Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” — John 6:35 BIBLE STUDY GUIDE

Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes …yourmovement.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/WVC57… ·  · 2015-09-28bread of life. Whoever comes to me ... Hunger

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Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”

— John 6:35

BiBle study Guide

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LeaRn abouT HungeRBut what does it really mean to be hungry or malnourished? discover the facts on global hunger.

HoW To use THIs HungeR sTudyGet ready to really see hunger. this Bible study guide will take your youth group on a five-week learning series that explores one of the toughest issues of our times. each week, you’ll watch a video, do a reading and an activity, and have discussion and prayer, while learning what the scriptures say about hunger. Prepare to have your eyes opened, your minds challenged, and your spirit ignited to make a difference in the world.

HungeR In youR communITythere are likely kids in your own neighbourhood who are going hungry — and the impact on their health can be lifelong. Hunger hurts.

spIRITuaL HungeReveryone has felt famished for food at some time or another, but eating doesn’t satisfy all our hungers. spiritual hunger is real too.

gLobaL HungeRyes, the world can produce enough food to feed everyone! so why does hunger still exist? How would yOu tackle global hunger?

WoRLd VIsIon agaInsT HungeRevery child deserves good nutrition. Find out how World Vision is working to help make that happen.

ResouRcesequip yourself for action with these resources and join efforts to bring an end to global hunger!

Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Songs about justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Hunger scriptures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Hunger-related videos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Key hunger terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

External resources (books, DVD series, etc .) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25




week 02

week 04

week 05

You can navigate this PDF document onscreen by clicking any of the titles on this page or the large number boxes elsewhere . As well, links to other web sites, videos or web docs are in orange .


week 03

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lEArn About HungErweek



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learn aBOut HunGerweek

01ScriPturES ViDEo

rEADingcooking up recipes to reduce malnutrition in india


Just as pleasant aromas fill a home as dinner cooks, new hope is wafting throughout the Melghat region of central india .

Malnutrition runs rampant here . From 2010 to 2011, the infant mortality rate was 48 per 1,000 births, compared to 33 per 1,000 births for the state of Maharastra, where it’s located .

Seeing the problem, World Vision challenged the women in the region to a cooking contest to develop healthy, nutrient-rich recipes using only locally available products . it was a new, creative approach to combating the problem, and the goal

was to change every household’s cooking habits .

the women responded enthusiastically . twenty-one groups from the two villages of badnapur and Solamoh entered the contest . one group dreamed even bigger, wanting to develop a recipe for rice pudding . they had one small problem: Milk is the key ingredient, but neither community has cows or goats, though one has a few buffalo .

“the presence of livestock is minimal . none of the families here have access to milk,” says Sushila, a World Vision community development coordinator .

Despite these constraints, the women discovered that they could create the dish using a nontraditional milk source — soybeans — which are readily available because they’re grown to generate income in the area .

“We had heard that soy milk has a lot of protein and could be used to make milk tea, but we never thought we could use it practically,” says usha Subesh Mahalai, a contest participant .

At the end of round one, 15 groups were selected to receive training from a hospital’s senior dietician . She analyzed their recipes and, without changing the core ingredients,

“ Hunger isn’t just a stomach thing”

matthew 25:35

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.

Proverbs 14:31

Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.


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01suggested tips to increase their nutritional value .

thirteen dishes were showcased at a nutrition exhibition in chikhaldara, a neighboring city . the event targeted more than 300 women and girls, as well as local colleges and schools and government officials from the healthcare sector .

the top recipe was the soybean rice pudding — a big hit with children because of its sweetness .

the event led to the program’s second phase, where World Vision staff and the local contest participants are teaching other women how to make one of the dishes .

“We go to other villages to impart this know-how and technique [making soy milk] that we have received,” says Sharda raju bachhale, from badnapur .

this initiative is doing wonders for the children . in February 2011, the number of malnourished children in badnapur and Solamoh was 42 and

14, respectively . A May 2012 survey now showed 10 cases in badnapur and one in Solamoh .

“Women are actively taking interest in improving the health of their children by incorporating all that they have learned practically at home by cooking nutritious meals for their children,” Sushila says . “there were certain myths regarding eating habits that have been plucked out .”

HungEr StAtiSticS(http://www.wfp.org/hunger/stats)

1. 842 million people in the world do not have enough to eat . this number has fallen by 17 percent since 1990 .

2. the vast majority of hungry people (827 million) live in developing countries, where 14 .3 percent of the population is undernourished .

3. Asia has the largest number of hungry people (over 500 million) but Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest prevalence (24 .8 percent of population) .

4. if women farmers had the same access to resources as men, the number of hungry in the world could be reduced by up to 150 million .

5. Poor nutrition causes nearly half (45 percent) of deaths in children under five - 3 .1 million children each year .

6. one out of six children — roughly 100 million — in developing countries is underweight .

7. one in four of the world’s children are stunted . in developing countries the proportion can rise to one in three .

8. 80 percent of the world’s stunted children live in just 20 countries .

9. 66 million primary school-age children attend classes hungry across the developing world, with 23 million in Africa alone .

10. WFP calculates that uS$3 .2 billion is needed per year to reach all 66 million hungry school-age children .

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01DEFinition oF HungEr(Oxford English Dictionary 1971)

1 . the uneasy or painful sensation caused by want of food; craving appetite . Also the exhausted condition caused by want of food .

2 . the want or scarcity of food in a country .

3 . A strong desire or craving .

World hunger refers to the second definition, aggregated to the world level . the related technical term (in this case operationalized in medicine) is either malnutrition, or, if malnutrition is taken to refer to both undernutrition and over nutrition, undernutrition . both malnutrition and undernutrition refer to not having enough food .

Malnutrition (or undernutrition) is a general term that indicates a lack of some or all nutritional elements necessary for human health (Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia) .

there are two basic types of malnutrition . the first and most important is protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) . it is basically a lack of calories and protein . Food is converted into energy by humans, and the energy contained in food is measured by calories . Protein is necessary for key body functions including provision of essential amino acids and development and maintenance of muscles . this is the

most lethal form of malnutrition/hunger and is the type of malnutrition that is referred to when world hunger is discussed .

the second type of malnutrition, also very important, is micronutrient (vitamin and mineral) deficiency . this is not the type of malnutrition that is referred to when world hunger is discussed, though it is certainly very important .

HungEr tErMSHunGer - A condition in which people do not get enough food to provide the nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water) for active, healthy lives .

MalnutritiOn - A condition resulting from inadequate consumption (undernutrition) or excessive consumption of one or more nutrients that can impair physical and mental health, and cause or be the consequence of infectious disease .

under nutritiOn - A condition resulting from inadequate consumption of calories, protein and/or nutrients to meet the basic physical requirements for an active and healthy life .

FOOd insecurity - A condition of uncertain availability of or ability to acquire safe, nutritious food in a socially acceptable way .

FOOd security - Assured access for every person to enough nutritious

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food to sustain an active and healthy life, including: food availability (adequate food supply); food access (people can get to food); and appropriate food use (the body’s absorption of essential nutrients) .

ActiVitYWorship leader Jeremy Armstrong encourages churches to “incorporate global music and a global understanding in your services . let it be a reminder that at least 80 percent of humanity lives in poverty” .

check out some of his ideas in a Worshipleader .com article 10 Ways to Mix Music with Justice .

DiScuSSion1 . How would you explain the issue

of hunger to someone who knew nothing about it?

2 . What do you think is the most shocking fact about hunger?

3 . What does god and the bible call us to do for our hungry neighbors? What responsibility do we have to do something?

PrAYErDear lord,

You constantly fill us with your grace and love . You provide us with fuel for our physical and spiritual needs . Help us to see and understand the issues of hunger with open eyes and caring hearts . let us be hungry for justice, lord . We pray that you will be a force for good and guide us along the path of love and peace . We pray that you will give us the tools we need to do everything in our power to eradicate hunger, throughout the world .

Amen .


01 learn aBOut HunGer

“My belief is that no matter how big the issue is at hand, one person CAN make a difference.”

– karley, 20, national famine council, turo, ns


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SPirituAl HungErweek


“Worship flows as gratitude in times of celebration and is offered in trust and submission in times of brokenness.”

– jody cross


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02ScriPturES ViDEo

Give Me your eyes

By: Brandon Heath

looked down from a broken sky traced out by the city lights My world from a mile high best seat in the house tonight touched down on the cold black top Hold on for the sudden stop breathe in the familiar shock of confusion and chaos All those people going somewhere, Why have i never cared?

give me your eyes for just one second give me your eyes so i can see Everything that i keep missing give me your love for humanity give me your arms for the broken hearted ones that are far beyond my reach . give me your heart for the ones forgotten give me your eyes so i can see

Step out on a busy street See a girl and our eyes meet Does her best to smile at me to hide what’s underneath

there’s a man just to her right black suit and a bright red tie too ashamed to tell his wife He’s out of work He’s buying time All those people going somewhere Why have i never cared?

i’ve been there a million times A couple of million eyes Just moving past me by i swear i never thought that i was wrong Well i want a second glance So give me a second chance to see the way you see the people all along

sPiritual HunGer

matthew 5:6

You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat.

psalms 143:6

I spread out my hands to you; I thirst for you like a parched land.

psalms 63:1

You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.

John 6:33-35

“For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”

“Sir,” they said, “always give us this bread.” Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.


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rEADingsatisfy your spiritual hunger

By: Sister Margie Lavonis, Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Cross

Most of us think of food in connection with the concept of hunger . Sometimes our stomachs growl and then all we can think about is supper or a trip to the closest McDonald’s or taco bell . My friends often joke that they can tell i am hungry when i start reading the names of the

restaurants we pass while driving to our destination .

Each of us has been famished for food sometime or another, but eating does not satisfy all our hungers . We also have spiritual hungers that need to be satisfied if we are to become mature adults .

in the lord’s Prayer (our Father), we ask god to give us this day our daily bread . Jesus was not talking about food in this prayer but about satisfying the spiritual hungers or

desires that every human being experiences in life .

one spiritual hunger or desire is to believe that life is meaningful and has a purpose . it is that deep, inner longing that cannot be fully satisfied with material goods, possessions or superficial relationships . How sad for those who never find meaning in their lives, who never discover god’s love, or who try to find happiness by acquiring more and more money or possessions . Even sadder are the people who think life is over at death or the ones who commit suicide because they believe there is nothing to live for .

Another hunger, and which all people crave, is community . none of us is meant to be alone . We need others to help us become who god wants us to be . Human growth and maturity happen in an atmosphere of belonging and acceptance . We also see this in the church . contrary to what some individualists may preach, it is impossible to be a christian alone because the very nature of

being a christian is to be part of the community we call church . When we are baptized, we are baptized into the body of christ . A person’s faith cannot grow without the support of other believers . that is why the church does not baptize infants if the parents are not practicing catholics . there would be no christian community to nurture the child’s faith .

Each person also hungers to be heard . We all have a need to share ourselves with others who will listen . We are affirmed when someone hears what we say and takes us seriously . When we sense we are not heard, we can feel discounted or that our words and even ourselves do not matter . on the other side, we, too, must learn how to be good listeners so we can help satisfy this hunger in others . it is a skill that is sorely needed in our world today . unfortunately, too few people really know how to listen .

Prayer also can help alleviate this hunger to be heard . christians believe in a personal god who is


02 sPiritual HunGer10

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involved in each person’s life . We believe god cares about each of us individually and listens to us and knows the desires of our hearts .

Each person also longs to be appreciated and loved . Almost every day we see what happens when people have not experienced real love in their lives . often they are the ones who get into trouble or cause harm to others . Many have difficulty loving others . often those deprived of love cease to love themselves and suffer from low self-esteem .

As christians who are called to love, we have the responsibility to help

satisfy this deep hunger we all share . christ’s mission was to reveal god’s love and he also gave that command to us . A helpful exercise each night is to ask ourselves if there is a little more love in the world that day because of our actions . it is a good way to reflect upon how well we are living our baptismal call .

lastly, we all hunger for acceptance . it is a wonderful gift when we are accepted for who we are and not for what we do . We all need to matter to someone . People who are not accepted by others suffer a great deal . Maybe we have had the experience of not being invited to a school party or to an office function, or we know others who seem alone and always on the fringes — the ones who never seem to “fit in .” Perhaps we could be more mindful of these people and reach out to include them in our lives once in a while .

At times it is helpful to look at our lives, reflect upon our own unsatisfied hungers and discover the deepest longing of our hearts . let us go to

god and ask for the daily bread we need and recognize how we can share our bread with others .

ActiVitYbrainstorm a smart food plan, to help reduce hunger in the world that youth can do over a period of time . there are some great ideas below of ways to make a difference in a big way .

1 . reduce your food waste . canadians waste $27 billion of edible food each year . there are great online sources for help (visit thedailygreen .com and davidsuzuki .org) .

2 . commit to one vegetarian meal a week (Meatless Mondays) . cutting back on meat consumption means more farmland can be devoted to food crops .

3 . When you buy seafood, look for a “sustainable seafood” label assuring you the product has been harvested with the long term health of the planet in mind (see seachoice .org)

DiScuSSion1 . What does the term “spiritual

hunger” mean to you?

2 . Have you ever experienced the feeling of spiritual hunger or do you know someone who has?

3 . What would you suggest to someone that they do to bring them closer to god and their faith?

PrAYErHungry for God

From: Devotions for Real Life by Melody Carlson

Dear god,

Please make my heart hungry for you . Make me thirst for you the way i’d thirst for water in a hot, arid desert . remind me that i can never get too full of you and that i need to come to you just as regularly as i head for the lunch line or the dinner table .

Amen .


02 sPiritual HunGer11

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HungEr in Your coMMunitYweek



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03ScriPturES ViDEo

Food Banks canada Hunger awareness day 2011

rEADingMalnutrition exists right in our Backyard

By: Timi Gustafson, R.D.

September is hunger awareness month . We are not talking about the developing world where food shortages have long been a menace to vast parts of its populations, but in the united States, one of the wealthiest places on Earth .

According to statistics of the u .S . Department of Agriculture (uSDA), 14 .5 per cent (17 .6 million) of American households are currently experiencing so-called food insecurities, meaning they don’t have enough to eat at least for some periods of time . 5 .7 per cent (7 .0 million) of families do worse . they

find themselves without sufficient food supplies on a regular basis . As is often the case, children are the hardest hit in such situations, suffering the severest and longest-lasting consequences .

regrettably, the long-term effects of food deprivation, especially at a young age, are not always readily understood or considered . Families who don’t have the money to buy any food at times, rarely ever can afford high-quality products like fresh fruits and vegetables . they do the best they can by stretching their budget as far as possible . typically that means purchasing the cheapest things they can find, like fast food and highly processed items, none of which are particularly health-conducive .

the inevitable result is malnutrition, which is harder to identify than actual hunger because the symptoms are less obvious, although the health-effects are similar in the long run .

A number of clinical studies have found strong links between chronic

illnesses and malnutrition both in children and adults . one study from the universities of toronto and calgary concluded that food insecurities and nutrient inadequacies at any time in life can give rise to chronic diseases and contribute to overall poor health .

More surprisingly, further studies by the same researchers revealed that the cause and effect relations work both ways, meaning that patients who suffer from nutrition-related illnesses are also more likely to experience continuing food insecurities due to disabilities and medical costs . in other words, it is easy to get caught up in a vicious cycle .

Malnutrition does not only affect the poor, however . unhealthy eating habits are not exclusively caused by lack of funds but also by cultural preferences and lack of nutritional education . A study by the national Health Service (nHS) in great britain found that a third of the people admitted to hospitals and health care centres are diagnosed

HunGer in yOur cOMMunity

Isaiah 58:10

If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.

1 Thessalonians 5:15

Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.

Hebrews 13:2

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.


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as malnourished or at risk of malnourishment . Many of these are elderly with reduced mobility and other conditions that prevent them from getting enough food, whether they are poor or not .

Symptoms of malnutrition in children include stunted growth, lack of energy, developmental difficulties, learning disabilities, and unhealthy behaviour like underage drug, tobacco and alcohol use .

in adults, malnutrition can lead to muscle loss, chronic tiredness,

depression, and increased proneness to infections and illnesses .

obviously, the simplest solution would be to make more food available to low-income families and individuals, and also to seniors who live on a limited budget . there is no shortage of food supply here, but quality items are increasingly out of reach for those who can’t keep up with the ever-rising prices .

in the current political climate, it is unlikely that government subsidies such as the Supplemental nutrition

Assistance Program (SnAP) will be increased (or even kept from further reduction) to the levels needed to end hunger in our country any time soon . but we have to be aware that the consequences of our neglect in this regard will be serious, and they will be dire .

about hunger in canada

(Food Banks Canada)

Many people do not realize the extent of hunger’s reach in this country . Each month, close to 850,000 canadians are assisted by food banks, and 36 .4 percent of those helped are children and youth .

the problem of hunger is a persistent one, with food banks providing comparable levels of food and other assistance for the better part of a decade .

Who is turning to food banks? there is no single, typical profile . the people helped include families with children, employed people whose wages are not sufficient to cover basic living essentials, individuals

on social assistance, and canadians living on a fixed income, including people with disabilities and seniors .

consider these figures from Hungercount 2013:

• 9 .4 percent (78,311,212) people each month access a food bank for the first time

• 36 .4 percent of those turning to food banks are children and youth

• 4 .3 percent of adults helped are over age 65

• 11 .3 percent of people assisted are Aboriginal

• 50 percent of households helped receive social assistance

• 11 .5 percent have income from current or recent employment

• 16 .4 percent receive disability-related income supports

• 8 percent of food banks ran out of food during the survey period

• 50 percent of food banks needed to cut back on the amount of food provided to each household


03 HunGer in yOur cOMMunity

“The work of community, love, reconciliation, restoration is the work we cannot leave up to politicians. This is the work we are all called to do.”

– shane claiborne


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ActiVitYArrange a field trip to a local food shelter or other outreach ministry in your community . Make sure the site knows the age-range of youth you will be bringing along . Schedule a practical helping task into the visit, like sorting the food you bring to donate . Debrief youth’s thoughts and impressions after you return from your trip .

DiScuSSion1 . Have you witnessed hunger in

your own community? to what extent?

2 . What are some small things you can do to fight hunger and raise awareness in your community?

3 . What would you do if all the food shops in your community were closed for a week?

PrAYEr(From Thanking God with Integrity, by Willard Metzger)

We have food available to nourish our bodies . therefore, we have energy to spend . We have strength to share . because of our love for You, we receive this food with gratitude, and worship You with our energy and strength by serving the needs of others .

Amen .


03 HunGer in yOur cOMMunity

“Help me make change in the world. Because we can, together”

– rachel bawn


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globAl HungErweek



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ScriPturES Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?

The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.


rEADingthe Question: does the world produce enough food to feed everyone?


the world produces enough food to feed everyone . World agriculture produces 17 percent more calories per person today than it did 30 years ago, despite a 70 percent population increase . this is enough to provide everyone in the world with at least 2,720 kilocalories (kcal) per person per day according to the most recent estimate that we could find (FAo 2002, p .9) . the principal problem is

that many people in the world do not have sufficient land to grow, or income to purchase, enough food .

number of hungry people in the world


the united nations Food and Agriculture organization estimates that nearly 870 million people of the 7 .1 billion people in the world,


04 GlOBal HunGer

matthew 25:31-45

When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.

Watch this video created by one of our partners in justice, the World Food Programme .


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or one in eight, were suffering from chronic undernourishment in 2010-2012 . Almost all the hungry people, 852 million, live in developing countries, representing 15 percent of the population of developing counties . there are 16 million people undernourished in developed countries (FAo 2012) .

the number of undernourished people decreased nearly 30 percent in Asia and the Pacific, from 739 million to 563 million, largely due

to socio-economic progress in many countries in the region . the prevalence of undernourishment in the region decreased from 23 .7 percent to 13 .9 percent .

latin America and the caribbean also made progress, falling from 65 million hungry in 1990-1992 to 49 million in 2010-2012, while the prevalence of undernourishment dipped from 14 .6 percent to 8 .3 percent . but the rate of progress has slowed recently .

the number of hungry grew in Africa over the period, from 175 million to 239 million, with nearly 20 million added in the last few years . nearly one in four are hungry . And in sub-Saharan Africa, the modest progress achieved in recent years up to 2007 was reversed, with hunger rising 2 percent per year since then .

Developed regions also saw the number of hungry rise, from 13 million in 2004-2006 to 16 million in 2010-2012, reversing a steady decrease in previous years from 20 million in 1990-1992 (FAo 2012) .

ActiVitYif there are people in your congregation from countries where hunger and nutrition are key issues, invite them to share from their experience in your church . Have them also share about positive moments, such as how worship is done in their country of origin . Experiences like these remind us that the world is large but connected, and that we belong to one another .

DiScuSSion1 . if there is enough food in the

world for everyone? Why are close to 1 billion people hungry?

2 . What do you think are the links between lack of education and hunger?

3 . How does this injustice make you feel about the way we consume in the Western world?

PrAYEr(From Thanking God with Integrity, by Willard Metzger)

Eat well — for the god who supplies should be honoured with joy . Eat well — for even those who hunger express gladness to god . Eat well — for when we use the strength of this food to feed others — god is filled with joy .

Amen .


04 GlOBal HunGer

“All justice is, is mercy translated into policy.”

– tony campolo


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WorlD ViSion AgAinSt HungErweek



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rEADingPositive impact story

With three young healthy children, 27-year-old Mrs . Kham, pictured above, revels in how her life has changed over just a few short years . Her first three pregnancies ended tragically in one miscarriage and the deaths of her infants within days of birth .

Health services and health education in her community were non-existent

leaving Mrs . Kham to cope with her losses alone . today, with the services and health education provided through the Pakkading Mother and child Health Project, Mrs . Kham is able to raise a healthy family with ever increasing certainty that her children are assured a promising future .

World Vision, working alongside the Pakkading District government, provided financial support and training to district health workers and district clinics were made more

accessible through establishing drop-in hours for pregnant women and mothers . the infant mortality rate in Phonthong Village has been reduced from 14 to 15 infant deaths per year to 1 to 2 infant deaths per year .

Every child deserves good nutrition, protection from infection and disease, and access to affordable essential healthcare . children have the best chances when their mothers are healthy, which is why we focus on child and maternal health .

ActiVitYJoin World Vision’s “Voices for advocacy” community of canadians making a real difference in the lives of children all around the world .

When you sign up here you will receive our bi-monthly e-mails for the latest information on issues of social justice and ways that you can take action .

or click here to learn more about our global response to ending child deaths .

WOrld VisiOn aGainst HunGerweek


1 John 3:17-18

If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

learn about some of the great work that World Vision is doing to fight hunger and malnutrition in Zambia .


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DiScuSSion1 . What do you think is the best

action to take when it comes to defeating hunger and malnutrition?

2 . if you were the President of World Vision or another organization fighting poverty, what would be your first action point to tackle hunger?

3 . What do you see that World Vision is doing differently than other ngo’s?

PrAYErHeavenly father;

We lift World Vision canada and other non-profit organizations that are fighting poverty in our world up to you . We pray that you will continue to provide them with resources, opportunities, motivated staff and wonderful partners so that they are able to carry on with their life-saving work .

Please see the great things that they are doing and remove all barriers and roadblocks in their path of eliminating injustice in our world .

let us be inspired to act alongside WV and advocate for health, hope and equality for all .

We ask that you hear our prayer, in your son Jesus’ name .

Amen .


05 WOrld VisiOn aGainst HunGer

“Social justice is more than collecting pennies and putting up posters within our communities: social justice is about making the transition of listening and learning to seeing and doing. As Christians, we strive to make an impact the way our Savior did and using our time, talents and treasures to help those who need it most. Young people hold the key to creating social change and World Vision understands and recognizes the raw drive and determination it takes to have a global impact. I love working with young people, and I am proud to work side by side to bring heaven on earth for all.”

– brianna locke – youth minister


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ActiVitiES• incorporate worship songs and

hymns with a justice theme . the Sanctuary centre (uK) has an amazing assortment of resources that connect worship and justice, including song suggestions, prayers, and tips for teaching justice through worship at every age . (See our list of Songs about justice .)

• if there are people in your congregation from countries where hunger and nutrition are key issues, invite them to share from their experience in your church . Have them also share about positive moments, such as how worship is done in their country of origin . Experiences like these remind us that the world is large but connected, and that we belong to one another .

• Encourage your congregation or group to see their whole week as worship . remind them that treating others with justice and

kindness is the true worship that god desires . (Amos 5:21-24).

• Host a church dinner that is intentionally simple in menu and presentation . At each table, provide questions/conversation starters on index cards to spur discussion . challenge each person to take away one thing they will do to closer align their daily actions with their values .

• Arrange a field trip to a local food shelter or other outreach ministry in your community . Schedule a practical helping task into the visit, like sorting the food you bring to donate . Debrief the children’s thoughts and impressions after your trip .

• children have a natural instinct for what is fair and what is not . As people who are sometimes

without power in their lives, they understand justice and injustice very well . Host a discussion night on the injustices that lead to difficult issues facing some children overseas — even before they turn five-years-old! Hear the youths’ views on justice in the world, their communities, and even in your church .

• Encourage your Sunday school groups to intentionally build giving into their budgeting, even from a young age . things like babysitting jobs and allowances provide kids with disposable income . Stress that no gift is too small to have an impact .

• offer youth to challenge to lighten up their possessions in recognition of those who have little . Donate the gently used items to a local charity and couple this activity with a discussion about materialism, generosity and how youth here can help youth overseas who are facing challenges .


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SongS About JuSticE• God of Justice - tim Hughes

• days of elijah - robin Mark

• if We are the Body - casting crowns

• Fade With Our Voices - Jason gray

• all Who are thirsty - brenton brown

• God of this city - bluetree

• My soul longs - the neverclaim

• We are - Kari Jobe

• From the inside Out - Hillsong united

• in the ruins - Daniel bashta

• the church - Elevation Worship

ScriPturE About HungEr/JuSticEMatthew 25:35 For i was hungry and you gave me something to eat, i was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, i was a stranger and you invited me in .

isaiah 58:10 And if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness and your night will become like the noonday .

luke 3:11 John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same .”

Proverbs 14:31 Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors god .

1 John 3:17-18 if anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of god be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth .

Proverbs 22:9 the generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor .

Matthew 25:37-40 then the righteous will answer him, ‘lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something

to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “the King will reply, ‘truly i tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me .’

isaiah 61:1-2 the Spirit of the Sovereign lord is on me, because the lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor . He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our god, to comfort all who mourn .

isaiah 59:15-16 truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey . the lord looked and was displeased that there was no justice . He saw that there was no one, he was appalled that there was no one to intervene; so his own arm achieved salvation for him, and his own righteousness sustained him .


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isaiah 58: 6-7 is not this the kind of fasting i have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter- when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?

Proverbs 14:31 Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors god .

HungEr-rElAtED ViDEoS• immaculate, Health team

worker, uganda

• advocacy: so easy, a kid can do it

• Hunger isn’t just a stomach thing

• Give me your eyes by Brandon Heath

• Food Banks canada Hunger awareness day 2011

• Hunger | the World’s Greatest solvable Problem

• nutrition workshop in Zambia

KEY HungEr tErMSHunGer - A condition in which people do not get enough food to provide the nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water) for active, healthy lives .

MalnutritiOn - A condition resulting from inadequate consumption (under nutrition) or excessive consumption of one or more nutrients that can impair physical and mental health, and cause or be the consequence of infectious disease .

under nutritiOn - A condition resulting from inadequate consumption of calories, protein and/or nutrients to meet the basic physical requirements for an active and healthy life .

FOOd insecurity - A condition of uncertain availability of or ability to acquire safe, nutritious food in a socially acceptable way .

FOOd security - Assured access for every person to enough nutritious food to sustain an active and healthy life, including: food availability (adequate food supply); food access (people can get to food); and appropriate food use (the body’s absorption of essential nutrients) .

ExtErnAl rESourcESclick here for a ton of great resources, including:

choose Justice

Make justice your lifestyle . Featuring the conversations of tony campolo and Shane claiborne, this six session video resource with accompanying conversation guide will challenge you to make real and lasting changes for living justly .

Jesus on Justice

in his latest book respected author, Don Posterski challenges us to take a close at what Jesus taught about


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justice and lived out in his lifestyle, as we consider our personal and collective responsibilities .

inspire Justice – 365 day devotional

this 365 day devotional brings a focus to integrating concern for “the least of these” into our daily lives through prayer, scripture reading, personal reflection, and suggestions on how we might respond with the love of christ .

this is Our love Worship cd and devotional

in this unique worship cD and devotional compilation, Dr . Jody cross is accompanied by 15 top canadian singer / songwriters as they seek god’s heart for justice and compassion expressed through worship .

the red letters dVd conversations

the red letters is a six-week DVD series of conversations featuring tony campolo as he endeavors, in his unique and compelling style, to draw viewers’ focus to the teachings of Jesus christ, particularly in regard to social issues .

Going Missional: conversations with 13 canadian churches Who Have embraced Missional life.

this book tells the story of 13 diverse canadian churches and their journey to become missional . With journalistic insight and candor, this unique book shares the challenges, successes, the setbacks and victories of these churches and their leaders from across canada as they attempt to more fully serve their communities, locally and globally .
