t' THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER MS? N|NPSl(9IOSt NHIsf laTlasWi Second Week of Drive 45 New, 74 Renewal Subscriptions Tamed In to Bring Total Prio- Drhre Continues Four irte' Cranford Ji netted «jt dxrlnfUs* second week at Its drive for subscriptions for The Cran .. font O U a and Chronicle to bring Its total profits for the first two weeks to Slim, tt was aiynooncert last night. The drtre «ffl conthme for fbur mart ; The league-will me tU pr the caikip*Jtft'-to*~Cttty~oa~lts multiple darttki In "Crmnnort.*!ilcli Include support of the Cranford Welfare Assor elation, (applying BriDc to underpriv- ileged children, support « tte" Cran- fqrd Boys' Carcp and the Needlework nllii. uoitflnc frtiti-far-the hag fortunale residents of this community at Thanksgiving and* Christinas, opera' tion of a motor corps 'to tr**» children from the Westfield chUdrens Home to the Orange Orthopedic Hospital, and [——manjt. ether rtiariUhle wnritt . _ -Mrs_Howaid-M»-Park, -Chairman -of the Service', League "subseripllon cam- paign commltteevthis week tamed in forty-three new one-year subscriptions. . one new two-year subscriptions, one new one-half year subscription, fifty-seven y d biti ld one-year -one p renewsd subscriptions, b which netted the league fit. In adlUon.|he league benefited from fourteen oneAyear "'. renewal subscrip- tions, one one-half jear renewal and ooeoneandVquarferyearrenewal suli-' scriptlons which were turned in at The -Citizen;- and -Chronicle- office. •• Their share of the office returns amounted rnlttee which drafted the constitution and by-laws, and was treasurer during raml^ league -members* wig-lie continued-until—all sections of the township have been cov- ered. It Is announced. JUNIOR-SENIOR ^ " WILL MEET OCT. 25 ••'•'• _ _ _ / ' V One first meetingoflb» new Junlor- Senior High School Parent-Teacher As- sociation win be held October 35 hi LincolnSchool, it was announced jres- terday. The .new group has been formed -tne-uew Juulor- whlcli_wni .be , by the first of the In-conjunction- senior high opened, it Is 1 year. Tea win be served from J to 4 p m t1h it' iitil ti p. m, at,1he unit's initial TEere in b ; meeting. Officers x>f the new organisation are: President. Mrs. KUwart Heyden: vice- •presidents, Ray A. dement, Howard R. Best and Charles Wallace; correspond. ing «crttaiy. Mrs. C. A. Lansing; re- cording secretary. Mrs. Harold Buhdy; treasurer, Mrs. Joseph P. Heuen and financial chairman, Mrs. Gaston. E. Crosby. ...-:. . *. . Mrs. Ray A. caement is cfiainnan of "teas. * Other^committee chairmen in- clude: Class mothers, Mrs. H. Wlnkel; athletics. Harold Davis; program, Mrs. Robert Knimbaoer; senior dances and senior finances/Mrs. Ira Kettle: Junior dances, Mn^ w. Jfcsderlcte: Junior fl- nances, Mrs. James Carey; senior scrap- book, Mrs. Richard Meafe: Junior scrap- •a NEWSDBSCBmiONg /> . NET SESVICB LEAOVE'HU* Following Is a tummary of the ; iecaod wwfc'»»cti.Tib<wof thewjl^^ scripUondrlve which the Cranford Junior Service League Is conduct- ing for the Cranford Cltlsen and Chronicle- for beneflt of the' League's charities: ' .. Tvned In by tVeagwe «S 1 yr;'new tubs.^..,. 11 yfT new sub. _.; . ... rttyr.newsub. ..;.„ .... ,. *7 1 yr. renewal sub. ...... ' ..... , League proflU ...M3.00 3.00 '-•• Tamed In at O « « ! *. l JT- renewaTsubs, 1 Vi yr. renewal sub. . I IK yr, renewal tub. -J5 .62 Second week's profits KB.8T •First weelt's profito, .•.„..,.. 83JO Total pronu to date..;*l.W37 WELFARE GROUP Succeed* Orf H. M. Pretident; George H. Brtet Resigns. Walter E. Cooper w elected prest< dent Dt the Cranford W«lfar« Aasoca- Uon at the organisation meeting of the board of dlrectorilait Thursday night In the association's headquarter*, north Union avenue,. Mr. Cooper, succeeds Carl H. Mason. Other officers are: _ den, Mrs. lisle R. fleardslee, reelected; second, -Louis Weienbach; treasurer, Carl H. Mason: secretary, Oeorge A. Watson, reelected. ' / - : . The directors voted to continue, the services ot Mis. Carrie. O.Drsdy as ex- ecutive secretary and welfare worker. Board meetings, as to the past, will be held the tint. Thuntaay night of each month. At the next meeung, OctobeV- 7, chairmen of itantfllng committees will Resignation of qeorge H. Bates as a director was accepted with regrets. Mr. Bates, who served as president of the organization, during its formation period was i salorthaXTifessure"oT"6uU - made It necessary for himto tender his resignation. A ..suwessor to Mr. Bates Will •»!»<*»«» hy n f(lrnm|H«u> h»j^«rt by. Mr. WelersbacK. The new president has been active since -the-lncepUonol'Uifl -aAtoclatlon YOUNG a d P. PLANS 'JUNIOR COMMITTEE 1 Plans for tha otianlwHon of a "Jun- ior municipal eommlttte." were form- uUUd, at Monday eight's meeting g Republlean dub in -the towmhip rootr*/Ttje "committAemen" and "commlUwwonyn" will keep a list of voters in/thsir! respective district, and thereby will be'in a position to do more effeetlv* work tt election time. MsJoolm Wallace, who con- tl^meeHrisisakrhe hopes a systemwUltw. put Into effect UlMMIghOUt.' ' " * " / T h e mala wsftfemale member of the club In each dirtrfet who bring In the most newpaid Dsssnkera to the dub will be desigiMrted M Sfcinmitteeman conunitteewoman. The committee In charge of tha n»» organisation In- cludes: Klsla Oundenen, chairman of membership; Dorothy Lewis, EUxabeth Bnsor, Dexter Bates, Jean Jansen, Pa trtcia Hefky, MaJotfm Johnson and Floyd Weeks. The club endorsed the candidacy of Police. OoDunlulsUUE J. 1WSi*a»rfl ^fVotf who seeking reelection, and voted'to cooperate with 'the municipal commit- tee In conducting the Clee for Governor headquarters here. The club's executive committee wil meet Monday night at he home of Miss Ensor. After next week, the d u b wm-meet-weekly-tinHhelfcUon:-- Township.Committee, at Its meeting Tuesday-^hti-fiirneif' o^wrr'ah- i t>re1l- ; to'vacate a part of Berkeley Place from Hampton street-to the Rah- war River, after Mayor Cleorge E. Os- tertwldt announced that he had re- ceived •ai^f^ettets~M"pTOleaid'ffle mcature The letters w°re slgnecVby George H. Bates, Mrs. H. R. VanSaun, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller, Raymond HTHunlctsrsrewanrRoot.'E.'WrBald- te,. Marjorle B.- Hopkins and E. P. Muter. Z A communication frein Cranford Me- morial Day committee asking what ac- tion has been taken on the request for a_WPA. project. to_Jand«apeLthe__new pork, located on Springfield avenue, Rverstde Drive and Central avenue, was refered'to committee of the whole.^The letter stated that the group will meet October 19 to select the memorial and adopt a finance program. Road' Corn-' mlsdorwr Frank -McCullough advised that.no project has been formulated as meet for both teams, the Lions send- in; nine runs across the plate In' their halfr-whlle-the-Rotarlans werc-ablo.to- get in eight tallies. .In the second inn- ing, the Liens' fielders tightened up and allowed only one Rotary run, while they tallied five more to lead, 14 to 9 :: The Rotarlans, behind the pitching of Capt. J. Walter Coffee, reversed the pro- cedure In the ;third'frame when they scored five runs while holding the Lions to one, to brinfr-the- score to 15 to 14, still in favor of the Lions.. The fourth inning, however, saw the Rotary blank the Lions, and when they came to bat scored six runs to take the lead. The fifth Inning completed the rout when the Rotary nine again held the -Lions scoreless should be the creased traffic over this street. This is being planned,,it was said .Crosby. David Brown; said publicity, Mrs. y repretent the high school on the Cninford P.-T/A.. Coun- E. Keeld, the two memben-at-large, to- Junlor dances •win be started i n . O c- tober. "•• .-,:". ..'. ••• " • The P.-T. A. has pnrchased ten hood sweaters for the football team through donations from members and contrlbu- " o n s from TrieniM of the unit. SAFE DRIVING AWARDS TO 8 LOCAL MOTORISTS —Among CranfM resldente who have received Honor Awards for driving 3S.- «M or more miles without a reportable accident as Ceflned In the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Act are: Harry EWk, 508 unden Place; MOB. Vera. Merciam, 204 Hampton street; Alton Ward, 108 Holly stret" . - . _ - ColumbU Dun n. *r, Hobelraan. US south Union avenue; and LeRoy Reinhart. SM south Union •venue.- An ot t h e n drivers-secured Uun- awards through the local Safe Drivers- OommBtsje. of «bkh Mrs. K. ^HedenberthaeawUry. Fred Lange submitted a price of $530^0. obtained by the Garden Club' of Cranford; for materials only for landscaping the plot. Theprice Includes 198 different plants and shrubs and grass seed. and. the services of a land- scape gardener, who will supervise the project in the. event labor is'supplied y WPA or from some other source, On recommendation of Fire Commis- sioner Dudley J. Croft, the committee vcted not to.accept installaton of three new water mains by. the Plalnfleld-Un- on .Water Corrpany "on the' grounds that they are not neeced for flre?pro- J h ^ i W t o b e located in Lexington avenue from Dcnr man avenue easterly to the dead' end, a distance'of SOO-feet^Columbla-avenue. from dead end near Laurel avenue, east <rf KCTUirorth-BculewHd < .a,disiauc&-Of 1,386 feet; and-In Osbome Place, from dead end of North avenue nertnsrtjrto- deadend, a distance of 462 feet. Rahway Valley, Joint Meeting ac- knowledged a resolution adopted" at last meeting of the Township Committee seeking to recover approximately $10,- 000 hi accrued interest forjiaving met its'payments to the Jblnt_Meeflng promptly. The resolution .will be con- sidered at tonight's session of the Jolni Meeting. ' -— Central Railroad also acknowledged receipt -of ..the .committee's jrequestjor the removal of the railroad's labor camp, located at the Cranford-Aldene line, and stated that the communica- tion WU1 be refered to tho proper offi- cers for investigation. —Adopted was a-resolution renewing " twnship improvement The Rotary softball team defeated the Lions Club, team, 30 to 15, last Thurs- dayi^.'af ternQon*'- ut-.the ? ourdi'' anbu&l. "comedy and- errors" contest. between representatives of the two service or- ganizations. The victory gave the Ro- tarlans two legs on the silver loving tnrp" to-cne~for-the-liions."» Y *'* > "" i *' •""•"- The first Inning proved to be a field? POLITICAL GROUPS Republicuu Reelect C. J. Ehmling, Democrats Name A. Norman UserteU. pal committees met Monday night and organize* for the coming year. Repub- licans reflected Charles J. Ehmllng.as chalrroan, while the Democrats choec A. Norman Issertell to head their com- mittee to succeed) William D'Arcy. •-'—- -Other,officers elected by the-Republl- Caslno were: Postmaster D'Arcy who has held the . Clarence Eflts was on-- tho offloeifor font-years, mound for the losers, with Jack Apgor bemnii the plate. Second bueitnui Ed McMahon gave an acrobatic exhibition hi attempting to snag an easy hit; He (Continued on page fivel MEN'S LEAGUE BEGINS TWENTY-NINTH The Men's League of the Hrst Pres- byterian Church began its twenty-ninth' year of activities with an entcrtain- meijt meeting last Thursday night in the church jchool auditorium. Presi- dent William Welnpahl, beginning, Ws second year as head cf the group, wel- comed more than 100 members,and guests ant!' urged'the members to co- operate with the officers an* executive k l t h l * ear. .. Prior to the entertalnrr.ent, the as- serhbiageetood In silent prayer in mem- orynf J. Ejtanleyyoorhces, a put.presN denr^d'' 1 "m*"a^e l; ^in6er* J bTr'^tne leagjM^-who-dled-during-the-summoi; submitted by committee chairmen. for one"year improvement held Pension Fund! THWUd was reappolnted tax for a term bfthree years, effec- jse tive July 1, last. Road Commissioner McCuUough ad- - (Omtliuud ai m/e five) Mr. Welnpahl spoke of Mr.- Voorhces" service;, both as an officer and as it member, in the Interest of the league! He said Mr. Voorhees had gathered to- gether for the organization a fund of $100. which'was'to be used should, an emergency arise. The fund); still is In- tact. ••'• . ' •;• •••"*• •'"... •Clifford. Lovejoy, who arranged the program, was master of ceremonies, And the entertainers were' Sammy WllsDn, pianist, an associate of the late Victor Iftrbert;-Jean--BuiohlrSoprano r a-pro- tege of Richard Bonnell. Metropclltan baritone, and Martin Barrett, magician. TO PRODUCE 'PINAFORE' The Players' Oulld has started he- hearsals^f. S. S. Pinafore, TJie^first meeting 'was held last Wednesday, eve- ning at the home,of Mrs. Nettle Morris. There was-an enthusiastic group pres- ent and) they hope to put the produc- tion on the latter part of November, Anyone Interested fa joining the group should communicate with the chair- man of the membership committee, Mrs, I Morris, S48 North avenue, east. cans, ata^meeUng._, VlcMKaifmah; Mrsl treuurer^MrSi-JuUa-I^Hassant; cor- responding .secretary, Malcolm E. Wal- lace; recording secretary, Howell Pen- istonr'ana"BuaitBiVTWfs. O. JrJansern The committee decided to open cam. palgn headquarters here the last two weeks In October, The group will meet at tho Township Rooms Tuesday night prior to going to Elizabeth to attend the .County Republican Committee or- ganization meeting. All; sixteen com- mitteemea and women were present at Monday night's meeting. Mr. Issertell, who has been active In Democratic circles for several years, was unanimously elected mundpal chairman at the organization of that party's, mu- nicipal committee at 1 Walnut avenue His name was placed In nomination by mjwUniJft.tteCoilnoimJiie. .night-of October 12, It was announced at Tues- day night's mcctUut by John V. Orady, chairman of the entertainment comrnlt- Mcmbers of the Legion Auxiliary and Scotch Putins Post, American. Legion, have been Invited to attend. Tile reg- ular business meeting' will be omitled to run this year because of the pressure of ousinejis in Ine postoiBce. ."buwr offi- cers are: Vlce-chalrmmn, : Louis T. Welersbach; treasurer, Mrs. Anna Ryan; and secretary, Mrs. Carol Metz, The chairman was authorized to cost sixteen votes for Edward L. Whelan for County chairman, at the CountyCom mlttee's reorganization .meeting, held Tuesday night. Fourteen of the six- teen members were present at Monday nlghj's'session. .-.» .;>:......:.. GARDEN CLUB ANNUAL MEETING TO BE OCT. 11 The annual, meeting of the Cranford Garden Club will be held at 2:30 p. m., Monday, October 11, "at the home of nominating committee, of which Mrs. W. W. Plummcr la chairman, and other membera.of which are Mrs. O. B. Mil- reports-Annual reports also will be of the Assisting Mrs. Crai? /is hostesses will bo: Mrs;. J. P. Oiufett. Mrs. W. S, Damon, Mrs. P. B. Qllpln, Mrs. H. L. Robinson and Mrs. O. H. Hansel. Mrs. A. O. Ingalis, president club, together with Mrt, W. W. Plum- mer and' Mrs. H. P..Southard' will at- tend the fall conference of, the State Federation of "Garden Clubs on October 14 and IS at tho Berkeley-Carteret Hotel, Asbury Park. p f C S William'- Jackson, cf Cranford," was elected master councilor of Breniner Chapter, Order of DeMolay, last Thurs- day night in Masonic Temple; Waldo Mowen, of Cranford, senior councilor, and Charles Hunter, of Roselle, Junior councilor. They will.be Inducted at a ptibUc. Installation October 14, The chapter's Installing team will officiate. The team also will Install officers of Morrlstown, Belleville and Scranton chapters, _A fifth anniversary cere- money was conducted, with twelve Unit associate* of the chapter In attendance. ynm Milieu*' ADULT CLASSES OPEN R«fUtration Monday, Tuet- dar in Cleveland, Lin- t ¥Pup Scliools* Adult -Education Classes for 1H7-M will open next Wednesday In Cleveland and Lincoln Schools, It was announced yesterday by 1 Ho.war* R, Best, super, vising, principal of the Cnnford Public Schools.' The evening classes ore offered under Joint' auspices of the? Board of Education and the Works Progress Ad- ministration. Mr. Best will personally supervise the school. Registration will be conducted In the two schools from 7 to 10 p. m. Monday and Tuesday. ' Oourseji to be offend lncludet-Hubila relations and- political government, French and Oerman, typewriting arid Shorthand for beginners, and advanced S for beginners, and advanced students, Ameilcanlsm Class for foreign speaUnt l ildi di g speaUnt people, including reading, wHUngand spelling: and sewing and knitting. Last years records, according to Mr. Best, show that pupils attending the school ranged' in age frcm 18 to 60. As t t e i i ^ t ip exceed that of last year, those interested are requested to enroll early. There Is no fee connected with the evening classes, > School Completion Date Extendet to Nov. 15 •I- . roUNPER Or CHBOMCLE TELLS E AN EDITOK . An Uitere«Un« letter by-John A, Potter, 'founder and-^flnt editor of The Cranford Chronicle, appears in - the current Issue of the Saturday eveningPost, V xt-followViv "Editor, Saturday Evening Cost, "Philadelphia.,. .' '\ .... . "In your 'Keeping Posted' column of August twenty-first you gave an exairple of What Sort of a Letter •an WItor Llfeg Mojit to Receive.. HereU a-««er thai came to meonN Noverrber thirtieth, IMS, Immed- iately after the first Issue, twenty: rW«isingt(in hand press of the Cranford, N, J., Weekly Chronicle,' 'Enclosed find "" $3 for two years'' subscription to your paper.' "The wrller of that letter has long since "gone' to heaven. But- he has I,_ JcfL on..lmmcrtal-poW«m -of lire- letter that every editor, everywhere, In every generation, Is most glad to receive. . "JOhN A. POTTER, ' "Melrose, Florida/' NEXT LEGION MEETING Motion pictures of oil processing and th8 -National American Legion parade In NewYork will boshown by Cranford. the pictures. In addition to Mr. QracV, others on tho arrangements committee are Ocotge Pcay and Carroll K. Sellers. The post and auxiliary- will upomor be used for the first time Baturdny y^lew'=wM Hallowe'en dance October 23 In the Casino.-Harold Buck, John Mayer and Charles Christian comprise the post's committee. Plans alto were formulated for the annual Past Commanders' Din- ner to be held Armistice .night In the Casino. Arrangements' for tho latter affair ore In charge of'the Americanism committee, of which Walter E. Cooper > chairman . A. Monte Carlo party ; scheduled' for- November IB, •' . • Three newmembera, Eugene D. Tow- ler, Alfred Rents: and Charles Younte; w e e e'ected at Tuesday night's rr.eet- Inr The rifle committee," comprised of Lee Knowlson/ arrf-Cm»rto-«hri»tlah, - re- ported that-they wUl" visit the Me Uichen Pott-hexi w«k r to cornplet* iwgiSlatlohs tor the obtainlnf ot four or eight rifles to be used by the post's firing squad on Memorial Day and'at other service*. The American Legion Holding Com- pany, which operates the Casino, re- ported a successful year. Recently, Its members have reflnlshed the upstairs and downstairs floors In the Casino, and redecorated - two rooms downstairs. Bowling alleys and equipment have been put into shape forj. the season, fhlch is now open. Past Commander Sellers, chairman of. the Legion Friend Committee, enlisted the aid of two Legionnaires who will assist a young man. Joe Bcrardlnctli was appointed chnlr- lan of the refreshments committee for : Harlcn W. Drew,' recently installed commander, was in charge'of the meet- ing, v - HEAR MISS STABILE Miss Antoinette Stabile, s-graduate ast June of Cranford High School, was guest tpeakcr at the first fall, dinner meeting last .Wednesday night of the Elizabeth Business and - Professional Women's Club In the'Elks' Clubhouse,' Elizabeth. Miss Stabile was-one of the- nine, finalists ojjt of more than 160,000 students who entered an essay contest n the Constitution, < She read her es- A ment," at'the meeting. k : . Among the points brought out by .the youthful .speaker were, In part, that "had bur Constitution been a static, unyielding political Instrument, It would Have died stillborn. • • • It is In these vague phrases thaV human beings be- come pre-eminent. It Is their inter- pretations that bring the Constitution- up-to-date, and making It ft living, vital part of our existence. • • • The Constitution, the-Uving word and deed of living* people, 1» the puUe.of life, drawing It* being' from the contempor- ary world of IU tahaMUntsV' ._ NEW OVAL TO BE USED SATURDAY High ScTrbd'€reven* v to Face Roaelle in Initial ClasH | _Cronforil Mali School's;'hew.' athletic field, located' on Walnut avenue, will be used for the first time Baturdny Roselle High School eleven! Tho game will start at 2:30 p. m.' The Walm avenue Bates (o the field will bo used. ^-Saturday's •w«ne-ivlH-ntarlt~tno-frrst time In two years that the Blue ond Oold lias playmi on Its homo flek\ due to the fact that tha new high school Is located on the forrrcr oval. Losing Its first two games by harrow margins, Coach • J, - Both Wcekley's charges will attempt to open the new fleldt, which Is not yet compleied, with a victory. Penalties to Be Imposed on Contractors Whose by New Date; Paul Sttttbri Named Trus- tee. .'.' . •' • • • Another extension of time for the ' completion of Cranford'a. ne-w Junior-, senior high school has been tentatively granted by PWA, it was announced at an-adjourned-moc^ngef.^he Board of -- Education Tuesday, night In Grant •*??'• Prljlnaiiy'jKheduled, to be completed by March 16, last, an exten- sion was granted to August 15. When It was apparent that the building would not be cqnjpIcUd by that date, a sec- ond extension to October WM an- _ provco*. J TrT<! third and flnaf extension, relHclantly gratfted by PWA, -Is for a thirty-day perlod.\After November 10, • penalties will bh Imposed on th:se con- tractors .who have not finished their work, It was «aid.\ \ ^bl cmher*£lhearchlte«t aiul the nvecontraetcrs will-meeV Bat- urday to complete""the ; neceMOry appli- cation to PWA for tho «;xtenslon\ aeoriJo M. ohlnery, chairman' at (he special committee appointed recently by President Joseph A. Plumnter lo select a successor to Flojw B. Bhanndrj, Who r<^8»i«lrecomnWid4PlHB mjicrejthveTiiievwherwa'sub- equorrtly clectcdC Mr. Sutton, who-will icrvc until tho next school elcotlpn, U graduatp of Purc^uc University, La- ye(le"'fnd;rrahd:7ia»'beeff i rosidcrit of Cranford for six years, M». Chlnerywas olectcd:vlce-pre«l-' dent of the board, a position formerly ' !>S'jlbyMrfi!iann:' Contract for the irradlnif. of tho 40 ATTEND ROTARY*S FIRST ANNUAL PICNIC The__Rotary. JJlub held.J(», first T .an- The club service committee, of which Charles Dooley Is chairman, was In charge of the ovent. -Ajnlsting Mr. Dooley as chefs were Edward Brlede, William D. Reel, Jr.r Herbert R. Mc- CullouBh. Carl K. Warslnskl, Dr. Row- land P. Blytho and the Rev. Frank M. Sherlock. Thomas'V. Albert was in charge of making the coffee. A softball gamo with the'Lions bliro* preceded the picnic, and there was a' program of other games onder direc- tion of J. Walter Coffee. GAS STATION 'BREAK' _ NETS ROBBERS $22 Between »W. and 123 and a change Ing from tho Shell gas station, ^ North Bvcnue,_west,»TTio loot .wWLteken. from a safe, which had been opened i R"h.^.jM^aJfeSBifeWffJ!»<L.bee ialncd-bji-thobreaklngof-a-rear win dow, according -to Scrgt. Oeorgc L. Roscndale.-;; —-— The break* wai discovered at 7:30 a. m. Tuesday when the station was opened by Lawrence' Zlckler, of M Cranford terrace, the manager. His brother, Edward, of .739 Orange avenue, who closed the place at 11 p. m. Mon- day, said he left a night light burning. It was out at 1:*6 a. m. when Patrol- man Anton Kavccs tried the front door In making his rounds. < ---•: Capt. Newell"Rodney Plske Post,.335, V. r. W., has nominated the following offloers: Commander, William Sonata; senior.vice-commander, Charles Beaver; Junior vice-commandedThomas E, Van 8lckle; Judge advocate, Leon"W. Scully; Qhaplaln, John Innaccone; and quar- termasterv Oaston Crosby. Charles Beaver and Thomas E. VanSickle have been nominated for county, delegates. The election still be In, October. .The post-wUlbe represeHted-Frlday-nlght at a testinionial dinner In Linden for Harry Erfcson, retiring coundlmsn from the fifth district. " ""...,- Irtc.,.of_HIJIsJds_on thclr.b|d : of. l t|t, y ^ u wlilcTi includes gradinir, inndscaping and finishing off of all grounds in front and on tho sides of the now structure, but not Including the rear. Walks also are Included In the bldl price. Also awarded to tho Hillside firm was n supplemental contract for Installation of a .drainage system on the school grounds. The bid was $4,511.87. The board officially named the new school the Oranford High; School. At the- suggestion of Trurtee Frank Orumback, the trustees decided! that, starting Saturday, all home football Barnes wlllbo played on thenew ath- letlo field, Walnut avenue. Mr. Crum- - s a nnanciai the Till. !22.— ~ that Saturday's game tears up the grid Iron too much, other arrangements for this season will be made. The building' and grounds committee wo* authorized to purchase ten new uniforms for members of the. high school band. ' President Plummer conducted meeting. ". _ „ " •-• ' UQNS HEART/ BY HARRY R.SISSON An-lnterestlnea4dre«i on Chinese Immigration wasT presented at last Friday night's^dlnncr meeting of the Unni, Clup.liL^ho»Chl3ui«y f Harry R. Slsson, a member of the dub.' Mr, Bisson, a New'York Lawyer and a past'president of trie Oranford Board- of Education, told of the methods em- gu ness In this country. Mr. Slsson, who had twenty years' experience with the Chinese whjlejn.. the employ of the United (States Government and seven- teen years In private business assisting them, spoke In the highest terms of the Chinese. The Cranford club will donate one' of the t r o p h l c m sUver loving cup— to be awarded at. the annual Union-County Lions' band and drill contest Sunday In Warinanco Park, Elizabeth, It was an- nounced. The,club will again cooper- ale-m-stagins^the-coinpeUtlonv-ReprB- sentatlves on.the various subcommit- tees Include: Program, William Klein and Clarence Frits; trophy, O. K. War- ner; Judges,' James A. strong and Dr. E. A. Dunfee. ",.' The speaker at tom'orow night's meet- Ing will be Norman C, Wlttwer, super- vising sanitary engineer for the Rah-, way Valley Joint Meeting, who will ex- plain the construction and operation of the Rahway VaUey-joint trunk sever'" andrdisposml p l a n t ; 1~ ~* In toe aisence of President Barry B."- Helns, Vice-president d«rsno> A. nUmti rf J ^^^^^ W^^m^^^^^^^^^^^^X^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^S^C^^^^^^^^m^^^t—^17 .\7 A . I'

THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER Second Week of Drive YOUNG a Pd ...t' THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER MS? N|NPSl(9IOSt NHIsf laTlasWi Second Week of Drive 45 New, 74 Renewal Subscriptions Tamed In to Bring

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Page 1: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER Second Week of Drive YOUNG a Pd ...t' THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER MS? N|NPSl(9IOSt NHIsf laTlasWi Second Week of Drive 45 New, 74 Renewal Subscriptions Tamed In to Bring





NHIsf laTlasWi

Second Week of Drive

45 New, 74 RenewalSubscriptions TamedIn to Bring Total Prio-

Drhre Continues Four

irte' Cranford Jinetted « j t dxrlnfUs* second week atIts drive for subscriptions for The Cran

.. font O U a and Chronicle to bring Itstotal profits for the first two weeks toS l i m , tt was aiynooncert last night.The drtre «ffl conthme for fbur mart

;— The league-will me tU pr

the caikip*Jtft'-to*~Cttty~oa~lts multipledarttki In "Crmnnort.*!ilcli Includesupport of the Cranford Welfare Assorelation, (applying BriDc to underpriv-ileged children, support « tte" Cran-fqrd Boys' Carcp and the Needlework

nllii. uoitflnc f r t i t i - f a r - t h e hagfortunale residents of this communityat Thanksgiving and* Christinas, opera'tion of a motor corps 'to tr**» childrenfrom the Westfield chUdrens Home tothe Orange Orthopedic Hospital, and

[——manjt. ether rtiariUhle wnritt. _ -Mrs_Howaid-M»-Park, -Chairman -of

the Service', League "subseripllon cam-paign commltteevthis week tamed inforty-three new one-year subscriptions.

. one new two-year subscriptions, one newone-half year subscription, fifty-seven

y d b i t i l done-year-one

prenewsd subscriptions,

bwhich netted the league f i t .

In adlUon.|he league benefited fromfourteen oneAyear"'. renewal subscrip-tions, one one-half jear renewal andooeoneandVquarferyearrenewal suli-'scriptlons which were turned in at The

-Citizen;- and -Chronicle- office. •• Theirshare of the office returns amounted

rnlttee which drafted the constitutionand by-laws, and was treasurer during

raml^ league-members* wig-lie continued-until—all

sections of the township have been cov-ered. It Is announced.


• • ' • ' • _ _ _ / ' V

One first meetingoflb» new Junlor-Senior High School Parent-Teacher As-sociation win be held October 35 hiLincolnSchool, i t was announced jres-terday. The .new group has been formed

-tne-uew Juulor-whlcli_wni . b e

, by the first of the

In-conjunction-senior highopened, it Is 1year. Tea win be served from J to 4p m t 1 h it' i i t i l tip. m, at,1he unit's initialTEere in b ;


Officers x>f the new organisation are:President. Mrs. KUwart Heyden: vice-•presidents, Ray A. dement, Howard R.Best and Charles Wallace; correspond.ing «crttaiy. Mrs. C. A. Lansing; re-cording secretary. Mrs. Harold Buhdy;treasurer, Mrs. Joseph P. Heuen andfinancial chairman, Mrs. Gaston. E.Crosby. . . . - : . . *.

. Mrs. Ray A. caement is cfiainnan of"teas. * Other^committee chairmen in-

clude: Class mothers, Mrs. H. Wlnkel;athletics. Harold Davis; program, Mrs.Robert Knimbaoer; senior dances andsenior finances/Mrs. Ira Kettle: Juniordances, Mn^ w. Jfcsderlcte: Junior fl-nances, Mrs. James Carey; senior scrap-book, Mrs. Richard Meafe: Junior scrap-


Following Is a tummary of the; iecaod wwfc'»»cti.Tib<wof thewjl^^

scripUondrlve which the CranfordJunior Service League Is conduct-ing for the Cranford Cltlsen andChronicle- for beneflt of the 'League's charities:' .. Tvned In by tVeagwe

«S 1 yr;'new tubs.^..,.1 1 yfT new sub. _.;. ...rt tyr .newsub. . .; .„. . . . , .

*7 1 yr. renewal sub. ......'.....,


...M3.003.00 •

'-•• Tamed In at O « «!*. lJT- renewaTsubs,1 Vi yr. renewal sub. .I IK yr, renewal tub.


Second week's profits KB.8T•First weelt's profito, .•.„..,.. 83JO

Total pronu to date..;*l.W37


Pretident; George H.Brtet Resigns.

Walter E. Cooper w elected prest<dent Dt the Cranford W«lfar« Aasoca-Uon at the organisation meeting of theboard of dlrectorilait Thursday nightIn the association's headquarter*, northUnion avenue,. Mr. Cooper, succeedsCarl H. Mason.

Other officers are: _den, Mrs. lisle R. fleardslee, reelected;second, -Louis Weienbach; treasurer,Carl H. Mason: secretary, Oeorge A.Watson, reelected. ' / - : .

The directors voted to continue, theservices ot Mis. Carrie. O.Drsdy as ex-ecutive secretary and welfare worker.Board meetings, as to the past, will beheld the tint. Thuntaay night of eachmonth. At the next meeung, OctobeV-7, chairmen of itantfllng committees will

Resignation of qeorge H. Bates as adirector was accepted with regrets. Mr.Bates, who served as president of theorganization, during its formation periodwas isalorthaXTifessure"oT"6uU -made It necessary for him to tender hisresignation. A ..suwessor to Mr. BatesWill h» •»!»<*»«» hy n f(lrnm|H«u> h»j^«rtby. Mr. WelersbacK.

The new president has been activesince -the-lncepUonol'Uifl -aAtoclatlon


Plans for tha otianlwHon of a "Jun-ior municipal eommlttte." were form-uUUd, at Monday eight's meeting

g Republlean dub in -thetowmhip rootr*/Ttje "committAemen"and "commlUwwonyn" will keep a listof voters in/thsir! respective district,and thereby will be'in a position to domore effeetlv* work tt election time.

MsJoolm Wallace, who con-tl^meeHrisisakrhe hopes asystemwUltw. put Into effect

UlMMIghOUt.' ' " * "/ T h e mala wsftfemale member of theclub In each dirtrfet who bring In themost new paid Dsssnkera to the dub willbe desigiMrted M Sfcinmitteemanconunitteewoman. The committee Incharge of tha n»» organisation In-cludes: Klsla Oundenen, chairman ofmembership; Dorothy Lewis, EUxabethBnsor, Dexter Bates, Jean Jansen, Patrtcia Hefky, MaJotfm Johnson andFloyd Weeks.

The club endorsed the candidacy ofPolice. OoDunlulsUUE J. 1WSi*a»rfl fVotfwho 1» seeking reelection, and voted'tocooperate with 'the municipal commit-tee In conducting the Clee for Governorheadquarters here.

The club's executive committee wilmeet Monday night at he home ofMiss Ensor. After next week, the d u bwm-meet-weekly-tinHhelfcUon:--

Township.Committee, at Its meetingTuesday-^hti-fiirneif' o^wrr'ah-it>re1l-;

to'vacate a part of BerkeleyPlace from Hampton street-to the Rah-war River, after Mayor Cleorge E. Os-tertwldt announced that he had re-ceived •ai^f^ettets~M"pTOleaid'fflemcature The letters w°re slgnecVbyGeorge H. Bates, Mrs. H. R. VanSaun,Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller, RaymondHTHunlctsrsrewanrRoot.'E.'WrBald-te,. Marjorle B.- Hopkins and E. P.Muter. Z

A communication frein Cranford Me-morial Day committee asking what ac-tion has been taken on the request fora_WPA. project. to_Jand«apeLthe__newpork, located on Springfield avenue,Rverstde Drive and Central avenue, wasrefered'to committee of the whole.^Theletter stated that the group will meetOctober 19 to select the memorial andadopt a finance program. Road' Corn-'mlsdorwr Frank -McCullough advisedthat.no project has been formulated as

meet for both teams, the Lions send-in; nine runs across the plate In' theirhalfr-whlle-the-Rotarlans werc-ablo.to-get in eight tallies. .In the second inn-ing, the Liens' fielders tightened up andallowed only one Rotary run, whilethey tallied five more to lead, 14 to 9

:: The Rotarlans, behind the pitching ofCapt. J. Walter Coffee, reversed the pro-cedure In the ;third'frame when theyscored five runs while holding the Lionsto one, to brinfr-the- score to 15 to 14,still in favor of the Lions.. The fourthinning, however, saw the Rotary blankthe Lions, and when they came to batscored six runs to take the lead. Thefifth Inning completed the rout whenthe Rotary nine again held the -Lionsscoreless

should be thecreased traffic over this street. This isbeing planned,,it was said

.Crosby.David Brown; said publicity, Mrs.

y repretent the highschool on the Cninford P.-T/A.. Coun-

E. Keeld, the two memben-at-large, to-

J u n l o r d a n c e s •win b e s t a r t e d i n . O c -tober. "•• .-,:". ..'. ••• " •

The P.-T. A. has pnrchased ten hoodsweaters for the football team throughdonations from members and contrlbu-

" o n s from TrieniM of the unit.


—Among CranfM resldente who havereceived Honor Awards for driving 3S.-«M or more miles without a reportableaccident as Ceflned In the New JerseyMotor Vehicle Act are: Harry EWk, 508unden Place; MOB. Vera. Merciam, 204Hampton street; Alton Ward, 108 Hollys t r e t " . - . _ -

ColumbUD u n n. *r,Hobelraan. US south Union avenue;and LeRoy Reinhart. SM south Union•venue.- An ot t h e n drivers-securedUun- awards through the local SafeDrivers- OommBtsje. of « b k h Mrs. K.^HedenberthaeawUry.

Fred Lange submitted a price of$530^0. obtained by the Garden Club'of Cranford; for materials only forlandscaping the plot. The price Includes198 different plants and shrubs andgrass seed. and. the services of a land-scape gardener, who will supervise theproject in the. event labor is'supplied

y WPA or from some other source,On recommendation of Fire Commis-

sioner Dudley J. Croft, the committeevcted not to.accept installaton of threenew water mains by. the Plalnfleld-Un-on .Water Corrpany "on the' grounds

that they are not neeced for flre?pro-J h ^ i W t o b e

located in Lexington avenue from Dcnrman avenue easterly to the dead' end, adistance'of SOO-feet^Columbla-avenue.from dead end near Laurel avenue, east<rf KCTUirorth-BculewHd<.a,disiauc&-Of1,386 feet; and-In Osbome Place, fromdead end of North avenue nertnsrtjrto-deadend, a distance of 462 feet.

Rahway Valley, Joint Meeting ac-knowledged a resolution adopted" at lastmeeting • of the Township Committeeseeking to recover approximately $10,-000 hi accrued interest forjiaving metits'payments to the Jblnt_Meeflngpromptly. The resolution .will be con-sidered at tonight's session of the JolniMeeting. ' -—

Central Railroad also acknowledgedreceipt -of ..the .committee's jrequestjorthe removal of the railroad's laborcamp, located at the Cranford-Aldeneline, and stated that the communica-tion WU1 be refered to tho proper offi-cers for investigation. •—Adopted was a-resolution renewing

" twnship improvement

The Rotary softball team defeated theLions Club, team, 30 to 15, last Thurs-dayi .'af ternQon*'- ut-.the ? ourdi'' anbu&l."comedy and- errors" contest. betweenrepresentatives of the two service or-ganizations. The victory gave the Ro-tarlans two legs on the silver lovingtnrp" to-cne~for-the-liions."»Y*'*>""i*' •""•"-

The first Inning proved to be a field?


Republicuu Reelect C. J.Ehmling, Democrats Name

A. Norman UserteU.

pal committees met Monday night andorganize* for the coming year. Repub-licans reflected Charles J. Ehmllng.aschalrroan, while the Democrats choecA. Norman Issertell to head their com-mittee to succeed) William D'Arcy. •-'—--Other,officers elected by the-Republl-

Caslno were:

Postmaster D'Arcy who has held the. Clarence Eflts was on-- tho offloeifor font-years,

mound for the losers, with Jack Apgorbemnii the plate. Second bueitnui EdMcMahon gave an acrobatic exhibitionhi attempting to snag an easy hit; He

(Continued on page fivel


The Men's League of the Hrst Pres-byterian Church began its twenty-ninth'year of activities with an entcrtain-meijt meeting last Thursday night inthe church jchool auditorium. • Presi-dent William Welnpahl, beginning, Wssecond year as head cf the group, wel-comed more than 100 members,andguests ant!' urged'the members to co-operate with the officers an* executive

k l t h l *

ear. . .Prior to the entertalnrr.ent, the as-serhbiageetood In silent prayer in mem-

orynf J. Ejtanleyyoorhces, a put.presNdenr^d''1"m*"a^el;^in6er*JbTr'^tneleagjM^-who-dled-during-the-summoi; submitted by committee chairmen.

for one" year improvementheld


THWUd was reappolnted taxfor a term bfthree years, effec-jse

tive July 1, last.Road Commissioner McCuUough ad-

- (Omtliuud ai m/e five)

Mr. Welnpahl spoke of Mr.- Voorhces"service;, both as an officer and as itmember, in the Interest of the league!He said Mr. Voorhees had gathered to-gether for the organization a fund of$100. which'was'to be used should, ane m e r g e n c y ar i se . T h e fund); st i l l is I n -t a c t . ••'• . ' •;• •••"*• • ' " . . .

•Clifford. L o v e j o y , w h o arranged t h eprogram, was master of ceremonies, Andthe entertainers were' Sammy WllsDn,pianist, an associate of the late VictorIftrbert;-Jean--BuiohlrSopranora-pro-tege of Richard Bonnell. Metropclltanbaritone, and Martin Barrett, magician.

TO PRODUCE 'PINAFORE'The Players' Oulld has started he-

hearsals^f. S. S. Pinafore, TJie^firstmeeting 'was held last Wednesday, eve-ning at the home,of Mrs. Nettle Morris.There was-an enthusiastic group pres-ent and) they hope to put the produc-tion on the latter part of November,Anyone Interested fa joining the groupshould communicate with the chair-man of the membership committee, Mrs,

I Morris, S48 North avenue, east.

cans, ata^meeUng._,VlcMKaifmah; Mrsltreuurer^MrSi-JuUa-I^Hassant; cor-responding .secretary, Malcolm E. Wal-lace; recording secretary, Howell Pen-istonr'ana"BuaitBiVTWfs. O. JrJansernThe committee decided to open cam.palgn headquarters here the last twoweeks In October, The group will meetat tho Township Rooms Tuesday nightprior to going to Elizabeth to attendthe .County Republican Committee or-ganization meeting. All; sixteen com-mitteemea and women were present atMonday night's meeting.

Mr. Issertell, who has been active InDemocratic circles for several years, wasunanimously elected mundpal chairmanat the organization of that party's, mu-nicipal committee at 1 Walnut avenueHis name was placed In nomination by

mjwUniJft.tteCoilnoimJiie. .night-ofOctober 12, It was announced at Tues-day night's mcctUut by John V. Orady,chairman of the entertainment comrnlt-

Mcmbers of the Legion Auxiliary andScotch Putins Post, American. Legion,have been Invited to attend. Tile reg-ular business meeting' will be omitled

to run this year because of the pressureof ousinejis in Ine postoiBce. ."buwr offi-cers are: Vlce-chalrmmn, : Louis T.Welersbach; treasurer, Mrs. AnnaRyan; and secretary, Mrs. Carol Metz,The chairman was authorized to costsixteen votes for Edward L. Whelan forCounty chairman, at the County Commlttee's reorganization .meeting, heldTuesday night. Fourteen of the six-teen members were present at Mondaynlghj's'session. .-.» .;>:......:..


The annual, meeting of the CranfordGarden Club will be held at 2:30 p. m.,Monday, October 11, "at the home of

nominating committee, of which Mrs.W. W. Plummcr la chairman, and othermembera.of which are Mrs. O. B. Mil-

reports-Annual reports also will be

of the

Assisting Mrs. Crai? /is hostesses willbo: Mrs;. J. P. Oiufett. Mrs. W. S,Damon, Mrs. P. B. Qllpln, Mrs. H. L.Robinson and Mrs. O. H. Hansel.

Mrs. A. O. Ingalis, presidentclub, together with Mrt, W. W. Plum-mer and' Mrs. H. P..Southard' will at-tend the fall conference of, the StateFederation of "Garden Clubs on October14 and IS at tho Berkeley-CarteretHotel, Asbury Park.

p f C SWilliam'- Jackson, cf Cranford," was

elected master councilor of BreninerChapter, Order of DeMolay, last Thurs-day night in Masonic Temple; WaldoMowen, of Cranford, senior councilor,and Charles Hunter, of Roselle, Juniorcouncilor. They will.be Inducted at aptibUc. Installation October 14, Thechapter's Installing team will officiate.The team also will Install officers ofMorrlstown, Belleville and Scrantonchapters, _A fifth anniversary cere-money was conducted, with twelve Unitassociate* of the chapter In attendance.

ynm Milieu*'


R«fUtration Monday, Tuet-dar in Cleveland, Lin-

t ¥Pup Scliools*

Adult -Education Classes for 1H7-Mwill open next Wednesday In Clevelandand Lincoln Schools, It was announcedyesterday by1 Ho.war* R, • Best, super,vising, principal of the Cnnford PublicSchools.' The evening classes ore offeredunder Joint' auspices of the? Board ofEducation and the Works Progress Ad-ministration. Mr. Best will personallysupervise the school.

Registration will be conducted In thetwo schools from 7 to 10 p. m. Mondayand Tuesday. '

Oourseji to be offend lncludet-Hubilarelations and- political government,French and Oerman, typewriting aridShorthand for beginners, and advancedS for beginners, and advancedstudents, Ameilcanlsm Class for foreignspeaUnt l i l d i di

gspeaUnt people, including reading,wHUngand spelling: and sewing andknitting.

Last years records, according to Mr.Best, show that pupils attending theschool ranged' in age frcm 18 to 60. Ast t e i i ^ ti pexceed that of last year, those interestedare requested to enroll early. There Isno fee connected with the eveningclasses, >

School Completion DateExtendet to Nov. 15



. An Uitere«Un« letter by-John A,Potter, 'founder and-^flnt editor ofThe Cranford Chronicle, appears in -the current Issue of the SaturdayeveningPost, V xt-followViv"Editor, Saturday Evening Cost,"Philadelphia.,. • • .' '\ .... ."In your 'Keeping Posted' columnof August twenty-first you gave anexairple of What Sort of a Letter

•an WItor Llfeg Mojit to Receive..HereU a-««er thai came to meonNNoverrber thirtieth, IMS, Immed-iately after the first Issue, twenty:

rW«isingt(inhand press of the Cranford, N, J.,Weekly Chronicle,' 'Enclosed find ""$3 for two years'' subscription toyour paper.'

"The wrller of that letter has longsince "gone' to heaven. But- he has

I,_ JcfL on..lmmcrtal-poW«m -of l i r e -letter that every editor, everywhere,In every generation, Is most glad toreceive. .

"JOhN A. POTTER,' "Melrose, Florida/'


Motion pictures of oil processing andth8 -National American Legion paradeIn New York will bo shown by Cranford.

the pictures. In addition to Mr. QracV,others on tho arrangements committeeare Ocotge Pcay and Carroll K. Sellers.

The post and auxiliary- will upomor

be used for the first time Baturdnyy^lew'=wM

Hallowe'en dance October 23 In theCasino.-Harold Buck, John Mayer andCharles Christian comprise the post'scommittee. Plans alto were formulatedfor the annual Past Commanders' Din-ner to be held Armistice .night In theCasino. Arrangements' for tho latteraffair ore In charge of'the Americanismcommittee, of which Walter E. Cooper

> chairman . A. Monte Carlo party ;scheduled' for- November IB, •' . •

Three new membera, Eugene D. Tow-ler, Alfred Rents: and Charles Younte;wee e'ected at Tuesday night's rr.eet-Inr

The rifle committee," comprised of LeeKnowlson/ arrf-Cm»rto-«hri»tlah, - re-ported that-they wUl" visit the Me UichenPott-hexi w«krto cornplet* iwgiSlatlohstor the obtainlnf ot four or eight riflesto be used by the post's firing squad onMemorial Day and'at other service*.

The American Legion Holding Com-pany, which operates the Casino, re-ported a successful year. Recently, Itsmembers have reflnlshed the upstairsand downstairs floors In the Casino, andredecorated - two rooms downstairs.Bowling alleys and equipment havebeen put into shape for j . the season,

fhlch is now open.Past Commander Sellers, chairman of.

the Legion Friend Committee, enlistedthe aid of two Legionnaires who willassist a young man.

Joe Bcrardlnctli was appointed chnlr-lan of the refreshments committee for

: Harlcn W. Drew,' recently installedcommander, was in charge'of the meet-ing, v -


Miss Antoinette Stabile, s-graduateast June of Cranford High School, was

guest tpeakcr at the first fall, dinnermeeting last .Wednesday night of theElizabeth Business and - ProfessionalWomen's Club In the'Elks' Clubhouse,'Elizabeth. Miss Stabile was-one of the-nine, finalists ojjt of more than 160,000students who entered an essay contest

n the Constitution, < She read her es-A

ment," at'the meeting. k: .

Among the points brought out by .theyouthful .speaker were, In part, that"had bur Constitution been a static,unyielding political Instrument, It wouldHave died stillborn. • • • It is In thesevague phrases thaV human beings be-come pre-eminent. It Is their inter-pretations that bring the Constitution-up-to-date, and making It ft living,vital part of our existence. • • • TheConstitution, the-Uving word and deedof living* people, 1» the puUe.of life,drawing It* being' from the contempor-ary world of IU tahaMUntsV' ._


High ScTrbd'€reven*vto FaceRoaelle in Initial ClasH |

_Cronforil Mali School's;'hew.' athleticfield, located' on Walnut avenue, willbe used for the first time Baturdny

Roselle High School eleven! Tho gamewill start at 2:30 p. m.' The Walmavenue Bates (o the field will bo used.^-Saturday's •w«ne-ivlH-ntarlt~tno-frrsttime In two years that the Blue ondOold lias playmi on Its homo flek\ dueto the fact that tha new high school Islocated on the forrrcr oval.

Losing Its first two games by harrowmargins, Coach • J, - Both Wcekley'scharges will attempt to open the newfleldt, which Is not yet compleied, witha victory.

Penalties to Be Imposedon Contractors Whose

by New Date; PaulSttttbri Named Trus-tee. .'.' . •' • • •

Another extension of time for the 'completion of Cranford'a. ne-w Junior-,senior high school has been tentativelygranted by PWA, it was announced atan-adjourned-moc^ngef.^he Board of --Education Tuesday, night In Grant•*??'• Prljlnaiiy'jKheduled, to becompleted by March 16, last, an exten-sion was granted to August 15. WhenIt was apparent that the building wouldnot be cqnjpIcUd by that date, a sec-ond extension to October J» WM an- _provco*.JTrT<! third and flnaf extension,relHclantly gratfted by PWA, -Is for athirty-day perlod.\After November 10, •penalties will bh Imposed on th:se con-tractors .who have not finished theirwork, It was «aid.\ \

^ b l cmher*£lhearchlte«taiul the nvecontraetcrs will-meeV Bat-urday to complete""the ;neceMOry appli-cation to PWA for tho «;xtenslon\

aeoriJo M. ohlnery, chairman' at (hespecial committee appointed recently byPresident Joseph A. Plumnter lo selecta successor to Flojw B. Bhanndrj, Whor < ^ 8 » i « l r e c o m n W i d 4 P l H B

mjicrejthveTiiievwherwa'sub-equorrtly clectcdC Mr. Sutton, who-willicrvc until tho next school elcotlpn, U

graduatp of Purc uc University, La-ye(le"'fnd;rrahd:7ia»'beeff i rosidcrit

of Cranford for six years,M». Chlnerywas olectcd:vlce-pre«l-'

dent of the board, a position formerly '! > S ' j l b y M r f i ! i a n n : '

Contract for the irradlnif. of tho


The__Rotary. JJlub held.J(», first T.an-

The club service committee, of whichCharles Dooley Is chairman, was Incharge of the ovent. -Ajnlsting Mr.Dooley as chefs were Edward Brlede,William D. Reel, Jr.r Herbert R. Mc-CullouBh. Carl K. Warslnskl, Dr. Row-land P. Blytho and the Rev. Frank M.Sherlock. Thomas'V. Albert was incharge of making the coffee. •

A softball gamo with the'Lions bliro*preceded the picnic, and there was a'program of other games onder direc-tion of J. Walter Coffee.


Between »W. and 123 and a change

Ing from tho Shell gas station, North Bvcnue,_west,»TTio loot .wWLteken.from a safe, which had been opened

iR"h.^.jM^aJfeSBifeWffJ!»<L.beeialncd-bji-thobreaklngof-a-rear window, according -to Scrgt. Oeorgc L.Roscndale.-;; —-— „

The break* wai discovered at 7:30a. m. Tuesday when the station wasopened by Lawrence' Zlckler, of MCranford terrace, the manager. Hisbrother, Edward, of .739 Orange avenue,who closed the place at 11 p. m. Mon-day, said he left a night light burning.It was out at 1:*6 a. m. when Patrol-man Anton Kavccs tried the front doorIn making his rounds. < ---•:

Capt. Newell"Rodney Plske Post,.335,V. r. W., has nominated the followingoffloers: Commander, William Sonata;senior.vice-commander, Charles Beaver;Junior vice-commandedThomas E, Van8lckle; Judge advocate, Leon"W. Scully;Qhaplaln, John Innaccone; and quar-termasterv Oaston Crosby. CharlesBeaver and Thomas E. Van Sickle havebeen nominated for county, delegates.The election still be In, October. .Thepost-wUlbe represeHted-Frlday-nlghtat a testinionial dinner In Linden forHarry Erfcson, retiring coundlmsn fromthe fifth district. " ""...,-

Irtc.,.of_HIJIsJds_on thclr.b|d:of.lt|t,y^uwlilcTi includes gradinir, inndscaping andfinishing off of all grounds in front andon tho sides of the now structure, butnot Including the rear. Walks also areIncluded In the bldl price.

Also awarded to tho Hillside firm wasn supplemental contract for Installationof a .drainage system on the schoolgrounds. The bid was $4,511.87.

The board officially named the newschool the Oranford High; School.

At the- suggestion of Trurtee FrankOrumback, the trustees decided! that,starting Saturday, all home footballBarnes wlllbo played on thenew ath-letlo field, Walnut avenue. Mr. Crum- -

s a nnanciai theT i l l . !22.— ~

that Saturday's game tears up the gridIron too much, other arrangements forthis season will be made.

The building' and grounds committeewo* authorized to purchase ten newuniforms for members of the. highschool band. '

President Plummer conductedmeeting. ". _ „ " •-• '


An-lnterestlnea4dre«i on ChineseImmigration wasT presented at lastFriday night's^dlnncr meeting of theUnni, Clup.liL^ho»Chl3ui«y fHarry R. Slsson, a member of the dub.'

Mr, Bisson, a New'York Lawyer anda past'president of trie Oranford Board-of Education, told of the methods em-

guness In this country. Mr. Slsson, whohad twenty years' experience with theChinese whjlejn.. the employ of theUnited (States Government and seven-teen years In private business assistingthem, spoke In the highest terms of theChinese.

The Cranford club will donate one' ofthe trophlcm sUver loving cup— to beawarded at. the annual Union-CountyLions' band and drill contest Sunday InWarinanco Park, Elizabeth, It was an-nounced. The,club will again cooper-ale-m-stagins^the-coinpeUtlonv-ReprB-sentatlves on.the various subcommit-tees Include: Program, William Kleinand Clarence Frits; trophy, O. K. War-ner; Judges,' James A. strong and Dr.E. A. Dunfee. • ",.'

The speaker at tom'orow night's meet-Ing will be Norman C, Wlttwer, super-vising sanitary engineer for the Rah-,way Valley Joint Meeting, who will ex-plain the construction and operation ofthe Rahway VaUey-joint trunk sever'"andrdisposml plant ; 1~ ~*

In toe aisence of President Barry B."-Helns, Vice-president d«rsno> A. nUmti

rf J

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W^^m^^^^^^^^^^^^X^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^S^C^^^^^^^^m^^^t—^17 .\7 A

. I'

Page 2: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER Second Week of Drive YOUNG a Pd ...t' THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER MS? N|NPSl(9IOSt NHIsf laTlasWi Second Week of Drive 45 New, 74 Renewal Subscriptions Tamed In to Bring

I /» t< 1 •

•: . t -.' ~r


(Ettfewt an* (flipV

Entered U the °Post Office at Cranford, N. J ,u Second CUa Matter.

i Tublbhed Thursday at Cranford, MewThe Cranford ClUaen and ChrOoJele. Inc.newspaper for Onnlord. O#nrood and KenUworth.

Subscription Rate. WHO a Yeartn A**J»-OFFICE: S Alden Street. Phone CRanford


Our Platform for 1937

A i l n i h l r ' • • M i l far Ciaataci-

B m t crmnlord and. It* llaBy.Berrleee.

fc Redbteict Craniofd.

7 " " "New Oval to Be Used —Cranford football fans will have an opl

portunify of seeing the high school eleven maction onthe new gridiron, between Walnutand Denman avenues, this Saturday after-noon.: It will be the first time in nearly twoseasons that the local .team has played on ahomer field.

Although the new athletic plant is farfrom completed, local residents will have anopportunity Saturday afternoon of viewing

'-the-fine-newfield, which-was"d&ip2fi3&Bta£* mouths ago by the Township Committee

through tax foreclosure proceedings and sub-lJM'" sequent!? turned overto thevBoard ofc FJdu-

cation. •It is hoped by next reason to have, in

addition to the gridiron, one of the outstand-ing cinder tracks in "this vicinity, two'base-ball diamonds, tennis courts and other ath-

__IeticJfacilities.Cranford teams are deserving of support

of Cranford residents. Let's turn out Satur-day afternoon and cheer the Blue and Goldto a victory over Rosellel

bulletins- by lawyer*-and public criticism ofthe Court or jury, by lawyers during a trial.

We have no way of knowing what theAmerican Bar Association-will do about thereport. As a mattePof fact, there is not muchthat it'can do in regard to some of the trendswhich are objectionable but there is a field inwhich the Association should be able to ren-der effective service. As a general idea-ofwhat we have in mind, we call attention tothe fcctthat, in thcconduct of trials, the law-yers of the nation are almost without jestric-tions of any kind. In the strategy of a case,in the baiting of witnesses, in the, use of cheapclaptrap, intolerance and partisan appeal, and

In' the age-old practiceTbf "workinf up' nsrcase, lawyers of a certain type enjoy a fiejdday at the expense of justice. •. The AmericanBar-Association might render a distinct pub-lic service by attempting some reform of theadmitted evils, which now tend.at times, "tadisgrace the Courts of the land.

.«ilr»l J.


Parking Probktn Solution, Gty fathers ponder the city parking

problems. Shall parking be forbidden at cer-tain hours in shopping areas? Will parkingmeters or parking lots solve the difficulty andspeed up traffic?"ifi"-" lWhue_such -questions~3Ufe^beiiigj asked*thzpsnitor go «ound andTroumLaay* William

. B. Rowell, traffic engineer of Buffalo, N. Y.,"seeking that which is not to be found, wast-ing: time and gasoline, increasing traffic den-sity by rolling up needless mileage,'turningadditional corners to the consternation of un-suspecting pedestrians, and wont of all, do-ing all this extra travelling with the .attentionof the driver distracted by the quest for space.

"It is the downtown retail merchant," hecontinues, "who seems most oblivious to thedangers of his position. He blandly permitssmaller rival establishments in less congested

. suburbs to flourish on the trade of shoppers,„,*xha. JUS JoftthJo, )?wvcJh^.rwCTTds^flldg»

town traffic. Rare is the downtown nierchawho lures the trad* to his store by free park-ing in an adjacent lot or free bus iransporta-


atore.- ^

fully with metered parking, but; according toMr. Powell, "metered parking is not a finalsolution to the problem; it awaits <a funda-mental change in city planning. Oneof thinkers, looking far ahead, forecasts a de-centralization of industry, with small, airycommunities gradually replacing great dnes.Another envisions supercirJesr with~nttnybusinesses housed in monumental structureslarge enough" to accommodate motoring ten-ants* and customers."

But, irrespective of the methd used, saysthis traffic authority, rebuilding will* be es-sential. "We'U clear a' whole, cityjblocklAround it we will .construct* fringcof attrac-tive, small shops fronting not- only on the

' rsndtered-from the-weatheraityHightedfrom «transparent roof. A sidewalk will givea rear-entrance access to all the stores, whichwill have display windows similar to those on

. • * . » •

will ope* « rJ4a c ^ froTaf J - * twostreets. If there's aerect • garage in this central area ,J . AD these

terprise that everybody will wonder way itwasn't done beforer—The-Rotarian -Maga-

• Opportuniry for the BarA committee of the American Bar Asso-

ciation has.sharply rebuked vaudeville ap-pearances by jurors and other trends tendingto transform trials into public spectacles. Thereport pf the committee will be considered atthe Convention of the Association to bei *this week.

Among other things,-the committee con-demned public discussion of trials by wit-

sses in speeches, magazines, articles ornewspaper interviews, broadcasting of argu-ments and giving out o f argumentative press

When yon work for the dayou h»w faithfully done. '

Are you ready (or play;Recreation, or fan?Wlth,th» burdens and cans.

The story has been going the rounds ofa city man who bought a farm. While exam-

"irony tnc iinB^fcncc"*wtitTCi^ni!Hj DBcnyfl~tWttTcyoFrnuch 'quarrelling in the'past,"theneighbor-,ing farmer said:,_. IThat fence is a full foot over on myland." ^

"Very well," said the newcomer, "weshall set the fence over two feet on my side."- "Ohl But that is more than I claim,"

stammered the' surprised fanner."Never mind; I would rather have peace

with mjrneighborthnirtwo feet of earth." "That's sure fine of you," replied the

farmer retractably, "but I couldn't let you doa thing like that Let's not move the fenceat all." .

It is suggested that the next rime youhave a dispute about "righto," you try sur-prising the other fellow by giving him morethan he claims, and then see what happens I

Can you drop tne«e attain.Or are you too much worn? •

Can you draw a line there.Between labor and icrt.And at Jtist to* point when.

Can, you. put heart »n4»onlT.In jour work, without trat,By meani of self-control,-Then relax, and torgrtT

Do you know when to atari.And at well, when to Qtit, •fully doing your put,And <UU keeplnt at ntT


The optimist believes that the world willrepay his contribution to human betterment;the pessimist doesn't believe ininvcsting any-

There are times when a man ought tomake an extra contribution to the church ofhis choice. , . '

We may be biased but we wonder wherethere is a better buy than The Citizen andChronicle at ita price..

The chief business of the,citizens ofCranford is the job of making it a good placein which to live.

.A good rule to follow in developingyouTpeWtialityris toTSxpresTyouwetf h o »esdy. It isn't always done. /

There-arewhich means that they have forgotten thatthere is much to learn. , '' '*"

You reach a certain level of intelligencewhen you are ready to admit that you don'tknow all the answers.

In life it is well to remember that.strikes without warning and so, you mightas-well live your bestnow. - -

The bright school child wants to know ifthere is any reason why "being educated"should be a tedious process.

~zThe law should recognize no differencebetween persons and violations should bepunished without exception. ~ .autj

• In that future day* when all secrets shallbe revealed and all things made known, a Jotof men will have to flee the country.,


# #

*•="«—Jfi I

writer:to the (Asiatic) Oonu-

the Japanese people's heaven-which neither the

w« onrsetves cm check or

W. a Senator fromIdaho:"Data the people apeak, the Oomu-iHoa iraaendrjr btndtng upon the pto-

pie, upon offldalss upon the Oongreu,theKaecuUTe aad4heOonrts.- '

I : ; "


Do^OAll the cares >jiu*ra been ttouAnd enjoy a fresh breakThat U eomlnt to you?

Through the strife and. the (rind.Aa the daja hurry by.la an orderly mindYoun'on which to idy l •Can you drop worriea, feara.At jpu huitte alonr. - -And u wrenlng appears,Slnt • Si**, cheerful toneLife* strain, can you take 1WIta tret, can you shake ltT"Worry, can you stop lttAnd care, can you drip Itf

B.F.l a n y


lOtromCtsbem Bectrio Kearny Wowas held last Thursday, with an entryof SSO exhibits, j Before theTprhcs) wax*awarded an entertain *given for the viators. Josmatter of ceremonies, An Illustratedlecture, on fan planting was given byH.8 .

The sweepstakes prhw wjsa won byLarry Hubbard of 'ot the club, with 46 potats. Harry Bun-naeles of North Arlington wasWinners In the, several sections wen:Dahlias—Harry! Brmnartoa, dght Outprom, three second; Urry Bnhban*.four first r^rltevand one second; FrankBuasey, two first proas and fearcad proas; George a Fisher, two first

O. O. Fisher, «n» flret and one third.OUdloU-Al inner, two first prh>

and O. O. FUnfe oat second;

Btyer, any A. TemK, T. R.Herbtt. A. Wrlgat sad & P.

reiennlsli Terry Hnbbard. twoOtatn, O. C. ~

Hpt-5-TEurT U M 4 CIIMS(-S>>-

a«as«paiat,|i««ai'oesary *ad pnetf"tkfa(M*W


Crufbrd Faot ft BaTdmreIM Bomra jam* m. .

Oaieah of ta Laos^ by Pateohnan

'•WUMdi lor spiedTH', was finedm»a&na&iSstorjmjmsQf.night by Judta IWephB Wamoek.Fred West of 4U Hope avenue, BoseDe,arrested pr Patrolman Aston Kovaes

a similar charge, waa fined $10 and•Scots .

i s so poisonous, says CoVBsr's WeeUy, that tnt) inhalation ofa small dot* almost invariablyw/sskens tti naart •cuon and slowstbm pnlaa, whfl<i l a r f - s w

thatOermsni- - heroin

r*rMr«Brtt-1s the wife who keenL*' In . i l l - ^

lbsMatty Otswlt wjrta * * * * * » »

ttodeaai la «asuae* to brm, fats at fMd to'church not Mar Oamasoa on Bat

lor tba Ai

yand afterward will • *Cburcil

'and the>t Bound

Tot •»»*"!--5??.f-Hoiy Oonwanko at • • . at. Oaaschool at » : • s , ta , BoUi

•nwy aaawiedieto (arm habits, toV

K s n , la dependent on a property of-ths ntTTOUt substance of the higher*—' '— It is • faculty cSS




lowihlpstgp.BL Thaidude OOBBBunJon aervlea: at • flata,oosabaafcth«sntlMmwuit«^W<^audB>eiyWwstllroiinriw;T«by mat; ttehjtnaatthaConsnuBwUibe-LetAlllaortallleahKeeplenoe;' and the ooncrnfHn»votnntwill be •Wtogos* • • wmsa.

^L^^sfl ^QVSJISBVOBISV ' apQatgwOtj* t V V U C B A V C '

menoed hut week with an open-aee*wlU begta nguisr class work on 8

.day. _Th» Ptfaary^department, talIn children "up U and- rncludtnc"third trade to pubUo school, is atbiconne of toss*ns.Tiaied «a the atocontained in the OotpeU for the CThis part of the school Isntchargil £ u Uary Amato. TfaU reoaindei

conlenU of the Bible in teneral, iIn particular wm study the AcU ofApostles, the course being named "Ithe Church Began.**

The Womanis Outto vffl hold 1U tmeeting on Tuesday, commencing »

- Holy CornmimiOB-at-10430 a. 4n.-


Sdes-PONTIAC-Service. TtJephom WE. Z9M0

WEJR MOTORSr Inc.603 North Ave, West . WettfeU

— USED CAR" LOTSouth Awe, Ganrood, OgpoAt Hatcher

-for Qukk Brtakfasts

—for Ught Lunchtom'

-for Butttt Suppers

Count the meals at which you eat toast.

Count the ones at which you drink coffee.

They amount to a goodly number each

week. Percolate the coffee electrically.

Toast roll^and^nuffins and sandwiches

^on the Gillette. You can use it too for

rnoking pancakes ond grilled dishes. Per-

colotor prices begin at $2.95. The Grillette

comes in different sizes and styles. Prices

are as low as $1.19 without the cord and

plug. Small carrying charge if you buy on'terms:*




:: This S



FOOl_. CRARotefle—tfome _:RoteOe Park—Away


' , " i fv^ajk,^ ;

Page 3: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER Second Week of Drive YOUNG a Pd ...t' THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER MS? N|NPSl(9IOSt NHIsf laTlasWi Second Week of Drive 45 New, 74 Renewal Subscriptions Tamed In to Bring

V "T '" -". - ^


. ^ ^ ^ *4p« .aMa afcCbnrcn • • • » ••* y t • •

' ma the SpjqpMM BOM* lor tbe A * A,t Brand***.

•me sswlosa JJBBda* winHr* oonwanlon M • i . m, Oh»d>school at • : • • . « ,

« 3 »lowiUp at • p. m. The nmste wffl in-dude OBBppDnlAU ppTUBSt ?B m BBS ByCndosabank: tbeapBwn wul be "The

will be "Let All Mortalteaqti" and tbe oorehirWnr Totantary


menoed last was* Witt an cpen-ataiion.will becta regular class, work on Son--

third trad* to pobuo school, Is uttofacourw of Iei»i)o»,1iai44 on the itotleicontained in the Gospels for the Day.This part of the school Is in charge ofUlu Alary AmafrX TbJs remainder of

contents of tbe Bible In general, andIn particular will study the Acts of toeApostles, tbe course being named "Howthe Church Began.**

The Woman. Guild wm hold lUflrHmeeting on Tuesday, commencing- with

-Holy Comtnunton-at-10430 a. 4n . -At

1* JO a. m. tbe women of the. congre-gation Interested m tbe work of tbeWoman* AnUUary.of, the CJunsh. wulmeet, and aa address wm be then eov-ertog the work «the Auxiliary brltrt,

sent* at 1 p. a . and tbe businessmeeting win be-held at 3 p. m:

^ , { W ( g a m ^ ^ > .NJonhfo wm lnclooe ewnd motionntctaret, which will be preceded by atalk by tbe rtetort the Her. Frank; U.Sherlock. All Xpinopal jowt peoplewho bam reached"their tint Tear tohit* echool togettMr with similaryoon» people who hive no church.at-BUmUon, are tovited to become mem-bers of the FdlowBhlp , At 7 p. m-when the program starts, the parentse^'the members erelnrlted to »tt«riil

meeUnt which will Ustipprbxl-mately one hour.'

(There.sre still a fewTaeandes to thechoir for choristers. The rehearsal*ar»-h»14oD-Mondayafternoons from 4:30 to 5:30 for the.boys, and on Friday evenings ato'clock for'the entire choir. Men andtoys wbhng to Join the choir are In-vited to see the choirmaster, RobertL. D W. Hobb*. at any of these re-hearsals or by appointment.

>pchurch, on October M.

E CUSS TOThe UenVMble Class of the Cran-

f oid Htthodlst Church wffl bold Its ml-^ l a e e u n g a t » : « aVnv. Sunday In <heMasonic Temple. Leonard lsemmottwm be tbe speaker, Holy Communionwm be -administered at the U a, m.service- Sunday, which will be everymember day. The full vested choir winchant the service. There wffl be no

a. Sunday, October 10, has beendesignated as rally 'day. A four reelmotlorrplrtare.-TMrB-Sahrb.^deplr*-Ing the life in Indian Jiuages,. will.be•hown »t the evenlnf >enrie» October10. These members of the Xpworth'League attended a reunion of youngpeople Sunday at Middle Village, L. L:

I Pearl Torgenen, Esther Bareness, Jean mmand-Wednesday gng Rosemary-Jsnaenr Doris r»ltrsuur«W'

"Th.«UlWI to «Mt*~fo.racl<»rtlMIH« ola. H),«rim«»l«l .«T Ui .Mlt, "

el PtrtSUM tt PHM Ul. 111. III. MdITt,

y rJanet-Qundenon and Tom pineen. <

Japan Borrows WordsThe Japanese have borrowed sev-

eral words from the French; they,call-the hat- a "choppo,"_ a button

r"botan''-nnd «aber-"saberou,"

B v« aado a dtftjuUDl b*«fr-iir tn t h r o w n WIIM w-tho lindi KT

rml by Hid UI ul t MftlflratN ind ,br rflloBlh«««Y. you data M M Urn upon or InterMIIn aald Unila m l Ult rllhl In n M Ihi U Ptrap Uu l t« of • eoopUunnl'i slid I n ••!•nrlUutf

^ ^ H W A I ( g|uKlBoUellor (or CompUloul,

J S North Ajtnlu. W,Cranford, tint Jentr

DHM: S>>tmbtr 1«, 1IST !••!'

toga Sunday crentog. OertradB BcboUconducted Uw meeting and. Intnducedthe guest speaker. Henr* Yater. whosesubject was -What BavrTou in ThineHandst* Tbe pianist was Shirley Rupvpart. . .. ' .•

Attacked First Banpaa ta rraaeeWhen on* of the first balloons

landed to Oonease. Franc*, ta 1781,the superstitious Villagers shot itand atsbbedit with pitchforks.

unvt Soairi u i4 asm 4 •.•*L--ak»

inti tnm i:ie •> e r . n

TCRIAW SCHOOLtoward aad 06V

d"A true friend," aaMtteeW

libl m H IPLANS RALLY DAY A true friend, aaMttee"to liable m H» be sear ag

ha who can look at yoh teelia'a aa de'man dat

l» tb» total popokUlan of

looging to land ownarsquired by the peasantry.

Inoiudlng the elders,tees, have keentwo weeks _


It u not necessary to be a Depositorat this Bank to obtain a Loan —

AttheeonclodoiiofUieohnrche*^Tie. en October M. tMcWa of tbe Knt

on to a KWial reanlon ^"timj maportstU. KM tba HUM States ewr ne-

oialMd the Japanpp) eaasjasscwf pfan*

<8ee TRB AMSWns on naaa •)

pnatMU* «tMoben and oaten i n

Eqdpniwnt Loun««••» «* •» , ' • !?•• •» «••* » Tte ObrMtan todeenr of the Mntnptnterian <Smnh resomed Ms meet- nseisb i l l a^alfsppt ye»saay;»eea. max

Pcnonal Logns"

Modemintioti Louu . • - .raiat, Repair, ar Mitwnlsi year arwUtaf.

FHA—Mortgage LowuUberali

T*a are trniled U eaO and talk erer yewr u f l r — m l a

UNION COUNT^tRUST COMPANY100 South Avenue, Cranford, N. J.

. ' ; SinhtTiiitil D«mll InuHM Caraoratln

. - . / ,


:: This Satur






__._Oct 2 I Mflhide-r-Home


,-•' T-URrf NORJCH ON.'

Until Saturday, October 16th,

_ Oct 30

Rotdk Park—Away _J ^ O c t 9 I Pourid Brook—Away _ JJov. 6iyfmy Oct. 23 L_ffg" R»tlge—Home . _.Nov.-20


A House Idea That's DifferentWith A Homeful of Ideas for YO U

-X ALREADY many thousands of people have frankly expressed their1 t \ «.»!...•:••»« M wiiw Ann'* vmi mmrn flnrl wander throush the

£\gj%cnux many UIOUSIUIIM UI pw|«t ••»•& sa*,i»./ w—y>.««™ —.«-JLXenthusiasm, so why don't you come and wander through theMcManus Westminster Show House, Ask questions,Take notes. Here.we believe, is the perfect hdme for present day living. Each| piece offurniture, the draperies, the floorcovenngs, the wallpapers._. .all havebeen chosen with infinite care to show you, first, how • home Of thistype, size and cost should be furnished, and, second, to give you ideaswhich you "can adapt to your own home even though it may differmaterially in design, space and arrangement. In the Show House youwill find the spirit of good taste, simplicity and charm within the com-piss of modest budgets... the kind of furniture in which you can findinspiration for_your present or future home . . . whatever or whereveri t m a y*'- ' - H.to9PM.

Furnished and Decorated-Entirely by McManus Bros.,, Elizabeth

i •• \, * t1

' '1


Page 4: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER Second Week of Drive YOUNG a Pd ...t' THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER MS? N|NPSl(9IOSt NHIsf laTlasWi Second Week of Drive 45 New, 74 Renewal Subscriptions Tamed In to Bring



/I ^^M.: ";; ~~ . . 1 1 . . ' " * i l ^ - J ^ " 1 . • • ' • I ' l J 1 1 1 • • " ? * 1 I I 1

' • -





— He86s *28 ,«TSame Month b'36.

Permits for ten new dwellings wereIssued during- September for new Im-provements estimated at P5.M0, It wasannounced today by Building- InspectorEugene E." Steele. During- the samemonth last year. Improvements segre-gated ohly S«,160, with butooe txrmttfor a new.4MlIhaiJ»-b_i_isT0(d__ '....

I"our of the ten permits for dwellingsissued this month were to the UnitedBousing Corporation, two for newstructures on Columbia avenue, and twpon. Elizabeth avenue. Three permitswere issued to Louis H. Wiener, buildsr,

* for new.dwelllngs en Columbia avenue.In addition to building permits, four

permits for garages wire issued, fourfor additions and alterations, one signand one miscellaneous. l>enty-two oil

" burner permits alKrwere-issued;?- -z=

SCHEDULE FASTER TRAINThe Baltimore It -Ohio Railroad an-

nounces a new and faster schedule forits air-conditioned feature train, "TheBhenandoajO to Pittsburgh and Chi-cago Later departure and the savingnf nn hour feature, the new schedule."The Shtnaridoah" is the only "train Inthe EasCoffcrlngrtlie.services of Kstetf-'ardeu who Is also a registered nurse.Among other features in its: refurnishedIndividual redlining seat coaches Is traymeal wrvlce to coach seats—In addi--tlm-to-ihiHiU«s«1uUman-«|UtpJment.Passengers for 'The Shenandoah" canboard the train at EUzabeth.or Plaln-field. which are regular stops •for allB. & O. trains to the South and West.Or, they cap board one of B. * O-*snew streamlined motor coaches at New-

124 DAIS Rffi •n

o n e d tMtween • » «a4 W lto tin amBtacot Tii)M> Oohripg. •HMtMnn irenne. «t til l m. m. today*The fire department wa» oat ibout halfan hour.

(j)r-Tht 9W0.O0O Administration Building ofe » Kew Tcsk WorWj Fair of 1939. already occupied by the headquar-ters stasT. is azanca as a I2t-d«y wander. In just so many days, two'under

the barriers of the Central Exhibit Zone, had' been thoroughly land-. scaped. Five architectural Anns united in designing the structure whichis uld. to Incorporate Ihe most advanced provisions for comfort, efB-

-cieney>and safety. As the^ervecerare"f U W a a ^ K K M X W U ii i t d th h b f l t i l tiiti

mm *BB M l •J^Ua«yS»ClJP>-U.'»W»fc41 -«_m-^AtVmS»S^ S j a s u s i , b t u b t u • • w a w - • W f c u ^ ^ n a . ai a-«a».-»y «"—anar-»—**—•—-a»a>-art-- - -I——-»•— <-..-_•-_-, • - • » - * - - — P- — —»—•" —-- •

cpurat^ri The four-acre plot in which it stands, outside- it is today the hub of multiple activities over the l,216ft-icre site.

The OEno k(istaimre i s . l S U en-acted • I i » wbodi .csade. farineinginto the state a deck et.cards taoffense pnnfrftjMIe by a fine c t from$5 ^1251;. . ... .„___._ _. ;.

It £1 difnVnH Car same people tomind their <nra baraness. First, theyhaven't aiitjr rmed aal, secondly,they na*en'l ajiiiii^i"

Woman First on flymoutji Rock. A woman's foot was the firstamong the. Pilgrjms to touch Ply.mouth rock, and the. woman is sup-posed to have been Mary Chilton.

Beethoven Dressed Shabbily_. Beethoven dressed so shabbily hewas once arrested for a tramp. Hecomposed most of his great sym-phonies after he become stone deafif the aiV.'hf *hlrtv - • !

' ^Heaviest Pike-Perchf The heaviest pike-perch, variouslyknown as waU^yed\plke, Jack-aa].mon, pickerel,- and dore, evercaught.with fishing tackle weighed18 p o u n d s l '

. Glaciers Furnish Water Power__In Switzerland, melting' glaciers

form the chief means of water pow-er which furnishes the country with

'electricity: : ••"•"""- . ; .'.

Imposed Most Drastic Game ^awsThe Mongol concjjieror, Genghis

Khan, more than 600 years ago for-mulated and imposed upon his sub-jects the most drastic game laws

jjVtt-taMwiuV:-:.•?,'.;_: _____ „ _ _ :

XeanOnf SecreUrof the SoaAstronomers have learned most of

the important secreta of the sun attimes when the sun was invisibleduring eclipses. - -

"Fanbnd," ••Tbaraagkbnr'— D popular-usage the terms arcpractically synonymous. Both referto animals which have been bredfrom the best blood through a longline and whose'pedigrees have beenrecorded for generations. The Unit-ed States Department of Agriculturefavors restricting the-word-"thor-oughbred" to thoroughbred horses—Jusjyely whUe J'Hirelped'Vai-l

. ueblooded" are used when re-ferring to other animals.


X>. O. O, Buuno has moved his offl.ees from 1M batman street to JlBpringfkld avenue. N


a i i o t h « r |ed bit way home

Z£to threelwns.yudspermlnatsv^:- - v

Tbe-first 100 nil* n e efrom Waahlntton. a C l

« »a ,« i J w«,^g | i jmBung by the Usfcjr Bnthera of Roaae -xasky U«r.4«n ftt* s«l see

pin," arrtwd hotae ateraglna: 188per- mbxnser. "Wewsliuf" •' psi^«!dnraSe11r after th


"Enjoy the Show From Your Car"BUN- MON, TUBS,

Out r " "WED. and TUCES.

"Ott.t-7"FKIDAT and SAT.

Ott landt

~wtth ' *"" wtttToene EATMOND wtth Victor MOOEE_ Edwar* BOSTON-. _ atul.Aiia «OT8EBN_. and Bden Broderkk


7 ,Usabeth,"sit no extra'cost.


Brain Highly DepartmeatallsavThe brain is highly departmental-

ixed in its operations. Stimuli, oralgrxals, coming: from the nerves on

..-the-body'auiurfnce.or.fnimthe sens*ergans> ,can.vMact^only. partlculaeareas of the brain. When they areregistered in this area, the brainmechanisms get busy and send seoondary signals to other areea oves-the integrating, or intercommunica-tion systems In the thalamus, thewhite matter in the frontal lobesand other structures having similar

r -rJl

Craves fat Gettysburg Natioeal F w kThe Gettysburg National park hi

—Pennsylvania," which" U~onl jr*nrsquare miles in area, contains •cemetery, of 3,800 graves and theentire Gettysburg battlefield withmore than 3,000 monuments, tab-

, 'lets, markers and other memorials,.Including 419 pieces of artillery hithe positions in which many of thenstood during the Civil war battle,

" - aays Collier". Weeklyr" ~

, Babies, Hydrophobia Same Dlseasaj*Hydrophobia develops in only one

out of seven persons bitten by •dog which has. rabies.; Rabies and

- hydrophobia are the game disease;- it is called-rabtea- in - animate.

^ l i £ (

which enters the body through thewound and spreads along the course)of the nerves. The symptoms usuvally develop in about three wetka.


Marihuana Fron Mexico-Marihuana, believed 1o have been

brought here from Mexico, growsfrom four to. 11 feet tan and haselongated and Jagged-edged leaves

, of dark green. Cigarettes are mad*•• from the dried blossoms oi the seed-

ing, female plant, ' -

toman London Dates to 65 B, CThe old. Roman City of London,

originally called Londinhrm. dates, back to 55 B. C The Romans 00-


t .

in competltton^ with » » » Uxds t• New Jeney,>woa- sixteenth, position

Last Bunds* the second JWmBeivas flown from Washington, D. C.Street But4!berbc^,WMtl»«rirtpnethe Mountainside C&ih/ "DesUna

- Loft" also won seoSnd-pIaoa.otJpx' with "tlie Orphsh KldT flylns; m c

. «UUon with WOVWrdalrom^Jei. ._ "hp Street Butcherboy" placed wii1 ^ - vthe flrstten-poslUons. - ^ - ~ - - ~1 ' . A special New. Jersey Ooncome i

win be flown from Oharlottes»me.a distance of WO mikvonBatoda

_ - WILL NOX VACATEC0(m«ln»ed from vm o»«;

vised that the fire underwrlteTsrecommended an »ddlt»onal eitt totownship rooms, and reeommmnfol'It be made in the clerk's office. HeIt would cost about $160. "The sotUon I U Jtferred to the townshiptomey-who wDl take the mattei

.with the owners of the brnMtasr-Mr MeCullough also adfised, tn

sponM to a <tuety bjr F^R. Zunddresenting; the Oranfora BrponiClub, that a Oentral _Bagroad ot

"uiHmaWTthat tBneaktarnh«BP«ltdfttttXirr » "»TV'.-»VH

l a c b z partial fist of ihe many outstanding loiv prices that you n i l find in « r stores. Boy an assortntent.:«iia|iaiie


> lsweaWMIhis 3 M S > 2 2 '

tBraomsesti.33*(Com Stanch^ 10*

Pkl f fM RiC0,«MUDM •- IBS. 10*IS 10*- 5«

Monto Pears . *S 19-py • * iv* *» 93*

Wheatena TST^X. *£21*

Oaldte "^ULT" . 2S&I9*€lorax^i£ira & 11* &2J*Heinz Kefxhup . t£l2*l T 7 " l **»•

Cak« Hour *^»^-lf X25<My-T-Rn* Desserts «*• 5*Del Mah Corn man 2'^25«Daily Dog F o o d . ± 5«Dog Pood ?5MS» 3Ii25«Sweetheart Soap 3^17*I v o f y S o a p «a*a«ta« '^cSslv*Sliver Dost "*££<?* ft I7<Super Suds 3^25«ftl7«

oEvap. MilkJ B l - f l D t JsHHHe»_nr__.BnBtf

DavisB*O Molasses-Poll peons

Rijn CrackersMueller'sAnn PageNectar Tea

Bofcer'fCocba e f r :Puffed Wheat . 2BisquickBtL-T> -T17*afa_lSt B M _ flMtaaVaft] OaaaWvGUI BOOM kOMAtrwi"Campbell's Toaurotow 3Wot Shrimp r<j«Shredded Wheat 2


SOKiricman'sPalmolive Soap «-. 5



FJwoe CR. 64116 '

AtlosstitwUtloot;'like new afters) coatof loess FLOOR.USE. On* QDSMtranafon_-«aha-*y9*x ir Boor into .surface of lastingbttaty.




FANCY^IHJCKS.23l*oin Lanib Chops CMMI***!***Chuck Steak or Pot Roaststai Pbtk Sausage u* . .S E C O d jBOCOn tsa-«la«JMdwry»Mk«4

ffeshSea=Scallops . . -.Fresh Codfish Steaks . ..


'^19* ^53*Minute Tapioca . _tiMO*


Aunt JemimaMaxwell HouseBeechnut Coffee


Bokar Coffee * ^ T 25*e ^ T 25ChaseASanbom am&25*

Blue Rose Rice r ^ ^ 5*

Cottogoinii^Scr^^S^IIUneeda Biscuits . 3 ^ 1 3 *20 Mule Team » „ 2&27«Gumperfs '"XSiSF* 3^25*


jt-WalnataiidJftBteiiraar«ws»be repaired before the end of the !

In reply to a query by Hr. Blackof SOB Riverside Drl»e as to win

; that aus»». w-a,bs.te»«l»s4 B«SV)' Mr. McOalloogb. said that the tows

will make application for BtateahLdriro will, nowerer, brlmpw»e4««lially, as the township to under obBon to thePsrarOn l»mn tojImpnmmenU'as aooA-M the comslon completes Its wot*. Mr. *lough said he shortly hopes to sub.

.plan.for wideningBtoenlde. M m .the J. A. Plummer residence by osipart o{ the riier bed.,

AWAKDED r. O. COirTBACTE. Pred Sulser, local electrlda-i,

week was awarded the electricaltracts on the Boontonand Orange)offlces. Mr. Bulaer did the etedwork on the Oranford postofflfle anthe Junior-senior nigh, school her


• To Ihe lloldtn of _» . .Bcho Lit* Counttr Club. B«il«» *. »1% UorU-ft Bond-, due Mar I. l»->3

The Bcho L-U Coimtnr Oub trnbj

Bananas && . *. 5*Tokay Grapes. *6«C e l e r y ^ . 2 ^ 1 9 *

the Metropolitan Area'sLargest Selling Coffee! -

RED CIRCLECOFFEE-22<When yew buy Rkh and FuS-Bodied Rtd Ordetrf-he you att Iknor end (rogrance at their ptnk. h *ground to yow ordar c» the vary mooesi of pt*>chat*. Buy a oound^todoyl t —

Aunt Jemima n£T 2SS25*Tomato Juice SSm 3&25«Sani Flush or Drano <• 19*Ann Pago °ZUt-Campbell's Boons 3<^22«Ann Page^Beans 4^25*

of 100 per cenliua and* aecruew u«w»~.bonds to be. as ndaamad hafa kHn Mteelot to tho. Trtotea ai prorUkd la * «anil belt the followtns aarial nnmwra.

1500 Bonds.No 1 41. . '1100 Bond*.No 10 131.No I I 1ST.Ntr 91 163.No 9t 111.

bond! brarliil aald nelal nunben will Idue and parable on Koiember . 1 , . » " . .nmce ot the Tru««, The WeaUltld T«*I>anj, WnUlelil. N«w l a w , and abouMMnenteil it lu on<M tor jrfemptlon: lawwill ceuo to drav Intent from aald oatDated* September IT, 1MT. „___,_ ,

ICHO LAKK COtraTBT <B» A. V. HaTana. Trtamrj

' Tho undetalsned hereby oertlflej thitato nondi we™ aelertedaa aUtad-

,THB w_jrmn.n TBHST COMPABr •millam M. Baaid. FitaHent.


-' '

•J Staax M «axWaT«wHMMMMasy»V lw#«#*


102 SOUTH AVE-,5oo






W ^'1 * - ?-* -"V

Page 5: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER Second Week of Drive YOUNG a Pd ...t' THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER MS? N|NPSl(9IOSt NHIsf laTlasWi Second Week of Drive 45 New, 74 Renewal Subscriptions Tamed In to Bring


/ _ t



Xute. she ab»cstae* abaasnUi pott-5 £ in competition with J.TJ1 Urts

New *»*»•.* * • » •**»• • « • * -New{itm Newrt.ud in Absrieeo, W . i » l sv

T>estliisaionX««* was A

trtngedh* we*Mi. in toe hours,

The-first JOO mile racefrom Wsaftmtton. P-,O<j"Under- t h t e s | i e A - ^ g ^UngbTtheUskrWoUiwofJ


to havebut not then-

tMMay on the date of Uackseef receipt at apnHrsHons . As*Baste da not apply to-pasta (rantedpnfcreate becaaae of mimuy or B»THacrriet. eacept that soch applicant*

The salary tsMcent* per honr.'and

tonzd J jThe nojobcd appOeatkn form and

honors. TO* wjtiuusi' mDto," arrrred' home weraglns; 1B6M1yards per-inJnb*s^"Ttowsl»f" plseed

.;._0vVy._^?t--7..li-..— . „ . , M | a 'n a I II

in compeUOon with• New Jersey^wonv sixteenth position.• Last Sunday, the second m mile racevas flown from Washlniton, D. C. "UpStreet Buteberboi", * i» the winner tothe Mountainside Club.- -Desttaatton

-Loft" also won second place. oUhooorw i l f t ' ^ Orphan KMrflylns; to —«UUon wlthW

_ op Street Butcherboy" placed within| ^ 7the flnt ten-poattiona. - ^ - ~ - - - -—•

A spectal New Jener Ooncoune racewill be flown from Charlotteavme. Va,a distance of WO mUev on Satoday.

(Contta*e&frtm torn***)vised that the lira underwriters hadrecommended an additional eatt In thetownship rooms, and iwommnyVii that;It be nude In the clerk's office. He saidIt would coat about $150. "The snwes-

eored from the secretary. Board of U. ICMI Senfce Kramtnm. Postafnoe.

or the "8errice District, Federal BulM-Cblistopher s^icjt. Hew York.

. . . n o t later thanOctober 1J.Women wot not be admitted to thisnmtnatlnn. as the pnstonVe depart-:

ment. which, ha* the lecaLdftai-.to aptellj the sex desired, wishes men lor the"•^"•y ncaney^A separateties Is siren forewomen and is an-nounced ajs the needs>of the service n -

dance mote, tat will ate ffcn

. Donor, <n»Oray, Ross Morran. "Hal Xeaap. andSbepnelds. Vocals wfflbe ieatinedbyTOU Dehmer and Lou Dammerls.

Sergt Oeoree Bosenoalr Is chalmanof the dance wwrmtttw with, FrankCaruso chairman ot the Octet*. OthermetntKis are aertt. lldwaird-JfctBEdward QalTla," Harry Oral*-. AicoleBird, WUHim Oassmann, Uent, m i -Uam Fisher, 8er«L Lawrence BooneU.Lester Oehler of Westfleld and Bertt.Denhia Oomlskey of Oarwood.

Tr* Margaret Qr»«ne Guild,of. meFirst Preabyterlan Church will bold ltafirst fall meeting an Monday,.begin-ning with supper at 6:45 p. m. Allmembersare-urged toattind ar4 bear

ROTARIANSWm(Comttned /TOM pose i

Mrs..Herbert Q. Shaw ot Roselle Park.who wlB review and dlscuaa the themesot study for The winter and spring. Thesupper committee Includes: Mrs. Clif-ton trescott, chairman^ Mrs. CharlesLatendorf, Mrs. E. J. McWllllams, andMrs. J. B. Williamson.' ' "I"


AmettwoflMtAawdatlon waa DfiA at Q» aooutHooat Moodar«wnlni. llri. MuawtSmith. Mra. Ralph SrUnc Mtaa UlllinRelncn. Mlat Ktrlam Baenrlnt, Mrs.Aienander Prjata; Ifra. WUUam


two - "rtngai". CbarlleBobMbkrlly. '-

Bob Anderson called the bans andstrikes, wtm.Ucn Newton f: Stewarttaking care of the base decisions.

Lineup and*snmmaTyt' o J


_Uon.»a^fe!r i^ . toJto . top_torney-wno wOlSte thSmatiemp

.with the ownera of the bulMtotvMr. iteCuHoogh also aoMsed, to ic-

• sponse to a query by F. R. Zundel rep-resentlnc the Oranfold Bepuhllcan

1 Club, that a Oentral_Balhoaa omdalInHmated that the leaking ulrt»if w

iiMm'imWM3mmiwsfttmimWM3mmi,wsf,be repaired before the end of the year.

—In reply to a query by Mr. Bhcamanof 30S RlwCTlde Pftt» aa to whether.tbatiai»*MB!MpfclJiaWP<l,J8M^|>f

' Mr. McColloaih sal* that the townshipwfll make ippUeaUoBfor8tateald.Tiiedrive wMrhuwawi. be Imtt111 i f v n^^^^ »—• w .«— ~-~ v - - - ~ w. . . ,

ually. as the township is under obuga-HontotheTaifcOuiniililnn tojnaktlmprovemenU"a» soon-M theeomml*-ston completea lt» work. Mr. McOol-lough said ho abortly hope, to submit aplan fnr wliiw'w IMwrsMs: PrlTe near

"the J. A. Plummer resldenee by <Bir« apart of the riTexbed.,.

AWABOBD F. O. COHTBACIBE. Pred Sulser. local electrician, thia

week ww awarded the electrical eon-tcactson the Boonton and Orange poet-offlces. Mr. Bubw.dld the eteetriealwork on th» Oranford postofflce and onthe junior-senior high: school here.

Chandler,, as .FrfU. pt:•••;-__


8ucjer.3bAllen, efMlikrtlr. ITDowns, lbKlein, I f —Apgar. c


- . • » • • •

. 3 'i



...GOLF CltlB ROBBID1 ^ i

and, " » » * « . valued at *221.60. were stolen1 Saturday from the 'pro" bouse of Jackrarr on the grounds of the NomahcganOolKciub, Bprlngfleld avenut. Accord-ng to" Patrolman Harry A. Craig andPrankbrealdng-a

entrance waa gained bytrt l ht

Mrs. Raymond « H e n , V n . TIerMT,Mrs. Howard .Best, Mrs. Stanley Okettand Itns. Herbert Ifezrin were present.

ltra. Waters waii elected president,and Mrs. Austin, secretary-treasurer.

Plans wen mads- for trips to thecahtn at Burpria* Lake over the week'end,

In sddlUoo to U» *»ds» work, which.was available last year, work on thehorsewoman and swimmer badces willtoe possible this year under the dlreo-flbn-of MrftrPhBlIFKelth: - -

The Tollowbit schedule of meetingsfor next week was arranged: Monday—Troop 7, Methodist Church, 1 p. m;Troop 8, scout house, 3 p. m.; Troop S,scout house, 7 p . m .

Tuesday—Troop 1. scout house, 3i..trcop l,.seout_hou»t. 7t> m.-

.Wednesaair T- Psck 3, MethodistOhirrth,3'iJ.ni.; Troop 10, scout bbuseb3 p. m.; Troop 8, scout house, 7 p. m.;Troop 4, pariah house, 3 p m .

Thursday-Rock 1. scout house, 3p. nv; Troop 3, scout house, 7 p. m:Troop 11. scout house, 7 p m .

Brownies of Pack S and all whose

Now It U n t - w M°*B food food buyort to como to th«aid of thaJr pantry. T«k» .dvanUfo of thwto monoy-tM-ing valuat. Quality food* at outstanding low pr.0.1, fur-

^rrwhiewdiorqutnt t ty buy»rir;«toc;k-tip-now-for f u -ture Uta.

PHILUM T « M W or Vetotakla

SOUPS c- 5C1 6 • 29C

names are on the


ter. A felepfinne 'wire to the buildingwas cut The golf balls bore Parr's

une. -' -• \ ,

15 ATTEND JUNIOR COLLEGEThese Crantord studenut\sre attend-

rng the Onlonv County--Jtuuor-Oollefeat RoseUe this year:' K»thryn.Albeit,EVter Blillas, John' Carusone, WUllamCopcutt, Carl Oroean, Jr.. Brwird No-lan, Parlse Thomas, Jr., John M. Farekk , Jr., Anne C. RadUnakt, H. O. Rath,Janifts Ray. Marian 1^'RH *&dell, atelgerwalt,; Orvlll* Jrr:Stephens


I o c r . a b —Stepped-—Doofcy.lf —

Brttton. rf -

_3 4 a^ a — - • » - — 1 %J . 3 3<A-j.?-.-,-•**.,',•.-»

- I 3 3HJ>- «__ »_3 3 3U

i j . . . • • - • • ;


town new

5 1 0 0-15« 1 5 6 s-aO

TBOOBX tat jont tiomo•per—Ct a year, delivered.


•CR*NFORDTo Ihe Holdtn ot

_'.-."..«»'Latr~t% Uorlcut

. The Icho LaU

Club. Bctlw A, s a i li dm lUr l. >»«.•--

Club benbr aiv**U

WANT TOWANTED to rent, October 15th or No-

Yember 1st. house, about eight rooms,with fire bedrooms. Telephone CRanford »>4ni»-M. -.-••• •

bonila lob» tt ndwaxl haf* »lot br tnaTTroMet si Btml** la•nd btit thi.Mtamtai:SarUI nu

1 5 0 0 . . B U n d l . : ,• - ..- • „ .' N O . 1 « . . * ! > ' • " • • < • - ' - • • •

I J •

1 1 0 0 . B o m b . 'N o . 10 1 3 1 . •N o . « 1 1 S T . • '• . - - . . • •

' N o . 9 1 1 « 3 . • : . . . . . ... N o . 9 « . i l l . ' - " ":. . • . . ' • . . • - ' • • • . • •

Bondi imtlnf uld MUI numln™ila.tbd p««bl. on No«ml»t 1om™ ot iSe.TnutM, Tl» Watp«ny, WMtfleld. N«w l a m , ttd • b m l l ! i lienwd It lu office tor jwtemrtlon: » U bwill « u o to dr»r lntoat from ••Id datt.D t l : 8 « " » ^ « ^

bank. K not restored before thejjrd of Octobr. MJ7. application willbe made to the bank for a newbook. " • • ' >«»

•The usdenlcned hereby otttlBtJ tl»« tbe•bore tondi weretrtjrtedj" irtttji ^ . _

' Br •mnitm M. Beari rMHent













wlreonUKLehlghlValierllsllroad.W-twen Walnut and.Centennial ayenues,

pulled down and-stolen Sunday,railroad detectives advised the Oran-fora =poli^.,.,;3ho.:-,J>resk,;,m-,tho, Une,which caused the slgnali to show"danger," was repaired without ^delsyin passenger or freight service,

PeachesHurloett Atparagua or Pitted PI* Chorrlt*

tcsol i n y • i f ta io (t.

(Green Ubel)

Firmdalo T»*a» or Clonwood Qraptfruit N ° - I c " >

»-oiting list for••/ill -be-notUled

as soon as arrangements are made forthem. Members of Troop 0 will becalled by the' Troop Committee chair-man, Mrs. Louts T, Welersbach.

MEMBEB8Boho'liake CounSy Club has elected"

these new members: William F. Heroyand Dr. P. J. Spsrgur of Oranford;

O. Bailey. VL U. Oooledge, W. O.B. Clarence A. |*uner, J o h " * 1 1 0 "Joseph E.gmawgan ot WMtfled.innual tjoumameni ainner will w3he.


Use Moore Paint

it NORTH "im,* w.




CLOVER LEAFROLLS, Doaen _ ^ ~ . _

TWINROLLS, 1 ^ ; ; : ^ ?


f*#-«Siaa*""d8b*w---- i---'--- - •••1 WALNUT AVENUE CRANFORD, N. J.


- - • '4SC0 PeasJa«ttady_Erult Cocktail *» or1 Bartlott Poari "o. i

Calif. Peaches

> % # o T l w l ,Yellow.BanUm


Stokei Now Pack 1 « can*•>•£-1| hnawal* ,

T o m a t o Juic.V.n- * - * * * S t r i n g B « 8 n *OSa CirtBaoU Mo.T»airJO" MiiC V Kidney Btana

% oana

. . . rit , «». ;,fmj,sFresh

Quality. " Sp«MCoup6nt>HmeHecttve to Sit NVhl, Oet 2nd

Block or Mixed *V£Two popuUr mild blends, Ursely Foraaosa Oolonf,

Orange Pekpe SjL pkIlleh, full flavor and bouqutt, n«tr*shln( and loolhlnf,

Pride of KHIarney 2 ^ 38cW 100% India Tea. Makes t n r lOOoups per pound

IVORY1- VofleUble SKoftonlnej

Spry 1 19c:3 ol 53cmed 6 - : 2 a: I9 C







, FaO Price

„, predacts; steam beat, Johnsbrick front, concealed radUBo*

pwefc. «aentffle.tlled kitchen^ ^ ^ _ sa<>OBjaa»s' ^ i. • • • * • ! > • * ^ r — p — - — ^

plenty of clnseta, copper and brass—,doable fcortoi throufbout. Dln-

ta>I and extra la<ire Ihrlns; room, extra ccU atorafewine and TCtetasle eeuar., ^

. School on propertyr-ehopsi raDroad station nearby.•See' Model Home open for Inspection erery day,'Located bT Greenbrook Township, two blocks west

' of comer of Washington ATB. at foot of Waahlnx-,t«n A»e, Dunellen r - J - 1 J - •"••" -


Built by CITY HALL LAND & HUP. CO.5BEEKMAN STREET, N.-TL,. - ^ * ^ < - - T H C ^ t t > H h t # * - O T lOD**~ . ^ _ Buiijers since 1910 ~ • , .

Quality MEATS — Full Weight - Full Value

GanulnoSprinf LEGS LAMB


Pork Shoulders••**• _» 25^apa^tw A. A ^ i -xj.4 < „ V^a^ssV'BB"3'*^*'7''' ><tKHsl " '^^•Ma' 1 " 1 " 1 ' ' 1 '" ' *' ^ -«l' " J J > W=/"**

Prime Chuck Roast mLoin Lamb Chops » 45cshoonMoat y4 » 120 | Wa7or Sllod Drlod B«>f J4Spiced Luncheon Moat y4

Swordfish n 23c 11 Oysters doi

Include Plenty of Fresh PRODUCE inr Your Menus - It's Economical

U. S. No. I Jersey ,__ U • " V C^ I5-I7

Yellow SWEET


String Beans 2H5c

Golden Rip*

BananasCalif. Bartlett




It Pays to Buy When Quality Counts and YoupMoney Goes furthest j - ^Meat, Seafood and Pndnce Prlcea EBcctlio Batardar Wlnhtf Orocery- ITices to Wednoaday Oefe*

* "' -

Page 6: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER Second Week of Drive YOUNG a Pd ...t' THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER MS? N|NPSl(9IOSt NHIsf laTlasWi Second Week of Drive 45 New, 74 Renewal Subscriptions Tamed In to Bring

"•*»•1 ***

Social Items,

Mr*. L B. Maaon to Be Hoe-teat allnitkl Mooting

Next Week.

A stud* of Scandinavia wm to themajor topic of the Wednesday Morn-ing Club* profimm lor the W M « tea-

^ t W o t d a y

Wednesday Morning ClabWill Study Scandinavia

Caddy, of Hampton Ha«y-72^».

with a meeting at- the borne of Mrs.Laurence B. Mason m Cranford ave-nue. Toe introduction to the study wmbe presented at next week's meetingby Mrs. Prank W. Myers. Mrs, H. R.Best and Mrs. L. B. Hassard. .

Among the topics to be ducuised winbei Ottober'JB. Seanauwrfiin Utera'ture since 1900; November M, Ooyern-menu; November IT, Lands of the Mid-night sun; December «, Unique Pea-tures of Viueajuoriin Scandinavia; andApril 11,-Scandinavian Contributions tothe United State*. '.

- A feature of the 1WJ-* WednesdayMornlni Club calendar distributed re-eently. Is a new song, entitled 'Saluta-tion:' Music ,waa written by Laura B.VanNuys-endr-the-words-by—MabelBrackett Lovell..

Organised In 1»1, the WednesdayMorning Club was admitted to theGeneral Federation in IBM. It U Icharter member of the New JerseyState Federation of Women's Clubs, orgaolsedln ISM. • • . . . •••'Officers for the year are': President,

Mrs Otto deWolff; vice-presidents,Mrs

SOCIAL ITEMSW. * OMtt of Madison avaoas k in

nesMrtnes, Iowa, this wetk.

Mr. snd MJa.,iT<Lattmer Tatnan ofOrchard street left today for Stnsota,Pta. • • • • . . . .

Mr. and Mrs. jSfiTcrlsiirtaaHii-havereturned this week neat a trip to Ber-

Mr. and Mrs. Janes A. Stott of Min-or avenue spent last week-end in Vme-

i n d . •• - • • ' • - •• ' '; " . -

Mrs. X. J. Dills «f Onaves-ptace U

t o d a y . . . . - . - • • • . • . ' • - . - '• -

Mra..Mend A aUptn at- Morthlaisue, west, entertalneoT' sit V"^*">«TI onWednesday. •' ( "

Charles K WboUeyoftta Walnut kvenue spent a few days m Cklcago this

tlon secretary^ Mrs. Louis George Ad-am; treasurer, Mn. Chester D. Maraacand auditor, Mrs. Homer J. Dickens.

- -Chairmen -ol-•tanding—committeesare- Entertainment, Mri. Dunfee; fi-nance, Mrs. Oarrett; hospitality, Mn.Beavy; magaslne, Mrs. Atwater; mem-bership. Mrs. Sterrett; program, MrsMyers; publicity. Mrs. Robinson. '

~Art, Mrs; Dickens; civics, Mrs. Prank-- Brr, dram*) «r i . Pwswttr^doeaUon

Mrs Loveland; international relations,Mrs. PiuUlppe; legislation, Mrs. Hill;literature, Mrs. Angkmyer; matte, Mrs.

' IRochrelr P^Hc *eTfart, Mrt Crtithank; building fund, Mrs. Oarinon;motor, Mrs. Hints; and telephone, Mrs,O r a n t . : ..'.•. " •• '. .-' '"• . :

STUDY OEODP MEETSCommittee chairmen of the Sherman

Parent Education. Study Oroup for tut_ ensuliig year were jippolnted_Mpnday

at a meeting at the home of UM chair-man, Mrs. Robert Neidrach In »U southUnion avenue. They are: Program.Mra. BV Armstrong; hospitaUty, Mta.O. Merwarth; hostesses. Mrs. O. lfuel<ler; and publicity, Mrs. P. B. Dunn.

- "Parent* Approach to School- was thetopic discussed at the meetlnf Ben-after, meetings will be held the secondand fourth Wednesdays, with the n o tsisslan at the borne of lira Armstronf,to Benjamin street. October II. In addttlon to nineteen members, these Areguests were present: Mrs. Atoms, pres-ident of Ltaoota P.-T. A.; 10*. Balms*

vlngton moved Saturday to their newhome in M south Steth street i

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Bogen of Ca-sino avenue moved yesterday into their

• home In M south Sizth street

Mr. and Mra. P^W. Xsiea of Arling-ton road bam returned) traa a threemonths1 trip to the Padflo coast.

; a U and Mar, ADan of Roosevelt P.-T._A,aodMn,<aemen<aofBostoD.

5 "

wnfTDfO MTJRSB ASSOCIATIONTht Oranford Visiting Nurse Associa-

tion had ttt tint fan meeting at thehome of the president, Mrs. W. H.

- Hayes, recently. Reports were made by' nwirmtttofs, and new Eirrln*** for, the

coming winter iBtcutstd. Ae the workof the tssnrtstlon bat grown so much

' oaring the past year, it hat; obliged <o employ a second full time

tame. Miss Kaltwatten and Mrs. At-ktnt were .very bury during the turn-mjer at there was more than usual ill-ness In the town. The two nurses arealways on can in case-of nil wit or a c d - ^dent- '•

-The School ciblld and.theJVelfarerillte'the" sub'ject'of" a

talk by Mrs. Curia Orady. attentive..secretary of the Oranford Welfare As-

sociation,. * t the tint meeting of the;»Orant P.-T. A. In- Orant School a t **»

p. m. Monday. A special Invitation Isextended to mothers whodld not belongto the P.-T. A. last year, and those

J whose, children are entering school for;the first time. Mrs. John Walsh and"Mrs. Arthur Miner, data.mothers, for

sjthe fifth, grade win be hostesses at tea'.afterward.

ENTERTAINS LEGIONNAIREVal Bugene Snoldert of Nashville,

KTemv, was guest at a dinner glvn lastTweek by Mr. and Mrs. Prank If. Dout-| h l t of as John street. Mr. gholdenat-

tbe American Leglon-Oonven-i with Post B, American Legion, of

~Te, in which he is a musician,also holds the office of Warrant

^officer and Band Leader in the lennes-»National Guard. During the Worldar Mr. 8holden~~was attached to

gOompany K,- the* Seventeenth Infantry.

8EBVICE LEAGUE TO MEET' The Cranford Junior Service League

1 holdita first meeting of the autumni on Tuesday at the borne of the>t president, Mrs. Carl Mason of'

tford avenue. - • —» * - T -, *r~" - '' ' *'

"•-Slay" cleaning. Paramount• ' /-Adv.

_Mrsijh.A,pu]nftI* a patient at Post


Mrs. Henry Evans of Syracuse Is vis-iting her mother, Mrs. Prsnk Mytrs,of Hamilton avenue, v^-

Mr; and Mrs. Raleiih Watson of Co-lumbia avenue spent last week-end alSheplrenttown, W Va, .

Mr. end Mrs. James Branch Darbyc*we^"Ho^ street spentTssrweek-end at Douglaston, L. I , as the guestsof Mr. Darby's mother, Mrs. James L.Nichols. . / •• '• 7 •.. - ••

Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge H. Poster of 37Dmora avenue left Tuesday to maketheir home in Stamford, Conn.; whereMr.-Poster's-bu«ine»sflas-be«n-trans^

entertained her duplicate bridge clubfor luncheon on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Albert andfamily of 30 Dunham aveaue spent the


Mrs. Oeorge Schmidt of Milwaukee,Wls., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. JohnKunzleman, of Maple place.'

O., RusseU SmJttTof10 SylveiKr-fishing trip in Oanadi


The New Jersey Women's BadmintonLeague held its first meeting last weekat. the hoopef of the chairman Mrs.Robert Oijilller.-Pbn* were-made for

coming season,

Sixteen members of .the Woman'sOrganisation of the PresbyterianChurch attended the Presbyterlal aU-

and other northern, mint*-

Mrs. Thomas 8. Stephens of Pros-pect avenue la in Cincinnati, Ohio, vis-iting her sister. Mrs..K. Jones.

Mr. and Mra. Roy*M. Ton Hofen andfamily of «l» Sptlngneld avenue willremove to South Hadley, Mass.

Mrs. Alice U.Reay of 1(0 •astmanstreet Is spending a month in Jefler-son. N. Y, Tisitinf Mr sister..

day_4meetlng^JUv_,the^J!resbChurch of Wxxxfcrldge. Tuesday,

Mr. and Mra Gordon: Gildersleeve of8ylvesteii street attended a supper par-ty Saturday evening at the summerborne m Patanount of Mr. and Mrs;Pltter Miller of Blsabeth.

•frrand Mrs. » f j 7 Loraaget. Jr;ofWden street, and Mr. and Mrs. CharlckV.Boeencrantaof WanurtavenuenxHtoted to AUantto City Priday nightwhan they spent the week-end at Bad-don Hall. ... ;.•„-,. •; : ; : ;

Mr. and Mrs. T. Kennedy BJestoo ofrotpect strest hadas a recent guest.

Me*. WeKshtoe of l^srtmsburg. W. Ta.

Mr. and Mra. Jomtcrujse of Newarkvisited lattr Thursday vHh Mr. andMrs. LTP. Poorer Jr>

Mrs,Mn, Idgs i l lESon.ol^Ckuem-.place entertained her bridge-hmcbeondob on Tuesday at -The Brook- inSummit.

Maurice Decker of linden place hasresumed his studies at Harvard TJtal-wratty where she Is In hi* sorinosnore

Mr. and Mn.l%ank W. Myers ofHunflloh avenue have retorned' from

week's vacation at Shepherdtown,W. Va. i >

Idas HenrieUa"R?Miner of Bumtldeavenue baa returned to Cornell Onl-versit/. Itltaaa, N. T . where she Is a

Warner l u t i n g of 117 south Onionvenueletntundar teenier the tttsb>

man class of Cornell TAdvenlty, Itha-ca. W. Y. ^ , '

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bute of fc-l i ; # * " t * k '

of Mr and MraL, P Pohl of M southSixth street - '

Lists a Beardske of Rivenlde drivereturned Monday from bis summerhome on JsweO bland. Thousand Is-anda. Canada.

Mrs. I* o . Bfetow of Short Hma en-tertained her bridge-luncheon club onWednesday. Cranford members to at-tend were: Mrs. Samuel A. Morrison.Mn. Oeorge o . Donnelly, Mrs. MosesA, Craig, Mrs. Robert a 'Wesson andMrs. Robert O. Millar. -

Mra. A, DeSoto of Central avanasausfMer, Mrs. Metvffle MtrJar of a

Tork, am sDjoytag a twocattaa»BhddonBU,Atlan

Mra. Mabel IC^rwrry ofthe guest of bsr son-in-law and

bead of

Mr. and Mrs, am C. fa Of-BUmlt and tonasrly of Granted am takeup reskboee at the BtvenUs apart-

Oordon Dunfee of 10» Maple ntoosand Bobert Later"of 10 Norman placehave enroUed as students In Perktmen

Mis. violet MoUneU, data of •»,New Jersey dolkge for Women, U a

nber of theipel Cbotr **»<t year.

Sharon tee Dunn of M» tooth Unionavenue entertained at luncheon lastTfeirsday.auesUwcraHencyOfcnden-nlng. Jean Schlapak and Oaralyn

T ~

•j. w>>«t*tev v^ts^wtw«i« U E I T~"nvi l M l T O *day, on_Tiieso>y>)m a supper partyfor twelve; Invited guests included theMisses Betty Winkle. Barbara Tattle,June Cuthbertson, Carol Trumbauer,Jessie ParreU, Nancy Howard,' ShirleyParson,' Janet Shaw, EUeen Martens.Joan Oxee, Ann Skerratt and Nancy

•nthbcrtsDn: ' " "' ' ~ -- - - --r- -

Miss Joan Mirie Oerdtt of west Hol-ly street celebrated her eighth birth-day en Saturday with a party for. tenof her friends, Ouests Included theMisses Audrey Schlndler, Nancy-Jacob-us, Msrgaret Ouy, Sarah Jane Brooks,Betsy Peterson, Mary Elisabeth Diet-trlch, Mary Prances Earhart, BettyMacLeod, of Cranford, and Patty Prot-man and Barbara Tirsbler of Roseue.

I^rldE. Damon sailed last Saturday

months' vacation in Balboa, the CanalZone. He wiU titlt his brother-in-lawand sister/ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bid-

Atkmsb^ anoTlus mothw, Mra. D.EvereU Damon. Mrs. Atkinson It theformer Mitt EUeen Oranvnie Damon.Mr. Bamon and hit mother win go d>

Florida about the first of December toremain for the winter. Mr. Damon toIdeated at "Ueeppe with the Collier

__ _ jirvand Mra. John K. Cloud of Wettaeld,formerly of Oranford, hat entered theEmma wmard School for Oiris,Troy. H. Y.

z±^.~.^,^=^-=- of.WettneM.formerly of OranforeV underwent anoperation—te^leuhlenbttg-—HospitalPlamfleM. last week. She Is reported to

Improving rapidly. <

The Rev. and MrT Prank M. Sber-loek and daughter, Praneet of 111 Por-eat avenue, wan gntsta last Priday andSaturday at the aummer bome>of Mr.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ » ^ * ^ '^w#iwtaoawoowoaBL

sg> - flrpjEwaSHOaJi

Orange avenue have Just arrived bornefrom their vacation after motoringthrough Washington. D. O, and the

Mr and Mra J i n e t t of Byracuss.Y, formerly of Cranford. war* week-

end guests of Mrs. Burnett-a brother-m-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. CharlesM. smelbjer of B m s tne t

Several members" of tbe< CrantordP.-T. A. unite attended an aU^dayschool of Instrnctlon. condjicted lastPriday by the County Parent-Teacher

xtation, in the Alexander Bandl-Junior High School, KUsabeth.

Mr. and Wilson and.?.«, ,Wahwi .avwifle.

son's mother, Mrs. WffllamPerree of Benjamin street, returnedSunday-from a two weeka* vacation at

rand Set. Ota Skeel of. Stnd-.Tnd, are spending two weeks with

their son-ln-law'aitf daughfer711r7aud~MrfcB. o . Rearlck and family of .au

iverside Drive. Mr. Rearick, who spentten daya in Indiana ahd Ohio on bnsl-

returned with them.



School off Frenchand Spanlan -


M e m . * E v e L j _CHILDREN (S-U Trs.") " ^

Utemoons. Learn to speak, read anawrite FRENCH

Ecolo.Frmnduse deWettfield' MINo.Chestnwt8t


(r. and Mn. Irobtrt C. Lewis andton of Oftkjr tojee a n removing to~ rthAmariea., Mr. Lewis, who Is withPan-Amtriean Atrtmet, flsw to aaaO-ago,TOhHtriMtPriday,whtrehitwlftand ton will jots htm later.

Anna M. Wakb. daaghtar ofPrank D. WUsb of « • PaHtadc Nad,

Mist Caddy Jones of Hampton HaDsMratedt her eighth bbthday

Toeeday. with, a party for Ore little•-"-ads. Oemee and refretbmentt

w enjoyed. OuesU present In-eluded the Misses Ann Weston, Mar-laa Pataacbt, Patty Damon, Joan Og-

Arm Marie Baldescbwieler ofHolly street ctsttrated her seventhbirthday on Wkdntsday with a partyat, her borne, Oames were: played andefreshmants enjoyed. Quests present

included: Otorge Darby, Patelda'lJar-fa*. Jean Hack,- Betty Leigh Parry,Jacqueline Homer, Doris Ranktn, Xd-gerton Orant, Joan Marie Oerttt, Han^•»! W.ll « n * A h . Tl. iAM.^^ft.^

John McManna. the pastor,Mr.* Wetah 'gave hit daugBtara la

marriage. Mitt Anna M. Watth actedat maid of Donor lor her ttattr and Inturn sfltt Toillai T TTalsll ttltuHil 1mtitter at maid of honor. Mr. _.btstmanteMr.DoienandMr.Dolanserved at beat man nrMT.Btgga. Theushers were Walter Rowland of Bay-side, u I , and Lawrence P. Dolan ofBrooklyn. • ' - -.,

Both brides ware dressed aiawore long-train crystal velvet gowns,with girdled bodtcet of cut crystal andpearls. Ornamental ettpt wan at-tached at each side of the square necknnea of the gowna, The drastet weremodeled along Empire perlodUlnet andthe brides wort Juliet caps of double-twitted, tsed-pearja.and long MBc ofIllusion net • They both carried motherof pearl prayer books wth shower rib-boa markers of botmrdla and lllles-of-tbe-vauey, and alto they carried ker-chiefs of real lace from their mother'swedding gown.

Mra, Beggt, mother of one of the

brown, velvet with matching hat andaccessories and she wore a corsage oftea roses.

Mr. and Mn. Beggt and Mr. and Mn.Dolan are on a wedding trip throughthe. Southern tttt^t. • - -

TO. ATTEND OOMRBSNCSThe seventh annual forum under the

usptota of the New York, Herald Tri-bune wm be held at the Waldorf As-toria Hotel. New Tork, Monday andTuesday. Tnetubjectcf this fan'rdls-cuauon wfll be. -The Second Dtaeov-

of America." 'Attending thft eon-ferenoe from the Wedneeday MorningOtub of oranford win be Mrs. K. o .Prank, Mrs. O.T. MoGrady, Mrs. RalphRookwsn. Mrs. X. X. Robinson, Mrs.T. D. Aoglemeyer, Mrs. Otto De Wolff.Mrs w . a am. Mrs. p, R . Z U U M and

p. "Mi 1'-'-'-*••'- ^T ?.;T >,-:X.,.^3.'.

series of aft-srnoon card parties of the Bt Thsr-esa't OuUd wm be held Tuetday in St.Mlchael'e School auditorium. Mem-bert of. the OuUd win a i m on theoommlstee, wRh Ma. Harry Boemer,chairman, assisted by Mrs. Men Ryan.AH garnet win be played. RetrethmenUwinbetamdatl:M.

Mr. Beggt and his bride win resideat SOS Betfprd avenue, Oranford.

Mrs. Beggt la a graduate of thePacker Secretarial School In New Tork.She Is secretary to the sales managerof the. Pulveritlng .Machinery companJrof Roeelle Park. Mr. Beggt, who at-

Oranfont High Setgraduate of the Pauoett School of ArtsIn Newark, I* chief engineer for HubenyBrothers in RoseUe.

CANNINa-BX>TZEMiss Tlorenoe Grace Hntse, daugh-

ter of Mr. and Mrs. WlOlam RichardHbta»,of-1R Bammlt -attnutV'WeeVfield, wm be married to Prank JamesOanning. son of Mr. and Mrs. BamuelJ. Oanning of U Watt ttreet, Oranford,- - - - - - - - - - _ c t a r d l

Training School, New Tork. She Is amember of the faculty ^f the ChildSchool, Newark. Mr. Oanning—wasgraduated from Cranford High Schoolv v ^*«*«^««nn^ mwmMM ^va nea^Awv>aa Alats^sa a3a tvrw^H

and from Lehigb University. He It withthe American Telephone and TelegraphCo, New York.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. MUlard ofProspect avenue announce the birth oia ton, John Warren, on September 25.

Wettfleld, with the Rev. Henry J. Wat-tenon, pastor, ondattng. A recent!win follow at the Hotat borne.

Mitt Doris Arm Botaewm be her ais-tera maid of honor and a cousin. Dm-cilia Strain of New York, win be matronof bonorr Vincent Ortmea of Cranfordwin be best man and twobrothert ofthe bridegroom-elect, Laurence andSamuel Oanning, ft, of Oranford, win

0ONTABINO-MES8INA,Mlta Josephine Messina, daogmerof

Mr.andMrs.eamMesslna,of«07Rar-itm road, became the bride «f JosephOontarino, of the same1 address, at BtMichael's, Church Sundar.jtt J p ^ m .The bride was given in marriage by herfather and the ceremony was per-formed by Rev. John M. Nuberg. as-aWanTreetor;

Mils Hotae Is a graduate of WettfleldHigh School and Melissa MHlt Teachers'

ng CardsStationery ~Noveltios


GOLDENBERG'S• T/ataa Are, Ni CraaCsrd, N. i.

DANIEL J. HEYBURNEkdrkal CofJbactor-H«m Wiririi—Jobbing

MOTORS ANDAPPIIANCIS — T ^ T214 South Ave^ EL, CranfordC-Ute-R

,. S E R A1VS

FRIDAY NIGHT PARTIESStarting Tomofrow,SeDt 24

5 ^ • 830 kM - - —

Mr. and Vra. Canning entertained


RESTAURANT* - bOM Heart efO R A N P O R D , N . J .


"~~UrNOBMN-DINNEB *Special Sunday Dinner

75c and 85c


ST. MICHAEL'S HA1XAldon SUM MuurSfNolaf'^gaufon]


Baumann's FlowersFor Fall Weddings

' Not only yoar mother, bat deabtleas year grandmelher and theirbridesmaids wore BAUMANire FLOWERS at then- weddings. ^g

Ovet-arulf centaty spent In the gnming of Beaotlfal Flewetiand Plants assures you the acme of perfection In anything .yoa pur-chase here. r . . *" ,


TELEPHONES. BAHWAY 7-*71i-07U-07U '" •Free DeUvery All Over-Union and " " • m Cpoatlea'

We Announcethe nistaBation of U G H PRESSURE

-4 -

CAR WASHINGAH day service wwkdtrys — Sunday, untfl noon.

WewfflcaBforajidrJdmTyourcAr. .

Bhie and Gold Service StationCRANFORD, N.J.

CfcrffldCWli Sunoco Products

Plans srel B u


or iojuJicioMg .for to Mn o m a porW ofyn.

A Tnnt Cbmouv b tho logical Trwtoo

l l T in form of rbt ergan-iot. Tho txpwiMc*

ol to officMg !• fkeadJ mMmt, with UWr .eett. toVhbt M i - r f t M k ^ u « tho

Tho cod oF t^nittratioii (• modwrato, and h fixed

b to

Tho Crtnford TruaVfcofflpany SnvfbM conwrtationthis important gubiocb


n County..nTtaown baud leader and canpeter.hewected to fie jsetsnt at the em.

the mayors of Union County mri-as weU at county and state

S r f e been tortted to attendmis colorful I ? ~ » t a » * n : k _ . „

A J. TotterdeU. chairman of thecommittee^ reports t h K t h

a a» ^ ^ ^ pdtatesfor Teterant1 drum

wrp.,M,"drum ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ' ' " YReflriery Band, Elks Drill Team, T. A.SB Fife. Druin and BagJeOoipv.Pal-ton We. Drum and Hugle Oorpt, St.mchaeli We. Dram and Bugle Oorpa,3§ St. Anthonya W e 7 I » m ¥ S l BugleCorps alfof EUtabeth: IWonueRej:

&spmB&Post. Junior Hfe; Drum and Bugle, BahwayiJteiulwoHhDrama*}

B u . L : c n * ; J f , V : f S ^ornmanders -r^-Team7'BenjaminFranklin Chapter, Order of DeMolay.irvtaBton: Clark HysUp Prum andB" i f corps. Westfleld: OnlU PostDrum and Bugle Oorpt, Roseue: andAlexander Hamiltsn Chapter, Order, ofDeMolay, DrUl Team, Onion City, The^e^tbo^apossibllttrof the.Blessfd-Bac-rament Fife, Dram and Bugle Corps, of

t i t t l g f eI M b e t r i ; p c p g v rThe Bayway Post Drum and. Bugle

corps-irjn-playrat-thlaaltalr.-bttt.notin competition. The Westtleld Sym-phonic Band, although not competing.will render two or three concert aelec-uons and' will assist In other ways tomake the afternoon program an enjoy-able one. ' ' •'

AtatbnTwWIng-eve^to aUo-lUtedamong the various classes of competl-tlon and a number of entries have al-ready been received. ' .

The only change In the 1B38 rulesior4hla-competltl<» ^PnSjshWh..*1-lows dvlUan Me. drum and bugle corpsto announce tKe.fa* choioe of^ctdence-fae*tore competing.

One of the most Jnteresting featuresoi the entire program Is the eveningrevlew, to wWch; anjrf_the_unlts1en-ured in the different events will parti-'clpiitr.iinrlfir'tlMi rnminnnfl f*tw*fan1T"1Iclpiitr.iinrlfirtlMi rnminnnfl ft

I regular and reserve a » w officers.1 • Voluntary contributions received fromI ipectators at the contest will be used1 in promoting children1* activities, in theI Union County Park System during 1S38


SUB. Bread St,WestfleU

.WestfleU W I U

Funeral Directors

**»^»'^J^*i Hfl'^^t1*-*^^ -1*



IN Valen Are, N.' . Crapfeed

PhoneCranford C-MU

Mrs. Robert BiglowMrs. C. Pitman Bu<Miss Catherine CamMrs. RusseU DamonMrs. L E . D e BrigsMrs. Matthew D. H

-,4<i —.


Page 7: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER Second Week of Drive YOUNG a Pd ...t' THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER MS? N|NPSl(9IOSt NHIsf laTlasWi Second Week of Drive 45 New, 74 Renewal Subscriptions Tamed In to Bring

w^'Z" *" ; '


f i r ._ „ ' t ,^-^aVJ **~*^*ftf'mr •.""»' "T'vrZJP-lT '"h^ ~'* "X '


r . • •-


county. AtS*Mi»orv natto.

lust. the mayers of Onion County mu-nicipalities, as well as county and stateoaclals h.ve_bee»,ta*e4;to attend


• me drum and bugle corps: BapwayI Refinery Band, Eks » § » • « , * ^ * •I s B Fife, Druip and Bogle Corps. TtX-I »>, We. DrUm ana Bugle Corns, At.I Michaels WR • — — * " ~

BaSr*sfflWRI post Junior We; Bnun »nd Bugle

h ^ K e n U ^ o ^ Dnanjtod

I commanders "Drfll~Team7 „ _I Franklin Chapter, Order of DeMolay,I irvlngton: Clark Hysllp Drum andI Sijte corps, westfleld; Unitl PostI Drtm and Bugle Corps, BoseUe: andI Alexander HamilUn Chapter, Order, ofI DeMolay, DrUl Tesm, Onion City, Therr1 - >'a possibility-ot the BlnwdJBac

15 H J P " a - y m w • * • • » * - « " .™—' - — ' ' !•-•••• —

nunent We, Dram aiid Bugle Corps, of


IfnMPeeU Saturday tow-fa, round»lp tickets to Nev *Wk from JmeyOetatete

d;nwmeemmt was wade by the Pauen-t«t Traffic Deoartment of the New Jer-My Central Railroad ot the attractioneffered Khoa children every 'tatnrtarbegtnnlngOctober 2. '

These reduced (ares core* from thepopularity and demand following aafcnllar tryout last spring. Teachers,parent*, and hundreds or children" from6 to It years old took advantage c(^seeing the big dty" on Saturdays withthe apedal rate In effect for the young-t •ten.

For the .children the "Rights"—theRgskyscrapers, the museums, the educa-tional and instructive place: — nr?neachtd quickly and a t low cost on theSaturday special reduced (arc. And'Dad, too. can take in. the sights he'stoo busy to see on working days. Fromtfce Battery'and the Aquarium to Cen-tral Park there's much .to do such asthe Miueumot Natural- History, theMetropolitan, Tlnies Square. MadisonSquare" Oarden' and Jiosta' ot otherplaces to see. InNgroiips. headed byteachers or Just DadXMother and! theejijldre.n.a_day_|n New Vprk.wijn't hurtUie pocketbook due to1 the rallriad'Erecognition of the boys and girls in thelow-rate round-trip tickets, -a./

brth city line, wul be open to toe pub-Bc through Saturday. October 1*- -

Behind the project are the Wartmln-ter Oerporattcn,-'«n(en-ba< Avslepedthe attractive community 'In HUIsldsJust north ot the Elisabeth dty line,and McManus Brsk, Elisabeth furni-ture store.

The Idea ot the Show House." saysAmbrose McManus, president of Mc-Manus Brorr"was conceived over a year interest tor home-seeksrs.afro but 11 has not been executed untilnow because we have scught to presenta home that^ls not only perfectly ap-pointed for a house of .this type, slsearid design, but also to show room set-Units from which the owner of practl-

v '


from mort distant point* has devdopaabrisk aclWtir in tbt » ! • ot bonuatadark Townahtp. In tb» heart, ot un-

Hderable Industrial treft^ofTate: fiCdudlnr unlU'belng established by theGeneral Motors OorporaUon, supple-menting the' assembly plant recentlyopened at linden, the RUlcrest Homestract In Clark Township Is a center of

g pcally any home, can gather inspiraQonTSuch a universal undertaklf has, nat-urally, required a gnat deal of U s eand planning.:'

a:feverythlng we have chosen for theWesUnlnster Show House—furniture,rugs, lamps, draperies, wajlpaper—Is Inpiuuei "propuillun" "to*" the* cost" of "the"hcuse itself. In other words, we haven'tlicked~furnishings whlch.bflonj in ahouse costing tuice as much Just to

i f ^ h d

Top Holding Company, developers othe HUlcrest community, are launching

a new construction program In whichwill be provided M or more homes Inaddition to thoK already built >uvftold In the tract. The company report!• J ^ ^ ^ » » » » ^ ^ w w — — — — • — - . • M- — » , • . • • • -

having contracted for SO homes in thedevelopment since It was opened lastOctober, and that 14 cf the houses «3ldalready have been -completed and oc-cupied. The others on. contract are-tovarious stages of construction, :

The HUlcrest tract comprises 15 acrea,fhlch" W S l l r i d r t *

merchandlije that" would be appropriate•Jn a far cheaper home because of pricenweol ' All items have exactly the

The Bayway Post Drain and. Buglel t » l t t l J ) t o t

LEOION WOMEN TO MEETCranford .Unit, 312, American Legion

Auxiliary,, will Tiolti its next meeting^October 7 in the Cadno.-Hostesses n1llbe Mrs. Louis Pompllano and Mrs.'O. E.Crosbyi The first monthly-card part?will be at 2 p. m. October IS in the Ca-

I in" competition. The Weatneld 8ymI phonic Band, although not competing.I will render, two or three cprioert selec-I uons and' will assist In other ways toI make the afternoon program an enjoy-I »ble one. :

I A baton twlrung erenrl l also- llsttdI unong the various el«»se* of compeU-1 tlon and a number of entries have al-I ready been received. ' .1 The only change in the 1638 rulesifor-this-Competttloa-ts_pne:j«W¥hmal-I tows civilian Me. drum and bugle corpsI to announce thQh1 choice of1Cadfnce~be»-I tore compeUng.I One of the most interesting featuresI of the entire program Is the eveningI review. In which ail of the units en-rtered In the different events wUTpartl

I regular and reserve army offleers.\ • Voluntary contributions received from

spectators at the contest will be usedI in promoting children* activities In the

Union County Park System during 1B38

Mrs. Lee Knowlson as hostesses. Thepost and auxiliary will sponsor a. Hal-lowe'en danoe October 23, alco in theCasino. These Members of the unitparticipated In the parade at the Na-tional American Legion convention last

Christian, Anita Miller, Olga Crosby,Florence Orounse, B«ss Buck; MaryBeer and Marguerite Eartiart., Mem-bers, of Cranford Unit, beaded by Mrs.Crounse, Ccunty. president, attendedthe instailaUon of dfflicers of "Argohhe

row night will attend InstailaUon ofRoselle Park Unit officers.

through awarding of character medals,playground merlt-ftwardsr and-trophies

for Union County Play-npronshrr»rt)hlo'n CdUnlyground"

Junior Baseball Championships, modelairplane and kite flying contests, andUnion County Junior Championships inmarbles, rifle shooting, and archery.

All Items have exactly theright relationship to the house and toeach other In style, quality add price.>''What McManus Bros,-has captured

in. fh» Wftpilnntfr "hnW Hmi«p \% iH^• of goqdrtaste, simplicity and

within': the composs of: modestand we believeNthst everyone

•lpful ideas from It—newly:ith'growtngxhildreh and

and have, homeThe Westn

children have grown upof their own." \

Show House will be.open daily from 2 o'clock In the. after-noon until 9 o'clock at night. At the

week In New York: EmmaTJeyer. Ruth same time there wUl-be-repUeas of-th.rooms on the fourth floorV theManus Bros, store, showing the Identi-cal furniture, rugs, draperies, wallpapersand arrangements, for the benefit otthose who have seen the Show Hiiucand. wish-to make, compaiisonjfithother McManusrange."

furniture at close

COON, FOX nOVND HUNTThe Thayandaga Rod and Gun Club

will hold its second and third Coon andFox Hound field trials,on October 10and'NovcmiJcfTattHelimeTed scnool-house, Pluckcmln-MartlnsviUo Road,near Newmarket. Particulars may beobtained? from William E. Decker. 75Eastman avenue. SomervUle.

Ur.Danb,waaith|teet.wr«*tnrstm w t to an artlds from thf M r "«»•

contracU should not alwa>» be awardedto the lowest bidder bscaua* ao muchdepended upon the matorU* and sub-contractors Involved in the vartoM. n-tnsate*. By Instating on ths nsmtniot materials and subcontractors, saktMr. Darah, the owner and architect aresure of - * • best services tram the tn^vited contractors." • ; " ^

fhl y W l pdon prices and-have held awaiting thecurrent demand tor home-Bites. Ma-erials tor houses also were bought In

a a m n c « « F t l Ja position to go forward in buildingoperations, supplying homes at low oastto consumers. ' ' ' ••'

Bujers of HlUcrest Homes IncludeMr. and Mrs. Allan 'O. Winchell, SOSManor avenue, Cranford, *

ATTEND D. A. B. MEETINaMis. WUllam LaneBoloe, regent, Mrs,

DmervE. bey. MM. Arba Dike Faxon,Sr., Mrs. Laurence B. Mason and Mrs.Thomas-MicMffkin. atUndsd_a_ rneet-tnj of the Westfleld Chapter, D. A. R.,last Friday at the home of Mrs. J. FDergeTWesifleli "MS7 Raymond O,Ooodfellow, Btaie Reglstrnr, speke of'My-Trip Abroad w(th' the Presidentdencral.**-. • •' • 1™1

Quality FoodsMOOBsUTB rUCES

Pn«npla»4Cenieeos Service

Freese DelicatessenJOHN^BEESE. rrop.

Jii' N." 'rMoNfOiVtf,' dgfiWFOW*''Pbon CB. I-SSU






t,ipo /t w k w to CMe««0. Leavingto*. B-

b the i dawtinie traial P

gWhtt VgJtoy

' " Tfc. «nr> JUUroeMi In (A« E M (t N S U

Latcat PaHmsui eqiilpmoiJt «nd remoJeleduad nftsmialMd Individual declining ScatCoaches, wltk goany •»««§ conveniences,

l d l TVay Meats at Coach Scat*.


BALTIMORE &OHIO ' l(ii ( i o n (f









Mrs. Robert BiglowMn. C. Pitman BuckleyMiss Catherine CandaMrs. Russell DamonMrs. L L D e BrigardMrs. Matthew D. Hall

Mrs. P. W. HallMrs: T. K. HestonMrs.' Keneth JonesMrs: Daniel LoomisMrs. Frederick LovellMrs. Carl Mason

Mrs. Harold MillardMrs. Edgar MillerMrs. Wallace " 'Miss Irene Mi)Mrs. Howard/Mrs. O. U.

Mrs. Richard Lackey


Mrs." Wesley Stangei-, Jr.-Mrs. Richard TomlinsonMrs. Harry Van IderstineMw."-Clifton Cox

" Mrs. John GilesMrs. Basil Emery

Mrs. John Snowden

M».GenUMrs, Win. HaniMrs. Carl LloydMrs. George MackMrs. Louis Rice <Mrs. Reville Turk

MsMrs. Standish WestdnMrs. Chas. P. WalkedMist Harriet FranklinMist Mary GreenMrs. Edward Sansom


Page 8: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER Second Week of Drive YOUNG a Pd ...t' THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER MS? N|NPSl(9IOSt NHIsf laTlasWi Second Week of Drive 45 New, 74 Renewal Subscriptions Tamed In to Bring

The lwhiitrhl Ce*^St§?


Recaption Toniffet"'"'ISnool G ^ ; '


' The Oarwood Board of Educationwill glveit* annual reception for teach-er* and school employes tonight JnUoooln *ehool gymnasium. The pur-pose of the' affair «U to have teachers,member* of the board and all othersdirectly connected with UK school be-come better acquainted-.

There will be games,refreshment*.

dancing and

The committee In charge Include*:Mr*. Wrr-1*" Johnson. Ronald Oteary,Mr. fradshaw, Miss Either Farr, Mluattrjorle flmlth and Victor Leonard. -

Win Eatarlabi TeachersThe seventh and eighth grade class

under direction of Mr*. CaroV W»r-baue, home economies teMhef/wiH t el imlfsn on October 8 at a tea glveplor the Oarwood teachers. Enthuslat-Uc preparations are being made * r thegirls ar a part' of • then- "Domestic' Sci-ence work. i • v '

New Male, Ait InMncUaArt and satiate are.receiving much

greater attention In the OarwoodSsbool* iiUt year witlTlhe enthloymentof two fnlMlme teachers in these fields.MtifiSyMaiD.' Eprlght Is the jupenrls-

* or of mask) and th* art teacher Is Missi Oomella Chlpman.« • OH foot AelMUes

Attractive, waste paper basket* are


meeting* * * • ttto^**, The Demo-erativ aMUac^Maadar night la theOarwood Democratic headquaroer*.«keted Jerry Ibntejroettl M chairman,saettedug Major toul* J. Fontenelll.Republicans, meeting Tuesday night atthe horn* of Ferey Watt, oboae Under'sheriff WdlilauJ Darroeh, who lucceedsMr. Watt.

Other Democratic munlelpal"omcers»re:-.Vloe-chalrman. Pred Palsnne; andlecreUir. Mary L. Dugan.

Other-RepubUoan officer* are: Vice-chairman. Mr. Watt; MCittarjr, Mrs.Florence Nead. The Republican com-mittee recommended the reorganizationof Ihf Republican' party In Oarwood.Their suggeetlan win be submitted t»all ..Republican, group*,, _

EXPECTED « WCoundi ComroSHwi Confers

With Official, in Wad*IllgtOUtt


The Rev. O. Whltneld Sloan at BeUe-rllle was invited on Bunday to becomehe minuter of the Oarwood Presby-terian Church.' He will succeed;theRev. R. T. Graham, who resigned,

,The Be*. Mr. Sloan, a nephew of theRev. William R Sloan, minister of tbeFirst Presbyterian Church in Oranford,will take charge of the pulpit here onOctober ML _ . _ ,s~\- - -

A student at BlooififleldVSemlnarjr,he Rev. Mr. Sloan h*| been tajcharge

of the Mountainside afid Ma8$>«fl Av-enue, Westfleld, PresUrterlan Churches.

hrlnf martr «T tha-Oarwood . Olri ftt-wUl-r*«lgi»:&om.-the«Mwo.4harge*,<Qcout«, ,Wheo completed, these will be<sold for a nominal fee, m order to en-?ku*< th* ecout treasury. The girlslaptnt part of their, regular meeting

. pparlodon Friday working oh thl* pro-<)*et.. Tb*y> also learned several, newesocgHfolkr dances and ballad* which

Vint* tar* planning to put'together ft*an a**emMy program lateftn the year.Several new fUkfwen admitted totothe troop on '.Friday. They IncludedMary Powers.-June Packer," TbeJm*LtytoJBekm Rarwcsttwid Peggy New-hauler. On.tbe* previous eytning.-th*.

' Oirwood "ind'Weslneld Oltl Koutleaders met to plan and .discusrattff}

MUs f o r ^ e o m t a f t r n n . Th* leaderslewbe.had taken. «v, train** eoniif-atfiauap j u t b Maey gav* nporu on ttatlt

itay a( thai place.

Hs will shortly take up residence atthe maru» In Oarwood.

The Oarwood Wlomen's Club will holdIts first meeting of the'fall season thisvening at the home Of Mrs. K. Schu-

bert of. Third avenat. •--•.The marrlasa of Mlsa Stella Bebunas

of Anohor Placeto'Oonrad Rleder olWtoslow-Place will'take"pUce Batur-

w hh

On "~"«-r' the ItankUnand Uncoln School puplla enjoy** an•AahaUur Hour" a* put on by pupilstnm flftfa through the eighth grade*.

py Anne'sohurch,* o'clock. < t j ^ *•'' ^n,m j , ,A newVK"lrroup"b»aT>»eri"?ormea

by Mrs. XkUterhvacnsbtrtof Third av-enttt. 'sflght' girls bthreW the ages ofifrtoUhaveJomedf TheIMeUngwasbald at the borne or Ma. SchubertMonday aiUrnoon. The next meetingwill be October 6.

Star of Oanrood council. No. t.Panthers of America, wUJ hol ian au-

t« ti tditing

i Esther Farr was in charge,ter of orremonle* w*» Edward Flesher.Fourteen numbers were well received by

audience. Several eighth gradei had formed a little .orchestra of

own and *hU was unanimouslyvoted the prise number. The partlcl-paataNn thtaj act were: Vincent Qablo,John Pattoseno. Walter Pawllkowski.

and Tony LammLwent to Blaln* Pfeiffer

numbers on theThird place went to

» vocal soloOther selections

which deserved special merit were cow-boy *ong£byJB£r*£m*jLHorlfeeck, a rec-

', -ttatlso-fe* tferto^OolUnsr-a tap'danceby'June FonteneWr'hannonica^saTgs^pfr HBaW& B3aVl*WPHCl| a U l u afOHaTS 1)**B3FCU

on a mandolin by Mae ShuberL \

Franklin \ncka has returned to hisduties as teacher In the Uncoln Schoolafter being confined to hl» home by


The auditors are now preparing,for the tar sale, It was announcedIbis week by Collector-TreasurerDaniel F. Snyder, All properties onWhich ta«es and aiafumcntt tot/

-KM and prior years are unpaid, asof October 10. will be advertised for

. J . r n ^ J w p . J . ,properUea from being ^advertised

i geg the 'collector lmmedi-

• n t l n g Monday night In tht NorthajVBBtte headBjautara,' welcomed these

. ' M * member*: Michael Stett, M mManon, George Fisher. W. W. Love-land. D. r Snyder. Mr. Watson. Eu\-

' ward B'anopark. E. Bettsend MY. Carl--son. A card party win W held Oeto-

. bar IsV and a turkey award on Mi


» MtiiuilAjr, flntMawfjr Ut USf*at > p. s i

ptmctor Mdsel pnaldlnsj. Ban canshowed: M

whether or not Oarwood wlp receivea Federal grant this year for a nowpostofflee will be known within th* nestten days. Mayor Louis 3. Fontenelll an-nounced lu t Wednesday night at th*meeting ot tbe Borough Council, t h eMayor, in company, with the specialpostofflce committee, consisting of Po-lice Commissioner John Banyass," Jr,Road .Ccmmissloner Walter Bnchanand Borough Attorney Leo B. Wattended % treasury department hear-ing hi Washington Tuesday, and weregiven assurance a detail*-decision,would be given within a ten-day period.

In an effort to get-better tramvice for Oarwood, Mayor Fontenelll ap-pointed Henrr-J. Murray^ traffic man-ager of the Aluminum. Company1, andEdmund Onlth to serve at chairmanand vice-chairman, respectively, of acommittee which they are empoweredto organise, which I* to confer withofficials of_the Central Railroad. TheMayor said he believed It would to wellfor the committee to show (he railroadofficials.that-the amount ofJreightbusiness to and from Oanrood placesthe towta In a position to expect moreadequate passenger service.

The street committee was empoweredto confer with Westfleld concerningpropcatO Improvement of Spruce ave-n»fcjUld_wajJmtructediosesure fromBorough Engineer Fred W. Singer anestimate' on OerwcooY* share ot thework. Councilman Kenneth cyiearysaid the paving of Sprue* avenue Is

{most desirable In view of the conditionlot the street and that an Improvedroad to Central avenue.' Westneld,would give Oarwcod a much-neededaddltlcnal outlet. At present Oarwoodhas only two highway* connecting withadjacent communities—North avenueand «outh avenue — OXeafir pointedout. _ _

Itbv UIT*. were approvad a* per ptluladeoples M members1 desks.

Wawtminn that bill* approved he or-looant. ££

•PNpantka *f Papfla ftrtUe-ta aO o e n e y . - M*c U * StatTeB,; thtpnafctsat, tnnmmnert. the ndli countyconkreooe of the P.-T, A. would beheld to Oarwood on October 11. Theattatidume award ''was won by- Mrs.Tearart sixih pade. . J. " ,

dered paid, was adopted.- • " - f rom Charlotte

! Board for the Room-UojM»nt her, was received and filed.

nan, advising that he has renewed thelean of, abaene* of Mist Clara Jaffefor tbret "^"'H1 and appointed in h*rplact. Miss Rose Sevrlii, was vocetved.and filed.

Cotannmlcatksafrom the State-High-way Department, calling attention to

14». P.L. 1937, which U anamendment to the Township and Bor-oogh Aid act, aM-wmch appUe* to theso-called "Dirt Road Fund," was re-ferred to the Road

ffwniJHinifatVfi frr** "** Borough ofRostDe Park, enclosing check' for $».-00O4O towards defraymc part of thecost of'repair* and hnprotement*. ofcertain road*, was referred to the RoadCommittee.=OWmninlrattnn from thcnLe*«ue_otWomen Voters of the Plalnfleldi. oon-rratulaUng the Board In potting votrnf

aaii uito Union County, watre*ceJved and filed.

ideation from Judges EdwardA. Modrath and Uoyd Thompson, ask-me for a three month* extension of the.

*. ...WIE«!»-?!|J«aBMAKr..7..^The marriage of Mlsa Dart* EUsabeth

Puschman of North avenue'and Nich-olas Hlrsch of Third avenue took placeSaturday afMrnOon a t « . Pad'* Evan^g«Uoal Church. The Her. B. W. Tann-

meeting tomorrowh fevening at the home of Mr*. Fish ot

Fourth avenue. Tbe next regularmeeting win be "held Tuesday eveningat their'Beech avenue headquarter*.

Phi Alpha Sigma Sorority held aregular meeting Friday evening at thehome of Mist Florence White ot Haselavenue, Tbe club will make a trip toNew York tomorrow evening to see thestage play, "Babe In Arms.'' Thosepresent at the last meetlnr were Mrs.B. W. Tannler, Gene Lathner, VhlanValLMade DeFreltas, Rose .Marie Rr-gott, Margaret TUllsh and Lora Elisa-beth Crook. The next meettag-wttl beheld October 8 at. the home ot Mb*Clarissa Seven.

The bride was given In marriage byher father. She wore a blue dress withblack hat and shoe* aflda-«orsBte ofgardenias. Her sister, Miss MarianPuachman, of Oarwood was .her at-tendant. She wore a black dreas withaccessories l o match, and a'corsage Of

Mathew* Rleder of Windoww*4 belt man. • '»

Organist was Mrs: Henry puffer. "\\A noepUon was held at the Repub-

lican: Club House on-North avenue}The couple will make their homeNorth avenue. •'

tfLoeustfav'-mue. and Joseph Leonard, son ot Mr.

Mrtr Leonard of Hater avenue weref Saturday afternoon at 4In the rectory ot 6 t Anne'*

chureh.XTbe mafrlagtr wa* performedby the R«V. John Walsh. The bridewas attended by net aister, Mis* Clar-issa Sever*. Best man was RichardLeonard, a brother of the (room. Adubon<rdle*i was worn by the bridewith aeotswrte* Ut hutch a n d * cor-sage of bridal rose*. Mis* Clarissa Sev-er* wore blue with dubonet accessoriesand a corsage of. Talisman rose*.reception for tbe families was held atthe home, of the.brlde's parents. Mr.and Mrs! Leonard'" will make theirhome on Washington place, Crantord.

lean cf ~ab*enee wlih par,'tor Oeorg*T. OarroQ, was referred to (he FinanceCommittee

Communication from the State High-way Department WIII^TMT Resolutiontaking over a portion of the Spring-neKUaeotch Plain* Road, a* part ofState Highway Root* No. » , was re-ferred to the Road Committee. ' •

OommunlcaUon from the City ofPlalnfltld reconunendinf tbe InsitH*-Uon of lights at South avenue, andTerim Road and Bast Front street, andTerrOl Road, wa* referred to the Road

was received and fUed.-the Sheriff ad-

vttnt that MmervaRemer, matronUnion County Jail is eligible for anM*s of $16040 per annum, effective

September loth, was received and filed.Following monthly report* were re.

celved and ordered fUed:-Ooonty Phy-sician: Home Extension Agent: Super-intendent ot Weight* and Measures, andCounty Engineer. f

Monthly-report of'Wright, long axutCompany (Auditor*), was received andordered Sled. "*

Report and Resolution by Committeeon Roams'granting Ihree'months' lemve

absence, without pay. to Mb* OiaelleB.-aUva, secretary to the County Bn-

effeeUve September 30th, 1BST,wa* on roll call adopted.

Report and Resolution by Committee-n Bridges, Drainage and Flood"' 'Mil. requesting permlaaton to advertisefor, receive and open bid* for 'repairsand-addittiMi-to^^ concrete-centerpier of tbe Lawrence Street Drawbridgeover tht- Rahway Rlver-in the Oilr-ofRahway, was on roll can adopted,

Report and Resolution by Committeej Bridges, Drainage and Flood Control,

iwardlng-tontrart to lowest bidder fortrucUng deck on the-Center

Street bHflje hi the Borough of Oar-wood, was on roll call adopted.

Report and'ResoluUon by Committeeon Bridges, Drainage and flood Control.*awarding contract to lowest bidder for

' TWitWnwffwt* from'Uie Sheriff"acVvbmt that be ha* appointed Mlia Mabel


t Kanane temporary t» ExecutionClerk, Was reoernd. and fBtd.

«w».mi».«t~. from the Bherlff ad-rblng that WHHam Segal, JaD Ouard.return** to mar dntlea tar the-000017Jail, waa recehred and filed.

fimiiaiiiiiainllwi finni th* Sheriff.ad-vising ,tha»-Mra. Ma* U Kettbart JanMatrceVretnraed to her dnOe* la the

• THANKS VOTEBSWalter Thome and Edward Tiller,

unopposed for the Republican nomina-tion for. Borough Council.1 lamed astatement this week thanking voter* tortheir support at the recent primary.


CEANFOBD, it i ]


Mr*, ivy:;*aniOarpeoter^ Mrs. .Jvy_Ftrn£_CBTpenter,_ MLj>

old, wife of Harold T. Carpenter. <last Ftlday. afternoon at her hon>north Nineteenth street. Althoughwas 111 tor a short tune, her death

_ unexpected. . -.** V. _•Residents of Kenllwarth for the

scar and a half, the Carpenters

er, Mri Clara Smith, of-a son, Leo Carpenter; a

Oeorge Gamble, of Seattle, Wash.;a brother, Orie Srnth, of Kansas •

• ' • • " • < • ' • • - - " ' . ' -

HEALTH BOARD BOETSBoard of Health met' la ret

monthly session on Monday night.Uon "was passed requiring cess-

'cleaners to obtain permit from *tary of health board. MoUon.was pito summon to court the North Ibeth B. & L. tor failure to connectBorough sewer a* was required b;Board'of Health. ^

night, Recorder William Bruder_wuilam and Oeorge Bangufllano of


OOBVSBIH AND CBEsnrtjr s o s m

ug im t—ct mili my friendIbtm I could maimgt

„ With ittlmtrtlycalla'itumbiT,mid fad and atctssitus-as mil <ufritmU—an delivered right lomy door." •

.. C4WrgS«,*SiB i ^ fperhnenc which she, aod women in 16,

' New Jeaev oommumnes made, to mas-

V M b d e r A t ) n e ' n 4 o iimtn street. Crantord, !«.•» eatJPiOMptOiiMJ living,^..,

MM •»"_ iitunct

NMt*idL*Mtt* mi witfawt ib*' ut*~mi itmnnrdlit •"•'"'•

Wlaged Ckatiatiy t machines, usually to

torm of winged chariots, art•cribed bjr Greek poeta aa ear:•00B


mi nmnH !**•[mi it,I uumi \


The mote you use vour celcpbooe »^ d i k l y

• me more you help'younelf to enjoy'happso, euier, more aKuiyuuj uie'"RIDING ON AIR"

TAUC18inileiforl5f,30imle>fc«2V,aoytteie,anywheremJersey (sotJooWaadoB taw*). Rate* to roaaoi ahonc M m i s away.



William PdwdlandLuiseRaIn. "The Emperor's Candlejri.

New nayfaw at O M B U S * W<B W J B R S B Y B E U T B l B P H O N E

, „ ^ ; ^ y

fcrandiwcerrebUsforthaaKclsiaioftht MJMAJM "rntfT'i I s a p v t

On moOcn of F«tbokaar Btmth, theDirector declared a recess for teo'Btbv

-roH-eafll"w fonowtas; membera present: •Fre»1

holder* Pauer, Hrooka, BrukawT Baritvran, McHane, Bmltta and Dtrector>M*eL - • • - f&There being no further Imalntai and;'

upon moOoo of Freeholder Smith, ddty.

clared the > Board adjourned UntOThursday. -October- 7th,. IBBr at twebet^ejock


SpdsJlOWrAafSfwt S k k l JATUOAY

T M y M T H n M s a l yaltdiy ei«"»nilo»lUaas to *»aas


CBA8. M. APPLBCS,- Ctork.



• Bewer Seasons1»V OUna the four season,

2JJ» •*• represented by ,The tree peony represents <M j o t u s , summer; the chrysmam, autumn, and the plum;,



Borough OoaMS arstt inton on Tuesday, tdtht.

' n'ith Domi.'•'! inUS.A.

oompinr pwtaitlaf agalnat the lay!

White OJtV, Sole.RtkUer or LeatherijfbJiRobber HeeU..cotnrr BOUSE SIIOE I




S^EMnato ta«* *te*tto apooDoodto lauitl atnai There beingSdenta ttvtaf alont » • rente of *proposed extension, the opinion >beU -that th* purpose of th* pro}was to servo a real estate dmjopnuto the adjacent territory dTOranlOrc

A plenary retaD cotosumptloa lienwas granted to Mbsrt Bertflotte to (ente a place at the-termer Bhwi rton aoth stMet '-Harry. Vmdurt MsgnatloniiaOMcllman wai r e o * i d and accepter w

,,*- u« undin^* anDOlntnienttax assessor was announowt by. MsvQrippo. tt i* Ukelw that no appol)menu to all th* vacanean left by trejlgnatlon* of lbesn . Morlck 1Lundln will be made in view of tshort Ome hiterrening before, the"Ivember etoptlon.

Cloud Butler was appointed *pnoflfcer. <

Motion- we* pitted to rwjulre pulserrloe corporation* atrrtm the Boujh. to poet «3*» bond* each for 1blltty~ m -eceevattar aiwet*- ~r— J

Granford Trust Co*. Real Estate .chair.


ORNAMENTAL RAILINGSLawn Mower*, Sews, Hedge Shew,-etc, Sharpened






John HUler, Jr, wa* redected tortweUy-ntth oonseeuUve J«rm a* prtdent of the Kenllworth Building 1Loan Assodstlon Monday night attwmty~nnh annual meeUng of sb*holders held to Borough Hall. Outa Johnson also started hi* twenty-l!year.pt sertlce on the board of do

"• " "iS5fcfir*a8S0eMiKiSSJfiJ*Wi&

otHUlnPrei-tlon-in the .best fmandal condition

xted.the asm



voted to apporUon 8 per cent earn!to Installment shareholders.

~~ "Other^"clIteeifTMeletted werer Xipresident, a a Ruth; secretary, EdQ l l'>(3anforoitxe»*urera

Screegu-and Screen Doors, Screen Wire and Molding, jMolM^roof Cedar Ooset Lining.

Also Roofing and Iissolation Material*, Cedar and]Chestnut Posts, Arbors and TrellisM '

Qrelnii ol>(3ranforoi.txe»*urerr.aNltschke; counsel, AdoJph TJlrlch,EUtabrth; directors, Ruth, Gretm'Charts A. Kosmntsa, Sr.

~ ;X(li»ct<n» holdlnB; over Include HI. Johnson, Anthony Orippo, Nltad

Joseph ShaDcroaa and Angelo Nasti

Page 9: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER Second Week of Drive YOUNG a Pd ...t' THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER MS? N|NPSl(9IOSt NHIsf laTlasWi Second Week of Drive 45 New, 74 Renewal Subscriptions Tamed In to Bring

" •»*"*fenad T « Ail• lint by May-


^ ^ from the not dkjtrfct, wasstated chairman of th* KeoDwerth

orssntvallim nesting Saturday nightat the hcn» of County C**imittsewom-IB ICti Mary MWJ, BfehtotntaAllan H. A t t a r was elected secretaryand IDs. Bertha Venters I U Hto the county executive committee.

^ W i t a t a i t t i tbwt to a pointooDottt* I « m ilmfc .TtHM tats* noreddenta livtog tJong tt» route « the

.proposed extension./the' opinion wasneM .that the pmnose « tte PWtest

to i em a*eal eataWdtiaopment

County Chairman Walter L. Hetflekrt l t i m

ytar reelection «mwmI 1

t p pucan -organisation In this borough.


e iaiiw tplenary'retail oAuunipttwi none*

•erste a place at the-former Bbsn storeo n 3 0 t h s t r e e t . • • ( . - • • » ' ; • • • • . . - . . • . • •

cilinan iaWxedeWd.attil ejccepwdrwtthojoAAMsta} ssEsT ~' ^ ^ f t H\^3a)0sUXCaa%BCLv e U

tax assessor was annotmned by) MayorCWppo. » is Bkebf that no appolnt-ments to fill the vacancies left by the

. resignations of laew^Mcrlck andLundln will be made U) view of theshort' time mtervenlng before, the-No-vember election. . -

Cloud Butler was appointed special• ' o n t b e r . •'•' •:.. :'-'\\,.--t: ' .'.''

Stephen Rodoaulno waschairman of the DemocraticC

Oaela. The-commltteure Democratic date.

service corporations serving the Bor-ough, to poet 1*000 bonds each for Ua-bmty a'exeawtt^str»«tvr~r—J . -




John Hiller, Jr, was redacted1 tor histwenty-fifth consecutive term as presi-dent of the BJeatlworth Building andLoan Association Monday night at thetwenty-fifth annual meeting of share-holders held to Borough Hau. Ousts*H. Johnson also started his twenty-filthyesr of service on the board of dlrec-

at Bum


MlJto rdbiwere dfc-

nt up the Republi-thi b


Committee Monday nlghs at the organ-isation meeting at his home. Twentiethstreet William Zimmerman was electedsecretary. " Other members attendmrwere.Mrs. Paul Finkel and Mrs. Mary" " "* indorsed the en-

e. Warren B.Wood- to chairman - of the campaigncommittee and headquarters wUI be es-tablished on Twentieth street


has* growth for the:

la October, the ptante * O

water daring the

Several nations. Including thetales, have urged Japan not

to d o s o . • ' -.-.- ••:&• -X Italy ta cooperating.

; g. A recant order transferred 17 pa-«l squadrons to the scouting tone.1

a. n. varies with different sports,bat generally tt to M years of age.

" ' w o . ; • •• • ; • ' • . • - . • • -. •

they ave <lminnt»


John Cfrif, of the ticketcommittee of the a t Theresa benefitnight' at the Walk^-thon, reports aproflt of about.KS through the sale oftickets. • . _ -

The team of James Nevill and BoseSheldlgger won the amateur enduranceraceat the vnuk-a-thon on Prldtynight.

tfaeearmup sngnttr around the note ant tnmkaof planta. TMa praettae a n o n the sonto settle without fanning'a depneslanto which tee would form to cut oB thepUnta" air supply.

If treesorihrabsaTe-mfBllleafattrasspUnUnc tone, remoie the ka«ea,(or this win retece the loss of waterand wm not harm the plant Do notbe afraid, atoo, to prune wooftr plantaback rather heavthr. for thls.tDp-pran-b « win help to balance the reducedroot sjstenL'Hrhrn the grooiil freeaea,a mulch win be to the aOrantage ofthe transplanta. for tt .wffl keep thesoil from fKesins; too deeply around(he roots and It wm hold to the motor


Tax Aiseaor Robert J. McNalr. whoOnlshed fourth In the group of free-holder candidates at Tuesday^ primar-

ture,*Unless tt Is passible to mm -me-.

greens thef flrst part of the month, it Is_ ^est to delay tnmphnUn* nntn spring.

John Dooella of Monroe awnue, eH»Ptomber Is the Ideal One to morepecta to leave for Ohlcago this week toJom a Walk-a-Uwo troupe.

ercrgreens to the fan. This d a n ofplants makes roots very ttowly ta coldweather, and II they are moved. Wethey are rery apt to dry out orcr whi-ter. This fat particularly tone of coni-fers although the broadleated erer-greens resent betog moted too late tothe fan as wen.

lea, has sent a letter to Freeholders J.H. M. Dudley, WUllam I. McMane andClifford B. Oehrlnt, who were renom-Uuteo^feadUv as fonows: -

< ^ t > i a i M T l f f i BPrei

Uoo In the.best!xted-the assocUv-i^n l fHffi«u^Mm i n



- mted to apporUori * per cent earnings• to installment shareholden.

p"I extend to you my congratulations

on your success at the primary electionlast Ttteidaji I,am glad to lota wtthall jgood-RepuMlcans to wfihteinieces* at the General Hectlon to NO-

president, a a Ruth; secretary, Edwin;,*!<taantotfi»to*Bsurer.JHr—

Nllschke; courael, Adolph TJlrlch, ofElizabeth; directors, Ruth, Grdm* andCharles A. Kosmntxa, Sr.

' ~ DUecUis-holdusi uver include Hlller,Johnson, Anthony Orippo, Nltschke,Joseph ShaDcrcsa and Angelo NastaHo.


Mm ivy;nra Carpenter^^Mi«.ivy_F»ri^Carp«nt«1_MLyears

old, wife of Harold T. Carpenter, diedlast Friday afternoon at her home innorth Nineteenth street. Although shewas 111 for a short time, her death wasunexpected. " \ __!

Residents of B>niiwdrtb for the lastyear and a half, the Carpenters for-

•merly Uniin KHsabeth.-Mrs.-Carpen-ler.waa bom in. Btosas y W . % *£•sides her husband, ahe'leavesherinoth^er, Mrs. Olar* Smith, of Kansas City;a son, liBo Carpenter; a slsMrv Mrs.George Gamble, of Seattle. Waih.>a brother, Orle Smth, of Kansas

' HEALTH BpAKD BOSET8Board of Health met' In regular

monthly session on Monday night. Mo-tion was passed requiring cess-poolcleaners to obtain permit from secre-tary of health board. Motion was passedto summon to court the North Elisa-beth B.& U for failure to connect withBorough sewer as was required byi theBoard of Health.

CKANFOBD KCN FINED" 'Xt'FoUoe Oom^"fiea5u»"oU''MolWlar

night. Recorder William Bruder fined. WUllam and George Bangnfllanft of Ben-

lamltt street. Cranford, $•.•» each, on

"If I can be of any help lit that time,fe«l-.free,toi.eansupqo.nie^i'm,.mll..;,

-, WIN MOVIE PASSESWinners of passes to the' Cranford

Theatre tor-correctly-answerng-qnefetlons in last week's Issue of this paperwere: Jock Boxf. 113. Columbia, avenue;John Tlnnest, Jr, 70 Bumride avenue;POUJI Spooner, » Holly street. JackFast, 311 Claremont Place; and JosephGriffln, 1O« South avenue. Correctanswenfwere as'fqllowsTlrBell's DrugStore; 3, R. J. Gcerge Co.; 3, CranfordEtower:-8hoppe;--4,~ATniel>s; and *Clark,».j;


William Powen and Lube Batoer areco-starred to another dramaUc adven-ture story of mtrrnatlmaT mtiigoe. toT h e EmperortCajirtlBtlfka,'' •which Isimw playms: at the Blalto- Theatre.WestnekL

Tola romantic novel starts m Vienna_ji^-'the- UdnappiDg"b*;'-»baan«»*-'iofNicholas, last of the Cars, when be was]a man or twenty. Powen. as socialistwho hates Russia, te conmifaaotoed.. to

Teak Has Great DurabilityTeak has great strength, elastic-

ity and remarkable durability. ^ Itis not very hard, is easily workedand takes a beautiful polish. One*seasonal, it does not .cracky shrink,-split waiter its shape,.' ., „ ,

Plowing Acre Long WalkFlowing with a walking plow a

farmer walks about seven and one-half miles plowing an acre.


- t-ffenOasiimli, D»lowai»,.

j—Italian •ipwUttonaiy~lnvuJ# Euwpia,

t—Ttwnangallsai alliano*. ollh* world met In N«w

YotkQty. 1873.

WorlcbKjun on*» conMruellon ot lh» NiagaraFalUpow.. plant. l * a

t - T M (baht ocTMi Padlicbora Icpan to Wcahlng-

^ - m - n e a * - by-Panabom—cad tkmdon. 1931.

jt , t—Th* But oroup of G*r.

flf>/<S « ftUodtlphla 1683.

Aii Anti-Stamp Actd l l

Badges efMoumtof' to Great Britain, it is customaryfor • Judge to wear a black clowover his white wig while he is pro-nouncing a death sentence, and- fora prison warder to'fly a black flagover his main building after u n ,•ration, says Collier's Weekly.

" M a Heary" Lageadary Ckaraeter' John Henry is a legendary char-acter of a. negro giant worker. Someyears ago Roark Bradford wrote abook entitled "John Henry." Thishook was an accoont of tha legendsin connection with his life..

tor loVersTte ecourge toemsel**!during Holy Weak to wta the ad-miraSon of then-sweethearts, tt %flagellant met a pretty woman enthe street and was able to strikehimself so that seme of tha bloodsprinkled on her, his honor-wasgnat and the lady was grateful.

Stamps Nat Canceled Aereas Fmee-Of all the mimenma Issues of

postage stamps that have carrtedthe pictures of highly honored orsacred personages, including thosedepicting Christ, only two, says Col-lier's. Weekly, were never canceledacross the face of the stamp—aQueen Isabella H issue in Spain to18S0 and a King Ferdinand II Issuela Sicily to 183». • .

Names fer Madonna UlyThe Madonna Uly Uillura candi-

dum) is also known by the com-mon, namMLotBt.. Joseph's lily. JUK.nunciaUon Uly, Bourbon lily andLent lily. It has been 'cultivatedsince the beginning of, history andhas always been the 'symbol of pur-ity. ' • .

'••••: Rivers Osrry Mueb Waier"The river systems of t|ia earth areestimated to carry to tha ocean eachyear about (,500 cubic miles ofwater." " • • - •'

Classified Advertisements

etitaalna m n»v M Ttumsnia.ijg w 11 Mesa wiaanaavsu m Me r u IMM. OMtaT m avtaAM Maw TO uai

till HINIBUM ONAaH a « i i M M | i lastansa •>MPMT *aa 1 agHTB m u a nminun sj etirra '

• • • • • •


from 16000 up. Choke loca-tions If you are Interested to, building.CaU BESSIE T. E. HEOEMAN. for-merly of Cranford, with KATHRYNT. SHEILD, Real Estate, 100 OjulmbyStreetr opposite-Bus-Stop, WEstfleld1-3818. 10-14

ONLY |W down and moderate month-> 1» pejMenta.buys1«un«(i*r.eabUa,at

Homestead Park. A Christian com-munity. Bunks, tables, stoves, dishes,

' etc. Ten miles from Cranford. CaU

• . ' • VOBSAUlELECTRIC refrigerator, reasonable. Call

mornings, 306 -Orangei Avenue, Cran-ford.

ELECTRIC refrigerator, ( cuMo feet,M0 Ice cubes; two straight mahoganychalrsi leather covered davenport.Phone ORanford.6-U05, 3 Berkeley

- P l a c e . - —• —

FULLER Brushat—For your personaland household: brushes, OaU L. A.MeKee, Phone CRanford 8-0M1-M. tf

FAKMS FOB BALE$10 DOWN, I t monthly buys large plots

at Homestead Park. High, beautifulgrounds with splendid view. Swim-ming and picnic privileges Included.

' A Gentile community tent-miles from- Cranford, Call, MUi^AUlion, ORanford Wr* :;• :

SuSwFiAiir-^saaairrs n»La—in aiunorr of Now nun-

BMwoon Homo Owowi' Loan Corporation, •n c p o n u todjr of Iho Vollod SUtoo of Amorlci,


OCTOBfcl, A. D., MIT.'t t two o'clock 1» Iho tnoraooti-ol Mid *ur.

LAROE furnished room, 404 LincolnAvenue, East Telephone ORanford

„_.. .„ oa Iho' SOUUMTIF Mi of A4tmA»«.uo,>««l IM.W tar w-Mir from IhoInltritrtlon of Iho WMUrlr llao of abooror(gchmiir Sttott *Uk UioSoulhorlrllno ofl t u u A<«»oi Ihoneo (II a*.!* « dotroo. »fiduuAnauti Umeo (I) ftfcith <• i r m . »fBIBUM bit m.u f«H to •joins tg«M. <•)South U O « M II BbntM, WMtN.ll fort to

fort to IM


"TJOAliWSWOO.Sol^u i a MOST; «*««.

Csarevltch to exchange for the releaseot socialist prisoners: •

He hides his papers to one of a pairof 'nrnTIi i sj a a once used for this pur-pose by Marie Antoinette. Mtot Ratoeru* secretagenHOrthe-Bnarran pnllwconceals papers to the other candle-stick. The story then rerolres; into anexciting race- Utween these two for thecandlesticks which a n stolen by thieveswho do not know of the papers within

Joe E. Brown to -Rldtog On An- ttthe associate feature.


rUBNISHED BOOMS ,LARGE furnished room In private, fam-.~ny.~ 8"Oranllre~Ave«u«;'X»'ahford.---tf

COMFORTABLY furnished room. Nearschools and station. 10» Orchard

SUNNY front room, suitable tor gentle-man. Center of town. Call CRan-ford 6-0103-R. .'•-• 10-14

NICELY furnished rooms; board If de-sired. Address' Box J., 38, Kenll-worth. N. J.

ROOMS for two working men, with orwithout hoard. Walking dlstancejofall the darwood shops, • DepreaOon

Cranford.LAR0UB front furnished room for rent.

Oarage ava l lab l» .» North Avenoe,west, Cranford. '

TOP soil for sale and delivered any-^whertrpcaU aVMS. East Broad Street,' •[corner Woodland Avenue, WesUleld,

and see the Quality'and Quantity.Tel. WEstneld a.0B6»—j-3233-J.

•< KBSONAI,FRSE! If excess add causes you

Stomach Ulcers, Gas Pains, Indiges-tion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating,paiisea, get free sample doctor's pre-scription. Udga-at Hathaway DrugStore. ' . . u-4

WANT TO BUTCLEAN white rags, without buttons o.

plnir Will pay five cents per pounn,ChronloU,—-

INSTBUCTIONCLASSES In Bpeecti, Impenonatlons.

Dramatlo Art, under-the direction ofBeatrice Boehm 'Schoenwlsner, heldat the Cranford Outno every Satur-day morning,'»:M to 11:30, for boysand girls of elementarr and Juniorhigh sehool age ' Classes open B*pt18. Advanced class, (:30 a. m.; Be-ginner' class, 10:30. OaU WtEstflelda-3407. . • • - B-sO

mnrTrirrrnr nmsiiOIRL wanted for part-time housework,

Call 111 North Avenue, West, Oran-


^ A F Caajsti at 9 ^.-^---^" The only Christian church'thatwas ever dedicated to the progeni-tors of the human race is the CSiapelof Adam and Eve on Merchant'sQuay to Dublin, Ireland.—Collier'sWeekly.


waged Chariots ta Mt B. C.flying "tBf^PTt, umi^tr in the

form at winged chariots, are de-scribed by Greek poets as early asM0 B. C

William Powell and Luise EUinerIn. "The Emperor's Candlesticks .

New Flaying at tkV Blalto, WestBdd


fferentiy This Year!LET YOUR CHRISTMAS




_ \ P E R S O N A L

(Induding Eavdopcs and lVotiiig Nanie)

A Distinctive Xmtu FolderImprint—Your Addreia on Door Panel-L-Your Initial in Wwaln—Your Name"

at Bottom of the Greeting


See Sample* in Our Window




^ ™ - --•— TWSJ-WEEIO--

eaStag every ad earetaBy yoaB flnd the answer teeadi tjeetlen.ry-Tito* Uweerreet aaswera, OH to theantwers M r i w h i n -an* amU eVtrtog toanilisHf to the CITIXEN AND CBBONKU

By reaStagArtery-Til *

sst be to by » a. as. Batoreay.ttaflre •laasrs. The CMeea an* Clissailils wM give ens

to Ike Oraarerd Theatre geed far eaa ahewtagaf

FDBNIBBED'room ~.wtttr~Mnl-'prtvavebath for gentleman. River view.


WOMAN with experience In practicalnursing to'care for seml-lnvsild (eld-erty gehllemany-and aasUt wflh"~housework In family of two. Box423, care of Cltlsen and. Chronicle.- _

FOB BENTTEACHER will share „ six. room .com-

fortably furnished home With couple.Oil heat, refrigeration, electricity, andgas Included. Convenient, moderate.CaU after 8 P. M.,-33 South NinthStreet, Cranford.

ONE or two pleasant front rooms, withprivilege of use of kitchen. Gonven-lently located. Telephone CBanford

OENERAL houseworaen, with refsr-' enoat— Mrsr-Mt«etVs- ««npk>ym«nt -Agency, B l Bmar Street, Westfleld,Phone WEitfleld J-O708. tf

- _ - . W O B E : . WANTEDLADY wishes day's work. Also man

wishes lawn, housework, dean, polishcirs. Mrs. Lee'Ola.Wolts,M JonnsonAvenue.

WORK WANTED , renisliWOMAN wishes wsshlng, Ironing or

general housework by the day. 70Fourth Avenue, Oarwood, N. J.


BOOM AND BOABDTEACHER desires room or apartment

room with board on the north-westtide of o«nfort^K«)neievenlnfS-flto 8 CHanford 8-O1M-J.

REFINED Protestant-American,, wisheshousekeeping position, motherlesshome, treated as one ofcfamily,"Bestreferences, good cook/pleasing per*j»onallty_Tel.-CIlanford-e.aaoe

A l i a ^ f e j s s ide to order. No

Job too Wg or^^«nattdow shade Co., 14 HUlerest Avenue.

• Phone OBanford 0-1600. tfOTHOMTEET-DEOOBATINa

0PHOL8TBRER, decorator, curtains,slip covers, shades, cabinet work andalso an furniture" repair. FredKant-ner * Son, formerly with W. Baum-garteni« South Union Avenue. T^le-phone CBanford g-0383. ' tt

WOMAN, whKe,deslre> housework by" - - • • - - • • • C a U C R a n t o n t ,


Telephone CBanford 8-liSi-M orCRanford e-0011. - '• . - tf


SBk-aned Classfsctws f*r f tMT


Ana. _

&-WI» says "Let's-Oo Win.

AM. - ^

Low SboppUi"T

Is CR. 6-0M6T .

pAIMTnfO.Papathanglng. Reasonablerates. Estimates cheerfully given.

CnEUTMAS CABASPERSONAL Christmas Cards, Varied

assortment ranging.In price from 60for |1 to 38 for M.7B, all with nameImprinted, and Including envelopes.We have what' you want. See our as-sortment now and .place your orderearly, The Citizen and Chronicle, 3Alden Street.-••--. ' ' tf

LOSTHALE black BcotUe, lost on Sunday,

September ltth. Reward. TelephoneCRanford 6-1667. '

Borodowko, 14 HClerest Avsntw,1 M a **


UO» PACKlHOonany'ofyoBrmsviat

LOBT—Bank Book No. I4W1 of theOranford Trust Company t Orantord..If. J. Toe flndtr Is requested to re-turn U to the bank. If not restored*storeih«rtodday-tifOctober, lsvTr-appUcatloa wUl be made to the bankfor a new book. •

meat a^'a*>ajlei»aa,-se«TieoBrsasn.-Agente (or Allied Van Unas, b e ,ksw-awanee woven. Beattos *AUscn. toe, M "on* Avewe, Bast.Attlson, toe, M flonPhone- OBanford Maw.

S^Whi advertises General Blacksmiih and JetbtogT

gpeed af Hosa aad Earik. Ths moon's apparent east-to-westpasssge across tha sky is due to theeartk's wesMo-east spuming on Itsaxis. The moon's true motion abouttha earth is slow, compared to theearth's rotation.

Large tamUtes la Small Homes -In early Colonial times In Virginia

nouses were small and familieslarge. Many planters' homes hadbeds in every room except thekitchen.

Mrt. Meyers, 16 a r m Street. Cran-ford. T e t e a t l n w I H .

LONO dUtanee moving.: Allied agents.Crating and packing.' Slsaer Bros,toe, SomervUle, New Brunswick and•PI.lt.fliM


BRENNAN & TOYEnumbing, Haating. Tinning


PLUMBIlfO, baattog, ttontog. Ojualttfwork at reasonable prtcea. WaljinHis ,fumlsbed. Mknael OoUneri,(jlos-B. ^South Avenue. Telephone ORanfosd-••MeT . II

SEASHORE • Express carrying; baggage'and household furniture. Also usedhousehold goods for sale. 308 North 33Avenue, Westfleld. CaU Henry t.MTownsmd, WBstfleld S-1621. «

SEAHHORE Etuiuai Regular trips.to*-ishore with baggage. sjtjJCurnltare. <Special trips to mountains or lakse.^

.Reasonable rates. Sargent's PPhone WBftflald M M . "

- . " ^ ^ . ' / - J. A V M S

Page 10: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER Second Week of Drive YOUNG a Pd ...t' THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER MS? N|NPSl(9IOSt NHIsf laTlasWi Second Week of Drive 45 New, 74 Renewal Subscriptions Tamed In to Bring

" " " " • " • • ^

f -' ir-

\ _

I1 - 1.

" " - I " " ' 'V* f

SECOND DEFEATDover Edges Out Local Elev-- en, 13-12; Roielle Next-

on Schedule

^ K o

, onolord High Schoor.football teamsuffered Its second defeat of the stateslast Saturday afternoon at the bandsof a fighting Dover eleven. The scorewas 13 to a. The game was played Inthe Roselle Park stadium.

Crinford will attempt to break Intothe win column Saturday afternoonwhen It faces the Roselle team at thenew athletic field here.. Patrons arerequested to use the Walnut avenuegates. The game will start at 3:30 p. mr.

Dover led 13 to a at half time In lastSaturday.'* contest. Neither team scoredin the third quarter, but Cranford fanswent wild near- the close of the finalperiod when "Casey" Poeltler took theball on his own 35-yard line arid afterstarting what appeared to be an end run,

a:»o p. at, ferlhe opentof game of Urn - - i -' .'-J

stopped suddenly and tossed a 35-yardpass to Nolan, who skirted down thesldellns' the remaining'. Myirai Tor atouchdown. Brown's attempted end runfor the extra point, which would havetied! the score, was stopped by Capt.

- Ru»h7PaTkVHgrrt-hajrbaekV'1-•?„ •Both teams used aerial attacks, with

an four touchdowns being scored viathe pass route." .

The first quarter was a see-taw af-fair, with neither team threatening.

, ffelsey,. Cranford right guard, showedup well on the defense. •,

On the second'piay of the second' quarter, Rush threw, a. puts frptn.Cran-fordV 30-yard line to Rufr,_Who ranthe remaining-few yards for a touch-down: .. Rud also klckedl the extra point

Cranford. after Poeltler returnedBenedict's Kick to mldfleld, made amarch .up the field that conrintfd oftwo passes, a~buc~k, a reverse, two morebucks and ended when Corneliusgrabbed a pass out of Nolan's handsThere was no penalty because of a re-vision of the Interference rule. TheCranford line held and Dover was forcedto kick. With, two Incomplete passesand two unsuccessful line bucks, Oran-ford lost the ball on. downs. Dueaskicked to Nolan after ah unsuccessfulend run. Davis, Cranford's powerfulright tackle, accldently grabbed a passfrom Poeltler. .Realizing his error, hedropped the ball which Rush recoveredRush took the ball for five yards and on

began nearly a half-osntury ago.In IMS, upon *a last visit to Prince- . - - . - ,—* — . ,

ton. Virginia outplayed the hone team «»the east taebjae Rufoa Weeks. Bojrtin a game whssb, »»*MI. jn,.si4cnrjdMa * i a h * 1 i -^M ^tt>r*r*ir_ "WI'T^TITSMEPtie. This result was quite different C&arf«l«festri«( Jr,l*1*ScWPi»iifc,from the opening tame of the series.')"™. *• Bchoenwliner. Mrs. J. Wen**back In lSW, the score of which was Skerralt, and Mia Belen Mhkelley.Princeton Il», Virginia 0. Despite it* I '** ""usual presenteUon wfll be Istrong showing in more .recent-aamssJ"?1*111*10- •»* Mmlken^-br Alfred!

The WfiMttmenfStor* VI^ ! » ^ ^

goal line.

minutes when Cranford scored It* flnsltouchdown.

Lineup and! summary:—ORAWDRD-IJB—Erlkson .LT-CheserLa-RobertsC —Crimes (Capt)

RO-Kelsey .„.RT—•Davis .,RB-Brinkerhoil

I and Miss BUe Dohrman in the cast.Eugene ONeuTa "Bound East for I

! Cardlso" wlU be the third feature wtth||Allan Whitney as director. In the i


DOVER- _ . _Heinle I Uam Plsher, Italln Dunn. Eric HarttenJIAlperti Ray A. Clement, Harry. Plintoff, Harold IDruaka I Sanford, Lewis Oaee. Barold AldrlchJ

Beit and Carl Mason. 'Rotends | Anyone Interested In acting or pro-

duction should call Paul Crispin for I

QB—Poeltler .

RH—BrownFB—Orau ...

— Astoldi.Benedict


Rush (Oapt)Ducui

Substitutions'— Dover: Oomelllui,Dryman, Wolfert, Brasca; Cranford—Muldrow. Miller, Knudson, BeU Cooper,Ensor, Volckman.

Score by periods:Dover ...............^..0 11 ,0 0—11Cranford ....... 0 6 0 6—11

Touchdowns—Cranford: Erlkson No-lanr Dover—Ruff,-Cornelllus. Pointsaftre touchdown, Dover-*-Ruff, place-kicked.

Referee, Prleee; . umpire, Springer;head linesman, Boutot. -

aul Crispinfurther -Information. Inquiriesencouraged at this tune.

* BIOOSXYW AT NKWABK 'NEWARK—Local |»infisil<inl

ball followers' a n rating theTornadoee the /strongestgathered by its veteran i(Plggle) Slmandl a* It inext Americanagainst the Brooklyn.day night.Stadium here,

the i

LAME is Eveiything In a Busy Ufe._ Especially.When Shopping/Not Only Will You Find it a Saving in TIME to Visit Goerkes of

Elizabeth, But our _S«LLarge Selling, floors- Offer~Such-Vast andVaried Assortments of Dependable Merchandise^IhaL You CannotHelp Being Pleased and Satisfied Here.



f mat


wntt IJUUl

• > / % - • '

•. - v - * '-'

Thurs-attaty Schools I

Pred Blng. who-jr— highest scqrlng back

for Hobart College last seasodfand Lto 'Paquln orPordham U. fame, the latestg r i d W signed forMike 8tramlello's

Newark, Coach |

for the AwwriaUnp bmrttag. - ( •

Goerkes HATHeadliners

Copies of iLast-Minute Paris Success

VoLXL, No. 3>3.,

Third We€Nets

Total Profits Mount$27S;«TNe*r,70]newal Subaaripti<

The third n e k of .the.Cranfordr Serriee Uague Vdrhre for subi

rt,,that was completed for a touchdown byCornelius after a run of twenty, yards.The kick for extra point was blockedb Kti

t-r, - Poeltler again took the kick from_ Benedict and led his team on a march

to Dover's 35-yard line. There hetossed the pigskin, to Ertkson, who ran

~- -the remiUnlng'twenty yards fora touch-down. Cranford's try for extra pointrailed*..Trie'Cranford. marching band of 60

pieces -entertained- the -spectators-be-tween.halvcs, and drew a big hand fromthe spectators. - - . t

The third and early part of thefourth periods saw neither team makeany serious threats until the last few

Depend upon the frethnew of that*•pedal tea foods to provide a tastymeal for the famfly at mall oort.

' The Swings to Kings'

Vapor-Vacuum pealedWholePeeled ApricoU

J.ttMcMAHQNI^h-Grade Grocer]

rbones CBanford 6-10«—«-l»01



doz. 15c



—FLOUNDER. ., . _


SMELTS, large cue


- S H m M P - w _SEA TROUT «rFLOUNDERS Jb. 15c

For matrons! For youthful women! For/ misses! You'll like the way you look in. these

/ becoming hats. And so many styles to selectfrom, you're sure to be flattered.

.Toques, J u r i s a j ^ S c o f a i i C ^ L ] & n j e d B mm dashing profile line! Fdts and velvets; afl head sites.


ZSHOESCost No More Than the

/Ordinary KindPoUyannas are health shoes, because they arescientifically designed toallow7 the-growing~feet todevelop properly. Oxfords,straps and ties. Sizes

~3. Goerkefa


T h e t h M i• lor fleT^loB Ifc™^^-.^ ^- '™."- —-—t tions forH>e Crantort Cltrsm• — ' Chronleta prowd'to b» the beet

far. It m» annoonced last night,tag the past *Mk. the League n$M to bring Ba^total proflU foiBut thtie MPk> to tnUT, ,The«now at K» halfsmy mark, wUl con

1 * 1 ~ i n 0 e twsikar"; ~ ^7~~T

White S n n•dub' Poplin

Uniformsfor Nurses

.9*l ie lT ncrnrlinl.

Oarmblt clubbtd pop-'I1B b u D«trr. to makaavladp. boa '<J-fend MF low la' u&l-fonds of IMS qniUtj!K r - < M ' U oruuorbr u m t mand coaafortablr. ma•nrclcal euffft to de-

aresin0Te wsikar"; ^ 7 ~ TA record number of new suhscrb;

were tamed in on Tuewlayi byHoward M. Park, chairman of the Iice Le*«ue suoeeiipUon drtre eon

"teeTiiBSHUPe one ywr m w siitotions and fire one-half year newKripttoBS, totether with fltty-«ev«year renewal* netted the Kague I

in additien, the League benefitedtwo one jete,new;ittn»crlpUpns,one-halt year, new tubtcripUonthirteen one-jear renewal subscrliturned! i n aMPhe Cttlaen an* Ohrioffice Their share of the office reamounted to W to bring the totsthe week to $»»..• -'V'-r^- •'

To date, 1«9 new subscriptionsbeen obtained by League membersThe Clttaen and Chronicle effloe

continued bV the I«aguei*

I. *•'

te^s G o . . .Window Shopping




FREE OFFER JJJJSjot «6e or More, Thla CoaponWm Entitle Bearer W1 DeamCard and Rings FIBS. ,'


Oar ekpert adrlce ghres the Good Gardener * keener knowledge ef theproper oses of ferlDlnn, bone meal and Bme, and the Talm ef mtroceo.plj-plwrfcacldandp.Uab. We ar. evup ed t ^^Z W ^ S

RUBBISH BURNERS,»P trom ._ ....

B A M B 6 O RAKES.op from -_— ZiOC


PEATMOSS, n ba.bale, per bale.

"ADCO"—Makes a fine blackcompost when muted withleaves and TegeUMe ~ ~~matter, U lb. tag .




(High analyals — Tested andchecked by the State)

BONE MEAL,MO lb. Bag ..

LA.WN SEED, ,up fnan, per la.

The CelebratedKenwood Arondac

Size 72x84


^ A regulat tneetta^JhVtn^

held last Thursday evening:.•»<home of Andrew R. Wamock, '401

. p«t avenue. This was the firstI- letTnwtlng since the death of U>1 mer president, J. Stanley Voorheei

part of the evening was devoVhonoring-hU menibry.-It was dito place his framed picture In tineeum at north Onion avenw. as hserved the society faithfully In ULpadty for ten years since 1U orgr

j j t o n I n 1B37. ' • '.•--.__ _v.The vioi-presldent, Wesley A.

ger; presldea. In addition to Mr.ger and Mr: Warnoek. the toll

- JSllllatBragdon. Barry J. Chaptn, Hi

KUenne .CBrian, Otti

rtiHl7!rpshl.iar. WBrlanandMr.appointed to nominate five newtrand ofnoers. to be acted upon t

— A soft, buoyant, beautiful blanket! Made of-^elected Jeece wools. Closely woven for

" Warmth an3 aeepry napped.""6ound."with dur'-'. able Perfectly matching 4-in. satin ribbon. In

. a splendid selection of colors. An exceptional* value.

January meetinr of the society.During the aummer, a numl

valuable gifts have been receivedudtag a picture of the Borne <presented by Joseph McCaffreyCall of IBM of Casino bowlers byley. Watterson; a banner' fromThomas a Stephens; which wastby the Oranford group of womenSuffrage Paradeln Mew York ttodd yean ago: several photograiold Cranford by Jame* A. Kiand a certified copy of Articles •corporation of the Onion Hose.pany. No. 1, of Oranford, datevember lfl, 18»6;from-NjO.Jft)St

It was reported that the IProject of the W. P.

"rrequeited data"

PJBEPLACTB r i T T l N O SAaatreas «- Fire TMla.- Ceal Beds y Wood Basketa'

v - Basket, Orates — Sereeas — Cape CM Lighten


An Outstanding Value

Softrfinish silk floss. Covered, With heavy qualitysateen, Rich looking I Warm and cozy I ^Two-tone colors of blue and rose, orchid and green,

" 1 brown and eggshell

PABsmra Bear af Stsn, K

" ^ >--• V-. i


t5JfeS^onn»ttCfrjt;«5ci.. «cUyJlH»?:Cranf ord Historical Society, wnhbeen sent It was also report*the Union County Park Comnustbad recently repaired and rej

•the Uuaetnn. r . •.••••>-"\ ' '"•.Copies of Mr. Bragdon's Out^i

toy of Cranford were present*it wiT decided to place them f<tor a nominal sum in (he Museualso at The CWxen and Ohronlnbe'» and many of ttie tow&speoralready expressed a desire to

' this histbiicsl record* /•> ' .' - ,


, The-Crantord Symphony .Or~~ hss been uvrehearsaHor the pai

weeks irf preparation for Its lnll.concert.of the new season. ChiBeytrTed Is directing; the orchestithis season. • , - W -

, Announcement is made that Uvacancies in every section anmusicians desiring to affiliate w

„ orchestra are requested to comawith Itiss Mildred Bedfleld, 33

•UnnuU avenue, the registrar.Rehearsals W ndd M 8>1

Mondays hi Cleveland School' torlum. . '

<s *' ' •*» • ' -