Tൾ Cඎඋർ ඈൿ Sඍ. Bൾඋඇൺඋൽ 51 Prospect Street, White Plains, New York 10606 www.stbernardswp.com October 29, 2017 Rൾർඍඈඋඒ 914-949-2111 Lංඍඍඅൾ Dංඌർංඉඅൾ Lൾൺඋඇංඇ Cൾඇඍൾඋ 914-428-4727 Rev. Robert J. Morris Pastor Weekend Associates: Rev. Ernie Lukaschek M.M. Rev. Michael McFarland, S.J. Rev. Msg. Peter O’Donell Verónica Meléndez Rectory Office Manager Jennifer Frías Director The Little Disciple Learning Center Brenda López Coordinator of Religious Education Parish Trustees: Carlos Morinigo Judith Morinigo Sඎඇൽൺඒ Mൺඌඌൾඌ / Mංඌൺඌ ൽൾඅ ൽඈආංඇඈ Saturday/Sábado 5:30 pm Sunday/Domingo 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00pm (Spanish/Español), Confessions Saturday 4:00-5:00 pm ThirƟeth Sunday in Ordinary Time Almighty ever-living God, in- crease our faith, hope and char- ity, and make us love what you command, so that we may mer- it what you promise. Amen. Dios Todopoderoso y eterno, au- menta nuestra fe, esperanza y ca- ridad, y haznos amar lo que man- das, para que podamos merecer lo que prometes. Amén.

Thireth Sunday in Ordinary Timestbernardswp.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/88/2017/01/oct... · Thireth Sunday in Ordinary Time LOVE OF GOD It’s easy to tell when two people love

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T C S . B 51 Prospect Street, White Plains, New York 10606

www.stbernardswp.com October 29, 2017

R 914-949-2111



Rev. Robert J. Morris Pastor

Weekend Associates:

Rev. Ernie Lukaschek M.M. Rev. Michael McFarland, S.J. Rev. Msg. Peter O’Donell

Verónica Meléndez

Rectory Office Manager

Jennifer Frías

Director The Little Disciple Learning Center

Brenda López Coordinator

of Religious Education

Parish Trustees: Carlos Morinigo Judith Morinigo

S M / M


5:30 pm

Sunday/Domingo 9:00am, 10:30am,

12:00pm (Spanish/Español),

Confessions Saturday 4:00-5:00 pm

Thir eth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Almighty ever-living God, in-crease our faith, hope and char-ity, and make us love what you command, so that we may mer-it what you promise. Amen.

Dios Todopoderoso y eterno, au-menta nuestra fe, esperanza y ca-ridad, y haznos amar lo que man-das, para que podamos merecer lo que prometes. Amén.

Thir eth Sunday in Ordinary Time

LOVE OF GOD It’s easy to tell when two people love each other. They like to be near each other and spend me to-gether. They share in mate thoughts and feelings. They enjoy making each other happy. And knowing that they are loved allows them to reach out to oth-er people and treat them with love and respect. In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus tells us that the great-est law is to love God with our whole heart and soul and mind. What does it mean to love God? Certain-ly it means spending me together by reading and reflec ng on God’s holy word. It also means sharing our thoughts and feelings with God in prayer and listening for God’s voice. Where do we go to be close to God? We join God’s people in worship in the church, rest in God’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament, discover God in the wonder of crea on and the miraculous moments of daily life. What can we do to make God happy? How do we, like the Thessalonians, “serve the living and true God” (1 Thessalonians 1:9)?

LOVE OF NEIGHBOR The reading from Exodus makes it very clear that we serve God by serving those who are oppressed or in need. Jesus makes it more personal—we are to love our neighbors. That means those with whom we work and play and live. When we spend

me with God we can’t help but experience God’s great love for us. And knowing that we are loved by God should make it easy to reach out in charity and jus ce to our neighbors both near and far away. Thus, love of neighbor flows naturally from those who love God. We cannot truly say that we love God unless it shows in loving rela onships and com-passion to those in need. At the same me, we can-not maintain our love of neighbor unless we take

me to drink from the wellspring of God’s refresh-ing love.

Today’s Readings: Exodus 22:20–26; Psalm 18:2–4, 47, 51; 1 Thes-salonians 1:5c–10; Ma hew 22:34–40 Copyright © World Library Publica ons. All rights reserved.

Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

EL AMOR DE DIOS Es fácil notar cuando dos personas se aman. Les gusta estar cerca uno del otro y pasar ratos juntos. Compart-en pensamientos y sen mientos ín mos. Uno disfruta al hacer feliz al otro. Y saberse amados les mo va a acercarse a los demás, y tratarlos con amor y respeto. En el evangelio de este domingo, Jesús nos dice que el mayor mandamiento es amar a Dios con todo nuestro corazón, toda nuestra alma y toda nuestra mente. ¿Qué significa amar a Dios? Ciertamente significa pasar empo juntos leyendo y reflexionando sobre su palabra. También significa compar r nuestros pen-samientos y sen mientos con Dios en oración, y escu-char su voz. ¿A dónde vamos para estar cerca de Dios? Vamos a la iglesia y, como parte del pueblo de Dios, le rendimos culto, descansamos en Dios presente en el San simo Sacramento, descubrimos a Dios en las maravillas de la creación y en los momentos milag-rosos de la vida diaria. ¿Qué podemos hacer para complacer a Dios? ¿Cómo podemos, al igual que los tesalonicenses, servir “al Dios vivo y verdadero” (1 Tesalonicenses 1:9)? EL AMOR AL PRÓJIMO La lectura del Éxodo muestra claramente que servimos a Dios sirviendo a los oprimidos y a los necesitados. Jesús lo hace aún más personal: debemos amar a nuestro prójimo. Es decir, a aquellos con quienes tra-bajamos, nos recreamos y vivimos. Cuando pasamos

empo con Dios es imposible dejar de sen r su in-menso amor por nosotros. El saber que Dios nos ama debe mo varnos a acoger a nuestro prójimo, tanto cercano como lejano, con caridad y jus cia, Es así que el amor al prójimo fluye naturalmente de quienes aman a Dios. No podemos honestamente de-cir que amamos a Dios si no lo demostramos por me-dio de nuestras buenas relaciones y de nuestra com-pasión hacia los necesitados. Al mismo empo, no po-demos decir que amamos a nuestro prójimo si no ded-icamos empo para beber del manan al refrescante del amor de Dios.

Lecturas de hoy: Éxodo 22:20–26; Salmo 18:2–4, 47, 51; 1 Tesalo-nicenses 1:5c–10; Mateo 22:34–40 Copyright © World Library Publica ons. All rights reserved.

Invest just five minutes a day, and your faith will deepen and grow—a day at a time. Sunday, Oct 29, 2017 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME; PRIESTHOOD SUNDAY Priests need our prayers too

No two priests are alike, yet all are commissioned to be a sign of Christ and bring the gospel to God’s people. The fact that priests come in all shapes and sizes says a lot about the breadth and depth of Christ. Christ is reflected in all those who dedicate their lives to God’s mission. Faithfulness, not perfection, is all that is required. Priests remind us that our salvation, which comes through Christ, isn’t out there somewhere but right here standing at our side, accompanying us on our journey. Offer priests strength and encouragement in their roles as you hope they will offer you in yours.

TODAY'S READINGS: Exodus 22:20-26; 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10; Matthew 22:34-40 (148). “I love you, O LORD, my strength, O LORD, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer.”

Monday, Oct 30, 2017 Healing leads to praise Stop to notice the content of your prayers. According to the early Christian thinker Origen, the noblest form of prayer we can make is praise. But so often, it is the one feature missing in our communication with God. We find in the gospels that praise is the song of the healthy creature—what one gives after healing. When you do not praise, it may mean you need to be healed. Look for ailments in your life, whether of the mind, body, or soul. Tend to your needs and ask for the healing grace of the Holy Spirit. Praise will follow.

TODAY'S READINGS: Romans 8:12-17; Luke 13:10-17 (479). “When Jesus laid hands on her, immediately she stood up straight and began praising God.”

Tuesday, Oct 31, 2017 Break some bread today Baking bread requires the holy virtues of patience and attention. It is hard work wrapped in warm smells and a tremendous sense of accom-plishment when the job is done. The process seems undeniably spiritu-al to anyone who has attempted to bake bread. Why? Because prepar-ing and sharing food is a fundamental act of faith. It is the essence of Christianity and of Jesus himself. Who will receive nourishment from you today? Remember, a little leavening goes a long way.

TODAY'S READINGS: Romans 8:18-25; Luke 13:18-21 (480). “The kingdom of God is like yeast that a woman took and mixed with flour until all of it was leavened.”

Wednesday, Nov 01, 2017 SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS You can do this

In Sister Wendy’s Book of Saints, art historian Sister Wendy Beckett writes about us: “Holiness can so easily appear as some-thing remote from us, to be read about or . . . gazed at, but from afar. Yet to be a saint is a wholly practical and realistic growth into our own truth. It is what we are all meant to become, it is our deepest fulfillment, our

own personal realization of what we have been potentially from birth. There is no play about sanctity. It starts from where we are and what we are.” Move deeper into the saint you were born to be.

TODAY'S READINGS: Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14; 1 John 3:1-3; Matthew 5:1-12a (667). “They will be called children of God.”

Thursday, Nov 02, 2017 COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED (ALL SOULS’ DAY) At the hour of our death A few years ago a church document had this to say about death: “Death, while starkly real and total, is the vehicle of that final offering of self which calls for the supreme act of faith in the Lord of Life.” Yes, death is final; we will never know the dead in the way we knew them on earth, and that is sad. Death also challenges us. Do we really be-lieve it is not the end, a terrifying abyss? Or do we see it as rebirth to new life and entrance into the peace of spirit that awaits resurrection? On this day, pray for those who have died. Pray also for the faith to see in death the final passage into full union with Christ.

TODAY'S READINGS: Wisdom 3:1-9; Romans 5:5-11 or Romans 6:3-9; John 6:37-40 (668). “If we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him.”

Friday, Nov 03, 2017 MEMORIAL OF MARTIN DE PORRES, RELIGIOUS Look deeply for dignity Saint Martin de Porres (1579-1639) was a barbershop surgeon when he joined a Dominican monastery at 15. Soon his success with medicinal herbs and miraculous healings earned him great fame as a healer. But Martin was famous for tending to small things, too. Once, he solved the monastery’s pest problem by nabbing a mouse and respectfully asking it to leave, along with its countless cousins. Recognizing the dignity in all God’s creatures is no small thing. How can we show oth-ers that we see their dignity?

TODAY'S READINGS: Romans 9:1-5; Luke 14:1-6 (483). "Who among you, if your son or ox falls into a cistern, would not imme-diately pull him out on the sabbath day?"

Saturday, Nov 04, 2017 MEMORIAL OF CHARLES BORROMEO, BISHOP Shaping up is an ongoing process Saint Charles Borromeo was an instrument of the Holy Spirit in helping to keep the church on course through needed reforms in the 16th cen-tury. Had he been a participant in the Second Vatican Council rather than the Council of Trent, he may have contributed to Vatican II’s simi-lar insight on the need for reform: “Christ summons the church, as she goes her pilgrim way, to that continual reformation of which she al-ways has need.”

TODAY'S READINGS: Romans 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29: Luke 14:1, 7-11 (484). “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted."

©2017 TrueQuest Communications.

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Upcoming Parish Mee ngs

♦ Divine Infant Jesus, Sunday, November 5th at 1:30pm in the Guadalupe Room.

♦ Divine Mercy, Sunday, November 5th at 1:30pm in the Main Church.

♦ Virgin of Guadalupe, Monday, November 6th at 8:00pm in the Cafeteria.

♦ Ladies of Charity, Tuesday, November 7th at 9:30am in the Chapel Hall.

Dollar Sunday & Thanksgiving Baskets Our Parish is looking for volunteers to assist us in the prepara on of Thanks-giving Food Baskets for Families-in-need. There will be a mee ng on Wednesday, November 1st at 7:00 pm in the Cafeteria.

On Saturday, November 18th and Sunday, November 19th, you will have an opportunity to contribute to this Chris an effort by adding your dollar(s) to the "Dollar Sunday" collec on following each of the Masses.

If there is a needy family (e.g., an elderly individual with very low income; an unemployed head of household; a low-income family with four or more children) who could benefit from a thanksgiving basket (incl. turkey) which is made available on Tuesday, November 21st, such family informa on should be given to St. Bernard's Rectory (949-2111) no later than November 10th.

Remembering the Dead

Throughout the month of November we will be remem-bering the souls of our loved ones in prayer during all Masses. There are special envelopes in the pews on which you can write the names of your deceased loved ones to be prayed for. Please place these envelopes in the special receptacle located in the back of the Church.

This Friday, November 3rd, is the First Friday of the Month. Please join the community at 7:00 pm for an hour of Prayer with Christ during the Exposi on of the Blessed Sacrament the Benedic on.

Winter Coverings

Mt. Calvary Cemetery is offering grave decora ons for the Christmas season. If you wish to order a winter cov-ering for your plot, please call the cemetery office at 914-949-0671 before November 3, 2017.

All Saints Day

This Wednesday, November 1st is All Saints day, a Holy Day of Obliga on. Masses will be celebrated at 9:00am in Chapel Hall and in the main Church at 7:00pm.

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Próximas Reuniones Parroquiales

♦ Divino Niño, domingo, 5 de noviembre a la 1:30pm en el Salón de Guadalupe.

♦ Divina Misericordia, domingo, 5 de noviembre a la 1:30pm en la iglesia.

♦ Virgen de Guadalupe, lunes, 6 de noviembre, a las 8:00pm en la cafetería.

♦ Damas de la Caridad, martes, 7 de noviembre, a las 9:30am en el Chapel Hall.

Domingo del Dólar y las Cestas de Acción de Gracias

Nuestra parroquia está buscando voluntarios para que nos ayuden en la preparación de las cestas de Acción de Gracias de alimentos para las familias en necesidad. Ha-brá una reunión el miércoles 1ro de noviembre a las 7:00 pm en la cafetería.

El sábado 18 de noviembre y el domingo, 19 de noviem-bre tendrán la oportunidad de contribuir a este esfuerzo cris ano añadiendo su dólar o dólares a la colecta del "Domingo del Dólar" después de cada una de las misas.

Si hay una familia necesitada (por ejemplo, una persona de edad avanzada con ingresos muy bajos; una cabeza de hogar desempleado, una familia de bajos ingresos con cuatro o más hijos) que podrían beneficiarse de una cesta de acción de gracias (. Incl pavo), que estará a dis-posición el 21 de noviembre, la información de la familia se debe dar a la rectoría (949-2111) a más tardar el 10 de noviembre.

Recordando a los difuntos

Durante todo el mes de noviembre recordaremos las almas de nuestros seres queridos en oración durante todas las Misas. Usted puede encontrar sobres especiales en los bancas en los cuales puede escribir los nombres de sus seres queridos que han fallecido para orar por ellos. Por favor coloque estos so-bres en el receptáculo especial ubicado en la parte posterior de la iglesia.

Este viernes, 3 de noviembre, es el primer viernes del mes. Por favor únase a la comunidad a las 7:00 p.m. du-rante una hora de oración con Cristo durante la Exposi-ción del San simo Sacramento.

Dia de Todos los Santos

Este miércoles, noviembre 1ro es el Día de Todos Los Santos, un día de obligación. Las misas serán celebradas a las 9:00am en el Chapel Hall y Iglesia principal a las 7:00pm.

Cubiertas de Invierno

El cementerio Monte Calvario está ofreciendo decoracio-nes para las tumbas para la temporada de Navidad. Si desea ordenar una cubierta de invierno para alguna tumba, llame a la oficina del cementerio al 914-949-0671 antes del 3 de noviembre de 2017

Please remember in your prayers those who are ill and those who serve them. Recemos por todas las personas de nuestra parroquia quienes se encuentran enfermas.

Dolores Cardon Jerrie Duffy

Jennie Magno a Julia Quintero

Prayers for the Sick

Saturday, October 28, 2017 5:30 Victoria López

Sunday, October 29, 2017 9:00 Karen Coleman 10:30 Lina Lena Bucaj 12:00 Nelli Salinas Monday, October 30, 2017 9:00 Communion Service Tuesday, October 31, 2017 9:00 Communion Service Wednesday, November 1, 2017 9:00 Joseph Ka ukaran (Living) Thursday, November 2, 2017 9:00 Rosamma Ka ukaran Friday, November 3, 2017 9:00 Joseph Katukaran (Living) Saturday, November 4, 2017 5:30 Louis Carollo Sunday, November 5, 2017 9:00 For the people 10:30 Vincent Iannace 12:00 Ramos Marin Family

St. Bernard’s Capital Campaign Update

Total Amount Pledged: $653,270 Total Amount in Payments: $527,634 Average Pledge: $1,696.81

Hymns in Spanish - Cán cos en Español

Entrada Himno al Señor de los Milagros Ofertorio #594 Pan de vida Comunión #734 Oración de San Francisco Salida Himno al Señor de los Milagros

Last Sunday’s Collec on :

First Collec on 10/22/17: $4,249 Second Collec on 10/22/17: $1,673 First Collec on 10/15/17: $4,422 Second Collec on 10/15/17: $1,467 Today’s Second Collec on is for U li es. Next week’s second collec on will be for Maintenance. Thank you for your generous support of our parish. La segunda Colecta de hoy es para las u lidades. La segunda colecta de la próxima semana será para el mantenimiento. Gracias por sus generosas contribuciones a nuestra parroquia.

Mass Intentions for the Week

Reserving Announced Masses

To request a Mass be offered for a loved one, living or deceased, please contact the Rectory 914-949-2111. Mass offering is $15.

Reservando Misas Anunciadas

Para solicitar una Misa para un ser querido, vivo o fallecido, por favor comuníquese con la Rectoría al 914-949-2111. El ofrecimiento para misa es $15.

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El Centro Hispano, Inc. 346 South Lexington Avenue Isabel Elsa Villar Boulevard

White Plains, NY 10606 914-289-0500 t 914-289-0550 f

[email protected] www.elcentrohispano.org


BOCES is offering ci zenship classes every Friday, 9 am- 1 pm at El Centro Hispano. For more informa on, please call El Cen-tro Hispano as soon as possible at 914-285-0500.

LEGAL HELP AT EL CENTRO HISPANO El Centro Hispano is providing legal ser-vices every Friday 12 pm- 4 pm. The con-sulta on fee is $40. Please come to El Centro Hispano to make an appointment.


El Centro Hispano will be distribu ng fresh food this Thursday, November 2nd at 3:00 p.m. Please bring a bag.


BOCES está ofreciendo clases de ciudadanía to-dos los viernes de 9 am a 1 pm en El Centro His-pano. Para más información, por favor llame al Centro Hispano lo antes posible al 914-289-0500.


El Centro Hispano está ofreciendo ayuda legal todos los viernes de 12 pm- 4 pm. La consulta cuesta $40. Por favor pase por El Centro His-pano para hacer una cita.


El Centro Hispano distribuirá alimentos frescos este jueves, 2 de noviembre a las 3:00 p.m. Por favor traiga una bolsa.