THOR – THE DARK WORLD WORKSHEET Loki and Thor have an argument on the spaceship. Complete the dialogue between them. “L: I thought you said you knew how to ___________ this thing. T: I said, "How hard could it be?" L: Well, whatever you're doing, brother, I ______________ you do it faster. T: Shut up, Loki. L: You must have _____________ something. T: No, I didn't. I'm pressing every _______________ on this thing. L: No, don't hit it. Just press it gently.” Complete the following sentences. Use between 1-4 words. 1. According to Loki Frigga wouldn’t be _________________________________ that Thor and he were fighting again. 2. Darcy’s intern tells Erik that it was easy to find him as he was _________________________________ . 3. Erik is happy as the world is _________________________________. 4. Malekith first thinks that Loki _________________________________. 5. When Loki tries to save Thor’s life he _________________________________. 6. Jane thinks if she hadn’t looked for Thor _________________________________ would have happened. Answer the following questions briefly. 1. What do Thor’s friends say to Loki when they threaten him? 2. Why isn’t Eric wearing pants when he meets Jane in Jane’s flat? 3. What does Eric say when he finds out what happened to Loki? 4. Where do our heroes have to go to stop Malekith?


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Page 1: thor.doc


Loki and Thor have an argument on the spaceship. Complete the dialogue between them.

“L: I thought you said you knew how to ___________ this thing.

T: I said, "How hard could it be?"

L: Well, whatever you're doing, brother, I ______________ you do it faster.

T: Shut up, Loki.

L: You must have _____________ something.

T: No, I didn't. I'm pressing every _______________ on this thing.

L: No, don't hit it. Just press it gently.”

Complete the following sentences. Use between 1-4 words.

1. According to Loki Frigga wouldn’t be _________________________________ that Thor and he were fighting again.

2. Darcy’s intern tells Erik that it was easy to find him as he was _________________________________ .

3. Erik is happy as the world is _________________________________.

4. Malekith first thinks that Loki _________________________________.

5. When Loki tries to save Thor’s life he _________________________________.

6. Jane thinks if she hadn’t looked for Thor _________________________________ would have happened.

Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What do Thor’s friends say to Loki when they threaten him?

2. Why isn’t Eric wearing pants when he meets Jane in Jane’s flat?

3. What does Eric say when he finds out what happened to Loki?

4. Where do our heroes have to go to stop Malekith?

5. What happens to Malekith?

6. Why does Thor go back to Asgard?

7. Why doesn’t Thor want to become a king?

8. What is Odin’s decision? Is he proud of Thor?

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Which adjectives would best describe the following characters? Choose from the list provided.

brave, conceited, wise, reckless, intelligent, wicked, smart, devious, loyal, patriotic, heroic, vengeful, witty, strong-willed, stubborn, rude, merciless, rebellious, curious, self-destructive, protective

____________________ _______________ _________________

____________________ _______________ _________________

___________________ ______________ _________________

__________________ ______________

__________________ ______________

__________________ ______________

Who was your favourite character in the movie? Why did you like him/her?

What do you think about this movie?

What will happen in the next Thor movie?

Page 3: thor.doc

Thor – The Dark World


1. ruthless: könyörtelen, kegyetlen

2. eternal: örök

3. to seek: keresni, kutatni

4. mighty: hatalmas

5. infinite:végtelen, korlátlan

6. force: erő, kényszer

7. cursed: átkozott

8. to unleash: felszabadít, elenged

9. sacrifice: áldozat

10.desperate: kétségbeesett

11.attempt: próba, próbálkozás

12.survival: túlélés

13.to vanquish: győz, leigáz, leküzd

14.prisoner: rab

15.fuss: hűhó

16.I really don't see what all the fuss is about: Tényleg nem értem, hogy mire ez a felhajtás.

17.benevolent: jóindulatú

18.rule: uralom

19.birthright: vkit születésénél figva megillető jog

20.mercy: kegyelem,könyörület

21.chain: lánc

22.witless: ostoba

23.realm: birodalom

24.order: rend

25.have something under control: irányítása/ellenőrzése alatt tart, kézben tart

26.You’re welcome.: Szívesen.

27. to accept: elfogadni

28.to surrender: megadja magát

29.intent: szándék

30.to remind: emlékeztetni

31.to earn someone’s respect: elnyerni valaki tiszteletét

32.gratitude: hála

33.confused: összezavarodott

34.distracted: zavart

35.moping: szomorkodik, búslakodik

36.scientific: tudományos

37.malfunction: működési hiba

38.intern: gyakornok

39.it is a great honour: nagy megtiszteltetés

40. to vanish: eltűnni

41.to unfold: feltárni, leleplezni

42.harmless: ártalmatlan

43.rambler: összevissza beszélő ember

44.effectively: hatékonyan

45. to identify: azonosítani

46.noted: kiváló, neves

47.incredible: hiheteten

48.burden: teher

49.to sense: érzékelni

50.mortal: halandó

51.excuse: kifogás

52.private property: magántulajdon

53.trespass: birtokháborítás

54.armed: fegyveres

55.legacy: örökség

56.to restore: helyreállítani, helyrehozni

57.to reclaim: visszakövetelni

58.to ignore: figyelmen kívül hagy

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59.infection: fertőzés

60.existence: létezés

61.to consume: fogyasztani, elemészteni

62.to ensure: biztosítani

63.thoughtful: figyelmes

64.concern: gond, aggodalom

65.merely: csupán, pusztán

66.entire: egész,teljes

67.to admit: bevallani

68.border: határ

69.to possess: birtokolni

70.to overestimate: túlértékelni, túlbecsülni

71.enemy: ellenség

72.vulnerable: sebezhető

73.police custody: rendőrségi őrizet

74.to confirm: megerősíteni, igazolni

75.to face: szembenéz

76.invisible: láthatatlan

77.hatred: gyűlölet

78.grief: bánat

79.exile: száműzetés

80.to mock: gúnyolni, csúfolni

81.vengeance: bosszú

82.to betray: elárulni

83.patriotism: hazafiasság

84.common sense: józan ész

85.duty: kötelesség

86.to notify: értesíteni

87.urgent matter: sürgős ügy/dolog

88.treason: hazaárulás

89.to distract: elterel,elvon (figyelmet)

90.rage: düh, harag

91.impact: hatás

92.temporary: ideiglenes, átmeneti

93.hostile: ellenséges

94.target: cél(pont)

95.wise: bölcs

96.blessing: áldás

97.fortune: szerencse

98.worthy: méltó, érdemes vmire

99.to assure: biztosítani

100. vault: páncélterem