORM TH . B is Tjrenared to undertake the collection of bills, appraiser work, and making inven- tories ot bankrupt and other stocks. Type Writing. Pe!l Telephone 401. BT-Oin- ce at Sanders' Express, King St. lUMm P. O. Box No. 333. Pioneer Steam CANDY FACTORY AB BAKERY. F. HORN Praclioal ContecMoner, Pastry (.'ook and Uaker - ' No. 71 Hotel St. Telephone 74. 1 2 K H5-t- f The Liverpool and Lon-- ( don and Globe INB"CJ:RA.lSrCIL CO f K8TAULI3HFD lSC.J AflHft 4t,tl,?iru v. , ,ot,ooi fllalmi Pakl ItS.BW.OOO to iuqk atfalnut or THfnatte by fire on Building, Machinery, Snfiar Mill,DwelHng nd Fnrultnr, on tn raonifvoranieierinB. 73isliop Sn Oo. ttR-f- fJnst; .Recoiv(3cl Per S. y. Oceanic and Hark Velocity, from China and Japan, Chinese and Japanese Fancy floods Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates. Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. Any A rticle Purchased or sold on commission. Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention. ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO OUR AND FAITHFUL ATTENTION UFNrnMNrn ma TONE & DURABILITY 1 Vtv Yoek, Sept. 25, 18. lAVUlUftl CU., llQXOXXlA't mkh le. m GicvTLfMuc We take pleasure in c-- 3 kuowlediji your ixif ptaiite A th fevi t 2 the fciue. We f urtLer 3irjct you to uotifv tLe hd- - er&i ijubiic that you re tke tovia: Atl.T for the " i'jtbCHiUi " Pjuot juJ tLat .uy pianos Loujdut 1 roia any otJUtr source will i: ttenaei iy Kreat nit to ue pur 2 chaser by rt rtjc-jvin- g the Kiarvusi J " FibC'HEK" Piaffo and nil ruaraaitte6 be withdrawn irjm tLe tautf. We have dwubt but what you will 3 meet with rrtat uots iu tLe bale the J infctruuaeiitg, .nd iihijag you il pros- perity, we reitutin, geiitieuien, youre Tery trulr, J. 6i C FascHKii. y the bert Snstxuuieint S mad. Krilorw-- d tiv ad) t he lx.dnr iutu- - ciaiic of the age. VViil tand Lara naace In any elunate aud ruarazxtera vr ixc 3 maker lor 5y tare. (IU 'd Caiaiognet Iree.) " Sold on Xas2i2 j lLEt82nE!s " AT THE HCSIC DEPABTMffl and HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. 3&-- U BEGHSTEIX PIANOS ! HAVING BEEN APPOINTED tKJH for the s&le of C. BscBCTEnt't celebrated PianoforteB, we beg to soiidi orders for either Horiaoctal or Tjirirhi Grand. J TESTIMOXI A Ts : " For twentv-eig- ht years tiAl I liar now used BechsteuTs Pianos, tbej Lave main tain ea uieir snpenoniT. auiszx. A noble inexhaustible and srnjriitbetac fulness ot tone, together with a exQ-uisit- action, waica aomits ot tne ctrooft rarjetr of shade bears tesuraony to the fart lhat the manufacture has attained the ntnjort degree of perfection in the act of instro- - mnt nxalrin , , .... X?t mrt'i a.,. Tor further parUculi-rf- i arptr to Vaor. G. SArvx.rr, Nnnanxi Avwrce, or to II. IIA.CKKlvt.I Jfe OO., So!e Agents f c.r the Uawru SsL 19 C. B. WELLS, Wholesale Grocer Tm&m Dealer iKr Coiumissioii Merchant, 42 Qumii Strwl, HonolultL tarTWivvYn Mt to; t JAMES NOTT,HL, rRAcncAT. TlXSSUTll&ri.U5lMitt Corwr f Ktrtt tiA AtVea Hcnolttln, H. 1. TOJEEU ONE-Works- hop, Mntnal 2fil; tvaden, Mr.tTSAl, 2Sf. Etimtos TnmHh'cntfn Vll classes of Plumbins and Tinsmittiinc workrVir-- i class workmanship and niMcrial faiarar teel in all the above branches ol my ct!i ness at reasonable rates. 44-i- y Walker & Kedwahl, fill Contractors & Builders Ertofc, Stcne anA xcoo.en BnnAln EitlHiatea Olrn. JobMiiK iWWfl) Alfenrtea to, 76 KllsG STRKET. 411 tf ltAmlteV. GKNE11AL MEUOANTlLTE .. X?tr ' COMMISSION ASStS. LIST OV OirrCFBS: r. 0. ione. Jr J.O. CTtlT ..TroMrrrr and 5!o,rtrj Hon. W. I-- . A11en.. Anditor Mtt ROTORS: Hon, 0. B. iRUbop. non. n. Wtrbor. 26148 Ii & KM. tiare iar Whoel & J'iuivi ; 3rzJ0 rgiae. ar t.oar WliMl A 1'iniwn ; MuOikif Clarifitr Willi oupiUf ; Juit Ucavef, 14 feel long, 1C in. llavuver; Wi20 fiallmj Boiler .conjMe ijEl6 Tubuiur Suitor. ittiiilVc; fruits Var )k iu. W. J.. txti.4xja; J Kiik J lu V'.l.,.tucftxlfl; Mum .fumj), s umclianre ; lMBIaSeFEdRoj Uleke Funipe. 3W d iacLarge ; J- - airbauac I'lutlimn Bcio, 2(ia; mii bmihb, mm Kullur rhLU viwcrttl witli Uorrtijraivtl f iav HrwX. ao a lawe awnrtment trT ecoud Laud Va)e, Jij)nig, cic ic. JUKI, J" or ftar Co.. olmla, Hawaii. NOTICE. lie TKiteivml .In- - the tilt l-- d?THinid lariiie pur- xbe O, .. Trenton " a.nd Vanaalia"" now on the Teef in Apia a.a.rxor. xoptiOicr tiui mi an en (itr , rjia i j and a.pitrrtenanoej thereto belonging. Bids -- will lw Terteived. tip to August Ifi, The puTfiiHwwIU herequirefl tnTCtnnve tle wreckt! m'ithin xhrw mnntlit- - Jrnm dttte TnraLaw, and u furtiwh iRtistactury iondf 5m tletnlfnincnt of contract. The Tight w observed to rejexa ny or ll ba":ance withm rbTW month uftwr first nnifmt. T.LACKl'OOK.. Triwtew. ISTOTICE. TTlTt TOTHTfl OF J'fTLY f alHnc on Pridav. the St hit. KlSAUm-illKai- l on !0J- - TA' MORX1NG t 10 rfV!lck.. J rilv ?tb. MS-l- m ' M,i1TERS f. S. OO- - For San Frandsco. The Al Ttarkcntine Tvr'VRrof'n, blaster. Will Sail for tliu &We Port m Jnne 25t"h inst 0 X. ftJPoT Troii'lit cr passage, "having sn-TK- nr avotnodHtion, Jpi'ly to CASTLE A x'OOKTi, u-t- d Apents. 1 WlLl- - NOT , TIE rcqvnible for uny hills ajrainvt the "Steamer AksTiini, unless inenr- - red t.v Tnv n'Titlcn 'order. 1.-l- f c. "P. oaTlt.. HXS. BREWER & CO.'S Boston Lini of lkots. AKtsKS wri X ti ;k a f k C". hVc 7.ot ice that 'the line Wm V laid on theVrth tn TSonton to loau for this "jwrt dnring Joly tirtt. "l'or farther Varticnlars apply to TtlK Tr.Xl"En AK XM Al JtV xv iil sftfl for the alve ports r t t verv Monday and Thursday. ttftx.v., cotnmencing Mod-da- w 5nne IHth. , iritSPoT V'rcijrht apply on lsard. HliNUY M.'STASLKY'S "In Ikttel lei" Will K published in two large tH'tavo vol-un'i- es of over 5X" pages each 150 .fresh iihislrAtions anl 1( mpps one a large folding map of the entire vntinent of Africa. , ftyS-l- only by suhrfption, to lc le-- 1 t've red aKt Aiyrvis , .H WVdlAMnKP.'hlN, Sole A'iU for Hawaiian Kingdom. 15-- Vi 133-Sf- v Having liad an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e years in New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to Attend to all business of an intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and res ifully solicit, a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. I-- Remington Sewing Machines, Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines. INSURANCE AGENTS, CUSTOM EXCHANGE BROKERS. . of Business : nrooerlv adjusted. of and returns nromptlv made. for Publishers. CARE WILL RECEIVE PROMPT. AT MODERATE CHARGES. iM-- n TSr O TT , and 97 KINC4 STREET. I ftp 1 Housekeeping orts and Sheet Iron Work from I?oston. Slices, Stationery Wrapping Taper Kne and llethel Ktiwt. and haily V. 0." Ailvcrtiscr PAlMU?H UK tiiw uiuuu.u A I I I 1 Rell Telephone No. 274. JO HN DIMOND BLOCK, 95 SioYos, Ranges and Plumbing Tin, Copper - una - . mt i .i?ayi W S to ouRS- -f) to 12 M., and 6 to 9 r. M . I y t Insuranc44one Mntnal 60; Hell 475. h'X. if. w (iftr1 ' New Goods, ex Bk. ,lohii;D. lkewer James not.l oni,on- - FSAcncAi, Hod lTiO. TINSMITH &PLU3- 1- Dmj-- s Drv Goods, Hardware, Roofs, evtry docrlptlon wf mer of Kin and Alaken 8""a- - ' Honolaln, H. I. ti .tzii.tm.tm crAnf.. anrt pal 1 residence. Mutual, 2i nwaiity. The jnrindio- - MO US K 1 IOI-jI.- ) S EWINO MAC! I IN F.S. .J. & O. FISOHTDK PIANOS rote, rcu., F.tc. rr fou pale nv ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., BUTTER In lib., 21b., 31b a d 71b. Tins. Finest A.rticlo for Warm OHraa.to. S.FOSTER & Co. Wholesale Grocers, SOLE AGENTS. nd 38 CalirirnU St., Franclpco. fe l,8ih245-l- y teMtJr0., man,h'T and mat - n- - 411 tne above brancheront for Hawat inn inland . ;V t rea.mmhu . - - - ' SI LKS, RilU Ilnmlkoriliif Ts, :Din nor and '!Vi Sots, I?fitun Chairs, Flower Pots and Vases, Lanterns, Danihoo Baskets, Ec. WING WO'TAI & CO. 25 Nunann Streot. 82-- 1 m Ck LEWIS & CIS & Ca' Resale 1(1 Retail firocc r and Retail 12!T lltO-l- v Die Weekly Gazottn 1 A-liK- J TIIH3 NCU13AF.L )RT STRKKT. V. O. Dot a7 HI KORT STRE) 79 1

ti BUTTER - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 2. · E. EC. F1, Wolter, Llanors. iew. and toe cold beers on dranght a 10 eents per glans. ' WONG SAV, Merchant Tafior, MHCFACTtTRKR

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Page 1: ti BUTTER - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 2. · E. EC. F1, Wolter, Llanors. iew. and toe cold beers on dranght a 10 eents per glans. ' WONG SAV, Merchant Tafior, MHCFACTtTRKR


it A A 6--f ii ii ! n

1 1 ii 1 1 ironwr if ii II M ii


2CfU) CltiDt'itisfiiifiitj.

Australian Mail ServiceJ, B. CASTLE,


Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Kvery Xoruintf Except Suudiiys,

At No. 4tt Mwrclumt Si.


Miner? For HiThe ftiiiowinp uiacldiwry unaii.r Jat of IU

hlar liU J'Uut wiU U-- aoSd al public auction atnw Azurly tlaU-- iin;!W dUtMxx.nl wf jriul- - Uy

ItrAaMJ JPattie tfuairuiif f iurcUa.iiKmiv iKrUou f tlii iiiacliiotrr an Kl Hrtl-cula- r

and irici Irum lf utidoraitfuvti:


Shipping and Commission Merchants,




PLANTATION SUl'PLIEB,Carpeatero' IllacksniitliH' JIachiniiit:' aad l'luinljers Took,

HOUSE FURNISHING GOODSKitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, VarnLshfcH, Lamp (joodg, anJ

General Merchandise.Blako's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

Wilcox & Gibbs. and

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY,Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu,

Hawaiian Islands.




DepartmentsRnmrs and Accottnts accuratelv kent andr.nr.j.vc'TjnKa will rnpiv npcial attentionConveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished

Copying and Translating in all languages

Daih P. 0. ADVBiri8ii.onycr ...... ....? 00.4 oil uiouth -- .. 3 00

- . per l"tuth ... .... 60w i UiWAlliM (1 AZKlTtt. OSi J- -? .. ft 00" .. foreigu tu- -

6 00clu41n PoUge)

'All Trulut Adtftfrtlseineuts mut


40 Merc haul st.,

VWofflce Bex O. Honolalu. U. 1.


(Sueceaaors io Lewr ft Dlekwm)

ItMporCrn and leler lu LumberAnd ad! muds of BoUdinx Materials.

No.32 FUliT STKJirr. Hoaululu. 1- -


Importer and Dealer in


No. 25--31 Queen Street. Honolnla. ltf


General Commission Agents

Cor. fort & Queen Sta.. Honolulu, ltf


FurtHtreet, Opposite Wilder Co.'s,H. J. NOLTE, PKOPBIETOB.

tlrat-cUa- s Lunchea Served with Tea, Coffee,Hmiii. ffitn '"-i- fr Ala or MUt.

Open From 3 a. m. till 10 p.m.motors' Reqnlsitee Specialty. ltf


Steam Engines,toilers, Kacar Mills, Coolers, Brass

and EMt.CaMt!Brs,

And wvchinery of every dencription mad torder. PartlcaUr attention pid to ihlps bUck-rulthi- n.

Job work executeil on tLe horteatUIW1'V

YOUNG Mr,Importer of fine new styles of

Manila & Havana Cigars, Cigarettes


Cor. Jthel and Kins Street98-3r- n-


Under the Managenent of

E. EC. F1, Wolter,Llanors. iew. and toe cold beers on dranght a

10 eents per glans.


Merchant Tafior,MHCFACTtTRKR OF

Gentlemen's Underclothing

And Fnrnifhins! Cood.Woolen anl Ponpree Coats. Wool, Calico,

German and Linen Shirts.

Finest Brands of Havana and Manila Cigars.

8 Kf nT tr-t- . -

,1 fVER HAS REMOVED FROM"Vi.itreet to Jlobello Lane, Palama.

in general use in this KingdomEstate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured.

Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.kND Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies.


Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch


Fhe new and fine Al steel at&uusltiy

MAEIPOSA"tl OcettulcMUjauibUip Ooniiiaiiy, wUI be dueal llouolulu Iroiu Hyduey auU AuckltuiU

gu or bout

June 28, 18U0,

Aud will leave for the nbuve port wtl.n nialla audpMMaeiiier ou or about tbat .laie.

br freight or paHitagu, lnviug hUPEUIGliACfOMW.OOAiiON,ipl to

Wm. ti. Irwin & Co.,

For Sydney ami Auckland.m

The new And fine Al steel steamship

O the Oceanic SHearuahtp Compauy. will bedne at Honolulu from u Fmaiclsco

or or about

July 5, 1890.

and will have prompt dl3patca with malls anassengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC-


Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co.,AflESTa

Clans sspreclcels Wm. G. Irwin.



Uraw Kxchang oo the principal parts o theworld.

Will receive deposit on open acconnt, makecollections and condnct a general banking andexchange business.

nutjt harlnr Interest received In their Savri.n,nl,n. mMt to onbllsfced rnles ant




from one to an entire set inserted on gold, silver, allnm-knn- m

and rubber bases.Crown and bridge work ft specialty. Topersons wearing rubber plates which are aconstant source of irritation to themonth and throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper-ations performed in accordance with thelatoat mr.rnipmfnta in dental science.Teeth extracted without iain by the use ofNitrons Oxide Gas.

Hotel street. Tregloan premises



omce npit tor to It. More, King St.

Hell Tel. !(?; Mtu!l Tel. 565.


DKAYMEN.All orders for cartnfre prompt!)' attended

to. 1'articnlar attention paid to the

Storing and Shipping of Goods in

Transit to Other Islands.

AUo, P.lack and White Sand, in quanti-ties to suit, at lowest prices. --l-



Commission Merchant.Office Cartw right Uuilding,

Mt hut Htreet, : llunolulu, 11. 1.My

Hawaiian Commercial Salesrooms,

66Cur. yueeu auil Nuuauu St.

3rXioxls of all descriptions sold onOlcommission.

Mutual Telephone &1, 3l-l- y

WILLIAM C. ACMI,Attosney and counsellor at LAW,

Notary Public and Ueal Katateltrukr.

Ofkick 36 Merchant Street. 131-3i- u


A.ttoriiev"at-Xjaw- ,

Ofkick Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street.77 12W-l- y


Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w.

Ofiice Kaahumana Street,

(In office formerly occupied by Mr. C5o-l- y Kogers).



Agent to take Acknowledgments.Office No. 13 Kaahuruanu Street, Hono- -

67-l- y lum. H. I.

Pianos For Bent.


COMPANY. 123-- tf

GIG ABB AND TOBAOeOOf the beat qnality and cheap.

ICED DKITTiS,At 87 King Street, near Fort St, Honolulu

104-l- m H. PETERSEN.

GEORGE GRAY,(Late of the Customs)


EOS LEAVE TO INFORM TH .Bis Tjrenared to undertake the collection ofbills, appraiser work, and making inven-tories ot bankrupt and other stocks. TypeWriting. Pe!l Telephone 401.

BT-Oin-ce at Sanders' Express, King St.lUMm P. O. Box No. 333.


F. HORN Praclioal ContecMoner,Pastry (.'ook and Uaker - '

No. 71 Hotel St. Telephone 74.

1 2 K H5-t- f

The Liverpool and Lon--(

don and Globe


AflHft 4t,tl,?iruv. , ,ot,ooifllalmi Pakl ItS.BW.OOO

to iuqk atfalnut or THfnatte by fireon Building, Machinery, Snfiar Mill,DwelHng

nd Fnrultnr, on tn raonifvoranieierinB.

73isliop Sn Oo.ttR-f-

fJnst; .Recoiv(3clPer S. y. Oceanic and Hark Velocity, from

China and Japan,

Chinese and Japanese Fancy floods

Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicitedSkilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.Any A rticle Purchased or sold on commission.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.



1Vtv Yoek, Sept. 25, 18.

lAVUlUftl CU., llQXOXXlA'tmkh le. m

GicvTLfMuc We take pleasure in c-- 3

kuowlediji your ixifptaiite A th fevi t2

the fciue.We f urtLer 3irjct you to uotifv tLe hd- -

er&i ijubiic that you re tke tovia: Atl.Tfor the " i'jtbCHiUi " Pjuot juJ tLat .uypianos Loujdut 1 roia any otJUtr source willi: ttenaei iy Kreat nit to ue pur 2

chaser by rt rtjc-jvin- g the Kiarvusi J" FibC'HEK" Piaffo and nil ruaraaitte6be withdrawn irjm tLe tautf.

We have dwubt but what you will 3meet with rrtat uots iu tLe bale the Jinfctruuaeiitg, .nd iihijag you il pros-perity, we reitutin, geiitieuien,

youre Tery trulr,J. 6i C FascHKii.

y the bert Snstxuuieint Smad. Krilorw--d tiv ad) t he lx.dnr iutu--ciaiic of the age. VViil tand Lara naaceIn any elunate aud ruarazxtera vr ixc 3maker lor 5 y tare. (IU 'd Caiaiognet Iree.)

" Sold on Xas2i2j lLEt82nE!s "




HAVING BEEN APPOINTED tKJHfor the s&le of C. BscBCTEnt't

celebrated PianoforteB, we beg to soiidiorders for either Horiaoctal or TjirirhiGrand.

JTESTIMOXI A Ts :" For twentv-eig- ht years tiAl I liar now

used BechsteuTs Pianos, tbej Lave maintainea uieir snpenoniT. auiszx.

A noble inexhaustible and srnjriitbetacfulness ot tone, together with a exQ-uisit-

action, waica aomits ot tne ctrooft rarjetr ofshade bears tesuraony to the fart lhat

the manufacture has attained the ntnjortdegree of perfection in the act of instro--mnt nxalrin , , .... X?t mrt'i a.,.

Tor further parUculi-rf- i arptr toVaor. G. SArvx.rr, Nnnanxi Avwrce, or to

II. IIA.CKKlvt.I Jfe OO.,So!e Agents fc.r the Uawru SsL



Wholesale Grocer Tm&m Dealer


Coiumissioii Merchant,

42 Qumii Strwl, HonolultL

tarTWivvYn Mt to; t


TlXSSUTll&ri.U5lMittCorwr f Ktrtt tiA AtVea

Hcnolttln, H. 1.

TOJEEU ONE-Works- hop, Mntnal 2fil;tvaden, Mr.tTSAl, 2Sf.

Etimtos TnmHh'cntfn Vll classesof Plumbins and Tinsmittiinc workrVir-- i

class workmanship and niMcrial faiararteel in all the above branches ol my ct!iness at reasonable rates. 44-i- y

Walker & Kedwahl,

fillContractors & Builders

Ertofc, Stcne anA xcoo.en BnnAlnEitlHiatea Olrn.

JobMiiK iWWfl) Alfenrtea to,

76 KllsG STRKET.

411 tf



.. X?tr



r. 0. ione. JrJ.O. CTtlT ..TroMrrrr and 5!o,rtrjHon. W. I--

. A11en.. Anditor


Hon, 0. B. iRUbop. non. n. Wtrbor.

26148 Ii & KM.tiare iar Whoel & J'iuivi ;

3rzJ0 rgiae. ar t.oar WliMl A 1'iniwn ;

MuOikif Clarifitr Willi oupiUf ;

Juit Ucavef, 14 feel long, 1C in. llavuver;

Wi20 fiallmj Boiler .conjMeijEl6 Tubuiur Suitor. ittiiilVc;fruits Var )k iu. W. J.. txti.4xja;

J Kiik J lu V'.l.,.tucftxlfl;Mum .fumj), s umclianre ;

lMBIaSeFEdRojUleke Funipe. 3 W d iacLarge ;

J-- airbauac I'lutlimn Bcio, 2(ia;

mii bmihb, mmKullur rhLU viwcrttl witli Uorrtijraivtl

fiav HrwX. ao a lawe awnrtment trT ecoudLaud Va)e, Jij)nig, cic ic.

JUKI,J"or ftar Co.. olmla, Hawaii.


lie TKiteivml .In- - the tiltl-- d?THinid lariiie pur-

xbe O, .. Trenton "a.nd Vanaalia"" now on the Teef in Apiaa.a.rxor. xoptiOicr tiui mi an en (itr , rjia i j

and a.pitrrtenanoej thereto belonging.Bids --will lw Terteived. tip to August Ifi,

The puTfiiHwwIU herequirefl tnTCtnnvetle wreckt! m'ithin xhrw mnntlit-- Jrnm dttte

TnraLaw, and u furtiwh iRtistacturyiondf 5m tletnlfnincnt of contract.

The Tight w observed to rejexa ny or ll

ba":ance withm rbTW month uftwr firstnnifmt. T.LACKl'OOK..



TTlTt TOTHTfl OF J'fTLYfalHnc on Pridav. the St hit.KlSAUm-illKai- l on !0J- -TA' MORX1NG t 10

rfV!lck.. J rilv ?tb.MS-l- m ' M,i1TERS f. S. OO- -

For San Frandsco.

The Al Ttarkcntine

Tvr'VRrof'n, blaster.

Will Sail for tliu &We Port mJnne 25t"h inst 0 X.

ftJPoT Troii'lit cr passage, "having sn-TK- nr

avotnodHtion, Jpi'ly to

CASTLE A x'OOKTi,u-t- d Apents.

1 WlLl- - NOT ,TIE

rcqvnible for uny hillsajrainvt the "SteamerAksTiini, unless inenr- -

red t.v Tnv n'Titlcn 'order.1.-l- f c. "P. oaTlt..


Boston Lini of lkots.AKtsKS wri X ti ;k a f k

C". hVc 7.ot ice that 'the line

Wm V laid on theVrth tn TSonton to loaufor this "jwrt dnring Joly tirtt.

"l'or farther Varticnlars apply to

TtlK Tr.Xl"En AK XM AlJtV xv iil sftfl for the alve portsr t t verv Monday and Thursday.ttftx.v., cotnmencing Mod-da- w

5nne IHth. ,

iritSPoT V'rcijrht apply on lsard.


"In Ikttel lei"Will K published in two large tH'tavo vol-un'i- es

of over 5X" pages each 150 .freshiihislrAtions anl 1( mpps one a largefolding map of the entire vntinent ofAfrica. ,

ftyS-l- only by suhrfption, to lc le-- 1

t've red aKt Aiyrvis ,

.H WVdlAMnKP.'hlN,Sole A'iU for Hawaiian Kingdom.


133-Sf- v

Having liad an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e years inNew York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to Attend to all business of anintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and res ifullysolicit, a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.


Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines.



of Business :

nrooerlv adjusted. ofand returns nromptlv made.

for Publishers.



iM-- n

TSr O T T ,and 97 KINC4 STREET.

I ftp1

Housekeeping orts

and Sheet Iron Work

from I?oston.

Slices, Stationery Wrapping Taper

Kne and llethel Ktiwt.

and haily V. 0." Ailvcrtiscr

PAlMU?H UK tiiw uiuuu.u




Rell Telephone No. 274.


SioYos, Ranges and

Plumbing Tin, Copper- una- . mt

i .i?ayi W S to ouRS- -f) to 12 M., and 6 to 9 r. M .


y t Insuranc44one Mntnal 60; Hell 475.

h'X. if. w (iftr1 '

New Goods, ex Bk. ,lohii;D. lkewerJames not.l oni,on- -

FSAcncAi, Hod lTiO.TINSMITH &PLU3-1-

Dmj-- s

Drv Goods, Hardware, Roofs,evtry docrlptlon wf

mer of Kin and Alaken 8""a- -

' Honolaln, H. I. ti .tzii.tm.tm

crAnf.. anrt pal 1

residence. Mutual, 2i nwaiity. The jnrindio- -


.J. & O. FISOHTDK PIANOSrote, rcu., F.tc.

rr fou pale nvED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,

BUTTERIn lib., 21b., 31b a d 71b. Tins.

Finest A.rticlo forWarm OHraa.to.

S.FOSTER & Co.Wholesale Grocers,


nd 38 CalirirnU St., Franclpco.fe l,8ih245-l- y

teMtJr0., man,h'T and mat-

n- - 411 tne above brancheront for Hawat inn inland .;V t rea.mmhu .

- - - '

SI LKS,RilU Ilnmlkoriliif Ts,

:Din nor and '!Vi Sots,I?fitun Chairs,

Flower Pots and Vases,

Lanterns, Danihoo Baskets, Ec.

WING WO'TAI & CO.25 Nunann Streot.

82-- 1 m

Ck LEWIS & CIS & Ca'Resale 1(1 Retail firocc

r and Retail

12!T lltO-l- v

Die Weekly Gazottn






Page 2: ti BUTTER - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 2. · E. EC. F1, Wolter, Llanors. iew. and toe cold beers on dranght a 10 eents per glans. ' WONG SAV, Merchant Tafior, MHCFACTtTRKR


J3n 3utl)orih)taxes; who shall have attain vof 20 years; and who shall bar'domiciled in the Kingdom forimmediately preceding the elec&.shall know how to read or writthe Hawaiian, English or soc V




the times of its sittings, shall publishany false reports of ita proceedings, orinsulting comments upon the same ; orwho shall threaten harm to the bodyor estate of any of its members for anything said or done in the Legislature ;

or who shall assault any of them there-for; or who shall assault or arrest anywitness, or any other person ordered toattend the Legislature on his way goingor returning; or who shall rescue anyperson arrested by order of the Legisla-

ture.Art. 57. Members of the Legislature

are elected to represent the whole na-

tion as well as the district or island fromwhich they are returned, but no one canbelong at the same time to the twoHouses. No person shall sit in theLegislature as a Senator or Representa-tive, unless duly elected under and mconformity with the provision of thisConstitution, and every member shalltake the following oath : "I solemnlyswear, in the presence of tho AlmichtyGod, that I will faithfully support theConstitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom,and conscientiously and impartially dis-

charge my duties as a member of theLegislature." And when going out ofthe Kingdom members of both theHouses must notify the President oftheir House, and. if their intended ab-sence be more than six months, theymay be considered as haring resignedtheir seat, and a new election may beordered to fill it for the balance of theterm.


their offices ; but previous to the trial ofevery impeachment, the Senators shallrespectivelv be sworn, truly and impar-tially to try and determine the charge inquestion, according to evidence and law.Their judgment however, shall not ex-

tend further than the removal fromoffice and disqualification to hold or en-

joy any place of honor or profit, tinderthis Government ; but the party so con-victed shall nevertheless be liable toindictment, trial, judgment and punish-ment according to the laws of the land.

Art. 42. All laws and acts made bythe House of Representatives shall beimmediately transmitted by its Presidentto the Senate who will duly consider anddiscuss the same, and return them with-out delay to the other House, with itsapproval or rejection, or with reasonedrecommendations. When returned asapproved by the Senate,- - the bill or actmust be then sent to the King, as here-inafter provided but if a bill or act sorejected by the Senate or returned withamendments, it must be at once recon-sidered by the House of Representatives ;if the amendments are adopted by thisHouse the bill or act shall then be trans-mitted to the King ; but if again passedin its original form it must once more besent to the Senate, and if again rejectedby this body, it shall be the duty of thePresident of the Senate. to summon ameeting in convention, of the PrivyCouncil, the Senate and the Representa-tives, who together shall proceed to con-sider the bill and pass or reject it by amajority of two-third- s. If rejected inthe convention the bill must be with

by his last will and testament, appoint aRegent or Council of Hegency to admin-ister the Government during the minorityof any heir to the Throne ; and should aSovereign decease, leaving a minor heirand having made no last will and testa-ment, the Cabinet at the time of suchdecease 6ball be a Council of Regency,until the Legislature, which shall becalled immediately, be assembled andthe Legislature immediately that it isassembled together in convention, shallproceed to choose by ballot, a Regent orCouncil of Regency, who shall adminis-ter the Government in the name of theKing and exercise all the powers whichare invested in the King, until such heirshall have attained the age of 18 years,which age is declared to be the legal ma-jority of such Sovereign.

Art. 30. The Sovereign of the Hawaii-an Kingdom shall not absent himselffrom the Kingdom without the consentof the Legislature ; otherwise he shall beconsidered as having abdicated thethrone.

Art. SI. The person of the King is in-violable and sacred, and he cannot besued or held to account in any court ortribunal of the Kingdom. The Ministersare responsible. To the King and Cab-inet belongs the Executive power. Alllaws that have passed the Legislatureshall require His Majesty's signature inorder to their validity, as provided inArticle 43.

Art. 32. The paramount duty of theKing is to preserve the absolute autono-my and independence of the Kingdom,and no partial or temporary cession ofterritory can be made without his con-sent and the assent of the Legislature.

Art. 33. To the King belong the fol-lowing prerogatives :

(a) To call at his will meetings of hisPrivy Council of State and of his Cabinet ;

(b) To convene the ordinary and ex-traordinary sessions of the Legislatureat the seat of the Government, or at adifferent place, if the former should be-come insecure from an enemy, a threat-ening rebellion or any dangerous disor-der, and of proroguing the same ;

(c) To solemnly preside at the openingand closing meetings, both Houses sit-ting together for the purpose, accordingto a ceremonial to be fixed by law ;

(d) To receive and acknowledgeforeign ministers ;

(e) To appoint ambassadors and otherpublic ministers abroad, who shall becommissioned, accredited and instructedagreeably to the usage and law of na-tions ;

(f) To make treaties, with the adviceof his Privy Council,' but treaties involv-ing changes in the tariff or in any law ofthe Kingdom, must be referred for ap-proval to the Legislature ;

(g) To inform the Legislature, from

Mr. Frank Godfrey has this day beenappointed an Agent to take acknowledgments to Labor Contracts for the Districtot Honolulu, Island of Oahu.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, Jane 25, 1890.150-3- t 1329-- lt

Ail parties having claims against theHawaiian Government either for materialsfamished or on pay rolls, due and unpaidto the 17th of June mst., are requested topresent the same to the several Departments without delay.

JNO. A. CUMMINS,'. Minister of Foreign Affairs.

C. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.GODFREY BROWN,

Minister of Finance.A. P. PETERSON,

Attornej'-Genera- l.

Aliiolani Hale, June 24, 1890.1329 149-- 3t

Sealed TendersWill be received at the Interior Office untu WJSimusLJAY. June 25, 1890, at 12o'clock noon, for furnishing say 12,000 feetmore or less ch Water Pipe, say 9,000lbs. more or less, Lead.

Sundry fittings for the above.Specifications for the above material and

details of information can be obtainedupon application to the office of the SoTer--intendent of Honolulu Water Works.

.me minister oi tne interior does notbind himself to accept the lowest or anyDia.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, June 19, 1890. - 145-- 4t

.rT1 1. i: r . -.tuc nine iur receivin? lAnnorq naabove is extended until WEDNESDAY.Juiyz.isyo. C.N.SPENCER,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, June 24, 1890. 149-t-d


Jane, 1890.

8a. Mo. Ta. W. Tb. Ft. Sa. Moon's Phases.


foebe diruiclexcetheliavaicabliwith'

eacht : Al

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v.: .

and the law will provide against mali-cious or unjustified searches.

Art. 14. No person shall be subjectto punishment for any offense, except onregular and legal conviction thereof in aCourt having jurisdiction of the case,nor will be required to answer again forany offense for which he has been dulyconvicted, or of which he has been dulyacquitted.

Art. 15. No person shall be held toanswer for any crime or offense, exceptin cases of impeachment, or for offenseswithin the jurisdiction of a Police or Dis-trict Justice, or in summary proceedingsfor contempt, unless upon indictmentfully and plaialy describing such crimeor offense ; and he shall have the rightto meet the witnesses who are producedagainst him face to face ; to produce wit-nesses and proof in his own favor ; and,by himself or his counsel, at his election,to examine the witnesses produced byhimself and to cross-examin- e those pro-duced againSt him and to be fully heardin his own defense. No person shall becompelled, in any criminal case, to be awitness against himself, and, in all casesin which the right of trial by Jury hasheretore been used.it shall be held inviolable forever, except in actions of debt orassumpsit in which the amount claimedis less than fifty dollars.

Art. 16. No person shall sit as ajudge or juror, in any case in which hisrelative, by affinity or by consanguinitywithin the third degree, is interested,either as a plaintiff or defendant, or inine issue oi wmcn tne saia judge orjuror may have, either directly orthrough such relative, any pecuniary in-

terest.Art 17. Each member of society hav

ing a right to be protected in the enjoyment of his life, liberty and propertyaccording to law, therefore, he shall beobliged to contribute his proportionalshare to the expense of this protectionand to give his personal services, or anequivalent, when necessary. Privateproperty may be taken for public use,but only upon due process of law andjust compensation ; but in time of war orinsurrection, the Government may taketemporary occupation of private property, proper indemnification being subsequently allowed.

Art. 18. No subsidy, duty or tax, ofany description, shall be established orlevied without the consent of the Houseof Representatives, and no public moneyshall be expended without its havingbeen previously appropriated by thesame House.

Art. 19. The Public Debt and alllegitimate obligations of the State aresacred and cannot be repudiated.

Art. 20. The Military shall be subjectto the laws ot the land ; and no soldiershall, in time of peace, be quartered inany house without the consent of theowner : nor in time ot war, but in amanner prescribed by the Legislature.

Art. 21. Involuntary servitude, except for crime, is for ever prohibited inthis Kingdom. Whenever a slave shallenter the Hawaiian territory, he shall befree.


Art. 22. The Government of thisKingdom is that of a ConstitutionalMonarchy, under a King or Queen, whois sovereign of all the people.


Art. 23. The Supreme Power of theKingdom, in its exercise, is divided intothe Executive, Legislative and Judicial ;these shall always be preserved distinct,and no judicial or executive officers,except Ministers of State, nor any em-ployee of the Government, nor any contractor or any person in receipt of salaryfrom the Government, shall be eligibleto election to the Legislature of thistive member of the same. And nomember of the Legislature shall, duringtne time lor which he is elected, be appointed to any civil office under theGovernment, except that of a CabinetMinister, unless an exception be specially made by a vote of three-fourth- s ofthe elective members of the House ofRepresentatives.

Art. 24. The Government derives itsjust powers from the assent of the peo-ple, and is conducted, not for the pro-fit, honor or private interest of any oneman, family or class of men, but forthe common good, and for protectingand maintaining the rights, safety, pros-perity and happiness of all the people.


Art. 25. The Crown is hereby per-manently conferred to His Majesty Ka-laka- ua

and to the heirs of his body law-fully begotten, and to their lawful des-cendants in a direct line ; failing whom,the Crown shall descent to Her RoyalHighness the Princess Liliuokalani andafter her, to Her Royal Highness thePrincess Kaiulani and to the heirs of herbody lawfully begotten, and their lawfuldescendants in a direct line. The suc-cession shall be to the senior male childand to the heiisof his body; failing amale child, the succession shall be tothe senior female child and to the lawfulheirs of her body. In case there is noheir as above provided, the successorshall be the person whom the sovereignshall appoint with the consent of thePrivy Council, and publicly proclaimduring the sovereign's life: but.ihoiHthere be no such appro'clamation, adnT:,, i i--r-r

Son, 3d dam by Old tvi um w

who, sitting together in convention,shall elect by ballot, some native Alii ofthe Kingdom as successor to the throne ;and the successor so elected shall becomea new stirps for a royal family ; and thesuccession from rhe sovereign thuselected, shall be regulated by the samelaw as the present rojal family of Ha-waii.

Art. 26. No person shall sit upon thethrone, who has been convicted of anyinfamous crime, or who is insane, or anidiot ; if a Sovereign becomes physical lyor mentally incapacitated, and, if sorecognized by a majority of the twoHouses of Legislature in convention,convened by the Cabinet, then a Regentshall be appointed to act in his place aslong as the incapacity continues, but ifthe heir apparent is over 18 years of age,he shall by right assume the Regency.

Art. 27. It shall not be lawful for anymember of the Royal family of Hawaii

ho may succeed to the Throne, to con-tract marriage without the consent oi thereigning Sovereign . Every marriage socontracted shall be void, and the personso contracting a marriage may, by pro-clamation of the reigning Sovereign, bedeclared to have forfeited bis or her rightto the Throne, and after such proclama-tion, the right of succession shall vest inthe next heir, as though such offenderwere dead. The Consort of a Queenshall have no voice in the Government.

.Art. 28. Whenever, upon the deceaseof the reigning Sovereign, the heir ap-parent shall be less than 18 years of age,the Royal power shall be exercised by aRegent or Council of Regency, as herein-after provided.

Art. 29. .It shall be lawful for theKing at any time when he may be aboutto absent himself from the Kingdom, toappoint a Regent or Council of Regency,who shall administer the Government inhis name ; and likewise the King may

pean language (ii oom smce lgSshall have caused his name tohiientered on mo ust oi voters cf tL-tric- t,

as may have been provided tshall be entitled to one vote for LV:presentative or Representatives. I ' ,

district ; Provided, however, thatof being naturaliseauirements the Kingdom for oca --

immediately preceding the elecUof knowing how to read and writ tLHawaiian or some European he --

shall not apply to persons recidJ- - '

the Kingdom at the time of the r' ;gation of this Constitution, wfcVx"-hav- e

already registered and voted tt'last election of February, 1890.


Art 67. All elections shall bet-j- f

lot, and the proper laws shall befor securing tne absolute liberty, c-a-

sincerity of the vote, and for rcing the details of the electoral ctions ; and no authority, civil, jufikl-militar- y,

shall ever have power to 'vent or interfer in any election. V s

Art. 68. The general elections! fcrfpurpose of electing all of the Reprccrtive8 and such of the Senators L

term of office has expired, shall be Lthroughout the Kingdom, biennially,the first Wednesday of February, v

Art. 69. Special elections for fillip '

vacancies in either the Senate or C

House of Representatives, shall be tiby order of the Minister of the Interimnot more than one month after suc&tcancies occur. .


' Art. 70. All elections shall be baseipermanent official . lists of qutUI:voters, which shall be duly revised ccSmonth previous to any election fortlpurpose of striking off the names of rxVvoters who may have died,removedfcc3the district or otherwise become' Cqualified, and also for adding the nacita '

of newlv-qualifie-d electors ; but styvoter whose names shall be so ertrifrom the register for supposed dieqciU-ficatio- n,

must be so notified in wriiiwithout delay,in order that he may h-- ra

his name re-insta-ted if the erasure iser-

roneous or unjustified. The official rcisters of voters.as used in February 10,with the necessary revisions, shall beused in the next elections, following thapromulgation of this Constitution.

Art. 71. Every , elector shall be privSeged from arrest on election day, dcrirthis attendance at the polling places, trjin going to and returning therefrom, ocept in case of treason, felony or breachof the peace. -

Art. 72. Except in time of war or public danger, no elector shall be so oblissato perform military duty on the day clelection, as to prevent his voting ; acilikewise all public servants and Govern-ment officials must be allowed, duristheir office hours, proper facilities for going to vote, but no public servant orGovernment official shall be able topart in electoral operations, otherclathat by casting his own vote.


Art. 73. Unless hereafterprescribed by law, the Cabinet shall conBIBt oi :

1. The Minister of the Interior.2. The Minister ot Finance.3. The Minister ot Foreign Affairs.4. The Attorney-Genera- l.

5. The Minister of Customs (Commerceand Agriculture.) ;i

C. The Postmaster-Gener- al . :7. The Minister of Public Health and

Education. n- :

Thy shall .lie Ilia . Majesty's special ;

advisers in the Executive affairs of theKingdom, and shall be ex-offic- io mem- - Ibersof His Majesty's Privy Council of:State ; and. their several attributions andprerogatives may be regulated bylaw.They shall be appointed and commis-sioned by the King and shall be removed iby him, but only upon a vote of want ofconfidence passed by a majority of allthe elective members of the House ofRepresentatives, or upon conviction offelony; they shall be subject to impeach-ment for treason, bribery, abuse ofpower, defiance of the Constitution andlaw, dissipation of public property, forviolating the liberty, security and pro-perty of citizens, or in any other case asmay be provided by law. . -

Art. 74. The Cabinet must be elected ufrom the leading members of the Legis-lature, who may retain their seats without being obliged to return before theirconstituents; but if competent men can-not be found therein for some of the De --

partments, the King, with the advice ofhis Privy Council, may use his discre-tio-

. No foreigner can be appointed to-- a

Ministerial position unless he is natur Ialised and has resided in the Kingdomnuness man nve years and possessestherein taxable property free of encum-brance . Vacancies in the Cabinet shallbe filled by the King, upon the nomina-tion by the remaining Ministers, or withthe approval of two-thir- ds of the PrivyCouncil, if th, TCnor disapprove of suchnominauo:

40:rL : jnta nt the Execu

of thrSftendIBto

wrethe proper carrying out

t-- n..l.mAii Teased Dyuie '--T

ire, to see ui rhtk interwUexecuteaana w F.yr. --" V;nffdosn;

external security ofSd they have power to make

regulations and issue the requiwwsaryorders for euch porpose . . ,

Art. 76. One of the! l mife.shallmutual consent,

CabinetT"v atpresideArt 77 TTte


i 1.may- ... t Ha OUUDI

Cabinet Councilstti!i vote upon anyvote in the event of alu the CabinetsuDject. ah decision ty, aimust be ruled bv tmembers systematical!must resign if so requii

Art. 88. No act of thAX A. 1auy eueci, unless It De SI 1

uy a inemoer ot the Uathat signature makes himse '

and wherever by this C:act is to be done or peKing or Sovereign, it mrwise expressed, be doby and with the ad-JL,-t-

Cabinet. aArt. 79. The cedgewood Wars,

officio, in both Vases,lature, withheard whenevpresenting trtives any binds,good, and :

dence overing on aUpJuw- -of wai-L-r.ue- d

tlon of the Local

G. W.lm

LEYWholesale aHes & Co:

in rt

Of the Hawaiian


Whereas, the new Constitution pro-mulgated on the 7th of July, 1887, has,by subsequent events, proved to havebeen hastily and carelessly devised ;

Whereas, some of its articles are vagueand indefinite in their provisions and inconflict with each other and have beenand will continue to be the subject ofcontroversy by and with the Govern-ment ;

Whereas, it is apparent by the tenor ofthe public press and by what appears tobe the prevailing sentiment of the publicopinion, without distinction of party,that the Constitution of 1887 as a whole,is very incomplete and has partiallyfailed of its purpose ;

Whereas, the said Constitution havingbeen obtained by a fraction of the foreignresidents of Honolulu, through the forceof arms, without the concurrence or assistance of the native Hawaiian s and ofthe citizens on the other Islands, someof its provisions have thereby becomevery unpopular amongst them, as anunjust violation of their natural rightsand privileges;

Whereas, it has also become evidentthat, without renouncing any of the liberties already obtained, the said Constitution needs revisions and alterations tomake it more in harmony with the pro-gressive and liberal spirit of the age, andin accord with the successful Constitu-tions of other countries, so as to grantmore rights and liberties to the peopleand to obtain a better counter-balancin- g

ot the different powers of the State ;Whereas, several reforms and im-

provements demanded by the people andpromised by both political parties, can-not be obtained without correspondingmodifications to the present Constitu-tion;

Now, therefore, be it enacted by theKing and the Legislature of the Hawaiian Kingdom, in conformity with Art. 82,that the various sections constituting thesaid Constitution of 1887, be completed,amended, altered, revised and classified,so as to read as follows :


Article 1. The Hawaiian Kingdom,comprising the Islands of the HawaiianArchipelago, is a political association ofall Hawaiian subjects, forming a freeand independent nation. Foreigners maybecome naturalized citizens or denizensand thus enjoy all the rights, privilegesand obligations of native born subjects ;but this privilege, as well as matters con-cerning the immigration of laborers andsettlers, shall be regulated by law, so as

preserve the security and independ-ence of the country.


Art. 2. All men are born with certaininalienable rights, among which are life,liberty and the right of acquiring, posses-sing and protecting property and of pur-suing and obtaining safety and happi-ness.

Art. 3. All men are free to engage inreligious worship, according to the dic-tates of their own consciences ; and noone shall ever be molested or disturbedligion, but this sacred privilege herebysecured, shall not be so construed as tojustify acts cf licentiousness or practicesinconsistent with the peace or safety ofthe Kingdom. There shall be no StateChurch, and no public moneys ever ap-propriated for devotional intents, and itshall be unconstitutional to enact anylaw restricting any public liberties forreligious purposes, or aiming at thespecial benefit or advancement of anyparticular creed or faith.

Art. 4. All men may freely speak,write and publish their sentiments onall subjects, being responsible for theabuse of that right ; no law shall be en-acted to restrain the liberty of speech or

the press, but any newspaper publish-ing a personal attack against an indivi-dual must also insert his answer in de-fense, if so requested.

Art. 5. All men have the right, in anorderly and peaceful manner, to assem-ble, without arms, for consulting anddiscussing upon the common good, theMarshal of the Kingdom or his deputiesbeing notified of the time and place ofsuch meeting at least three hours pre-vious.

Art. 6. All peaceful associations arelawful, but secret associations for poli-tical purposes are hereby prohibited;and special legislation shall be lawful toprotect the people against monopoliesand trusts .

Art. 7. All men have the right topetition the King, the Cabinet or theLegislature for redress of grievances,and such petitions must be duly consid-ered and answered.

Art. 8. All men are free to travel inand out of the Kingdom, except whenunder judicial restraint, and no kirlauur, culture, inuusiry or ': --

eer 2d sonprohibited, son tvc--i-"

with the h;i '.

--commerce canar"does not interfere

ELL KIri.J. health nr nannrifv rf thovw sMAvas va mvv mm. t. j vs. uvnrXoitantsArt. 9. Public education shall be ob

ligatory to all children of age fixed bylaw, and all competent persons shall befree to teach, outside of the Governmentschools, but subject to the reglations ofthe Board of Education .

Art. 10. All the inhabitants of theKingdom subjects or aliens shall beequal before the law, except in its poli-tical provisions, as hereafter regulated ;

moreover, special regulations may beenacted to meet the peculiar habits ofAsiatic immigrants.

Art. 11. No person can be deprivedof life, liberty or property without dueprocess of law, and the privilege of thewrit of habeas corpus shall belong to allmen and shall not be suspended, unlessby the King, when, in cases of rebellionor invasion, the public safety shall re-

quire its temporary suspension.Art. 12. Except in cases of capital

crimes, treason or breach of the peace,no person shall be liable to preliminaryarrest, but shall be summoned as the lawmay direct, to appear before the properjurisdiction, to be thereafter subject tothe judicial regulation, and special pro-vision shall be made against unreason-able, unjustiaed or malicious arrest;also, after proper committal and whileawaiting trial, no person, except forcapital crime or treason, shall be con-fined to jail, if he can give satisfactorybail for his appearance before the propercourt.

Art. 13. Every person has the rightto be secure from all unreasonablesearches and seizures of his person, hishouse, his papers and effects ; and nowarrants shall issue, except on probablectfuse, supported by oath or affirmation,and describing the place to be searched,and the persons or things to be seized ;

Art. 58. The Senate shall be consti-tuted as follows : Ten Senators shall beappointed by the King with the concur-rence of the Privy Council, and twentySenators shall be elected, according tothe regulations of Art. 61, viz.: Fivefrom the Island of Hawaii, five from theIslands of Maui, Molokai and Lanai,eight from the Island of Oahu and twofrom the Islands of Kauai and Niihau. Allthe Senators shall serve for the term ofsix years ; but at the first session of theLegislature after the promulgation ofthis Constitution, the names of thetwenty Senators elect shall be put in aballot box and the first six drawn there-from by the President of the Senate shallserve for only two years, the next seven,for four years, and the last seven for sixyears, and all further elections for Sena-tors shall be for the full term of the re-tiring third, all Senators elected to fill avacancy serving only for the balance ofthe term of his predecessor. The Sena-tors shall serve without pay.

Art. 59. A Senator, elect or appointed,shall be a subject of the Kingdom, whoshall have attained the age of 30 yearsand resided in the Kingdom five years atleast, and shall unless otherwise ex-pressed by law be the owner of taxable -property in this country of the value ofat least five thousand dollars, and overand above all encumbrances, or in re-ceipt of f.n income of not less than onethousand dollars per annum.

Art. 60. Senators may offer bills, inperson, in the House of Representatives,and be heard thereon in that House.

Art. 61. Every male resident of theHawaiian Islands, of Hawaiian, Amer-ican, or European birth or descent, whoshall have attained the age of 20 years,who shall have paid his taxes and shallhave caused his name to be entered onthe list of voters for Senators for his district shall be an elector of Senators andentitled to vote at any election for thatHouse provided :

First That he shall have resided inthe Kingdem not less than three years,and in the district in which he offers tovote not less than three months immedi-ately preceding the election at which heoffers to vote ;

Second That Jbe shall, own - und bpossessed, in his own right, of taxableproperty in this Kingdom of the value ofnot less than two thousand dollars overand above all encumbrances, or shallhave actually received an income of notless than three hundred dollars duringthe year next preceding such election, unless such qualifications be hereafterotherwise modified by law ;

Third That he shall be able to readand comprehend an ordinary newspaper

in euuer me xiawanan orffmiteusome European language ;Fourth That, if a foreigner, he

shall have become naturalized or havereceived letters of denization, and shallhave taken the oath to support the Con-stitution and laws of the land, such oathto be administered by any person auth-orized to administer oaths, or by In-spector of Election ;

Provided however, that the require-ments of naturalization, residence andability to read and comprehend an ordi-nary newspaper in the Hawaiian, Eng-lish or other European language, shallnot apply to all persons residing in theKingdom at the promulgation of thisConstitution, wlio may have already reg-istered and voted at the last etaction ofFebruary, 1890., Art. 62. Single women and widows,of legal age, who in their own right, havethe necessary property qualifications ofelectors of Senators and are otherwisequalified, as per Art. 61 and who desireto register their names, may vote at allelections for Senators.


.TTw hall be funl otherArt.

wise decided by law) thiry represent a--tives of the people, elected bienniallv.The representations shall be based uponthe Drincioles of eo.ua.litv Ami shall feeregulated in. Cabinet council. and appor- -

. .i: I 1 i nruuneu u uie uinerem lsianas oi tneKingdom according to the population, tobe ascertained, from time to time, byofficial census, the present apportion-ment remaining however in force untilproperly modified.

Art. 64. No person shall be eligibleas a representative of the people unlesshe be a male subject of the Kingdom,who shall have arrived at the full age oftwenty years ; who shall know how toread and write either the Hawaiian,English or some European language;who shall understand accounts, whoshall have domiciled in the Kingdom atleast three years, the last of which shallbe the year immediately preceding theelection; and who unless otherwiseprescribed hereafter by law shall ownreal estate within the Kingdom of aclear value, over and above all encum-brances, of at least five hundred dollars,or enjoy an annual income of at leasttwo hundred and fifty dollars, derivedfrom any property or lawful employment.

Art. 65. The representatives shall re-ceive for their services, a compensationdetermined by law and paid out of thePublic Treasury, but no increase of com-pensati- on

shall take effect during thebiennial term in which it Khalileen made ; and no law shall be passedincreasing me compensation of represelauves Deyonu the tmu of four --- -

dollars each, for each biennsession, this compensation tofor extraordinary sessions, uto the time occupied by these.

Art. 66. Every male resident;Kingdom, of Hawaiian, AmeriEuropean birth or descent, who is a.,Hawaiian subject by birth, naturaliza-- ition or denization : who shall have taken 'the oath to support the Constitution andlaws in the manner provided for electors hof Senators; who shall have paid hist

drawn and cannot be revised un.ti-Kh-

next session of the Legislature.- - 'Art. 43. Every bill which shall have

passed the Legislature shall, before itbecomes law, be presented to the Sov-ereign. If he approves, he shall sign itand it shall thereby become a law ; but,if not, he shall return it with his objec-tions to the House of Representatives,whose President shall summon the Sen-ate to meet with them in convention,which will proceed to er thebill after entering the Royal objectionsat large in their journal, if, after suchcareful reconsiderations, it shall be ap-proved by a two-thir- d vote of all theelective members of the Legislature,then the King shall not withhold hissignature. Any bill not returned by theKing within ten days (Sundays except-ed), after it shall have been presented tohim, shall be a law, in a like manner asif he had signed it, unless the Legisla-ture by their adjournment prevent itsreturn, when it shall not become a law.

Art. 44. The enacting style in makingand passing all Acts and Laws shall be :"Be it enacted by the King and Legisla-ture of the Hawaiian Kingdom." And toavoid confusion which might result fromintermixing in one and the same Act,such things as have no proper relationto each other, every law shall embracebut one object and that shall be ex-pressed in its title.

Art. 45. Any law legally passed,which, in its application, 6hall be foundso ambigious as to require the interpre-tation of the Supreme Court, shall besubmitted to the House of Representa-tives at its next session, to revise andconstrue its sense .

Art. 46. No. retrospective laws shallever be enacted.

Art. 47. The National Ensign shallnot be changed, except by special Act ofthe Legislature.

Art. 48. No new Constitution shallever be granted by any Sovereign of theHawaiian Islands, but the Legislature ishereby invested with full power and au-thority to amend the present Constitu-tion so as to satisfy the wants and wishesof the people. Any amendment oramendments, maj- - on the initiative of

member of the Legislature, or on peti-tion from the people be proposed in theHouse of Representatives, to take theusual course of any ordinary bill as here-inbefore provided. If finally approvedsuch proposed amendment shall beimmediately transmitted to the King,who shall cause it to be submit-ted to the approval of the people, inthe following manner : The proposedamendment shall be at once publishedin the newspapers of the capital andposted in conspicuous places in every dis-trict of the Kingdom during thirty davs,with notice, to the electors to be pre-pared, at the expiration of that time, togive their yea or nay by special plebis-cite which shall be regulated by theElection Laws for Representatives. Andthe proposed amendment shall only be-come a part of the Constitution by a ma-jority of yeas and cast throughout theKingdom.

Art. 49. Both Houses of the Legisla-ture shall choose their own officers, whoshall be elected for the whole biennialterm, and shall determine the rulesof their own proceedings. A ma-jority shall constitute a quorum todo business, but a smaller numbermay adjourn from day to day and compelthe attendance of absent members insuch a manner and under such penaltiesas the Legislature may provide.

Art. oO. AH business of the Legislaturebe


decided by a majority of thek. - & I 1 L 1 r T m mm

shair prceeiu, ana oom nouses snai!'lf tVifir nrnnPAinira an1member.keep a lourna ofon any question, me yeas anonraytne memoers snau, at the desire of one-fift- h

of those present, be entered on thejournal .

Art. 51. The Legislature may appointspecial commissions of inquiry to investi-gate all matters of public administration,with power to summon witnesses andobtain testimony under oath.

Art. 52. No petition to the Legislaturecan be presented personally, nor will anydeputation be received by it.

Art. 53. Each House.shall be judge ofthe qualifications of Tts members andalone shall decide according to the reg-ulations made by itself of the validityof all electoral transactions connectedwith its members.

Art. 54. All the sittings of both Housesshall be public, except in extraordinarycases of State interest, when closed doorsmay be requested by ten members .

Art. 55. No members of the Legislatureshall ever be held to answer, either civ-illy or criminally, in any court or place,for any sj)eech, debate or vote made inthe Legislature; and all members of bothHouses shall, in all cases, except trea-son, capital crime or breach of the peace,be privileged from arrest during their at-tendance at the sessions of the Legisla-ture, and in going and returning fromthe same ; provided such privilege as go-ing and returning shall not cover aperiod of over twenty days; and anvmember, imprisoned at the time of asession for an offense not depriving himof his civil rights, must be released dur-ing the session.

Art. 56. When in session, the Legisla-ture shall be judge of its inemlters andmay punish those guilty of disorderlybehavior; it may allow the judicialprosecution of such who may becomeamenable to the law, or order suchprosecution to be vstjoned until afterthe closing of the session ; it shall alsohave authority to punish by imprison-ment, not exceeding thirty days, everyperson, not a member, who shall beguilty of disrespect to the Legislature byany disorderly or contemptuous be-havior in its presence; or who, during

time to time, of the state of the King-dom, and to recommend to its considera-tion such measures as he shall judgenecessary and expedient, and of address-ing proclamations to his people ;

(h) To, with the advice and approvalof his Privy Council, grant reprieves andpardons, atter conviction, for all offencesexcept in case of impeachment ; and toconcede amnisties in extraordinary caseswarranted by the good of the country ;

(i) To grant to aliens Letters of Deni-zation, according to law ;

() To coin money and regulate thecurrency by law ;

(k) To be Commander-in-Chie- f of theArmy and Navy and of all other militaryforces of the Kingdom by sea and land :

but he shall never proclaim war withoutthe consent of the Legislature, and nomilitary or naval force shall be organizedexcept by the authority of the Legislature;

(1) To place temporarily, in case of invasion or rebellion, the whole Kingdom

m Ant nAf t . Jfc n nHpr TV o 1 1 a m . . Yvana with the advice ol rris rnvy Council ;(m) All titles of honor, orders and

other distinctions emanate from thesovereign.

.A O t Ton,, o. xn every Dienniai Duaget, aproper allowance shall be appropriatedfor the use of the Sovereign to enablehim to live in accord with the dignity ofnis station and the honor of

.the Kins.j i iaom ; ne snau aiso continue to receive

and enjoy the revenue accruing from thecrown lands, or a just equivalent in valuefor the same, as may hereafter be pro-vided Jy law.

Art. 35. His Majesty Kalakaua willand his successors and the regents thatmay be appointed, and the heirs appar-ent when coming of age, shall take thefollowing oath: "I solemnly swear inthe presence of Almighty God to main-tain the Constitution of the Kingdom,whole and inviolate, and to govern inconformity therewith." The Chief Jus-tice shall administer the said oath in thepresence of both Houses of Legislatureassembled.


Art. 36. The legislative power of theKingdom is vested in the King and twoelective houses, sitting separately at thesame time, which shall be known as theHouse of Representatives and the Senate.

Art. 37. Those two bodies shall bestyled the Legislature of the HawaiianKingdom and shall assemble hi"; -

in the month of Mar --'

than snau con- -fOr THjLCry session for not more

nrjety days. Extraordinary sessions may be held lor urgent- - causes orgreat emergencies,at the wish of the sov-ereign in Privy Council at the request ofthe Cabinet, or upon a demand formu-lated by a majority of the representa-tives, the Minister of the Interior givingthirty days previous notice ot such ex-traordinary session. Any convocation ofone House without the other shall beunconstitutional.

Art. 38. The two Houses shall sit to-

gether, in convention, in the followingcases : 1st, of conflict between them onthe passing of any law, as provided byArt. 42; 2d, of choosing a new sovereignas per Art. 25 ; of extraordinary circum-stances threatening the well being,security or independence of the country.In all such conventions a general ballotshall fix whom of the two Presidentsshall preside at the convention.

Art. 39. The House of Representa-tives shall alone have the power of vot-ing the budget and all necessary appro-priations, and from time to time oi initia-ting and passing all manner of whole-some laws, not repugnant to this Consti-tution or annulling old laws. It shallalso ascertain that, during the intervalsof the sessions, there has been no viola-tion of the Constitution, and providethereon, by impeaching the delin-quent officers, if necessary before theSenate.

Art. 40. When voting the biennialappropriations, the House of Represen-tatives must give due consideration tothe revenue and expenditures of the twopreceding years, and to the estimates ofrevenue and expenditures for the twosucceeding 3'ears, which shall be submit-ted to them by the Minister of Finance.

Art. 41. To the Senate, as a moderatepower, belongs the right of revising alllaws and Acts passed by the House ofRepresentatives. Besides its legislativefunctions the Senate shall be a Court,with full and sole authority to hear anddetermine all impeachments made bythe representatives, as the Grand In-quest ot the Kingdom, against any off-icers of the Kingdom, for high treason,

3 4 5 6 T June 3Fall Moon.

10 11 12 13U June 9IS 16 17 IS 19 lo" "3T Last Quarter.

Jane 17 to2M 33 34 25 26 37 28 New Moon.

Jane 2539 30 First Quarter.


Oahu College Public exercises at 9:15a. m ., Rhetorical exercises at 1:15 p. m.

Kawaiahao Church Exhibition by Ka-meham-

school at 7:30 p. m. .

uiu a. o. iv. namenamena Lodge ofPerfection No. 1 at 7:30 p. m.

HnKrtT ttt rt PtMeeting Pioneer Building & Loan Asso-

ciation at 1 p.m. at Mclnerny Hall.Fort street.Band Concert At Thomas Square at7:30 p. m.


Pacific Commercial Advertiser.

Be jnst and fear not:Let all the ends thou alm'at at be of

Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's.

THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1890.


There has been a good deal of talkabout constitutions recently. Somesay that one would be promulgated,restoring the old order of things;others that sweeping amendments tothat of 1887 would be made andmuch else to the same effect. Wetook the trouble to institute a searchwith the result of discovering thedocument which is published as somuch news to-da- y. Ita authorshipor origin is not known. Of course itdoes not eminate from any of the beReform party and we can hardly be-lieve that an instrument so loadedwith absurdities can have its or I 1150with the intelligentNational Reform- - ' , tTlrxdid not,--nee Oqj& f

--aiwrs. ur course .it81' ?&Jme from the Bush-Wilco- x

rde as it does not restore the ancientorder and is not quite silly enough.If it were not for the chance of alibel suit we would like to suggestthat it might have come from theElele office. Of course that officewill deny paternity to so preposterous an instrument, but it looks as ifsome one really intended it inearnest. If it should be introducedinto the Legislature, we shall com-ment.

Fablic Moonlight Concert.The Band will play this evening at

Thomas Square, commencing at 7:30o'clock. Following is the programme:1. March The Waves..". Kanpev2. Overture Festival.. . . Bach3. Finale Carmen Bizet4. Reminiscences of Gou nod ...... Godfrey

Waialoha. Lihi Kai. Ohele.5. Variations A German Song Ochs6. Medley Reverie '

. Beyer7. Mazurka In Camp . Strauss8. Waltz Seven Fools ... .". . .Millocker

Hawaii Ponoi.

.In St. Lewis a crazy negro, whoshouted that fie wanted to "GotoJesus," was seized ' by some boysand drowned "just for fun."

f 'atftUli men mo vuiudi iiumourately after the occurring of such vacancy,shall cause a meeting of the Legislature,


Page 3: ti BUTTER - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 2. · E. EC. F1, Wolter, Llanors. iew. and toe cold beers on dranght a 10 eents per glans. ' WONG SAV, Merchant Tafior, MHCFACTtTRKR

DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, JUNE 26, 1890.be heard before v the convention who AND GENERAL. I Vm ahrifrtisrmfiita. I dvertiscnuntJ.CONSTITUTION. LOCALis OAHD RAILWAY & LAND CO.'Sgoing to examine the case.

T I M I T A. 1) L K :ThtrAnditor-Generar- s office is now

Art. 95. The Judges of the SupremeCourt and other Courts of Record shall,at stated times, receive for their services in rear of the Legislative hall.tinned from second page).(Co

Inspectors of Election.Z2i Irecinct, 1st District.

a compensation which shall not be REGULAR TRAINS.A. M. PACIFIC HABDWARE CO,Td,

It. F. DiLLiNiiH am, Pres. J. O. t?rKcr, Manager. F. L. Wimi, Treas.

uiministied .luring their continuance in P. M.provided it be consistent withrTa honor and the good of the omce; ana, beiore taking charge of hU Leave Honolulu U:0u

Arrive Manana T..... : 2:4$omce, every member of the, indi-;r- v

shall take and subscribe an oath that heIcbUc service.nn. 81. The

Leave Manana 11:00Arrive Honolulu 11:4$Minister of Finance 4 :00

4:4$ INSPECTORSPrecinct of the

OF THEMEETINGS of the 2dwin support the Constitution, justly ap- -. i t tna itnvrntnnrFiJ w5 laws ana liUthtnIlr un,1 mnnrt . TIISC VERY LATEST IN1st District. Honolulu, for the purpose of

The Supreme Court sat in bancoyesterday hearing several cases.

A notice to creditors of the Ha-waiian Pacific Cable Co. appearselsewhere.

Mr. W. O. Lackland and MissAnnie Halstead will be united inmarriage Jaly 2d.

6C5DAY TRAINS.SnttotheLelatu pa t he se nd ally discharge the duties o'f his office.7 Art. 97. 2so nidge or magistrate shall P. M.in the Hawaiian and Ensr--jrZ:.A,t- - Leave Honolulu.. 3:00I Dl6- -

correcting the List of Voters for Xoblesfor the Special Election to be held J uly 9,1890, will be held as follows:

On Wedncsdav, July 2, 1S90, and Fri-day. Julv 4. 1S1. between the hours of

mi again on an appeal or new trial, ingea; and, during his t Arrive Munana...Piano Lamps, Banquet Lamps, Library Lamps

Hall LamDs, and Chandoliorsa

P. .12:301:1$1:432:31

any case on which he mav have civ-e- n a 3:4$4:05

A. M... 9:30..10:1$..11:00.11:4$53-t- f

shall not allow any money toft.rihe Leave M&nana . . .Arrive Honolulu.previous judgment.from the Public ireasury, 4 :.VJArt. Us. Any judicial officer who.k hnot been amy appropriated, snail absent himself from the Kinwinmwaa Exhibition by Kauiehameha school i Just Received from the Factory.hpn. between the sessions of p,.. .

lor more than sixtv dav shallt&r .,.,, the emergencies of war. PORT OF HONOLULU, H. I.deemed to have forfeited his office : fortfltr Ko!!inn..

rxs tilenee or other

4:.k and 7:30 P.M., at the Public Schoolllo'e on Heretauia street near the Peo-ples' Ice Works.

On Thursnlay. July 3, 1890, between thehours of 12 m. and 1 p. m., at the office ofJ. Alfred Magocn, No. 42 Merchant street,Honolulu.

By order of the Iuspectors.

ter shall arise, and then, not longer leave of absence, permission mustbe obtained from the King in Privy Tide, Sun

BT O. J.and Mtfon.

LYONS.vuuncn.SSTthe concurrence of all the Cab--7

Yndof the majority of the whole5J Council, and the Minister of

.Kill render a detailed account ofArt. 99. The Chief Justice of th


Eddy's Refrigerators and Ice Chests.

mis rveuiufj ul ;jj j tuvimpus church.

Yesterday Mrs. Dr. F. R. Day andMiss Dickson gave an afternoon teain honor of Mrs. Howland of Oak-land.

At 1 o'clock this afternoon therewill be an adjourned meeting of thePioneer Building & Loan

isupreme Court shall also be the Chan--wuur 01 me ivingaom. lie suau exer Day!STipenditare to the Legislature,

irt. h. The Attorney-Gener- al shall cise such jurisdiction in equity or otherJ. ALFRED MAGOON,ALBERT LUCAS,E. R. HENDRY.lit a scases as the law mav comer uton him. 150-3- t

v-t-ha leeal adviser of all btate officers. his decisions being subject, however to' ZTih public prosecutor in the interest!fth law and he shall perform such the "vision of the Supreme Court

appeal he shall send to theon '23! .3l!

241 9.307.309.00 A New Edition! Ready July 3d! pisston's saws and files; new lines of locks, ani

9 r 3 2. 5 o2. So

a a! I " m

p in. a.m. i :p.m.0.3li 1.30. S.19 6.4511:842.00; 2.U 5.19 6.45 a.m.3.30' 4. IX) 5. 'JO 6.45 0.115.00' 5.00 5.0 6.45 0.45

a.m.jp.iu.5.3o! 6. SO 5.20 6.4.r 1.226.00 7.15 5.-- 0 6.45 2.006.30 $.00 5.21 6.4S 2.0


; Legislature 2510.30Zv?T duties as may De prescribed by 10. 00a biennial report of the state of the judi 2ttjll.30 11. DO

Mi 82. The Marshal of the Kinz-- ciary in an its branches and of all its GODFREY'S...'27Fri.3t..SUD


proceedings, including a statement ofsuch defects and omissions in the laws


Shelf Hardware, Etc.,Planet Jr. Cultivators.

i shall be appointed and removed byItTrstbinet. His duties embrace all

..23...ayas may be discovered to exist. READY REFERENCE t DIRECTORY

Art. 100. The decisions of tlw Su

The Hawaiian Mission Children'sSociety will meet Saturday eveningat the residence of Mr. Henry Water-house- .

There was a very pleasant child-ren's party at the residence of Mrs.C. N. Spencer, Tuesday afternoon, inhonor of her niece.

I nittere pertaining to the Police of tho' Kingdom; t my consult with the At--


011 his orJinary duties,V ki in all imDortant questions, he must

preme Court, when made bv a maioritvThe wblstle of tho liouolula Steam Planing

3C111 Is blown daily by electrio algsal from tbtSurvey office precisely tX Honolulu mean noon.It sound again at 23 ml n. S3 sec. paat 1 o'clock

-- CON TA IJtIS w--of the Justices thereof, shall' be- final andPICTURE FRAMES AND MOULDINGS.conclusive upon all parties.to gaideu Dy ne wuwvu

thnm he is directly responsible ; he The Names of Over 1700 Voters for Nobles.Art. 101. lhe Kmsr. his Cabinet andp. in. ot Honolulu mean time, to correspondwith 12b. Oni. 0a. as given by enrcnouetera setor Uroenwich wean time. Thi last is especi-ll- y

for the benefit of mariuerr and jewelers.the Legislature shall have authority tobe impeached in the usual way orw. Amoved also on a two-thir- d vote of require uie opinions ot the J ustices of

the Supreme Court, upon importantJLtfie lloose of Representatives for cause PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L dM

Fort and Merchant Strccta.questions of law, aud upon solemn occa Handy for Politicians and Rusiness men.

47 Leave orders atown. ...... sions.

The Band gives a moonlight con-

cert at Thomas square this evening.In the afternoon it plays at OahuCollege, and Friday evening at theHotel.

11-t- drt 5iL The army ana tue police Art. 102. Capital punishment, such1 be regulated by law, and, as both


AKK1VAT.S.Wepsesday, June 25.

Stuir James Makee. Macauley, fromKauai.

Stiur Akamai, from Waianae and

HAWAIIAN NEWS CO.149-2- ti military and the ponce forces are as provided by the present laws of theland, shall be applied onlv in extremeWnfiallv passive ana obedient, thev YACHT RACE!cases; it is abolished for political of the MisThe closing: exercises UP-T0Y7-N BOOK, IIEVSQseqaently cannot assemble except by onenses. for Chinese boys anasion schoolsJlder 01 tne aumonties uirecuy ap--

Art. 103. The possession or sale of ANDthe Chinese Y.Winted over them. trirls will be held atStiur O 11 Bishop. Le Claire, from Circuitfirearms and ammunition of war by pri

DR. LUTZHAVE OFFICE HOURS FROMWILL 9 a. M. and 4 to 5 P. m. at No. 33

Beretania street, between Fort and Nuuanustreets. Mutual Telephone Nos. 392 iand176. 131-l- hi

f jt. 85. No person can be an officer vate parties is strictly prohibited, except M. C. A., Beretania street, on Fridayat 1 o'clock p. m.

ol Oahu.Schr Mary E Foster from Kauai.or employee 01 tins uoverameni, wno is

nnt a subject of the Kingdom. The comSTATIONERY STORE.

100 FORT ST.by special licenses as provided by lawlicenses shall also be issued allowing individuals to possess a reasonable A fourteen-oa- r barge race, distance

five miles, between crews from theTJ. S. S. Charleston and H. B. M.

number of small arms for personal DR. A. B. CARTERpensation or salaries of all public officersshall be fixed by law and duly appropri-ated in the budget ; and no officer of thisGovernment, nor any member of theLegislature, shall hold any office or re

DEPAKTLUKS.Wednesday, June 25.

Am bktne S N Castle, Underwood, forSan Francisco.

Schr Kuuikeaouli for Kohala.

protection, or fowling pieces and rifledfor sporting purposes ; but the carrying of Acorn, will be rowed on Wednesday, The Babv will be One Hundred and

Fourteen Years old on the FOURTHH 33 Beretania street, between rort andweapons, unless by the military and July 2d, at 5 p. m. JF JULY, bo we haveceive any salary or pension irom anyother Government or power whatsoever, police in the exercise of their functions,

is strictly forbidden. And no individualNuuanu streets. Office hours 9:30 to 11

a.m.. and 2 to 4. and 7 to 8 P. m. Mutual--Telephone No. 392. 131-l- m


This issue of the Advertiser isunless exceptionally, tnrougn the unanv or corporation snail be allowed to or Stmr James Makee, Macaulav, formous assent of the Legislature. More-over laws shall be made lor regulating ganize, equip, maintain or employ an worth preserving by all wno are

searching for Hawaiian curiosities.Kauai.Schr Mary E Foster for Kauai. Pearl City. Lunch Room.armed body of men ; but, in case of war,

tbe civil service of the Kingdom and Those in want of extra copies, canriot, or other public danger, the King inlecnrinz the integrity, efficiency and procure them if applied for early.Privy Council, mav order the distribu

FLAG S !From Oc. a Dose. up.

BUNTING FLAGS from ?4.50 ap.SILK FLAGS from 50 cents up.

Torpedoes, Pistols, Etc.

ability of public servants, who shall tion of arms and ammunitions from the mHE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TOnot be removed irora omce, except as The Hawaiian band serenadedDrovided by law. Government arsenals to the police andto volunteers who must serve under theorders of officers appointed by the King

--L share the patronage of the travelingpublic at his Lunch Roo.n now open atPearl Citv. Ewa. where he will make all

, Art. 86. Whenever it shall be deemed Mons. A. Houle yesterday evening atthe residence of Dr. J. S. McGrew, July 4, 1890.expedient to grant Municipal govern through his Cabinet feel at home. Lunches, cold drinks, teaHotel 6treet. Friday morning themeet to any of the communities of the coffee, cakes, and refreshments: ice creamArL 104. The following persons shall Kinsr entertains Mons. Houle atKingdom, the necessary laws may be not be permitted to register for voting, to

VESSELS IX POUT.USS Charleston, Remey, from San Fran.HBMS Acorn, Pollard, Lsquiraault.Bktne Morning Star, Garland, Gilbert lids.Bk Omega, Brown, Hongkong.Ship Borrowdale, Guthrie, Liverpool.Bktne Discovery, McNeil, San Fran.Bktne V H Dnnond, Drew, San Fran.Bk Thor. bteinert. Newcastle, N S V.Bk Jas Cheston, Plum. San Fran.Bk Onieo, Newcastle, NSWBk Ophir. Newcastle, N S WBk Jas Cheston, Plumb, Port Townsend.Bk S C Allen, San Francisco.Bk Ceylon, Calhoun, San Francisco.Bk G N Wilcox, Kasch, San Francisco.

enacted to regulate their powers, rights breakfast at the Palace.vote, or to hold office under anv dfpart Croquet Sets, Lawn Tennis Sets;aad privileges . Base Ualls and Bats, Masks, Gloves, &c.

on Sundays and holidays.E. A. GALASPO,

145-- 1 in Proprietor.

NOTICE.ment of the Government, or to sit in the Commencing - at 10:30 A. M. Sharp.

- Art. 87. A comprehensive census of Legislature, namelv: An' person who5Rngdom. shall be made by the Min--is insane or an idiot, or any person whoshall have been convicted of any of theLer of Interior every tenth year, from

The Rev. H. H. Gowen will de-

liver a lecture this evening at 7:50o'clock before his Sunday schoolclass on 44 Water." It will take placein the St. Andrew's Sunday school

I the present one of 1S90; partial census TH0S. G THRUM,. Prop.following-name- d offenses, viz.: Arson,oa be made at shorter intervals, it found 149-t-dOpen to all Yachts over 5 tons and not

exceeding 10 tons in measurement, probarratry, bribery, burglary, conterfeit-in- g,

embezzlement, felonious branding ofMcessaryfor administrative orlegislaiwwrpefees. vided however, that this limitation shallroom and anyone interested is in

vited to attend.cattle, forgerv, eross cheat, incest, kidnapping, larceny, malicious burning,XI. THE FRIVY COUNCIL. not apply to Yacht) which were in Hawa-

iian waters and that entered for the racet

ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARDbe paid by the undersigned to any

one who wi'l give information securing theconviction of the party or parties who poi-soned our working horses on the night ofJune 5th inst. in the yard back of ourstore with entrance from King street.

HENRY DAVIS & CO.,138-l- m 52 Fort Street.

gp IVXulesmanslaughter in the hrst degree.muraer,penury, rape, robberv, sodomy, treason,Art. 83. There shall continue to be a Public exercises will be held at of July 4, 1889.council, called the King's Privy Council subornation of perjury and malfeasance

VESSELS EXPECTED.Vessels. Where from. Due.

Bk Adonis BremenBk P lsenberg... New YorkBk Faust New YorkSchr F E Sanders. Puget Sound.'Bk Harvester DelawareBr ship Blengtield, LiverpoolBk Birker LondonBrig Consuelo San Francisco..

of State, vhieh shall be consulted by the Oahu College to-da- y, the recitationscommencing at 9:15 a. m. and goingon until noon. At 12:15 p.m. there

in office, unless he shall have been tarSovereign in all matters for the good of ARRIVE BY THE B. C. ALLEN, -PRIZE:the State : it shall consist ot tturteen ap-- due June 15th, 20 head of fine youngwill be lunch; the rhetorical exer MRS. L. C. PRAY.rxinted members, serving without com lirnlcn Mtilfut and 'A I head nf 3-- andcises at 1:15 p. m. At the conclusionpensation, who shall have and exercise olds, unbroken, and within GO days 80 head

Geruiine Massage and Roman Baths, The Hawaiian Challenge Cup and Penof the exercises the band will give a of young, broken and unbroken amies.only such powv rs as are given to them

ranging irora 4 to 7 years oia, ana an lorbv the Constitution. concert on the grounds.nant for 1!"Art. 89. Privv Councillors shall be sale cheap. I am prepared to fill any

order that those wishing Mules as to any

BriuGeoH Douglas.San Francisco. .

Bk Martha" Davis . . Boston . :Ship Ecuador NewcastleStmr Claudine GlasgowS S Australia tan Francisco. June 27RMS Alameda San Francisco. July 5RMS Mariposa Colonies June 27

150 Fort St. Chinese Church Yard.32--tfselected onlv auions worthy and intelli

nt ritiwns. who must reside in the Tcu) uttiDcrtiscmcnts. number or quality at as low or lower ratesthan any importer, as I have arrangementswith one of the best buyers in California,

doned by the King and restored to hiscivil rights, and by the express terms ofhis pardon declared to be eligible tooffices of trust, honor and profit.

Art. 105. All laws now in force in thisKingdom shall continue and remain infull effect, until altered by the Legisla-ture, such parts only except as are re-pugnant to this Constitution. All lawsheretofore enacted or that may hereafterbe enacted, which are contrary to thisConstitution, shall be null and void; andas many provisions of old laws not onlyconflict" with this instrument, but alsoform a caotic mass of useless legislation,it will be the duty of the Government toDrovide immediately for a complete

capitol of the Kingdom, be not less than2 vears of aee. and enjoy their civil

Donated by the Hawaiian Yachtixo Association, to be sailed for annually and conIS OTICE.rights. The Privy Councillors hold their P I O N E E K ditionally under its auspices. (Won JulyPASSENGERS.

ARRIVALS.Dosition for life, unless guilty ot any

and I shall endeavor to buy frc,m firsthands.

CS Prompt attention will be given byJ. N. Wright at Little Britan, Honolulu.

Address P. O. Box 452.1325 130-S- J. N. WRIGHT.

4, 1889 by Yacht Healani.)nffcnse deorivins them of their civil w and Loan Association.w . A 1 a, Mi ; n(7ht ! aniline memuera at yrtriifc mI 1 otfipi are herebv confirmed in their posi

From Kauai, per stmr James Makee,June 25 Col Z S Spalding, George E Fair-chil- d,


( tion. Future vacancies --shall be filled,.v ... f ai : "Course to be sailed and printedJ ..within tiiiwi montns alter meir wuur- -codification of the laws of this Kingdom,


The Office of the Company has beenmoved to the offices of C. T. GulickEsq.,33 Merchant street.

CrMutual Telephone No. 139; BellTelephone 348.

G. P. CASTLE,Secy. Peoples' Ice & Ref. Co.

! rence. bv appointment of the King, sub-- rules can be had by all Yacht owners onFor San Francisco, per bktne S N Castle,June 25 Mrs Farnsworth.


Boilers Inspected, Tesin."

.t7 higrh

application to the undersigned Committee,L J ject to a'two-thir- d vote of all remainingList of entries will be open at the store o!

ADJOURNED MEETING OFStockholders of this Association will

be held at Mclnerny Hall, Fort street, onTHURSDAY, June 26th, at 1 o'clock p.m.,for the purpose of receiving the report ofcommittee on bye-law- s.

T. F. LANSING,150-- lt Secretary.

, Art. 90. The functions of PrivySin KHll'PIN'O NOTKS. the Hawaiian News Co., on Merchant St.Councillor are not incompatible with until 9 a. M. the 3d of July.

on a liberal and progressive basis and maccord with the spirit of this Constitu-tion ; and the laws shall be ed

every ten years hereafter.Art. 106. For any emergency that

may present itself, not foreseen by thisConstitution, precedents shall be lookedfor in the Constitutions aud laws ofother civilized monarchies, until properaction be taken by the Legislature.

thnw nf Senator. .Representative, ornew Bonr r. i 'Ministpr of State: but no other Govern

( C.mont officer or oerson receiving a salary3

Thebarkentine S. N. Castle took to SanFrancisco June 25th 14,731 bags sugar,valued at $75,802 02.

The stesmer James llakee brought fromKauai June 25tb. 2350 bags sugar, and theschooner Mary E. Foster 1G50 bags.


from the Government, can be a memberof the Priw Council. Privy Cour cillors Notice to Creditors.

stacks, Flanrffusn touristIron Worlub man are theand all with, The English- -

tWd to the cheap ratesu cannot understand--rjrea over h OX

B. WILSON,P. IAUKEA,M. DOWSETT,Regatta Committee.

M. GIFFARD,Secretary.

Vtt Ultf VllihL U17 aaiac?w "w i5coti-o- a;

anythingArt. 107. The Cabinet shall have

nower to make and publish'all necessary. 98-S- c and laws, or wilfully against

Honolulu, June 16. 1890. 142-5- t

J. E. GOMES,(Formerly of Gomes fc Wichman.)

Mclnerny Block, No 79 Fort Street,

Manufacturing -:- - Jeweler,Island orders promptly attended to.

P.O. Box No. 488, Honolulu. 4S-3- m

Dividend Notice.

148-t- fTantrv. saaijir"vi; wage AYenchtn.vhvmmj retniianons lor uie uoiuiug vi LL PERSONS ON THE ISLANDS. loanv oiZt?Sdectiot8 nnder this Con- -THE ROYAL SALO&u fJOoncncil elects its

HIND In Kohala, Hawaii. June 21st, tothe wife of John Hind, Esq., a son. of Oahu, Molokai and Maui, having

claims against the Hawaiian Pacific Cable EX ALEX. McNEJferalKanuaa and nerekaas Stri, ana, wun tne Rem 2llfrti5cmcnU.,Co. are requested to present the same for0 vi apiupnaie iXaV v . . tne rules ana adjustment to W . O. bmitn, Attorney, on

' " " 1 11 a scnooi.' KM"ixu . iL i l -- MIL!rpv, ,uW provide tor a(jj or beiore J uly 1!, 1890. centIln iito n n'nThe closrifl'" exercises i al ihreel.mg to oruciais, subjects and riMep

the oath to support tliis Constit4"o- -only held at"ST. X W Olter, When the Cab- -

J. S. BARTHOLOMEW,w President and Treasurer. IMUUaU&OUH!-- - W. B. SALTER,lent institution were held yesterday

t in tock & wtntvnr thAKMt wiju Buuie wiui wafternoon, and attended by a largeBeen, and ic cold bears en dnnon, in which caseper cIam. 1 tzc 1 :i . DIVIDEND OP THREE DOLLARSSleeting Notice.number of the pupils parents and r",iper Share will be paid to the .,... w&rcmll and Se U.-g- f necessary.others. H. R. H. Princess Liliuoka- - tion Co at tl

JAS.2G, 1890lani, Hon. C R. Bishop, Mrs. AV. F.

Art. 103. i us Uonstitution hu 061,1force from the day of h I). 1890,but, that there may be no 12$ Jus"tice, or inconvenience to tbermom'from any change, all officers o thl3dom at the time this Cooatwnution shalltake effect, shall have, holdand exercisealt the power to them grmed, until law-

fully removed. Such offcers shall takean oath to support 5Aus Constitutionwithin sixty days aftff the promulgationthereof. J Signed.


of the Hawaiian Pacific CableAWONG SAI, E reraCTAT- -

Judicial power of theWATCH MAKER

King Htrcet, next Uo. ZJacola's.Honolulu, June 21, 1890.Allen, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Carter,

T5.--rvnt- f-- - - r ie vestea in one supreme Hon. S. M. Damon, Rev. Dr. 33eck- -Inferior Courts as the LOST. Cheapest and best p'ace to get your Watch- 'ieepalwa 1 . : , :

Co. will be held on THURSDAY, July 3,1890, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at theoffice of J. A. Magoon. Attorney, Hono-lulu, H. I., to vote upon a proposition tomortgage the property for constructionexpenses. This call is under Article 7 ofthA Bve-law- s. A full attendance is re

witb, Hon. AV. J. Smith, Mons. A.

Houle, Mrs. C. N. Spencer, Mrs. S.'Omiu'm divided between themto cont.- -. ujauaer.

4 as it may prescribe; C. Allen, Mrs. A. Rosa, Mrs. Jaeger, old name of n,j.i .BETWEEN TOWN ANDAN SI) N DAY.--v courts or cnamoera tory and being aiV6m""wquested. J. S. BARTHOLOMEW.Mrs. A. Mc Wayne, Mr. Henry NV at storkV Waikiki. a gold Scarf Pin withnight' Kihlbltion. builder l Rouen me patrui-,- . . . . .. be instituted, out-- -' herebefore pre-- 15J-I- i resuieiu aim ireasurrr.

erhouse, Miss Castle, Mrs. and Miss and cat tails. A reward will be given forits return to this office. . 149-3- tOfLViTtrrr i thft nrofframme7poI, Calicijart-martial- s, in

friends and the public in genernl7H""my thorough knowledge of the busmeirirand with experienced workmen and usingonly the best material 1 guarantee general s

t h Kameha- - HoDter and Rev. W. B. and Mrs. notiop:.may oe p me ciuaiug I ,

Uleson were among uiose preseuimeha school to he held this eveninglamia Cigars. patisfaction. I lease can ana see me in iore iiroing elsewhere. ?Punctually at 2 o'clock the forty--

FO in Kawaiahao church, commencing7v Council,t. the Supremel--lj

rrht vonthful Duuils marched in to SEALED BIDS WILL Honolulu. Oct. 2K.1889. lOt-t- fthe schoolroom to the sereins of piano--fes of the Courts

Capital rCnurtof office in the be rweived by the undersiirned for the iur

at 7:30 o'clock:Invocation.

Music-Fat- her of Mercies..Declamation Thanatopsis.

ittion A Few Riddles

DR. HENRI G. MtGREW;AN ABSENCE OF FOURAFTER in Paris, has returned to his

home on the Islands, for the purpose ofresuming the practice of Medicine. Hemay be found at his old office on Hotel St.between Fort and Alakea Sts. Office hoursfrom 8 to 11 a. a., and 2 to 4 and 6 to 8P.M. 133-l- m


VV . iih a a mlV rw ...B. Schmidt mnsic. They were then examined inrliffprpnt subiects by divisions bydii ji he '"-- J chase of the wrecks of

. 1, IT U U 14 T1- -,- .- v ..S. Kauhane CI1U ON & CO.,HIT U. KJ. o. 11CUIU"M5ss Tjvman. Miss C. Carter and Misscreate "-- "f-CvliUsj -

rt Ze Jjtlicial wer shall ex- - ...Four Boys and " Vandal ia " now on the reef in, Apiaharbor, together with all anchors, chainswas aDDarent thatC. BlakeComposition Historic BoysHaTtK-L- w

in law And equity ans--INPORTEH8 AND PKALKUS ISi.i!7inn Whv Some Birds Hop FOR SALE BYand antiurtenances thereto belonging.and lawsotabove hprft had been the most faithfulnetitllOn - 1 1 ... . , . L 1 KJ W.Makakoa Bids will te receiveu up u Augusibv the teachers. ManyCiect Insu. n.l eaties made, or

law. Chinese amV Japanese Fancy Goods,:niee"ClubBree3 of the Sight. .LamotheVrat-tinn- s on Fire.premiam. tider tlieir author- - nt thftbovs who srxkein English,,de The purchaser will be mjuired to remove

HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO,r-- rv Ae cti puDiic Ministers ; llonol ulu.th wrecks within three months from datei;i;.n ops o. iuju Hotel St.," . . . Oab U cases of Admir of purchase, and to furnish satisfactory 43 Xanana Strt, Honolala,JomiKisition My xear in wrytnin...C L. Jvingal risdiction.

could not utter a word when theyentered the school at the beginningof the year. The examination wasTrfdin2lv creditable. The loys

bonds lor tue luiunmens oi roniraci.The right is reserved to reject any or ai Opposite Spreckc'.s A Co.'s Bank,Humorous uonjuganons.

Ti..tvu.ard Extrrisesin Penmanship Large airy rooms with board. Also,table board.v

The terms arc that hall ot purchaserecited and also trave several songs,u uii 'r . .FORT STREET.money shall be pant at time of sale, the

l.filnnpp within three months after firstthe latter being most enjoyable. 12MfDeclamation-Libe-rty MuumIndian Club Exercises. .

e 'toie Court shall con- -

wAjlI ef Jtandnot less thaniate ices, any of whom

J, e Con,e Justices oi themTXToi vurt shoM their olficesillcj. .d behV subject to im- -

nt for inedtenev, corruption,Corr :'e ?ervil of justice, abuse

Have constantly on band, Siik, tfatin. jCrepe, tJrass-loth- , embroiderctl and hem- - wKtiU'hed sill and grass-clol- h Handker- - achiefs, silk and crepe tdiawla and scarfs; agreat variety of Japanese and Chinese tea fsets, vases, "bronie and lacquered wares. tivory, sandal wood and tortoise hhc-l- l cardcases, paper cutters, fans, and jewelry I

Hot and cold water baths.TLpv all looked happy and conComposition-T- he Brave Alaj.a.S. Kelunoi payment. W. BLACKLOt'K,Glee Cluo nan ......... Sale of Fancy Articles.x ru!n:r.

Apia, Samoa. May 22. 18W. Ht-3- 0ttented and their good behavior andmarked attention was much com-QT,W- 1

nn. Miss N. J. Malone the l.TWtfTerm reasonable.n iv, interne m uohtics ornrinrinal made a few very approprerogativi.. .. HENRY M. STANLEY'S

cases; gold ami mver lewciry, wuntiger claws, cat-eye- s miuI umtwr, mcli asscarf pins, earrings, bracelets, ttecklacr.etc; an assortment of Chinese and Japan-ese nick-nack- s and furiosi tic too tiumet- -

WILL BE A SALE OFhe other Powerseedings of trial

Our Artists ai or.Paper The Kamehanieha SentineL .

F. BeckleyMusic The Marv 'VoiisWork. . ...... HaydnDeclamation Obligations of oung

jen W. RathburnDeclamation Robert of Sicily T. Haae

Calisthenics.Glee C!ub--N-ow the Day is Over. . .Barnby

MRS. M. J. RAMOS. rpHEREjjgj... State; thei, .st them can o Kancv Articles, i.unos. ric., " 'lated by request - i.lffwniin. at Oneen Emma Hall, on

priate remarks at the close of the ex-

ercises. The school has made muchadvancement since her advent asprincipal. She is the right person m

f - fi.i: a. rlvt vauiei, vr oil PHOTOGRAPHICmember of thes, or on petition DAY, Julv 11th. Im, from 1 tor Mfoi

the benefit of that institution. I"''"1se of Represen MncDarkest)tis to specify ; I hincse matting a specialty ;

also, h large quantity of ebony and marblefurniture in aets, tables, chairs and settees;a full assortment of Mower pots, artificial

III 11idea, however, .lit! t.il l lx "'' luth ritrht place, and tho scnool is

Over A. !. Smith' Store, Fort St.,that anv J ii.! ire of t! preme Court orTo. fnrtnnate in havinir tho services

ord may also le devoted to heri a resolution Where the bkst. the neatrht and the

of any other Court ofrem' .d from officepassed bv two-third- s UK I'IKIK'K'NI'HKArwrr Photographic Pictures aud Resi11 the elective

According to & dispatch fromLondon, $200,000,000 were expend-

ed in May in the United States, bya British syndicate In the purchaseof breweries.

work. Many persons examined thebuilding and found everything in na4sii;Ti- - :i.aticdence View are takn. hntire satisfactionmembers of the two I ses oi Jjegisia- -

iriven. and all orlrH promptly attended to.nAt.Mt order. A pressure on ourcause shown ll'AA'tar in contention, for vnxl Fmliinir. Tin. cl.ltretwagXf respectful invitation is tent outcn ftvents a more extendeding; the Judgeto -- be satisfaction of th

Will Im published in two large octavo vol-

umes of over pages each 150 freshillulralionH and 1 maps one a largefolding maT of the entire continent ofAfrica.

ST"SoM only by sub-criptio- n, to be de-

livered about August, 18!. v

J. W. CIIAMBERLIN,Hole A tent fr Hawaiian Kingdom.

133-- 2 w '

4Kto the ladies to call anl ee for themselves.

flower basketa, lac)uercl and UituU)!ds, etc., etc.

A n w Tailor Miop has Just locn opemdon the premises by the same firm t '!.On V Co., with a large wlectioii of tinegiXKls, suitings, dingonals. and fancy .'

trnuscrings, which they will make up tvorder.

ffirThe public is in vitrei itInspect our rohIs. 137-3i- n j.




Mtitnta. bUh, ISJ4. IVrtPCl flttln lrni.lature may be lio-l-vnotice.tfainet whom the Le;

nt o proceed, shall r' S

:: V;K

SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS.ive due notice nTio 1 1 prt of th. world n4 mm KYMK tlL-r- f. t or full rrtlptilr wnl for roPh.,t7'

7i"V! V. A. Tor rKAUTIIK DAILY ADYEKTI8KRTho Advertiser is the leading

on w ant the latent new a.: y.t accompanieij a copy of the

alleged or his ifmoval, at least"' 'tefore the daj on which the

. shall act thereon, and shallCrisp to-da- y

110-- 3t

BOSTON CHIPS Fresh andat The Elite.' journal of the Kingdom.


Page 4: ti BUTTER - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 2. · E. EC. F1, Wolter, Llanors. iew. and toe cold beers on dranght a 10 eents per glans. ' WONG SAV, Merchant Tafior, MHCFACTtTRKR

' v.


(5 moral titocrtiscmrnts. 2Ctu 3torrtisctucui&Wtm Sttmertisemcnts.

BonoMtt and San Francisco Mail Service FILTER PRESSES.LEOMAKD & BOSS, Dim MateriNew SlIIIIIIHT as iTHtAACHiu Plantation, 1

Hawaii. March 9, 1S88.'OF- -

Bisdoo Iron and Locomotive Works, San Francisco.

Geutlemen W have used two of your 30--IMMEXSE VARIETY! LATEST DESIGNS !ch&nibered Filter I'resaeftthieseaituri. They

sre convenient, easily handled and are workingentirely to our satisfaction. I can recommend NOW OPES AT--


GIVE NOTICE:ORDERS FOR " SUNNYSIDE " PROPERTY AT PRESENTTHAT prices must be sent not later than by the "Alameda " leaving Honolulu

on the 31jt of May, 1890.

no Improvement on them.

104 Fort Street.v ery respectfully yours,

(signed) A. Moobk,Manager Paauhau Plantation. N. S. SACHS',

One-fourt- h of the purchase money is sufficient to secure a contract. Ueeia, Sept. 28, 1889.

Mb. Johs Dteb, Agent Bisdon Iron WorksHonolulu.

Dkab Sin: Please ship us one of your 30

Price of Inside Lots $ 150 00 eachPrice of Corner Lots 175 00 each

The above notice does not apply in those cases where the propositions are Compartment Filter Presses, 240 square feetsurface, same as the one supplied us last season, vcalready in course of negotiation.


Oceanic Steamship Co.

From San Francisco, 12 O'clock, Moon.- Leave Dae at

8.F. HonoluluMariposa. ..Saturday; . . May 3. . . .May 10Zealandia.. Saturday... May 31.... June 7Alameda. . .Saturday, . .June 28. . . .July 5Mariposa... Saturday.. July 26.... Aug. 2Zealandia . .Saturday . . Aug. 23 Aug. 30Alameda.. .Saturday.. Sept. 20. ...Sept 27Mariposa.. Saturday.. Oct. 18 Oct. 25Zealandia.. Saturday.. Not. 15 Nov. 22Alameda. . .Saturday . . Dec. 13 . . . Dec. 20

To San Fretzeteco.Leave Due at

Sydney HonoluluZealandia . . Wednesday . . Apr 16 May 3Alameda. . .Wednesday. . May 14 ... May 31Mariposa . . Wednesday ..J une 11 . . J une 28Zealandia . .Wednesday . . July 9. . . J uly 26Alameda.. .Wednesday. .Aug 6. ..Aug 23Mariposa . . Wed nesday . . Sept 3 . . . Sept 20Zealandia.. Wednesday.. .Oct l..,.Oct 18Alameda... Wednesday.. Oct 29... Nov 15Mariposa.. Wednesday..Nov 26. ...Dec 13Zealandia . . Wednesday . . Dec 24 ... Jan 10

Intermediate S. S. Australia. 12 31.

which I am pleased to say has given us enuresatisfaction. Yours truly,INVESTORS WILL PLEASE STATE:

GEO. R. EWART,Manager fleeia Agricultural Co.1st If they are American citizens. 2d If not themselves American citizens, but

married to the daughter of an American citizen give wife s full name.





- in Stripes and Plaids.


LEONIIARD & ROSS,1274 112-l- v

Honolulu Block,Ellensbnrgh, Wash.


These Presses are made extra heavy forhigh pressures, occupies a floor space of lx4 ft., and presents a filtering- - surface oi 240square feet. A limited number in stock inHonolulu and are sold at very low prices.

Risdon Iron & Loco. Works,8an Francisco.

1 or particulars enquire ofJOHN DYER Honolul

Room No. 3 Spreckels' Block:234 W. O. IKWIN & Co., Agents


Hog and Poultry KemeclyVictoria Lawns, Nansooks in plain and checks, Batistes, Confection, plain and At

Leave San Francisco. Leave Honolulu.Friday May 9Friday June 6Friday.., July 4Friday Aug. 1

ISTEW GOODSa Fine Assortment.

Friday Apr. 25Friday May 23Friday June 20Friday July 18

dotted Swiss, sancy Upen Work Materials, etc., etc.- -

EMBROIDERED BOX SUITS, in Wash Materials, and Silk EmbroideredWool Materials.

Embroideries, Embroideries.immense assortment at very low prices.

P. O. AnFriday Aug. 29Friday Aug. 15Friday Sept. 12 Friday fcept. 2b

A CertainlCure for the Diseases of

HOGS AND POULTRY.Oct. 24Friday Oct. 1M Friday..

Friday Nov. Friday Nov. 21Friday Dec. 18Friday Dec. 5

EMBROIDERY FLOUNCES, latest heinmedst itched designs, entire new pat rterns at exceptional low prices, at the-- o- i!Arrival of "

lTriPOPULAR MILLINERY HOUSElst. It puts your pigs in first-clas- s condition.2d. It stops cough, and regulates the bowels.3d. It will keep sows healthy during precnancy. and superinduce a sound 140--v


Of San Francisco.

Practical Piano, Pipe and Reed Organ



We have just received per Bk Tillie Baker,a fine selection of New Goods,

comprising, oneelegant

Hand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set.

A few of those fine hand-embroider-


Assorted colors and patterns of CrepeSilk Shawls. Elegant Tete-- a te Cups

and Saucers. A fine lot of


A few of those handy Mosquito Urns.Also, an assortment of new styles of

Rattan Chairs and TablesAlso, a small selection of JAPANESE


4th. It will arrest disease in everv instance, if administered before the vital Hi

E. O. HALL.&-SON- , L'd, 131 Days from Litparts are beyond the reach of aid.

5th. It destroys worms and hastens maturity.6th. It is a thorough preventive. Feeders who use it all the year round have

no disease among their swine.7th. It will repay its cost many times over in the extra pounds of pork it

will make without extra feed. Hogs treated with it will gain two or more pounds,while others are gaining one. The reason is it regulates the digestive functions

Having worked in some of the largest LAItGff CARGO Cand enables the animal to convert every particle of food eaten into pork, involv-ing no waste. Hundreds of testimonials from breeders in England, Germany,Scotland, Ireland, the United States, New Zealand, and Australia.

iano and organ factories io the Unitedtates of America. 1 am fully able and pre

pared to do all kinds of repair work in themost satisfactory manner. Call early and-- examine this finTESTI 3VI ONIALS: i!rm m

"Dr. Hass' Hog Remedy is a certain preventive of disease, making pigs thriveassortment of New uoods.

WING W0 CHAN & CO. New Grocwell and gain flesh fast. (3d,) J. N. WALTON, Birmingham, Lng.,( Purveyor to H. M. the Queen and H. It. H. the Prince of Wales.)Orders can be left at H. F. Wich- -

No. 22 Nuuanu Street."Our experience has shown that Hass' Remedy will prevent disease in hogs andnian's Jewelry store. Fort street, at theAdvertiser office, or through Mutual Tele-pho- ne

No. 347. 67-l- m

155-l- y.

that the increase in nesn by its use more than covers the cost."GILLILAND, 11AUKWORTH & BUCKLES,

' ' "Coffeyville, Kansas.i III !1

' IV !

. f"A good investment as a pork producer, to say nothing of its preventing disease.

L. R. WOODS, Keene, Kentucky." faHardware Merchan"I do not think it safe to he without Hass' Remedy to prevent disease. After a ts & Ship ChanTHE HISDOIST

Iron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beal and Howard Streets,

Ban Francisco '.California

thorough test I am sure it is a valuable medicine as well as a pork producer."B. F. DORSE Y, Breeder Perry, Illinois.

Anchors, Chains, .l. i lit.HAVE JUST EEOEIVED Cocoa Mats, Kettles,

Sauce Pans, FryWrr- -Ex Bark John D. Brewer from Boston ; the Ship Borrowdale from England ; and


Shipping and Commission Merchants



Ilantation Agents,

Life, Fire and Marine

Insurance Agents.

153 HONOLULU, II. I. ly

W. H. TATLOB PresidentB. 8. 3IOOUE Superintendent . Bedsteads,

gffTFOR SALE with Directions for Use by


3221 lll-2- m Exclusive Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

oilier late arrivals, a large assortment of Uoods in their line,including Fence Wire,

MANITA ROPK--6 Thread to 9 inch: IRON WIRE, and Flexible Sheathing Mel- -Builders -- of Steam Machinery

In all its branches.

STEEL ROl'E, all sizes; Bolt Rope, Lanyard Stuff, Ratline, Spunyarn,Marlin, Hambroline, Ilonsline, Seizing Stuff, Wire Seizing, Whaleline, Roofing Iror

Cane KnlrOakum, Felt, Fitch, Coal and Stockholm Tar, Fitch Mops, and Tar Brushes,BTjOOKS-Comm- on and Patent, all sizes and styles:Steamboat, Steamship, Land Engines & Boilers,

SHEAVES Common, Patent and Metaline bushed ;uigii pressure or uomponna.A Large Assortment otSTEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete,



Galvanized and Brass Snip Hardware,with bulls ot wood, iron or composite.OKDINABY ENGINES compounded when ad'

vlsable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con



LOVE'S BAKERYIfo. 7S Nnnann Street.

MBS. BOOT. LOVX, - Proprletreee.

structed with reference to the trade in which

White Lead, Red Lead,Boiled Linseed Oil,Castor Oil, Belting,Coal Tar, Water Tanks,Fire Brick, Alum,Red Ochre, Fire Clay,Bags, Twine,Filter Cloth,

they arr to be employed. Speed, tonnage and with extra Points, Handles and Beams to fit: all kinds of AGRICULTURALdraft of water guaranteed.IMPLEMENTS: MECHANICS' TOOLS, of all kinds:SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinery

ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Galvanized and Copper Telephone Wire, Fencemade after tbe most approved plans. Also, allBoiler iron wors connected tnerewun.

Every Description of Plain and Fancy. WATEB PIPE, of Boiler oi dheet Iron, of any





GIN GKEIi ALE,Sarsaparilla, Lemon, Cream and Plain Soda,

Champagne Cider, Etc., Etc.

size, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted ca tbe

Wire, Galvanized and Black ; LEATHER, Card Matches, Paints andOils, Kerosene Oil, Lubricating Oils, and Engineers'

y Supplies, Coarse SALT by the bag or ton.

We Sell First-clas- s Goods at LOWEST Market KatesCall and See lor Yourselves at""' " Bread and Crackers, ground. Soap, Groceries,HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water

Pipes made by this establishment, riveted byhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofFRESH- -Pacific CoimBit.- - 35. O. HALL & SONS,

Corner 'of Fort and King Streets.WorK Demi; lar superior to nand work.

57-2-mSHIP WORE.. Ship and Steam Capstans. Steamiukers Winches, Air and Circulating Pumps, made

Boots and Shoes,Perfumery, Flags,

Rope Brashes,Croquet Sets,

Dressing Cases,. Mirrors, .k :,.


alter tne most approved plans.SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the PacificBe Jnt and feu not: S

Let all the ends tbon alm'at at bv. Coast of the Heine gaiety Boiler. GEO. W. LINCOLN,

Thy Country's, thy Ood'e. and T'IOQU Rgad PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for Irrigation orcity works' purposes, built with the celebratedDavy Valve liiotion, superior to any other rpHE WELL-KNOW- N BUILDER, IS STILL IN THE FIELD AS A CON- -pump.

THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1890X tractor, and is now better prepared .to do any and all kinds of work

appertaining to contracting or any other class of work belonging to his trade, inthe same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore ; having curtailed my shop

Bridles, Felts, Whigg,JOHN DYER Honolulu13m Room No. 3-- , upstairs, Spreckels' Block i'ankets, SheeAi advice ocgCT ALL AREATED WATERS GUARANTEED PURE.disctL? r. Goods.-- his discre- - THE litTHAT CONSTITUTION.

Marshal v.mg to tne Duuamg traae that may tie entrusted to my oare. ijg1 enabled to dothe same at very low rates, to suit tie extremely dull thand at the same time

cxrt in mmI (hit wltAt a n(H IlA:Mn A. Mll In .

--xe appointed tfc,.bnawn i he in natnr--VBaldwin Locomotivas ! 4U utvA wov nuai io t vowing t Jg--Q doing Well. Victoria, the Kingdom Under t!

being notifu-- tual 330--TELEPHONES---

Eell 298.Art. 6. All peact


Mosquitcand possesses

IXLaces, B , .I&lft respectfully yours,

, There has been a good deal of talkabout constitutions recently. Somesay that one would be promulgated,restoring the old order of things;others that sweeping amendments tothat of 1887 would be made and

it ! amnei snau 1 .elvets,4, thnominarfwyrtattocGEO. W. LINCOLN.111 1296-l- ytical purposes are her

and special legislation sh Ver?, or with T?: the Privy 1!!LE!!7protect the people against .

--ihe uTTdersigned having been appointedbole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands "9 Of 8chand trusts. THE STALLIONTROTTING-BR-H) B. IT. EHLE1BS& CO Flannel.Art. 7. ah men nave me i.

Basket Trunks ExecuPicnic Hanirying ofT .

tetition the King, the uaomet o j A

Legislature for redress of pvaK, , 09 Fort Street, nmonolulu.iim rr e ic :and such petitions must be iiur by -- v5t dam

much else to the same effect. Wetook the trouble to institute a searchwith the result of discovering thedocument which is published as somuch news to-da- y. Its authorshipor origin is not known. Of coursei

HAVE JUST RECEIVED A VERY LR(JtW ASSORTMENT OPeredI and answejd-- r, & John Ne.sJenny

3d"iam bvBell

Old StClaS dam bvArt. 8. by Wannabo by Glencoe. Millman's Bellfouiider bv Bpllfnnnr


Baldwin LocomotivesFrom the Works of

Burniam, Parry, Williams & Co.,

an(L-ouT-on V1 ;orse, norse, dam Engineer 2d, son of Eneineer. bv Imn. MEssrx'p.rr oa revaam Dy uarris ilamiltonian, son of Bishop's Hamiltonian, he by Imp. Messenoro -


'V interesttingdoa;

:ihe necet--e

reqiiisit ,:

ni8tSi,el6ctd ;.all be styled ti 4

L nderj- -tne chief of ;tt V

w Sofa"

iirABE1L. "RINGEK Is a beautiful dark brown Horser16 hands WAiiinrpounds, with black points, and fine carriage and beautiful actfon.He trotted

does not eminate from ajoTReform partyn Co' of Hartford,

lieve UNION


Goldsmith, in 2:47. ' m.u e, anven Dy jonn js.T fHilaclelpliia, Penn.,

Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, of any

TFor further particulars enquire of1322 116-l- B. F. WHITE, Honolulu, H. I. 'Cing may preside o


All will be Sold at Reasonable Priced have tne caa .J IRE AND MARINE,


EmbrUsyoeuponjw,DfSs?makinff Department under the ofmanagement MISSCLARK, be re-open- ed about May 12th.NEW GOODS.

J. E. GOMES,or?.Iflitth!

The Baldwin Locomotive Works arenow manufacturing a style of Locomo-tive particularly adopted

For Plantation Purposes,WAIALAE BREEDING EANCHImporter and Manufacturing Jeweler GOO KTM & CO, 59 NUUANU STREET PajamVsnitfl: r

of all Horses Kept. Dinner Sets,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing PlantationAgents and Managers with particulars of Tea Sets,




Opened on Saturday last, an entirely new Stock of Goods, ex S. S. Australiaconsisting of all kinds of '

DRY GOODS & TAILOR, GOODSAll of which will be sold at very low prices."

same. Desert;Ox. As FanCrockThe superiority of these Locomotives

79 Fort St (Mclnerny Block),

Has Just Received per S. 8. Australia, aNew Stock of the

Latest Novelties in Jewelry, Watchesand other Goods usually found ina first-clas- s establishment.



H Aover all other makes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughout the Wedgey'uniiea states. BREEDING DEPABTJIENf j SALE DEPARTMENT.

tfiiLCiUtr lS ?naP?Jed aM .clothes mIe at onr establish- -ment w.ill

10S-4- w Uuabrellanda,WAT. G. IRWIN & Co.,Sole Agexts for Hawaiian Islands.

21 1307 ,

JTOIZ SALE :Stallions of Various Breeds

The following Fine Animals will Maudfor Service at the Ranch, Waialae- -

Well-bre- d Stallion. " AIvVRIST."E. Mclntyre & JBro.




Decanters'Salad Bot

Mnsh Sef ;

Flower IFilters,Etc, ElEtc.

Norman StallionCAPTAIN GROWL."

Glares with, or without loulHorses for any Purpose.


Big tJ has given univer-sal satisfaction in thenire of tioiiorrhop njOluet. I prt scribe it and

Watches, Bead Necklaces and Bracelets.Chain Braceletsthe latest novelty,

. Something new, large variety.

Native Jewelry of all kind in Stock,.

. and made to order. Also, a largeassortment of -


rl TO & DATS.

OU StnoWre.

loTTytb, elsafeinrecommend- -


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,K AST CORN BfR FORT AKD KINO STftKKTS.

New tionds received by every pMSKt from the Eastern suwnt ir. u ,produce by every steamer. AH orders fatthfniiv &

. A Skilful BREAKER and TRAIN KMis employed on the Ranch.

Thoroughbred Stal. "JMIDNIGHT."Two Native Stallions

"PILIAOAO" anl FliAJIi."A Well-bre- d Kentucky JACK.

Ohio. " Satisfaction is guaranteed in BreakTmle Sold by lirufcists.sh uviocaI carry in stock the latest and nntJe Theo.fi. Davie?city free of chmne. Islaua orders solicited r''SSJ0"' PAULfrocnrable anywhere. Call and inspect it.a specialty. 134-- 1 w LCCli-- WITH HiU IN k. f IHani Telephone Kp. S3 R. ISENBEEG.- 1314-l- y 62--m

Hollister & Co., Wholesale gents,Benson, Smith A Co. , Whoir v""


C 133 1200--1