The Primary Update Grade 2 — Grade 5 January 23rd, ,2013 WELCOME PAGE Dear Parents, There has certainly been some very active and exciting cross-curricular learning going on in recent days in Grades 2, 3, 4 and 5 and I have thoroughly enjoyed hearing about this from many of the students themselves. I hope you can also get a flavour of some of the learning that your children have undoubtedly enjoyed too, by reading through this update. All good wishes, Sue Carpenter Head of Primary


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The Primary Update Grade 2 — Grade 5

January 23rd, ,2013


Dear Parents,

There has certainly been some very active and exciting cross-curricular learning going on in recent days in Grades 2, 3, 4 and 5 and I have thoroughly enjoyed hearing about this from many of the students themselves.

I hope you can also get a flavour of some of the learning that your children have undoubtedly enjoyed too, by reading through this update.

All good wishes,

Sue Carpenter

Head of Primary

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الّصف الّرابع :

يناير من العام الجديد 8لقد قام الصف الّرابع االبتدائّي بإجراء حوارات ولقاءات مع الكادر اإلداري وذلك يـوم الثالثاء

وكانت حوارات تفاعليـة رائعة، دارت حـول فصـل الّشتاء، إذ تعّرف فيها الطالب على فصول السنة التي يفّضلها . 3102

اإلداريون خاصة فصل الّشتاء، وذلك من خـالل األسئلـة التي خطرت على بالهـم. وانتهى المطاف بانقسـام الّصف إلى مؤّيـد

ورافض وحاول كل واحد منهم إقناع اآلخر برأيه مما أضفى على المناظرة نوعا من المتعـة، كتب فيها الطالب كتابات مطولة

مدعمين آراءهم بأراء اإلداريين، وقد كان لألستاذ مراد قّماش ) منسق اللغة العربية في مدارس تعليم ( حّصة األسد من

النقاش، حيث عّبر عن مدى حبه لفصل الّشتاء، مبرزا جمالية األجواء التي تصحب هذا الفصل الممتع .

هل تحب يا


فصل الّشتاء

نعم، إنه من

أحب الفصول


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GRADE 2 Grade 2 have started their new topic, The Rainforest. The children started by completing mind maps about what they know and what they would like to know. The children also completed a sorting activity related to seed growth. The children conducted investigations to find out the effect of rainforest light on seedling growth. They planted seeds and put them in boxes showing the different rainforest layers. The children will be checking the seeds each day to see which ones grow best.

Mind maps

The children working in groups to plant seeds.

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GRADE 3 Grade 3 have been learning about poetry this week. We have been reading and writing our own Haiku's, Limericks and free verse poems. We found writing Limericks the most fun. Here are a few of our favourites.

There once was a young boy from Spain,

Who didn't like going out in the rain,

He met a big fella,

Who had an umbrella,

And boy was he happy again!

Trond Modin G3 Eagles

There once was a clever man named Brian,

Who was Irish and not Uruguayan,

His last name was Nolan,

He asked us to rhyme in this poem,

To become famous and drive a Porsche Cayenne

Lukas Hyhlik G3 Eagles

We can't find the cat,

We don't know where she's at,

Oh, where did she go?

Does anyone know?

Let's ask this walking hat.

Shel Silverstein

We found some great inspiration from a poet named Shel Silverstein. He has a fantastic website. Check out www.shelsilverstein.com for some great poems and videos!

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We have been learning about renewable energy. We studied wind. We made anemometers which measure how fast the wind is going. We worked in groups. One person had a timer and we had to count how many times the cups turned around in one minute. When we went outside, it wasn’t very windy. We tried to climb higher to catch the wind. We will take them out again on a windier day!

Hermes and Magdalena.

Some of the children carrying out the test!

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Last week Grade 5 mixed Science, Numeracy and Art. We had to make a colour wheels by working out all the angles around the circle. Next we connected the colour wheels to a motor to spin them around. The wheel went faster and faster and the colour changed to white. We did it all by ourselves and it was really fun. In numeracy we made balloon buggies and raced them in the playground. Some went a long way but others not so far. Mr. Homden said that the wind was another variable that we must think about in our results. We collected all our data and plotted the results on a graph. Omar’s group made a balloon buggy that went the furthest and Roudha and Joud’s came second.

By Danah Al Nasser

Roudha preparing her balloon buggy for the big race.

My colour wheel with all the rainbow colours

Khalid’s colour wheel turning to white as it spins.

Rayan’s buggy almost ready for action.

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Wednesday 30th January 2013

7:30 pm at Dubai British School

All parents and carers of children with ADHD are welcome to attend.

ADHD or Naughty child syndrome? Dr Ruba Tabari

Educational Psychologist BSc, PGCE, MSc Ed Psych, DEdPsych, C. Psychol, AFBPsS

Everyone welcome

Contact Rachel Jex

Mobile 050 9535075

[email protected]

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