Thought Leadership Marketing Understand it, Build it, Benefit from it

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Page 1: Thought Leadership Marketing Understand it, Build it, Benefit from it


JULY 18, 2012


Page 2: Thought Leadership Marketing Understand it, Build it, Benefit from it

Today’s 5 Topics

1 | Defining Thought Leadership & Its Growth in Marketing Thought leadership is fast becoming the most widely used and desired B2B marketing practice...

2 | Attaining Thought Leader Status –The Thought Leader’s Mindset Thought leaders set themselves apart using eight mandatory attributes.

3 | Thought Leadership @ Global Impact

4 | The Thought Leadership Marketing Toolkit The tools of the trade for thought leadership marketers.

5 | Building & Measuring the Thought Leadership Marketing Plan How to, pitfalls and how to know if you’re succeeding with thought leadership marketing.


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Defining Thought Leadership & Its Growth in Marketing


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What is Thought Leadership Marketing? “Thought leadership centers on earning trust and credibility. Thought

leaders get noticed by offering something different—information,

insights, and ideas, for instance. Thought leadership positions you and

your company as an industry authority and resource and trusted

advisor by establishing your reputation as a generous contributor to

your industry.”



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Why Thought Leadership?

“Traditional approaches to B2B

marketing are losing their impact.

Today, B2B marketers are turning

towards thought leadership as a way to

differentiate their products and services

in an increasingly competitive market.”

Economist Intelligence Unit, 2008


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Why Thought Leadership? 6

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Benefits of Thought Leadership

Change the pattern & terms of how people interact with you (buying or investing)

Diminish resistance

Prospects experience your value before buying/investing

Buyers/Investors invested in you before purchasing

Put yourself themselves further into the development cycle

Shorten the development cycle

Growth in media placements & requests

Search Marketing find-ability

Great content is good for search engines and customers


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Attaining Thought Leader Status –The Thought Leader’s Mindset


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Thought Leadership is Attained

“Thought leadership is the recognition from the outside world that the company deeply understands its business, the needs of its customers and the broader marketplace in which it operates.”

Elise Bauer

You can influence using TL tools & tactics

Your customers grant you TL status

It’s not about budget –it’s about Intellectual Capital and Content

Set yourself apart through mandatory TL attributes


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Thought Leadership Marketing Mindset

They love what they do –energy & motivation

They have the drive to teach –no strings attached

They reach out and communicate –to everyone

They take risks with messaging –on the edge

They balance confidence with curiosity & learning –learn from everyone

They put in the time today (TL activities) for tomorrow’s benefit

They never stop working, connecting and communicating –not drip marketing, but constant education


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Thought Leadership Marketing Attributes


Body of Work (Activity Leadership)

Body of Knowledge (Intellectual Capital)

Continuous Improvement

The Network

The Physical Plant (staying fit – as a company)



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Thought Leadership Case Studies 12

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The Plan

Thought Leadership is integrated into the strategic plan and outlined as a “Critical Success Factor”

Entire senior management buys into the goal of promoting Global Impact as a thought leader in the international philanthropy and workplace giving field

Marketing team supports the Global Impact executive team but they each have to own their own reputation development process.

“The credibility we are establishing is only achieved by taking risks and demonstrating, consistently and through variable channels, our expertise.”

Renee S. Acosta

President, Global Impact


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The Plan 14

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The Plan

Entire senior management team is organized around the goal of promoting Cisco as a thought leader in the technology industry

Earning credibility by creating information that places company objectives second to the goal of educating prospects

Every Cisco executive must establish and nurture his or her own reputation for thought leadership, through blogging/engaging in social media, public speaking, and writing articles

“When you look at thought leadership you can break it out into a number of different areas. It must be visionary. It looks at the future. It must be provocative, and it must put the our customer’s needs first.”

Mark Peshoff,

Senior Director of Cisco’s Executive Thought Leadership


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The Outcome 16

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The Thought Leadership Marketing Toolkit


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Mapping the Thought Leadership Toolkit


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Building & Measuring the Thought Leadership Marketing Plan


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Questions to Ask Before You Begin

Do you love what you do? Passionate enough to push TL

Sustain interest in years to come

Are you willing to teach? “Educate the market” mentality

Do you “enjoy helping your customers & prospects”?

Are you comfortable with “reaching outside”? Expand beyond your existing network

Are you will to take a stand with your message? Do you have a unique posit ion on industry issues?

Can you frame & express those views?

Can you get people to notice?


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Questions to Ask Before You Begin

Are you a “confident learner”? Balance your positions with listening

Ears to the ground for trend shifts & opportunities

Do you have a “long-term” perspective? Spend time today for reward tomorrow

“Faith in the future”

Are you comfortable with “no end point” to TL? Willing to work a long time toward this goal

Stay motivated!


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Your Process



Intellectual Capital Industry Dialogue


TL Mindset


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Keys to Success

Be Generous With Your Knowledge Share beyond the marketing speak

Be Consistent Calendar your activities –daily, weekly, monthly routine

Always Deliver Value Listen, think, revise, teach, repeat

Take A Stand Take your strong positions to market

Focus On The Long-term Benefits Track your results in months & years


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Keys to Success

Reach How many hear your message?

Acquisition Who’s attention did you get?

Conversion What information did you gather?

Who can you contact as a “lead”?

Retention Who follows you after the acquisition?


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Thank You!

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Presentation Credits

This presentation was delivered by Christina B. Johnson. Christina has committed her life to serving others and for more than ten years has worked in the nonprofit sector, building brands and fundraising for some of the nation’s most well respected NGOs. She’s currently a Senior Manager of Marketing and Communications at Global Impact and her prior experience includes leadership positions with the United Way the University of Dallas and the Washington, D.C. Marketing Center.


[email protected]

Most of this content was provided by Dana VanDen Heuvel. Dana is the founder of The MarketingSavant Group and a widely recognized specialist in thought leadership and emerging marketing technologies such as blogging, social media, RSS, Internet communities and interactive marketing trends and best practices and speaks regularly on these topics at industry events. Dana is the creator of the American Marketing Association “TechnoMarketing” training series and the author of the AMA Marketech ’08 guide to marketing technology.

[email protected]