DRAFT PROGRAM Thursday, September 28 th SESSION I 13.00-14.00 SESSION I Thursday, September 28 th 13.00-14.00 Opening ceremony, Sava Center SESSION II 14.30-16.30 PANEL 15 Thursday, September 28 th 14.30-16.30 ROOM 3/1 Changing the Framework of Political Legitimacy in Serbia Chair Ivan Vejvoda ([email protected]), Balkan Trust for Democracy, Serbia Papers Julie Mostov ([email protected]), Drexel University, USA Political Legitimacy: What’s Democracy Got to do With it? Vesna Pesic ([email protected]), Center for Peace and Democracy Development, Serbia Serbia after Six Years of Transition: Ethnonational or Civic Legitimation of State Authority Djordje (George) Stefanovic, University of Toronto, Canada The Path to Weimar Serbia? Explaining the Resurgence of the Serbian Far Right After the Fall of Milosevic Nenad Dimitrijevic ([email protected]), Central European University, Hungary Constitutional Patriotism for Serbia Discussant Dejan Guzina ([email protected]), Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada 1

Thursday, September 28th - BalcaniCooperazionedatabase.balcanicooperazione.it/content/download/5732/56914/file... · Papers Predrag Markovic, Institute for Contemporary History, Serbia

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Thursday, September 28th

SESSION I 13.00-14.00

SESSION I Thursday, September 28th 13.00-14.00 Opening ceremony, Sava Center

SESSION II 14.30-16.30

PANEL 15 Thursday, September 28th 14.30-16.30 ROOM 3/1 Changing the Framework of Political Legitimacy in Serbia Chair Ivan Vejvoda ([email protected]), Balkan Trust for Democracy, Serbia

Papers Julie Mostov ([email protected]), Drexel University, USA Political Legitimacy: What’s Democracy Got to do With it?

Vesna Pesic ([email protected]), Center for Peace and Democracy Development, Serbia Serbia after Six Years of Transition: Ethnonational or Civic Legitimation of State Authority

Djordje (George) Stefanovic, University of Toronto, Canada The Path to Weimar Serbia? Explaining the Resurgence of the Serbian Far Right After the Fall of Milosevic

Nenad Dimitrijevic ([email protected]), Central European University, Hungary Constitutional Patriotism for Serbia

Discussant Dejan Guzina ([email protected]), Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada



PANEL 5 Thursday, September 28th 14.30-16.30 ROOM 4/1 Cultural Encounters in the Southwest Balkans: Outside

Interventions and their Effects Chair Aleksandra Milicevic ([email protected]), Colgate University, USA

Papers Reima Ana Maglajlić ([email protected]), Freelance consultant Do-gooding BiH – A Review of Practices and Lessons from Bosnia and Herzegovina Over the Past Fourteen Years

Despina Syrri ([email protected]), University of Sheffield, Greece Intermediaries and Translation in SEE Cross-Border Spaces

V.P. (Chip) Gagnon ([email protected]), Ithaca College US Democracy Assistance: Missionaries and US Identity

Risto Karajkov ([email protected]), University of Bologna, Italy Foreign Aid and State Building in the Balkans: All the Faces of Conditionality

Jens Stilhoff Sörensen ([email protected]), European University Institute, Italy Outsourcing the State or Manufacturing Civil Society?

Discussant Eric Gordy ([email protected]), Clark University, USA

PANEL 22 Thursday, September 28th 14.30-16.30 ROOM 5/1 Human and Minority Rights in Post-Communist Europe Chair Boris Krivokapic, Institute of Comparative Law, TBC

Papers Daniel Šmihula ([email protected]), Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic Protection of National Minorities in the European Law

Paola Pagliani ([email protected]), UNDP, Serbia The Need for a Balance Between the Individual and Human Rights

Alendar Branislava, [email protected], Problem of Minorities in the Balkans and the European Union

Ozlem Eraydin Virtanen ([email protected], [email protected]), Independent Researcher, Turkey An Example for Conflict Resolution: Improvements in the Rights of Turkish Minority in Bulgaria



PANEL 26 Thursday, September 28th 14.30-16.30 ROOM 6/1 Identity and Mobilization of Small Minorities in Southeastern

Europe Chair

Papers Calin Cotoi ([email protected]), University of Bucharest, Romania New Technologies for Ethno-Nationalist Imagining. The Case of Moldavian Csangos.

Tamara Petrovic ([email protected]), Center for Study in Cultural Development, Serbia Problems of Vlach National Minority and Preservation of It’s Identity

Miroslav Ruzica ([email protected]), World Bank, USA The Balkan Vlachs/Aromanians: Awakening, National Policies, Assimilation

Sinziana Preda ([email protected]), West University of Timisoara, Romania Identitary Mechanisms: The Czechs from Banat. A Case Study

Jug Bebler ([email protected]) and Zukić Mile, University of Primorska Slovenia Interethnic Awareness as Key Issue for New European Dream, Case Study Ethnic Minorities from the Former Yugoslavia in Slovenia

Discussant Stroschein Sherrill ([email protected]), University College London, UK

PANEL 23 Thursday, September 28th 14.30-16.30 DELEGATES ROOM

Addressing Nationalism in Academia and Education Chair Ildiko Erdei, University of Belgrade, TBC

Papers Charles Ingrao, ([email protected]), Purdue University, USA Creating a Common Narrative of the Yugoslav Conflicts: A Scholars’ Initiative

Meltem Begüm Saatçi, ([email protected]), Akdeniz University, Turkey The Effects of Education to the Nationalism in the Balkans

Nazan Maksudyan, ([email protected]), Sabanci University, Istanbul The Turkish Review of Anthropology and the Racist Face of Turkish Nationalism

Discussant Dragan Popadic, University of Belgrade, TBC


SESSION III 17.00-19.00

PANEL 10 Thursday, September 28th 17.00-19.00 ROOM 3/1

Kosovo: Past, Present & Future Chair Charles Ingrao, ([email protected]), Purdue University, USA

Papers Predrag Markovic, Institute for Contemporary History, Serbia

Ranka Gasic, ([email protected]), Institute for Contemporary History, Serbia

Momcilo Pavlovic, ([email protected]), Institute for Contemporary History, Serbia

Discussant Charles Ingrao, ([email protected]), Purdue University, USA

PANEL 12 Thursday, September 28th 17.00-19.00 ROOM 4/1 Encountering New Forms of East - West Nationalism in Europe Chair Stefano Binachini, ([email protected]), University of Bologna, Italy

Papers Francesco Privitera, ([email protected]), University of Bologna, Italy European Nationalisms Today

Anna Krasteva, ([email protected]), New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria Nationalism and Populism in SEE Europe

Henry Huttenbach, ([email protected]), City College of New York, USA Pan–European Anti–Semitism as a Form of Euro–Nationalism

Victor Bojkov, ([email protected]), University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Nationalism Versus Individual Rights in SEE

Discussant Zdravko Grebo, ([email protected]), University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

PANEL 19 Thursday, September 28th 17.00-19.00 ROOM 5/1

Forced Migration and Displacement in the Balkans Chair Carel Ulrik Schierup, ([email protected]), The

National Institute for Working Life and Linköping University

Papers Vladislav B. Sotirović, ([email protected]), Vilnius University, Lithuania Emigration, Refugees and Ethnic Cleansing During Yugoslavia’s Disintegration: Ethnic Nationalism and Creation of the National States

Milena Davidovic, ([email protected]), Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research, Serbia The Volume, Forms and Consequences of Forced Migrations of Population Following the Disintegration of Yugoslavia

Nada Raduski, ([email protected]), Institute of Social Sciences, Demographic


Research Centre, Serbia Forced Migrations and Changed Ethnic Structure of Serbia in the End of 20th Century

Ivana Djuric, ([email protected]/[email protected]),University of Nottingham, UK Refugee Repatriation Policies and Minority Return to Croatia

Lamia Gulcur, ([email protected]), Bogazici University, Turkey The Politics of Homogenization and Ethnic Purity in Relation to Nation Statehood & Population Exchange Between Turkey and Greece, The Aftermath: The Notions of Displacement and Trauma

Discussant Branka Likic – Brboric, ([email protected]) National Institute for Working Life, Sweden

PANEL 36 Thursday, September 28th 17.00-19.00 ROOM 6/1

The Dynamics of Democratization and Europeanization in the Balkans

Chair Aleksandra Alund, University of Linkoping

Papers Rory Domm, ([email protected]), UK Department for International Development, UK Europeanisation Without Democratisation: A Critique of the International Community Strategy in the Western Balkans

Peter Vermeersch, ([email protected]), University of Leuven, Belgium Anti-Discrimination Activism in an Enlarged European Union: Exploring the Consequences for the Balkans

Paula Pickering, ([email protected]), College of William and Mary, USA Lessons Learned? Western Aid for Political Moderation in the Balkans

Discussant Jovan Teokarevic, ([email protected]), University of Belgrade

PANEL 41 Thursday, September 28th 17.00-19.00 DELEGATES ROOM Reassessing the Dissolution of Yugoslavia Chair Miroslav Hadzic, Center for Civil-Military Relations TBC

Papers Sabina Pstrocki, ([email protected]) ACIPS, Sarajevo The Role of Propaganda in Conflict in Ex-Yugoslavia

Vera Styskalikova, ([email protected]), Masaryk University, Czech Republic UÇK – National Liberation Army, Terrorist Organization or Guerrilla?

Borbala Krizia, ([email protected]), Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris Bombs Next Door: 1999 NATO Bombing in Yugoslavia and the Public Opinion in Hungary

Discussant Zoran Dragisic, University of Belgrade, TBC


Friday, September 29th

SESSION IV 09.00-11.00

PANEL 25 Friday, September 29th 09.00-11.00 ROOM 3/1

Nationalism and State-Building in Serbia After Milošević Chair Vladimir Goati, TBC

Papers Lenard Cohen, ([email protected]), Department of Political Science, Simon Fraser University, Canada Post-Milosevic National Identity and Democratic Transition in Serbia: The Impact of the Montenegrin Referendum and the Kosovo Status Talks

Irena Ristić, ([email protected]), Institute for Social Sciences, Serbia Europeaness and the Serbian National Identity: How Compatible Are They?

Dejan Stjepanović, ([email protected]), formerly Freedom House Nationalism and Democracy: Post-Authoritarian Serbia and Greece

Svetlana Djurdjevic Lukic, ([email protected]),The Harriman Institute, Columbia University, USA State-Building via Security Sector Reform: Why it did not Work in the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro?

Discussant Florian Bieber, ([email protected]), University of Kent at Canterbury, UK

PANEL 14 Friday, September 29th 09.00-11.00 ROOM 4/1

Nationalisms East and West: Is Post-Communism a Relevant Category for the Study of Nationalism

Chair Milan Podunavac, University of Belgrade TBC Papers Veronika Bajt, ([email protected]), Peace Institute

Are ‘Post-Communist Nationalisms’ Different from Nationalisms of ‘Old, Continuous Nations’? A Re-Examination of Key Categories

Damjan Mandelc, ([email protected]), University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Balkan Differences, Balkan Prospects

Vassilis Petsinis, ([email protected]), New Europe College, Romania Patterns of Multicultural and Intercultural Practice: East and West

Stetka Vaclav, ([email protected]) Demarcating the Homeland: Nationalism and Global Culture in Czech News Stories

Discussant Anna Krasteva, ([email protected]), New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria


PANEL 35 Friday, September 29th 09.00-11.00 ROOM 5/1 Facing the Past in New Balkan States: Approaches to Guilt and

Responsibility Chair Elissa Helms, ([email protected]) Central European University, Hungary

Papers Ana Devic, ([email protected]), University of Aarhus, Denmark The Failure of the Serbian Commission for Truth and Reconciliation, or on the Options of “Democratic” Nationalism

Eric D. Gordy, ([email protected]), Clark University, USA and Aleksandra Sasha Milicevic ([email protected]), Colgate University, USA Creating Memories: Between Trivialization and Reconciliation

Igor Stiks, ([email protected]), Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, France & Northwestern University, USA Administrative Ethnic Cleansing in the former Yugoslavia: Redefinition of Citizenry as a Tool of Ethnic Engineering

Nejra Nuna Čengić, ([email protected]), Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies of the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Dealing with the Past(s): A Ticket for Lasting Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Discussant Azra Hromadzic, ([email protected]), University of Pennsylvania, USA

PANEL 1 Friday, September 29th 09.00-11.00 DELEGATES ROOM

The Balkans and Balkanization Chair Slobodan Markovic, ([email protected]), University of Belgrade

Papers Oleksandr Nadtoka, ([email protected]), National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” “Debalkanization of Europe”: Construction of the New Mental Map of the Old World

Filip Tunjic, ([email protected], [email protected]), University of Primorska, Slovenia Laboratory Balkan, Caught Between

Özgür Dirim Özkan, ([email protected], [email protected]) Yeditepe University, Turkey The “Other” or “Cultural Half”? Understanding Cultural Differentiation in the Balkans



SESSION V 11.30-13.30

PANEL 32 Friday, September 29th 11.30-13.30 ROOM 3/1 Process and Talks About the Future Status of Kosovo Chair Janusz Bugajski

Papers Florian Bieber

Ylber Hisa, TBC

Dusan Janjic

James Lyon, TBC

Risheg Fayez, Direct Dialogue Before and After the Negotiation About the Future Status of Kosovo

Discussant Janusz Bugajski

PANEL 13 Friday, September 29th 11.30-13.30 ROOM 4/1 Europeanization: Trade-Mark or Facet of Post-Modernity Chair Victor Bojkov, ([email protected]), University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and


Papers Kumjana Novakova, ([email protected]), Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies, Bosnia and Herzegovina The Europeanization of Europe: Balkans at the Center

Vedran Horvat, ([email protected]), Europeanisation as Transnationalisation: Options for the Balkans

Ana Pavlovska, ([email protected]), Southeast European University, Macedonia European Integration and the New Myth of Europe: The Case of Macedonia

Kristina Petkova Zhecheva, ([email protected]), Institute for Political and Legal Studies, Bulgaria Political Nationalism and the EU Integration

Discussant Paskal Milo


PANEL 30 Friday, September 29th 11.30-13.30 ROOM 5/1

Ethnicity and Identity in Bosnia and Herzegovina Chair Zdravko Grebo, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Papers Claudia Aguilar Carretero, ([email protected]), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain Identification Through Personal Networks: A Possible Way to Overcome Ethnicist Discourse in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Pau Vives Xiol, ([email protected]), University of Barcelona, Spain Informal economy in post-war Sarajevo

Mira Jovanovic, ([email protected]), University of Zurich, Switzerland National Parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Discussant Andrew Gilbert, ([email protected]), University of Chicago, USA

PANEL 21 Friday, September 29th 11.30-13.30 DELEGATES ROOM

Minority Rights and Political Representation Chair Aleksandra Vujić, ([email protected]), Vojvodina Centre

for Human Rights, Serbia

Papers Ines Szofia Koller, ([email protected]), University of Pécs, Hungary Minorities, Political Participation and Minority Policy

Ciprian Alionescu, ([email protected]) University of Cincinnati, USA Parliamentary Representation of (Ethnic) Minorities in Romania

George - Tudor Florea, ([email protected]), Peace Brigades International, Switzerland The Impact of the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities on Domestic Administrative Practices in the Central and Eastern European Region

Discussant Eben Friedman, ([email protected]), European Centre for Minority Issues


SESSION VI 15.00-17.00

PANEL 38 Friday, September 29th 15.00-17.00 ROOM 3/1 Implications of the Final Status for Kosovo Chair Dušan Pavlović, ([email protected]), Belgrade University, Serbia

Papers Jovo Bakic, ([email protected]), Belgrade University, Serbia Kosovo: Open Road to the Serbian Right Wing Extremism? Ideological Instrumentalisation of the Myth of Ethnic Catastrophe

Albjon Bogdani, ([email protected]), University of New York - Tirana The Emergent Kosovar State: Making Critical Sense of Conditional Independence

Zidas Daskalovski, ([email protected]), University of Skopje (Cyril and Methodius), Macedonia The Implications for Macedonia of the Potential Independence of Kosovo-A Repeat of the Conflict of 2001?

Discussant Gordon Bardos, TBC

PANEL 8 Friday, September 29th 15.00-17.00 ROOM 4/1 The Western Balkans and Europe - Negotiating the Common

Future: Views from the Coimbra Group Research Network on South East Europe

Chair Zivorad Kovacevic

Papers Will Bartlett, ([email protected]), University of Bristol, UK The EU Approach to Regional Cooperation: Policy Success or Policy Failure

Merita Xhumari, ([email protected]), Tirana University, Albania Western Balkans and Europe: View from Albania

An Huts and Luc Reychler, ([email protected]), University of Leuven The Western Balkans and Europe: Views from the Coimbra Group of Universities

Milica Uvalic, ([email protected]), University of Perugia, Italy Trade Liberalization in the Balkans

Carmen J. García, ([email protected]), University of Granada, Spain A New Model of Cooperation on High Education in the Balkans

Discussant Francesco Privitera, ([email protected]), University of Bologna, Italy


PANEL 37 Friday, September 29th 15.00-17.00 ROOM 5/1 Theoretical Perspectives on Nationalism and Globalization Chair Zarko Puhovski, ([email protected]) University of Zagreb, Croatia

Papers Dejan Guzina, ([email protected]), Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada The Challenges of State Building in the Western Balkans

Natalija Micunovic, ([email protected]), Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, Serbia Transnational Nationalism

Nesrin Kenar, ([email protected]), Sakarya University, Turkey Balkan Nationalism in the Age of Globalization: Is it Opportunity for Peace in the Balkans

Slobodan Jankovic, ([email protected]), Centre for Civil-Military Relations, Serbia Global Identity or Identities Versus Globalisation

Berch Berberoglu, [email protected], University of Nevada, USA Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union in the Age of Globalization

Discussant Rudi Rizman, ([email protected]), University of Ljubljana and University of Bologna

PANEL 9 Friday, September 29th 15.00-17.00 DELEGATES ROOM Security Sector Reform in Albania from Citizens' Perspective Chair

Papers Sotiraq Hroni, ([email protected]), Institute for Democracy and Mediation, Albania Community Policing in Albania

Rovena Çadri, ([email protected]), Institute for Democracy and Mediation, Albania Police Citizens Review Board

Enis Sulstarova, ([email protected]), Institute for Democracy and Mediation, Albania Grass-Roots Partnership for Security and Citizens' Empowerment

Genci Kojdheli, ([email protected]), OSCE, Albania The Rise of the Albanian Organized Crime.



SESSIONVII 17.30-19.30

PANEL 28 Friday, September 29th 17.30-19.30 ROOM 3/1 The Past as Resource for the Present: Historiography and

Nationalism Chair Marija Bogdanovic, ([email protected]) University of Belgrade

Papers Camelia Craciun, ([email protected]), Central European University, Hungary Surviving Nationalism or the Politicization of an Intellectual Debate: The Case of the 1927 Generation Political Discourse Reflected in the Post-1989 Historiography

Stefan Detchev, ([email protected]), Department of History South-West University, Bulgaria Who are the Bulgarians? (Imagining the “Ancestors”) – Ethnogenesis, “Race”, Science and Politics in fin-de siecle Bulgaria.

Bogdan Iacob, ([email protected]), Central European University, Hungary Some Considerations Upon the “National Turn” of History Production in Romania Under Communism (1963-1974)

Maria Kotzabassy, ([email protected]), University of Thessaly, Greece Travel Texts and the Silences in History: Examining the Greek Presence in Bulgaria

Drazen Nemet, ([email protected]), Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb The “Cool” Tito


PANEL 27 Friday, September 29th 17.30-19.30 ROOM 4/1 Contested Identities in a Historical Perspective Chair Srdjan Katic, University of Belgrade, TBC

Papers Eben Friedman, ([email protected]), European Centre for Minority Issues, FYRO Macedonia Don’t Act Out, or The Gadžo Will Take You Away”: Roms in Slovakia Before 1945

Eyal Ginio, ([email protected]), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel The Balkan Wars (1912-13) and the Shifting of Ottoman Identities

Kyrillos Nikolaou, ([email protected]), University Paris 1-Sorbonne, France The Development of National Identity in the Balkans in the 19th century: The Greek Case. Dilemmas and Concerns: From the Genos to the Ethnos-State, or from the Ecumenical to the National Idea

Ozlem Gorey, ([email protected]), Bogazici University, Turkey Confusion of Identity in Relation to Their Community and the Outside World, Reflected in the Poetry and Short Story Written and Published in Turkish in Skopje

Helena Zdravkovic, ([email protected]) University of Utah and


University of Trieste Contesting the Other Through Historical Victimage: Historical Victims and Villains in Kosovo

Discussant Srdjan Katic, University of Belgrade TBC

PANEL 11 Friday, September 29th 17.30-19.30 ROOM 5/1 State Formation and Nation – Building in Post-Conflict

Societies: A Pan- European Challenge Chair Francesco Privitera, ([email protected]), University of Bologna,


Papers Alexander Bayerl, ([email protected]), Office of The Austrian Embassy, Pristina Diversity Management and International Commitments

Joseph Marko, ([email protected]), University of Graz, Austria Proportional Representation and Group Rights. Challenges for Liberal Democracy

Mitja Žagar, ([email protected]), Institute of Ethnic Studies, Slovenia Diversity Management: Prevention, Management and Resolution of Crisis

Stefano Binachini, ([email protected]), University of Bologna, Italy Reconceptualizing Nation – State in the Context of the European Integration Process

Discussant Arben Hajrillahu, ([email protected]), Center of Competence for South-East Europe , Graz-Pristina

Jovan Teokarevic, ([email protected]), University of Belgrade, Serbia

PANEL 45 Friday, September 29th 17.30-19.30 DELEGATES ROOM Identity and Nationalism in the Former Yugoslavia Chair Melita Richter, ([email protected]), University of Trieste

Papers Kubo Keiichi, ([email protected]), London School of Economics (UK) & Waseda University (Japan) The Issue of Independence and Ethnic Identity in Montenegro

Sonja Magdevski, ([email protected]), Michigan State University, USA A Past Exploration into Macedonia’s Future

Ines Jemrić, ([email protected]), University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Impact of Globalization on Croatian National Identity: Analysis of Attitudes of Croatian Student Population

Discussant Marija Bogdanovic, ([email protected]) University of Belgrade


Saturday, September 30th

SESSIONVIII 09.00-11.00

PANEL 24 Saturday, September 30th 09.00-11.00 ROOM 3/1

Gender Perspectives on Ethnicity and Democratization Chair Vesna Nikolic Ristanovic, ([email protected]), University of Belgrade

Papers Marina Blagojevic, ([email protected]), Institute for Sociological and Criminological Research in Belgrade, Serbia Ethnic Reconciliation Through Gender Lenses: Political, Epistemic and Public Policy Aspects

Andrea Segrè, Matteo Vittuari, Hajnalka Petrics ([email protected] ), University of Bologna, Italy Gender Dimensions of Empowerment Processes in Rural Areas. The Case of the Western Transdanubia Region of Hungary, and the Prespa Region of Albania and Macedonia

Dominika Stojanoska, ([email protected]), University of Bologna, Italy Women and Transition in Macedonia: A Gender Dimension of the Democratization Processes

Melita Richter, ([email protected]) University of Trieste

Discussant Rosic Tatjana, ([email protected])

PANEL 18 Saturday, September 30th 09.00-11.00 ROOM 4/1 The Future of Quasi States Chair

Papers Michael Bobick, ([email protected] ), Cornell University, USA Separatism, Borders, and Moldova: The Dialectics of Sovereignty in the Era of Europeanization

Nina Caspersen, ([email protected]), Lancaster University, UK From Puppets to Independent Actors? Kin-State Involvement in the Conflicts in Bosnia, Croatia and Nagorno-Karabakh.

Lidia Prisiac, ([email protected]), Academy of Science of Moldova The Ethnics Conflicts in the Post-Soviet Space as Instrument of Political Power: The Case of The Republic of Moldova

Discussant Tozun Bahcheli, ([email protected]), The University of Western Ontario, Canada


PANEL 7 Saturday, September 30th 09.00-11.00 ROOM 5/1 Rethinking Social Distance and Intimacy in Divided Towns of

Former YugoslaviaChair Eric Gordy, ([email protected]), Clark University, USA

Papers Larissa Vetters, ([email protected]), German University of Administrative Sciences, Germany Creating Citizens in Administrative Encounters? The Negotiation of Group Boundaries in Mostar´s Municipal Administrative Bodies

Srdjan Antic and Ivana Milas ([email protected] [email protected]), Nansen Dialogue Centre, Croatia The New School Project—Vukovar

Azra Hromadzic, ([email protected]), University of Pennsylvania, USA Youth, Education, and Reconciliation in Post-conflict Bosnia-Herzegovina: Case Study of the Divided Town of Mostar

Monika Palmberger, ([email protected]), University of Oxford, UK Between Personal and Social Memories: Victim-Perpetrator Discourses in the Divided Town of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Discussant Stef Jansen, ([email protected]), University of Manchester, UK

PANEL 43 Saturday, September 30th 09.00-11.00 ROOM 6/1 Transnational Identities, Networks and Diasporas Chair Branka Likić Brborić, ([email protected])

National Institute for Working Life, Sweden

Papers Irena Čulić, ([email protected]), “Babes-Bolyai” University, Romania Identity Dilemmas. The Transnational Life of the Hungarian Nation

Mila Aleckovic Nikolic, [email protected], SEDEP, Paris-Belgrade The Development of National Identity and the Challenges of Globalization

Svetlana Milutinovic, ([email protected]), Forum for Ethnic Relations, Serbia Chinese Transnational Entrepreneurship in the Balkans: The Networking Consequence of Globalization

Tapani Kaakkuriniemi, ([email protected]), Director, Masters Program in Russian & East European Studies National Identities Beyond National Borders: The Problems of a Common Slavonic Identity

Discussant Simona Zavratnik, TBC


PANEL 17 Saturday, September 30th 09.00-11.00 DELEGATES ROOM Identity, Nationalism and Religion Chair

Papers Dragica Tadić, ([email protected]), Institute de Theologie Orthodoxe St–Serge, Greece The Christian Conception of Globalism and Nation

Ljiljana Gavrilović, ([email protected]), Institute of Ethnography SASA, Serbia Revamping (Serbian) Orthodox Creed in Serbia and Montenegro

Dan Dungaciu, ([email protected]), University of Bucharest, Romania Samuel Huntington in South Eastern Europe: Nationalism, Religion and the “Geopolitics of Orthodoxy”

Cesar Luis Diez Plaza, ([email protected]), Institute Cervantes, Serbia The Religious Terminology in the Balkans: The Case of “Muslim”



SESSION IX 11.30-13.30

PANEL 29 Saturday, September 30th 11.30-13.30 ROOM 3/1 Approaching the Past and Reconciliation Chair

Papers Michelle Veljanovska, ([email protected]), Macquarie University, Australia Moulding Reconciliation: Responding to Post-Conflict Unrest in the Former Yugoslavia

Agnieszka Jacheć-Neale, ([email protected]), British Institute of International and Comparative Law, UK Domestic Prosecutions for War Crimes and Other Serious International Offences in the Former Yugoslav Countries

Floribert Baudet, ([email protected]), University of Utrecht, The Netherlands Judging History

Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic, ([email protected]), Victimology Society of Serbia, Belgrade University, Serbia

Toward Global Truth and Reconciliation: Possibilities and Obstacles

Discussant Tanja Menicanin, ([email protected]), Center for Development Services, Serbia

PANEL 42 Saturday, September 30th 11.30-13.30 ROOM 4/1 Identity and Institution-Building in Post-War Kosovo Chair Risheg Fayez TBC

Papers Klara Bratova, ([email protected]), University of Economics, Czech Republic A Failure of Multiethnic State in Kosovo

Margareta Cordial, ([email protected]), Housing and Property Directorate – now the Kosovo Property Agency since March 2006 Post Conflict Restitution – Settling Property Issue in Kosovo

Anna Di Lellio, ([email protected]), Kosovo Institute of Journalism and Communication (KIJAC) National Identity Formation in Kosova: Family Romance and Memories of the Kosova Republic.

Simoni Alessandro, ([email protected]), University of Florence Milica V. Matijevic ([email protected]), International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) Multiculturalism as Foundation of a New Legal System: The Case of Kosovo

Discussant Fadil Maloku, ([email protected]), University of Pristina


PANEL 6 Saturday, September 30th 11.30-13.30 ROOM 5/1 Obscuring Analytics: Are the Concepts of Nation(alism) or

Ethnicity Useful for Analyzing the Former Yugoslavia Chair Ana Dević, ([email protected]), University of Aarhus, Denmark

Papers Jessica Greenberg, ([email protected]), University of Chicago, USA Nationalism and Multicultural Citizenship in Serbia

Orli Fridman, ([email protected]), George Mason University, USA Beyond Ethnic and National Identities: Tracing Conscientious Objection as a Form of Alternative Politics in Serbia

Mario Grujić, ([email protected]), Central European University, Hungary Contradictions of Ethnic Demarcations: Popular Music Boundaries and Identity Paradoxes in the Former Yugoslavia

Andrew Gilbert, ([email protected]), University of Chicago, USA Reification, Essentialism, and Identity Ideologies of Ethnicity in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Discussant Elissa Helms, ([email protected]) Central European University, Hungary

PANEL 3 Saturday, September 30th 11.30-13.30 ROOM 6/1 Symbolic and Political Competitions in the Urban Public Space:

Mostar, Dalmatian Towns and Odessa from the 20th to the 21st Century

Chair Vjeran Pavlakovic, ([email protected]) TBC

Papers Mario Jareb ([email protected]), Croatian Institute of History, Croatia Venetian Lion as the Symbol of "Italianess" of Dalmatia Between Two World Wars

Eric Gobetti and Vanni D'Alessio ([email protected], [email protected]), University of San Marino and University of Naples Federico II, Italy Monuments and Memory Competitions in Mostar Between Ideology, Identity and Politics (1945-2005)

Sylvie Ramel, ([email protected]), University of Geneva, Switzerland Rebuilding and its Ideological Subtexts: The Case of Mostar’s Stari Most

Abel Polese, ([email protected]), EHESS of Paris, France Space, Identity and Nationalism: Dynamics of Pacific Coexistence and "Clashes of Civilizations" in Odessa

Discussant Daniel Baric ([email protected]), University François-Rabelais, France


PANEL 34 Saturday, September 30th 11.30-13.30 DELEGATES ROOM Regional Identities in the Romania-Serbian Border Region Chair Adrian Severin, TBC

Papers Barna Bodo, Tibor Toro ([email protected] [email protected]), Babes Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, Romania Intercultural Relations and Special Identity in Banat

Melinda Dinca, ([email protected]), West University of Timisoara, Romania Ethnic and Regional Dimensions of Self- and Hetero- Identifications in Rural Communities from Western Romania

Mihai Viorel Fifor, ([email protected]), The Regional Museum of Oltenia, Romania Living In-Between or Becoming the Other? Negotiating Identity by Means of Inter-Ethnic Marriage in Timoc River Valley, North-Eastern Serbia



SESSION X 15.00-17.00

PANEL 31 Saturday, September 30th 15.00-17.00 ROOM 3/1 State-Building and External Intervention in Bosnia-Herzegovina Chair

Papers Anton Bebler, ([email protected]), University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Post Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina at Cross Roads

Marijana Sevo, ([email protected]), Keele University, UK The Moment of Decision and the Question of Political Imagination: Dayton Accords as a Normative Practice

Gulnur Aybet, ([email protected]), University of Kent at Canterbury, UK US-EU Partnership in the Balkans? The Case of Peacekeeping in Bosnia

Duško Krsmanović, ([email protected]), Belgrade University, Serbia Post-Conflict Multiethnic States in the Balkans. Crisis of the National Identity in Post War Bosnia and Herzegovina

Discussant Joseph Marko, ([email protected]), University of Graz, Austria

PANEL 40 Saturday, September 30th 15.00-17.00 ROOM 4/1 Reassessing International Intervention in the Former Yugoslavia Chair Gordon Bardos, TBC

Papers Bob de Graaff, ([email protected]), University of Utrecht, The Netherlands Addressing the Causes and Nature of Ethnic Conflict from Abroad: The Case of the International Community and (former) Yugoslavia, 1991-1995

Toni Petković, ([email protected]), Central European University, Hungary Debates About the Arbitration Commission’s Opinions

Julia Zapariy, ([email protected]), Ural State University, Russia UN Peacekeeping Missions on the Balkans and their Impact on the UN’s Strategy of Dealing with Ethnic Conflicts

Margaret Hagan, ([email protected]), Queen’s University, UK The Construction of Human Rights Emergencies: Aggressive Victim-Hood in the Disintegration of Yugoslavia

Steven Meyer, ([email protected]), National Defense University, USA People, Borders, and Perceptions of Reality in the Balkans

Discussant Janusz Bugajski, ([email protected])


PANEL 20 Saturday, September 30th 15.00-17.00 ROOM 5/1 Northern Ireland and the Balkans in a Comparative Perspective Chair

Papers Theresa Callan, ([email protected]), The University of Portsmouth, UK A Tale of Two Provinces: The Challenges of Inter-Ethnic Accommodation in Northern Ireland and Kosovo

Magdalene Hašková, ([email protected]), University of Economics, Slovakia Religion and Nationalism in the Contemporary Conflicts in Europe. (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Northern Ireland)

Nadezhda Stoyanova, ([email protected]), Central European University, Hungary The EU Conflict Management Capability: Commitment in Macedonia, Cyprus and Northern Ireland

Sid Noel ([email protected]) and Tozun Bahcheli ([email protected]), University of Western Ontario, Canada Democratic Obstacles to Power-Sharing Governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Ireland and Cyprus: A Comparative Analysis

Discussant Robert Hayden, ([email protected]), University of Pittsburg, USA

PANEL 16 Saturday, September 30th 15.00-17.00 ROOM 6/1 Aspects of Nation-Building in the Balkans: Past Experience,

Enduring Dilemmas Chair Savvides Philippos, ([email protected]), Institute of Strategic and

Development Studies (ISTAME)—“Andreas Papandreou”, Greece

Papers Marilena Koppa, ([email protected]), Institute of Strategic and Development Studies (ISTAME)—“Andreas Papandreou”, Greece Bureaucratic Administration and Nation-Building: The Case Studies of Greece and Bulgaria

Ioannis Armakolas, ([email protected]), University of Cambridge, UK Post-Socialist Nation Building: Bosnian Communists from Yugoslav Past to Bosnian Future

Ilia Roubanis, ([email protected]),Institute of Strategic and Development (ISTAME)—“Andreas Papandreou”, Greece Nation-Building as Perception-Building: The Case Study of the Banknote in Greece and Turkey

Martin Baldwin – Edwards, ([email protected]), Panteion University, Greece Migration, Ethnicity and Nation-Building in the Balkans

Discussant Srdjan Darmanovic, TBC


PANEL 2 Saturday, September 30th 15.00-17.00 DELEGATES ROOM War, National Conflict and Resistance: The Italian Occupation

in the Yugoslav Lands during World War II Chair Milan Ristović, ([email protected]) University of Belgrade, Serbia

Papers Luciano Monzali, ([email protected]), University of Bari, Italy Fascist Italy and Independent Croatia: A Difficult Alliance

Luca Micheletta, ([email protected]), University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy In Search of Greater Albania: The Kosovo Case

Massimo Bucarelli, ([email protected]), University of Lecce, Italy The Italian Occupiers and the Serbian National Question

Discussant Francesco Caccamo, ([email protected]) University of Chieti, Italy


SESSION XI 17.30-19.30

PANEL 4 Saturday, September 30th 17.30-19.30 ROOM 3/1 The Search for Security: Perspectives on Balkan

Democratization from Albania Chair

Papers Bernd J. Fischer, ([email protected]), Indiana University, USA The Long and Winding Road to Albania Democracy: The Elections of 2005

Mariella Pandolfi, ([email protected]), University of Montreal, Canada Gray Zones of Indistinction Between Pietas and Violence

Francesco Strazzari, ([email protected]), University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands The Urban Dimension of the “Albanian Question” and the Setting of European Boundaries

Pino Arlacchi, ([email protected]), University of Sassari, Italy Criminal Wars

Leke Sokoli, ([email protected]), Institute for Political and Social Studies, Albania The Difficult Birth of Civil Society in Albania

Discussant Laurence McFalls, ([email protected]) University of Montreal, Canada

PANEL 44 Saturday, September 30th 17.30-19.30 ROOM 4/1 Albanian Question in the Balkans Chair Paskal Milo

Papers Enika Abazi, ([email protected]), New York University in Tirana Shifting of Political Boundaries or Cultural Boundaries in the Balkan

Odeta Barbullushi, ([email protected]), The Bearable Lightness of Stability: Continuity and Discontinuity in Albania’s Foreign Policy in the post-Kosovo Conflict period

Eno Trimçev, ([email protected]), Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS) Escaping the “Orient”—Albanian Intellectual Discourse in the Post Communist Era

Discussant Remzi Lani, TBC


PANEL 33 Saturday, September 30th 17.30-19.30 ROOM 5/1 Nationalism and Conflict in Southeastern Europe in a

Comparative Perspective Chair Ljubisa Rajic, University of Belgrade, TBC

Papers Sherrill Stroschein, ([email protected]) and Allyson Ford, University College, UK and Columbia University, USA What’s In and Out? Social Identity Theory, Group Conflict, and Multiple Loyalties

Francesco Moro, ([email protected]), University of Florence, Italy Opening Pandora’s Box? Transition from Authoritarian Rule, Ethnicity and Violence: Lessons from the Balkans

Yoji Koyama, ([email protected]), Niigata University, Japan Comparison of National Identity in the Former Yugoslavia and Japan: Consideration on Causes of Ethnicity Conflicts in the 1990s

Daniel Šuber, ([email protected]), University of Konstanz, Germany The Concept of Cultural Trauma as Explanatory Approach Towards an Understanding of the Balkan Wars: An Investigative Elaboration

Nikola Kalamir, ([email protected]), University of Sydney, Australia Ethnic Constitution-Ethnic Nationalism?

Discussant Helena Zdravkovic, University of Utah and Trieste University

PANEL 39 Saturday, September 30th 17.30-19.30 DELEGATES ROOM The European Union in the Balkans: Europeanization as a

Conflict Management Strategy? Chair Gerald Knaus, TBC

Papers Ana Jese , ([email protected]), University of Bologna, Italy Promoting Liberal Norms and Values. EU as a community building agency

Isabelle Ioannides, ([email protected]), University of Bradford, UK ‘European Policing’?: A Critical Analysis of the EU Crisis Management Efforts with Special Reference to Macedonia

Máire McGrattan, ([email protected]), Queen’s University, UK The Transformative Power of EU Enlargement in Serbia and Montenegro Since the 2004 Enlargement

Dusko Lopandic, ([email protected]), Ministry of International Economic Relations, Republic of Serbia “The Evolution of Regional Initiatives in South Eastern Europe and their Impact on Interstate Relations in the Region”

Discussant Jelica Minic , European Movement in Serbia