Thoughts on Yeast, Alcohol, Tobacco, And Weed .

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  • 8/14/2019 Thoughts on Yeast, Alcohol, Tobacco, And Weed . . .


    Thoughts on Yeast, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Weed

    . . .

    I wrote a document on Scribd, under my pen-name of Don

    Kibolox (little anatomical rib-tickler or knee jiggler on my

    part, Im afraid. Probably had a bifter not too long before hand;

    so well have to accept my whimsy. Brevity is the soul of wit;

    lead on, MacDuff!).

    1) In a treatise called Qualities of Indiscriminate Mercies,

    and similar treatises on the manufacture of Meads as the first

    Viking Home-brews available to the UK about a thousand years

    ago (Accident between yeast and honey silo in the communal

    food stores; not much bread made in those days, everyone too

    pissed to care. lol. X. ;-)> ), I commented on yeast and its

    properties as being likened unto Mitochondrial DNA, and alsoprotozoa, and planktonic forms; amoebas, paramecium and

    similar single-cellular organisms; although yeast also behaves

    in replication, like hydrogen explosions or developing embryos,


    Many have said much about yeast. The Jews dont believe

    in yeast (this explains why their wines are more like vinegar!);

    and they also turned their back on Yeast long ago. Yeast told

    them the ways to behave and they turned their back on it. They

    slammed every door shut in their own faces; and then turned

    the world into the Assiah, the Sheol, and enslaved us all to

    coins and cruelty; and then they blamed Yeast because they

    disobeyed it and didnt believe in it anyway.

    Yeast, lets remember, is both a harmful and benevolent

    life-form. It is single-cellular; and it is murdered in huge

    quantities every day. It is allowed to feast within the dough of


  • 8/14/2019 Thoughts on Yeast, Alcohol, Tobacco, And Weed . . .


    the world, and then baked to death in massive quantities. I am

    all for kindness to yeast. I am thankful to it for its mercies and

    capacities; we allow it to form large cultures, within vats of ale,

    mead, beer, and wines. They thrive on the sugar; and in eating

    through it, they grow based on consumption of sugar. The cells

    breed; and the sugar is broken. I dont know exactly what they

    eat, but the simple sugar cells convert to alcohol, and the

    carbon dioxide in the sugar crystal lattice or in honey is

    liberated and released. The coincidence I find strange about

    alcohol production from yeast, is that when the sugar is broken

    down, the gas which is liberated is four/tenths, and the alcohol

    molecule left behind in the liquid is sixth/tenths, of the original

    sugar proportion (which means that if your sugar % equalled,

    say 40% of the total liquid and added sugar volume, the

    strength of the resulting brew after the yeast culture died in

    one to two months would be 24%. This shouldnt seem strange,

    except that when the Celestial Body called Thea broke into the

    forming globule of the earth and separated it to the moon, the

    proportion of the moon was roughly one third to two thirds

    remaining that founded the earth; which is roughly a 40/60

    split, and also the proportion known as the Fibonacci (I think its

    spelt that way!) Proportion, or the Golden Mean, or the Golden

    Rule. This rule is the basis of the Imperial measurement

    system, and is also related to Pi, and Phi which is pyramid

    proportioning; geometric. It is called Golden Rule because, if

    you show someone a piece of blank paper and ask them to

    mark it with a point or line; the split of the line will usually be

    4/10 6/10, rather than central. Funny how often those Pure

    Mathematics Equations keep popping up, isnt it?

    The alcohol molecule is a simple form of particulate sugar;

    and the speed with which it is absorbed in the blood causes the

    light, heady feeling that is the more pleasant trademark than

    knocking young girls up or falling off of tall scaffolds. Even the

    Bible says take a little wine for your belly. My stomach cant

    cope with the acidity of red wines, but Im aware that they are

    full of anti-oxidants which liberate fat cells from the body,


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    leading to dehydration. Helps get rid of subcutaneous or sub-

    dermal fat through sweating.

    2) Many people would not like me to talk about bifters and

    weed. But I will. Life-forms on earth are prone to aggression

    and violence. Prone to the needs to place everyone in a place

    determined along the hierarchical structure of the world based

    on strength or weakness or severity or mercy depending on

    the attributions you want to describe in your own minds.

    To be fair, I blame wolves. Wolves work to establish which

    in the pack is Alpha and which is Omega by violent

    confrontation and fights. Go back as far as the Holcane tribes

    and the Toltecs, Aztecs, Mayans, and other tribes of various

    countries; and confrontation is the means by which pecking

    order is established. The Holcanes destroyed the men of

    smaller townships surrounding their great City States; the

    women of these towns were absorbed into the states, the menwere executed or worked to death in mineral mines. The

    Holcanes were amongst those who regularly honed their cruelty

    to a fine art, so that their place wouldnt be usurped. They were

    the Illuminati of their day.

    Now we may ask what this has to do with substances

    better not talked of in territories where it is claimed as illegal

    and an unwanted alien. It isnt and gets a bad rep. Ill tell you

    why that is:

    Marijuana and Cannabis has a very particular life-style. It

    is called animophilous (I think thats the spelling) or wind-

    borne. The sugars in the plant are rejected by bees because of

    the deep and bitter smell; and therefore, the only primary way

    of fertilisation is by males dispersing seeds on the air. Some

    seeds can travel hundreds of miles to reach a target female

    plant to fertilise. Fertilisation is exactly the same as any otherplant, where the stigma attaches to a stamen and electrolysis


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    makes a root grow out of the sperm cell to transfer genetic

    encoding into the female staminate bracts (teeny wombs in

    flower cells); and the THC cells are actually the primary sticky

    cells that the sperm cells attach to, before the root grows into

    the flower to transfer the genes.

    The secondary purpose of the THC cells is to deliberately

    stone animals. How does it do this? By applying the THC gland

    into the brain at the point where it is absent; the bridge

    between the synapses. It functions by slowing down the

    production of electric neurotransmitters; which allow the

    electricity to flow more evenly, without being dispersed

    randomly. It actually causes paranoia when absent from thebrain; because the electricity flows too fast across the synapses

    and causes massive agitation within the brain. The suspension

    of the paranoia, is caused by the electricity slowing to a rate

    where the brain can keep up with the stream of

    consciousness, whereas normally, we cant.

    The reason THC does this is to make beings eat the

    fertilised female plants and swallow seeds, so that the seeds

    are germinated in a nice warm digestive system; mixed with

    the broken down minerals in faeces, so that they get crapped

    out in their own ready-prepared plant pots to then fend for

    themselves. Animals travel, and the further they go from the

    plant, the further the plants are carried to other territories. To

    prevent plants cross breeding; there are four main types,

    starting with the Sativa Sativa (African, and first of the family,

    long roots and accordingly long branches and leaves; because

    roots may have to delve really deep into the ground to get

    water; their THC is better than Ruderalis, but poorer, usually,

    than Indica or Afghanica; although the types that have spread

    like Durban Poison and Mekong Haze can be quite potent,

    regular couch-lock!), Sativa Afghanica (originated from Africa in

    Afghanistan shorter roots and branches; squat and

    condensed, much better branching capabilities, as Afghanistan

    has a little more water and more often than Africa; THCusually stronger than ordinary African Sativa, but not as strong


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    as Indica), Sativa Indica (originated from Africa and spread into

    India; meaning squatter and better branching and budding

    plants again, due to greater water in India primarily the

    Ganges and flowing down from the Tibetan Hymalayas, one

    would imagine), and Sativa Ruderalis (which is the African in

    mid Europe which is, as the name suggests; very rude in its

    properties. Not bad branching or leaves, not good THC

    qualities; but has an auto-flower gene, which means will flower

    irrespective of any change or fluctuation in photoperiod

    length of days, light to darkness ratio), and specific systems

    exist in plants as fail-safe mechanisms to stop the four main

    types cross-pollinating each other accidentally (although, like

    dogs; humans have already had a radical effect on this part of

    the world as well in fact, it is illegal in Russia and Ukraine

    unless such things as nuclear meltdowns happen and then it is

    widely planted to absorb the radioactive isotopes and heavy

    metals, because it does so very readily).

    Paranoia is actually a normal state of existence to most

    beings on the earth; this is because they cant be sure when

    theyre likely to be a meal for something bigger. In the humandominions, something else wants to prey on us; like those who

    are collecting money for themselves, those who swindle people,

    etc. The misery they cause by upsetting the balance in peoples

    life is the loss suffered by the one preyed upon; especially in

    times of recession, etc. when we cant always pay the bills

    immediately. For example. And similar causes; people can cast

    bad glances at us and prey upon us; this is because they

    manage to make us feel like we are pushed to close to thecentre of our own Universe, psychically speaking; and that their

    mood is invasive and deleterious to our inner harmony. Again,

    in small doses, the weed is the dont-give-a-shit substance of


    Tobacco is actually antagonistic in the brain; because it

    causes further fractalisation, and increases paranoia by making

    us more alert; and during the wars, tobacco effects count asmuch towards shell-shock as actual harrowing effects of


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    combat, by frying the synaptic receptors in the brain; and

    causing electro-neurotransmitter production to go off the

    charts. This is also why governments who had people in conflict

    made tobacco and nicotine readily available to the troops, as a

    mental stimulant almost on a par with amphetamine sulphate

    (speed), and far more addictive on account of the nicotine. You

    see, its all very well for governments to decry it on the grounds

    of how damning it is to health; without admitting how useful it

    is to helping people happily kill each other in their names.

    Hence the reason why tobacco addiction is so great a blight

    after two World Wars and enough small skirmishes before and

    since to make them pale into insignificance.

    Now, you should be in possession of 3 facts; yeast is worth

    revering for its part in life. Pot makes people mellow as a

    symbiotic action of its life-cycle, to allow its own propagation.

    Tobacco is the more damaging of any of these. Tobacco is the

    acrid drug by which global pecking orders are assisted; as well

    as watching wolves fight and animals eat each other. Paranoia

    is a natural state common to all existence. Cannabis and

    tobacco possess antagonistic effects on the psychology of the

    mind. Both marijuana and alcohol can have effects significant

    to the lowering of inhibition levels; but then, perhaps the real

    question that most of todays youth is now asking is whether

    previous inhibition levels are far too high anyway. Those who

    know of high discipline and the benefits it can promote towards

    the activation of the Body of Light the extra-sensory device of

    the vessels of combined consciousness and sub-consciousness

    capable of traversing the whole of the Universe both visible and

    invisible. Paranoia can actually be a part of the aiding of the

    mental system which, twinned with knowledge, can help

    towards the activation of other senses.

    The main senses of which we are commonly aware are;sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch. Their vessels are the brain


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    and mind and eyes, ears, nasal and sinus bulbs, tongue, and all

    of the skin; which is classed as a single organ of sensation.

    Then you have the alternated senses. Post cognition; the

    sensing by location, of things which occurred in the past in timeremoved from the perceiver, pre cognition, which is the

    reverse; where the perceiver senses things that happen after

    they were aware they would happen. Transferred tactile

    cognition; whereby the moods and intents of people who have

    touched things can be sensed by those who are able to a long

    time afterwards sometimes. And then mind-reading, being able

    to sense intents in the minds of others; obviously. Scrying with

    crystal or water; whereby something particular to someone elseis observed by the perceiver by use of lensing or viewing in a

    bowl of water or piece of crystal; also known as remote

    viewing, although this is akin to tele-presence; which is the art

    of unwinding a thought or cognisant electrical tentacle from the

    mind of the perceiver, which can be trans-located, sometimes

    out of time, and sometimes on other continents, to be able to

    find things out about the details of a place or an event. Then

    we have channelling spirits; who are, in themselves, sentientelectrical impulses which are sometimes more feelings that

    came from people to do with events that happened to them, as

    much as help for descendents, or those linked to them.

    You can believe what you like about this; but at least the

    Truth is TRULY Out There, as well as being In There. And

    everyone has at least a passing psychic sense; after all, thats

    the side-effect of having a psyche in the first place.

    Unfortunately, people can be so unimaginative sometimes. We

    have to remember that imagination is, in itself, a sensory organ

    composed of Prima Materia; mitochondrial DNA strands forming

    the cushions of grey and white material pulsing with electricity

    and chemicals hence electro-chemical which we call the

    brain. The average of us use about ten to fifteen percent of the

    conscious brain, while the subconscious deals with autonomic

    functions, primarily. The fun thing in life to do is play thepercentages; and force the conscious to seize more control of


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    the autonomic and subconscious functions, and see what can

    be achieved from out of the mismatch of sensory information.

    Like reading in-between-the-lines; to get different pieces of

    meaning from those that are applied to the actual wording of

    some things to get at other meanings the authors intend. Just

    ask people like Terry Pratchett about this!
