VOL. SQUAN, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6,1877. NO. 35 TM lo Sea-side, Kof'oriu Svliool ut llrcK li INvml. Sea Girt. i‘t nu-uin.. THI-WI3HKLY. ( 'apt. \V. V. Pearce turned to Bl'OokU II. 1:1 llli IV IlllVi' Tlii* public school ,'it llhiiisiugburg w ill hr^in ni’Xl Monday in1 Mis, Ilaimah Bernard w ill loneli, Sonic ii|' iln' | > iit cl s at Saratoga will lie open during the month- of September uinl t tetuber. Mr. t). B. I’. Allen will tenr'i the public school o|’ * In* 1'nion di -t rie t, which will lci| Oil V, Mel o . Longs! rent’s yachts, sail up tho river to Yesterday iho Stato lie form School of tho Island, have a clam bako and a bath Jamesburg look its annual lioliili / ox- and wo know they will go homo woll oiirsiou, and Wreck Pond was the, ohjoo.- pleased with thoir trip, wliieh will bo no live point. It is always a grout day with irtoi’o expensive than tho one they took the hoys and they look forward to tho yesterday. coming and backward to tho last one, all It. is impossible to spoak too highly of the year. At -J \. m. oil Wednesday, this Institution and its management, they declared they were awake, listening All agreed yesterday that it was hotter J siiuihopo & wiMilllliiNJ Hcrvls MNmuroml NY U. S. Senator .1. it. McPherson is at the Bench House. Spring Lake. MONMOUTH HOUSE. he.t e n house . Ml iw Moore Morrisimvii II J Word & \v Klixahrtlt iXiinO 11 Moore J N Strelilmim A w f N Y Miss Haines (ionimaiowa Mr Simpson w c A n I’liila 'I' stcwiu'ilson Jr m A c " T K lliiflc Newbury N Y .1 Runic w - e llrya Mawr Mrs II Unite Mrs Meriilitli A i: •' Miss Sleveuson & in I'liilu Tlieo (,'lui'k Aw Hartl'oi'tlOi " S " •• II <' lllcliok I'liilu Mary WebsteHiernmiilown U 11 Monro t'oiniu OKmlanwAil I'liilu rili' tire, -e n h\ people nt'lhis the nth w night Mimed uni to he hru-h at \Heauu.id, viemily horiiine re- for the tiist command to he up and oil'. for the hoys and cheaper for State to train The special train, kindly given them by them now, than to let them go on in vice < 'ol. Iluekelew, stood on the siding at Bow- lor years and in the end put. them in the ( er Jamesburg and the first intimation State Prison by tho expensive machinery I those of a- who had heen invited, had of of the courts. The general head of the the approach of die school, was the sound School, is Mr. •!. II. Kastman. His genius of life and drum, coming up the street. Is seen every where about it, and there is Tims e Dnuls Elizabeth (ill Morten Jialilmom Soon lain tiers were seen and then llte not a matter however small or a point Haulmw N«Y steady tramp of these hoys who would however obscure which does not eontiiiu- liave done honor to any regular army, ally fee! his impress. Under him. the Arrived at the railroad, they gave three school is divided into families. Mr. Kel- lie.irty dicers lor Col. Iluekelew to whom ton has charge of family No. 1 with Mrs. Kelton as assistant; Mr. Brackett offanii- lv N o . ( v i l l i Mrs. Brackett as assi.-tant ll ey were imlchted for the >)iceial train, and that gmilleiiiim vorv graeeftillv ae- Eliie Sawyer Allopbuuyt 'ity Mrs 11 Tuffs A DSellcet wli'c iiiiJ dimuhter New York Mr. Will. Allen Butler of N. Y. has been staying at the Beach and Monmouth Houses. The Monmouth House will close on Know !edged the compliment by taking off Mr. Buss of family No. .‘1with Miss. Wan- Saturday. \ mirage ivMv-enlmg l.mi w oh ...... - w a- -ce .•it'ier -mi-ii-t Bra itch, \ clrnln . some a neriai t Bong miles could Ills hut lo the ‘•Brush I’aals— and u iicii I lie boy s. The lirst, order— \va- executed to (lie dot second order — "Brush Boats—"had been executed, tliev were /.eras as-' mat; Mr. Shemely of family! No. I wit 1 * Mrs Burdette as assistant and Mr. Blaine of family No. 5 with Mrs. Blaine as assistant. Tho bovs make till i flic Lake House has about fortv-tivo guests. placed alma id the train and sped on for their own clothing ; id they manufacture! li.u'dh believe that it wa- niih a mirage. Sea Ciri. When there, tliev formed in shirt * and lamidrv them for the market. Teeth extracted \\ iih !/inching < las. at Pitman's dental room-, Wednesday and Thursday. Squan. \11 o\eiii*sion to M.i'trh Cluiaek !‘a.. i- eonloioplatcd !i\ a -mall party of our citizen- some time this no nth. Should others desire to avail tliem-elves of a elieap and piea-aa! trip ! ithe Switzerland of America thev are • n-di.'dlv invited to i• > i 11 . l urilow particulars can he learned hereafter. and t - n |{. •ut. U enjoy incut at lo;:!o m t Professional Cards. A. HIGH INS, j SQC,IN, X. J., line and marched up the broad avenues to Mrs. Buss has charge of the tailoring, ami Wreck Bond and commenced the day's the Missys JIurt of t lie shirt, depart iih Of course the Mr. Bowuo is (he engineer and always! grttml 11 11i t o f all was the dive in old has one or more of the, hoys learning the Residencenext to Presbyterian Church Ocean. Tliev were drawn up in line on Imsine-s under him. Connected with the j r ..... 1>c „. a . ., , . . the beach and with the utmost preei-iou School there are some oIR) acres ot land~loyp q look otf their outer clothes and laid them part of which is tilled under tho direction j ____ __________ __________________ in regular heaps upon the sand. Then it of Mr. Justice. The public institutions ^ ^ ^ Y1B1) M I) a signal, they rushed for the waves and New Jersey are admired all over the I n- so many wild horses would not have ion. Tho State Prison takes rank as | plunged and gone through with such among the first in the land and the Morris- .gymnastics as did these hoys for half an town Asylum can not. he surpassed in the: i he Skv - shw . made two ot a plea-ant imuror more. There were two hundred world. While this is true, we can point) --------------- --------------------- ortv of them and only one hoy was with as much pride to our Reform School /"MIAKLES J. PARKER, SQUAN, N. J. OFFICE IN DRUG STOKE. parte which was handsomely enter- tained at Mr. Allen Osborns, last cv- We never saw a more wonderful elilll'. ill than that exhibited to <tshorii in his watermelon patch planted four seeds, has taken otl the vines thirtv nice watermelon- ami there are uhout sixteen left. amt toeiy of them and only one hoy was with as much pride to our Reform School left behind iii the Institution. The per- at Jamesburg and with the materials at feet, control under which they were, was hand we doubt it there is better work growth than that exhibited to ashy Mr. wonderful and when one of them ventur- done in any similar institution than is ed too far out one blow on the whistle by done by Mr. Eastman and his assistants, | the master on the shore, would bring _____ ____ ^ __________ I back the bold lad within bounds. 'When plunging and diving were over and they On Monday. Mr. Clm-. Allen was called had rested sufficiently on the beach, they to Burlington, by telegraph, to attend his brother Mr. Arch. Allen, who was sup- posed to he dy iug. It appears that there had been some trouble between two men at Burlington and Mr. Alien laid inter- formed again and marched down along the inlet, right under the bluff oil the point, and sitting down in soldier-like fashion, partook of the good tilings which had been prepared for them. It was a From the Democrat report of the meet-; . big of the hoard of Freeholders we learn that Mr. Hanee Pettit put in a bill for $51 j is special policeman during the late strike. QUA COUNSELLOR AT LAW, MASTER AND EXAMINER IN CHANCERY. Collections promptly attended to. SQUAN, N. J. Business Cards. LAIRD & CO. fered several time- and stopped the .pair- very picturesque sight for those of us rel, for the in uncut. It broke out again, stood on the hint), where dinner on Monday and as one wa> drawing a heen prepared for us by the ladies. The pistol on the mher. Mr. Allen endeavored parly as they sat down to the lunch to prevent any fatal re-alt- am! received spread on the ground consisted of the the whole load in bi- abdomen, indicting *iipt. Mr. I. IB Eastman, tho officers and li ii w;ts (liouuiii lie leathers ot the school, tlud^c Holme ot It appears that he was appointed to the j office bv Sheriff Brown, being recommen-j _ j u j -- , ded by Receiver Latlirop. The question ; D8ai0fS 111 UTlIgS aiUl MedlCIlieS, wlm ,,;l*sod was whether the State or the County ]»LRK W inks and L iquors for M edicinal 'had ^’hght to pay these bills and the County . purposes only. ‘‘ Attorney decided that the State should J Prescriptions carefully compounded, pay the bill. Accordingly Sheriff Brown j directed to present the bill to th e'- ---- SQl^AN. N. J. a wound from u lii. li it n;i would die. Mr. Allen was a man very much respected in the community where lie lived and will he remembered by many of our people a- he spent some time here ler-ev City, lion. .1. D. Buekelew, Mr. A. A. Yard of Farmingdnle and the edi- tor of the S ea- side and one and all ex- pressed themselves highly delighted with ilP his brother and other everything they had witnessed in eon- last Summer \\ friends. We have heard though not aii- (horilalively, that he has si nee died. We lni-t the report i- not correct, for besides losing u man respected by all, it seems still harder that a >ife must he given up because its possessor was eiuleaxoiing to hinder two neighbors (rum making brutes of themselves. Artificial teeth on Bose l’earl at low price at Pitman's dental rooms. Wednes- day and Thursday, .Squan. was Secretary of State for payment. John 'Arnold's bill o f$10.03 for wages paid to the keeper of Squan River draw-bridge, also elicited considerable discussion, the Board being of opinion that they were not Obliged to pay it for the reason that the j county had built the bridge with the understanding that certain private parties' S. MOORE, dealer in Stationery, Ecus, Pencils, Picture Frames, Choice brands of Cigars & Tobacco. Post Office Building, Squ in. N. J ne.lion with tho bovs, during the trip .. . . . . . . ,, . , , .. ,, . living in the vicuutv would pav the ex-, III the atterumm, the boys could not re- L ., . . . , , ,, , peuse ot keeping the draw. On motion sist the temptation to take another hath 1 1 . ... ... ; , , . . . , . ot Mr. Elv, the bill was laid oyer. Air. | and when this was over they marched to , . .. ...... . . , i , fields stated that the plank ot Squan' Sea (hrt s'at ton and tveut back again to , . , , . . . i . ,, e River and Shark River bridges are quite; their quarters at Jamesburg. this is t h e , , , , . . . . , , . . .. . . i , vtr„, thin-, ami as there is a great deal ot travel1 second trip they have made to Wreck I . ., , .. , .... , . lV . . .. over both, especially over the latter, h e , W ILL KE-OIKN ON , Pond and to vary the performance a little, 1 - ! ^EA-SIDE SELECT SCHOOL. FOR Young ladies and Small Children OF BOTH SEXES. we would suggest to Mr. Kastman that, next year he bring them down to Squan, march them to the Union, take Capt. thought they should be attended to. Mr. Monday SneTUMiiEK drd Fields also presented to the Board the ..... . . . L ‘ or terms. Allures.-, .feasibility of getting a pile-driver. j SQUAN, M J MRS. KOSEBKOOK.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6,1877. - digifind-it.com fileSea Ciri. When there, tliev formed in shirt * and lamidrv them for the market. Teeth extracted \\ iih !/inching < las. at Pitman's

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Page 1: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6,1877. - digifind-it.com fileSea Ciri. When there, tliev formed in shirt * and lamidrv them for the market. Teeth extracted \\ iih !/inching < las. at Pitman's


T M l o S e a - s i d e , Kof'oriu Svliool ut llrcK li INvml. S e a G irt.

i‘t nu-uin..


( 'apt. \V. V. Pearce turned to Bl'OokU II.

1:1 llli IV IlllVi'

Tlii* public school ,'it llhiiisiugburg w ill hr^in ni’Xl Monday in 1 Mis, Ilaimah Bernard w ill loneli,

Sonic ii|' iln' | >i it cl s at Saratoga will lie open during the month- of September uinl t tetuber.

Mr. t). B. I’. Allen will tenr'i the public school o|’ * In* 1'nion d i -t rie t, which will

lci| Oil V, Mel o .

Longs! rent’s yachts, sail up tho river to Yesterday iho Stato lie form School of tho Island, have a clam bako and a bath

Jamesburg look its annual lioliili / ox- and wo know they will go homo woll oiirsiou, and Wreck Pond was the, ohjoo.- pleased with thoir trip, wliieh will bo no live point. It is always a grout day with irtoi’o expensive than tho one they took the hoys and they look forward to tho yesterday.coming and backward to tho last one, all It. is impossible to spoak too highly of the year. At -J \. m. oil Wednesday, this Institution and its management, they declared they were awake, listening All agreed yesterday that it was hotter J siiuihopo & w iMilllliiNJ Hcrvls M Nmuroml NY

U. S. Senator .1. it. McPherson is at the Bench House.

S p r in g L a k e .


he.te n h o u se .Ml iw Moore Morrisimvii II J Word & \v KlixahrtltiXiinO 11 Moore “ J N Strelilmim A w f N YMiss Haines ( ionimaiowa Mr Simpson w c A n I’liila'I' stcwiu'ilson Jr m A c " T K lliiflc Newbury N Y .1 Runic w - e llrya Mawr Mrs II Unite Mrs Meriilitli A i: •' Miss Sleveuson & in I'liiluTlieo (,'lui'k Aw Hartl'oi'tlOi " S " ••II <' lllcliok I'liilu Mary WebsteHiernmiilownU 11 Monro t'oiniu O K m lanw A il I'liilu

rili' tire, -e n h\ people nt'lhis the nth w night Mimed uni to he h r u - h at \ H e a u u.id,


re- for the tiist command to he up and oil'. for the hoys and cheaper for State to train The special train, kindly given them by them now, than to let them go on in vice

< 'ol. Iluekelew, stood on the siding at Bow- lor years and in the end put. them in the ( er Jamesburg and the first intimation State Prison by tho expensive machinery I those of a- who had heen invited, had of of the courts. The general head of the the approach of die school, was the sound School, is Mr. •!. II. Kastman. His geniusof life and drum, coming up the street. Is seen every where about it, and there is Tims e Dnuls Elizabeth (ill Morten Jialilmom Soon lain tiers were seen and then llte not a matter however small or a point Haulmw N«Ysteady tramp of these hoys who would however obscure which does not eontiiiu- liave done honor to any regular army, ally fee! his impress. Under him. the Arrived at the railroad, they gave three school is divided into families. Mr. Kel­lie.irty dicers lor Col. Iluekelew to whom ton has charge of family No. 1 with Mrs.

Kelton as assistant; Mr. Brackett offanii- lv N o .(v ill i Mrs. Brackett as assi.-tant

ll ey were imlchted for the >)iceial train, and that gmilleiiiim vorv graeeftillv ae-

Eliie Sawyer Allopbuuyt 'ity Mrs 11 TuffsA D Sellcet wli'c iiiiJ dimuhter New YorkMr. Will. Allen Butler of N. Y. has

been staying at the Beach and Monmouth Houses.

The Monmouth House will close onKnow !edged the compliment by taking off Mr. Buss of family No. .‘1 with Miss. Wan- Saturday.

\ m irag e iv M v -e n lm g l.miw oh ...... - w a- -ce .•it'ier -m i-ii-t

Bra itch, \ c lr n ln . some

a neriai

t Bong miles could

Ills hut lo the ‘•Brush I’aals— and u iicii I lie

boy s. The lirst, order— \va- executed to (lie dot second order — "Brush

Boats—"had been executed, tliev were

/.eras as-' mat; Mr. Shemely of family! No. I wit 1 * Mrs Burdette as assistant and Mr. Blaine of family No. 5 with Mrs. Blaine as assistant. Tho bovs make till

i flic Lake House has about fortv-tivog u e s t s .

placed alma id the train and sped on for their own clothing ; id they manufacture! li.u'dh believe that it wa- niih a mirage. Sea Ciri. When there, tliev formed in shirt * and lamidrv them for the market.

Teeth extracted \\ iih !/inching < las. at Pitman's dental room-, Wednesday and Thursday. Squan.

\ 1 1 o\eiii*sion to M.i'trh Cluiaek !‘a.. i- eonloioplatcd !i\ a -mall party of our citizen- some time this no nth. Should others desire to avail tliem-elves of a elieap and piea-aa! trip ! ithe Switzerland of America thev are • n-di.'dlv invited to i• >i11. l urilow particulars can he learned hereafter.

and t- n |{.•ut. U

enjoy incut at lo;:!o mt

Professional Cards.


jSQC,IN, X . J.,

line and marched up the broad avenues to Mrs. Buss has charge of the tailoring, ami Wreck Bond and commenced the day's the Missys JIurt of t lie shirt, depart iih

Of course the Mr. Bowuo is (he engineer and always!grttml 1111it o f all was the dive in old has one or more of the, hoys learning the Residence next to Presbyterian Church,Ocean. Tliev were drawn up in line on Imsine-s under him. Connected with the j r ..... 1>c „. a . . , , . „ .the beach and with the utmost preei-iou School there are some oIR) acres ot land ~ loyp qlook otf their outer clothes and laid them part of which is tilled under tho direction j ________________________________in regular heaps upon the sand. Then it of Mr. Justice. The public institutions ^ ^ ̂ Y1B1) M I)a signal, they rushed for the waves and New Jersey are admired all over the I n- so many wild horses would not have ion. Tho State Prison takes rank as

| plunged and gone through with such among the first in the land and the Morris- . g y m n a s t ic s as did these hoys for half an town Asylum can not. he surpassed in the:

i he Skv-shw. made two ot a plea-ant imuror more. There were two hundred world. While this is true, we can point)--------------- ---------------------ortv of them and only one hoy was with as much pride to our Reform School /"MIAKLES J. PARKER,


parte which was handsomely enter­tained at Mr. Allen Osborns, last cv-

We never saw a more wonderfulelilll'.

ill than that exhibited to < tshorii in his watermelon patch planted four seeds, has taken otl the vines thirtv nice watermelon- ami there are uhout sixteen left.

amt toeiy of them and only one hoy was with as much pride to our Reform School left behind iii the Institution. The per- at Jamesburg and with the materials at feet, control under which they were, was hand we doubt it there is better work

growth than that exhibited to ashy Mr. wonderful and when one of them ventur- done in any similar institution than ised too far out one blow on the whistle by done by Mr. Eastman and his assistants, |the master on the shore, would bring _____ ____ ^ __________ Iback the bold lad within bounds. 'When plunging and diving were over and they

On Monday. Mr. Clm-. Allen was called had rested sufficiently on the beach, theyto Burlington, by telegraph, to attend his brother Mr. Arch. Allen, who was sup­posed to he dy iug. It appears that there had been some trouble between two men at Burlington and Mr. Alien laid inter-

formed again and marched down along the inlet, right under the bluff oil the point, and sitting down in soldier-like fashion, partook of the good tilings which had been prepared for them. It was a

From the Democrat report of the meet-; . big of the hoard of Freeholders we learn that Mr. Hanee Pettit put in a bill for $51 j is special policeman during the late strike.



C o lle c t io n s p r o m p t ly a t t e n d e d to .


Business Cards.


fered several time- and stopped the .pair- very picturesque sight for those of us rel, for the in uncut. It broke out again, stood on the hint), where dinner on Monday and as one wa> drawing a heen prepared for us by the ladies. The pistol on the mher. Mr. Allen endeavored parly as they sat down to the lunch to prevent any fatal re-alt- am! received spread on the ground consisted of the the whole load in bi- abdomen, indicting *iipt. Mr. I. IB Eastman, tho officers and

li ii w;ts (liouuiii lie leathers ot the school, tlud^c Holme ot

It appears that he was appointed to the joffice bv Sheriff Brown, being recommen-j _ j u j - -

, ded by Receiver Latlirop. The question ; D8ai0fS 111 UTlIgS aiUl MedlCIlieS, wlm ,,;l*sod w as whether the State or the County ]»LRK W inks and L iquors for M edicinal 'had ’̂hght to pay these bills and the County . purposes only.

‘‘ Attorney decided that the State should J Prescriptions carefully compounded, pay the bill. Accordingly Sheriff Brown j

directed to present the bill to th e'-----SQl^AN. N. J.

a wound from u lii. li it n;i would die. Mr. Allen was a man very much respected in the community where lie lived and will he remembered by many of our people a- he spent some time here

ler-ev City, lion. .1. D. Buekelew, Mr. A. A. Yard of Farmingdnle and the edi­tor o f the S ea-side and one and all ex­pressed themselves highly delighted with

ilP his brother and other everything they had witnessed in eon-last Summer \\ friends. We have heard though not aii- (horilalively, that he has si nee died. We lni-t the report i- not correct, for besides losing u man respected by all, it seems still harder that a >ife must he given up because its possessor was eiuleaxoiing to hinder two neighbors (rum making brutes of themselves.

Artificial teeth on Bose l’earl at low price at Pitman's dental rooms. Wednes­day and Thursday, .Squan.

wasSecretary of State for payment. John

'Arnold's bill o f$10.03 for wages paid to the keeper of Squan River draw-bridge, also elicited considerable discussion, the

■ Board being of opinion that they were not Obliged to pay it for the reason that the j county had built the bridge with the understanding that certain private parties'

S. MOORE,dealer in

Stationery, Ecus, Pencils, Picture Frames,

Choice brands of Cigars & Tobacco.Post Office Building, Squ in. N. J

ne.lion with tho bovs, during the trip.. . . . . . . , , ., , „ .. , , . „ l i v in g in th e v ic u u t v w o u ld p a v th e e x - ,III th e a tte r u m m , th e b o y s c o u ld n o t re- L. , .

. . , , ,, , p e u s e o t k e e p in g th e d r a w . O n m o t io nsist th e te m p ta t io n to ta k e a n o th e r h a th 1 1 . . . . . . . ;

, , . . . , . o t M r . E lv , th e b i l l w a s la id o y e r . A ir. |a n d w h e n th is w a s o v e r th e y m a r c h e d to • , . ... . . . . . . . , i , f i e l d s s ta te d th a t th e p la n k o t S q u a n 'S e a ( h r t s 'a t ton a n d tv e u t b a c k a g a in to , . , ■, . . . i • . ,, e River and Shark River bridges are quite;their quarters at Jamesburg. this is t h e , , , , . ■. . . ,, . . .. . . i , vtr„, thin-, ami as there is a great deal ot travel1second trip they have made to Wreck I ’ . • ., , .. , .... , . lV

. . .. o v e r b o th , e s p e c ia l ly o v e r th e la t te r , h e , W ILL KE-OIKN ON, P o n d a n d to v a r y th e p e r fo r m a n c e a l i t t l e , ’ 1 - !



Young ladies and Small ChildrenOF BOTH SEXES.

we would suggest to Mr. Kastman that, next year he bring them down to Squan, march them to the Union, take Capt.

th o u g h t th e y s h o u ld b e a t t e n d e d t o . M r. Monday SneTUMiiEK drdF ie ld s a ls o p r e s e n te d to th e B o a r d th e

. . . . . . . . L‘ or terms. Allures.-,. f e a s ib i l i t y o f g e t t in g a p i le -d r iv e r . j



Page 2: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6,1877. - digifind-it.com fileSea Ciri. When there, tliev formed in shirt * and lamidrv them for the market. Teeth extracted \\ iih !/inching < las. at Pitman's

T h e S e a -s i d e .PUBLISHED KVKRY

T w siay, Thursday and Saturday,DITH1X0 TUR aiTMMKH MONTHS.


E. *. V. ST U L T Z , Full, & Proper.

Squan, Sept. 6, 1877.

Son a n d m ountain .

About the water and the mountains there seems to be an attraction which cap­tivates all people and all classes of peo­ple. We never hear that the mountain­eer tires bf the snowy summits up which he 1ms climbed or that the fisherman and the sailor Ion# to yet away from the blue ocean on which as boys they tossed their pebbles or over which as men they have sailed to the remotest climes. The Swiss of old and the Bulgarian of to-day fought and still tights to the death for the posses­sion of their rocky fastnesses with a zeal which cannot be paralleled elsewhere, while the sailor loves the sea and his ship with a devotion as great as that which any brave knight of old threw down be­fore his mistress-. No disaster which may happen seems to quell this- fascination. The dwellers at the base of Vesuvius live headlessly on though the tirey flame may burst out at any moment and destroy them as it has their ancestors; and though the sea sweeps into its awful depths son after son, yet those who re­main will still spread sails upon it and brave its dangers us though it not had rob­bed them of the very light of their lives.

In the matter of recreation, the sea and the mountain hold supreme sway. Who ever leaves the mountain for the plain or the ocean for the dry sand or clay inland, especially if he be healthy and needs only rest? Even the sick flock to them in great numl»ers and if the air be too bracing, leave only when forced to, and then with reluctance.

Aside from the health giving properties of the sea and mountain, there other things about them by which they will ev­er hold a firm place in the human heart. “There is a pleasure in the pathless woods'* and “there is a rapture on the lonely shore*’ and in saving this Byron but gathered up the experience of the universal heart. "When you come to line the shore and fill woods with thousands on thousands of the best class of people, bound together with social ties, the solitude of the forests and the loneliness of the shore, however delightful these may be. give way to that greater attraction of being where others are.

•‘A Little Fun.*’ aCharles Rich warned to explain how il

was, and when he got the word "go" lie, began:

“ Well, 1 'nother fellow sal down lo play a game of euchre for the beer. 1 shuffled ; and lie out.”

“Cut you with a knife, eh?" asked his| ! Honor., “ No, sir; he cut the cards. Then I dealt.”

"You dealt him a blow?”“Oh.no; I dealt out the cards. Then!

we began to play, lie threw down a king.”

"What King did he throw down—what is Mr. King's name?”

“ lie threw down the kingofspades,sir, and 1 took it.”

j “ Von took it, eh? Did you take it 1 kindly, as an insult, or iiow? Or did you take it and put it in your pocket ?”

“ Well, Judge, if you can't play euchre,' I can't go into particulars. It was all in ;

' fun, you see. Wo lmd a dispute about the 1 last trick, and lie called me a liar and ran 1

jout doors. I was trying to catch him when the officer here caught me. I'm

'very sorry, sir. and l hope this will bo a great moral lesson to me never to—

“To what?”“To let a man outrun me after calling!

me such a name as that!”“Charles Rich, l know nothing about;

the game of cuehre," said the court after > clearing his throat. "If a Congressman should want to si' down with me to while the time away 1 would he a mere toy in his hands. 1 can’t tell a Jack from a first •base nor an ace from left-field. I'de be just as apt to carom on the red ball as to pass through the middle arch. 1 don't : know whether it's white to play and mate |

i in two moves, or to sec who can get into | king-row first. Rut. Charles Rich. I do know that you are fined five dollars for

jd'sjerhing the peace, and if the other man {had been arrested he'd have got the same jdo«e from the same bottle."

The prisoner couldn't pley against that | lone handed, and he paid up and de­parted.

At 1" o'clock yesterday forenoon a young mail with very white eyes, and a girl of eighteen, with very long curls, stood together on tin- City Hall tower to gaze on the beautiful panorama below. In a minute or two the girl began to feel giddy, and as the sensation increased she

I cried out:“Oh! Will! I'm going to faint away!"“ What's up?" he shouted, as he put an

arm around her."Oh! I m so—so—I'm so—!" sfic gasp-

jed as she began settling down.“ Here, now! doiit you doit!" he* blunt-i

ly exclaimed as he held leer up. "I love ! you like all jowhitlaker, and you know it.j hut 1 couldn't pick you up and carry vim : down them winding si airs if I was en­gaged to the whole family! Brace up: now! If you faint I'll run!"

She didn't faint, hut it was neccssarv| for him to keep his arm around her fur the; next fifteen minutes.

The sea and mountains beget ideas of breadth and grandeur, such as contrast strangely with those which take posses- 1

sion of those who habitually live on the j level. A political philosopher has said that free government cannot survive south of a certain parallel of latitude; and with i great truth it might be said that it is never on the long level stetclies of the earth that! any grand idea springs up or can live after transplanting. A higher form of religion i is always found around the mountains or by the sea and it would seem that nocla- of people can habitually gaze on the gran­deur of these things without driving their thoughts hack to some over-ruling Provi- donee who establishes the everlasting hills or holds the seas in the hollow of his hand. Men naturally like to he imbued with ideas of magnitude, power and grandeur i and as the mountain and the sea continu­ally awaken such emotions, there will never come a time so long as humanity remains as it is now constituted when they will he deserted for the plain how­ever velvety and flowery it may he.




Ocean Beach,N. J . ITin* subscriber, admini«tsitor with the* will annexe.! in '

tin* State of New Jersey of the estate in N-u- J.-r-ev of. Hon. A. L. Hays, late of Lancaster, Fa., ,h r’ii, will' sell I at public sale

On Tuesday, September lltli, 1n77,on the premises, at 1 o’clock, I’. M., nil that handsome Cottaoe anil Lot at Ocean Beach, located on Sixth \ v. enue adjoining tin* Ocean and fronting on Silver Lake The lot is .ill feet front by 150 feet deep. The cottage is two stories high, with nine rooms in the main building, with a kitchen, wood-house, shed, wash house, i c . at­tached. i

Also, at tilt* same time, the two lots adjoining tin* ! cottage, and four lots on Tenth Avenue. All these |„u ' are 50x150 feet, and are among the most desirable lo- 1

j cations on the tract. Also,! TEN SHARES OF THE STOCK OF TIIE OFF A N 1 i HEACH ASSOCIATION. ‘ * j

Person wishing to purchase are invited to call and i view tin* property. Conditions made known on the day 1 i of sale. * [

A. BITNKH. Jr..Administrator for New Jersey with the will mini v d .

HENRY SHUBKKT, Auctioneer,

SUMMER RESORTS. Central an d New Jersey Divisions,

Adams Express Co.,make wagon delivery and will call for F.xprosa

j matter at Sen dirt, Spring Lake ami Stpinn, with- | out extra charge. W ashing;* sent and called for In | alt parts of the country at reasonahle rates. Ex­tra Inducements offered for transportation of hm**. gnge to and from the cities,

Anxilllarv offices • Sea Olrt Depot, Spring I.aku Depot, Sipmn Post Office.



Via. New Jersey C, U. R., Via Penn. It. It- from I'liila. 1-̂ lies, rom New York. South and West.


H O U S E .

Clayton’sRestaurant and Ice Cream Saloon.

Soda \N liter, Ice (.’ream, Oysters We,, served in the Best manner.

Confectionary, Scgnrs and Tobacco of the li st quality and brands. H. CLAYTON.

8«j i u n , N. J,


S/'llfXO I.AKK, ,V.,/.AH kind* of Ladle* and 'ient’s Furnishing lioods

lint lit iw Suits, Hoot« kih2 STKUKI >s< < t(»|('VIK WSofSpriug Lake and S*a Oirt. for sale for season





Central Block, up stairs.

SQ U A N , n . j .

CUTTING Promptly attended toF. H. C O M B S ’


Spring Lake. N. J.



A tit I iv KS.


B A K E R .C o n f e c t i o n s




Manufacturer of ami dealer In


W I N D O W - F R A M E SG L A S S





C A R D S ,

And all kinds of printing dune* in

the neatost maimer and for the lowe,

price at the office of


Page 3: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6,1877. - digifind-it.com fileSea Ciri. When there, tliev formed in shirt * and lamidrv them for the market. Teeth extracted \\ iih !/inching < las. at Pitman's

There In u hot,tor lunil, Fur, far away.

—| Frms PrusnWhere by lb" fire they stand Slr./.llmi away.

-[I ' V!l |»11 i iOil, wlii'ii vmi bulb (Ti>| there,Won’t yon bn a Jolly pair ?

[Brooklyn Clininlol j N i'imI i’I ov "i f r l your ball* 1,Funs every ilav

[('bli-ui'i* Inter-Oreun. Wild in Mint torrid land Hulls every eye,

—[Ilawkcye,Timm you will taka your Hand In Ilia by-and-by.

[St. I,oiils Times. And Ibere, a ernekllnff band,Forever fry,

[Cincinnati Couunerebd

1877. SUMMER SEASON, 1877





Why ivns Samson a ffoml iiefor? Ile- wtuuft lie brought down t lie house.

• • • • — ____________ _

Why is it (Innirerous to he in Sipmii in flic S|irit|ir time? Heflinse the trees are shootiiijj and the bulrushes out.

M by i> 1 the happiest vowel in the alphabet? Beraiise, [ i. in bliss. [•] is inHell and nil the others are in l’urijnlorv.

The smartest you no- man we liavelieard ot lately disdains t » spell eat in the "'ood old way, and says itoitfflit to he spelled— See SO.

When is it dangerous to enter u church? \\ lieu there’s a camion in the readiiio-- df'k. a hio ”itii in tlu> pulpii mid the BNi-p eharo'e- the eonyreo'.'itioii.

A Wa-I ’nu'toii paper i~ railed the Anvil. \\ e presume there nre 1 • *t■» of heats on it, — [ l tur!i in j tn ) i f / i l i r l n / t \ A III! t'lil'o'ei's, likely.- -(I'h'riti/ii .hiiiriml. All those puns ba\e the true rill”.

The follow in" epigram was written on a Mr. Weliwood, w ho was much *riveti to exa^oerat io n ;

"You doiil'b' a:ii'!i story yon tell,Put 11 "ii t'la f-i n -Uht t li.it yi ill see :

1 "iir tiniiie's dual '. u itomllV 1,I Inutile II dnulile nil.''

The Suhiirhaii N'i'W. te lls of a votin';' man in .fniuuira IMain who woke up the other niirlit and siiw a "host in his room. Si'i/iu” hi- six -liooler, he approiiehed it ami found it was Ids collar u liirli whs standing on the Hour. l ie called it a case o f eollnr in phantoin.

tdteau is t!»«■ name o f a C him in lawyer w ho litis been out Jectm ill"'mid tryintf to eonx inee people that the seeoud advent has already come. Hut lie was not very well received. The j*ei»pic could not be­lieve his talk, and greeted Jii- iir^ument " it 11 stieli exclaniatiou as "(Mi, siitetm wax '



Alapaca Coats, and Waiter’s Jackets

A SPECIALTY.All kinds of




constantly on hand at the



HARTSHORN E’S CASH STORE.Formants old Stands SQUA1\ N . J>

DRYGOODS!Way down at bottom prices, Dress (foods 12,15, 20 mid 25c ; Calicoes in choice sh ies fl to 8c ; Best (iinirlmm T0«? lard wide Blenched Muslin 8, 9,10 and 12c; Yard wide Unbleached Muslin 0. 7, 8, 9,hihI 10c* ; ( ottoimde 25,

ami R5c ; Cassimers 40, 50, ftO, 80e, and $1. and upwards; Childrens Hose White end Striped 10. 12 15 20 and 25c ; Womans Cotton ilosc White and Striped 10, 12 15, IS and 20c, Regular made 25c ; Mm’s Half Hose 8, 10, l'iand Iftc, Regular made 20 to 25c ; Paper Collars 10c per Box ; MonsHau/.e Shirts 25, iio and 50c ; All Linen Handkerchiefs 12, 15 18, 20 and 25c; Cambric Handkerchiefs Cc; Dress shirts 80c to $ 1 .oo ( licnot Shirts 5u m 76c


Teas 44 to 80c per pound ; Coffees 18, 24, 30, 35, 08 and 40c lb. ; Molasses 45 to 75c (Dill. ; Pork 10c •

Large Stock of Canned Goods.Caniii'd Peaches 16, to 25c ; Canned Tomatoes 16o ; Ciumeil Corn 16c ; Canned Apple Butter 25c' Canned Pencil Butter 30c ; Canned Plum, Pear and Quince Butter 35c ; Purr Cider Vinegar 25c pall.

j O SBO K lSr


|Curringes Painted, Trimmed and Repaired.

___ j SQUAIM, N. J.

'ftorrfe-iAioeitig & Jobbing, TUrnnnBr rmnc n ..Executed in the neatest manner. Charges mod- I n t U U U n t MCLUo, r tO p r iS tO r .


SQ U A N , N. J .----------------------- PLEASANT WALKS AND DRIVES,





A linly itt a Miinmci' resort, wlnw' un­ruly children annoy everybody in the hotel, the other day said to a noted leai'lier. sitting near her at table: * •Pro­fessor, do you believe in the u-e of tlie rod, tit the maiiaffetiient of ohiltlmi The prid’i'.'-or flared at her annoyiii"' «*hildreu, and grimly replied: "Some­times, madam: hut there are eases when I should prefer the revolver!”

Don’t >it (low it and say, "damn the Duteh." Do like they do. (Jet tip and ;g'o to work. If tiling ain’t lively enough,|xit your shoulder to the wheels of com- lueree tittd trade anil aid in '.'ettiie; the road vvairon of old toffy i>tu out of the mire. Hitch tlu> mule of energy in the shafts, take the whip of enterprise in your hand, and make the dust IIy along the road of progress. (Jet tip, dial blast your lazy hides, advertise your business, let people throughout (lie country know who you are and what you’ve got to sell, and, our word for it, you’ll have something else to do and think about this fall than to sit around and wait for business to come to > on and "cuss the utcli.”




13atiling Suits,HARDWARE AND TOOLS,


The Villa Park House and Store. Beautiful place along the shore ;Thirty rooms and balls—all now—Fine business plaee—money for you. Capital $2,000 or more,It may he doubled before The year of ’77 goes out,With a stirring man about.Location first rate we say,’Twixt Spring Lake and Sea Girt bay ;

Also,Villa Park Lots largo and fine,Whore no liquors—Rum nor Wine Or other nuisance to mar,Nor allowed to make ajar—Prices cheap for rich or poor.Lovely place, and that is sure,A real earthly paradise We’ll build it up so real nice.Call soon, and see what you may need ; Terms easy by WM. V. RETD.

Or address Squan, Monmouth County, N. J .Tune 15th, 1877.

Ocean and JR.ivex*


Board with Room,





B e d d in g ,


We aim to keep the greatest variety store along the coast.


SQUAN, N. J.Constantly on hand a full Hue of

Mrs. C. L. Moore, Dry Goods,Motions.

Next door to the Post office, SQUAN. N, ,T. I P i m t T i e Ja full line of J r f O V l S l O l l S p



7 A full line of Paints. Oils. Varnishes and Painter■VYYrrrwrti t • materials. Bought CHEAP for CASH, they will be •-AvJl I vJiNOj aV-C, . OuC, | sold at prices t<> suit Thu times. Como and sou how

much you can buy for • little monev.MAY B E FOUND CHEAP FOR CASH. ' HOWARD OSBORN,

Squan, N. J.

Wm. J. Butcher,FLOUR.

Wholesale and Retail dealer :n




CRACKED CORN. | and all other articles of a similar nature CHEAP 1 FOR CASH.




IWould call the attention of iho ladies of Squan to he

WHEATEN GRITS lklrRl’, !l|ocl?: of Triinmed and mitrimmed Hats, Ribbons 7 r ciphers &e., wliicii she is prepari - ....... . — ......... . is prepared to sell at the low

! est cash prices. Orders tilled to the Satisfaction of 1 natrons.

IN C E N T R A L B L O C K ,

SQUAN, .1.

I•Next door to W.iiuwr glit and Errirkson’s,

Page 4: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6,1877. - digifind-it.com fileSea Ciri. When there, tliev formed in shirt * and lamidrv them for the market. Teeth extracted \\ iih !/inching < las. at Pitman's

-a t ) r** "V1 S i I i o fV ry l o i i .

L O O K H I2 R E I!

F '




N J KW .IF.USKV SOUl'HKR* , ; tv: I.INK.

H s a S a i - - - . i iSf e --' ' , ' I

No. L i ' * I’.'irb h S’ in'i H:"inMvn, ' V., tin

ill i. Plans ;i:iil o : i•:m-

The above House is In course of i w i i - n b. ' ttm-'T. S •.. N>r. of Philadelphia, (oi S prut. M.h u m nil C•» t ty, N. I , i '’*>,• < ' » . V V !’ •• • ofdar the plans of Is me II 11 -thin .v S m Aiyuav - ** ’ * • • ; i ' ........

Q * p g tos will be fnrni'hed for any ijuioa of lia’Ll •;>.

S C M O T Y H e r b e r t


s u i t e r s .

G A I T E R S .


l i l i l ( I S ,

P A I N T S , tuul

O I L S .

AUn a heavy line of

T I M M T A I t l J C ,

n n n i E N i i \» i m o m > \> , ,ii i .v 2 n i >, In77

1 b 1 sw ill uni iniurnith'i nl 'i t ’’Knipni sem , * tJini. uml “ Arrow'hut h” will l u t r N.-w \.o.>

I'ii l. NNm'lll lit I cl , foo Imrim M lm Limit Illatteh I'lo, jo, it .in, hi hi a, iii, a i.i, ,'i on

ami ti iii |». iii. 'ini.!a\ - ao a, iii, i.irtVi I .uni; llrar.i'ii fm N, iv Y.uk 7 on, 7 „ n juj

a. n'i - an "uni ,) lb i>, in, HiMulny* s o o p .u t ..a t'hihuL Iphln H an, 11 37 n, m, uml ,'i 23 p, m, Mon,

il;l\a li In .1 . Ill, SUUiht.l' 5 U p, in,I as, 1‘liilml iljilii i (I'. iii nnn'1,1 i >i, n|i|ivr t, irv)

l',.i l.oint I Irani'!: s I.', a, in, mnl 2 i,i p, m, NAtuiala\« null ,1 an |i. hi. Sniiilm. ,x mi it, m,

Tim H «, in, «ml it 4,5 p, in, line* (him New York,■""I 'h' in. mill llm I.i p. m, lin,n (h.in flola'b'lpbi.i ii'imi vi vlon l\ ai IH'unohport ( ro»»iuij n n h linin', mi llm » li, li, of N m .1, im \ ,

u a 'Evtirsiiiii tickets on sale at all station*.' • '" '" I im m i i t ' i>i\in il.bli mi noaiimr "K.inplro-

Malr, In \U«limu' l i b hriitiil lhnn).\VM, SNV.DKN, , H AS. I'. Mi i'ADDIN,

Diii'l Mnimi't v, (imi’l Tivkvt Aitmit.


l> | \ ISIO X .

ro M M E M ISG .11 M . '.‘.ITU, l s 77.

I liim 1. Hi N,■ iv York, fool of Lihmfi m ., f,„ |.,,lur lb a in'll, I Iv. mi I iroi r, S,'ji I iii |, An. at no, 7 jy ,1 Ul

11 li a , M., i! .’Hi, (cvprv" 4 mi 4 4.*, i> in r. x . 'N- «oi 1 k 1 0 I.one Hranvb, 1 >i i'!iii Grove, « In A,,.

1 ’• ' II AS \ V . 4 Hi, 4 .VI, II IV, r m. bone Ibam b fur 1 Venn < i i ,m , > ,u f ,n t ,,| 7 1 ,,

1 a:,, 1,1 pi, 11 *.i A. i'j ps, | ;is, 4 is, 4 1, u ‘li all, 0 ',’i , 7 45 I’. X.


BmldersMa t erinl iekkkmk (svima:.No. .*500 N orth lirojjti S t., ( ) r ‘< >,‘ M l ( V

l’HiLADl'.Ll’ill A. M O S K S M A K I i S

LUArr>F.R, M IL L AVOIvK, H.V31D ^ ̂ ^ f ’ O O l ^ I " N T GS l i r .E T i 1 • 'A" CfjHTKU W l'K K

AVA HE. R O O riN a. [Tin Loaf! ers Guttersi i A i t n i i i : . v i m v i v i N i w . | S ( , : - A v ' L i I a o i i . n .

UKTI l i M M i ,la a\, S|imn for Nut York at « 1 2 , 7 :t7 *. x , I So

.1 V XS ,n.oi tm N. nark al »t 12. \ x . 1 ,v», .1 i.i p, n.S.|H,oi I' a 1 in, an 1 . 1 ,i> ,■ mill lli anrb nl fi 1 2 , 7 rr?

lo 114, in pi *. X , 1 .Vi, tl Y,, 0 So p ,

s. i.ill 1 n N. .« A,ok at r, li , 7 2,\, 7 4>l I S p r . . . 1 3 * v lx, $ oi, r. *, ,Yomlav» „ „ |v

a A- X.H, a (lil t for N r n .u k al « I.i. 7 2.’,, In .10 r M 1 ;„1

0 ni. v .,, p v ‘1 ’’ 1 fm I " ' ai. 1 i rm r sn«| I .on* H ran,-li nl fi l i 7 2.s

7 in, in , 17, 111 ,11, 1 0 4 .x A, * 1 VI, 1 I , 5 I,-’" 1 'll I’, n, .Yonilni. onlv a IV) \ . x

1 -M Train Hn.. !» lw . ,n N, « York ami lo.n*’ ■ ’ >1 'nr oul 20 inimit. .. I!mh i i :ii • ust.v p,,,,

Tin sk .mmin 1‘iillman 1‘riIoi . a r . are allai lunl in tin* * •' - N“ * ' "k .1! .1 a • siul fno p m. ami t,,

1 01 .. iiiiik* Sin f.irl at 7 pi a, m. S m in t |h.‘ 1 V' 2' oi nil.' " ‘brr pal Itaiiliir> xi r •mill Tiim- Tabm» nr

H. r H U.DW 1N, ...... . r.,7 p.,,,

| CJms. K. Mnxoit. vVnt. R; War.viqk. Jr., £ Bro., ' * .muAm;,, Ui ,t K,'■s -l B x 4o & - l f t * r e * . , « . » ] » • * j 1 « » « * » « « * « « .

Plain and Ornamental PlasterinsST:.. SLATE ROOFERS,S Q U A N , N E W J E K S K Y , < aIv a T?n ■ E *’!i iiRp V* nri \V.»», y.y\

fd .i t ; ; B t a n t i i iV SS#*tl H t i i tk .

T I M E T A 1 J I . K' oM.MKNl IN '. .11 NK is, 1 , 77 .

[ '•n il 'u r n m u T1 v 1: |

H A R D W A R E ! J Ale T1 HER SON,

I Frescos Painter, Grakisr. /Iflinos PioiTO &S . S A P L A I N , N . J .

w k s t w a k d .

and AIARBTiER. for the tr.uV.O-bort) l i ' - i t ' ' . Sip; r . X. ,T.I'OK FARM KIT." AND BTYILDEIkS.

Lumber, Lath, &e. n e w s a g e n c y



Lime, Coal j EMPORIUM! j B y t h e C a v o r T o a . I E T e w Y o r k & P h i l a d e l p h i a L . . * " A I' L

T W i n d o w


D R Y f ; d o d s ,

r . R r ) n : i ; ! ! : s ,

( IRK . K K i i y ,

I I . ' U i m i ’.M IE ,

T I N W 'A O ! ' . .

i v o O D L X \ V \ K i ;

I'.. M tk r tS t D JO

1' it. »* \t I’ v .i r . 2 > •'* b 171 21) ;; 07 . . . .1 1'5 4 :a ;> Of)*2 lit ■Ti ‘.'A ti ! 12' 20 A 40 •5 212 .Vi l» JO f. 40:t .vi 7 .V> 7 V)1 VO 8 - H 355 11) • , Li s 725

1’ it P. M. »’. M.

r m. P \t I1 V.1 .,-i 1 -V i 1 O’,■j no 4 :to2 00 ;; 3*i 4 00

07 4 TJ i e-.:i Ao 4 r,4 T2 f, l5 l*l a to f.

B L A C K S M I T H S IK O N .

KIMS, HUBS, SPOKES AND ALU KIND OF WAG­ON .m a t e r i a l s .

P A P E R SPup! lb '1 to anv mHrcm*. A - : <-y fm t!t,-


W a l l Paper, Earthen L I B R A R I E SW A K E ,


f n d o w G l a s s a n d P u t t y .


F a r m o r sf ' . Ml troa-lx pui-'' uii .r in - ■: r, m Ul In-iji llv, 1 -

■ <1 (-<■■ of i'karp.cSi" a' '1 mimi I'.ibl to n v n m t "■ a* Sjir.iiir I, A., .

JA M E S 1TLR( E,J At ml; >. IT EK< L.


a Vh k .. . 7 7 o') ’j; of,* • ' ■ ■ ‘. 't M IS l i IS Ui;) l I’i.ilti. . . 7 .'Kl 7 ill) 150Tri-:.(Oil . . . . . . K H 7M «l l i

' ' • • ............ 10 15 . . . . r.5tt . . . .57 10 m . . .v> r. 4i

A M. A M. r M. f. if c v , 1*, viM'S D m y New Yittk. 4 v » ; 1*1:111 .

LTO : Wimt I ’llila.. .*» ISO ; Trvntoti 11121.I ' .n 'Ut Jiuietiuii, 7 11); J iijiif .lm r/ 7 22

i r . . L< i ..1 1 Si!; Fdnnini;il:il«, 8 00 ; Sijuusi. 8 U I S. H l 'U K l’LKW, S n ’ T.

Cvjcaii aijd ljivcrf i v.iiyvint uml Mrnrv Lntifr-tivot, will

^;k, I, fi-hinjr or sn ilii^ purtiox in tl„- Immixomu

. n : \ Y i r . \ k \ o m > a \ i > k a t i ;1 ‘ : 11) * *• 1 l.umlimfiir S tum p I’oitu. fie an Sail-

i?1. . < > <' ui* j>cr trip, Kivpr her1 1 • h u m s .

CLxxTI/l a n d O Y S T E R B A K E S

P E T E H S O N ' S .S C K I R X E R ' S .

S T . X l f ' H O L A S .F R A N K L E S L I E S . ^ t \ T auu an '(;e d to o h d ^ ii

o i A r l BALLOU'S, Mmr. DEMORI’̂ T . AND !I A KPLll '- . ^ 1 H. JU 5 i A l D j I H l jJO l O l l l alia _ L G 6 C I 1 All I l lus tra ted N<AV!<papir« f>ui.pliml at shortest \ I - i o n s i r . h o u d e x .

| Maimfimturer and dealer in Tobacco, Svpar- lipix S T A G E L X I t f E , | K.-lale Hint Illxtmilici’ A fff l lt

and i JOHfj ARKCLlI, PROPRIETOR. 1, Plug, Chewing £ Smoking To'ea

i t m i l f r . OF all VARIETIES al.TAMES H A R D Y ,

Every till lift that makes up a trenoral assortment, j > ( l l l . l l l , N'. .1 .

CXf)ilk) vs On mill after J tine 15th,

.WAYS OX 11 VXD. 1‘*,1lN ,’r-,> l.IO r> I:: V',int1 ii-Dvimr i»rn*«*H, viz;

j A i ic t io i i re r , ( . 'o iimiiss iniicr tuul coav t 'v -l'77, StUf.es will rim from the tl lU 'iT.

FARMS. ( « iT T A G E an d LOTS, fur SALK or 1. 1-' "rk 'a su m , to Sf|uuii, at the

F rom Arnold house to dujRit at S | uah cent

C U R T I S & D A V I S O N

( a|»f. Urni. < ‘urtis’ Ifousc,I air Vi(*w CoitairraA. A lieu Propriftor IJ5 *•

** Forman fIou«i*,d. A . Ri*(ivy«t , IVoprit-Hor •>» *•I N S U R E vottr P ro p o r tv o r J.ifo in L O R D F V 'S “ ( • M rs- ^'Uiboni, I ”r. 2i “

! T W I ' R \ V f 'T p i * i> i,' \ 1 • \ t ( 1 . 1 . ** . I alK«■nlnirifli s fonn-i*, 40 “• r fi l- 'r Ih m m i i r t i 1 ..... . “ '■ b -1 iefrlueonmiMUi.l Htim-eX 40 “. lx offt i t ’d . O u t 7-40 (KtO.OfKt. f n | .u n i in imm- init •• (>„.• o t l b v I T. 1 lien’s tin “fitxt-elimx cnmpaniit.f i i‘|,riijvijtei!. s*; 1 * 1.-1;i.■ i 1 <>tj ” t k -..n iiou.r, JluU it, I’ruprietor, io **

S q u a n . KL J . S | IIW'1 10 ’ j wii< rd®1" *<m »"rl n t< -mh-nV1 it • ", "T"',l* 'rNr'" propwr,ion* i i. . u . iLiiii n. . .Ei'. l int' nd- ’.it. Ki . ui iniiLr I'lici *• u.r*'aim. iSiitrj/a r̂, ( xtra charge.

X K L S O X T A Y L O R ,B holexah' ami lieiail

I'lIODlVE M EIU’II A NT. POTATOESI urnii'.!!. Apples, ( 'rimborries. Butter, Kstrs.Y>‘- i fypSuaJ Fruit'. ahvayx <»u h«»7,L■'** ktinU nf \ eoetublex in ih irM'it- ons, In tbebusi'tmiit of < mitral Block. SkJl'AN, \