2 MAIN TOPICS I’LL BE COVERING: The REAL Truth About Traffic, And Why You‟re Not Getting As Much As You‟d Like (Plus How To Fix That)… Facebook PPC Training: Advice I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Got Started… (c) 2011 Matt Lloyd, www.MyOnlineBusinessEmpire.com


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The REAL Truth About Traffic, And Why

You‟re Not Getting As Much As You‟d Like

(Plus How To Fix That)…

Facebook PPC Training: Advice I Wish

Someone Had Told Me When I Got


(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Samuel Langley

The US Congress offered Langley a grant of $50,000.00 (over $1 million in todays dollars) to build an airplane with a controllable engine.

A lot of the money went into developing a radial engine developing 52 horsepower with a weight of 155 kilograms. Those were rare performance for the era.

On October 7th 1903, the airplane was ready for a test flight with a pilot.

The airplane was catapulted, but nosed dive immediately into the river without harm to pilot and machine.

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Langley decided to try again, on December 8th 1903. This time, the airplane crashed into the river.

The structure had failed due to the stress sustained on takeoff, and also due to the powerful engine.

This time the airplane could not be salvaged, and the funds had been totally drained.

Sadly, this was the end to Langley's 16 years of aerial experiments. He died in 1906 after a series of strokes, a broken and disappointed man.

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Nine days after Langley's spectacular

failure, a sturdy, well-designed craft,

costing about $1000, struggled into the

air in Kitty Hawk, becoming the first air

craft to fly with man at the controls…(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,



What did they do differently?

The Wright Brothers focussed entirely on aircraft design- NOT the engine.

In 4 years, built 47 different prototypes, many of which would crash into pieces.

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Once (and ONLY once) they had designed an aircraft that could glide, they had the engine built.

Their powered aircraft flew for 12 seconds above the sand dunes of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, making them the first men to pilot a heavier-than-air machine that took off on its own power, remained under control, and sustained flight.

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


The Wright Brothers went on to have a lot of recognition and admiration for their achievement.

No one has ever heard of Langley…

Both lived in the same time period, and had the same technology available to them. Langley had a lot more funding, and a much larger team.

So why did the Wright Brothers succeed, while Langley did not?

One historian put it like this:

“Langley had spent most of four years building an extraordinary engine to lift their heavy flying machine. The Wrights had spent most of four years building a flying machine so artfully designed that it could be propelled into the air by a fairly ordinary internal combustion engine.”

The Wright brothers approach of making the plane fly before applying high power was the superior one.

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


What’s This Got To Do With Your Online



Facebook Pay Per Click is like an engine, and the traffic it can send you is like the power of that engine… and it‟s a powerful engine.

You could 10,000 people in front of your website within the next 48 hours- if you were willing to pay for it.

Your website is like the airplane structure. Depending on how well it's designed- it will either fly well... Half fly, or crash and burn.

Will it fly? = Will it convert visitors into customers?

If you have a website that cannot 'fly' (doesn‟t convert well enough) - then it doesn‟t matter if you have a V12 engine like Facebook powering it. It will still crash eventually…

And that's what most people in our industry do…

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


The Biggest Mistake

Entrepreneurs Make In Markeitng

Their Business Online…Most people approach traffic like an opportunity


They have a poorly designed website (sales funnel), that cannot convert visitors into customers very efficiently- or not at all- and they chasing traffic with the belief:

More Traffic = More Money

This is somewhat true… .. but ONLY if your marketing

and sales mechanism can extract more value from that

traffic than it costs…

Traffic + Conversions = Sales

By thinking that making money online is all about getting more traffic, you make the same mistake Langley made, by thinking flight would be achieved primarily through having a powerful enough engine:

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Most think like this.

Some people who've been doing this for years, and haven't yet got results, are failing for

this reason. They are focussing on the wrong thing... focussing on the engine part-

and not the structure.

They send traffic to a blog or site they put together, slap on a buy now button or a few

banner ads, and „hope‟ that someone buys.

What they fail to realise, is that even if they were to get 1,000 clicks to their website...

even if they were to get a ton of traffic to their site- it would not matter. That site

cannot fly.

Most of that traffic would not convert to sales...

And that's a problem- because all traffic has a cost.

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Let‟s End The Myth Once And

For All…

There is no such thing as FREE traffic.

All traffic has a cost: time or money.

So- if you are going to try to 'fly' doesn't it make sense to at least build the glider first, and then to strap on the engine?

Doesn‟t it make sense to build an aircraft that can fly, before you add power?

Doesn't it make sense to design a website that can convert traffic into sales before you even think about getting traffic?

Traffic + Conversions = Sales

Most (especially newbies) think it's: Traffic = Sales

2000: Pets.com went on a traffic rampage... they spent millions on superbowl ads... in less than 1 year- were out of business.

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Why? They were paying roughly $270 per customer to get traffic- but only monetising that traffic to the tune of about $75.

Would more traffic have helped? Nope- not unless they were able to monetise it at $270 / customer...

The question is NOT “how do I get more traffic?”

The question is “How do I make more profitable sales?”

So you start off building that structure that can fly, or that website that can convert visitors into sales.

“How do I know if my site can fly? How do I know how well it's converting?”

And there is one number, that is more important than any other number in your business – it reveals a lot about how well your business has been designed, and how healthy it is.

And I will also guarantee to you, that 97% of people in our industry don't have the slightest clue what this number is in their business.

And that number is your average visitor value. Sometimes you'll hear it referred to as 'Earnings Per Click' but for now, we'll call if your average visitor value.

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,



VISITOR VALUE:Your average visitor value = how much a click is worth to you. It's also the maximum you can pay for a visitor to

your site and still break even.

Unless you know these values, you cannot make informed traffic buying decisions. Any traffic you buy will be based on 'intuition' or 'hope.'


That means that on average, every visitor you got that day was worth $1 to your business.

That number is more important to your business than any other – it's more important than 'bounce rates' or 'average time on site' or 'average page views' or 'opt-in rates' etc.

And yet most online business owners have no clue what it is!

Average visitor value tells you how efficient your website is at converting traffic into sales... it tells you how well your aircraft can glide…

1 Number of Sales 10 units

2 Times the value of the transaction $100.00 (X)

3 Total Revenue $1,000.00

4 Divided by Unique Visitors 1,000 (divide)

5 Your Average Visitor Value $1 / Visitor (=)

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Moment Of Truth…

“How many people in this room right now, can tell me, with near 100% accuracy, what their current average

visitor value is in dollars?”

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


“You have to be able to take the traffic your marketing machine pulls in and send it through a sales process that makes it

more valueable to you than the value the market placed on it. And if you don't have that capability yet, then you need to make

some changes.”

- Rich Schefren

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


FAULTY VENDING MACHINE:Just to prove my point:

Imagine you find a vending machine.

You put in $2… but instead of getting a

Coke, you get change. But only $1.80

You repeat: and get $1.60

And then $1.55

You are losing 10% every time…

How long could you stand there in front of that vending machine, putting money into it?

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Now- I want you to imagine another scenario.

Let's pretend you went to another vending machine-and when you put in $2, this one gave you back $2.20 in change.

Feeling happy about your good fortune- you might put your $2.20 back in …and this time, it gives you another $2.40.

You do it again- this time, it's $2.65…

It seems to be giving you 10% more than you put in...every time. For every $1 you feed it, it gives you back $1.10.

How long could you stand in front of that vending machine and put money into it? (c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Your Website:

The money you spend on getting traffic to your website, is like putting change into a vending machine.

Eg. you put in $2, and that buys you 4 clicks.

The sales you make from that traffic (your average visitor value) is like the change then vending machine gives you back.

Your most important role: turn your business into a vending machine that gives you back more change than you put in…

Maximise Average Visitor Value- And Never Stop Improving It.


(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


The Holy Grail…Once you achieve this:

Average Visitor Value > Average Cost Per Click

… you've reached „The Holy Grail.‟

“But what if I‟m new and don‟t yet have a marketing funnel?”

In beginning- you are in a race to find or create an offer that allows you to buy traffic, and extract more value out of it than what you paid, before you run out of money!

Google story: owing over $1,000.00

When starting out: Expect to put money into that vending machine and have it all swallowed up- that‟s part of the process. But unless you're tracking, you won't know this.

You'll be like the Wright brothers were... you'll build a lot of planes, that will crash into the ground and burst into a ball of flames. But, you've got to keep trying.

Most people aren't willing to do that- they'll go and spend $200 on Facebook PPC ads, get no results, and assume that it does not work.

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,




Get better at extracting value from traffic (getting people to buy more of your stuff)…

First, and most importantly: Start Measuring.

So the first thing I want you to do, is I want you to copy down this diagram – use Google Docs or Excel.

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Next- Plot Your Average Visitor Value In A

Graph And Update Daily…

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Increase Your Avg. Visitor Value By Over

60%, By Making Small Incremental

Improvements Of 10% In Each Stage Of

Your Sales Process...

1.) Leads: (prospects / potential customers)


2.) Conversion Rate (those who bought Vs. those who did not)




3.) Frequency Of Transactions (the avg. number of times each customer bought from you each year)


4.) Average Transaction Size (the avg. number of times each customer bought from you each year)


Total Revenue


5.) Margins (% of revenue you get to keep)


Profit. (c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


“But I‟m Just Not Good With

Numbers…”If you're going to market online- you need to get comfortable around the

numbers… knowing how to track numbers will not give you an advantage. But NOT knowing how will put you at a distinct disadvantage…

Because if you don't- you're going to be competing against people like me, who do know the numbers…

And I'm going to be constantly finetuning my aircraft, and making it into the most graceful and aero-dynamic glider you've ever seen, so that whenever I send it some traffic, it flies...

Anyone who‟s ever made over a million dollars online knows their numbers.

Generally speaking, the more money they make, the more meticulous they are about their numbers…

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


“In Any Industry, The Business That Is Most

Efficient At Extracting Value From

Resources (Has The Highest Visitor Value)

Usually Wins…”

And the person with the highest average visitor value in our

market- or any market- will win the game.

The business that is able to extract the most value out of

it‟s resources, wins.


“Get Big Or Get Out…”(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


The Automotive Industry Too…

It‟s the same with the automotive industry.

Since 1900… over 2000 automobile company‟s have been established... All but a few failed (less than 10 major ones left)

As on online entrepreneur- your main resource is traffic… and converting traffic into paying customers is what you are in the business of.

And the one number that will have a bigger impact on the future of your business, will be average visitor value.

If you can grow your average visitor value higher than your competitors, you can look forward to a long and prosperous future.


You can afford to spend more to get traffic… outbid your competition, and reach out to traffic sources they can‟t buy profitably.

Plus- if you can get a higher average visitor value than anyone in this market- you will never have to worry about getting traffic again. You'll have more traffic than you can handle (affiliates will send you traffic- eg. Magnetic Sponsoring)

But you'll never get to that stage, unless you can maximise your average visitor value- and the only way you get to that, is to be constantly measuring and improving...

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Buying Traffic: What Makes Some

Traffic More Valuable Than

Others?2 Factors combine to determine the value of traffic:

Volume of traffic

Quality of traffic

Responsiveness: how often the target audience thinks about the particular topic…

Past behaviour: buyer vs. non buyers

Eg. Groupon – turned down 6.5 billion from Google. Not only do they get volume- but some of the

highest quality traffic possible- traffic that is looking to spend money!

There‟s an inverse relationship between targeted

traffic, and quantity. Eg. Much smaller

group of super targeted traffic...then

general traffic, which may consist of a lot

more 'tyre kickers' etc.

Less targeted= greater quantity... but

less responsive. More work is required

to convert this traffic. Therefore not as valuable (c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Buying Traffic = Buying Clicks:

Not All Clicks Are Equal

Common mistake: Treating all clicks as if they were the same…

In some cases, $2 clicks can be worth more to your business than 10 cent clicks- based on how they convert.

Example: Selling to this room Vs. Selling to 150 people off the street.

If I were to deliver the exact same sales video to both groups- which traffic source do you think would convert the best?

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,



This is what you call the buying cycle.

And here on the left- this is someone just starting to browse, who is curious.

And on the right, is someone who is ready to buy, looking with a credit card in hand.

Awareness, consideration, interest, preferences, purchase.

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Example: Buying A Car

It's like when you decide to buy a car. Rarely do you wake up one morning, and say “hey-I think I'm going to go buy a new car today!”

Usually- it's a process. You start to notice that your current car is getting old... the engine doesn't sound too healthy... the paint is fading... you start to think how it would be nice to get a new car.

The engine breaks down. You get it fixed, costs a lot. It then breaks down again.

You start to notice new cars being advertised... you start to pay attention to the prices (Awareness)

You wander into a car yard out of curiosity... You start looking at different makes and models (Consideration)

You find a make you are set on (Interest)

You choose the colour (Preference)

You buy (Purchase)(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Fixed Cost Advertising Vs.

Performance Based Advertising:

Fixed cost is when you outlay an upfront amount for

your advertising, and that amount is fixed…

Eg. Banner Ads, news paper ads, ezine solo ads

Your only goal with Fixed cost media, is to maximise response.

You want to get as many clicks as possible… and you don't care where in the buying stage they are at.

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Performance Based Advertising:

This is where you pay every time someone takes an action.


You pay based on response- there‟s no upfront investment.

Your Goal Is To Get The Most Targeted Response.

You want to be getting the people who are right at the end of the buying process- the most targeted clicks your money can buy.

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,




Advantage of PPC on the search engines- is that based on the keyword- you can tell where they are up to in their thinking process- or you at least have a very good idea.

Why is that important?

“Always enter the conversation already taking place in the customer‟s mind.”

- Robert Collier

With Facebook:

Clicking on a 'Like' button gives us a clue for where these people could be at... but, it's not very revealing at all.

So what it means is that the clicks you buy on Facebook, are never going to be as responsive as the clicks you would buy on a search engine at this stage.

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


If you gave me a choice between buying a click on Facebook, from someone who 'liked' a fan page... and buying a space based on the keyword they typed in- I'd take the keyword every time.

Unfortunately- Search engine PPC is now out of the question.

So, whats the big deal about Facebook PPC?

The two big advantages that Facebook has over all the other traffic sources, is number one, volume.

They have something like 680 million users now- and many of them log on every single day.

*** The second big opportunity- is that the traffic is still very cheap.

The clicks do not yet reflect the market value of what they are worth: but the window of opportunity is closing… fast.

We have a huge opportunity here- but a very small window.


What happens is, whenever there is a new media source, is that the first few years or so, the company's selling that space, and the market in general, don't yet know the value of that space.

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


And the only way they're going to find out the worth- is through supply and demand.

Example- Infomercials.

Back in the 80‟s the T.V. Networks did not know the value of their space from the hours of midnight to early morning.

They thought no one was watching, so they were pretty much willing to give you those time slots for pennies.

So there'd be marketers like John Carlton, and Gary Halbert, who'd go film an infomercial in the day, put it up to run that night, and see if they made any money.

If not, they'd re-shoot it the next day...

It was so cheap, and the barriers to entry so low, that virtually anyone could enter into that


Now, that's a multi-billion dollar industry- because the networks soon realised that those time slots,

in the middle of the night, did in fact have buyers-and they had value.

So now it's an industry made up of multi-billion dollar

company's, and you can't even get started unless you have billions of dollars.

Google- early 2000's is very similar.(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Now, Facebook right now have very low barriers to entry.

But, as more and more advertisers start using Facebook- the CPC's are only going to go in one direction: up.

But- 10 or 20 years from now- we'll all be looking back on this point in time. And we'll either look back with happiness... or look back with regret.

So right now- we have a flood of people starting to do Facebook PPC.

But- like all other new media sources- most will not be here in 10 years from now.

But some will. In this room, there will be several people who go on to make fortunes marketing on Facebook.

And who will those people be??

They will be the ones who constantly work on maximising their average visitor value, through fine tuning their sales process…


Because, they can afford to pay the most for the clicks!!!

As prices go up, most will start losing money, and will soon quit.

Prices of clicks will rise to match the earnings that those clicks can produce.

And only those with an aircraft that can fly will win... (c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,




New to PPC?

First, you've got CPC.





(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Place Your First Ad In 3 Easy


(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,



You have 4 levels at which to write your ads…

Level 4: Your main idea…

Level 3: Change up the order…

Level 2: Choosing different words…

Level 1: Punctuation / Grammar…

Body copy- 135 characters.

120px by 80px – take up all of that white space they give you


Write out 30 ads. Choose your best 3…

And for each of those ads, have 3 different images… (found on Google images)

And we have 3 ads per campaign.

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Level 4

Communicate the right message through your hook, your USP, your tone, your guarantee, your whole


Start on this level first, and test to find the grand message that works. Test the smaller stuff later…

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Level 3

The Order of Words & Lines Can Reflect What Your Customer Believes to be Most Important…

Eg. Testing the order of the 2nd and 3rd lines… benefits before feature.

People more likely to skip the last lines if the earlier ones don‟t interest them…

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Level 2

Echo Your Customer’s Words Precisely In Your Text & Domain Name…

Your choice of words can make a huge difference; one word literally doubles


(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Level 1

Get Your Customers Attention With Punctuation, Capitalization & Spelling…

Question Marks (only one per word), Exclamation Point, Dashes, Capitalizing Key Words

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


CTR > 1% = Very Good

CTR > 0.5% = Acceptable

CTR < 0.1% = Not Good

Your Image:

Some experts say up to 40% of your CTR will be

determined by your image…


Use a bright red border around your image…

Don‟t be boring- use images that create curiosity, and get


Use images that are relevant to the fan page (eg. MLM logos)

Your Copy:

Make your ad specific- use the fan page name if you can…

Customise each landing page your ad is sending them to…

make it relevant to them

But remember: CPS is more important than CPC!!! (more on this soon)

KEEP YOUR ADS FRESH! (usually around a week)

Getting Cheap Clicks By Maximising CTR:

This is the part of the screen where people are looking:

((c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Split Testing Ads:

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Using A Google Doc Spread

Sheet To Split Test Your Ads…

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,



GROUPSCampaigns = groups of related fan pages you are targeting with your ads...

So- if promoting 7 Figure Networker- one of my campaigns might be 'MLM Companys„

Another campaign might be 'MLM Gurus„

And we want to have someone submitting these ads, 3 weeks in advance.

Why? Because a lot of your ads are going to get disapproved- so, if you're trying to calculate weekly sales, etc., you want your ads running for the entire week – you don't want to spend days waiting for them to get approved.

And you don't want to be submitting ads yourself- at first, you can.

But- this is something you want to outsource fairly quickly- because it's $2/ hour work.

Writing the ads, choosing the images, and choosing the target fan pages is what you want to focus on- because that's a high leverage activity, and will have a high return on investment.

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


But, manually submitting ads is a low leverage activity- once you train your virtual assistant on how to do that, you can focus on the more important things.

You can have a part time virtual assistant, for $2/ hour, submitting ads for you for about 3 hours a day. That's a daily cost to you of $6 (guy again- first you must learn how, so you can train them).

So learn how- then make some simple tutorials so they can see how it's done.

To find someone- I recommend Onlinejobs.ph

Tip: Use Google Doc spreadsheets when you are outsourcing this kind of work- have a new doc for every product.

So, 'TheDoubleLead.com' has it's own Google Doc- and then we have it separated by campaign- so we'll have MLM Companies, MLM Gurus, Motivational Speakers, etc.

Also- I've started using TheAdToolBox.com

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


MLM Companies

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


MLM Gurus

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


MLM Systems

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,



MARKETING:When marketing on Facebook, you're marketing must help create the need, by pointing out the problem… and

„agiitating‟ (eg. consequences). There are no keyword clues here.

Problem > Agitate > Solution

You're going to have prospects, who don't even realise they have

the problem that your product can solve- so, before you make a

sale, you must first build the case that they have

a problem, and need to do something about it.

The ability to reach out to and convert those who are actually less

targeted. Why? Much more of them.

Involves making the prospect aware of a problem they're not already

aware of, and making that problem highly personal. Getting them to

realize it has a much bigger impact on their lives than they realize.

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Think Of Your PPC Ads As

Employees…PPC Ads are like your own team of sales agents- who are paid on salary, not commission (not like

affiliates, who are paid only on commission).

If someone clicks on your ad, and that person does not buy, then you still have to pay that sales agent.

You fire your non-performers (stop the ads) and reward the performers (invest more money in them)

“Starve the ponies, and feed the stallions…”

This is 80/20 at it's extreme...

Most dangerous fallacy in modern business, is the 50/50 fallacy...

believing outputs are an equal result of all the inputs…

Eg. spend $500 on advertising...and assume all different ads

contributed equally.

Eg. MLM teams- 20 recruits, to find one real business builder... who produces more than the rest put together.

JB: Over 10,000 affiliates promote Get Traffic 3.0... yet, over 75% of all sales come from less than 50 affiliates (0.5%)...

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,




Don‟t judge ads and traffic source only on CPC!

You need to be able to track from ad right through to when the sale is made.

What‟s Important: It‟s not what you pay for your traffic (eg. Your CPC).

It‟s the average Cost Per Sale from that traffic source that‟s important.

On average, how much do you have to spend to acquire a customer from that traffic source??

Most have no idea, and are only measuring on the „surface‟…

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Beware Of „Surface Level‟ Split

Testing…Source Cost Leads CPL

Affiliates $8,676 3211 $2.70

Customer Referrals $4,200 214 $19.63

Organic Search $14,600 1588 $9.19

PPC $43,000 1055 $40.76

Purchased Leads $97,850 4220 $23.19

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Beware Of „Surface Level‟ Split

Testing…Source Cost Leads CPL Winner:

Affiliates $8,676 3211 $2.70 1

Customer Referrals $4,200 214 $19.63 3

Organic Search $14,600 1588 $9.19 2

PPC $43,000 1055 $40.76 5

Purchased Leads $97,850 4220 $23.19 4

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Beware Of „Surface Level‟ Split


Source Cost Leads CPL Customers Cost Per Sale

Affiliates $8,676 3211 $2.70 12 $723.00

Customer Referrals

$4,200 214 $19.63 14 $300.00

Organic Search

$14,600 1588 $9.19 109 $133.94

PPC $43,000 1055 $40.76 31 $1387.10

Purchased Leads

$97,850 4220 $23.19 22 $4447.73

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Beware Of „Surface Level‟ Split

Testing…Source Cost Leads CPL Customers Cost Per

Sale Winner:

Affiliates $8,676 3211 $2.70 12 $723.00 3

Customer Referrals

$4,200 214 $19.63 14 $300.00 2

Organic Search

$14,600 1588 $9.19 109 $133.94 1

PPC $43,000 1055 $40.76 31 $1387.10 4

Purchased Leads

$97,850 4220 $23.19 22 $4447.73 5

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


“The response to a single click, gives you

only a small part of the story…

…what people do on impulse, and what they

choose to do over a long period of time

are often very different.”

-Perry Marshall

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Using Google URL Builder…

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Looks like this:


Always add tracking codes to all your links.

Other Facebook ads, targeting same fan pages, with different ad versions:


A banner ad on BetterNetworker.com


An email to your list:


On your blog:


(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,



These are the numbers I care about:

Daily EPCs (are we getting better or worse?)

Overall average cost per click is…

Weekly Avg. EPCs

CPS (cost per sale from each ad)

Daily profit / loss

Can measure „unique visitors‟ by how many clicks you get.

Then I can work out total sales: how much money did we make, and what did we spend?


(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


Promoting Someone Else‟s Site As

An Affiliate?

Use the tracking in the affiliate backoffice:

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,


To Wrap Things Up…

Stop chasing after traffic. Instead, start monitoring Average

Visitor Value, and focus most of your attention on

improving it… the future of your business depends on it.

Track all of your traffic, right down to the ad. Find out which ads

are making you money, which are costing you money, and

adjust accordingly… (if you don‟t know how to track, learn)

Approach Building Your Business Like The Wright Brothers

Approached Building A Plane. Don’t Be Langley!

(c) 2011 Matt Lloyd,
